The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 24, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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:os 'Angeles Fans Flock at
Their Ball Park to See
Louis Guisto Bust Fences.
By George McManus
Cnerrlelited lt fBtentajiIonal News "irrtre.
Rrltr1 tfntte-l Stwi latent Offlee
OP lb
atiu DOVn AND
Matter ?
0 0
p-7 HERE. I
For the.
ad.Wtcher Called Upon Whin Brre
Higfirtotham X Kant to the Sta-
t , bU In Third-
, to Angeles. May 24. (P. N. S.)
'ti9? Ttotnen flocked from near and
arte take a flrwt look at the Coaat
eagu'a new feme buster, young Louis
iulsto. The Italian boy did not break
tiy bill boarda, but he did hit for a
!ouble and a single. Thla performance,
ogether with some terrific battering
y the home talent and the usual Tiger
a lit", appeared to more than aatisfy the
'Opuiace. The acore w;ia Vernon 6.
'ortland 4.
! One. more tick of the clock, and the
rafne would have none Into the extra
nolngs Two men were out wild
uimers on second and tliird in tlie
inth when Swede Hisbeig hit a
ground single Just anlf a snatch out
f,8tunipf's reach, scoring the neces
lary run.
Kelly the Heal HeadUner.
1 .The real headllner of the bunch wan
vftlly. The kid was sent In to pitch
ifter the . old timer, Erve Hlggln
lotham. had been knocked off the line
n the third. Kelly had a curve ball
;hat( could have gone up a spiral
talrcaise to alow music, and he struck
nit a half dozen men before surcumh-
ng ' to Tlgerltls. Lefty Decannlere
worked all the way. and barring one
iund, the sixth, he figured to put
:Xfra O'a In Oregon.
..The Portland Bang sturk two runs
n the blackboard in the third xpasm.
tunt McGafflgan fumbled Wllie's
grounder, and Vaughn walked. The
unneTs advanced on tiutnto flv out
nJ both scrambled over the rubber
hen Nixon singled to cpnter. Nixon
was thrown out trying to steal second,
nd"6tumpf filed out to Mattlck.
I Tigers Oet One la rirat.
i The cleanest kind of clean hitting
nabled the Tigers to take back one
f these runs In the last half. Aftpr
:ilgglnbothain had retired the first
f WO men; thre came three, shiKles In
me breath, blngles by Klsherg. Bates
md Daley, scoring the Swede. Mat
Irk filed out to Nixon,
j It was silver handles and flowers
or Hlggy after he had passed Swampy
oane and Griggs had doubled to cph
er. scoring lioane in the third. Hut
velly restored rider. Rlnberir am!
tes were thrown out at first and
;.alsy fannei.
I In the fifth after Grlgga Imd walked
md' been forced at second. Bates
aught Kelly on the end of his bat
tnd, draped It against the center field
wnee for a triple, scoring the Swede,
everybody played "In" for Ike Daley,
JUt the Kid crossed them tip with a
Jngle slash to right, scoring Ray.
I Beoanniere In Trouble la Sixth.
Decannlere got himself In trouble
n . the sixth when Vaughn'fl 'single,
iulsto's double and a pass to Nixon
llled the bases with one out. Ktumpf's
ingle scored Vaughn, and Guisto lum
ered In with the tying run on Roche's
sacrifice fly. Speas was out on a
fly to Mattick. .
This 4-4 thing lasted until the last
of the ninth. Tub Spencer singled to
right and Radcr went in to run for
him. Decannlere fanned, hoane sin
gled to left. GrlgKs was out. Kelly
to Guisto. Risberg ended the day's
work with a single to left.
Rlll v Phyle threw hot li Gleichmann
and Wilie off the lot for saying
things ebout his umpiring. The score:
ab. n.
Will, rf
Vnujehn. 2b . .
f.utnt", lb
Nixon, rf If . .
Stumpf. :!h
Roche, r ....
Srean. f If . .
W n rft . mi ....
Kelley, i ....
