A CALL TO ARMS TO 1 LOYAL COHORTS Headed by Private Secretary . Putnam, the Field Is Taken : " Against Ben Olcott, NEWSPAPERS LINED trith Bfp-Xlp-Kooray is Commend V tlB-OWf wad Arm' Oo Into Ao tlom st Second Verdua Battle. When Governor Wlthycombe and O. " Palmar Putnam, his secretary, and IL J.. Schulderman, . hla corporation com missioner, and Joseph O. Richardson, .fcls assistant corporation commissioner, and Mark McAllister, his bookkeeper 1 the corporation department, and J(arvey Wells, his Insurance commis sioner, and the rest of the little cabl- itiat ministers started out to still hunt ' tor A "harmonious" candidate for sec retaryof state with whom to bump fBeir W. Olcott Into the political dis i card, it was promised that the active and enSrgetic support of some 43 news ! papers throughout the state would be s delivered by the governor to the can didate. 1 . When Mr. Moores announced his Candidacy there was an immediate and Widespread acclaim raised from some i it separate and distinct points of the j State, showing at once where the pub licity batteries of the governor and his j organization had been emplaced. As J ths campaign progressed these verbal . batteries hurled ready-to-sheot shells J forwarded from the headquarters in Portland onto the front porches of i their subscribers day after day as I fast as the managers pulled the ian- yards. The followinK 1 a list of the I papers which were delivered over by Jtha governor and his little ministers, J as per program : i . newspapers Are Delivered. 1 'Albany Herald, Bend Bulletin, ' Brownsville Times, Corvallls Oazette- Times, Cottage Grove Sentinel, Kugene i Register, Grants Pass Observer. -Gree- ham Outlook, Jefferson Review, Leb ! anon Criterion, Marshfleld Record, Medford Sun. Newberg Graphic, Ore- ron City Bnterprise. ioseburg- News, Salem Statesman, Salem Messenger, Balem Pacific Homestead, Springfield News, St. Helens Mist, Silverton Ap 1 peal, Stanfield Standard. Tillamook : Headlight, Harrlsburg Bulletin, Stay ton Mall, Clatakanie Chief, Condon Times, Klamath Falls Herald, Rainier Review, Bank's Herald, Newport Knter- prise, Burns News. Tendleton Tribune, The. dalles Chronicle. Woodburn Inde pendent, Toledo I.eadyr. Seaside Signal. ; 611 vex Lake Leader, Huntington News, .Heppner Gazette, Grass Valley Jour nal. Silverton Tribune and Ontario .Argus. After this heaw artlllerv had been 1 i riven the range and had bombarded the trenches and assaulted the entan elements of the Olcott camp, the gov i ernor, as the constitutional commander in chief of the war forces of the state, - ordered the side arm soldiers Into the "field. : There Harvey Wells, insurance ; commissioner, who is a Spanish War "Veteran, and II. J. Schulderman, cor "poration commissioner, who is a polit- - leal veteran, ind Joseph Rlchard .. son, assistantcorporation commlssion 'r, who is a good political organizer, '. who made cood officers, all commis . stoned. 7 ' . Army Goes Into Action, "'j After the artillery and the officers 'Were working well together, the com-tnander-ln-chief called out the foot . soldiers. Sealed orders were sent to the 'employes of the fish and game com 'mission, and to the employ. -a of the other boards and departments who could be controlled by appointment of - ths governor, and they were told to at tack in force, and bring as many cap tive votes into the Moores camp as the "portent of political punishment would ' Induce them to da. f Then the governor, not content with the yeoman service of his little minis ters, his side arm officers, artillery tand foot soldiers, took his official pen f and his official stationery In hand and wrots his now famous "confidential" letter to every part of the state urging 'ths landstrum into action. It was the Verdun of the Oregon campaign. ! 