THE" OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, i THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1916. 15 ANNUAL MEET OF SCHOOL . LEAGUE HELD TOMOEBOW Jefferson or Columbia Fig ured as Winner of Track Games. Athletes, representing all the local high and prep schools but the Port land academy, which Is not represented in ths meet for the first tUne in yeari win xor nonors in me annum lmei- eholastlc track and field champion ships tomorrow afternoon on Multno mah field. Ths coaches of Uncoln. Washing ton and Jefferson hlxh schools and Columbia university have entered full teams in hopes or picking up a num ber of third and' fourth places In too vents, in which they have sure first , plaoe winners. The Franklin high school has entered a strong team and Coach George Dewey is confident thRt his athletes will make a good showing followers or the sport have made ths Jefferson team favorite, becaust of the showing of the blue and sold athletes in the state meet two weeks ago. On account of the fact that the I &-1-X-1 scoring system is used In th jmeet, It In believed that Columbia university has an excellent chance to win the meet. It is expected that two new record kill be established and one or two will Ike tied tomorrow. Columbia TTalvenitr. 10O-7ird daab Allen. IX.lnuey Nllei. Ma li . iOO-rirH dHBh Allon, Pelaney Mulon. fcw-yara run t'aar irnmmaii ink. I ira. n mite O'Donitfll. O'fioimer. on, McKar. tug jniup M'UpI.y. Sheiion. I'urcell. IMiki. Ifruad Jump Mal.ri netmmlilr. Murphy Photpnt livri)iirhire, tinrpe!. Knapp. Dlacns Ieoiihlre. Hliiirp-H. Knnpp. nTrmi rmt'j. aimr'tlc. J iVOIMIl 1 Vf. Kelaj-tMulotif. Allin. IJvluiu-r. - Mlra tonaulre. Franklin High Pol Tadlt. l.llTh limit, S,ll r.-lr luv..l!n 1 220, 220 yard hurdle,., 4111. Dele van!', tilth amp, hso. relay Colllim. 8U0,. mile Cain. W. 20, 4, rla.v. broad Jnmp I'errerel 100, SiiiU. SHU. relay, brmii Juui Diiik ati. 100, ahotpul. dlaeua Ilmvla. K. mile, relay IVuke. jBTCiln. abotput. dlaiua, Iruai Jump Post. UlMard hurdle'. hulnut. dixua. tairellri. May iWell. UK). 220, relay, broad Jump Ueualleu. Jarelln Keymilda. Mile, ' half-mile 100, 2au, quarter, rrltiy lloniiith. HU1 Military Academy, fc'botput. Javelin John Hand. Junaa John High. Tola Vault, Jnvelln. rulay Itn-sell Smith. fol vault,. 440, Z'M. relay CurtiM) I'hll- lle aillt - Perry Smith PoU vault Pi, V JiihiiHuu. Wiolput Ity ThomiMwiD. 40, HHO, low burdl.-t, lxula Iitinaumre. 440, mile Irott I.araen. lOO, JaVellu. bruad llllliu. r-l:iv Cnrlie unulnfbam. lMu Alan Itutlierford. Dlaeua Archie V'aatar. ..Mile. Wt hli'bant I'raelwli. 220. broad JiiDip, relay t'lde Thayer. Mile Iawrenee I.avtou. twi Harold Trunibiiil. X'M. pole tault Kverett lny. Jefferton High, inn-yard daah HwK.k, l:, -mcI. Tlinj-pr. Grant. ill'0-yard dnh Snuiik. UmM'l, lliaver. Sax. irlnger, Wllroi. 440 yarda Kyrlniter, Kui, Wilcox, Logan. 880 yarda Springer, Pug'ite, DutIh, llauub i, Poater. One-utlie run Bpringer, Puvla, Kugate, aujcbey, WrlKbt, Palmer. fao-yard hlh hurdles lierkcv 22U-yard low hurdle Hotkey, Wllcoi. Read. Pole vault Thosipauii, Wet. High Jump Atn-Kg. Hroad lump lbayer, SprliiKer. Fleikey, lliz, Weat. IMacua Heikev. Weat. Mnnn. rtbotvut 8teart. JMid iu. Nnah. Heluy Hiol. Snook. Sui, (iriiut. Thayer. irlnger, Wlleox, llorkcy. jaTenii .Miie Lincoln High. Shotnut. dlacu lltiai-h Javelin, diaen. pole vault, high Jump, broad mp -npearrou . 880-yard, mile, hroltd Jump, relay Kelke. iw-yard, m)-yaid, relay, i.i iad Jump Holt. 100-yard, 220-yard, relay ll.menblatt. 100-yard, 220 yard, 440-ytird. relav Lake- 100-yard. 220-vHrd. relay Solmnnn. 100-yard. 220-yard. 220-tard low burdles t:rgullua. High biirdlea. Ion hilrdlet. hlk'h Jump, pole tilt, broad Jump, relay Ktiioi-on. IJlgb hurdlea. Ion hurdka. pule vault, broad p Tannauaee. I Eh hurdlea, llluh Jump Mor 40-yard, UNO-yard I)lkwii. 