Klfher. rf ...
ll.(i((er(i, rf . . .
Ckampion 4-Mile Relay Team
Excellent Quartet From Cornell
These are the four Cornellians who established a new world's record
at the recent Pennsylvania relay games. From Jeft to right, they
are: Totter, Windnagle, Hoffmire and Taylor. Windnagle Is a
Portland, Or., boy, and ran the fastest heat of the day in the
third mile, making 4:26 1-5. Cornell beat Wisconsin by lOO yards.
i r. in
Twu out wben w hinitti; run was airt'd.
AB. Ft
lb . . .
F'oanv rf
'il(re. Ih .
Ha ten ;',b . .
Hole. If . .
M:itM.k. rf
Mi i.afflgan,
SVnrer. i'
1 lemnnlere, p
H. F'O.
1 2
11 2T M
Itan for Spei)cer In lth.
I nrtlund ' 2 0 o n f) 2 0 n (V- 4
tilts . I 0 I 11 M 1 n ti
Vernr.u 1 O 1 II 2 " o 0 1 -
Illta 30 112 1 IIO:i-ll
Thrre haio hit Bntca. Twn ha-w hit
Bring'. tiiiNl'i. Siu-rirtr hit lt"-he. Struck
out Hv Kcll.v 'i. I'v I'riMmiliTr :t. naag 'n
t lis tiff llliKili"ttiiiiu 1. "ff. Kellej 2. off
Iiecminlere :!. Knur lilts. 2 runa. 10 at h?t n't
I'lpKltilx'thatn In lw liinhiK. I'hanje ijpfent
ti Kellj. Time I uiplres 1'lnle and
D.j l.
' At Seattle: R. H. K.
;pokane 1 5 ;
ieattla 5 4 3
I Batteries Spokane, Keuther and
Jurray; Seattle, Kastly and Cadman.
I At Great Falls: R. 11 K
lutt .... 7 12 0
Ireat Falls y 7 1
I Batteries Uendrlck and Hoffman:
lalllo and ia worth.
; At Vancouver: R. H. E.
Iacoma . . 3 s 10
Vancouver 15 13 1
1 Batteries Telford and Roberts; Cal
4&han and Cheek.
Washington to End
Season of Athletics
Seattle. Wash., May 24. (P. N. S.)
Inter-collegiate athletics at the Uni
versity of Washington for the 1918
season will come to an end Saturday
with the varsity crew meeting the
California eight at Seattle, the track
team invading Oregon for a meet with
Oregon Agglea and a tennis trio com
peting against tm University of Ore
gon at Kugene.
Washington, on her record In the
Stanford race, should win the rowing
event from California. The track meet
at Corvallis is expected to be close
and the strength of the Washington
tenuis team is an unknown quantity.
The California crew, which arrived
In Seattle Saturday, is practicing on
Lake Washington.
J i
Innovation Planned for Dec
oration Day by Chairman
C, H, Davis
At Washington Chicago-Washing,
ton game postponed; rain.
At New "ork St. Louis-New York
game postponed; rain.
At Boston Detroit-Boston game
postponed; rain.
A t Philadelphia Cleveland-Philadelphia
gam.j postponed; rain.
Following is a part of an article
written by a Philadelphia Ledger critic
on Ted Meredith's record breaking per
formance in the dual meet with Cor
nell university a week ago last Satur
day, in which he gives great credit to
Vere Windnagle, former Washington
High school athlete of Portland:
"By defeating Windnagle, a worthy
opponent from Cornell, in the record
time of 1:52 1-5, Meredith lowered a
mark of 1:52 Vi established July 8,
1912, In the Olympic games in Sweden.
The former Intercollegiate record was
1:53 2-5, set by Dave Caldwell of Cor
nell, In the spring of 1914. This more
than atones for the defeats of Mere
dith by Caldwell at Indoor meets dur
ing the past winter season.
