i -V - rHE OREGON DAILY jOtRMALi ' PORTLAND, ; FRIDAY, 1 MAY 8, .1916. 17 CARRYOVER AFFECTS OPENING PRICES IN COLUMBIA SALMON Edited by Herman H. Cohen 1ST CAR OF CMS k otLLS VERY puKLY IN rUKILANl) IKAUL Pcnles Move Readily at $4.50 and 3aJ.S - J. - 4 ttt1 fJv. uuiuarus ni qi i ic , cellont Quality for Initial Car of Season. Potato Market Is Firm Everywhere Doth New and Old Stock Shows Strength With Prices Adrsnced for the Former. n,.- first o.rlrunl nf ennfalotlnes of the aea- On came forward from the Imperial valley to the northwest during tue day by express. IIlf of the shipment came to Portland snd the remaining snppltes went to the various Pugrt sound market. fialc of ponies were made at $4.50, anil Standiirds at $3 a orate generally aloug the street. 4'oiislderlng the faet that tbe supplies were fn.m I lie flr-t carload of the season, the slmw. Ing of nu.i lit jr waa nnnsually favorable. De inn n, I was even better than expected! ami most f the supplies for this market cleaned up n;ion srrlval. Another carload of cantaloupes 1 due from the soti'li on Monday, coining liy freight, and la said to be In excellent condition. A message from lira ley, ( al., says that the first melon special, consisting of 21 carload of Imperial valley cantaloupes, which left laat night for the coat, marks the beginning ,0f a busy melon eenaon of eight wecka. More than 50110 cars will be shipped tula aeaaon. The market la good, and grower expect to reap eum-inous proDta. It la the beat, year OB record for ISrawley cantaloupes. VEGETABLES TO I5K SCARCE Owing to the heavy mine In Ihe Sacrameito ectlon. It la expected that shortage of bunch vegetables will be sho;n after the preacnt rviimg ih(h miiir. iraue in Keiierm la imi. Potato market la firmer, both old tnd new crop offerings, la the local market there la a deckled scsrclty of old crop atock, but tho trade la inclined to buy aparlngly became the balk of tbe present offerings are apron ting badly, and quick movement is necessary to guard against loxa. Kale of old stock ere being made at 11.50 5J1.7B for beat, with tbe balk of the business around $1.65(21.75 for good quality. This the relllng price along tlx street, buyers pay ing an high as fl.50 f. o. b. this city for bet stuff. Npw California potatoes tre In only fair supply, with tbe market firmer and higher In the south and tending upward here. Tbe first carload of White Rose ( the aeaaon Is due from the south Saturday morning, and the trade la quoting 1.10 per box generally. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES ETRAWRERF.I ICS ARE SCARCE (Jreaf acarclty of afro n lorries va shown 111 tbe local trade during the d.ny, with t-ist slock generally roiniiininlliijr s:i a crnte. A mull amount of California sturf came forward aud sold at J J 10. TOMATOES TO COST MORE Tin- arrival of the next and hint car of Flor ida tntnati.es for the aeaaon on Monday will force prlece higher hen-. The atock on-,t 7r a crate more than previous curs, and the irlc here Is expected to rule, arouud $i.i(ji5 :i crate. CARRAGE IS VERY' SCARCE While the local trade lim aome eabhage to Offer at this tline, offering are generally Scant and supplies are hard to obtain In the south. In the meantime Ihe market Is allow In tilt.,.1. o I ... II rw t i. Easier tone la chonu In the market for eotihtry killed meat generally. Sah-a of Vls are very slow around H',itollc for good Staff. Kven hoga are not moving out as well aa formerly, although price are Dot changed. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE While Itermuda onions are coating 7."c a box more in -the south. Chicken market weaker all around; espe cially small springs. Ialry butter H somewhat steadier. Cheese altuatlou Inclined toward further weakness. Eggs are generally steadier. PRICES COLUMBIA 0N FOR SEASON TO OPEN. DURING DAY Animal Meeting Being Held at Astoria and Last Year's Quota tions Generally Forecasted . Shad Demand, to Boost Prices. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE .Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments daring tbe next 4S hour as far north as Se attle agalnat minimum temperatures of about 60 degreea; northeast to Spokane, 42 degrees; southeast to Bolae, 32 degrees; south to Ash land, 30 degreea. Minimum temperature at Portland tonight about no degrees. San Francisco Hop Market. lah Kranric, May 2.1. Hops, 10.13 crop, basis per pound, prices to growers: aera- Biento valley, (uC12e; Sonoma and Memloelno, t12c; Oregon, 9gl2!c; Washington. 9J ISVic. Chloago Hogs $9. St. Chicago. May 28. (I. N, 8.) Hogs Re eeipta 21.000, alow, loc to lfto under yater Uy's average. Bulk, fB.A5eO.Mi light, 10 f't'J.75; mixed. .40a9.S.': beavv, $9.30Qtt.S3; rough. $.39.4.'i; plga, f7i0Q.2O. f attle rtecelpts 1000. Weak. Native beef cattle. M.40ilO.75 western steers. $8.7541 6 tK; atoekevs and feedefa. C. 25419. 10; eows and helfefa. f4.753.K3; calvee. . 50011. 75. Sheep Receipts 11.000, Weak. Wethers, 17.30 (if..tv; latuos, f5.iuuix.; apringa, giuu! 12.. . Kanaas (Htj Hog 99. SO. Kansas City, May 28. (I. N. 8.) Hoga Receipts 10.000, lower. Bulk. $b.50tt'.TO: heavy, 9.70a9.SO; packer and butchers. $0.66 avif: light. $.45!.70; plgn, $fl.757V.25, fattle Receipt fWK). strong. Prime fed ateera, $10(g 10.40; dreased beet steers, $S.2.1i 9.S5; western steers, $.S.5Oil0.25; stockers and feeders, $7.Bfib9; bulla, $0JS.29; calves. $7ill. Cheep Receipt 8noO, week. Lamb. $10(fJ 12: yearlings, $A.dOQll; weTliers, $89.50; ewes, $7.009. . 8t, Louia Bogs $9.81. V- Bt. Irals, May 20. (I. N. S . I Bog Re ceipts 7(a. lower. Plga and lights. ;.7iifi 9. Hit; mixed and butchers. . 704(9.95; good heavy, $!.9HI9.!)5; bulk, $9.70(g,0. Cattle Receipt 1200, strong. Nstlre beef steers. $7.S0rdl0.SO; yearlings snd heifers, $H.W'1; cow, $1.608.fiOj stockers and feeders. $5.SOi8.00; southern, $5.759. 