THE OREGON DAILY: JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, MAY 23." 1918. 4 7ATS0N DEMOCRATIC CHOICE FOR CHA RMAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE Democratic County Central Leaders Hold an Organlza- "tlon Meeting Last Night, 10 .members are present About SOO t Stl frraclncts Tall t Choosa Committeemen; Ho Cn , tests for Offices Appear. ' drfaalsatlon of the Multnomah oOdht Democrats central committee WAS effected at the public library last night With the reelection of Usorjfi H Watsftn as county chslf inan and W, M. Hudson, a young at torney, as secretary, the latler suc ceeding Frank Lee. About 10 mem bers wer present. There wets no contests for the offices. ' About 200 of the 375 precincts tn the evuflty failed te ehoose commlt itemeh and these vacancies will be rilled by the eteoutlve committee, the personnel of which will be announced al -thft nest meeting ef the general committee, which Is subject to the tall of the chair. Mr. Watson stated that he would be glad to receive ap plications from 11 e Democrats 10 appointed to fill these vacancies. be rtfcVKRIDQfi THAPCKS VOTEIW Itfcpubllcan Nominee for County Clerk Makes Statement. Joseph W. Beverldge. successful can didal for the Republican nomination si county clerll of Multrtomeh cotirtty. desires to express his appreciation of tha support given him In tne recent primaries. VI desire to publicly express my deep gratitude for and appreciation of. the support glVeh my candidacy by the voU era Of Multnomah county In the pri mary lection," Mr. BeveridKo said. "I hava llSd 111 Portland for a Ion period nf lime, and knew that I had many loyal friehds here, but the general sup port liven me Has been most pleasing to me." ANNOUNCES MS CANt)IDACT Elmer tettin(reU Will Try for Leg islature Again. . filmer E. IettlnsjelL ohe of the labor candidates for nomination as represen tative on the Republican ticket, has an nounced his candidacy for the 1919 leg islature. "I wish to than the 11.000 friends who bo loyally supported me in my re eeht, campaign for nomination as rep resentative," Mr. Pettlnnell says. "Although- I was defeated- by a few Votes, 1 am well satisfied with the result of my first campaign, and take pleasure lit announcing at this time that I will be a catftMdate for election Of the house of representatives from Multnomah cttunty in 1918." EIGHTH U. S; CAVALRY ENCAMPED AT BOQUILLA, TEXAS, IN SHADOW OF STORE I Is Kyr tm, t,.,n...l,l,v,.,.s,ll,j Hii I, if7l .V." '577 yI; fill Jrti iMWMIffim The acene of the raid oa Deatner's store at ftoqnilla, Texas, where the Mexicans looted the general store at right In background of the picture. The photo shows the cainp of the Eighth United States cavalry soon after the arrival of the outfit on the scene of the raid Hons of the original grant to the Oregon-California railroad. Which la how a part of the Southern Pacific system. The railroad will receive $2.50 an acre for the land not yet disposed of. which later will be opened to home-steading. OREGON MEMBERS WORK DILIGENTLY FOR RIGHTS OF THE STATE Mann mIkw statement RdmiAee for Representative Thanks Shppoitert. iohn M. Mann, ohe df'the 12 tibtnl" ntss for representative from Multno hiAh county. Is thankful to the voters ot the county for their support given on Friday last. "Please extend my behrtfelt thanks to the people of Mult nomah County for tne splendid rote given m at the primary election," he Said. "I will have no s to grind as BV tnember bf the legislature, and de fclts to serve there only that I may do my part tbward making Multnomah cottnty and the state a better place in Which to live. As a member of the legislature I will attempt to serve all the pebpls tb the best of my ability, and so that ho Hiah or woman who cast their bfcliot for me Friday, or Who may vot fdr ml In November, will be sorfy that they honored me with the favor of their suffrage." Washington, lay i5. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) The house adjourned at 6 o'clock yes terday In a tangle over the division of proceeds made by the Oregon & Califor nia land grant bill. . t . ... . . . rosier' 01 Illinois naa secured ine adoption or an amendment in commit tee of the whole reducing the share Oregon counties could receive from to 50 per cent this would make the division 20 per cent to the state for Schools, 20 to counties for roads, 40 for reclamation and 20 for the federal treasury. When the bill had been finished by feectlohs and reported to the house by Chairman Ferris, Sinnott demanded a separate vote on the Foster amend ment. I'ostBr Amendment feeafen. The amendment was beaten. 