'i - ' v V'f''"";"" . ; v v'!vV-."S-.. -i-i THE tOREGON: DAILVTQURNAL. aPORTEAND, WEDNESDAY. MAY 24, 1916. RESULTS OF PRIMARY STAND THE Returns From Slate Still In complete and Definite Fig ures Are Not Possible, COREY OF BAKER CHOSEN Indication Ars That He Is Republican Bonsinee for PubUd Carrie Com- ,'- mlaaioner In Eastern District. The returns from Friday's primary election are still incomplete and def inite figures can not be announced probably until after the vote ban been officially canvassed. The missing figures, however, will ' ot change the results already an nounced, tint will only add to the size of the vote. Incomplete returns from all counties except Columbia and Polk give the fol lowing on delegates at large, to the Republican national convention: Cam eron 44,325: Fulton "43,879, Carey 39, i.30, Boyd 38,736, Spencer 30,950, Haw Mn J0.901. Ackerson 22,485. Buland lfi.608. Case 19,325, Peterson 18.583. Worsley 1 7.254, Warren 12,375. Four are to bb chosen. Democratic Betnrns Very Meager. s For delegates at large to the Demo cratic national convention the returns are-very meaner. No report has been made from Columbia, Crook, Curry, Urant, Harney, Oackson, Lincoln, Mal heur. Polk, Washington, Wheeler and Yamhill. The incomplete figure from the remain! count e Kive the follow- j iitg vole: Bennett 11,739, Crawford; ELECTION AS ANNOUNCED ii.uo, uomstcr lo.hus, ArmuaRe sft. ! afternoon for the presentation tomor Murgan 9H53, Morrow U07S, O'Reilly row jg,t ancl Saturday afternoon of fcllK, Totnllnxoii 530. the f-oniic grand opera. ""Fra Diavolo,'' .. Kor electorH on the Repub! Iran ticket liy the Portland Grand Opera asocla incomplete returns have been received tlon at the Baker theatre. In connec lioin all the counties except Columbia.) tj0n wjth the opera production vUll be -l urry. Unuulax. Harney. Polk and Lima- till. Thene Hhow the vote to be dl- j vided among the seven candidates as j follows; Butler 62,986, Cotteli 67.875, , worth; b,:tu, wiisou bi.313, Keady 45.926, MacMahon 42,212, Ivanhoe 3i 002. Five are to be elected. Lawyer Wins Praise, But Loses Her Case Hiss Xisara E. Cavers Handles Ber Client's Interests Ably But Falls to Convince Jndge Els Contention Sight. A woman lawyer trylnp a rase In terested spectators In District Judge Bell's court yesterday afternoon. She I was Miss Laura K. Cavers and by her ' method of handling the case won the praise f Jurtp- Bell, even if lie did have to decide against her. The suojeci oi controversy was a fat hog- which had been butchered by V. J. Head for sale In the public market. The hog was too large for sale to the trade to which he caters, s he undertook to sell It to the Carstens Packing company. He contended that a deal was made "at 8 jrents a pound. The buyer for the parking company said he rejected I the animal because the meat was i tainted. Mlns Cavers represented the plain tiff and sought, to collect $23 04. Judge Bell lield that she failed to prove that the sale had been consummated. Military Memorial Service Announced Meeting to Be Held at Armory Sun day; Chaplain Gilbert Will Speak on America's Mission and Measures. The annual military memorial ser vices will be held In the Armory Sun day at S p. m. This union memorial nervire of the military organizat lof the city lias become a proml annual armory event. I Chaplain Cllbert of the Third tn-t fantry has chosen as the subject for the address "America's Mission anil IVIeasture. The occasion this year promlHes to even surpass those of former years, as this memorial service has become one of the most popular lof the memorial season. The organizations cooperating are as roiiows: intra infantry, o. N. u. : Battery, A. field artillery. O. N. .; Troop A. cavalry, O. N. ?.; ambu lance company, O. N. G.: Eighth com pany, coast artillery; Oregon Naval I militia; Scout Young camp. N. S. W. I V., Indian war veterans, seven Grand lArmy posts, ladles' Relief corps. Spe- Lcial music has been provided by the iThird Infantry band assisted by Mrs. IDelphine Marx, soloist. The public is invited. Booklet Issued by Northern Pacific "Portland and the Columbia River" Its