The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 24, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    5) ,
green shades merged and mingled with
I turquoise and peacock blues and
! shades of purple, while the foam
beach stretches smooth and unbroken
in one of the most wonderful speed
ways to be found anywhere. The
smooth sand and the gradual slope
make North Beach an Ideal beach for
surf bathing.
In time to come there will be a
continuous settlement from Seavlew
to Ocean Park. Many well-to-do Port
landers have their summer cottages
at North Beach and no longer are
cheap cottages being built. Well built
and expensive homes are now the or
der of the day. The hotels are in
stalling modern equipment and in
creasing their facilities to care for
their summer guests. This year bids
fair to be a banner year at the sum
mer resorts. The lumber industry
has revived and times are at last
good again. There is no exposition
to draw people away. Europe is Im
possible, so the American tourist and
pleasure seeker Is going to get ac
quainted with the beauties and charms
of our own country.
Witnesses Say Baby
Mrs. Dollie Matters
Woman's Physician Bays She Was Ap
proaching JCsteralty and Vurse Gives
Similar Teetlmony Child Still X1L
Chicago. May 24. (U. P.) That
Mrs. Dollie Matters Is the mother of
the famous Matters baby was testlfieJ
Tuesday by the defense witnesses in her
trial on a charge of having taken the
child from Margaret Ryan. Dr. Whlt
aker, one of the woman'! physicians,
declared he examined her prior to her
departure for the Mlserecordla hospi
tal in Ottawa and that she showed ev
idence of approaching motherhood.
Nurse Davis gave similar testimony.
The baby is still seriously ill with
stomach trouble. As the result of this
Here Was an Office )v
Seeking the Man
crested breakers tumbling on the
beach made a setting of platinum or
silver for the opaline ocean.
jftesorts Are jTamwou.
Seavlew is the first beach resort
reached, and within the next 14 miles
there are 12 more resorts in the fol
lowing order: Searlew, Shelburne,
Beach Center, Newton. Long Beach.
Tioga, Breakers. Cranberry, Ocean-
The Dalles, Or., May J. Be- 't4
cause not a citizen in Wren , a
tham wanted the Job of post- 4
master owing to the small com- . Hi
pensatlon, the federal postof- 4 J
flee department has announced 4
that the Wrentham postoffice : i
be discontinued. William D.
yew ' ;i f
side. LoomiB, Klipsan Beach, Ocean
Park and Nahcotta. During the few
Underwood, finding he can M
occupy his time more profitably ,?
at other occupations, has re-..,' W
Full ! Amounts Estimated to
CKftoU rt-f I owol Uorrl QcmH da.y I spent on North Beach I lets
OUCtOll ui ' wtAMv, ure, jogged uo the beach an
Carry on Reclamation Work
Are Included in Measure.
nelicrht c ThniKnnrt!? and thre.8 different resorts. One can not
signed as postmaster.
as post:
i ; i mv.wv.. walk along North Beach without be
Surf Bathing Attracts,
ing impressed by the unusual charac
ter of the beach. It varies in width
from about 300 feet to 600 feet. The
sand is firmly packed and twice each
illness, the habeas corpus proceedings,,
designed to bring the Infant Into court,,
will probably be postponed. They wsre
scheduled for Friday.
SEAVIEW IS HOME PLACE VL tt?dee.beaTchher!88 S00??:,
nor sand ridges.
Mile after mile the
ID ' ? y- r -f' v ''''!; ' ,' ; ,' III
yearly MUX mill on uowm xor wars
OB rortUad BaUdlnr M0B7
for Parks.
Washington. May 24. (WASHING
Full amounts estimated to b necessary
o continue work for the coming fiscal '
year on normweai reciwnaiion projects i
I . . 1 IT 1. ' . 1 i
are carneu in uuug sun s arcai mis- '
cenanieouH lupuiy dim, mown as ine
unary civil dih. x nes are me norin-
west items:
Umatilla project In Oregon, $235,000;
Klamath orolect In Ore con and Califor
nia, xisu.uuu: UKanoian in wasninKton.