440-yard, relay Manafteld nbotput. Javelin. dlcua eiolyan. 4w-yaru, low uurtllea, hroua jump AIcTara han. tO0-jrd. 220-ard Seller. L:2u-yard, low hurdlea, relay Steveua. iJaeiin Maiiett. jxfto-yard mile Buta. -inotpul tiiuiple. Mhotput Wright. Kelay u uriei). piS0-ir1. Bills flan-en. 1100-yard. 220-yai'd. relay Ryan. waakingtoa High. 100 yarda Wyld, llemenwny. Karl .Tnhnann, i Roaa. L. Kow, (.'hapmiiu. Clyde. Hurneaa. U2i yarda Wyld. Heuienway. Karl Johnaou, Koaa, L. Hcnm. (hatiuiou. I.'lyde, Hurneait. 40 yarda Chapman. Clyde, Gregury, Mc- fifij yard Gregory, Dedtnan, Lotler, JoBea, avet, vial. MprigKa. Mile Grarea, liitcbcoik. (Irout. Blood. Dai 1. Sprlgga. b 20-yard hurdle Kububauaen. Campbell, Pa- Waeeler. 20-yard burdle Kuhnbauen, Barrett. Da- Jtroad Jump Chapman, Loder, raraoni. l-'ole Tault Prink, ."prlgga. hhotput 1'arwim. Johnaton. Campbell. Dlacua 1'arwjna, btruwhrldtre. Dawea, mpbell. larellu Johnaton. Paraona. Scott. fielay Wyld, lleux-irway. Karl Jobnoff. K. la. 1.. Roaa Cbanman. Clxde. Ureaorv. m- f, finrneaa, 1'rlnk. Mcpiul. Lincoln Vina Dual Meet. ICapturing 10 first places and a num- r of seconds and thirds, the Lincoln ka school athletes defeated Salem( Kh In a dual track and field meet fct Saturday at Salem, 6S -to 55. Raluh earow was the individual star of the feet. Winning first plaoe in the pole ult, high jump, broad Jump and Jav- n and finishing third In the discus. Franklin Hijih Defeated. Oresham. Or., May 25. The Frank- high school baseball team of Port- iL Or., was defeated yesterday kernoon by the Union high school ft. t of Oresham. 11 to 4. Far Western Champion ship 183 lbs. BOXING BILLY MASCOTT Korthwert Teatherweight Champioa LEE JOHNSON plflo Coast reatbarwelrfct Cbampioa Vmeo Hagen vs. Al Sommers " , 168 pounds. Jo Gorman v. Jockey Bennett : u pooaaa. y Stevens 'vs, Billy Nelson Mi Curtain Baiser Vdmlasloa SOoi tl, IU0, sa Hose. JLKXB OI BAXiB Blob's, sth at maumrm, areaawaj at atarx 0 s QUARTET OF JEFFERSON IS' -Zf7 UZj ni 1 1 T H 1 h w.'t rfr i$f4, ft in I Ml g Vi til 4 f,vt - AV " J IK-4' 9 I- our Jefferson track and field athletes who will appear In tomor- row's interscholastic championships on Multnomah field. Robert Berkey, who Is expected to win first place in the low hurdles, is 1 i jm 1 Springer, middle distance runner, and Thayer, sprinter. Eeinstatement of House to Be Dropped Boston, May 25. (U. P.) Meredith House, crack Stanford low hurdler, is absolutely ineligible to compete In the big Intercollegiate -track and field meet at Cambridge tomorrow and Saturday, and no attempt will be made to have him reinstated. This was the an nouncement today of "Feg" Murray, captain of the Paclfio coast tiiuad. House, who halls from Riverside, Cal., Is Ineligible because he is a fresnman, and ran In open competition for a prize, which is against eastern rules. When the Cornell aggregation of &6 athletes arrived today the far western ers were taking their final workout. The cardinal of Stanford and the blue and gold of California attracted more attention on the cinders than the more familiar colors of the eastern univer sities. Preble of California made an ex cellent impression when he rcmped over a full flight of hurdles today, and it wu believed that he might give the other Pacifio coast star, Murray, a close battle In that event. Although the Callfornlans havo point winnera entered in many events, their strongest races will be the high and low hurdles. They confidently expect to win both those spectacular dashes. Mrs. Johnson Bowl Winner. In the play-off rf the tie i'or the Waverley bowl on the course of the Waverley Country club yesterday aft ernoon, Mrs. Victor A. Johnson with a handicap of 24 strokes was winner over Mrs. Gay Lombard and Mrs. W. B. Ayer. Mrs. Johnson's gross score