The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 28, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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"High" Graduates Numbering
45 Hear Commencement
Address by Judge Benson,
Kiss rioreace Kiddle, Valedictorian,
Wllford Allen Jr., Balntatorlan, ul
Kajinond I.athrop on Frog-ram.
Grants Paaa, Or., May 27 A elasa
of 45 member, the largeat in the his
tory or Grants Paaa high school, wn
sraduated last nlaht. Judge Henrv U
lu-nsoti. of the supreme court of Ore
gon, delivering; the commencement ad
dims. Thfi exercises were held In the
rrera houae. which waa filled to over
flowing hundreda being-, turned iwiv,
imubl.. to find even standing joom ' In
the building.
The Nelectlon of Judge Mention by
the plana to deliver the commencement
address was a notable one, Mr Ben
Min having been principal of the l' ul
sihool In the year 1888, when the first
claaa waa graduated from it One of
tlila first class, which consisted of four
member, was present last night in thu
person ot Kclua Pollock, county asses-'
or or Josephine .county.
Mr. Pollock delivered a brief ad
dress Introducing Judge Hanson, who
waa known to many of the pioneers
Of the county as "Prof" Benson The
theme of Judge Benson's address dwelt
With the selection of a carer by the
16 graduates, and made especially im
pressive the thought that none of the
callings ware overcrowded for the
man or woman who waa willing to pay
the price of success hard work and
intelligent effort.
Last night's exercises brought to a
close the programs of commencement
week. '
Exercises Thursday Wight.
Thursday night the class day exer
cises were staged at the opra houa.
The program was made up entirely of
numbers by members of lha senior
Class. The honor places upon the
program were held by reason of excel
lence in scholarship during the four
year course. Miss Florence Riddle be
ing the valedictorian, Wllford AUn
Jr., the salutatorlan, and Raymond
Lathrop the class orator.
At tha close of the class day exer
claea Superintendent Hull presented
medals for scholarship to membera of
the four -clauses of the high fchool.
Silver medals wer given to George
Williams, of the freshman class; to
Miss Esther Gilkcy, of the sophomore
class, and to Miss Mabel Hanseth. of
the Junior class, while a gold medal
was given to Winfield GHkey. of the
seniors, Mr. Gilkey was also presented
with a grand medal for general ef-1
ftciency based upon scholarship, in-I
isiai mm jiniuKiico in siuaeni activi
ties, etc.
Ust of Graduates.
) The membership roll of the endu-
iniij ciass is as follows:
Wilforri Allan Jr Mnr.-.
i.(srn 1 1 it a- r-ss n rn fi -i a ha ci a an & a-
Brockley. Helen Bobalen, Carroll Cor-
, Anna v-aiverc. Liorli c:a dwil.
I lAiiptnA.f I.' 1 .1 I T
VA. I i r i . J Mill. 1 . . . l . . . ,
Ulan, Horace Hair. Ida Hartley. Rutn
hartley. Charlie Hansen. William Kus-
erson. jviarjorie larson, Raymond La
hrop. Helen Lavton. Helena T.eRnv
"ora Letteken. VVlllette Murray. Emu
cCallister. Vivian Merrill. Je&natt
Moss, Josephine Osborn. Joslah Par
gee, Louise Pinkerton. Bert Preslt-,
pora Pratt. Alice Randle, Florence
Riddle. Marionne Rlrhev. Loren Rev-
holds, Lynn fcabtn. Flora Stubbs. Mll-
Hred Tagjrart. Editha Vincent, Mar
karette Wlble. Pearle Toungblood.
tfficial Count of
Primaries Is Made
Grants Pass. Or., May 27. The
loard of official canvassers of the
tote cast in the late primary nomlnat-
ir election, completed Its .work last
fight. Only minor changes were found
the totals as announced unofficially.
plough some interest attached to th4
pemocratio ticket because of the fili
ng of a number of places upon it by
Iritlng in the names or candidates.
