, j - THE: OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1916. 13 40 Y. ' M. c. l r a uVumobiLk h :iiuoL Day and night clakiei; training tn repairing, driving and machine work. Including forge, latbe, ahaper. drill press, etc! time unlimited. Secure pass at Educational office Y. M. C. A, bldg.. to inspect our shops and meth ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. TuJ tloft fee Includes MEMBERSHIP IN Y. M. C'A. fchd Us tMPLOfMENX DE PARTMENT, uae of 60-ft swimming pool, shower baths, gymnasium, etc SALESMEN to selL the famous Myers line of leather goods, memorandum booka and diaries, metal signs, exclu sive copyrighted art calendars, and the moat complete line of specialties ever offered. We pay a straight salary or commission or a drawing account to men, of experience. We have the repu tation of being the mom progressive house in the advertising BpeclRlty buslneaa. ilia Klwood Myera Co., Springfield. O ANY intelligent person, either sex. of good education and buslneaa nullity; must be able to handle correspondence and write a good business letter. An opportunity to start a small but profit able man order business In your own home or office; good for $100 a week when established; can be manured in spare time, evenings, or as a side line t first; grows rapidly. Send for par ticulars. Heacock Co., 87a Heacock Mdy., Lock port, IS. Y. BIO MONKY for salesmen makliis towns under 100,000 population, xou can take orders for our eooda easily and quickly. Merchant pays only for Pooas ne sens. we tans duck wnai fie uuth lioi. uispuse 01. f uur Jars '14.00) commission on each or der. Commissions paid dally. Full de tails upon reoueat. Writ today. Pio neer Novelty Co., 1306 Wells St., Chi cago, GOVERNMENT positions pay $800 to iuu a year, witn snort nours, va cations. tady work., no strikes or lay offs. Let our civil service expert, former government examiner, prepare you lor postoffice. railway mall, cub toms and other Dosltions. write todav for free booklet B 87, with list of positions. Patterson Civil Service hchool, Rochester. N. Y. SALESMAN WANTED Experience unnecessary: easy work, hie uaV. Write for large list of openings offer ing opportunities to earn from $100 to $600 a month while you learn. Address nearest office, Dept. 31, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chl cago. New York, San Francisco, OVER 10,000 tnpn and women wanted this year for I". H. government life Jobs, ff,', ;to,.$ir0 month. Vacations. No layoffs: Short hours. "Full" un necessary. Wrtto immediately for free- list of positions now obtainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. 350-0, Rprhpptr, K. Y. SALESMAN -for general mercantile trnde in Orecon to sell a new propo sition of merit. Vacancy June 1st. .Attractive commission contract. weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., Wholessle Jewelers. 227-22 CarUn Bldg., Cleveland. O. WOMEN WANTED Full time salary. . $15, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; 25c an liour spare time; per manent; experience unnecessary. Wear proof Hosier ' N'orrlstown. Pa. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. K5 to f0 per week. Railroad fare paM Good rich Drug Co., Pept !i0. Omaha. Neb. KARN $2 0 weekly writing names and addresses, spare time; no canvassing Particulars for stamp. G. C. Smith, Little Rock, Arkansas. SPECIAL OFFER. MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. ?6ft HTH. NEAR JEFFERSON FwiLl pay any lionesi mari up to $50 monthly for part of spare time; no canvassinir: no capital. Write to rtay, Voorhles. Desk 151, Omaha, Neb. I'HOTOl'LAY hleas and stories wanted by 48 companies. $;-$o00 p:Ul; exp. unnecessary; details free. Pioducers' League. 206, St. Louis. feARN $25 weekly spare time writing "' for newspapers, magazines; exp un necessary; dotails free. Press Syndi cate 134. S t, I ,ou is, WANTED Persons to color art pic tures at home, easy- work; no ex perience; good pay.' Sample free. Wheeler Pn, n:;; Madison. Chicago Al .LED for tailor -i .On nulla. $i bit 1T Tnvlnr liie Tnllor ? k , R-i-ni1. HELP WANTKD FEMALE 2 WANTED Woman for general help in Hotel Spiague, llwaco. Wash ; must be neat nd understand kitchen work. Call Ht 122 Henry blrlR., from 12 to 3 p. 1:1. Sunday, or phone M.iin M7. WaNTEI - Keflned young Woman T) solicit a j;ood summer article in the "city you are now hx-uted. Easy seller, good wanes. (live ae and reference. A-792. Journal. WAN N TED Young woman to act as solicitor with reliable retail Port land concern; with rfp!t give age and experience.- 7,-7fio, Journal. WA-NTED- Experienced stationery wo- man. Must uuduistand taklnir or ders for engraving and be ill round woman P-773. Journal. WANTED A voting lady to assist In a correspondence club; share In re ceipts; all Utters answered. Leonard iongley, Gen Del., city. LXPERIENC EI) eirl to curl and make ostrich feathers and boas; also ak rrentlce wanted. liarlness Plume Khop. 361 Yamhill HOUSEKEEPER wanted on a farm; willipay good wages: give address and phone number. E-957. Journal. MIDDUKAOKI) woniiin assistant house- keeper on fsrm. Small wages, good home. E. Atkinson, Sandlake, Or. WANTED, to engage girls to hull strawberries. Gray. McLean & Percy, 4th and GUssn. CASHIER; must understand steno graphy; salary $10 u week. Len non's, 309 Morrison WANTED- Young girl tor light nouseworK. (.all Tahor 2026 Sunday, j ronton to or Tuesday after 6. WANTEI .School girl, good home for llgnt servh-ew. "HllTator 802. GENTLEMAN would like housekeeper. Jj-842, Journal CASHIER for shooting gallery out of town. Call 407 4th, st., Monday p. in. kXPERIENCED cook: references re quired. Apply mornings. 416 12th St. EXPERIENCED overall operatora. Mt Hood factory. 2d and Cou ch sts. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 MOLEK HAKHER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the trade; paid while learninic: tools free positions secured: summer rates; write xor catalogue. 4 fx. 2d st. IT . jl J.m 1 : ' MUHLMH Karber school wanta mei and women to learn barber trade Tree In 8 weeks. Positions secured. Pay wnue learning, as is. st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade free. 238 Madison st. IbOUClTORH wanted, men or ladies. Call 642 Wash. Phone Tabor 7220. Wanted Fa mily to pick berries and vegetables. Phone B-l6l. Ask for 22. WANTED Men and women to merrd 'second-hand grain bats 550 Front. SMALL" family to care for furnished c apartment house: 252 Gl'bs. WANTED, couple to go on a walking tour, to sing. Apt. 18. 