u f f i m I ... J.. - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1916. BRETHREN ALBERTA TO BE HOST Church Has Been Preparing to Entertain Delegates; De sire Pastor's Return,. liev. llr. ('. C. Ilell. The Allmrta I'nite.Z Brethren rliurvh Will become the eenter this coming week for till members uf that coni inunlori In Oreu-011 nnl western Wash InKtoii, when thrlr annual conference I'onveiifn. Hesldex ministers and lay men of this district a party from layton. Ohio, will l"e in attendance. This party includes l'r. and Mrs. Hough. Dr. C. C. Whitney of the Home mission hoard, and I)r. A. S. Sldilall of the Church Krection society. Bishop William .Melvln Hell of Los Angelea will preside over the business tsessions, as well an deliver his inspirational ad dresses on severul occasions. The Alberta church has voted to re quest the annual coniereme to return Dr. C. C. Bell as pastor or the Alberta Church for the coming year. This church Is one of the four of this de nomination in this city, and has made sturdy growth in its seven years' ex istence. Dr. Bell has been pastor over two years. The church Is located at East Twenty-seventh and Sumner streets, on the .'-.ber'a car. and the pastor and people of the church have been busy for many weeks preparing and plan ning for the entertainment of the dele gates and friends of the church that will avail themselves of the oppor tunity of these conventions, which be gin May 3) and conclude with' tyanday June 6. The first day will be given to the Young People's Union, the second day to the Woman's Missionary associa tion, and the remainder of the time to the annual conference proper. Dr, Myron Haynes to Preach Tomorrow Dr. Myron W. Haynes, who has held two long pastorates in Chicago and who is now representing MeMlnnville college, will preach in the White Tem ple both morning and evening. In the morning his theme will be "The Value of Religious Kducation Work," and the Temple quartet will render the anthem "F.ven Me" by Maker, and Miss Emma Klippel will sing for the offertory, "Fear Yo Not, O Israel" by Dudley Buck. In the evening the quartet will ren der the anthem. "Save Me, O God" by Hopkins, and for an offertory, "Teach Me to Pray" by Morse. Prominent Woman to Speak. At St. Mark's, Twenty-first and Mar shall streets. Rev. J. E. H. SMmpson, rector, on Sunday evening after the $ o'clock service there will be an In formal meeting in the pastor's home to listen to Mrs. A. De Witt Weston, president of the Girls' Friendly bocI oty of the Dnitled States. Th object is to stir up an interest In the parish on behalf of the work of tha society. TO STATE CONVENTION : in? ffC , j . . vifc-i;y;..:',,'.;'... 1 AMONG CHURCHES AND CHURCH MEMBERS ' Tor Oood of Orphans In Ports mouth Dutheran church the annual confirmation service will be conducted Sunday forenoon, May 2S. Sermon and catechism will be in the (Norse) lan guage. The offering Is given for the cause of orphans' homes. The evening nermon In English describes "Simon Peter, the Missionary and Writer." Guild to Playlet. The young ladles of the Guild of St. James' .Lutheran church will give an Interest ing playlet, "The Spinster's Conven tion." on Friday evening, June 2, In the Sunday school room of the church. West Park and Jefferson streets. Will Speak at Central. President Wallace If. Dee, Albany college sup ply, will occupy the puiplt of Central church tomorrow, speaking at 10:30 on the subject "Sowing in Tares, Reap ing" In Joy" a Memorial Day dis course. At 7:45 Dr. Dee's topic will be "God's Hope in Calling You." Sun day school at noon, Y. P. S. C. E., :45. Following Is the musical program: Morning Prelude, 'Ave Maria." inh Century. (Arcadelt) anthem "Brave Heart, !leep On." (Parks); viol lln, "Degende." by request (Weinlow ski); Miss Roxana Wommelsdorf; post lude, national airs. Evening Prelude. "Militalre, Rockwell); anthem. "Hark. Hark. Mv Soul." Harper; gospel solo. "Saved by Grace." (Sleffu). E. Maldwyn Evans; postlude. "Processional .March." (Hack ett). The chorus choir is tinder the direc tion of E, Maldwyn Evans. Chorus Work to Close. Wednesday, May 28, 8 p. m.. there will be a social r DR. BOYD TO PREACH ON SHAKESPEARE . Dr. John H. Boyd at the evening service Sunday, May 28, 7:45 p. m., will introduce a series of sermons on "The Religious Thought of ' Shalcespeare." These sermons will be of added Inter est at this time, following the Shake spearean tercentenary. , The sermons ; will be preached as follows:' Sunday, May IS. 7:45 p.; m., "Shakespeare and tha Bible.': Famous Cantata to Be Given Tomorrow "The Holy City," Gaul's famous can tata. Is to he given tomorrow evening at the First Methodist Episcopal church by the full vested chorus of 50 voices, assisted by the quartet, under the direction of Hartrtdge O. Whlpp. The entire evening service will be giv en over to the rendition and there will be no sermon. After weeks of, careful preparation, a finished production is promised and lovers of good music are assured of a rare treat. In the morning Rev. Walter Iee Air. heart, the assistant pastor, will deliver the sermon.