rne nam of Attorney A. C. Hough
as written in by 61 Democrats,
tough to give him the nomination for
ate aenator. He will make the race
Igalnat Dr. J. c. Smith, who waa re
ominated for the office of senator by
Republicans. Dr. Sweeney, of
turphy. waa nominated by tha Demu-
iats through the write-in methed. for
fat representative. H will oontest
the office next November with A.
voorniea. the ReDUbllcan nomine
Voorhlea waa also given the noml-
Mon upon the rrogresglve ticket
Two women were nominated by the
lemocrata. though it la believed that
rimer may acceDt tha nomlnattnn
llaa Minnie Ireland of Oranta Paaa
a Rominated for county clerk whlla
Ira. Alio Bacon of Merlin wm noroU
10 r county aunerintendent nf
thoola The Democrats alao nomi-
kt4 fc A. Humpton Of Helms, for
lunty treasurer and. indoraed the
pmlaeea of the Republicans for eoro
tr and aaaeasor.
President Penrose Accents.
Whitman College, WaJla Walla,
ash.. May 27. President a. B. L
tnrose of Whitman colleae has
Ipted an invitation to deliver the
Iccalaureate sermon to the graduat-
ciass or tne university of Onnui
June 4 at Eugene.
)r. Penrose went "to Pendleton on
hday, May 26, where hB delivered
graduation address to the students
tha Pendleton high school.
Hoffman Case Continued.
Salem, Or, May 17. Tha case f
Ixry Hoffman, '.accused of burflar-
iig a feaiem reaidence. was oonttn-
in Justice court her Saturday
next Monday.
owncre on the Facthc Coast
ahd quantity at the low prices we offer them.
23 Washington St, Nr Sixth Dy and Niht
elicious Coffee
oice Roasts, Steaks. Choos.
egetables and Souds 5c. Snecla! IKp 9v
pecial 35c Chicken Dinner
1 w -rsmn
: 1 : ft
-7 ' . , ''jiwjm'ifi UL.'. T1 ,-.'.'m
I is IT if ' ' , 1 , J
M-' r l 5ih
tmrnf mi i
t jl ?j ' I
Shown abqye are A. Ii. Swain, of 140O
land, and his daughter, Mrs. W. E.
(both standing), and Mr.. A.
ting, a group representing four
of Portland until recently.
Upper Alsace Has
Own Postage Stamps
Freach Government Is roe a Special
arias; Borne Baow Gallic Sooater,
Others Figure of Bepubllo.
Strassbyrg, May 27. (I. N. &.) Tha
French government has issued special
postage stamps for the small corner of
I'pper Alsace which Is In its posses
sion. The few hundred square miles
have a small population consisting
mostly of farmers who seldom write
letters and there Is no great demand
for the stamps. Soma of the stamps
bear the picture of the Gallic rooster,
while those of a new issue show the
figure of the republic with the spear
and the scales of Justice.
WilT Celebrate Ihe
Birthday of U. of 0.
Eugene, Or., May 27. Following- Is
the program to be given at Villard
hall, Monday, June 5, at 2:30 p. m.,
in celebration of the fortieth anni
versary of the opening of th Uni
versity of Oregon.
M. A. Miller, chairman of committee
ot regents, presiding.
Miuslc, "Titus," overture by Mozart,
orchestra; invocation, President E. C.
Sanderson, Kugen Bible unlveraity;
"The Founding of the University,"
juage j. w. Hamilton; "The Grad
uates of the University," Judge L. T.
Harris; music, "Song of Freedom"
(David Campbell). Daise Beckett Mld-
oieton; "The University and the
State," Governor James Withycombe;
ma Lntverstty's Needs," Preaident
4. Lt. "Jampbell; music. "Elnaugs
iftirsch der Bojaren" (Halvaren), or
chestra; laying of cornerstone of edu
cation building.
Grove Alumni
Gives a Banquet
Forest Grove. Or.. May 27. Forest
Grove High School Alumni association
banquet was held Friday evening in
the high school building. There were
5 present.
