I THE" 'OREGON DAILY " JOURNAL, PRTLAND, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1916. 15 WOOLEN MILLS WILL BE MUCH ENLARGED; EQUIPMENT IMPROVED . , ,i L. Thompson Makes An nouncement That Will Aid Labor, BUY CALIFORNIA PLANT Satire Bqulpment of Marysrllls MiU W1B Bs Brought to Oregon to Bo Placed Bar ut at Pendleton. That the Pendleton Woolen mills and the Portland Woolen mills have Joined in the purchase of the entire plant of .the Marysvllle. Cal.. Woolen mills was announced by E. L. Thompson, head of the Portland Woolen mills, speaking yesterday afternoon before the confer ence committee of the Industrial Wel ' fare commission. The announcement was made In thanking; the conference for Its con sideration In making; recommendations governing the hours of labor of women employes In woolen mills. On representations made by em ployes of the Portland Woolen mills the conference recommended a 10-hour day for woolen mills where a half hol iday was given Saturday afternoon. Thompson Xiauds Bullae;. "The recommendations of this con ference have been wholesome and rood," said Mr. Thompson, "and the fact you have permitted us to retain a 14-hour, week, 10 hours five days a week and four hours on Saturday, has mad It possible for us to plan exten sive improvements. "The entire equipment of the Marya vllle mills will be brought to Oregon. Of the 12 looms 26 will be taken by the Portland Woolen mills and six by I' C. P. Bishop A Sons for 'the Pendle ton Woolen mills. "Our packers reached Marysvllle today and there will be 15 carloads of equipment to ship which we have pur chased because the conference has given us opportunity for growth." Hew Building Announced. Mr. Thompaon said that a two-story concrete building 100x80 feet in di mensions, would be built to house the looms as a new manufacturing build ing f the Portland plant. A ware- house 30x100 will be rebuilt to house the additional product , ins ze additional looma win in crease the capacity of the Portland mills about 33- per cent and give em ployment to between 30 end 40 loom operators. "We aim to make the Portland mills eventually the largest In the west," aid Mr. Thompson, "with 100 looms. With our new looms from Marysvllle we shall have 89 all told." The Marysvllle mills have been Idle for several years. Anna Lewis Hall Repaired. Anna Lewi hall, the institution op- lerated under the auspices of tho Port lland Women's union, which wa badly damaged by fire In April, hat.' been I repaired and will reopen June 1. There Iare accommodations for 50 young wom en, and more than half of them have I been spoken for. The union plans to I I build on the property It owns a: Tenth I and Montgomery streets at an early date, and will utilize the present quar ters until that time. Permits Are Issued. Two permits for the erection of addi tions to Its plant were taken out yes- jterday by the NoVthweat Steel com pany. The aggregate expenditure is l$4000. One la far an extension to the shop and crane track, the second for U one-story frame shop building. Building Permits. J. J. Sloan Brennan. erect one atorr frame aelliag, 1541 8d it., near California at.; ullder. aame; 13850. Carlson A KaUstrom, repair two atory frame ore, 281 Montgomery at., between 4th and 6th ati. ; bnllder, same; 8000. B. r. soden, repair one atory frame gerije. 74 union are. N.. between Rroadwar and nylrr ate.: builder. E I.. Sanborn- xani Willamette Iron and Rreel Works, erect onj :ory frame storage, foot of N. 19th at.; build- , aame; izuo. A. L. Yoakler. erect one atory frame dwell ng 1BOO Lanrnster at., between Bryant and untie ata.; builder, aame; 11300. air, m. uawier. repair two glory frame fae- lory. oa . inrn at., between Bnrnside and ch eta.; builder, F. J. Laher; $73. Phi ii Iv. Oorden, repair three atorr ordinary ptere and rooma. .114 Stark at., betwm-n Ml. nd tb ata. ; builder, f'ooley Bros. ; 23. T. A. Hyde, repair one atory frame atable. IS Briatol at., between Mey'era and Senega ita.: builder, aame; f&o. Mre. Flora C. Serrurler. erect one atorr rame garage, 1235 Concord at., between Sluip- n aim jesaup ata.; ouuaer, w. F. Ball; 1 91. Northwest Steel Co.. erect one atorr frnmo tackamlth ebon, foot of Rherlrlan r h...n foody aud Willamette rler; builder, aame; 2000. Northweat Rteel Co., erect one atory frame Iho6 t. fOOt Of Sheridan at., hnttraen Mmri. mnA llllmette rtrer; builder, same; $2000. Aleck Sam. erect one tnrTfrimi .h.k 20 Princeton at., between McKenna and Wali ta.; builder, aame; tjO. Mrs., DeOroch. repair two etory frame dwell- ng, 522 Clay at., between 10th and 17th ata.; ullder. M. w. Lorent: $100. Henry Oaterhols, repair one atory frame lelliag. 4211 Mil at. S. K . between 4!1 an.1 d area.; builder, aame; $125. Jnllaa Hellbrnn. reoatr 1 atorr nrdlnarr ore. 428 Hoyt at., between 10th and llth ar.: Jlld,e, E. K. Whiting; $10O. imggie, erect oue atory rrame milk 615 N. 20th at., at Induatrlal renter- Delia Btchlaon, repalr'one and one half atory ame aweiung. out ng at., between Hwi n A: Smith ata.: builder. C. c iiardw.ii- too: Ida M. young, repair one atory frame dwell- ig, 0084 67th are. S. K.. between 00th aud Bat ata.; builder, aame; $50. rank B. coiuaon. erect two atory frame veiling, T42 K. 80th at. N.. between Kllckl- ana Fremont ata.; Dullder, Htukea A Zellcr ! $7500. Jbertr Coal ft-lce Co.. repair two atorr or- Inary stable, 21 E. 3d at., between K. Aah and Pine ata.: bulkier. Mulr A Mr:iii.iri InaUactkm Co.; $150. w. B. orenreu, repair one atory frame veiling, 63$ Multnomah at., between E. 2oth K. nta ats.t balkier, aame; hio. , W. I.lndaey. erect one atory frame dwell- l. 4St Kerbr at., between Pace and Ruaaeii bnllder. aame; $1000. Is. a.. TQOtnpaon, repair nre atory ordinary artmeot. ICo N. 18th at., between Flandera d OUaau ata.: builder. If 'Holland Hrn 100, ' I Mre. Karrett. repair one and one half atory UNERALS Marlfnl adult Bloah oe losdcloUi casket. aaa liming, outside box. two astoa as4 for jinerals If dealred for K. -$40, $60. I Higher priced toner- i In proportion. i manufacture raakefa iLady aaatetaot. Beaotlfnl funeral ebapel. MILLER &TRACEY s r Independent Funeral Directors. "'Sfi00 UU 'bet.' Sotb esd. Slat) ee aids. Mala 2601. , A-T88JL $75 frame dwelling. 