- His topic will be "Kaith In God" and will be a companion to his discourse of last Hunday. At that time he dealt with the Intellectual approach ta God and this time his theme will be I the approach of the soul to God. Spe- j clal music by both quartet and chorus will add to the service. Dr. Krank I.. Iceland will return to the city alout June 1 from his east- I ern trip. He is due to reach Topeka, ', where he will be the guest of his sron. Dr. Forrest Doveland. Sunday night or ; early Monday morning. He will be in his pulpit again on Sunday, June 5. Interesting Program Planned Tomorrow! . i An unusual and Interesting program j Is to be given Sunday evening at the ! WestmorelHnd M. K. church by five yxmng men from the Central M. K. j church of this city. They represent j their Sociiil Service Study club which, for several months, hns been studying 1 the social problems in all countries,! and have arranged a program dealing1 with the evil influences of western rlvlllzation upon western civilization. The team will be led by J. A. C. Oakes. j BAPTIST UNION The Young People's council, which represents 27 states in the field of the Northern Baptist convention district, unanimously voted at the convention last week to form an organization for the purpose of uniting all the youns people of the Rnptist entireties of the north and linking them more effective ly to the denomination and Its activi ties. Many Kaptist churches have Chris tian Kndeavor and Epworth league so cieties and the sense of the convention i was that the Baptist young people could not be properly interested in the church when they were connected with other churches in this manner. However, in attempting the change the convention did not want the im-l pression to go out that they were going j to interfere with the work already es- ' tahlished. Changes will only be made; where it is satisfactory to those con cerned. I The commission on young people's I work of the convention was appointed ' executive committee of the Young Peo ple's council and they will try to ar range for the changes at once. In the future this committee will be elected by a nominating committee consisting . of one representative from each state. ; THe tent meetings in which some of j the young people were participating! at Creston station are now being held at Island station on the Oregon City line. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR The C. E. societies of the four T'nited Brethren churches will hold a rally in the second United Brethren church on Monday evening. The rally will be a get-together social as a fore runner to the church convention. Miss Cbapin is in charge of the social hour. On Monday evening the city union closed this year's mission study class en with a stereopticon lecture "Scenes in Many Lands," by Hubert A. Goode. The lecture was given in the Fir;-t Presbyterian church. The classes last ed six weeks and were conducted at five points in the city with an average attendance of To. Miss Estella Ford was in charge of the course and it is tNpected that another course will be started next fall. Last Sunday Miss Ethel llogue was elected president of the Marlon County C. E. union. The convention was held nt Silverton. Forty-five delegates were present, representing ten socie ties. A budget of $125 was adopted for the coming year, JSO of which was raised at the convention. This makes the eighth county organization in Oregon. The Sunnyside Congregational church will hold its annual picnio at Gladstone Park on Tueday. Lloyd Oilman Is in charge and has arranged lor a field meet and baseball game. A pot-lot dinner will be served. The young people of the First United Pres byterian, Mt. Tabor Presbyterian and Sunnyside Friends churches have been Invited. Special cars will leave Water and Hawthorne at 9 o'clock. evening, closing the work of the com bined choruses of the First Presby terian church for the year. A good program Is being prepared from the membership. The Woman's associa tion of the church will again this year open the church parlors for the use of the publ c during the Rose Festival, t offee will be served free and light re freshments will be sold. Will Attend CMrl.' Conference. The f CZntV.tnc at Eune will be at tended by Miss Annie Townsend. Pearl "ooten and Grace Linklater as dele gates from the White Temple Bible school, and Mrs. A. W. DeLong. acting pastor, will conduct the closing'servlee of the conference, taking for her theme "Relative Values." Sunday evening the C. E. society of the Millard Avenue Presbyterian church will have a special foreign mis sions service conducted by the mission ary committee of the society. The serv ice will consume the time of th rr. ular evening church service as well as I the C. E. hour. Special music has been I secured. Mrs. Noyes of the Presbyter ian Chinese mission will speak and will ' have with her a number of the Chinese children from the mission hn m 1 sing. Some years ago while traveling in Japan. Rev. John H. Boyd, was pre sented, by a Japanese admirer, with a set of beautifully colored stereopticon slides picturing the scenery. Industries and customs of Nippon. These slides have been secured for this service. A most cordial welcome Is extended to all. June 4, 7:45 p. m. "The Problem of Life, as Interpreted Through Hamlet." June 11, 7:45 p. m. "The Ethical Significance of Shakespeare." Dr. Boyd has prepared these sermons especially for the evening congrega tions and It is expected they.