The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Boat-eases for' rim toart:- shipptar ' Biodwf I in need of some Hrbt empl5ymnt. A
j rld(ea. Broedwa, Baitroad aod bawtbarae. ,., tar mi u, at Tirol unlYer-
wiiuaMtte. , ,.r ..," r . .
Bit, AUIVi I&f ilO IV BUir .W f TO Jt mul
teach French, German. English, Italian
. V ' .jflMTH DAT OF )
,,"r- v Coming events. .
A4 club loncliaua l aoad. Mar
MntkHt , auunij WUI wtni mp(l Say
wr a, a n. a. .
frogrveaive budMM Mea'c m lyacbeoe
liajr tt, it two, Uregus hotel. t
Realty board taucbevu. Uiaf ef Cos
amerce, at Bum, Uajr kO.
"W to Scauut May 18. '
. Oregoa bint- day. Uaj 28.
aiaa- U( lm, Ju. la.
Ibtfi rrgluiaui. U. at. C ocajaomrau Jalr
Botary club luncheon Jane 0, at aoon.
Wium Ctoayla. viwl w
klkMMIU- 'lou.yl, June .
Oregon Aaaoclatlou ot tTesldeutlal Poatnaa
tara' a-uuai mmrUug, fortiaud. J una a, T. a.
asuwuSlar aaMiua wouwiiuuiuia, imperial
hotel, i una a, 7, a. ... .,.
' l41cauB ot CWaaiDU stiver alsaway,
June J.
ttuaa raatlrai Jua 1. a a4
- 1' aaltta rubor Ua Society aaaual vooveatloa,
fucliauU. auua JO. 11. . -
- Aoauai encampment ot laolaa war v tar.
ana, lu fotutua, June 21.
aortr-luuria aiiuiM4 taualua ot laa Oregoa
fMiitaac aaainiaiurM aa jaaswiiia eiuila, June
Panoramic view of, eltr , (rem
Klua's and FerUaad Baigbte. Coaocll Crest,
mi. xaoor.
Keonioa of or mar reeideata at Douglas
eoaaty will be baid at a euiaaale sark June
: Municipal park baud cm carta kogla Soeaay,
Jul .
Haiierr A la?aa for tralalog eaa at Mo.
terey. Cal.. July a.
Uteguu Naval Mllltla aouual crutae, July 15
Urand Temple, Pvtlilaa Slstara u uragoa.
meets tier, Jul iiB-IOI.
louvenuuua ul iugata fytulaa aad PTta
lau oiaiere arUt IM nejd la fwuaue Augual
Twaoty-tbird anoaai oatlog or Uaxamaa ta
Xbiva aialata, Auguat
loutataca eouvaoiMai ot real eat la bmo. ta
ba belU ta furtiaud. July 17. la. la.
Today's Forecast.
fortland and Tlclnlty Tonight fair, froat;
vVadAaaday fair; nortbarlr win da.
Orogxitt and WaabJngrtoo Toulgiit fair, froat;
weuneaday fair; Doruerly wlada.
ldabo Xoaigbt fair, froat; Wedoeeda fair.
.Weather Conditions.
i , , , Too praaaura baa dacraaaed eooaiderabiy o
I' tba Pacific alooa and a moderate dtipreaaloa la
nowcaoual over Narada: aoutber aimiiaraapraa.
aioa la ovar eautral Canada. Tba pre (aura la
ltlgb0D tba north Atlautlc coaat, and a high
prtiaora area la auparenuy muTing aiowiy in
- land orer Brit lab Uolnmbla, Practalutlon aa
. oc'currad la moat of tba northern and aoathaaat
, eru statea and Canada, t'roata ware reported
ttaia morning frotn aaatara Orafon aad aaatara
- Waablngton and aoutheaaleni Idaho. Weatber
la warmer in aoma Interior ectloua on tba Pa.
clfic alone. New Mexico, Tesaa, Oklahoma,
Mlnoaauta and PennaylTanla: It ta cooler la
moat at Waablngton and California. Utah.
South Dakota and tba extreme nortbaait.
Tba condltlona ara farocable forganarallr
fair weatber In tbla dlatrtct tonight aad Wad
netday. Froata will farm In early morning la
moat aectlona. Northerly wlnda will obtain.
Aaalatant Forecaster.
; Obarvations.