$58,000; Vaklma In Washington. $798,-
009: Boise n Idaho. 1540.000: Minidoka
In Idaho $302,000.
This bill also appropriates the sums
estimated as needed to continue the
construction of public buildings as
heretofore authorized, the largest being
for the Dostofflce building at Portland.
Or.. 1425.000. i-or the Itoseburg build-
ins: $40,000 1s allowed, and for a site
at St. Johns $5000. In Washington, ap
propriation for continuing' work are
made In the sum of $45,000 for Aber
deen. $30,000 for Ellensbura-. $44,000
for Wenatchee. and $66,000 for Van
couver, 'mere is also an item or izzuo
lor rnall-convevlnsr machinery for the
postoffice at Tacoma.
Money for Various Things.
For surveys and necessary resurveys
by the coast and geodetic surveys
along tne raciiii; coasi. xjjo.uuu is set
aside, l or sueam gauging ana inves
tigation or underground currents and
artesian wen supply me appropriation
is $130,000. this for the whole country.
Senator Chamberlain has an amend
ment penning to tne agricultural ap
propriation bill to authorize the use of )
tZOO.tOO for Investigation of the arte
sian well supply in central and eastern
Oregon Items in the sundry civil bill
were about as requested, except that
ISO, 000 Is allowed for road Improve
ment in Crater Lake National Park,
where IlOft.000 was asked. This differ
ence is more apparent than actual, as
the larger amount was based on an
estimate for two years, and it Is un
derstood that another $60,000 will be
(ranted next year. The amount named
IS far continuing the construction of
wagoni roads ana necessary oriages.
with a system of supply tanks for
sprinkling and maintenance and repair
of two horse-drawn vehicles. In addi
tion to this there is an Item of $8000
for maintenance of the park. This Item
Was scaled down by the committee
from $12,000 asked.
i Tillamook Taken Car Of.
f An aBproorlatlon of $40,000 Is made
for 'the establishment of a lighthouse
and fog signal station at or near Kel-
lett bluff, Henry Island, Washington,
or or the west coast of San Juan Island,
To complete the Improvement of Til
lamook bay, Oregon, at and near the
entrance, $36,000 Is appropriated, and
$4000 Is given for aids to navigation at
ths entrance to the Coqullle river.
For the federal penitentiary at Mc-
peil Island. Washington, a total of $48.-
ivv xs provided, ine uema oeing sis.ouo
for subsistence and supplies, $6500 for
clothing, transportation and traveling
iexpenses, $600 for hospital supplies.
jllJ.lOO for salaries, and $11,000 miscellaneous.
WW V.:lv-TWr ' V . . .4 t.v-. . -r" - m
JiewfcM J
. r N
. c s i
Ocean Shore Xdned With Summer
Bouses; Zlwaoo Thriving Town
With a Growing Population.
. ":: le. w ,
JJW : .::: "A v- . J
Abovev View of depot at Seavlew, Wash. Below Surf bathing scene
on North Beach, Wash.
downfall of a majority of the applicants
for midshipman. Harrison scored per.
feet in algebra and held a high rating
In geometry, but was the only one of
the candidates who passed In either
There is yet another vacancy for Mr.
Hawley to fill. He named candidates a
short time ago, but only two appeared
for examination, and both failed. New
examinations will be offered late in
June or early in July, probably at
Salem, and he invites correspondence
from those who may wish to enter.
Those who have tried and failed are
ineligible, except Daniel Woods of Cot
tage Grove, who has been exempted
from the rule because of special quali
fications which are deemed sufficient
to give him another chance. Appli
cants must be not less than 16 nor
more than 20 years of age on July 27
of this year.
Awaits Data on Kootenai.