240 Meade it., between Sd nil 3! t.: builder, D. Garten; 2W. ScLnrts Bros., erect two story frame dwell ing, 1807 K. OHmii at., between B. 70tb and K. Tlat it,.; builder, aame; f 1800. W. N. Krerett, erect one story frame gar age. 10S Royal Court, between K. Glisso and E. Flanders ats.; builder, aame; 1200. W. N. Ererett, erect one and one half lory frame dwelling, 1( Royal Court, between K. Glisan and E. Handera ata.; builder, same: If 500. Mr. Donbara. repair one story frame dwell ing. AOtMilS K. Darl at., between E. 15th and K. lotb eta.: builder. N. G. Patterson? S75. B. B. Bromwell, erect one atory frame dwell-' ing. do bn aza at. k between E. Barnaul ana E. Coach eta.: bnllder, A. Johnson; $3500. Mr. Bowman, repair one and one half atory frame dwelling. 223 Cook are., between Com aerclal and Halgbt at.; ballder. A. Wtl belm; $75. A. Tburlow, repair two atory frame dwell lng, 442 3d it., between Hall and College eta.; builder, M. M. McCnllough; $500. l'eonl & Oarbarlno, repair three atory frame rooming bouae. 325 Water at., between Colum bia and Clay ata.; builder, Colombia Wire Iron Worka; SI GO. O. Loodwood, erect one atory frame garage, 16& E. 61at at. N.. between Stanton and The Alameda; builder, aame; $50. Real Estate Transfers. Martha E. Rosa and bua. to J. P. Young, L. 6. is. 2, Bon Ton Add $ Louie Balehlaer to C Kmmona, L. 26, B. 7, Birerdale Edward A. King and wf. to Lutgl Bar- beria et al. L. 3, B. 5, Bruaba Add... Carl T. Oroth and wf. to Ida M. Wiley, N. 85 ft.'L. 7, L. 8, B. 2, Mt. Scott Park "S Orerlook Land Co. to liana R. Jacob aen, L. S, B. XI, OverUok, agreement Same to aame, I.. 7, B. 23, Orerlook T. 11. Cook et al to Burton Brown et al, L. 13, B. 2. Lnchlnrar Add A. Hpeer and wf. to August Jensen et al, L. ft, B. 11, Hunnyslde W. U. Sanderson to Rose A- Fox, h. 5, B. 20. Irrington Emma O. MeTrath and bus. to Allan Rosborougb. U 1, B. 2, Fredonla Walter Raiilaha et al to Maria Rauhala L. 8. 4. B 12. Norwalk Hta B. I). Powell to Mary A. Powell, L.. 1, B. l. Base Line Add Cora M. Klrkley to school dlatrlct No. 1, N. 92 ft. L. 4, B. 1, Woodstock... Bertlne II. Prudhomme and hue. to Thomas II. Rmitb et al. L. 5, 6, B. A." Sub. of L. 2. 8. 7, 9. Tract "IV Smltha Add Carl T. Jorgenson to Frances E. Jonea. L. 18, B. 8. St an for Hts Rodolph Nelson and wf. to Adele Young, land beginning N. E. corner B. 8, Mt. 10 10 10 1,100 1,250 1,000 10 10 10 10 1 10 1.500 Hood View . Ann E. Latourette to William Beldt, L. 1. 2, 3, 4. B. 1. Maxwell Shell Co. of California. Inc., to Shell Co. of California. L. 1, 2, 8, 4. 5, 9, B. 4, Regent Hts., L. 4, Bridgeport.. Joseph W. Oanong and wf. to Buehner Co.. Li. 4, B. 1, Orescent Hts C. C. Wlntermute et al to A. EL Ban croft, 2 acrea In N. W. M Sec. 10, T. 1 S.. B. 1 E Buehner Co. to Joseph W. Oanong, L. 1. 2. B. 3. Buehnera Add S. i. Stanabery to James O. Kirk. U 5. B. 1, Lowell C. P. Jordan et al to J. H. Kelley, L. 19. B. 1. Kllllngaworth Are. Add J. II. Kelley and wf. to L. 8. McCon- nell, L. 19. B. 1, Kllllngaworth Are. Add. Ida Condit et al to D. B. Fleck. L. 3. n. 14, W. 10 ft. L. 2. B. 14. W. lO ft. L. 1, B. 14, S. 10 ft. L. 4, B. 14. Woodstock Colin L. Webster to. Martha Caroline Shannon, und. Vi int. L. 4, B. 7. Sewlckly Add i Euclid Inv. Co. to Jamea B. Bhtpman, L. 450 10 10 10 10 10 600 10 10 10 1,000 10 1. B. 1. Euclid Hts Crown Inr. Co. to Charlea W. Dablman et a). L. 8. B. 7, Perkhuret Add The Metropolitan Inr. Imp. Co. to Anli J. Tourtellette, L. 10, B. 5, 10 10 10 Rldgemont r H. II. Clifford and wf. to Portland Homes Co.. L. 8. B. 2)3. Albina Add. Gregory Inr. Co. to Nettle P. Kllngen- berg. L. 33. 34. B. 6. Uregory Hta... C. P. Jordan et al to Clarence R. Tbore aen. L. 20. B. 2. Kllllngaworth Are. Add The Ore Iron A Steel Co. to Elliott R. Corbett. B. 120, 121. 128, 129. 130. 181, 132, Dunthorpe. In Multnomah aud Clackamaa counties The West St. Johns Land Co. to Walter 8. Fortlner et al, L. 1 to 10, inc.. Sub. L. 2, B. 26. Whltwood Court Harvey H. Brlgga and wf. to German baptist Old People'a Home Society of the Pacific Coast. L. 2. B. 2, Oak Pnrk Add. to St. Johns D. B. Fleck and wf. to Ida Condit. L. 3. B. 2. Vail Same to aame, land beginning S71.58 ft. 8. and 1085.81 ft. W. of aec. cor. Sec. 16, 17. 20. 21. T. 1 8.. R. 2 E A. J. Goodman and wf. to Lorena M. Lundgren. L. 4. E. 4 ft. L. 5, B. 322. Balcha Add George Dudley Full to Charlea Full, L. 2. Tract "F." Northrop Acres John N. Webb to Mary K. Webb. L. 10, 10 500 10 10 1,750 10 10 10 10 11. B. 8. Mt. Tabor Villa Anx G. B. Bluteaux and wf. to Anna Ga briel. LNilO. B. 14. Greaton Barbara Cornwel to John Dick. L. 13, B. B, Albina Portland Truat Co. to B. P. Boland, L. 1, B. 4, Granrille C. C. Piper to Emma J. Peery et al, 3.24 acres beginning S. W, cor. Cedar and 7th stu., in Fairrlew S. Louise Patton and hue. to Clara E. IBT. E. 45 ft. L. 1, 2, B. 23, M. Pat tona Add to Albina Dinah Datitoff et al to Maler Margulles. L. 42. II. 1. Mt. Tabor Place Add Dinah Dantoff et al to Jennie Tonbin, L. 44, B. 1. Mt. Tabat Place Add. Li.rettA A. H&rermale and bus. to Min nie B. Standifer, L. 3. B. 62. Irring ton Lyman P. Hanna to Alice C. Hanna. L. 3, 4. B. 9. Iranboe 10 800 10 91 10 10 10 10 10 10 Alleged Assailants Held. Marshfleld, Or., May 24. Ben Piatt and II. Burgess were bound over to the grand Jury for an assault on Frank Mostellar. It is alleged that a "billy" wai used. For a tlma Mostel lar was In a critical condition. When Babies Grow The Parents Part From Their Canoe $ A canoe is a mighty nice thing to have around during honey- mooning, but when the kiddles grow to that age when they can tumble around but still have their "caution bumps" unde- jfc veloped well then a canoe Is ijt a useless luxury. Such v as the situation in the 4k household of W. E. Metzger of 269 Thirteenth street. The youngsters, so it was decided a y a family conference, were too w young lor water outings and the canoe, forthwith lost Its value as a transporting medium. Kven millionaires dislike to pay for something they don't - use, and Metzger, is no excep- 0 m tlon to the rule although he is m not a millionaire. So he Interviewed a Journal m want ad. The ad advertised ? the canoe and the canoe wasKf sold the day following, at the price set by the advertiser. Why not follow the same plan when you have something to sell? It will pay you, too. NEW TODAY 6 Choice Xroaaa of $10,000 aad TTs Oa Improved Baslnesa Property (or fog Xapxoweneat Parposes). r. p. upacoxB. 84a Stark atrewt. Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS 806 pekam Bl&g. Portland. Ox. 1 ,uj fTTTwrsirn On City aad ram Prepertiea la Any Aaaant at Carrsat tuta Hartmaa 6 Tbuaapica. jiaasvara Crmr . Of-Th nil g'ars Sta MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment Si Mortgage CeV' ( . . offices aoa-4, 170 .ad - - NEW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN 0. BSTABXZSKZO MTO. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AMD FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASS1STAMT TBXBX AJrO aaXJCOfT ITBXZTa. SOT. A-1811. $55,000 S-BTOBT BBICXV APARTMENT HOUSE Present Incoms 400 Moathly Kongavge w4ov. - WILL TAZX FOBTaVajTD FBOF WTTM. BOBtVB CMS. -790. Journal. FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America Baom B3. AAnaworth Bldar. Phone Mala 8841. poxtlaad. Or. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW SALE of furniture, carpets, etc., from private residence at Bakers, inurs day. 10 a. m. 166-168 Park St. MEETING NOTICES 41 THE MASTERS'. WARE& ENS' AND PAST MAS TERS' ASSOCIATION OF PORTLAND will meet to morrow (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock at the Acacia club. 6th and Oak sts. Brother Ueo. F. HoDkine will deliver an address en titled "Proarressive Masonrr." The meeting will be open to all, Master Masons. A lull auenaance is aesireo. By order of th president. LKHIjIE 8. FAKK.i-n. oecretary. KAMAKITaN lodge, no. 2, 1. O. O. F. Regular meeting Wednesday at s n. m t I O O IT Temnlai 228 Alder st. Visitors aiwsys welcome. WM. LINKLATEK, N. G. R. OSVOL.D. Secretary. REGULAR meeting this CrS?asaS2r E 6th ana Alder sts. G3t4J Initiatory deatree. VUit- aaiy - 0rs cordially invited. E A. SHARON. N. Q. W. W. TERRY. Sec'y. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons. Pins, charmi s .Tae eger Bros.. 111-8 th. Vital Statistics jnsrriages.Birtbs. Deaths MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 1 w 17.1 1 bl.kMll Odd C . (M. . V legal, and rma L. C. Uelnemann, 903 Eaat 23d at. N.. legal. K. K. nteeie, Ktartracc. waan., legal, ana Eleanor Q. Wiley, New Perkins hotel, legal. Anton Schlecbter. 813 Nicholal at., legal. itnd uermlna uaaman, iwu and lburman ata. lega I. W. G. Smith & CoiaSii ana carda Third floor Morgan Blag. Ltttt.nn auiiat sold or rented, low prtcesT latest styles, all slses: we bur dress suits, pare'i n giisnr t.iom. Btore. SI sa. UKbeU suits for rem, all sisea. Unique imiorina; v.o.. any -itam St. IRTHS SHBVACH To Mr. and Mra. Wlllia.ni She rach. 2SB Caruthera at,. Mar 20. a daughter uuttLL io air. ana air, oeorge carrell lint i.. mn st. n.. iia zi, a aaugbter. MARTIN To Mr. and Mr. William L. Mar tin. 2S9 E. 80tb (t. N Mar 20. a daua-hter itujAit-ou. io air. ana Mrs. Alrln Thompson, 2174 E. Washington, May 17, sen. FRANKLIN To Mr. and Mr. Homer Franklin. 930 E. 18th it. N.. Mar 16. danghter. avaiiwun io mr. ana jura, uiarence M Ackeraon. 1026 Hancock at.. May 20, a eon. ALFORD To Mr. and Mra. Frank C. Allford. 274 Wheeler at.. May 12. a son. FROST To Mr. and Mra. Erneat H. Froat, 221 Vi Hawthorne are.. ADrll 27. a boh. LKDBURY To Mr. and Mr. Albert W. Led bury. 822 E. B4th at. 8.. Mar 10. a son. JONES To Mr. and Mra. Everett Jonea, 806 K. 2d at. N.. May 20, a daughter. BARTHOLOMEW To Mr. and Mra Forrest w. Bartholomew, 009 Bherett are., May 19, a son. WEISS To Mr. and Mra. John P. Weisa, 678 Frederick at., May 12, a aaugbter. MOWERS To Mr. and Mr. George B, Moir era. ok m. iiotn t., Mir u, 4 on. B A I R To Mr. and Mra. Oscar Balr. 807 Qlad atone are.. Mar l.V a son. LEI TC H To Mr. and Mra. Jamea M. Lellcb tni 8Mp at. k. e. , May IP. a daughter. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 SLHLLENBERu in thia city. May 24. Au gut Schulenberg, age 47 year of C6P2 82d I. 8. E.. belored husband of Charlotte Sohul enberg and father of Lottie Schulenberg. Tt funeral aerrlce will be conducted Friday, May 26, at 2 p. m., lu tho mortuary chapel of A. 1). Kenwortbr & Co.. 5803-04 8 2d st S. E., In Lents. Friends inrlted to attend. In cineration Mt. Scott Park cemetery cremator ium. DALE At Seattle, Waah.. May 22, Anne E. Pale, aged bfl rears, belored mother of Mr. Z. Matbewa, and grandmother of Mr. Darld Tobiaa. Funeral will take place from Dunning & McEntee'a chapel Thursday, May 25. at 6:30 a. m., thence to the Cathedral, corner Fifteenth and Darla streets, where mass will be offered at 9 o'clock. Friends inrlted. Interment St. nary s cemetery. 8WANHON May 24, at St. Vlncenfa hoapiul, Ouataf Leonard Swauaon. late of 768 Montana avenue. Deceased I eurrired by hi wife. Alma Augusta Swanson, and fire children, and wa a member of Vaaa Orden Lodge. Noble No. 1S4. Remain at Pearson' undertaking parlor. Ruasell at Union arenue. ERICKSON May 24. at the family residence, 020 Bryant it.. Otto Eric k son. aged 52 years, belored husband of Ellen Erlckson, father of Elmer and Roy Erlckson. Remalna are at Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell street at Union arenne. MEADE In thla city, May 28, at the family residence. 370 Hawthorne Terrace. Grace WUIlna Meade, aged 40 years, wife of Richard L. Meade. The remain are at the realdence eatabllahment of J. P. Flnley ft n, Mont gomery at 6th. Notice of funeral hereafter. JOHNSON In this city. May 24. Ralph John aon, aged 2 yeara, son of Carl A. Johnson of 260 N. lth st. The remain are at the residence eatabllahment of J. P. Flnley ft Son, Montgomery at 5th. Funeral notice hereafter. BCKEXBERGEtt -At the realdence, Mllwau kle. Or.. May 24, Heury Clay Eckenheryer. Remalna are at Holman'a funeral parlors. An nouncement of fnneral later. VAV1CK In thla city. May 24. Nick Vari.k. The remain ar at the resldeae establish ment of J. P. flnley ft Son, Montgomery at Cth. Fnnerar notice hereafter. COOPER Ralph L Cooper. 1086 B. Morrison at. May 19, 29 years, Hodgklna disease. WATSON Margaret Watson, en rout to Port land, May 19, 71 yeara. acute dllltation of heart. KELCH William Kelch. 6th aad Oak at.. May 19. 