GENERAL WORLD'S WHEAT OFFER ADVANCE IN F. O. B. PRICE FOR EGGS FOR NEXT WEEK J;;.-;;-?; ? Am High as 23 He Dozen Reported fof Current Receipts; Indicating ".That After AH the Market Is "Firmer and Somewhat Higher. tptt the fsct tht buyrs h win lligly been somewhst lndtff'rent regsfdlac the offering of eggs ulung the street at extreme pries daring the last lfiy or so, tbe market is sctotllr flroifr. This Ik indicated by tbe fact that some of tbe lradln t. o. b. buyers are freely 'offering btgh as 23V&C rtoxen 1 for current receipts to tbe couutry shippers, t1S dellrery here. Kscelpts of eggs along tbe street are show- 1ns a smaller -oiume In general, although turn of tbe higher bidders hare been rocelr- lng quits fair supplies during trie lam if" Wttb outside markets along the cosat bnld ,Ang . ry firm st extreme alues and a de mand for atorage still Knowing up iuir fair, fs market for eggs Indicate a steady tone, at least during the Immediate future. Eastern markets continue to show strength and this Is a real Important factor In the r bums trade. CHICKENS RULK WEAKER Market for chickens' Is generally weekr along the street, with apring especially ln-clll-ed to drsg. Tlie general price Ik held at 2&e for small birds, liens sre selling trom la to 18c. FIRST CURRANTS ARE HERE first currants of tbe season hare been ro- robed In the local msrket. r"y A Kplegl reported In a shipment from California during the day. Block of quality, and k!1 at - a crsts crate for 2 Ox. ASPARAGUS IS IN AGAIN Quite, fair supplies of sspsrsgus are now being received, and tbe market showed a drop Of 2fl to Wp from the extreme blgli points. Bales reported at n.zoigi.uu per duces bunches. STRAWBERRIES ARE HIGH Offering of Columbia rler Clark straw berries were Instantly grabbed at $.'l.! t crate along the street, with local tiold Dollars and similar varieties moving quickly at .i crate for tbe best. OREGON CABBAGE COMING Small supplies of borne grown cabbage are , being brought In by local gardeners, but the Stock If not yet showing herd enough beads to command a demand on the street. Los Angeles cabbage Is sesree. and the quality of the .Sac ramento atock Is not very good. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE Apricots selling slowly at $1.75 a crate. Country killed meats are unchanged. -Cheese market ruling weaker generally. Canned milk Inclined to advance. Old potatoes sgaln firmer; new stock, too. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE ..Weather buresu sdvlses: Protect shipments during the next 48 hours ss fsr north as Se attle acaln minimum temperature of about 48 degrees; northesst to Hpokane, Vi degrees; southeast to Boise, 34 degrees; south to Ash land, 44 degrees. Minimum temperature st Portland tonight, about BO degrees. JOBBING PRICES OP PORTLAND . These prices are those at which wholesalers sell to retailers, except as otherwise Stated: 'i-..' Dairy Produce. "'' BUTTER Printsi extras. 29c; prime, firsts. 27c; firsts, 26c; dairy, 21C-14'. BUiXKni A l fortisna delivery io. i tQOt cream, 27c; Ho. . 3c. ' EGGS celling price by dealers nnettiei. delivery estra: Selected fresh, fe dos.; rise cca-t, buying price, Oregon rsnch. 2'J2Se. TRANSPORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles :' (Without Change a Routs) Tfce Big1. l Clean. M Comforts-le. Sia Elegantly Appointed. 9 I .- EA-OOINO STEAMS-CO BEAR Bails From Ainsworth Dock ' 3r. H, Kay 29. 100 Golden Mlleg on Columbia River, All Bates Include Bertha and Meal Table and Service Unexcelled. The Baa rrmnclaco It Portland 8. a. . Co Third Wl Washington Streets (with O-W. B. ft H. Co.) Tel. iroad .WT 4600. A-6121. . 'P PALAE5f thelMQf Portland $20.00 1 to end San Francisco $ 17. 50) TIBST CLASS FSEB EXTRAS r (30 Hours) Tourtst, SIB and ia.50; 3rd class, $8. M-SAUS ANU BKKIH INi'I.UJjKO S. S. Northern Pacific Steamer Express leaves North Bank Station 9 A. M. MAT 18. 23, 27. From San Francisco May 20. 25. 80. Sailing both ways Tuesdays. Thurs days. Saturdays, beginning: June 1. .Through sleeping; car service between Flavel and Vancouver. B. C. and Se attle, beginning; June 1. TICKET OmCE. 5TB AND STABX. Phone Broadway 920. A-71.. Alaska Ketchikan, Wrangell, PeteruburK. Juneau, Douilti. H alnett, Bkagway, Nome and St. Michael. California Tl Baattla o Has rranoiaoo to ! : ABItltl omm w. Lara, commodloaa passenger steamers, low rates, IscludlDB berth- and meals. Full particulara apply or telephone Tlokat Offtca. 849 Washington St. Paa.. Main 299. Horns, A-2293. Dalles -Columbia Line Operating Strs. J. N.Teal and Twin Cities Portland to Upper Columbia and Snake river point. Lv. Portland about every four day. T0 XXrrOKMATIOIT OAtl. ta-xxos ST. 9 OCX. KAXV 613. A.7712. stvinsiWireiSura , U" BATtS DIRECT FOR n V SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO ' Monday. May 89, 8:30 9. M. Safl Fraaciaoak feniaaa Loa angalea Bteamahin 0e Ftaak Ballaa, Agsnt, 124 THIIO USUI. A-449U. Msia St. ... Trade in Wool Is Active in Interior Sales Are Increasing and Prices Showing Strength Less Trad ing in the Valley.' Trade In tbe wool market at Interior points continues rather liberal with further business reported ss high as 30c a pound for best qunlily. Sales of wool in the Interior have been so liberal at extreme values of late that a greater per cent of the clip has been con- trr.cted than normal. Kor this stock Oregon-Idaho sheep interests r.sve received more money rtlan ever before In the history of the industry, Uklng tbe se gregate sales ss a basis. In tbe Willamette valley there Is not quite so much activity. Trice In tbe valley have been uiiusiially erratic! While there b.i beep of business as high as 37c a pound, practically nothing can be confirmed at this figure; jn fnc.t a 35c market 1 considered cmewhat high by the average trader. Owing t i the many rumors lacking confirmation In the valley, It Is Impossible for even leaders of the trade to state definitely what the mar ket is. LIVE POULTRY Kens, heavy, Plymouth Bock, 16c; ordinary chickens, 15c per tb.j stuns. 