The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 24, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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    MM So ciety Is Doing
SOCIAL as well as musical lmterest
la keen In the two performances
of "Fra, Dlavolo" at the Baker
theare, opening tomorrow evening-
and with a aecond performance
Saturday afternoon. The Portland
Opera association Is presenting the
opera. Among- those who will enter
tain with box parties are Mrs. George
It Street. Mrs. Warren Erwln. Mrs.
Solomon Hlrsch and the Mac Do well
This evening the Empire day cele
bration at the Armory will call forth
hosts of British people to the concert
of old favorite songs and Interesting
addresses by prominent men.
Popular Seattle Girl Engaged.
. Between interesting engagement an
- nouncementa In Portland, which are
coining at freqeunt intervals inese
nrinr davs. Seattle is furnishing tid
bits of news. ' Following Miss Nan Ful
lerton's engagement to Enbridge Hart
ley Stuart in Seattle, two Sundays ago,
. came the announcement last week of
Miss Imogene Carraher, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer M. Carraher,
and William Turnbull Burwell, aon of
the late Rear Admiral W. T. Burwell.
y. S, N, and Mrs. Burwell. Mrs. Bur
t well and her son make their home in
Seattle, and the bride Is of a promi
nent family there. She visited here
not long ago with Miss Irene Daly and
made many friends in Portland, who
wllll be interested In her engagement
The wedding is planned for the early
Mrs. Clement Ackerman and her
laughter, Miss Nan Fullerton, came
over from Seattle and are guests for a
few days of Mrs. R. Lea Barnes.
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Alvord returned
yesterday from a three weeks' motor
trip through eastern Oregon. They
traveled more than 800 miles and struck
all varieties of weather from a snow
storm to warm sunshine. However,
the trip was most enjoyable.
BOO Party.
Orphla Temple. No. 18, Pythlsi 81s
tere, will give a 500 card party Thurs
day evening, May 26, in the Pythian
castle. Mrs. Phillip Oevurts will pre
side as chairman, assisted by Mrs.
George Spencer add Miss Maybelle Ol
sen. Refreshments will be served and
good prizes given. All Pythian Sisters
and their friends Invited.
New England Society.
The New England society will hold
Its regular monthly social Thursday
evening, May 25, at the Oregon build
ing, formerly the Commercial Club
building. All former residents of the
New England states and their families
are cordially invited.
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L, Stephenson of 412
Marguerite avenue are announcing to
their friends the engagement of Mrs.
Stephenson's sister, MUn Helen Coul
ter, to F. Harold Roudebush of Akron,
Ohio. Miss Coulter came to Otegon
two years ago from Oxford, Ohio, and
has taught during that time in the
first Union High school in Multnomah
county at Corbett, Or. Mr. Roudebush
is assistant in the cost department of
the Firestone Rubber company at
Akron, Ohio, and while at college was
, prominent in the Sigma Chi fraternity.
The wedding will take place In the
early fall." Mrs. Stephenson, who Is
national president of the Delta Zeta
sorority, will first attend the conven
tlon of that organization at Lincoln.
!and will go on from that place to Ox
ford, where the wedding will occur.
To Give Theatre Party.
Ma and Mrs.1 Warren A. Erwln will
' give a large party at the Baker theatre
Thursday evening at the performance
of "Fra Dlavolo," In honor of Mle
IjO Desca Loveland. Miss T..oveland
recently arrived from New York and
appeared as soloist for the Apolio club,
at its lat concert. Other member J
et the party are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
P, Mulder and Oustave Kraemer.
Benefit Planned.
The ladies of the German Aid soci
ety with to announce a May day party
at the Altenhelm. 2001 Division street,
tomorrow afternoon for the benefit of
the Altenhelm. The program is: Piano
1 solo, Mis 2ls1e Meyer; address, John
Ressacher; vocal solo. Miss Hazel
Gunther; piano solo. Miss Cooner; reci
tation, Mrs. C. B. Lehman; piano duet
Mrs. P. Y. Beier and Miss Coonei ;
vocal solo, Olga Goldberg Griffith:
piano solo, Mrs. L, Sehmuckli; plan
solo, Mrs. M. II. Meyer.
