: jr.- f J - ; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,. PORTLAND. - TUESDAY, - MAY. 23. X916. . FACTIONAL FIGHT IN POLK CO. DEVELOPED DURING CAMPAIGN ) Old; County Seat Controversy '.Between Dallas and Inde 'pendence Revived, L Chda I Pensanal-EIE& ' ' Dallas, Or.. May Z3. The oio ic tlonal fight between the east and west j 6h will be ;: aides of the county, originating nearly - half a century ago In a contes. for th eountv seat between Dallas anC Independence, but which hat lain dor mant for e past decade, burst out ' with all Its bitterness two weeks ago, ' following the filing of an Injunction suit to, stop the extensive road and ' bridge work now being done in Inde J'pendence by the county. It played an J iiivi inn i. iu-. . ii tiiv ttllia-i j niovnvii Friday. The fight waged the hottest around the nomination; for county co.T.mls sioner. ' . Wells Qot Support. The Independence faction supported George A. Wells, Republican Incum bent, whose home is at Buena Vista. Dallas, which claims not to have had representation on the county court for many years, backed Mob a Manston. Manston received only 34 votes in In dependence, and Wells got only 64 in Dallas. Manston. however, was nomi nated by a plurality of 169. The third candidate for commissioner. Colonel ,. Shepherd, was almost lost sight of in '. the heat of the controversy, receiving ; but 243 votes in the county. The sectional fight was felt by other " resentatlve. Independence backed W. J. Clark, editor of the Independence Enterprise, whle Dallas generally sup- " ported Captain Conrad Stafrln, but cava some votes to Mrs. Ella J. Metz ger. Again Dallas was victorious, staf rin winning with a clear majority of 208. The results on district attorney on the , Republican ticket, and assessor on the Democratic ticket, were without doubt determined by this flRht between the two towns. Walter L. Tooze Jr. of Dallas defeated B. F. Swope of Inde pendence for attorney by about 60, while Carl B. Kenton had a narrow mar ln over F. E, Meyer for assessor. The two tickets are: These Wars Successful. Republican Joint representative. W. V. Fuller; representative, Conrad Staf rln; district attorney, W. I... Tooze Jr.; Sheriff, John W. Orr; cleric, Fred J. Kolman; treasurer, A. V. R.' Snyder; assessor, Carl B. Gravesf school su perintendent, Miss Almeda Fuller; sur veyor. Homer A. Robb; coroner, R. L. Chapman; commissioner, Mose Man sion. . Democrat District attorney, E. K. Plaseckl; clerk. A. B. Robinson Jr.; treasurer, Willis Bimonton assessor, Carl B. Fenton; school superintendent, Fred 8. Crowley; surveyor, Sandford B. Taylor; commissioner. J. S. Rohnn- THE Misses Vlda and Margaretta Marshall , are being welcomed noma with many small. ln formal social affairs. They have been away from Portland most of the past three' years, living itwNew York city most of that time. Last fall they returned for a few weeks and then went south for several months and have Just returned home for the summer. They are domiciled at Allnifr Cnnr Vor Monday. May 29. they have asked a number of friends In for bridge at the Court. Visitor at Seaside. Miss Katherlne Linton has returned to Portland after a week end visit with MIbs Virginia Drake at Seaside, Or. in Portland until June, wlien she leaves for her home m Lin coln, Neb. While at the coast she sang in the vaudeville in connection with Country Fair and to the gradu ating class at the M. E. chuteh Sun day' morning. She has a beautiful con tralto voice. Society Women Assist at Concert. In view of the war conditions abroad, keen interest is felt in the Empire Day celebration of May 24, which will be observed by all British people tomorrow evening. It will be a big gathering at the Armory again this year with fine musical program and speeches, besides which there will be an Informal reception and a sale of candles. Mrs. Harry L. Sherwood is in charge of the candy