-t , v 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY,! MAY 24. ;1916. " ROOMS AND BOARD ig -.. U 'THK HEREFORU. - 787 HOYT ST. A quiet rldentll hotl-A ericas 'an-e-8ulte SlnsU room Excelleot h)s. Mln 1806. A-Htl. ,OOM and txmrd for youn worriun. 13 par week: laundry, library and ew-privilege- walking distant:. I 'none f 47S. . i .COM or gentleman in rivate Jew ish family. Marshall 172. KOOM8 AND BOARD 72 . " PBITATB yAim,T WANTED Children to care for during; .parent' vacation. Experienced i0tbr. Reasonable. Age from 1 to 9. lB677Harrlaon ave. 59th t. N.. 'owe City1 Park, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 ONffiToom with kitchenette, complete ly t urnished, steam heat, running hot and :old water, phone in every room: 7 block from Bth and Morrison sts 12 up. 291 Columbia St., cor. 6th. ONB ' large front corner, completely .. furnished, housekeeping room, f 4 per week, including gas, electric lights, running water, brick building, wclking aiaUnce. Bushmark. 565'4 Washington. vV'HAT you want; 2 room suite. J.2.60: 'also 2 room suite, $10. GO; quilo mod rn, large yard, f lowers and thade. w alkl n distance. 67 N. 20th t. . ult and single bay window, free . light, phone and bath. S to $12 per nonth. Mercedes. 20th and Morrison. 1 UAROB room and kitchenette; gvound floor, nice lawn, close In, refertnces. ? Sth. LOWNTOWN moarrn H. K. ultes. $15 month up. Including heat, light, etc. Royal Annex. 880 H MorrUon M 4521 GemApts, $1 week up. 401 First st. Free bath. hot. cold water. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 nnurmto awd uitshep - PEITATB F AMJI.T. ) 10 Two clean, completely furnished room, bath, laundry, phone, large srd. lawn, fruit, flowers, walking dis tsncs. east side. 31 i Cherry. THREE room apt. in private home. $14, phone East 3451. 260 K. 23d. corner KMadlson. a "FURNISHED H. K. rooms, private - bath, good neighborhood; walking distance. E. 3332. 166 E. 12th St. Ct.EiNFfiT. rhpaDUl H. K. rooms In city Private entrance. First floor. 42 Main. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 1WU ions, a room snaca. .." per month, located on Bid at. v acaa- amixear, near cmacnua car. p. I 1 ' EIGHT room modern house. In the new . Couch school dlst. Will renovate to J 1 V. 1 . f .1 ."" Q 1 XM n I I 1 nan mi. or p.m.. m.., huus roouern nuunc, tunticie wuw- ineni. yi iuuwHURiQ at. muuiro VK KKJSt I room nouse, line yarn and garage. 368 Victoria st.. near vCT c : ! 7 FOR rent cheap: 4 nice rooms, 1st floor. 3 months, responsible couple. Sunnyslde. Tabor 1761 NEAT 6 room cottage. 446 Union ave. K $15. East 46J. $16 -S room house, close in, 348 E Ulisan st., between v.. za and a ST5T rooni house ard, fruit. $12. 41 Shaver. East 4K63. FOR RENT Cheap. 6 room house. fruit and garage. 834 re. 3tn. 4; FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 v- HOUSES FOR RENT 1 WILL sell the furniture of 5 rooms 'Cheap and rent the nouse li per month. 787 E. 28th st., Woodstock car. ADS. of furniture for sale at pub liahad In the Household Goods class ification when house Is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FOUR room furnished house to rent for year, hellwood. large garden planted, 7 fine bearing fruit trees, blackberries and grapes, 1 hen house". some iree rire woou, iiu per inonm 4S IspoKnne. ave SIX rornn hnune partly furnished; fruit and flowers, in exchange for board and room for young man. V-79J, journal. .. I S. P. SHOPS. a mnr1rn w a1 I . ft 1 i-n i u karl rrt tuira 3 to 6 rooms, $10 to Z0. Call at 893 H 25th st. K or phone Kant 322f,. $26 --Completely furnished, strictly modern bungalow. 5 rooms. For par- tlculars. see Fred A. Jacobs Co 104 5th. FOR KENT 1 1 J. 3 room furnished house, 61', 4 East 7th, bet. Oak and fine. . 6 ROOM modern newiy fm mshed I house; rent $20. 40 E. 28th st. N.. corner Courh. East 6122. ' .WSWU renovated 6 room nouse. lrv- s . inglon, ror summer, reasonable lo i responsible couple; piano. Kast 3o i FURNISHED 5 room bungalow, every- ? thing almost new Woodlawn 1032. A PA RTMKXTS 1 !.. AA.,"?'V::.I.r. 3 lUj!HHKlA.D liariiKNiSHKIl l' THE DEZEN DORF ; SOI ltTH 8T.- Marshall 2316. I i Nice 6 room fur. and unfur. apt.: .' also Ntii 4 room r,ir apts. S LUZERNE APTS.. 3d and Hall Mod- rn brick bldg.. 3 rooms, furnished. private phone in each apt- $16 and up. ?:C0DY APAttTMEMTS B. 7th and Taylor sts., 2 and 3 room tpta: light free, nrlvste bath. BALBOA APTS. Larce modern 2 and 3 room fur. and unfur .brick bldg., best service, walk- I ln of.: rewsonanie 4a Harrison. i 1HE HHEFFIELD 270 Broadway s i m'rtA A rnnm fur an) nnfnr antm ! walking distance; at very reasonable rent: best of service. Main 606, NEWLY furnished 2 ami 3 room apart ments. $17 and $2. including lights. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. 