29 yeara. accidental fall. MERZ LoukM W. Mara, 771 Booeevelt at.. May 20, 62 years, tnberenloaia. THOMPSON NetalU Thompson, boat bouse. North Pacific mllla. May 80, 2 months, bron cho-pneumoola . FINK Ketherlne Louis rink. 014 Mississippi are.. May 10, 78 yeara, acute obstruction of bowela. ROOD Stanley Adolph Rood, 734 X. Tyler St. May i, it yra, scuie pienro-pneumonia. aniui as awnnae WW tiwiau, sti Wash. Main t9, A-1818. Flower for all occasions artistically arranged. CLAKKE iutoa, florists, gal Morrison st. Main of A-1808. Puis flowers and floral designs. No hraneh store. XuNbE'm FLORAL CO 8a Wash, bet 4th snd 'h. Main 1102, A-U02. ubcak JortXMSON r LAjttA.Lt CO. i as c.iwun st Mar. 4372. A-144. MAIN 11; wreaths, pillows, $8 up. pprays i an i.naipeus,ti tiuithwh MAX M.6M1TH, florUt.1141iSi lh U FUNERAL DIRECTORS Tears of Experience Enables This Firm to Olve YOU Perfect Service This modern establishment, with Its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway, In sures absolute privacy, caus ing In no way a Ueparture Horn an estabiiahed policy ox moderate pricea Ivx perieucsKt w uinan Attendant j. P. Finley Sl Son Tho Progressive FTJNKKAL UiKbA;TOR3. Montgomery at Flftti. M-jin S, A-1S98. P. L LEI Undertake, tvst and Haw IUVIUC. I OA, O'lBCQ. a-sajiajj ca-raapim HM F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 K. Alder st. Phone East 6. B-2h25. Dunning & Mcbnteerrrrn very ueual. bioadwuy and Pine ata. Mioadway 4JU, -uo. iauy aamistam. A. D. Kenworthy Co. Tabor oJbi; 6802 itl at xnia. Tabor t8b: SSili at. and r-'oster ixad., vrleta. MILLER & TRACE V. independent fu neral directors, prices low aa axu, 840. tttO. Wash, at Ella. M. 26H1. A-786. Walter C. Kenworthv 1I!H-1534 K. 13th. bellwood 71. B-112I. A. H. Zellar Uo.&V loss. C-luSa. La y attenuAitt. uy anil n.xnt ervtca. feitJv4n. at biNOOiv. tt-izoi, X. 1260. 1C28 Belmont, at a4th Lady attendant L III UUVi 1 M S13; S3 A-2235. 446 Morr T Rurnoe Williams and KaSiL 1 I DjIllCd Kast 1116. C-1943. UemlltAn East 80th and GUsaa. Fu naiTllllUn neral services. Tabor 4318. SKEWEsyrl Co. Main 4168 Id and Clay. MONUMENTS . PORTLAND MARBLE WKS7. 2426 4th St., opp. city naiL Main 8664. Phllto Nen Sor.s. for memorials 'BtATNG GkANlTHCOl U 2fe7-3RP STCOR. MADISON. BEACH PROPERTY 48 FOR SALE Fine beach lot, 6uxlc0 ft.. ocean .rara, wash, owner. 141 12. 34th st.. city. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 HERE is a chance to get a home from the owner at the right price and on terms that will meet your condi tions. Six room bouse, near 34 th and Haw thorne. fceven room house in Rose City Park on 42d street, near the car. Six room house. Rose Cty Park, on 83d at. x Six room modern bungalow, near 23d and Brasee street, Irvlngton. Four room hn-.ma and larzn lot at Kendall station, on the electric line. xnese are all nice homes and 'ca tions and I am going to sell them. Will make the right price with small fayment down and reasonable month y payment to the right parties. If you want a home, phone me. John S. Beall, Woodlawn 3171. YOUR FIRE INSURANCE. Place it with us in standard com panies. Every cent of our profit in this department Is invested In building new homes In Portland. This is on way you can boost your home town. OREGON HOME BUILDERS. Oliver K. Jeffery. Pres.. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD. 8750 buys corner lot and 3 room cot tage, plastered, corner of Concord. This property In ordinary times should bring $1600; terms ft cash. Photo at office of Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. $1400.- $1400. $1400. Bungalow of 6 rooms, modern, 142 ft. lot, lawn, trees, street imp. paid; worth $3000. CHAS. RINGLER A CO.. 228 Henry bldg. MUST lose my nearly new 5 rm. mod ern bungalow In restricted district. near good carline. Equity of $900 for $160 cash. Mr. Snodgrass. Telephone Broadway iodil FOR BALE BY OWNER. Very attractive 6 room, strictly mod m vr himcalAV 1 At f,il 1 rtfl Vtem. m 1 . Park, price $3000, $500 cash, balance like rent. i-oa. journal. 850 CASH. SIS MONTHLY. 7 room plastered bungalow, tit. Johns line, $ibuu. a real snap. Fred W. uerman co., isz cnam. of Com. tfifliuiiji nwaern ( room and sleep ing purua, ijttujeinursi, price JJiUU, auu caen, oai. mummy paymenta. owner, u-os, journal. FINE Mt. Scott home. 2 blocks to car; 6 room house, 2 lota, plenty of fruit and flowers: $1600. part ca9b, terms. Call owner evenings a labor 667. TURN a burden into Income, build on your vacant lot. 1 build and finance. nans iree. in. u. liKiuna, contracting architect, 313 Henry bldg. Main 581 T. GOOD 5 room house anl 3 lots for iiznu; souu casn, Daiance to suit, Call Tabor 6472. Write N-76S. Jour nal. $160 cash tftkes my $1000 equity in mooern nose ity Dungaiow. baL Siaou line rent. b-bi, journal. $160 3 room house. water, pantry cook stove, heater. M. James, foot of Miles A MODERN, cozy, 6 room buugalow; must De soia; owner moving east. 874 nacKamas. $1100 equity in $2000 5-room cottage, 1 . . : m..n . .. . . . tui ficr uvAivvf, iur ffVU, 1J5 tU, Stark, r-none laDor 1JH3. 100x100, Fulton Park, o00, no uiori- gage. no assessments. Marshall 12S FOR SALE LOTS 16 EVERY ONE A BARGAIN. $500 E. 67th and Tillamook St. $445 l block from Woodmere sta $425 Rose City, on (2d St. $785 Alameda Park. $425 Mt, Tabor. On some of the above we will ac cept $10 cash, balance $5 monthly. J. C. CORB1N CO., LEWIS BLDG. WAS $2000. NOW 8450. Lots 13. 14. block 2. Rldgemont, one of the nrettiest residence districts m Portland; owner is going east andj wants quick action; $200 cash. $101 monthly, Ted vv. uerman to, in Cham, or com FOR SALE Am going east and will sell my sOxlOO lot in Fairport add., 2 blks. from car, street improvements in and naid for. free trom all incumb rance: will take $350 cash, paid $604 casn less tnan a year ago. bee owner. C, C. Cross, 50 E. KillingBW-orth. LOTS for sale, 75x100, $7U0; 74x100 $650: 75x100. 8550: 75x100. 2400 38 1-3x110, $300. These are wonderful bargains. Call on W, E. Richards, 4 Lombard st., university ParK. 200 BEAUTIFUL lots in Milwaukle: 60 car rare: light, ess and water: 120 cash and $10 per month. H. G. Stark weather, Risley station. Phone oak Orove 1-X. $100 each. 14 lots Peninsula ave., Willis blvd. worth $350 each: big bargain for builder. Chas. Kingier, 22. Henry bldg. CHOICE LOT. E. 40th st.. 1 block Hawthorne ave. bargain price for cash. $50; street im provements paid in full. Tabor 423. 110100 noir Kanllworth Parle cheao for cash this week. N-764. Journs ml, FOR SALELOTS 16 ' t Continued) lib FT. square wtth alley, improved sidewalks and a few fruit trees; cor ner lot; goi id business and residence district: located In Walnut Park. block from Williams ave. car. win sell this lot at a bargain for cash, or wHl take good acrea Write 401 L. 60th st. N-, or phone Tabor 6805. Mrs. O C. Etchison. JUST LIKE A GIFT. Nothing down, no payment for 8 yrs. Fine suburban lots, only 260; IS rain, ride on Oregon Electric at Garden Home; 7c commutation fare. Investi gate. Come Sunday or week days after 3 p. m. Ask for McCormic, owner, at station. ' tti-t.t. i--.pt of workina: drawings aud sketches for artistic, economical 6 room bungalow t'i. Call for these. OREGON HOME BUILDERS. Oliver K. Jeffery, Pres. 