The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 24, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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    A w '' w ' mm mm m J w w ' a - ' -
(li&TH DAT OF 1916:)
Coming Event.
A4 club luucbeuo at oood. May 24.
MrltlUu em-let ' wul ttworiu cioplr der
lls 24. p. m.
FroaTeseWe Business Men's cfuft lnncbeea
Mar 85, at boob, Oregon hotel.
Really board loncbeoa, Cbambar t Com-n-erce.
at noon, May 26.
"U to Bcnool Dmj" May is.
Or gun bird day. Us 26.
Kike ring Kay. June J.
Thlrt rcKlnicut. O. hi. (.. sacsm?omt.
Uotary club luDcbeoo June 6. st noon.
Ursuu CUfln. urasr ut fcs.isrB iar. st
lUxjnlr TiUiplv. Jane 6.
Ortgoa Association of Presidential Cestmaa
iers' aunual meeting. I'ortland. June 6, 7.
feaaiero star auuiutl eouatiuiiK.-auuu.
' or by Hood Bleer Valley railroad to Parkdale
and stage from tbere.
Itootb side Automobile stags 4ally from
. Portland to Government Camp, Bnododendroa
i Tavern. Tawoev'e. Welches. arrah Wanna.
i Or take suburban electric trains to Boring sta
tion and stage.
Suburbs Trips.--VI p. R.. U P. Co.:
Bull Bun park. SO mUes; Kstseade park. 84
mil pa, fishing and moan tain tratta; Canemak
park, 16 nillee. overlooking Willamette: Co
lumbia beacb, enl Vancouver line, bathing:
Tte Osks" park, on Willamette; Vaneoo
er snd Vancouver barracks, northwest salu
tary headquarters; Wllbolt Springe, on Wil
lamette Valley southern; Willamette falls and
Oregon City. IS miles souta.
Via Sont hern Pacific: Tualatin and Zaav
bill valleys, loop.
Via Oregon fciectrlc- Willamette valley, ea
Irni anl r'ugrne.
Via O-W. B. N. Bonneville. risb batch
er le. picnic grounds. Hood River. Csacsle
Locks, paralleling Columbia River highway.
Via North Bank road Astoria. (Jearuart.
eaaide, beacb bathing.
Via river steamers L'n Willamette to Ore
1 gon City and Salem, up Columbia to The
Dallea: down Columbia to Astoria and month
yearn ago and had lived in Oregon for ! of a suffrage plank in the platforms
th past 22 years. She Is survived by ' of the Republican and Democratic par
two sons and two daughters, Fred and ties, is appealing to Oregon women
Jesse Fitch. Mrs. 3. Swain and Mrs. and men interested for contributions
Fred Beck. Funeral services will be, for the support of the convention,
held at Dunning- & McEntee's- chapei Ir. Florence S. Manlon. Oregon chair
todav at lo a. m. Interment at Rose . man, has charge of the contribution
City cemetery.
Dedication, uf Columola Ulver highway, of Columbia river terminus Astor expedlttuo.
June f
Komh IVsttvsi jaut J. t snd
I'uDllc Bearings on jnausirisi nmm
ferenee reeoinroeudstlons, June 15-16, at coun
ty courtboute.
PatiUw Kisberles Society annual conveotlom.
Hon la ml. Juli 10. 17.
Annual encampment of Indian war veter
ans, liu Portland, June 21.
Forty-fourm souumi reunion of the Oregon
Pioneer sssociatluu at Masonic Temple. June
Beunton of former residents of Douglas
coituty will be held at Peninsula Park June
Municipal Park band concerts begin Sunday.
July X.
Uatiiery A leaves for training camp at Horn.
terry. I'al.. July 4.
Uiegon Natal Mllltla annual cruise, July 15-
Grand Temple, Pytblaa Slaters of Oregon,
turd, here July 28-2B.
Contentions of Kulgnts of Pytblss aad Pyta
l.u tilstera will be bald la PovUaod Aogoet
Twenty-third annual outing of Masamaa to
Three Hitters. Augnst 6-20.
Interstate convention of real estste men. to
l Utld lu I'ortland. July 17. 18. 19.
Today's Forecast.
Portland and vicinity Tonight and Thurs
day, partly cloudy; northerly wlnda.