12i ; bruilerx, 3e; turkeys,; drM?d. fancy, 2i&2c; culls, 174j-Oc; plg euns, $1.1X1(0.1 -."'i squabs, (1.20 dozen; geeae, live, lO&llc; I'eklu ducks, old, 10c II).; youag and heavy, .17c; lndluu Runners, 14c lb. CHEKSB Selling price: Fresh Oregon fsncy ful' cream twins and triplets, 164Jltt'ie 1ft.; Young Auierl'a, 17rl'7'-;. Price to jobbers: I'lsts, lie; Young America, lttc, f. o. h.; cream brick, -c, ilmlierger. 2Jc; Wiscnnslu wbet'l. 3l''tt:i"; block SwUs. 30c. Fruits and Vegetables. KIlKKll Hil-lTh Oiauttis. fancy nsvel, $ZHJWi.25; bauauas, be Hi., leuiuns, e.O'm 4.23 box; grspefrult. Klorlda, $4.rof(i 0.20 caae; plneupples, biflOc ,b.; pears, i.MaX.. HEKK1KS .SLraw'ierrics, Oregon. $j.Mi 3 20; Ku'berries, 4c lb. APPLES Local. 6X'Kil-S0 per box, sccord Inj; to quality. ONIONS No. I, $1.75 per cental; No. 2, $I.2oi4l."U; garlic, 12ttc; new onions, $1.75 jal!.X -rale. POTATOES Sellixin price: Local. II. 50 1.75; buylug price, si.204jl.oO per cental; new California, 3!4iC3'iC lb. VEUETABLK6 lurtips, $2 ssck; carrots, $2 per sack: parsnips. l.u sack; cabbage. ;i.0O per cwl. ; green onions, 25c dozon bunches; peppers, klorlda, 20c dozen; bead Iittuce. California, $2.00 per crate; celery, Klorlda, X50; ca nil f lower, local, ( ) ier dosen; Prencn artkhokea, 75c; ssparagus, local, 1.25(a) 1.50 dozeu bunches; hothouse cucumbers, ll.O0(flil.25 dosen; tomatoes Florida, 14; Miilcau, 2.00(u;2.50; egg plant, 20c lb.; sprouts, ttc; spinach, $1 per box; rhubsrb. 1 hi 'a 2c ner lb.; peas, 8'ci'10c lb. Meats. Flan mod rrovtslons. 1 KEStSt.1) MKA1S helling price: Country kinea iBiicjr uu(, uiuu'p puor, BCffioc lb.; luncy veuls, lie; oruluary, btKK:; gosts, 4i,0o 1". spring lumps. 17c ib. ; muitou, 10- lb. UAMS, BACON. ETC. Usms, 19(822ic lb.; btcskfst bacon, Hla-Xtc lb.; boiled bams, 30c lb.; plcuic, 13c; cottage roll, lO'jc; tre fcou exporta, 1044 lo 'AC per lb. UVSltllS Olyiniila, per gallon, $3; canned rLStern, 50c 1I11, li.O'J, eastern In shell, 1.S0 per 10O; rauir cluuia, l2Vac doreu; east em ostera, per gailuu, solid pack, 3. PISH Liresoed floundera, 7c; chinook sal mon, 11UI2c; perch. 7'(t."c lb.; lobsters, 20c; silver allien, sc, saluiou truut, 12Vjc lb. -halibut, bdjilOc IP.; 10111 cod, 7c; bls k baas' 7VjC lb.; shad, dressed, 3(U4c ih.; sturgeuu 13C v-RABS Lsrae. It. 75; medium, 11.25 desen l.AKD lierccs, kettle rendered HVc stbudard, 14c. Groceries. BUG A R Cube. $U.rn; powdered, $3.95; fruit or berry, $H.45; Honolulu. .40; beet, S.S.25; dry granulaled, .40; L) yellow, $7.60. (Above rotation are 30 liioa net ca&b.) HONEY New, $.t.20G3.5o per case. h,lCE Jspuu style, 2. 4c; New Or leans, head, 54tOVjc; blue rose, O'ic HALT Coarxc, half gruuuds, ioos. 10.50 per ton; 00s, $11.30; lable dulry, 50s, $10,oO; 100s, $10.50; bales, $2.20; lump rock, $20 per ton. BEAN! Small while, $.20; large white. $M.10, pink, ati.20; liuius, 0.70; bauu. $1.25; red, $0.oO. Hops. Woo) and Ridea. HOPS NouiiuitL buying price. 1915 crop. choke, 11c lb.; prin.t, loc; medium to prime, 7(tft)c lb. . WOOL Nominal, 1818 clip; Willamette val ley, coarse Cutswold, 30371'; medium Shrop shire, 344f30c; flue. 3 2 u 33c; eateru Oregon, 1U(J3oc. HIDES Salted hides (23 pounds and ,ip). 16c, salted stags 0O lbs. and up), 12c; salted kip (15 lbs. to 20 lbs.). 17c; Bailed calf (up 10 15 lbs.), 23(p;24c; green hides (25 lbs. and up), 14Vic; green ataga tOo lbs. and up), loVfcc; green kip (15 lbs. to 20 lbs.). 17c; green calCiup to 10 lbs). S236i24e: dry flint, hides. 2Sn2&c; dry flint calf (up to 7 Ids.), 31c; dry salt hides, 23c; dry horsebides, escb, $12; salt boraehides. each, $2.00(si3i0; borsehides! 2Sc; dry long wool pelta, 20c; dry short wool pelts. 12c; dry sheep shearlings, each, 10(f20c; sclled aheep shearlings, each, 15 'it 25c: dry goats, long bair, lc; dry goats, aUearllngs. each, lu(ii20c; salted long wool pelts. $1 50 a2.50. TALLOW No. 1. 8c; No. 2. 7c; grease 7c CH1TTIM OK CASCAKA BARK Buying prkt's. per car lots, 4l,,jc; less than car lota, 4c MOHAIR 1910, 35c lb. Paints and Oils. COAL OIL Water white, iu drums and Iron barrels, 10c. LINSEEO OIL Raw. bbls.. 87c gallon; ket tle boiled, bbU., Slc; raw, case, 2e; boiled, case. 04c gal.; lots of 250 gallons lc less. TURPENTINE Tanks, tile; esses, BSc gai lon. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 10c lb.: 600 lb lota, 11c; less lots, HVjC per lb. OIL MEAL Carload lots, $34; less than car lota, $35.3(1. GASOLINE Basis price. 19'c per gallon. DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST Seattle Maxket. Seattle. Mav 27. ti:. P. 1 Ruit.r v.M.n W'sshihgton creamery, lirlck 2!lc; ditto solid puck, 2Nc. Cheese Oregon .rlplets. 17c; Wisconsin trip lets, 10c; ditto twin". lc; Young America, 22c. Eggs Select ranch 2flc. San Francisco Market. San Francisco, l al.. May 27. ( I', p.) But ter Extraa 25',-jc; prime firsts, 25c; firsts. 25c Eggs Extras 24c; firsts. 