-will prove to be more than popular; so many vonnsr neonla nr at thla tlnu iuni interested In the study of Shakespeare. MEMORIAL DAY WILL BE OBSERVED IN MANY T Veterans of Different G, A, R. Posts and Women's Relief Corps to Attend Services. Memorial day, which will be next Tuesday, will be observed In many of the churches of the city tomorrow either by services set apart to the vet erans or by sermons on subject con nected with Memorial Day. in some of the churches both morning and eve ning will be devoted to that day. All the G. A. R. posts of the city will attend divine services in one or an other of the churches. Tomorrow eve ning at 7:45 o'clock George Wright post. Lincoln Garfield post and th Sumner post will attend the services at the First 'o" gregat ional church ;n a body. Dr. 1. nt her R. Dyott. pastor of the church, will deliver the memo rial address while the Mnartet rell. der music appropriate to the mcchkIor. At the morning service with his t hemo "The Ideal anil the Practical." Dr. Dyott will show that the ideal under the control of reason should be brought into its true relation to the practical and that the two should be considered separate and distinct. William McKinley post and V. R. v ill hold memorial services at Hope Presbyterian church, corner Flighty seventh and Kverett streets, tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. A full at tendance s expected. The Kast Side Christiian church will observe Memorial Dav at both morn ing and evening services. A special surprise number, "The Lost Word." will he in the evening program. The pastor Invites all patriots to hear the address on "Our Country" at 8 p. m. A. Memorial Day service wil be held at the Sunnyside Congregational church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Srtnner. Post. No. 1'.', G. A. K., and the Dadies' relief corps will attend in a body. A program has been arranged with special music by the G. A. R. 0'iartet as well as the local church choir. A, K. Yoder will sing "The New Gospel -of Peace." The addresses bv the pastor, Hr. J. J. Staub, will be on "The Distinguishing Marks of the True Soldier." The public is cordially' in vited. Dr. Ii,ther R. Dyott. pastor of the First Congregational church, will de liver the Memorial address at the Port land Crematorium on Decoration Day. Union Memorial Day services will be held at the 1'niversity Park M. K. church tomorrow evening at T:I5. to which the public is invited. The fol- CHURCHES 0M0RR0W CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Fifth Sunday After Easter Scnday School Lesson Tomorrow. T5i Council at Jerusalem Acta 15: 1-35. Golden Text. For freedom did Christ set us free. Cal. o: 1. Home Readings M. Council at Jerusalem. Acts 15: 1 11. T. Derision of the council, Aets lft: 12-21. W. Decrees of the council. Acts l."i: 22-35. Th. Freedom from bondace, ial. 5: 1-fl. V. Source of uniieanness, Mark 7: 1 8. S. Owpel of faiih. Gal. 3: 19. S. UiKDt eov.sness by faith, Rom. H: 21 31. Young People's Topics. Christian Kndeavor "How Mlssiooa Are PlesHlng the World." Eiek. 4T: 1 12. Junior l lirkitlan Kndeavor "Life in Burma and Silica Mre." Ism. 4.V 22, 23. Kpworth league -- "The Ministry of Oood C't-fer " Prov. 17: '-"J. B. Y. r. C. Dis.ovtring Needs," Acts 16: 6-10. Baptist. First White Temjile 10th nd Alder Mri. A. W. I)elxu(r. acting pastor. Pr. Mrron V. Hi-jnes, 11, "The Vain.- of Helipious Educa tion Work." Swedl'h-Flnnlsh Mission. White Temple, B. EaM Side E. 2oth aid Ankrnv t.J Rtr. W. . Shank. ' pastor. 11. "The M'ssion of the Church," 0:lu. Highland. E. 0th and Alberta Re. Chaa. F. Mleir. 11. "What Do You Bxpect?" 9:45, S. b.: 7:00, R. Y. I', r. Arleta- RfT. W. T. Sp-rigfs. 11. "Our Conn trCs Altar." 7:00 p. m., "Cartload! of In hl'i'lty." Cniversttv Par Rev. C U Heskett. 11. 7::iO. Preaching by Dr. Myron W. Haynea of McMinuvllle. Swedish 15th and Hoyt, 10:45, 7:30. Grace Montavilla, Rev. M. T. Cash, 11, 7:30. Kellwood Rev. F. H. Hayes. 11. 7:30. St. Johns Rev. E. P. Borden, pastor. 7:30. Calvary E. 8th and Gram Rev. Thomas Btihenson acting; pastor. 11. 7:30. Mt Calvary E. Pine and Grand aw. Rev. A M. Macback. 11. 8. Third Knott and Vancouver ave. Rev. W. J. Beaven. 11. 7:30. 8t. Johns (German) Rev. F. Bruermaa, 11, 7 :30. Chines J. C. Malone. 7. Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson. 11, 7:80. Kecond German Morris and Rodney are. 11. 7:30. Glrncoe E. 45tb and Main Rev. A. B. Walt. 11, "Associating Children With the Church." Mount Ollvrt Rev. W. A. Marrett. 11, s. Italian Mission Rev. Franceaco Saniulla, 11. 8. Flrat German 4th and Mill Rev. 3. Kratt, 11. 7:30. Goodwill Mission 15th and Boise Mlsa A. M Nelson, superintendent. North Portland Mission 880 Nicolai t., Friday. 8. Kussellvllle Mission Rev. Albert Lanfh brhipr. S, 3:45. Tabernacle E. 42d and Holijate RVs Wal ter Duff, acting pastor. 11. 7:3a Catholic St. Pete Lenta Kev. p. Beatgen. g, 10:30. 7:30. Pro-Catbedral 15th and Davla Rev. E. V. O'Hara. . 7:15. 8:30. a:45, 11. 7:45. gt. Lawrence 3d and Sherman RT. J. C. Hughes . 8:30. 10:30. 7:30. St Patricks lath and Savier Rer. B. P. Muruby. , 10:30, 7:30. St. Francis E. lltn and Oak Rev. J. H. Black. 6. 8. 9, 10:30, 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ave. and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. , 10:30. 7:30. Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clsckamas Rev. E. S. Olson. 6. 7, 8. 9. 11. 7:30. St. Rose E. 03d and Alameda Ber. J. O'Karrell. 8. 10, 7:30. St. Andrews E. th and Alberta Rev. T. Kiernan. 8. 10:30, 7:30. The MadelelDe E. 24tb and SI'klyou Rev. George F. Thompson. 7:30, 9, 10:30. Ascension E. ismhiH and E. 7Stb Francis can Fathers. 8, 10:30, 7:30. Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancou ver ave. Rev. F. H. Miller. 8, 8. 10:30, 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blaa dena Rev. B. V. Kelly. 8, 10:30, 7:30. H;ly Cross 774 Bowdoin Kev. C. Raymond. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St. Ignatius 3220 43d st S. E. Jesuit Fath ers. o.JO. S, 10:30, 4. St. Stephens 42d and E. Taylor Ber. War ren A. Waitt. 6. 8:30, 10:30. 