Ort-gon and Washington Tonight and Thurs
day party cloudy; northerly wind.
Idaho Tonight and Thursday, showers south
east; psrtly cloudy north snd west portion;
waioier southwest portion.
Salmon canneries, salmon fishing. Jetties, fort.
Crater Lakh, via Southern Pacific Medford
aad auto stage, or via Oregon Irons or O-W.
B. N.. Bend, and auto stag.
Caves of Joseph ins, via Southern Psclfle and
Ocean resorts : Seaalde. Qearbart. Newport.
Tillamook. Marsbflald.
Deschutes canyon snd Central Oregon. vt
O-W. R. A N. or 8.. P. k S.
Wallowa valiey. Lake Joseph and Eagle Cap,
via O-W. B. N.
Pendleton Hound-Dp. Hot Springe. Casters
Oregou. via O-W. B. N.
ailscells neons: k'lahlog. bunting, outing
Resorts Ocesn: Gearhart. Seaalde, Long
Beach. Newport, Cannon Beacb. Bay Ocetn.
Tillamook. Mountain: Ciond Cap Inn. Gov
ernment Camp. Mount Hood Lodge. Rhododen
dron Tavern, Welcbea. Tawney'a. Arra Wsaua,
The Eyrie, Jewett Kami. Suriugs; Wllbolt,
buiplu-rd's. Hot Lake.
Washington. V aucouver and military post;
Mt. Adams. Ml. tft. Helens. Ice cave; Long
bescb resorts.
For further Information, rates and routes
see Dorsey B. Smith, Travel Bureau. 110
Hird. corner Waahlugton, or Journal Travel
Bureau. Broadway ai" Xamhlll.
work in this state and is urging all
those in favor of the movement ' to
send their contributions to the con
vention headquarters, room 1004 Stev
ens building, Chicago.
ennrcs calibrates Juduss. with a
FTfaeral of Kn. Dais. Mrs. Anna
Eliza Dale died in Seattle, May 23, at
the home of her granddaughter, Mrs.
David S. Tobias. Mrs. Dale lived Irs
n a f .a M E e. . . e. nrt I
jT-uriuiiia iut inure tueiii o i jcois aj
was 83 years of age. She lived in :i di""r J" hur5h. bmnt
little cottage at 105 North Thirteenth u,f." LT"VwJ.
street continuously until her visit to " --,1 V"'i.,mL . 1"" "T"
her granddaughter about two months : tT.I iIhV-(VTn Xv 7 . ;.k
. . . . r- , . o,. tirmt " celebration or its Twenty-fifth
ago. It is said to have been the first t,,Ki- , ., . . . . .
cottage constructed of sawed lumber ; '''1, -""Z". .ll
in this city, and was moved k.. rlw "-
its' original location to make room , ..T , IT" " - c i .1
factory building. Mrs. Dale U itr f th Math-
put up
for a
survived by a aughter, Mrs. Z. Mat
thews of Pendleton. Funeral services
will be held in St. Mary's church at
9 a. m. tomorrow, and interment will
be in St. Mary's cemetery.
Weather Conditions.
A dlltirlimicc of derided chsracter has de
veloped oer the HhhIii states and now iloml
nateai weutber conditions over the western half
To Launch Protest. There will be
a public meeting in Hibernia hall, at
! 340 Russell street, Sunday evening,
' May 28, at S o'clock sharp, for the
' purpose of making public protest
' against the execution of the leaders of
the present revolution in Ireland by
of the own try; atrong winds have resulted ,rie rillsn government. 1 ne speaners
over the 'southwest. Precipitation has oc- will include Father Gregory, Professor
curred in northern Cnllfornis, southern Oregon, j Doollng, Thomas Mannix and others.
Ihe Basin states, Montana and southeast ard In addition, May 28 being the anni
to the Atlantic c-rait, Florida. Interior Canuda j versary of the birth of Thomas Moore,
and on the north Atlantic ciwut. Thuuiler- I i.,,r h .i. i, .i. tlnn
- , , n. HI t ii 1 . nut ' - ft ' i i i' J i ' ' ' - " . -
Peter H. D'Arry, of tialem, entltleA1.