05; prime yearling ateers and heifers. $q.25j 10 25; ciiwa and heifers. $508; prime south ern steers, $940.50', native calves. $4$ll.f0. Sheep Receipts 1400, steady. Wethera, $7.72 .25- lambs. $10(912.20; clipped lambs, $0.15 lUl'tio; clipped ewes, $7.508.25; spring lambs, $10lJ. Omaha. Hoga $9.60. Omaha, May 20. (I. N, .) Hogs Receipts 74(10. lower. Heavy, $9.40a.00; light, $9.25 ,. 45: plga. $,iif9i bulk. 198639.48. Cattle Receipts 1000, hlguer. Native steers, $4.504110.50; cows and hetferg, $7f9; weat ern sieera. $7.nOf9; Tests steers, $74J8; aUckera and feeders, $7$M.76. Kheep Receipts ljlOO, steady. Teaflltiga, $9 (311; wetber. .25ift0.75; lambs, $1012. Denver Hogs $9.10. Denver. May 20. Cattle Receipts 700. firm. Beef ateefs, tnfl 45: cows abd heifers, $0a y.: ealvea. $10i312.7E. lt"K Recelpta 0"O. 5 to 10c lower. Top, $'J.: hulU. H. 41x5!). 45. SI.eep Receipts 1101) firm. attle Hogs $9.15. Seattle. May 20; (P. N. S.) flogs Re celpta 28fl. steady. Prime llghta. $9.10J9.15; n.edlum to choice, $909.05; smooth heavies, f.r.tiw.to; rough beavies, $7.60418.16; pics, iifffs.ea. (attle Receipts 73, steady. Best steers, .7fitftR.5: medium to choice. $88is..r.O: H u.iiKiii to medium, $i!.50(37.50; best cows, $7 '1 7.50: commmi to inedium cows. $4i0.p0; bulls. $4.r.'itU.W; calves. $7.50(H8.."0. Steep Receipts . steady. Lamb HOffi 10..W; yearlings, $1)9.60; ewes, $J.258. Strawberries Are Affected. Hood River. Or., May S. Hood River Tel le; atrawberry grower are Jiibllant today on account of the fact that there la Intermit' tent sunshine to encourage tbe ripening of the berries. The fste of 100 carloads of straw berries Is hanging in the balance with the berry growers of ihe valley. The continuous tains Will soften the fruit before it ripens! u colors and result in a very heavy loss vithln the next few days. The tonnage of tbe lower valley is now at stage where a wrek or sunshine will tnrn off 2a carlo. da of ber ries At present tbe fruit la in prime condi tion fur ripening. The berries re ery large and being still green, am very firm. Tbe Mhnal meeting of the Columbia river aalmon canner was achcduled for the after noon, and local packera went In a body. Aa previously forecast in these reports there was every likelihood of the prices opening at substantially tbe same figures aa a year ago. Last year's prices, which are expected to lule tbla Beaton, show: Per dosen. $1 HO 2.00 1.2S 2.65 . . 1.05 Pound tall Pound flats Half pound flats . Pound ovals Half pound ovals Nominate 2.T3 While one of the leading packera was re ported aa favoring a small deellue In the price from a frear ago because of the ckfty over, pra tically all the other packers favored last year'a values: In fact have been billing out at former prices. Since announcement waa made In these columns last Saturday of tbe shipment of the first two carloads of the 1916 pack from the Columbia river by tbe Pillar Rock Parking company, there has been practically nothing of the new pack aent forward, because of the very acant pack. Because of tbe excellent standing of the inarket end the absence of supplies at this time. It is generally believed that tbe price of shad Will open higher. Laat season pound talis opened here at C5c a doin, but at leaat 10c advance ia anticipated, and In some quar ters even a further rise is forecast over 1915 figures. Announcement was made during the day by tbe Pillar Rock Packing company that it bed erders already on band for about all the shad It expects to pack this season. This alone Indicates great strength In tbe trade. Generally Steady At the Stockyards Livestock Market at North Port land Is Quiet With Prices Showing No Change. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RVN Bogs. Cattle. Calve. Sbeep. Friday .... Thursday .. Wednesday Tuesday . . , Monday Saturday . , Week aro. . Year ago 170 Two years ago.. 342 Three years ago 226 .TOURING PRICES OP PORTLAND TRANSPORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles (Without Change En Route) The) Biff $18 Clean. 914 Comfortable, $12 Elefc-ntty Appointed $ 7 BEAOOZHO STEAMSHIP BEAR Balls Tmm Aine-worth. Dock 3 F. UM May 89. 100 Oolden Mile on ColnmbU Slvr, All Bates Include; Berthg and Meals Table, and Service Unexcelled. The San Francisco ft Portland 8. . Co., Third ana Waehlngton Street (with O-W. B. ft V. Co.) TeL Broad Way 4500. A-6121. Alaska Ketchikan. Wrangeil, Petersburg;. Juneau, Douglas. H alncs. Eltagway, Noma and St. Michael California Via 'Seattle or Baa rranclsoo to Iios Angeles ana Baa mefo. Large, commodious passenger steamers, low rates. Including; berth and meals. Full particular apply or telephone Ticket Office 349 tVaabinrtofl St. so . Main 919. Rome. A-B393. Portland $20,001, San Francisco $17.50) extras (30 Hours) ' Tourist. SIB and 912.50; 3rd class, 98. MEALS AND BUH1H INCLUUKD S. S. Northern Pacific Steamer Express leaves North Band Station 9 A. M. MAT 18, 23, 37. From San Francisco May" JO. IB. 80. Sailings both ways Tuesdays. Thurs days. Saturdays, beginning; June 1. Through sleeping car service between Flavel and Vancouver. B. and So attle, beginning June 1. TICKET OFFICE. STtt AKT) BTABX. Phones -Bfbad war I0 A-M71. American-Hawaiian Steamship Co All sailings between U. S. Atlantic and U. S. Pacific ports are canceled until further notice. C. S, Xeeaedy. Agt.. 270 Stark St. Partisan. Dalles Columbia Line Operating Strs.J.N.Teal and Twin Cities Portland to Upper Columbia and Snake river points. Lrv. Portland about every four days. FOB IHFOHMATIOir CAX.X. TATXOB nr. dock. kUur sia. A-rna. NEWEST AND MOST LUXURIOUS SERVICE TO ALASKA lS.S. "Prince Ropert" andiS. "Prince George" I Steel, Twist Screw, Oil Burners ALL OUTSIDE TWO -BERTH ROOMS Lve Seattle Emy Monday 1 3 o'clock Midnight . vJf (Ketchikan, Wrangeil, Juneau and J ?Z ZZZVZ c Skagwy,CorngWihWhite For ( Pass and Yukon Railwajr. , Steamers Connect at PRINCE RUPERT with GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY , For Prince' George, Edmonton, Winnipeg, St Paul, Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, Toronto, MdntreaJ, Boston, New York and all pointi east via U x CANADIAN ROCKIES Electric Lfghtsd Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Dining snd Observation Parlor Carl CSty Tlcfeet OffiCe, llfl Third SL , hon Mars hsil 1979 00R3EY B. SMITH, C r. & T. A. : " i, H. 6URC1S, C K t. 0. Tbese prices are those at whlrh vrbcleaalers ell to retailers, except aa otherwise stated: Dairy Produce. v BUTTER Prints, extrua. Hie; prttne, flrta. IVe; (irata, iliHc; cubes, extras, 27c; prime f irata. 