THi, QiizQQU -DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY. UAY 2j. 1ZV lo IWhatvS'ocietv U :i )olna fltiftm Mjsi KATHERINE CRELlN of Oakland, CsL, Is ths bouse guest of bar cousins, the Misses Katherine and Eleanor Olle, and la receiving much social at tention. Yesterday Mrs. Varooa Cart wright (Margaret Malarkey) prealded at a prettily appointed tea in her honor, and thla afternoon Mia a Ruth Teat was hostess at a luncheon (or her. Tomor row afternoon the Mlaaea Oil are plan ning to entertain with a bridge party for their guest. 'Graduation Is Announced. Mlae Helen "Wormian, daughter of Mr, and Mra. H. C. Wort man of this' city, graduated with honora yeaterday from the Baldwin school at Bryn Mawr, Pa.. Her mother and brother, Everett, were present at the exerclaes. After a few weeks' yachlng cruise on the Chesapeake bay with Philadelphia friends and a vrslt to Annapolis to at : tend the graduating exercises at the . military academy Mlsa Wortman will i 'return home, about July 1, accom-! f panied by her mother. I VaverIey Clab Dances to Begin. Tuesday evening. Decoration day, the "Wsvarlsy Country club will hold their 1 first dinner dance of the aeason. open ing their summer season of these de- Ughtiui aiiairs. rney will continue as a weekly event on Saturday evenings, the second affair being next Saturday., Unitarian Women to Entertain. The Irvlngton Bazaar club, which ia I a branch of the Unitarian Women's al- i liance. will give a social and card party tomorrow ' evening at the Nortonla hotel. Mra. Fred E. Harlow will have charge of the program, which will con. alst of children's fancy dancing and musical numbers, and will begin at 8:S0 with cards following at 9 o'clock. The committee on arrangements Includes Mrs. William Fiebig. Mrs. Thomas H. j Edwards, Mrs. William F. Woodward and Mrs. K. A. Jackson. Troop A Cavalry Dance Tonight. Troop A cavalry, Oregon National Guard, will give Its dancing party at the Armory this evening. Among the patrons and patronesses who have promised their support and presence at the dance are Governor and Mrs. Withy -eombe. General and Mrs. White, Colo nel and Mra. McLaughlin, the staff of ficers of the guard and their wives, and several other prominent people of the city. This will be the closing event of the season for the troop. At Laurelhurst Club. It the regular weekly card party of the Laurelhurst club high scores in "five hundred" were won by Mrs. Fer dinand E. Reed and I-. C. Wilson, In bridge by Mrs. J. E. Nelson and R. 8. Wilson. - The next party in this se ries will be given the evening of Fri day, June 2, when Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward T. Hall "will entertain. Becauae of Memorial day the Tues day afternoon card party has been postponed to the following day, Wednesday, May 31. Mra. J. C. Eng lish, Mrs. A. C. Holmes and Mrs. F. C. Griffin will be hostesses for the afternoon. Lincoln High Alumni Social. The Association of Lincoln High School Alumni will give a dance Fri day evening, May 26, at Linnea hall, Twnty-firat and Irving streets. Out siders will be permitted providing dne I of the couple be an. alumni menfber. There will be cards for those not wish ing to dance. An Interesting program is being arranged by the committee. which comprises Maxlne Miller, chair man; Adolph Bloch and Evadna Oove. At Heights Club. At the Portland Heights club tomor row evening dancing and cards will be enjoyed. The social committee is Mra I H. V. Carpenter, chairman. Mrs. Ben Trenkman, Mrs. J. I,. McCool, Miss Eaatman and Mrs. William Toung. The patronesses will be: Mra. Cos A. Mc Kenjia, Mrs. Fred S. Stanley, Mrs. Fay Catllnand Mrs. George Lawrence Jr. Church Parish Affairs. Owing to the conflicting dates of the I Christian Brothers Business college dance at their hall this evening and the La Hoa club's party at Hlbernla hall, the young people of the Madeleine I parish have postponed their party. I which was