Jacob Tlgelius ZMes. Jacob V'igelius,
who died at fiis home, 1037 East Eighth
street north. May 23, was a native of
Germany, 73 years of age, and
was a retired plumber. He ha'i lived
in this state and city for the past 35
years, ana is survived Dy tnree cnii
dren, Louis V'igelius, Mrs. Anna Ber
gin and Mrs Lizzie Mlllow, all if this
city. He was the brother of John
Vigellus of Oregon City, and of Mrs.
Minnie Dlckel of Portland. Funeral
services, will be held at the parlors of
Miller & T-acey. Washington an! Ella
streets, tomorrow at - P. m. Inter- .
merit at Rlverview cemetery. i
Btrs. Frances Bandars. The funeral
services for Mrs Frances Sltts San
ders, wife of George E. Sanders, vice i
president and general manager of the
Oregon-Utah Sugar company, were held
in Salt Lake City May 18, Bishop Clar
ence C. Neslen presiding, and a large
number of friends attending. Several j
prominent aivine apoiio ui me nianj
beautiful qualities of character pos
sessed by the departed sb ter. Inter
ment was made in the faintly plot In
the city cemtery. Mr
odist church,
t earner Jnaan Hifttti for Camas.
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington
Street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
pand Vvti-etf -1 Hotel Abbey, New.
port. Oregon's greatest summer resort.
Mated Stationary, Books, rosters.
F. W. Baltes & Co. Main 165, A-U65. Ad.
Grood Xlma to Or. shipherU s Hot
J Springs. Carscn. Wash. (Adv.)
X.ncky Tips, best nickel cigar. (Ad.)
Dr. E. C. Brown, Eye, ax, Mohawk
building. (Adv.)
narks' Bko Bale, 243 Wash. (Adv.)
Would Familiarize
Courts to Beauty
San Francisco, Cal., May 24. (U. p.)
Pretty girl court officers were advo
cated today by the California Civic
league. Members believed that jodges
and juries - ould not be excited by
dashing defendants in the lates' modes
If they had beautiful derkesses and
balliffesses to look at all day.
Chief Executive Says Both He
and Daniels Admit May
Have Seen Admiral's Letter
American Defease Society Considers
X.tter Is Vindication of
Naval Officer.
to in your letter between the secretary
of the navy and Rear Admiral Fiske
is merely one of recollection of an in
cident which occurred in November,
1914. and inasmuch as the secretary
mvi t-hat. while he ' has no recollec
tion of having read the communication I
by Rear Admiral Fiske. he is willing
to accept the admiral s statement, tne
matter does not seem to me to call
for any comment. Very truly yours,
Baker for Universal Training.
Washington. May 24. (I. N. 8.)
Universal military training in the
United States was indorsed by Secre
tary of War Baker today. Secretary of
the Navy Daniels expressed opposite
Opinions of the two cabinet officers
were obtained after Senator Chamber-:
lain of Oregon, chairman or the senate
military affairs committee, announced
his intention of pressing for passage of
his bill, now before congress, providing
for universal military aervlce.
Dye Fxports Xot Allowed.
London, May 24. (I. N. S.) Lord
Robert Cecil today told the house of
Sanders is well i commons that England will not allow
fttorniM were reported from Huron ami Iea
an.l una faille., -I . .'aI.I. t. I -
morninir .i T,.,.r.n.i. .i-. n,. u-nnih. I "Krin In Poetry and Bong." This lec-
er Ii wanurr In British ( ..lunilils. Washington. Jture Has already been given ry j uage
most of Oregon, northern and southeastern j D'Arey at the University of Oregon
Idaho. Montana. I (ah and eastward to 'he. , and the state normal school and has
Atlantic coast, snd the central Gulf states; it been received with marked favor. The
I- cooler In moat of California, Nevada r.i.d j admission is free,
central Canada. i
The conditions re favoiahle for sliowors to- ! Social Workers Meet. Tl.e annua,
night and Thurday In southeastern Idaho and ' meeting of the .Social Workers" club
for pertly cloudy weather in the remainder of
thla diatrict. It will be wanner In south
west Idaho. Wlnda will be mostly north
AKsiilant l-'oreca-ler.
i .
Temperature gg
o 00 s L
t K 3
STATIONS '-b - s r :i ii
-': s1 25 ii !