For Mr. ,Tohnson.
Honoring her sister Mrs. Kdward
Eckley Johnson of Buffalo, N. Y., who
la her guest until after the Rom Fes-
iivaii ii i b. tviuiuiii scuu enter-
tained'wlth two attractive teas this
' week, Monday and Tuesday afternoons.
About 26 guests called each day. Assist
ing the hostess were Mrs. Richard .Boy
kin, Mrs. Horace Fenton, Mrs. Walter
Pearson, Mls Richardson of Virginia,
house guest of Mrs. Pearson; Mrs. Ed
win A. Taylor. Mrs. William A. Evans,
Mrs, John Corcoran and Mjs. George
W M &
At the Theatres
COLUMBIA Sixth, betweea Washington and
ninri. Mocioa picturca. "Not My Slater"
II jriingle-lnce), featuring Be! Barrtucala.
-a uaao of courage" IK
to It p. m.
vayiton), XI a. m.
CI OBB Washington at Eleventh. Motion plc
lorea. VaudeTllle. Change of program dally.
It a. m. to 11 p. m.
B EI LI a Broadway at .Taylor, Otl 5k Inner
In "Cock o' the Walk," 8:13 p. m.
BIPPODKOME (Orpheum) Broadway at
Yamhill Vauderllle. Feature, Phil A.dam
and hla Faiclnatlng Fllrtf. Motion picture,
"Th Kliig'a Qame r (Pathe), featuring Pearl
LYRIC Fourth and Stark. Moaloal comedy.
. Alhambrr Opera company in "The Northern-
er." S:30, T:S0 and 8:10 p. m.
MAJESTIC Waahlngton at Park. Motion pie
turf. "Battle of Heart" (Fax), featuring
William Farnum. Comedy. Oregon Journal
rathe News Weekly. Official film of chil
dren' May festlTal at Multnomah field.
OAKS PABK On Oregon City carliue (Depot
Hrt and Aider) Outdoor and Indoor
' amusement TaudeTllle, 10 a. m. to 11 p. do.
PAM'AUES Broadway at Alder. VaudCTi'.!.
Feature, Winston' tilrl and Sea Lion, 2:30,
T:30. 9:10 week day. Coutluuoua beginning
' 8:15 Sunday.
PEOPLES Alder at Park Motion picture.
"The Feud Girl" (Famoua Playera-Para-
mount) featurlug Basel Dawn. Mutual Naws
weekly. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m.
BI B A N u Park at Stark. Vaudeville. Feature,
. Dorelty playlet, Burkhart A Edward "The
loop Hounds." Motion picture, "A Son of
the Immortals" (Bluebird), featuring i.
'" Warren Kerrigan. I p. ffl. to 11 p. u.
T, V D. Broadway at Stark Motion ptctnre.
r-uioria'ft itomance" tawieme) reatunng
Btllie Burke. "Salvation Joan," featuring
Edna May. "Mr. Jack. Doctor by Pro it.
vitagraph) featurtng Frank Daaiaia.
ART MUSEUM Fifth and Taylor. Hour to
. o week day; 2 to 6 Sundays, rrae after
' Booas of Tuesday, Tburaday, Friday, Eatur-
oay ana Buaoay.
; ; New Program Attractive One.
Ah jsmtuus new out or merit
opened this afternoon at the Hip
podrome, both vaudeville and
photoplays being of a high . standard.
Phil Adams and his Fascinating
Flirts offer a musical comedy that
brings, many laughs. Mr. Adaraa is
the big bit of the piece. The Chorus
sing and dance well and this attraction
gives a pleasant 20 minutes of an.
. Vlley Wright of Weed. Cal., ars guests
ai ub jrwiiauio. , . -
Edward B. Dorsey of White Salmon,
la at the Oregon.
H. S. Scupham is registered at the
Kortonla from Caaadero.
W. L. Gazzam 'is a Seattle visitor at
the Cornelius..
W. P. White of Albany, is at the
J. E. Bradley of Medford, is at the
H. E. Wadsworth, superintendent of
the Indian school at Chemawa, is at
the Imperial.
J. E. Hinton Is a Shanlkb visitor at
the Carlton.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roach of Mont
pel ier, Vt., are at the Nortonia.