planned for this evening to the Irvlngton Tennis club. They have arranged for Wednesday of next week. Ion which occasion all of their friends lire invited. The St. Agatha's branch of the Holy iName society will entertain with a Icard aociol and dance Friday evening, I May 26, at St. Agatha's ball. Fifteenth street and Miller avenue. Sellwood. A I cordial invitation extended to all. Good I roue to and a live committee. Surprise for Mrs. Penney. Mrs. Samuel D. Penney was agree' iDiy surprised Monaay evening toy a ibevT of friends in honor of her blrth- Iday. The eveplng was spent in cards ind danemg. Refreshments were lerved. Vocal selections were rendered toy Mrs. Mills and D. Perry Evans. (Mrs. Penney was presented with beautiful present, the gift being from jthe members of her club. Card Jhonors fell to Mrs. S. D. Penney knd Mr. Slemmona. Those present Were Sir. and Mrs. A. G. Rushlight, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cheney, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flaherty, Mr. and Mra. J. B, plemmona, Mr. and Mrs. D. Perry psvana, Mra. A. Hoover, Mrs. C. W, Boost, Mrs. Sutherland and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel V. Penney. ome Wedding. A pretty home wedding was that of Miss Susie Rozella Nail and J. Earl Uxley, Tphlch toolc Place at the home tf the bride s aunt, Mrs. Alex Looney, 1115 Clinton street, on Satur day night. May 20, at 8:30 o'clock. The bar lor in which the ceremony took blace was decorated In Scotch broom and yellow roses. Miss Bertha Kolser was maid of hon II I J : & y -' p j. jsgssssFSX'.L-.-. s eampments are over there will ba an acuve groww or. tne u. tf u. in au departmenta i To Sstoxm lm ICarUabeaaV Lieuten ant Commander George F. Blair and Ensign George H. Jett are in Saa Vnn- dsco awaiting the voyage of the reno vated United States cruiser Marble- head. Just out of the drydoces at Mare Island, to Portland. The cruiser will be under command of Lieutenant E. E. Scranton, U. B. A,, and the Ore gon naval militia officers have been given the opportunity of becoming ac quainted with her on the trip. She will arrive In Portland on May 23, and will therafter be the training khlp of the O. N. M., the Boston being rele gated to the boneyard of Seattle or San Francisco. Corps Camp postponed- Owing to the absence of medical officers and divisions of the regular army from California, the proposed school of in struction at Montrey to be given this summer to the medical oorps of the Oregon forces has been postponed Hay Practice Starch. It is thought within the range of probabilities that the orders will be given shortly as signing a 10 days' practice march to Troop A, cavalry, which is now under command of Lieutenant C. F. Hogan. The troop will march to some point on the coast and return. To Tislt Slfle Bange. Lieutenant L. Lundgren, who is in command of Eighth company, C A. C, will lead a detachment to Clackamas rifle range next Saturday night. It is proposed to camp out neftr Lents, and get on the ground early In the morning for a thorough serleauof rifle practices. Photo by Gro Mrs. F. A. Jackson, who is on the committee for the affair to be given by the Irvlngton Bazaar club of the Unitarian church. or. The bridegroom was attended by Raymond Axley, brother of the bride groom. Mendelssohn's wedding march was played by Mrs. L. C. Tibbetts, a former schoolmate of the bride's. The bride was charming in her gown of lansdowne and chiffon. She carried a ahower bouquet of yellow rosebuds. Both young people are well known in Portland. FRATERNAL NOTES Scottish Rite Reunion to Be Held June 1 to 3 In Portland. TODAY'S BEAUTY TALK Ton can make a delightful sham poo wun very nine eirort and for a very trifling cost if you get from your prugglst a package of canthrox and Dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water. Tour shampoo is now ready. Bust pour a little at a time on the calp and rub briskly. This creates