2.'!c; pullets, 21 Vac Cheese Csllfornla 13',ic; firsts. J 3c. Los Angeles Market. Los Angeles. May 27. -I P. .V S.) Eggs Csse isrunt, 25c. Butler Fresh. elra. 3t"c. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Market. Seattle. Wash., Msy 27. it. P.) Onions Oregon 2tfj2c; Yakima, l'jc. Potatoes White -River. ?2St30: Yakima Burbauka, $34:10: Yakima Gems, t34&3U. San Franoi.oo Market. San Krsncisco, May 27. il' . I". r,.fatoes Per cental, faucy Deltas ex-cold storage. tl.3O1.40 per hundred; Oregon fancy, fl.fioftt 1.85; Idaho Gems, l .75rr2.00; Washington netted Uems, $1.85(g1.9U. New crop Deltas f2.252.50 per hundied; Oarnets, $2.25ri2..o! Onions Per cental. Australians. $2 50; new crop Crystal White. $1.25 per crate; Stockton reds, $1.751.85 per bsg. New York Sugar and Coffee. New York, May 27. Sugar, centrifugal. ttl.r2. Coffee New York No. 7 Rloa .pot, 8c: No. 4 Santos, 10c. San Francisco Wool Market. ftan Francisco, Msy 26. Wool per pound, Humboldt and Mendocino, 8 months' growth, 22 (Si 24c; 12 months 2f.r28c; middle counties. 8 months, good, lTlglOe; Red Bluff and vi cinity 23 ( 25c; Nevada stock, staple. 2Cc; fine, l&20c, ai'cordlng to quality. St.' Louts. Mo., May 20. (I. N. S.) Wool unchanged. Eastern Barley Markets. Chicago, May 26. (I. N. 8.) Barley easy; malting, 7078c. New Tork, May ; steady: malting, 00c. N. 8.) Barley Kanaaa City, Mo., Barley, 57c. May 26. (I. N. S.) Railway Increase Suspended. Salem, Or., May 27. Tha S., P. & S. railway's proposed Increase on grain and grain products were further sus pended by the state public service commission to September l, Friday afternoon. Foreign Wheat Markets. Liverpool Caab wbeat unchanged. Boenoa A tree Wheat H signer.. " TRADE INCLINED TO WEAKNESS LACK OF STRENGTH IN WHEAT BEING SHOWN AT WORLD'S CENTERS Market Is Inclined to Indicat Weakness Everywhere Europe Is Indififerent to American Of fering of Cereals. NORTHWEST RAIN RECEIPTS -Cars Wheat. Barley, rir. Oats. Hsy. Tortland. Pat... 17 4 12 Year ago 40 Total thla week J 22 Year ago i:m JScason to date. 10. ISO Year ago 15, OHO Taroma. Friday ZS Year ago 3 Season to date.. A.MM 4 Si 1 1 1S12 1804 (5 24 10 1901 2 053 5 1042 48 1510 1S92 2715 2017 e 2323 2062 16 7 4210 3504 515 & i 7 12H8 V Mr ago Seattle, Friday. Year ago Season to date. Year ago Exports from bushels wheat. 8.S20 13 12 7,731 7.008 2 10 20-P 1OS0 2200 1211 Portland Ibis week 380,158 No real strength Is showing in the grain market In aqy part of the world for the day. European oisrkete are very Indifferent to American offering at the moment. At Chi cago there was a disposition to weaken and become depressed In tbe early day's trading. Locally tbe market has been drifting for a number of days. At interior points some small lots sre reported sold, but there Is no keen ness among luiyers to take hold. Exporters are scarcely Interested, and millers seem to have secured their immediate wants, and are there, fore not anxious for additional supplies at piexslling prices. Oats and bnrley markets are quiet In the Interior, although some showing of strength Is Indicated for the former. Locally the gen eral tfade lias been quiet. I'.roomhaJl cabled from Liverpool that spot wheat waa unchanged. Wheat steady. American strength later eased with freer native offers, ami spot were unchanged, l argo market opened 3d dearer, but eased, with Maultobas and winters un changed. Forecast for liberal American ahip meuts to United Kingdom, notwithstanding the lighter export clearances elsewhere. Continen tal demand continues good. Kngllsh country markets week and freely offered at Is decline. United Kingdom weather is fine snd re ceipts liberal. Argentine weather Is fine. Buenos Aires wheat rjC hlglier. FLOUR .Celling price: Patent, $5.20; Wil-lsm-tte vsliey. $4.90; locsl straight. $4 00r C.OO; bakers' local. $4..80(ft5.20; Montana spring wheat, itt.10, exports. $4.504.70; whole wheat $UttO; graham, $5.40; rye flour, $0.05 per Lsrrel. HAY Buying price: Willsmette valley tim othy famy, $2ii; eastern Oregon-Idsbo fancy t.n.oth). 2Wu22; alfalfa, $21(22; vetch and oat. $18; ciotei, $10. GRAIN SACKS IU16 nominal No. 1 Calcut ta. l.V, In catiots; less amounts are higher. ROLLED OATS $0.508.75 per barrel. ROLLED BARLEY $31.50 gt 32. 50 per ton. May wheat bids on the Portland Merchants exchange were down a ceut for each of the vurleties during the day. May oats and barley hids were unchanged. Merchants Exchange May prices: WHEAT Rluestem Saturday Fridnv. Thurs. Wed. Tiles. Bid. Ask. Bid lol 14 102 P9 1 00 99 Fortyfold-- 01 ... !2 P2 92 02 Club 00 90 90 90 90 Rod fife 00 ... 91 00 90 90 Red Russian 0 ... 91 90 90 90 OATS Feed 2620 2O70 2020 2000 2620 2025 BARLEY Feed 2750 270' 2700 2700 2700 M1L1.STL1T S Brnn 21 K 25K 20 2375 2300 2350 Shorts 2720 '200 2725 2725 270.) 2T'0 Futures were quoted: WHEAT iouv4 91 00 90 00 2025 2700 2350 2750 Kid . HSU j ;i'.i !il 01 !K1 I s '.HI :in A-k Ol 'j lo .: !l t :l 113 June nluestem . . July bluesleui . . June fort vf !d . Jcly forty fold. June cluii July liih June fife July fife June Kusslan . . July Russian June KEEP OATS . 2025 . 2023 20"4 '.'( 7 5. 2V3 X) 2500 25i ) 2i0 250 July l Ki:i H A K LEY June July June bran . . July bran . June shorts July shorts r'25 . 20 ) .240(1 .24IO .2750 MU.LSTl Kl-'S AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago Hogs $9.90. Chicago. May 27. (I. N. S.l Hoes Re cupts lO.(KS). fir:u, unchanged to 5c above yes terday's average Hulk. $0. 