187 17ta near Yamhill. ' $1.' and $18 Modern 3 rooms and bath, I all outside rooms. The Earl tin,. ! union ami Kusn. Kawt 2334. MOVING expenses pmd; 3, 4 rooms. sleeping porcnes. narnwoou tloors Portnomah. 300 E. ISth st. j NICE apartment, private baths. sleeD- ing porch, very reasonable. 1'hout Tasor 45. ItOSENFELD (new), E. 14th and Stark. Brick. 3 ana rooms, lurnished or , tmfur.: outside rooms: private phonj. i D1EL apt.. 790 East Ankeny, moderu. - completely rurn. apis.; large, lighi : tiunwy. clean. E. lights, stm. ht. E. 180H. i PENLn-ULA AP'1 C117; concrete t bide t and $ rooms; hot and cold ; water, baths, phone, steam ht $12 up. I TUDOR ARMS Apt.. 18th and Coucn. - Pon A-1644, Main 2569; new brick Mrtr.: 3. . 4 rooms, modern apt. ! t ROOM lurnished apt., modern, ren. . conable. 3a-ryers, ApU. 82 N. 10th. Phone A-2238. 5 TWO-room apartment, including light, I chone; convenient walkingNiistance; $iz per montn. r. nut st. i4AGsuLlA APTS. E. Sd and Belmont ..-Modern 1 and 2 room apt., $1.60 per ween up Biffpmit ;rooma. cm iiz. hUhUMiA apt. 65 Marshall st. Mod- era, irivate batn and dressing r om; yo mer rate WESTFAL, 410 6tn t. 8 room apt., Drlvata bath and ohone. modern brick. $5 week and up. Walking distance ROSE FRIEND. 286 Broadway .; mou rn unfurnished apt.; large rooms. rt service walking "t Marsh 1410 THREE room furnished apartments; - separate bath and phone: east aide: good location; $17. Tabor 6065. D-1035. fMnrMnnofiCourt 401 10th. modern luivsiiiwuu apartment. $10 to $2-1 A-i&KlCAN and Marlborough; mod. 4, . i 9 rm. mmr. initf, m. ipip, AJlt l.IIXOR APTS.: 124 13th L Main 1103 Furs, and unfur. $,,,, room acta I APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ' (Ooatl-ued) THE CROMWELL- Fifth and Columbia ta. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings: strictly modern 2 and 2 room f urniahed apartments, all outside, with French door and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. The Knickerbocker Apt. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Attractive t room fur. and unfur. modern apt. All new furniture, refer ence. Main 1820. lOtb and Harrison sr Wnlktnar distance "HADUON HALL, APARTMENTS" Corner of 11 tn and Hall St. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Two, 3 and 4 room apt., with ba' cony, heat, private bath and phone, all modern conveniences, walking distance. Marshall 1163. VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. References. A WkRTMlMT M-S7IL TIMTH AMD sUtlr0H ST. HoriMnU'. n,ne f uulltr. eomtort and fc-rtc Li.NCULW AP AtilMtifs t. CORNER 4THAND LINCOLN. 2 room furnished apis., with private bath, phone, electric lights and steam heat. $18 to $23. Main 1877. A-4162. WELL furnished modern i or 3 room . apt., private front and rear entrance, with yard and garden space, no objec tion to small child; summer rates. Call East 4601. PJKKOSfc API'S.. N. W. cur. tielmont and Grand ave.. new moden 2 ami 1 room furnished. Service first-class. Walking d'stanre. VlAUl-ON fAHK APIS Part st.. ak Madison Modern Z. 3 and 4 room furnished ipar-mentM cloae tn. by week or month. CAMAH, i04 Love joy i and 3 room pis., lift .11. i!7 60 Marshall 2917. FOR RENTFLATS 13 NICE, modern, 6 room, lower flat; close In on west side; $17.50 per month. In qulre 640 nd st. MODERN 6 room flat for rent. 679 E. 31 st. Take Brooklyn car. FURNISHED FLATS SO FOUR room, well furnished lower flat clean, desirable, good neighborhood! nice lawn, i carlines and walkina- dis- tance; only 18. Inquire 77 E. Tay- lor. E. 6260. FULLY furnished large 4 room flats, io, including rurnace heat, water and phone. 614-61614 Commercial St.. irom :ar. $10 Two well-furnished flat, block from L car; high and sightly; walk- Ina - distance. Woodlawn 4527. 749 . I ? i , i FOUR rooms, modern. 33 Ross St.. i Qiucua ease ena uroaaway oridge iuw rent. fuEWLY renovated 4 room furnished riat, $15. 656 Gantenbein ave. Wood lawn 3670. FURNISHED flat $16. water and phone included. 20th and Sandy blvd Vfrwf v ,lr,.j . , , t : j NLJi .'Dit i,ota-n?.-,1t' STORES AND OFFICES 11 suDuroan store and 6 nice living rooms, rent only $12.50, alsa suburban store for $7.50 Hr- rnvm & 8ons. 122 it. 6th st. Phone Broad way 4381. BRICK warehouse in South Portland 0n" paed ".tVeT" TikwSblaJouraii Publishing Co. R roadway and YamhlU. ior. rem. trackage, light and airy. STORE for rent, good location for sec ona nana ruraiture. 145 Kil ines- wortn, near AiDina. FURNISHED ground floor office or small Duniness. lb mo. Mar.. 1298. WANTED TO RENT WANT to rent 3 or 4 room apartment HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 auction: AUCTION! HORSES' WANTED We have orders from hn'vero on.i snippers, who will pay the highest rnarket price for big mares and horses through our auction sale ThunHav -u. v e aeii wagons, harness cows and horses on o commission o clock. 