Tonight r n t! tomorrow fair; north westerly winds. Humid ity. 40. sO CLOCK '4 VOL. XV. NO. 67. PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 27. 1916. FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS FIVE I EWTS "IT'S ITS 115T PEACE, CLAIMS yiENNA French Are Only People Op posing Speedy End ol the War, It Is Reported at the Austrian Capital. FRANCE FEARS SHE MAY LOSE RICH TERRITORY f Ambassador Gerard Quoted; as Being in Favor of Me diation by U. S. It's Abont Tim. WBKhliiKt.n. May 27 (I'. TV I William Howfird Tatt met German A ml;wsnilor von Hci n storff today, and In th' ours of their (( itivf rsn t Ion ic'Vireil to n fi'a't! Ial IipTih Cip. 1-rnKUP l'i Knl'oree 1'pjh'P, whereupon the Ueiniun envoy tiiirl; "I t's a lion t lime. ' Vienna. May 1:7. I'.) - Kr:in- alone is st iMiii; In tlie way of an early pea'-'-, it -va.i tl l:itl y- r,port,l today. 1S1 n:'..i advi'f lae re cently liecn caliUil liy I n ted Press CorreMpomient s in liome and 0f;rlin.) IGrrut Hiltaln is aid to f. villinp 10 quit witliont at t tnpt i f i n an ff'cn lve on tlis western front. : ranee. Iiowevcr. strongly di-slns a finai tet Of military t i enutli, liecausp lir hi 111 -afion is tiie in', m despoiHtt; of any of the prlmipHl entente allies Fimiro feara (iermany niay not relln qulwh the rlcli mean of northern Krmice Which tie. knl.ser'8 nrnilew hold. Alfi, the 1'rein h ha v e . nothlnt; with vhlch to hniRnin tor piaie. Berlin. May 27. 7 I. N. S.) (Jreat Bliinlflianr e wan attached here todtiy to n Interview with American Am basHadur Gerard in the Munich Ga zette, In which Gerard la quoted as saying: ' "Sow that concord exitrtn btwon Gartnuay"' and the I'nlted States, fol- (Concluded in I'niie Two. Column Two. I TRENCH RECAPTURE PART OF CUiERES BUT ARE DRIVEN OUT Allies Resume Offensive in Verdun Sector; Claim Ap ptociable Advances, Pari a. May "7. (I. N. S The ! rench agimi urc on the offensive in the Verdun sedlor and ha'. c registered Important gHiiia. according to today's comiminhiiie. A part of I'uiiiieres has been retaken from the Germans and niuch ground has been gained In the Vicinity of J. Mort Homme. ' "In a dories of vigorous French at tacks in which terrific hand-to-haiid fighting followed, the Germans were ousted from the southern part of Cuinieres. Our forces are firmly hold ing this part of the town," Bays the communique. . "A French attack northeast of Cu .mieres resulted in the gaining of much ground.' Violent counter-attacks by the nemy were repelled. "Appreciable advances also were made by our forces, in attacks against Hill No. 304. "Strong German attack's south of Douaumont were repulsed." : Driven Out, Say Germans. ! Berlin, .May 27.- (U. P.) French penetrated the village of Cumleres dur ing furious fighting northwest of Verdun, but they were later driven out, the official statement declared today. The Germans took 63 prisoners. Fast of the Meuse, Germans reached heights southwest of Thiaumont forest and tiie French attempted vainly to Stem the advance hy counter attacks. (South of Fort Doiuumont two enemy assaults failed, said the statement. Federal Reserve Statement Shu Kraiieixen. ly 27. (l N. s. ) Jim le nient or conilillon feileml reserve l.nnW ut close vl business May 'M. i'.'Hi: KKSIIt RCKS. ti"ll coin mid fold certificates le'ewn vhiiIik f5.3MH.OuO 1" C"M met (lenient fund O.imi.l'O In B"ll redemption fund Lesal tender notes, silver, etc S.OoO Totnl reserve Ci lumen Ul (rediscounts).. f 11.507,000 405.OO0 S,M71.niH 3, Hank m-c.