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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1916)
-THE OREGON PAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, " TUESDAY, I MAY 23, 1910. YAKIMA IS CHEAPEST; WOOL MARKET IN -THE ENTIRE WORLD Edited by Hyman H. Cohen STRAWBERRY PRICE IS CUT SHARPLY III .THE iT STREET TRADE m Market Down to $2.75 to $3.00 Crate lor Rest Ixcal-Falrly Liberal Increase in Marketing "'sfor Day Sweet Fruit Absent. jocai . ii yy ic-i i - .-. dorlug th day. While email receipt have bean abowa alone the wholeeal " way for ' torn day, atlll tb volume of home arrival ba been onmparstlvely limited, and for that res son tb highest average prices known bav ruled ber. aa well aa at otbar I'aclilc north Ht markets. Dinting the (lay with Increased offerings of Wlllitimette valley berries, there waa the first sl.srp cut In prices for tha season to date. Bale of best offering, were mado around $3 a crate wlilli lomt of the good stork ruled aroiind $2.75. Tli eiircuie price which bay ruled of lafe In tbe strawberry market wer the renult of fan'lMhed offering. The berrle generally Were eoiir and really unfit for use, fiut the ;ubllit' apiietite bad to be satisfied. It did not tak many orate to fill tlila Blub priced taat and th moment that arrival Unn to abow tip In earnest, down went the market. General anticipation are for price recline from day to day. Manipulation Look In'Mohair Trading Too Sudden Slashing of Price Not Really Due to Current Sup ply and Demand. That there baa been, extreme manipulation of tb mohair 'market here during the. prea Dt eaon and that a deliberate attempt la being made to force holder to market their product Immediately, la ahown by the way ome of the leading dealer are quoting tb product. It baa only been a thort time ago that the market for mohair wa aafely ruling around COc a pound; in . fact, ome a!ea war made beyond that price. Then all of I sudden it wa decided that grower who held 'their product should b pnnlabed. On local dealer announced that beginning a few daya later b won Id cut the quotation to 45c, week later be would put It to 40c and atlll week later the price would be dropped to 3Se pound. Such Tlolent reduction In th price, puh- llcally announced, week In advance of the time for their occurrence, Indicate pare ma oitmlatlon. While there are many doubt that mohair tin ever worth better tbau 60c a pound thi terton, the fact that thera wa an anztoua demand for the product at that price made the market. The ua of mohair ha not been eur titlled atnee the extreme price were made, therefore It mohair wa worth 60c a pound a few week ago. goat owner figure that H l'ould at least be worth that price now. In th meantime thorn moat anxloua to force the marketing of tb product bay reduced their quotation to Sue. POTATOES ALONG THE OOAST 1X30 MARKKT IS A MYSTERY While the market for ejrgs la firmer In spots and candled a toe It I selling aa blah a 24c dozen. In oni respect tbe trad 1 rather low,; and dragging. Old storag operation fcere Ind in the north fair. SALMON CONTINUES SCARCE Great scarcity of fresh aulmon continues in Ifte local marsei and pricea are neio nrm ano high. Catches In both the Willamette sfnd Columbia remain email with little gear being operated. CANNED MII;K FIRMER HERE Several condenaary com pan lea hare followed the lead of the Carnation Milk Products cora- ?any In forcing a 16c advance in the price, he entire market la firmer aa a reeult. BL'TTEH IS CLEANING UP llarkst Cor hotter I holding rather steady tlthoimh here and there are reporta of a alow er demand fr cube. Onerally speaking, the market I cleaning up well with former pricea wall maintained. ' POTATOES SPROUT RADLY .Potatoes are aprontlng haiHy and H I Very difficult to secure flrat class old crop rock In the local market at thla time. New crop California la holding eteady at 3",J 3'.iC a pound. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE Country killed calvea steady at recent Hd vancei. -Dressed hogs are steady to firm. Little activity showing In cheese. California cberrle in heavier supply at 10 14e a pound. Chicken re teady at the lower price. SHIPPERS' VEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau advises: Protect shipment during the next 48 hours as far north as Se attle (galnit mlnlmnm temperatures of about 88 Jlesrree: northeast to Sjmkane. :!2 deitrees; TKANSPORTATIOX SanFrancisco Los Angeles (Without Change En Route) The Big $16 Clean, 914 Comfortable, $13 'Elegantly Appointed 9 7 BEA-OOINO STEAMSHIP ROSE CITY Sails Trom Alngworth Book 3 P. M.. May 24. 100 Golden Miles on Columbia River, All Bates Include Bertha and Meals Table and Service Unexcelled. The San Traaoisco fc Portland . . Co Third and, Washington Streets (with O-W. B. ft N. Co.) Tel. Broad way 4500, A-6121. Ban Francises Market. Per cental. Deltas', ex-wharf, ordinary, tiff 1.35 r hundred, with No. 2 atock. BOiadOc: do. sLlmaa, $1. 4001.00: Oregon faooy, $1.65$) 1.85; Idaho Getua. $2; Washington Netted nems. l.t'tl.!v; new crop. Delta, sz.zcg 2.7.' wr hundred: Gamete. 12.60. Uujona Per cental. Auetrallana, $2,004(3; new crop. Crystal White, $1.25 per crate; Stockton red. 91.ftOtl.63. Seattle Market. Seattle, May 23. (U. P.) Onion Oregon, zmc: xaainia, iuc. Potatoes White River, $2(1(330: Taklm Burbauks, 3438; Yakima Gems, $3486. DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST M. B.) : NHv do. aolld I Angeles. May 28. P VKne count, Zdc. Butter Fresh, extra, 25o. BeatU Market Seattle. May 23. (U. P.) Btitti Washington creamery, brick, 29c; pack. 2Sc. Ci.eeae Oregon triplets, ITc; Wieconetn trip lets, tile; Wisconsin twins, 19ct Young Amer- ia. x-c. EKgs Select ranch. EOc. San Franoiaoo Market. San Francisco. May 23. (U. P.) Botter Extria, 23cc; prime firsts, 24 ftc; flrsta, 4c Kxtrus, 24c; firsts, 22c; pullets, 22c i'er dozen. Cuecse California fancy, 13c; firsts, 12ViC Clilcago Produce Market. Chicago, May 22. (I. H. S.) Butter firm cggN unchtinged. Kutter Kecel)ts 13.717 tubs; creamery ex tras. 8V'jC; extra firsts, 20c; firsts, 2)(828ViC; seconds. ati'etllA-ic; dulrles. extra. 