The offlcera elected were: Harold
Robinson, president; Emma Craft, vice
president; Mildred Carlyle, secretary.
A conatltution waa adopted. The
banquet program waa in the form of a
book review of the history of the
Forest Grove high school. The fol
lowing responded:
Mtsa Frances Parker, setting: Les
ter Jones, acene; Joe McCoy, charac
ters; Mrs. Orvll Hutchins, plot; Miss
Harriet Benjamin, conclusion; Prof. G.
E. Richards, moral.
The retiring president. Claude Huteh
ins. was toast master.
Grammar School Graduates.
Forest Grov. Or., May J7. The
graduates from the grammar school
here are Frank Alstead, Victor Buror,
Leslia Kerry, Donald Miss.
Indians Profit by
The Big Fish War
Aberdeen. Wash.. May 27. Indian
fishermen at Taholah are profiting as
a result of the fish-buying war waged
there between rival companies sinoe
May H. Thuraday'a catch of 85
Quinault fishermen is estimated to
have brought them 11000. Average
day's catches bring tha Indians from
MOO to (700, Indiana with the beat
fishing grounds are makjajr conald
erably mora tban this sum. while
Others are falling below he. average.
Homesteader's Cabin Barns.
Woodland, Waah., Msy 27. The
homeatead! cabin of Jack Keating', 12
mllea northeast of Woodland, near
Pavis' Peak, waa destroyed, together
with its contents, one day last week,
the cause evidently being an over
heated stove. He did net even have a
meal left- He win rebuild this sum
mer. can you firet the variety, oualitv
and Hotcakes 10c
Chicken. Fish." Ft. irw.
Today, Including Umonada,
ana tsKe - .
East Irring street. Port
Gaume, of Vader, Wash.,
O. Taber and little daughter, alt
generations. All were residents
University of Oregon, Eugene, May
27. A compliment to the State Uni
versity school of commerce was paid
this wek when Don C. Sowers. Ph.
D., was tendered an appointment to
the Dayton, Ohio, bureau of municipal
reaearch. and assistant director. Dr.
Sowers has accepted and will leave
for Dayton as soon as his semester's
work is finished at the university.
Dr. Sowers was secured by tha
university in September. 1913. from
the New Tork Bureau of Municipal
Research. His doctor's degree is
from Columbia university, New Tork.
He will get a third more salary at
Farmers Will Ask
Their Sacks Back
High Price and Scarcity oi Grata Bags
Leads to i.otloa Looxlsg to Taeir
. etrn After Bala.
Pendleton Or., May 17. "The aacks
back" is- th motto adopted this after
noon at a meeting of the Farmers'
Union of Oregon and southern '.daho j
in this city.
Because of the high price of sacks
and Increasing difficulty in securing
a new supply each year, farmer? hav?
decided to land together and tlenand
return of their sacks by the buyer of
their wheat.
They propoae simply to loan sacks
to buyers as an accommodation in
handling grain and will demand pay
ment of 10 cent for each sack not
A. number of farm era have erected
grain store houBes in order to entire
ly eliminate the sack problem.
Marren Is Sentenced.
Pendleton. Or.. May 27. William O.
Marren, convicted of manslaughter in
connection with the death of Wtndell
Phillips of Spokane, was today sen
tenced to tha penitentiary for from one
to IS VCAfL HI, attArnav Qnn.-iiifir,(4 I
he would take the matter of r-ardon
Don O.
up with the parol v board nd u believed that possibly the
Rblnehm Gorgea waa riven a to!cruiser Marblehead. assigned for tha
seven years for larceny of sacks; and rgn . n-vl militia summer cruiee,
J. B. Clark received SO days id the wiU rive before the Rose Festival is
county Jail for simple larceny. i ovir" . , v
. President Colt bas sent a telegram
Uindimii, w-i i? ' to Admiral Fullam expressing the ap
Mandamus rit Refused. inrM,,Hn nf tk. flnn n..mhTr. nf th.
