The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 28, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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    , J ,.!.,.:, ;4 .1. . . l-lr.. 1:,.' J THE OREGON SUNDAY joi S . t. . . ,-. ' - ' y , .11
. j
Postmaster Myers Has List
of Farmers Ready to Make
iBrtrsotlOM for Kaklar PurchM bj
rrol rout Ar Iaanad With XTanus
nd Address of Tirmmrm.
Sauer kraut and .salrnon, garlic and
iM-u-lnln chickens with yellow
Iprm; walnulH and honey, squabs and
harn. hroiiRht 10 your doorstep hy
Uncle Ham.
KausaKB and p'.Koons, cheeae In
brik. frenh-picked berries and baby
chicks; milk-fed broilers, pears and
pruneM drop a line and they come
Apples and carrots and hutterfal;
onijiis and beanH and things like that;
whatever it Is you like tlie most it'n
ululy dclheied hy panel post.
T. A rnsley Uotts.
All th thlnjfi mentioned In the
above Jingle by the bard of Heaverton
may be had by mail, according to the
new ltst, Just iHsued by Poat master
Myers, showing producers who offer
to ship their products by mail.
Mr. Myers himHolf gets his butter
and eggs by parcel post, and lie savs
the of the Portland poHtof
fice shows that tlie practice is grow
ing. List Za Presented.
The following Is tlie list, with in
structions for its use:
lt ' 0"e desire of I be potofflce 1prt
pent to brlnit the prlurer and the oonnuuier
into rlowr rslatlon tl.roub the fHcllitlr f
roirtM by thn parrel pot .mtciii. for the
poiierit of txxh prixluoer and coiniiuicr It ha
liiatrueted crrtalu pHt oftii-ea to aubtnft to
,h.", n"lrjig Jt, a list uf producer who nro
lllliijt to deal dlrrrtly with the cou.uuier
through the puree) pout NTaloin.
The mUeheil lut i.t fiinnera llrlng within
pn.elleal KhlppInK dltunei. of thin ty hne
fiirnh heil llii lr iiHru to this office a tit-li.g
denlroim of.aelllng lo the (itmumer tlirou(;!i
. rum iniM nervier in roitinnil.
It t UKKeie(l tlmt to m-eure the treHtpt
"fJ1 fr "' "ervlce eoufumerH aelect fr in
bf. Hat Hie luiuim .r Kereral faruierK, mrre-
pond with them hiu! l?e them 'in opp rtun
Ily to (leiiionHlrnte wlileh la the moat nHtlafue
try to ileal with. When ileh a in.duier liaa
been fouud tlie proper financial'Lta
Should be m.iile. It tvould be a ( p an ti
ftl the producer ihe current j.rleea In l'ort
mfl aa itiilde to lila own rhimi i
question of a proper ahlpplng container lioii d
alao be aetlleil. It la well in shipping egr
tn 119 ajieclal eoiitnln, r made -for the pur
poe. In ordering, the time of delivery abouM V
ii lfled an thi l iHla may t ablpped In
hhiDionr with the delivery ayatem In I'ortmni.
If possible, do not order goo da to arrive later
than 8 a. m. on .Saturday. In Portland good
1 riving by 8 iu the luomlua are delivered
tl at day.
In ordering from the producer It la enggeated
tLa It la mokt aatNfaetory to order In iiutn
tity, thla redui'ea the poatage materially.
The rale in the flmt and aecond mnea la five
15, centa for the tint pound and one (1)
lent for each pound thereafter, up to fifty
! poundn. Several fiimlllen ordering to
gether can make up n lare order and there
fore can command murli ,.tier aervire. 'Ihe
eXeDM frw imatuge and coiitnlnera l much
leaa, Jatul the aituntlun ia much more utlafac
torjr .IjO the producer.
' Information Za Given.
Ipforinatlon on lertln 1vmnid rxf ih n.i,.l
PO;t aervlce l of vltl Intrext to the poat
orflee. tn order that the emtc
cleeked npi eorreeted and improved. Thla of.
flub M therefore, aolielta correapoudenee frooi
piuyucara aim cousuiuera on the followlns
1 Name and addresa of farmer who are
giving particularly aatiafactory aervlce. 2
Artlrlea which seem particular, adapted for
parcel poat traffic. K - Cotidltiou In which ar
thlea, whf'n well pn, ked. Hre delivered. 4 -ttt.uutnee
iif the poatal aervlce in delivering
patvela. 5 t'ouiineiii on tUe value of dlff-r-ent
ivntalnera and method of packing.
