01 L -I- l :i.V MACKlFICH. i rm. cottar, 80x100 lot, lawn, roses and fruit; furniture: for quick ale, 91304. 9600 cash will handle this. FOK SALE HOUSES 6 rm. bungalow, 80x100 lot, plumb-i One $175 and the other $8150. Small ins;; bath, alec trio lights. gas, water, payment down, then $25 per month ln furnlture Included, for quick sale $1285. eluding interest. Fireplace, oak floors, 1460 castr. (A bargain.) dining and living rooms beamed and , paneled, built in effects, window shades 5 rm. cottage, 60x100 lot, flna and lighting fixtures, porcelain plumb place, for quick sale 11000; $250 cash, in;: swell Dutch kitchen has wood 11 ft, IA. snap.). 1 And many other bargains in high and moderate class residence property. Beo J. A. Turner, at 11AK1 MAN ft Ttiuiua (Or. ,4th and Stark.) Home Bargain Leaving the City I am going to sell my home, fur lahed.vat a sacrifice. I am moving from the city. I have a splendid, 6 : ,, wished -at a sacrH ce i am from the city. . I have a splendid, 5 room Dungaiow, i uwn nuui .r. has hot and cold water, bath, built-in conveniences, double construction, and roowbungalow.lbiocKiromcar.npuM la practically new; iot. ooxioo. l am offering thin place with furniture for only $2-'00; $700 down. See my agents, Hargrove & Sons 122 N. tith st. Phone Broadway 4381. New 5 Room Bungalow SOxlOQ lot, 5 rooms and bath, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, electric lights, gas for cooking, fireplace, full cement basement and wash trays; about 20 min utes out, 2 blocks from car; very cheap at $1950: satisfactory terms can be arranged. ' The Shaw-Fear Co, 102 4th st. . MODERN 11 room residence in the heart of lrvlfigton; hardwood floors' tnrougnout, selected manogany anu oak finish, spacious rooms, artistically decorated, large finished attic, full ce ment basement, tiled baths; expensive anltary plumbing fixtures, bis grounds, highly Improved with selected shrubbery. This house is absolutely new and Is considered one of tlio best residence properties In Portland, nil materials and workmanship of the, best. Inspection of premises Invited by the most critical. For sale on reasonable terms by owner.. L-066, Journal. The Oregon Home Builders Will build to your own Ideas on monthly terms that your rent money will cara for. OLIVER K, JEFFERY. Pres. ROCK CITY OR BEAUMONT CAR. Ltvine room llxllO ft., nil tiled fire- place, sleeping porch 7x15; breakfast ! BARGAINS IN HOMES, room 9x10, four large bedroom:; (two' $2100 6 room new house, double on first floor), a bungulow of very construction, built In features, 1 block latest design. East front. "rice only to Woodmere car. '93860. See Mr. Hickman, with Hartman , $2100 5 room modern house, sleep & Thompson, cor. 4th and Stark. Main Intr porch, furnace, 1 block to car, E. 208, A-2060 ,62dat. LEAVINo CITY $2750 6 room bungalow, beautiful- Attractive, modern 6 room bungalow, ly finished. hi block to car. Rose City nut front, lnt H.lxinO with lawn and lark district. flowers across 100 feet, use of garden and fruit on extra lot. Expensive brick work and electric fixtures. Very con- venient. Cost $3300: will sell for $26uo. Terms. 1367 E. 27th st. N. Phone Wdln. 2054. i HOUSE HUNTERS! Are you aware of the true facts and conditions? Building material of all kinds la rapidly going up, and as it has been at low ebb. the advance will be fast. If you are looking forward to buvlne a homn. then nt nromotlv uid don't delay. See Mgr. Realtv Dept. of HA. . TM AN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th & Btarn.) Income Property 4 room house, lot H,,x107. fruit . trees, .berries, etc., henhouse for 2i0 hena. brooder for 800 chicks: l.eated ana running water. If you want some thing good see this, or trade. Sell- WOOd 804. $4500 Home, $2500 6 room new modern bungalow; fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, ex tra large sleeping porch, lawn, trees, shrubbery, garden, etc.; 100x100. com pletely furnished; easy terms. 220:2 E. Morrison at. BUY A HOME WITH YOUR RENT! FOUR ROOM, MODERN. FUR NISHED BUNGALOW. CEMENT BASEMENT, SLEEPING PORCH, ELECTRICITY, GAS, PATENT TOI- T .tTT T Wl T3 1 T A T VT mrTn T- r- T r .1 1 x ST. NORTH; $1300; TERMS 601 PEKTJM BUILDING. MAIN 2210. FORCED to sell my 7 room modern bungalow within 30 days, aleeplng porch, breakfast room, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, buffet, linen closets, double construction. Lot 60x100 with alley, faces east, near car; $500 under price; no agents. K-577. Journal. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD. 1 7 K A k..,,a nnrriA lift nnl Q tage, plastered, corner of Concord. This property In ordinary times should bring $1000; terms Vfc cash. Photo at office of Fred W. Gorman Co.. 733 Chamber of Commerce. IF you want a bargain for cash. 6 room house, lot 60x100, In Sellwoo.1 for $800, two blocks car barns, across treat from hotel, 2 blocks from thre car line. Best buy In Portland. Paid mor4han $1700. No agents. L-557, Journal. FOR SALE A new modern 7 room house with all built-in conveniences; fine Rose City Park neighborhood; at little more than half price; terms. Call Tabor 2646 after 6 p. m. or Mrs. Russell, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON S LKS. JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. 6 room modern, convenient bunga low: will pleaae the particular- rea sonable; no agents. 169 Blandtjna, cor ner Kerby. BURNISHED or unfurnished, modern. i rooms, nleeplnor rjorch. bullt-ln ron- nlences. part hardwood, garden; easy terms. Beaumont car. 681 E. 45th st. ntfrth. NICE COUNTRY TOWN HOME Of 7 bright, cheery rooms, close to elec tric iline and paved streets: easily worth $1500. It's yours for $1000. $2200 BUNGALOW. $1500 Rose Cltv car. Double constructed. Fireplace, sleeping porch. Large lot, walks paid. $700 cash. J800 3 years. Leaving at once. Tabor 8040. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, bath, electric lights, beautiful 100x100 lot. tent house, fruit, roses; easy terms; $1800 for quick sale. 1292 E. 16th st. N. N0die5r4n 'jES" bnn.f alrW-, terms. 1544 Jordan, near Columbia univeralty and shipbuilding plant. Col. w.Tom , K. e v, - ai w " ment. pantry, bathroom, closets, fruit trees, roses, cement walks, hi block i car. $900. Terms. X-787, Journal. ' IF YOU WANT the biggest snaD in nice house and grounds on west slope rk 9i nl r ' -Ruiey Co., 928 Cham, of Com. ikv iisu roN Aiooern nome. a gen uine snaD. Arranged for 2 families. iood investment. Sale or trade. Cheap. run nAijT. or irane monern Dunrainw 101 Boxzuo. iou incumorance. worth U000. Phone Main 9407. Address 287 1 arior b l. )SE CITY PARK 6 room bungalow. Improved corner, cruick sale $2000. usi ma Any reasonaoia terms. t&A i:ASH. 115 MuNTHLV 7 room Dlaatared bunaalow. St. Johns In. t tdlin A AO I T" , T,T rrinan ,o., is tnam. 01 com. i SMALL cottage, bath, fireplace, built-in features; fruit and flowers. nop. 11m aown. CDS re. gist st. N. CRK: of ground and 6 room cottage 30 minutes out, only $896; terms. on at, journal. $169 CASH takes my $1000 equity lii I860 Ilk rent. B-JJ1. .JourntTv 61 THERM IS A CRAZE FOR OUR CLASSY NEW BUNGALOWS IN HAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT. 1376 and 18 K. Grant et- nr. E. I Beth. On hu S and on haa S rooms. 