Baker. Or I 42 S H2 42 16 I O
hoisn. Idaho 40 - 2 ,M an .... 11
Boston. Mas. .. .'.4 4 r.S W . . . . .4
CslgSry. Alljertai .".4 H 4 VA ..'.2
Clilcag... Ill . f 4 7S .... (i
I)odg!. Kan W (-10 1H tl2 16 I 0
F.dn.onton. Alia 42 - 4 41 4 .4
Enreka. Cal 4H f 4 .2 4H 22 .2
JackSonTllle. Fl. 74 - 2 o 7i 14 1.48
Kansas CH.v. Mo 72 -1-12 SO 70 2
Inlston. Idaho. 44 8 ... 44 .... 0
lxw Angelea, Cal 48 12 tM 48 12 0
Marakfleld. Or.. .V 10 Ml 48 i4
Meinpbla. Tnn . 74 8 8 70 . . . . 0
New Orleans. L.. 744 Ml 70 o
New York. N.Y. 8 8 r-4 52 t4
N. Head. Wn... !W 10 r.2 fut 14
N. Platte. Neh.. 2- 18 74 2 .... o
N. Yakima. Wn. ti i in IM 48 14 O
Oklahoma. Okla. 70 o 2 7 24 O
Pittsburg, I'a .. f.fl 2 78 2 11
Pocetello. Idaho. 41 12 48 42 OS
Portland. Or. . . . 4 8 00 4W o
Rapid City. S.II. 44t ' 4 4 08
Red Bloff.-Cal.. 44 08 44 0
Roeehiirg. Or , 42 .Vi 42 18
Ht. touls. Mo... tw o 84 88 12 0
It. Paul. Minn.. f.H 4- 2 70 id o
gait I-ake, btah. :2 12 :4 48 28 0
Han Iilego. Cal.. 54 , - 4 H4 ." 10 i
Man Francisco. . . 48 - 2 48 0
Hesttle, Waah... 41 r.H 48 O
rlpokaue, Waah. 44 li .8 42 i
Taenia, Waah.. 44 I rt .. 44 (
Tampa. Kla 7H ; 2 82 72 0
Tatoosh I.. Wn. 48 ! f- r.t! 48 o
Walks Walla. V 4fl 8 2 4H 1 ti
Waahlngton. II.Ci ti ! 2 84 T.8 ! 01
Wind yelocltlea of less than 10 miles an bour
and amounts of precipitation of leas thau .01
of an Incti arc not publlahed hereon.
The Journal's Scenic Travel Guide
of Portland and Oregon.
Columbia KWer Highway America's roost
Wonderful scenic road for vehicles. No trade
exceeding 5 per cent. Bardsurtace roadway
past waterfalls aad soouutalaa through the
Lesrt of the Cascade raugs. See the Oorge
ef the Columbia, feueppard's DeU. Crown foint,
Lttuurelle. Bridal Veil. Mist. Wabkeena. Unit.
. Bomah. Horsetail and other waterfalls. Boa
asvllls fluh bsicberies. Oneonta Uorge, Ben
eon park and Wlnemali Pluuacles. Kaat froia
Portland via Base Line. Sandy or Beetlva
Line roads. Individuals do well to make ar
rangements through a responsible asucy.
Trip up Columbia rlrer by boat, or oue war
fay bust add return by auto.
Cooacil Croat. overlooking city. 1100 feet
blgb. view uneuualed of Columbia and Wil
lamette rivers. Tualstlo sad Willamette val
leys; Cascade and Coast ranges; snow peak
colony of Caacsdes (north to esst on clear
days). Including alt. Rainier, 1.408 feet; kit.
St. Helens. letW7 feet: Mt. Adams, 12.307 feet;
kit: Hood. 11.22S feet; kit. Jefferson. 10.022
Parka OTa.hlnvtin -f .t. t
Street, flowers, shrubs and treee; children's
playgfouuda; sou. noleworrby pieces of sculp
ture, "Coming of the White Man." by Ber
bian Atktos McNeill. "Harajawva." Indian
woman who guided Lewie and Clark, by Alice
Cooper. Teu minutes' walk. Peninsula, sunken
ruse gsrdens. touts iuing more than 700 varie
ties; playgrounds sod model community house.