the title of a new booklet just pub lished by the Northern Pacific rail way,! comprising some 20 full page il- llustratlonH. The booklet Is one of the I finest railroad publications ever gotten- lout hero, with fine half tones nhowlng Mount Hood, the Columbia Iriver highway, Rose Festival scenes I and ! gems of mountain scenery. The edition is very large, intended for gen eral jdlstrlbutlon throughout the coun try to stimulate tourist travel. Three lother booklets of similar design, de- I scribe respectfully the Spokane coun- Itry, I the Puget sound country and I Alaska. I Streetcar Hits Auto; Man and Wife Killed Ontario, Ca'. May 24. (P. N. S.) Mr. '-and Mrs. George I. Marsh of erkeley were almost Instantly killed herei today when their automobile was struck by an electric car. Th ma- hine was demolilshed. 'Witnesses say Marsh attempted to rive across the tracks without heed- ng ia warning bell. Thomas Sawyer, notorman on the electric car, collapsed lafter the accident and is under the arei of a physician. I BOX OFFICE XOW OPEH. Get Vour seats for the oners. "Fra Miavolo." Great performance bv Port- Pand Opera association. Baker theatre frhursday night. May 26. Saturday fnatlnee. May 27. popular prices. BALLET WILL BE If I FINAL REHEARSAL IS WILLIAMS IS ELECTED BEING HELD TODAY f GRAND PATRIARCH BY FOR GIVING OPERA I.OlFiTMURG "Fra Diavolo" Will Be Pro duced at the Baker Theatre & : fts Tomorrow Sight. &iislt Mvj&n Selection of Officers, Fin;il rphparsnl is hfine lield this ( N- i000 I a Bpeciai feature that, promises to proVe a strong attraction, -"indications are that a big house will Rreet the local fdngers on the occasion of their first' performance Thursday evening. The principals are In excel lent voice and the chorus in the best of spirits and full of "pep." (ireat interest has been created over tlie coming production of the opera, which has not been seen In this city for more than seven .ears. Mrs. Ora-Hess Seaberger, who will sing the role of Pamela, Is a new Portland vocalist, and much Interest lias been aroused in iter work. Swimmer 111 in Hospital in France Stanley H. Warn, Brother of Ziocal Man, Recovering From Wounds Sus tained in European War. Stanley H. Warn, champion 100 yarda swimmer of British Columbia and brother of H. G. Warn, an em ploye of the Oregon hotel, Portland, is in a hospital in northern France well on the road to recovery after being given up as dead. He was a member of the Canadian expeditionary force. The Vancouver Province of May 22 contains a news article con cerning him from which the following is quoted: "Stanley II. Warn, member of the Vancouver Swimming club and mem ber, of a Vancouver battalion which was in the St. Klol fighting, is in a hospital somewhere in France very ill, wounded, but making progress to wards recovery after being given tip for dead and then discovered huddled in a shell hole In an unconscious con dition with two wounds, and after a lapse of eight days. That he was pulled through after such an awful experience is a testi mony to his splendid constitution. SslDoolin to Discuss Ireland Conditions Speaker Announced for Meeting of Progressive Bnslneas Men's Club To morrow at Noon; Athletic Contests. Thomas Poolin, who knows what is happening in Ireland, and the causeK. is announced as the speaker before, the Progressive Business Men's club In the Oregon hotel tomorrow noon. Wilfrid P. Jones, vice president of the Northwestern National bank, will serve as chairman of the day and Dr. Stuart McGuire will sing. The club announces that its annual outing will be held Tuesday, May 30, at the nursery of Howard Kvarts Weed near Beaverton. Some 20.000 peonies are expected to be in bloom by that; time. Father George S"choener, the Oregon plant wizard, is to give prac tical demonstrations of plant polleni zation. There will be athletic con tests between club members. Pupils Are Given Educational Picnic Forty-two pupils of the Capitol Hi'l school enjoyed an educational picnic excursion to Oregon City Saturday, going up the river on the steamer Po mona and returning by car. The steam er was boarded at the Sell wood ferry