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE Corner lot on East Broad way, $35, terms. Sellwood lbOo. ACREAGE Cheap Acreage 120 ner sere: 120 down and 810 Per month buys 20 acres of good land, free from rock or gravel. Between Fortland and Astoria, in Cowlits Co., 2 miles from the ColumDia river. Fine location for dairy or poultry ranch, running water. E or 1250. tlO Aown. 85 Der month buvs 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralis. on the main line of three railroads, 1 milea from a town of 800 population, sawmills and shingle mills. Some of this land is partly cleared, running streams. Some bot tom and some bench. Can give you any kind of piece you want. 15 acres near Astoria, partly cleared. a nice spring on it. This also lies 1 miles from the railroad town of Knap pa, near Astoria, $450. at $20 downana 10 per month. 5 and 10 acre tracts at Clatskanle. Clatskanle lies half way between Port land and Astoria. Clatskanie hast a population of lOwO. a cheese factory, cannery and creamery; lies 1 mile from the town; from $35 to $50 per acre; 32 per acre down and $1 per acre per month. I also have other land in different locatlona Come in and see me. BELL REAL ESTATES CO.. 818 Railway Exchange mag chspge mag. Per Acre Only $3.50 Section of timber, burned over land, 65 miles from Portland. No better In vestment. I must raise money; less than half cash will handle it. Call U S273 before 10 a. m. 4 ACRE ORCHARD $860 7 minutes" walk from Sewall Station. Oregon Electric, miles this side of Hillsboro, orchard 5 years old, assorted berries between rows. $200 down, bal ance to suit. Biggest snap In Oregon. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Gibson Halt Acres Good soil, city water, close to ear line easy terms; will build to suit Pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1586 or Sell wood 478. John H Qlbson. owner. Oswego Lake Bungalow Acre and new 5-room plastered house, water and lights; close to station; terms like rent. A dandy buy. Call at 600 Concord bldg. 20 ACRES $400. 81 fare from Portland, close school. Bint ion: aeveral tracts with running water; $ZU cash, balance easy, ciauae Cole. 300 Henry niag. CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN ranch naar Portland, is. a. 10 acre tracts. best soil, good roads, near electric, $6i to $200 ptr acre, easy terms. aicar land 30 Yeon bldg. Portland, b'lVK acres. 2 miles from Taaaert. mile from ruaiatin river, 1 am forced to raise money, $42a casn will buy it. Phone after 6 p. m. laDor 6340. $10 DOWN and id a montn will Duy a corner acre fronting electric line, only 800 feet from station, SO minutes out; 10c fare. Call at 600 Concord bldg. SEVEN acres at electric station, house. barn, for timber land if well located Phone Gresham 123. 2 ACRES on O. W. P. Electric, $800; 300 feet from station; easy terma Mr. Purse, 308 Oak et. ACKE tracts on carline, near oity, paved road; $5 cash. $5 per month. 6 int. Owner. 617 Chamber of Com. SUBURBAN HOMES 9 NEAR OSWEGO LAKE. A corner acre and new log house; an ideal country home. J-596. Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 ALL FOR $900. 80 acres in Clarke countv. Wash.. 8 miles from Yacolt; 4 room house, barn 24x48, 2 acres cleared. 400,000 ft, timber, plenty of springs and creeks; good team and wagon, plow, harrow, cultivators and saws and all kinds of other small tools, some chick ens; an household goods. xou will have to hurry to get this one. Fred vv. uerman Co., 732 Cham, of Com. BUY FIVE ACRES and plant part in loganberries. They thrive in Oregon and can be profitably raised for juice or for drying. We have cleared oench and bottom lands, one mile to good valley railroad town; finest soli, cieek and springs; good roads; employment; schools. Five acres with houfc. $26 down. $10 month; unimproved lands at lesa Let us show you. J. R. Sharp, 83J8d St.. room 667. Portland, Or HOMESEEKER3. 400,000 acres of rich prairie land in Montana. $8 to $25 an acre. 20 to 25 per cent down, balance to suit, 6 per cent. Now Is vour chance to get rooi land cheap. Excursions twice a month at reduced rates. Money for R. R. far and berth refunded by applying it to the first payment on the land. For further information see Herman Peper, 642 Williams ave. A TEN acre t:act of bearing olives and almonds, 1 mile from Corning. Cal.; small house, chlckenhouse and outbuildings: fine irrigating well nnd pumping plant; close to grammar and high school; 10 o'clock mail delivery; all in good shape; owner has not time to take care or it; price $3000. no trades. Box 122, R. F. D. No. 1. Corn Ing. Cel. . FOR SALE, or trade by owner, at a bargain, 90 acres in Klickitat- Co., near Lyle, with 6 acres of bearing or chard in high class condition, fair Im provements, plenty of good water, ex cellent fruit, berry and air al fa country in a good neighborhood. Fine view or Mt. Hood and Mt, Adams. Will make price and terms right. John b. BealL owner. Woodlawn 3171. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 64ft acres, mile from S. P. sta tion and 1 mile from electric railroad, all under plow, 45 acres in crop, fam ily orchard and all kinds of small fruit, good cuiidings, on main road, $2000 cash, rest on terms; no agent wanted. Miss Alice Bicksler, Gervaia. Or. ONLY $1443 for 481 acres, good soil, '85 tillable, most easy to clear: well burnt over: will grow anything in the climate; big crops; PortlarwvJ about 40 miles. 24 miles to store ana boat landing, close to school and good Settlement; terms. U-979. Journal. FOR SALE At a bargain, 160 acres choice wheat land, mile from Lex ington, Or. This place well improved; price $11 per acre; must have money. W. Jones. 1623 18th St., Sacramento, Cal. 20 Acre Farm $800 $1 fare from Portland, close station, school, good bigs., spring water. CLAUDE COLE, 300 Henry bldg. 80 ACRES of eood saw timber. 2.000.- 000 ft, easy to get at; will take auto as part payment; pries $2500. Rey nolds. Rainier, or. FOR RENTFARMS 14 MUST sell stock, tools and lease on 40 acres- north of Vancouver, close to town and R. R.. on cream route and R. B D.. 2 cows milking. 1 fresh in June 1 heifer. 2 horses, ho?. Chickens, farm wagon, buggy, namess. -cream sepa- - f rator and farm tools, rent paid. Take I Earharts Manor stage at stags depot. I aiicwuver, us ivr. h.;wu..,.ks iuis avv unto.