The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 24, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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    Washington High to
Present Vaudeyille
Kfctt i ro rf Al Trm cm 'o rli rK o BY VEULA
sS -z , 1
OTStINO la bslng left undons
that will In any way con-
i jtributa to tbs success of th
picnic to be given Saturday at
ths Oaks by the president's conference
tor ths ! members of all women's or
ganisation of the city. A basket
luncheon at noon will be a feature.
Coffee will be made and serred by an
attendant at the park. Many women
are making up parties In their own
orf-g-anixations and among- their friends
to attend the picnic. The luncheon will
b 'followed by an entertaining pro
rram In the auditorium as follows:
selection, Columbian Ladles' orchestra;
vocal solo. Miss Harriet Leach of the
Monday: Musical club; fancy dances,'
Miss Laura Shay; comedy sketch, "The
Crew of ECCupld." written by Martha
Pullman French and presented by the
following members of the Press club:
Theresa Hoppe, Alys French, Amelia
Michael, Helen Tomlinson, Oernell
Kane, Aline Brong, Martha Pullman
French;? songs, "A Wee Doch and
Doris. !"I Loved Her Ever Since Sh
Was a Baby," Oeorge Graham, accom
panied by Mrs. Andy Weinberger;
Hcotch dances, "Highland Kline" and
"Sword Dance," Frances Hanrahan. ac
! companisd by Piper MacDonald; char
! acter eons. "The Safest of the Fam
ily. Oeorge Oraham; violin solo. Miss
Gertrude Hoeber of the MacDowell
club; May pole dance by 16 girls of the
"Ladd school under the direction of
.'Miss Kramer; games for the children,
directed by Miss Dagermark, super
visor of calisthenics at Peninsula park
field house.
CorvalUs Women Give Entertain
mentsThe Woman's club of Oorval
lia gave a succeanful entertainment
last, week for the benefit ,of the clubhouse-
fund. More than 70 was real
lied. A roll of films opened the pro
gram. A. J. Moore gave a fine Imita
tion of ;Al a. Fields In Kouthern mel
Odles, buck and wing dancing, and
Other , plantation stunts. A colored
skit brought forth great .applause.
Then followed a playlet Introducing a
series Of living pictures representing
014 songs. Mrs. Jack Porter wan "Her
Bright Smile Haunt Me Still." Mrs.
Plnkerton was "Captain Jinks." Mrs.
McDevitt was "Champagne Charlie."
Mrs. Brock was "the Blue Juanita," Mrs.
i Appleman was "Nellie Gray," Mrs.
1 Clrdley was "Grandfather's Clock,"
I Mr, Rlckard dressed as a Spanish
i maiden was "Juanita," Mrs. Steele and
Mrs. Watson were soldier boys. Mrs.
Emma Taylor was "Silver Threads
i Among; the Gold," Alice and Iva Mc
! Olnnlss were "Annie Uooney" and her
i beau, Mrs. A. J. Moore was Nellie
Gray's husband. A Yamma Yama
dance was given ly Miss Kerr arid
Miss Nolan. Miss Marjorle Petrle
gave a fancy dance.
: Alberta Club Elects. The Alberta
Woman's Improvement club held Its
annual meeting last night at the Ver
non school. Annual reports of officers
and chairmen of standing committees
wort given, showing the club had been
active along various lines of practical
endeavor during the past year. Mrs.
Josephine It. Sharp was re-elected to
erve for the third year as president
of the club. Mrs. Sharp was last
I week re-elected president of the Wora
! an' Civil Welfare club. Otiher offi
i cers chosen last night were: First
Vice-president, Mrs. Nellie Bozarth;
second, vice-president, Mrs. Mary B.
Robinson; secretary, Mrs. Anna FuV
ton. On account of the lateness of the
hour, the election of the remaining of
ficers will be held at an adjourned
meeting to be held in two weeks.
Consumer's league nncneon. The
Consumer's league will hold the second
Of Its series of quarterly luncheons at
the University club Friday at 12:30.
