The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Incomplete Returns Give Him
Lead of 412 'Over Ed
I Wright of Union.
Olcott Has Kajoritr Of sTearly 18,000,
' " ftM . XnfhM Tot Za 16,000
i ; r Kor Thta Otbtn ComUud.
j Indications todar ar that H. H.
' Core of Baker county baa been nortu-
Bated aa the Republican candidate for
j public aervlc commlaaloner from the
t eastern dlatrlct
J Incomplete returns from all the
I oountlea in the district five Corey a
I lead. Of 4X2 votes over hie nearest
I competitor. Ed Wright of Union
I county.
I rflrarea received bjr The Journal up
i to noon today give the following vote:
Corey 4424, Wright 4011, Kyle US1,
McCulloch 2225, Rusk 2844, Service
':. Olcott'a Majority 15,000.
According to the latest figures re-
cetved the majority of .Bujpbtel over
i Campbell for public service commls
) floner on the Republican ticket la ap
' proximately 15,000.
' ' Ko figures have been received from
! Curry or Polk counties. As compiled
' the vote now stands: Buchtel 44,127
! . 'Incomplete returns' from all the
i counties 1 the state except Columbia
j and Curry give Olcott a lead of nearly
; lS,oW-vote. The vote stands: Moores
; 42,241; Olcott 67.1C2.
I ; For Republican choice for president,
? Hughes has a majority of almost 18,000
over the combined vote of Burton and
' Cummins. Following Is the vote:
. Hughe 51,176, Cummins 25,384, Bur-
ton 10.084.
"'The. returns from the Second con
1 gresslonal district on district delo
. gates, to the Democratic national con
vention are still scattering. Those
at hand Indicate that the two dele
t. gates will be M. W. Peterson of Pbm
; dleton and W. R. King of Ontario.
The figures on which thin is based
, aro as follows: Peterson. 2601; King,
2175; Holmes, 2134; Biggs, 1686;
, Wprden. 111.
Abraham Probably Defeated.
'' Early returns Indicated that the dis
trict delegates from the First Congres
sional district to the national Repub
: Ucan convention would be C. P. Bishop
of Salem and Albert Abraham of Rose
burg. titer figures, however, show that
V Abraham ;s probably defeated by W
yn Calkins of Eugene.
" Partial returns from all the counties
In the district except Columbia, Curry
and Polk, give Calkins a lead of 171
-votes. The figures ere Abraham, 17,
647; Calkins. 17,718.
Sherman, Wheeler, Gilliam.
Moro, Or., May 23. Representative
and senatorial districts comprise the
same three counties, Sherman. Wheeler
and Gilliam. Republican senatorial
nominee, M. D. Shank of Condon. Dem
ocratic nominee. W. F. Jackson of
Moro. Each had a clear field. There
is one senator and two representatives
to elect. Republican vote Clay C
Clark 260, C. R. Peugs 246. C. O. Port
wood 244. Peugh and Clark, the Re
publican nominees, were written in by
Democrats in Sherman county,, Peugh
receiving 10 and-CIark 11. This county
has no other Joint nominees at this
. ). Yamhill County.
- McMlnnville, Or., May 23. Noml-
. Dated for the legislature: .Republi
cans W. W. Lunger of Lafayette,
-and Ira C, Barber of WUlamlna. Dem
ocrats E. V. Haas of Sheridan, and
.Arthur McPhllltpa of MdMlnnvllie.
For Joint senator the official count
glvea Edwards 987, Hahdley 339, Mich
aelbook 768, Smith 460. Joint reprt
sentatlve Tillamook and Yamhill E.
W, Howe, Republican, of Wheeler,
nominated; no opposition. The Derao-
' crata had no candidate for this office.
': Curry County.
Marshfleld, Or., May 23. Practically
complete returns from Curry county
, follow: Sheriff Tolman 866, Blshel
280. District attorney Buffington 367,
Johnson 247. County commissioner
Colgrove 228. Helberger 864. Assessor
lloora 32, Button 862. School su
Did you bake this
No, indeed, that is
' V - iE
The 'grooved breaT
bakeii in the patentee! pan."
Bakers of HoUum Bread and Cakes.
kok th) UbIDtBand tao gToOTM. far!
am-DREN Watch for the treat we are arranr-
in for you thU Summer at the Beautiful Oaks.
perintendent Smith - 239, ' Kent 204.
