TkE 'OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1916. 4 5 ! -GATHER ON SUNDAY; -.Forthcoming Tournament to . Be Thirty-third Annual Ses- "Winged M Boy Gains 38.2 In. Values of Atliletics Is Revealed James W. Lively, 13-year-old Junior leader of the Multnomah Am, teur Athletic club, who has shown wonderful development during the last eight month under the training of Professor J. Lee Thompson, the gymnasium director. Accompanying chart shows gains made by Lively. All girth measurements are figured upon the basis of one-sixteenth of an.tncfa. '. FESTIVAL EVENT FEATURE gaoler axony-Back System Will B. TTssA and Vrls TrophUs Will B. Shot Pr Eaoh Bay. One week hence, scatter gun artists 'of all parts of the Pacific coast will assemble at the Everding Park traps of th Portland Gun club to participate 'In th practice event of the thlrty-sec-; end annual trapshootlng tournament of ' the Sportsmen's Association of the Northwest. A record breaking number , Of entries Is expected in each event of the program, the feature of which Is Wi Rose Festival event on the last day Of the tournament. There Is an endless chain of Interest In. the tourney this year. Headed by President Allen W. Strowger. several members of the board of directors of ths. Portland Gun club visited Albany, " Spokane and Seattle during tourneys held In those towns and between events passed out boosts for the northwest tourney. Installs Concrete Traphouses. - To handle the big entry list, the Portland Uun club nas installed ioiw , of the latest type of traphouses. Work , on these IS being rushed so that they will V, I n V. 1 ..... n4 Minrklnff nrrtav Kv ' ths middle of this week. The new trap houses will each hold 30,000 targets. : Qne of the big drawing cards of this yeaf s tournament Is the Squler money- j . back system, which will prevail in all j ' regular events. This system Is well 'liked by shooters of all classes and It; Is believed that on account of the In- Stallatlon of this system many more Shooters will enter. Nine trophies, among which are some Of the most highly valued medals in competition in the United States, will bs shot for, three events being sched- j Uled for each day. The regular program j State's Champions Her.. " Frank Troeh. winner of the Wash-V-'.lngton state championship title, and 'Pete O'Brien, champion of Oregon, will, a m t' vi ir I )i it itnnt.atnntl in tht var- I lous events. Among the other out-of-I town shooters who will enter are: C. ' ".-A. O'Connor, of Spokane; Hugh Mc- i - Elroy, Spokane; C. E. McKelvey, Seat-I tie; W. J. Houser, Fomeroy, Wash.; .' Mark Slddall. Salem; J. A. Dague. Ta- ! coma; C. E. Owens, Wenatchee; C. J. Chlngren, Hpokane; P. P. Nelson, Yac Olt; WV M. McCornack. Eugene; Fred ' ' Butler, Lewlston; Mark Rlckard, Sa lem; M. Grossman! Seattle; Dennis I Iloloban, Burley, Idaho; L. H. Barkley, i i Seattle, and Charles Lelth Woodburn. The number of lady participants this j year will surpass all previous records, ' Mrs. 0. A, O'Connor and Mrs. Fred i ; Dryden of Spokane, Mrs. C. J: Shilling ! Of Portland, Mrs. K. II. Keller of Port-, r land and Miss Gladys Keid of Portland ' rtbslng among the entrants. Through the efforts of President (Our Jim) Simpson and Secretary Wal ter Q.'Hufford, the Stevenson, Wash., Gun club will stag, a beginner's tourn . ament June 25. J. St. Martin won the final shoot for a prise donated by H. R. Everding, ex r president of the Portland Gun club, de. featlng Charles Zeigler and J. K.. '. Simpson. A. salmon bake will be staged at the . Skamania county fair grounds July 16. f ? 4 4 My t S If H h ? A ' V - y i f4 r: - t v y V i immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamtsmm, hMvrjaM&M , .nSSSa I II lAl I Results NDICA1NS PO NT TO THE GREATEST STATE TOURNAMENT IN GOLF Exceptionally Low Scores Are Expected by Close Follow ers of Old Scottish Sport, Klem t . He H Ckases as McGraws t t n t Jolin and Goat st at Gang ft. WILHELM HAS RIVALS Stat Champion Will rind Different Mettle This Season In Competition; Mrs. Kerr Has 'Chance to WEIGHT HEIGHT ARM REACH 3 4 BREADTH V DEPTH, ! to N I I I Measurements lit Meat STERNUM PUBIS SHOULDERS 757 CHEST WAIST HIPS 0T CHEST ABDOMEN OIRTH, NECK CHEST, DEF. INF. NOR. WAIST HIPS R. BICEPS h. BICEPS R. ARM L. ARM R. ELBOW L. ELBOW R. FOREARM L. FOREARM R. WRIST L. WRIST R. THIGH L. THIGH R. KNEE L. KNEE R. CALF h. CALF R. INSTEP I. INSTEP IGRIP, R. HAND L. HAND UPULL UP tLUNO C CAPACITY iJL 2A 9,S 7UJL 7JQ 113- 3k 3 2nd Meas. ML LhJL it 9. LOJL 4- 1. L 7Z3L JJLML W7 jlL