landing, a special permit for the stop being secured from the county com missioners. Most interesting of the trip was the passage through the locks and an Inspection of the Oregon City mills. Lunch was eaten at Ca nemah Park. In charge of the young sters were Mrs. Emma Brandford, principal, and the Misses Louise Ing ram and Elie Grashorn. .me new Arrow COLLARspring Style, in two heights CLUETT, rEABODY firCtt INCMflKCXS SPECIAL FEATURE OF BRIEF Members of ballet: Left to right Mrs. Frederick 8. Outler, Miss Edythe McElhinny, Mrs. Rives Emerson, Mrs. Ray Hunt, Mrs. J. 8. W inters, Miss BiUie Bab dige. Miss Olive Stevens, Miss Gertrude Watson, Mrs. Ed Law, Mrs. Carlyle Travis, Miss Maria Gammie. Center Miss Benlah Rhodes, Miss Paget. Bottom Mrs. Ora-Bess Seaberger, who will sing role of Pamela, Fish Boat Supposed Wrecked Not Found Big Cnlef, Only One Misstnr. Comes Into Sunset Bay Towing Coast Guard Boat Sent After Xer. Marshfield, Or., May 24. Fears that the fishing boat Big Chief had been wiecked were relieved when last night she came into Sunset bay towing the power coast guard boat which had gone in a search of a boat supposed to be turned over. The cylinder in the life boat burst. This forenoon Anton Sacchl, who has a ranch on the beach between Coos bay and Bandon, reported seeing an overturned boat. All local fishing boats but the Big Chief were ac counted for and it was feared that It was the one lost. The roast guards could not find signs of the supposed wrecked boat. Many Picnics Are Planned at Ashland New Fifteen Acre XJthla Park Will Be Scene of Numerous Midsummer Festivals by Organisations. Ashland. Or., May 24. Under the di rection of II. O. Frohbach, who rep resented Jackson county at the San Francisco exposition, a series of great events are being arranged for the sum mer at Ashland's new 15 acre Lithla park. The Tarent-Teachers' associations of the valley will gather at a big pic nic on June 14th and flag day ser vices will be held. The Kpiscopal church has celected June 20th as the date for a gathering. The Scandina vians of southern Oregon will hold a great mid-summer feast. The premier attraction of the sum mer is the great Springs dedication celebration on July 4, 5 and 6. The Southern Oregon Chautauqua session w4ll convene July 8 to 20th. Alaskan Land of Gold, Romance U and ODoortunitv. clitteriruT D under the Midnight Sun. Take the 1,000 mile, inland protected trip this summer on the luxurious Canadian Pacific Steamers past jreen walled islands la ciers that sparkle in the san snow crowned mountains, for ests and fjords and sea this splendid land. One Hundred Norways in One For full particulars as to sailings call, phone or writs for Tow No. 8-1 J. T. MTTRFHT.G. A.P.D. rndi Facte Ban wy Cwapny SSThMStxeat. Portlaad. Onto I LOCAL OPERA SEASON Annual Encampment Opened Tuesday Morning With the Roseburg, Or.. May 24. The annual grand encampment of the Odd Fellows opened In the Elks hall Tuesday fore noon. Committees were appointed for the ensuing year, and in the afternoon the following grand officers were elect ed: Earl A. Williams, grand patriarch; Sol S. Walker, grand high priest: A. H. Knight of Canby. grand senior warden; E. E. Sharon, grand scribe; w. W. Francis of Albany, grand treas urer; O. A. Hantz of Baker, grand ju nlor warden; Robert Andrews, grand representative; R. F. Kirkpatrick grand marshal; S. A. Brodhead of Til lamook, grand sentinel; Gilbert Brown of Lakeview, grand outer sentinel. At the afternoon's session ad dresses were heard from George Kel logg, past grand master of the state of Minnesota; A. B. Schamp. past grand patriarch, of Minnesota, and by J. T. Apperson, the oldest living past grand master of Oregon. The Rebekah asembly appointed committees Tues day. Withycombe to Give Olcott His Support Governor Assures Secretary of State That Oregon's Chief Executive Al ways Stands by His Party's Hominee Salem, Or., May 24. Goven-or Withycombe and Secretary of State Olcott met Tuesday afternoon for the first time since the primary election of Friday and the governor assured the secretary of his hearty support in the November