Plates will be 60 cents. Reservations
must De phoned by Thursday evening
to Mrs. W. L. Brewster, Main 2656.
''Health Insurance" wilt be ttie toplo
for consideration, with special refer
ence to Insurance for employes of
large Industrial Institutions. James B.
Kerr will oppose such insurance, and
W. F. Woodward will speak in its
favor. An open discussion will fol
low. Try to Hare Oar Idas Extended
Members of the Franklin High Parent
Teacher association are heading a
movement to have the Richmond street
car line extended to the school grounds.
At present the Ifne ends at Forty-first
street, which Is about 11 blocks from
the new high school. The nearest car
Una to the school at this time is the
Mount Scott line ' on East Fiftieth
street which Is about five blocks from
i the grounds. An effort is also being
mads to obtain an extension of Ben
ton street from the south line of Mc
Millan's addition.
swing Classes to asset. Mrs. W. J.
Smith, secretary, requests that all
members past and present of Mad
ams Coatea" sewing classes and club
convene at Meier & Frank's Thursday
morning, May 25, at io o'clock. The
meeting will be held on the seventh
floor.;- The semJ-annuai election of of-
! fleers will be. held Thursday morning,
June 1. at 10 o'clock. Every member
f la earnestly requested to be present at
both meetings.
I Hold Matrons' Contest Friday eve
' nlng, st 171H Eleventh street, the W.
. C: T. U. social center. Central union,
i will hold a matrons' oratorial silver
; medal contest A good program la as-
sured. Mrs. Fred Olson and Mrs. Isa
! bel Stuart will sing, and Mrs. Ella
Jones and her pupils will render ln
' strumental muslo. Everyone cordially
Social Berries Club to Most. The
, Woman's Social Service club of Oak
', Orove-Mllwaukle will meet tomorrow
; afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of
Mrs, , Eliia Alexander, Island Station.
The following program of addresses
will be given: "Child Labor," Miss
; Mary C. Campbell; "Laws to Protect
; Labor," Mrs. Margaret Paget; "Sea-
man's Law," Miss Flora Snovelle.
This Actually Devitalizes
Coarse Hairy Growths
Stubborn growths of coarse hair which
have been caused by the. unwise use of
pastes, rub-on preparations and worthless
Imitations of De Miracle, which merely
remove hair from the surface of the skin.
mi ni am a e vi
talised with De Mir
It Is "ths best
moths ta the
werle te-day
Geasiae saaa-s-Blnes
sf thsjdjch
st ekaraeter
elorss only D
Miracle. Bewar
f so-called sa
dsnsssassits f
fcssrss sssjrsaiacs
whlek are ased to
xlolt ths sals
f qaestloaable
acle, ' the original
liquid hair remover,
because it attacks
hair nder the skin
as well as on the
akht. Well groomed
women always uss
Do Miracle for re
moving hair from
limbs and under the
arms., De Miracle
never disappoints.
Buy it by name and
you..-: will ret ths
only depUatoryHhat
has a binding guar
antee hi each pack
it gs . which entitles
v ow to yprcr money if it falls. In 60c,
S 1.00 and i.eo bottles, at your dealer's,
t direct, postpaid, in slain wrapper.,
s Mlracls Chemical Co., Dept. A-V
axk Avs. and 12th St, New iork.
. -TV rV V',V?,v
III K-f H ill IS vl
iLV' . ;0'L fit
j It-' - -A r
ft i r tPA
Above Mrs. Josephine R. Sharp, who was yesterday reelected presi
dent of the Alberta Woman's Improvement club.
Below Mrs. Anton Glebisch, who was elected president of the Port
land Shakespeare Study club Monday or this week.
Bed Time Tales i
The Brook's Song.
OOME WITH ME! Come with me
I come with me!" sang a little
brook, one fine sunny morning.
"Come with me! Come with me! I'll
show you many a wonder many a
"Very well," answered a buttercup
petal that had hung for a day right
over the bright surface of the brook.