67 hi 3d St. WANTED-T-AGENT8 6 I Live agents men or women: handle -guaranteed specialty. Wanted in every home, office and by automobile owner. Good Profit. The Charles Scott Oe., Box 363. Portland. Or. I START NOWBlg money maker, sells on eight loo per cent profits: re- I peats sure; unlimited field; particulars free. Messenger Specialties Co.. Marys ville. Wash. I LIVE AGENT wanted in each county I to handle our Hi hnnixthnlrl inv.n. I Hons; samples furnished active work erg. ..Particulars free. E. R. Corcoran t'o... box 33. irrtgon. or NEW red hot 1916 specialties; abse- . luteiv new: nut aid ltn- aanrt lerences. Tolerton Jk. Warfield Co.. Sioux 'City. la. V- - j4EN wanted to solicit real estate list ings.; 132 Chamber of Commerce. "HELP WANTED- MISC. WASTED AGENTS (OoBtlnned AGENTS Bia" summer seller; some- thin r new. Concentrated Sott Drinks. Just add water. Delicious drinks in a Jiffy any time -anywhere. B-g sellers lor nome. picnics, parties, socials, etc. Guaranteed under pure food laws. Carry in Docket. A cents coining mojjey $6 to 112 a day. Write ror rree outiit oner today. American Products Co.. 4886 3rd St.. Cincin nati, u I HAVE a splendid proposition to make to affentx or ranvaaserii who are Willing to earn $5 a day and over. I pay 600 rer cent profit on an article that looks and is worttT $2, but you can sell It for BOc In every other home you call on. This nrtlol nvr hefore offered by canvassern and I will give exclusive territory to first applicants. juurcss f . u. Drawer tb, muttsio. in. x . WE START you in business, furnish ing everything; men and women, ido to $200 weekly operating our ''New bystem Hneclalty Candy Factories, home anywhere: no canvassing. Oppor tunity life time; booklet free. Rags- oaie Co.. box z,, East orange, in. j AGENTS For home and office spe cialties- great labor savers; big sellers. Write today for our free booklet. The Bayard Supply Co.. Box l , Bpanaway, wath WE can give steady and profitable employment to a few more respon sible, energetic canvassers. For de tails of terms and territory, address OREGON NURSERY CO.. Orenro. Ur. TWO first class aubscrlDtlon book salesmen capable of earning $100 per week. Harper & Bros., 617 mm. E-. bldg. SITUATIONS MALE S CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 14th and Johnson sts. EFFICIENT MEN FOR ALX, POSITIONS Salesmen, office meiv clerks, me chanics, farm hands, house men. cooks. mill men, loggers, laborers, etc No fee charged employer or employe. Out of town orders elven DromDt attention Main 3556. A-5824. MIDDLE AGED man with eood educa tion, desires position as caretaker of invalid and is willing to assist in house and garden work. D-&Sf Journal. POSITION wanted by married man as night watchman, bank or store. Jan itor or elevator; best reference; age 50 M-9S1, Journal. BOY aged 15 wants work and good home; experienced farmer; good milker Mrs. L. Abbott, Llnnton, Or.. R. F. D. box 14. EXPElilENCED younx man wants po sition In billing or accounting dept., reliable firm. Good penman, rapid, begin small salary. L-5K3, Journal. EXPERIENCED teamster wants work. Rest of references. I. Brown. 160 Doundnry a vs. A-3575. MIDDLE age married man will pay $3 for steady Job. Light work or watch man; hsndv with tools. M-G03, Journal. PAINTING and papering, kelsomining $1.50 a room and up; work guaran teed. 397 E. 34th st. THE window cleaner houseman wants work. 26 hour. Phone mornings. Main 2302. Pnrtroonr Bulldin plumbing. L.UIillciOI.Ul plastering, brie and cement work. 8. S. Klngery. Mar 1688 PRACTICAL painter, paper hanger. tinter and decorator: reduced prices; 30 days. Phone Sellwood 2772. SHINGLING Old and new roofs shingled reasonable. Phone Wdln. 2732. COMPETENT shop mechanics and chauffeur furnished by Y M. C. A. Auto school. Main 70fi5. A-fi551. PAINTING an4 tinting done reasona bly. All work guaranteed. Main 6432. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper will keep set of books evenings. Call after 6 Tabor 687 PAINTING paperhanging. tinting, good work. 869 Mallory ave. Wooo- Inwn 1099. WANTED Work as cement finisher. day or contract. Phone Taho:- 82. HOUSE painting; tinting' 12 per room up. C. A. Barnes. Marshall 2828. WALL tinting, work second to none. prices low as anyone. Mar. li46. PAINTING, kalsomlning, rooms $2 up Papering, whitewashing. Kat B6J. 9x12 RUGS cleaned for 25c. with elec tric machine. Marshall 608. SITUATION S FEMALE CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Women's Department City Hall. No Fee Charged. Reliable, competent help, any line, promptly supplied. Office, clerks, housekeepers, domestic, day workers seamstresses. Marshall 4100, ,-4125 GOOD 000k wishes work, hotel, camp, cafeteria, anywhere ir wages are good. Phone Sunday, Monday. Tues day. Main 6684. Address 89 WTest Park St.. city MIDDLE-AGED woman. thoroughly experienced, would lik housekeep- ing position, country, eastern or Washington. G-987. Journa eastern Oregon SMALL family washing and ironing at home by colored woman, west side; called for and delivered. Main 620 EXPERIENCED nurse girl for 1 or 2 children. No objection leaving city. Tabor 284 8, MIDDLEAGED lady wants houaekeep ing in or out of city. E-948 Journal. CAPABLE woman wants work, plain 000k; neat housekeeper, experienced hand troner. M-499. Journal. ORDERS taken for crocheted boudoir caps. Call Wdln 2902, mornings. YOUNG girl wishes to assist in house work. 8-786, Journal. LACE curtains laundered; 12 years' ex perienced. Tabor 5933. Mrs. Bcott. A GIRL wants general Phone Marshall 447. housework. WOMAN wants work of any kind by day. Woodlawn 2706. WIDOW with boy 13 wants housekeep ing for widower. S-775. Journal. DAY WORK any kind. Tabor 5727. DRESSMAKING 40 I IIAVB good houses and lots near of Incumbrance in Vancouver, B. C. to trade for your equity in farm and city property. 1765 Derby st. 648 DIVISION St.. dressmaking par lors, summer orders, designing. M. Dane. DRESSMAKING Plain sewing, alter ations by the day; reasonable. Ken wood 241 1 SUITS, coats and alterations. 1-plece dresses, made reasonable; car fare paid. Marshall 2469. FANCY order, hill. wool and silk shirts made to Phone Main 211a. 363 Yam THE MODE Dressmakers, first si-c suits $6 each. Phone Main 2115. FASHIONABLE dressmaking. New Ideas. At home or by day. Wdln. 3522. DRESSMAKING wanted by day. bor 417. Ta- NURSES GO WOULD take a sick, old or Infirm pa tient; reference furnished. Nita A. Englln. 