2!c; firsts, 2T''(l7V,c; seconds, 2li(f28,o; packing stck, 2'n4e. Kggs itereipts. 21.S24 cases; first. 21U "I'-itv; ordinnry firsts, 2lKfi 204 ; mlcellne ous lots, iM(f(21Vjc; extras, -t 25c. HttP Ll 0 ES ARE SEVERE IN THE WEST; WEATHER TOO COLD Shorn Stock Suffers From Unsea sonable Weather Wool Marketa Are Firm in East and West and in Europe Trade la Good. Severe losses to lambs a a raanlt of re cent ahaarlng and extreme cold weather, are reported at several of tbe leading northwest centers. 8hearlng operations are still being carried oc in a limited way In the Interior and the outlook la tor a much amaller clip than Crst anticipated. The market for wool is showing s fairly active tone in the Pacirie northwest states with practically noerccent change in quota tions. Business In tbe Yakima section is atlll being done below the parity of other Americas centers and thi I keeping the other markets Hem snowing climbing value. Eastern mill interests continue aggressive bidders for wool and full pricea are being paid In all section of th west with the pos sible exception of Yakima, where tbe aheep In terests are Inclined to favor buyer. ESetern wool market are ahowlng atrengtb with well maintained prices. Foreign marketa remain firm at full pricea. This ia one of the chief alda towards maintaining full atrength in tn united, state. southeast 40 Boise, 80 degrees; south to Ash land, 4 degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland tonight about 'M degrees. Shorts CovBr When Wheat First Dips Chicago, May 28 (I. JT. 8.) During the flrat hour trading In tbe pit today. May and July wheat prices declined mora than lc under yesterday'a closing range and then re covered to I1.07H and ll.OSVa, respectively. Thla rally waa fully expected by the trade and consequently wa without marked Influ ence. Short covering waa on a heavy scale, September values were steadier from an ooen- lng at (l.OSTk. and slight gains were posted at first. Foreign markets continued to re flect to soma extent th decline which has been effected here. General opinion had it that the present situation la one dne to sup ply overshadowing demand. The new failed to. bring forth any new development in re elect to crop report. Corn followed tbe trend of wheat dnrlng the early session and reacted, bnt later recov. ered above the opening levels. Trading wa only normal and for the moat part --unlnter- es Uns eats were dull. Initial prices were frac tionally nnder and the general trend did not indicate a resumption of bullish activities. - Provision ware Weak and lower, being in flt-enced. by decline in tbe grain and bog Ttorkets. Selling wa largely In the way of liquidation, each trade waa reported a fair, with supply mostly from aborts. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Over beck a Cooke Co., 218-217 Board of Trade building: w Portland-Seattle Would Hit Growers Local Exchange Follows Paget Sound in Trying to Stop Bulk Grain System. LIYZRPOOL WHEAT BXTJMPfl livemool. May 2& Cash wheat 1 to U lower. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -Crs- Pcrtland. Tuee. 13 Year ago 16 Season to date.. 10, 114 Year age 15.8IW Tacoma, Mon... 38 Year ago 1 Seuson to date. 6,767 Year ago. ...... 8,90tl stue agon.... ai Year ago 9 7.S70 Wneat. Barley. Fir. Oata. Hay. S . 1 .... 1 1614 1TO2 1018 2S7 186U 115 1963 2000 T 14 .... 604 .... STB ST02 6S3 646 2040 0 6 15 3 6 14 1237 J035 1021 4166 1068 22M 11U0 8547 year ago... That th Portland grain trad Is willing to f r How tb lead of lta Seattle brethren In h ttlng the grain grower who would throw on the yoke of excessive gram Dag prices, u Indicated by th resolution passed at tbe special meeting of the Portland Merchants Ex change association. While tbere 1 growing agitation in tne in ferior of Oregon, Idaho and Washington for the bulk system of handling grain, the grain bade through its exchange at Seattle and Portland, "-la endeavoring to delay aa much at possible the elimination of the costly acck. The grain sack has bees used by growers of the Pacific northwest since pioneer days a a heavy cost, VALLEY-SHEEP ARE SHOWING VERY GOOD "Reaction Tuesday" ' Does Not Appear CALL IN THE YARD,: New Tori, May 23-(I. N. S.) Jocose trad- ! ers In Wall street ealiea this "Resctios mes day" and endesTvored to create a corrnpondlng influence. Sentiment In this respect was directed chiefly at the rails, but without ef fect during tbe greater portion of tbe session. Opinion seemed equally divided a to pur chases and , aales in thi department, from board Indications it was apparent that a g)d sized party of optimists was supporting these slocks. In the first hour Onion Pacific hit a kl-1. 1. 1 I. , 1 A m 1 Jin i avw uiu ice otuc . w.u - - , 1 - ' ,k. UOtl lnhlu.n Baltimore ft Ohio, New York Central, Read ing and Southern Pncifle were tbe leaders In Finance- Commerce '- Industry National Rankers All Over Country Are Aroused Over Radical Changes to Come From Collection of C hecks by Federal Re serve Banks Group Two Meeting at Independence. -, . ' North Portland Run Shows Only a ' v7' M.Vket KDd JfVf. ,pcn?7!w,"..t; tention. It wa predicted that a profit-taking Fair Supply and General Trade movement would b inaugurated today, wits Considered Steady Other Line Shoeing No Changes. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hogs. "Cattle. Calve. Sheep. Tuesdsy 373 " 8 Monday 1,781) 605 Saturday 262 32 Friday 881 61 Thursday 223 02 Wednesday .... 