7:30. St. Phillip Neri E. loin and Hlckey Rev. W. J. Cartwrlght. 8, 10:30, 7:30. Sacred Hear. E. 11 tb and Center Rav. Q. KobL S, 10:30, 7:30. St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Ber. J. Cnmmisky. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St, Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Rev B. Durrer. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland ave. and Failing Rev. F. Matbew. 8, 10:30. 7:30. 8t. Michael (Italian) itb and Mill Rev. M. Balestra. 8, 10:30. 7:80. St. Clements Smith and Newton Rev. c Smith. 8, 10:30, 7:30. St. Clares Capitol Hill Rev. Father An thony. 8, 10:30, 7:30. - St. Charles 34th and KtUingsworth Rsv G. Snideruorn. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Christian. First Park and Columbia, 7:90. Rev. F. W. En.raoa will preach, morning and evening. Montavilla E. 7ttta ana Hoyt Kev. j. c. Ghormley. 11. 8. Gladstone Rev- Roy L, Doun. 11. a, Woodlawn 7th and Liberty Rev. W. J. l(lllicer? 11. 7:30. - east B5 Christian E. 12th and X. Taylor GODLINESS PROFITABLE TO ALL "(iodlirewi Is profitable mitn all thing, baring premise nt the life that now 1b and tlint which in to enine." 1 Tim., 4:8. " ' W - f - ment, Godliness gives the largest returns of any investment ever made, for it not only affects "the life that now is, but that which is to come" as well. Godliness pays well in the coin of the realm. Business honesty is as great an asset ais business thrift. The shortest route to business honesty is through the gate of moral integ rity. Nor is the least asset of Godliness good health, for God liness anticipates good cheer, confidence and a perennial happi ness. As such it makes a positive life. lowing program has been arranged: Instrumental selection: Song, "America." congregatiion ; prayer; so prano solo. "Tossing Flowers on th Billows. " by Mrs. K. J. Meyers; scrii, ture reading: song. "Star Spangled Banner," congregation; announce ments; song. "Tenting Tonight," choli , violin solo, medley of G. A. R. songs, b Krank Dawrenee; baritone solo, "Dreams of Paradise." Kugene Paul Holen: addres5. Rev. K. J. Meyers; an 1 l-rin. "Now the Day Is Over." choir: tecitation, 'Tmr Thern Over." (flower and flag exercise. Miss Alice Brown, girls and boys; taps, Dr. H. O. Brown; benediction. Ben Butler post No. 57 and the Woman's Relief corps will attend in a body the First I'nited Presbyterian church, corner Thirty-seventh street and Hawthorne avenue at 1 1 a. m. The pastor. Dr. K. D. Findley. will preach on the' topic "Our Citizenship." First Congregational Picnic. The Young people of the First Con gregational church and Bible school and of the Christian Endeavor society, will observe Decoration day at Cane mah Park. There will be Memorial day exercises In the forenoon, a special feature being in recognition of W. D. Palmer, a member of the Bible school orchestra, who served as drummer boy in 'the civil war. In the afternoon there will be games for young and old. under the leadership of Harry T. Smith, physical director In the Y. M. C. A., and his committee. Many of the organizations connected with the church will join the young people in making this observance of Decoration day one of the big events in the church year. Special cars will leave East V.'p.ter street and Hawthorne avonue at ;-:?0 a. m. Tickets may be obtained from teachers and officers of the Bi ble school. Kev. A. L. Crim. 11. "Memorlala." 8:00 p. tu.. "Our Country Wliat's the Matter With It ?' Sellwood 13th and Tenlno Rev. J. R. Jobn kou. 11, 8. Rodney Avenue, at Knott sL Rev. J. F. Qtormley. Kern Park Rev. G. K. Berry. 11. 7:30. Ft. Johns Rev. Herbert F. Jones. 11. 8. Vernon Church of Christ E. 10th and W- I gsnt J. A. Melton. 11. 7:30. Betuei E. 62d and Thompson Rev; Aurrey W. Wilson. Christian Science. lesson sprmon "Am-lent and Modern Necro mancy. Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, De nounced." First churcli Everett, oetween 18th and 19th sts. 11. 8. Second East 6th and Holladay. 11. 8. Third East 32tb and Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, 9. Fifth Myrtle Park hall. 11. Christian Science BOclety Holbrook block. St. Johns. 11. Cona-re (rational. First Park and Madison Rev. Luther R. n.vott 11. "The ideal and the Practical." 7:45. Memorial dny exercises. Flrs German E. 7th nd Stanton Rev. E. O. Wlllnian. Atkinson Community church E. 29th and Ev eiett Thomas S. Anderson, minister. 11. 1'niversity Park Haven St.. ucax Lombard Itev. F. J. Mever, 11. Highland E. fith ami Prescott Rev. Geo. fMv. Iewis. 11, "The Oldest and Best ("hutch in America. " H. To Soldiers of the lirand Army of thia Grand Republic. Lindernnrst Rev. D. B. Gray. 11. 7:45. Pilgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver St. Rev. W. ( . Kantner. 11. "Our Place in the Remeri brance of Others." 7 : (5. "The Oood fnld'crs." vaverly Heights K. 33d and- Woodward Rev. A. C. Mes. 11. Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J. Stanb. Sermon at II. "The Distinguishing Marks of the True Soldier." 7:45, "A Man With SIt Senses." Zion tGermani E. 9th and Tremont Rev. J II. Hopp. lo:30. Norweglun Danish Evangelical Church Rum ter and East 2:td st. N. Rev. Martin Olten. Strvlce at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Episcopal. Bt. Marks 21st and Manrhall Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector: Rev. J. G. Hatton. as sistant rector. 7:30, 7:30, 8:30, 10:15, 11. Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor rison. S. 11, 8. Pro-Cathedral of Bt. Stephen, the Martyr Very Rev. H M. Ramsey. 7:45. 11, 8. 