was 104. The date of the play-off in the men's Waverley bowl event has not been de cided upon by C. Harry Davis Jr., V chairman of the handicap committee. Telephone Baseball League. Won. Lost. Pet Construction 3 1 .750 Installation 2 1 .667 Maintenance 0 1 .000 Broadway 0 2 .000 By the score of 7 to 1 the Installa tion team defeated the Construction players yesterday afternoon. Pitcher Wick of the winners allowed four hits, three of which were made by Myers. The Score: R. H Installation 2 0 2 0 3 0 7 9 Construction 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 Batteries: Construction Craig, Buck and Allison. Installation Wick and Smith. Umpires (bases) GUraore, (balls) Drewery. Bases on balls Off Buck 1, Wick 2. Hit by pitched ball- Wick 1. Double plays Scott to Ed wards. Two-base hits Meyer, Duley, Barnes. Three-base hits Duley, Bourg. Struck out By Craig 4, by Wick 4. Time of game 1:20. 11 jMmk -xviSj v. uuaa x i Who tat itiaoo wonaer, toj 15: s s 1 HIGH ATHLETIC STARS 1 I 3 I ran ' 'V ar -Jt- . -.-i-o SB, eA, f ijt. - y ' t & V- i 3 k i?1' 8 V 4 '0 ' S,-r-. U ' !.,.. t'K - ' ; 'A " A . j 1. c' 1. i , Boxers Will Finish Working Out Today Billy Mascot and Lee Johnson, who clash in the main event of the Rose jaimn ana is saia to De in tip-top , shape. Able Gordon and Joe Oorman , are Lee Johnson', sparring partners. The otther bouts of the card are: I Sommers vs. Hagen, Bud Stevens vs. Billy Nelson, and Jockey Bennett vs Joe Gorman. The curtain-raiser has not been arranged. ON THE ALLEYS Seyeral hlirh aeores were rolled in the Cltr Duckpin league gamea played on the Portland I alleya laat nlgbt. Bowlby of tbe Portland I Lr'L!!1: VL'ah ?.tt.?r: Halt team had tied the arore held by Heff- I ron. 137. The Modern Irint Increased their lead by I taking two from the Portland alley aonail. i City Athletld club smoker tomorrow?! I. off Klawitter, oft Klein l. Btruck out nieht will finish their training todav B Uo bT Klawitter 4. Hit by pitcher nigni, will iyMn "eir training loaay. KUwlttCTi Double playa Kenworthy to Iter- Mascot is wdrking out with Joe Ben-! rT Ho to Butler to Kocrner. Mcljtrry to I..S.T? .jle-aJ'!:more class than was expected. In the Statea Telephone Co., and the Portland News won two from the Hawthorne Alleys. In a Bpecial mitch after the league games. Jooea or the Portland Alley me rolled a acora ot i ISO, Alley record. MODERN PRINTING CO. lat. 2d. Sd. Tot. Ao. Proehl 109 85 lOtf 300 100 Dye 110 09 91 3f0 100 riandermeyer 90 101 115 315 103 Rhoetag M K8 104 278 92 Watklua 80 102 ill 2a9 100 Totals 489 475 527 140O PORTLAND ALLEYS. Franklin 85 107 113 805 102 ....i, I'M 110 84 158 PH FlaTtn ....TTr 1D1 93 81 275 02 Heffron 101 118 87 816 105 Raymond 90 102 89 2S1 94 Totals 481 530 464 1475 PORTLAND NEWS. F. Henry 81 102 9t 274 9t Haymen 118 93 101 .312 104 Nagel ... 103 90 84 277 92 Bowlby 04 9S 138 330 110 E. Henry 107 KttJ 125 334 111 Totals 503 485 539 1527 HAWTHORN K ALLETS. Tiandsen 85 8 80 2.11 84 I Lund 85 91 107 283 91 Gallup 9 111 9 308 101 Wilkle 102 83 85 2TO 90 Caffee 110 115 95 320 107 Totala 478 4S6 463 1427 CITY HALL. Crego Jr. 80 119 102 SOI 100 Ambrose 115 110 105 330 110 Crego Br 87 84 96 27 fc9 Hlngley 104 94 104 302 101 Kruse 106 96 105 S07 10-' Totals 492 503 512 1507 PACIFIC STATES TEL. CO. Seott 95 110 80 285 OS Zimmerman 9S 101 108 307 102 Howard 86 10O 137 33 108 Slderius 109 01 104 34 101 King 81 88 86 255 85 Totala 409 490 615 1474 Mrs. Welsh Summers at Venice. Venice. Cal., May 25. (P. N. S.) Mrs. Freddie Welsh wife of the light weight champion, Is here with her two children, Freddie Jr. and Betty, . to spend the summer months, while Welsh troes to South America for his fights with Charlie White and Benny Leonard. The Welches have a sum mer home here. Rivers Would Box Hoppe. Los, Angeles, Cal., May 