Vlawa of dowa-towa dlatrieta. Jooraal baiM.
lag, K coo faaildlag, MortbweeUra - WaUoaal
Bank building. Malar A Franh'a. J
Worthy M JWetloa. . tihiduw foaataia. rtrat
aad Aakany, by UUa H. Warner, praauaitad by
Stephen Skldmoro. Inompaon (ountalo, pre
aeated by Daeld P. Thorn paon, t'laaa block.
Fourtb and Salmon Huldlera' - oaoaamast,
Lownadala aqoare, fourth and Taylor.
Cbloatswa, oa aorta, Fourtb aad Saeao4
etrrate. .r
Modern high aad grade aeboou: acttaol gar
Aena; roea hedgea.
Portland Hum Faatlral. Jon 7-S-S.
alng Portia Bd," aatotnobllea.
Seeing Portland,'' trolley can.
Trip uroaga lumbar mil la.
Typical aboma atlona PortUnd Belghta.
Jlob Hill, Irrlngton. ..
Mooat Hood Trlpa North aide: Drlra oat
along tba Columbia Hirer highway eea abore)
to Bood Blrar, and then ap through flood
Kirar allay to Mount Bood lodge, 8boO eleva
tion, or oa to Cloud Cap Ian. aooo alerathia;
eoodltiona Ideal (or mountain; view glorloaa;
ruaoa gooo. Ur. uke train to Hood Blreri
t bance by automobile dally to Cloud Cap lun.
ar by Bood Ulrar Valley railroad ta Parkdaia
ana atage irom tbere.
aoatb awe Antomooue atage 4ally from
Portland to Gorarnment Gainn. Ktaododanitran
Tarern. Tawney'e, Welchea, Arrah Wanna.
ur taae euboroaa electric traina to llonng eta
lion and atage.
BBSureaa i.npa.-v la r. K., L. m e- Co.;
Bull Hub park, ttO mllea; KaUeada park. M
ilea, flahlug aad mountain trilla; Caaamah
Park, 1 milea. orerlooklng Willamette; Co
lumbia beach, end Vaacourer Una, batblnx:
'Tba Oaka' park, oa Willamette; Veacw
er and Vaacoaner barracka, nortbwaet mili
tary headquarters; Wllbolt Sprlnga, oa W Il
ia matte Valley southern; Willamette fa 11a aad
Oregon City. 16 milea aonth
Via Sootbern Pacllle
Tnalatla asa Xaxn-
WUlametta raliry. aa-
bill ralleya. loop.
Via Oregon Kiectrlet
lam and kuicene.
Via u-W. B. N Bonnerflle. flab batch
er lea, picnic grounds, Bood Blrar, Oaacada
bocke, paralleling Columbia Blrer highway
Via North Bank road Astoria, Oearaart,
Seaside, beach bathing.
Via river steamers Op Willamette to Ore
gon City and Balam, np Columbia to The
Dalles; down Columbia to Astoria and mouth
ex uolnmbla nrer terminue Aator expedltiaa.
Baimoa rannertea. aaiuion tuning, letuea, torta.
Crater Lake, rla Boothern Pacific. Mel(ord
aad an to stage, or via Oregon Trunk or O-W.
B N.. bend, and aato stage.
Cavea of Joaepblne, rla Southern Paclfta aad
Ocean resorts: Seaalde, Ocarbart, Hewpurt,
Tillamook. Marshfleld.
. Deacbutea canyon end Central Oregon, .Tie
O-W. B. A N. or 8.. P. A S.
Wallowa valley, Lakf Joeepb aad Eagle Cap,
rla o-W. B. N.
Pendleton Bound-Cp, Hot Sprlnga. Baatera
Orcgou. rla O-W. B. A N.
Miaoallaneoua; Flablng, hunting, eating
Kesorts Ocean: Gaarbart Seaside, Long
Beach. Newport, Cannon Beach, Bay Ocean,
Tillamook. Mountain: Cloud Cap Inn. Gov
ernment Camp. Mount Hood Lodge. Bhododen.
dron Tavern, Weicbea. Tawney'a. Arra Wanna,
The Eyrte, Jewett Farm, bpringa: Wllbolt,
nnipuara a, not Laae.
Waahiagtoa. Vancouver and military
Mt. A da ma. MU SU Belana. lee catea:
cieacn reaoru.