Albino aud Amswortb aveuuee. Laurelburst.
taat Oak and Tblrty-nlutb. Mt. Tabor, bead
of Hawthorns avenue. Maeleay. Cornell road;
nature left untouched; primeval forest, wild
forestry Building Lewis snd Clark Expoal.
tUm -grounds; contains l.OOU.OOO feet of lum
ber, museum 01 forest products. Visitors we'
Come front 8 a. m. to fi p. in. "W" car on I
Morrison street.
Bsulsvards. Columbia snd Willamette, en- I
circling peninsula, excellent vlewe of barbot,
eblpvuig and Industrie.; Terwllllger. south on
tllUi; rairmouar. eaat or. and Sky Use. weet
f Council Crest. Columbia Blver highway, see
, Fablie Instltntlons. City ball and blatorleal
mtnteum. Fifth and Madison; county court
bouse. Fourth and Salmon; Central library. ,
Tenth and Yamblll; Art museum. Fifth, near 1
Yeniblll; customs bouse. Park and Broadway, 1
central postofflce. Fifth and Morrison; Y. M.
C Ah lxth and Taylor; X. W. 0. A- Broad
way' and Taylor.
Kxblblts Oregon resources, fish and cans,
Oregon building. Fifth and Oak; historical.
Oregon Historical society, SOT Second street;
mcsenm, city hall; lumber Industry. Forestry
Bsrbor Features Weet and east aide pablle
ocas, motor boat landing, root or Stark;
boa tb on sea for river tours; shipping, modeea
bridges, Broadway, Railroad and Hawthorne.
Panoramic view of city from Willamette.
Klug's and Portland Heights, Council Crest,
kit. Tabor.
-Views of down-town districts. Journal bntld
ineT, Yeon building. Northwestern National
Bank bnlldlng. Meier Frank s.
Worts f ef Motloe. Rklrtmore fountain. First
and Ankray. by Oils H. Warner . prases ted by
Stephen Skldmore. Tbompeoa fountain, pre
sewtsd by David P. Thompson. Plaaa block.
Fourth and Salmon; Soldiers' monument,
Lowosdale square, fourth and Taylor.
Chinatown, 00 north Fourth and Second
Modern high end grade ecbeole: school gar
den; rose bedgea.
Portland Roes Festival. Jane T-S-S.
Seeing Portland." automobiles.
' Seeing Portland.' trolley cars.
Trip through lumber mllla.
Typical borne sections Portland Heights,
ftob H11L Indngton:
Mount Hood Trips North aide: Drive eat
atooc the Columbia River highway (see above
to Hood River, and then op through Hood
River valley to Mount Hood lodge. 3800 eleva
tion, or oa to Cloud Cap Inn, soon elevation;
eor1Itlons Ideal for mountain; views lotion;
roada good. Or. take train to Hood Rlveet
last night in the- t'hainber of Com
merce elected George A. Tliacher
prenident; Caroline (ileason, vice prcs
idcnl; Hose (ioodman, secretary, and
Captain J. V. A ndr?w.-, treasurer.
Ijtima (Jrittinger was appointed chair
man of tlie conference committee, and
Hugh ('rum chairman of the commit
tee on social meetings. Jacob Kanzler
I stated that the Chamber of Commerce
I hopes to install a confidential ex
change for charity within the near fu
! ture. Miss Ida l.oewenbcrg reported
'on the national conference of charities
ar.d corrections, and Dr. C. H. Chapman
j 0:1 the conference of social agencies at
. Heed college.
Don't Despair; Ton Can Be Cared.
Kvery day we are curing f iinctiotial dls
ordera of every kind. Patients c.innot.
praise the results enough. It mke no
difference how hopeless your cse may
seem, or that It has been pronounced
Incurable. You can be helped, and It
costs you nothing to receive diagnosis
and instruction at the Diamond School
of Heailns; tnd Teaching, 260 Broadway
south. They use the Weltmer method
of drugless healing. Call on them and
I be healed. (Alv.)
I Bird Club to Walk. The Audubon
Hird club snd its mends will take a
six-mile bird walk west of town next
Sunday afternoon. Leaving Thirty
second and Thurman, 'Willamette
Heights, at 2:30, they will follow a
trail up the hills about two miles to an
old apple orchard, returning by another
trail down to Hillside boulevard to
Thurman street and the car line. Take
, "Depot and Morrison" car on Fifth or
Morrison for Thirty-second street, ride
1 about 25 minutes. V. A. Eliot, leader.