25. (P. N. S.) Hoping to get a bout with Willie Hoppe, who Tuesday night drubbed Eddie Brewster, of Seattle, Mexican Jos Rivers Is in training here, boxing circles learned today. Rivers believes th&t Hoppe will give him a match. "And If he does," the Mexican de clared, "I intend to score a knockout." Rivers weighs 140 pounds, and expects to train down to 13S. He is scheduled for several matches in the ast this summer. Xo Game at Salt Lake. ' Salt Lake City. May 26. (U. P.) Salt Lake-San Francisco same was postponed, on account of cold weather, 7MtrdA7 1 f '35?? JJ5 UJMiil iW DAYS FOR JOUST Former Lightweight Cham pion Saiis June 17 for Ar - gentine Republic. Willie Ritchie, who left Chicago yesterday for Portland to visit the Rose Festival and box six rounds with Ralph Gruman the night- of June 6, will be a pretty busy young person during the next six weeks. Besides the jump from Chicago to Portland. Ritchie also intends to make a brief visit to his home in Ban Fran cisco. He will then double back to New York to prepare to sail June 17 fc- Sooth America, where he is signed to meet Ted Xwls anfl another boxer. The eignlng of Ritchie by Billy Gib son, who is the representative of the Argentine. Republic In America, is an eleventh "hour proposition. The deal was made ye3terday over the long dls t. nee telephone between Chicago and New York. Therefore It will be seen that Ritchie -won't have much time to tarry in Portland, It he wishes to catch the South American boat on June 17 at tho New York pier. Quite a round of entertainment was holnir n narpil for Ttitchtn hv hla many Portland friends. Including golf na tho Hrnmon v Vl i hi 1 1 nn no a mAan of getting Into shape lor hla South American matcnes. un me otner nana Oruman figures that If he makes a good showing against Ritchie it will give him more prestige. Ritchie will outweigh Gruman by a good manv pounds, but this is not worrying Ralph, who would rather see Ritchiecome into the ring at 160 pounds than 160. for in that event Ritchie would not be In such good shape as' at the lighter weight Al though the bout is only a short one. the carrying of 10 or l'i excess pounds even for six two-minute rounds U very tiring. Gruman Is now at Markie Mayer's country home at Mosler, Or., getting Into shape. Losa Angeles 6, Oakland 1 Ban Francisco, May 25. Manager Elliott trusted the welfare of his home and hearth yesterday to Klawitter, the Angels won the game 6 to The Dutchman was easy to hit. he wi 1. was f -wild, he walked them often, he con- tributed a wild pitch, and he was . guilty of an error. The figures tell the story: LOS ANGELES. I OAKLAND. AB.H.CA. AB. H.O. A. 4 2 2 OiMlddleton.lf 4 10 0 4 4 8 Oil Wolter.rf. 8 2 8 0 Keu'rthy.2b 3 0 2 5 1 0 0 Gardner. rf. uairoay.:ib 4 i o 8 ","7 2021!! 2042 Barry, lb. . Elliott.e.. 2 17 1 i e o 0 1 4 lals.ah. . . 0 0 3 1 0 4 0 0 0 uvwg.u... - " Klawitter, p 2 K. Elliott.. 0 Klein, p 0 0 0 1 Totala ...TJ 0 27 9 Totala ...31 8 27 19 Kan for Klawitter In eighth. Los Angeles 1 loo 1 200 1 6 Hita 2 2 1 0 2 1 00 18 Oakland 0 0 1 0 000OO 1 Hita 11110010 1 6 Kuns Maggert, Rllla 2, Baaaler. Butler Hogg, Klawitter. Errors Maggert. Klawit ter, Kleiu. Stolen base Ellis. Fire runs, 8 blta off Klawitter, 28 at bat In 8 innlnzg. Charge defeat to Klawitter. Sacrifice hits Butler, Maggert. Bases on balls Off Bogg rr Koerner Kuna reeponaible for Klawitter 5, Klein 1 WI1H nltnhsa k'll'ltlr K loin fft - i t i . t 1 1. 