Daniel A. Jones Is registered at the
Imperial from Nome, Alaska.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phippa Ross of
Boston, are guests at the Portland.
A. C 8 tall berg is registered at the
Carlton from Hamilton, Mont.
Pboto by Buibnell.
Mrs. Thomas A. Murphy and little son, Moores Vincent. Mrs. Mur
phy was a recent hostess.
tertalnment. The comedy is original
and the music lively.
Ralph Bayle & Co. have a European
athletic act that is rightly named
"Surprise." In this number, F. Ralpn.
who weighs but 16a pounds, balances
on his feet a tea house in which six
persons sit, their combined weight be
ing slightly over 1100 pounds. Miss
Anna Bayle, "The Girl with tne
Golden Voice," sings pleasingly. .
Boninger and Lester sing and dance
In a manner highly diverting. Miss
Lester dances to her own accompani
ment on the violin in a charming
manner. Charles Kenna, "The Street
Fakir," is a monologlst and is good
for any number of laughs. He gives a
burlesque of the familiar medicine
man of happy memory.
Delphlno and Delmora extract music
from most unexpected sources, such
as chairs, steins, flower baskets, etc.
Delphino's electric lighted nose and
eyes provide enough mirth to equip
a comedy act Vincent and Cunning
ham have comedy, sonata and stories
and they put them over in good shape.
ine pnotopiay part of the Hippo
drome bill is also a winner. "The
King's Game,'' in five reels, featuring
Pearl White. Is an Intrigue of royalty
that la highly interesting. It is a
sterling Pathe production. In addition,
there is first run comedy and scenic
educational films that please. This bill
will run until Sunday.
Cure for Bines.
A comedian who really "comedies"
and a feminine assistant of much
grace and charm, are coming to the
Strand tomorrow in the persons or
Nick and Lyda Russell. Another di
verting quarter hour is promised bv
Francis and Holland, dancers with it
wilderness of wardrobe. This team
box orncx wow ope.
Get your seats for the opera "Fra
playolo." Great performance by Port
land Opera association. Baker theatra
Thursday night. May 25. Saturday
matinee. May 27. Popular prices.
Did You Know Cherry's
Suits Are Reduced
And That You Can
Buy One on Credit?
If you have already heard this wel
come news, you're probably wearing
one of these charmlntr Suits bv this
time. If this is your first inkling of
it, you 11 want to make your visit very
early Thursday morning;
.."St1" bcause, when a store
like CHERRY'S goes so far as to re
duce exquisite S3U and $32.50 Suits to
f 34.60 ao early in the season, crowds of
women are sure to flock to see and buy
them. The styles and materials are this
Summer's latest you can't help ad
miring them.
Then, in addition to the reduced
prices on $30 and $32 60 modern.
CHERRY'S have repriced $42.60 Suits
and are selling them fast at $34.50.
The great advantage of buying your
8ult at CHERRY'S, you know, is that
ment Terms,, with Just a small sum
down, buys anything, even when it's
specially priced.
You remember the address. $89-391
Washington street, in Plttock block.
of f fie New Show
has a new gown for every one of their
many dances. George and Marie
Brown are singers of classical songs.
The entire show will be diverting, but
chief of the propagandists against the
blues will be Frees Brothers, comedy
acrobats. "Half a Rogue," Harold
McGrath's great story, made into a :
live reel, will be the movie feature.
Children Admitted Free.
Manager Pierong of the Strand thea- j
tre announced that hereafter children
under 10 when accompanied by parents
will be admitted free at all matinees
except Saturday and Sunday.
for the
a Kodak.
It need but
cost you little
or much, as you
Whether you bring in
your films or leave
them prompt serv
ice in either case.
Columbian Optical Co.
145 Sixth Street
Floyd Brower, Mgr.
Ralph W. Elden and family of Cen
tral Point, are at the Nortonia.
Mrs. H. P. Keller and the Misses
E. and J. Shafer of Los Angeles, are
guests at the Portland.
C. W. J. Reckers Is a White Salmon
visitors at the Cornelius.
Preston Dickey of Amity, is at the
Perkins. I
' Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Iue of Suther- ,
lin, are at the Imperial. I
George W. Holmes is registered at I
the Oregon from Astoria.