election. "I fought you and fought you hard." the governor said, in substance. "Now it's over and I will support you In No vember. I always stand by the party nominee." iplllllll Pi W P..' Jj .t-mmmje EI NY BOARD IS CALLED TO PROVIDE Fl Is First Session of This Body Since Meeting of the Leg islature in 1915, $12,500 WILL BE ASKED Appropriation W1U Be XJsed for pairing Damage to the Pen itentiary by Xeoent Fire. Salem. Or.. May 24. Secretary of State Olcott Tuesday afternoon issued a call for a meeting or tne state emergency board Friday to take up the matter of making provision for the creatine of a deficiency for the repair of the prison building, damaged by fire last week. This will be the first meeting of the emergency noara since the 1915 session of the legis lature. The emergency board's members are Speaker Selling of the house of rep resentatives, President Thompson of the senate. Representative Cobb, chair man of the ways and means commit tee of the house; Senator Day. chair man of the ways and means commit tee of the senate, and the members of the board of control, Governor Withy combe, Secretary of State Olcott and State Treasurer Kay. Plans so far discussed are to repair the damaged building rather than to build a new one. The cost of repair ing the building is estimated at $12, 500 and the emergency board will be asked to provide for the expenditure of that amount. The session of the emergency board Is made necessary because there is no appropriation available for making the repairs and the law forbids the board of control from creating a deficiency. Portlander Fined $100. Salem. Or.. May 24. The case of the State of Oregon against J. C. Jacobson of Portland, involving the va lidity of the act regulating the sale and use of imported eggs was argued In the supreme court Tuesday after noon. Jacobson failed to post a sign, "Imported Eggs Used Here," in his place of business and sola a cake con taining eggs imported from China. He was convicted and fined $100. Progressives Want T. R. Salem, Or.. May 24. Theodore Roosevelt won the indorsement of Marlon county Progressives. 11 votes being cast for him, while Henry Ford and Theodore Burton received one CALIFORNIA HOTELS HOTEL TK7ABT SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, ust off Union Square European Pan $1.50 a da; up Breakfast 60e Lunch BOo Dinner 1 1 .00 Meet Famous Mtals in the United States New iteel and concrete structure. Center of theater, cafe and retail districts. On carllnes transferring all over city. Take Municipal car line direct to door. Motor Bus meets trains and tteameraj PRISON A ND Grand Central Terminal. New York each, tha "official1 count ehows. -The uprislnr at 8aionf' French Indo-China, vota for delegates to the national con- according to travelers who are here to vention vu as follows: Alfred B. day after crossing the Pacific on the Clark and Henry Waldo Coe, 14 each, steamer WUhelmina. The accounts of and L. S. Beveridge 13. For electors the alleged trouble are vague. One the vote was as follows: Emmett P. version has It that 50 rebels were slain Callahan. Tom P. Campbell. Malcolm but that the ringleaders escaped. H. Clark. F. II. Lewis and Arthur S. j . . Mattson, IS each. Hiram Johnson re- - xf , K celved 11 votes for vice president to , Ueatn oi Mr iutn iesw. one cast for Albert Beveridge. Secre- Mrs. Ruth Ellen Lester, who died May tary of State Olcott received six votes for renomination. Articles of . Incorporation. Salem. Or., May 24. Articles 6f in corporation were filed with Corpor ation Commissioner Schulderman Tues day as follows: Pendleton Theatre company, $20,000, Pendleton; Crown Point Land company. $5000. Portland. iThe Schrorz & Grenllck Meat company was dissolved. Natives Revolt in French Indo-China Beports In Honolulu and Manila Are That Two Officers aad Pew Sol diers Killed; Accounts Vague. San Francisco, Cal., May 24. (U. P ) Reports in. Honolulu and Manila say that a French officer, a native officer and a few soldiers were killed in an POSTLAKO'B XfcAXGXST AXS OBAHSB8T THEATSc Today and AU Week. EDNA MAY "The Bell of JTew York" SALVAfiONJOAN A Superfeaturo of Heart Throbs and Diplomatic Intrigue B1LLIE BURKE tsb Bxrmnmrs om In Chapter a of "Gloria's Bomance" Special Motion Pictures of May Festival on Multnomah Field, i May 17th. 82 0 Good for the y Bluest the New Show at the A y STRAND V. 7Z7Z7Z7A Every Day i 1 1 fi M (tmi i Leave Chicage - - Arrive Niafara Faus ' J Arrive Baifale . -J ArrrrsAftasf - !) Arrive New Terk Arrive Bostea 5:40 6:10 p. as. 7:00 a. 2.