1 .J r t: r"SS'T S.: . To Arrange for West Meet. San Diego, Cal., May 25. (U. P.) Final plans for the Far Western field and track meet, to be held here in the summer, will be made at a meeting be- i tween exposition officials and Bob i Weaver, president of the southern di vision of the A. A. U. Weaver returned to Los Angeles after arranging the meetlne. KllbWs Bout Called Draw. Montreal, Que.V May 25. (U. P.) 1 Most of the newspapers today called Jnhanv Kllbane's 10-round bout with -rt-oiior. rira-or Willira ihrnc, : fifth round Kilbene knocked his oppo- nent through the ropes and upon the noor r SP MUCH EASIER. TOO! ELROD MIXER SAYS IF YOU WANT TO GET INTO THE SWIM WITH A BIG SPLASH INSTEAD OF GIVING TANGO TEAS, DIVE INTO ANY STORE WITH A NICKEL AND BOB UP WITH A lsA Q COUPON IN f J EACH F&CKAC2 INTRAMURAL SPORTS NEW MAN'S-LABOR Dr. A. E. Browne. "Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls, Or., May 25. Physical training that best suits the physical and the mental requirements of all students at the Oregon Agricultural college will be the special aim of Dr. A. E. Browne, who has been employed to head the department of physical ex amination. Dr. Browne's phenomenal success in this line of work at Miami (Indiana) university, where he has been director of physical education since 1913, is taken as an indication that he will succeed here. At Miami he had suc ceeded in bringing 94.5 per cent of all students into some form of organized athletics on one or another of the ree- t. . j . .l : i'B. .;.in ; ttJ r Vti . i, lne thorn Mi t h?U?I?ii,lleSe thorities to raise this to 100 per cent. ,. ulk ju., ""l" '"".a training and athletic experience. Aft er graduation in medicine he took post-graduate work in the New York Graduate hospital, specialising in eye, ear, nose and throat diseases. In ath letics he has a record of 100 yards in 10 seconds and good records in dis tance runs, high and broad jumps, pole vaults, discus, football, baseball, bas ketball, etc. r His experience has likewise been satisfactory to the colleee authorltlps J He has had work as physical director in a numoer or educational institu tions and has served for four years as supervisor of Boston playgrounds through the summer. In the capacity of head master he had charge for two years of physical activities of boys In the boys' camp in the Ozark moun tains. Dr. Browne will succeed Dr. E. J. Stewart, who goes to head physical education at the Nebraska university. He will begin his work at the State college this coming summer. -r t Motorcycle Record Is Broken. San Diego, Cal., May 25. (U. P.) The Los Angeles-San Diego motorcycle record was shattered yesterday by Roy Artie on a Henderson, when he made the trip in 2 hours and 22 V4 minutes, clipping 14 V4 minutes off the former record held by Art Holmes. Artie av eraged 82 miles in spots. His mileage was 130. Stanford Tennis Stars Win. Madison. Wis., May 25. (I. N. S.) The Leland Stanford team made a clean sweep over the Wisconsin racquet wielders yesterday. The Badger men were no match for the Callfornians, and neither Hahn nor Johns was forced to exert hlmselfv The results: Johns defeated Brorby, 6-3, 6-0: Hahn defeated Nielsen, 6-2, 6-2; Hahn and Johns defeated Brorby and Nielsen, 6-3, 6-1.' Ritchie to Box Lewis. Chicago. May 25. (I. N. 8.) Willie Ritchie, former lightweight champion of the world, today closed with Billy Gibfcn, New York promoter, for two fights in South America. The agree ment, which was made by long-distance telephone, calls for one bout with Ted Lewis, the British welterweight, and another with an opponent to be selected later. Ritchie will sail from New York June 17. WASHINGTON HI, ; BEATS ACADEMY BALE TOSSEBS Four Pitchers Fail to Stop Sluggers From East Side High School, By Walter B. Schade. Xiea&nie Stan fling. Won. Lost. Columbia university. l.oo 1.009 .750 ;333 .250 .000 .00a Lincoln High Jefferson ; . Benson Washington Franklin Portland Academy By running up a score ot 16 to 5, the Washington High school baseball team wag able to defeat the Portland acad emy team on Multnomah field yester day afternoon. Coach Harvey Newell used four pitcher In an attempt to stop the mighty