Pendleton, Or., May 27.C ircuit i
Judge Phelps today refused to Issue i
win i ir.nuamus to require Justice ,
or me feace Parke to grant a change
of venue to Mayor Best, accused under
state vagrancy law of using obscene
Phelps holds in effect ha has no
power to issue the writ under the law,
as the statute makes it discretionary
with tha lower court in Judging; wheth
er or not 'hers is legal grounds for
- ..... v " v. J ic-
" - j
Tajwell Thrice Nominee. .
"George Taiwell, Republican nominee
for county Judge, haa alao won both
tha Demjocratie and the Progressive
nominations for that office, la the
Democratic column be received 61
votes. Kstes Bnedecor, the Democratic
candidate, 366, and Thomas J. Cleeton
329. On the Progressive ticket. Tas.
weU received votes and Cleeton 4jTi
jmv. x axwen, who checked the returns,
says that it ia hla Intention to accept
both the Democratic and tha Progrea
sivo nominations.
Public Service Commissioner
Leaves Service of State to
Take Place in East.
Executive Annouaoed Soma Tim Ago
That SCe Would Appolmt Sacoeeafuf
Frlmary Caadldata to Office.
Salem. Or.. May J7. Following tha
receipt thla afternoon of the resigna
tion of Clyde B. Altchiaon . m.,-
jber of the Public 8eryice commission.
""""t wune i. uovernor Withy
combe announced that on that date he
would name H. H. Corey, Republican
nominee for commissioner for the east
ern Oregon district. Aitchiaon's suc
cessor. In naming Corey, tho governor will
make good a promise made at the time
Altchiaon announced he would resign.
The governor said then he would ap
point whoever got the Republican
nomination for the eastern Oregon
Altchiaon resigned to engage as
counsel for tha National Association
of Railway Commissioners in the ap
praisal of the properties of carriers
subject to tha Jurisdiction -of the
Interstate Commerce commission.
"Permit me to express my sincere
appreciation of tha confidence repoaed
in me by the people of the state In
selecting me to fill the office I am
now resigning, and to acknowledge
with gratitude the loyal support which
has been so generously given me in
t erfortnanca of my duties," said
Altchiaon in his letter to the governor.
Edward Ostrander, who has been ex
aminer in the commission's office,
i i succeed Corey as secretary, but,
owing to a shortage of funds to the
credit of the commission, will con
tinue to perform the work of both
The secretaryship pays $2000 a
i year. There have been manv BDDliea-
tions since it became known that
Corey was nominated in the eastern
Oregon district.
Memorial Program Arranged.
Salem. Or., May 27. The committee
In charge of the Memorial day exer
cises hare have arranged the follow
ing general program: J:30 a. m.. ser
vice at the cemeteries; 1 p. m., parade
formed near the armory; 1:45. pro
gram at Wilson Park; 3:15 p. m.,
memorial for sailors and marines on
Willamette river. From 11:30 to 12:30
a basket luncheon will be participated
in by the famlliea of the Woman's
Relief Corps at Moose hall; the fami
lies of the Ladies of the G. A. R. at
Ryan' hall and the families of the
Ladies' Auxiliary of the Spanish
American War Veterans at Marion
The parade will be in crarge of
Grand Marshal Carle Abrama, of the
Oregon National Guard. A feature
of interest will be the participation
or several rraternai aocietlea and chil
dren of the public schools of Salem,
Llncolaa Gettysburg address will
be given at WUson park by Justice
George H. Burnett, or the Oregon su
pre me court, and there will be ad
dresses by H. H. Corey, for the Span
ish War Veterans- Captain Max Gehi-
har, for the Oregon National Guard;
C. H. Elliott, for the Sons
erans, and Hon." T. B. Ford.
of Vet-
Wright Congratulates Corey.
Salem. Or., May 27. H. H. Corey,
nominee of the Republican party for
public service commissioner of east
ern Oregon, has received a letter
of congratulation from Ed Wright,
his nearest opponent. Wright as
I sures him of his support in the No
vember election and compliments him
for his gentlemanly attitude during
tha campaign. He says in his letter
he feels sure Corey will make a
very competent official.