7:45 St. David's E. 12tb and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins. 8, 9:30. 11. "The Parent hood of the Church." 7:30, "The Approach of the Holy Ghost." St. Matthew's Corbett and Bancroft Rev W. A. M. Breci. 11. St. Johns Mllwaukle Bev. John D. Rica 3. 4. St. Andrews Hereford St.. Portsmouth Archdeacon. Chambers in charge. 11. Grace Memorial Weidler and E. 17th N Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 11, :30. St.' Michael's and All Angels' E. 43d and Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen. 11, 7:30. Church of Our Saviour OOtU ave. and 41st it. S. B. Archdeacon Chambers in charge 11 St. John's Sellwood Rev. John D. Rice. 11 St. Paul's VVoodmere Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 4. Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Sa maritan hoapltal Rev. Frederick K. Howard 7, T:15. All Saints' cbnrcb 25tb and Savier Rev Frederick h. Howatd. 11. 6:30. Evangelical Aasoclatlaa. Carson Heigh la G. P. Llenlng-Jr. 11-80 7 First English E. 6tb and Market Rsv ' e' V. Hornscbuch. 11, 8. First German Evangelical 10th and Clay Rev. (j. 1'. Liening. 10:45. 8. Evangelical Synod. , German Evangelical Friends' church Ta- coma avs. and E. 15th. Rev. Ellas M. Her gtrt. 10:45. 7:30. St, Paul Evangelical church 447 Falllns Kev. J. Hergert. 11. 7:30. Frew Methodist. Central 65th and E. Flanders Rev L ft Elackman. 11. 7:45. First B, BUi and Mill Bev. I. Harrington, pasior. Friends' Churcu, 8onnyslde E. 35th and Main Ber. Homar Coi. 11. 7:80. Lenta South Mala st Bev. Joha Rller 11. 7:30. 7" West Piedmont Rev. Mrs. Ethel U i nold. 11, 7:30. ' Jewish. Congregation Beth Israel 12th lad Main Rabbi Jonah B. WUe. Friday, p. m. a to day. 10:30 a. m. Latter Day balats. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Morsaon) K. 25th and Madison. 11:45, 7 Montavilla (not Mormon) 11. 7:30. lAtheran, tmmanucl 19th and Irving Kev. J. Richard Olson. 11. 8. Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Williams avs. and Graham Bev. J. A. Rimbach. 10-15 7:30. ' West Bide Norwegian Lutheran 43 N 14 Bev Wilaelm Petterson, 11, 8. Bethany iaih Lnioj ave. N. and Mor ris Kev. M. O. Jenseti-Eugholm. n, g. Our Ssstor'B E. loth and K. Grant ats. Rev. George Henrtkaen . EnsilsU service, lo.is. Norwegian, service. 11:15. " - lmmanoel Germaa Sellwood Rev. h. C Cheung. 10:80. . ; V " - Grace Eogltoa (Missouri Synod) Alhina sv. The genius of Christianity is service "Even the son of man is come not to be min istered unto, but to minister." He who lives not for others, lives not well. Godliness is Godliness. Those who pay the price of devo tion and consecration, those who have "searched the Scriptures'' and found therein the way of life; who have been able to gic a reason for the faith which they profess, are they who by their faith and conduct give the richest evidence of discipleship. As an invest Preacher to Discuss Laws of Suggestion Sunday evening Rev. Mr. T.eas at St. James' Dutheran church. West Park and Jefferson streets, will speak on the subject, "The Laws of Suggestion as Applied by St. Paul." .Mr. I,ens has made a study of this subject and will have some interesting things to say. He also believes that the laws of men tal suggestion have a great influtme in healing disease. Men's Bible ("lass Host to Members Members of the Montavilla M. K. church tind their friends were enter tained on Tuesday night by the newly organized Men's Progressive Bible class. The feature of the entertain ment was a mock trial which resulted in O. P. West being sentenced to "beat it" home to his wife and family after confessing to having taken 15 chick ens from the premises of L. J. Toles. Dr. Schlegel presided as judge. The jury consisted ofladies of the church. The entertainment proved a huge suc cess and it is planned to repeat these social affairs in the future. New Church Formed. St. Johns Baptist church at 63?. Sec ond street south, Portland, was organ ized on April 9. 1916, by Rev. A. M. Macback and Rev. T. V. Smith, mis sionaries of the Silo district, Mission ary Baptist association. Services are held at 11 a. m. and ?. p. m. on every Sunday.- Weekly services ate held on every Thursday at 7:45 p. rn. OF CHURCH and Mason Rev. C. Luecke. 10:30. 7:30. St- 1'aul'a German E. 121h and Clinton Rev. A. S. hrause German service, 1030 English, 8. German Evangelical I.utberlon Zlon (Missouri Synod I Salmon and Chapman Rev. H. 11. Loppelniaun. 10:15, 7:45. St. John's Peninsular mil Klrkpatrlck Rev. K. O. Salzman. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Augustana Rev. H. E. Sanstedt. 10:45. 7:45. Lnited Norwegian Portsmouth Rev. H. O. Hciidri kson. 11. German Evangelical Reformed Lents Rev. W. Lienkaeuiper. 11. St. James. Enclish West Park and Jeffr son J. Allen Leas. 11, "The Treasure in the rleld. b, '"llie Iaws of Suggestion as Ap pli'd by St. Paul." Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free church Wjgant and Rodney avenues Rev. J. A Slav, uc). 11. 8. Methodist. r'lrst 12th and Taylor Dr. Frank G. Love lund, minister: Rev. Walter Lee Airheart. Asst. 10:30. "Faith in God," by Dr. Airheart. 7:0, cantata. "Jlie Holy City," by quartet Hud vested chorus. Centenary E uth and E. Pine Rev. T. W I-ane. II. "A Lesson in Disonragement." 7:45 p. m. "A Strange Change Aeainst Jesus " Tayior atreeters Sidewalk Thud and Tay lor Morning service only. Trinity E. 10th and Sherman Rev. A R Calder. 11, "The Best Thinrs First." hy 1 A. Waters, and 8 p. m. by Rev. Cbas. T. Mc pherson. Swedish Borthwick and Beech Rev. John A. Wellman, 11. 7:45. Epworth 26th and Savier Ke. C. O. Mc (ullocb. 