J2- 1, Z.I 3 OJt. .S Zi. J-L. 3. Special Szerdssr Indications are that the annual Oregon state golf championships, to be played over the course of ' the Waverley Country club, starting a week from tomorrow, will be the big pest state tournament ever held. In- , terest In the coming events is higher than It has been since the introduc tion of the game here. Followers of the game expect ' that some exceptionally low scores will be turned In, despite the fact that many Improvements have been made on the Waverley course. j Rudolph WIlheTm, holder of the state championship, and Russell : Smith, former title holder, are favor ites, although a number of those who have been watching other local players In action believe that many surprises will be sprung in this year's Play. M. H. Hartwell and Guy Standi fer are playing good golf and if they should get away to a good start they will make the "going" pretty hard for the favorites. Forrest Wat son is also expected to play in bril- i liant style In this season's tourney. Mrs. Peter Kerr Is the present ! woman's champion, and she has an excellent chance to retain her title. It is expected that the women's entry this year will be greater than in the past. ' I The entry list In the men's cham- ' plonh1p will close June 3. Chairman I C. Harry Davis of the tournament ; committee will arrange the pairings before next Sunday. Jawn McGraw and associate Giants have come to the unalterable conclu sion that lynching is too mild a form of dissolution for Bill Klem. Every time the New Yorkers think of Bill their thoughts are of the variety that would merit them 40 years In Jail If they uttered them. "And to think that Bill could be fo rurie to us after what I ald about him less than two years ago," moans Jawn. 'Tis strange. A brace of summers back Jawn remarked, so that all the . world might hear, that "Bill Klem Is the best umpire in the game." j No Refinement in Him, j Xow one would naturally conclude ! that Bill would be sort of nice and i refined in his attitude toward the : Giants after that remark. But in stead, Bill has been uncommonly rude and harsh. Almost from the day that Jawn handed Bill a boost, Bill has been handing Jawn and his Giants quite a large number of Jolts. Most umpires feel that they have done a day's work when they efface one or two players from the frolic. ' But on two separate and distinct 'occasions Bill 'has shooed the entire bench warming crowd of Giants to the clubhouse. Picks on Giants Alone. ! "And he ain't done that to any of the other guys," wails Jawn. A summer or fo ago the hated word "Catfteh" floated from the Giants' bench and landed on Bill's ears. Iow If there is one word that BUI hates it's "Catfish." Bill glared at the bench to find the party who had cast "catfish" adrift. But when he looked all was serene. Bill had Just resumed his umpiring chores when a chorus of "Catfish! catfish! Oh, you cat fish," smote him upon his aound re ceivers. Bill leaped hurriedly In the dlrec- WEEK IMPORTANT IN SCHOLASTIC DIAMOND tion of the Giant bench. He scanned each face in an effort to find a guilty one. But he was unable to single out the culprit. So j ZTon. Was an Innocent. j "Get you! Get out!" he shrieked at the whole squad of bench warmers. Bill, you see, worked on the theory that all men are guilty until they prove themselves innocent. "Mean me?" asked a chorus. "All of you! The whole danged bunch. Get out! To the clubhouse! Raus! Beat it." And 20 strong, the Giant reserves in lock step fashion, ambled across the field to the clubhouse. Sid it Again in Bsantowa. Just the other day In" Boston the arbitrator duplicated that feat. He started the" show by excommunicating "Red" Dooin, who grated on Bill's sensitive nerves by his coaching tac tics. An inning or two later Bill de cided the Giant benchites were a bit too noisy. Bill loomed up before the bench. "Silence!" he thundered. For an . inning or two silence reigned. And then one of te work ing Giants accomplished a brilliant play. A salvo of, aplause rang out from the Giant bench. It was re peated. Incidentally, it annoyed Bill. Avaunt, T. Hoodlums I "Begone!" he bellowed at the bench ites. Several demurred. They asserted they had taken no part In the hurrah ing. "Out! Out! Get thee out of my sight each and everyone of you!" hissed Bill, majestically. And 15 Giant bench warmers tramoed to the clubhouse. That left the nine playing Glints , and McGraw on the field. Jawn had escaped discharge with the general squad because he was absent. II SET; TENNIS SLACK Schedule Calls for Finish by June 5, bu Postponed Con tests Will Extend It, TWO TIED FOR LEADERSHIP Bamoto Clianos for Setup Senior Tonnla Tourney and Track Most Cans. 2.Uy. BOY CHAMPION IDEA IN TENNIS IS NOT NEW ONE Three of Titleholders Scored Before They Were Twen ty Years Old. "Kelly Golf" will be inausrurated at the Waverley Country club Dec oration day. This tourney Is expected i to attract a large number of the : Waverley members. In the ea.