"Very well, I'll cornel"
"Take me I Take me!" said a shin
ing green leaf. "I'd like to go on a
So the tiny buttercup petal and the
blight green leaf dropped Into the
brook and were caught by the current
and taken on a long, long Journey.
And all the time they traveled, th
brook sang to them and explained the
things they saw on the way.
At first they went on through the
meadow that was not so wonderful,
though the buttercup petal was glad
Indeed to see the flowers at the other
end of the meadow. She had sniffed
their fragrance many a time before,
but never had she seen them.
Then they Jumped over a handful of
rocks and raced pell-mell through "a
narrow valley.
"Why do you hurry so fast?" asked
the buttercup petal breathlessly. "I
like to see what we are passing. Never
before have I seen such rocks let's
stop and look at them."
"Come with me! Come with me!"
sang the brook, in reply. "Come with
me; do not stop for rock-gasingl
There are greater wonders than these
rocks. Careful! Do not tarrv!" aha
shouted, as she saw that the green leaf
was nearly caught fast in soma rushes
at the side of the water. "Those
rushes reach out when I go swiftly
and try to pull me back. See how they
beckon? But we must not stay! Come
with me! LCrk where I am taking
Ths buttercuD netal and th.
leaf looked, but before they could no-
wca a inmg, uie brook had plunged
them Into darkness black darkness!
"Where are we?" exclaimed the petal
and the leaf. "Are we lost V
"No. Indeed." laua-hed th hmnir f
only wanted to show you this cave.
iawsi wnen you are used to the dark
ness, you can see beautiful columna I
made those. Drop, by drop I left some
of my Urns here, and, in the years I
havs been working, I have built up
those shining columns. Have I not
bean busy?
Before they, conld notice a thing,
the brook had plunged them into
darkness black darkness!
' Nor is that all I have done. Whilt
I am making ths columns. I am also
gathering up minerals minerals that
I can give back to the flowers in the
meadows that I will pass after leaving
here. Oh, I am busy, very, very busy
busy all the livelong day!"
And before the buttercup petal and
the leaf could get their breath and an
swer back, that busy little brook
dashed out Into the sunshine again.
Out into ths sunshine, over rocks and
pebbles and into another meadow.
And there the petal and the leaf got
caught on ths mossy bank, and there
they left ths brook. But, as long as
they lived, they could hear the brook
singingsinging on Its wsy to ths
great" river and to ths sea
(Tomorrow Willy Wood-Rat)
.W!n.5Tulr or ttlB aaveruatra please
intlon Th JoBTtiel. -Aa.)
box omoi bow on:.
Get your seats for ths opera Tra
piayolo." Great performance bv Port
land Opera association. Baker theatre
Thursday night, - May, 25. Saturday
matinee. May 27. .Popular prices
Students and alumni will combine
their talents to make jolly ths annual
Washington high school vaudeville, to
bs held Friday night at ths school
auditorium. Seven breesy acts of
song, dances snd sketches will make
up a bill of mirth stirring quality.
Ths rehearsals have been progress
ing under the direction of Don Orput
and ths affair bids fair to be one of
ths best of the year's high school en
tertainments. Many of the actors have
been prominent in other local plays
and programs.
Miss Miriam Hilton, Gilbert Benson
and Liman Cooley will present "Choos
ing a Career," a playlet of mingled
fun and travesty. Ths leading role
will be taken by Llman Cooley.
A popular pair, who have often
participated in musical entertainments
are Fay Haker and Raymond McOrew,
who will contribute a musical nov
elty and singing act.
"Playing With Fire" will be handled
by a trio of students who have led
In school room dramatics for several
years. Ferns Reynolds will play
"The Cook." Clara Scharpf and Arvo
Simola are the otners.
An acrobatic act will be given by
Bob Klncaid and A. Halleck.
Miss Roberta Downing will enter
tain with character readinga and mon
ologues. The Neakahnle society of the school
Is sponsor for a pantomime sketch
"A Modern King Cole," coached by
Misses Hannah Scbloth and Ruth Dun
iway. A musical act will bs given by the
February '17 class.
Betsy Ross and Gul Reazee Folks
Enjoy a Social Dance.