25c-; tlr.u, -tUVic lier lb.; dalrv. a.2nc. BlJTTEltl A T Portland delivery No. i soar cream, 7C; Ko. 2. 25c. EQGS Helling price by dealera unsettled, delivery extra: Selected fresh. 23c dox. ; eaae count, buying price, Oregim ranch, ?(ij;23io. LIVE fOLLlkl Kens, heavy, Plymouth Kock, 16c; ordinary cb likens. 15'.c per lb.; ataga, 12c; broilers. 25c; tnrkeys, 18((ilc; dressed, fancy, 2u(327c; cull-. niSOc; pig eons, 11.00441.25; aijuaue, ft. 20 dosen; geese, live, lOcgllc; I'ekln ducka. old. ltic It..; youug abd heavy, 17c; Indian Uunnera, 14c lb. t llKESE Selling price: Freati Oreyon fancy ful' creatu twins and triplets. ItiyiS'e lb.; Young America, 17itl"Vii;. Price to Jobbers: Plata, 15c; Young America, lttc, f. o. h.; rieam brick, 22c; iliniierger. S3v; Wiiminsin wheel. 34(i:iflc: block Swlxs. 80c. Fruits and Tegetablea. FRESH fKLITS Oiangia, fancy navel, t2.W(u3-25; baiiauat, 5c lb.; lemuus, d.u0ki f.20 box; grapefruit. Florida. M.50'!i5.25 rase; ,iueapvlea, 6VaiU.Cc h.; pears. I.Do2.o0. HEHillKa .strawberries, Oregon. 2.5uia 3.0O; gooseberries, 4c lb. Ahl'ttB LoiaL fiUcdilO Der box. accord. Ing to tuality. UMOaNSI No. 1, 1.75 per cental; Ko. 2, tl.2544l.SO; garlic, 12Vtc; new ouluus $1 .75 (gi2.0O crate. POtATOES Selling price: Local. 11.50 1.73; buyljg price. Si.2o((tl.50 per vestal: new CalltVnU, aW31c ib. VEciKTABL.Ea Turnips, 2 sack; carrots, 2 per sack; parsnips, gl.ou sack; cabbage. 8.00 pa ewt. ; green onions, 23c doxea bundles; peppera, Florida, 25c doceu; head Kiiuce, inuoruia, i.uu per crate; celery, Kkirlda. $3.5o; cauliflower, local, ( ) per dosea; French artichokes, 75c; asparagus, loeal, tl.bOtfl.75 'dozen buiuhea; hothouse cccumbera, $1.00i1.25 dozen; tomatoes Florida, $4; Mexican. f2.00QJ.oO; egg plant, 20c lb.; sprouts, 9c; sptuach. l bvi; rhubtrb, lHit2c per t.; pea. 8ral0c lb. Keats, i life &nd stovhiobs. r RESSED UEAXS belling price: Country killed fancy hogs, llQflUjc; povr, SQlQu lb.: fancy veals, lie; ordiuary, lllOc; goata, S(j,5c lb; . aprin- lumus, 17c ib. ; mukton! 10v lb. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Hams, 10S22e lb.) breakfat bacon, l.ftjaoc lb.; ootled bama ib.; picnic, 13c; cottage roll, lj'.jc; Ore gon exports, lSgltfc per lb. OlB'fKKS Olympik, per gallon, 3; canned fsstern, 55c can, fo.50 dozen ; eastern In shell (1.S5 per 100; razor clama, 12'c dozen; east ern oyeters, per gallon, solid pack. fj. FISH Dressed flounders, 7c; chinook sal mon, ll(iil2c; perch. 4j,8e lb.; lobsters, 25c ailver smell, be; aaluiou trout, 12c lb halibut. SMli.tc lb.; toui cod. 7c; black baas' ?V lb.; Oiad, dressed, ailc lb.; sturgeon! mc. CRABS Large, $1.75; medium, $1.23 dozen LAHL) liercea, kettle rendered Huc SUotlard, le. Groceries. BUGAR-Cnbe, ta.'JK; powdered, $S.85; ffnlt or berry, $8.45; Honolulu, $8.40; beet, $S 25 dry granulated, $8.46; it yellow, $7.85 (Above quotations are 30 days net cash.) HON Et New, $3.ao$i3.50 per caae. U1CE Japon atyle. No. 2, 4c; New Or leans, head, 5iJtll4C; bine rose. 5 He. BALT Coarse, half grounda, 100s. $10.50 per ton; 60s, $11-30- table dairy, 50a, $16.00; looe, Iie.n0; bales, $2Ji5; lump rocg, $20 per too. BEANS Small white, $8.25; large white tS.10: pink, $ti.25; limaS, $5.75; bayou, $U.25; red, $6.50. Hops, Woel and Hides. HOPS- Nominal, buying price. 1915 crop, efcolre, lie lb.; prime, 10c; medium to prime, 769c lb. WOOL Sotnlnsl, 1318 flip; Willamette val ley, coarse Cotswold, Sbta'SIc; medium Shrop shire, U4$35e; fine, HiiS3e; eastern Oregon, lU20c. HIDES Salted hides (25 pounds and dp), 10c, salted atags (50 lbs. aud tip), 12c; salted kip (15 lba. to 25 lba. ), 17c; salted calf (hp to 15 lba.), 2UU24c; green hides (25 lbs. and up). HV4c; green ataga (So lba. aud up), ltac; green kip (15 lba. to 25 lbs.), 17c; green calf (up to 15 lbs). 23iS24c-: dry flint hides, 28(tf2"e; dy flint cslf (np to 7 tos.). ale; dry salt bides, 23c; dry horaehides, each, $lfca; salt feoraebides, each, $2.0030; boraehides 2c; dfy long wool pelts. 20c; dry ebort Wool pelts, 12c; dry sheep shearlings, each, 1025e; salted sbeep shear lings, each. 15,25c: dry goata. long hair. ltc; dry goata. shearlings, each. 10(ia720c; salted long wool pelts, $1 so t2.S0. T ALLOW No. 1,8c; No. 2, 7e; crease. 7e CHirriXI Olt CASIAKA BARK Buying prices, per cat tots. 4'jc; less thaa car lota, . atoHAltt 1818, 36c lb. " JainU ana Oils, COAL OIL Waier white, la drums and Iron barrels, loc. UktSEKU OIL Raw. bbla., 87e galKra; ket. tic boiled, bbls., gc; raw, ease, S2; bolied, case. 4e gal.; lots f 250 gallons 1c less. 1UUPKNX1NK tanks, le; cases, SBo ga. ion. WHITE LEAD Ton lota, 10o lb.: 600 lb lota 11c; less lots, 11 Vie per Ib. OIL MEAL Carload lota. $34; leas than ear lota, $83.30. GASOLINE Bails price. 13 pef gallon. San Francisco Wool Ilarket. San Francisco, May 25. Wool per pound, Humboldt and Mendocino 8 months' giowtb, 22j24c; 12 months. 2528e; middle counties, 8 mouths, good, 17 19c; R-d Bluff and vl elnlty. 2d(82.V. Nevada stock, slan'e. 2-fi 24c; fnie, ls20o, according to quality. St. Louis, Mo May 25. (I. N. 8.) Wool higher, northern and western medinm. bright, V4aMe; medium, dark. SUil.l.V; borry, sliabt ly. 2!J2le; berry, bard. 2l22e: fine, light, ti25c; fine, heavy, WgfMc BoaUiera and soatbweatt-rn medium. SHii 36Vc; medium lwe and heavy, 3141:120; coarse and tow, 2yS4; bnrry. slightly, ;rt faSte; burry, hard, Ws2c; fine, light, 25 tjiWr; fine, bevvy, lQ24e. Tub washed, No. 1, 40-347C; No. 2, 3T37c. Chicago Prxxluoej Market. Chicago. May 25 (I. Jt. S.) Batter and eggs steady. Eotter-ReclpU, 12.891 Inbs; creamery, ex fras. 2S4(a!2iMt; etffs. flrsta, Mi9i28V.; firsts, 27V2Kc; seconds. 