308 Front St STAR HORSE SALES CO. fcFAr of dapple gray geldings weigh inB;; rref Pr Dl l' P r,k,er.. and ' ea. ing Jinu ins., rree or blemishes and rs old. $325. hpan of mules 4 and 5 years old. weighing 2290 lbs., sound and true. $250. Also several blocky built young mares weighing from 1200 lbs. to 1800 lbs., at MODEL STABLES. 6th ana Davis REAL bargain for the rash l n. geiaing, aosoiuteiy sound, 7 years m, iai, wen ouna, oroKe to all har- ness ana saaaie, very gentle ana true ' " VV',?" -Hawthorne sts g" lsICK fuy family mare, 1100 lbs.. 8 years old. safe for anybody to han- die; cheap. 799 Michigan ave.. take ss.ss.pp, ave car to raiting St. MUbT sell pair of ranch horses and double harness, good workers; $8j takes them; 1 spring wagon, $20. 1967 - gtarK Br- rAm oi rancn norses, z) its., good workers, new farm wagon. comnTete double harness, $160 takes outfit. 1967 E. Stark st. 2 LIGHT deliveries. I ol se and wagon, for sHle. reasonable, m-143. Broad way 3 r DEAli nurses and animal hauled away frt. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland CoLI.:MB1A STABLES. 302 Front St. Rlggs and saddle horses for hire. Msln 3030. ,45,7"He"A1y , "inK'e wagon for sale Hans Nlelwon. Beaverton. Or..route 3. ONE bay horse, 1100 lbs.. 9 vears old. for sale cheap. Call Tabor 1305. MUTT AND JEFF --..t.- AHvc-r,,iT',"'S -.H..tU . '',, &.---- - mf a Mn--' Y u o,i. r v pyrls, ;a - ; mmmmm fe-fe gj C ' yiW v cU Bt CHAtjscrwiUNti. Vi j. I f TOO SYH.eJaCif TU. VtUTe HiA . 'v Z T" v , . kw;,- rv-,; HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 f Oontlnqed) . , FOR horses and rentclea, dog and household pets and poultry, read the ad under these respective headings. The Journal lead all other medium In these classification LIVESTOCK 35 COWS WANTED. We have a demand for a few more good family cow through our auction sales. We guarantee the highest mar ket price a your stock la bid on by all classes of buyers. Sales day Mondays and Thursday 2 o'clock. 308 Front St. STAR HORSE SALES CO. FRESH cows, some extra fine young Jersey, some large dairy cows; extra h'avy. rich milkers; sell ch-ap or trade for beef cows. 1130 Macadam st. S. car end of line. COW for sale, rich milker, $55; also young heifer, 8 months old; will sell for $28. 976 E. 18th St.. bet. Holgate and Alice sts. FOR SALE 900 lb. black mare; will work anywhere and ride, for f40; or will trade for a cow. Tabor 4733 YOUNG, gentle, 4 gal. rich milk cows; account of moving. 735 E. Pine. WANTED To buy pome fresh Durham milk cows; must be cheap for casn. Ti-bb2, Journal. WILL furnish auto and locate carload of dairy cows at $D& per head. V ootl lawn 4674. TWO fresh' cows, second calf, by Hol steln and full blood Jersey, cheap. IT. S. Stable, Front and Madison. Ayers. FRESH cow and calf; big milker; effeap. 1594 Division. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 WHITE Leghorn baDy chicks from proved heavy laying stock: May de livery. $8 per 100: we guarantee safe srrival The Pioneer Hatchery. Peta- Itima fa!. CHICKS. White Leghorns. O. A. C. strain: extra fin large ones Master Hatchery. 415 Jessup st. Phone Wood- liwn 4344. CAN furnish 25 dozen choice fresh eggs delivered once per week. 1 place only. Main 7051, A-1617. OAKHURST poultry yards, white Leg horn baby chicks. 4 daya old. 10c each. 1164 E. 18th st. N. PUREBRED New Zealand rabbits for sale to close. E. Alien, Sherwood, or. BARRED Rocka, eggs $1 and 2 set ting: birds of merit. Tabor Z130. Barred Rock Wdln 2397" DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 46 HILLSDALE KENNELS. All new and modern: a few dogs well cared for is my motto. Main 2785. SHEPHERD pups, working strain. both parents natural heelers. Ed- ward L. Naylor. Forest Grove. Or. FOR SALE Cheap, pointer rap, 3 montns o:o. Apply zj4 K. 19th st. N. A UTOIOBI LES-ACCESSqRIES 44 ALCO SIX. Anyone interested in a fast, high powered car that cost $6400 in 1 913 and is in first class condition today, should at once investigate. This Alco t-lx will be sold at a big sacrifice. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Wash. Main 6244. EVER-READY 1 ton truck: attachm't. $3(0; tru k - comp. $775. f f Mf k in Prt. - J' THAYER-SHAVER-GULLEY1 MACHINE CO. 193 East Water 8t. Phone Eat 7437. BKK our stock of -ford delivery bodies, also auto wheels, our own make; guaran teed. Carl Peterson, 121 Grand ave. north. Zftnt 1433. A GOOD TRUCK BUY. GARFORD "40" this car is 1st class, lu every way, at present equipped with 7 pass, body, $100 down, balance on your own terms. THE WINTON CO., 23d and Washington. Main 4244. DOUBLE tread, puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. Wash at 18th. Burnside at Broadway. 335 Burnside ) Let Us Solve lour siprina- Trouble. Guaranteed wajminoton carriaoi spring. ior. I Ininn nrw) 1-11- mnnl K 13 US A u eSS-0-IS Mfg. & Repairs. 3000 guarant'd springs In ciocK. prices reoucea. 