65(39. SO; llelit. $!i.15o"j.S0: mixed. J.0.4O(ftH.S5; heavy. $o.;io ftiOtHi: rouch. $9.30fa9.45; pics, $7.254t9.10. tattle Re-elpts 100. steady. Native beef cattle, $S.4('a 10.75; western steers. $8.754tl 9.0O; ' sbK'kers and feeders. $0.25'(i0.10: cov. s and liclfers. $4,751X0X5; calves. $H.30(Jl 1 1 .75. Sheep Receipls 30(S. weak. Wethers. $7. ;0 dty.r.O; lambs, $S.40(ti 12.35; springs, $1044 1 2.-40. St. Louis Hog. $9.85. St. !uls. May 27. (1. N. S.t Hogs Re ceipts 4. lower. Pigs and lights. $7.50(38 9 75; mixed and butchers. $it.0'y U ; good heavy. $0.75(80.85; bulk, $9.(9.S0. Cattle Receipts 3O0. steady. Native beef ateers. $7.. "sea IO. 30: yearling steers and beif eri, is.SO'ttlO; cows, $5.5u6SS.75: stockers and feeders. $3.50fa8.50; southern steers, $5.50 (&9.P5: prime yearling steers and heifers. $S.75 ftjl0.2.": cows and heifers. $5(a8; prime south ern steers. $0'u.."0: native calves, $0(911.50. Sheep Receipts onnf. steady. Wethers, i7.75 010.25: littnbs. $10fl2.20: clipped ewes. $7.50 MX. 25; clipped lambs, IlKlO't! 10.75; spring lauibs. $10(il3. Kansas City Hogs $9.75. Kansas City. -May 27. ll. N. S.) Hogy Receipts IOihi. nteady. Bulk. $9.50(;0.75: besvv. $0.70(iO.W1; packers sud butchers. $0.(i0 ((ii.75: llglit. $0.4O'.t,.70: pigs, $S. 75ta9.-5. tattle Receipts 100, stesdy. Prime fed stcr. $10'o; 1.4: dressed beef steers. $K.40 iau.&5; western steers, $X.50(il0.25: stockers and feeders, $7.25'f9; bulls, $ti(&8.23; calves, $6.50ill. Sheep Receipts i'"". stesuy. i.amn. ioto 12- vearllngM. $ifull: wethers, $8(9.50; fewes, $7.5t)'tiO - Omaha Hogs $9.65. Omshs. May 27.- (1. N. S.l Hoga Re. ceipts NlOO, lower. Heavy. $0.4O'a9..V. light, $n.Wi-I.5': pigs. $sr(i.9; bulk. $9.351 9. 45. t'sttle--Receipt 3i0. market steady. Native steers. $8..s(til0.50; cow. and heifers, $7'rt0; western steers. $7.50tr0; Texas steers, $7(tS; stockers snd feeders. $7S.75. Sbeep Receipts 100. steady. Yearlings. $9 Qll; welbers, $8.25419.75; lambs, $10'.12. Denver Hogs $9.45. Denver, May 27. Cattle Receipts 8000. steady. Beef steers. $7.7"t9.43: cows sud heifers. $0(ci8.10; calve. $10fc12.75. Hogs Receipts 50, strong. Top, $9.45; bulk. $!.35ia;9.4o. Sheep None, steady. Seattle Hoga $9.15. Seattle. May 27. (P. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts 104. steady. Prime lights. $9.1Va 15; medium to choice, $9fti9.06: smooth beavles. $.rsJi 8.C5; rough heavy. $7.5o';iS.13; pigs, $ift(8.65. Cattle Receipts .185.. steady. Best ateers, $S.73si!.85: medium to choice. tSm.8.50; com mon to medium. .oOT 1 .."; best cows. $141 7.50: common to medlum2 cows. $4(36.50; bulls. $4.5Oco;6.50: calves. $7.5O8.50. Sheep Re-e!pta none, steady. Lambs. $10 IO.50; yearlings, $0(y,9.5O; ewes. $73i5g;S. San Francisco Cash Grain. San KrancUeo. Mar 27. Cash Brain Wheat. per cental California clnb. fl.60iijl.63; ditto white Australian. 1.62iiai.67Mi : ditto blue- atem, l.H2,4j;l.674: ditto Sonora. 1. &-.(?? 1.70; northern (to arrive!, club $1.72411.73: ditto blueatem. $1.87V41.2H: ditto Turfcev red. 1.87Vafel.y2V. ditto red Russian. $1.71 V4 jl.73. Barley Per rental, $1.284(31.31tt; afalp pinc and brewing, $1.OTH1.40. Oats Per -eental. red feed, $L3031.324; No. 1 northern white, J1.53f&l. 60. K- j Hearst Estate to Send Cattle Here Fancy California Stuff to Come to . Portland Because of the Tietter Market. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Saturday 201 3 31 ) Friday 40i 84 5 52 US 32 48 20 6 20 11 9 210 oif lOI'J "ao r,!o 40! t!"8 12 14KO i'hursday S4 W ednesday 552 Tuesday Vonday Week ago. ....... ear ' ago Two years ago... Three years ago. . . . 373 . .27X9 .. 22 .. 123 .. SO . . 78 1H The Hearst estate of California, which shipped rather liberally of cattle to the local market lust seasoo. Is expected to be repre sented early In tbe coming week with addi tional supplies of real good quality atock. The cattle market in general Is considered steady to firm, with the Portland market far the best slong tbe Pacific coast. This is in dicated clearly by the liberal ihipmenta from competitive centers recently. General cuttle market range Choice bay-fed steers . ..$.50i8.RO . .. 8.258.50 , .. .0oft7.oO ... 7.5088.t ... 7.25i37.35 ... 7.50(uf.7.1 ... 7.00-(j7.2S ... 6.50i6.00 . .. 4.00,a5.00 ... 2.00(22.75 (Choice grass steers Ordinary to common ateers Choice cows Ordinary to common cows CI dice heifers Ordinary heifers Choice bulls Good to fair bulls Ordlnsry to common bulla Best light calves , Good calves 8.00 ... T.00g7.5O Hog Market Is Holding. While the greater portion of the recent ar rivals of swine Ft North Portland sold no higher than $8.95 in the North Portland ysrds for lop quality, the market is nevertheless rather steady, with a limited amount of latu business as high as $0. Over night there were scnt offerings of Willamette valley stuff. Thf se came forward on guaranteed prices. General hog market lange: Choice light weights, nominal.... Good light weights Medium weights U ugh unci heavy ,$S.!5(89.0O . .S08.90 . 8.50&.75 . b.OO'as -0 Mutton Slightly Off. While there was only a small supply of Wlllsrhette valley stuff In the mutton and lauib division at North Portland, the market of late has been Inclined to weakness. Ke c lpts over night were small, snd consisted of scattered lots, but totals for the week were better. Extreme top for lambs at the moment Is $9, with yearlings at $7.75 and ewes at $5.7563. General shorn mutton and lamb range: Select spring lambs $S.509.X Best yearlings 7 70 Good to common wethers 7.00 K st ewes 5.753.