26fi27c;' dairies, extrsa, 29tf; flrsta, 27t274r; aeconda, 26 Q 26Sc; packing atock, 23Z?Hc. Eggs Receipts, 2U.940 cases; firsts, 21V; erdinary firsts, 20t20c; extras 24 25c. New York Sogar and Coffee. New Tork, May 2C--Stigar Centrifugal, (CWfeefKdw Tort e. T Kloe 4e ifi. 4 .48 f4 2fl 210 864 65 6 57 552 9i2 . ln ! 873 9S 20 TOO 2,19 0S1 11 5:!3 2H2 .-.2 9 463 MI 5' 13 1S9 1 1 2 12WJ 170 . . 1303 m With the exception of one load of hogs from Idaho all tbe day' arrivals at Korth Portland came from Willamette valley points. Steady tone waa continued In the awine trade with practically do change in the quo ta tlonf for receat day. ? General hog market range t Choice light weighta, nominal $8.0Sf59.00 Good light weights 8.809.90 Medium weights 8.5O08.T3 Rough and heavy 8.00tt8.25 Cattla Market Nominal. Odda and ends Were the only offerings In the cattle market -or the day at North Port land. There was a small total offering and general trade eoaditkioa showed no change. General cattle market range: Choice hay-fed steersi $8. 50(8. no Choice grass steers 7.2570 Ordinary to common steers 6.0017.00 Choice cows 7.50(98. flO Ordinary to common cows 7.25(37.3,1 CLolee heifers 7.50iaT.T5 Ordinary heifers 7.00(97.28 Choice bulls B.50'(j00 Good to fslr bulls 4.00S.00 Ordiuary to common bulls 2.00(32 73 Best light calves .O0 Good ealvea..... 7.007.SO Small Run of Sheep. Small ran of Willamette valley sheep was shewn in tbe yards overnight, but there is a a noticeable small inc. ease in the offerings of late. Price conditions and demand are atosdy around former figures. General shorn mutton ana iamb range: Select spring lambs $ 9.50 Best yearlings 8.23(38.50 Good to common wethers 7.5007. f5 Best ewes , ft. 50 Good to common etrea 5.00(38.25 Friday Livsatack Shippers. Hogs Pickett Bros., Washington, Idaho, 1 losd. Cattle and calves Geuley A Norwood, Linn, 1 load. ttlxed stuff J. E. Proffitt. TsmhIIl, 1 load bogs and Sbeep: Arsdale Bros., Lane, 1 load crttle, bogs and sheep; C. B. I.ucke, Clacka mas, s loada cattle, calves, begs and sbeep; J. D. Dlnsmore, Linn. 1 load cattle and hoga; Peopiea market, Benton, 1 load eattle and hoga. Thursday afternooa Sales. EWES. No. AV. lbs. Price. 113 ewes 84 $3.73 WETHERS. 70 wethera 8 i bogs 12 hogs . . . . 1 bog 2 bogs 83 lambs . . 2o lambs .. 7U lambs . . 22 yearlings 2 cows .... 1 cow 1 cow 3 cows . . . . 2 cows 1 cow 4 cows 1 cow 1 Cow 2 cows 1 calf 8 calves .. 2 calves I calf .... HOGS. LAMBS. YEARLINGS. CO VS. 1 Heifer 1 heifer 1 bull . ,. 89 . . 222 . . 180 .. 470 ,. 1JS .. Tl .. 56 .. 65 .. 78 . . 705 ... no .. 800 . . 88 .. 725 ..1140 .. 665 ..1010 .. 9M) . . 895 .. 200 . . 160 .. 180 . . 70 . . 690 .. 410 BULLS. 1020 rriday Kerning Sales. STEERS. Ave. Lbs. 984 1060 500 CALVES. HEIFERS. COWS. 5o. 10 steers . 1 steer . . 1 steer .. 1 cow 8 cows . . 1 SOW 1 cow 5 cows 7 cows 1 Cow . . . 1 cow ... 2 cows .. 8 heifer 1 heifef . 1 heifer . 1 heifer , 1 (mil ., 6 bulla .. 1 calf ... 2 hogs . . 6 hogs . . 1 hog . . . 7 hogs .. 1 hog .., 9S hoga .. 2 hops . , 3 hogs . . 4 hogs . , 10 bogs ... 3 hogs .. 28 lambs . MIXED SHEEF. 36 mixed ibeep EWES. IS ewei 7 ewes HEIFERS. Bt'LLS. CAi.VES HOGS. SPRING LAMBS. .1036 . 850 . 800 . Htm . 8 0 . 02 . fi'JO . 30 . SSft . 710 . 450 . 8O0 . 810 . sm .' ti7i . 190 . 100 . 158 . :mh . 170 . 21 o . 1X6 . H2S . 2S0 . 412 . Ifi7 123 48 86 99 57 $7.00 $9.10 8.95 8.60 7.J0 $0.00 9.00 7.25 $0.85 $8.00 5t0 fi.ro fi.50 6.25 B.00 60 4.75 4.00 3 00 l."0 8.00 6.00 6.00 5.75 4.00 $4.50 Pflee. 87.30 6.75 5.110 fl.OO 6.00 6.O0 5.93 4.P0 7 J 50 6.00 4.75 S.73 $7.00 4.r.o 6 50 0.00 $4.00 3.73 $ S 00 $8-10 7.75 8. tO 8.9() 8.9.5 8.90 7. 90 8.40 8 95 8. no 7.50 $7.85 $7.78 $5.60 6.50 CALIF0R1NA SENDS A . HURRY-UP CALL FOR GRAIN BAGS HERE the Sonth to Buj Here J rain Trade Is Now at a Standstill. Expected Reaction In Stock Market Hew Trk, May t. (1. N. S.J The antici pated reaction on tbe market here, after two weeks et steady advance, arrived today. Since May 13 Atchlaoa has advanced 9 points, Balti more a Ohio 11 points, Canadian Pacific 13. St. Paul 9. Erie 7, Beading 25, Unlen Pacific 12 and United States steel 9 to $tt. But It ia bettered that the reaction will not list. The market probably will continue more or less iregular until some decided development gives It new Impetus one way or the other. Trading was heaviest in the rails during tUe opening boar. Tbe Industrials were the lsrgest losers In the new bear movement. Baldwin Delay in Securim? Kirertnl Khlru Locomotive, after opening at 90H. steady to ' W U ln "P01 nP-! yesterday s close, lost 2 points during the ments r rora Australia Causes n;,iai dean. American zme aio lost i poiuts ; curing tne first traaiug. lue coppers a .so lost iractlooally. Europe ia reported in the market for a half mlilloa shells ranging In size from a to 12 Inches. Bethlehem aad Mldvsle bave about the only facilities for making large shells. Range of New York prices furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co., 216217 Board of Trade building! freight rati held tjp Salem. Or., Kay M. The atate Publio Berv ioe commission Friday morning ordered a fur ther suapenalon of 90 days, aatlag from one l, of the prepesed increase of freight rates Abaka Gold on grain and grain psoducts by the Oregon- A,1)s Chalmers, c Waahington Eailroad Kavigatioa oomsanr. : A",5?J,,i?rf .': - 1 1 ruf-i ich it iwtt ougar.. IH-si-rlntlnn I ea HigH Low CUs NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Cats Wheat. Barley, nr. oats. Hay, Portland, Frl.. g J ear ago is a Season to dale.. 10.163 1514 Year ago 15,943 1891 Tacoma, Thura. 21 1 Year ago i .... Set'son to date.. 9.832 512 ago., 8,917 68 Seattle. Thura.. 