34 N. lbtn st. OARAGE BUILDING FOR RENT. Cheap rent; best location in Van couver. THOMPSON & SWAN. 6th and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. WINTON "six," 7 pass., car is in ex cellent condition, an ideal for stage, price $450, $200 down, $25 per month. THE WINTON CO.. 23d and Washington St. Main 4241. MUST sell best offer takes, 4 cyl.. 30 h. P. roadster, new tires, fullv eoulpped and in A-No. 1 condition. See It at 306 E. Morrison. Phone East 736.'. USED mMors. Darts, tires, accessories. less than half price of original coat. Auto Wrecking Co., 271 Front. Main 13. Mfl ft! ART AIITH HTMQ Patent i tu ulh 1 1 1 r u i j uliio pending ED BRUNS CO.. 48 1st: St.. cor. Ash. Broadway 964 131: T FORD touring car, first clasa condition; bargain j.liS; terms if de sired. D. C. Warren. 5S N. 23d i t. IF It's scrap rubber or metals and you want the highest price, phone J. !,eve. 1S"i Colnmhla. Main 51!g. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE. 7 passenger Winton, $500; first class conoit.on. D r. fttn St., room 74. FORD body, wind shield and rear fn ders. good condition, only $15. East blae Auto Kepalr uo. A PAIR of classy auto seats for bug. 149 K. 3ZQ. BUICK 5 passenger; get busy and sav iou. wtxiQiawn 4001. UAhii paid ior used cars; money loaned on anion. &ut Aiiier st. Well, Villa Must Have AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 fOontlBned) 1914 HUPP, electrically started and lighted, $675. 1912 BUICK. 27. $376. 1916 OVERLAND 83. $578. 1914 MICHIGAN. $550. TERMS IF DESIRED. OPEN SUNDAYS. Dulmage-Manley Auto Co, 46-48 20th, near Washington. Marshall 1699, A-1299. Fords Fords Fords 1915 Ford touring, fully equipped, speedometer and cutout; run only 2i00 miles; practically brand new, $425. 1915 Ford roadster, like new; ha speedometer, cutout and seat covers, 375. 1915 Ford touring, fully equipped. $395. 1915 Ford touring fully equipped, speedometer and shock absorbers $395. 1914 Ford, touring, finest condition, electric lights. $325. 1914 Ford, touring, $295. 1914 Ford, roadster. $295. 1914 Ford, touring, like new. seat covers and electric light. $325. Terms If desired and a years' free service on all minor adjustments. Francis Motor Car Ex. E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. Used Auto Snaps, TERMS GIVEN. 1915 MITCHELL, 7 pass., 6 cyl.. A-l condition, electric starter and lights. 1915 MITCHELL. 5 pass., 4 cyl., elec tric starter and lights. 1914 IMPERIAL, 6 pas., 4 cyl., elec tric starter and lights. 1914 MITCHELL, 5 pass., 6 cyL, elec tric starter and lia-hts. 19X2 MITCHELL. 6 pass., cyl., elec tric 6tarter and light. Several other good buys to select from Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, E. FIRST AND E. MORRISON STS. East 7272. B-1216. BARGAINS IN USED CARS STUDEBAKER Six. series 17. 11a new. exceptional bargain at $1050. PACKARD, 7 passenger, excellent con dition. 1815 body, only $1000. COLE 40. good mechanical condition. newly painted, electric lights, snap. 1500. OTTO Special 5 passenger, to anyone wanting a high grade llgbtwelgnt car this is an exceptional oppor tunity. $450. THE MSMiSLE BROADWAY AND COUCH. USED CARS. We have several good automobile In our used car dept. Among them a Pierce "48" and "36," a Studftakr 20 at $226. Cadillac eight at $1350. Over land 1915 six $860, Alco six. Dayton motorcycle. Dodge touring car and many other. Prices right. Main 6244. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington. PARAGES $30 and up. Portable hou ses, chicken houses, wood lb d i, etc. M 1 11 ra a d Con struction Co. Main 1167. &44 Hood st. Sundays and evenings. Woodlawn 8615. STUDEBAKER "Six," 7 passenger, touring car, electric starter and lights. $600. STUDEBAKER "Four," 1916, touring- car, nearly new, $75. STUDEBAKER 'S;- 1913. touring car. first class condition, $275. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker Distributers, USED CAR DEPT.. Park and Davis. Main 616. Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge 1915 Dodge touring car, pract'cally new, $675; terms if desired, and a years- free service on all minor ad justments. Francis Motor Car Ex, Kafft 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. 1916 DODGE, run only 900 miles. Out three weeks; guaranteed same as new; eee me Derore you tmy your new car. No real estate; terms if desired. 1). c. warren. 58 N. 23d st. 1915 STUDEBAKER "4," first class condition, guaranteed, just like new no trades; terms if desired. D. C. War ren. 58 N. 23d st. FOR SALE- 1913 6 cylinder 7 passen ger Packard, in perfect condition, almost new tires. $300 extra equip ment; very cheap for cash. Main 1360 HAVE 1915 6 passenger car; will trade for clear property up to $1600. Mil lershlp, 431 Cham. Com. 5 PASS, car, fine shape, overhauled; go any place; a car for service: snap; $200. Call 191 4th St. GET OUR PRICES ON PAINTING. BROADWAY AUTO PAINTING CO., 31 Broadway North, near Burnside. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WILL trade lot 3, 4 and 5, in block 0. Laurel' Park, Portland, Or., for a good automobile. F. B. Milliorn 708 Willamette St.. Eugene. Or. CORNER lot in Laurelwood Park to trade for late model Ford touring car. GX-973. Journal. WILL pay up to $600 for late :nodel car If satisfied. 1179 K. 13th N. PAY cash for Ford car. Main 249, after " p. rn., or before 8 a. m. Some Recreation. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 jOontinaedj WILL trade, 1 new astman IS in. "Circuit" Panorama camera; 1 new No. 6 Turner-Rvlph lns- 1 new Sxltf Cooke lens, series IV. fitted with Cooke extension lens: 1 used 22x20 J. H. Dallmeyer len. for light touriag car. LX-928. Journal. WILL trade 2 fine suburban lots. value $6o0, for auto. No incum brance. Turn your auto into a nice home of your own. T-943. Journal. HAVE $400 first mortgage to trade for automobile or real estate. Address Geo. 1 Balsi-er. R V D No. 1 8cio. Or. TO TRADE Equity in Overlook lot and some cash for good second hand automobile. U-980. Journal. AUTOS FOR HIRE 52 MAXWELL. 1916 model, 1 a. m. to 4 p. m., $1 per hour; careful driver. Tabor 76. 1916 OAKLAND Columbia highway: price reasonable. Tabor 7113. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 READING Standard, 1915 model, two speed, fully equipped, $150; reason able terms. Phone East 6719, after 6 p. m, ' BARGAIN Two speed twin, H.:D. mo torcycle. equipped, $125. 1138 Glenn ave. N. Woodlawn 1693. WANTED immediately, single or twin motorcycle for ca&h. T-776. Journal. 8EVEiN H. P. twin cylinder motorcycle, in first clasfl running order, $50. 287 3d st. Bicycles fe motorcycles bought & sold. R. H. Blocker. 276 Taylor, cor. 4th st LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 EVINRUDE rowooat and canoe mo tor, rowboa's, canoes, motorboata r our beautiful motor boat and en- 5in for $143.00. Evlnrude Motor Co. foved to 211 Morrison st. HOUSEBOAT Attractive, modern, complete; will sacrifice for quick sale; terms. Sellwood 194. 32 Wtl lamette moo ra g e FIVE room boathouse for saie cheap. electric lights. 1064 Macadam, near Hamilton, S Portland. RECEIVED launch in trade, wnlch I have no use- for. Will take $65 cash for it. Owner at 519 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE cheap, rowboat; tor par ticulars inquire at O. C. T. dock, foot of Taylor St. T. DAN1ELSON Boat Shop,! UJNebraska. Building;, repairs, newt work, low price. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 HERE are real piano bargains from our storage department: Elegant, full size upright piano. List price, $300: now $125 Splendid little upright piano; fine for practice work: now $80 Beautiful mahogany player piano, with lot of music rolls and bencn. . . .i is GRAVES MUSIC CO.. 151 4th st, near Morrison. BEFORE purchasing see , our Special In Used piano Bargains. new pianos mod'ately priced - - m m Uf m B f S OS $::, $65. $95. $110 and $145' cash se cures old and new model. Chicker- lng. Haines Bros.. Helnie. Hallet & Da vis and Knabe pianos clos.d out at once by Security storage uo- t.n. FINE piano, only used short time, ma- hagony case; must sen quicK.; no rea sonable offer refused. Earlton apt. cor. Russell and Union ave. Apt. 1. BEST values in pianos ever offered: Davenport & Treacy player pianos', $366: upright. tt, ido, -uu. iioven den Piano Co., 87 5th gt. 135 CASH secures $a0 manogany pianola player at Security Storage to.. io n ji. $45 CASH buys small Boudoir uprlgn tomorrow at Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired, refin- ished by proressionei tiien. Satlsrac tion guaranteed. Portland Piano Tuning, Rep. & Mfg. c. z6 Mawtnorne. K. 1072 ELECTRIC piano, cost $2500. suitable show, sell cheap or trade. 32a Washington WILL sell my $450 Hobart M. Cable piano for $125 cash. Used 1 year N-759. Journal. FREE use of piano or player piano ZV4 years, see display aav or Schwan Piano C 111 4th St. TYPEWRITERS 77 WE save you from oO to 76 on al makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail acpartment WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co., 32 1 Washington sr TYPEWRITERS for rent. $ months for $6 and up; 6 month' rental applied on purchase price. Remington Type writer Co.. 86 Broadway NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, rental, cut rates. P. U. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 FURNITURE of 8 room house; leaving cityrmust sen. i, tn, Dei. Lpshu and Vaughn. FOR SALE MISCELIiANEOUS 19 COMPLETE assortment carnival nov eltles for sale cheap. 128 1st. nea Aider. DROPHEAD Singer machine. SiO.50 bargain. Hotel Chamberlain, Grand ave., corner stark. PHONOGRAPHS. $5; records. 5 cents Phonograph Record Exchange, 12 1M.. nar Alder. Mum 4496. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead & Mach. Co.. 811 Front st. Main 5492. WAYNE sasoline pumps and oil slor age tank. E. H. RueppelL, Agt.. 194 let Main izzi. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine. with attachment. Call 162 Grand ave. NICE large trunk for sale; cost $20 Good condition. Tahor 6K31. ABOUT 3000 ft. of 9x18 lumbe.' cheap Tanor 68. 143 K. sad. (TCEDAR posts. Ch.1I East 1017. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (OonUaned) MACHINES of all makes sold for less. No agents employed. Machine rent ed $2 per mo. A-3636, M-9431. Sewing Machiine Emporium. 190 3d st near Taylor, rented. Electric motors sold and tOU sale Brand new caroom ani Pocket bllliarc table; with complete outfit, $115; second hand table at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and sola CAnLn,Jlxture" THE BRUNS WICK-BALKE-COLLENDKR CO.. 46-48 Fifth. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," 'Type writer" and "Household Goods" are separate classlfiications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over Electric Motors Bought, old, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Work, 413 Burnside, cor. 10th. Broadway or A-&674. 1U LROPHE A n il7 -rmi m& chines, complete with attacoment. in good order, $17.60 while thev 'ast. East 2369. B-3S07. E. R. 6 teen. 162 Grand ave.. near Belmont. FOR SALE 1 ice box, good for gro cery; l ice box for fish maiket: 2 show cases. 4x6 ft.; electric fan. 18 In.; j caen register; 1 s-rt counter. 4i Stark St., city. AUTOMOBILE, motorcycles, launches or ooais are separate classilicaiiona. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. WANTED 'lo fit your eye so that you get ail that s coming to you out or lire; prices very reasonable. "le the Jeweler. C3.L.1NG out. all kinds second-hand ladies' suits, coats and dresses, very cneap, $l and up. 69 M. lum il Broadway 3932. EARG A I N Leaf her bound set En cyclopedia Biittanlca. 31 volumes. cost $80. for tent and camping nece- feitles. Marshall 3827. SHOW CASES and fixtures, 4 ft. candy .case. 4 ft. cigar case, noda fountain. counter and back bar complete, etc 530 Wash. st. Mar. 1784. ROBERTS oven, 96 loaf capacity, $65" 526 E. Stephens St. SWAP COLUMN 2ft A BUSINESS lot in Monroe, Ore., for furniture of 4 or 6 room house, call Main 8962. Mrs. Tempieton, 176 10th st WANT To trade Washburn mandolin for what have you; Main ibb. or 375 N. 19th st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 PHONE East 7816 when you want to sell your furniture, w e come at once and Day vou the cash. M. R. Seater. 286 Grand ave. soutn 01 Haw thorne. WANTED Second hand furniture, ran-ea and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgab Furnltu-e Co.. 890 East Mor rison st. pnone tsast zzas. WANTED Th oole of Portlana to know I pay tn Highest casn prices ror household gooas. rrompi attention. East 6707. N. M Pestor.l3 Kuell St. HIGHEST cash price ior diamonds. Kodaks, Jewelry of all kinds. J. Golden. l7 1st st. NOTICE TO HOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers. ruga, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We pay tne price, in. w. rurn. ex. c. oao HIGHEST PRICES PAID For second hand furniture and house hold goods. Hik 1. a su Broadway 11 to n 1 oreen trading stamps. TvV? n 1100 rx. w. m. Did. rAia o uuo MORE for them than Sperry-Hutchlnson Co. I WILL Day cash for your piano Phone Main 1433 or A-l 433. or call on Mr. Foster, 151 4th st. WE buy all kinds second hand trunks, suitcases ana nanaoaga xaain uiz A-7174. WANTED Floor case, computin scales, store and office furniture. 128 1st, near Alder. Main 449B WE buy phonographs snd records, also player piano music. 128 1 Main 4495, near Alder. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOOD8 PHONE MAIN 3332. A-266 SECOND hand clothing buyer. Meye the tailor, pay $5 up for suits: shoes bought. Marshall 1229. 229 Madison WE REPA1K your watch ror $1. no matter how badly broken. Bring this ad Howard Jewelry uo., sm6 ttn st. WANTED A 2d hand stationary ga engine, 2i to 3 h. p. George John son, 84 k. K.eny st. CASH for old gold, silver, platinum and high grade ore. it. M. Pickering, mre. ieweir. zi tireronian nide. WANTED Tent 12x16; also poultry netting. Y-bx. Journal. Alaska Bag & Junk Co. pay best prices, all Kinds lunK Main 4s. zss Fron LOST AND FOUND FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway Light & Power Co., and owners tnereo may claim same at the First and Aide street staticw. Marshall 5100, A-61.11 May 22. 1916 One basket. S pack ages. 1 umnreiias, & nurf.es. 2 kevs coat. 1 box fancy work, 1 book of 1 car tickets, 1 lunch basket, 1 pal ladies' rubbers, 1 roll paper, 1 eult case. LOST On Washington or Aider st between 2d and 6th sts., lady r ell handbag. Kewnrd. Mrs. Maty White, Milwaukle. Or. LOST--Five stone diamond ring, on stone gone. Call Tabor 5951. Re ward. IOST Remington certificate pirfce i Meier & Frank's. Main 2992. Re ward. LOST Saturday, monogram fou. W M K.; reward. Woodlawn 2194, C 1 4 4 LOST, small cameo pin. heirloom please return to 374 S. 3d St., room 1 PERSONALS 22 NEW life in electric and vibrator treatments. Facial, scalp and man' curing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg (OoprrlSbx. ISIS, by B. G. Plabee.i (Trade-Mark Re. O. A Patent Office. 