-iilances I nlleil 8tal's l.nd Milhtciiml u arrant federal reserve notes in band of bunk All other resource a.850,000 2.223,000 Total resources f 28, 821,000 . ...f.3.30,0O0 22.9;,too 1.H52.0UO LIABILITIES. t'uidtal paid In 'pxil, net member banks... l)eioils. fc'uvei nnient . v Total liabilities 2S.S2l,JO0 MEH)RANI1M. lederal reserve notes ontstanillng bi bands of public f T.KM.OUO Jedersl reserve notes In band of tnk 4.KM.0OO 1 Met amount federal ream note - tsaued to bank by federal reserve - feol .i....fll.10.0OO ledurt rnkl and lawfnl money de posited by bank wlta federal re Krw.ijwiL,,.,..,., UiO.OOO BEHIND THE LINES AT VERDUN The photograph shows French soldiers with then steel helmets preparing to leave their headquarters for duty in the first line trenches. The slaughter before Verdun of attackers and defenders has been appalling, and the battle be gun February 21 has continued almost without cessation, with the Germans gradually drawing closer to the coveted prize. VVfWI' 'yW'JiiMWaaaEaaa""aaaa t America Tells Britain Says r. m Early Mails Maintain German Credit and Spread Sedition, Ce cil Asserts, London. May 27. fi. N. S.) Co incident with the publication of th American note demanding an enJ to the censorship by the allies of Aini i can mulls, '.ord Robert Cecil, minister of war trade and blockade, declared that the censorship was vital to the interests of Great Hrita!n. His uttr lince, which Is semi-official, follows: "The mails between neutrals con tinue to be filled with merchandise. Only six weeks ago in the mails on the steamer I'nlted States, from New "lork to Scandinavian ports, we found ltS packets ot rubhor goods, 17 of fur, two of graphite and X:; of clothing, boots and other miscellaneous articles. "All these neutral mails were filled with securities, . transfers of money and nil the machinery used by tier many in maintaining her ciedit. They furl her were filled with Gorman I ropaganda, designed for the promo tion of sedition and rebellion, not only in countries governed by Germany's enemies, but in neutrals as well "lint even of more ital impo'ince is tlic lad that through those mails, i by which the whole system of Giman espionage is conducted, again and again its cental's established in neutral coun tries hae gravely endangered the safety of the empire. "I do not believe any of the neutrals wish to deny our right to unload and examine the malls unless it b those persons who base their protest not on the interest of their own country, but on that of Germany, ouch persons, for Instance, as the German-American Chamber of Commerce at New i'ork, who recently petitioned the German government to exact a penal war con tribution from the Belgians, as a retali ation for each seizure of mails by Britain. "Naturally, when we first adopted the present policy, our organization wa not as efficient as it might havr been, but I am sure that the criticism leveled at us now are wholly inaccurate.-' Portland Boy Wins Mile at I. C. A. A. A. Wlndnaffle for CorneU Makes it la 4 Minute. 15 Seconds; Records Broken by Meredith and Murray. Cambridge. Mass., May 27. Ted Mer edith of the I'niversity of Pennsly vania. in winning the t40 yard dash at the I. (". A. A. A. meet this after noon, broke the association s record for that event, for a circular track, and smashed the collegiate record for a straightaway path, traveling the quar ter mile in 47 2-5 seconds. Cornell practically cinched- first honors by laking I ho first lour placen in tin- two mile run, together with other victories whicn gave the Ithaca s hool a total of 28 points. Winning the finals in the ISO yard high hurdles this afternoon, "Feg" Murray of Stanford university estab lished a new record for the associa tion 15 seconds, flat. In the 120 yard hurdles the first heat was won by Ij. II. Grubb of Cornell V. S. Murray of Stanford was second. Time 15 2-.J seconds. T. L. Preble of California won the second heat. J. K. Norton of Stanford was .second. This heat also was run in 15 2-5 seconds. The mile run was won by I., v. W'ind negle of Cornell in 4 minutes 15 sec onds. F. R. Wilson of Stanford ran fourth. Meredith of Ppiiiisj Ivania won the 4t0-yard final in 47 2-5 seconds. Murray of Stanford took the final In the. 120-yard hurdle In 15 seconds flat. Cubb of Corne-ll was second, Preble of California third and Norton of Stan ford fourth. In the shot-put, LI versed ge of Cali fornia won the finals with a put-of 49 feet,' 2V4- Inches. Caughey or Stan, ford was fourth with i 5 feet. 414 