11, "l,ii;ht for Benighted Millions." 7:45. First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hurt Rev o. T. Field. 11. 8. Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev. Louis Thomas. 11. "I.okfr,e; Forward." "..",0. "Hindrances to Happiness. " Sellwood Kev. Aiexauder P. Maclean 11. 7:31. Sunnyslde E. 85th and Tambill Rev. R Elmer .mith, 11, 7:46. Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Rev. C. C. Rarick. 11. St. Johns Hayes and Leavltt Rev. W. E Icgalls. Montavllle Rev. W. H. Hampton. 11. Laurelwood 63d st. S. E. and Foster road Rev. C. A. Carlos. 11, Evangelist Malliey. 8. C. R. Carlos. Clinton Kelly Memorial E. 40th and iJow ell Valley Kev. J. West Thompson. 11, Japanese Misalon Kev. Eiuteu Kihara'. 9 30 8:30. Rose City Park Sandy blvd. and E. 5Ktb Rev. William W. Youugson. 11 and 4 M d ni.. Dr. M. H. Marvin. v German Rodney ave. and Stanton Rev. F A. Schumanu, 10 8. African Zion 288 Williams sve. Rev. W W Howard. Rev. E. D. L. Thompson, 11 8 Vancouver Avenue Norwep1an-lautsh Corner Skidmore Rev. Abraham Verelde. 10:45, 8 University Park Lombard aud Fii.ke Rev C- L. Hamilton. 11. 7:30. Ienta Rev. W. Boyd Moore. 11 g Betbl Larrabee and McMillan Rev J L. Craw. 11, 8:15. ' Westmoreland Milwaukie ave., near Ramo nr. Rev. C. B. Harrison. II. "The Rattle of Jezreel." 7:30. "The Evil Influences of West ern Civilization L'pon Western Civilisation '' b.' young men from Central M. E. church. Lincoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln Rev G G Haley. 10:30, 8. " ' ' Patton Michigan and Alberta Rev. Georce H Feese. U, 7:45. Woodstock E. 44th and 0th eva. 8. K. Re?. Frank James. 11, 7:45. First German Rev. A. F. Cramer. 11, 8. Brentwood Rev. W. L. Wilson. 11. Berkeley Heights clnbbousa Rev. A. B Calder. 3. ' ' Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30. Carson Heights Rev. L. c. Douflaas. Ken dii station. Clark scbooibouse Rev. A. B. Wilson. 7-80 Mt. Tabor East Siity-flrst snd 8tar'k its Bev. E. OUn Eldrida-e. ii, "The Testimony of the Ages." 8. "Bringing Out Your Best " Irvlngton East 10th and Weidler Rev a A. Danford. 11. M. E. Chnrch. South. Union ave. and Multnomati Rev. W J Ftnton. 11. 7:30. ' Missions. Swedish Mission Rev. B. 7. Tboren 11 a Elim Chapel Rev. B. J. Tboren. 10 ' Bethel Fre cbnrcb Ivy and Williams Rev J. A. Stavney. 11. 8. ' Haaarsns. First Pentecostal E, 7th and E. Coacb Rev. C. Howard Davis. 11. 7:30. Sellwood E. Oth and Spokane Rev. H C Baker. 11. 7:30. ' - Brentwood E. 67 th St. and E. 85 th avs E. Rev. Stella Crooks. 11, g. "T"' Scandinavian 948 Garfield Ear J a Bringedahl. pastor. U, 7:30. ' Highland Park 3, 7:40. Preatoytertaa. First 12th and Alder Bev. Joha H Boyd 10:30, 7:45. Fourth Flrat and Glbbs Rev. Henry O Henson. 10:30 "A Good Soldier." 7:30. "Thy Will Be Done." Calvary 11th and Clay Rev. o. S. Banm 10:30, "Religioa by Proxy." 7:43. 'The Weli by the Gate." Arbor Lodge Bev. George B. Cromley. n, 7 :45. . Kenllworth E. 84th end Gladstone Ber Leslie Kirk BU-bardson. 11. Mispaa E. lath and Division Bev Harrv Leeds. 11. 7:30. Forbes Eev. Harry L- Pratt. 11. g Hope Montavilla. 78th end B. Everett ata Re. 8. W. Seaman. 11. 7:45. . . Central E. 13th and Pine Rev. Wallar tr Lee, acting pastor. lOutCj-8owtoc la Tears ; - r, , - - v - DR. CORBY WILL END 10 YEAR PASTORATE TOMORROW MORNING Minister-Will Take Up Work! at the Junior Agricultural! School; Dr. Scott to Supply Rv. Dr. James D. Oorby will de liver the closing sermon of his 10 year pastorate of the First Universalist church at Broadway and Kast Twenty fourth streets at 10:45 Sunaay morn ing. An interesting service is being arranged for. The many friends made by Dr. and Mrs. Corby regret their departure from this growing parisii; i bu". in taking up this work for boys Dr. j Corby will extend his influence and 'serve humanity more than ever, j A surprisingly large number of ap- plications have been received from i bc s who desire to enter the Junior j agricultural school whose work Dr. Corby take.-, up the first of the month, i This school is a nonsectarian school lor normal ! s who are worthy and ! who desire a good home and vocational 1 1 a i n ing. Rev. T. Scott of California, a so cial service expert mid a fine preacher has been secured by the trustees as the preacher for the First church during -1 n i it and July, and conies highly spo ken of by all. Rev. Dr. John Carter of Racine, Wis., one of the leading Chautauqua lec turers and the pastor of the Church of O.ir Saviour will be a visitor during July and will be heard in the I'niver salist church during his stay. tils lecture on "The Great Northwest" has helped to make Portland and Oregon widely known through the east Tent Meetings Are Gaining in Interest Rev. D. F Smith, conference evan gelist of the. Oregon conference of the Methodist Kpiseopal church. Is hold ing a tent meeting at Tremont station. He is assisted by Rev. .lames Mailley of Pullman, Wash. These meetings have been in progress otie week and thj attendance and interest are growing. There will he services next Sunday i at "::in and 7:31. Also every night next week except Monday. The leaders earnestly invite the co operation of all Christians. The tent is reached by the Mt. Scott car and is two blocks south of Tremont station on Seventy-second street. SERVICES and Reaping in Joy." hy Wallace H. Lee. 7:30. Millard .'-venue 7241 5. ib ave. S. E Hev W. H. Amos. 11. 7.-.30. Mt. Tabor E. 55 tb and Blmont Rev Wll liatn Graham Moore." 11, '-our Memorials " i.4., sacred concert by the choir T'uity Rev. W. Lee Gray. Vernon 19th and Wygant Rev. H N. Mount. 