53 to 80. Foster theh resorted to filibuster ing tactics making the point of no quorum. Speaker Clark found no quorum present and because of the late hOur the demand for a call of the house was withdraws, and on motion of Majority Leader Kitchln, the house adjourned. Foster in urging his amendment said he was only trying to save a little more for the federal government, and the people of Oregon should agree tb a fair proposition like that. Fester won in committee of the whole, 29 to 24) on a count by tellers and he re peated hi victory, 83 to 13. Bitterness Shown in Debate. Mohdell of Wyoming accused mem bers of the committee of not standing by the bill as they should and the charge was hotly resented by Raker. Bltterhess Was shown as the debate lengthened, Sinnott and Hawley offer ing repeated amendments for mors lib eral treatment for Oregon. Hawley's effort to secure 10 per cent of the proceeds for port districts prbvofted LeWls, Who said he coiild not conceive of a constituency so ravenous as to ask for It. Sinnott, offering an amendment to keep the land on the tax rolls, declared he doubted power to revest title, ab solutely, in the government. Lehroot retorted that if Oregon Is entitled to the taxes, it has no right to any shars of the proceeds, and Ferris character ized it "only another attempt to reach the hand into the crib." Oregon Members Given tittle ttelp. Oregon members received little as sistance in the fight except from Mon dell and Taylor of Colorado. Cannon of Illinois proposed a.h amendment to take the 40 per cent from the reclamation fund and give It to the federal treasury, Which, he Said, "needs the money." He was glad he voted against the reclamation act wheh he was speaker, he said, and was op posed to using money from grant lands for that purpose. Taylor warmly defended reclama tion. "It was a serious mistake to adopt the Foster amendment," he shouted, "and if you adopt the Can hbh amehdment you may as well throw the bill Into the Waste basket." Cannon Anifendnient Bejected. The Cannon amendment was rejected by substantial vote. Mondell came forward with a proposition to elim inate any share of the proceeds for the federal treasury ancl use them for rec lamation. This was defeated with a shOut. Ferris, Raker, Lenrflot and others seemed to resent the ainndtt speech because of criticism of the committee and seeking to ShoW that the biil is not extremely liberal tiregoh, as the committee report stated. Lenroot went so far as ttr vote for the Foster amendment, although a member of the committee reporting the bill. a - Tan" for Tacoma. Tacoma. Wash., May 25. (P. N. S.) NeceSSary capital to assure the con struction of the neW $350,000 PantageS theatre building in Tacoma was on de posit lit a local bank today and it was announced that an architect had al ready begun work on the plans. It is said that the six-Story JbhS bloc is to be torn dOWn to make room foF the hew theatre. Parents Invited To Pay Visit to Schools Tomorrow COURTMARTtAL OF THE TEXAS MILITIAMEN IS TO BE HELD AFTER ALL Secretary of War Baker Dis covers Legal Points in New Army Bill, Reverses Stand, OATH IS NOT OBVIATED OffsnM of rsiltirv t Present Tnsm SlVSS at BttttiM 6t ttte4 Out) Pull fteaiif M a ttiven. Washington, May IS. (U. P.) Re versing his decision of yesterday, Secretary of War Baker announced to day he Wotald call a courtihartlai to try the cases of lit Texas militiamen charged With falling to present them selves for border duty. Baker's reversal waa due to the dis covery of legal points in the new army bill which would not obviate the oath required 6f the Texas militiamen that they defend the constitution and obey the orders of the Texas governor. No mention was made of fealty to the president's order. Under these circumstances, Judge Advocate General Crdwder believes the new army bill does not render the militia lvr void. The offense of fail uri to present themselves at muster is hot Wiped out. The Validity of their reasons for so doing will be decided at the courtmartial. Tsmorrow Is to be school visiting day in the Portland public Schools. ifr Parents ahd others Interested -3jf in the Work of the schools are f invited and urged to visit one $ or more of the local Schools. Visitors Will be shown f; through' the bildlhga from top ift to bottom and given every op- jk poftunity to see the Workings f $ of the School system. O - .