4H1 64 Week ago 444 111 Year ago 120 382 Two year ago., 671 13 Three year ago 102 lid 20 11 0 13 3 7!W Mo 4(13 135 14 501 1C4S Tbere was s fair marketing of sheep ha the North Portland yards for the day, with prac tically all arrivala In that line from the Willamette valley. In general the mutton and lamb trade con tinue steady with former value maintained. General shorn mutton and lamb range: Select spring lambs $ 0.50 Beat yearling.. 8 .28128.50 while practically all tbe Good to common wethera tM&l.'i subsequent lowering of price, but taken aa s whole and compered with tome markets of the past few weeks. It could hardly be said that promoter of such s movement succeeded ap preciably. Rail earnings are figured to show some surprises. Gae stocks were bulled in pool channels and a movement is looked for by reliable Inter ests. - Some cloe observer of market condi tion were inclined to favor restricted opera tions in the rails for a short timet contending that while the leaden are relatively cheap, it la evident that the market has reached a point from which a substantial reaction may 1421 occur. 1318 ' The industrials were about iteady during the early secsion of today'a can, anawaaing was normal. The, steel and copper stocks were practically featureless. Marine preferred hsd s rundown to heavy sales from an opening at 1H to 83 in the first hour. Mexican Petroleum reflected the stationary state of affalni In Mexico by hold In s generally ateady position around 108 to 100. The total sales during tbe opening hour were 273,700 shares. JORRIXG PRICES OP PORTLAND piPALMESthtrVirjflf Portland JZO.OO to and pKEB an Francisco $17.50) eztbas (80 Hours) rouxlgt. $15 and 913.60; 3rd class, $8. SlVAL.a AiU tJU-rt 1 tX lINtL,UU4i:U I IS. Northern Pacific Fteamer Express leaves North Bank ptatlon 9 a. M. VaiAY 18. 83, 37. rorn San Francisco May 20. 25, 80 failings Dotn ways Tuesdays, Thurs- lays, saturaays. beKinning June l. Fhroueh sleeninsr car eervica between Kiavei and Vancouver. B. C, and Se- tttia beginning June 1. ICrET OFFICE. 6TB AHD ST ABB. Phones Broadway 20. A-6671. Alaska Ketchikan. Wrangell, Petersburg;. Juneau, Douglas, H ainos, Ekagway, Noma and St Michael. California rvia Seattle or Han rraaoiaco to Los I i Angls and Baa Diaffo. Ldfgs, ooraioodiiins passenger steamertt low irate, including oertu ana meals. Full particulars apply or telephone Ttokst Offlo. aik, Main 339. 849 Waahlnrtoxt St. Home, A-2293. ! ' Loo Angela and Sea Diego iTEAMSHIPSYALE AND HARVARD Kallrosd or auy ieauier to San Fraoclaco, e UanoaitloD City. Lareest. fastest and th SLY , strictly flrat-class pasavngar ahlpa oa a Coast, average sueed )ta miJas an hoot. bst t'J.000,000 each. AS rXAaCIBCQ, rDSTUITD a I X.OB AJIOBUa B. B. CO. Frank Bollaaa. Agaat. 124 Third 8t-Main 20, A-tOM With D.A B.4. B.L Dalles -Columbia Line I Opsratiaff '.. I M T-.-1 I T ! r:i'. usttr.ti a cava auu a niu basics ortland to Upper Columbia and Snalt vsr pomta i.v Portland about every " lour daya job nrroBUATxojr cAti. tatx.ob wt pock. MAfg 913. Avma. H M VAViiV, rfJ U A A a1 I j I I ajd- a a wm snw ia aa. 11 -rw TSSwaes a e -i lAlZJ DIRECT Swat SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO m Tharsday, Kay fid, 3:30 p. m. rraacisoo, , i-errlana a Los Anaale Staamshie Ce. Traak BoUaaa, Agant. U4 TKI&D STKSET. -A-46& KaJa SsT These prices are those st which wholesalers sell to retailer, except aa otherwise stated: Dairy Produce. 15 L'TTEB Prints, extras. 2Uc; prime, firsts, 2Tc; - firsts, 2ec; cubes, extras, 274228c; prime firsts, 25c; firsts, 24(j24ttc par lb.; dairy, 10&20c. ii i V'i L-1 i' . -r" i ... i . - - sour cream, 27c; No. 2, 25e. fcuus selling price by dealers unsettled. delivery extra: Selected fresh, 24c doc.; case count, buying price, Oregon ranch, 22'7t22Ve. LIVE roti.THY Hens, heavy. Plymouth Rock, 16c; ordinary cblckenB, lttc per lb.: (tag. 12c: broilers, .T0W3&C; turke, )HQ'2ic; nressed, fancy, 20(H27c; culls, 1720c; pig eons, $1.00(yil.25: SQiiabs, $1.20 doxen; geeae, live, lMlUc: l'ektn ducks, old, lbc lb.; young snd heavy, 17c: Indian lCunnera, 14c lb. CHKKiSE Selling price: Fresh Oregon fancy fill' cream twins aud triplets luU'ic lb.; Young America, 17(17;. Price to Jobbers: Pluts, 15c; Young America, 16c, f. o, h.; cream brick, 22c; iluiherger. 2iic; Wisconsin wheel, a4ii30c; block Swiss. 30c. Fruit and .egetables, FRKSH PKUITS OrangoB. fancy navel $2.4X1(3.25; bananas, 6c lb.; lemons, $3.00(v 4.25 Lkx; grsuefruit. Florid. $4.6U(a5.2fi case; pineapples, O'sditie lb.; pears, $1.102.00. BKHUIE8 Struwberrle, Oregon, $2.60a; gcjfcherries 4c lb. APPLE.S Local, 60c1.60 per box accord ing to qnulity. ONIONS No. 1, $1.73 ''per cental; No. 2, $1.231.50; garlic, Ufeic; new onions, $1.75 412.00 crate. POTATOES Selling price: Local, $1.05 1.73; buying price, $1.2Ti1.35 per cental; new California. 8Via3V&c lb. VKOKTABLEH Turnips. $2 Back; carrots, $2 per sack; parsnips, $1.00 sack; cabbage, $3.00 per cwt.; green onions, 25c dozen bunches; peppers, Florida, 25o doren; head itivuce, lyttiuoruia, i..uo per crate; celery. Florida, $3.50; cauliflower, local, $1.001.13 per uozen; r reni n arucnoaes, T5C; aspara gus, local $1.25((il.40 doseo bunches; bot hocse cucumbers. $1.00 1.2."i dosen; tomatoes, Klortda, $4; Mexican, 2.0O2.30; egg plant, 20c lb.; sprouts, 0c; spinach, $1 per box; rhubarb, l(&2c per. lb.; peas, 8&10c lb. Meats, Fish and Provisions. ERESSED MEATS Selling price: Country kiiivu iiAjv uv, iiiixiic; poor, uqfiuc ID.; iatcy veaia, iiaiic; orainary, urloc; goats, 36c lb; sprite lambs, 17c lb.; mutton, 10c lb. HAMS, BACON. UTTC. Hams, 19a22e lb.; breakfast bacou, 17.'10c lb.; boiled ' bams. ooc iu.; picnic, ide; couuge rou, lO'c; Ore gon exports, loiiac per lb. OYSTEUS Olympla, per gallon. $3: canned fftatsrn. 