22 (Oontlaaed) WHY way oB prce ior glasses? i can tit Tpur eye with firt quality in nld Tilled frame a low a $1.60. Cha. W. Oood mati. optomcirlat. 2C Morrlsou. taaln 24. . OREGON HERNIA INSTITUTE. Rupture treated mechanically; adults, children. Trusses to suit your case. Johnston and Umbargar, rupture spe clalUte, ill Allsky bldg. Main 8784. FEB VET & HANEBLi. leading wig and tonpe makers: finett siock hu man hair goods; hairdressing. manicur ing, face and scaler treatment, comb ing to order. 147 PrToartwev Moln h46 KLBCTKU-ri OrtUi'A 1 niC jnautui Z76 Kortn zza st. iter, or uvertoni. Sclenuric massage. Electric Cabinet Baths ComfortaMe, rooms Mit 27 c 6. TAKARA Hair Tonic, an antiseptic scalp cleanser, nair beautiiier ana dandruff remover: price 50c oottle. For sale bv Portland Hotel Pharmacy. DON'T u expensive corn rrmtuisn. when you get tne sure ining n- moves It" 16c plasters ai me unin- on Prur co 20" Morrison s. STIMULATE, excite the circulation by electrode manipulation; iaciai scaiu leatment. 307 Northwest oiag., tui and Washington DR V. G. KETCH UM W omen mala dies an4 aoaite aiaee 01 men. v,n Mdf . 4th snd Wash Rm 441. Mar 448 bl'lKlTUALioAi Kev. M. A. Priwe, cir cles Tues. Z p. m.; wed.. Bun. a p. m Readlnr daily 2t2 rv wt Mar 3960 toToKfc."iJ KKbt, co'-i stor age vault. Rum melln Fur Co.. 415-7 Dekum bldg. HAVE your aair permanently aved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4on Tekum Msrshsll 1702 MAY IRWIN, facial and scalp treat ments 291 4 Moerlson. room ao. miinr Consultation Irt, iaia dWycl 4"os R12 Hcilln bMc HALM of rig. remedv tor fikeuat of womn '14 Povt,-. at. Msln Sll bCl LN i'IKIC trealmeni for diseases of scaln 13 Park st room 8. 10 to i BCALF treatiuents and shampooing. 350 Ysmhlll. office No 1. NOTICES 20 NOTIOB OV PLBLIC HBARINdS. Notice May 24. 1K1: Notice la hereby Siren that the Industrial Welfare Ore iin'.alon of tbe at ate of Orrgv.n will bold public bear ing on June 16 and 18. 191;. at the or rue or the co imleitmi. 48 courthouae, Portland, Or., on the recommends tiona which hare been maile to the oommlaKlon by the acreral rerlalon '-on-farencea concerning maximum ho ura. minimum wagea and aanlta rj conditions fur women wurk era aa followa: On Tbnradsy, June IS. at 2 p. m.. beaiingn will be hew on the recommndatl'ma on mer cantile, manufacturing and laundrr oceupa- tiona. On Friday, June IS. at Z p. tn.. bcaringa )ll be held on the recommendationa 00 ncraonal err Ice. public bouaekccplng. office, telcuboue auu telegTapn occupa'iona. INDUSTRIAL WKIAKK OTMMIKSION Of tbe State of Oregon. CAROLINE J. OLKAgON, Becreta ry PROPOSALS for Mine planter Office Dvixit Ouartermaeter. Heattlc, vtaw.: Healed pro. poaala will be rerelTed tt tbe office of tbe uuartermaater uvnrrai ot in irmj. waaaiua- ton, D. c , until . p. m., June v, ivia. and then ooened. for tue construction and complete equipment of a twin screw ateel steamer for artillery eerr ice. runner lniormaiioi on ap plication to tbe Quartermaster Ueneral. waala ington. i. t. . FT. STEVEN. OB. Sealed proposals will receltred here until 2 n. m. June 18. 1910. fo: constructing one act officer's quarters. Fur ther information on application to quarter tester. PROFESSIONAL AND! BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOKDION PLEATING ACCOKOION. kMia AM) BOX Lllt, BEMSTlTCniNQ. BKAIDING; BUTTON B0LE8. BUTTONS COVEEED. EASTEHN KOVKLVT MKQ. CO.. "5H BTH. H'WAV anon K. 2STEPUEN Hemstitching, accurdlou, am and auoburat pleating; 1 Mtona corered; gooda iqonged. aca I loping. Ptttock blk. B war IftUfl. AGATE CUTTERS. MrO. Jeweiera. Oiamoud- Uuugbt and wld. Witcb repair . Ulller a. J43HWash M mta AORICULTTJ -AL IMPLE14E14TS P. K. SBttNbtl IJli luplemut, vrbl t. and general (arm auppllea. 214 rront Portland. AKALTTICAL CHEMIST AMD A8SATE- UlLUkUi-UALL CO. Couca Olds. IUV -till t BLANK BOOK MAKERS PAV18 a ROLMAN, Inc., low M au-wii.na book manufacturers; agents for Jones Im proved Loose Leaf Ledgers. 8a the new -reka Leaf. A-8188. Main 188. BCILDINO CONTRACTORS Geo. E. Mangas SXW: Uealdeuc Specialist. clrar lllil CABHTET WORK CABINET WOKb.. furnllura repairing. but. D Jonea Jr.. 82 H X'A at. Main 831 CARPET CLEAN IN O film um from old carpei. rag ruga, carpel cleaning. Nortb B. 85MO B-120 west Itug Co.. 188 E. Stb. JO'iCE BROS. Electric Cleaning Worka Car pets cleaned and laid; refitting our ape clalty. East 44. B-1W1. 