624 E. Killlngsworth. Phone Woodlawn 3649. WET NURSE would like to have in fant baby to nurse; give reference. Peter Piluso, box 9, route 4. Beayer ton, Qr. Phone Line 3. No. ."5. NURSE with hospital training; refer ences; mental cases preferred. Main 4ZZ6. room 807. NURSE wants cases at home; care, lowest price Wood. 4no. be.s FURNISHED ROOMS 9 THE BEVERLY Clean, homelike, fur nished rooms, reasonable, centrally located. 186 Psrk-Yamhlll. 30$ 12TH ST., well furnished modern rooms, sleeping porch; also 3 room furnished apartment. $1.60 WEEK np, clean, warm, modern fur, rms.. central. The King, 30 Jef. LOVELY room, close In. $1 week. 88 10th, near Stark, TWO nicely furnished rooms, close 'in, modern, $7 month.- J14 12th. 0 ( uoatuiaea ) FURNISHED rooms for young m--n in an Darts or the city, also in x . M. . A. bldg., especially desirable during- the summer; fireproof, telephone in each room, shower baths, 11.75 to M.75 per week, including full association mem bership privileges, gymnasium, twim ming pool, handball court, and many other club privileges. Full Information at Y. M. C. A. business office or tele- phone Main 7065, A-6T.S1. CLAYTON HOTEL. 105 12th and Washington. Strictiv clean respectable house un der proprietor's neanagement ;: phone, steam heat, hot water in every room. up-to-date. $2 week up; trans. 50c up. ' Week. THE GARLAND Week. MODERN BRICK; outside rooms; respectable; hot water. 25 Trinity st. cor. W ash ington. bet lith anJ 20th. 20yM LtHOiTEL 20TH AND WASHINGTON bT8. Strictly modern, light, cool r'-oma, 92 to 14 per week; private batnw ern, fireproof, respectable, $3 week up. NICE, clean sleeDinr rooms and apart raents, $1 week and up. All outside rooms. Bath, tel., lights free. 305' 3rd. FUKNIHHK1 ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY Z BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms, one with alcove, for 1 or 2; modem conveniences; beautiful yard with shade trees; hreaKlast if desired 461 10th. Phone Mar. 1269, NEWLY furnished rooms, sleeping porch in connection. Hot and cold running water, walking distance, rea sonable. Call mornings or evenings. Main 2696. I NICK airy front room, comfortably -t- , , . i i. .-. - iiin district; breakfast if desired; reason able S31 Qulmby st WALNUT PARK A'ell furnished modern home. Kood meale: aentle men only. 10 Garfield. Woodlawn 2025. THRIVE nice front rooms tor 3 or 6 younir men. comfortable nome place bath, uhone. between Hoyt & Glisan. ifain 008. NICELY furnished attic roams for working people. Nice big porch. Free phone. $o per month. 194 Lownsdale St. uorner or 'layioi DESIRABLE rooms, elegant location, with breakfast: very reasonable if permanent. Marshall 4766. NICELY furnished rooms, modem con veniences, very reasonable, central. 4 04 Clay, near 10th. BEAI'TIFLLLY furnished room, elec tricity, hot water, phone, heat, $10 month. 12.1 N. 23d. FURNISHED tent for rent, $5 month. Tel. M-897. 249 13th st LARGE front room newly furnished, fine location. 410 Salmon. FRONT room with piano, $3. 240 Park street FURNISHED rooms, sleeping porch, running water. 746 Hoyt. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 800 JEFFERSON ST., BET. 6TH-6TH. Residential hotel. We have 4 or 5 beautiful large rooms with big sun windows, suitable for L, 2 or S parties. A very dejirable home for people whe like wholesome home cooking: beauti ful grounds covering one whole block and within walking distance of the business section. Reaaonable rates. Main 3520, Tim HEKEruKD. 186 737 HOYT ST. A quiet residential hotel American plan Suites Single rooms. Excellent table. Main 8305. A-1722. r y ner week: laundry, library and sew lng privileges- walking distance. Pnone East 4732. ROOMS AND BOARD FSIVATS FAMIZ.T EXCELLENT room and board, private home, for two young men or married business couple; walking distance, two car lines; piano; reasonable. j-'none East 1S75. FURNISHEU H. K. rooms. 1st. 2d or 3d rioor; also single rooms, witn or without board; home-like place, large yard, flower and shade; walking dis tance. 67 No. 20th st. LARGE light rooms with closets, suit able for 2 gentlemen employed; home privileges, home cooking, reasonable, closeMn. Phone E. 2116. ROOMMATE desired by youti;, lady boarding and rooming in private fam ily Everything first class. Reasoi able. Phone Bast 6636 WANTED, 2 to 6 men. to board and room at my house, 2 blocks from O-W. R. & N. shops, cor. 604 Borth wick. cor. Stanton. LARGE, comfortable room. suitable for 2 men. Very desirable location, close in. 2 meals $22.50 per. Phone Marshall 61 S8. 470 Columbia St. PLEASANT room, good home cooking. phone and bath and all home com forts, walking distance, 3 meals, all for 116 month. 525 Clay st. LARGE, airy rooms, in a lovely home. running water in each room, home privileges, breakfast optional. 195 21st st., close to Washington. 16 to $i2. 1 AND 2 rooms, clean and sunny; free gas, bath, phone, lights. Call Sunday and evenings, 806 14th st. ROOM and board in nice home, all privileges; piano, fine porch and yard; reasonable. 335 llth st. Mar. 6464. WANTED care of 1 or 2 children by good motherly woman. M. 4122. $4.50 WEEK, outside rooms, bith, i home cooked meals dally. 284 Main. GOOD board and room for 2 gents., 10 minutes' walk from P. O. Main 4122. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 BUSINESS woman, employed, will give course In shorthand, typewrit ing and Spanish In exchange for board. N-388. Journal. HOTHKK who must work wants home for summer for girl 7. bov 3: will- Ing to pay small amount. Wdln. 3667. WANTED Home for young baby, good pay. G-965, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FUKNTSXES AJTS TTZmTRHISHBB $1 AND up per week, furnished H. K rooms, free heat, laundry, bath, phone. E. 6039.- 203 Stanton. W-A car. NICELY furnished H. Hi rooms; gas and electric. Close In. 349 Jefter- son, near Broadway. ALTON house, 1, 2 and 3 rooms, nicely furnished, housekeeping or transient 381 Yamhill street. HOUSEKEEPING. and sleeping rooms, 3 housekeeping rooms, $2.60. 95ft N. 13th. Marshall 3068. PLEASANT housekeeping room with kitchenette. $10 month. 181 12th, corner Yamhill. 109 N, 18th Newly renovated light housekeeping rooms for rent cheap. Main 8793. NICE light basement furnished house keeping room.; electricity, heated; $6 month. 