- -. - FARMS WANTED 8S RENT" OR BUY WANTED To rent small farm with full equipment; reliable man that understands the business. H, Kenney, Mllwaukie. Or, . WANTED To rent about 6 or 10 acres or more with house and barn, on east side. L-953. Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 320 acre homesteads, grain land, 1100. Wood, water, railway now building, party leaving soon. 840 Salmon. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 TIMBER OR FARM WANTED. 7 acres near Portland, close to car, ti acres potatoes. 1 acre orchard.. 1 acre garden and berries, spring wate nin.. tn kn.. o nA horn olantrlA lights, telephone. 4 room house, bath. It; would pay for Itself in two months; fireplace water piped to all parts of It m set up so you can see It, 563 is land; price 87000; exchange for timber j Oregon at. East 7288. or larger xarm, siocaea, ana put m other property for difference. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 818 Chamber of Commerce. FOK sale or trade: 160 A. land, Vi milea west of Goldendale, Wash.. 40 acres in cultivation and in crop, 6 room bun galow, 5 acres 6 year old orchard: spring water near house, good barn, 2 horses, wagon, harness and hack, 8 6ws, heifers, 100 chickens; value 84000, to trade for unincumbered Port land property of or near equal value. O. P. Potts & Co., 1980 East Stark. Planne Tabor 800. 383 ACRES grain, fruit, or dairy farm. 4 miles from Albany, spring water piped to buildings; want smaller farm, cash, income in Salem or Portland. good terms on balance. Give partlcu- PARTNER wanted to help in automo lare in first letter. No agenta R. F. 1 bile business; pay good profits to D. 2, Box 135. Albany, Or. energetio man end a small investment I MY newly furnished hotel is clearinn 1 8350 Der month. It is one of tho mo cheaply operated hotels in the city; will trade for a well improved $9000 farm, close In. I will assume up to I'BOO. E-964. Journal, 40 ACRES. 2 sets buildings, some cleared, 3.000,000 feet timber, fi miles to railroad, plenty water. nprr acre, free and clear; exchange tor clear house same value. Kinney. 185 M ia at., room 17. WHAT have you to offer for 6 room house and 2 lots in Shawnee. Okla,. value $1600; city Improvements all In and paid for: taxes on this property last year $17.87. Call Tabor 6472. T- 7f2. Journal. ACRES, all improved, near city limits, 10c fare, 6 room house. Price $2500; will take clear city lotsw for part. Call 606 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 6766. 40 ACRES timber land containing about 1.600.000 feet of merchantable timber: would exchange for livestock, cows, heifers or steers. K-663. Jour- jtiptv acre ranch, well improved, de sirable location: price $3800; the im provements and 10 acres are worth the price. 507 MCimy oian. 70 room hotel doing capacity buelnesk, will trade for well Improved farm close to city, must be clear of incuni brance. Inquire 65 N. th. TWO modern 4 room houses and lots, clear, cash value $3200: want land (clear) to same value. ftnn Henrv bldsr. v-msuuo '-"" EXCriANGE, $400 equity Improved Idaho acreage for automobile. Sell wood 1112. 82 ACRES. 16 cultivated, house, barn, mile Aurora, for modern house. aoOUt 4000. Z0 MUliawn mu. WILL exchange my 1-6 Interest in 320 acres timber land. Grays Harbor, for Seaside property. U-967. Journal MY $1100 equity in modern 4yoom bungalow; make cash offer, or will trade. Mar. 1298. HAVE improved farm, fully stocked; will trade for grocery store or bouse. MUlership, 431 Cham. Com. FREE and clear lots for house equities. MUlership. 481 cnam. torn CLOSE in acreage for modern bunga low. S-992. Journal GOOD house equities for suburban lots. Owner. G-a. journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WE WILL SELL OR LOAN MONEY ON YOUR LOT. J. C. CORBTN CO.. LEWIS ni.DO. ROOMING HOUSES 53 White Temple District 16 rooms, nicest furnished place In city; rent only $40. 2 apts. pay that; furniture cost $1600; if you want a first class up-to-date home, see this place. Price $826; easy terms. Call SO 12th st. Greatest Sacrifice in City 16 2- sr.d 3-room apartments, hot and cold water; corner location; few min utes' walk from P. O.; low rent; $360 will handle, balance easy terms. See HALL, 512-13 Panama bldg. ROOMING house, 14 rooms, nice, mod ern house, fine large, airy rooms, nice furniture and good carpets, H. K. nice home and a money maker. Price 8276. Several other good snaps. H. W. GARLAND. 191 4th tt. 37 ROOMS All modern conveniences. -Rent $100. Best west side location. Elegantly furnished In best hardwood. Price $1500. Terms to right party. Call 49 4th st. 14 ROOMS Modern, well furnished, beautiful home and fine income. Must be sold regardless of price; act quick. Call 88 10th, near atark. 11T owner. 18 rooms furnished for! cash and terma 408 ! VinniVsinlir rash anil terma. - 408 Jefferson st.. near llth WANT 12 to 20 room H K. place, have $700 equity 2 lots. Woodstock car. Phone owner, Marshall 2669. FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch counter doing good business, at less than cost. Neat., clean place. Living rooms In rear. Rent $20. Price about $200. Death In family. Parties going east. Address or call 6. D. Sprague, castierocK, wasn. MAKE your vacation pay. We have complete line for automobile own ers arolng to country; you can make 100. Commercial Brokerage Co., 46s Hawthorne ave. PARTNER wanted in real estate bust ness, muse invest $800 cash, rent, light and phone free, office located in hotel lobby and doing big business. O- 7l, journal. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Millinery store on east side, good location, good reason for selling. U- 981, Journal. SHOEMAKERS Complete machinery shoe repair shop, long established, trade; price made to sell. X-693. Jour nal. PARTNER wanted to help in office, also some outside work. Will pay food profits to energetic man. Par xulars, room 829 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE U. S. copyright. May) 1916, splendid advertising novelty. $300. Mr. Tyle. Menlo hotel. Phone Main 8623. MILWALK1E WAITING ROOM. Confectionery and lunch counter, $1500 cash, balance terms. PARTNER in the wrecking business to buy my 1H ton auto truck, $80o; plenty of work ahead. G-966, Journal. BARBER SHOP Good location, for sals or trade for something I can use on farm. 106 ft N. 8d st. DENTIST'S office, fully equipped, with housekeeping apartments, very cheap. Phone Tabor 44 DON'T WORRY. We can sell or trade anything. MIHership, 431 Chamber of Commerce. IF you want io start a barber shop see me. I have the outfit, easy terms. $07 McKay bldg. FOR SALE -Rooming houss and pool room. Yoor own pries for few days only. Main 8781. . CLEANING and dyeing establishment, good Incoms. no rent. Call Tabor 8844. WOOD yard, bst location in Poiiiand, big district, $1000 will handle. K- 665. Journal. FINE stamps, binges, albums, ate,, I a. m.