Final unofficial figures give Corey
887 plurality" over Wright, the vote
being E300 to 4413. -
Capital Stock Decreased.
Salem, Or., May 37. Supplementary
artiolea of incorporation decreasing
the capital stock of the Hood River
Orchards Land company from 1500,000
to J5000, were filed here Saturday.
A certificate of dissolution was filed
by the Carlton Lumber company of
War Fleet Will Be
Here for Festival
Tore and Possibly row Ship of
Vary to Be en Tlaw by visitors
During fiesta.
Thro and possibly four war ah! pa
will be In the Portland harbor during
tha Rose Festival.
The Portland Chamber of Commerce
haa Just received word from Admiral
W. F. Fullam commander of tha
United States N Pacific reserve fleet,
stationed at San Diego, that the battle
ship Oregon and the- cruiser South Da
kota have, been ordered to visit Port
land harbor during the festival.
The cruiser Boston, now home of the
Oregon naval militia, is in the harbor.
Put and the nennle nf Pnnlanil frr hi.
services rendered in ordering the war-
siiipa to Portland
Last year the South Dakota waa
here during the festival. The vessel
was inspected by about 30.009 persona;
Mrs. Nat Goodwin V
Is Seriously Sick
; ... , v -v.
i beth's hospital, where she underwent
llmunrln fa nlir ill a, c, rj" 1 1
a serious operation, Mr. Goodwin is
in constant attendance at the hospital.
miss aaoreiana was tormerlj an
actress In Mr. Goodwin's company and
later his private secretary. They were
married in 1913.
Fire Damages Lumber Company.
"Riverside, Cal., May 27. (P. N. 8.)
Fire early today did $6000 damage
to the Haywood Lumber company at
Perris, near here, and $500 damage
to . the Hook Hardware store, The
Riverside department was called In to
fight !ftxfiwii.t-sf ife
' TTiai .J, v 5r - X
l:H -v -1
liC, w?v.. J ft
Benton county's champion spellers: Left to right Winnie Langley,
Irene Ross; Roy E. Cannon, county school superintendent; Mal
colm McDonald and Robert Jonea.
Corvallis, Or., May 27. Of the S2S
Benton county school children who en
tered the recent spelling contest, the
following were the winners: Winnia
Langley, eighth grade, Corvallis; Irene
Ross, seventh grade. Philomath; Mal
"An Ideal Husband," by Os
car WHde, Will Be Present
ed by Leota Players Club.
A coming vent that is looked for
ward to by all who are interested in
local dramatics is the production of
Oscar Wilde's play, "An Ideal Hus
band. by the "Leota Players club" of
thla city.
The play Is to be staged at the!aker
theatre June 23 and 24, and will be
produced for th
money for the summer vacation fund
of the Portland Newsboys association.
The cast is mad up of 16 talented
young people who have been selected
from many on account of their unusual
ability in dramatic work. The work la
uuuoi me personal direction or Madam
Leota-Scott, who is well known in
Portland for her many successful pro
ductions in the past two years.
Dan Horaan Quirnby, who will play
the part of Lord Caversham, is well
known in Portland for his part in nu
merous productions, among which waa
hia direction bf a 10 act vaudeville a
few year a ago at the old Bungalow
theatre by the "Younger Set Musical
club" of this city and hie part in the
amatfeur production by the Elks and
traveling men of two seasons ago. He
haa also been with the Baker Stock
company one aeason and haa Just re
turned from Los Angeles after com
pleting a successful aeaaon in one of
Oliver Morosco'a musical comedies.
Mrs. Aj-thur Hazen. who will play the
part of Mabel Chlltern, la a local soci
ety matron who has been in many local
dramatic productions.