1 uuicr, bib. iaunary trays in cement basement. Lawn. Street improvements. Houses open 2 to 4:80 p. m. today. Take Hawthorne ave. car or jitney to E. (0th ft - , walk south on BOth to Grant, or Mt. iowi car to Jfi. sotn ana urtni. PORTLAND REALTY & TRUST CO., 214 hy. Exch. bldg. (Owner.) Main 2129 NEW CLASSY BUNGALOW C01 E. 48TH ST.. NEAR ALAMEDA. Come and see this fine bungalow of 7 pleasant rooms; has tile fireplace. narawooc noore. burret and dook- .A.. J V. V. - . . 1 - .4 .. 1 .. two fc , , dresers. finished in old lvopv rt mnhnnv trimminm. 'shades eleeant Uzht i'ifitlcaflv decorated El'S?!???' . r iixt.,m -,.1,1 mirror doors. dandy kitchen, breakfast nook, clothes chute, bullt-ln back porch, cement bailsmen t and walls. Furnace, east front, paved street, sewer, material and workmanship the best. Compare this with any house on the market. Price only $3160, terms. Owner on property from 2 to 6:30 p. m. today. OORDH BROS.. Woodlawn 212. "RENT-MONEY" WILL BUT THIS. "BCNGALOW" BARGAIN (WASCO ST. HOLLA DAY ADDITION). FlRST-CEASS CONDITION, NEARLY NEW, 6 ROOMS AND BATH, CLOSETS. BUILT-IN BUF FET. ETC. MY PRICE. $2760. (SOLD 'LAST YEAR ON CONTRACT. $86d0.) YOUR OWN TERMS. SMALL CASH ' PAYMENT OR CONSIDER FAIR TRADE. MAKE OFFER ADDRESS OWNER, WM. PATTERSON, 209 SELLING BLDG. $1675 $1675 $1675 $2500 FOR $1675 ARTISTIC ALBERTA BUNGALOW 1093 EAST 25TH N. FORMER OWNER LOST $850. TERMS. OAK FLOORS. FIREPLACE. WOITN. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOWS. Just finishing 8 very large, nifty bungalows at the following places: 60S E. 46th N., lhi blocks north of Sandy, one on the corner of 46th and Siskiyou and one at 63rd and Wisteria. They are I bungalows that you don t see every day. They are all new Ideas and have large airy rooms. They can be sold on , cany terms. Go and look them over . and if interested call me up. They will be unlocked today. George E. Wellcr, -Mawinorne. lanor 1048 or n ny of th above we can accept "mall cash payments and balance Ilk rent. . -r C. CORBIN CO.. Lewis Bldg. loo FEET square, with alley, Imp. sidewalks and a few fruit trees; cor- ot- good business and residence district; located in Walnut Park- hi block from Williams ave. car. Will thls lot at a bargain for cash, or will take good acres. Write 401 E. SO'h l- N. or phone Tabor 6805. Mrs. O. C. -Etchlson. Bungalow, $1800 Here you are! This beautiful S-room bungalow, fully modern, bullt-ln ef fects, etc. Only one block from car and paved street, shade trees, etc. Only J,1!00: 'J? ca8and 15 Per month, Tabor 1993, or 806 Gerllnger bldg. 7 ROOM modern house, close to Frank lin high school furnace, gas range, gas water heater, large sleeping porch, large bathroom. 2 toilets. 1 block to car. Price $2250; cash $750. bal. on long time. No trade in this. Tako Mt. Scott car to Clark station. See Q H. Taylor. LOT 60x100 fenced In 7 fruit tree bearing, chicken yard, cottage of 3 rooms. Price $375, or would tradi; for furniture. 2156 Clackamas and 88th street, HaieldaJe addition. M. V. depot car to station, then north over the O. R. & N. track. $1000 FOR 6 room cottage, bath. closets and pantry gas and electric ity; 1 hlock from W-S car. Cor. 42nd and Holgate st. Further Information arply to engineer. Merchants' Trust Bldg.. cor. 6th and Washington St. $140o BUNGALOW. Flrland, 5 rooms, modern, all imp. paid; lot 142 feet. Worth $3000. $1200. cor. 52d and Davis, 2 houses. barn, 12 fruit trees. $2000 bungalow. 35 Tlbbltts st. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 228 Henry bid. 5 ROOM cottage and 1 lot for $550. owner, Pellwood 504 FOR 8ALF LOTS 16 WAS $2000. NOW $450. Lots 13. 14. block 2. Ridgemont. one ! of the prettiest residence districts in Portland; owner is go rolng east and wants quick action; $200 cash. $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 7S2 Cham, of Com. $100 EACH. 14 lots. Peninsula, Willis, worth, $350 each, snap for building. $850 Laurelhurst. fine view lot. $750. corner 68th and Flanders. $3500 Portland Heights, 100x100, Worth $7500. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 228 Henry bid. IKV1NGTON BARGAIN. East 17th street, 150 feet north of Stanton, facing east. Improvements paid. $1250. OODDARD & WTEDRICK, 243 Stark street. BEAUTIFUL lot, with pine trees, amoner nice homes, facing new Franklin high school all street improvements- in; cost $1000; will sacri fice for $375 cash. J. B. Ruley Co., 828 Cham, of Com. 1RVINGTON corner lot, good location, $775: only street Improvements to assume; worth double this amount; or will finance house on this lot. Mar- shall 646. AN KXCELLESiT BUY. 100x100. cor. Prescott and Grand I avenue, improvements paid. $3000. ! atarr tri- ,n. pg . ..w,".,,. , , ! r- i 200 BEAUTIFUL lots in Milwaukle: 6o 1 car ,a,rs. "Knt- and water: $20 H'-r P"0ne8U0r& Grove 1-X union AVENUE SNAP. corner morgan. lOXiuo. A line Site i for store. Price $1100. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 stark street. CHOICE LOT. E. 30th st.. 1 block Hawthorne ave.. ,n,.,in ri,- fnr ., oka- .... t: , provements paid In full. Tabor 423. 1 f ju y a per iiiuiim, .111. laoor lot. $600. Woodlawn lot, 1 block from 1 carline, $500. Boggess & Co., 20 Ger . linger bldg. 1 A T i.ii" VT Cr . . v. rt.i CHOIC1C. 4 lots for $2000; 1 cor., 100X 100, 2 Inside. Irvington; fine location. Eant 273. W. H. Herdman. LOT I block from Alameda Park. . $350. $150 down, $10 per moniu Owner must sell. Wdln. 25. FOR SALE Wllsonville lot. Two blk: from depot, 60xl2V4 ft. Ready to puna on. mo. i-ou. journal. A GOOD corner lot. 60x105, Mt. Scott, bargain for cash. G. E. Davis. 771 E. 21st st. COR. 100x100 on Shaver and Mallory ave. Also lot 48x107 on Alnsworth near union. Phone E-339 LOT for sale cheap. E. 13th and Cen- ler st. inquire 836 K. 11th at. GOOD east aids lota.. 4 blocks from cax. 56 takea them. East 29 ALAMEDA Park .corner, 65x100, $550. 100100 S25, ; Owner, East 7S5S, ?FOK SALE HOUSES FOR SALE LOTS 18 (Ooattnued) The Oregon Home Builders Has a large number of lota in all parts o.' the city at appeal ing prices. OLIVER K. JETFERY, Pres. FINE WEST SIDE HOMESITES $260 NOTHING DOWN 1250 NO PAYMENT VOR 8 YEARS. A chance of a lifetime to own your own home. You needn't pay a cent. Take Oregon Electric to Garden Home and Investigate. 