-6 p. m. Columbia Stamp Co.. $4 North itn st. .Mam isae. CASH grocery, 'cheap rent, will la- voice. 70a union ave. ' - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SO (Continued) ajaaaaaaaaaaaaaajsawBasaaasaaaaas Elegant Proposition . for machinist; garage; auto re pair and blacksmith shop: every thing tint class condition; lo cated in one of the best cities outside of Portland; can be bought for 8H00. It is a well established business. Employ ment for three to four men. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 8650 CASH buy a money making prop osition: a liirshell-fcDliiman asouu merry-go-round, first olass shape and cOmDlkts. vTt In vl for hauling HAVE you a good herd of cows to put on our 1000 acres ranch plenty of pasture, oats, vetch, clover, corn. wheat, 600 fruit trees in bearing, cows chickena etas: will atve you half in- terest in all business. PX-60, Jour nal. Best Snap Out Grocery and delicatessen, corner, close in living- rooms; leaving city; part trade. See Hall. BH-13 Panama bldg. SMALL cash store for. only $226; sell candy, ice cream, cigars, light gro ceries, etc.; has 2 nice living rooms and a good cash trarde. Call room 329 Morgan bldg, z. cu v-"" "'"P rMn BUSINESS CARDS. Ross City Printing Co Third St.. cor. Taylor. LADY wants partner In house. S-99S, Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 MERCHANDISE WANTED. Improved wheat lands, close to good town, or timber to trade for merchan dise, from $1000 to $10,000. Box 7, Madras. Or. WANTED 10 to U room rooming house, must be close in and bear ln vestlgatloo. X-64, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN . REAL ESTATE 27 OUR installment plan Is the best and surest method 01 paying a loan. ursst $32.28 $21.24 $16.17 32.26 per montn ror se months, or ior u moutna, or for 98 months pays a $1000 loans and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. EQUITABLE SVG'S & LOAN ASSN. g4Z stars: at., rortiana, Oregon. BUILDING loans on city and suburban DroDertv: money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck, a 16 Falling Diag. Main 3ui. CITY LOANS, 6. 6U AND 7. SISDc , " rooming i,,wa-1 irTPaaJRM LOANS. 7, ANY AMOUNT. xjeo. e. waggoner & CO., 806 Yeon Bldg. $100,000 ON mortagages, city or farm property, flaV insurance. McKeuzie Tt co tierunger oiag., ia ana Aiaer. CASH Daid for mortaaaaes. notes, con- tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. irt h. L.ewis, 4 L,ewis blag. $200. $400. $700. $5000. On hand for immediate loan. BOID REALTY CO.. LEWIS BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN In amounts of $loo to $6000 on city property, a. h Bell, 0l uernnger oiag MONEY to loan on improved city, laim property. F. C. King, 314 Spalding $1000 UP to $6000 to loan on cay or farm property. lapor 4u. $200. $860, $00 $suo J12U0. $T5ooT Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. Con'. nit nAA rR I .W.fid CiUuIMrlTitU SO 4th st. Boarfl of Trade Bldg. V W . V V V MMWU. . . ....... vj V ... fe'EE us Small loans. Installment loan Cellars-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon bid if. MORTGAGE loans, 6j to 1. Oregon Inv. & Mortgage Co., 170 3d st. MORTGAGE LOANS, 4 and 7. Louis Salomon & Co., 80S Oak at., near 6th. 1 HAVE $1000 to $3000 to loan private ly. T-775, Journal. MONEY to loan, 6 to . W. II. Seita eye. v bldg. & Co.. 310 spaidinor MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 SALARIES CHATTELS Money to loan to salaried people and otners on iurniture, pianos, motor cycles, automoDiies, diamonds, etc., a legal rates, with easy terms of pay PORTLAND L6AN COMPANY, INC. ail ueKum fctlQg, DtAMONDB r-ougnt and sold. Main 6 LOANS WANTED SO WANTS $ 1,000 1.600 2,600 8,000 6,000 11.000 12,500 40,000 And other amounti 7e. 6. OREGON HOME BUILDERS. Oliver K. Jeffery, Pres. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bids WANTED $2200. First Ilea on farm worth four times amount asked. G 96 8,JOrn1: , WANTED--$lOoO, 80 ! WANTED IlOuO. 90 days, orlvata nar ties; only real estate, security; will I Far f- M-- Journi11 WANTED $1800. Ample security Farm property. Will pv 8',. Ad dress K-664, Journal. WANT $600. 3 years, O. K. ae curny. .-664, journal. WANT 8900 on my house, new. mad ern. Main 1940. 43QAVorcester bldg FINANCIAL 51 $350 2d mtg. runs la months, 1st mtr, aizvu, runs j yrs, rroperiy vai, $3600, will discount 2d mtg. E-949 Journal. 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; also sellers' interest In contracts. Or. and wasn. h. m. ivopie. uumuermens nidg. CHATTEL MORTUAO Eri PUR CHASED. INQUIRE 311 Dekum bid. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Men and women to qualify for government positions. Several thousand appointments to be made next few months. Full information about openings, how to prepare, etc free. Write immediately for bookie CO 861. Earl Hopkins. Washington, 1'. u. WANTED A good real estate sales man; good returns now: chance for promotion. Apply 414 Lumbermen Bang brag. WANTED Man to do about one hour work dally in exchange for place to sleep, including gas for cooking. Call 300 Williams ave. SPECIALTY salesmen wanted. Call be tween 8-9 a. m. or 5-6 p. m., 60 Northwest bldg. WANTED A competent horse shoe and biacasmiin at once. Apply xouni ifc Stangel, Wllsonvllle, Or. WANTED Good, wlllinar bov for amal fruit ranch; no cigarette smokers wanted. Call Woodlawn 4613 WANT elderly man for soliciting. 6 E 74th st N. RELIABLE bootblack wanted at 8 n, itn i, EMPLOYMENT department 1 A Sr--e fr.. , mmhrs HELP WANTED MISC. 49 T. M C A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Day and night classes; training In repairing, driving 'and machine work. prsss, stft.: tints unlimited. Secure pass at Educational office i. M. c A bids- to inspect our shoos and meth Ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED Ttll tlon fee includes MEMBERSHIP in 1 M- C. A. and Its EMPLOYMENT DK PARlTnilJiT, use of 60-ft. swimming pool, shower baths. gymnaslum.-etc UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $ j, vik Tsylor the Tailor. 289 ft Burnside! ?$. 8. 4J 8. 8. 