123 N. 23d. LARGE, light housekeeping rooms. very central, cheap rent. 22:3 ft Pine cor. ist. ONE or 2 rooms; 2 laree rooms on ground floor, suitable for dreasmak lng. 387 Yamhill st. SUITES of rooms, hot and coid water. reasonable, close in. 25 E. 7th st East 3181. ROOM with kitchen, steam heat elec tric lights, linen. $3.2 week. Single, $8 month. 445 Columbia. DOWNTOWN modern H. K. suite. $15 month up. including heat, light, etc. Royal Annex. 350ft Morrison. M. 4521. TWO housrkeeping rooms. $10 ner month. 646 U Washington. nenr!6lh. ROYCREST, 175 12th, suites and sin gle H. K. rooms; use of piano. 2 ROOM furnished Taylor st. ipartmenl 48 $1.60 WEEK and up, phone, electric. Main 2781. NEATLY furnished housekeeping and eleeplng room, $10 and $18, 161 lithy dom Ante $1 week tp. 401 First st UCrn t) d Free bath, hot, cold water. FURNISHED ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 7XTUTSJLBO AID VlfUUUJUU) (Contlaqed) LiK room with k i t fhni t e comolfet. it rurnisnea. steam beat, running' hot and cold water, phone In every ; room; t DiocKa from tn and Morrison sts.. 1IZ up. 291 Columbia st.. cor. 5th. ONE large front corner, completely furnished, housekeeping room, $4 per wlr n.tt4 1 rt r ral TaMHrt Hflrlt8. runnfng water, brick building, walking distance Bushmark. 665 V, Washington , HOUSEKEEPING apartments, free tel- epnone, bath and cooKing gas; sum mer rates. 413 H Washington, cor. llth et. Marshall 164. FURNISHED and housekeeping rooms irom jz.bo up; walking distance. 494 Yamhill, corner Lownsdale. Main 5209. NEWLY renovated furnished rooms witn sinks, free Dhone. bath, laun dry and electricity for ironing. 57 Glisan. cor. ISth. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, gas range, light; J6 month; adults; half block from Hawthorne car. 291 E 49 th st. THE Maynard; convenient; housekeep ing rooms, sleeping, porch, 125 14th st. near Washington. Phone Marshall 2747. 2 CLEAN housekeeping rooms; free cooking gas, light, phone, bed Unen; $2.75 a week. SS2Vi Hawthorne. Aleo lh. k. room for fl.5. THREE housekeeping rooms with bath, nicely furnished. Marshall 2706. 561 Glisan st., cor 17th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 rvsuixsHXD ajtd mrx tjxitiskx d FUTATB FAJoUiT. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, 1 block from Penlnsu.a park; nice, clean, well-lighted, large closets and entire upstairs, with heat light, "water and gas for 812 per mo. 1239 Kerby, cor. Simpson. LARGE well furnished room with kitchenette, all conveniences, includ ing cooking gas. choice location, easy walking, very reasonable. 8S3V4 Mill, corner west Park. THREE rooms and kitchenette, fur nished, bath, furnace, gas range, electricity, porch, modern residence, 1 block Hawthorne car. 734 E Madison. East 7531. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; phone, water, electric lights free; $1.50 week up. 301 Water, cor. Co lumbia. 2 OR 3 lare nicelv furnished house- keeping roms: nrtvate hs?h. S . separate entrance; adults. Sell. 165. 5.2 E. 6th st. TWO completely fur. H. K. rooms, ground floor, light, phone and bath included, $S. 11 E. 14th st N. Phone East 2134. OWE and 2 room suites, newly papered. usual conveniences, central location". $1.25 and jp. 161 Lownsdale, cor. Mor rison. tNE, 2 or 3 nicely furnished house keeping or sleeping rooms, $1.25 and up, 15 min. walk from P. O. 614 4th st. Main 4964 PLEASANT outside suite, 1, 2 rooms, housekeeping, well lighted, reason able, close in, respectable. 188 "West Park st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and double, $5 to $12 per month, free bath and phone. 450 Yamhill, between 12th and 13th. $10 Two clean, completely furnished rooms, bath, laundry, phone, large yard, lawn, fruit, flowers, walking dis tance, east side. 312 Cherry. rr- i -, a I 1" TWO front rooms, $3; 2 front rooms nn .lair, t 1 i c h f r t . A9T Montgomery. Main 1634. u-T-Dvicurr, ' v - w W ""'f1' , v. . divans bath, good neighborhood; walkinff distance. E. 3332. 166 E. 12th st 87TW?.lurni8i1ed.H- K-J?,om fiec" ruXn K Phone. 651 E. Mor- son. . FURNISHED housekeeping room with kitchenette. Private family. 403 Broadway. HOUSEKEEPING rooms and sleeping rooms, furnished, for rent 828 ft N. 17th st. 2 FRONT housekeeping, pleasant clean, modern; yard; close in. 433 Market. NEWLY furnished, modern 4 rooms, private bath, phone, walking dls tance. East 7128. FINE front housekeeping rooms, well lighted, heated, free cooking gas, $2, $2.50. 402 Park st THREE room apt. in private home, $14, phone East 3461. 260 E. 23d. corner E Madison. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite. 3jC Jef f crson. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms in private home. $18. Marshall HOUSEKEEPING suite, everything furnished. Walking distance, low rent. Adults. 169 E. 14th. 3 ROOMS, with piano, gas range. $16 month. 535 Yamhill st. CLEAN H. K. rooms, close In, 2 nice basement rooms. Call Main 3539. FOR RENT HOUSES VSnntHI8BXD 12 RENT BARGAINS ANYWHERE. We have clients who- own houses in moat any location, not wanting vacant houses, will rent down cheap. See us if you want a house cctter tes GAGE, 243 6th st MR. AND MRS. HOUSE HUNTER, see us before you rent a place. 6 min. in our onice, unaer our new system. equals a month of wrwWI We snow you the house youish to see! omiin-wagoner to., Ktock Ex. COSY 6 room bungawuTrcinl basement, porcelain wash tubs, hot water, riirnaoe heat- nn ahnii.iano. r.t berries; beautiful view. 748 Montgom ery Drive, on Council Cfrest carline. RENT BARGAIN RRR thus 6 room modern 4iouse, H-A car, $12.50 former month; rent now $10 Better See GAGE, 243 6th st. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, modern, fire place, gas hot water heater, 1 block from carline. 889 E. Morrison Phona East 7864. LOWER floor. 3 large rooms, pantry, bath, stationary tubs, growing gar den, basement and nice lawn, J8; 177 Kargo; phone Woodlawn 984. MODERN 5 room bungalow, 2 lots, fenced; shades and screens. 6408 8 I'd st o. E.; 7. ROOM modern bungalow, 968 Van couver ave.;' newly tinted; $13.60. Inquire at 269 Going st. FOR RENT Unfurnisht-d 7 room house on hill In Beaumont; 3 blocks from car. Owner, 6j26 4th st., S. E. IN Sunrfyside Newly painted 6 room house; modern, good location. 1072 iii. Mam, cor. 36tn st., or call A-3023. COTTAGE close in. good repair, fruit, berries, near East Ankeny car barn. Phone East 221 or E-62. ' FOR RENT 6-room house, 316 E. Broadway. Phone Main 1902 Mon day SIX room modern cottage, 7411 65th ave., 2 blocks from car, pleasant neighborhood. Phone Tabor 624. EIGHT room modern house, furnace, fireplace. 