For further Information, raise and roatea
see Dora B. Smith. Travel Bureau, U
Third, corner Waablngton, or Journal Travel
Bureau. Broadway an- VambllL
. Temperature g g
. j" -: .c
- as a - C
ii K ?t -si
. 3 a - I s - .
Bsker, Or Ul 2 40 1 :t-l 2
Billings. Moot.. I Mi 2 M W
Boise, Idaho... I 4 1 H 52 C'2
Boetoa. Mass... BO 6 72 44 O
thlcago. Ill 84 0 bO 00 U
Denver, Colo... 404 06 44 .... O
Ilea Molnea, la.. 00 -' 74 0 20
; Dxlge, Kan U 2 HS 62 12 O
Kureka, al 44 4 54 44 W
Freano, Cal 48 4 78 48 10 0
Ksciias City. Mo. Ot 0 80 00 12 0
Kuoxvllle, Tenu. ti4 2 Oa 64 ....1.1M1
Lewlnton. Idaho. lit 0 ! .... O
Loa AiiK 'le. Cal WJ (- tt 72 68 . . . . 0
Marshtiehl. Or.. 4U O 60 o 92
-Moor head, Minn.. 30 h 2 72 4i 1
New Orleans, L. 70 2 70 00 2.30
-"New ork. N.V. fiO 0 04 4ti 20 .14
N.'Head. Wn... 40 0 48 40 12 .20
N. Platta, Net).. 44 O 72 42 0
N. Vakiuia, War' an 0 02 3H .... O
Oklahoma, Okie. 70 4-10 88 8 U' 0
Phoenix, Aria... 04 0 84 04 . . . . 0
- Vtttatourg, Pa.-.. 04 0 08 02 24
' Pocatallo, Idaho 32 TJ 40 U2 .... 0
, Pott land, Or.... 411 56 41 OS
, Boteburu, Or.... 42 4- S 50 42 04
Hacrauieivtu, Cul.l 5 4 ID I 44 ...( 0
Mti Loul. Mo.. W I O hi 00 O
t Paul. Mimi-.l 54 l J 0.1 Hi 12 AC
(. Salt Lake, Utah. t 58 as 0
. Uan liiego, Cal.. 68 0 00 50 o
San Kraaclsto. .. Ci 2 00 60 .... O
Seattle, Wah... 0 U I 40 Ul
: Spokaue, Waih.. ii4 4 54 34 I i
lacouia, Wsb.. o 2 , 54 38 O
Tatooab I., Wn.. 42 4 5U 42 I 12 0
Walla Walla, W. 88 2-54 38 .02
' Washington. I.C h8 O 08 50 I j ."iO
Ba ami nation 2a AnnoaneafL The
United States civil service commlaalon
announcea an open competitive ax.
aminatlon June 21, 1916, for telephone
operator (female), to fill a vacancy in
this position at SSOO per annum in the
forest aervice at Portland, Or. For
further information and application
Xorma apply to M. K. "Wigton, post
offica buildins, Portland, Or.
lecture at Central Ubraxy. An out
line of astronomy will ba given at
room A, Central library, tonight, at
8 o'clock, by Louis E. Jackson. This
will be the sixth lerture In a course
on analytic and syntl.etlc memory.
Wishes Voaitlon aa Tufor Some
what disabled by a plight stroke of pa
ralysis, an elderly man, at present liv
ing in room 82 of the tobe hotel. Is
1, - ..,
aad Latin. Previous to bis coming; to
Portland, be was la the employ of too
Auatrian government. Anyone desirlng
a man to do light work around tba
house or as a tutor for a child would
please call the Globe hotel aad ask to
apeak to tba gentleman in room If. Be
has been in rortiana for some umo
euui perhaps can five references.
mneral of IV. O. TAeymoldev The fu
neral of L. G. Reynolds, who died last
8unday at his bQme id the Woodlawn
district. 84S Da Fauw street, will be
held tomorrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
from the chapel of the Eaat Side Fu
neral Directors, East Alder and Sixth
streets. Interment will be in Lone Fir
cemetery. Mr. Reynolds was 71 years
of age, a member of Ben Butler Fost,
O. A. R., and of Peninsular lodge and
Oolden Rule encampment, I. O. O. F.,
of this city. He had residedln Ore
gon for the last 15 years. Three sons
survive him, Harry E, Ralph W. and
Clarence K. Reynolds.