table and will be assisted by a group of promi nent matrons and young maids, among whom are Mrs. Frederick C. Malpas, Mrs. Richard Wilder, Mrs. James LaiJ- law, Mrs. D. W. L. MacOregor, Airs. Wade Pipes. Mrs A. W. Payne, Mr. J. J. Panton, Mrs. K. W. Matthews, Mrs. Sydney BelW Mrs. Albert Browne, Mrs. S. May, Mrs. Landon R. Mason. Mrs. Sibley. Miss Malse MacMaster, Miss Jean and Miss Barbara Macken zie, Miss Charlotte and Miss Kather lne Laldlaw, Miss Amy Robinson, Mis Katherlne and Miss Margaret Macken zie, Miss . Ethel Malpaay Miss Mary Robertson, Miss Do rin Wyld, Miss Hester and Miss Owen Jane, Miss Louise Picken, Miss Frances Hopson, Miss Nadyne Casewell, Miss Blanch Wilson. Miss Beatrice Tate. Miss Mar. jorie Peterson, Miss Katherlne Sealy and Miss Gwendoline Stevens. Benefit Card Party . Tomorrow afternoon Mrs. Charles B. King will entertain the women of the Madeleine parish and their friends with cards at her Irvlngton home, at East Twenty-seventh and Thompson streets. The proceeds will go to the aitar society. Mrs, Farrell Seattle Visitor.' From Seattle "Times' Sunday society: "Mrs. F..H. Brownell enter talned Saturday with a luncheon at her home on Harvard avenue north complimentary to Mrs. J. D. Farrell of Portland, who was in the city for a rew aays. covers were nlaced for 1 Later the guests attended The Spring irive' performance at The Moore." For Group of Engaged Girla. Miss Lila Sengstake will be hostess at a bridge tea tomorrow afternoon at her home in honor of her house guest, Miss Grace Farns worth of Ta coma, and three brides-elect Mis Edith Breedlove, Miss Maurlne Mc Adams and Miss Margaret Ring. Miss mrnsworin. wno win arrive today, is lurmer -oriiand Academy girl and host of friends in this city. a nas a Signatures Secured i For Macadam Eoad Xaca Enthusiasm Za Pelt at White Salmon Over Prospect of KaviBg ( Kile Stretca of Xifawar Improved. I White Salmon, Wash., May 2S. Much enthusiasm is felt here because. of the success attended by the' good roads committee which has been sue-1 ceasful in securing a large number of signatures over the amount required to place the matter of the macadamized road from Snowdeia to White Salmon before the county commissioners with l tn hanitinr h district for this I 14-mil niarai of road. I If completed this will connect the proposed road to North Yakima with White Salmon and in this way with j ice uoiumoia river mgnway. Gypsies Steal From Aurora Store Till Mayor Sadler and City Marshal Oat 95 Gold Meee Baek by Threatening j Arrest of Entire Band. Aurora. Or., May 23. The band of gypsies traveling by automobile from California arrived at Aurora Sunday. While they were pretending to pur chase some merchandise at the store of G. A. Eh lan a IS gold piece was ex tracted from the till. After threatening the band with arrest Mayor Sadler and the marshal succeeded in recovering the money. The tribe was then es corted out of town and proceeded towards Oregon City and Portlasd. noiu Newberg Lumber Is r Sent Over Wide Area . i 4, - i 1 : , ""' States to Which Bpanldlng Logging .Company Ship Product Zaolnle Connetleut, Kentucky, Iowa, TJath. U Newberg, Or., May 23. The gratify ing increase In popularity, of Oregon lumber is nhown by recent orders re ceived by the Spauldlng Logging com- : . mi i 1 . . J II . I . jinny, ineau mujuue me sending, 10 Hardtf ord, Conn., of timber 30 to -40 feet long and squaring 16 Inches. Of ' a shipment to Kentucky for the mt'.