The cast follows: Mrs. Arthur
Hasen as Mabel Chiitern; Jesse Russell
Talbert as Lord Goring; Ray Warde as
Sir Robert Chlltern;- Mrs. E. J. Mann
as Lady Chiitern; Mrs. Dr. De Keyser
as Mrs. Cheveley; Mrs. Carolin Josce-
lvn A. T ,ndv Mfll-lrhv nam Unman
Qulmby as Karl of Caversham; Miss
nmnuvrn as .uaay Aiarchmont; Miss
Applegate as Lady Basijdon; Hale
Davis sa Mr MnntfnrH- ir.,-i um. a
Count Nanjac; Miss Ethell Sicher as
x'ueness oi ijurgmont; Lloyd Lidick
as Mason.
Stone Will Discuss
Y. M. C. A. Meeting
laterestlng' Beporta on Wig Interna
tional Convention Will Be Bendered
Interesting reports on the doings of
the great International Y. M. C. A.
convention at Cleveland will be made
bv H. W. Stone, general secretary of
the Portland association, and I. B.
Rhodes, state secretary, at tha meet
ing at association ball at 3:30 o'clock
today. Milton Runyon office secre
tary, will sing.
Plans that the international leaders
have for werk among? the war prisoners
of Europe will be diacussed. as well
aa an outline of the work that 'is to
be undertaken this year in domestic
flelejs in the city, rural, student and
industrial associations. Some of the
features of the working of the Oregon
system, introduced into the Y.. M. C A.
by H, Wv Stone, will be related,
Double Wedding Surprise.
Prineville, Or.. May 27. About 80
guests were invited to the George W.
Noble home. In Prineville, May 24. os
tensibly to a party.
The guests assembled in the dining
room and soon were ushered into the
parlor, while Miss Conway sang.
Soon Mendelssohn's wedding march
was played by Mrs. Oliver Adams, and
then, to the surprise of most of the
guests, a bridal party came down
the stairs, led by the Rev. E. C. New
ham. The unique feature was that of
a double wedding, the contracting par-
uea Deing miss Lima Noble and Pro
fessor Robert Davis, and Albert Noble
and Miss Josephine SegerdahL
The bridesiAaid was Miss Vary
Jones, and the beat man Warren
Jesus as Revolutionary, Theme.
"Was Jesua a Truacendint RataIh.
tlonaryT' will be discussel before tha
jrrtiand HauonaiMt - society at . S
o'clock this evening in Room A. Cen
tral Ubrary, by D. EL. Toung, who will
handle tha subject from the standpoint
oi mgner crrucism and tie modernists.
colm McDonald,, fifth grade, Corvallis,
and Robert Jones, sixth grade, Philo
math. Tha eighth grade pupils held out the
longest, spelling for five houra before
the winner waa determined.
Photo by Ttie rVatlera
Dan H. Quimby, who will play the
part of Lord Caversham.
Alleges His Parents
Took Her Husband
Salem, Or., May 27. For the al
leged alienation of the affectiona of
A. Merle Scott, her husband, Gertrude
L. Scott brought ault Saturday In
circuit court here against hla parenta
to recover damages in the sum of
$25,000. They were married In lilt,
and when Scott tok tha bride on a
vlait to bla parenta at Scotta Mll'.a
in 1914 they locked him in a room
and refused to let the bride sea him,
aha asserts in her complaint. Tha
wedding took place In Corvallis and
was a romance of the O. A. C.
Willamette Chapel Closes.
Willamette University, Salem. Or-
Msy J7. The last chapel aervloe of
the year waa celebrated Friday, tha
regular chapel hour. The service was
in charge of the graduating class- The
exercises were opened by the membera
of the faculty and aenior class march
ing into the hall dressed in cap and
gown. . According to custom, the un
der-class men stood until tha seniors
were seated. The song, "Farewell,
Willamette," was sung and dedicated
to tha university by tha author, Harry
Irvine, '15, and J. R. Bain, '18. The
program ended with tha exit Of the
seniors for the last time. Tha junior
class took possession of their seats.
The graduating class numbers II
members, many of whom are to teach
next year. The majority already have
their positions. Walter Glir, of
Palouse, Wash., is president of th
Mrs. Corey Follows Husband.