CUma &aroh BConntatav Sunday,
May 21, a party of Mohawk Literary
club members and - their friends
climbed Larch mountain from Bridal
Veil. A severe snowstorm waa en
countered. ' The following were In the
party: Chester TrelcheC Dean Van
Zante. Morton Chrlatensen, Leo Butlea,
Herbert Benham and Edgar Johnson.
Treichel and Christensen are Maaamas,
and these two climbed Table mountain
in Washington, the weak previous.
making the time of two houra and 30
minutes and are planning several other
trips In the sear future.
Tramps Blamed for Tire Just be
fore fire was discovered in a vacant
house at 1045 Water street about 8:30
last night, two boys, Lloyd Miller and
Fat Folkins, residing in the vicinity.
saw two men run from the house and
down the street. After the firemen
from .Engine Five had extinguished the
blaxe in the walls they found cigarette
stubs about the floor Indicating that
the fire had started from these. The
men are supposed to have been hobos.
The loss will not exceed $50.
Van Dfaa trader Anesthetics. While
under the Influence of anesthetics at
the Good Samaritan hospital yesterday
morning while surgeons replaced casts
on his broken limbs, J. W. Detweller,
a carpenter of Ridgefield, Wash., who
was Injured May 10 in a fall of 32 feet
from a house under construction' on
Sauries island, suddenly died. Det
weiler suffered from fractures of the
hip, shoulder and arm on the left side.
The body was removed to Ridgefield
for burial.
TAest Boons Will Be Opened. The
women of the White Temple will con
tribute to the success of the Rose Fes
tival by opening rest roms, refresh
ment parlors and information bootha in
the rooms connected with the church
on Eleventh and Taylor atreets during
the festival. All to whom they may
minister, In any way, are invited to
call and enjoy the comforts, conveni
ences and good fellowship of the White
Temple hostesses.
of age and one of the pioneers of Ore- Sunday morning, will he hurled in
gon. - She is survived by four children,; Ohio, and the funeral will he held at
James L. Knott, of Seattle; Mrs. C XX this home In Poraand. 3S3 East Twelfth
cuewan, oi fsewpon; mt. f. w. owe- street north, -tomorrow at 7:30 p. m.
ham, of this city, and W. W. Knott, of
East Orange, N. J. "
, Xee-ttar Zs Called Off The Haw
thorne District Boss Association meet
ing scheduled for tonight at the East
Portland Jibrary has been called on.
Mr. Weaver was formerly engaged in
the wholesale grocery business In
Chicago and had . resided In Portland
for the Jaat 11 years.
Te teeture on Boses. Father
ueorge Schooner will give a lec-
the -officers having decided not to hold J0 the cultivation of roses at
any more meetings previous to the tfle St. Johns branch library this eve
Rose FeativaL The 'association. how-i n at o'clock..
Sotal Moors, Seaaxoa, Or. Winter
ratea, 32.60 and 33 per day. American
plan. By week. speciaL (Adv.)
k Multnomah Hotel Tarklsk Baths con
tinue. Women every afternoon.
Xr., Optician, Morgan bid. Ad.
Marks' Shoe Sale, 213 Wash. tAdv.)
Rose ' Festival. Tha association.
ever, will continue preparations of the
booth it will have in the rose center.
Meeting- at St. Marks Church. The
Oregon branch of the Stajo Women's
auxiliary are meeting today In an allr
day seasion at St. Marks church. This
is the annual meeting- of the society.
Rev. T. H. Jenkins, rector of St. David's
church, preached the sermon at tne ,
opening session which convened at 10 Cmrlnt JJAT UtLLDnAllUiM
a. m. A business meeting will be held , -
mis aiternoonr SrlMah ifiHn.,1 s-i.,
,, ; 11 wh v ...
w. u. x. v. .0 tojmw itowivw, 1 ox xtaa cross Wednesday Bight.
regular weekly me.ting 01 tne Program at Armory begins promptly
T. U. will be held tomorrow at the W. 'at 8 o'clock tomorrow night with an-
C. T. U. headquarters, 117 H Elevent.n tnema of allies by Portland orchestra-
street. Mrs. Adah Wallace unruh will ravonie patriotic songs and latest war
tion Federation" and Mrs. C. Ponnay ner and WaW.. Mrr m. nt r f r. h.
wlll give a reading in connection with j ments at close,
the business transaction.
maeraJ of Mrs. Dwier. Funeral
services were conducted thia rrferning
at Mount Tabor Methodist church for
Mrs. Emljy Dwier. wife of F. E. Dwier,
aged 72, and an old resident of Port
land. Two daughters and four sons
survive as follows; Mrs. W. W.
