THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1916. 3,1 , BU8IXKSS OPPORTUNITIES 20 ' JHOn SALE Rig sacrifice, rug weav ; ng factory, only one on Coos Bay. lXlmr Tine bushiest". Forced to Bell for personal reasons. $5 to 17 per day easily cleared. Chance of lifetime for man and wlfo. Stay and teach thor fKwghly. Meet owner. Mr. Preston. Imperial hotel. Price very low. 5 TUB tourist Haon Is" on- START A TAXI IH'KINKHS "! VOIR OWN; two splendidly -iiiipped high grade . taxis. In A-l conditiou. for Kale at a bargain, (tingle or toget her. on term if you ar the right iiwiri. Phone Mr. 1 'flfcllow. Broadway 87. VOil HAKE Cmire'cllonety. fruit and , ciirar store with living or pool room ...In back (Jood --lock, four nliowranen and, fountain, cheap rent. Save money ' hv dealing with ..wrier. Worth $1100. Mr price $sjr.. 307 1st st. ihsi n ess ori'oiai'MTi es WANTED 8 ' MERCH A.NDISK WANTKU Improved wheat lands, close to good town, or timber to trade for merchan dise, from J1000 to 10.040. Box 7, Mad raw. Or WANTKU - cream and Cif) anywhere. ( 1. od if' 'at ioti loin lies .Hiring P!,on, C. -' I I for ree MONEY JO liOAN IlKAIiJ STA I i; OUR Installment plan Ih the best and fcurest method or paying a loan. $83.2; f.r tiKinll. for 3t; months, or ' $21, 34 for Co months, or $18.17 for 9 inr.ii l ji iaya a J10UO . loans and interest. ' Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for ouilding purposes. EQLUTAP.LK SVC'S lV I.11AN ASSN, 242 Stark St.. Portland. Oregon. KNIi .MuN'K t on improved tea, entate at (he lowest tales consistent With the character. ioc-ilion and mar Rln Of security. A p , I i, .1 1 i 01 1 soil. itel. Call and nee the Inrui m;:. . s.ife de - ftosit boxes we rent ..r ,ms tl an I rent per, day. I'NKi.N sFK I'FPo TRl'ST I'll., vt o K ST IT A , iiUJLUINC loans ,., , i:y .wet propei t ; inoiiev 'advaiii eil progresses v. ( Reck. 31 bldg. Main :'tn7 ou i ih n - work I 'ailir,.; $iU0.00O ON iniii l.ii.u. . . 1 1 j oi- larin property, n.-e i;imu ;i :c .-. .MiKenz . & Co.. :erl in-rcr I.l,. d and Alder. CASH pal .'. . tracts. - rates. !'. I lor' I).. I. COI JIIOI I L'.at II. Lewi: aiatii I la MONK V TO I.' .. in to J.'iOOO .li i ii v 1 fteli: a 01 t-ier'.'ig. ,. ,, I all.. I A ii MONK V to property o.i oi K C lie K ii 'i.y. i arm Spa Idtng : l $1000 CP to t.aiyu farm proi.ei ly 'ijlh, :mmi 2(10, :i;o. Kred W. ji ,ini i to'. JlMhl. ' i ii.'in ' ' ' ' ' 'ham, i. .'on'.. I' Aiilti.Mi'l'u.V $40.00u SO 4th Kt. Jil I.I.S Hoard of Trade Ulrlir SETT IIH Small loans, installment euarx-.M uri on 1 o , Yeon lil.l.; MtJRTiJAOK'T.i i.VnsTT, aiiTrV'r.-IiTil Kalonion & Co. .inn tmk st . near r.", JIONKV 10 io;in, "1. to w : & Co.. 310 S . . 1 1 f I ) r ir ,,C II Sen 7. MONKY TO IX)N I I I I.S, SAKME1K.S 8ai,ai:ii-;h r i i.i.s Money to loan m Milaric, .,,j ,,, . i-Other on furniture. piano n, Cycles, ailtoinoloh d;ainoi,d.s" eu -legal raic, ".nh easv terms' o .!t . tnent- i,o neiay l.i.ii.M-il l,v .state ' I Ull 1 l,il .M I I.I 'A.N I IHII'AXJ llelim ppiir. IN. MAMi i.N I 'S 1 ,.jS 1 ,n. d M.uii I.O.I S l 1 ;t .Want $1000 im auburbun home Journal. , NVANTKli- sTni.T .' Co., Worth i 1 n,i l.'S on t :iooo. l acre K-ur.'.i. . have :: : an, aM s, 101 . j in res, I .a ni W.'. A.l- . writ y. k If, an. Klve good Ihmii I drewa P-77, L, -$i:..hi creiiKf Want 1:1 1 at , pe Worth $; heai iiiu 8118. i-ent '00. TL on lior I I.V.I ( I IK lat and Zd mortn.iKe.s purchased, also - ellers' interest In rout rai-is (it aid WaBh, H, K. Nohie, , mens hidri vC'-H A T T i; CHASHU I j .M 1 1 p 1 IN .i n:i- C- S PC, u ekiiTI 1,1, J 1 I IIKKI n l M.i 1 H i; OOOI) ausaKe maker ence a ml n l rein -e . nalary w ii I I., pa 1.1 i ,, want 1 . 1 u 1 1 I '-; ! . I d; expeu- ed: Koo.f nett Meat 1 Portland. ir. man. lien Hi and lainhill m. .WANT KIT .Y compeleni and blacks. n it,!i .n i.n. e iiui'e shoer Apply Vuunj ftuiiKei. ilsom 11:.., in jJPAIN'J'KK ami k.iT-.7;Vne ' allJ cash 111 pay mi. 11 1 out), Journal ' JANITOR sel TT,'s'eil for rem of room apt. a pa i t rn. wot k. 111 excliain;.. -:ci,. .li'ii 1 - rial. MEN wanted to splTt Tot iTwoihTT timber, ('all J-;,ist Side .'ucl Co 2d and Market. C,ood Kast 1. WANTKP Soda dispenser -ton's. 1L'7 III oadsva v -.. ....' l.eiRli- xuait-i 11 ,iii.. 1 ip pa 11 1 A. Servic tree to n lit V. Iliiiel s M. C. HKLi m.mi:i) misc. 4!) T; M. C. A. Ai:To.ui.ii.k sciiooi Day ar.d niwl.t -lusscs. trala.i.g m repairing, driving and machine work Including force. Uth., bhaper. drill prena, ete.; lime unlimited. Secure pass at KUucational ft ice V MCA bids., to Inspect our shops and'metli Ods. COM 1 'KT K N T c 1 1 A I ' ! t 'K t " hs AND MECHANICS Sl'l'I'MKI. Tu3 : ton fee Includes M KM HF I'.s 1 1 1 P in M. C. A. and its K.Mri,(ivilKX;'l)L PARTMKNT. use of BO-ft. swin-rr.n, pool. Ithower hatlis. cvinnasiiim. , et-. $75 MONTH Oovernnieiii ots Men ' women wanted. ijst of pusit'ons-' Jfee. Franklin Institute, liepi ;4a-u Hopbester. N. Y - VAMn;u Raines men. wi;,n1K- to ' become l'ortland mail rarriiMo Coni 1 Wience 67 month oy-"32. Journal. ,. , . . . . . T . ' . ,jfiVJAi.jt.u ror tailor ni ale tlT. Taylor ihe Taller L'ss t aui-.s. V..- it PuniHiH . HE LI VYAM KD FKMALK 2 WANTED A younir lady to assist in : ; ' a corfespondeiice club; share in re ceipts; all letters answered Leonard TOnBle . llfn. 1 iel . city. 1JOUSKK1.KPKU waul j.v -wfll pay goo, way : and phone number K- on a farm, Kive address lout nal niim.t i.-. v i i -1 . . - . . ; iivenr.itui.l' o ma 11 il ss 1ST a tl t llOllse- 1 keeper on faim small enrs i.,ni TlOITie. K. Atkinson Sandlake. Or. 'WANTED, first class "'. ' buttonhole maker on 603 Buchanan bldi:. fiuisher and men s coats ilex PERI KNC'ED overall operatois. .. Hood far-torv. I'd and Couch sts. an. IIEU' WANTKliMALE AXD FKMAKF 29 MOLKR ilAHUKIt COLLKGE Wants men and women to learu th ;trade; paid while learning; tools free; positions secured; summer rates; write " cmamK ue. 48 N. -.'d st. MOTILer Barber school n-.-mrs ana women to learn barber tradb . free in 8 weeks. Positions secured. 1'ay while learning. :ts -ii st K'OKEGON liARbElt COLLKGK Men and women to learn barber trade free. 233 Madison st. WA XTKI ) AG EXTS : Wfc can give steady and profitable employment to a few more responr tnble, energetic canvassers. Kcr de tails of terms ana territory, address OREGON Nl'RSI.'RY CO.. Preiico. or. SITUATIOXS-L.MAI.E Cojitractor plastering. brl m bin i. bricrf and cement work. S. S. Klnfrery Mr ELDERLY man. A-l general farm hand, wants uteady homelike place. hf-ft of references. N-760, Journal. WANTKD Work as cement finisher. - day r contract. Phone Tabo;- 82. UOUSH painting; tinting $2 per room lip.