1278 10th st. Woodlawn district: low rent. Columbia 265. VERY low rent. 774 and 77oft 2d st. $10 and $15, key at next house. 229 Grove r st. - 160 19 rooms, unfurnished house; suitable boarding house. 601 Harrl Eon. Phone Main 902. $15 MODERN, clean 10 room house, elose in. Main 902. FOR RENT Modern 1 room clpjtn house. Marshall St., near North 16th MODERN 7 room house, garage I? wanted, $15. Wdln. 1935. NEW, . modern & room, house, $11 per month. Tabor 8704. BTR4CTLY modern 7 room house on Nob Hill. Main 6792. $10 COTTAGE, good condition, walk ing distance. 3 78 13th st. NEAT 6 room cottage. 446 Union ave. N 116. East 462. 6-ROOM HOUSE, modern, with garage. ciose in; n. rnone tot. 670 65 E. 21st sL. 6 rooms, modern, clean, rent reasonable; phone East 8669. BUNGALOW for - rent; Sellwood 129. 1020 Division. 12 1 HOUSES. a 13 rooms; 395 Yamhill St., near 10th, 340 9 rooms: S91 Yamhill st $32.50 7 rooms, bungalow; 63S E. 18th st. N. S2S 10 rooms: 144 N. 18th st sear Hoyt- 17" .'tn. 1157 rooms; 429 E. Burnslde, near. rooms; 551 Overton, neari S16 5 o.w . $12 6 rooms: 453 E. 8th st.. cor- ner Caruthers, near lnman - Poulson j mill. I $10 5 rooms; 4812 7lst St.. at Fir- land station, on Mt. Scott line. $7.60 6 rooms; 1744 Fisk st; St. Johns car; large yard H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 44 Wilcox bldg. Main 8699. . $15.007 rooms and bath, cement base- , ment J $17.00 6 rooms and bath, cement base- . ment and furnace. $18.00 5 rooms and bath, furnace and fireplace. $25.00 6 rooms and sleeping porch, nreplace, buut-m ieaiures $36.00 8 room modern home in Ladd Addition. The Oregon Home Builders OLIVER K. JEFFERY, President. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. , The 6regon Home Builders Rent specialist will give you efficient service on personally Inspected houses. OLIVER K JEFFERY. Pres. Mar. 3718 A-6291. Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Mar. 4600 A-6101. MEIER & FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartmenta, etc, in all parts of the city. Avail yourself of this FREE service. Information cheertully furnished. FOR RENT House, 26th and Savler sts.; now undergoing general repairs, wish to have painting and papering done to suit tenant. Full basement with wash trays and steam heating Plant piumoing in iirst ciass oraer. oora 624 Henry bldg.. or phone Mar- shall 498. WEST SIDE, 8 rooms, excellent prop erty, in excellent location, $60. East side, 6 rooms, well furnished. Close in lrvington, vacant June la, $30. Rose City Park, 6 rooms, 2 blocks from car, $14. Renting Dep't. at HART MAN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark.) 5 ROOM house on li acres, orchard, stable, chicken house, electric iight. running water. Two blocks south from Silver Springs station, Orgon City car line; 33 minutes' ride from Port land. Eugenie Mass man, R, 1, Muwau kle. Or. FOR RENT. 6 R. bungalow, bath, gas, electricity. S blks. to car. 887 37th st S. E. ; $13 per month. See Mr. 8eachrest, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark.) LARGE house, located 26th and Savler sts., that will be arranged for 2 families if same can be leased for a term of 2 years at reasonable rent. Call at room 624 Henry bldg., or phone Vo-Jl dL I will 1 j Marshall 498. . , hi-..n Li. -room nouse. : I orchard, all fenced. Including one i i acre ground or without; cheap. 5130 goth st; Mt Scott car' Call after 6 p. m. I $16 WILL rent modern 9-room house. lOOxlOO yard, fruit trees, all kinds berries, 2 bathrooms, fine view, close In. Woodlawn 2042. 687 Borthwick street TWO lots, 3 room shack, $a.,'' per month, located on 82d st (macad amized), near Estacada car. t.ed W. German Co.. T82 Cham, of Com. 23D AND WASHINGTON STREETS. 10 room modern house, in good con dition, $22.50 a mo. 601 Dekum bldg. Main 2210. r $15 7 ROOM modern, with garage, on corner Commercial and Blandina, a- lffrAn hitrh .hnnl Wlthi,,i near Jefferson high school. . garage. i- w , .- Wh.ST biLL 4 room cottage, so; also 5 room cottage, $10. Remodeled, gas, electricity, large front porch, yard, Call 864 Vaughn. Take 23d or S. car. ibiUHr room modern nouse. ui the new Couch school dist Will renovate to suit desirable tenants Call 681 Mar- snail at. or phone Main 2474. FOR RENT, Rood 5 room house. 1ft blocks from carl inc. Oswego st, 6 per mo. Inquire 626 E. Richmond st, St. Johns. MODERN s 7 room house, sleeping porch, fireless cooker. 346 N. 17th st, bet. Weidler and Broadway. Key at 647 Weldler. CONVENIENT, modern 6 room house, centrally located, also good car serv ice, rent reasonable to right party. 393 llth. FOR RENT, 7 room modern house, 2 blocks from Laurelhurst Park, at Slst and Ash. Call mornings. Tabor 6408. FOR RENT One 7 room bungalow, partly funished, west of Evergreen station. Vacant June 10. Phone Oak Grove 52-M, FOR RENT 6 room house, half acre ground, all kinds of fruit and ber- witj !ar"ed eLarde"', 15' K- S 39tn Bt- S' Woodstock or Richmond car. FOR RENT 6 room modern house. L LTauffi S'Sl l E , m.wr HlFiJi?6, c-,BV6 month- 1283 E- ' "' . v. $12 6 ROOM modern bungalow, varl- ety rruit. i3f cj, unsan, 49tn. M-v car. 5 ROOM bungalow, nice lawn, some fruit Rent $12 per mo. 806 E. 12th Bt, N. FOR RENT 7 rooms. 389 Grand ave. N. Good neighborhood. Phone East 856, C-2035; $12. IMODERN, 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, one block car, Richmond, 647 E. 39th. SMALL cottage, gas, electricity M. V. car to East 68tb st rent Reasonable $10661 HOLMAN ST. $10. , 6 rooms, modern. Woodlawn. new. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex. TWO good 7 room houses, $18 each In cluding water; 6 room csttage, $10 Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg. 6 ROOM modern house, concrete base ment. 914 Mllwaukle and Holgate sts. Inquire 64 Ilolgate st. MODERN cottage, walking distance, east side, near Broadway bridge, $10. Woodlawn 1562. $16 6 ROOM bouse, large bath room, laundry trays, elec. lights, large yard, wRh fruit 26 E. 14th N. FOR sanitarium, 10 rm. house, corner. for rent or sale. Nice yard. Good neighborhood. T-"6J, Journal. 5 ROOM house, $15 close In. 348 E. Glisan st, bet. E. 2d and E. 3d. FOR RENT, modern S room house. Portland Hts. Main 9371. 6 ACRES, large house, near car, low rent. Box 358. Lents, Or. 4-ROOM bungalow cheap, party to take care of property. Mar. 1298. 7 ROOM house, 670 Belmont, newly tinted, rent 31Z.6D. Phone Sell. 163? 1 8, NEW 4 room house, modern, bath! Agent 72d and 8andy blvd FOR RENT, 3 room house. $6.50.. Ta bor 1064. CORNER, modern.