incnea. X :. A Allies to Stop Opening Mails r. v r. r. Censorship Vital to Blockade Compliance Expected, United States Says It Can No Longer Tolerate Wrongs Practiced. Washington. May 27. (I. N. S.) The state department last night made public its note ot" protest agai4t inter ference with American malls by the allied governments. The note was de livered to both the British and French ambassadors, as their governments Joined in the memorium of February 28. seeking to justify this interference. Notice is served on Great .Britain and France that the Unite! States "can no longer tolerate t lie wrongs" prac ticed by those countries. Demands Radical Chanfe. Only a radical chanye m the British and l'rein !i policy will satisfy this government, the note says. It adds thai the l.'nited States will press claims for full reclamation for losses sustained. While the note is not an ultimatum, it was officially announced at the state department that the United States ex pects an early reply." 'i'hiie are indications thit the reply ol t'ie allied a ernmeii' s will lorce the mailer to arbitration under tne Bryan treaties, which are pointed out by officials as a. bar to aggressive action:. Practices Are Denounced,. The note denounces British and French practices as unwarranted lim itation on the use by neutrals of the worlds highway for the transmission of correspondence. 11 is ciiurgcd that the allies have attempted illegal jurisdiction by force or unjustifiable means. The text ot the communication fol lows: Department of State, " Washington, D. C, May 24, 1916. Allies' Note Acknowledged. Excellency : 1 have the honor to acknowledge re ceipt of your excellency's note of April u. last, ti aiisiiniiiiig a memorandum dated rebiuary 1j. 191t, and com municated in substance to the Amer ican amoassador in Liuiidon on teDru ary 25, in winch ui'e stated the con tentions of the British and f rench gov ernments in regard to the right to de tain and examine parcel and letter (Concluded on I'ugu Seven. Column Kour) Journal's Work for Portland Wins for It Due Appreciation Prompt response is made, on behalf of the Miniature Kumber company, by George V., who i" a letter to the publisher of The .Io'.kiuiI acknowledges the ar'i' le ci ncerning his com pany that v as published in The Journal of May J5. In this letter Mr. Kee incliiues 'the fol lowing indorsement: "In our opinion these arti cles are doing more to encour age the people of Portland than any other one tiling ever at tempted to inspire them to pat ronize and get back of their own city to give them addi tional faith and pride in their city and themselves. "We are taking the liberty of reproducing this page of Tne Journal as printed, for the purpose of sending it to the leading stores of the United States, where it will reach the heads of such concern as John Wanamaker, Marshall Field and upwards of a thousand similar leaders in the business world." Today's installment of the "Nothing the Matter With Portland" series, to be found under that title on the editorial page. Is concerned with a quar tet of fixture and showcase companies and a maker of f too laundry trays. , . . 1 i Nevertheless British Ambassador Indicates Allies Will Yield to Wash ington's Protest, Washington, May 27. (U. P.) An early and satisfactory response to the rfsVy """ niail seizure protest from 'Jreat Britain and France is expected ty officials here. The stale depart ment indicated today that conversa tions . with British Ambassador Sir Cecil Spring-Rice conveyed the im pression that his government intends to comply. One official said: "Great Britain's intentions appear good, but Its administrative system is ery much at fault and the seizures are being conducted despite her pledge to refrain from them." In the cases of Great Britain and France, as outlined in the United States' note, the British force or per suade neutral ships to enter their ports, search their mails without re gard to previous protests that deten tion of ships for mail search is