- - c A. Humes Marshall 2S28. WALL tinting. work second to none. . irli tow as anyone. Mar. 178. SITUATIONS MALE (Continued) t'KKICK position by competent man. 15 yearn' experience: will invest small amount; references. K-551, Journal CHAl.'KKKUR, experienced, desires po sition with private family or truck: Kr"d references. Call Woodlawn 443S. COMPETKNT- shop mechanics aud chauffeurs furnished by Y M. C. A. Auto school. Main 706r. A-6F.61. PAINTING. paperhanKinn. tinting. Rood work. feb Mallory ave. WouQ- lawn 1099. SIT L'ATIOX S -FEM A LE 4 IPH'SKVVORK wanted by day or hour: laundry work taken home. Tabor 871', eveninKR. A CilRK wants general housework. Phone Marshall 447. DHESSMAKLVO 40 Uls DIVISION St.. dressmaking pr iors, hummer orders, designing. M. Kane TAILORING I'arty gowns, altera- ti'jiiH. 4H'J Montgomery. Main 7434. l'RKsHM AK1NO wanted by day. Ta bor 4 1 7. NL'HSKS INVALIDS private home, sleeping porcn, trained nurse, city references Tahor Nt'RSIO with hospital training; refer ences; mental cases preferred. Main 4 2-'i room M07. KI KMSHEI) KOOMS Kl KNIS1 1 i ) 1 1 rooms fur young in.-n in all parts of the city, also in Y. M. C. A. bids., especially desirable durine the summer; ttrepioof, telephone In each loom, shower baths, $l.5 to $4.75 per week, liu-ludini; lull association mem bership privileges, gvmnasium, swim ming pool, handtiali court, and .nany ottierclub privileges. Full information, at V. M. C. A. business office or tele phone Ma ill 7Qt;.'., A-KF'.l. ThE GARLAND 13 Week. Week M( )l ilOll.N respect able; cor. aslut URliK. outaide r'joms; liot water. J.". Trinity at. gton. tiet P.nh mi.! '0th nAa'jijir'.iij'jj avi OTH AND WASillNGToN hTS. Si l icily incih l II, i-4iit, cool 1 -$.' to SI pr v.eek; ptivate tiaihs u; i i;'K,1 if'ri i'.vHii-A.'.lillill Tenth at )ak .Mod- I I I epl I spcclaloO. I ! week up TDK Ul'. I'.lil.V Clean, homelike, tur- l.isffl-d ri ooms, reasonable, centrally locale.1. IS.", Park-Yamhill. 1 ..... WKKK up. clean, warm, modern fur. tins, .e.ilral. The Knur :tnt Jef. U ltMMIKb KOOMS PKIVATE FAMIXiY 70 UAl.M'T PARK Well furnished modern home, goml meals; gentle men only. loy'J Garfield. Woodlawn i;i;.l ril'I'l.l.Y turnished room, elec tricity, hot water, phone, heat. $10 month. IL':: N. ':td. koo.m- i.o i;oahi 15 THE lIKKKt-uRD. 135 73 7 -HO YT ST. A quiet residential hotel American plan Suites Single rooms. Excellent table Main T.'.)?. A-1722. ROOM aJid hoard lor young woman, ii tier week; laundry, library and sew Hm piivi'.eiies walking dibtance. Puone l-'ast 4 73L- KOOMS AM) KOAKO 72 PRIVATE FAMLT KXCKKKlsNT room and board, private home, lor two young men or married business couple, walking distance, two car lines, piano; reasonable Phone Kast 1 v 7 LARGK, comfortable room, suitable for J men el y desirahle location, closo in. 2 tneals, $ j j . .". per. Phone M a t sliail M hv, 470 Columbia st l. UGK light rooms with closets, suit able for 2 uentlemeu employed; home privileges, home cooking, reasonable, close in. phone K. -11H. Hoisi:KLi;ri.o rooms 8 FURNISHED AND UNFUSDISKEO C .N K loom with km liene.le. complete ly furnished, .steam tit;al. runmriK hot and i-oiu water, phone in every .10111; 7 blocks from 5lh and Morrison sis. jl:! up. '!i Columbia st.. cor. &th. UN ri large Iront cornel, con'i'ieteiy furnished, housekeeping room, 14 pel week, including gas, electric lights, running water, brick building, wc'kinR distance I tusi' ma. rk. ".t)."L? Washington. II ' I S KKKKP I NG apartments, tree tel ephone, bath and cooking gas; sum mer rates. 413 ',3 Washington, cor. 1 I th st. Marshall 164. '1'IIK .Ma) ii:u S, convenient; hous-keep-int; rooms, sleeping porch, 1 '.'." 14lh st., near Washington. Phone Marshall -'747 LARGE, light housekeeping rooms. very ccntial, cheap rein. Pine cor. 1st. Sl'ITK.S of rooms, hot and cold water, reasonable, close in. 1'5 K. 7th .-it. Kast 3IM. ROOM with kitchen, steam heat eh trie lights, linen. $;!.5 week. Sing IS; month. 443 Columbia. ie, DOW NTOWN modern H. K. suite.-, $lj month up, including peat, ligiu, etc. Royal Annex. 3.70 '-a .l orrison. M. 4...1. 'i'Wo housekeeping rooms. $10 per month :"4"ii.. Washington, near Imp. Gem Apts. ' 1 week up. 401 First st. ree bath. hot. cold water. HOrsKKEKl'lXU KOOMS 73 FURNISHED AND UN1UE51SHED PRIVATE rAMILY. TIIRKK rooms and kitchenett-j, fur nished, bath, furnace, gas '.Inge, electricity, porch, modern residence. 1 block I la wt borne car. 734 K Madison Kast 7::u. PLKASANT outside suite. 1, J rooms, housekeeping, well lighted, reason able, close in. respectable. 188 West Park st. KINK front housekeeping rooms, well lighted, heated, free cooking gas, $, $-.."iQ. 4oJ Park st. l liRl-iK room apt. in private home, $14, phone Kast 34L1. 2t0 E. 3d, corner V. .Madison. PLKASANT housekeeping and sleeping rooms; very reasonable. 367 6th it Main 3".5. NKWLY furnished housekeeping suite. 3'jfl Jef- rooms, single or en fcrs Till; r. . 1 i;: I.K mis ely furnished nousekeepm? private home. $18. Marshall UNFURNISHED KOIl KENT HOUSES 12 SEVEN room house, 443 East 4Slh St. north; good location. Price, $25 per mo. Apply on premises. A. P. Wil son. Milwankie. MODERN 5 room bunRalow, 2 lots. fenced; shades and screens. 6408 82d st. S. E.: $7. 5 ROOM modern bungalow. K68 Van couver ave.; newly tinted; $13.50. Tnu'iire at J69 Going St. IN Sunnyside Newly painted 6 room house; modern, good location 1072 Main, cor. 36th st.. or call A-3023. COTTAGE close in, good repair, fruit, berries, near East Ankeny car barn. Fi) "he East 221 or K -52. SIX room modern cottage, 741 1 65th ave.. 2 Weeks from car. pleasant neighborhood. Phone Tabor 624. EIGHT room modern house, furnace, fireplace. 1278 10th st.. Woodlawn district; low rent. Columbia 265 VERY low rent 7 $10 and $15, key drover st. i t and i at next 70', 2d st. house. 229 FOR RENT Modern , room. clean bouse. Marshall st., near North 16th. MODERN wanted. 7 room house, $15. Wdln. 1935. garage 7? NEW. modern room house, 3704. $11 per month. Tabor STRICTLY Nob Hill. modern i room Main 6792. 7T house on j 10 COTTAGE, good condition, wsUK tng distance. 