65c can. SU.50 dozen: eastern in iin $i.S3 per 100; raaor clams, 120 doaen; east ern oysters, per gauon, soua pack. $3. FISH Dressed flounders, 7c: cblnook sal iron, 12c lb.; perch, 7&SC lb.; lobsters, 25c; silver smeis, oc; salmon trout, 12Hc lb.: uauuui, inwiw iu., iuui cua, jc; Diacs Dasa, i Vic in., suau, urespea, (c in.; sturgeon, 13c. CKABS Lrge. $1.75; medium, fl.23 dosen LAKU Tierce, kettle rendered, Hct Oroosrles. SUGAR Cube, $9.20; powdered, $8.9B; fruit or berry, $8.40; beet, $8.25; dry granulated, $8.45; U yellow, $7.85. (Abouve quotations are anya net casn.j HON BY New, $3.253.50 per case. KICK Japan style. No. 2, 44c; New Or leans, oeaa, okwvw, blue rose. B'r. SALT Coarse, half ground. 100s, $10.80 oer . Ul. OA. ..lit. .1.1 r, aZ. . ' i mi i wvo, ,ii i muuj, uui, io.uo; luua. i u . -ii , unit;, .ui lump roca, ao per ton. BICAN8 Small white. S8.25: lu whlta $8.10: pink, $0.25; llinaa. $5.75; bayou. $ti.25: ICU, fUiUV, Eopa, Wool and Bide. HOPS Nominal, buying price. 1913 crop, choice, 11c lb.; prime, 10c; medium to prime. 7Si9e lb. WOOlr-Nominal, 1810 clip; Willamette vsl- ley. coarse Cotswold, 85a37c; medium Shrop- uiiei oiiifiwv, iwt aMKi vasiera ureaau. 120C. 11 IDES Salted hides (2B noands and nnl 18c: Baited stags (50 lbs: and on). 12c: aaltnt kip (IB lb, to 25 lb.). ITc; salted calfSup to " iua.;. -oic, Kreen mass 4o lbs. and up). 14ttc; green stags (60 lbs. and np). 10Hc; green kin (15 lbs. to 26 lb.), 17c; green calf (up to 13 lbs), $23324c; dry flint hides 2S(tf2ic; dry flint ealf (up to T lb.), 81c; dry salt bides, 23c; dry horsehidee. each, tlfifl- salt horsehidee, each. I2.00fa3.fl0: borsehidna 2c; dry long wool pelts. 20c; dry short Wool pens, ic; ury soeep auearunga, each, 10Q23c- seiied sneep snearnngs, each, 1825c: dry goats, long hair. ISc; dry aoata. ahaarlinsa each, 1020c; sslted long wool pelts, $io J.UO. TALI.OW No. 1. 6c: No. 2. 7c: ... i CH1TTIM OR CASCARA BARK Buy lag prices, per car lots, 4Hc; less than car lots, 4 isunaia xviu, aov to. Paints and Oils. COAX, OIL Water white, la drama and Iron Barrels, joe. ' UNSEED OIL Raw, bbla., 87c gallon: ket tie Douea, nu., Bsc: raw, case, 62c; boiled. wi j ur -yu sauoos ic less, TURPENTINE Tanks, 61c; cases, 6Sc -al nu. WniTE LEAD Ton lots, 10s lb.! 600 lb lot sr lie: less lots. HWe ner IhT " OIL MRAXe-OarJomd lots. $34: less than car iota, oa.ou. . eASOLISE Bails price. 19 J4e peg gaUoo, WHEAT. Open. lllgh. Low. Close's May 100 108 Hal 107Il July lOSVi Ur& 1Vt 109HU September ... 106 110, 10SV 109 CORN. May 72 734 714 73 July 71H T2 70H 71iA September ... 09 704 09 7oB OATS. May 42 43t 42, 43B July 4 404, 401 4014 September ... 88 88 38$ 8842 PORK. May 2360 2360 2350 2350 July 23 lO 2320 2280 2200 September ... 2280 2285 2250 2257A LARD. My 1275 Jtly 1272 1277 1265 1272A September ... 1280 1287 1277 1280B RIBS. May 1273A July 1273 1275 1272 1272A September ... 1280 1285 1277 1277 A I BANK STATEMENTS ,OP COAST leading grain centers of the world bae long ag- discarded tb useless package. By Its action, the Portland Merchants ex change la very likely to force the bulk of the wreat to go via the rail route to the east frcm Interior points during tbe coming season. Not onljt. are tidewater points on the Pacific coast likely to lose the business unless ship btccme more plentiful for the 191$ crop move Kent, but the coast dealers sre very likely to be left out in the cold if they persist in placing artificial barriers against tbe bulk system of handling the product. FLOUR Selling price: Patent, $3.20; Wil lamette valley. $4.90; local straight, $4.609 COO; bakers' local, $4,8015.20; Montana spring wheat, S6.10; exports. $4.50tft4.70; whole wheat $t-.65; graham, $5.40; rye flour, $3.05 per barrel. HAY Buying price: Willamette valley tim othy fancy $20; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy t'.mothy. i 1422; alfalfa, $2122; vetch and oats, $18; clovei. $16. GRAIN SACKS 1916 nominal No. 1 Calcut ta. 18A4213c; In car lots; lesa amounts are higher. ROLLED OATS $6.50(56.75 pet barrel. ROLLED BARLEY 3r.G0332.50 per ton. Demand for milling wheat is flow and there was a further loss of IVic a busbel in blue stem for May delivery. On the other hand there was sn advance of lc for fortyfold. In dicating a foreign demand. Other varieties were unchanged during tbe day's trading on the Portland Merchants exchange. Oats and barley bids were steady and un changed. Merchanta exchange May prices: WHEAT Tuesday Monday Bid. Ask. Bid. Art. Bluetem 99 102 100H 1"2 Fortyfold 92 87 81 07 Club 90 94 90 H4 Red fife 90 95 00 95 Red Russian... 90 91 90 84 OATS Feed 2625 2700 2623 2700 B A RLKY Peed 2700 2950 2700 2900 MILLSTCFFS Bisn 2350 2450 2350 2500 Shorts 2750 2850 2750 2850 Future were quoted: WHEAT Bid Ask. Mnestem 99 1O0 July bluestem 97 100 June fortyfold 02 95 Jnlv fortvfold 91 June club o 91 H Jrlv club 90 9.U June red fife 80 4'4 July red fife ! S June Russian 0 8H July Russian 90 83t. Cattle and calves Sheep W. A. Leaner, Douglas, J loads : W. . Cochran, Linn, 2 loads: V. I. Dixon. Douglas, 2 loads. Mixed stuff J. W. Davis. Klickitat. Wash.. 12 cattle, 13 calves and 64 hogs. Monday Afternoon Sales. EWES. Av. lbs. 130 Portland Banks. Clearings This week. Tear aro. Monday $2,478,207.02 $ 1.40. 769.80 Ji ne July June Juljr June bran . July bran . June shorts July shorts TueBday Clearings balances Clearings Balances Clearing Clearings 2,224.778.77 Seattle Banks, Tacoma Bank. 1,531,021.93 .$ 2,916.649.00 206,055.00 .$ 446.71 T.00 77.031.00 Los Angeles Banks, $ 3,860,246.00 San Francisco Banks. $11,275,083.00 New York-London vMetal Markets. New York. Mav 22. (I. N. S rv,n.. market firm: electrolytic nearbv nominal- Aug ust audu later, 29fcC30c; iron market stesdy. evuiueru, u.4nnl.w; I0. z $2J.25 4i 20.75. Tbe metal exchange quotes tin uuiet: spot, 848.5O49.50. M ' A London, pot, capper, 137; fntnres, 134 electrolytic. 158: snot tin 1srt: e,7. turea, 18 Bs. New York, May 22. (I. N. B.1 Th. m.t.i exchange quotes lead, $7.1207.30; peiter mar- uuii; umai m. lioui oeuvtry. 