unwar ranted, and employ other practices iri violation of the British announcement of February 15 and the mail section of The llacue convention. The United States is to enter claims I or damages incurred by such y.ures in tne past. Even American official mails have been outraged, it is ch-nged In conclusion, the note fcays this will be no longer tolerated, and that no belligerent can be judge and -4iry ot its own violation of international law. England Declines to Comment. Loudon, May 27. ( L P.) Foreign officials today refused to comment on cable summaries of the American mall eeizure note. The text of it, it was declared, haa not yet been received. Mayo Brothers Go To Hill's Bedside It May Be Nececary to Perform, an Operation on Empire Builder; Pa tient Faiaes Good Night. St. Paul, .Minn., May 27. CI". P.I Serious faced and nervous, members of the Hill household this afternoon met the train bearing the Mayo brothers, noted surgical specialists, on their way to the bedside ot James J. Hii:, rail road magnate, who Is ill. After the'.r arrival special nurses were summoned. Jeorge Slade, Hill's son-in-law, said the surgeons had decided not to oper ate, and that he merely brought the Mayo brothers to St. Paul to hear theif advice. Rochester. Minn.. May 27. (U. P.) The Mayo brothers, noted surghal specialists, left for St. Paul today 'ii a special train, en route to t he AeYls!dt of James J. Hill, railroad magnate, who is ill. Methodists Delay Action U pon Ritual Saratoga Springs, X. V.. May "7. I I. X. S. ) The conference of the Methodist Kpiscopal church today postponed until the next session ac tion on the judiciary committee's re port involving the constitutionality of the question in the ritual: "Do you believe in the doctrines of the holy scriptures as set forth i.n tie articles of religion of the Methodist church?" 0. & C. Bill Ready For Senate Monday Washington. May 27.' (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) Senator Chamberlain will report the Oregon and California land grant bill to the senate' Monday. He hopes to se cure early consideration, v Few amend ment wrJl bi made to the bouse bill, except the 40-40 provision and the plan to protect the port districts. ; ... . ,- ;-','- t DDGTOR WHITE FOUND GUILTY ! IK 13T DEGREE New York Dentist Who Ad mitted Poisoning Wife's Father and Mother to Get Their Millions Convicted. INSANITY DEFENSE NOT TO SAVE SLAYER'S LIFE Alienists Testify Today They Consider Him Sane Now, and Previously. New- York, May 27. Dr. Arthur War ren Waite, a young dentist, was found guilty here today of killing his father-in-law, John K. Peck, a millionaire of (Jrand Rapids. Mich. Although Waite confessed to murdering both Peck and the hitter's wife, relatives of the den tist set up a defense on the grounds of insanity. Waite "ill be sentenced to die in the electric chair at Sing Sing. He wis lemanded for sentence Thursday. The convicted murderer received the ver dict calmly. Father Is Overcome. Two bailil'.s hroutrut hiln into the room, his face firmly set, when the juror's had filed in. The foreman's words, "Guilty as charged," wen scarcely audible. The jury was polled while Waite stood unflinchingly. His only sign of emotion w;is when in reply to the usual questions regarding his age and birthplace he spokes so low it w as nec essary for a bailiff to repeat his word . Waite's father was overwhelmed with ( motion, weeping wildly. His other sons tried m vain to comfort him. Waite's father was carried from the con rtiiMim by his sons. The Waite" trial was a record-breaker for New York. It opc: ed last Mon day. Could Have Acted Quicker. On his way back to his cell' with a death sentence hanging over htm Waite hummed an air- from a light opera. He 'told tt bailtffc "If I had been a lurvnian they wouldn't have been out five minutes." Mrs. Horton, informed of the verdict by telephone, immediately left the telephone with out making a statement. "God's will be done" s.'iid Mrs. Clara Waite, when she heard the news. Her