Washington, May 24. Secretary
Lane has written Congressman Smith
of Idaho that he is unable to report
on the latter's bill providing for the
payment of drainage assessments on
Indian lands In the Kootenai valley of
Idaho until further data is obtained
concerning the flow of the Kootenai
river. Engineers of the department of
agriculture will be in the field this
year, and from their work a report can
later be had as to the feasibility of Che
By Fred Iockley.
Seaview. Wash., May 23. Seavlew
Is certainly well named. It is located
on North Beach, which stretches
northward for a score or more of
miles from the mouth of the Colum
bia river. It is about midway be
tween Megler, which is Just across
the Columbia river from Astoria, and
ahcotta. on Willapa bay.
During the summer most visitors
from Portland c jme down on the
steamer Harvest Queen, connecting at
I Megler with the narrow gauge branch
j line of the O-W. R. & N. that runs
j along North Beach for 26 miles. Be
i tween seasons North Beach visitors
! usually come down by train to As
'l torla and cross over to Megler. The
! river is about five miles wide at As
toria and in going across the river by
boat you see scores of salmon fishers
out in their motor boats setting or
attending to their nets.
Leaving Megler you pass McGowan,
where you see McGowan's old cannery.
Port Colombia Passed. j
A long tunnel takes you through the
headland and Immediately upon com
ing out of the tunnel you see Fort
Columbia, one of the twin guardian
of the entrance of the Columbia.
Chinook, Walllcut and Ilwaco Junc
tion are passed and the train pulls
into Ilwaco, 14 miles from Mecler.
So far the the train has been traveling
almost due west along the shore of
the Columbia, but here it turns north
ward and follows the shore of the
Ilwaco had a population of 664
when the federal fVnsus was taken
six years ago. Today it has probably
twice that number of inhabitants. On
every hand are evidences of pros
perity, not the least of which is
their new $27,000 high school building.
Strets Are Pared.
The streets are paved with planks.
but these are soon going to be taken
up and bltullthic pavement laid. A
bank, newspaper, sawmill, machine
shop, cannery and several churches
show that Ilwaco Is forging ahead.
Thirty-five automobiles are owned in
Ilwaco, which Is a good indication in
Itself of prosperity. Salmon fishing, i
logging, dairying, stock raising, cran
berry raising and farming are the in
dustries upon which Ilwaco depends
for her maintenance. i
Just after passing Ilwaco one 1
catches sight of the sea.,. It happened
when I glanced out of the car window
that the mid-afternoon sun was shin- !
Ing brightly on the sea, making the i
ocean look like some vast colorful I
opal shining and shimmering with re
flected light. Light green and dark
The FREE Sewing Machine IS THE BEST
Leather' Bags $5.45
P e b b 1 e Seal Grain, in
three pieces, left catch, in
side lock, large corners
sewed on, leather lined,
with pockets .Sizes 16, 17
and 18 inches.a.TWltlirioor
F Merchandise of J Merit Only"
Phones Marshall S000
Home Phone H-226S
Free Lessons
In Lamp and Candle
Shade Making
When materials
chased here.
Sixth Ploos
Wonderfully Attractive This Sale
of Women's Waists Arranged for Thursday
At $1.50
Voile blouses, all
over embroidered and
lace trimmed styles.
At $1.75
Voile blouses in
ruffled and novelty
stvles. with colored
At $4.85 Novelty blouses of crepe
chine, pussy willow and Georgette crepe.
At $2.00
Tub silk blouses in
plain colors and fancy
At $2.50
Of tub silk, pongee
and fine voiles, in
white, colors and
At $2.75
Linen, voile and ba
tiste blouses, in white
and colors.
At $2.95
--Of crepe de chine
and French voiles,
plaited, tucked and
At $3.50
Fine voile blouses,
frilled, ruffled and
At $3.95
Georgette crepe,
crepe de chine and
pussy willow silk
At $6.00 Frilled blouses of Georgette
crepe in white, flesh, maize, rose and gray
Third I
$2.00 and $2.50
Cloth Hats
Over 100 hats in this
sale. Hats made with
stitched brims and
crowns. Hats made from
fancy tweeds, checks,
plaids and plain colors.