Otnmeiita tian pricea charyed hy producers or
Offered by coiiaiituei'M. 7 Keporta of failure
of the Syatcin thnun leaiect or Inattention
t the part of producer or oimmupr. M -Scu-geationa
for the inioroveinent of Hie Merej
rtgurea following iinuie rr present the parcel
wove iri'ai IITIIHIIO.
I'. J. Anderaon, UriK.k field. Winh., 2d. home
piepareu canned aalmon; apple butter and
blackberry Jell In Heaaou. I'rlcea reaminahie.
J. M. Artliur. Hreakera. h.. 2d atrlctly
fleah epg and poullr.v.
KiiKeiie Atkinson. Sandlake. Or. 2d. farm
Pioduce; Tlllaimaik full cre.iui cheeae, 7 to 0
u.. lie a iu. to any addreoa
1I. '. II. Hallev. II. V. I).' I. Roaehitrg. Or.,
fld. drened ikhiIiiv. eRgs. butter, fancy fruit
nd berrlfa In aeaaon.
''red 8. linker. White Salmon. Waah., 2d,
turkeya. apilea. berrlea and iaohp
W. A. Baker. Prop. Alwlca Poultry farm.
K. K. I. box 2, Turner, Or.. 2d. chickens
nd egga.
Hethahan Poultry fnrm. r. O. Perry, Prop.,
K. h. 1. 5, Orexon city. Or., lat. Infertile
wi:iie table egun. iUy arter laid: wyckoff
tralu thoroughbied s. c. White Leghorn baby
vuiiii biiu uaiiuing rfZXH.
Mra. V. K. Hlaiictuird. It. P. D. 2 c.ti.
rok, Waah., lat, guaranteed fresh egga, all
w. j. nrown. Ariel. vaati., lat, young
cblckena, egg, vegeuhh-s, dried fruit.
C. W. Bryant, Kaluna. Waah.. lat, firtt
citas lnreruie egga from S. t. White Leg
O. W. Ititrke, Brooklyn. Waah., 2d. butter
in i-iD. rona.
L. 1. Buraell. Monmouth, Or., 2d, eggs.
II. A. Carter. Wluberrv. Or.. 2d
Mr. t". ( hrlnlenseu, Islington, Or'., 2, large
iVhlte lKhom eitge, guaranteed.
r. C C4K-Kerl lie. II b' I) : Rataea1 Or
lat Iioultry and egR.
toooer Fonltrv farm ft r Tl 1 na
iHubbard, lr.. lat, egga. '
n. s. lorimtt. Kiddle. Or., sd, eggs and
iMtry? peaehea tn aeaon.
Mra, ('. U. CoiiuUtnd. Itarada. Or. lat.
lined wild blacklicrrles, all kind of pickle
nd table reliahes. lama, lelllea. conaarvea. near
bias, mtnee meat.
V tl . ' 1 . .
- .'i. v-mmirf, uiurai, ur., lai. uregon
ln-onda lSe per lb.
John H. Uunkln. Garden Home Farm. I.vta.
Vh., JJd, turkeya. picked end' drawn, with
eet and head off, ready for the oven. 28c lb.
. 11. L'uniilnic. r. v. r. 3. Woodburn, Or.,
t. dried loganberries, poultry.
W. H. Edwards. Woodland Waah it
iMnewood farm aausaga and Virginia eared
nil ana nacon.
W. U. Eggleston. Itrbwnrrtlle. Or.. 2d.
utter, egga and lamltry.
Evergreen raldiitry. 1211 8th ave N. W..
vysllup. Waah., ltd. Belgian hares, drawn.
ids., ouc; 4 iua. ic: ids. imic: delivered
V parcel dI. Mall orders aecomnniiieri hv
ash on Wednesday delivered for Sunday itlu-
Mrs. Loalae Frendenberg. Tole. Waah.. 1st.
irat-claaa canned wild blackberries, mountain
acKMDSjrriea, pears ana prunea In glaaa lara.
Mrs. Geo. Ganale. K. P. D. 1. hoi A7. Hal-
Ie, Or., 2d. freah egga, hooey, veeelablea.