fn-abundance of thick, white lather hat thoroughly dissolves and removes he dandruff, excess oil and dirt. After in sing, the hair dries quickly, with lufflness that makes It seem heavier ban it Is. ad takes on a rich luster nd a softness that make arranging it pleasure, Adv, Scottish. Kits Masons' Reunion- The Scottish Rite Masons will hold their thirty-fourth semi-annual reunion in Portland June 1, 2 and 3, at which time degrees will be conferred upon a class of applicants which will Include as high as the thirty-second degree of Masonry. Philip S. Malcolm, sovereign grand inspector general in Oregon, one of eight of that rank in the soutnern Jurisdiction, issues the call. Only members of the A, F. & A. m. in good standing and who are qualified votera of Oregon can be received. The Orchestra Xacoabee Dance. The Ochestra dance and card party tonight at K. of P. hall, given by the Macca bees of Portland tent, has bene well prepared for and a good time Is as sured all members and friends who at tend. Knights of Pythias hall has been secured. Will Receive Westbrook. Members Of Haasalo lodge, I. O. O. F., are great ly pleaaed over the elevation or Henry S. Westbrook to the position of grand master by action of the grand lodge at Roseburg. Arrangements are being made to give him a rousing reception at Swiss hall next Monday night. Joint Homestead Tonight. Tonight Portland Star Homestead, Brotherhood of American Teomen, will bold a union meeting to receive a iarsje vi candidates. There will be visitors pres ent from the four homesteads of Port land, and from St Helens, Vancouver and Oregon city nomesteaas. alts. Rosle Blood will command the degree team, which will be composed entirely of young women members. Mra Georgia Helms, foreman of the home stead, will preside. The order is com posed of both men and women and is in a flourishing condition in Portland. Competitive Pancy Drill Contest. The Women of Woodcraft circles of Portland have been Invited to partlci pate in a competitive fancy drill, which will be held with Royal Circle as host In the W. O. W. temple, June 28. Mrs C. C. Van Orsdall, grand guardian of the Women of Woodcraft, will issue a diagram book of drills in which th winning circle will have its drill pub llshed and named after it Memorial W. O. W. Jus 4. Arrange ments are being made by a Joint com roittee of a number of local camps of the Woodmen of the World to hold an nual memorial services Sunday, June 4. It is proposed for the different de gree teams forming the uniform rank. W. O. W., to meet in front of th courthouse and march to the W. O. W, temple in the afternoon, where appro priate services will be held. Confer Masonic Degree Mount Ta bor lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 42, beld a well-attended cession last night at the Masonic temple to confer the de gree of entered apprentice upon three applicants. Many visitors were present. NATIONAL GUARD NOTES Company C Gave Social Last Night at the Armory With Supper Company O Meld fjoolaL Company C held an Interesting social session In the ballroom of the Armory last night, at which there was given a well pre pared program of music, recitations and sports that occupied the attention of members and guests until a late hour. A supper was served at the close. Company C Is preparing to go in for sporting contests at the summer en campment, and has some talented ama teurs in various lines. Enlistments to Pick Up. Because of the requirement of the federal govern raent that only enlisted men of a com maad who attend the training eamp next July can receive pay who have been on the active rolls for 80 days or more, enlistment in all branches of the O. N. G. is somewhat slack. Be cause of the pay law going into effect on and after July 1, there is some Interest taken in recruiting, and it is expected that after the summer en- PERSONAL MENTION Charles S. Fee Is Hero. Charles S. Fee of San Francisco, pas senger