-0 Good to common ewes $5.000.00 Saturday Livestock Shippers, f'attle A. L. Bunnell, Klickitat, Wash. 1 load. Mixed stuff C. E. Locke, Clackamas, 1 load bogs and sheep; J. U. Mishler, Marlon, 1 load hogs and sbeep; F. Mayflelds. Clacka mas, 1 cattle, calves, hogs and sheep. Friday Afternoon Sales, COWS. No. Av. Ins. Trtce. 2 . cowa ".0 $0.25 1 cow 72o 5.. "Ml 3 cows 0X0 5.."s 4 cows P2'l 5 '0 2 eows 7.iO 4.75 1 cow ) 4.75 2 cows S00 4 25 1 cm SKI 4.00 1 cow SiO 4 iO j 2 . S35 4 .JO I STAGS. 2 stags 1425 4.00 STEEKS. 25 steers 1200 Si'.Vt 2 steer. ..i 1230 7.30 1 steer 00 7.15 12 steers K12 5.00 3 steers 02o 3.S5 1 steer 430 3.00 1 teer 300 2.60 CALVES. 4 calves 420 4 .00 BULLS. 1 bull 1050 3.00 1 bull 12HO 4.50 1 bull 1"00 4.50 2 hulls 0:',:, 35 1 hull 010 3 83 1 bull 10o 3.75 1 bull 1310 3.75 HOOS. 4 bogs 350 9.00 Saturday Morning- Sales. CALVES. No. Ave. Lbs. Price. 1 calf Iflo M.oo 2 calves 140 7.25 27 calves 05 9.00 LAMBS. IO lambs 65 P.0O 13 lambs til N.75 YEARLINGS. 4 yearlings 132 $7.75 3 lauibs tfo 7.50 EWES. 8 ewes 141 $0.00 3 ewes 100 3.00 BOSTON COPPER QUOTATIONS Boston. Matss., May 27. Copper bids: Adventure ii'iiMass. Mining:. 12U Ahmeek 100 I Mayflower .. ( Vz i Mexic o Cons., 7 I Miami 2 2 Vs .Michigan -H) Mohawk - ) 1 Nev. Cons. . . . - k I NipissiriK . . . 3 33 1" 2 v2 23 V, 1 " 16 Allouez . . . Arcadian . Alaska . . . Jjaltic: Bohemia . . Butte Bal. Butte b'up. VI l,2, Nn Hut tft . . C'ul. & Ariz. i3V2 North Lake . . Ohio Copper . . Cal. c ( anaua - 74 Centennial . . 16 Old Colony iVt Old Ijominion 68? I hiet Cons Chino . . .. Cons. C. M. Cod. Range . ': iOsceola &- yl Ouincv 93 5Vi 22 a 1 31 3 5 75 4TS cr. , : Ray Cons . . . bh5l Konfo v Cortez Crown Res.. 00 Dalv West.. 2 Shannon . . . . ; Shattuck Davis-Daly . 1 Vs 1 E-ast Butte. . 121 Stewart Success Superior First Nat l Franklin . Greene-Can (i ran by Hancock ou Sup. & Boston Swift Pkg 571, Tamarack 5 1 55 141. x uoiumne. Helvetia. ... Z- Indiana .... 3 Vi Inspiration . . 45 Isle Koyale. '-1 Keeweenaw. o1 Kerr Iake.. 4! l.a Salle 3 Lake Copper l.Vs McK'in. Dar. 62 Majestic . . 7o Mat-on Valley 3Vi Mass. Gas... 14 United Fruit. 157 U. P. Sharing 10 L'. S. Machy.. do pfd United Zinc. . 1.'. Verde Ex Utah Apex . . Utah Cons. . . Victoria Winona ...... Wolverine . . Wyandot . . . 59 Vi 2 9 S3 i 1.4 4 4 3Vs (J V or. l7's BANK STATEMENTS OF COAST Portland Banks. Thla week. $2,478,207.02 2.224.77H.77 l.44.293.H7 1.550.897.23 1.7S3.148.15 1.831.864.63 $ 11.832,209.7a Clearinga Monday ... Tuesday Tear aro. $ 1.400.759.80 1,531. 021. 93 1. 420.524. 5 1.512, 860.56 11.S73.3I 1.19W.349.S2 $ 8.437.190.C6 .$ 2.211.7(50.00 257.612.fK) .$ 254.702.00 w eduesday Thursday . Friday Saturday . . Week . . Seattle Banks. Henri nm Balances - - Tacoma Banka. f'learlngs . . Balances .. 59.955 00 San Francisco Banks. $ 7.955.663.00 Loa Angeles Banks. $ 3.643,018.00 Clearings . Clearinga . DAIRY EXCHANGE SALES The market today had liberal offering, but few sales: BUTTER. 50 cubes prime first void at $ .-'4 25 cubes extra bold at 25 V4 There were no sales of dairy hotter. CHEESE. 5 cases Toung American 15H 5 case Tillamook 15 EGGS. 25 cases 23 25 rases current receipt 2314 lo casea current receipts. 23 "4 POULTRY. 2000 pounds turkeys sold at 24 3 coops bens, 3 lbs. and up San Francisco Hop Market. San Francisco. May 28. -lops. 1813 ctm. beats per pound, prices to growers : Sacra mento valley, 9C(fl2c; Konoma and Mendocino. (tiUSc; Oregon. : 9Q12V..; Washington. 12 He , , ,-"- Edited by Hymaa H. Cohen s : : . PRICES FOR CHINOOK SALMON IN OFFICIAL OPENING UNCHANGED Canned Fish Opens at $1.90 for Tails and $2 for Pound Flats Same Figures aa in 1915 Catch Exceedingly limited. Official Canned Salmon List. Spring Chinook Pound tails found flats l-fllf pound flats , 1 outid ovals Half round ovals . Ncmbials Per dojtn.' $1 !f 2 . 2 or. . 1.03 70 As exclusively forecast in these columns, the official opening price of Columbia river spring peck salmon has been placed at $1.30 for pound talis and $2 for pound flats. These are exactly the same a, a year ago. Other .be. ere likewise unchanged at the 1915 opening. I W'bile It Is true that a abort time ago there was some likelihood oT an advance of 10c per 1 dozen being named this year in the price f I fi-noed cbiuiK)ks because of tbe higher cost j of all materials that enters the cans, still j the fact that there baa been a very liberal carryover from last year, caused lesders of the t olumbia river industry to Insist upon keepiug values from advancing. One or two tired holders were Inclined to speak for a fractionally lower price, but wh-Ti ft bcaine spiarent that the 1910 pack wis llkelv to he mn.'h wmllor tl. an r.rfliiniil. iw.irf ,...!. ... ,i . . . .v... nir .'mi- iiaw nils unite niiiiix w hold for former figures. ., , - tirders for new park chinook are coming for- ward in quite fair supply, with the pack nom- inal. Most of the fishermen who bad been operating in the Willamette at Oregon City luive sgaln returned to the lower Columbia, The catch in both the Willamette and Colum- bia has been extremely limited recently but some expect an increase within tbe immediate i ' J'r,"Jl"',s fulure iu the Columbia river. ' .'