7c commutation fare. All city conveniences. Ask for G. G. M'CORMIC. owner, at station. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. PARKROSE ACRES AND hi ACRES. A dandy tract on Sandy rd., all cleared and ready to be cultivated, ce ment sidewalks, no assessments; price $790; terms, $50 down, bal. $12 50 per mo. Call Mr. Wilson, branch office, Hartman & Thompson, cor. 45th and Sandy. Tabor 6868, C-2121. $550 ROSE CITY PARK. The best buy in the district; base ment already excavated; a small lor. but plenty of building space; go sea It. on Handy blvd. bet. 45th and 46th. See Mr. Wilson, branch office. Hart man & Thompson, 45th and Sandy Tabor 6868, C-2121. hit TRACTS, $1 AND $1 WEEK. ACRES, 4 ACRES AND FRACTIONS. Hull Run water, no gravel, fine feoil and sightly. Come out today. Takt Alberta car to Simpson St., walk 8 blocks east of Kennedy new school to 4 2d. Carv. 311 Panama bldg. Rose City $425.00 Alameda 790.00 Woodrnere 410.00 Mount Tabor 896.00 On some of the above $10 cash and $5 monthly. J7 f CORBIN Co.. Lewis Bldg. 60x100 NEAR Kenilworth Park, cheap for rash. E-988, Journal. ACREAGE 87 10 ACRES FOR $300. Just over 2 miles from Gobie station and wharf, 10 acres, every foot tillable, part red shot soil, part richest bottom land, near main road, school, prosper ous neighbors. Mall service, telephone. work available In nearby camp. This is property of big logging company :t0O0 additional acres available. Price Is $300; terms $50 cash, $10 a month. Guaranteed as represented cr money back. Other tracts from $20 to $35 an acre. Send for folder. G. Wynn Wll- yon, 316 Cham, or Coin $10 PER ACRE. 220 acres of logged off lam! 90 feet from the Columbia highway, J100 yards from the R. R., between Portland and Astoria. Location Ideal for dlalry, hog or chicken ranch, your market is right at the door, as there are 600 people working within a mile Of it. Some rough and some rock on it; easy terms to the right party. If you have got any nerve, come in ana let m snow It to you. BELT., REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange -bldg. EASY TERMS. 10 a., 9 a. in cultivation, 1 a. timber. men and siahtlv: no waste land: 2 ml. to Amity, Yamhill Co.; $1100; $100 aown, Dai. 10 years. e7e. 12 a. all level land, no rocks Or stumps, z mi. to Amity, Yamhill Co., aDout 1400 worm or wooa to tne acre. Price for all. $875: tlOO down. bal. long time. 6. See Mr. Seadhrest, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark. 40 Acres, $14.50 Per Acre 20 miles from Portland; lies good. Al oil, some good timber, fins water; $250 cash, balance to suit. 40 Acres, $1000 7 acres In cultivation. 8 acres clashed, smaii nouse. Darn, plenty good timber, line water; 3o0 cash, balance easy. BUNDY. 411 Henry Bldg. FOR 8 A Hi l acre, 6 room house. water in house; lots of berries of all kinds; young orchard Just begin ning to bear; 5 gallon cow Just gresh; good horse; flock of Brown Leghorn hens; just outside city limits Greaham. All for $1000, some terms. Addrens owner, A. W. Cook. Gresham, Or. No agent. S ACHES WITH GOOD HOUSE, asOO. Only Vi mile from station, SCO ft. from P. O., 4 acres rich black soli; good spring can be piped to house; 3 room house, furnished: some aarden tools. Terms $300 cash and easy pay ments on Daiance. LUEDDEMANN CCMPAN.' 913 Chamber of Commerce. AT GARDEN HOME. Beautiful 2. or 1 1-3 acre tracts on electric line at Nesbett Station surrounded by county and electric roads. Avui sell at a very low price some terms. Call owner, J. G. GustAff, woodlawn 3673, or 60S Gerllnger bldg. Portland. FOR SALE 1 acre Ihi miles S. E. Portland city hall; good 4 room house, well, outbuildings; hi In orch ard; seeded to oats; remainder in potatoes; fine location. A gift at $1500; terms. Call owner and talk it over. Phone East 4995. 4 ACRE ORCHARD $8S0 7 minutes' walk from Sewall Station Oregon Electric, 1 hi miles this side of Hillsboro, orchard 6 years old, assorted berries between rows, $200 down, bal ance to suit. Biggest snap in Oregon. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Ocrn. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms: will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. FOR SALE or trade 10 acres, 6 mi from Vancouver, Wash.; 7 acres In crop, 4 room house. 1 barn, chicken houses, place all fenced; a bargain. Terms. Address 6532 E. ti-d at. F. A, Guatafson. CLEARED 2hi. 5. 10. JO acre farms In beautiful Rochester valley; unsur passed for poultry, fruits or dairying. Very low prices, improved and unim proved places. Write Box 71, Roches ter. Wah. 6 ACRES. 1 miles from city, on Mt. Hood electric and county road; small house, well, fruit treeB. etc. Fine lo cation. Only $4000; part cash. Y-592, Journal. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN ranches near Portland. 2 6, 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric, $S to $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar land. 309 Yeon bldn., Portland. ACRE. PARKROSE. 3 room bungalow, barn, paid $118S; bal. $1030 at $15 per month, 6, for good automobile. What have you? 228 10th. Main 5745. 20 ACRES $400. $1 fare from Portland, close school, station; several tracts with running water; $20 cash, balance easy. Claude Cole. 800 Henry bldg. FOR SALE 10 or 20 acres good land, Mi mile from electric station. N. A. Peterson. 1065 E. 25th st. N. Call after 6:3(h Woodlawn 4660 only 100x152; on rook road. 400 feel from electric station; 10c fare; terms, $5 per month. N-360, Journal. AT ROSE BURG, OR. 10 acres under cultivation; opposite river from Sol diers' home; terms or cash. W. A Klmrneli. 844 Clinton St., Portland. ACRE tracts on carline near city; paved road; $a cash, $a per month. 6rj int. Owner. 517 Chamber of Com EVERGREEN station. Milwaukle Park, fine view acre, $650 cash. Oscar Dahlgrtn. Parkwood. Or. HALF section unimproved land, 515 miles from Portland, $4.60 per acre. Y-946, Journal. FOR SALE or trade, equity in IjO acres of fruit, walnuts and filberts See 11 E. 79th st. north. FOR SALE 13 acres, 8 room modern house; good soil and fine location. $2000. T-796. Journal. OWNER will sell 1 acre on Foster road, $950. 651 E. Morrison, hi mile east oi uena junction, pnone E. 6374. 20 ACRES. Easy to clear. Some tim ber. Near Log La. Barre, Estacada. P-771, Journal. -- 10 ACRES, fin house, $960; terms. ' Dundee. Or. No trades. Tabor SS4. SO ACRES 4th st. eiectrio l Una at J . aUtion,, Uaia 6810, S7 A FEW cholca suburban . acrs traota Just outside city limits; 6c carfare; tKO anri tin ft mail nivmrnt down.' small montaly payments, t interest. 