divorce will become final in a few weeks. .It was learned that Percy Peck, rela tive of the murdered man. had request ed a seat in the courtroom from which he could watch the last ray of hope fade from Waite's eyes as the evidence was produced. This was granted. Waite Confessed Murders. Shortly after his arrest aWite signed a confession in which he detailed how he had killed Peck, a wholesale drug gist, and Peck's wife. AVaite was possessed of an over whelming desire for great wealth. He not only planned, according to his own account .' to murder his father-in-law, mother-in-law and wife, but ybodv else who stood between him and the Pejk millions. Aliening Teitlf y. Waite had borrowed $40,000 from a maiden aunt of his wife, who lives in New York. He to'.d her he would in vest the money safely, and then spec ulated with H, losing heavily. The convicted man also confessed to giving a jar of marmalade containing ground glass to this aunt. Dr. Smith Ely Jeliffe and Dr. Wil liam B. Malion both testified today that examinations of the defendant had (Concluded on Psee SeTen. Column Three) GET MY WITH CASH FOR WEEKLY PAYROLL Sum Placed at $1015,32 Taken by Two 16-Year-0ld Youths in N, Y. Office, New York May 27. (I. X. S ) Wil liam McMantis, a 16-year-old fh'or boy, yesterday, it is alleged, walked cut ' the offices of J. P. Morgan, where he was employed, with a package c0iitain- j ins tl0.G15."2 in cash. Four hours later nis nisappearance wa. rrpoi ieu to the police William J. Bain, nnother office boy of the same age. also is missing. Both these boys, said to be reviving IS a week, have been in the employ of J. P. Morgan & Co. for a year. It has ben the custom of McManus Fri day mornings to take a package con taining pay envelopes for the men in the export department to the tou floor and then distribute the individj3l en velopes. On arrival at the offices yesterday McManus went to the cashier's office half an hour earlier than usual. Cash ier Knowles told him the envelopes were not ready. The boy then volun teered to lake the money, wruo the names on the envelopes and place the correct amount Iti each. As Knowles wbk husv .t the time, he consented Four hours later the clerks in the export department began to cracK thin jests abou; the firm "failing," while they glanced anxiously at the clock. Someone -then sent down and asked w.hether M. Knowles was ready to pay them -off. .The disappearance ot ale Manus , wast then disiy verad. : MORGAN OFFICE BOYS UEEN ROSE A N El COURT reign today at Oregon City Livestock Show and Rose Exhibit. ROYALTY REIGNS AT T! Portland Visitors Are Wel comed and Entertained by Fallsarians, Oregon C'lty, Or.. May Z,.- Clacka mas county's royal blood in livestock passed in review before King Karl ani Queen Rose this morning in the big stock parade, one of the important features of Oregon City's Booster day celebration today. The parade wu about 10 blocks long and some of the finest animals of Ore gon were included In the procession. In spite of clouds thousands of visitors from Portland and from all over Clackamas county thronged the streets, and probably the largest crowd the city has ever seen will be here for the stock show and roae festival pro gram this afternoon. "The festivities began at 9:30 o'clock when Queen Rose Fptegrove and her consort. King Karl Hutchinson, ar rived at the "Booster" throne In court bouse square and began their reicn. Mayor Welcomes All. JIackett delivered the address of welcome and was followed by Gov ernor James Withycombe, who spoke on "Rural Credits." In the course of his address, the gov ernor referred to the federal reserve act by declaring that the act is an in dication of the growing tendency to ward cooperation in agricultural de velopment, and indicated the Immense benfit which It was possible to confer upon the farmers through the working of the act by utilizing national bank funds in the movement of crops. Children Take Part. Following the stock parade, drills and Maypole contests by