16 asked. At London, lead, 31 12 6d. Strawberry Crop Cut. Hood River, Or., May 23. The heavr raina in tiooa niver vaiiey Sunday, It Is reported. wm cut aown me strawberry yield severV thousand Crate on account of tbe fact that the pollsuisation has been greatly Interfered with. One or two crates of berries have been picked and marketed at the local atorea. and are retailing for 40 cents per Quart. A larsra ncn.oer er oerrypickers and packer have come lo nooa tuver oerore tne berries are rlne. and are camping over tbe valley awaiting the ripen. Berry Outlook Good. White Salmon, Waah., May 23. ThiB jrear sirawperneg are coming- into bearing; later than ever In the history a4 TITViI a DaIu a ... V una oaiinun. An increase ot zc carrier has been decidnd unon nfbfr for a crate of six boxeg will bring- tha berry picker 8c a crate, an Increase of about 60c a day for an average picker. All Indications point to a aplendld yieia. New York Cotton Market. Oren. High. Low. Close. in. 1321 March 1330 May 1292 July 1306 Auk 1304 Sept 1313 Oct. 1306 Dec 1318 San Francisco Wool Market. San Francisco. May 22. Wool ner rjonnd. Humboldt and Mendocino, 8 months, 2224c; li months, 2528ct middle counties, 8 months. good, 1718c; Red Bluff and vicinity, 23a 25c; Nevada stock staple, 22 24c; fine. 18fi 20c, according to quality. St. Loul,, Mo., May 22. (I. N. S.) Wool uncuangeu. Eastern Barley Markets Chicago. May 22. (I. N. 8.) Barley, 1 c xuwer; mailing. luifjC'TC. Kansas City. Mo., May 22. (I. N. Barley. 60657.0. 1322 1802 1303 1386 1317 131i 1292 1280 1280 1307 1285 187 1315 . 1293 1294 1313 1288 1288 1306 128! 1283 1318 1297 1297 New York. May 22. changed; malting, SOc. (L N. S.) Barley nn- Oregon Apples in South. Ban Francisco. Msy 22. Apples, California: tier, 7686c; An 3H tier. $15 135. Other .Miviro, ivrufi,w mx. Oregon and Waahlnvfcftf). Vlntain. Bt . k . Pippins, 75c3$1.00 for choice and $1 2531.60 xor imncy ana .w( lor extra rancy. San Francisco Hop Market. ' San Francisco. MaV K n i 1916 crov; basis per pound; prices to grower. Sacramento valley, 812c; Sonoma and Mea- occjdo, ui2c; Oregon, Ktfiic; - Washington, VRKD OATS , 2625 2700 2825 2723 FEED BARLEY 2700 2900 2000 2800 MILLSTUFFS 2400 2450 24O0 2550 2760 2H50 2700 2850 Brootnhull cabled from Liverpool-that wsak. nesg in America and pressure In Manitoba caused weakness there. Spot, weak, 1 to Gd lower, with pronounced pressure in Manltobas; demand aulet. Cargo market weak; winters. la and Manitoba-is 6d lower, with large oi lers. English country offers large, with pros pective foreign arrivals uoeraj; stocks in creaains. but bnvers are not nervous. Amer lean demand reporrB are noi particularly ar fectlng sentiment, as American and Canadian holdings are large. ' Argentine wneai easy, rreigms noi quoiea offlcfsUy. but merchants' rates are for June loading 193a oa. last oixiciai quotation waa 165a. United Kingdom visible wheat B4.B7Z,oot br.ahels. Includ nsr for week 1.920.000 buahels Crop reports trom tu wanaaian norm west are lavoranie. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago Hogs $10. Chicago. May 23. (L N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts 15.000, weak, wostly 5c under yester day's average. huik. .iosz.m: iiRnt, $9.S59.90; mixed, $9.58&10; heavy, $9.45 Si 10: rouirh. S9.45O9.60: Dies. 7.40((19.35. cattle Receipte 4000, eteaoy. isaruve peer steers. 18.15(210.40: western steers, $8,350 9 35: stackers and feeders, $6ift8.90; cows snd heifers, $4.609.70; calves, $8gll.25. hep Beceipr io,ui, weaa. werners yvw; lamDs,; springs, o.j.(( , Kansas City Hogs $8.86. Kaneaa City. May 23, (1. N. S.) Hogi XVtHr I y l J A , 'W, V W ouia, sptv $24X -Wa heavy, $9.758.83; packers and batchers, $9.43 9.80; light, ew.ouuw.TU; pigs, . 00(9.25. Cattle KecelDts 7000. higher. Prime fed steers, $9.60fil0a0; dressed beef steers. $8.25 -50; western steers, $8.259.90; atockera and feeders, 7.20 1(; bulls, ; calves, ta. 50(2 11. Sheerj ueceipta uw. sreaay. ijnmrm, siu.zo 12.50; yearlings. $911.25; western, $8.50 10; ewes, $8.25(9.50. Denver Hogs 9.S0-. Denver, May 23. Cattle RecelpU 4000, strong. Beef steers, $89.15; cows and heif ers, $6.50 8; stockers and feeder. $6.75(9 8.50; caires, giui2. Hogs Receipts 4000, 10(2 25c lower. Top, $9.8t balk, SV.4OgfH.B0. sneep tteceipis none, vnensngea. St. Louis Hogs $10.05. Bt. LAUs. Mar aa. ( I. N. S. ) Hosrs Re. celDta 8500. lower. Pigs and lljrbts. $7.75a 8.9b; mixed and butchers. $9.73(910; good heavy, $9.96810.05; bulk, $9.759 5. Cattle Receipts 3800, strong. Native bef steers. S7.6O01O: yearling steers and heifers $8.508.76; cows. $5-258.25; stockers and feeders, $3.50 8.50; southern iteert, $5.75(ij 8.85; cows ana neirers, $5xs; prime year ling steers and heifers, $8. 75ft 10-25: native eaivea. eovsix: Drum aonuiera steers, euax 9. DO. Sheen Receipts eooo, steady, wethera $8.258.75; lambs, $1012.70; clipped ewe. 11 MQfti.iV: cupped lamos, .sv.auii.u spring umos, filial. Omaaa Hogs $9.70. Ornshs, My Xa. (L N. 8.) Hogs Re ceipt! iz.uw, lower. Heavy, .30fSG9. 70; light, '$9.408.55; pig. $8(9; bulk, $9.40 S.60. Cattte Recelpta 4600, strong. Native steers, $8(010; cows snd heifers, $768: western steers, $7.509; Texas steer, $TSS; stock ers and feeders. S78.75- Sheep Recelpta 4200, steady. Yearling. $9 11; wethera $S.2S&9.75; lambs, $101312. " Beettla Hogs $9.15. Seattle, Wash. May 23. (P. N. 8.) Hogs Receipts 653, steady. Prime lights. $9.10 9.15; medium to choice,. $9.009.05; smooth htavles, $8.60(fS.63; rongh heavies, $7.6042 8 15; pigs, SS.OUQJS.6S. Cattle Receipts 106, steady. Beat steers, $8.7538.86; medium to choice, $8.0008.50; common to medium, $6. 