-r 1 New Orders Sent iPershtng. Coldmbus, H. M., May 85. (U. P.) New orderg were forwarded to Gen eral Pershing from General Funston today, governing the course to be takeh by UhlteS Btates forces In the event of a clash with Carranza troops These orders were necessitated by the t-trong reinforcements; just received by Mexi can columns near the American expedi tion. Water for Silverton. Salem, Or.. May 25. The city of Si;vertoflalied on 10 second feet of the waters ofvAlbaqua creek with State Engineer Lewis Wednesday. The city ibtehds to use this water as a supple mental supply, having already Secured rights to a considerable quantity from Silver creek. . Jitneys Pay license. Roseburg, Or., May 25.' All of Rose burg's jithey drivers have complied with the new regulations requiring a license fee of $5 for each half yeaf, and posting a bond in the sum of $250, covering oerBonal ihluriek ahd enmnll. ance With traffic regulations. Tetas" Militia Moving. San Antonio, Texas, May 25. (I. 8.) The Texas militia is moving Tones and Strengthens the Bowel Muscles -Flaxseed it an important pari f ROMAN ME A L BREAD Roman Meat is ground whole from hdfd wirltef whMt and rye, combined Wifri "Flaxostf" ' a pre digested, odorless, taste less pure ground flaxseed. "There i no medicine in the meal er bread Mads snly by the LOG CABIN BAKING CO. Por sals at All Groceries FtVe Cefif the border. "Tha Becond regiment la sn root to the Brownsville district, and the Third and Fourth regiments wiu depart for ths border either Sat urday or Monday. Ililli Coast Artillery Retained. Washington, May 31. -(TJ. P) Re ports that General Funston had re quested additional coast artillerymen for infantry service aloft the Mexican border were confirmed today, when it was annouhced the suggestion had been refused. In explanation of its re fusal, the war department said it did not desire to Strip the coast defenses further. The request came subse quently t6 the summoning of militia. Funston has not asked for more na tional Ouardesmen. In Persia there grows a weed the seed -pods of which have long' horns that enter the nostrils of gracing ani mals and frequently kill them by pre venting them from eating or drinking. n ao ornca er owtr.u aet your seats for the opera "Fr playolo." Great performance by Port land Opera association; Baker theatre Thursday night. May, 16, Saturday matinee. May 27. Popular prices. iiiiiniinw 53 TOW :'''T- Week End Specials At Edwards Hard Manlp or Lawn Rocker On Sale for s Jndfte tVhlte to Rhpah. : iudgft Ramtiel White Will be Ihe Speaker ot the evening at ft meeting of, the -bbdrow Wilson lesgua to be held Friday night at Hlllsboro. The IllllibeHt league has a large mrnber ht$ and it is expected that a very Successful meeting Will be held. O & C. LAND t GRANT BILL M- PASSES HOUSE The ) . - , (OtiHmiert Frhtn Pje Onel hHtna and Tillman of Arkahsas. r vote atooa-128 to 187. I Will Votes "With drefon. The land grant bill came up SS ttn finished business snort after the house ; ebhvenfd S.nd the Foster amendment . Was put Without debate. On division '. thera were HO ayes, T2 rtbe. Foster . made thS fiolnt of ho quorum and the " roll call Was begun as absentees were : sent for. The announcement of the re '. attlt and of the vote oh the bill was re ; celved With applause. The house Was gild the task Was done. .-. AU faf Western members voted with ; Oregon ekcfpt Mays of Utah and rtlll ' yard, f Colorado. Kent of California Was absent; The Foster vote came i principally from the SOutH and middle t9t- The measure re-vests in the gov i Ifriment title td all the unsold pbr- Mi r I in S 1 il HiiKir 11 1 1 You need thli Steains EmergencyCase for the home, motorist, camper and traveler. Contains necessary articles in the medical and surgical line 14 tftsled. Selected first aid's, tfiriily ahd ebmpact. No heme , complete without it. j-Sn, Ask your druggist, or if h can root supply 70a, send as his nsme. enclosing i.oy tnd we will de liver the css tb yea cotsplete. all ehsrges prepaid. Frederick Steirtti it CA. Detroit, U.S.A. kti 1 n r Found Via, iotahtl the man ahd the place Where ijfott gel iquara treatment fnf wefk PRAICALLt, feCONOM ICALLY ifaa SC1EMT1FIGALLT ddhe. Tnooaanda' te) testify to the GOOD NESS