-t ' "Kelly Golf" Is very popular. i The fact that no chanee will be i iV. . . . , ,, made In the dftte of the Post-Western ! The thri!15n& victory of W illiam M. golf championships to be stapred on Johnston In winning the national the Waverley links the week follow- ' championship honors last September t'hTI1"! Amat?r tournament ' ft tne raem0rable battles In which at Del Monte, insures the northwest- . . T. , ,r T1 . . a groat assemblage of high class h defeated arl H. Behr, R. Noma players. A large number of Callfor- Williams, 2d, and Maurice E. McLough nians have signified their intention i,n afforded food for the by champiun ?n V,tinaVngtt!2 theft0urne theory, savs an eastern critic. A new west Pr entered wn, M - dawning In the lawn tennis rntrV Vm elo, o th- ,ni 5 of country. Those who have re- C Harrv nv 1r n , 1 cently studied the records closely find th"JSL f .J" 7. complete , h b champion- idea may be ouraament h T,,' VS.-j? State ! moved tack a good many years. lrfn I J. 7, 8U(r; Out of the 14 men who have won & t.TS i Pr e'the American national singles cham the coast as to the best methods of pjjp tille three scored before they . were 20 years of age. The surprising The Portland Golf club will stage thing about this trio is that not one a Visitor's Yay tournament : on its ' of the men may be counted as of the links next SUnday. Each member is present generation of players. John requested to bring a visitor to the ston, the brilliant Callfornlan and pres links on that day. O. H. Becker ent holder of the championship, in has donated a club as a prize to the ' point ot years is fourth on the list visitor making the lowest score. Sev- j William A, learned stands as of the eraJ other prizes have been offered ' most advanced age when he gained by other members of the elub. the title, and the fact must always The qualifying round of the 1915 I be remembered that Lamed never won Directors' Cup tournament of the S the honors through a challenge matou. Lamed Is the only other holder of the championship whose record shows that he was older than Hovey when he first wore the laurels. Lamefi's first victory was In 1907, and at that time he had passed his twenty-eighth birthday by several months. By Walter Schade. The 1916 interscholsstlo baseball sea son is rapidly drawing to a close. The schedule calls for the last game of the season to be played Monday, June 6, but because of the poor weather the teams encountered in the first part of the season It has been necessary to postpone several games. Although the list calls for only four more games, there still remain three or four post poned games. It is Doubtful if all the games can be played by ths scheduled date, but if the weather remains clear It is probable that the season will be over by June 10. The coming week, will be an impor tant one In deciding woo will have thi right of claiming the championship. Columbia university and Lincoln high are now tied for the league leadership, each having played an equal number of games and each having been unde feated. This week two games must be played before ths winner of the trophy can be definitely decided, the Uncoln Jefferson game and the Lincoln-Columbia game. Should Jefferson defeat Lincoln and C61umbia also defeat Lincoln. Columbia will have the undisputed claim to the championship. Should Lincoln defeat Jefferson the title will be between Lin coln and Columbia. However, if Jef ferson defeats Lincoln and Lincoln de feats Columbia, the three schools will "ZIP" M0LLWITZ;; CALLS UMPIRE AND LOSES JOB While Cincinnati First Sabker Adorns Bench Chase Goes ' in to Fill Place, New York, May 27 Did sn enelsnt poet named Krowde have "V,lp" MolWj wits in mtnu when lie penned: "How rash, how ln'onsldernie Is rags! Hew wretched, oh', how fatal i8 out! When to revenue precipitate we run! Revenge, that still with double forct recoils Back on itself, and in lf own revengi While to the short lived moraentan Joy Succeeds a train of woes, an ags ol lurnienLs: a ip sougiu revenge upon an um plre some short time ago and promptljj