...... OF STATE OLCOn RAN ILL IN BAILIWICK OF ENEMY Count Shows He Carried Gov- ' ernor Withycombe's Home Precinct by 64 to 57 Vote, WAS SUCCESSFUL IN BEND noon. The dividend Jurt declared totals ' J220A.67. Pome property remain to be sold and the amount of the next dividend depends upon what It brings. Dividends of 60 and 20 per cent had been declared previous to the one announced Monday. Cannot Lease Site. Salem. Or, May 23. The state fish and game commission cannot lease a site for a general merchandise store on the fish reservation at Bonneville, to liall & Jem 1 son. Cascade Locks, or j anyone else. Attorney General Brown aald in an opinion Monday. GEN ERAL C. F. BEEBE T 0 BE GRAND MARSHA Svery Precinct In the City Went for ? Olcott Despite Private Secretary Pntasm's Wewspsper. Salem, Or., .'.ay 23. Secretary of State Olcott carried his own precinct and 19 of the 20 precincts of Salem tor renominatlon. Olcott's own precinct Is the former home of his opponent, Charles Ii. Moores, and the present residence of relatives of Moores who were actively interested In Moores' nomination. Olcott's vote was 149 to 136 In the precinct. the home of Qeorge Palmer Putnam, secretary of Governor Wlthycombe. Putnam interested himself actively In behalf of Moores and used his news paper at Bend as a weapon against Olcott Word came from Corvallls that Ol cott had also carried Governor Withy combe's home precinct there by a vote or 84 to 57. Articles of Incorporation. Salem, Or, May 23. The following articles of incorporation were l'Uel with Corporation Commissioner Schul derman Monday: Howard Cattle com pany, $32,000, Oliver W. Frank and Ida M. Howard and Eva Arthur, Lake View; Sheridan-WHlamina Telephone company, $5000, J. F. Daugherty, G. A. McCulloeh and M. W. Potter, Sheri dan. Articles of dissolution were filed by the Valley Contracting & Building company, of Portland. Berliners Are Now Without Sausages .. 1 Prussia to Have Absolute Dictatorship Over the Satire Umpire la the Han dling and Distribution of rood. Rotterdam, May 23. (I. N. S.) The new German plan of food distribution by the government means absolute dictatorship from Prussia over the whole empire. " There is strong opposition in the other federal states, but this will be borne down. The federal states will have nothing to say as the institution and constitution of the new authority 1e entirely In the hands of the im- j perial chancellor. Hitherto the various states have re- I OF PREPAREDNESS DAY Mammoth Parade Will Be Viewed by City and State Officials June' 3. cago committee asking all towns and cities In the United States to parade for preparedness on June 3. Chicago to March. Chicago, May 23. (U. P.) Chicago's preparedness day parade movement swelled to huge proportions with the announcement at parade headquarters that processions will be held in hun dreds of western ana miaaie western cities qji June 3, the date of the Chi cago pageant. Word wu received that demonstrations were being planned for the following cities: Milwaukee, St. Louis, Cleveland, Des Moines, Grand Rapids and Joliet It was also declared that there would be parades on the Pacific coast. In San Francisco. Los Angeles and Portland. Oregon City Man Named. tT.?r.rJ..'- ' J 1 talned to themselves the administra AAUiiuc j ui vs cku Vvi t wan aiuui i.cu A member of the state board of phar macy to succeed Dr. Leon H. Haskins . tlon of foodstuffs within their borders as a closely cherished constitutional right. They are now asked to give Bank Dividend Declared. Salem, or. May 23. A dividend or four per cent has been declared for the creditors of the First National bank of Philomath, State Bank Super intendent .Sargent said Mor.daj iftr- At present some of the other states are much better off in regard to food than Prussia. In the meantime In Berlin things are going from bad to worse. Fresh meat has been almost unobtainable, and for some days the capital has been without any sausages. General Charles F. Beebe was ehosen last night as grand marshal of the mammoth preparedness parade to be held In Portland, and simultaneously In scores of other cities throughout the United States, on Saturday, June 3. The reviewing officers will be Mayor Albee and the city commissioners. Gov ernor Wlthycombe and staff. General T. M. Anderson and Brigadier General James Jackson, representing - the United States navy yet to be selected. It is probable that cruisers of the Pa cific fleet will be In Portland harbor for the Rose Festival at the time and the senior officer will be requested to serve. The parade will start at 7 o'clock in the evening. Invitation to Be