school chil dren were held in Library paik. This feature attracted wide Interest and the children were applauded roundly for IhHr efforts. The Royal Rosnrians and other or ganization representatives and dele gates from Portland, and cif and coun- !tv officials, arrived at noon, and were taken to the Commercial club where they were entertained at luncheon by the Fallsarians. All the organizations participated in the pageant held this afternoon. PORTLAND PARTY TO AID OREGON CITY IN BOOSTER FIESTA Practically all of Portland's leading business and club organizations eent delegates to Oregon City today to' par ticipate in the annual "Booster day," rose show and livestock show cel ebration, and also to extend a cor dial invitation to the "Kalis City" and Clackamas county to come to Portland for the Rose Festival. One of the largest delegations was the Chamber of Commerce mem bers' council and the Koyal Rosatlans. who accepted he invitation of the Oregon City Commercial club. The two Portland organizations char tered the steamer (Jrahamona and left at 12:3u and arrived at Oregon City in time to take part in the grand floral parade at I p. m. The Rosarians were in uniform and led by their band. The Portland Ad club sent a delegation headed by the quartet, which wdll assist in the musical pro gram. The Rotary club, the East Side Business Men's club and the Motor boat club are" other organizations send ing delegates. "i " Sulzer Choice of Alaska Democrats Brother of ex-Ooreraor of Hew Tork la nominated Candidate for Delegate to Congress; Donahue as Committeeman Juneau, Alaska, May 27. (P. N. S. t Charles K. Sulzer, a brother of for mer Governor William Sulzer, of New York, today is the choice of AlasKn Democrats as candidate for territorial delegate to congress. Sulzer was nom inated at the Democratic convention, which closed here yesterday. Thomas J. Donahue, of Valdez, was nominated as national committeeman and George lirigsby,' of Nome, Is the party candidate for attorney general. John R. Winn, of Dawson; A. H. Zeigler, of Cordova; Frank A. Aldricn, of Nome; William H. Whittlesey, of Seward, and T. It. Deal, of Fairbanks, were elected delegates to the Demo- i cratic national con vention at Ht. Louis. British Steamer Sank.. London. May 27. (I. N- S.) The British Steamship Dene wood, of 1221 torva register, has .been sunk, either by a submarine - or a mine. . The Q' J t;s S ! - I TJ, - fciiiin im mkiii - i ODAY AND STOCK PARADES Oil Withdrawal Causes Dispute of Secretaries Navy Ueimrtmcnt Wants California Fields Kept for government ; Interior Would Give Patent". Washincton. May 27 l:. P. IjiiiiI t "ommltisloner Talltnan today ex plained the department o-f the in terior's side of the controversy wltn the navy over proposed relief b1k1:i tion for California operators vho have filed claims on oil naval reserve No. Of the PS, 000 acreu in this section, operators with valid perfected claims are pumping oil on ul.0-2 ucrea. The legislation ftctf claimants for 12,000 acres who were prospecting when Pres ident Taft ordered withdrawal of Itfe lands from public entry. Tlfe department of the interior fa vors perfecting the claims of these cil- izens I he navy desires the oil to re main untouched Tallinan said that, as a practical fact the operators who had ' already perfected claims would even tually drain the whole reserve dry. UNIVERSAL PEACE IS INSPIRATION OF FOLLY, SAYS PROF. WHEELER Increasing Pride of Nations Is Bar, Says California Edu cator; Wilson to Speak. Washington. May 27. (f. P.) In creasing pride of the nations make universal peace an "inspiration of folly," declared Benjamin Idc Wheeler, president of the I'niversity of Cali fornia. In addressing the meeting of the League to Enforce Peace today. President Wilson's speech this eve- ning. In which he Is expected to voice his willingness to do whatever Is pos - sible in the cause of world peace, Is eagerly awaited by the delegates. "We may have gone too far In call-l ing this the League to Knforce Peace," said Wheeler. "Maybe we should have said lyeague to Knforcet Recognition of Justice. It is a delusion and a snare to speak of peace ns a normal status of human affairs.' Biff Sum I Bateed. Tremendous cheering today arreted the suggest Ion of ' Theodore Marburg, former minister to Belgium, (hat Wil liam Howard Taft would at the proper time line up the allies In favor of the League to Knforce Peace. The dele gales to the league convention leaped to their feet and applauded with great enthusiasm, ceasing only when Taft motioned silence and said that h feared his efforts might be a burden. 