373 13th st. NmA Sonl cottage. 44t Union ave. N. $1 Eaat 462. , . . ., . FOR KKXT HOUSES 12 UNPURNISRX.D ( Contlnaed) , & ROOM house on 1 Vi acres, arci.ard, stable, chicken house, ebjetric light, running water. Two blocks south from Silver Springs station, Oregon City car line; 33 minutes' ride from Port land. Eugenie Mastman, R. 1. Mnwau- kie. Or. TWO lots, 3 room snack. i. per month, located on S2d st- (tiacad amized), near Estacada ear. K.ea W. German Co . 732 Chrfn. of Com EIGHT room modern House, in the new Couch school dist. Will renovate to suit desirable tenants. Call ail Mar shall st. or phone Main 2474. FOR RENT One 7 loom bun.-'alow, partly finished, west of Evergreen station. Vacant June 10. Phou" Oak Grove 52-M. FOR RENT 6 room house, half acre ground, all kinds of fruit and ber ries, with planted garden. $15. 650 K. 39th st. S. Woodstock or Richmond car. FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 HOUSES FOR KENT ADS. of furniture for sale a' pub lished in the Household Goods class ification when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES SO IRV1NGTON, part of furnished house. 5 rooms; on car line; entire ground floor; large yard: roses, etc. Will bo vacant June 1. Adults. East 4384 in a. m. or after 6 p. m. Mode RN, 5 room cottage, neatly fur nished, in good condition, t(I4 Delay St., near o- . it. N. shops. Tako "L" car; J1A, including water. K. 361-'. , sTpTTThops. i Nice modern well furnished cottages, 3 to rooms. $10 to $20. Call at 93 E 25th st. S.. or phone Kast 322.7. . 620 HALL st- Fine view and air; tent nouses, 2 looms and porch, shower I bath and gas I 5 ROO.V1 mudern new furnished house.' rent IS. M'i.7 K. Couch st. Call a.1 corner. East 6122. j FURNISHED 6 room house; l.athv. I electric lights, (.. J bbc-ks to cm; $12. Impure 1'.:'.2 P.urrage st. ; MODE RN " 7 7 . .o ; i u n g a ! w . :: lot... garden, roses, fruit, turnisned. piano. ' 1 block east I 'nil n ae. 411 Cook ave. j ROOM fuinishe.i bungalow, modern. . 966 Vancouver ave. 1 block from Williams. Inquire at 269 Going, fl 6 NEATLY tTiTaIsiTTd 7, rTiomed houst , walking distance. 391 Sacra-; n-ento St. FOR RENT, cheap, 4 nice furnished rooms, first floor, 3 months, respon sible couple. : unnyside. Tabor 1761. lot K room . lean, good furni ture, piano, sewing machine. Wood lawn 4024. 1326 BELMONT ST. Furnished 5 room house gas, electricity, piano, $18. FURNISHED 5 room bungalow, every thing almost new Woodlawn 1032. HOUSE, furnished w unfurnished, and flat. Kast 1601. APARTMENTS 4S FUTiXISHKD AND UNFURNISHED TSSE lilliaL Fifth arid Columbia sis. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Flank's store; good surroundings, strictly modern Z and 3 room furnished aiartments. all outside, with French doois and balconies a i i i v ,' 1 inn, tA i r.n PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT The Knickeroocker Apt. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Attractive 3 room fur. and urifur. modern apt. All new furniture, refer ences. Main 1320. lOtn and Harrison sr Walking distance "HAllPO.S HALL. APARTMENTS" Corner of lltti and Hall Sts UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Two, 3 and 4 room apis., with ba'. cony, heat, private bath and phone, all modern conveniences, walking distance. Marsha 1 1 116 3. m a its i i7v lITTiTart m k nVS. 624 Marshall st. Take W cars, S care or loth st. cars. Beautiful 3 room furnished apartments. Ail large, outside rooms. Private baths. Htn, water, pnone. janitor servce. etc. T 1 IE ALTAMONT. Kiftn and College. Ctan, cozy. J and 4 loom furnished epariuieiiis rents reasonahie. Heat. vater, pi. one and jan.tor service in cluded MoNTGt i.l I.K V AP I S.. J, and .Mont gomery. Modem brick oui.ding. an outside, furnished 2-room apts.. piivate bath, phone, automatic elevatoi. serv ice, close in, summer rates $ 1 s up. Main 9466 VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished " apts Walking distance. References. I'ortlnnil limine ,.f gualUy, cmiilurt uud r1ej Lincoln Aiaa'mi.i'i'ij I CORNER 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2 room furnished apts.. with private bath, phone, electric lights and steam I "-"- i iMain'i.f.i. .. itsz. PENROSE APIS.. N. VV. cor. Belmont Slid Granri AVf naiu oirwlurn ur, 3 room furnished. Service lii st-clasj. u ai k me (t stance. ilAPIsd.N PAivl API'S. Part fc-t., at Madison. Modern 2 3 huh a r,.... fnpm.v. apar.ments. close in. t.y week or month. THE Liii, ucjltf 208 lttTH ST. Maisnali 2316. t' fur m.-I ii.ifiip - also : and 4 room fur. apts. WEI ST Al TS " 69 N. 25d. One large 5 room apt . with private -o. ."v(ji.j. at .it. -i. LL..C,R.E APIS., Htl and nan Mod- ! ci ii uio-n oiuji., i rooms, lurnunea, private phone in each apt., ilj ttud up. I Marshall 4637. . E. ilh and Tayioi sic, j and o room apts.; tight free, private ba t n . UALBOA ApTTs. Large modern 2 and 3 room fur. and unfur.. brick bldg , best service, walk Ing dis.. i e isouaulfe 429 Harrison. IHE siltrtlLLo tjioauway a 'A and 4 room lur. and un:ur. apts! walking distance; at very i eauonaOla rent; best of service. Main 25ot MOVING expenses paid; 3, 4 rooms, bleeping porches. hardwood lloors' Portnoman, 200 E. 13th st. ROSEN FELD (new), E. 14m anu stark. Brick, 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or untur.; outside roopis; private iinon.. DILL apts., 7i0 taal vtiKeiiy. modern. completely luiu, apts., large, light., sunny, ciean. E. lights, Mm. ht. E. l6Us. WES'IFAL, 410 OIL St. 4 ruul.. api, private batb and phone, modern $5 week and up. WalKing distance $3.50 PER week, 2 room apt., private bath. Harrison Court. 6tn and Har rison; walking distance. Nw lui iiianta upis. ; concrete blocK $10 and 12 Lino u ave. N. Woodlawn 512. PiSNK&ULA API's.. Cllio; concrete bid. 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, pains, pnone. steam heat $12 UB. IU1WK ARMS Apts.. 18th and Coucn. - . . . ii a , 1 i .. ; ., - : .. . r-i.uiie wain u.oo-j, new Drick mun.-. ti. q. i 'wiii iiiuuern apta MAGNOLIA API'S.. K. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 3 room apts., $1.6o per wren up oiecpurn nmmB. cast ixZ, N OKU Alio apts, a65 Marshall sL Mod ern. , rivate uain ana a resume r im; roioer rates. ROSE FKlEND. 285 Broadway a.; mod ern unfurnished apts.; large rooms, beet service walking st Marsh 14 lu T 1 1 P l.' W rrtnm -. . . ovpaiaw wnvii ."Vl .uv.ic, CaSl Bltle; good location; $17. Tabor 6065. D.