W. J. Garner. R- IT. D. 1, Dallaa. Or.. 2d.
read pork and veal; pork sausage, butter and
. . .
IK. 4. GJllette, Kocbester. Wash.. 2d. aqua ha,
8 to 20 esa., 40c each; pare bred Carneaa
Iiceona, J per pair.
Mra. II. C. Click. Dundee. Or., lat. wn
Inci poultry. v
1. f. Gray. Blaine, Or.. 2d, dairy butter
Fn pure separated cream, 2 lba., for 60c,
wanner to pay postage.
tTred'k W. Uagberg, Venersborg, Clark rotnv
" . in, ireaa eggs.
IL P. Hansen, R. F. 1). 2,
2, Silverton, Or.,
poultry and egga.
C. F. Hlgbee, B. P. r. 3. Turner, Or., 2d,
rgs (strictly fresh I: dressed chickens: aarden
k-getables in season.
J. C. 8. Holcomb. White Sa?mon. .Wash.. 2d.
JSun" preserved strawberries (not cooked);
J inter aoaua, ttpua rod Jonathan apples toon
rlgsted); .
i sue. o. . uougnton, box 107, Bcappoote,
r., Jt, fresh' eggs; sweet separated cream
y bntter ebsrned every- three daya.
I E. X. Huattinc. Orchard- Home eTstwratnr.
liver Creek, Wash.. 2d. high piaUty large
raia iiea rraic jiauan prones in zo-to. boxes.
iv turn., fi.vo; b iua., ooc; ids., aue.
ruers opy apples, m Doxea. voe; g lbs..
aoo cocea pears, x ios SAc; 1 lb..
Postsge oreoald. .
I Andrew K. Johaatoa, Saginaw, Or., 24, gar-
Bartlett Job Baton. Sarins ar ar.. M." aIa.
(ahioaed. home -c mil bams, bacon, shoulders,
ske4 with hardwood. Satisfaction guaranteed
1 monev refunded
IThe Kosynook Egg farm. Alrlte. Or.. Xd, ta.
o eggs, extra weight, white shelled, clsaa.
B. McCorkle, Cherry Hill farm, Lexington.
Wash., lat. apples.
W. N. McLaughlin, box 71, Cottage Grove,
Or., 2d, eggs.
8. O. Martin, Mapletoa, Or., id, fresh Slue
law aalmoo 8 to 8 lbs. each, 60e delivered;
freshly smoked aalmoo, 20c a pound.
T. K. May, B. If. D. 2, JefXeraoa, Or, 2d,
Henry J. Meyer, "nndale. Wash.. 2d. fresh
eggs, dry onions, chickens, potatoes and ear
rota. '
r. M. Mitchell, Variety Fruit farm, Albany,
Or. 2d. apples, pooitry, eggs.
S. Mosler, La Fayette, Or., 1st, walnora.
Ortley Cove Poultry farm, bog M. Ortlcy.
Ir-W? fi. tor t' nd hatching; 8.
t. Beds. 8 C. BUck Mlnorcaa, breeding stock,
both varieties.
B. a Palmer. Molalla. Or.. Jt,' guaranteed
first-class Infertla white eggs.
firs. Hsrsh parr. Laurel. Or., 1st. ego,
chickens, squabs. .
T. r. Patterson,' Woodburn, Or., 1st, poul
try and egga.
H. N. Haul. MaMoa, Wash., 2d. 12 Ib. ev
trected honey, f 1.60 postage paid.
II. J. Keaa. Hubbard. Or.. 1st. dressed ben,
trlctly freah egga, and comb bone.
Mrs. II. v, Bomlngrr, Sunnslope Orchards,
Underwood. Waah., 2d, Guaranteed "ej-a
fancy" table egga, milk fed broilers and sort
toaster re my specialties. Breeding etock
and egga for batching in season. 8. C B I.
Beds and 8. C. W. Leghorns. Eggs after
Jrnusry, 1016.
). J. Koae. R. F. D. 2, Beaverton. Or.,
lat, canned loganberries. 1 lb-cans. 20c, In
cluding poetaje.
Handelen, I'. A., R. F. D. 2. Gaston, Or.,
1st, ejjga.