Successful Dance by Betsy Kossv
The . guard of Betsy Ross council.
Veiled Ladies of the Enchanted Realm,
held a well-attended dance last night
at Multnomah camp hall. Bast Sixth
and East Alder streets, and crowded
the large dancing floor. Mrs. W. H.
Beuley, chairman of the committee on
arrangements, was congratulated on
the success of the affair. Members of
Gul Reazes grotto. Veiled Prophets,
aided the guard in looking after the
welfare of the guests.
Klrkpa trick X. and X of 8. Social.
Kirkpatrlck council. Knights and La
dles of Security, will be favored with
a special program at their free open
meeting at Moose hall next Friday eve
ning. Through the efforts of Mrs. Lot
tie Hock, chairman of the social com
mittee, the Utopian society has been
secured to render a special musical
program on that ecenlng. L. F. Lakin,
who is director of the society, will sing
a baritone solo, followed by a soprano
solo by Miss Margaret Marks. Other
numbers will be given by members of
the company.
Maccabees to OIts Dance. The Mac
cabees will have their regular dance
and card party tomorrow night at IC
of P. hall, (rs Alder street, to whicG
all members and friends are invited.
There will be prizes and musical selec
tions and an all-around good time.
Oregon Rose Party Tonight. Oregon
Rose council. Royal Neighbors of
America, will hold a card party and so
cial dance tonight at Manchester hall,
85 M Fifth street, to which .members
and friends are cordially Invited.
"Swap Party" Is PlaaasdU Have yon
Beauty Chat
Air Baths for Hair.
IT IS more difficult to keep tin hair
in good condition In the summer
than during the winter. In the
warmer months of the year there is
more duat In the air. Women spend
a large percentage of their time in
the open air where there are winds
and hot rays from ths sun to test the
quality of its color and fiber.
But if It is a greater task to keep
the hair in condition during the sum
mer, it is also possible to improve its
texture and strengthen it then. Clean
liness is the first essential to the
growth of luxuriant haTr. Hair, like
the body from which it springs, tV. rives
on fresh air. It is a fine thing to
shampoo the head and then permit the
hair to dry naturally In the pure air
to bs found only outdoors or in front
of an open window. The air has clean
ing qualities that are all its own. They
Invigorate and promote ths health,
which makes it beautiful.
But the very process I suggest for
drying the hair, there is a possibility
that it will be Injured under narrriful
conditions. The sun has a tendency to
bleach. Sometimes, especially at the
seashore you will see women whose
hair has been bleached in this way.
Unfortunately it is not uniformly
bleached and makes a miserable ap
pearance. Bear this In mind when, you
dry your hair outdoors or at an open
window. Too much sun la liable to
dissipate Its color. But taks advantage
of the warm months to give your hair
frequent sun baths. They will have
an appreciable effect on its appes ranee
and encourage growth.
Women motor more In ths summer
than any other season. Limousines
are deserted for topless road cara.
Tennis, golf and other games keep
women out of doors. In each Instance
the hair is under a greater tesa than
In the drawing room. The necessity
for shampooipg becomes more frequent
If ths scalp is to be kept free from
harmful accumulations that retard
growth and reduce strength. The hair
derives its nourishment from the scalp
and each washing removes a certain
amount of nutriment. With the oily
substances removed, It Is difficult to
arrange a graceful coiffure. When the
natural oils are limited In quantity, it
often become necessary to apply some
thing of this sort when the head is
shampooed at frequent intervals.
The hair should be given amp;i pro
tection in the summer. Veils .f ligh.
r ii
a Lvei vmmp
Curtain y
I on the Strand X
Y ' Stage Tomorrow 1
Any Time 10c
By Veil Winner.
THOROUGHBRED A m s r 1 o a n
w omen are
prone to follow the path of leaat
reaistsnce when It comes to pledging
themselves occasionally to mors ex
pensive outlays than they can afford.
It is so dreadful to have to explain
to Mrs. G. that you really cannot af
ford to take two seats next to hers at
ths opera, or that a street car will
do for you, when she stands ready to
step Into a taxicab.