was "slmed" from the frolic. Up tt mat very moment "Zip" had cincb the first basitiK jb ror the Clnclnnat Red a But now tis different! The enforced silence of Mollwlt brought Hal chase into the spotllghtl it gave me -I'eeriess one" a chan& to show whether he ws still a atari Up to that moment there was SOIH' doubt. There is none now Chase ha batted at a remarkable ciin and ha I fielded with the same brilliancy thai made nim the brightest sor In thl first basing firmament some year ago. be tied for the ficai honors. Thtil though possible, is unlikely to happen The past week has brought forth bt very little action In the interscholastll tennis circle. Lincoln high school I which is holding It tryout tournil I ments on Multnomah's courts, has bee unable to use the courts the past wee aB the asphalt has been imcd In ths tei nls tournament now being conduct by the Multnomali tluli At Wnshin ton and at Jefferson there have alt been but very few sets played becauj of preparations for the track and flsii meet which was held on Mult noma field last Friday. The interscholast tennis tournament will be held In tl early part of June, but the exact daj have not yet been chosen. The tobaccos JFattma Z&ould cigarette good that maf(e go into any Cobb's Failure to Hit Cause of Slump Detrblt, Mich.. May 27. (U. P.) Answering the question, "What is the matter with the Tigers Hughey Jennings declared A gain of 38.2 Inches over all and 16 pounds In weight in eight months is ths wonderful record established by James W. Lively, one of the leaders Of the Junior boys' gymnasium class of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club, have taken September time he weighed pounds. Today he over 110 pounds. 21. 1915. At that a little over 94 tips the beam at He has Increased his grip in his right hand 32 pounds and in his left hand 20 pounds. Professor Thompson was very much Other members of the class pleased with the success of his new ISO shown great Improvement system and he plans to keep a record Portland Golf club opened yesterday and will close Tuesday afternoon. It ia expected that over one-half of tho club membership will participate ia this tourney. under the new training In- di- Ty Cobb's failure to round into form tias been largely responsible for De troit's present position. But, he added, ths Georgia peach is sure to find his batting eye sooq. ' "Ty is one of those wonderful nat ural hitters who will keep right on hit ting the ball, long after he loses his legs, his fielding ability and everything )lse but that old batting eye," he said. "I am not worrying about his slump. Xt Is merely delaying our start." Jennings said he believes the Ameri can league Is faster now than for sev eral years. Casey May Replace Ilowell. Seattle. Wash., May J7 (U. P.) TXmpire Harry Howell la slated to de part from the Northwestern league. His work has been, unsatisfactory. Perls Casey is mentioned as a successor. Casey umpired In this league last sea son. He Is now playing Sunday ball in Portland. system ' Manager augurated last year by athletic today that rector. Professor J. Lee Thompson. way," said Thompson, "to keep Lively s first measurements were I boys interested in their work. of every boy that Joins the various classes each season. "Tills is one the Learn Tra.p-Shooting ' 'HE universal sport that appeals to both nim mad 1 I all age Evorywofaan should A I know how to wm a gun for I ' J the protection of heraelf mad ,ysl Jir horn. Psslslis Trmpshpoting at clay targots teach accamto shooting mad pro vides no end of oat door sport. Western Golfers to Follow Woodland New York, May 27. (IT. P.) West ern golfers will follow the action of th. Woodland. Mass., club in permit ting Francis Oulmet. Paul Tewksbury and II. J. Sullivan Jr. to compete in their club events in defiance of the ruling of the United States Golf asso ciation, it was intimated today by Crafts W. Higgins, assistant secretary of the Western Golf association. Th H. 8. G. A. ruling prevents ama teurs from competing with either of these three, on the ground that they aro professional golfers. Ouimet and Sullivan recently opened a sporting goods store in Boston. All you need is a brrI ol .day targets aad a 1 HAND TRAP Th Hand Trap coats 14 at your dealer or sent prepaid by us. Writ, or W Tm EUokttl, "Dimnm mf Um ' Tmpm" W "Th Spmrt AQving. Att Frtm E. lit) Pool U Nemours A C. Triangular Tennis Tourney Next Week Whitman College. Walla Walla, Wash., May 27. Whitman college. W. j B. C. .nd Idaho university will meet ! here