2Q4 E. 19th at. N. IkMNbCLAK aug Worka fctag rug aud car pet wtaelng 1518 Patton aa. dln. 20 CHIROPRACTORS OK. McMABUN- JJurabia caaea, taking time SI treatments, CIA. Wortb S60. Addltv.Dai Worts 960. Addltv.Dai clear bldg.. 4th A Waab. new offices 20H-212 Ma CHIROPRACTORS Dr. C. S. Tlgard Is trcaluienta. lo. 61U-.1 1 Northwest bldg. Main T24 COAL AMD WOOD. DRY AND GREEN 16 IN, AND 4 FT. Mt'I.TNOM AH r r., Q.. M. RMfl: A 21 IS WHY pay tn for curdwoud wban oa can get good lnalde blockwood at A3 .SO a load; doable lnrf to AO. Box wood mixed with b tarr. tS.SI La load; o for double load. Heavy dry slab- wood Ut.wi a loan, ttroaawar -Z.1.SH. A-'ini. Ol V 'gro wtb fir w wl gl 10 &. dclit.ml. Maio'aM. KKKR A KAHK. dry fj. ft. 84.50 10 ol.. Block w'd. 80& Wster t. Ualn 43M A -4."47 PERSONALS COAT, AVO WOOD NATIONAL WW. CO. KAST 304 i Sltbwnod $3 cord delivered; dry block and ULwood sawed $3.60 load: cood dr wreck -:. 3. A"dry fir. 4 fort or wihi to order. J f C0VTRACT0K9 Aj bOILDFkg O.KAM hliba. 0ural Cuulravlur m S)te ' lock hid. CREDIT cxoTtnyp l.Allltt imt Mu rloimua iuu. v,r waalf -4- payt's. N.Y. Ontflttln Co 40 Waahlnetmi. ; XPTJCATIOWaa. DAMC1JI0. kANCHICSlKH Uanclog Academy. oSvi t., bet. Stark and Oak. Sp l ralaa. 4 private leaaoos $3. morn Inc. afternoon, arnln; all latest daacea ra araotaed: rlaaa Thun , Sal. fTtntnaa. T-s-.SO Broadway tlSO. -. kk and Ura. lira lb a ocboul iwn nullf ' Claaa frtday . 10B : t.. batwo Waab J Inrton and Stark. t.wiaona gfto Mwln anil LA titNai OK UK All. urlcmal. Spuuiaa. tnre. Ktrpt fancy. rtlan Mln WT$ MPIIO SCHOOLS AXP TtACHIKt . THlltuHOUN VloUn Uaibar; wuuli sax-ia. 9T-T Kltdner bldg A-410 Marhall K. FUOK T. tC lkWSON Flan.i leaauua al tut bom eoc. Pbona Tabor 8S8. POPTJTA H1T8IO flAMi rgguiue tauftit anyvns In 10 to toe ona. written guarantee of money back If we fall: demonstration and booklet free. Imnro- l-lna. krTl-aro harmonr. etc. M1-g Kllcra hide. ETE. EAR. NCBE h0AT t-0? bpvcluUat .nlernr ,,ruf ijluaaaa IttKil i'r F. r. t acdr !it7 l. knm bid M A riHE INSURANCE rACiriC STA'IES HHK 1N8UUANCK CU only Oregon fire InsurHnca comnanv. PLUrr RUG8 AND RAO RUOS Made from old Ina-raln. Bruaai.la Avminataa.- Smrna carpets Rag ruga, all aiaes. Mali iera irompt attention, booklet. WESTERN ILUrK KtO CO. 61 Cnlon A N. I'bonea Enat (151(1. S14TI HAT8 CLEANED. BLEACHED idle , geula' fauauia wHt Cleauvil. t.aacued 7oc. blrawa. (aits. Utc. Kaufman'a. 2SS Wash., nr. 4tb. 88 and 4. gd Phone M T0A H tdlea'. Men a I'anaruai cleaued, bUx-lied, Bleached. 75c. Kelta. 60c. l'ortland Claa. Ing A Hat Works. 4Hh, Washington at. LAWN HOWEB OEINDLNO CXPEliT lawnujuwer (rludiug; natural born grinqera. ainv, otb. 3- aln LEATHER AND SHOE FINDIMO TUH BUaillatAN UAl'Uktt CO. Oldest firm In northweat. Agaati "Monire snd "l k 14." sols leather. 82S Kearatt at. MATTRESSES i)Ll matlrosava aud (ealuar trua waOa utW aanltar luluiug forma; foathera re nor a tad. folding M Co.. 50U Williams. K. 674. NON-lNTOXICAiINO BEVERAGES WKlNUAliU S bideu and Auibar Naciar, atea rr wtlmiard ulanc Ulh and burnside ata. Main 12. pbonea A-IIT2 OPTICIANS Dll. V. E. BL1WE8S, EylgUt hpeclaliat. Kiaminatlun fr-. aiVa Washington Bt. PAIMTIMO AND DEC0RAT1NQ U1UU CLAbo WUUK at reaaouabla ilcaa. KUOKS. PA INTER. KENTON. Wdln. 44l. PRINTERS AND ENQRAVLRS lUt IV 1 t'ULba Juuft ai. aiAftit htii Stark .t. Broadway 40W. A-tUSS RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS AlbU Meuclla, IraUa Cbacka, Oim otum. PAClf 10 COAX HI AMP WORKS 231 Waablngton at. Main T10, A-2710. SAEETY RAZORS HONED blh.ll raaura anari;eued; iu klud. ibK and 80c per daen. MoV 3a st.. near Mrri. SHEET METAL WORKS UEPAIUIMj till aud grafal ruola. Jacuo iwj, 810 lal at. PLuue Main 1424. TRANbf EES AMD STORAGE Oregon I ranster Go. EttabUabed 1870. Transfer and forwarding Agents. Storage Krca Trackage. Office aud bloraga. 47 Uilsaa St. lth and Ollsan. Main MB A lt ALWA1S PICK" TUE BS1 UUbst rl GOODS SPECI ALI818 btoraga, Packing. Shipping aud MoTtng. Horaa or AuU V aua. Special freigbt rales to all pulnta. C. O. PICK Til A. SSI til k SiuRAtaB CO. 2d and Pint. Broadway oftS. A IPOS. 01SUN Kuh. TUANbk EU CO. r urunuia ui. . era, packera, atorage; flreprouf wsribuu, lath and Hoyt ata. Malu 647. A 2?47. WATCHMAKERS WK CLEAN and adjuat yotir watcb, $1. M KN DKIXIHN. J KWKLKH. Waablngton,. between Kluth and Broadway. 1 manufacturers JOBBERS WHOLESALERS! DRY GOOD WHOLESALE L. Dinkelspiel Co. Third I'd bliffKii K IS tig. PAINT. OIL AMD OLASS BAsMCoE.'s a CO., 'High Staudard" paiui. N. E. corner 2d and Tarlm M 1771 A-S.nl PLUMBINO SUPPLIES I It' Id HI NO auppllea, wnulraala pruaa. ir. Daela Co . 212 d at. Main 797 SANITARY WIPING RAOS L. SHANK CO. 812 r UO.N l ei WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS KEWANEE WA'ltK il STEMS D. Spencer. A lent ( WW Par t WOOD PIPE I'OHl LANU WUOU PIPE cu r aciory a4 office near 24th and York ata. Ualo 348. Z2TT02UfA.TI.0r COTTPOM. If jrou want the nsme -f a reliable business house dealing In any line of merchandise, or Information reirard liiK resorts, hotels, railrouila, alcatn hlp lines, etc., addri-Hs Oregon Jour nal Information Bureau Information desired: Name Address . . By "Bud" Fisher