15 Year agoJ' 4 4 Season to date.. 7,718 1267 Year ago 7,684 1073 t I 1808 1850 6 8 20W 2274 3 6 1024 10G1 3 3 HOI 653 1037 1204 3 4 2703 201 J 9 SfllS Atterican Can. e Atrerlcan Can, pf.... An erica n Car Pay., e. . Anerican Linaeed, c. A a er lean Linseed, pf. American Loco., c... Aa.erlcan Smelter, t. Aa erlcan Smelter, pf Aarrican Snrar. e. Am. Tel. a 'Pol 22 22-j 22H, 2T 81V 27 28 82 I 82 73H 67 91 H 22 '4U 100 74. 6T 861 91 H 90 100 3,,3 : A urer Iran woolen, c. 5 ; Articonda Mining Ob. .. 2 Atchison, c 4104 I Atchison, pf 3567 I Baldwin Loco., e ci. at u., c Bethlehem Steel, c... lietniehem 6teel, pf . . . Biooklyn Rapid Transit Cilif. Petroleum, c Calif. Petroleum, pf... Canadian Pacific Central Leather, e. . . . Central Leather, pf . , . . Chesapeake A Ohio CM. i Q. W., e -.. Cbi. G. W., pf Chi., M. a St. P Chi. a N. W., e Chlno Oopper Colorado F. it I., e. ... Consolidated Gas Corn Preducts, e Corn Producta, pf Crceible 8telr c cruriBie steel, pr Because of the non-irrival of erpected baga in California from Calcutta, -that stste t now drawing upon Oregon for Immediate eupulles rnd some shipments have been made In that dliectidn. While it a stated tht California taa plenty of baga ordered, the ahlptnents have been delayed. Aa tbe barley harvest haa atarted In the Imperial valley, biiga are uigently needed and a hurry np call waa sent to Portland for requirements. Up to this time there baa been considerable weakness In the grain bag market and salea were made in round lots as low ss 12c, hut now an advance of le la generally being asked at 13c. Because of the absence of tonnage from the north Pacific coast there is practically noth ing doing In the wheat trade. Practically all Cxoort Interests hv tiiij,.wn .v.. Let. If ehiptnenta are made at all they m.irt j B' u- pf great delays In transit snd the added expense or making these shipments, has made It Im possible for exporters here to do business at a profit. Millers sre prseflcally the only buyers of Wheat in the northwest at this time, no re Bpoi.se being shown from the east at suitable irices. In the meantime there la more gen era offering of supplies among farmers aad receipts at tidewater are act-nmalttlng. FLOUR Celling price: Patent. $5.2o: Wil lamette taller, $4.90; local atralght, $4 BOH 00; bakera1 local, $4.8O5.20; Montana spring wheat, $6.10; exporta. $4.60Q4,70; whole wheat $t:.B5; graham. $5.40; rye flour, $6.05 per barrel. HAY Buying price; Willamette valley tim othy fancy, $20; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tlnothy. $21&22; alfalfa, $2122; vetch and oats, $18; clufer, $16. UBAI.1 BACKS 18 1 nominal No. 1 Calcut ta 13c, In carlots; leas amounts are higher. HOIitjED OATS $6.50a9.73 per barrel. ROLLED BARLEY $31.60632.50 per to. Broomhall cabled from Liverpool: Wheat market displayed a firmer undertone with better inquiry for Manltobaa and win ters. There sre fewer shippers' offers. Spots steady, red lnter Jd higher. No. 8 Manltobas Id lower, other grains nnchaftged. Better demand for spot and arrivals lighter. Cargo market firm, winters unchanged. Manltobaa 3 to 6d higher, due to strength In Winnipeg. Argentine shipments are tnoatly to the conti nent. Lighter Australian and nothing from India, and acarclty floating tonnage are caus ing better demand. The great strength of the mlllrtnff market was Indicated during the day by tbe sale of 100 tons July shorts on tbe Portland Mer cl ants exchange at $27.50 per ton. May bran showed an advance of 60e for tbe day, while May shorts Were unchanged. t a V Wh.at ViMa wa nn K. - Kn .V. .1 . day for the bloestem variety and le each for Stuaeb"'''-' P?d club, red fife and red Russian. Fortyfold was , ""J?1?.; ntbe only vsrlety to show no change. oats marset was rtrmer with an advance of 25c a ton in the bids m tbe exchange, al tlough a sale of 100 ton! Mly was made st $2C.50, which was an advance of 60c over foi mer bids. Merchanta exchange May prlcea: DAIIir EXCHANGE SALES Following were transactions on tbe Portland Pair exchange for tbe day: Butter 23 cubes extras sold at 25 He. cubes firsts sold at 24ft c. 12 cubes prime firsts sold st 25c. DAIRY BUTTER 00 pounds dairy sold st 20 He 2O0 pounds extras sold at 2'2c, 1000 pounds sold at 22c. 2 pounds poor sold st 18e. 70 pounds extras sold at 22e. 75 pounds extras sold it 22c. I'OULTBY 1 coop broilers, 1 to lb., sold at 27c. CHEESE 6 cases eastern cream brick 19tye, 5 eases Oregon cream brick 19 fie. 10 eases Young American lS'.ic 2 cases Cream brick ltc. 10 esses Tillamook 15c. 400 esses rtorsge packed and storage paid eggs were offered st 27e, but there were ao takers. POTATOES ALONG THE COA9T SeatUe Market. RestUe, Wssh.. May Jto. ( U. P.) Onions Oregon 22V4c; Yakima, lVc, Potatoes White River $28.10: Yakima Burbanks, 9.14Q36; Yakima Gems, $34(336, - Saa Francisoo Market. San Francisco. May 20. (U. P.) Potatoes Per cental Fancy delta, ex-cold atoraee. $1.30 i! 40 pef hnndred; Oregon fancy. $1.051. 5; Idaho tiema. $1.752.00; WawhiDgton netted Gems, $1.05131.90; new crop. Deltas, $2 02.40 l,er hundred; Garnets $3 JO. Onions Per cental, Australians $2.50; new crop Crystal White, $.1.50 per ersfe; Stockton Rcda $1.75(2.00. DAIRY PRODUCE 05 THE COAST Seattle. Seattle Karket, May 2. V. rS)nter Native Washington creamery, brick 29c; ditto solid psci, vk. Cheese Oregon triplets. 17c; Wisconsin triplets, 17c: Wtsonusla triplets. 19c; Wiscon sin twins, 19C; Young America 22c. Eggs Select rmh, 26c. Saa Traaoisee Karket. San FTancisco, CaL. May 24t. (U. P.) Bat ter Extraa 25c; prim firsts, 25c; firsts, 25c. Egge Ettrag Hc: fiwfe. 23; pullets, 21 Vic Cheese California fancy, ISVtc; flrsta, l3c. lee Angeles Karket, Los Anger", May, J8. (1". N. S.) f It Case conht, 6cc. Bntter Fresh, extra. 