11. Wusimliister E. 17th snd Schuyler Rev. i. .in.. .iinn.Tiiir. io:.iu. Piedmont Clevelnnd and Jarrett sts. Rev. it "'iicninson. io::iU. "ITeparedness. " 8:00 "How We Got Our Present English Bible " Rose Cltv Park E. 4oth and Hancock Rer. J. M. Skinner. 11, 7:30. Spokane Avenue E. lejth and Spokane Rev W. S. McCullagh. 11. 7:30 Marshal Street 17th s-id Marshall Rev. A. J. Ifanna. 11, a memorial sermon. 7:30 Trinity Corner Virginia and Nehraata sts. 1U-T. E. Bensoc. 11, 7:30. Chinese 145 First at. 7:4. Anahel otb st. and 87th ave. g. I Rev. Alfred Levis Taxis. 4. Reformed Preabytarlaa. First church Minnesota ana Aim worth-- Rev F U. Fraxer. 11. 7:30. Reformed. First German 12th and (lay Rev. Q. Hef ner. lu:4o. 8. Second Columbia blvd. and 83d st. Bar E A. Wjss. 11. Third Fifth ave.. Lents Rev W. Q Llea ksemper. 11. Salvation Army. Corps No. 1243 Ash. 8. Adjutant Joseph ti. .rtson. Swedi.o Ccrps 30 Burnslde. Scandinavian 213 Asb Kev. Joha OvaL Seventh Say Advsntlsts. Note Regular services of thla denomination are held ou Saturday. Central E. 11th and Everett Elder P. C. tin) ward, pastor. 11. TaberuBcle West Side, K. of P. ball lira an.) Alder Elder E. W. Cetlln 11 Montavilla E. SOth aid E. 'Everett Elder i. F. lieatty. 11 and 7. i Albiua (German) Skidmore and Mallorv Elder A. C. Scbweltier. ' Lents 4th and 58th ave. Elder D J Chit wood. 11. St. Johns Central avenus and Charleston Elder E. I). Hurlburt. 11. Mount Tsbor E. 60 and Belmont R r J. Cummlngs. 11. Scandiuavian church 62nd and 89th avs a E. Elder O. E. Sandnes. 11. Services for the Deaf. United Presbyterian Wasco and Grand avt Kev. S. Earl DuKols. i0:30. 8. Unitarian. Church of Our Father liroadwav and Tarn. till Kev. T. L. Eliot. D. I). 11. 'A New Statement of the Essence of Christian Doc trine." 5:00 p. m., "William Shakapere.' United Brethren. Alberta 27th aud Alberta Rev. C. C. Bell. 11 7:30. first K. 15th and Morrison Rev. J n Nisewonder- Bible school and observance of Children's clay Hi to 11:30; 8:00, closing ser mon for this conference year. Fourth OVtb st. aud 62d ats 8. E. Bsv L E. Conner. 11. 7:45. Third 67th st. and S2d ave. 8. K R Herbert F. White. 11. "Memorial Service." s p. m. , evening services. United Evangelical. Fourth Rev. J. E. Conner. 11 7 Jo Radical Jessup at. Rev. A. 8. Uendersoa 11 7:30. Manor. Circuit Services Cherry Grove a u m Brush Prslrie, 7:30. ' Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gar Rev. U. U Lovell. 11. 8. w First E. 18th and Popla Rev. J. A. Goode. St. Johnsr-Rev.' A. P. Lavtoo. 11, g Wichita Rev. H. H. Farnbam. 11, g. United Presbyterian. First E. 87tb aud Hawthorne Rev. Frank DeWltt Findley. 11, special memorial services "6,nr Citizenship." i :45 p. m. "Boots of Brass." Church of tbe Strangers Masco street i Grand ave. Rev. S. Earl DttBols, 10:30, g. &VDIUD 4. o. ooie. lu:io, a. Universal ist. Church of tbe Good Tidmrs Brosdwa mA E. 24 th Rev. J. D. Corby. 10:43. "The Achievements of Faith Men." Y. M. C. A T. W. O. A. T.sM- C. A. 6th and Taylor H. W. Stona. general secretsry. i. w . v;. a. ctrosawsy ana rsylor Miss Linda D. James, general secretary-. 4 SO Wallace McCamanL "The Civil War From a Perspective or uair a century After." Music veteran quartet. Miscellaneous. Associated Bible Students (I. B. S. A 1 Ckrtstensen's bsll, 11th and Tambill ats. Pub lic lecture by W. K. van Amberg of Brooklyn N. Y. Topic, "What Is s Christian?" ll-is discourse by W. E. Van Amberg. New ITiougm lemnie or iTuth Eilers Bids Mrs. Althia V. Wlesandanger: "KesllxinV God." First Spiritual Science Sixth anil V(nn. (fernery. 11. symposium. 8, Wallace Struble New Chnrch Society Eilers hall Kev. Sam uel Worcester. 11, "The Ten Comma ndmeou Written by me ringer 01 boa. - s. tj., 10.14 a. m. Reorganised cnurco or Jesns Christ of tat ter Day asints k. ia'n and Irving EJtfer U U. Cook, pastor, ii. o. Thursday Noon Is Limit, . f fiattivdsv - 1. . w. aitanal nasi . mimm mm - .w nnUU fey aeoa Xhuraday. -. ..- . . . x . . Musical Evening Is Planned by Quartet S. M. Conner will preach tomorrow morning on "Bible School Prepared ness." at the First Christian church. The musical program by the church quartet will occupy the entire, evening service. It is as follows: Organ prelude. (A) "Ase's Death," (B) "To Spring" Grieg 'iThe Lord Is Exalted" West Quartet. Soprano solo. "Ave Maria" Gounod Mrs. Alexander. Violin obligato. Miss DeLorev. Duet, "Oh. Morning Land" Phelps Mrs. Wilson anl Mr. Anflerson. "They That Trust In the Iord '.Walcott Quartet. Offertory (selected) Miss DeLorev Duet. "Teach Me to Prav'VJ. M Jewitt Mrs. Alexander and Mr. Hardwick. "Kvening and Morning" Oakley Quartet. Bass solo. "The Good Shepherd" . Barrl Mr. Hardwick. "Trust In the Lord" (Stlcker. after "Largo" from "Xcrses" (Handel). Quartet. Organ postlude, "Processional March" Gullmant The members of the quartet are: So prano, Mru. G. K. Alexander; contralto, Mrs. Mabel Orton Wilson; tenor. Her bert Anderson: bass, W. Hardwick; or ganist, Mrs. Frederick Newton; pianist. Miss Huth Crittenden and violinist. Miss Vivien DeLorey. EPWORTH LEAGUE Montavilla took in ten new ttieni'bers durlna; the year and Kent J12.50 to lielp support a girl in China. They worked with the) Anti-Saloon league In setting voters to vote for prohibition. At the request of a charity organization the society fed a poor family for one month last winter. Mt. Tabor added 14 new members and raised $76.20 for misaionK, beHides sending- $5 additional to the Philip pines. A lady was also cared for in the hospital. Centenary-Wesley