of my GOODS. . &oum tr Wit oracAi. rfeicasi lensei ipbero In your bn frame tijoo I T5 Itu intmis ll I 1 11 s r te . the Man 2f or 1- El c IB c Botlh for lfol(ffeilitailm1Mlf0i the Price of 1 - - IKl ofcftle Vanilla H . N SMS fwl ISoffle 1! Two DaysX)nly Friday and Saturday This offer is mk to Enable yds 16 learn 6 yoor dWb satisfaction, the strength and etceDence of The Owl's Pure Ettraets of Vanilla ind Lefflon. Thtit extfacts are prepared under the most careful supervision own laboratories.' We make and sell these extracts because our laboratories have ficilioes especially adapted to their making. The finest quality bf tofcrtdiehtJ at usfcd ho artificial flavoring and these extracts cotne to you in their full trehgth and absolutely pure. They are sold only in 01 itorts and under The Owl Ubeh regtiiarly at 25c each. To day and tdHnoiteW only you tan buy Jyro for the price bf one! limit: four sets to a customer. This in your opportunity to secure a Supply of flavoring extract at one-half the usual cost Lenses Sphero lh Aiilminurtl (ramA t . i i .. s i . Lenses Sphero in colai flllM , irmma . Lenses. 6Phero (curved) In O. E uiass Mounting xnrptoft Xienies f SM T Vaa'oo'to'ifsJS V The Jeweler 2C3 Morrison Street, Bet. Hard tnd Fourth I r7rt in The Owl-. IM1 fcTHfT ill 1 I, i i j 12 w E3 la New Treatment For Chronic Constipation Parafflne Used Internally for Constipation of Long Standing Gives Grati fying Results. That constipation, even in long standing cases, may b overcome by the use of liquid toarafflhe taken In wardly as a lubricant, has already been demonstrated. The principle Of Such remedies is a new one. The petroleum or- paraf flne, taken in the ordinary way, lu bricates the bowels and softens all matter whieH has betjome hardened ahd Caused a Stoppage in the pas sage. ThS action which necessarily follows as the result Of the soften ing and lubricating process Is en tirely mechanical, gentle and natu ral. This liquid petroleum or paraffins Is sold under the name Of AmOrdU. AmefOil is a pure, water-white min eral (pararnne) oil-coloHfees, odor less and tasteless. Purely rnechan leal lh its action, It Is not a drug or a drug; product, but acts solely as a lubricant. It is not absorbed into the System, hot does It act as a stimu lant. There are no disagreeable after effects. It has been used in many cases with great benefit. Ameroll is sold at 111 the Owl Stores lb pint bot ties at 80 cents. (Adr.) II HI iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Genuine Sheepskin Suit Case Regular Price $3.75 Friday and Saturday Only in 24-lnch size On Sale for $3.45 iiiiuiiMiiiiiiii k m Jtmmr- Regular Wice is.oo pHday and Saturday Only Pure Aluminum Tea Kettle and Rice Boiler, as Pic tured On Sale Regular Price $3.85 Established 1877 OK hMsasassM lOOlvl I litW I wr. ssmsssj ome of Outfits ssao a. The Ideal Summer Food Swastika Biscuits a Think of the heart of the world's best selected wheat milled into a flour famed for nutrition and baked into atoms of crisp dellcioiisness in great sunlit plants. There you have Swastika Biscuits the purest of all pure foods. are no biscuits Yes, madam, the words of youf friend are true. "There other biscuits auite as rood as Swastikas' No other baked possess that rare, crisp, appetizing deliciousness so charac teristic of Swastikas. ' ' The Graham Cracker is the kins; of all health foods when it's Swastika brand. You will find Swastika Gra hams crumbly, crisp, always fresh and incomparably de licious. a more Bwastlia draiams they are highly nutritious and healths-sustaining; an ideal food for always hunftry Jittle folks and an excellent ood fdr all. Always remember If It isn't a Swastika It Isn't the best Or, ham. There's a big fundamental reason for the supreme excellence of Swastikas. No other baker could afford to use the flour we use. Controlling our own flour mills ahd a secret process- of blending the principal ingredient of Swastikas is unique. That Crisp, delicious and nutri tious tasteis a' definite result not a chance.' Yes, "you certainly can taste the nutri ment in Swastikas" and they're al ways crisp and fresh. This fcood luck seal sign of prosperity, is a surety of biscuit excel lence. See it on a bursting sun, on the end of every package of biscuits buy. you Pacific Coaot Biscuit Company Portland d- Or. P WAY AT l-IBfl INGTON firrl tf W m mmm 1 M m fe ?l V SI wf mm 1 aaasjsSMH.k.. ., .. m -. : : m m gj)