in the first annual fVlangular ten nis tournament on Mondy and Tues day, May 29 and 30. Each school will be represented by three players, both single and double matches being played. Preliminaries will occur on Monday and finals on Tuesday. The Whitman team has been an nounced as follows: Singles Raymond Orth of Genesee. Idaho, and Newton Barrett of Tacoma. Doubles Cecil Wray of Seattle and Raymond Orth. Denver Golfer Has Drive of 1000 Yards The record for making the long drive on a golf links apparently is held by a Denverite, who got a travel of over 1000 yards with one sat of the globule. They call him "Forty Hole" Fair banks, and he belongs to the Denver Country club. He established the rec ord during the winter, which shows that ice and snow and frosty winds bother him not at all. Fairbanks drove from the tea for a 200-yard hole. He put a wallop into his swing and the ball cleared the green and landed on the ice on a little lake Just back of It. The bl. landing on the ice, gained new Impetus and went zipping across to the other side giving Bairbanks a 1000-yard drive. WHEN BILL MEETS BIFF AT THE PLATE MsTfTV I SSSBBS Free From Cocaine, Barry After Tarboy Jim Barry's return to the ring Is mainly for the purpose of "getting" Sam Langford. "When In my prime I fought him 16 times," declares Barry. "He won the majority of these battles. Now I want to square those beatings by doing what others ay is impossible knock out Langford. He's a tough citizen, but I am sure I can put him out if he gives me another chance." Barry was a pugilistic sensation some years ago. Then he contracted ths cocaine habit because a San Fran cisco doctor used It while treating his fractured hand. Barry broke himself of ths habit nearly a year ago, has been conditioning himself gradually sine en ana.ngures he is ready to A little conversation between Um pire Bill Guthrie and Outfielder Biff Schaller of the San Francisco Seals, in Portland a couple of Sundays ago. "Aw, what's de matter wld yer eyes. Bill?" "Dey ain't nuttin' de matter wld me eyes." "Dey must be somethin' de matter wld yer eyes. Bill." "I tell ye, dey ain't nuttin" de mat ter wid me eyes, so shut up, and get up dere to de plate!"' "If dey ain't nuttin' de matter wld yer eyes, why didje call dem two bad uns strikes?" "Dem wuj strikes. Biff, now Jon't tell me dey wasn't. I can see dese balls comin' over de plate, a whole lot better"n you kin." "Dat ain't de troot, Guth. I gotta reputation fer hittin at no bad balls, an' dose was bad balls." "Well, nonna youse guys has got no rep wld me. I calls 'em as I sees 'em. Dat goes for youse as well as de resta dem." "All I want in dis league lsa nevsc breaks an' I'm gonna get It, tuh." "Can de chatter. I ain't on yeh. Biff. A guy gits what he gits wid muh. Get' up der an swing." "I ainta gona git up dere and swing at bad una and show mesel up for you er nobody else. Call 'em right" "Say, I don wanna take none o' yer money. Biff." "Aw, what's d matter. Bill. I ain't said nuttin. . ; "Step up to d plat, den. '"A Wright, BUI." .. "O. K wid, me, J3iff.-V. r v . - - . Campbell Around Nineteen. Oliver S. Campbell, who first won the singles title in 1890 and who stands as the third Individual holder of the American honors, was slightly more than nineteen years of age at the time of his victory. He held th championship for three consecu tive years, and was followed by Rob ert D. Wrenn, who has. perhaps, in his many years of activity for lawn tennis, done and accomplished more than any other man in this country. Wrenn is one of the trio of boy heroes of the courts. Richard l-. Bears, the first cf the list of 14 Amer ican title-holders, was several months older than Campbell when he first won the honors in lb SI. Held Title Seven Yars. Bears held the title for seven con secutive years, and part of that time I ... i . . v. i . . .. . . , V. I i SuHng TprTl ths m rt of May mes Dwight, U,e former president o ... t-, Liof the National association. Wrenn Walter and Alex Are Responsible People "What's the eTplanation.'' asks a Buffalo fan, "for the flying starts the Senators and . Phillies make each sea son? Each year during the last five or six both teams have shot under the barrier and taken a big lead. Yet, In all cases except this year, both clubs slipprd down." The answer seems to be Walter Johnson and Orover Alexander, plus postponed ana Alexander usually open a eeries. If It rains during the next two or three days they open the following series. Both stars work every fourth day, no matter