Alspaugh of Tualatin, Miss E. E.
Dwier. Orris S.. George W., T. E. and
Charles W. Dwier. '
Herbert Ony to Be Burled. The
funeral services of Herbert Guy, a
well-known member of the Railway
rnnrfnrtnrs Division No. 91. will be
held tomorrow at 2 p. m.'from the;
Skewes Undertaking parlors at Clay
and Third streets. Mr. Guy was 64 ;
years pt age and is survived Dy nis
mothe'r. Mrs. S. A. Guy, and by a sis-;
ter. Mrs. C. C. Pratt of Ontario-; or. u
jamas msnuniu -
Learmouth, who died in this city yes
terday at tha age of 68, was a native
of Scotland. Funeral servicea will be
held from the Flnley parlors tomorrow,
May 24, at K:80 p. m. He had resided
in this city for the past 15 yeara. He
was known as a grain merchant, and
so far as known had no relatives in
this country.
Cornelius Starr Dies,! Cornelius B.
Starr, who died yesterday afternoon
at his home, 714 Eaat Salmon street,
was a native of Ohio, aged 77, and had
resided in this city for the past 62
years. He is survived by a son and
daughter. Funeral arrangements ara !
in tha hands of J. P. Finley & Bon,
Fifth and Montgomery streeta.
Dr. W. 3. McMillan has resumed his
dental practice at 309 Broadway build
ing. Modern scientific methods in all
branches of dentistry. Inlays a spe
cialty. (Adv.)
Steamer 7esse BarKtas for Camas;
Washougal aad way landings, dally efc
cept' Sunday. Leaves Washington
Street dock at ! p. in, (Adv.)
Admission 28c.
Girl Mother Wins
$15,000 Jndgment
Mrs. Esther Aldeea X.yea, 18 Tears
Old, Sued Husband's Barents for
$80,000 for Alleged Alienation. -
Everett, Wash., May 23. (P. N. S )
Mrs. Esther Aldeen Lyen, 18 years
old, wife of Cecil Lewis Lyen. today
holds Judgment for $16,000 against her
parents-in-law, Mr., and Mra J. L.
Lyen. The younger Mrs. Lyen, who
is a mother, sued her husband's pa
rents ifr 350,000, alleging that they
were responsible for her husband's
leaving the city a few days after their
The elder Lyen is a banker and the
family is pVomlnent In Everett social
circles. - Cecil Lewis Lyen, the young
husband, is in Denver aad did not at
tend tha. trial of the alienation cult.
The Judgment will be appealed.
General Petroleum '
To Be Reorganized
Company Capitalised at Heartx tiT
000,000 Want to Quit Because of
Mortgage Pressure sad Begin Over.
Sacramento, Cal., May 38-(P. N.
S.) One of the largest corporations in
tha country to throw up the sponge
under mortgage pressure will Quit in
June when-the General Petroleum com
pany of San Francisco, capitalised at
316,702 400, dissolves, the secretary of
... i . . 1 . ...
Biui- s unit; was auviaea tooay.
A reorganisation scheme is on to
liquidate this concern and reorganize
it under the name of the General Pe
troleum corporation. The directors in
tba eoncern who expect to sit on the
now board have directed a petition to
the secretary of state asking him what
legal proceedings are required to bring
aDout tne dissolution and renaoiiita
The company has holdings in the
southern part of the state and several
southern -; Calif ornians of prominence
are interested in It. - It deals in crude
oil and byproducts.
: The petition gave no details, merely
mentioning foreclosure and a desire
for reincorporation under a name ae
closely following tha eld name as pos
sible. ..v.t - - ,t ,.
Wilson League Will
Meet'on Wednesday
The Woodrow Wilson league will
hold. Its regular semi-monthly meeting
tomorrow night in the Central library.
at $ p. m. Mrs. d C Van Oradall.