-05S. 5 JO a. 85 a. Stop-over permitted at Niagara Falls on through tickets - PORTLAND OFFICE 109 Third Street W. C. SEACHREST General Agent, Passenger Dept. 20 at 1630 H East Thirteenth atreet. was past noble grand of City View Rebekah lodge. No. 178, I. O. O. F. Mrs. Lester was born In Indiana. She was 49 years of age, and Is survived by a pr "WW . t Information rerydio aeeorti, Resorts and Hotels firvi PhoDM Main 717. A-eOOl. BAY0GEAN BUNGALOWS TWO HOTELS For Reservations and For Reservations and T.B.POTTER REALTY CO. SSSU!SSS& SEASIDE, OREGON Hare ii one of tho favorite acoaat raaorti with its Uivav .nH riAiifiAU AAinmuii nf Hi, beat intareaU of th City. The town baa a perfect aleotrio light ayatem. ia auppltad tth pur mountain water coming from ita aouroa at an elevation far abova tba ooaaa. It aaa It mflaa of wall pared atraeta, and SO mora under eonatruetion. It haa aplendid hotcla and apartment houaea. aad taare are many cosy cottarea for rent looatad in tha rrovaa. which ara a pari 01 owrif wwmrj oivca in m 0117. ana xiaoamcuin 11.01 ui,iudi mi - -- affords fine frath water boatina- aad fiahlns. Bavoral mountain atreama oontalnlnr treut Snpty into tha Neoanioum. ana thara ia aplandid aalmon and baaa fiahing in tha adjacent lakaa, Culliby and Weat Lake. Fifty aauara milea of native foraat, well markad by traila nH An t A hiffhwava. anrrounil th Minrt affarltin rharmtnr wondland walka and romantic journey a in all direct loot. Baa lion and aaal ahootin( ia a favorite pastime at Tillamook Head, near Ue olty, and there ta alao exoellent aea riaBina; there aiao. mere la a ugninonae w wis point. Salmon berries and bine and red huckleberries grow wild In great profusion ia all directions, where treea have been cat for lumter. Wild animals are indigenous to tba cn tignoue mountains, but not of the species inimical to human safety. Tba black bears saver show fight. Tillamook Head, 11M feat high, can ba reached by foot, and it affords a delightful view of tha ocean. Railroad time from Portland ia S hours and 80 minutes, and six months' round trip tickets are sold at M. week end at fS. There are three ohorones in the city, a modern school and a new high school ta under contract. A natatorium. eupplled with hot sea water, affords superior bathing facilities. There are many other bathing pUoea alao. An old Indian trail leada away to Hehalem and Tillamook Bays, and may ba negotiated on foot. Garages aad wall stocked, a tores are plentiful. .r WRITE the FOLLOWING CITIZENS for INFORMATION: San I. Koore. Ratal Uoere: Hotel Hears: Misa Emily Bamann. Mecanicum Inns F. Si Iiindaley, Colonial Hotel; Lewis A Co., druggists, next door to Fostoffice; Alex Gilbert, real estate; Godfrey Bros., hardware and sporting goods; R. J. Moss dentist; J. E. Oatea, nranrieter natatorium : Williams Bros., rare are: A. R. Waacher Co.. ceneral merchandise ; Seines A "Wheatley, general merchants; W. L, xlnthier. bate- 6. E. Ifettar. White Lunch market; George H. Smith, garage: Bruno cafe and cigars; Seaside Light ft Power Co., The Colonial Hotel and Apartments One block from eeeam. Xleetrla lighted and electrie eto-ve for light housekeeping. Free bug to aad from all tialng. T. D. LnTDBLZY, Prop, Sea Crest Cottages BIGHT AT THZ BEACH Completely fur nished t, S and 4 room cottages, overlooking the ocean. Unexcelled view, wall lighted grounds, good sidewalks, close to stores, nata torium and bathing beaoh. Comfortable and clean oottagea with light aad water ia each. Write for rates, reservations or furthea in formation. Chris Arms, Newport, Or. CLIFF HOTEL Overlooking tba Ooeaa 160 feet above tba sea 80 foet from the water. Hot end oold water and other modern conveniences. Free bug to and from