traffic manager of the South ern Paciflo company, is a guest at the Portland. Walla Walla Publisher in City. J. G. Kelly, publisher of the Walla Walla Bulletin, is at the Nortonia, Prominent Electrician Is Here. A L. Rohrer of Schenectady, N. T.. a well-known electrician. Is at the Portland. Mr. Rohrer is superintendent of the Schenectady works of the Gen eral electric company. D. 8. Tobias Is in City. D. 8. Tobias of Seattle is a Portland visitor. Mr. Tobias is connected with the commissary department of the Northern Pacific company. si R. M. Wilson is a Talent visitor at I the Oregon. Frank J. Miller of Salem, member of the public utilities commission. Is at the Imperial. W. A. Barr is registered at the Cor nelius from Corvallis. R. L. Lilly is a Joseph visitor at the Perkins. E. H. Adams and family, of Victoria, B. C. are at the Portland. J. F. Spray is registered at the Nor tonia from Cottage Grove. R. L. Hass of Narrows Is at the Im perial. J. H. Abershlre of Eugene is at the Carlton. - M. J. O'Brien is a Camas visitor at the Nortonia. K. K. Cutter and G. A. Pahrson of Spokane are at the Portland. W. H. West is an Albany arrival at I the Carlton. E. L. Swartzlander Is registered at the Imperial from Pendleton. R H. Cody of Wheeler Is at the Ore gon. E. H. Laugh and family of Clarkston, Wash., are guests at the Cornelius. H. J. Grill of Johnson Creek and W. S. Klsport are Wisconsin visitors at the Portland. Franklin S. Allen, Seattle advertising man, Is at tne Imperial. T. B. Harland of Salem is at the I Carlton. James E. Hackett sf Pendleton Is at the Perkins. F. T. Bestwick of Washington, D. C. Is at the Oregon. A. L. Clark Is a Rainier visitor at the Cornelius. C R. Pageman Is registered at the Carlton from Seattle. J. H. Price, superintendent of the St, Helens Shipbuilding company, Is at the Imperial. Fred T. Bilyeu of Sclo is at the Per kins. Miss Francis Efflnger Raymond of I San Francisco Is a guest at the Pft-I iua. To improve pistol marksmanship there has been Invented a rod to be at tached to the barrel of a weapon, ter minating in a ring to encircle the little finger of the hand used in shooting. Beauty Chat BY LILLIAN RUSSELL box oppxoa sow on. Gat rear seats for tha onara. "Pra Piavolo.' Oreat performance by Port- nnd Opera association. Baker theatre fhureday night. May 25, Saturday hatlaee. May 27. Popular prices. June Beauties. , JUNE is a month of beautiful prod uctsroses, brides and girl grad uates. The warm rays of the sun summon the rosebuds, wedding bell call the brldea-elect, and a new world beckons to the girls In oaps and gowns. But what will eoclety do to tint the cheeks of the girls who are about to enter new lives to the notes of the wedding march? Society will dine and dance its pets until all traoes of youthful color are removed from their cheeks unless there Is a strong will to cheek the overwhelming flood of pop ularity. Midst all the excitement and strain of dress fitting, shopping and entertainment more than one pretty girl will find her beauty nearly ex hausted by the time her wedding bells begin to ring. Sometimes I feel that the friends of prospective brides are not very kind to them. ' In their efforts to please they overtax the strength of the ob jects of their attention Girls, of course, delight in the attentions show ered upon them. The pre-nuptlal days should be made happy. But Isn't it often the case that attention is so liberally showered upon prospective brides that they are weary and tired when the greatest day in their lives arrive? The blush Is taken from their cheeks and the luster from their eyes by the rounds of gayety arranged In their honor. Girls who are about to graduate from schools and colleges are placed under a similar strain. This Is the reason we see so many pale faces and languid forms when commence ment days arrive. The girls are under the tension of examinations and preparations for the great day when way are handed