- Chinese Eggs Burn With Finnan Haddie an rrancisoo rood Destroyed by Order of Board of Health mm Too Ancient to Be Tit" for Kuman Consumption. San Francisco, May 21. (P. N. S.) Here's a new receipt worked out by the state board of health for us today Take 17,000 odd dosen eggs (26.000 pounds), add 10,000 pounds of finnan haddie and sweetbreads and season with 6000 pounds of chill peppers. Dump into the fire and let burn until destroyed. That Is what the board decided on after round trip of cold storage plants. The eggs, which came from China, were a year. old when discovered;' the fish and chill 18 months at least, and the sweetbreads old enough to know better. All were condemned to the fire, the owners paying the board for attending to the destruction. Worth 16000 originally, the eggs had been taken from the shells, frozen and canned for sale at 16 or 20 cents a pound to bakeries. The lot was quarantined in a storage plant to await today's burning, six big trucks being loaded up with the con demned food. ing of barges to be used on the Ohio river, to Idaho and Utah to be used in mines, car loads to be taken on ves sels at Linnt-n to go to foreign ports. Other orders have been filled for San Francisco, Sacramento, Oakldftid,-Au-burn. Corning, Wills, Keeswlck, Red Bluff and El Centro, Cal.; Evanston, Cheyenne and Laramie, Wyoming; Ot- tumwa. Iowa, Pueblo ana Crowley, Colo., and other localities in the east and south. ) t Lurnber Rates Approved. Washington. May 23. (U. P.X The Interstate Commerce commission today declared Justifiable Increases of from 1 to 4 cents a hundred pounds on lum ber shipped from Baker, Bristol Cle Elum, Fasten. Lavender, Nelson's, Tal ma ge, Teanaway and Whlttier, all in Washington, to eastern points. jJfet Contents. 15 Flail PradaJ Is I ffiBMP I iim t rnimL- 3 PER CEST nd tlv. SfnmaClis andBovtls CIEESIEII3SS liEromDtesDittoaaifriWt Not Narcotic MP IatSmukSigMto.oI 11 For Infants and Children. Police Falsified to Cover Suicide Effort Chivalrous Patrolmen Xeport Tictltious Vame When XCrs. Jennie Bayniond Trie to Bad Her Idfe With Oaa. Mrs. Jennie Raymorfd, 35 years old. of 181 Seventeenth street, is recover ing somewhat from the effects of gas poisoning, following an attempt at sui cide Sunday night at her home. Be cause policemen called to the place made a false report, the police have no accurate account of the circumstances of the attempt. Mrs. Raymond left a five page note in which she blamed her attempt on her life upon family troubles. She was found In her bedroom about 11 o'clock feunday night, unconscious from the effects of the gas which she had turned on. ! Patrolmen Morris and Holland were sent to the scene, with Interne Lewis of the emergency hospital. They gave a fictitious name In their report and covered the circumstances, not men tioning the suicide attempt. When the facts were brought to light, they said they falsified their police report "through sympathy." r Auto May Be Held Dangerous Weapon Judge Morrow sands Sown Decision on Demurrer in Case Against O. A. Warrlaer. Judge Morrow, of the state circuit court, held yesterday that an au tomobile may be considered dangerous weapon under certain conditions, but at the same time sustained the demur rer to the Indictment against C. A. War riner, charging him with assault with a dangerous weapon. Warriner had been indicted as a re sult of his collision April 9 on the Co lumbia river highway with a motor cycle driven by Henry Beckman and his wife. Mrs. Beckman was seriously Injured. Judge Morrow said that the Indict ment did not give sufficient details to furnish ground for the conclusion that in this particular case the auto could be regarded a dangerous weapon. He remanded the case to the grand jury for further investigation and a new indictment should the circumstances warrant this step. 0R Economy Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years 1 Exact Copy of Wrapper, Thi essrrava msmht. new veaa errr. 4 .-' CARNATION COFFEE arid "you'll measure the . -standard of all other Coffees by its , goodness and flavor steel cut. . Sold only in sealed can& ; . 