." ,r'"L'." ,' Southwest Rains Cause of Decline hicspro. Msy 27. (I. N. R. ) Ruins In Ok lnhoma and Kansas today eut the prh n of wheat downward. All three wheat options ojened slightly under the close and lost be tween 1 and 2 cents during the first hour. At tbis point the market took on a firmer tone and many believed that it would hold steady or advance slightly. Tbe bearish trend was noticeable in both oats and corn and had Its effect on the provisions market. Oats and corn opened under and sold slightly below the opening quotation. The majority enti-H-ent on corn was bearish, with a tendency to sell on the rallies. Oats sentiment was simi lar The weakness and decline In the pro visions market waa attributed mainly to the efforts of the packers to gain lower b .g prices. Outside fpeculstfve trading was light . Range of Chicago prices furnished by Over- beck & Cooke Co., 210217 Board trade building : WHEAT High. IO!!', HI', 1U CORN 70 70 00 OATS 41 84 40 .'! PORK 2252 I.ARO Open. inost 1 1 1 i 1 U Ts . V) 70 . 68 . 41, 4i Iw. 107 10K 109 OH?!, GS 40 40 3S'.j (lose 1(17 llltH, llo V4 RSV4 69 A 09 A 40U 40 384 A 2325 N 2250 2220 1260 1 202 A 1275 Msy Julv Sept. May Julv Sept. Msy July Sept. May July Sept. May July Sept. Mav Julv Sept. . 22 V .2215 .1250 .12J2 1202 1275 BIBS I2.VI 1202 J245 1257 1245 125) B 1202 K . 1 245 .1255 1242 1252 Oregon Apples in Sonth. Francisco, May 20. (P. N. S ) San -A p. tier. pics. .'alifornla: Newtown Pippins, 4 Sl.doiBl.lS; do 4Vi tier. 7Ti(t85c; do 3i tier. J l.ZVji 1.35; otber varieties. 75c4J$l.O0 per! Oregon and Wasnington, Wlntsans. H.5'&2.25; Newtown Pippins, 75c$1.00 for choice and $1.2.'ai.dU for fancy and ft. tsi'' 1.75 for extra faucy. Ureeu apples, 65(a75c Ir bux- Orpet May Kiss Mother Each Day WauSegan, 111., May 27. (I. N. S.) William Orpet, on trial here for the murder of Marian Lambert, may kiss his mother each morning when he is brought into court. Prosecutor Dady, who at yesterday's i session declared that the usual greet ing between mother and son might af- j feet the jurors, and asked that It be stopped, relented today. He asked Judge Donnelly to disregard his re quest. When Orpet entered the court room this morning he walked over to his mother, threw his arms about her neck and kissed her twice. Then he lookec" defiantly at Dady, and the latter rose and withdrew his request. Orpet eat ( down with a self-satisfied smile. Later Judge Donnelly voiced the pri vate opinion that Dady would have erred if he had insisted that Orpet and his mother be separated. Both sides today tentatively accepted three jurors of the third panel. Only one now remains to be chosen refore the taking of evidence begins. German Department Entertains. A series of dramatic picturizations of Joan d'Arc and "Snow Wrhite." a Ger man fable, were given by the German department of Lincoln High school last night, under the direction of Frail Alt man. Taking part in "Joan d'Arc" were Mildred Hawes, Jessie Huggins, Elsie Summer, Ralph Strong, John Dickson and David McCord. In the fable, German songs were sung by a chorus, led by Helma Fox, Gene Gels ler. Margaret Mansfield, Geravere Fleming and Alice Green. Mr3. Myer was eoloist. Xo Mass at Mt. Calvary. Mass will not be celebrated tomor row morning at Mount Calvary ceme tery, according to announcement made today. Mass will be held there Tues day morning, however, with Rev. Father Black in charge. Odd Fellows to Entertain. An entertainment will be given by the Indian club In the Odd Fellows' Temple, First and Alder streets, at 8 o'clock Monday night. Dancing will be a part of the program. Overbeck & Cooke Co. Stocks. Bonds. Cotton. Grain. Zta tie-3-7 Board of Trd BnlMimg. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Cblcargo Board of Trad a. Correspondence of Loenn A Bryan. - Gbtcmcow Nw Tork. , . ' Peace Talk Has A Bullish Effect New York Mav 27. (I. X. S. With peace talk strong, tbe "bear sgaln gripped tbe ni-r. Vet here. and. led by tbe Industrials., the en eutire stock list declined, fractionally In K'tue , Instances and 12 points tn others, iraoing was heaviest In tbe Industrial rlssw and rat'.icr . light in the majority of tlse'rsil'. ! Reading opened st 103','j. fractionally over ' the close, and during the first bour'a trading lost 3 points. Steel snd copper storks also were affected , by the bearish movement. The disposition In j the msrket, it Is believed. Is to await some ! new Initiative. In ibe meantime an irregubir n.isrket Is promised. It Is stated fhst no defl ' nite market can be expected until sfter the j liepubllcan national convention. Tbe preseut Irregularity is taken by many i as a breaking spell after continuous hle'j-fcpeed i buying. At the same time the professional I element Is dissatisfied with market move ment. Foreign liquidation has ts?en -a lactor in holding the mils down. This class of stocks, it Is predicted by many, will see a strong bullish movement soon. Ranire of New York prices furuisbed by 0erbeck & Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trade building: I cct lotion i ooen Hign 1 low 'Cloe Ataskx Cold . 22 -M., 2-1., .. 27 27 h.) 27 .1 741.1 74 l 74 Allis ChHluiers. c .... 2T 81'i 744, Allls Chalmers, pfd.. American Beet Sugar. American Can, c American Cnn. pfd... American Cor Kdy., c. American otton Oil, . j uO Vj 50 k- W'i 1 1" 80 Vi 0O j 50 I 00 l'r 22 7314 90 '.j 31. 72 I 73', American Smelter, c Ameican Smelter, nfd H9t..l 07! 