4 1 hi acres, good house, nearly com plete, 6c far by book. A snap at $1650. Ihi acres, house partly furnished, chickens Included. rit fafa and 1 Reduced to $1700; $300 cash. 6 acres; 7 yr. old orchard, no bldgs., near Hillsbbro. Snap $110; $200 cash. 6 acres, small bldgs., near Hillsboro. Snap at $1000. Many other snaps In large and small acreage. See J. A. Turner, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark LESS THAN THIRTY MILES TO PORTLAND. Choice acreage in well established farminar community: clone to county I seat of 3000 population with big pay roll, cannery and creamery; a-i trans portation and marketing facilities; both rail and. water, also auto bus to Port land on paved Columbia Highway. We are opening a large tract of this choice acreage and this is your opportunity to secure a piece of good, rich land cheap and on easy terms; every Induce ment to settlers. For rurtr.er lnior matlon call or write SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. Suite 225 Henry bldg. Land Bargains THE ABBRNETHY DONATION LAND CLAIM Was the first choice on the Columbia river when taken over 60 years ago; boat landing, on the ground; logged orr 40 years ago; pastured since; tree irora rock, on the county road, loamy soil, well watered. In the heart of the lum ber district: labor in demand: 10 to 20 acre tracts, on payments of $10 per month. J. J. Read & H, L, Chapin 408-9 Chamber of Commerce WB HAVE several high class subur ban properties along tne Oregon City line for sale or exchange. 404 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Mar. R510 SUBURBAN .ACRE A G E 76 FOUR acre tract. 2,4 under plow and In crop. Small buildings In good repair. Only about 4 blocks from Southern Pacific electric ear. Can be bought for $1300. OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FINEST suburban acreage home to exchange for 6 room modern house. Portland Cooperative Realty Co., 332 Chamber Of Commerce. lhk ACRES good location, fino view, with berries and young fruit, Mult nomah sta.. Oregon Electric. Main 5436. SUBURBAN HOMES r9 hi ACRE and 6 room house, with Dutch kitchen, beamed and paneled dining room, living room, 14x24, with large porch, best view; roses, berries, chicken yard, large lawn; price reason able. Leaving city. Riley Richard At Multnomah, Or. Electric. Main 5436. A MODERN bungalow and hi acre on Canltal hiahwav: 20 minutes from Portland; 6c fare- at Multnomah sta tion: garden and fruits; Bull Run water, electric lights, hot water heat and good school near. Phone Main 411. NEAR OSWEGO LAKE. A corner acre, new log house, water, electric lights, shade trees, Just the summer home you are looking for. U 769, Journal. BARGAIN in one of finest suburban homes around Portland; forced sale. Portland Cooperative Realty Co.. 332 Chamber of Commerce. 1H Acres river front homeslte, west side. Main 6910 FOR SALE FARMS 17 PRUNES are good; we have the best diversified place In Clarke county. 60 acres, 27 acres prunes, good build ings, including silo, fenced and cross fenced, fine home, $15,000; will take some Salem property; balance cash and terms. 20 acres. $2000; $1000 cash, balance 6 yrs. at t. 80 acres, $7000; $3500 cash, balance 6 yrs. at 6. 60 acres. $5000; $2000 cash, balance If yrs. at 6. ir vOu want loan on vour farm It would pay you to see us. We have money in any sum for 3 to 6 yrs. At kinson & Nichols. (11 Main St., Van couver, Wash. A Money Getter 80 ACRES. A great home with steady perma nent Income. Down the Columbia river. Richest quality soil. No overflow. Good buildings, pure water piped, all kinds of fruits, fine fences, etc. 14 full blooded Holsteln cows, regis tered bull, lot of heifers and calves, hogs, horses, poultry, and a very com plete outfit of tools, machinery, etc. Close to town, schools, stores, churches, on state highway. This Is an extraordinary place, and everything Is Included for $12,000. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. St. Charles Hotel. Front and Morrison. FARM SNAPS. Eighty acres, 16 cleared, large bam, small house, Bpring water, 80 acres easy to clear, two miles to railroad, on good road; $2500. Forty acres, 16 cleared, g?od build ings, water piped to house and barn, good orchard, five cows, horse, wagons and farm implements, crushed rock road; $3500; terms. Ten acres, six cleared, house, barn, orchard, well watered, 4 miles from Portland, near Mt. Hood eiectrio line and bardsurfaced road; $3500. SOME CHOICE ACREAGE NEAR CITY AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. A. W. LAMBERT & SON, 404 East Aider st.. corner Orand ave., Portland, Or. 50 ACRES. Tualatin valley. Beaverton, ReedvlUe dlst. hi plowed, bal. slashed and seeded. Fair Improvements. Good orchards. Well stocked with good dairy cows. Team and implements. Take city property $4000 to $5000. bal. cash. Price $10,000. Phone Main 5785 or call room 6, 405 West Park st., evenings. 100 ACRES Willamette valley, fcalf )n grain, bal .pasture; fenced, creeTt, outrange, full set buildings, farm im plements, team, wagons, harnesses, etc.; 10 cows, 15 head young stock, $70 acre for all; $2000, bal. 6. 8-987, journal. FOR SALE 80 acres. &hi mfTes from Oregon City. 4 miles from Canby, lhi miles off Molalla road; best of soil. 30 acres under cultivation. 30 acres easi ly cleared. $2000 cash, balance easy terms. No trade. M-983, Journal. FOR JSALE On easy terms at 6, a selection of any part of 4000 acres alfalfa land, located in the government Umatilla irrigation project near ller miston. Prices $4 to $50 per acre. Uma tilla Farm Land Co.. Ill 3d st. M. 334. 40 ' """ES cheap. Improved and stock ed. Railroad town close. Not far from Portland. Price cut to $2400. Also 10 or 20 acres, driving distance to city, at a bargain. A. K HILL. 419 HENRY BLDG. IRRIGATED LAND. $35 PER ACRE. 160 acres, eastern Oregon, free wa ter rights. All tillable. Fair buildings. $1600 cash. bal. 3 to 5 yrs., 1. U-310, Journal. WHEAT FARM. 480 acres In Klickitat Co.. 400 now In crop, no waste land, good buildings; $45 per acre. BADLEY, 621 Yeon bldg. BY owner, 40 a. improved ranch near Grants Pass; good buildings; Tokay vineyard; grain; $4000. Wm. Jeffers, Murphy, Or. - - ONE of the best dairy ranches In Coos county; very cheap. F. B. Phillips, CoquUle, Or 40 ACRES on sale Columbia highway. 24 acres clear, close in, cheap, 176 Derby Str Cooper O'Neill. .- ACREAGE (Ooatlaaed) FOR SALE FARMS 17 i (Continued) ' 160 ACRES good level land. 100 acre In cultivation, 60 acres fine Irrigated alfalfa, ready to cut; over 600 tons this year; 5 acres more alfalfa being seeded; acres potatoes, one acre onions; small garden, corn, etc. Uma tilla project. 