Clerk Johnson 196, Btannard 450.'
Olcott leads for secretary of state
and Ackerman leads for stale senator
The Democrats nominated Russell for
sheriff and Lehnhej-r for treasurer.
The official count shows that the
road bonds for Coos county carried 2689
to 1971. Official count on candldatea
will not be completed for two days. '
.Messages from Curry county stats
that County Clerk Btannard is renom
inated. Collier Buffington defeated by
110 votes District Attorney Johnson
for the Republican nomination. A big
vote was given In Curry to Judge Coke.
z Baker Coonty.
Baker, Or, May 23. Complete re
turns from alt precincts in Baker coun
ty give Ackerson, Republican, for dele
gate at large to the national conven
tion, 868; Boyd. 696; Buland, 316; Cam
eron, 641; Carey, 498; Case, 811; Ful
ton, 690; Hawkins, 426; Peterson, 886;
Spencer, 49; Warren, 105; Worsley,
, Delegate Second district Brooke,
956; Burgess. 824; Pollard, 597.
For president Burton, 266; Cum.
mlns, 413; Hughes, 682.
Vice president Webster, 961; elec
tors Butler, 1036; Cottel, 920; Ivan
hoe, 545; Keady, 612; MacMahon, 739;
North. 933; Wilson. 917.
Representative In congress N. J.
Slnnott, 1244. '
Secretary of state Olcott. 921;
Moores, "6 61.
Justice supreme court Burnett,
1100; Moore, 964. Public service com
missioner Corey, 688; Kyle, 22; Mc
Cullouch, 167; Rusk, 100; Service; 478;
Wright, 325.
State representative D. M. Cart
mill. 1318. District attorney -C. T.
Godwin, 1222. County clerk John Al
len, -1300. County treasurer 1 J.
OarbutU 787; Eliza Pearson. 793. As
sessor F. L. Shaw. 6S9; C. II. stuller.
809. School superintendent Elmetta
Bailey. 690; W. R. Hawley, 220; Ella
Moulton, 656. Commissioned C. E.
Bastlan. 120; J. L. Dodson, 746; W. J.
welch, 745; 1. M. Cartmlll unopposed
for Republican nomination stato rep
resentative, 1818 votes; John O. Hoke,
unopposed for Democratic, count not
quit complete.
Wallovfa Connty.
Enterprise, Or., May 23. Republi
can delegates national convention
Ackerson 216, Boyd 852, Bu aland 216,
Cameron 484. Corey 353, Case 261, Ful
ton 897. Hawkins 337. Peterson 230.
Spencer 258, Warren 100, Worley 192.
Brooke 693, Gurgess 661. Poilard 878.
Democrats Armitage 294, Bennett
392. Crawford 441. Holllster loo. Mor
gan 323, Morrow 274, O'Reilly 177,
Tomlinson 146, Biggs 167, Holmes 414,
King 232; Peterson 276. Warden 64.
lmatllla County.
Pendleton, Or., May 23. Representa
tive R. N. Stanfield. renominated
by the Republicans for Joint repre
sentative. District Attorney Fred
erick Steiwer was nominated for sen
ator. The Democrats had no candi
dates, but wrote in the names of J. N.
Scott of Athena for Joint representa
tive and J. Roy Raley of Pendleton and
XV. T. Reeves of Stanfield. for repre
sentatives. Union County.
La Grande. Or.. Mav 23. Puhlln
service commissioner Corey 130, Kyle
84, Mcculloch 9o. Rusk 463, Service
128. Wright 1403. Charles Albert Small
was nominated for representative by
the Republicans and J. D. Woodell by
the. Democrats. Fred S. Ashley Is the
Republican candidate for Joint repre
sentative, with no Democratic nominee.
Linn County.
Albany. Or., May -23. W. P. Elmore
of Brownsville. I. R. Schultz of this
city and E. C Peery of Sclo were nom-
XaWgMt and Orutdut Theatre
11 a. m. to 11:30 p. m.
BxrlnalT oration plctort elat!r ex
ploiting the photo-dramatic art.
IfatlnMa 10p. Ermlnn
aad 8undaya. 16c j toges. 29.