0Vt , 11 3 Vi, 112 Vi 112 W 1129 44U, 44 M! Ml, American Sugar, c 112VJ'U2Vi American Tel. & Tel...J I AutericHii Vslen. c... 44 Anaconda Mining. Co..j 85 A tchison, c ! . - Bcldwln Iyco.. c ' HS 40 K0 . - .. !KC. sh'hi 7Tsl 7' Baltimore & llhlo !HS.: 91 S1 t'l1' ft' ' 4.V) !i:io s7 1 7'., 1 7 I I 22 'i Ilctlilehem Steel, c... .... Bethlehem Steel, pfd Knx&l.wi Itapld Transit' NT Calif. Petroleum, ...,.... Calif. Petroleum, pfd . . i 4:1 Canadian PaciTlc IT"1 .v) ; 402 4i"j 179 il7K ITS' 1 central leather 54 "V MM 54',' M't i 11 1 '.j 02 j 62 I 02 3 j 37 Si 37', 07 07 Hi 07', . ... !130'i .-..'.S, ,'.2'1 52', , . , ,. i I ' ? .f nbl'! I llCsitlieake di IMIIO. - . - I chii ago & i;t W c .. ! ebb-ago & Gl. w'.', pfd i Chloatro, l. & St. P.. 1 Chicago A X. W., c... j 1 in., Copper ! 1 olorado F. & I., c .. Consolidated Gss 43 ' 43-V 42 I 42:,4 i:;s. 13m.130u.I371 I ''" I I '4 i : I 04 ! lie, 201,1 20 ! 20 51 V, .-.1'.4! oil's, ' ."Ni 3Xlf, :at ! 3P' 3Mi 53 53 I Mil n:i, I i!7o 4!( 70 f)i 70 T.'H 41 41 .t 40 V ' 121 il21 ll2ov,U2Si I I I I : 1 1 i 4oi4 I 20 1 20V4I 20 ! 2; pfd.. Crucible Steel, pfd. . . I A- H. G., pfd Distillers Erie, e Erie, 1st pfd General Electric Gcneriil Motors Goodrich Rubber (it. North , ore lands. i.t. North., pfd Hide & Leather, c. . . . Idle At 1-artier, pfd. . i e Securities Illinois Central Industrial Alcohol.... Inspiration Interhoro. c ..! I 11'3'i . .Ii5ti4 i5oi i;,7i 'i:,7 i.j . 43'.,i 4.'.,' 45 I 45 ..I I I is Ci 2'Vv !' ! ; -i . .1 70i,! 70', 7('i 70 . .! esj4. 81 7!V sl Kcnsas City South I. in kn w anna Steel . 1-high Valley I ooUvlIle Nashville.: (12M Mexican Petroleum W U'W loto-, MiuUli CoplKT 1 30's; 36V 35l :!fi M.. K. k T.. c ! 1 .;.;. " Keiiiocott CoppiT I 551, 5.i',, .4--, 54' Missouri Pacific O', (in, N'Htloiial IHd ' B0:l, W 00 V 0O:'l Nevada Coiiwilidated. . ., 17: 17 17 1 17'", New Haven ' , ' d" V ei.. New Yo'k Air Brake 137 i j 137'... 130 s. 136 1 York Central 1'"i Hi' 105 I".. , . Y . o. & VV I .Norfolk 6i Western, c. ! Northern l'ucifb- ' IVimsvlVH uia Railway 284 2X, 2H4 2- 12(. 4 12(1 ' 1 20' 4,1 li:'.- 113S lKt'i.irii; 57 V "'7-V 37 ' '2 1 37'. I 102VJ Peoples' (;. Pittsburg Coal, c Pressed Steel Car, c. 2S , 27 V, 27 27'. 47 I 47 47 : 47 Pleased Steel Car, pf. ... Ray Cons. Copper ) 22) 23 113 22 22 40U 4o'ii Railway Steel .Sonngs 41 41 Reading, c Reading, 1st pf Reading, 2d pf Republic 1. & S., c. Kock Island Shattuck Studebaker. c Sloss Sheffield Southern Pacific Southern Railway, pf. Tenn. Copper Texas Oil 'IVxas Pacific 102'-41102,10010ii4 40 43 43 43 43 47 f 474 47 47t(, 21 j 21 2014 20 i'Ti l'4 olltii Via 1,'iU II3U 137 137 5:1 V 100 05 44 101 Vi 12 lloO'i looa flt)i;4 ; 03 U.I 05 U: 05 I 411-'' 44 V 44 l!i2'i"l:i2'..!lH2S I 12V 120,; 12 S 01. 111 1. cor. j Tbird Avenue L'uiou Pacific, c I'niou Pacific, pf I ' . s- Rubber, c ! I'. S. Steel Co.. c. . . ii3i"' ,'iwVi:mi !!:'. i 2. 2' i , 50 Si 50 Vs, 55 V 55 '-j I sr nr. 1 sr. iii(iVi'7 ;iiii'A;iiitt-i i Si I 4 Si ' SI 1 1-, M I '.j 1 !h'i tt ; o'1 , t(2 I t'2 01-Ni 01 I . S. Steel Co., pf . . . I tnh Clipper W. P. Telegraph Wevtlnghouse Klectrlc onsln Central . . - Total salts 213.1'KJ rlmres m New York Cotton Market. Open. High. I,ow. Close j I .Tamiarv . .. 1300 1 .1 1 3 1 299 1314 1311 1325 1 278 1 2 nr. 12S7 1 2&K 130C I March 1314 1 J71 1270 i ?7S 1292 1325 1230 1276 1 July ! August . ! September ( Vtober . . December . 1 2G0 12 75 1277 1292 1 211 1308 Speeder Fined $15., restrict .ludee Jones today fined ,Trvrnpr Haines' $13 for speeding on the 1 Coi,lrnbia river highway Thursday, 1 . PORTLAND FIRE RECORD Prlday. 6:04 p. m 709 Williams avenue, children playing with matches, slight damage. Saturday. No fires. UNITED STATg , Personal Interest The continued growth and success of a bank: depends upon the wel fare of its depositors. if you have an ac count with this bank, its facilities are avail able to yoy. and await your command at all times, and officers and employees will take a personal interest in your welfare. n 1 Open a checking Account with THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK u Third and Oak Su. Member Federal Reserve System. Capital and Surplus, $2,000,000.00 8HiCn2S53Q W. F. TUNRER NOW IS VICE PRESIDENT OF NORTH BANK ROAD Mr, Turner Will Still Retain His Title as Comptroller of the System. ELECTION IS HELD TODAY W. a. Davidaon, Trrarr, la Mud Secretary ; Tnrnir to Be Acting1 Httad Soring- realdent Oilman's Absence. ' W. V. Turner, secretary and comp troller of the North Bank system, was today elected vice-president of the sys tem, and W. G. Davidson, treasurer, was elected secretary. Mr. Turner will retain his position as comptroller, and his title henceforth will be known as vice-presiJent-coniptroller. Mr. David son's title will be secretary-treasurer. The election took place at a special meeting of the board ofr trustees and directors this inornlnjr. It covered all of the units excepting the Spokane & inland Kmpire Railroad company, by which the formal election will be made at a special inceling of the board next week. Mr. Turner's promotion to the posi tion where he will be the acting head during the abseii.