- 6 rooms and sleep ing porch 'tabor Z5ib. 7, 6 ROOMS, west side; walking di tance. Inquire 625 Clay. FOR RENT 7 room bouse. Rent $1$. 687 Montgomery, near 16th. 6 ROOM house, yard, fruit close in. on carline. 46 Shaver, $10. East 4663. MODERN 6 room house. East 13 th and Division. Phone Bell. 855. 5 ROOM bungalow yard, chicken house IVTT , W4MU. V 11 Tabor 1636. and garage. $116 rooms, modern, fruit, chicken . nouse. eeiiwooa izn, EIGHT room modern' house. (11 East CoucH at;. East MJ1, v . S.; . FOR KENT HOUSES vmnunsus f Continued) 12 (Oontlaa4) Pawers Rental Bureau A service Without cost to you. A ser vice that affords better homes; 700 ,1 avji VfUWVOQ 4 I Vila New 1 story bunxalow. In Rose City. modern, $16. Modern bungalow on Union avenue rarlln tic 7 room modern house. In Alameda ( park; sleeping porch. $20. 7 room house in Piedmond; large 'yard; modern. $20. j Remember No charge for our service. POWERS FURNITURE CO.. Third and Yamhill. 6-ROOM. modern house, 441 Jarrett st; full lot. bearing fruit, lot enclosed; locatAH 2 tlnrka Mat of Union aa-a . opposite Piedmont; will make rent ! very reasonable to rieht party j $18.00 6-room modern house with 1 furnace, on Russell and Shaver car line, 822 Commercial st. $12.50 7 -room house on west side, I gas and electric light. 307 N. 19th st. 8 6-room modern house, lot BOX 100, fruit; corner Marie and 3d ave., Lents. $11 8 -room modern house, 5816 64th ave. S. E., on Woodstock car line. $0 4-room house witn small barn, large piece ground,' in Lents district. $10 5-room modern cottage with fireplace; 1130 Mall st., on Woodstock car line. Get off on 38th st., 3 blocks south. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 413 Cham, of Com, bldg. COME TO EDWARDS' FREE RENTAL BUREAU Tell us which part of the city you prefer and how much rent you wish to pay. Our rental expert will soon locate you in the very place you're looking for. Hours 10 a. m. to 4:30 p.m. Edwards Furniture Co. 82 Fifth Corner Oak. KOSK CITY . HOME" (7 UOOMS.) 630 EAST 4TTH ST. NEAR HOSE CITY CATtLINE. NEARLY NEW. UOOD CONDITION: FURNACE. DESIRABLE LOCATION: WILL. LEASH FOR 827.50 (WORTH $4.-). CALL HVHKITT. OWNER. MAIN 1800. 2O0 SELLING BLDtJ. -BARGAIN IN HOUSE RENT. Dandy 5 room modern house, close in, Mt. ecott car, Jiu per month. Better See GAGE. 243 6th St. HOUSES FOR IlENT 71 CTTBITXSKED ASS THTrUBSZSKXD 716 CORBETT, cor. Hooker, opposite new Failing scnooi, s room house furnished or unfurnished, bath gas Ruud heater, furnace, fireplace, nice yard; $35 per month furnished, or $30 unfurnished references exchanged. In quire Donald Woodward, 104 2d near HtarK. or phone Owner. East S421. FUKN1TUKK FOB SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 82 ADS of furniture for sale at nub lished in the Household Goaxls class ification when house is not for rent FURNITURE of 9 rooms for sale, $150. 223 West Park. FURNISHED HOUSES SO ,$20.00 6 room bungalow, comfortably furnished. $35.00 8 room home on Mt. Tabor; has piano; fine view. $35.00 i room home, fine large yard; several bearlne fruit trees. The Oregon Home Builders OLIVER K. JEFFERY. President 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 1RVINGTON, part of furnished house, 6 rooms: on car line; entire ground floor; large yard; roses, etc. Will ho vacant June 1. Adults. East 4384 in a. m. or after 6 p. m. FURNISHED house, 3 rooms and sleep- I w1!i'7, , fn .lr5' nrti in .C IOr f?"??1 Partly 111 lug tent, man ana wile, or bachelor, exenange ror rent. 226 llth st. Call at dining room. ; NURSE, alone, wishes to share her , home with 2 girls or mother and i daughter; away moot of the time. j Seilwood car Sunday or Monday. 6fc6 rvamona or oeuwoou ; FURNISHED 6 room corner bungalow, i Summer months. Residence district. Large porch, facing east Piano, elec- trlclty. ras. References. Phone Wood lawn Z686 4 ROOM furnished cottage, bath, gas ana electricity, sou AiDina ave. cor ner Prescott Mississippi ave. car or Jitney. 6 ROOM, fur. bungalow, all con., sleeping porch, full basement, fur nace, gas, electric, garage, laundry. 725 E. 64th N. Tabor 6831. MODERN, 6 room cottage, neatly fur nished, in good condition, 614 Dela" st, near O-W. R. & N. shops. Take 'L' car; $16, Including water. K. 8612. FOR RENT on Portland Heights, from June 15 to Sept 1, completely fur nished 6 room bungalow. Adults only. Phone Mar. 1243. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house. cement basement, one block from good car line; $13 per month. Phono East 1656. MODERN, well furnished bungalow, 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Sunny side. 1086 E. Salmon. B-267S. Call mornings. FOR RENT 6 room house. 4 rooms furnished complete, or will rent un furnished. Call at 281 Shaver st, near Williams ave. S. P. SHOPS. Nice modern well-furnished cottages, S to 6 rooms. $10 to $20. Call at 893 E 25th st. S., or phone East 8225. FURNISHED modern 6 room Louse, including large grounds, garden and Slenty of frutt; $20 per month. Call unday, 496 E. 30th st. FOR RENT, during July and August completely fur. modern 6 room house: good references required. Phone East 7734.- Hancock st. FUR.NISHEU 7 room house for rent to responsible parties, walking distance. 641 E. Main, taast zosi 6 ROOM modern new furnished house, rent 18. 865 E. Couch st Call a: corner. East 6122. FURNISHED room house; bath, electric lights, etc.; 2 blocks to car; $12. Inquire 1532 Burrage st. MODERN 7 room bungalow, 3 lots, garden, roses, fruit, furnished, piano 1 block east Union gve. 411 Cook ave. FOR RENT, furnished house for Julv and August. Portland Heights: gar- age for z cars. a-zvo. warsnan ii 6 ROOM furnished bungalow, modern. 966 Vancouver ave., 1 block from Williams.- Inquire at 269 Going. $16 NEATLY furnished 6 roomed house; walking distance. S91 Sacra mento st. GOING away, a clean, dandy home in grove, closo to car, adults, reference. M. V 181 E. 69th st N. 4 ROOMS, well furnished, modern. gas. electricity. 401 E. 44th. Haw- thorne car. MODEKN 4 and 6 room houses, one uniurntsnea witn garage. owner, izuj s. w. cant ruog. ! FOR RENT, cheap; 4 nice furnished rooms, first, floor. S months. resDon- sime coupie. i-unnysiao. ispor i7i. $6 furnished house, yard, raspberries. Myrtle Park, 6709 42d ave. 8. E. Mt Scott car, near car. FOUR room house, clean, good furnf- ture. piano, sewing machine. Wood lawn 4024. FINELY furnished 4 room cottage. close In only $, Holbrook. J14-15, Panama bldg. $124 ROOM house, furnished. Take Mt Soott car to Anabel Station. 