Washington sluggers, but it was to no avail. Dinwiddie, who pitched against Jefferson on Tuesday, started the game for Portland academy, but weakened in the sixth and gave way to Oren Gamble. Williams did the slab wotft for Washington. He allowed 10 hits and whiffed 10 of the academicians. Spud Normandin made two sensational runs after foul balls'. Both timeR he hurdled over a three foot bench in the attempt, but Just barely missed yetting the sphere. Portland academy scored two runs in the sixth inning. Hamblet hit to left and went to second when Williams tried to catch him off first and threw wild. Et Shea was safe on Shearer's error, Henny singled to right, scoring Hamblet and Shea. Dirrdorff was out, catcher to first; J. Gamble was out. second to first, and Dinwiddie made the third Out. Shearer to Steiger. Columbia and Lincoln are now tied fr first honors of the league, each team bavin three wins to its credit, ,,. t.,, ,k- v.i. Washington Peterson, 3b, Nelson. OV.. H-illl- . O.-l - 1 T - u , ootiuiB, p., dicici, -if. ,iui iiiau- din, c; Snodgrass, If.; Rickson. cf.; Shearer, ss,; Parkson, rf. ; Siloma, 2b. Portland academy Oraham, Mi; O. Oamble, cf.-p.; Wilson, c.-p. ; Ilamblett. ss.-p.; Shea, If.; Henny, Sb; Dierdorff, rf.; J. Gamble, lb; Dlnwiddie, p.-rf. The score: Washington 04010424 0 15 Hits 1 3 2 0 0 3 3 i 0 If, Portland Acad. .0030020 D 0 5 Hits 2 1 3 0 1 2 1 C 0 10 Umpire Ed Rankin. MINOR BASEBALL Members of the Lang & Co, baseball team are requested to report for prac tice tonight at 6:30 o'clock at East Twelfth and Davis streets. The Sunnyside Twilight league opened its season last Tuesday, the Sunnyside Congregational team de feating the Sunnyside Methodists, 8 to 4. Mautz's homer was the feature of the game. Batteries Congregational. Knight and Oilman; Methodist, Myers an". ManUe. The Union Pacific System team, for merly the Harrlman club, has an open date for Decoration Day. Teams de siring Sunday and holiday dates are requested to address Baseball Mana ger, 1001 Wells Fargo building, Port land, Or. Delhi Has to Stick. Los Angeles. May 25. (P. N. S.) "Flame" Delhi, the pitcher, may con tinue to play with the Hayden, Aria., trl-copper league club for some time, according to information received here. It seems that Delhi has obligated him self to stick by Hayden and may be released only if the Angels provide a suitable substitute for him. Fish Fry on Tap Sunday. Preparations for a fish-fry on the banks of the Deschutes river on Dec oration day are being made by members of the Madras Rod and Gun club. Jack Morre. Bob Pickard, Larry Nlckam and O. A. Pearce are the men who are ar ranging the details of the event. The fry will be held in the neighbor hood of the Cole ranch, near Vanora. A water-cooled motorcycle engine has been invented by an Englishman. PACK OF Frank Templeton Is Second at Seattle Seattle, Wash, May 26. -The Wash ington state trapshoottng tournament came to a close yesterday afternoon on the Harbor Island grounds, with the largest crowd of shooters and pecta tora that turned out during the three days of the shoot. In the shooting of the 150 tdrgetu Prank Troeh stod high amateur for the day. hitting 144. , h. Reid of Seattlewas the hlgn professional, with a score of 145. The high amateurs In the two days' program out of tOO target were Frank Troeh. who totaled 284, first; Frank Templeton, 278, second; P. J. O'Brien, 275, third; Guy Egbers, 273. fourth; R. S. Searle, 271, rifth; Hugh McKlroy. 270, sixth. The professionals for the two days' shooting. 800 targets: First, Hugh Poston. 287; second, L. H. Reid, 285; third. F. C. Reihl and P. J. Holohan. 