R. Pageman la a Hammond vlaltor
at the Carlton.
J. A. Hunter of Roseburg, Is at
the Clifford.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spittle of Aa
toria, are guesta at the Portland.
John Bradburn Is a Pilot Rock visit
or at the Perkins.
Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Crocker of Cen
tralla, are guests at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Evans and Mrs.
Oaks Pari
Chat No. 17
CPEAKING of organizations who
have decided upon The Oaks
for their anniral outing, announce
ment i made of tha picnic to bo
held on Saturday by the Presi
dents Conference of associated
Portland women's clubs.
This affair is the final event of
a series of weekly Catherines of
members of women's organizations.
The presidents of more than ISO
dubs, auxiliaries, parent-teacher
associations and leagues are the
prim movers in this big park fate.
An open-air luncheon of the
presidents will be held at noon,
after which an elaborate program
will be offered in the Auditorium.
A Maypole danco by a score of
young girls will be one of the gem
features of the afternoon.
Members of all women's organ
Izations are invited to attend the
picnic in the afternoon and even
ing. Individual basket picnic
groups are being formed and it
should be remembered that hot
coffee can be prepared at the new
kitchenette on the grounds.
The children will romp on the f
awns ana tour tne park under the
direction of Miss Dagermark, su
pervisor of calisthenics for Penin
sular Park playgrounds.
The equipment of the park is
unlimited for the handling of
thousands in perfect order and
with a maximum of comfort.
The Columbian Ladies' Band
will take part in the program with
musical selections from classical
and popular numbers. Miss Har
riet Leach and Miss Gertrude
Hoeber will be soloists.
Watch the Chat Daily
for Oah Park Events
Broadway at Tarlai
tfaln 1 and A -1122
last tike TONIGHT 8:15
Otis Skinner
la His Lateit Comedy Bit
"Cock o the Walk"
Price 12. tl.SO. 1. 75c, 60c.
3r Tomorrow
Popular Frio Hat. Nxt Saturday
America' Farorlte Comedienne.
In tb Delig-htful Comedy.
The Making Over of Mrs. Matt
Eventcc. Floor, 11 row. $1.60; 7 row $1.
Balcony St. 75c, 50c. Gallery. 60c. Pop
ular Saturday Matinee, $1.00, 75c, 60c.
6 SeS, Next Monday
SgMm. SP- Best Seats $1.00
lPKEiStAi Mat. SaL $1.50 to 50t
New York Winter Garden Co. In
-' Xu
Passing Showof 1915
12S Heart-Breaker. 125
Warmest Winter-Garden Babjr of
Then All.
ETtnlng. Entire lower floor. $2. Balcony
$1.50. $1.00. 75c, 50e. Gallery. 60c
LJTt and Grandest Tnestre
11 a. m. to 11:30 p. m.
Exclualve motion picture classic ex
ploiting the photo-dramatic art.
Mittneea 10c. Etenlcc
and Sundays. 15c; lose. 25c.
Jin snaRi
WiMton; WATER TJOKg sag Dimro
ajjCPHB, Ameriea'a meet amaatag aquatio
VYV7HS. America ' Most JUBazin
Aauatle Wrraltr.
Boxes t Tint row kaloony aeata raaetied
by phone. Curtain. g:S0. 7 and S.
Ne wi picWMJ 1
I west n4 Bt"lnjgl5jt" I
I MAJESTIC WTtE, first tun I
CIRCLE THEfQxE. second rW
S. & H, Trading Stamps Pay a Substantial Dividend on the Money You Spend Start a Book I
Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors, Second Floor Soda Fountain in the Basement Store
4th Floor
Visit the Recreation
Store and find out about
the new couch ham
mock porch and lawn
swings, etc., for sum
mer comfort.
Is, Worimaii. & ffi
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A-6231
Trunks, Bay,
4tK Floor ;;
Don't make the mistaka
of buying your luggage;
until you have seen our
splendid showing of
the things you need.