"In Justice to Windnagle, it might be
said that ha served excellent opposi
tion for the Pennsylvania flyer. There
was at one stage of the exciting chase
a thought that the Cornell man might
surprise the experts. No other person
than Jack Moakley, coach of the pre
mier Ithacans, was more astonished to
see Windnagle race neck-and-neck with
Meredith as the pair sped down the
The new medium
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are not exactly slender, just
"filling out" a little. This
is the suit for such men; it's
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of a man. .
All-wool fabrics, safe colors:
and satisfaction guaranteed,
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The Men's Store for
Quality and Service
Southeast Corner
Fifth and Alder
final 100 yards. As Meredith dashed
around the last turn with Windnagle
breathing in bis right ear, Coach Moak
ley was heard to shout, 'Look!!! Win
dy's going to get the record himself!'
For a few seconds the Penn students
drifted into a silence of doubt. Gradu
ally Ted increased bis sprint until he
opened up a space of three yards
which separated the two as they
crossed the line. Windnagle's work
was sensational, in view of the fact
that he equaled the former world's
record after having a short time pre
viously finished second in the one
mile romp.''
Klrkland, former Columbia univer
sity athlete, is showing great form in
the hurdle event for the Notre Dame
university this year. In the recent dual
meet with the Michigan Aggies, he
won the high hurdles in 16 2-5 and
finished second in the low stick race.
Cleveland Gets. McHale
Boston, May 24. (I. N. S.) An
nouncement was made here yesterday
that Pitcher McHale, released by the
Boston Americans, had signed with the
Cleveland Americans.
Spokane Gets "Bugs" Reseigl.
San Francisco, May 24. (U. P.)
"Bugs" Reseigl, former Seal and Bee
twirler, has reached terms with, the
b'pokane Northwestern league club.
Reseigl will depart for Seattle, where
he joins his new club, tomorrow or
Thursday. He becomes a free agent
at the end of the present season, hav
ing refused to sign otherwise.
Waiters on Ryan Denied
Los Angeles, May 24. (P. N. S.)
President Powers of the Los Au
geles club has denied rumors from
San Francisco that waivers had been
asked on Jack Ryan, the veteran
pitcher of the Los Angeles club.
L. A. May Get Far Western.
Los Angele3, May 24. (P. N. S.)
If San Diego does not stage the far
western track and field championship
this year, Los Angeles ill, according
to sport enthusiasts here. It is said
the southern city has made little
effort to secure the meet. Robert ti.
Weaver, president of the Southern Pa
cific branch of the A. A. U., will re
turn from San Diego today and a
definite announcement is expected
from him.
"Kelly Golf," an innovation In north
west golfing circles, will be rlayed
over the course of the Waverley Coun
try club Decoration day. This kind of
play has proven itself to be very
popular in the country clubs in the
middle west.
The game is played in four-ba!l
matches, match play on handicaps.
The players tettie up at each hole by
paying a chip to each players who wins
It, receiving a chip from each player
defeated. The winner shall be the
player who holds most chips at the
end of 18 holes. There will be a
prize for the winner and one for the
Chips will be supplied before start
ing. Further particulars can be ob
tained from I. L. Webster, starter.
The defeat of G. II. Mayes and M.
H. Whitehouse in the play-off of the
tie of the four-ball foursomes played
Saturday. May 13, at the hands of R.
P. Tisdale and W. A. Pettigrove can
be called one of the "Tragedies of the
Links." Playing under match play
rules. Mayes and Whitehouse were de
feated on the last green by one stroke.
The play-off of the tie between Mrs.
Victor A. Johnson, Mrs. Gay Lombard
and Mrs. W. B. Ayer for the Waverley
Bowl, which was contested for in
monthly play last year, will he staged
this afternoon on the Waverley
links. .Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Lom
bard each receive a handicap of 24
strokes and Mrs. Ayers receives 28.
The handicap mixed foursomes, post
poned on account of the Spokane-Wav-erley
match May 6, will be played Sat
urday afternoon. It is expected that
there will be a big entry list.