-1035. UAnatoatA hath an 1. A - . . . ; , rinrinnnti CoUrt- 401 l0lh' modem WlIILlllllcUl apartments. $lw to $23. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4. a, 6 rm. apts. Mar. 3360. M. Hl, A-2S76. LUXOR APTS.. 324 l$th st. Main 10i. Furn. and unfur. 2. J 4 room apt CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3 room apt-, $15, $20, $27.60. Marshall 2917. 13 MODERN, j room flat, newly tinted; I wood range, gas plate, connected; ( 207 Halsey st., only 10 minutes' walk to Union depot; $12.50, Including water. East 3612. .MODERN 4 room tlal, gas water j heater and range, $9 including water. 1 847 Williams ave Phone Wd. 1132. 5 ROOM modern; ! Sell. 2086. 110. t14 Brooklyn. BEAUTIFUL 5 room corner flat 101 E. 19th St.; rent. $16. Phone Tabor 414. 1 iSI jK I FLATS 50 MODERN a room flat, neatly fur nished, in good condition. 290 Mar gin St.. foot of Halsey. This Is a beautiful location, fronting on river. Six, including water, l-ist 3612. VE'RV clean, well furnished 5 room Hat, guod neighborhood, walking distance, $18. Also 4 room flat, $16, first floor 772 E Taylor. Kast :.260. AN elegant. y furnished room lower flat; will rent for 6 months, reason able to right party. 335 W. Broadway, corner Market 1-l'RN'lSHKD and unfurnished 5 room, up-to-date tlats, sleeping pordu Walking distance. East 3737. NEWLY tinted 4 room modern flat, borne neighborhood. 1158 Woodward. - KRY desirable lower flat. Nob Hill district: references. Star. 6168 $16 MODERN 4 room, neatly nished; walking distance. East fur 2409. STORES AND OFFICES 11 DR1CK warehouse in South Portland tor rent, trackage, light and airy. Oil paved street; reasonable. Journal P"Mihinsr Co. Uroadwav and Yamhill. S'iORK Tor rviit, good location for sec ond hand furniture. 145 Killings worth, near Albina. WANTED TO RENT WANTED must be Cottage at Oregon beach; reasonable. G-960, Journal. HOUSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 GOOD team of blacks, -..00 lbs., gentle and true; aio one large lior.f, 1500 lbs.; also one nice family mare; a.l at a low price if taken at once. Call at resi dence, 7:'9 Michigan, 'lake Mitsissii pi a r to Fail i ng. Fi R SALIC Reasonable, 2 good work horses, one 1150 and one 1050 ;ba., work single and double: reason lor selling. usine truck for delivering n. ilk. Maplewood Dairy. Phone Main 2 1 S 2 $I3o RI'VS a good farm team, 8 and 9 years. 1150 to 1200 lbs., and ranch wagon. Do not need them. Good work ers. . Montavilla car. G. W. Wood, cor. and K. Oak, Portland. R. 1. Box 245. 1 UK horses ana venicies, dogs and I household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. ; The Journal leadH all other mediums ' in these classifications. i WANTED W. rk team for farm work 1 for their care and keep; best of care. If pair ,jl good mares will buy if price Is r i ght . M-956 . Jo itrna 1 . PAI rTo TTa ncii "horses. 2400 lbs., good workers, new farm wagon, complete ! double harness, $lGo takes outfit. 1967 ' E Stark st. FOR SA1J-: Well mati bed black team, and fast trav weight 2:t0; gentu elers. Phone Woodlawn !.".7K. 1. rt. iteigerwabl, 42d and Going sts. FOR SALE, 14c0 lb. horse, guaranteed, tried and sound, $100. 1680 Pacific st.. city. NINE head of horses, lloo to 1600 lbs. for sale. Anderson Bros.. 2d and Jef tersoli. l olt SALE A-l delivery wagon, horae and harness, all as good as new. Ja ouire 252 3.1 st. COLUMBIA STAPLES. 302 FTont sU Rigs and saddle horses for hire. Main 3030. DEAD horses and animals hauled away frc;. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland TtrnHnrlne Co. LIVESTOCK S5 FOR S'ALE Choice 4 gal, Jersey cow, 6 years old; gentle and good condi tion; tuberculin tested. Must be sold on account of sickness; also good rid ing horse, saddle and bridle. 1691 Mis sissippi ave.. .or Watts. i-OR SALE Choap. 14 dairy cows. 1 of them fresh. 2 ilolsteins. 2 Jerseys 1o D.irnams. 10 heifers, from 1 to 2 years old. Andrew Hanson ra w f o l d. Wash. 5 COW for sale. voting heifer. ! for $28. 976 E. and Alice sts. nh milker, $55: al.o months old: will sell isth St., bet. Hoigate ' FUR SALE , good test. 3 cow Sj cheap, gentle atn take Woodlawn car. 1237 K. 14th N. JERSEY cow for sale. $35. 541 1 97th ; St. S. E. Tabor '0P9. . I WANTED Good nulk route on west I side; must be retail. M-484. Journal. I FRESH Jersey cow for sale. ! ave. S. E. 502S 42d TRADE a horse for a cow. 2S49. 920 E. 15th N. Phone VV. FINE young Jersey, cheap for cash. Mrs. Young. Aloha, Or. 4 FRESH cows; will sell or trade tor beef cattle. 955 Mississippi ave. HOLSTE1N, 3 gal., tuberculin tested, cheap. E-971, Journal. FRESH cow for sale. 4 88 Kerby. POULTRY AXD PIGEONS Si SEE preceding pare for poultry ads. DOG S, Bi I R 1)S . IjgTS, ETC. 4 6 2-YEAR-OLD thoroughbred Pit bull dog. Anv reasonable offer acctpteo. Tabo,- 3118. CLUMBER spaniel tor sale, 3 years old, weight 5o pounds; handsome dog. Apply Sao Halsev st. BOSTON bull, biindle, year old. Ta- bor 4883. Box 279, l'ortland. Al-ASK'AN Spit pup cheap; also can ary and cage. Woodlawn 3112. MALE Setter pup. Tabor 170. A UT0MO15IIJ-S-ACCESSORIES 44 DOUBLE tread, puncture proof tires from your old ones. Bring them in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash at ltStn. Burnside hi Broadway. (33S Buinside ) TON MONITOR TRUCK Just repainted and thoroughly over hauled; fine express body and top, $lt;5; worth double. By owner. Cen- tral Garage. 2d and Main. DELIVERY CAR. OVERLAND, panel top, fine condi tion, $3-'5, terms $100 cash. bal. $25 per month. Phone Marshall 873. P. o. box 1097. LAMER Mfg. & Repair,. 3000 guarant'd springs in cii't-K, prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st. 1 WILL nay cash for Chalmers cars. 1911 model M. 4 passenger. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX.. K. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. CARTERCAR speed bug. just fin ished. fine engine; must sell. $275 Lincoln Garage. Lnion ave.. near Broa dway USED motors, parts, tires, accessories, less than half price of original cost. Auto Wrecking Co.. 271 Front. Main 1939. NO-GLARE AUTO LENSftlSSi, ED BRUNS CO.. 43 H 1st st,, cor. Ash. Broadway 954. GET OUR PRICES ON PAINTING. BROADWAY AUTu PAINTING CO.. 31 Broadway North, near Burnside BARGAINS in all kinds used auto. Address Manx Hotel, room 74, 65 N 6th st. If it's scrap rubber or metals and you want the highest price, phone J. Leve. 186 Columbia. Main 5198. STUDEBAKER auto exprese, '4 ton. 40 H. P., good tires, easy terms. Will trade. East 7839. K. M. F., foredoor model, in 1 unnlng onder, for sale Cheap; might trade for .Ford. Call Sellwood 2069. $275 takes first claxs i passenger auto. Call Geo.. Main 5898 Or Tabor 630. LIGHT delivery ad to in perfect condi tion; fl65 ca. 1138 Madison, - FOR RENT FLATS AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Continued ) A REAL BARGAIN, TWO WHITE CARS. These are left with us to be stf!d hv the owners, who have just received a Marmon 34 and a Cole 8. One is a 1914 model, in perfect guar anteed condition and fully equipped. The other is the 1913 model, and is in as good condition and as fully equipped with starter and lights as the other. THESE SNAPS MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway at Couch St. FORDS FoRDS FORDS 1915 Ford touring, fully equipped, speedometer and cutout, run only 27 00 miles, practically brand new. $425. 1915 Ford roadster, like new. has speedometer. cutout and seal covers. $3 7.7. 1915 $395. Ford touring, fully equipped, 1913 Ford touring, fully equipped. speedometer and shock absorbers. $395. 1914 Ford touring, finest conditio!., electric lights $325. 1914 Ford touring. $295. 1914 Ford roadster. $295. 1914 Ford touring, like new. seat covers and electric lights, $325. Term if desired and a year's freo service on all minor adjustments. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX.. U 1199. E. 13t han dl I a w thorn eave. Used Auto Snaps TERMS GIVEN. 1915 MITCHELL, 7 pass., 6 cyl., A-l condition, electric starter and light.-. 1915 MITCHELL. 5 pass., 4 cyl., elec tric starter and light.. 1914 IMPERIAL, 5 pass., 4 cyl.. electric starter and lights. 1914 MITCHELL, r. pass., trie starter and lights. 1912 MITCHELL. 5 pass.. 6 cy'. elec- cyl., elec- trie starter and liehts. 10 PASSENGER HOTEL BUS M ITCH ELK 6 CYL. CAR. A NUMBER Or OTHERS TO SELECT Mitchell, Lewis 1 Staver Co. E. FIRST A NO East 7 MORRISON R-l 216 55TS. USED CAR BARGAINS. GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. 1910 Reo, :, pass., $200. Hill Interstate, iuu the tiling for a classv "bug." $2.70. 1913 Reo, the car that's always good. $375. 1912 light Hudson, 3 pass, ro-tdster, $300 1911 Pope, 5 pass.. $tno. 1914 Cole. 7 pass., electric ligits and starter, $'i.".0. 1913 Cadillac. 5 pass., electric lights and starti r, $750. 1914 Willys truck, unusually fine condition, $800. Used car department. Open evening for vour eonvenien. e NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway at Couch st BARGAINS IN USED CARS STUDErt AKER Six. series 17, line new, exceptional bareain at $1050. PACKARD. 7 passenger, excellent con dition 1915 body, only $1000. COLE 40. good mechanical condition, newly painted, electric lights, snap, $500. OTTO Special 5 passenger to anyone wanting a high grade lightweight car this is an exceptional oppor tunity. $450. TOE (D)USi!ILE BROADWAY AND COUCH. OVERLAND, electric starter and lights $42" Studebaker. 6 cyl.. late model 77; .Mitchell, 7 pass., 6 cly Ford, late model, with elect starter and lights Marlon touring 32; 4 40 32 5 Terms if Desired. OAKLAND A I TO CO.. Main 414. 16th and Alder USED CARS. We have several cood automobiles in our used car dept. Ainomr them a Pierce "4S" and "36." a Studebak.r 2'i at $225. Cadillac eight at $U'..")0. Over land 1915 six $S5o. Alio six. Dayton motorcycle. Dodge touring car anu many others, trices rignt. juani o-t. COVEY .MOIOK OAK LU.. 21st and Washington. c- A R A G E S $30 and up. Portable hou ses, cnicken houses, wood s h it u el c M 1 1 1 m a d e Co Main 1167. 544 Hdod st. Sundays and evening?. Woodlawn 3615, USED TRUCK. 3 ton White, overhauled and in ;;plen did condition tires in good shape, box body; price $2400, Half cash; tcMns on balance No real estate considered. THE WHITE COMPANY. Broadway at Oak. Phone Broad. 692. EVER-READY 1 ton truck; attachm t. $360; truck e o rn D 1 e t e $775. Manuf'd in Portland THAYKR-SHAV ER-GULLEY I iOH I XK ( ( I 193 East Water St. Phone East 74 37. Let Us Solve lour spring Trouble. Guaranteed Washington carriage Springs. Cor. fc. " Lnion and Bel- . u3 mum, rj. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 74 5 PASSENGER CAR WAN it'll. Will give $494 cash, equity ii. .i'.xIOo corner lot worth $S50; sidewalks anu sewer included. What have yoc." P 944, Journal. W:ILL trade lots 3, 4 and 0, in block :, Laurel Paik, Portland, Or., for a good automobile. F. B. Millioiii 70S Willamette st.. Eugene. Or HAVE $400 first mortgage to trade for automobile or real estate. Address Geo. E Balsiger. R. F. D. No. 1. Scio. Or. CORNER lot in Laurel wood Park to trade for late model Ford touring iar. GX-973. Journal. CASH paid for used loaned on autos. 5of i'ii rs : Alder. money WILL pay cash for late model Ford. Address Route 1. tox 3 15. Lents, Or. t ACRE lot, cost $t00, tor car. 501 Burnside. Main 1092. AUTOS FOR HIRE WANTED Passengers by auto n Sheridan Decoration day. Phone Woodlawn 6 6 '2. MAXWELL, 1916 model. 1 a. m. to 4 p. m., $1 per hour; careful d'iver Tabor 76. GOOD Ford, good driver, $1 per hour. Tabor 6294. FORD Go anywhere; reasonable. Woodlawn 3293. CLEAN, first class touring car. care ful. competent driver. Main 537. 1916 OAKLAND Columbia highway ; price reasonable Tabor 7113 MOTORCYCL ES-HI C YC LES ,"i FOR SALE Fully equipped twin Ex - celsior motorcycle, in good conc.tton. Bargain. Must leave town. Tabor 2627. Call after 2 p. m. DAYTON 9 H. P., 2 speed, kick s"arter, fully equipped, bargain $17j 494 Montgomery st. Bicycles & .motorcycles bought & sold. K, t PincHer. .p laymr, cr. nil ei PARTS for Indian motorcycles cheap. Tabor 668. TWIN Indian, fully equipped,, best con dition. $75. 1138 B. Madison. 1913 INDIAN, $85 cash. Call Sunday a. ra. 981 Gantenbein ave. BOYS' wheel with coaster brake; $7.00 79 E. Cftth St. -nortll. , .