30e lb. 3 lbs. 85c PERSONAL MENTION Highway Inspires Seattle Man. "I want to congratulate Oregon on the Columbia river highway." said Charles Cowen of Seattle at the. Im perial hotel enthusiastically this morn ing, "it is the most wonderful road in the country. As fine as the rives are around Seattle, they do not com pare with your highway. It Is simply wonderful, magnificent." Mr. Cowen reached the Imperial last night, after a tr'r, tr astern Oregon and baCK over the Lghway. He gave Cowen park to the city of Seattle. Joins Staff of Imperial, C. L. Taylor, until recently with the Hotel Butler, Seattle, has joined the staff of the Imperial hotel. ; He takes the place of Harry Hamilton behind the desk. The latter will take charge of the Imperial's information department. William Jones, Tacoma contractor. is at the Portland. J. K. Pinkham' Is a Spokane visitor at the Norton la. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson, of Sa- lem, are guests at the Cornelius. Dr. I. N. Sanders, of Halfway, is at mt reruns. Dr. D. A. Paine, president United States National bank of Eugene, is at tne imperial. A. H. Fage is a Newberg visitor at tne rericins. J. W. Gordon, of Astoria, is at the cariton. E. E. Dent is registered at the Ore gon from Etopla, Wash. Captain O. B. MacDonald. of the steamer Frank H. Buck, is at the Im perlal. Mrs. H. T. Dunn and Miss Dunn, of Toledo. O., are guests at the Portland. C Knutsen Is an Astoria visitor at the Nortonla. Edward Murphy, Tacolt logging man. Is at thj Oregon. George B. Conyers and George A. Graham are Clatskanie visitors at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs'. M. E. Marsh, of The Dalles, are guests at the Cornelius. A. A. Hampton, of Lyle, Wash., is at the Imperial. Mrs. G. B. Dennis, .of Spokane, is a guest at the Portland. S. H. Warner is registered at the Carlton from Grants Pass.- Kenyon M'Jsgrave and Henry Crock er, of London, and Walter Gibbs, Of New York, members of the "Cock o the Wall:'' company, are at the Oregon. If. Gorman is a Cathlamet visitor at the Imperial. Mrs. B. F. Stone and Miss Stone, or Walla Walla, are guests at the Part land.. '"" . , . , Rally at Tygh Valley. Salem, Or . May 8S. Industrial Field Worker? Harrington reports a very"; successful dub rally : held at Tyght Valley";, Wasco, county, owith an attendance of nearly 100-people. .. WISE WOMEN KNOW WHY! SELF-REDUCING CORSETS ' THe World'Standard $3.50, $4, $5, $10 -1 All Good Stores Donl worry ADoutPunples Special 125c Lunch Served Daily in the Basement Soda Fountain Also Located in the Basement.; Hammocks; Tents, Porch and Lawn Swings, on the Fourth FloorGrass Furniture on Third Floor CuticiiraSoi M Ointment j f f , WHl quickly remove ttern.5 -Sample Each Free by Mall With 82-p. 81dn Book oa request. '- Ad dress post-card Ctiewa Dvv SIO. flm- fcnM f.hmiirhnnt: thit KrU. . . , We Give ifrC Stamps Your purchase is not complete until you get youf S. & H Stamps. Visit the yremium Parlors or 4 th Floor. (0)lio Wortmai & Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A-6231 Special Sale ol Notions" See morning paper for list of special offer-; ngs at the Bargain Circle, First Floor,' to- morrow'. " EMEMT CM PET MJE A Mighty Tug ol War Between All Departments ol the Basement Store A Great Six-Days Sale CASH PRIZES will be given to the department making the largest gains in sales. TOMORROW MORNING the gauntlet will be thrown down to the department people who will strive to win the confidence of the public with their best bargains. Cash prizes will be given to individuals and departments making the best showing. EACH DE PARTMENT WILL DISPLAY ITS BEST BARGAINS IN AN EFFORT TO WIN THE BIG CASH PRIZE. There wUl be 6 days of bargain giving. Enthusiasm is running high among the contesting depart ments. YOU will benefit by their anxiety to win the prizes. Thou sands of unadvertised bargains will be displayed in all departments. , jpp iBJtXSS OOOSS DEPAJITICBHT- 69c Checked Suitings 43c 32-Inch Corduroy Suitings 69c Basement Silk mixed Shepherd checks for women's dresses, wide. . 