An English noblewoman or an Ital
ian countess would not hesitate for
a minute to tell you that she was too
poor if she was to Indulge in an
extravagance, and a Mrs. Harrlman
would not be alow to tell you that
she never pays more than such and
such a price for a hat and I think
it la $6.
It is not aristocratic, either In the
literal or figurative sense, to disre
gard the cost of things, and neither
titled nor moneyed aristocrats do. It
Is not high minded to be driven by
a sense of embarrassment into ex
travagance. Rout ths tawdry little demon of
pride In your bosom by saying you
cannot afford a thing when you can
not. Then don't.
One tablespoon' granulated gelatin,
four tablespoons cold water, six table
spoons boiling water, three egg
whites, one and one-fourth cups
sugar, two tablespoons lemon Juice,
one cup mashed strawberries and
Juice. Soften gelatin In cold water,
add hot water and aet over steam
until dissolved. Add sugar and lemon
Juice and, when cooled, strawberries.
Set in ice water and beat occasionally
until It begins to solidify, add stiffly
beaten egg whites and whip until al
most stiff. Turn Into mold wet with
cold water, let chill, unmold and gar
nish with sweetened whipped cream
and strawberry halves.
SAGE DRESSING On, large loaf
two tablespoons melted butter, one
anything to swap? That is the ques
tion that will be asked of all who at
tend the social given by Multnomah
circle. Women of Woodcraft, at Che W.
O. W. Temple, 128 Eleventh s treat, next
Friday night. The "swap party" Is the
new thing in fraternal social affairs.
Informal Dance Announced. The
Knights of Columbus are to give an In
formal dance at Cathedral hall. Seven
teenth and Couch streets. Friday night,
June 2, to which members and friends
are invited. The committee having
preparations in charge consists of L.
W. O'Rourke, Ed Kenefick, J. J. Hlg
gins, J. W. Hughes, F. J. Whalen and
Joseph F. Riley.
Foresters' Stag Social Thursday.
Court Scandla, Foresters of America,
will hold a stag smoker on the night
of Thursday, May 25. All members
and friends invited to the session,
which will be held In F. of A. hall, 129
Fourth street.
ttrs. Burke . Elected Club Head. At
the annual meeting of the MacDowell
club yesterday officers were elected as
follows: Mrs. Thomas Carrlck Burke,
president; Mrs. Warren E. Thomas,
vice-president; Mrs. W. S. Babson, re-
texture are available and not only keep
the hair neat, but also protec
tion from duat, winds and th- sun'.
rays. They are certainly comfortable
motor accessories. A veil adds to the
comfort of any woman who is travel
ing, and it is a good thing j have
around at all times.
Among the young girls who are devo
tees of tennis there are many who play
the game in the sun without wearing
hats to protect their Iialr and com
plexions. There Is no good reason why
complexions and hair, should be jeop
ardized or ruined to play a game of
tennis. Play to your heart's content,
but do not permit the game to have
such an effect on your appearance that
It will give you a heartache when you
look at your hair and complexion. And,
if you spend the summer at a water
ing place, 4ake your daily dip, but pro
tect your hair from the effects . of
water, wind and gun.
Summer brings an opportunity to
make your hair beautiful and luxuri
ant, but it also presents a chance to
ruin it. Try the air bath. It will
improve the appearance apd quclJty of
your hair.
lib k
jESf Sanitary Rugs A
:mm. For Refined Tastes
KTfi VONryiv most Mmtary ami sronomical floor I
CCrlM PStf fS'lrf'W covering lot people of good tarta.