I To Lecture on Mah.-l-"How well can
I fish see?" John Gill will answer the
question in a lecture before the Mult
nomah Anelers' club meeting which
will be held KYiday evening in the
Chamber of Commerce. The club will
discuss steps that should be taken to
close the Willamette river to net fish
ing for salmon.
Dr. W. J. McMillan has resumed hia
dental practice at 309 Broadway build
Ing. Modern scientific methods in all
branches of dentistry. Inlays a spe
cialty. (Adv.)
Mrs. Catherine Fitch Dies. Mrs.
Catherine Fitch, who died at her resi
dence, 4210 Sixth-third street. S. K.,
Monday, was born in Indiana 66
known in Grants Pass, where he has
been furthering the establishment of a
sugar plant, and is interested in other
enterprises there.
Wag Former School Teacher. Mrs.
Grace Meade, wife of fticliard 1..
Meade, teller of the First National
bank, died yesterday at tier home, 57i
Hawthorne Terrace, after an illness of
several months. She is survived by
her husband and two children, Helen
and Calvert Meade. Mrs. Meade was
formerly of Turner, Or., and, when
Miss Grace Willens, taught school in
Portland for three years prior to her
marriage. Fineral arrangements ate
in charge of J. I'. Finley & Hon.
Columbia Highway- Featured. Two
full pages ; pictures and text descrip
tive of the Columbia river highway
and Portland appear in t he issue of the
Christian Science Monitor, the article
being an example of "community ad
vertising," paid for by some 40 Port
land merchants. An edition of 100,000
copies bears this advertisement, which
apriears in t lie ' international edition '
and is sent throughout the English
speaking world.
northwestern Day Flan. Next Fri
day is Northwestern day. celebrated by
gatherings of North-western university
alumni throughout the country. The
Northwestern University club of Port
land will meet on this occasion at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Zollinger,
1220 Tillamook street, on Friday, May
26, at 8 o'clock p. m. All the alumni
and former students of the university
are invited to be present.
Columola Blver Hlg-nwar Staffer-
Two round trips Bridal Veil to Port
land, daily. Leave Briday Veil 7:30 a.
m.. and 1:10 p. m. Leave St. Charles
hotel. Portland, 10 a, m. and 4 p. m.
Saturday and Sunday evening, leave
Bridal Veil 6:30 p. m. and Portland 11
P. m. (Adv.)
Card Farty Announced. The ladies
of St. Francis church anounce a card
party and parcel post sale to be held
in the church hall. East Eleventh and
Pine streets, Friday evening. May 26.
at 8:30 p. m.
Appeal for Contributions. The Con
gressional union, which plans to hold
a woman's party convention In Chi
cago June 5 and 6, in the interest of
the campaign to secure the insertion
exporting of $30,000,000 worth of dye
stuffs from Germany to the United
Pm the Original
Gentlemen! I'm the original upstairs
clothier. For seven years I have been
selling standard makes in ready-to-wear
clothes. J20.00 men's suits for
$14.75 and $25.00 mens' suits for $18.75.
Jimmy Dunn. 315-16-17 OreRonian
building. Elevator to third floor. Adv.
Card of Thanks.
I wish iO thank my many friends
and especially the S. P. shop emoloyes
for the services rendered during the
sickness and death of my late beioved
husband, Ievl C. Stark. Mrs. Levi C.
Stark. (Adv.)
New York, May 24. (I. N. S.) The
American Defense society has i-ecelveJ
from President Wilson a letter which
it regards as a vindication of Rear
Admiral Bradley A. Fiske in his con
troversy with Secretary Daniels.
The issue arose over the long sup
pressed letter on the unpreparedness
of the navy, which the admiral says he
handed to Mr. Daniels in November,
1914, but which the secretary declared
he had never seen. The letter was not
made public until April 22 of this year,
when, in response to a senate resolu
tion, Secretary Daniels turned U over
to that body.