diplomas to certify to a definite degree of edu cation. There are examinations to pass, orations and salutations to pre pare, invitations to issue, dresses to be made and a long list of duties to tire the body and sap its strength. It Is not surprising that many of our girl graduates look wan and worn when commencement day arrives. Wouldn't It be better to jive our June brides and graduates a chance to look their beet on the most im portant days of their lives? It is un fair to prospective brides to shower attentions upon their shoulders until they wither under the burden. Isn't there some way to relieve the June graduates of the strain and tension that sends then to commencement platforms with colorless cheeks and languid bodies? The bride-elect who receives no so cial attentions is neglected. She de rve uch attention. But her friends should consider her physical strength and not overwhelm her with entertain ment. College and school faculties should give the "June graduates a chance to look their orettiMt Th. graduates may be ambitious to make wvoavriui orations or read Impressive essays, but they also desire to make the best possible appearance. vJf your du'nter is to be a June bride or a graduate, do not permit her to dissipate the roses In her eheeks before the great day arrives. Give her a chance to appear as beautiful as the June roses. Fur Storage Is Your Best Protection Dunns' the Summer Montts Our Vault are kept at 12 deg. below freezing. Furs are safe from risk of fire, moths or theft. Call up and we'll explain in detail in 288 Morrison Street. Ill llll J. P. PLAGEMANN. Manager III TODAY is the right time to start drinking 30c lb. CARNATION ' COFFEE Sealed Cans Steel Cut Always Fresh All Qhargo Purchases Made at This Store Tomorrow Will Go on Your June Account, Payable July 1 Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors on Second Fir. Soda Fountain, Ice Cream Parlors, Basement assess BaaaMBsBHssM m sBBPM"wi"aas"a"asssssa , . . . .: MMMnH"M"H",MM"n - FBaiggs Tor Decoration Day and Rose Festival in ail sizes and qualities at reason able prices.- 4th floor Decoration bunting, all colors. 1st floor. MS Wrtt Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A6231 Eastman! Kodaks Take a kodak wtth" you on that trip I Eastman kodaks, cameras and sup plies In full assort, ment on the 4 th floor.- GiFeatt orttfieg-lUp Salle Wommemfs Apparel 3 Wonderful Specials in Women's Suits Faakion Salons. 2d Floor. ! each of the lots there Is a splendid assortment of suits in the season's most favored styles. Smart belted and semi-fitted mod els, also loose-back and novelty cuts in practically every desirable material serges, cheviots, gabardines, whipcords, poplins, etc Every suit has been selected from our regular lines of high grade garments. SEE THESE" TOMORROW! Suits to $25.00 $13.98 Suits to $27.50 $15.98 Suits to $35.00 $17.85 Women's 825.00 Coats At$14.98 Fathion Salons, 2d Floor. Very latest flare effects, mostly In H -lengths so ser viceable and stylish for J I occasions. Many are shown in smart belted styles especial ly adapted for sport and outing wear. Oth ers in loose back models, some with nov elty colitis and cuffs, patch pockets, etc. Materials include gabardines, serges, whip cords, wool velouiS, etc. Q"i A QQ Coats worth up to 25 for tpifteeO Women's Skirts At $5.95 2d Floor. A number of attrac tive models with yoke hip ef fect. Tull flare styles, some with shirred hip, novelty pockets and belts. Very popular skirts for street and dress wear. Made from excellent quality taffeta silk in black, navy and white stripes, plaids, black and white checks, etc. Full range of sizes. Qpr Priced very special atPtJee7J Hair Goods Sale! eawaMBMaMSMHMHaBHaMasHMHsaaaBMSSBl v 2d Floor ; Extra special Of -ferins for Friday and Saturday's selling. Supply a. your needs now for LESS. $7 to $10 Transfor nations $4.98 Second . Floor. Natural wavy ;, hair and water-wave hair. Shown 'iL in all the desirable shades, f 7.00 .; to 110.00 transform a- A QQ tions priced at only tPTtealO ; $750 Switches $5D0 ' Sacewd Floor. Natural wavy hair switches made in 3 separate stems medium and dark shade. 