5087.50; best rows $7.O07.5O; common to medium cows, $4.00 BJMi balls. S4.60fiX0.b0; calve. S70T8.50. Sheep Receipts 200, steady. Lambs $10.00 5i 1C.50; yearlings, S9.008.BO; ewes, 17.253 e.UU. New York Coffee and Sugar. Hew York, Msy 23. Sugar Centrifugal. SO-oa. Coffee New York spot Ho. 7 Rio. SHc WO. BSHHOB, IV -4 C. Liverpool Cash Wheat. Liverpool, May 23. (L N. g.) Wheat Spot market ateady. No. 1 Manitoba, 12a; No. 8. lis M No. 1 northern spring, U lud; No. 2 tea wsstera winter, us eo. : Beat ewes ; 6.50 Good to common fwes B.00Q6.25 Hog Market Is Steady. With stock selling at practically the same price as on Monday, the swine trade at North Portland was considered steady. General market for good stuff remains around $8.95(s 9.00 here and only a limited supply brought traction above this during the last 24 hour. Choice light weight, nominal $9.95(39.00 Good light weight 8.80&8.90 Medium weigh.. 8.608.73 ucugn and heavy 8.008.23 Cattle Trade Is Quiet. Added to Monday's dlaaDDolntina ran of stuff in the cattle pens at North Portland aa another email run during the last 24 hour. Only odd and ends are now coru ln& forward from local places and extreme valuea are. not tested. General cuttle market rana-e: Choice pulp-fed steers $S,9029.00 Choice grain-fed steers.... 8.75 Ordinary grain-fed ateers 8.258.40 Cboice hay-fed steers 8.60(8.7.1 uoot. steers Ordinary to common steers fl.Wirfi7.oo cnoice cows Ordinary to common cows Cl.oice heifers Ordinary heifers Choice bulls 6.50416.00 Good to fair bulls.. 4.004i6.OO Ordinary to common bulls 2.00(32.75 Best Heht calves a .on Good calve 7.00(27.50 Tuesday Livestock Shippers. Hogs Frank Garner. Klickitat. Wash.. 1 lord; Dick Rltzschke. 1 load; A. J. Gosa, Hood River. 25 bead; M. Collins, Klickitat, Wash., 19 bead; William S'chultz, 12 head- Lester Wade. Gilliam, 1 Range of New York prices fnrnr? bed by Over beck a Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trad building: Description I Qien IIik" . '-" t- Aluska Gold. AUIs Cbelmera, c... Allis CbaLnerB,. pfd. . American ileet Sugar American Can, c. .. American Can, pfd.. American Car Fdy.. C American Cotton Oil, c American Linseed, e. American Ltnseed, pfd. American Loco., c..... American Smelter, c. American Sugar, c... American Tel. & Tel.. Aiijerlcan Woolen, c. Anaconda Mining Co.. Atelilwm, c Atchison, pfd Baldwin Loco., c Baltimore Sc. Ohio, C... Bethlehem Steel, e Bethlehem Steel, nfd.. Brooklyn Rapid Transit -Calif. Petroleum, c 7:50g8'uO 1 allf. Petroleum, pfd. B.WIW7 00 i au""" r""; p. Ontral Leather, c f25ffl73 Central Leather, pfd... TiSSlS Chesapeake Ohio.... 1 nnii7 ok Clilcago & Gt. TV., c. . wiicugor m . si. tr. No. 4 ewes 29 ewes Price. wether wethers 14 goats .... 7 yearlings IS yearlings WHTHERS. GOATS. YEARLINGS. SPRING LAMBS. 21 spring lamb , BULLS. 100 90 93 77 70 96 61 Chicago & N. W., c Chlno Copper Colorado V. & I., c... Consolidated Gua Corn IToduets, c Corn Prodacts, pfd... Crucible Steel, pfd... Crucible Steel, pfd... D. & R. G., o D. & R. G., pfd Distillers Krie, c Erie, 1st jifd General Eiec trie General Motors Goodrich Rubber Gt. North., ore lands. Ot. North., pfd Gteene-Cananea Ice Securities $6.50 . Illinois Central 3.50 Industrial Alcohol. . . . Inspiration Interboro, c Icterboro, pfd Kansas City South., i Lackawanna, Steel.... Lehigh Valley , Louis. A Nashville. . . Mexican Petroleum. . Miami Copper , M., K. & T., c. 22 7 22 W 66H lUVs 61 4914 72 J-2J 49 H 704 129!128128Ts RAW 10BH 86 1074 9i 94 V, 439 86 Vk 105 87 ii 82X4 483 $8.00 7.73 $3.30 $8.23 8.23 $9.60 COWS. STAGS. STEERS. CALVES. ' IIOGSV ' VJ370 ...138". ...1336 ...1830 ...1720 ... 670 ...1400 .. J1S0 ... 652 ...725 ... 952 .... 800 ... 6T0 ... 850 ... 955 ... 943 ...1110 ... 805 ... 730 ... 840 ... 750 ...1171 ... 707 ...1220 ...1195 ...1250 ... 80 ... 221 ... 183 ... 244 ... 246 ... 192 ... 217 ... 193 ... 211 ... 183 ... 198 ... 191 ... 188 ... 210 ... 204 ... 244 ... 246 ... 170 ... 151 ... 350 ... 862 ... 800 ... 2IM) ..... 300 ... 175 ... 400 490 .... 170 .... 144 .... 93 .... 300 .... 320 413 .... 300 ... 370 .... 840 .... 300 ... 317 ... 120 1 .. . -S58 ... 304 .... 125 ... 137 138 125 .... 120 ... 144 .... 120 .... 114 Tuesday Morning Sale. STEERS Ave. lb. 1230 BUCK SHEEP 1 buck sheep 120 HOGS 91 hogs 178 2 hog 480 6 hog 2K8 1 bog 620 1 hog 430 1 hog - 130 4 bull ..... 7 bulla ..... 6 bull .... 1 bull . 1 bull .... 1 boll .... 1 bull 1 bull 18 cows .... 2 cows ..... 7 cows ..... 1 cow .... 1 cow .... 1 cow .... 2 cows .... 15 cows .... 1 cow .... 2 cow 2 cows .... 29 cows .... 1 stag ... 25 steers . . 14 steers . . 17 steers .. 23 steers . . 2 steers . . 2 calves .. 60 hog .... 84 hogs .... 21 hogs .... 1 7 hogs 82 hogs .... 14 hogs . . . . 7 hogs 22 hogs .... 3 bogs B hogs .... 6 hog . 78 hogs .... 16 hoira .... 7 bogs .... 21 hog .... 17 hog .... 75 hogs .... 6 hogs .... 4 hog .... 4 hog . . . . 1 hog .... 8 tog 1 bog .... 2 hogs .... 1 bog .... 1 hog .... 1 bog 80 hoar 130 hogs .... 0 hogs .... 4 bogs 2 hog .... 2 bog .... 1 hog .... 1 hog .... 2 hog .... 4 hog .... 61 bog .... 2 hog .... 5 bogs .... 23 bog .... 4 bog .... 8 hog .... 7 hog .... 7 bog .... SO bog .... 8 bogs T hog K... No. 1 steer $4.75 4.73 4.75 4.75 4 60 4.(0 4.00 Kennecott Copper. ,flc. . Missouri Pact: National Biscuit National Lead Nevada Consolidated. . . New Haven New York Air Brake. , , New York Central ! N. Y. O. A W a. 73 1 Norfolk A Western, c, I Northern Pacific $6.90 Pacific Mail , 6 23 Feiureylvania Railway, 6.00 Pittsburg Coal, c 5.33 Pittsburg Coal, pf .6.25 P. Steel Car, c , 5.23 I". Steel Car, ,pf 6.00 Ray Oona. Copper 4.63 Railway Steel Springs 4.50 Reading, c 4.23 Reading, lit pf..,.. 4.2S Reading, 2d pf 8.65 , Repabha I. A S., e Republic I. & pf. Rock Island fthattuck eg 15 Stcdebaker, pf g oo Studebaker, pf S00 Southern Pacific h'(jo Southern Railway, c. 6 60 outhern Railway, pf. j Ttnn. Copper Texas Oil ; Texas Pacific Third Avenue Vnlon Pacific, e Union Pacific, pf TT S Huh.! . 