Hats suitable for busi
ness or automobile wear.
In black and white,
gray, brown and green
Plrst rioot
President for Fisheries Pact.
Washington. May 24. Friends of the
pregon-Washington fisheries pact have
round a new precedent for their re
quest that congress ratify an agree
ment between the legislatures of the
EWo states regulating the fishing in
praters over which they have concur
rent Jurisdiction.
In 1907, it was found, the states of
New Jersey and Delaware agreed upon
lshing laws over the waters that di
vide them from each other, and con
gress passed an act ratifying the pact.
Which cannot now be changed without
he legislative action of both states
The Columbia river fisheries bill is
eposlng In the Judiciary committee of
he Senate. That committee has been
oo much occupied with the Brandels
homlmatlon to deal with many other
natters recently, but may soon be In
position to take up miscellaneous bills
ending before it
Examination for Midshipmen.
Washington. May J4. Representa-
lve Hawley has been advised by the
avy Department that Lloyd Harrison
f Oregon City passed the examination
or midshipman, at the naval academy
( Annapolis, and will be appointed if
e passes the physical test in June.
kll three alternates examined at the
lame time failed to pass.
Algebra and geometry works the
"Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Certainly Have f jj
ll,i r" . TV.. r . rii- J II U
tne rinesr. ricture uepi. in roraana
$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Odds and Ends Sale of Dress Goods II
mm m 1 m Ssl BbI .BBB, " srV
tures. In fact, all the odd pieces ot this season's best and newest dress materials. We also include if II
From 44 to 54 inches wide. second noor J U
navy blue serge, brown and black serges.
at tht yl
Any Seat -f fx
Any Time JLvC
ul remedial force. Affects the entire
onstltution. Eradicates the root of
'ease.. Restores the system to health
oraer. ask your druggist or write:
IR-RU -CO., Tacoma, Wash. - -j
Said a Prominent Business Man. "And You Ought to
Let People Know About It." This Sale Is Our Reply
Wonderful Offering of Pictures
In the World's Greatest Subjects
representing reproductions in the three latest and best methods so that no matter what your
taste may be we can give you exact copies in color and detail by old and new masters.
Here you have the exact facsimiles perfect reproductions, which by a patent
process show exact condition of canvas, even to brush marks and scratches.
Wide assortment of finest masterpieces of all sorts, 9x12 inches, lj-inch gold
frames, with fancy corners.
J Reproductions in the exact colorings of the original paintings. Size 12x16
"S inches, one-inch carved gold frames. Such subjects as "The Mill," by Rem
J brandt; "Dance of the Nymphs," by Corot; "Hope," by Watts; "Sistine Madonna,"
oy Kapnaei; nerry Kipe," ty jviiiiais, etc.
J A Wonderfulselection of framed pictures, many of which have been previously
sold as high as fl.7 5. Beautiful color prints and sepia reproductions, artistically
I framed in antique gold and carbon brown frames. Many appropriate for Summer
This popular American artist is represented in all his popular subjects in color
reproductions, neatly matted to size, 11x14 inches, and illustrating the well
known poems by Eugene Field, James Whitcomb Riley and tales from the
Arabian Nights.
Boys'Unbleached DrillingSuits
In Two Styles
The Billy Boy
The Middy
Spec'l $1.19
The cleverest cf
boys' wash suits
in sizes 2 to 8
v years. Made of un
v bleached drilling
with navy and
white. U. S. N.
emblem on the
pocket. The middy
style as illustrated.
All with the new
straight pants.
Boys' Wash Hats Special 39c
In great vanity of good looking shapes and
2 to 10 years.
In all sizes for boys from
Tourth Floor,
23c Countess Dress Shields 8c
Regular shapes, sizes 3 and 4, covered
with white silk mull.