Great! MoMltit-Emdi MSBBMcry Cflearfflinice
$12 Trimmed Hats $5
$22 Trimmed Hats $10
Millinery Salons, 2d Floor THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY
will be "Clean-Up" days in the Millinery Store. We are determined to
close out all black and light colored hats at once in order to clear the
stocks for mid-summer hats now arriving. Beautiful models in all the
season's best styles sailors, turbans, back-rolls, poke effects, etc., in
Milan hemps, Leghorns, Panamas and other desirable straws. For easy
choosing we have grouped them into three special lots.
Entire Stock Women's Sport Hats NOW lA OFF
$3.50 Hat Shapes at $1-98
$8.50 Hat Shapes at $3.98
Millinery Salons, 2d Floor. Over 600 high-grade bat shapes re includ
ed in this Month-End Clearance. Up-to-date styles sailors, turbans,
pokes, back and side-rolls and various other models. Hemps, Panamas,
Leghorns, Milan hemps, etc., in attractive light colors. Also many in
fashionable black. Don't neglect this splendid opportunity to save.
Sale Milliners' Trimmings
Millinery Salons, 2d Floor. Hundreds of bunches new millinery flowers,
wings and novelties to be disposed of at sacrifice prices. Beautiful roses,
small flowers, -berries, -reaths, etc., in wonderful variety f styles and
LOT 1 Flowers, wings, etc., worth up to 1.00, SALE PRICE 50c
LOT 2 Flowers, wings, etc., worth up to 1.75, SALE PRICE 75c
LOT 3 Flowers, wings, etc., worth to 2.50, SALE PRICE $1.00
Here You Will Find the Latest Ideas in New
Sport Apparel
For Women
Second Floor. Sweaters, coats, skirts,
suits, etc., in distinctive styles for sum
mer, wear. We specialize in this class of
garments and show the most complete
line to be found in the city.
Wool Sport Coats
$9.75 to $33.75
2d Floor. Of wool Jersey In heavy or
light weights. Plain colors, some with
striped collars and cuffs others
trimmed with broadcloth. Also checked
and plaid flannels in green, pink, tan,
with white or plain colored Bolivian
cloth, corduroys and golf-
ine. Full flare effects with
wide collars, belts or ties. i
Many very effective styles
to select from.
Silk Jersey Sport
Coats, $7.95 to S29.75
2d Floor. Plain colors and stripe effects
in pink, yellow, white, Alice, green also
black-and-white stripes with gold outlines
and combinations of plain colors with
stripe cuffs and collars. Smart short box
styles with ties, patch pockets, etc. Also
hip-length styles with ties or shirred
waistline, deep sailor collars and cuffs.
Prices range from $7.95 to $29.75
Wool Sweaters and Coats
2d Floor. Plain and fancy weaves, stripes,
mixtures and plain colors. Sport coats are
shown in Angora and wool Jersey. Many
attractive styles. .$5.00 up to $11.75
Silk, silk Jersey and fibre silk sweaters
in all latest shades. Roll or square collars,
belts or sashes. Prices $5.75 to $35.00
T4C )
Coffee Day
Model Grocery
Fourth Floor
Experienced telephone clerks
at your service, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Call Marshall 4800 or A-6231.
40c OeW.Ko Coltee
At 29c Lb.
No deliveries except with other
purchases made In Groiery Dept.
O. W. K. Imperial Roast OQ
Coffee. Priced special, lb. ttl7t
50c Tea 39c Lb.
Uncolored Japan, English
Breakfast or Ceylon grades eas
ily worth 50c, on sale OQn
Thursday, special, pound Oil
Other Specials
Baker's Ground Choco- OK0
late, 1 lb. can, special at WL
Baker's Ground Choco- rr 4
late, 3 lb. can, special, at I tcI
Try a cup, demonstration booth.
Sponlnand Shrinking
10 c
Have the materials for jour new
suit, skirt or coat sponged and
shrunk on our "Spotless Sponger."
Takes full width of goods no
, creases no folds. Satisfaction abso
lutely guaranteed. Inquire at Dress
Goods Counter on the Main Floor.