Early this month the American De
fense society asked President v.-jison
to order an investigation to set-.'e the
question of veracity between Admiral
Fiske and Secretary Daniels. The let
ter vindicating Admiral Fiske, received
by C. S. Thompson, chairman 'f the
executive committee, was as follows:
"The White House, Washington,
May 22, 191b. -My dear sir: I cm In
receipt of your letter of May 12. I
referred it to the secretary of the navy,
and he has furnished me with ihe fol
lowing memorandum:
" 'Some days aso, In response to a
resolution of the senate, I transmitted
to that honorable body a copy of a
communication written by Rear Ad
miral Fiske in November, 1914.
"'I have no recollection that his
paper was ever presented to me, or of
reading it. Inasmuch, however, as Ad
miral Fiske states that he did show
it to me before it was filed. I, of
course, accept his statement. It was
his custom while aide for operations
to present to me scores of papers bear
ing upon all naval matters. It Is ut
terly impossible for any cabinet of
ficer, in the multiplicity of papers pre
sented to him. to recall all of them.'
"Inasmuch as the difference referred
Marblehead Starts
For North Monday
San Francisco, May 24. (I. N. S.)
The Oregon naval militia snip Marble
head Is to leave Mare Island next Mon
day for Portland, according: to orders
Issued today. The ship nas jusi Deen
thoroughly overhauled by the station
mechanical force.
Butternut Bread
Is Flavored
W nave put into it some thine tealdea Kia-h
Quality Flour. Pure Milk, Oood Yeast, Bait
and Bnll Xu Water.
That "aomething besides" consists of Rich
Sunshine, Floods of Pure Air that come
through our work rooms Scrupulous Care,
Strict Sanitation, Cleanly Expert Workman
ship and Perfect Baking.
Get a Bir 60 toaf and Con vine a Touraelf!
At Tour Grocer, Baked by
Eaat Xltb and Flanders.
I,J'''Ml. Y
maw"iaf 1
$5 Durham Duplex Razors QAw
Introductory Price 93
By special arrangement with the Durham Duplex Razor Co., we; are
authorized to sell for 3 more days the 5 outfit in genuine leather case,
easy to carry, fail package blades and stropcinir attachments. Razor. Is
silver plated, with sanitary Parisian ivory handle.
Special Sale Price QOr
Postaare 5c Extra VV
Portland Cutlery Barber Supply Co.
86 Sixth Street, Bet. Stark and Oak
--r -
USTstop at . Hotel
You'll feel at Home on
entering its Hospitable doors
That's "atmosphere".
Here are served delicious
flavor of home--served
in a faultless man
ner. 1 hat s cuisine
The recollection of a
charming meal lingers long
after the price is forgotten.
That's "natural"
The thing that always
appeals --moderate prices.'
114 and"
12th and
box ornci how ofeh.
Get your seats for the opera "Fra
Diavolo." Great performsnce by Port
land Opera association Baker theatre
Thursdav night. e!ar 25. Saturday
matinee. May 27. Po&ular prices.
L fe a iel?WffierirlCTlTB' ii
Henrichsen's 1861
386 Washington Street
Bet. W. Park and 10th Streets
Special This Week, $14 45
Cheap sbetltatea cost YOU tame pdcaa
t V
is the
on which
Dr. B.L Wright I Have Built
A successful and constantly In
creasing dental practice.
Time is money and it is exasperating-
to make a half dozen trips
for a small amount of service.
Promptness, efficiency and
moderate prices await you at thla
Painless Extraction of Teeth.
Northwest Corner Sixth and
Washing-ton. Northwest Building.
Phone Main 8119. A-3119.
Office Soars. 8 A. ML to 6 F. BT.
Consultation Free.
tells you where and
how to go.
How located
Year 4th. Xothohlld Blag.
act rA
at the
Any Seat - g
Any Time 1UC
nil info ? , Vn ,f .
Sunday, May 28th
Change of Time as Follows on Main Line and Branches:
New Limited Train Eugene
Making Fast Time Between Portland, Salem, Albany, Corvallis and Eugene.
8:00 A. M., Lv. .PORTLAND. . Ar. 5 P. M.
10:01 A. M., Lv. . . SALEM. .Ar. 3:02 P. M.
10:46 A. M., Lv. . .ALBANY. Ar. 2:16 P. M.
12:01 P. M., Ar.. . EUGENE.. Lv. 1:00 P. M.
Connection arrives Corvallis 11 :30 A. M. Connection leaves Corvallis 1 :30 P. M.