75c Asstd Indian Tapes 10c
White, 6-yard pieces, 3-0 to size 3 in
10c Skirt or Pants Hangers 5c
Of wood, 8-inch size, with felt pads.
15c Gold Medal Sanitary
Napkins 8c Pkg.
Best napkins made, 3 in a package.
50c Lace Trimmed Sanitary
Aprons 23c
Large size, best material, lace trimmed.
75c New Pantalettes, specl 50c
15c Crochet Ball Holders, 10c
10c Best Colonial Pearl But
tons, dozen 5c
50c Metal Round Filigree
Buttons, dozen 35c
15c Odd Shapes in Pearl
Buttons, card 10c
2 to 5-inch Witchtex, yd. 5c-10c
For flaring skirts, flounces
and full effects, rtrst noor
Blazer Striped
Middy Coats
Very Special
As illustrated.
Made of striped
middy cloth of an
extra quality. In
rrose, green or na
vy stripes with
white galatea col
lar, cuffs and belt.
All with two pock
ets buttoning to
the belt. Open
front style. All
sizes from 14
years to 44 bust measure.
Toorth Floor
m in iiintm
viif sar 1
What do YOU consider the 10 greatest world's masterpieces? Hundreds of
prize contests have been conducted along this line, with varied results, and we
want to know what people of Portland believe.
Everyone may enter the contest, but only one vote will be allowed each person.
All votes will be listed and the best lOWORLD'S MASTERPIECES will be
chosen by the popular vote taken from the same. The contest will close June 15,
and the one who first guesses this list, or comes nearest to it before that time will
be awarded FREE these 10 pictures in Photo - Gelatine Apographs, all han col
ored, in exact reproductions by expert artists, FREE! We will also give addi
tional prizes in single pictures to the ten whose guesses are next nearest All
votes will be dated from time received in Our Picture Dept., Sixth Floor, where we
are now showing a wonderful and most complete display of the Masterpieces.
Sixth Floor
'Where You Spend the Least and Get the Most For It'
Fashionable, New Separate Skirts
w r
Special . . . . $1.85
Smart shepherd checks in black and
white, gored and flared styles, with pockets,
pipings of black satin.
Very a0 ne
er gtw sma -jr
All-wool English serge in black, navy,
gray newest, correct flaring and yoke
modelsrjleated, two pockets.
Special . . . . $3.95
Sports skirts of all-wool checks and
stripes, in black and white, full flare styles,
detachable belts, two pockets, bound with
silk braid, button trimmings. Basement
special- 50 New Summer
Beautifully Trimmed
Thursday $2.95
Rush cane hats, for sports and dress, abso
lutely correct in every detailfine straws,
corrfbined with lovely flowers, novelties,
ribbons, in just 50 different ways. All
shapes all styles.
Large, Medium Untrimmedo
$1.50,$1.75HempShapes "OC
All the latest shapes for spring and sum
mer, in black. Hats trimmed free, when ma
terials and shapes are purchased in this
Store. Basement I
Women's said Children's Knit Underwear for Summer
69c Girls' Knit
Union Suits,
25c Women' Swiss
Ribbed 1C
Vests loC
Low neck, short or
sleeveless, elastic quality.
Also many fancy embroid
ered yokev. All sizes.
Boys' or Girls
Waists, i n1
All sizes 12c
Good quality, double
buttons and hangers for
25c Women Vests,
Sample Line, -Sale
High neck, long or
short sleeves, low neck,
sleeveless. All sizes, but
not all sizes in ever style.
Sale Z5C
Low neck, short or
sleeveless, tight knee or
lace trimmed.
Thursday's 25c Lunch
Rice Tomato Soup Roast fl
Veal or Creamed Crab ort
Toast or Deviled Crab Po
tatoes Relish Bread.But
ter,Rolls Tea, Coffee, Milk,
Buttermilk, Chocolate.