20 years payment plan, on year paid. Good drilled well cased up 6 inch pipe, pumps, all wire fenced; small house, barn and outbuildings, tent house, telenhone, R. F. D 3 miles to store; rood auto road year around; 8 miles north of Hermls ton; 4 good work horses, har ness, wagon, mower, rake, har row and all kinds of Implements such as usually found on ranch. Cement cellar, new tlo, ditches all made for irrigation. Price $13,000; $2000 to $3000 cash, bal ance easy terms. This place is clear of encumbrance and a first class buy. Sea it, 450 acres good black deep soil. 90 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber land rolling, no rock; 75 acres In crops, 15 acres in tame grass, 7 acres in wheat; good well and river; 1 nice spring, good house, old barn, outbuildings, milk route, tele phone; Mi mile to store and school, good roads, hi mile to MarshviUe; family orchard and close to creamery. Price $40.00 per acre; $5000 cash will handle. Balance mortgage. 710 acres black loam, rolling land; 165 acres In cultivation. . balance pasture and timber. Good springs and Yaqulna river. Good fences 8 room 2 story house; hot arid cold water, bath; good barn 44x80 and two other ' barns- blacksmlthshop and other outbuildings . Telephone, good roads. R. R. station on farm. Town of Marshfield. Or. 96 acres In crops.. Price $40.00 per acre: $5000 cash will handle. Both above places can be sold together or separata. Never been offered before; a good buy. The Oregon Home Builders OLIVER K. JEFFERY. President. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. OA in Cultivated, Stocked, Equipped iimv fm km 4zo acres nnest or sou. ai ciearea, 300 In crops. 250 fine bottom land good stream and springs, modern buildings. plenty of stock and equipment. miles good town and R. R.. 65 miles from Portland; no mortgages; crops and everything go at $85 per acre; reasonable tems to right party. S- I, journal. 100 Acres, Stock and Crop 6 room house, 2 barns, machine shed, 50 creek bottom, all in crop; good or chard, all fenced and cross fenced; trout stream, fine spring at house; 5 miles to town and R. R. ; telephone; $100 cream separator, 1 heavy team, lO cows, irfsn, liciiers, aw taivra, a n.ui- s-tein bull, all farm machinery and tool Pvrvthine eoes: nrica $6600. tools, everything goes; price $6600, half each. BUNDY. 411 Henry bldg. . . : : . . L FOR sale or trade. Dy owner. ilo,wagons. hack, buggy, plows, binder. acre stock ranch. 12 miles east of t mower, rakes, cultivators, harows, Fossil, in W heeler .Co.; 80 acres In i dril, fluk mman too,. ato cultivation and meadow, ana more can be cultivated if desired; 680 sheep pasture, all good grass and timber land, 7 room painted house, Z barns and outbuildings, on two county roads, AChool house on place, water piped to house, two creeks and 20 springB; $10 per acre; terms to suit. Address Box 54, Fossil, Or. GOOD DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. iy aeres, au in cultivation a t room house, good barn, chicken house and! otner outDunaings; t mucn cows, 3 heifers, 1 bull. 1 horse, 1 buggy, 1 "u an u-wj implements, u u.3 new, yii-nuiu. This is the finest bottom land in Cowlits valley, only two miles f rom CT(.m at Gehr station. 16 miles iaioad ani 8VeamVoal. nlng' uPrlc1 from Portland; all in cultivation, six $6000; can be had for $4 000 cash and Toom houHe faJr barn, henhouse and Daiance in to years, i-a-d, journal. FOR SALE A bargain, 120 acres 4 miles southeast of The Dalles, Or., ror sutiuo; la acres in rruit, containing 800 cherry trees and 200 prune treen 40 acres under cultivation and l. acres additional tillable. Water on place, and new 6 room modern house. Will sell for $1200 cash, balance cn mortgage security. Inquire Willi! Zachary, 600 W. 8th st Oregon The oaiies, ALL FOR S900. OU HCEC8 JI1 VlttlUe UUUIILy, tVBHri., S miles from Yacolt: 4 room houne. barn 24x48. 2 acres cleared. 400.000 it. timoer, plenty or springs and . creeks; good team and wagon, plow, . harrow, cultivators and saws and all kinds of other small tools, some chick ens; all household goods. You will have to hurry to gel this one. Fred W. German Co.. 73 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE. 13 acres, $1300 cash, improved with 6 room house, barn and. other out buildings; team and harness, chickens, cow, buggy, wagon, cultivator, plow, berries, orchard, running water, 8 acres in crop, R. F. D., tel. and cream routes. HORNBAGK & HOFLICU. 334 Lyon St.. Albany, Or. BEST BUY IN THE COUNTRY. 663 acres in Wasoo county. 200 win ter wheat, 200 summer fallow, balance pasture, two sets buildings, stock and implements, all go for $3a per acre. half down; everything ready 'o run a. ranch of this size. As a buy it can't be beat. bldg. Gill & Dufur, 312 Abington 640 ACRES Near Prineville, Crook county, good stock and grain ranch, well watered, good buildings, outside range, 320 acres can be cultivated. part under cultivation, good fences . 8 rMi J?nlf? &?C-tE2erv&5n.d is an ideal location for stock. Price, . j JJC I a V. . V7 VI,. ...... A C .S 1 , V I CI linger Ding. READY-MADE farms in the famous wheat producing I'ark Valley, Utah. In crop; yield harvest tins year; some with cottages: $22.50 to $32 acre. Un improved virgin land $8 to $15 acre. Abundance water by pumping. our free booklet tells an. Write for it. Continental Land Co.. Salt Lake Cltv. Utah. 40 ACRES Tieard. $125 per acre. 2 3 Aio per acre, ii acrcs ;n cultivation, balance all til able, shack buildlnes. conrt nrchanl ihi miles from Tigard. 13 miles from SS?srU"ni ubmli ny JunK n-etra.ae -D"8is- reo w. merman i-o.. nam. ot com, Journal. IOR SALE At a bargain, 160 acres choice wheat land, mile from Lex ington, Or. This place well impreved; price $11 per acre; must have money. W. Jones. 1623 18th St.. Sacramento, Cal. 50 ACRES OF GOOD LAND. X-T r onrfftra rrta A in It 11 m llatf north of Vancouver, one mile from Heison, couple acres cleared, good soil. Price $1400; about half cash. .acob Haas, Dekyrm bldg. ' 1 ' u o v i i- V v iimtw X ia"3i -'. ' in 1 AM selling wheat lands in the coun- ty which produces 1 per cent of wheat of V. S. for $20 per acre up, and on liberal terms. N. Berkeley, Pen dleton, Or. 120 Acres, $840 Close to" Portland, near electrks sta tion; $340 cash. bal. 5 years, 6 per cent, ciauue coie. sou tienry Diag. 320 ACRE dairy or stock ranch near Corvaiiis; zoo acres cultivated, all buildings,, plenty water, no rocks; $40 per acre; easy terms. For snaps see Kinney. 165& 4th. room IT. ' 40 ACRES south of Hillsboro, $ acre down, balance lft rears, 6 per cent McCulloch, 610 Gerkasar bid. , . - DAinx iarm ior saie, itu acres iou Cole, 300 Henry bldg. acres in cultivation, nouse, barn. . r .rBv HaTrv ranrt T5 mnm erDbUc1rdeia,m3;ro2ut,;eU4- lolJlr,pZ' hs'lance00, mC fetonchoolf 4 mileTfo RR ! f PS- 6 VrZ tion, hi miles to store. Will sell all Jnd-K,262v'r,mf; M11,er8n,p' 431 or Dart. Easy terms. Owner. MY-r.o (Chamber of Commerce. 