-e of President U. C. Oilman, is considered a high compli ment to him because seldom, railroad men say, Is the accounting department looked to for material for vacancies In the operating department. The vacancy in this rase itne about with the. pro motion of C. O. Jcnks to the position if acting general manager at St. Paul. Mr. Jenks in addition to being general manager of the North Bank was also ice president. His successor here as general superintendent, A. J. Davidson, lias supervision of the operating and mechanical department s, but did not succeed Mr. Jenks as vice president. I Mr. Turner has been with the North ! l-ank system seven yeaTs. For a year ho was connected with the Pacific & Kastern, with headquarters at Med lord, prior to coming to Portland, ix years ago. His early training was se cured with the Southern Railway, Washington, D. C., and the Delaware, I.i.ckawanna & Western, New York. VV. ti. Davidson, who will become hecretary, came to Portland from Spo kane in December, 1914. The appointments will become ef fective after the annual meeting of the board of trustees and directors. The several units of the North Bank system are the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway company, the Oregon Trunk railway, the Pacific &. Eastern tail way, the Oregon Klectrlc Railway company, the United Railways com pany and the Spokane & Inland Empire Railroad company. Patterson Funeral Services Monday Salem, Or., May 27. The bodies of William I. Patterson, wife and daugh ter, victims of Friday's tragedy, will be shipped this afternoon to Klnley's undertaking establishment In Portland and the funeral will be held Monday from that place. Nothing has developed to disprove the theory that Patterson was Insune when he killed his wife and child and lifniself. S. P. Ijeoturer Here. J. W. Krwin, official lecturer for the Southern Pacific company In the New Kngland and Atlantic seaboard ntaten. is expected here tonight on his unnual trip. He Is gathering data for a new series' of illustrated lectures. He prob ably will remain In Oregon for several days, gathering Information and new pictures for use In lantern slides The First National Bank Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus, $3,500,000 In every department of banking we are prepared to serve the public acceptably. The Bank of California NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAN FRANCISCO " Founded 1864 Capital paid in gold coin Surplus and undivided profits - Commercial Banking Interest Psid oa Time sad Savings Deposits Portland Branch Corner Third and Stark Sts. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ' Heed Office TORONTO, CANADA Estsblished 1867 A General Banking Business Transected Interest Paid on Time Deposits Commercial Letters of Credit Issued Exchange oa London, England, Bought sad Sold PORTLAND BRANCH CORNER SECOND AND STARK STS. F. C. MALPAS, Manager . IPortlander Named As Woman's Affinity. Memphis. Tenn.. May 27. ft, N. S.) ' George Klk, of Tort land. Or., today was nanid as thet affinity of Mr.' Louis Usee in a divorce suit Instituted; by her liuband. Oscz is a landscape; artist, and claims to have rlann4i. Portland' park system. He eald h married the defendant in Vancouver In f 1914, and that she admitted she lovtd . Elk while they were on their hony moon in Portland. Mrs. Oscz is now in : Chicago. -j Oeorge Elk and I.ouls Ohci ar net -known in this city. City ofticiuis may -;' that Oscz never had anything to d with Portland's parks, and never heard '' the name before. SEARCH FOR WEAPON THAT SLEW RISTMAN YIELDS NO RESULTS Bar or Pipe Said to Hav6 Been Seen in Thompson's Possession Not Found. All Hough a party led In- Deputy Sheriff Phillips spent the entire iiiurn log in the vicinity of TualHtin search Ing for the weapon used to kill Kred Rlstman, the murdered man of th "lilnry murder myslerv." no truce wtl found of It. The officers now have a fairly good description of (he piece of metal which the miirilcrer carried when he. sought to hire a inai liiiie to tako him to Tu alatln. Don DiimtiH, .lllney driver, who wit first approached by the stranger, and who turned him over to Rlstman, say thai the piece of melal resembled A graduated metal pulle, possibly With a short piece of shafting attached. H, says the whole thing was 18 or ,20 Inches long. Weapon Important Link. Now, if the weaimn Is found, and It answers the description given by Du mas, it will be one of the Important links In the chain of circumstantial evidence the officers are attempting to weld. Deputy Sheriff Ward ays he saw Bennett Thompson, the suspect, now In the Washington county Jail at llllla boro, on the street ulnnit 6 o'clock tile night of the murder, uiid that he had a package under his arm. Ward says It looked like a plere of paper wrapped' mound a tmtul bur or pipe, lie aaya the bar nr pipe protruded 1 rom the end of the package. : Hoscoo Hurst, Thompson's attorney, says Thompson did not have a pack age when seen by Ward. He admits that Thompson saw the deputy sheriff, however. Ward says he can prove by four wit nesses that be told about meeting Thompson and seeing tile package be fore be knew about the murder Of Mrs. Jennings. Hurst Denies "Blood Spots." Hurst says the undershirt taken from Thompson's home In Lents the Satur day following his arrest did not havi blood spots on it Wednesday when Thompson was arrested. "I can prove that scientifically," says Hurst. "If there are blood spots on It, they were placed there after Wednesday." A thorough scientific examination is to bo made of all tho spots found on the clothes taken from Thompson's home and those which he was wearing when arrested. Thompson has been placed In a cell by himself. Sheriff Reeves doing that yesterday. Until then he had been al lowed the freedom of the Jail corridors. "The officers hav produced nothing which has caused us a moment's un easiness," said Hurst today. $8,500,000.00 $8,272,629.57