276, and fifth, F. A. Dryden, 271. Beaver Recruit Wins Game. Moscow, Idaho, May 25 Effective twirling by Al Hartman and heavy hit ting gave the Washington State col lege team a 9 to 0 victory over the University of Idaho yesterday. Hart man allowed three hits. Score: r. h. E. W. S. C 9 11 2 Idaho o 8 4 Batteries Hartman and Schroeder; Brockman, Wade and Barger. Washington Clips Elever Seconds. Seattle. Wash., May 25. (P. N. 8.) In a practice spin over ar two mile course, tbe University of Washington ctew clipped 11 seconds from the best previous record ever made by any crew in a two mile row on Lake Wash ington. The crew is in fine fettle and is expected to win easily from the University of California crew in tho race to be held here Saturday. Wlien wrltlna or callina on adrtler. plraa mention Thf Journal. IAd.) Contest: Closes Next Tuesday - May 30th Send in Your Slogans NOW You May Win the $50.00 Have you written a slogan for the Greater Portland Association? Are you going to write one? Less than a week remains. You'd better prepare one at once or better prepare sev eral, and mail them in to the office of the assistant secretary. If you are in doubt as to the true significance of the Greater Portland Association, ask one of the merchants who displays the seal of the association. He will be pleased to give you all the details necessary to write an expressive, snappy slogan, which will briefly tell the story of the association, and which will be an appropriate companion to the seal below. Portend Look for This Seal When Shopping The GREATER PORTLAND ASSOCIA TION is an organization of business men who believe in the efficiency of the individual stores. They' believe there is wisdom and economy in buying your shirts, neckwear, hats, hosiery at a haberdasher's,-your millin ery at a milliner's, your shoes at a shoe store, your furniture at a furniture store, your groceries at a grocer's, in fact, they believe that the individual stores can serve you satis factorily, economically and thoroughly. They believe that loyal patronage of the. individual stores will tend to develop and expand the retail section, and increase payrolls as we.ll as property values. Look for the Greater Portland seal when shopping. Greater Portland Association Ree3 Adv. Co., Asst. Sec Protest Is Wired . ; Wilson by Chamber ' aaaaBaaaaaaaaBjaaaaaaBBaMsW' , ; 1. . ' ExsentlTs Committee TTrres That Xm. fcarro oa Ships to SsWfsrsata ,8s Xalsed oa Von-oontrabaad Products. The executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce has drafted a protest, which. will be telegraphed 'to President Wilson, opposing the tight ening of contraband rules on commerce between neutral and belligerent na tions. The protest urges that the em bargo be raised on all commodities not strictly contraband. - John B. Teon tendered his resigna tion as chairman of the civic bureau of the chamber. It was accepted and the executive committee authorised the other directors of the bureau, namely , Guy W. Talbott and Wilbur E. Cotnan, ' to appoint a new chairman. The executive committee author ized the appointment of a committee of five to make an investigation into the possible production of nitrates In this section for all sorts of commercial purposes. ass Three Fourths : Of Studies to Play An Informal rally of those fntoieat! In athletics was held yesterday fore noon in the auditorium of the Lincoln High school. Athletics of the past sea son and the part that athletics Will play next year- were the subject. Mr. Flbbs of the faculty spoke On the relation of athletics to the oohool studies. He emphasized the fact that students must pass In three fourths Of their studies in order to be eligible for ' athletics next year. Coach Stanley Borleske spoke on the arreat factors of athletics, spirit and I discipline. Coach -Borleske has been coach at Lincoln for one yer. During that time he has put his whole heart In whatever he has attempted, and ths result has been some successful teams. .ogam