7.50 grades priced C Afl -for this sale at only tpOelll $3250 Switches $1850 Second Floor. Strictly first quat ity wavy hair switches in medium brown and blonde shades. 28.50 to 32.50 switches M O CA priced now at only tPXOetlv uoiu worm up iu 93 lur rncca very special aiweacr priced now at only tfavtuv Third Day of the Basement Competitive Sale! Rflch Denartment Is Strivinsf With Mitfht and Main tn Win Rirf fnsh Pi-i Friday will be the third day of the Basement Competitive Sale. Hundreds are taking advantage of the extraordinary offerings in seasonable and wanted merchandise for personal use and for the borne, and supplying their needs for months to come. Extra salespeople will be on hand to see that you are waited upon promptly. Don't neglect this greatest of Basement Sales. S. & H. Trading Stamps given with purchases. NEW BARGAINS EVERY DAY in Addition to Advertised Specials Apron Sale Bargain Circle Main Floor" An opportune time to supply your apron needs for the sum mer months and pay less. New Coverall Aprons Special 89c Bargain CircU, 1st Floor. Wom en's coverall aprons of best grade ginghams. 56 Inches long and good full styles. Stripes and checks, trimmed with bias bands, elastic waist line. Priced QQj very special at only, each OU COVERALL APRONS of light and dark percales. Open side front with belt all round. KQ Neat patterns. Special at eJal KIMONO APRONS, open in back, with half belt Light KQg and dark percales. Special eJaC Men's Union Suits $1.00 to $4.00 Men's Stors, Main Floor. "Vassar" athletic union suits for men the Ideal rarment for warm weather wear. Priced $1. $1.50, $4. Vassar ribbed union suits, $1.50, $1.75, $3.50. Perfect fitting, beautifully finished. Vassar light wt. wool union suits $3.50. CARTER'S UNION SUITS FOR MEN--Cot-ton lisle, silk and lisle, light or heavy weight wool mixtures and silk and wool. Beautifully finished garments. Complete range of sizes In various weights. Prices $1.00 up to $5.00. New Bates Street Shirts I Men's Panama Hats $1.50 and $2.00 Main Floor. Bates Street and Ar row shirts the kind worn by par-1 ticular men everywhere. Our spring and summer lines are com plete. Soft and stiff cuff styles, plain or pleated. $1.50 and $2. Men's Interwoven hosiery at 25c 35c 50c, $1.00 the pair; $5f $6) $750 - Main Floor. Let our has expert show you the many new shapes. PANAMAS $5, $6 and $7.50 BANKOKS in vailous popular shapes all sizes price $6.50 JAP PANAMAS priced at $2.50 LEGHORNS, Mllans, split yachts and sennetts at $2.00 to $5.00 Model GROCERY Fourth Floor Phone orders given the same careful attention as though you were here in person. Call Mar shall 4800 or A-6231 at any time from 8 a. in. to 6 p. m. daily. Glenwood Butter 2 Lbs. 60c Modal Grocery. Delivered only wtth other purchases made in Grocery Dept. Glenwood n Butter, the 2 lb. square, QUC Colonial Hams 2OV2C Pound Model Grocery. Genuine eastern sugar-cured hams put up express ly for this store. Closely trimmed. Medium sizes, weighing flAi to to 12 lbs. special lb. 12 C ?rf(iffly"IgEMMAMT HMy-Frndlaiy 1500 Remnants ol Silks a 1 12 Price Center Circle, 1st Floor. Remnants and short lengths of silks from our regular stocks wiK be closed out Friday at exactly lA regular selling prices by the yard. Lengths suitable for waists, dresses, skirts, linings and fancy work 1 to 10 yard pieces widths from 20 to 40 Inches. In the assortment are plain and fancy taffetas, plain and fancy crepe de chines, pongees, tub silks, indestructible voiles, bengalines, etc Light medium and dark colors. ALL SILK REMNANTS NOW HALF PRICE Ribbon Remnants 3 to Vz Off Special Table Near Ribbon Dept. Main Floor. Odd lengths and mill pieces high grade ribbons In white, ftnk, blue, green, red, black, Copenhagen, maize