4419 Zd st A WELL furnished f . room bouse, 1118 E. Yamhill t FOB KENT Nicely furnished home in N.- 1326 BELMONT, ST Furnished 6 room bottser gas, electricity, piano, fit. FOR RE XT HOUSES VUTVUMISMJID 30 fOontlahed) $16 FURNISHED 4 room bunsalow. for summer; modern, walking dis tance; phone and water paid. 387 E. 7th st., north. East 7108. APARTMKXTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ni -CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 8 room furnished apartments, all outside, with Frech doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. Lucretia Court Lucretla st. bet Wash, and Ever ett sts. Most beautifully located high clasa apta., J-3-4-6 rooms. All modern conveniences, first class service. Prices reasonable, References required. Man ager Mar. 1618. The Knickerbocker Apt. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Attractive I room fur. and unfur. modern apt. All new furniture, refer ences. Main 1820. 10th and Harrison t Wslking distanca HADUON HALL APARTMENTS" Corner of lltn and Hall Sla. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Two. 3 and 4 room ants., with bal cony, heat private bath and phone, all modern conveniences, walking distance. -"ttllUKll 1 1 ft J . . MARSHALL APARTMENTS. 624 M arena 11 at Take W cars. 8 car or lth st. cars. Beautiful 3 room furnished apartments. Alt large, outside rooms. Private baths, riwu water, paone. janitor service, etc. 1'HE ALTAMONT. Fifth and College. -lean. cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartmenta. rents reasonable. Heat, water, phone and Janitor service in eluded. MONTGOMERY APTS.. 3d and Mont gomery. Modern brick, building, all outside, furnished 2-rooni apts., private bath, phone, automatic elevator; serv ice, close in, summer rales $18 up. Main 94 66.. VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apta. Walking distance. References. TXMTtl AMD U.lH,v,e4. TsV i'urtii4,rfc ti..u-r ,r ,,u-n,. o-uiii.rt nd r1" BRET N O R A P A R T M EN TS. .20th and Lovtjoy. 3. 4 rooms, un furnished; iuirdwooil floors; modern conveniences. lireproot rrarage con-' necuon. LINCOLN APARTMKNT8 CORNER 4TH AND LINCo'LN. 2 room fuiuUiied apts., with private bath, uhone. electric lights and steam neat, lis to $23. Main 1.177. A-4162. NEW WESTMINSTER Has a 4 room iurmsned or unfurnished apartment, Rent very reasonable. Best location. M?ln65rrVlCe- r- bth and Madi""' v'i ovTii'i-.i, i r, : : b LRNlbHED and partly furnished an d uniumisried apt. suites, connected with bath, free phone, light and water; prices very reasonable. 392 W IC. Burnslde. NEWL1' furnished 2 and 3 room aitari ments, I7 and $22, including lights. BELKNAP APARTMENTS, 17 17th, near Yamhill. $22.50 WEST SIDE MODERN API'! 4 rooms, bath, easy walking? heat, phone, garbage. Less than summer rates. Snilth-Waconer Co.. Stock Ku. PENROSE API'S.. N. W. cor. Belmont mnitirZ' .' 1 8 room furnished! Service Ilrst-claaa. Wa Iking d ntance. AlALlON PARK API. Part st. at Madison. Modem 2. 3 and room furnished partmenta, cloie in by week or month TtlU lE,..-s bum 208 16111 ST. Marsliali 2316. Nice 5 room fur. and unfur. aDta : ilso end 4 room fur, apta WE1ST APTS. 69 N. 23d. one large 6 room apt., with Drivata porch. Apply at Apt. No. 4. MONT reasonable room furnished apu in the Nob Hill dist.. m-irata nlirMla Htl.t hath T r o a a rt. m 1 ti O X- 2d st. Mar. 225Q. ii .cit.c AKl'o., ia ana iiu 11 Mou- FURNISHED HOUSES ern brick bldg., t rooms, furnished, : vFwfT furnished I room UpstaW V&l&yU 115 " UP- j f'lU $ 1 0 East 3 154. 69 E. 28d stXt COOT AIPlfSTiiEKSTS E. 7th and Taylor stk., i and 3 room apts.: light free, private bsth. ALBOA APTb. Large modern i and 3 room fur. and unfur., brick Bldg.. best service, walk- Int' dis.; rPKsonauU 4ii Harrison. AiiiiiTOHiirvi fit. u-r Z7TTZ "TTi TTi st.: newest and moat rno.ip'rr, ... Ha, nnt hMl a in , . ,.(,.- ..li - shall 2958. " " . -' J l i j , t .1, sim - lMt Btl&FFlELD iiJo Broauway d, I and 4 room fur. and untur. apts., walking distance; at very reasonable rent; best of service. Msin 2606. DEL MONTE H. IC ROOMS. Summer rates Ona block south from 20tA and Washington. Marshall 4464, r . ; : , -ROOM furnished apartment. walk- Ins: distance. 6 Clayuoole. Call or nK... Xfl ICO CLEAN 1. 2, 3-R. furnished ants.. walking distance, reasonable rotes. $28 Mill. THE LOIS APTS., 704 Hoyt st. 2j $ and 4 rooms, light and airy. porcnea, very oemraoie; reierences. $ ROOMS, sleeping porch,, private! bath, large closet, phone, heat and water. 561 E. Yamhill. East 1710 MOVING expenses paid; 3, 4 rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floors. Portnomaih, 200 E. 13th St. ROSEN FELD (new;, E. 14th and Stark. Brick, i and 4 rooms, furnished or unfur.; outside rooms; private phon.. D1EL apts., 190 East Aukeny, modern, completely turn, apts.; large, light, sunny, clwsn. E. liKhU, lm. bt. fc. Ittiij. JEFFFRSONIAN APARTMENTS. 614 Jefferson Three-room furnished apartment; two beds; fI6. HOUSEKEEPING apt., or Fu rnished rooms, like home. 7 ui, 1163 Bel mont. Tabor 7220. 2 ROOM apartment, fur., close In, con venltut: rent reasonable 467 E. Pine st WESTFAL, 410 6th st. i room apt., private bath and phone, modern brick, $6 week and up.-, Walking distance. $3.60 PER week, t room apt., private bath. Harrison Court. 6th and Har rison: walking distance. THE Palace Apartments, East 37 th and Market; 2 and 4 rooms, f ur nlshed; special rates for the summer. NbW furnished upts. ; concrete block $10 and tli 1162ft Union ave. H. Woodlawn 613, PENINSULA APT8.. C1170; concrete bldg. 3 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat tit up. CLEAN, 2 room furnished apartment; large kitchen; $1$, including light hot and cold water. 666 Everett st. TUOUK A it Mb Apia., 18th and Coucn. Pi.one A-1644, Main 266w; new brick bids.: t. 3. 4 rooms, modern apts. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 2d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apt., $1.60 per week UP Bleeping rooms. East 12. XOKoMi apts. 6S6 Marshall st. Mod. ern, i rivate bath and dressing r -nj: summer rates ROSE FRIEND. 2t Broadway S,; mou ern unfurnished apts,; large rooms. pest service, wising yst Marsh. 141u VylllUllllall apartments, $1 to $23. AllERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, . a rm. apta. Mif, w, M. P1, A-Z676, LUXOR APTS.. 3418th st Main tint'. yarn, anq uniur. a, i 4 room apt. uuiAii, iv LMvmjpy a and I room apts., 16. $20. 