2ttf. - Whea imtfflf t eininf os idtertlafm, please atentioa Zhe Journii. -v -. lAdv.J Erie, c F.rie. lkt pf General Electric. General Motora . . . Goodrich Rubber.. G. Northern, Ore Lands G. Northern, pf... Gretne-Cananea . . . lee Securities IHinoia Central... Industrial Alcohol Inspiration InterboTo, c. , . . . Interboro, pfd.. Kansas City tkth.,,c. Lackawanna Steel Lehigh Valley Lonisville a Nashville. Mexican Petroleum.... Miami Copier M. K. ft T., c: Keonecott Coj.per Mliwouri Pacific National Biscuit National Lead Nevada Cona New Haven New York Air Brake.. New York Central . Y., Ont. W Norfolk W., e Northern Pacific Pennsylvania Ity l'ittaburg Coal, c Pittsburg Coal. pfd.... Pressed Steel Car, c... Ilav Cone. Copper Railway Steel Spring.. Res ding, e Reading, 1st pfd Reading, 24 pfd Republic 1. & C... Republic f. a S., pfd.. Rock Island Bhattnck Studebaker, e lll!llt'T4 lLltHiiaytw 401 22 73ii 901S 22 V4 27 U 81 'i 734 60 110 22 J 99 118H 86 10SS, oi 9) y 91 W .:1294 3 4 1) 1054 ,'5 Kt 106 101 02 87 28 91 1T9V4 55 V 62ii 14 '9H 53 M, 48 2 1381,138 Ml 31. 01 1T9 55 Vk 'ft w" 1304 63 43 19 W 85 117H 27H WHEAT Friday Thura. Wed. Tues. Mon. Bid. Aak. Bid Blues tean 102 99 10 09 100 Fortyfold.. 92 .. 92 92 92 91 Club 91 .. is) 90 IK) 90 Red fife.. 91 .. 90 90 90 90 R. Russ. . 91 .. 90 90 90 90 OATS Feed 2C25 2875 600 2025 2623 W2 BARLEY" Feed 2750 2700 2700 2700 2700 MILLHTUFF8 Btan 242" 25O0 2375 2350 2350 23M) Shorts . .2725 2800 2725 2700 2750 2750 lutures were guoted: wheat' June bluestom . Jcly hluestein . . Juue fortyfold . July fortyfold . June club Ji'ly club June red fife.. July red fife . . June Russian.. July Russian... June July June July June bran July bran .... June fchorta . . . July shorts ... OATS BARLEY M1LLSTUFFS Bid. . ..lOlti ...101 .. 92 . . 92 ,. VI . . 91 . . 91 :: Vr .. 91 ..2630 ..2050 ..2750 .2700 ..2423 . .2450 . .2750 ..2750 Axk. 103 103 99 9u t4 94 04 94 93 93 2675 2700 2900 2950 Saoo " 2850 2800 Damage Reports a Factor in Wheat Chicago, May 26. (I. N. S.) With indtca tlona of a break, the grain market today hit r.i- upward trend, and July and September wheat sold np 2c during the opening hour. The lulv sitrong buying was based on tbe fact that dam- I August Southern Pacific... Southern By., c. ... Southern By., pfd.. Tenn. Oopper Texat Paeific Third Avenoe Union Pacific, o Union Pacific, pfd. U. S. Rubber, e U- S. Steel Co., c. L tan copper W. U. Telegraph Westinghouse Electric. Wisconsin Central Total Sales, 54 171. '76 12l5 47 28 104 160 18 76 26 72 79 100 4 53 6 18 117 28 61 39 64 171 77 121 47 29 1"4 162 46 18 76 26 72 80, 100 ,100 88 8t 91 91 40 4 Bo 1211121 001 07 06 18 18 17 61H U1H 61 1.19;1H913U 22 51 179 64 "62 13 9S" 130 68 43 138 19 M 11T 27 61 89 68 170 '76 41 120 46H 28 135 87 22 61 179 64 87 98 130 6SS 43 138 19 04 84 117 29 61 39, 63 170 480 76 41 120 4v, 28 103j 103 159 150 40 ft 18 75 20 70 79 109 36 4 65 120 18 73 26 70 79 12S 109 80 4 65 U 120 07 17 1 i:w 106 1 106 lo5 lo.' 281 28 28 i2a!i2H;26 114 67 27 23 41 103 48 HI 20 V. M 114 57 27 23 41 104 "ia" 48 111 ao 141141 109 1109 64 I 54 100 22 05 45 13 08 100 22 65 45 13 08 113 67 27 23 41 7 125 113 !W 'rt 27 103 46 8J 40 102H102X 40 43 48 111 20 31 1 108 53 100 22 05 43 12 08 ...lMi140Vsi13 82: 82 56 . 80 81 96 62 38 67 86 81 99 C2 38 82 50 96 62 88 Finance- Commerce -Inctustri Clearing Hons Renews $10,000 Snbecriptlon to Work of Chamber ' of Commerce Also Adopts Report of Committee on Interest Payment Rates Baiik Exchanges Sho t Increase for Veku Banks Beaew Baaaorlptlems to Cbamber of Commerce. The Portland Clearing; bouse has renewed for on year lta subscription of 200 member BhipB In the Chamber of commerc9. This ig equal to a contribution by the member banks of $10,000 to the sup port of the work of the chamber of commerce. The $10,000 ia raised among; the banks In proportion to the tolume of their business. Each bank takes the equivalent number of memberships that its subscription represents and di vides them among Its offleers and em ployes. Clearing- Bouse Adopts atepori oa Xa- terest Kates. At a meeting of the Portland Clearing house on Tuesday the report of the committee on lntef est payment rates was approved. This provides that on and after July 1 the Portland banks, in common with all other banks of the leading cities of the Pacific northwest, will pay the un iform rate of 3 per cent per annum on Strictly savings deposits. 3 per cent on tline deposits of lens than one year aid 8 per cent on deposits of the fixed term of one year. Each of the banks of the city will on June 1 post notices in their respective banks that hereafter interest rates will conform to the rates mentioned. Weekly Bask Clearlars A rata Show Increase, Notwithstanding there Were but five business days in the bank clearings week ended May 5, the vol ume of the exchange of checks between banks was practically $1,500,000 greater than for the corresponding six days of 1915. Primary election day caused the closing of the banks, total clearings for the latest week were $10, 598,005.70. compared with $9,104,883.1 B for the corresponding week of 1915. an increase for the latest week of $1, 493,122.55 or 16 per cent. Stock Zxob.as.g-e Ticker Ooselp. Union Pacific earnings for April are good. Net earnings increased for the month $1,428. 380 and for 10 months $8,131,233 Thursday meeting of di rectors of Dank of England left the discount rate unchanged. Fifteen of the improvement corporations of the country have returned extra dividends ahd three have increased their regular rate. Marshall Field & Co.. of Chicago are making a determined attack on the legislation fixing resale prices of trade marked goods. The Shoe trade urges' an embargo on leather export. San Trandsoo Banks to Beduoe ttu tefest Bates. -According to the Han Francisco Chronicle 1 "It is stated in realty circles that the savings banks are considering the reduction of inter est ratea an martclees oh Citir Brop ertjf, and (Uh the reduction S. lower ing of Interest on deposits. But on leading bank so far declined to agret to the plan." ( Slrecti&f tbe Thrift Ca1apSl4rme-.lt 1 declared that the, American people toy wafete $8,000,000,009 annually. IS ordei to teach the people how to aaVe St lear a part of this amount tha Thrift dam paign has been organised by the Amer ican