and the wanted mll inery shades in satins, taffetas, failles, moires and fancy ribbons, Narrow and wide millinery, hair bow and sash widths. . . U tTC These are remnants of our best selling grades. IJ KJLM. Remnants of Embroideries and Laces Friday at 3 to Vz Off Aisle TaUos, Main Floor Hundreds of remnants and odd pieces of laces, gold and silver net top laces of all kinds, chiffons, nets, veilings, embroideries and dress trimmings in a special cleaneup sale Friday. Odd lengths and pieces from regular stock, Dressmakers and others will And this an excellent opportunity to save. Material U aOf formerly selling from 10c up to) 3 a yard now 3 lO 2 "II Wash Goods Remnants at Hall-Price Aisle of Cottons Main Floor Main Floor. Several hundred short lengths and remeants of wash goods to go Friday at half price. Pieces suitable for waists, dresses, skirts, etc Light, medium and dark colors In various summer fabrics. ALL H OFF Women's Low Shoes! $4.50 to $5 Grades at $2.95 Mala Floor. Women's military pumps of kid, patent or bronze with insets of white or gray calf sailor ties with white quarters soap kid lo-heel pumps with neat ornaments white duck side-lace Oxfords and many other styles. 14.50 and 15.00 low shoes priced for CO QK Friday and Saturday's selling at only pVd $450 White Boots $335 Mala Floor. Laced white canvas sport boots with bail strap and trimmings of white buck. Low fiat last witn tibre sole anacfj OC ptleUtJ rubber heels. 14.50 grade special Small Women's Shoes Sizes 2 to 3 54 only. , Popular styles In patent, gunmetal and kid leathers. Grades Qjr worth up. to 6, pair Plee7t Men's $600 Shoes $335. Of tan Russia calf with full rub ber bottoms. Laced, blind eyelets. Extra good $6 grade, QfZ sale price, the pair, tjHJeOU Half Price Remnant Sale! At Basement Pit Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, Scrims, Silkolines, Etc., in Serviceable Lengths Basoinont Pit. rrlday will be "Remnant Day" In the Basement Underprice Store In conjunction with phenomenal offerings In the COMPETITIVE SALES. We hsve gathered up several hundred remnants of silks, dress goods, wash goods, silkolines, Swisses, scrims, cretonnes and various other materials and offer them for one dav at Just XA regulai selling prices. These will be con veniently arranged for easy choosing at the PIT near Alder street sr .el Month 0 1 e Tin-. li. TEKdr Jaie or iviunnery x $13 Hats at $5 $22 Hats at $10 Millinery Ssloas, 2d Floor. Sacrifice prices on high-grade trimmed bats to clean up the stocks for midsummer hats now beginning to arrive. An event of vast Importance to every woman who has a hat to buy. Season's best styles in sailors, turbans, pokes, side and back rolls, etc Panamas, Leghorns, Milan, Milan hemps and other popular straws. LOT l Hats worth to 1 12, $5.00 LOT 2 Hats worth to 15, $7.50 LOT 3 Hats worth tc22, $10.00 Hat Shapes and Flowers Undcrpriced HAT SHAPES Of Milan hemps, Leghorns, Panamas and novelty braids. Light colors and black. Lot Is Shapes to 3.50, $1.98 Lotl 3 Shapes to 16.00, S2.98 Lot 3: Shapes to 8.50, $3.98 ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN'S FLOWERS, WINGS and trim ming novelties of various kinds at sharp price reductions. Look Trimmings to at 50c Trimmings to 1.75 at 75c Trimmings to 2.50 at $1.00' SPORT HATS NOW AT X OfF Basement Millinery ! Trimmed Hats, Worth jt g ( to $4.98, Choice Now 31vJU Basement. A Dollar Sale of trimmed bats that will establish a new record for value-giving. Over 300 hats are involved in this offering. Attractive models for street and outing wear, trimmed with bows, wreaths, flowers, wings, quills tnd other fancies. Sailors J1 f( and other popular styles. Hats worth 2.98, 3.98, 4.98tPleUu $1.48 Untrimmed Hats at 79c Basements Hemps, Jsvas, Imitation Panamas and chip braids. Smatt, close-fitting hapcs for utility wear. Also garden hats in large r7Q Sbapes formerly selling up to 1.48, underpriced at I ls styles.