Itev. J. Scott, Deschutes, Or., 2d. butter and
'Hhoreacrea" ranch, box l.'6. B. F. D. 1,
Vancouver, Wash., lat. dressed aipiatr. Pel
glan bare, chickens, freah egga. canned and
freah fruits, vegetables, plgeona, 0. I. C. pigs,
Earrcd Kocka.
Cna. U. tpangler. Birch at., Kant a Asa.
t'al. 6th, fancy California walnut meats In 1
Ib. boiea. 60c each, delivarred any address In
I riled statea.
Mrs. W. K. Sullltan. B. F. D. 1. Rheridan.
Or., 2d. egga.
!-uperlor Poultry farm. n. H. Swsnaon,
Prop.. Alpha. Dr.. 2d. thoroughbred White
Wymnlotte fancy cock ere la, hatching egica.
C. K. fiaank. I. K. 1. 2. Kidgefleld. Wash.,
1st. etta and ponltry.
Mlm Alma Tsvlor. 241 E. 84th at.. Port
lsnd. Tl.r tll. 1st. clean fed chickens,
guaranteed egga. dretaed aquaha and aquab
brt edlng plgeona, hand embroidery and crochet.
C. II. Ttiayer. Rulnler. Or., lat. pork, freah,
salted or smoked: poultry. He.
Craig Tliom, Kcbo, Or.. 3d, extracted and
comb boney.
J. M. Thorn, Krho. Or., .'Id. extracted honey.
A, K. Van Eman, It. K. I). 2, Cornelius. Or.,
lat, dressed poultry and eggs.
N. Van Horn. R. F. D. 1. Hood Blver. Or.,
2d, fine dressed poultry fattened on commeal
and iinttermllk, weljjtiirg to lbs.: cations.
IOc lb.; flips. 2T.i; lb.
llts. 20c lb.
J c. Velt, Wtilte Sa
, Wash., 2d, atraw-
Mrs. H. 8. Wlldermut
Amboy, Wash., lat.
farm produce.
Wllnmt Bros., Blaine
Or.. 2d, fresh dairy
New Graduates
r5 ill
The total enrollment for the yer Just
, 1 Earl Richard Abbett, A. B.
2 Thomas Smith . Aitken ' '
I Christian Ammeter
4 Robert Daniel Anneberg v
6 Jusuke Aoki
James K. Balkema. Jp.'. r
Ceo.-Auguetus Barker, Ph. C.
ip4 " aiKff
I e Jf
y '..j.a aaaauljia"-avji,.
yifA.ii 'iasM waw
ftv3Cy "'v
VU 5 ft?-' I
21: f
I 1
jr 1
Mazamas to Show '
How to "Bough It"
ZzklMt f HUdar avsd Cllmbiajr Vaxtv
pharnuUU WO Be Bald at Uorary
la Kld-Josa).
An exhibit open to everyone Inter
ested In outdoor ufo and paraphernalia
will be given by the Masamaa under
the auspices of the club entertain
ment committee at the Central library
June 16 and 17.
Ninety per cent of the blistered feet
or the sore muscles that result from
long- hikes could be avoided with
proper footwear, say old members of
the club, while many a person could
have avoided shivery and sleepless
nights If he had known- the) way to
make a bed with the minimum of
The right things to wear and the
right things to do will be shown and
discussed at this exhibition. Instruc
tion for hiking; under all conditions
will be given as follows: Clothing;,
Harriet K. Monroe and John A. Lee;
shoes, Anne E. Dllltnger and A.
PeterBon; commissary, F. S. Benefield:
provisions, B. K. Peterson; snowshoes;
akl, T. R. Conway; alpenatocka and
Ice axes. W. W. Evans: tents. A. L..
Heyer Jr.; packs, E. C. Simmons; pic
tures, and cameras, Jacques Letx;
maps' L. A. McArthur; transportation.
R H. Atkinson; toilet articles, Elsa
Llpplch; first aid, Eleanor Q. Sheldon
and Leroy Anderson; accessories, R. J.
The exhibit Is under the general
supervision of Misses Elsie M.. Silver,
Nellie Mae DalcoOr and Nettle G.
Richardson and F. P. Leutters.
better, fresh country eggs, brick cheese.
Mrs. W. (i. C. Woods, box 284, Moro, Or.,
2d. poultry, turkeys especlallv.
A. K. York, Condon, Or.. 2d, "dressed poul
try, 20u lb., delivered.
Great Year for Skeeters.