69 c grade only Basement 3 2-inch Corduroy Suitings for women's suits and skirts. Black, white Q Uelv and colors. Priced yard skirts, suits, 36 inches yQn 1Ut WORSTED SUITINGS in novelty weaves. Splendid AOn range of the wanted plain colors. Competitive Sale, yard TrOi Special Bargains In Slllcs SILK POPLINS, very desir able for waists and evening dresses. Black, white, navy, tan, green, rose and other good colors. 25 inches wide. QQ Special the yard only OiTC SILK FINISH MATERIALS. Faille, Meteor, Ratine, etc., in choice line of patterns. " Q Priced Special at, yard AaC CHINA SILKS, 27 ins. A Q wide. Priced the yard t:OC WOIbjgxi-s, CWTTtHa By B UIDllWZAXi Women's Vests, for 12V2C In the Basement Women's Ribbed Vests in low neck, sleeve less style. Plain with lace trimming. "Setwell" brand, perfect in fit -j )Xn and well finished. Priced Special AsZC Women's 65c Union Suits Special 49c Basement Women's Gauze Lisle Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless style with silk tape trimming at yoke and lace trimmed knee. Very elastic and perfect fit- A Q ting, spienaia tie union suits at tf! Bargains in Women's and Children's Hosiery GIRLS' UNION SUITS in sleeveless style for spring and summer wear, trimmed with dainty lace. Perfect fit- QQ ting. Competitive Sale at iK, WOMEN'S HOSE of silk-finish lisle. Black or white, with double sole, heel and toe. OO Extra good wearing hose Midi C WOMEN'S SILK BOOT HOSE in black or white, elastic top double heel and toe. First qual ity merchandise. Eep-yjQe tional value. Pair at t:OC CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HOSE in medium weight for boys or girls. These will give I A satisfactory wear. Priced XUi WQKiri ATFABBX. DIPAJtTlCXaTT $16.50 Coats at $7.50 Basement Underprlce Store About 200 Women's and Misses' Coats in this lot. White Chinchilla, White and Colored Corduroys and big assortment of Wool Checks, OH CA Plaids. Coats formerly sold to $16.50, at P I tlU S7.50 Waists S2.98 Basements-Choice of 500 beautiful new Spring and Summer Waists at sensationally low price. Lat est models In Crepe de Chine, Taffeta, dJO QO Georgette Crepe, Tub Silks, etc. Priced tj-te70 Sample Dress Skirts Basement Just in by express 87 Women's Sam ple Dress Skirts in a great variety of fashionable materials. Very newest mid-summer, styles for street and sport wear. MARKED AT FACTORY PRICES. Don't fail to see these SNAPSl gl.25 Honse Dresses, Special at 69c Women's Wash Skirts at $1.98 Basement Women's House Dresses in several neat styles. Made from excellent quality materials. Over 200 of them in this big lot Dresses JQ worth to 1.25, priced UeC Basement New arrivals in Women's Wash Skirts for sport and outing wear. Fine grade. Bedford cord. Pique and Gabar dines. Several smart QQ styles. Priced special JlwO -I IT SBPASTlCBirr I $1.98 Hat Shapes 98c Basement More of the surprising values that have made our Basement the talk of the townl 300 Untrimmed Hats in a remarkable sale Wednesday very newest shapes sailors, turbans, side rolls, etc. All wanted QO straws. Shapes worth to 1.98, ataOC 177 HAT SHAPES In all the most popular styles sailors, tur bans, side rolls, poke effects, drooping brims, etc. d1 QQ Black, white and colors. Grades worth to 2.48, for only iP-LavO MILLINERY FLOWERS WORTH UP TO 49c, while they last 19 lonrg, woxEVf, CHHjxzrs sxos dept. 3000 Pairs Women's Shoes at $1.98 Pair 1 i .I i i i Basement Underprlce Store Children's Shoes Women's High Shoes in popular styles, GunmetaL Patent and CnoMfil Vici Kld neatly trimmed in latest effects. We also include in this OpgUfll 3J.eSe immense lot several hundred pairs Women's Pumps in Cavalier, B n.A h..t. ,a Peggy and Colonial styles. These are to be had in gunmetal Basement Broad, flat heels ind patent and vici kid with Mosaic, Gabardine and Cravenette quar- comfortable wide toes. Very ters. Don't jneglect this wonderful chance to save. QQ newest styles In Chll- Q" QfT Exceptionally priced for this Competitive