Basement Underprice Store
SECOND DAY of the Great
Competitive Sale
A Tug-o'-War among the department managers in the Base
ment to capture the cash prizes which will be awarded to the de
partment showing greatest gain in volume of business for six
days ending next Wednesday. Each day new bargains will appear
In all the departments in addition to advertised specials. VISIT
Cash Prizes Will Be Awarded to Depart
ment Showing Greatest Increase in Business
Boys' Suits Special at $4.95
New 3 -Piece Belts
1 or 2 Pair Pants
Boys' Store, Main Floor. A re
cent special purchase of 200
boys' Norfolk suits will be placed
on sale beginning tomorrow at
above price. New Norfolk models
with pinch back, 3-piece belt and
patch pockets. High grade ma-
terials. Pants full lined, some of
these suits have 2 pairs fll AC
pants. 6 to J 8 years pf.iU
Boys' Wash
81.50 to S3.50
Mala Floor. Latest models Billy
Boy, Junior Norfolks, middles and
other styles in repps, linens, chevi
ots, chambrays, galateas, etc. Many
in checks, others in plain colors
or white. Priced $1.50 to $3.50
Tennis and Golf Goods
Fourth Floor
Tennis racquets, nets, shoes,
tennis balls, markers, etc., In
standard makes. Headquarters golf,
baseball and football supplies. East
man kodaks and cameras devel
oping, printing and enlarging at
lofst prices.
H Basement Pit h-
$1 and $125
Middy Blouses
At 79c
New Lot Just
Assorted Styles
There is sure to be a great de
mand for these middies it
such a low price, so come In
the morning If you can, while
there are all sites In the dif
ferent styles. Some In plain
white, others with colored
trimming. Effectively finished
with braids, emblems, etc.
Blouses such as ordinarily sell
at 51.00 and Jl.25 are fJQ -priced
special at only I v
On Sale Thursday
Basement Pit
New Gray Kid Boots
$850 Grade tt
Thursday. .
Mala Floor Women's high-top boots of gray
kid priced lower for Thursday's selling. One of
the very smartest models of the season laced
effect, covered Louis heels and hand-turned
soles, narrow receding toe without tip, perforat
ed lace stay, also perforated around vamp. Shown
in a complete range of 4f
sizes. Usual 8.5o shoes, tJJ 1 exe7
Great Half Price Sale
Drapery Remnants
Bargain Circle, 1st Floor. 1500 drapery remnants scrims, madras,
cretonnes and silkolines short lengths so useful about the house.
These are pieces which have accumulated in the department and odd
lines which we wish to close out at once. Don't miss this sale of
remnants at HALF PRICE.
35c Curtain Goods, Special 19c Yard
75c Pillow Tops, Priced Special 29c
Bargain Circle, 1st Floor. Cur
tain nets, voiles, madras and mar
quisettes, in assorted patterns.
priced special at only
Bargain Circle. 1st Hoot. Tap
estry and imported -cretonne pil
low tops In assorted patterns and
colors. Grades worth up nQ.
to 75c priced at only 6C
Qualities worth up to 3 5c i Q.
1 E
ally selling at 25c, specially pmed for this sale at only XUt
;ETONNES in light, mediurnWnd dark colors. Grades usu-
Household Needs at Special Prices
In the Basement Underprice Store Thursday
-Aluminum ware at reduced prices:
-$1.25 Berlin cov. kettle, 4-qt. 65c
-Ji.25 covered sauce pan, 4 qt 65c
-1.40 lipped kettle for only 75c
-1.05 lipped sauce pan for 59c
-8 quart dish pans for only 25c
-10 quart dish pans for only 30c
-8 qt. cov. Berlin sauce pan at 40c
-10 qt Berlin cov. Sauce pan 50c
-fl.40 willow clothes basket 75c
-S1.6S willow clothes basket 75c
-1.75 clothes basket for only 88c
1.50 Punch cedar moo outfit
1.00 mop like cut and one (J! AA
50c bottle Cedar oil, at$XeUU
50 ft. 4-in. guaranteed garden
hose with nozzle priced at $4.50
50 ft Ji-ln. hose for only $5.40
13-lnch garden rakes special, 25c
1 4-inch garden rakes, special 30c
fi 6-inch garden rakes, special, 40c
Kouna nanaie, round point shovel,
priced special at only, each, 65c
40c double wash board only 25c
. .... i .
Z - j
- 1 i
r ; r"