New York, May 27.: New Jersey
"skeeters" interviewed by a New York
newspaper yesterday on the report
that half hose are to be the thing for
up-to-date girls this summer, remarked
that it will be a great year for mosquitoes.
of North Pacific College of Dentistry, Who Received the Degree
""'' imaiaaan
. fi I
mm sa.Lciuu 1 uii'J u wmVMU w ' m n ju mm
ktoii- ,;rrniiiiiiii iw
iv"N t
closed was 392. Students were registered from 31 American States. 8 Canadian Provinces and
' Leon Earl Barrick
10 George Arthur Bender
11 Evart P. Borden- -It
Lindsay Hoy t Bro"vrn
IS Oscar Allyn Burch, B. S. '
: 14 Clarence: Frederick Chap In
1 16 Reginald P. Christie
J 11 Will vOeorge Crosby
- '
C- Jt I v -J t tin
kH1 v-:- - - -
-Wet" ' uSM
' T
Detail of Process of Carving Life
borne of
By James 3. Sayer.
Work on the masonry exterior of.
the First National bank's new building
at Fifth and Stark streets is practical
ly complete. The structure may now
be eeen entire In Its pure white
beauty. It probably will never be
more beautiful than lt la today. Age
4 vigijj- -
aa w
mi a
8 i,-.'
aa. a s ay
t a
M at
1 ;Jr
x . ? 4-
ymmmmiA nil
f 1
BSMgasa'- mas 1
course in Dentistry in three years. Befinnin October
17 Oren Floyd Croup
IS Roy Elbert Donaldson
1 J. Dwlgbt Froom
20 Bert Rowland Gill -.
21 Harry & HaU. Ph. G.
, 22 Ralph Edgar Hall
, 22 Ferris Henehaw, Jr. ,
24 Henry Harris Hewitt .
25 Cecil Kay Hllller
26 George Hoffman
27 8. Blaine-Hoskln
28 Clarence Herbert Inkster
. 2S Cullea Burke Knapp ' .
10 Irt Knight . '
o Jl Oeo. Augustine McUonagle
J 11 W ill lam Macne Ili v
T 'Jk
y-g:-vxw ' i aai aaawjA'
Sized Figures and Copy of State Seal Abovo Main entrance to new
First National at Fifth and Stark Streets.
will give it softness, take away some
what from the dazzling white of the
pristine purity of the present. Today
it stands an Inanimate monument to
Its builders and owners. It awaits
the finishing touches that will make lt
a serviceable building.
The bank officials and builders can
- IT "
h.?"- :
i, 1917, the course
in Dentistry will
,Tf ar isl
ttT&t r 4: JLiis-fe irV if if war:
&5fH I :iP7 L-rr iLpi M tin! -
I "-r
I , v ..., f
83 Gustaf Ogllvle McRae
4 Seth B. Masser
. 1 5 Frank Oscar Mlhnos
6 Clarence Alva Miller . ,
17 Harry Nicholas Moore i.
a-Harry Elbert Morgan '
z&WHermon Bernard Morrison
,t Kay Fred Murphy .-
,'ejs-aj I
now begin to figure on the date when
lt will be possible to occupy their new
building. The construction work has
suffered numerous delays, which sadly
disarranged the time schedule laid out
at the beginning. Now lt is believed
the bank will open for business In the
new building on Tuesday, September
6 --.-.-.:.: -,v.v,'
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ll Foreign Countries. The session beginning September
be extended from three years as at present to
41 William Martin Nlppolt
42 -Alfred Walter Ostermana
43 Zeno Billino Page .
.44 Robert LesUr Pall en
.45 Mabel Pearl Personet ' -. -:
4 Soren Lester Peterson
: 47 Wallace Ernest Petersea
48 John Henry Powell
5. This will give opportunity to
transfer the funds, books and para
phernalia of- the bank at Fifth and
Morrison streets to the new structure
between cloning time Saturday noon
and opening time on Tuesday mornlnS
Labor day came in opportunely. This
will be liberal opportunity for getting
everything in -shape.
-Cany Comment oa Bsaaty.
' Numerous comments on the beauty
of the building, what the Interior will
look like when finished, and how ela
borate will be Its furnishing, may be
heard aa one mingles with the groups
Of Interested observers of the build
ing operations always to be found
near by. '
Nothing that has been done, how
ever, has aroused the curiosity created
over the carving of the elaborate de
sign on the exterior.