Issued. It was decided by the committee, which met in Judge Gantenbeln's court room, to invite participation by outside towns through the medium of the newspapers, the Idea being to make as strong a showing as possible in favor of preparedness for national de fense. Any outside organizations de siring to Join in the parade are re quested to communicate with Grand Marshal Beebe, addressing him at 612 Oregon building. Will Urge Participation. Roy W. Kesl, department commander of the Spanish war veterans, was named chairman of a committee which will urge participation by all fraternal and civic organizations of the city. Ad jutant General White was delegated to look after the militia. Colonel H. G! Cabell and Jacob Kanzler are to inter est the business institutions and big employers of Portland. Rooert Krohn will take care of the schools' end. Mayor Albee yesterday telegraphed his consent that his name bi signed to the general call belnf issued by a Chl- Motor Boats Enrolled. New Tork, May 23. (I. N. S.) Plans for assembling and enrolling the motor boats of those advocates of pre paredness who desire to study naval warfare under the tutelege of Uncle Sam's sea fighters, were announced following a meeting of the committee 4n charge at the Harvard club. The boats will be Inspected by naval officers and a week's training will be arranged in connection with the At lantic feet maneuvers in August. Los Angeles Bets Date. Los Angeles, May 23. (P. N. &) Mayor Sebastian announced today, that the Los Angeles preparedness parade may be held on the evening of June 10 Instead of during the day. Under this arrangement the demonstration would be in a great degree electrical. WILLIAM O.MARREN ON TRIAL" AT PENDLETON FOR PHILLIP'S DEATH Spokane Boy Shot in Room of Defendant, Where He Had Gone to Get a Drink. iOOO letters o I 1 from motorists all up and down the Coast state that Zerolene, an oil made from asphalt-base crude, gives best lubrica tion with least carbon. This merely sup ports the testimony of famous Moto? Experts Lieut Bryan, a U. S. government ex pert, reported to the American Society ofNavalEngineers: "Oils made from the asphalt-base crudes have shown themselves to be much better adap ted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon-forming proclivities are concerned, than are paraf fine-base Pennsylvania oils." Exposition juries at San Francisco and San Diego gave highest competitive awards to TOIL rn the Standard Oil for Motor Cars Zerolene is scientifically refined from selected California crude asphalt-base by methods especially developed by the Standard Oil Com pany after 40 years experience in the refining of high-grade lubricants. -m Zerolene is not ortly made from the right crude, but made right. Next time you empty the crank-case refill with Zerolene. Dealers everywhere and at our SERVICE STATIONS Standard Oil Company (California) Portland With Decoration Day fust Seven Days Ayoay, this Store of Good Clothes for Men and Young Men Is Ready. Ready With vCkflbes At $15, $20, $25 and Up Ready with new Spring Hats ready with the latest styles in shirts, in neckwear, in hosiery in everything necessary to the Decoration Day attire. Phegley & Cavender At the Sign of the Cherry Tree - Corner Fourth and Alder Streets In A I U yd w J. r Wednesday's' Special 25c Hot Lunch Chicken Noodle Soup Meat Pie or Veal Stew or Deviled C rab Potatoes Relish Bread, - Western Fuel Men ' Denied Behearings Only TU&ff Which Cam Sara Convicted Officials How Is Reversal by Su preme Court of United States. San Francisco, May 23. (P. N. S.) The United States circuit court of ap peals has denied a petition for a re hearing in behalf of the convicted of ficials of the Western Fuel company. Only an appeal to the United States supreme court can save the Officials from Jail. The convicted men. and their sen tences are: James B. Smith, vice president and general manager, IS months in San Quentin and $5000 fine. Frank C. Mills, superintendent, 18 months in San Quentin. Edward H. Mayer, chief weigher, one year county jail. They were convicted of defrauding the government of customs duties by falsely weighing coaL Crosses Continent Walking Backward Patrick Harmon, Pedestrian, Wins S5000 by Beaching Now York City HaU From San Francisco in 239 Days New Tork. May 23. (I. N. S.) Pat rick Harmon, pedestrian, backed up to the city hall yesterday. He had walked backwards ail the way across the con tinent from San Francisco. The trip was made in 239 days, 21 days less than the period allotted for the feat. The hiker was accompanied by W. A. Baltazor, who walked the regular way to see that Harmon