327.60. Marshall 291 7 TWO room, large furnished front apartments.- uneap rent. Mar: 3327. 8 ROOM , xurnished aparlrnent -487 FOR RENT FLATS - HAWTHORNB AVE.. Modern 4 room flat sleeping- por'i ' frost porch, gas range.. waij bed. h water neat and summer comfort; lit; and airy; only $25: Hawthorns eir. ' K. list st K, No. 803, or phone ) 7461. . . . CHEERFUL, clean and convenient . room flat with bath, basement, en porches: rent -'ery -reasonable. , ,'lt location; best car service, 1038)$ 34 lory ave. MODERN, u room flat, newly Hate wood range, gaa plate, conneetn 207 Halsey st. only 10 minutes'. w. to Union depot; $12.60, including wal East 3612. . - - j $11 PER MO., upper or lower fli bath, electric light, wood lifts ne ' kalsomined walls, free water, west of the river. 887 N. 21st, near Thu man. Key next door. Phone Main 22:' MODERN 4" rlToIu fTaT; gas . wau heater and range, $9 including wale; 847 Williams ave Phone Wd. Ufi,, iuODER'' 7 room flat, $1. New Cornell at. off 23d and WashiagU Main 4694. MODERN 6 room lower flat, flreplac furnace; west side, walking dlstarrC' Phone East 2621. ' " LOWER modern 5 room flat '',D'." I Broadwy bridge; reasonable. 2 nenton. t'.ast i 6 i 'J. : ' MODERN, clean 4 room flat, 940 A bina: linoleum, gaa rang and nH er; built-in conveniences. Main HIS- F1V1 room flat, all outside roonif f ice. first floor, steam heat, janitor sent 661 Glisan st., cor. 17th St. , T UNFURNISHED 4 room flat,n stove in kitchen. 337 Sacraments st between Union and Williams avenue; WEST SIDE. 4, 6 rooms. Just rem vated, walnlng distance. Hell.,,137' 6 ROOM modem; $10. 614 Brooklyr 8ell. 2086. . BEAUTIFUL 6 room corner flat. 101 t" 19th St.; rent. $16. Phone Tabor 414 5 ROOM lower modem, near BroaJ way and steel bridge. Halm) FOUR room unfurnished flat, modern Ladd school district. Y-94. journa- FOUR room corner flat, 301 K.' ifll, very low rent. Phone East 963. 4'. 1 MODERN, 6 rooms. S&O Belmont Phone Tabor 2516. iiiil' NICE 4 room flat with bath, closest 3S6& Hawthorne. $10. .. 1 VCtn BKNT lTr,rr K rnnin flat, rem 112. 636H tontgomery near 16th t FURNISHED FLATS ..frl MODERN 6 room flat, risatly fUr nlshed. in good condition. 290 4ar gin st.. foot of Halsey. This Is beautiful location, fronting on riven tlS. including water. IQast 3612. TO RESPONSIBLE couple, two UrSf- light rooms and kitcnen. rTirmsneu ; Private bath. Fireplace. Laundry tray Walking distance. Reasonable rent! East 5043. '. t $18 STRICTLY modern flat nioelyj furnished; wood and gas- rantce.l vacuum cleaner, water, phone free. On East Stark st., and good nelhbor-j h ood. Bee Fred A. Jacobs Co., 104 6th I VERY clean, well furnished room flat, good neighborhood, walking j4 l .. . . 1 U &1UM A nr. m 1 4 Ilk I I first floor 772 E. Taylor. East t6! ! NEWLY furnished 6 room flat, walk, lnr distance, east side; everything comolete: $17 month, water included. th,. fifiSfi jh AN .UiAnilv furnished fi room lowe flat; will rent for 6 months,-rasdli- able to right party. 836 W. Broadway! corner Market. ' MODERN. neAtly furnished 6 rooms lower .flat, In Brooklyn; rnt ! also 3 rooms on 2d floor, $12.6h ' M MJIwaukie st. 1 1 6-ROOM furnished heated upstair? flat: $16. 126 N. 23d st MarshaL 3799. ' t THOROUGHLY renovated. 4 rooms , ! V-Jd' Porch. 1158 Woodward. UH nioim car. - . j ii wtv iwra, ""' "".'f ,jr, FoUR room, newly furnished flat: wa ' Jm' n V'um u' 1 Via 1 i Falling. Call Wrdln. 1943. Tabor 8896 j FLAT fo rent furnished or UOfutt nisneu; corner, iucs .r.r1 borhood. References, mar. suow. , .... rt.KAK modern 6 room furnished fist. I $12.60. including water. 72ft WiH ! llama ave. ill has, bathj ' hnwm.tit 734 Mllwaukle at Pbsn ; Boiiwood 19. i I 1-LRNISHED and unfumlahed i;oM, nr.-to-data flata. sleeping jorcn. . i 1 1 . i . .. .. . lTf. S.-4 ! W'RNinBn flat nlano. eleetfio 1 lights, 810 per month. 62l R. Ifth VERY desirable lower flat W district ; references. Mar. 6108. KUMMEK RESORTS TW. I A house, not a palace, with xnoro'bi; I fnrm Hn on a beautiful lot.' at 1550. Has been renting for $80 -for, few weeka each year; this special aa- i rlflce nrice means less than $8 pert month interest. See Mr. liartog, 869 -Htark. At - ,7 -V , HARTMAN A THOMPSON I (Cor. 4th and rHarg.j ,T ! at , ; - A - r V. Afa n M 4 V ! Bungalow. '-:! ' Will Sacrifice. Owner. ' Woonlawn 467S, - hiimmi-.k cotL&K urarnin. i uuui". runnlnr water. furnlahed beach ...,u .Ti but bedding and silver'; I . """ tioo fop ntir mudil fnaulra H - W, Stone. Y. M. C. A TtKAflTIFIiL and desirable lumutrl cottages for rent and for sale' at very attractive prices. Alex, Gilbert4 I Bon, seaside, or. : " CAMPSITES for rent. at Luke Ctrove. on Oswego Lake. Apply .at 6p6. Ch' coro mug, rmnn mam miv, FOR JULY Beautiful rm. houM'on ridge near Breakers, Wash,, fdl ng. Phon e E. 6994. '-'itf plumbl FOR RENT Cottage at Bayocean. PhoneEest 4494. fTTRN I stfED 4 room cottage, $5 for season, at ftesslde,- Or, Oil M. ti3. siTOKEH AM) OFFICE v. -11 FOR RENT Irge store with coun ters and shelving, and 6 living rooms, in good business district In. I best suburban district Only $12.60 ,r I montn. "'j. HARGROVH aV RONS. ;'t 122 N. 6th Bt 'UX Phone Broadway 418J BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and a.lry On paved street; reasonable. Journal P-iMlshlnr Co. Tiroadway and YamhlU. STORE for rent, good location for sut ond hand furniture. 14& tUHintlk' worth nar Alhtna. If STORE. LOFTS. APARTMENTS,. - Get our list of down town lecAtlQH. Emun-wagoner wo,, piock t'x. fe TORE 2 4s 34 counter, shelflng, eery, market; 6 living room.- F;. bherman. ' ' DESK ROOM with phone, SS and 1S; C. fl. preferred. Phone Mar. t$ll FURNISHED office or desk room Sr rent, cheap. 809 Spalding- W4. FURNISHED ground floor office- mr small business, la mo. Mar.- WANTEI) TO REST STC Wsi iWiepsews'W'SWs'MsesSseaSsy Cottages for RENT, ' Tl THH OREOON HOME BUIIDEHW.t OLIVER K. JEFFERY, PRESIDENT, 1830 Northwestern Bank bid. T- "WANT to rent 4 or 6 room house, in? for same with painting, dscoratfnix. Will lease for year. Give location. your phone. N-7, journal. " -WAXTED troom house or flat' rui nlshed; must be modern and reas- onanie; pieamont aistnoi prWTeL DI.A.. W.4l.w. 171 h . -T A II VII Q WV. to. WW A l A", CLIENT will take year leas on i or 6 room modern; built-in eonrsnw enoea. furnace, etc in rood location. See Odgers. 621 Yeon. WANTED 2 furnished housekeeping rooms eiose in; must pe rssonanie K-97s, Journal. i ' FEED store for rent 328A N. 17th st 'Am . mm J!" to. k " IwwuiMa w stems s-ge -