17 (OoaUaasd) hi ' Cheap Farms Great Prices 40 ACRES, Near Portland, county road, running water. Big snap at $700. Genuine be&verdam. Yamhill county. short distance from Portland, dandy bungalow. Will make living for fami ly. Bar chance at $1750. 160 ACRES. In the sugar beet country near Grants Pass. A pick-up at $8 per acre. 240 ACRES Near Roseburg. Owner, a Boston man, paid $10,000 for It. Oant coma to coast and places with us for sale at $6000. 12 ACRES. Country home place. Just a little ways east of Portland, near Damascus. $2000. We guarantee that they can't be beaten anywhere for the money. ST. CHARLES' LAND CO. St. Charles Hotel. Front and Morrison. 149 ACRES near ReedvlUe, 18 miles from center of Portland, 80 acres cleared, old buildings, all good land, can be sold for $116 per acre on rea sonable terms. Best equipped stock ranch on the coast, fine buildings, fine orchard, 6 springs on this place, water piped to buildings. 400 acres deeded, 640 acres leased that goes with the place, also a large amount of out range controlled by this ranch. This is an Ideal stock ranch and will be sold or exchanged for city property at $50 per acre. 960 acre wheat ranch, 600 In wheat, 800 in cultivation, good buildings, good well and gas pumping plant. 16 head of fine mares; implements; price $18,- 000, cash 16000, balance to suit, b'c. 214 HENRY IDEAL PROFITABLE DIVERSIFIED "HOMT1 RANCH" (130 ACRES) NEAR OOLDENDALE. WASH. ALL FENCED. ABOUT 70 IN CROP, SMALL OR CHARD. GOOD BUILDINGS, BARN. ETC. LIVE CREEK AND SPRING. GOOD ROADS. R. F. D. GOOD MAR KETS. GOOD NEIGHBORS. GOOD CLIMATE. CROP FAILURE UN KNOWN. SPECIALLY SUITED FOR WHEAT DAIRY. HOGS. POULTRY, TURKEYS. WILL CONSIDER HOUSE AND LOT, OR SMALL ACREAGE grjME) AS FIRST PAYMENT. BAL. j0 YEARS TO PAY. PRICE $K500. SEE THIS; MAKE OFFER. YOU WILL BE piEASED WITH THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME PLACE. ALL IN CROP, READY TO MOVE IN. SEE OWNER. AD- press C EPPINGER, P. O. BOX 222, portand The price. Including all stock and Implements, Is $75 per acre. Near Albany. 130 acres are in crop. T . - -flr,d aU I fine, very e'Pnt. ! buildings, s lO. bar."8, outbuildings. 19 pure bred Holsteln cows, regis tered bull. 10 Holsteln heifers, several other cows. 7 horses, 2 colts, zo nogs. lt Kv far th pharMt bur In Or- epon. Land alone is worm io per acre. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. . St. Charles Hotel. Front and Morrison War Is Here War on high prices for land In Ors- of the result: j6o acres, near small town in Jose- Dhine countv: 40 acres can be cultl vated, 15 can be irrigated, running wuter on place, bal. Is timber; price j5 p,- acre. Clear or OePt. . park You ca mak money growing berries on this place. Owner refused $3300 In 1914. Price only $1600, $600 cash E. B. BARBER. '1009 Spalding bldg. 1160 Acres, $9280 On cro In cultivation, balance posture with some timber, 12 miles i from county seat town, wen waterea, i water for Irrigating tne 200 acres. HUUIte O IVUHIS, m J Hvii unw.n, fi.v., including crops In ground. $9280, of which $5000 can run 6 yrs.. 6 per cent. Chittenden & Neill 310 Oak Et. FOR SALE 160 acres Zhi miles from Lyle: 65 in cultlvauon; 16 acres orchard; 100 acres tillable when cleared. $7000. hi cash, balance 8. 200 acres of timber and brush land 9 miles from Lyle; Ihi acres 6 year old apple trees some buildings. For sale or trade for auto, 40 acres in Catlow valley, Or. Price $600 Homer H. James, Iyle, Wash BUY FIVE ACRES and plant part in loganberries. They thrive in Oregon and ran be -profitably raised for lulcs ot for drying. We have cleared bench nnd bottom lands, one mile to Kool valley railroad town; finest soil, creeks ; " ur .uh hm... i and s : down $10 month; unimproved lands at u Let us show you. J. R. Sharp, 3d st room 557. Portland. Or. 20 ACRES NEAR SI". HELENS CAN NERY. $600. Deep rich soil, large stream of ifeater, hard-surfaced roads, good schools, 60o boat fare from Portland: will sell any part of 160 acres at same price per ST. HELENS LUMBER CO., 517 Cham , bPr ot CommerCe Bldg.. Main 9313. acre ana give easy terms it aesirea A GENUINE FARM BARGAIN. 120 acres, all tillable, hi now in high state of cultivation, rood buildings, woven wire fences, rock road (1 miles to good town. Price cut from $9000 to $6200 for quick sale. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 303 Stock Exchange Bldg io PER acre. SO miles t Portland 180 acres timber, 100. open land, near od town, school. Roads and transpor- - V.Vt ;.n,-K:A i laiiUll u y ava.- anu ihui w 1 a t xr- m " u r. Or COmimasiuiiB. iciuim. a-i? '""'" Acre Wheat Farm $1600 I 80 acres in wheat, near Condon i qln1,m cou.nty; $600 Cash, Claude TWO 100 acre farms for sale in Polk county. One improved, the other not. Near town and high school. Fine land. To settle estate, write to VY. L. walk er. Joseph, Or. FOR SALE or trade, 160 acres of wheat land In Morrow county, in the artesian water district. For fur ther Information write Mrs. R. E. Kv- mall. y i erett, amnun, t. 1 480 ACRES, all tillable. 300 acres in i cultivation. 65 acres in alfalfa, dwelling, two story, bams, corrals, i u ii t uiii rs, . it v oivi , waiiio, - v I afti a, , Kod well with windmill; price $20 per acre. E-943. Journal. FOR SALE) 120 acres in 40 acrtMracts at $15 per acre; well watered by creeks and springs; close to town, 'to R. R. and county road. Address. J. A. Williams, i aeon, wasn, Z'JO ACRES. 280 acres tillable. 85 acres In cultivation, all fenced; . govd house, adjoining extensive range; price $10 per acre. F-692. Journal. - LINCOLN county, 10 acres partly Im proved. 4 miles from Elk City, tor Steele and dairy purposes. Box 40. Pio-p-er. Or. " - - - ' 34 ACRES, 200 ready for plow, laL ' 3.000,000 ft. timber, with all bnild-lnt-a. IC-67, Journal, FOR SALE FARMS cmsTEH mm 246 Acres 17 (Continued) S20 ACRES. Formerly owned and developed by & wealthy man for a country home. The buildings are the finest that money could produce. Cost over $12,000, land all choice. BMne location near Portland. The finest country home in this section. Completely stocked and equipped, $45,000. Clear. What do you offer for it? 1075 ACRES. Completely stocked and oqulrip" stock ranch. Carries a 69c bank loan of $16,000. Price, stock Included $40. 000. What do you offer for It 7 2000 ACRES. Big stock ranch, stocked and Quipped. Large number of stock. Incumbrance $20,000 Price $65,000. What do you offer for ltT We also have a number of smaller places for city property, etc. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. St. Charles Hotel. Front and Morrison. FOR RENT FARMS 14 OWNER must sell before Tuesday night stock tools and lease on 40 acres north of Vancouver, close to good town and railroad. 14 acres cleared. cron In, good buildings; 2 cows milk ine. 1 fresh In June. 1 heifer. 1 hog, chickens, 2 horses, single and double harness, buggy, farm wagon, plow, disc barrow, tooth harrow, cream separator and small tools. On cream route and R. F. D. CheaD rent. Rent naid to Deo. 1. Price $400. Half cash will handle. No trades. Take Earhart's Manor stage at stage depot. Vancouver, 11 a. m. Fare 50 cents. Ask for Noon. FARM FOR RENT Stock for sale. harm on Willamette river 9 miles from Portland. 40 acres planted, 22 acres oats. 6 acres potatoes, 6 acres cabbage: rent $100. $1000 for stock and Implements and crop. Inquire 204 hi Alder st. C. C. YeU & Co. Tele phone Marshall 289. DA1RY ranch, good team. Implements and 19 head of stock for sale cneap. Inquire quick. L. H. Wagar, Hebo, Or. ACRES, improved with crops, on harrt rnftff ha. r PArt unn K milPI Bandstone, itlllsdale. Or. FAUMS WANTED HIONT Oil BUY 38 WE have cash customers for farms from 20 to 50 acres. Improved: price must be right; full details in first Ut ter or no notice taken. McKenzle & Co.. 61 S Gerllnger bldg HONEST, able farmer wants equipped ranch on shares for term or years; guarantee results. Have security. U 990, Journal. GOOD equity in modern cottage for stock and lease. Would trade for farm equity or flrnt payment on small ranch. is-7rj. Journal. WANTED To rent a good farm for this fall; would buy or trade city property for stock and Implements. K-965, Journal. WANTED To hear from owner of aood farm for sale. Bend description and cash price. It. O. List. Minneapo lis. Minn. WANTED Improved ' stock ranch In Oregon, on coast; must do a Dar- gain. SX-7B9. journal WANT 40 acres between Forest Grove and Portland. U-103, journal. FIU'IT LANDS FOK SALE 45 7H ACHE bearing apple and walnut orcnard. vamnni, ur, i.v uun. J-776, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 160-Acre Relinquishment 4 miles from town good soil, lies level, fin water, plenty timber, good for alfalfa, 6 acres In crop last year, partly fenced. Price $260. GOOD homesteads that Join lies close to neighbors. Price $150 each. 411 Henry bldg J i25 will locate you on good home stead; Portland about 40 miles, Vhi miles to store and boat landing, wltn good settlement; most easy to clear, with 4 good springs and waterfall. &oy good soil. 422H-lt Ht. 80 ACRE homestead relinquishment for sale or trade at a bargain. Land lava well .nd will make a good home. Unimproved, but easy cleared and not too far back, D. W. Gardner. Box 346, Kalama, Wash, 1 HAVE several fine homesteads and relinquishments very cheap; cl se to good town. Open Bunaay, jo couch bldg. Main 4613, WILL LOCATE party on homestead worth $3500. near Roseburg, for sec. ond hand Ford or motorcycle la good condition. Box 81, Plliarj, or. FOR SALE, homestead close to Tilla mook. N-776, Journal. EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 24 FOR SALE or exchange, 31$ acres Willamette valleyi hi cultivated, bal tni timber. 33 miles from Portland, $25,000; 1-3 Interest income business and office brick building, Idaho, value 6000; 90 shares bank stock, Idaho, 13.000: consider stock range, hard ware aeneral stock or what have you lor either or all; write fully. LX-940 journal 1 10.000 CLEAR business uronerty; take unimproved land, suitable Mock, part payment. $b000 clear, 25 room hotel bldg., for nt Kite, atresia, etc. Exchanges, houses, lots, farms, build ings, etc. CHAS. RINGLER A CO.. 228 Hanrv bid. FOR EXCHANGE Want southern Cal ifornia for any or all: 18 acre orchard. Improved. Ash land $10,000 82o acres wheat land, improved, Crook county $16,000 820 acres heavy timber. Lane Co. $1 2,000 For quick deal, address S-791, Jour nal. 8H8 ACRES sraln. fruit, or dairy farm. 4 miles from Albany, spring water piped to buildings; want smaller farm. cash, income in caiem or romano, good terms on balance. Give particu lars in first letter. No agents. U. F. 1). 2. Box 135. Albany. Or. 18 ACRES all in cultivation, value $2600. Want house for equity $1600. "432 acres. 3 sets Of buildings, 100 acres cultivated; railroad through place; 4U acre; income city property. "tfAiEWUUU," itft tn. MY newly furnished hotel is clearing $850 per month. It Is one of the most rl,oal)l noerated hotels in the city; will trade for a well Improved $9000 farm, close In. I will assume up ao $'sno. r;-54. journal. WANTED Portland property or acre tract for 30 acres near Payette, Uiho Water riaht for land, but un- plowed. Also lots in Kansas City and BPringrieia. Missouri, to traue. n. W Havden. Prineville. Or. CLOSE IN HOME FOR FURTHER OUT. Nice house in Hawthorne district on $5x100 for 6 or 8 room bouse on 60x 100 to 100x100. G) Dorr B. Keasey & Co., 232 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD clear grocery and confectionery, etc., doing cash business, some in come property and 5 acres, for small equipped rancn: mignt assume some. Owner. U-308, Journal. FOR SALE. $500 acuity in 4 room bouse and cor ner lot. 659 KlUIngsworth. for $250 cash, or 83Z5 mommy payments. 624 Kiinngswortn. pnone worn. 849. TO EXCHANGE for Improved small farm home tract near Portland or electric line, 80 acres unimproved; good farming land; 2 miles from Hosier, Or. T-789, journal. EQt'iT in 160 acres 8. Dak., for good auto: mortgage $1500. 4 yrs. st 8, or tor good vacant lots. E-963, journal. 2 LOTS 50 by 100 each, with S room house, barn, wood shed and some fruit for sale, or trad ror acreage near scnooi. journal. $1000 equity close In lota for auto. aereage or rooming house. G-976, Journal. WELL drilling; tnacnin for,' lots' or acreage. rj-in. journal. ,- IMPROVED 76 acres, stock Qid crops, Am 1 A U a M J n.i .... . 1 FOR SALE FARMS lEf kXGNAHCES EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE (Continued) YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. TO CHANGE. 100 acres all in cultivation and 1 crop; good 7 room house and good bar room lor So head of stock, family ore1 ard, and price Includes the followl. personal property, team, wagon, blnde mower, rake, disc, barrow, drag har row. interest in riding cultivate walking- cultivator, spring tooth flu row. grain drill. 