Bankers' association. It Is de cleared that the American people aavei. $1,000,0000,000 during the first thfe years of President Wilson's admin istration when business was bad;: - Tin American Hankers' association, throug' Its savings bank section, la toils' t send 20 men up and down ths Unite. States preaching the doetf In . an meaning of thrift as applied to ah activities of life. Alexander J. Hemp hill, chairman of the Guaranty Trust company, is chairman of the movement. JL timber Export! to fottth America Dunns April, 1916, the lumber exports from tne port of New York to the ptln clpal countries of Houth America Id dollars was ha follows: Argentina. $33,240; Brakil, $25115; Columbia, I?!: Peru, $67; Uruguay. $59; VenetuelaJ $1.97. These figures are believed to rtpj resent 85 per cent of the exports frotu' all of the ports. . r The Bias Xn Silver. According td the New York Herald, the Increased de-i mand for coinage on the part of u ropean governments is one of the tnath causes of the rise in sliver, which has' lifted the price to 87 tence an ounce In London and above 74 cents here.' "Temps," of Paris, Is authority for tha statement that the French government.! which before the war minted yearly not more than the equivalent of $2, 000,000 of the white metal, will this year coin eight, times that amount. As unprecedented quantity is, alio being converted into coin by the British gOV ernment. Silver. In a certain tense, t thus being remonet Iced. Present prices, which are the highest touched In S3 years, will surely stimulate produc tion and prevent Vie price from going "out of eight." oTtiand Banker Lectures to SeatSr John A. Keating, president of the Ijumbermens Trust company h Wednesday lectured to the members tf the school of commerce Of the Unlver slty of Oregon at Hugme on "Municipal Financing." Ifcter lie went on koUfo to Ban Francisco, where he will remain for the next two weeks. Carl 6. rlty. treasurer of the company, returned yee terday from a trip to Marehfleld, arid other points on the Oregon OOSsC DR. WAITE ADMITS HIS GUILT, SAYS HE WILL NOT MAKE A DEFENSE (Contmned From Page Ohe) 43 47 111 20 81 139 10$ 53 U 100 22Cj 65 44 12 62 1MU 82 66 85 81 9 62 87 600 shares. Bx.-dlT., 1. BAKK STATEMENTS OP COAST Clearings Slondiy ... Tuesday . . Wednesday Thursday rriday Clearing . Balances . . Parti aad Beaks. This week. Tear see. $1478.207.01 $ t.4l.7ftfl.0 . ... 2.224.778.77 1.531.021.93 1.944.293 97 1.669.897.25 1,783.148.15 Taeom Banks. 1.420 52. 5U 1.5 1 2. MM). 56 1.291,873.39 $ 281 .078 00 36,018.00 Seattle Basks. Clearings $ 10ft2.tti.oo Balances 200,074 00 Lee Angeles Banks. Clearings $ 4,183,058.00 Saa Francisco Banks. Clearings $ 0,039,544 San Francisco Grain Market. Saa Francisco, May 26. Barley calls: May 26 May 23 s Open. Close. Clos". December 132 132 132u Spot quotations: Wheat walla Walls, l-67ai.70; red Rnsalan, S1.67jl.70; tur key red, $1.781.82; bluestem, $1.87( 1 90. Keed Barley, $1.32: brewing, $l.r!31.40; white nats. $1.52sll.55; bran, $27628, middlings, $32333; shorts, $3031. New York Cotton Market. Month- January March April , e reports from tbe southwest overshadowed all other factors. After tbe primary deals thr market showed signs of weakening. Lower prices are predicted by the bears for tbe corn market because of (lie favorable weather conditions hi the corn belts. Despite tbls fact corn followed wheat and gained a fnli polfit during the open Mf session. The oats market acted in a similar manner. Tbe bears also predicted 1vt prlcea for this grata. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Over- btck Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trade building: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Clow, .Mny 100 110 1O0 106UB Julv llO 112 110 111 September ... Ill 113 111 112 sjCORJt. May 70 71 70 70 Jntv 70 71 70 70H September ... 09 'J at StB OATS. May 42 43 41 41B July 40 41 40 40B September-... 3S 39 38 39 POBH. September. October . . December . 1303 1316 1299 1306 1316 1326 1816 1320 1325 1218 1284 1277 1276 1W 1284 1278 1283 1S83 1283 1282 1288 1285 1295 1278 1284 12(7 1310 1293 1300 K.iglish Wheat Markets. Liverpool Cash wheat Id lower to Id blghsr. imdoo Cargoes es passage, firmer, 8d higher. New York-Loirdott Silrer. New York. May 20. Silver bellioo, 71oj Mexican dollars. 55c. Lowdow, Msy 26. Sliver. 84 S-16d. May July September May July September May July September 221 22r2 2263 2207 Lard. 1270 12".0 12H" 1273 127$ RIBS. 1270 122 12H2 1267 1272 12.-S 2230 ... 1248 1297 1242 1255 231S8 2255 2230 1247 1247 12C2 1244 1245 Trainman Is Injured. 3. Asher, a Northern Pacific train man from Kelso, Wash was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital thit morning suffering from a crushed hand. The member was Injured when caught In an engine dfaw bar. AshOf norton waite said ia ei jmrntw whs, he has declared, made him do wrong, Waite said he had not mentioned this mysterious power in Bellevue, but that he had talked of it elsewhere. , Story Anuses listeners. ' "Yesterday you confessed to being a liar and a thief. What assurance have we that you are telling the truth now?" demanded the district attorney. A storm of defense objections Imme diately arose. They were sustained. The story calmly recited by Waite on the wltness-staftd amazed criminolo gists. He told In detail how he gave John H. Peck, his father-in-law, germs of spinal meningitis, pneumonia diph theria, typhoid and Influenza, when he came to New York for a visit; how he also gavs the sged man s throat spray containing pneumonia germs, and how he finally made him helpless with chloroform and suffocated him with a pillow, for money. Tried to Kill Wife's Aunt. He also narrated how he killed Mrs. John H. Peck by giving her bacteria and veronal. He confessed to an at tempt to kill Miss Katherlno Peck his wife's aunt, by giving her tinned fish containing numerous deadly germs, and by putting ground glass into her marmalade. All this