. Friend, Or. May 27. Mrs. G. W.
Corey, 90. waa buried hers Thursday,
Mrs. Corey was tha widow of George
Washington Corey, who died recently
in hla ninety-second year. They cams
to Oregon in 1864 and settled la
Clackamas county.
It Cures Through The I Fonts
(Japanese rrtyla)
New Pore Treatment Pene
trate and Heal the Under
lying Nerves and Tissues
Know-Doc Pore Treatment
takes place of porous plasters,
pain tablets and Internal mea
clnea in tha relief, of almost ovary UL
Rubbed over the affected parta It re
Haves tha worst caaea of neuralfla
and rheumatism. Rubbed over tha
nerve centers along tha spina it stops
besdtche sad eoothea Ut aerves. Try It for
stiff neck, sore hingi, acre tareet twa eeagba
sassl catarrh. To overcome kUtaey trouble
sad isartMse apply plentifully aad Jet abswb.
As a tisrifier sad beantlfler ef the aCla ssd
eoaiplesiea It Is simply aaagteal, Bemoves
freeldea, ehap aad wciaklea. Tare sisea, aie.
a aad SLM at erartfsts. . ,
!Vt - i-)-3
:. ,:. x-.
Woodland Road
Supervisor Killed
ITllUara Burks Was Using Crowbar la
Conveyor Wnen Implement Was
Caag-at and Crashed His Head.
Woodland, Wash., May 27. Willia-n
Burke, supervisor of road district No.
was killed at t o'clock Friday after
noon at the county rock crusher two
miles north of Woodland, by being
struck by a crow bar ha was using in
tha crusher, which was caught by one
Of tha conveyor buckata, and atruck
Mm on tha left aide of tha head. Death
waa inatantanaoua
With a crew of men he was having
rock crushed to be uaed on the Woodland-Green
Mountain road north of
town, and; to looaan the rock he shoved
the crowbar Into tha machine. Mr
Burke was a son of Jamas r Burke of
Martin's Bluff, four miles north of
here, and waa a widower about 55
years of age, with a frown daughter
and son.' Besides hia own family, his
father and a number of. brothers and
sisters survive him. Those near here
are Mra F. W. Robinson of Woodland.
Mrs. F. N. Lane, wife of County Com
miaaloner Lane of Martina Bluff; Mrs.
Hogan Plrtle and Frank Burke, also
of Martina Bluff.
Mr. Burke was a member of Wood
land Lodge, No. 188. L O. O. F.. and
tha funeral aervicea will be under Ue
auspices of that order from tha resi
dence near Martina Bluff at 1:30 p.
m. Sunday, with interment beside his
wife's remains in tha Martina Bluff
Mrs. Moore Dies.
Woodland, Wash., May 27. Mrs.
Amanda O. Moore, formerly Amanda
O. Powell, died at her home three miles
north of Woodland thla morning after
a lingering illness. She was about 60
years of age, and a member of the
pioneer Powell family of tha Lewis
river valley. Her death had boon ex
pactad for some time. She leaves five
sons: Shedd of Portland, John Of Aber
deen, Waah?; Preston, whoaa address is
not known at present; Frank and Ben
at home, all named Powell and aona of
her former buaband. Jackson Powell,
of Tillamook, Or. Funeral service will
be held at 2 o'cloek Sunday at the Etna
cemetery, seven miles north of Wood
land, with Interment there.
0. A. C. Students Go
To Newport Beach
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis, Or. May 27. About 800 students
of the Oregon Agricultural college left
Corvallis today on the annual atudent
body rhododendron excursion to New
port beach. The party spent the day
in recreation along the beach visiting
various points of interest. Thla ex
curaion la held each year near the
close of the college term.
Employes Are Remembered.
Hood River, Or.. May 27. The Ore
gon Lumber company that employs
about 800 men at its sawmill plant at
Dee la making extenalve Improvements
t Its hotel building at Dee by th4
addition of apartments that will pro
vide shower baths, pool rooms and other
forsas of amusement. The shower
baths will be free to tha employee aa
will tha pool tables and other gamaa.