'n:I'0n f'r 5t-:t".i"l aJlfor cumi inui i'jiih 10 me d"u,iiuu iuniiwasi lmmediate, and $37.1.000 has been pledged already. Interest Is growing i In President Wilson's speech tonight. It is known he will lay down the prin ciples for world peace. ' Secretary Baker Speaks. Secretary of War Baker told the j League to Enlorce Peace last night that when the war is over. Europe's people will demand prexervat Ion. He said! such wars us the present will no I Monger be tolersted. If the I'nlted Sltulu lofnupv t ft tnin IiihIm with mi. lions' to preserve peace, he stated, it will te left outside the circles formed j by the nations of the world to pre I serve peace. He said: "There has come a situation in the world in which, whether we want to or whether we do not. whether It is good business or just ordinary ideal ism, we are obliged to take a planetary view of the advent of the human race. "An intimate and intricate system of exchange and interchange between nations is going to rise as the voice of the people In favor of some such ex pression of the popular conscience of . i . : . T ' . . . . . i j i tne couLineut. ci L r.uiujc hb jis MKVlieu . by the league for the enforcement of peace. America Must Join ITatlons. "Now suppose they get up such a league. Suppose Europe asserts her self and determines to have that sort of regulation of international affairs and we are not in it. What will then be the relation we bear to the rest of tiu world? Their Intimacy without our being in partnership with it may some day beccme confusing to us. And if we now, in the dominant moral posi tion in the world, djfdijic to join hands , with the circle, that Is quite certainly j destined to be formed by the nation.-', of the world for the preservation of ! peace, they will form .hat circle and I we will be on the outside of It." 1 More than L'tKHJ delegates represent- ! ing every phase of American life at- tended" tiie opening session of the I League to Enforce Peace yesterday. I Kour Killed in Mine KxploHon. Hluefiilld. W. Va., May ' 7 . ( I . I'. -four men were killed today in a mine explosion near Kimball. - Cleans, Relays Carpets j Hire Autos Cheap Miller .gate cutter and lewele--. increased hiM business by running a two line ad in the Business and Professional Directory of Th Journal's classified. Head Want Ads daily. Business Directory EUECTRIC cleaning works: car petsi cleaned and laid. Refitting our specialty. Phone. Autos for Hire 5a MAXWKM-. 191 model. 1 a. m. to 4 p. m., per hour. Careful driver. Phone. Wanted to Bent 7 WANTED Cottage at Oregon beach. Must be reasonable. The daily circulation of The Journal in Portland and its trad ing radiui exceeds the morning paper by several thousands and is practically 0 per cent greater than its nearest afternoon con temporary. ; , HflRLEY'S TALK ABSURD. AVERS ; SENATOR LANE Oregon Delegation Has Han dled Naval Base Matter in . Earnest and Conscientious' Manner; Situation Known." SUBMARINE BASES HAVE . BEEN LONG DECIDED ON fcTTOrTS 0T ASTOHa KPnrP.SP.nt . . ..... . . -t auve nave Haa no tried on Plans as Arranged. Washtngton. May 27.