steamer. Open all year. Only all around first clasa house at the beach. W. TZ BEACH Prep, KEW1 FORT. OR. TENT CITY VEWFORT, OR. Fifty elean, airy, furniihed oottagea and tants at very moderate rental. Located in grove, tn view of ocean, three blocks from beech. Side walks, electrio lights and city water. Address A. J. VAX WASSEKHOVE, Bex 6. Attention Automobile Owner When making the Columbia River Highway trip, do not fail to visit The Dallea. While hero secure your gasoline, oil, service and gtnrage at WAXTBUEBVV7TX.UAKS riKXFKOOF OASAOB Fair and oonrteona treatment, expert electrical and machine work, WALTHER-WILLIAMg CO.. The Dalles. Or. Hotel Oregon HOOD RIVER OREGOH "On tha Columbia River Highway." Whan you take your friends to aee the wonderful Co lumbia River Highway arrange to atop at tha Hotel Oregon. While here do not fail ta show them the beautiful Hood River valley. Special attention given to tourist and auto parties. HENRY BERR. Prop. TED SERR. Mgr. Next Trip East Try The Oriental Limited The Great Northern Railway Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars to Spokane, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Chicago. 72 Honrs Portland to Chicago 72 Making Close Connection for All Points East and South. DINING CAR SERVICE A SPECIAL FEATURE COMPARTMENT OBSERVATION CARS SUMMER EXCURSION FARES IN EFFECT JUNE 1ST Tickets and Sleeping Car Reservations at City Ticket Office, i' 348 Washington Street. H. DICKSON, CP.&T. A. Plan to Visit the Portland Rose Festival, June 7-8-9 on and two daughters. The -funeral services will be conducted by -the Re bekah lodge, and Interment will fee In Rlvervlew cemetery. 'i 1 ' Chesebrough No Better. "V San Francisco, May 24. (P. N. 8.) - , The condition of Henry C. Chesebrough, president of the Tacoma Milir company, who was stricken with apoplexy Monj day In his offices here, Is reported. to- j day as unchanged. Cheescbrough 1 In I Adler sanitarium having been uncon- sclous since the attack Oregon's finest beach resort. vel streets, mountain water, sewers, batn. iac, fishing, dancing. Most scenic rail, road trip la Oregon. ;,.y ; Separate small resldenoes. completely furnished, eleotrio Urbts. water, fnei. laundry; janitor service free. Two aeds. Bates 110.00 per week, $18.00 two weeks. $30.00 four weeks All you need take is your suitoaae. BAYOftsAX AWXBX Splendid Vlewjcf ocean and ay. Mear natatorinm. Ba oeuent table. Bates $a.S0 per day aad up. BATSZSB IKH-Pine table, 40 rnesta, sea foods, use of baths. Bates $2.60 day. Printed Matter, Address - - of th Wait. Beaiide ii an incorporated city, viiluw&ki ruitlmin. alwava atari to t ba Kenny, men's furnishings, shoes, children' Cafe. 43S Broadway: R. A. Prioa, moat Kernel, baker; Seaside Drug Co.. B. J. Cullahan, or George Irwin. Rail Auto or MX. XOOD BAIXBOAD 00. ONE RIDE CALLS FOR TWO. RAIL AUTO AT HOOD RIVER connects with Train II. leaving Portland at 10 a. m. Lunch at Hoed River. Rail Auto leaves for Parkdale, Boar foot of Mt. Hood, 13:46. Returning, connect with Train IT, reaching Portland 7 p, at, -Wonderful one-day trip. Through ticket ea aale O-W. R. A N. Portland City Ticket office. Auto at Hood River connects with train 11. TROUT LAKE AT THE FOOT OF XT. ADAMS The big speckled beauties are waiting to matoh their wits against yours. Easy walking distance ef tba famous lava and ice rates. Haadqiurtera for mountain climbers for the aaoent of at, Adame- High elate amueement hall aear aetsL. Hotel rates IB a week. Address OUIER HOTEL. Ouler. Wain. HOTEL DALLES THE DALLES. OR. A MODERN HOTEL, European plan. Cafe flrat claas. 14 mile frees Portland, on the Columbia River Highway. Alao on the rail and boat llnea, many soeaea to see. rlan your atay for a day or so. aa orrationsmade. JUDD g. FISH. Mgi The ILyrie "ON THE BLUFFS OT THR COLUMBIA. A4 ideal place for your summer's rest! I'i 1 1 ii . 1 . . 1 1 1 u u 1 vj ru iiuin rviuuia. in u UHnweu magnificent scenery. Excellent table, Sean for illuatrated booklet. C. W. 1. RECXER. White Salmon. Weak. eJournal IS THE ACKNOWLEDGED MEDIUM 0 '' ) Summer Resort Advertising Via Phones!: Marshall 3071 ' A-2286 ' ; "-