did not "fudge" on his promise. In order to see his way Harmon had a mirror strapped to him. Last Au gust two clubmen in San Francisco laid a bet of $20,000. One claimed that a man could walk to New York back wards, the other that he could not. Harmon was picked for the trip and todayvon $5000 of the wager by beat ing the time limit. Bondholders Fight Over Price of Eoad Majority Want to Bid In Western Pa cific at $15,000,000 While Others Mold Out for $40,000,000. San Francisco, May 23. (U. P.) Federal Judge Dooling Monday began hearing the motion for a decree of sale in the Western Pacific foreclosure proceedings. Cooling replaced Judge Van Fleet, who withdrew voluntarily. Judge Dooling must decide whether a price should be eet for the property and what' it shall be. Majority bondholders claim the price should be $15,000,000, while the min ority bondholders want it fixed at $40 000,000. It is expected the proceedings will last two days. The majority bondholders want to buy in the road at a low figure If pos sible. Testimony regarding the road's value will be given by Joseph H. Young, president oS the Norfolk and Western railroad, summoned from the east for that purpose. Pendleton, Or.. May 23. The trial of William O. "Whitey" Marren for sec ond degree murder In connection with the death of Wendell Phillips several months ago, was begun Monday and will probably be completed today. Phil lips, a younjj man from Spokane, was I shot through the leg early on the morning of January 31 In Marren's room and died two days later. In the room at the time were Marren and Dee Matlock. Phillips, before dy ing, made a statement' In which he de clared Marren and he had Quarreled, that Marren had secured a gun ' and pointed it at his throat, that he had grabbed the gun and forced the barrel down Just as be fired. This, his broth er testified to Monday. Testimony of a woman rooming next door was that Marren had been threatening for some time to shoot Phillips before the shot was fired. Phillips had gone to the room to get a drink, it was testified, and the quarrel had promptly ensued. The defense Is claiming that the shoot ing was entirely accidental. To insure the owner of a private shaving- cup kept in a barber shop that ha is Its only user there has been Invented a paper cap to cover it. which cannot be removed without breaking a seal. Butter, Rolls Tea, Coffee, Milk, Buttermilk or Chocolate. Basement,- &3 'Merchandise cJ Mecit Only" Phones Marshall 5000, Home H-2222 Bridal Veils j Of fine pilncess lacs In five different patterns. .? That Are Regular f 19.50 to $50.00 One-Third Off Plrw Fleov More Marines Go to Santo Domingo City Gunboat Panther En Route From Cape Haitian With lighting' Ken and At tlllery, According; to Caperton. Washington, May 23. (I. N. S.) Admiral Caperton cabled the navy de partment Monday that additional ma rines and artillery were en route to Santo Domingo city today from' Cape HaitieR on the gunboat Tanther. Two thousand American marines will be stationed at Santo Domingo when those en route on the Panther arrive. LET 'ER SCREAM roaa xnssTOtrs sisoRsrss Take Horsf ord s Add Phosphate For Insomnia, mental exhaustion and lassi tude the best tonic for nerrea and stomach. Ad J TODAY'S BEAUTY HINT It Is not necessary to shampoo quite so frequently if yours hair is properly cleansed 'each time by use of a really good shampoo. The easiest to use and quickest Crying shampoo that we can recommend to our readers may b pre pared very cheaply by dissolving a tea- spoonful of can thro x. obtained from your druggist, in a cup of hot water. This rubbed Into the scalp create a thick lather, soothing and cooling In its action, as well as beneficial to scalp and hair., After rinsing, the scalp is fresh and clean, while the hair dries quickly and evenly, develop ing a bright luster and a soft fluffl ness that makes it seem very heavy. (Adv.) FOSTXiAiro'S &AXOEST AX I) GRANDEST TKEATU Today ana All Week. EDNA MAY "The Belle of Sew Tork" SALVATIONJOAN' A Superfeature of Heart Throbs and Diplomatic Intrigue YmP New Wonderful Reductions Smartest Trimmed Millinery $5 and $6 Trimmed Hats t J Trimmed hats in smart close fitting styles, me- , l uium snapes wuu narrow uruua auu swun Wednesday I n:nc, larp-r hats. In black and colors trimmed with flowers and ribbons $2.95 The Most Drastic Reductions of the Season on Hats to $16.S0 Hats to $9.50 At $9.50 At $4.95 .All the most fashionable millinerv modes are offered in this sale. There are large shapes, small shapes, medium size shapes. Made of choice straws with silk, satin or crepe combinations, showing a wealth of beautiful