Sale at, pair pXe70 dren's footwear. Pair pXU Women's. Misses' White Pumps Bareloot Sandals WHITE PUMPS in the popu- MARY JANE 'White Pumps sizes 5 to 8 at the cair 79c lar "Peggy" styles. Splendid for Misses and large girls. J. . . . "J P , I' quality materjaL Shown in Come With leather soles, heels. Sue$ to 1 1 at the pair 89c nearly all sizes. Sale QQ Sizes ll Vj to 2 at, pair $1.48 Sizes tt J4 to 2 at the pair 98 price, the pair only Pi-0 Sizes 2l2 and up, pair $1.69 Sizes 2V2 and up, pair $1.29 I HM'Si BOYS' BEVT.. Men's $1.00 Union Suits, at 65c Basement Short or long sleeves, closed crotch, ribbed cuffs and ankles. Shown in white CK-I and ecru. 1 Union Suits (UtlC I Men's Boxed Hose 12 Pairs 89c Basement Men's Hose in blacks and tan. Double heel and toe. Sold only by the box of OQ 12 pairs. Special the box OUi Boys' Union Suits 35c strraxuwx. AID COMET SZR. Women' Muslin Gowns at 50c Women's 25c Brassieres 10c Basement Women's Muslin Night Gowns in large assort ment of styles. Lace and em broidery trimmed. Samples and special lines. Some trifle soiled. Priced " 50c Basement-Odd lines Worrfen's Brassieres priced for quick selling at less than half price. Nicely trimmed and perfect fitting. Sizes 36 to " A 44. Reg. 25c Brassieres 1UC $125, $1.50 R.W. Corsets 50c 65c Aprons 48c Basement Royal Worcester Corsets in front and back lace models. Good range of styles. To 1.50 grades 50c Basement Women's Coverall 1 Aprons of standard trade per cales. Light and -dark colors. 65c Aprons 2 48c Sale Girls' Overalls and Dresses Basement Girls' Overalls of good grade blue denim with red sateen trimming. AQ Sizes 1 to 8; 60c grade OC Basement Girls' Tub Dresses in sizes 6 to 14. Percales, ginghams and cham- HQn brays. $1.50 Dresses f C boxxstxo Bzrr. 35c Wash Goods At 18c Basement-Beautiful White Voiles, 'Plain and fancy Rice Cloth, plain anja tancy ratine. Also dainty fig tired crepes, colored designs on white grounds. Desirable weaves for summer dresses and 1Q waists. Wfirth to 35c, at IOC Figured Crepes 19c Yd. Basement Figured Windsor Crepes in vast assortment of pat terns. Floral designs on - Q white grounds. Sp'l yd. XaC 12k Longcloth 10c Yd. Basement English Lon g cloth of fine soft nainsook finish, 36 inches wide. Especially adapted for summer underwear. Ordin arily this grade would sell at 13&C. Priced for this 1An sale, 12 yds 1.19 or yd. 1UC Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Etc. BED SHEETS, linen finish, full bleached and splendid heavy quality. Size 72x90 KQ Inches. Special this sale tiaC PILLOW CASES of good close woven muslin. Size 45x36 with 2yi inch hem. Excel- - 0 1 lent grade. Special at 16 C HUCK TOWELS of heavy quality. Size 19x40, white or colored borders. Priced by Q the dozen 95c or at each iL SOZBBmZSB. XJLOSS AVB SXBBOsTSi Basement Of good quality balbritrran in medium weight. knee length and short QK sleeves. 5 0c Union Suits OeJC I Boys'2-PantSults$3.95 Basement Boys' Two-Pant Suits of excellent v quality v-materiat Pants full llned taped QK seams. " Priced special-Vpeatl 10c to ldc Embroideries 5c Yard it... sprriAi- FArrnoY mmruAcv a yards beautiful new Embroideries has just arrived in time for i-V the Competitive Sale. Daintiest, prettiest patterns imaginable r 'f: tn Dacy cmoroiaery cages wua insertions to matcn also Deau- f! 0 c ment ot otner eages. rtne jwtss ana Cambric. Regular 10c, I2c and 1 5c qualities. Priced special at, the yard Special Competitive Sale Offerings -50C Crepe and 65c Flooncings Voile and in newest designs, 36 and 42 ins. QQA vide. Special, a yardO7C -25,c and 35c Corset " Q Cover Embroideries, yd. JLaL 18-in. Lace Flounc- OOa .Special at, yardawtii; 1.50 Chiffon Scarfs, 2 yds. long 30c and 35c Plain OQ and Fancy Ribbons, yd. sOC Women's and Girls', Off" 35c Bathing Caps only aDC women's ' Neckwear worth to 3 5 c, choice Auto onl , at OIJU V25c I - r I ings m : : . : - ..,-'... . .. i