- (WASHING TON HI R ;. I ' (if IIIK JOKKNAL,) "This kind of talk is absurd. ThO Oregon delegation went about the naval base matter In earnest, and we found that the secietarv of the navy done ' i not favor a naval base anywhere In th .I'liltcd States at the present time. ,J--! "Secretary Daniels dealt frankly, j with us, ami v,e know exatl- where 'we stand. The secretary some tlmtf ' ago recommended two submarine and 'torpedo boat stations on the Paolf to ; I coast, ami one of thepe should be Ob I tallied for the Columbia river.'' . j Senator Kane thus commented 5 I substance on emaika reported to lM?' been made in Oregon In crltlc:iun Of thr Or. k n henaturs by F. ('. Harley. i chairman of the naval base commit ! tee, Harley portraying the senators a i I uhewarm. Barley Propoaed BUT Dinner. Just why Harley singled out the senators for criticism is not apparent, since Congressman Hawley Is the only member of the delegation who ltus en- ouraged Harley to continue the naval base agitation nfler It became defl 'iltely established thnt no new naval j bases al e to he recommended by ' lh j naval authorities. ' !'". The senators were possibly a little more plain spoken, and Hurley seemed i disappointed when they failed to fall j In with a suggestion they Invite i a party of senators to a big illnner, for which he was to supply the funds, Tha senators did not believe that under the circumstances the cause of th Co lumbia river could he. thus promoted. The "blow-out" system of lobbying has passed somewhat out of vogue. Department Policy ton Fixed.' Secretary Daniels reached, the eon elusion to recommend new submarine bases for the coast long before Mr. Harley came to Washington. It Was adopted as n part of the department' 'i policy In consideration of strategic fn ffiimri'l Inn wltli thn blllldinsT I program and future fleet disposition. . ..., c..... e inffa i r Uir. I IL H uuiu ri'i'..t ii ..... - - - I . I..... : ,1 In t,n Ihl-AIIAh ley rias saci mi n '"i inoi. .hivniii his efforts Secretary Daniels has beeft induced tn recommend submarine bases and drv docks. As a matter of fact, the policy f the navv department hs been known. and fixed from emly In the present session. It hiis b n clearly stated from time to time to members of the Oregon delegation, nlso to Mr. Harley; Arrangements for Hearings. Congress is not, of course, prei'lmled from giving h"a rings on any MliesllOll, and hearings usual! v m e granlpTl as a matter of courtesy when requested, bv members of congiess. Senator Chamberlain and- Lane did have SOm difficulty in arranging a hearing be fore the senate committee on naval affairs, because 'ha iinnti Tillman could not see the use of it. They ap pealed to Senntor Swannon. and through him a hearing was arranged at which th argument can be presented. On the house side Representative Hawley arranged for a hearing With Chairman Padgett of the house com mittee, the time for it being deferred until arter tne navai I'm .. ... was out of tne way. T AGAINST THE STYLES 'Never Follow the Fashions,"" Says New York Modiste; Two Gowns Are Enough, - N'. w Y"rii. Mav con vi ol ion of t hp of Women's clubs 7 1 1. X s. t - The Crneral Feneration f-.r the firt tttne was in smooth injmi ig onier at t business session ai tin- Seventh Itcgi ' ment armoiy. A nely"bullt Mounding i board made it possible for Hpcai.'efS to be heard. j One of the higgeet affairs was the I household economics ruiifi.icin in th grand ballroom of the ll'tel Ah tor. In I addition to the regular program, itu women hud been promised that they I would nee a live model ' built Oto'. I frock on the stage. i'V I A leadlr ;.- New Yo k dre)fmakr ! I draped gauzy fabrics on a modelwhom, she said, artists called the rnot tenu I tlful woman in the world Hever Follow Fashions. , -' ! Tiie dr'--Kmaker told the women DO W not to dress. t . .Never iohow i ne i Hnnionn, , - snn i said. "You cannot do wors-i than to get the latest horror from Parts... 'If you ate poor you can dress very well with only two gowns. A poof man could never afford to pay the prtnes for the gowns made by the fashion able di essmakers. if you follow, the fashions you will need many change and you r-ould not possibly get along j without so or- 80 gowns. You ronhi (Concluded on page Two, Cotuma roar.) MAR DRESSMAKER WARNS CLUB WOMEN 3 'V