5 Secretary of State Olcott's majority "In th Republican primary election is row estimated at approximately 17,000 . votes. Transcontinental Eecord Is Smashed Bobby Hammond Driving- Empire Car, Goes Prom Ban Francisco to Hw Tok la One Day I. ess Than Before. New York, May 24. (U. P.) Smashing the transcontinental auto . mobile record, Bobby Hammond, driv jing aitt Empire car, arrived at Broad way and Forty-second street Tuesday, Jhavlnig traveled the 3384 miles from San Francisco in six days. 10 hours and EI9 minutes. j : Us lowered the mark established last 'wsekiwhen a Cadillac eight, covered thm distance from Los An eel en n vor, jdays, 11 hours and 62 minutes. uammona rouowea tne Lincoln hlgh Jway. 1 Ha had a companion from San JTranclsco to Cheyenne, "Wyo., and drovej from that point to Fort Wayne, ,Iod, alone. Hl car was an Empire chassis flt- - ted with a racing body. i , ' Dropped $5000 to Steal $100. ih Los Angeles, May 14. (P. N. S.) ''After stealing $(000 worth of gems rom one home, a burglar early today ;sntsrsd ths residsnc of Rev. George 'Kenngoot, and In his haste to escape -with a $100 diamond pin dropped the Corigtaal loot Rsv. Mr. Kenngoot thus far has been unable to find the owner "of ths gems. f .; WtMra writing er calling oa a-Tcrttten leii mention -Tie Jonrnal. (A : Rose Festival Dates I Portland, June 7-8-9 Special Rates on all Railroads f .Make Hotel Reservations Now New Perkins Hotel r Announces That Regular -' Modsrata Rates Will Prevail , GOVERNOR ISSUED ATTENDED I ?V " i i v v.x- n n : nA 7$r t ' - W Old timers, that im to say, persons who have lived in Portland tome 35 years or more, will be interested In the above picture a photograph of Miss Dimlck's class at Central school,' then located where the Portland hotsl now stands. The photograph has Just been Radium Screen May Help Blind to See Pittsburg, May 24. (I. N. S.) After experimenting three years and spend ing a fortune, Nathan I. Dodds, a Pitts burg chemical engineer, has Invented a radium screen which, he believes. eventually will enable the blind to sev- Where the retina of the eye is not entirely destroyed, he says, it will yet be possible to carry an object to the brain through the optic nerve, by means of the screen, podds says he will give the world ths benefit of hla discoveries. Dodds today blindfolded a man to demonstrate his theory. Radium valued at $20,000 was spread on the white cloths; the room was dark, and an electric bulb was used In the experi ment. Although the man's eyes were closed and bandages shut out all light, he could distinguish the outline of objects passed between his face and the electric light. - . HnffhaTln rrPTPTPPn Liquor to His Wife San Francisco. May 2 4. (P. N. S.1 Mrs. Mabel Hazel Maher today holds an interlocutory decree of divorce from Thomas F. Maher, rich mining man, granted her after testimony that he spent $20,000 in 15 months for liquor, consuming most of it himself. He spent as much more on races. Mrs. Maher refused alimony, telling Superior Judge K. P. Mogan that she had no need of It. Maher is In Juneau, Alaska, Mrs. Maher testified when she took the wit ness stand. The M ah ers were married in Seattle on July 28, 1914. Five weeks later at El Paso, she said, he disappeared. The wife retained detectives, fearing he had come to disaster through his de votion to ths Juares races, which she declared he carried to the point of in sanity. He was located in San Fran cisco, and she came here. Salvation Army to Extend a Greeting Brigadier Arthur Brewer In Charge of Tonus; People's Work in Western States Will Be Quest. Salvation Army workers of all branches will meet in a mass meeting at their hall, 243 Ash street, known as Citmp No. 1, this evening at 8 o'clock. The object of the meeting is to give a welcome greeting to Brigadier Ar thur Brewer, who Is the leading of ficer In charge of all young people's work In the western states. Brigadier Brewer is well known to Salvation Army workers as the principal of the training college until recently assum ing charge of the young people's de partment. During his visit he will meet the workers In conference and also hold services In tlfe No. 4 camp on Sal mon street on Thursday. The general publio is Invited to hear him speak. Students Elect Officers. La Center, Wash., May 24. Schools will finish their term June 2. The students' association of the local high school has elected the following of ficers to serve for the ensuing year: Paul Beckman, president: Edith Reo tor, vice president; Lewis Thornton, secretary, and William Meany, treas urer. Oct License at Chehalls. Chehalls, Wash., May 24. A mar riage license was issued in this city yesterday to Fred Bahler and Nina Mannen, both of Portland, Or. the Air 'THE STRAND GERM" New Show TOMORROW 7 1. C Any Seat Any Time w lucn SCHOOL WHERE THE Miss Dimlck's class unearthed by one of the membsrs of the class. All of those shown in the picture are not now in the city. Some have left for other sections and u few are dead. Following i:. the list of the pupils of the class: Girls Hay Act en, Nellie Bain, Ella E T 