They were a big
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bronze and mixed,
r---' fr.aae
GLADIOLIS and a Splendid Assortment of
riowering riants
Beautiful and useful varieties that
are easily grown. Fine large clumpt
that will bloom thU year.
OUR 164-PAGE CATALOG Listing the best of everything; for Home'
Gardens. Our booklets, FERTILIZERS" and "HOW TO GROW ROSES "
mUe4 on request Ask for CUlOj,Na 500, T:
25c WILL BUY!!
Your choice
8 Bars Crystal White Soap
4 Cans Solid Pack Tomatoes
$ lbs. of Good Rice . . .
Each order of the above with purchase of
Z5c worth of other merchandise.
Don't overlook this treat k grocery offer.
Come easily avoid the ruhl
131-133 FIRST STREET s
Judge Daniel Webster Jas
Cut Short During Program
at College Chapel. .
Salem, Oc May 87. A braak be
tween Preaident Doney. of Willamette
unlveraity and tha Q. A. R., and other
patriotic organisations of Salem, fol
lowing an alleged inault te iuflga
Daniel Webster during an addreea at
the university chapel, has been avert"'
ed. Preaident Doney explaining that
ignorance of customs here waa respon
sible, and the explanation being ac
cepted by a committee representing
all of the patriotic organisations. - '
The incident at the chapel waa fol
lowed by mucli indignation among
members of the organisations anl
it was auggeated that if Dr. Donty
could not satlafactorlly explain soma'
one else should be engaged to deliver
the annual memorial sermon to tha
G. A. R. members. -Thla addreaa ' W
scheduled for Sunday morning at tha
First Methodist church.
Cut mint Short.
"The custom of tha G. A. R, veter-,
ans to appear yearly before tha st'i
denta waa not known to ma," said
Preaident Doney in a statement given,
out. "Tha aenior claaa has arranged,
as in former yeara, to furnish tha
program for tha last chapel aarvloa or
the year. I had no knowledge that
Judge Webater was to ba preaant
until I met him in tha chapel. Thera
I asked him if he desired to announce,
the Memorial Day exerclaea, and ba
replied that he did. At the proper,
time ha was invited to the platform,
to give the announcement. After he
had spoken four or five minutes, I,
asked him to make the announcement
aa brief aa possible in view ot tha
long program of tha senior class. , -.
Sonsy Explains Aotloa.
"There waa no thought of dlsoour
tesy to Captain Webster or to r the
G. A. R. and I exceedingly regret that
my ignorance of the custom has ted.
me to do anything to suggest that 'X
do not hold In my heart true loyalty
to our country and to the great mat
who have made and presarvad tt
to ua." . ', '
After President Doney told Judge
Webster that if he had made his an
nouncement that was sufficient, anl
the chapel hour was full. Judge Wab
ater walked from the rostrum With
out making any further remarks.
Oratorio Society Iflects.
At the anniiH) txislness meeting 0(3,
the Portland Oratorio society at the
home of Miss Merle M. Wooddy, til
following officers ware elected: PrasJ
dent, C. K. Carlton; vice preaident,'
Mary L. Tapper; secretary. Ruby Zlm,
mer; trensurer, John r. Brace; libra-.
Han, J. W. Carlton; musical direpteifij
Prof. J. A. Finley; board of director,
C. Carlton, Mrs. IX M. Perti Miss,
Lepper, K. Williams and Miss wooddy,,
A bonfire and picnic is being planned,
for June 3. , (
Our Famous
None finer in the'world. Baskets f
1 dozen each. Pricei, per basket,
60c to $1.00
GIANT PANSIES. per bants 80s
substance and beauty of coJorln.
feature In the plantinrs at the Pan-
j vi-u ia uucicu in wnite, yellow.
ner narket '
BOXES, JAP TUBS filled and
ready for immealiata offsets.
Phones Mala 4040, -AOllQ
of these items:
7Z " 75 !
Aim inw
. . : I