Allen's F oot-Easef or thetroops
Uany war sons hospitals have ordered Allra'a
root-Baae. the antlaepUe powder, for nae
among the troops. Shaken into the shoes and
nsed in the foot-bath. Allen's Foot-Eaae glTei
rat and comfort, takes the friction from the
ahoc. and prerenU the feet getting tired or
foot-acre. Drug and Department Store eriy.
whera aeU It, 25c. Don't sooept any anbatltnta.
Try Jt to-dar
HeKdcm bread?
the new
inated- by the Democrats of Una
county for slat representatives. Rob
art 8. Atcheson of Sbedd, Charles Childa
of Brownsville and F. H. Porter of
Halsey were nominated by the Repub
licans. There were no joint candl
datea in this district this election.
Douglas County.
Roseburg.'Or., May 23. Representa
tives from the Fourth district, Doug
las county: Republican, Charles A.
Brand and Roy Origgs; Democrats, Jay
L. Chancy and J. T. Bedford, Joint
representative. Ninth district: W. H.
Gore of Med ford. Republican; and J.
K. Howard of Qleadale, Democrat. Sen
ator, Douglas county: B. L. Eddy, Re
publican. W. C Edwards has filed aa
an independent.
Coos County.
Coquille, Or., May 22. Fifty-one out
of 68 precincts in Coos county give:
Senator, Eighth district Ackerman
912, Smith 1624; representative, Fifth
district Kendall 1166, Feck 1410;
Joint' representative. Sixth district
Pierce, Republican, unopposed, 1833,
Tlchenor, Democratic, 476.
Washington County.
Hlllsboro, Or., May 23. Reupbllcan
legislators B. S. Cornelius, Benton
Bowman. S. A. D. Meek; senator, W.
D. Wood; Joint senator, T. B. H&ndley.
Democratic Senator, R, M. Erwln;
representatives, Manche Langley, H. v.
Meade, William Schulmerich.
Benton County.
Corvallis, Or May 23. The Repub
lican nominee for the legislature ia
W. P. Lafferty, Incumbent. The Demo
cratic nominee is B. G. Leedy, ex-state
grange master.
Marion Connty.
JSalem. Or., May 28. The Republi
can nomineesX for the legislature from
Marlon county are Samuel Brown, W.
Al J on em, Seymour Jones, Charles F
Elgin and Ivan Martin.
Lane Connty.
Eugene, Or., May 23. Republican
nominees in Lane county for represen
tatives Louis E. Bean, Walter B.
Jones and Allen H. Eaton) air of
Eugene. Democratic nominees James
Calvert. Junction City; Alta King.
Cottage Grove, and Joseph E. Tuttle,
Clatsop County.
Astoria, Or., May 23. L. O. Belland
and William Schlmpff were nominated
on the Republican ticket for repre
sentatives to the - state legislature.
There were no candidates on the Dem
ocratic ticket.
Wasco County.
The Dalles, Or., May 23. Nominees
for the state legislature from Wasco
A National Institution
and Hood River:.. Republican Sena
tor, F. M. GUI, Dufer; representatives,
J. E. Anderson, J. L. Kelly, The Dalle.
Democratic The names of Mrs. An
derson Thompson-of The Dalles, and
J. T. Harper of - Tlgh Valley, were
written la for representatives.
Hood River County.
- Hood River, Or., May 23. The Re
publican nominees for the state legis
lature from Hood River and Wasco
counties are J. E. Anderson and J. L.
Kelly. The nominee for Joint state
senator Is F. M. Gill of Wasco county.
Joint senator. Democratic, George R.
Wilbur of Hood River.
Tillamook County.
Toledo, Or May S3. T. B. Handler
of Tillamook county Is running ahead
In this county for Joint senator and W.
V. jhiller of Polk county for represen
tative. Clackamas County.
Oregon City, Or., May 28. Republi
can nominee for representative from
Clackamas county: George C. Brown
ell, Dr. H. A. Dedman and Harold C.
Stephens. Joint representative: Bur
ton. Democratic nomine for repre
sentative, J. E. Jack.
Polk County.
Dallas, Or., May 23. Republican
nominee for Joint representative of
Polk and Lincoln counties, W. D. Ful
ler; Polk county, Conrad Stafrin.
The Democrats have no nominees.
Coos and Curry. 7 ,
Gold Beach, Or, May 23. S. P.
Pierce was nominated for Joint repre
sentative from Coos and Curry on the
Republican and F. B. Tlchenor on the
Democratic ticket. '
(Con tinned From Par One)
varlans there thrust back the British
lines to remove the threat against
their holdings which has existed since
the British took the offensive.