10 PER CENT Eastern Association's Plan of Prorating Increase on Var ious Vessels Is Adopted. The Marine Engineers Beneficial association, which has been in con vention here since last Saturday, yes terday went on record as demanding from the ship owners what- will in effect be a 10 per cent increase In salary, the same to take effect about June 15. The association, as a result of its deliberations, does not demand a flat 10 per cent increase, but adopted the eastern association's plan of prorating the Increase on the various vessels. Ths association had practically de cided to ask the ship owners for a flat 10 per cent guarantee for each lndiviual belonging to it, but the ar rival In Portland yesterday morning of Charles Follett, of Seattle, secre tary of the executive board, caused a readjustment of the various phases of the demand. Follett has Just re turned from the east, where he took part In the deliberations of the At lantlo coast branch. Carroll lEskaa Statement. Secretary Vincent Carroll, who Is also president of ths San Francisco branch of the coast association, last night gave out the plans of procedure. "There are three engineers on each steam vessel and Instead of demand a flat increase of 10 per cent for them, we have decided to take up the case of each one separately," said Carroll. "It will average about 10 per cent In the long run, some recelvingnore by the new adjustment than others. "We tried to legislate so that svery- thlng would be equitable for both n- MARN ENGINEERS WAN INCREASE WAGES Wh&k makes TOM KEENE bwm m evenly? Not That long, even filler. No holes. No scraps. Sweet. Mel low. Aged and cured as only the Presado blend can be. 5c invest ment will convince you. J. R., Smith PORTLAND HOTEL STANDS NOW. of Central School. Burge. Edith Chittenden, Carrie Dal gleish, Cora Delin, Eva Paugerty, N. Donover, Majr Goldsmith, Fannie Har rington, Ida lAwenberg, Laura North up, Pauline Parry, Clara Whltahouse. Bessie Sewall, Genevieve Schuyler, Mabel Hazeltlne, Annie Pierce. glneers and shipowners and I do not anticipate any serious objection on the part of the shipowners. It Is ob vious that a third assistant engineer on a small vessell will not get the in crease of a man In the same relative position on a large steamer. Every boat of American registry will be af fected. "Another matter we took up waa that of overloading of vessels, thus placing the lives of crew and passen gers in peril. We intend to draft a bill which we will ask the next congress to enact into a law preventing overload ing. In view of the fact that there are so many laws to be considered by the present congress we considered it an inopportune time to present our proposed measure at this session. In the meantime we shall Institute a cam paign of education in regard to ths dangers from overloading." Armenian Relief Measure Planned Meeting to Be Xsld at Y. X. O. A. at Hoon Today Iioadlas; Ka Are to IXake Addresses. Emergency measure for the relief of Armenians will be planned by a group of prominent Portlandera who will meet at noon today in the V. M. C, A. Among the speakers an nounced are Ben Selllni?, Rev. Luther R. Dyott, Rev. John H. Boyd, Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. W. H. Lewis, President W. T. Foster. Already a number of Portland citt sens and churches have contributed. The First Presbyterian church has col lected and cabled to Tifllls 1800 and other sums havs been sent by Indi viduals. ' Ambassador Morgenthau declares that S5.000.000 la needed. box omen how ores. Get your seats for the opera "Fra Dlavolo." Great performance by Port land Opera association. Baker theatre Thursday night. May 26, Saturday matinee. May 27. Popular prices. - That Presado. Blend the cigar with that Presado Blend Company, Distributors, Boys Herman Adams, Andrew Bed bury. 