was done, he ndmitted, for the purpose of eliminating his wife's relatives and getting all the money in the family. In this connection, the witness frankly confessed that h married for gold and not for love. After having made these startling statements, Waite shrunk and- blushed when it became necessary to utter a vile word. Ills manner throughout was boyish and Indifferent. Ke Wanted Their Money. "I wanted them to die because I wanted their money," was the burden of his story. The confessed slayer smiled with pleasure when he sudden ly remembered some forgotten episode Of his poisoning campaign and has tened to get It into the official record. At times his face was serious, again he smiled with frank pleasure at some feat which he evidently considered worth boasting of. When the examination of Walte'wa resumed at the forenoon session of court, he admitted that he had planned to murder his wife as well as her parents. Stakes Bo Defense. Waite, asked if he expected to get $2,000,000 from the Peck estate, replied that he did not hope for so muchv He denies having intended to do away ith Mrs. Hortott. "Do you deny guilt?" demanded the prosecutor. "I have never denied It," snapped Watts. "What Is your defense?" "I am making no defense." "Did you give John It. Peck arsenic with the Intention of killing him?" "I did' replied Waite, loudly, Kifsw ssarder Was wrong. "You knew it was wrong to do mur der?" "fes. 1 think 1 did know that" Answering questions regarding Mrs Electric light Men Elect. Chicago. May 28. (I. N. SI The National Electric Light association to day elected Herbert A. Wagner of Bal timore, president, and R. H. Ballard of Los Anseles, third vice president. To aid persons to sleep In daylight, an opaque mask to be worn over the 1255B ; eyes has been Invented. New rork-Loodon "Metal Markets New Tort. May 23. (I. K. S.) The metal exebasge (sootee lead, $7 ltt?.M; spelter quiet; Fact St. Louis delivery, 14 sskad. At Lottdoti. lead, atSl 7 64; Spelter. AOS. New York. May 25. I. N. 8.) Copper rirm, eiecrroiyne nearer normal: Augut and later, $29.av24.00; iron steady aad as changed; Sietal exchanges qttote tl" quiet spot ordered at $48.00. At London, spot eoau j.rr. 129; fnthrea, 128; electrolytic. 152: spot tin. 192 MM; futures, A 192 15s. Liverpool Cash : Wheat. - Liverpool, May 26. (1. N. S.) Wheat W No, 1 Manitoba tin lid; Net, 2, lis Od; No. S 114 fd; Mo. 1 ooethera fpruigVll JOd; .Ko, 2 red western winter, lis Sd. '. - . Overbeck & Cooke Co. Stocks. Bonds- Cotton, Orala. Btev S14V41T Boars trf Trad WaUHmg. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES " . Maun bars Chicago Board of Trade. CoYrwfride of Logiffl A firyaa. iVwfi,i tSblcasOi Xfrnr York, ;v-. "Dove told the entire trufh when sbe was on the stand." Justice Sheaa n ruled out poetry writ ten br Waite while confined at Belle vue. which the defense attempted to enter In evidence. Miss Catherine reck was tne nest witness. She ate some of Waits s germs. MUs Peck said Waits fed her ground glass in marmalade, lUt ilia thought it was sand and threw out tho deadly mixture befors getting enough of It to do harm. ,' Tells of Boyhoof. V.- Dr. Waite took the witness stand St 4:10 p. m. yesterday. Watte appeared haggard and careworn, in his early teMlmohy he related the story of his school days and said he worked On a farm in his boyhood and that his rela tives claimed he failed to do his shsfs of the labor. Ills recollection Of hav ing taken pleasure in drowning a kit ten, he testified, was hazy. He safd he remembered cheating at school ek amtnatlons. In grammar school, Digit school snd college. Waite told of various sets of steal Ing. It was evident the defense was seeking to show Waite had a erase for money even when a boy. The defense claim 1$ that this craze was rspdfls (hie for lilm poisoning Peck to get his minions. -Stole From Mrs. Peek. Waite admitted that he had courted and .married Clara Peck for her fa thers money. He said that While courting Clara he had stolen $10 from Mrs Peck's pocketbook. . r; Dark hints concerning the "Man from Egypt" were thrown oat by Wane's attorneys when the court bit tie was resumed. It was apparent the defense would aeek to prove that thU sinister shadow, rfjgraen of Wsits's disordered intellect, was the real slayer. , - An effort will be made to show that Waite was helpless !n the power Of this intangible power which, he claim, drove htm to kill Mr. snd Mrs, John H. Peck by the use of deadly poisons and disease germs. ; PORTLAND FIRE RECORD Tkttrsday. ? 2:13 p. m J. W. Dryden, SSl Blutf- fifth avenue, children playing with matches, loss 1600. 6:24 p. m 10HS Hawthorne avenue, overheated electric tron, slight loss. Mday. 12:39 a. m. O-W. R. & N. Co, rubf blah box. Front and Irving streets,' spontaneous combustion, slight loss. - 4:17 a. m Mrs. 'C. C. dates, 34 Kroadway drive; O. .. ITaynes, 634 Broadway drive, unknown origin, total loss. 12500. y -:: -11 FACTS f Bcrt flit rears tteglrV nins wtthpi90, the output Of autnmohilaa haa ln multiplied hV Utkn h o iee. These are tjie figures: 189. ?'.7.2 2. : 1,ft4i cars: 1I0. 126.639 cars: llll, 450,000 car. In 11S the output eoedil a half tntl I,on. With this enormous increase IA motor vehicles, has come a revolution In methods of road construction. - Tha old style road will not stand the Strain of ' modern traffic conditions, snd It hSs been found necessary to find - a surface that will meet new require ments. Every test to which It ha been subjected has been suoeessfuUr met by ( - B ITULITHld Warren Bros. Company, Journal Bid. Note Participate in a history-making event the Columbia Uighway Dedication during the festival. IVlarket Your Stock Through ; T J UCULLICJIIIUIIULUCU I ill Ui3 Be$t Market m Northwest Prices 1BS to 23c hisber Uiba stny othef mAfket on the Pacific Coat, because it is lb onlj yard in th l. United States not controlltd by th trust It U clearly . to your interest to paUroniz trua eompetitione r ' 1