Discontinuance of SPECIAL TRAIN
"Golden Gate Special" NEWPORT
Train 53 and 54 Every Sunday as Follows:
n . 7:30 A.M., Lv. . Albany . Ar. 10:45 P.M.
Between g.os A M Lv Qjhj, Ar. 10:15 P.M.
Portland and San Francisco 12:15 P.M., Ar. Newport Lv. 6:00 P.M.
Willamette Limited, No. 27, leaves WEEK-END TRAIN
Portland 4:20 P.M. instead of 4:15 P.M. o '
- . . Tillamook County Beaches
Silverton Passenger, No. 10, leaves Sil- - 0 , c. , ,
verton 6:55 A. M., leaves Woodburn ? P g1 n
7:19 A. M., arrives Portland 8:50 A. M. A P
1 :40 P.M., Lv. . Portland . Ar. 1 0 :45 P.M.
Canby-Molalla Local No. 58 leaves Mo- 6:36 P.M.. Ar.. Wheeler. Lv. 5:40 P.M.
Ialla 1 :45 P.M., arrives Canby 2:15 P. M. 7:45 P.M., Ar. Tillamook Lv. 4:30 P.M.
Motor Car Service Between Albany. Corvallis. Philomath
7:10 P.
7:45 P.
8:00 P.
12:55 P.
1:40 P.
2:00 P.
10:50 A.
11:30 A.
8:30 A.Lt. . . .ALBANY. ..Ar'8:20 AJ
9:10 A.! Ar. . CORVALLIS . JLt. 7:50 A.
Ar. . PHILOMATH . JLt. 7 -.25 A.
10:40 A.
10:00 A.
12:10 P. 2:10P.I6:45 P.9:15 P.
1 1 :30 A. 1 :30 P. 6:05 P.! 8:35 P.
11:05A. 1 8:10 P.
These trains make excellent connection at Albany for trains to and from Portland and other Willam
ette Valley points.
Information at City Ticket Office, corner 6th and Oak Sta., Union Depot, or Eaat Morrjeon-at. Station.
Phone: Broadway 2760, A-6704. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Pataengcr Agent.
Dentistry at Cut Rate
Mr. Workiiigman and Family, Attention
An opportunity for those of small
try done at prices a great deal less than
We have a well es
tablished Dental bus
iness and have been
at the same location
for 10 years, but as
you know times have
changed, and compe
tition is greater, but
our work can't be
beat, ao why go else
where and pay more?
to You
15 Year
A $10 set of Teeth,
with Gold Crown or
free . .
means to have first-class DentU
t '
Read Our Price List ,
and Compare With ,
. $3.00
Gold or
Fillings . .
Fillings. . .
Gold Fill
ings up . .
Rubber Plates, with
Gold Crown or Fill"
Flesh coi- iq nn
ored PlatesvOaUU
. Aluminum d" A
J Plates VJLU
Painless Extraction ,
Absolutely '" -
H. C Smith, D. D. S., Mgr.
There Is Nothing in Dentistry We Do Not Do for Less Than Others Charf
ALBA BROS., Reliable Painless Dentists
Orer Meyer Clothing Co. Open Day and Night and Sunday'
Get the home care of
shoes habit It pays
Well dressed people always have well shined shoes.'
ShwwA, with the key for opening the box. its quick
shining qualities and the handy
ShiroiA Home Set
for polishing, makes the
home care of shoes a
mmjr iqbb and save
KmnJS H0HX SIT At all dealers-Accept no sabsUtnU
illll sseaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai --M--------------B-B--ajJ
.. , w A
I J t
Haul ihe "Olympian" and
ToltnabtenCcwcr. the Rockies
Does a smokeless, dnstlcss, gaslcss trip
through the Bitter Roots and Rockies
appeal to you ?
Since the electrification of its Main Line
over the Great Continental Divide, patrons of
experience none of the disagreeable features
incident to steam travel but are permitted full
enjoyment of comforts and scenery without
interruption from smoke, soot and cinders.
It's a dean way to travel
and aodway Jo go.
far rates, reaenratioxui aad literature axstly to
District Freight and Passenger Agent
Corner Third and Stark
Phones Main 8413. A-2601
by aaioaaaoUa dill .to Cloud Ca las,
ajf '
, .-