'Rudolph Breltbarth, Herman Burrell, James Kramer, Eddie Lam bert, Labble McGinn, George Mulr, Willis Pickering, Russell Sewall, George Scogjgin, Sammle White, Morris Wertheimer. Robert Yost, I. lyres, Henry Denlinger. Rosebwg Class Graduates. Roseburg, Or., May 24. Ths gradu ation exercises of ths Roseburg high school were held Monday evening at the Antlers theater. The class con sists of 46 members and is next to the largest class sent out from ths local high school. The baccalaureate ser mon was given on Sunday at the Meth odist Episcopal church. Rev. W. H. Ea ten of thiB city dellverlnc the sermon. Oneof th Frre OIOPC PARTY PRECINCT LEADERS TO MET THIS EVENING Organization of County Cen tral Committee Aim of the Gathering, G. H. WATSON ISSUES CALL Meeting Zs Called la Accordance With the Jtmw to Assemols at Boom T of the Central library. . The newly elected precinct commit teemen of the Democratic party havs been called together for the organisa tion of the county central committee by George H. Watson and Secretary Frank Lee. The meeting will be held this evening at room K of Che Central library. It Is required by law that the county central committee meet within five days from the primary election for or ganization and election of officers. The meeting tonight has been called mors for the purpose of compliance with the law than with the idea, of permanent organisation, owing to the fact that the oounty clerk has not yet complet ed the work of issuing election cer tlflcates to th newly elected commit teemen. Wilson League to Meet. Ths Woodrow Wilson league will hold a meeting tonight at 8 o'clock at Central library hall. The address of the evening will be given by Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdal, grand guardian of Women of Woodcraft, whose subject will be "Woodrow Wilson and His Problems." In addition to the address there will be a baritone solo by Dan Wilson, ac companied by Miss Catherine Barrett. Shillock Thanks Voters. Portland, May 24. To the Editor of The Journal From the depths of a grateful and appreciative heart I sin cerely thank my 10,000 loyal support ers who stood by me In the primaries last Friday. Ths f lvs who received the nomination are good men, fine fellows and friends of mine, and I am going to support them at the coming election. When the real battle begins next fall you win find me in ths first trench, fighting for th G. O. P. nd every one of the candidates for stats senator on ths Republican ticket can have as much of my time as he wants. Again thank ing my friends for their loyal support and assuring them tlhat I came out of ths fight without a sore soot In my heart, I remain, JOHN C. 8 HILLOCK. Calif ornia Is Swept Uy Jt reakish Storm San Francisco, May 14. (P. n. 8.) A freak storm, mingling California sunshine with rain. hail, snow, cold north winds and several intermediate varieties of weather, swept the state Tuesday from Eureka to San Diego. In Sonoma county and some of the in terior points great damage was done to crops which the frost left recently. In Sonoma county the day began The quality of cake, biscuits and othef quickly raised Hour foods depends f largely upon the kind of baking pow der used. Q Baking Absolutely Pure renders the food and digestible. No Alum '9 SS3 Forget Tires Holiday Motor Trip Out in the open in your car for the week-end and the holiday! Are you prepared? Is vour car readv tuned ud? Are vour tires right ones to give you mileage mitlUSi trouble? Are they the tires exactly suited to your car ? For bear in mind even the best automobile in the world will not give' satisfactory service unless it has the particular tire adapted to its particular! needs. One of the five types of United States Tires the only complete line of tires offered by any manuf acturer is ex-i actly suited to yourcar--vrixL giveyou the the lowest possible cost per mile. Ask the nearest United State Tire Dealer for your copy of the, booklet, "Judging Tires," which tells how to find the tire to suit your needs. United StatosTire Conrpofly 'Chain' Nobby' Uscof 'Royal Cord' PUinJ "INDIVIDUALIZED TIRES!5 with nice sunshine. This was fol lowed toy a stiff norther which dried ths parched fields, and preceded A ; wavs of cold weather. Then cams ths storm of hall and snow. '. . , , Courageous Woman J Escapes Assailant Osorgs ... Btrattoa, Arrested Sat Identified by Kiss Trances Shlxler as Man Who Attempted Assault. ' -v: After a pluckj fight Miss Frances Shirley of 602 East Pine street yes tsrday afternoon escaped from a man who was attempting to attack her ancJ who threatened her death as she ran to her home, .escaping him after a flight of several blocks. Later Patrolmen Coulter and Bales arrsted George L. Btratton, whom Miss Shirley Identified as her assail ant. She swore to a complaint charg ing assault, and Btratton was locked up in the absence of $250 ball. Us served a term for theft in Seattle and says he is an sx-convlet. Powder healthful, appetizing No Phosphate 1)1 O. 'A During Your fit have you the 7Z2Z7ZZA . . , .... . v. ' . . ggggggy I