7. s HELP WANTED MISC. V 4 i f Continued) 876 MONTH, Government Job. V Men. women wanted. List or buWtlori free. Franklin Institute. DepV 84C. rwiMirsipr, r, 1, " v AiN ikuu ftamea . men, wish lag t ' become Portland Snail carrier. Com mence 88T month. OX-981. Journal. HELP NTE1WFEMAJLB LADY to take orders for household ne cessity ; bulla a repeat-order busi ness and road Income; city and all towns in Oreaonand Waahlna-ton. Ad- 1 dress own hand writing. 808 Pbiladel- pnia st., portiana, or. WHITE SALMON strawberry pickln season opena up May 88. A larg- number of pickers and packers wanted. Should have your own camping outfit Apply to Fruit Growers' union White Ralmon. Wash. :.; ; Vv ANTED Nurse to care for children j and help wtth second work. Phone Main 8769, morning before 10. WANTED A middle- ed woman to , stay with two high school -girls tor room ana Dreamast. 711 ration are. WANTED A middle aged lady for work In hotel for husband's and self's board, and room. 621 Kavier. WANTED Experienced finishers a 1 gowns; also tailor help. 801 iNonn- western Bank bldg. - ' . GIRL or woman for country, good" 1 home, $20; Norwegian preferred.;' Call Woodlawn 8408. - LADY wanted to do plain sewing. Tau . per day. C-1027. . WOMAN to do housework for room and' j board. Call East 7877. GIRL for general housework. Phot I-LSt 817. . GERMAN baker or helper wants work,. Call East 6988, or 608 East Ash st. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE gfl j dOLER "Irai AJtB ER toLLJCOB -4 wants men and women to learn the trade: Dald while learning: tools free: positions secured: summer rates; write. for catalogue. 48 N. 2d st. , I WANTED, competent and responsible person to fake charge roomlnc house, 24 rooms, Astoria. Btate wares D. M weicn. Astoria or. WANTED Strawberry pickers and' nackers. bv June 1. writs at once1 for particular Chas. Veit, Whits al mon, wasn. MOHLER Bar bar school wants mea and women to learn barber trade; free in 8 weeka Positions secured. Pay while learning. 88 N. Id st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn bar bar trad free. 288 Madison st. WANTED AGENTS 6 COLLEGE graduates! Let me tell you or my success in tns me insurance , i business and assist you in making a I connection which will enable you to i earn $1000 to $4000 per year. EL N.t Strong, agency supervisor, Oregon Life. r-ortiana, uregon, . WANTED Agents in ail sections torn our full assortment of clean, rella-. ble nursery stock; demand is Increas ing. Attractive terms. UHhUUN, NURSERY COMPANY. Orenco, Or. '' ( TEACHERS, attention Do you want to 1 increase your income auring ins sum-, mer months? Communicate with E. N. t Strong, agency supervisor Oregon Life,, 1 Portland, Or. SOLICITORS WANTEU I For full line of goods that will sell: : 100 nrofit: make $8 to 66 nar day:, ladles or gentlemen. Commercial Brok-, , erage C- 468 Hawthorne ave. ' ' ' GOOD live h'uMtJera, an easy selUUsT. proposition; liberal commission: quick sales. 80 Grand ave. J SITUATIONS MALE " YOUNG man wants position as chauf- I ...... 1M .i .1 ... I . famllui f' .A i ., ! er, and willing to work around the., house: references furnished. X-188, Journal. a POSITION as timekeeper and property1' . clerk, experienced in commissary and 1 store house work, good clerk, married,'' i age 40, good references. V-791, Jouv. nai. WANTED Christian home for gooI boy, past 12, on farm where he can . earn hia board and clothes. M-870. I Journsl. t COMPETENT shop mechanics and chauffeurs furniahed by Y. M. C A.n Auto achool. Main 7066, A-654I. 3 Pnntrartnr Building, p 1 u m Dinat.f L-OniraLlOl plastering, brlorf snd cement worK. p. p. Kingery. iwar. IB.,, 1A IVTI Mil paperhanglng, 869 Mallory ave. tinting, - , good work wooo- lawn 1099. HOUSE painting; tinting $2 per room up. c. a. names, Marshall 2ri, BOY, 18, wants experience on poultry rancn. a-ohd, journal. - WALL tinting, work second to none, - prices low aa anyone, war. iTt. " 1 l l i i SITUATIONS FEMALE YOUNG lady stenographer-bookkeeper Miwstaiinsr-vwaapr I Ion; operator of Dicta-,,,' Lhs adding and switch-' lain 9472. ;- desires position; pnone, nurrougni boarA. Phone Ml COMPETENT young woman, ofi'tos perience, wishes work temporary or I permanent K-7BS. Journal. ' SWEEPING, dusting and bouse clean-1 ing zac an nour. Taoor 817$. 4112 1rA at H V. " . 'OUMJ woman of refinement deairee position aa housekeeper, no ObiSC . tlon to children. T-774, Journal. " 3 YOUNG girl wishes to assist in bouse-1' work. E-966, Journal. . if- WANTED Position aa chamberroa.ld". ' Uarahall K167. t desire waahlngl HiKunu woman a cleaning, etc. Main 4366. room 21. LADY will do good work day or Call O, Main 3767. tour. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING Satlafactlon gaeren-r teed; reasonable" references Mar , hull 249. Mil Olmatead. ' TAILORING Party gowns. ' altera " tions. 4g Montgomery. Main T4S. NURSES 00 INVALIDS private home, sleeping porch, trained nurse, city references. Tabor 2213. experienced nurse, beat of refer ences confinements preferred. P hons Marshall 447. FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED rooo.s for young men la all parts of the oKy. also In I. 11, C 1; A hAw . oanaclallr lt.ulrahla durfnar ha v-i summer; fire-proof, telephone la sash room shower baths. 81.76 to $4.76 pal1' week, including full association mem bershlo privileges, gymnasium, swim mlng pool, hand-ball court, aad many as! other ciuo privileges. Fun inrormatios , at Y. M C A. business offlos or tele-V phone Main 7366 A-6681. . j T. V Week. ThE GARLAND wVU.V: MODERN BRICK ; outside rooms: , sr. 25 Trinity $ t. 19th snd 80th. respectable; hot water, cor, wssnington, pet. ttUCKIftCSsAM MOTEL MTH AND W AflHINaTON ATB V Btrictly modern, rlghv cool . rooms, 82 to $4 per week; private baths. BACHELOR'S HOTEL Everything new snd up to data, ior men oniy. I' Main 31. V MEjaVod Tenth ana Washington. ern, T.rproor. rwHpciatbi, n wh?k qp THE BEVERLY Clean, homelike, fur- - nlahed rooms, reasonable, oentratly , located. 186 Psrk-Yamhlll. vm $1.6o WEEK up, clean, warm, modern ' fur, rms.. central. The King, 308 Jef. FURNISHED ROOMS nxvArtm vaxcxxt .70 $$ month, large, comfortably furnished., front room, modem conveniences, ,) walklng distance. 12 East llth near V' Ankeny. 'r LIGHT, well furnished rooms, walking : 1i al stance. ii 12th. Phone Marshall 4889. I GOOD room, walking distance, terms I $1.2r per week. Pnone East I2t. I LARGE lUnt lrontx room.. Is prlvats i. : f .family,,, 24$ N, 20th. .A