8.95 lit a HtMl Co.. e L. 8. Steel Oo.. pr.. I'tah Copper . Virginia Chemical, c W. U. reiegrapn 181 O i4 "oiU 14 Vi 88 99 130 63 V 43U 141 Vi 94 117 117 15 28t4 61 i 40 65 V 172 V, 314 76H 41W 123 48 2'4 104 in 1 46 19 76 27 70 82 1W 108 36 4 66 T 182 64 $4.75 $7.50 ; 1 $9.10 9xa 9.00 8.93 8.95 8.9.' 8.93 Total sale 772,000 shares. -?i Westinghouse Electric, 8.90 I 8.90 i 8.90 8.00 9.00 8.85 8.85 8 43 8.45 8.45 8.35 8.35 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 107 H 120H 115 103i 23 67 40 193 12 62 U42V4 88 64 109 85 116 81 43 84 68 180 64 Vt 63 14 V 88 9 loo 63 43 139 19 94 117 117 " 28 60 39! 64 172 014 1010 76 ft76 40 1 41 28 103 70 26 70 80 130 107 86 4 65 6 Vi 126 115 e 28 CTeariaff of Checks by Tederal Xeierve Banks Mandatory. R. W. Schmeer. cashier of the United States National bank, who returned to his desk yes terday after attending; the meeting- In New Tork of tbe executive council of the American Bankers' association, brings home word that Interest In the work of the council centered chiefly on the check clearing; and collection order of the federal reserve board. It was a revelation to Mr. Schmeer and other bankers in attendance that tbe order of the federal reserve board Is mandatory because the law makes It so. They werp Informed of thla fact by Governor Strong of the federal reserve board. It is also the opinion of Mr. Schmeer that the board will put the ney plan Into effect aa soon as possible and there will be no way of disputing their au thority to do so. The most that the bankers of Uie country, who may be opposed to the plan, can nope for, is that the operation of th law may be postponed for another six months, until the banks can have full opportunity to prepare for working under the new system, and fortify themselves against Its demanda. The executive council appointed a committee consisting of five bankers representing different sections of the country to go over the situation with the federal reserve board and to secure, If possible, the desired postponsment Of six months. ashland's Park a Marvel. L.loyd Mullt, vice president of the Northwest ern National bank, returned to his desk yesterday after a two weeks' business trip to southern Oregon. Two things that Impressed him most were the park established by the city of Ashland and the fact that the earlier reports of the damage to fruit in that section on account of frost will be found to have been largely exagger ated. "Ashland is entitled to a great deal of credit for Its enterprise and lib erality. Nature gave It a base from which to work. It has made a beauti ful park and has undoubtedly started a resort movement which will mean a great deal to Oregon in the years to come. Bo far as the frost is concerned, it has been demonstrated that smudg ing Is a good investment, even if it has some temporary disagreeable features.. Those who smudged saved most of The fruit; those who did not, suffered heavily. The frost has done some damage, but for the most part It has thinned out tbe heavy bearing trees principally and there Is left, on most of them, all of the fruit they can bear." Will Radically Upset Existing Prac tices. The aim of the federal reserve board is ultimately to collect all out of town checks of national banks of the country, whether drawn on mem ber or non-member bevnks, through the federal reserve banks. There are num erous startling departures from accus tomed practices which will be Involved in carrying out the plan. The mere suggestion of some of them has al ready taken away the breath of some of the banks. There are. It is esti mated, checks representing $300,000, 000 in the mails all of the time. Under past practices of Immediate credit tirni9h thnle rnrraannnrlenta and fith 60 1 erwise the banks have been able to 130 110 80 ' 106 28 125 114 110 110 44 48 111 19 32J4 143 109 101 24 67 40 193 12 62 143" 83 64 108 85 117 81 43 63 44 47 111 19 82 136 109 100 2.1 19 32 143 MORRIS I CO. ILL LOCATE A count these "transit" checks aa cash am due from banks. Unfer the propose system, they will have to count then In future statements as "checks ii transit." for they wtll not be allowec: to consider the checks as paid , tin til the time provided under the tlmt schedule arranged by the federal re serve bank has elapsed. The banks will also be required to carry a suf ficient balance, over and above their required reserves, with the federal re serve bank to take care of this "float") or "transit" charge. Since tha check will be collected by the federal reserve bank the pustomary charges for - col lections, now made by banks, will be eliminated, and a large source of rev enue of country banks will be taken away from them. So serious it this last Item considered that many coun try banks believe they will either have to go out of business or give up their charters and become state banks. It Is further suggested that this latter plan will be ineffective, aa the federal re serve banks propose to collect : the checks of state and private banks where it can be done. Local ban ks will be appointed in each place to aot as the collection agent of the reserve bank. The possibilities of the proposed plan are declared to be far reaobtng I and radical In the extreme. Oronp Two Meeting at Independence. Group Two of the Oregon State Bank ers' association will hold its annual rneetlng at Independence on 'Wednes day. The delegates will be guests of the local bankers. Kdgar H. Sensenich. cashier of the Northwestern National bank, will be one of the speakers. A. E. Gebhardt, who conducted a serleB of law lectures before the members of the Portland chapter of the American Institute of Banking, will hold a round table discussion on negotiable Instru ments. Most of the Portland banks will have representatives at the meet Ing. took Market Influenced by Pesee. According to stock market gossip Sam uel VanClan, vice president of the Baldwin Locomotive works, admitted that his company hud stopped further work on extensions to its arnmulJt.lon plant because of insistent peace talk.. Other gossip said Greece was near bankruptcy. 