chapter reports 12 new members and $30 toward the sup port of the nurse deaconess, Miss (las ser; $25 toward the support of a boy In India, and $15 toward a girl in Al aska, m Centenary-Thoburn. chapter took In 19 new members. Central league 1s supporting- a mis sion woman in India and besides gave $30 to the church, $23 to local mercy and help work, and $24 toward the support of Miss Gasser. They added 23 new members. Astoria reported an addition of 12 and mission study classes. They are supporting- a student in Africa and be sides sent $25 to missions and $5 to their local work. Astoria was repre sented at the convention by Miss Hall. Seaside reported 12 new members and $35 expended to outside work. This chapter asked for the next convention. Miss Otto was delegate from this chap ter. Sunnyside was the convention chap ter snd reported $21 sent to foreign missions, $60 to home missions and $5 spent to aid those in the community. The fourth Sunday in every month Sunnyside takes charge of the service at Patton Home. The devotional serv ices were reported as being well at tended. Woodlawn gave $24 toward the sup port of the nurse deaconess. Sellwood Is supporting; two mission aries at an annual cost of $14J. One is In India and the other In China. Pro visions were provided for 11 families and $22 for local charity work, besides $36 toward the support of Miss Gas ser. They received $229 and spent $206. The budget for the coming year Is $250. The chapter was able to raise such a large amount of money 'because they have 26 Christian stewards. At the Junior rally there were 12 from Sellwood, 10 from St. Johns, nine from Centenary and two from Trinity. Memorial Mass For Hibernians Plan A memorial mass will be said for the deceased members of the iocal Order of Hibernians at the Madeleine church In Irvlngton. East Twenty third and Siskiyou streets, tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock. It will be a solemn hlfrh mass with Rev. Father Hugh Gallagher C. S. C. chaplain of the order, as celebrant. Hev. Father George Thompson, pastor of the church, will he deac6n and preach the sermon and Rev. Father George Camp bell, assistant pastor will be sub-deacon. The choir will repeat the music ofi THE TWIN LINERS WITH THE EXPRESS TRAIN SPEED SS. Great Northern Between Um.n rraaelaeo and Fort land Tuesdays, BEGINNING JUNE 1 . S. Northern Pacific SaOe for Saa Francisco Saturday, May 27. EXTRA COMFORTS (RAILROAD TIME) WITHOUT EXTRA x FARE. ALL FARES INCLUDE BERTH AND MEALS. THROUGH STANDARD SLEEPING CARS from the ships' sides, Flavel, to Vancouver, B. C; Seattle and Tacoma, via Great Northern Ry.; to Seattle and Tacoma via Northern Pacific Ryv; Dining Cars on Steamer Express. . Low round-trip excursion fares to San Francisco dairy June 10. Low rates to Los Angeles for Knights Templar con clave June 12 to 20. North Bank Ticket Office 5th and Stark. Bdwy 920, A-6671. YOUNG PEOPLE OF , BAPTIST SOCIETIES;: One Will Be by Union at Glad stone, Other by Climbers to Larch Mountain, Miu. A. AY. le!xng The Baptist Young People's socie ties of the city will give two excufr slons on lpcoration ilay. One will be given by the uiiinii to Gladstone Pltrkt and the other by the Climbers' club of White Temple to Larch mountain. The union picnic is in charge of Ed. E. Cofer and Fred R. Berts with Hijr old Proppe manager of outdoor sports, Gordon Glfford of Indoor athletics, Miss Jessie, Klbarp of the dinner hour and Thomas Raylmrn of Oregon City in charge of (he praise service. ij At noon it Is planned to have a PiC' iiic lunch and after Hupper an open Air praise service will be held .under thai trees. The, committee lias arranged to have refreshments on the grounds. One of the novel features of th pic nic will bo the indoor sports. Which will consist of mental gymnastics, tat tinK. sewinK. etc. . The societies of Vancouver. Wash., Oregon City and Gladstone will b in cluded in this good time. A specta). train will leave from Kast Water and Morrison at 9 o'clock on Tuesday mornlnfi and will K direct to Xh R-rounds. The fare on this train, wilt be 25 cents the round trip. '-V7.i The Climbers' club will leave ths Union depot at 11:20 p. ni. Monday for Larch mountain. They will leave the train early in the. morning and Will try to climb the hill in time to the nun rise. A guide 1ms been ranged for by the railroad company. The party numbers 5o at present and It Is expected that members of tti Y W. C. A. will Join in the trip later. " The hikers will leave the train at Hrldul Vpll whet-., (hev will heir In lha ascept of 10 miles, arriving at the summit by miniine and returning to Multnomah Fnlls by a shorter trail. Of 6 miles by 4 o'clock. An invitation lias been urged upon all ladles of the chinch to Jotn in the l'.'fce. and some cYf them have accepted and have been practlcinar walking OH tne foster road durliiK the past week.. Mrs. A. W. DeLong. assistant pat tor of White Temple, will act as chap- erone. On the trip the Warty Will bo Introduced to two Tiew.Vongs, which Mrs. Ueling has composed. Miss Bailey lias charge of the arrangements. their Faster service, giving from Gounod's SO Cecilia mass tne Gloria and Sanctus Benedlctus and Agnus Del, The Sam tiif- which Is no well known.' will he sung by Miss Nona Lnwler and the choir. Mrs. A. K. Petzel,. contralto foloii-l. will sing the offertory. Other soloists will be Mrs. Charles Shea, Maurice Matson, and Mr. Caahon, Mrs, Charles Abercrornblo will preside at t he organ. . y Northern Pacific Thursdays, Saturdays TO GIVE TWO PI IS ':-;-" ' f .,.- - V? 1 ! 1 1