Bloody hand-to-hand fighting has
continued along every foot of the Ver
dun front since Saturday. The slaugh
ter along the hills northwest of Ver
dun Is growing deadlier every hour.
Trenches have, been pounded to dust.
Infantry are locked In bayonet strug
gles to the death. The most intense
battling is occurring at hill 304. Dead
man's hill, and connecting positions
west of the Meuse.
Germans Take Thiaumont Trenches.
Heavy German charges cji both
sides of the Meuse were repulsed, ex
cept north of Thiaumont farm, on the
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east bank of the river, where Teuton
gained entrance to a trench recently
seised by French.
When today's official communique
was issued the conflict was growing
more terrific every minute, following
on of the bloodiest nights in th his
tory of Europe.
Amid th ruins of Douamont German
detachments were still offering heroic
resistance. With bayonet hand gren
ades, trench mines and clubbed mus
kets, soldiers fought Individually there,
refusing to retreat, and dying wher
they crouched. In the meantime th
French engineers were busy strength
ening their hard won gains, expecting
violent counter attacks.
Spectacular Caarjr Mad.
One of the most spectacular episode
of th fighting occurred on the west
bank of the Meuse, where, shielded by
a densescloud of poison gas, behind a
screen of liquid fire, the Germans ad
vanced by a brilliant charge and en
tered a French trench. Hundreds of
Frenchmen wearing gas masks and
clothing to protect them against th
flames, lurked in their bombproof un
til the Germans swarmed in. Then they
dashed out in the midst of the German
cheers, killed many enemies and eject
ed all survivors from th works.
Charge oa 304 Broken Up.
East of hill 304 German bugles
sounded a charge in force and a wedge
shaped column of men ran toward the
French, intending to divide their ranks
and outflank one detachment holding
an Important position. Word of thw
attempt was immediately teiepnonea
to the massed batteries of "seventy
fives" in the rear and a well-directed
curtain of fire dropped into the front
rank of the Teutons, obliterating It and
sending the remainder of the column
back in confusion.
Berlin, May 18. (L N. S.) Intense
but lacking in deckilve results, light
ing along the Meuse continues unabat
ed, today's statement from the Ger-
Lman general staff say. The French
are supplementing tneir aexensive op
erations with vigorous counter-attacks,
the greatest violence being evident on
the right bank, between a point south
ward of Thiaumont farm, and Caillette
The text of the statement follows:
"On the Meuse the fighting is es
pecially active because of the enemy's
efforts at counter attacks. On the
left bank the Germans captured a
French blockhouse south of Camard
forest. French attacks east of hill
304 and on the south elope of Le Mort
Homme failed. On the right bank vio
lent infantry engagements occurred on
th front extending from , a" point
southward of Thiaumont to Caillette
forest. .
Ta French, after artillery prepara
tions, entered the first Germain posi
tions, but wer repulsed on th flanks
of this sector by German counter-attack.
Bouth of th Yillagaof Oouaa-
mont and south of th former fort th
conflict l unfinished. Fort Douau
mont remain firmly la German hand.
To th northwest Fort Vaux was tem
porarily occupied by th enemy, but
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tv yfr aK coupons A aKy'
latr recaptured. Th first and second
French line at Combres height wer
destroyed by our blaaUng fot a eon
slderabl distance,
"On Meuse . Heights, southeast of
Verdun, near Vaux-L-Plernetx and
Seuchey. the enemy attack broke
before our curtain of fir. Small de
tachments 'vhich entered our trenches
wer annihilated.
"English plans for counter-attacks
southwest of Glvpnchy-En-CK helle
wer discovered and frustrated. Pmall
Street at Broadway
is tne universal
It will help to main
tain your usual sunny
Bld& Chicago for free copy of tbm
Sprightly Spearmen's)
book on
English "advances In Ah Rolincourt.
aistnct wer repulsed."
British Admit jteverse.
London. May 23. (i. n. 8.) ThV
British war office In an official state,
ment last night admits that the 0r;
mans penetrated the British front
north of tffe Vtmy ridge for a length z
of 1500 yards and to a depth of too
(F. O. B. New York.) Jjj
-li-- J
road SI Looking I&rttffe Wall Si.
sssasssssssfjBassBSfcv j"
: r" : ; '