-:--J. LAUNCHES AXD BOATS 64 EVINKCDE rowooat and canoe mo tors, rowboats. canoes, moiorboata - - our beautiful motor beat acd en-fin- for $143.00. Evinrude Motor Co. gloved to 211 Morrison st. FOR SALE lk ft. flat bottom hull, 6 ft. locker In bow: built for Evenrude motor; almost new; $25 cash. - T. Dan ielson. foot Nebraska st. NICELY furnished houseboat, 4 rms., large porch, rowooat; bargain if sold at once; going east. 4 4 Willamette moorage, foot of Crampton st. FOR SALE Houseboat, new. furnish ed, fine location, lights, city water. Phone R-1447 WANTED Canoe ; price and address. give E-97 description, '., Journal. T. UAXlKLsuA Huat Snop.i i.,curashi Fiuilding. repairs, i.est vork low price. PIANOS, ORGANS AXD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 31 HERE are real piano bargains from our storage department: Elegant, full size upright piano. List price. $300; now $125 Splendid little upright piano; fine for practice work; now $S0 Beautiful mahogany player piano, with lot of music rolls and bench. .. .$175 GRAVES MUSIC CO.. 151 4th st, near Morrison. BeFOICE purchasing sea , our Specials tn 'Jtfld Piano Bargains- New pianos mod ateijr pnejl ARTISTIC piano players in mahogany. walnut and oak oases from our stor age dept.. priced from $125 to $231; pay $5 cash and $1 to $1.50 per week; bench and music rolls included. Graves Music Co.. 151 4 1 h st..wa rM rrltion. $: '-, $65. $a5. $110 anu Hj cau se cures old and new models, dicker ing. Haines Bros., Heinze. iiallei Da vis and Ki'abe pianos clo d out at once by Security Storage Co.. 7 J9 4tn H A E your piano lunec, i paired, I eliii ished by prolessionel cien. Sa'.:lac tion guaranteed. Portland i Ma no Tuning. Rep .ftJIij; C. ' 246 Ha w I uoi ne 17 10.2 HKS'l values in pianos cr . tel. u. Davenport A: Ttea. player pianos. $365: uprights, $65, $150, $-'00. lioven ilf ii P'ano 'o.. ?7 at b st. AI.IM .MS 101 vour records. 1 educed I"r a short tune: $1.25 ID inch lor ";; S:.,'.ij 12 !i..h. 'Juc. Come in today l '!":s I. M Co. i j L A-H ei urea pianola playei at t.jti iiiaiiogauy Security slutase r... 1 09 4tli FOR SALE. Fischer player piano at one half original cost. Mr. Sou..-. 288 Morrison st. 1 iiu CASH uuya Lilian i.ujiiu.r uprign. tomorrow at Security storas '-'o.. 109 4th st. SMITH & BARNES piano, excellent tone, plain mahogany case; $l2a. 1. .111 392 24 th st. N., city. A snap. FINE canoe talkina machine $9, has been used verv little, also one lor $5. Filers T M Co. FltKE use of piano or plaer piatio 22 years. See display adv.. or pchwan Piano C . Ill 4 111 st W ILL sell my $450 llobart M. piano for $125 cash. 's..l 1 Cable year. N-7:'.'t. Journal. WILL sell $Mia Player piano artd 3 5 rolls of music for $235. Some terms. Used only S months. 1.-539. Journal. Fol SALE CHEAP A. filie $4U0 piano. Cash or terms 429 W ash. st. TYPEWRITERS WE save you Irani 00 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for Our illustrated folder, retail department. W.HOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st ABSOLUTELY free, 5 days' of new $10o typewriter; referenijes re quired; $3 monthly if kept. fY-585, Journal. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months tor $5 and up; 6 months' rental applied on purchase price. Remington 1 p- writer Co. 86 Broadway FOR SALE- -C'.rona upewrit.-r. x.el lent condition, cash only. Marshall 601, evenings. NEW, rebuilt. 2d rateH. P L. ' ". ' ' band, rentals, cut 231 Stal K M 1 40 . HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SAKE 7 KITCHEN raiine. bullet. diuiiiK room tall.-, .bans. led. d.'ssel. chi f foil !e. '. sewing machine, kitchen cabinet and other articles too numo. rous to men tion: must b- sold by June 1; l.afsaiu. '.'12 Williams ae. Woodlawn li, 25. TWO bedroom sets, piano, Viclroia, 2 sales, bookcase, 2 wood stoves, etc.. will lie sold to 1 lie highest bidder this month. D-9S1. Journal. FOR SALE Furniture, bicycle. iav:i mower, garden to"is. Richmond ur Woodstock car. 6.70 E. 39th st. S. b OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS II) BARGAIN'S. All kinds. All makes. Sewing machines, need the room. Will sell We from Each All Guaranteed Main 1 84 5. 349 Morrison. FOR SAi.K Brand Hew caioom and pocket billiard tables with complete outfit. $115. second hand tabus at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies, easy payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWP'K- BALEE COLLENDER O . 46-4S F: ! 1 1 . MACHINES 01 a-il makes 1 sold for less. No agents employed. Machine i.nt- 3 ed $2 per mo. A-362.;, ! .1-9431. Sewing Machilne Emporium, 190 3d st.., near Electric .iiotors sold and Taylor, rented. 'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." -Typewriters" and "Household Goods" ate sepSL.ate classiliications. Ail adver tisements of these goods are puoii.-hed under their respective cias-f .calivii. Look them over. I-loV't rir Trc Jlj.LHii.tllO, IllUtUlO fj Bought, bold, rented and re jVT paired. Walker Electric- Works, 413 Burnside, col. 10th. Broadway or A-5674 10 D Kuril KA D Singer sewing ma chines, complete with attachments, in good order, $17.50 while they last. Ugist 23.79. B-3307, E. R. Stecn, 152 and ave.. near Belmont. v. 1 i.l-iM A N'S line 23 jeweled Wal tUam watch, five posituns. alino-l new. ai Jess than third cos! , also a ly s jeweled Kigin watch and chain, bar gain. T-760, Journal THREE beautiful canvas oil tamo ings. suitaide for dining room, will sell for $2 apiecV See Mr. Jessou. -J floor K:lers bide. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate ciasif ications. A larse listing can be loond under t tiese different cla ssi f teal ions. WANTED To fit your eyes so that you get ail tnat s coining to you I out of Die. prices very reasonable. Staples the Jeweler. SELLING out, all kinds second-hand ladies' suits, coals and dresses, very cheap, $1 and up. 69 N. loth st. Broadway 3932. PHONOGRAPHS, $5; re.oras, 0 cents Phonogia.h Record Exchange, l2i 1st st., near Alder. Main 449.7. GENUINE oriental rug, splendid bar gain for cash or will trade lor dia mond U-96.-, Journal. GENTLEMAN'S 3 stone diamond ring, cost $125; Gypsy setting, i.argaii., $45. S-97. Journal. ROLL top desk and arm chair, n good condition, $18. Broadway 19.7. A 2430 WAYNE gasoline pumps and oii stor age tanks. E. H Rueppell. Agt.. 1S4 1st. Main 1221. $12 50 with ave. DRGPHEAD attachments. sfwing machine. Call 152 Grand MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead Ac Mach. Co.. 311 Front st. Main 5492. THREE beautiful black hair switches, cheap. Phone Oak Grove 62 M. FOR SALE A" traction wood saw, good shape. Phona at 1 in IE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (Continued) ALMOST ALL GONE Out of four cars this la tnat 8 left. WIRE ROPE. Second hand Plough Steel Cable at Iesa than half price. . , 7500 ft. 1 in. 6-strand plough steel. t'000 ft. I',, in. H-strand plough stee . 