Economlos to Be Discussed. Eco
nomics and the total problem will be
tha aublect of an address by Rev. Wil
liam G. Eliot, Thursday, May 25, room j
H, Central library, at 8 p. m., under tha
aspices of the Inter-Collegiate Social
ist society.
Mrs. Mary Knott Funeral. The fu
neral of Mra. Mary E. Knott, who died
in Newport, .Or., last Sunday, will be
held from the chapel of the East Side
Funeral directors tomorrow morning
at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Knott was 80 years
Benjamin 1. Weaver ZMaa. Benjamin 1
F. Weaver who died in this city last
Get your seats for the opera "Fra
Diavolo." Great performance by Port
land Opera association. Baker theatre
Tbursday night. May 25, Saturday
matinee. May 27. Popular pricea.
, Wind velocities lf iesa thun 10 utiles au hour
nd auiouuts ot precipitation of lew, than .01
' ttt au Inch are uol-puhlialied bereou.
The Journal's Scenic Travel Guide
I of Portland and Oregon.
Columbia River Highway America', moat
aondertul scenic ro.u lor seblclea. No grade
exceeding 6 iir ccuu llaru.urtace rcadway
puel naierfaile aud mountain tbfoagb tbe
aeart or tbe Cascade raugH. See the Uuxge
at tbe Columbia. bbepparU's Uell, Croan t'uiuc.
Utuurelle, Bridal Veil. Mlat,- Wahkeeua. Xlu.t
umab. Horsetail ami other watertaila, bun
Bevllle tiab halcberma, ouvonta Uoik. Ueu-
sou Park and WlnemaU Piuuacie. ti (rota
Portland via b, in. oauuy or baet,otf
Line roads. Indlvlduala do well to make ar
rangements through a responsible agency.
Trig- np Columbia river by boat, or one way
' by boat aud return by aula
Council Cieat. Overlooking city, not) feet
high, view nueijualaa of Columbia and Wll
taaiatte rlvera, lualatln and Willamette val
leys; Cascade ana Coast ranges; snow peak
ooluny of Cascades inurtb to east on lesr
'days;, including Mt. Rainier, 1.40S feet; Mt.
St. Meiena. vowi teei; ail. Aaama. is.aui reel;
Mt. Uood. H.Xio (aeti Mu aellaraou.
' - Park. Washington, bead ef Wasblnrtoa
street. Flowers, shrubs and trees; children's
Silaygruunda; too, nuiewortny pieces ot eculp.
ore. "Comins of tha Wbita Man." ay Her
man Atklna McNeill. "Sacajawea." Indian
woman who guided Lewis and Clark, by Alice
uooper. leu mmuiea- waia. reninsuia, sunken
rose gardens, containing more thaa 7 W0 varkh
Uea; piaygruunaa and model community houaa;
Alblna aud Alnawortb avenues. LaureUturst,
Kaat Oak and Tblrty-nlnth. Mt. Tabor, bead
of Hawthorne tveuue. Macleay. Cornell road:
nature left untouched; primeval forest, wild
Foreetry Building Lewla and Clark Exposi
tion grounds; contains l.oOo.SOO leet of lum
ber, inuacum of forest products. Visitors we1
Some irom 8 a. m. ta 6 p. mv "W" car oa
Morrison street.
Boulevards. --Colombia and Willamette, ea
rlrcimg peninsula, excellent views of'barbot,
ablpplug and Industrie,; Terwllllger, eoutb on
Sixth; Falrmouut, eaat or. and Skyline, weat
ef Council Croat. Columbia Elver blgUway, ace
. Public Instltutlons-Clty ban and hlatof tral
Buaeum, Flftb and Madison; county court
house. Fourth and Salmon; Central library.
Tenth and Yamhill; Art museum, Flftb, near
Yamblll: customs bouse. Park and Broadwav:
eeDtral poatofflce. Fifth and Morrison; . M.
C. AM Sixth and Taylor; V. W. 0. A Broad
way ano layior.
- Kxhlbita Oregon reaoarcea, fish and game.
Oregon boildlng. Flftb and Oak; blktorical.,
Oregon Hlatorlcal society . 207 Berond street;
suae am. itr ball: lumber lndnatrv. roreatrv
I bnlldlng.