how often or how infrequent ly the other pitcher operate. Thus It will be een that the pitch ing staffs of both those club, during the first month, consist very largely of on star pitcher of a hurler who usually game. can win two-thirds of bis was just a month older man oears had been at the time of his triumph when he fell heir to the crown of the courts in 183. Altogether Wrenn was champion four times, although Fred H. Hovey broke in on his continuous line of victories in 195. The record show that Hovey was nearly 27 years rt affa when he Dlaced his name, for ' the only time on record, among th ' immortal of the American courts. Connie's New Star Looks Like Real One GOLF NOTES 1 Elmer Myers, the Athletics' right hander. has been making "noises like a real phenom. The youngster la bored In three games a week or two ago and won them all, although he was pitted against Washington, St. Louis and Detroit. Myers' pitching, with a poor team behind him, has been of the fl sensational variety. In the three games i,n he won in seven days, he allowed a total of 12 hits four per game. His other games this year have been of the low hit variety and Connie Mack claims that the youngster "hasn't hit his real stride yet." Kntries for the western amateur goir championships to be played over the link of th. Del Mont Country club ih. week of July 17, will cloe July new I I, according to an announcement made la Chicago last ween. Following is the card turned In by George BLack, professional of the , Claretnont country club last Sunday: Out Par 44444444 Zii Black ...344 - 3444 3-. I In Par 43434443 534 Black 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 l 47 It shows Black' record as 11 strokes under par. By defeating H. R.' Welch. 4 to 3, in a 88-hol. competition, J. B. Inger eoll wen the Graves Trophy last week over the Spokane Country club coursu. j Great Neck (L. E) Golf club will ' erect portable cttafces for club mem bers in order to accommodate all those wbo desire to us the links thi sum mer. A new club Bouse is to be erected j in th fall. i l?A.ii.tattn trnf tnurnv h&Vfl been atrocious," shows K .,. .nort committM of no improvement this year, says a New bpokane Country club tor thl. sea York writer. His decisions in many of BOn the feature event being th North the games .in which he has figured in ; we(j't Golf aB,ociation tourney, sched New tork and elsewhere in th east i uled to Btart during the last week In has provoked harsh criticism. June The final of the club cham- And, in the meantime. Bill Brannan, pion3hip ar scheduled for October 8. ranked a one of the best umpires the j x .. . . .. . big leagues have produced for many Just when the golfing world w-s r. 4-ki..- V,rv..., Tr-.i .,, I concedine that Harry ardon Is the J"""""- J"u "j - r oil ti th. in evitable happened. Someone has er- Eason No Better but Bill Brennan Loafs Mai Eason, whose umpiring always has been classed as is Jobless. Why? Well. remember, Oscar, that Bill committed a, heinous crime. He quit organized baseball and became chief of staff for the Fed. Provided they are skillfully blended in the Fatima way Fatima is the smoke of supreme quality and there are two important reasons for it Firrt the choicest top leaves of high grade Turkish and Virginia tobaccos the very pick of the crops Second the expert blending of these high-grade leaves, so that each kind re tains its distinctive characteristic, yet all are merged into a perfectly balanced cigarette. These high quality tobaccos and their skillful blending make Fatima a smooth, mellow, satisfying smoke and have placed it where it is today the greatest selling high-grade cigarette in the world President's Daughter Wins. "Whitman College. Walla Walla, Wash,. May 27. Miss Frances Pen rose, daughter of President 8. B. L. Penrose, -yesterday won the women's school tennis championship by defeat ing Miss Jessie Brewer of Walla Walla in, th finals, Ths tournament ha ex tended over.30 .weeks and over SO women, wer ,iter4. k, f .. tractedv facts, figures and interviews to show that Harry is a piker in com parison to Tommy Morris, who golfed quite a bit in Scotland from 1868 to 1872. It is noW up to person with argu mentative disposition to show that Morris hinfself was a dub In compari son with Chauneey Hlpdedee, - who golfed back in 1831, and aisa for an other faction to spoof Hlpdedee' greatness by recounting the greatness of Felix McSwatt, a golfer of 179. jaad 00 on ad .iatlBlrara. -, ' v- 111 yzamur Afiy i a sensible cigarette 20A13 v 4-. r.