C. II. King and Richard Wilder were
tied with net scores of 69 in Saturday's
handicap sweepstakes. They will play
off the tie some time this week, the
winner to take two-thirds of the balls
that were put up as entrance fees and
the loser ine remainder.
The qualifying round of tha 1915
Board of Directors cup will be played
over the Portland Golf club course
next .Saturday, Sunday, Monday and
Tuesday. The eight low scores will
iiialify for the elimination rounds to
be played under the match play rules
with handicaps. The finals are sched
uled fcr July 4.
lap Tennis Stars Coming.
Los Angeles, May 24. (U. P.)
Mykiml and Kumagae, Japanese ten
nis experts, who pressed Ward Dawson
and Peck Griffin to the limit on their
tour of the orient, will be seen here
at the Pacific doubles champio:iship
Virginia courts. Long Beach, July 4,
it was announced.
Eunning Races in
Heats Are Planned
R?no, Nev., May 24. (U. P.) Run
ning races in heats will be the novelty
presented to Reno racing enthusiasts
when the big meet is run here in July,
if the plans of the Reno Racing asso
ciation do not go awry.
The stewards believe that a revival
of the ancient plan of handling the
runners will attract attention, and have
nearly concluded to put the idea into
effect here.
The heat system will not be used,
of course, in long races, being confined
only to sprints of from three to five
Court Rules Against
Prizefight Pictures
Utica, N. T. May 24. (U. P.) Pro
moter Johnston and his associates who
took motion pictures of the Johnaon
Willard fight in Havana and brought
them Into the United States lost the
first round in their court fight here
District Judge Ray overruled i. e de
murrer to the government's suit which
asserted the Indictment did not state
facts sufficient to constitute a crim
inal charge. He also upheld the con
stitutional question involved and vig
orously declared that Importation of
the pictures was Injurious to morals tn
violation of the statutes, regardless of
fl Get You
Yl -"the Strand Germ
M Any Time 1UC
the methods by which llm picture!
w ere imported and transfer! ed.
sew Orleans Wants Kelly.
A telegram was received vcNterdajr' -from
New Orleans asking Portlsnd ball'
club if it can send Southpaw Herb
Kelly to thj Pelicans. The menage,
was forwarded to Manager McCredla
at Los Angeles.
Western i
Champion. I
hip 183 lbs. I
Billy Mascott
Korthwaat ra.tharwla-llt
Champion vs. 1
Lee Johnson
Pacific Coast Taatherwsight Champion.
Borneo Bagea v. Ai lommtn
168 pounds.
Joe Gorman ve. Jockey Bennett
116 pounds.
3 Big Preliminaries 3
f Kin a
Admission 60c; tl. $1.50, ta hoaee.
TICKETS OH SAIiX Rich', 6th at
Wash.: fttlUer's. Broadway at Btark.
Get your seats for the opera "Fra
Dlavolo." Great performance by Port
land Opera association Baker theatre
Thursday night. May 25. Saturday
matinee. May 17. Topular prices.
2 Distinctive Packages
1 f in the flexible "IT
JU VestPocketPackageXDC
Cf in the convenient T)C
&YJ Patent "lift" Box ZDC
Dal ton Joins Seals.
San Francisco, May 23. (P. N. S.)-r
jack Dalton, famous Brooklyn Nation
al outfielder, who Jumped to tire Brook
lyn Feds last season, and later was
turned over to the Detroit club, will
blossom out in a San Francisco uni
form within the next few daya This
important bit of news was received in
a telegram here yesterday from Man
ager Harry Wolverton, at Salt Lake.
Dalton is a slugger, a fast man on
the bases and a fly chaser of much
ability. His ticket has been wired him.
and it ia expected that he will be on
the job for next week's series With the
Mt. Angel to Play Canby.
Mt. Acgel College, Mt. Angel, Or..
May 24. In a game to be played next
Sunday, which will be a return con
test with this team, the Mt. Angel
college baseball nine will meet the
Canby Artisans at Canby, Or. A fast
game is expected as the Artisans will
have three new players Including a
pitcher. The game will begin at 2
An extensive business has been built
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