1600 ft. 15, in. 6-strand plough stee . 5000 ft. IS in. 6-strand plough steel. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION RIGHT LAY. Inspection preferred before ship ment. Prices quoted on request. CHAIN CHAIN OF ALL GRAPES. We have a big stock at the old prices. F. R. MALLORY COMPANY. 233-37 Pine St.. Portland, Or. SWAP COLUMN BRAND new 5 pass. 6-eyl. automobile to trade for good lot, irvington dis trict prelerred; might consider Ala meda Park or Laurelhurst. Price must be right: might assume a little. Auto cost $ 1000. L-939. J o u r 11 a b MY equity in best lot, Waverly Heights, for carpenter, cement and painting work. 1 furnish material. 1. i'urviance, UJJJ25 6tii ave $200 FIRST mortgage and cash for light car or motorcycle. E-958. Journal. WANT trad-.- for small donkey engine. 310 flak. Uroadwav 1 283. A'.'en. W ILL l-o. V trade all kinds of furniture for .2124th st. XYAXTlvD MISCELLANEOUS ft rilONH Eart 7815 when you T-anl to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you the cash. M. It. Se;:t.r. i.86 Grand ave. south of Haw thojne. WANTED Seiond hand furniture, l.'inges and stoves Best prices paid. li tgan Furniture Co. 390 East Mor- IiSOU St. Phone East 223H. WANTED tin- people of Portland 10 know I pay the casp.-p: ices for household goods Piompt attention. Ka st6 I" M . Seator. 143 It f-sell st. 1 U1IL pa . 1 o ..our p.. .1.0. lav-e-. iipir.hi, kii N.i re. Loth phones 113.:. or .aU on J. J. i-o.sler. i .". I nil si HlGHEsr cash .:; u :a, oid gold. sr. cr. pi,. : :i. , tn. watches. I Kodaks, ji'Wtliy of a.l koius. J. Golden. I '. 1 'st st. Nofii ' !: ro m.Tv ei';s! Wanted - mi v.-s. ih U. 1 s, dressers, rugs. .ouch.--, .ha 's. i.u.l.s. eic. W.; pay th. price N A. i'.n l-.v !; t;0... AN I'LI 1 1. .,' . douh same, "anted j single, also u I la nd tMHi i.-s a nd ! M -'.o'.' J on rim I . il'.'ll t o 1 Sh. al.- HIGH I. second hi goods. I I'IMi'l S PAID 1 1 1 1 1 1 t ii ri and liitusp N . 3d M. Id uad wa y For hold 1 19. (r-J (CO Ui ciitii d toJo ij-; trailing stamps W. Bk. hid. PAYS lor lliciu than S 1 ei ry-1 1 ut chin son Co. WANTED To buy a Kirsten i-jhimj, puller, clutcp mo.. I No. lo. must do in t'linl condition, k i v e particulars aiiu price. Broadway 2398. WE Lu V pliopogi a ph s and 10 .!:i r piano in'isn . 2 also First st 'a.n 4 49:.. near APl.t. SI-.CiiNI) band cioihing Imvir. Weyei. I he tailor, la s $5 up for suits; shoes bought. Marshall 1 2.9. 229 Madison. W'l Ll7 T'A Y ( ' A S H" FOR " S 17 C O N D-1 T A N D II o I ' s E II O K D Gi it .1 iS. PH' N':M A IN 3 3 3 2. A -25 6 7. CASH for old gold, silver, platinum nnd higli grade ore 1 1 .1. Pickering, mfg. jeweler. 21S Oreuonian bldg Alaska Bag iV- Junk Co. pavs best prie s. all k in. Is Junk. M a in 4 6 Ml. 23 3 Ft .ml. WE REPAIR your" wafch for $1. no matter how badly broken. Bring this nd Howard Jewelry Co., 93 61 h st. WANT to buy cheap cream separator. Address Frank Naudts, Lents, Or. IvOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles were found 011 the cars of the l'ortland Railway, Light & Power Co. and owners there of may claim same at the 1st and Alder st. .station. Marshall 5100, A 0131 : May 25 14 umbrellas, 1 pennant. 2 looks. 2 lmicii boxes. 1 leather bag. " laskets, 1 brass roller. 9 pkgv.. 1 flash l;s'l.t. :'. tin.?, 1 thimble. 1 can oil; 1 pin. 2 purses. PKVRL and platinum pin, oasket shape, lost between 19th and John son and Meier & Frank store Rewai i if returned to r. 1 7 Johnson1 ft. LTsil'iTTiTiTrdtTird'e'ed to W. W Bd Icn. I:, turn to 626 Cham. Com . or call Main M9, Reward. T,i Small female black and tan do:? Brown front feet. Phone Sell. "7 11. l. 1ST Kri'lay. .1 I'lii. Reward Z pearl and enanieled Phone F.-44..6 PERSON A KS WHY pay big prices for glasses'.' I tan fit your eves with first quality lens's in a gold filled frame as low as $1 50. (has. W. ooooman, optometrist. 209 Morrison. Main 2124. 6 Rl'fGON lTlTRNi A 1NST1TU T E. Rupture treated mechanically; adults, children. Trusses to suit your case. Johnston and Umbarfir, rupture spe c'alUts. 411 Aliskv bldg. M.n 3784. FEB VET & HA N KB UT, leading wig and toupe makers, unest siock nu- man hun goods; halrd resting, manicut fate and scalp treatment, comb to order. 147 Broadway. Main54ai. g ! it g s E 1 . E I P.' i-IIYDROPATHIC Institute. N .il'i 22d st. (Cor. of Overtoil!. ntii.c massage. Electric Cabinet i.s Comfortable rooms. Mar. 2 77 3. TAKAiLV Hair Toaic, an antlBeptic scalp chanser. hair beautifier and Cja:idiulf leinovcr; price 50c bottle. For air: by Portland Hotel pharmacy. M-:ivvorN ES'sT d .-cases or women and ci. id: en cured. Dr. Margaret 1. ense.l chiropractic r'hsl cian. I Sw ' tland l.ltii:. N. fake. DON'T 1;: when yo e expensive corn remedies ;i can get the sure thing "Re de plasters at the Clemcii- mo v. s 1 1 .son 1 it .ig Co., -00 Morrison ut. MEXICAN 1 air preparations, scalp IreaimebtH, shampooing; resulei,. e by nppointtr.eii' ; monthly rates. 145', Broadw ay. Phone Ma rsha 1 124 I .'. NEW'" life in electric and vibratoiy treatments. Facial, scalp and man.- cunng. 4U.-20 Northwestern Bans bjlg. D R7V. G KE T C ill M - VV o m e n ' s mala dies and 8' iite diseases of men. Waste Mdg. 4th nnd Wash ilmj 4 1 M a r. 4 4H. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. lii e. cir cles Tui'S. 2 p. m.: Wed.. Sun. 8 p. m. Reading da ily. 292 Clav s t Ma r. .i960 t blUlttii r Kl'.t, com sior Sj age vaults. Rurnii.elin J Fur Co , 415-7 Dekum bblg HAVE yiur hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum . Ma rshall 1702. SCALP treatments and shampooing. 3 .0 Yamhill, office No. 1. I o in wne cont ul tat ion free. Main Let Wye "4 993 52 - I h Kj' 1(1 BALM of Figs remedy for diseases of w omen linvls st. Main 2393. SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp 163 Park st , room 3. 10 to 7 i,r. Y I RVVTnT "facial and scalp treat ments. 9 1 V, Moirls.m, room30. LitTs I R. scientific hand reader; betit method. 2401,4 5'h st., cor, AJalrt, NOTICES 2fi ON ,ai..l after tlhs ilate 1 will mil be renponii ,! tor ai.y bills .ti trailed by tuy wife. tri. IPittie l.l Juitifx l.ahcy. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATING AICOKUION. KMfi AMI BOX ILKA TIN l; IIEMSTI'n'Hl SO. HKA1IUXU; Bl'TH.N HOLKS. BI'ITOM 4'VKKKI. KAHTEH ' N4tVKLTT MFi. CO.. tC.'fr f.TH. B'WAY gm. K. .STEPHENS Heaj.lltchhMf. aerurdluu, aide and auiiburat peatluit; twifjns covered; tf"A apuoged. Scalloplny. Pltto bl. B'way VW. AOATr CTJTTERg UF'iJs Jefcr. IMamunda oought aad (!. WUb'j, MUiat'a. 243Waaa. M.1S74. AGHiqTfLTTrRAL IMPLEMEMTg "" K I. K. KSHKNS11 Alii; 1 iiilftmMit -. vcUU'les D giiernl fiiriii wnpi.ti.-s in Kr. p,q-tiin.l. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND AP8ATXH f "ill.HKIt I -H All. . I. fl 4tll t. BLANK BOOK MAKI 118 ""' 2.1 M. Blank l '': .loiies ,lna 11 A V IS & Unl.MAN. ," I'Oofc uianuiticiui..r proie.l be 1-Hf I., leka, A :;ts;t. .Ik-.-., M 11 t' ' neir Eth 1 v.; BUILDING CONTRACTOR g Geo. E, Man&as XTl;:: lllU "big. I CABINET WORK CABIN KT WOltk. II. Jolt.' Jr.. furniture r'-i-'m llnrav j:m CARPET CLEANING M i I -uta t: :. ..ini.c et ling ''., 1SH i:. JOYCli UKOS. Kle.lri fiet cleaned ami laid; lelntir . Kbi 440. H-PMUt. i.'o4 i: I'.'ia I KNINS4 I.AR pet weavlnif. Kill! YV.'tkH lilt ll. ea. K .tin I.MR P..'t..i. CHIROPRACTORS UR. :u new Mi'M llO- -fumble ci i iKIlit Hjiip. .l tit . tH u. .V W'h ah. :.T.i :.n. treatment. $1.1 W'.rili S i.f tie.' 'jus ;i2Mclen '11 lr. f. r.ia i. I nc.ii.l - is in hn. in- i.rltoi.t l.t.tu Mm COAL AND WCon V Ml DRY AND GREEN 16 IN, AND -1 T. Ml l.TNOMAII vXt minaIT 't'i:i, en I I . I in "111 .Irlh.'i. '! .".o Inn. I. I'll' I f... r -..nb.Kt a ;i tn, in Sltll..K.l vi hk'-. :;. A- 3 . k and -rei'k urili'r. .irv win .mv ji, r mi et I ..itim t-.K-l lMlile 1.1 h.l 1 .! i-l In . I., i.l. V h ...l... I .iel hi i sintW I ''. 4 'trtl. HI p Mi. o. I h 4'2v. fir . lo.M-e.T i l l; t.i... k 1 ltlt -il to:. t .i :.!.-. ... M I .4 7. CONTRACT0KS AMI BUII.DTRS ( l h I... M! III I.emi..l . i.lin. li.l. l-2:i Slier- I, l.l.l;-. CREDIT CI.OTHINO l AI-II.S miiiJ '.,.) . I. .Il.ii. ! r npckl I" 1 1. it I It I Inn I'.. . o- glim EDUCATION AI. DANCING. M N( IICSI I It .iiii.,, K- ,. .i,. .in t , s.,i- 5tU -I., het. M.ok III., I (l.i I,. S.i.r... r.ile.-. 4 irl- vn:o H'SM.nrt J.. iiioriiini: ,, t tei ii....'.. eveulna: nil Int.-;.: ilnn..- iiH,, , 1,,-s I'lnirwlajr, Sll . nr. In ..irniiiL" 7"- 'Mi I ', I -:, inn r 'IHO. NIK. un.l Vli- ill, ' s. 1 1 . s-oiin dallr, I lna I'll.l.-n imi ., i -',1 ki , j, loeeil Waatl j';c'"H kiio sii.ri. .e-.n Mi.ln aitlKi, I. A il.K t iT7 IMrA I in,l. S,Hii(aTir toe," iiii'ni.' Kl-W'l Inn. y, lii-lin Main :!27'2, MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS I 111! I hoi Ii'T Kl-bliie- Vlnlll, t, , . . 1I Sev. lk, I ' n I'l.. M.iiiiHiii mat. 11.11' I .-111 I I.. 1. WSON I '.tonf. In leH-ietim at your POPULAR r4iJKIC 1 I L-1 i 11. e 1 1. .in 1. 1 m . written yni.ij.iiti-i fl'-nnn.-1 rn t i n. hii,I keylMiHItl 1,11 llll.-lo o ...... In .' ! L'O I.- 'I in ni.-v 1.... k ! : ' full ; v ' v . 1 1 P l.i.l Iel fr.-p, illipro- im. '...I -j i;i'. r- lililif EYE EAR. NOSE. THROAT. IUN08 S,e. i, hl , Miwl.-t nil. V. K. ('.l.".t:.v .'.fj " (.bi-..-. fnte.l.. Dr. .km,, 1. 1. in :;.t & wh. FIRE INSURANCE PAi 11 il siaiis lltti: in si r. '( ' is CO- oely (lrnir.,1. 'h ,.i..;c ELUEF RUOS AND RAG RUGS mmiiff ma Mail. (loin nl.l luKrnin. llinvel-.. A nil hialer. Sn.yrnH rurw-in. Itn tuc nil hizkb. .Mail uf di-ra n t tent l..n. ('..mUlct . W'LS'I l. li.N I I. I 1 ! hi t: co. T.I t'nl,.., N I'll,. in- l'al 'I'M. n 1 475 HATS CLEANED, PLEACHED Lulled", g'l.i- 75e. Htm . -, Wnafi. nr. 4 i I 'a i,c 1 1 14 In I. I,l.-.i,'l.rit, h I. n f inn n ., 'HA I i,. I ,1 ,,l l-l, .,i,,- M. M'.'H. LAWN MOWER ORINDINO EM'bftl In mi frln.l.ra. i'n-'-. C "' l II.. naturitl bora .Ml,'.' LEATHER AND RilOE E1VDIN0R 1 III. I'.lil 1 M v s i.l a I I 1 1 i; oi.t. n firm am: I.. A: M .t;l;i.t As. Imilnel MATTREEBEfi nli.t fi'iilli.-l I.'" Cl.ll inllltte ":i n I III l ... f. 1 'Oil i HE f C Inia I .lb. ti.llii-.. ! WlliiMin- .1 aleti. N ON INTOXICATING BEVERAGES I : I II. Ml A 1. 1 niv l .in T. , i...,..i I Ami., i li flll'l N e, Iar. .In. i.l ,l..i,t. t:n I'li'le I A 1 1T2 OPTICIANS I ' l.. 111 i:,;k lilt I') -IK III Si"'' in in. Finnilni. v at. PAINTING AND DECORATING HIOM CLASS WoltK in i iia.nial.le prlcaa. I ROOKS, PA I Nil.!!. KKMHN illll. I4WI, PRINTER S AND EN ORAV ER S Till' I V V l'ltl ss. Tom"nm. jia'nn. SSL' Slntk at. Ilr.iinlwn.v 4"S. A-4qt8. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS AIJSO Stem lis. 'I'l I'.M'II II.' ('OAS I 231 ValiiiiBlin at . ..... k lira.. Hlciia. S I AMP WOllhS Ma I ii 71. A--'7I0. SAFETY RAZORS HONED BAnrrv .'JOe par mz'.r aliii' .eii.-. ; nil i:,-j :..l -t . kin.U. 2V and ni'tir M.irrlaoo. SHEET METAL WOEKB. A 1 It 1 N i On at. 'I cr.iv. 1 rolx, Ja.-vb L-oab. ,'lto l I ut Main 1IJI. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co, r.Ktllll-il,e(J l-TO. Tratifr ninl I i,rwiii,h,K Aenti. Sl"rIlL:l 1 r.-e 'I r;i, knge. fiffl.-p uuii aiorave, 4i4 (illaan t. 13th a-nl i;lin Main 09. A-IIHt. ALWAYS -PICK" 'I 111: HKST HOL'SKHOLU (;Kil KI'I.( I A I. ISIS --Storage. I'aeklnc, hipping ami M'.viiig. I..r.- or Auto V aaa. Sia-. lai f re 1-g lit ratp lo all mi ii 1 1. C. O PUiK Tit AN SKI: It Sc STORAGE CO. 2,t unit Pitia Hti..lwi.y ;.twl A1UM. (d.So.V lioE I HANSKTMl ' O Knrnit nrp IDT. I ei. piickera. atunic,., fli.'pr'mf waraliouMt, I'.th and at-.. Main .,7. A TZ41. WATCHMAKERS vi; i.i;a n m,,i u,t hn-t MEN bbl.SOll N. t..'twe.'n St , ,r v, no-!,, l. .1 I : w 1:1.1:11. Oil ami IlK.a.lway. "MANUFACTUREPS I JOBBERS WHOLES A LER5) DRY GOODS WHOI.EB ALE Dinkelsniel Co.! eile. k IU(I., L, Tlilrd. rfHuar Oak. PAINT. OILAND OLASS IASMI SSKN it I'll . "Iliiili Sl,.ti.lnr,1'- paint. N E. eoriier I'd nnd Taylor. M. 1 77 1 A 0..31, PLUMBING BUPPLIES I'l.I'MllINO lBTla C. ..Ippl.v , lli neH 1 pr.- htark- SANITARY Wli-ING RAGS L, SHANK CO. ;u; i hunt 8Ti , I ll . t: ma t S . 7M. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS ki:i;vam.i; wati.i: svHiKMr4 D. S ."mer Asi'iit, hi:: W. I'arlt at. M. WOOD TIPE wioiri'li'K co - '4-1, ten . k -.ta. POH 11. AMI offle.. ,n:,r r act. try anu Mnlf 3!S1 IKFORMATIOK COUPOM. If you want the name -)f a reMabla business honae dealing in any Una of merchan.'ise, or Information regard ing resorts, hotels, railroad.-, aleam- hlp, etc.. addr.SH I'ngoii Jour nal lnioi inat'.on Ruieau Information desired: '" Naraa... Address........... ' u inrpeia, -. .nrpet i. N.irtta s"' li . . i li m . nrZ nr Niierlnllj. t II. Till. ' ' 1 .tin rrh IM .11 l.