trimmings. Third CToot WEDNESDAY ONLY 50 Pieces of 75c Imported Pongee 49c Yd An excellent quality of a heavy weight that is suitable for dresses, suits, skirts, coats and for children's wear. In the natural color. From 33 to 34 inches wide. Second rioov B1LLIE BURKE TEE STTWSHnTE GXB& In Chapter 2 of "Oloria'i Romance" Special Motion pictures of May Festival on Multnomah Field, May 17th. For Sports For Golf For Street Wear These New White Golfine Skirts Are Exceptional at $2.50 This Price Wednesday Only The fine, velvet finished golfine is exceptional, and the tailoring the equal to that found only in higher priced mod els. These skirts are made very flar ing, finished with belt and pockets, but ton trimmed. (Hp Third noor On the Fourth Floor We Will Offer Newest Suits That Sold to S25 At $15.00 Wednesday Only For Misses and Small Women S uits of fine serges and gabar dines, and shepherd checks. In midnight blue, navy blue, Co penhagen or green. There are smart loose flaring styles and belted models, representing the lat est modes for mid season wear. t .. OH YOU SEaXAX, woxx Go to -ny dental office In Port land, get their prices and advice and then come to me and learn my prices and what I can do for you. Examina tion free. I give my r& al l work. DR H. P. NTCWTOI Manager. Plates $5.00 Gold Crowns.... 8.60 Gold Fillings.... 1.00 Bridge Work ..60 Painless Extract'n .50 Boston Dentists 886 Wash. 8U Bet. 4th and 6th. V S fiOl I mmmm Chamoisette Gloves for Summer Wear All StylesAll Priced Harrison Reindeer, best for wear SI. 25 Kayger Chamosilk, white, natural $1.25 Fownes' Duplex GloTes, white only SI. 00 Superior Chamoisettes, heayy weights 75c Slip-on Auto Chamoisettes 89 C Natural Chamoisette, 2-clasp 69c Kayser white Chamoisette, 2-clasp 59c Elbow length fine Chamoisettes SI .00 First rioor Mm-- H ronrth noor, Graduation Dress Nets 72-inch Wash Blonde Nets ei nA Very Smart and Very Scarce . .Jpl.uO An unusual quality at this price which is far less than these nets can be bought for now, if they are to be had. Complete line of 72-inch nets, which can be had in cream, white, pink, flesh and ecru. Very special assort- merit at $1.00 First Floo I fin 'Where You Spend the Least and Get the Most For It" Odds and Ends and Mill Ends Spring Wash Goods . V3 to 2 Less Regular Over 3000 remnants and mill ends in thi9 sale, left from a busy sea son's selling all desirable, most wanted weaves, from the staple ging hams to the novelty crepes and voiles. All new 1916 merchandise, clean and up-to-date materials for houser and street dresses, kimonos, separate skirts, suits, children s dresses, boys wash suits and countlessother uses. Lengths Range Ftom lli to 8 Yards Additional salespeople for this sale. No remnants exchanged or returned. Basement Centralis, Wash., May 23. A com mittee of the Women's Civic' club will work with the Commercial club in making a success of the local Fourth of July celebration.' Walla Walla Getting Ready. Walla Walla, Wash.. May 23. Walla Walla's annual Fourth of July cele bration will cost $1400 according to the budget prepared at a general meet ing of committees yesterday. Of this amount $1250 already ha been pledged. Walla Walla's Chautauqua will be here the week of July Fourth. South Bend to Celebrate. South Bend, Wash., May 23. South Bend business men have raised $300 and pledged $300 more for a July Fourth celebration here. Th Mer chants' association will furnish the money, and the volunteer fire depart ment will arrange a two-day celebration. BOX OFFICE XTOW OKEX. Get your seats for the opera "Fra Diavoio. tireat performance by Fort land Opera association. Baker theatre Thursday night. May 25. Saturday matinee, aiay a i. popular prices. , 10 of Portland That the patrons of the Northwestern National Bank total almost one tenth of the pop ulation of the city is evidence of the rapid and substantial growth of this institution. We consider this a splendid indorsement of fa cilities and services. Emery Olmitead, V. P. tt Kct Lloyd L. Mailt, vice-Res. Wilfrid P. Jones, Tice-Pres. Edgar H. Senteoiea. Cashier TT x PITT OCX, President Northwestern Sixth and ' . . Fortlana I Oeo. VT. Eeyt, Ass't Cashier C. Deteriag, Ass't. Cashier Roy H. B. JleUon, Ass't Cashier O. L. Pries, Ass't. te President Bank Building irfarrison. ' Oreffom. Free Stamps The Yamhffl Public Mar- v o the low prices those who present this ad when making purchases of 50c or orer at any one stsU -wiH get 10. extra S. & H. Green Trading Stamps FREE besides regular stamps. CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL STREETS We Give the Regular Stamps : 0 0 0 i II TT