27 head of high ral Jersey cowm, 9 hogs, cream separate take resldencnie property In Portia" and the crop now on the place. Wi. take residence prooerlv In Portln.ii, and good vacant lots for part want i nitie casu win give time on paiano- at . price $18,600. This farm ha fine location on main county road. miles from McMlnnvllle. ' MMlSNVILbK LA NT) CO,' ' MoMlpnvllle, Oregon. WANT TO RETIRE. ' . If you have a small suburban plac. well Improved up to $10,000 I wil trade my 100 acre dairy farm, TO acre under plow, balance pasture, Jus enough oak for fuel: running Watei and springs, S hi miles from red else tile, 39 jiiilea from Portland; goo. barn and other outbuildings, 8 house 6 head of cattle, good team, chicken-1 and hogs, all farm machinery; 13,600 My farm Is clear of debt. D. Mo Chesney. 603 Tltlo & Trust bldg. Mali 8477. - ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fo southern property. 20 acres near Oar line, 5 miles from Gresham, excallen soil, slightly rolling. 11 acres oleareti spring water In house, good barn lumber for new bouse, 100 4 year-old apple trees; albo old Or cnard; all kinds of small fruits; crop' til In; team. 4 cows, hogs, chicken agon, buggy, mower, raks, dlso plow.1 cultivator, etc.; must sacrifice on ac count of health. Lea Bull. R. 1, Bor lt'g.. Or. . j HIGHLY Improved farm of (49 act 3 miles from city of Macleod, Al berta; fine buildings, good wei.; i"1 acres crop with land; wmit City feve-' iue property up to $20,000. ; i Several thousand acres of cheap lajm In central Oregon, clear of debt, to city revenue property and will assuttm. CASCADES A READEN. -. Canadian and Oregon Lands. v i 207 Ry. Exchange. , " ! GREAT HOTEL OPPORTUNITY ' 1 will trade thin hotel, the only one in a good town and doing a nloe bum-ne-8. for Portland or farm property: 8 story structure, ill well furnished noms. attractive dining room, good uuarters for owners: store room on ground floor. Am a single man; mane irranKcnient dUIlciilt lor tne. BM i'. MeCheHnoy. 6U3 Title & Trust bldg I Mnln 3477. ' i i. ' 120 ACRES ESTACADA LINE- ( 30 acres cultivated! lots pasture, lots cordwood. 4o0 cords cut right at sta-! tion, about 20 head cows and your.i- cattle, good team, about 1000 acre outrange, fine dairy proposition, . i hnc on inn in auto road, new set good buildings, water piped, all implements; take some city property, somo oase. i- time. . , , , . JACOB HAA3, DfKUm oiag;, SALE or trade good farm for prune. loganberries or diversified larming, 250 cultivated, 70 acres wood pasture: m room house, lai ire barn, on gravel rn.il A tnlli. from Salem: clear --of debt. Can be divided in 3 farms. Give good terms or trade for vaney siocn ranch wltn plenty ostrange. cee wwij- er. 921 N. vv. nans oing. CMl'JAP m i .;i. i Alton. i 223 acres Kings Valley, Benton countv, 4V4 miles from wren sta,; id it u I ci in mm, i - -- r " . KO acres good timber- small house and barn; deep, black soil; running water; fenced In. Price $20 acre. Would tage house at $2000 pa it payment. Goddaril A Wledrlc-k, 243 Stark St. 430 A. FARM CALIFORNIA,4 . War Rant Cruz 100 acres In culti vation, running water, fair building". ( 1800 ft. elevation, fine sea view. Idenli climate. 130.000; want Oregon prop- )ity. i it;: R. F. FEF.MSTT.R, :ini Ahtnston bldg. ' . WANT well Improved farm in Wll- lamette volley rree rrom encum brance In exchange, for Income 0uw ness property In Portland, price ,- 000; no encumbrance. UoUdara -H Wledrlck, 243 Stsrk st WILL TRADE for house in city and assume IT necessary, improvw . acres, 6 room house, nearly new; tU! miles east of court house; 12 mui-! utes walk to car; cash value $8600. 1 V.RlQ Iniirnal ' i ' " 1 ....... .... . ,; "WANT 1 or ii acres with good sraaU j house, 5 to 8c rare rrom roruanu. not over $2500, in exchange for mod- j r.riftniFA In nentra -Of Ed ' monton, Civnnda, name price; rental $15. ; Goddard A Wledrlck. 248 Stark st. Want country town hoti&l, s t-.rh.nm 9 hnuaeii nice lot. Silt fenced, pries $1800. The price of this property Is right and the pHea ,01 ! yours must be. See photo at ornce or Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. Corn. SALE, EXCHANGE Canada Whent I anu, zu-ji-vv t'Hl I Hinn, t.ovmnta Wn n I 4-flat huildtUC 'Of small stock ranch. Wash., Oregon, Ct, west of Caacades. 11. Monroe, ureutsr ton. Wash, Owner. . ,- J. CALIFtJHNIA-ORKUON a . Pronertlea of all kinds and slseS for lntercTiange. See or write us. . U. n. MOitTUAiiia iiv. , 607 Yeon bldg. 20 ACRES near Oregon city, bKl linnrnv.il nn irood road valua I2000i mtg. $500, to trade for Portland, and, asaume. . HETTER BEE OAQB, 243 FIFTH fSJ- IMPROVED 5 ACH&S. "jv 10 miles out. near eiectrio car, rood, nrin. tioan. Taka clear lots or small tiouse to $1300. 309 AblngtOU bldg. WE have a first mortgago $1000. one first mortg nge 1400, 3 oU In Port land clear Want a small farm welt located. McKenzle & Co.. 516 Gerllngsr bldg. ... ..; LEVEL 20 acres near North Yakima,' Wash., value $200. mtg. 100, to trade, for Portland property, and WW assume. ... ILiVM dandy modern 6 room homi, value 12600, to trade for other bouse or land or whatT . , UETTKR 8EE OAUE, za rinn m 38 ACRES of land at Hood River. ,CU -of debt. Value $1500, to trade fori equity In house and lot. 11. F. Cover, 84 Union ave. -m- WANT city property for well located. farms, we havs some very nlo places in the valley. - McKensle Co., 615 Gerllnger bldg. TRADES of all kind a property;, ou match any proposition at alL , ' -Notary Pui.llc, Exchangee mjrapeelaltT.i BETTER SEE GAGE. 248 FIFTH HT, EJCCHANOK for automobile or cash;, timber on 20 acres lolninjr ArgyU; Park, Portland, or sell land; tertna. Owner, box 265, wuiamina, ur, wiNTun ttmall house and lot or lend up to $2000 1-n exchange for my fine 8 room home, close In, restrieted' district. S37 East 11th st. south." . E'CITY In 8 lots, near Sellwood oar line, on Holgate St.. for sale, or trade for farm Inside ten miles of city. - 867, Journal. . 15 ACRES, highly Improved, stock and : machinery, close in. Want Portland $6000 home, walkinf distance 'tr gQ2. Journal. : : ;: BEARING apple and walnut orchard. Yamhill. Or., for bungalow or' mora land. Owner, 1J-B94, Journal. , ": FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 room house ; and lot in NeWberg-. What have you? Sell, 1182. '-'r:IS, TWO pieces of property to Jtrado for- v.. .,11 n hmia. nnxmimt Ad it ran a ' 4121 60th ave.. B. E-. Portland. 80 ACRES, uncleared, free of la:um branos. Will trade for house. Silt E. Taylor st. city. 6 rifKlVi house. 75x100 lot. several, i H,.X1. " 4.'. fruit trees, to trade for f arm. , In-, quire 18a. Borrage st. " j 1EN or 20 acres, Hsrmlston. Under c irrigation, for auto, lota or bouse. ana loin, uwiiti -u p . .wmn. i.ifiHT 7 nBB.. elec. lights and starter. for lots, worth 81000. L-646. Journal. -SPLENDID property for rooming' house, grocery or auto. Tabor T4, - 10 ACRES. 16o fare, good soli, for'-i cash end good car. N-888, Journal : . (Ooatianed oa Vest Xafe) v , ' j