The carving, which was completed
last Monday, was begun four months
ago. Little of It has been visible to
the - general public. Most of It has
been hidden from view by canvas.
Here and there a little peek beneat
the windshield was possible. One war
able to see that something beautiful
was being created. . Aside from an oc
casloftal view of the feet of the men
engaged tn the work, the bugging of
the pneumatio tools they held and the
explosive cough of the gas engine at
the corner, the development was a
Last Monday the remaining exterlo-
scaf folding was torn away and it wij
possible to see what had been done.
The two life sized figures, on either
Side of the state seal worked in mar
ble, and standing at the apex of the
Parthenon-designed Fifth street en
trance, are easily the climax of the
carving contract.
The frieze that decorates the entire
under-roof line of the structure comes
next. . Then there are the many orna
mental touches with . .which the build
ing is elaborately supplied. How much
detail there is in all of this work may
be readily comprehended by a study of
the marble work of the three revolving
door entrances on Fifth street.
The carving contract was done by
Ernest C. Bairstow of Washington, I.
C, who has a national reputation for
his skill in this direction. As evidence
of this, he and his assistants have
been transferred to Washington. They
will be there for the next 18 months
of Doctor of Dental Medicine
4hiWsteky ''-' -y
-..v d,-.--r. i.
' V.'' ''''
S V TtKr '
M 'S -
28, 19
16,1 is the last opportunity for
lour years.
il 1
48 Frank Rawley Pratt
SO Rolland Wade Quesinberry
61 Frederick F. Sasmaa v
62 William V. 8chumana
68 WiUard Jacksoa Shelton .
. 64 Emmons Preeeott Bpearla -'
66 Norris SykeRSf"""
6( George Ben jiJilal Taylor -
engaged, in earring the Lincoln 'me r
orial which haa been authorised t
congress under an appropriation c
12,000,000. .
Any attempt to describe the fle
process of carving that was "used tr
the First National bank ornamentation
will not explain. Some of the plctur
esqueness of the old time stone carver,
with his mallet and . varied asortment
of chisels, laboriously hammering and
beating out the design that he carries
mentally or that is outlined for him.;
is missing. All one sees Is a long;
rubber tubing in the hands of : the
carver, at the end of which is -an
ordinary chisel. He applies it to the
marble, here and there, in and out, up
and down, twisting his body In unison
with tho devious lines he is tracing.
The marble chips fly away as If by j
magic, and . seemingly as it they were'
chips of soft wood. The power Is fur
nished by the air compressor- engine .
and Is carried by metal piping within!
easy reach of the carver, ''-''
Skilled Hand Required. ' '' j
It requires the sure and skilled hand
of the adept workman and the feeling
of the artist to bring forth the design
he seeks. In the case of repeat pat
terns, as in border ornamentation. .the
design is stenciled on the stone and
the carver works along the lines lajd
out. All this is simple. .
The life-size figures are worked us
from a plaster model which Stands
alongside the operator. He work in
f-.-ee hand, following the design of the
model bv means of a pointing machine.
This is a simple apparatus with steel
pointer fastened to hla body- and to
contact with the various Indentations
and elevations of the model. By stand
ing in the same relation to the bloc
of marble he Is carving out and plac
ing the points in the same relation,
he is able to get the exact counterpart
of the measurements of the orlglnul
design. , - '
David McBraidy, who was In charge
of the work during Mr. BalrstOw'f
absence, and directed the efforts of
the force of 15 men who did the carv
Ing, left on Thursday for Washington,
D. C to join Mr. Bairstow.
How to Live Lour; '
New York. May 27. "Be busy, 'fofj
get the past, and you'll keep young,.
Is the advice of Mias Henrietta Pat
terson, on her 89th birthday.
I y 8
it. s v . X
$ : " e
" t a
-Saw """
tv "r."
students to enter and complete, thi
67 Thomas Tower ' .
68 Ralph Waldo Van Valia
" ' J
; i
a 4 - '
b7. "
17 W
I inT'ruiu,.. j
' j
MAS , si. '
, 40 B. O.' Vinson ' ' ,
' 61 George Cyril Watsoa -. ! j
v3Ear Robert Wells. ' t --V
fa Charles Kovello Wvreoa
64 George Frederick . Wilkinsus
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