Harbor rea torse west and eaat aide rmhlia
dorka. motor boat landing, foot of Starki
la ,.
UA sens3e cigarette
that's what I want"
ashLngtonvt (LrpJ"
grand guardian of the Women
Woodcraft, will deliver the addre
The soloist will be, WVils
An Iowa inventor's washing mach'.
ia featured by a belt that conv.
clothing to and through a wringer.
Get your -seats for tha opera "Fr
Diavolo." Great perfonnance by Port
land Opera association. Baker theatr
Thursday night. May 25. Saturda
matinee. May 17. Popular prices. .
About 50 in the Lot
All Go at
I'f M ir My
Worth From $40 to $50
P 6 i r c t,
twills, gabardines,
French serees.
c h e c ks, taffetas,
golfines, S c o t ch
cheviots, pastel
shades and white.
Cifts for ;
tke Graduate
Thousands of beautiful 'little gifts -that
will make graduation a long-
remembered day, .
It may be the most little inexpensive " '
remembrance, or the rarest piece of
fine Jewelry. Feldenheimer'a stocks '
are roost complete.
You can be most assured that if it la r
from the "House of Peldenheimer
it will be a most gratefully accepted
A. & C. Feldenheimer
Jewelers Since 1868
Washington Street
Tnere are a number oi
good, sensible cigarettes
on the market Fatimaa
ere not the only ones.
But Fatimas are the
best-liked and best-selling
of all the cigarettes cost
ing over 5c.
Of course, your taste
may be differentyou
. "Wll I D,
fast. -7T
if ttaTi. ' "ka.-i 2' ' tick,' Jett, P"r stta Jr l.7 or hIAA-M
ana .-nwi - wbo a itr - v i aiur si. T-wr . - uunsa i
foiaa.. rteat IT. . -ereal . -woa .,,JTMcrm a.
m a . " imi. " mnm -a rr . mb wwa m -
won Portin t mblmZr. oe I oar OTri. c?Pfosill?aei
aaris v "cal r end o fnT 'nil
43 Washlngtoa 125 BrMd way
Morgan Building,
A afoderata-Pnoc- Betel of alert v,
Hotel Clifford
I Cast Morrison Bt- Hear Chraad Awe,
" TSa. gl par Aarj with hath. tlJA.
wrmm-m mm m i
.may not like Fatimas as
well, as all these thou,
sands of other men do.
But you can't deny
that they are worth try
ing not only for the de
licious taste that has xnadd
them so famous, but also
to see just how SENSI
BLE they really are
how COOL, and comfort
able to the throat and
tongue and how free they
are from after-effects.
Clip out these tests and
see if you can find any
cigarette that meets them
as wall as good old
Fatimas do.
Make this important
test today.1
IMTni-A was fftw Only CigmnHm,
Awarded tba Grand Pnmm thm fH-
mmt award grraa to any ciararre asl
in n
. ;-ir.
Look Ahead
Be prepared for bigger things. From
authoritative sources comes the predic
tion of an expansion of activity. Those
who anticipate sharing in the movement
forward must plan for it in advance.
How are your banking relations? If
they are not all you can reasonably ex
pect we suggest that you interview or
correspond with us, making such in
quiries as you deem fit preparatory to
forming a new banking connection.
EsUbliabad in 1859
and Third
Fresh, Pure n fA
Round artiJ
Pork Tenderloins,
Pound OUt
Strictfjr Fresh ?Cr
Ranch Eggs, doZa.e&UV
With Every 50c Purchase and Over
We Will Sell a Roll of the Famous
Magnolia Butter a 49c fit
ustiIj 1 V. M. OHIfT
Of A Sensible . Cigaiette
Low Round -THp Fares viS x
to Eastern Cities
r ... 83.50
Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago
v - '
Atlantic Coast Points
Automatic Signal Protection
T 1 e k e t a. information and expert travel
service upon call at the
Wasn-artoa at Trd Street
. Broadway 4500, A-6U
The Caddy
T era's a big, whit Trn-Bla CsxMy
ready for you at your frocers. It's
generously filled with crisp, tooth
some Soda Crackers fresh from our
froat daylisht kitchens. It's tha
Caddy for YOUR family tha kUel
package to supply thm all at hungry-time.
AW1K.U i-Jl-iU' W
Factory -
" TrU'Dlo Biscuit Col