ler 'U-Wk Da not hold dirt or pna-Iades do. I
S. flf fl -WfiiS -mply .hake Ufhtlv out-door. sad
Vj? h NlZti trrthen with damp broom. Truly ths I
J " tTK Jr jdGSl commoa sea floor covwins, I
m Vt "USfi ngt. Appropriate for every room ths I
fiTutLr-lt -J"xJ tkgj year-round tndwpmts Me for ths porch. I
rgiTfr .0 ZBfiM B.eert.ia7oSCREX Eswaasnsj I
- yS Ztyji!!ZZfmf ' l!SSE Sae OSZ rug at yoar easlari ia - I
rl - 5V vViS2Tpy V'STk; Portlaad. aad ask for th ksaatifal I
lit ZjfS.i-TSXjirwWfi (- CB.EX catalog ia aataial I
rj rV?fft'ixffi'l colors, er write as direct it's frae. I
llTll-;ftfes! -Ortginolen of Win Gran Pnduda I
scant teaspoon' salt, ons teaspoon fine
ly powdered sage, one-fourth teaspoon
pepper, two tablespoons finely minced
onion (optional), two eggs and water
as needed. Remove crust from bread
and cut bread into blocks, pouring on
enough cold water to moisten well.
After a few moments take up small
handfuls and preas dry, pick apart
into light, fluffy mass and add all
seasonings. Heat butter in skillet,
add onion and cook (don't brown),
add well beaten eggs to bread, mix
with onions and butter, toss all about
In skillet until heated and free from
superfluous moisture, then fill cavi
ties of fowl lightly, leaving plenty of
room for dressing to expand.
upon?" asked Joe.
"Absolutely," replied the 'friend,
who had known her for years. "Ab
solutely. When she says shs will do
a thing at a certain time you can
know beyond peradventurs that she
will not do It then."
MODE A new sailor tilted up at ths
- back Is called the shovel
Beige or gray with blue is a par
ticularly good combination.
Cord pipings are used to head the
flounces on some silk frocks.
Plain nets are as great favorites
as ever for summer dresses.
The full bell shape Is liked for
arternoon and evening cloaks.
Some of the smart silk sweaters are
plalded and very striking.
Fox scarfa are most in favor among
furs for summer wear.
Whit collars and cuffs are used
on many of ths new silk coats.
When stewing or making ready to
can or preserve any of the acid
fruits. It Is best to sdd a, pinch, of
baking soda, as this will eliminate
the over acidity and make them mors
easy to keep.
One of those very weak reeds
who are easily vanquished and
never overcome. Meredith.
cording secretary; Mrs. C. E. Sears,
corresponding secretary; Mrs. Donald
Spencer, treasurer.
Ben Kur Social Tonight. The Tribe
of Ben Hur will give a social and en
tertainment tonight to members of the
order, whldb will follow a short ses
sion during which a class will bs Ini
tiated. The session will bs held In
Arleta W. O. W. hall.
r, &
The touch of this dainty
powder is a cool caress to
the skin that is sunburned
or tanned. Red Feather
Protects and Beautifies th
Complexion Out-cf-Doors
The Ideal powder for the opes air.
Cools the akin removes (hine
cruras redness. Three Shirtcs
white, flesh, brunette.
Take a box on your vacation.
The lUmiUtr CemJ
r Compmm
Ntm York
For Sale at all Owl Drns Stores
and B. Altaian & Co.. New York City
I Pcwace Frm u mar iMna ia O. a A. )
r is rf is
lSigAi 'io -ten-thirty
lndof -ttio management of Goo. C 06a
Ths Mains Monument, erected in Central Park, New York City, Is ons
of ths finest examples of memorials erected by patriotlo citizens to
commemorate the valor of their country's defenders. This monument
was designed by American monument arohitects and sculptors.
64 -
Ths Pleasure of a Columbia River Highway Tour Is Enhanced
by a Good Lunch With
Golden West
40c lb.
3 lbs. Ji f j
Cakes Decide
That is the real test of the good
qualities of
and results with Crescent are al
ways sure.
One Pound 25 Cents
All Grocer t
Let us build a suitable
memorial for the de
ceased. We have a profound
knowledge of in o n u m e n t
work and employ memorial crafts
men who thoroughly understand
their business. Let us assist you
in planning a suitable testimonial
stone for the deceased.
Bans Granite a Specialty
Portland Marble Works
HXTJ soxrs
866 rourth St- Opposite City KU
Main aide
Coffee S f