7 Merchants Buyls Clogs Current reports from Chicago dry goods mar ket are to the effect that merchants are buying up closer than usual. There Is a greater number of merchants in the market than customary at this time and they are placing good-sited orders. They want immediate deliv eries, however, and they are not com mitting themselves to long future pur chases. The report is that cool weath er baa retarded some lines of trads. 5 Canadian Bonds Advancing Local bond houses are pointing to the fact that since April 1 quotations on Can adian bonds are materially higher. The maturity of 1921 have advanced from 99.58 to 99; 1926 from 97.13 to 9f4; 1931 from 94.94 to 100 plus. The Lum bermen Trust company last week was the successful one of 10 bidders for an issue of $40,000, coimty of Missoula, Mont., refunding bonds. Tbe price paid was a premium of $325.25. The issue runs for 20 years and payment Is optional after 10 years. SELL NG BRANCH IN PORTLAND Big Packing Company Close Branch Offices Spokane and Seattle, in 100 84 80 42 84 Vi 62 Municipal Judges Life Is Threatened Zeal tn DealingWItb. Speed Offenders Bald to Have Brought Mysterious Telephone Messag This Morning. Determination with which Municipal s!oo Judae Arthur Langguth has been deal- 7 5 ing with spefeders and traffic violators l brought him a threat of death this 7.95 morning. 7 90 Mra Langguth called her husband ?-0 from their home at 127 East Third T OO street north, greatly agitated. She said j 7.85 that a woman naa just cauea ner to 7.85 give warning of death threats clrcu 5 lij latlng against the magistrate. 7.60 1 The woman refused to give her 7.50 name, but stated the Information came I ?i through her eon, who Is a Jitney driver. jq A ylOl I1ELU uccu ivimcu uviig jib.iv men, she eaid, to wayiay tne juage De tween the courtroom and his home and shoot him. Judge Langguthvhad his wife report the matter to Deputy District Attorney Richard Deich and A. A. Thielke, pres ident of the Jitney driver's association. ThlalkA waa srreatlv aurDriaed. Tha 2 55 Jitney drivers, he said, were well 7.95 pieaseu wun me ucauucm 7.95 . been receiving from Judge Langguth. j Because of the greater opportuni ties in Portland for the selling of meat products, Morris & Co. will close the branch offices at Seattle and Spokane and handle the business of the entire northwest from the Port land branch. Roy D. Btone, manager here, announced today that this step would mean an active participation In the proposed Alaska business as well as a widening of the domestic field. It is improbable that Morris & Co. will start a packing plant here at this time, Mr. Stone explained; but tnat Is not necessary, under present condi tions. The fact that the company finds Portland th logical city of the north west to handle its ailing campaigns. Mr. Stone looks upon ae an indication of the general revival of business here. The Alaska business alone amounts to many thousands of dollars per year, and Portland hereafter will handle this. Whether or not It is to be handled direct from Portland de pends upon the establishment of steamship service. Mr. Stone will go to Seattle tomor row to arrange for the closing of the office and for bringing the office staff to Portland. i -t Synopsis of th Annual fltatsment ef tka United State Branoh of the ROYAL IKSTHtAJfCZ COMPAVT. Lt'l. or Liverpool, in the kingdom of Hreat Britain.' 00 the 3iat day of December, 1915. mad to the Insurance. Commissioner of tb State of uregun, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of deposit IKCOMV Net premium received during ine yer Interest, dividends and rent re ceived during tbe year Income from other source received during tb year $ 4 10,000.00 $ 8.908,408.40 673.005.14 loa.iii.Sa Total income $ 9,089 678.1 . uxoouaBC.jaz.jiXB. Net losses paid during the yer..$ 4,145,181.14 Commission and ?larle oald during tim year Tae. licenses and fee paid dur. Ing th year .... Amount of all other tnrr esnendl- Total 2.478.m.83 81n.s84.8o ' .$ O.lSO.W.Oo T.50 7.50 Price. $9.00 $5.00 Overbeck & Cooke Co. sttoeka, Beads. Cotton. Orals, Sto, I16-81T Board of Trade Bull ding. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Member Chicago Board of Trade, Correspondence of Logan th Bryan, Chicago. NvW Tors. expenditures Due from company reinsurance : V ...1 nmrrm pain V3,04.QI ket value) 4,870,848.03 VslltA nt t rP Ir . mnA liM.fl. (market value) 0.818.50 100 Loans on mortaaep and lUt. '. etc 200,100.00 rent. In hank nd on hand, 1,108,59010 1 ivminMii in ot OOIIOC1KW written line Kept. 80, 191B... 1,521.267.80 Interest and rent due and ac- o ud 9O.0T0.5a Total asset sdmltted In Ore gon $ 8,760.250.29 TTAHTTTTTTa . Ctoss clIm for losses unpaid. ..$ 8S3,B20.8O Amount of unearned premium on all outstanding risk 8,420.101.24 Du for eoinmlsffon and brokerage 82.954.47 Ail other liabilities 432.908.07 Total liabilities, eielnelv of deposit capital of $560,000.00.$ 8,847,605.57 14$,B24.$1 81.84S.OO 84.gar 92.827.20 Total premium in force Decem- oer 81. 1915 $1.T0S.12S.M BTJOIlfESB III OREOOlf 0 THI TXAJl. . Tctal Insurance written during tii ?ef $79,834,506.00 urnen premium received during the year Premium returned during tb year Ioses paid during th year Loaae incurred during tbe year.. joiai amount or insurance out. standing in Oregon December 81. lfiiS T.BsMtiOO BOTAL nrSTRAWCE 00,. LTD. By HUL.L.A v. WATT. Manager Paclfla Department g(a rrsncUoo, CL Statutory resident general gnt and attorney for service; 11. R. HCRKE. - Portland, Of. Besldeat Agtntt: GBRLINORB MICH A BPS A CO.. -' Northwestern Hank Bldg., Portland, and -HABVKY O'BKYAN, ', 002 McKay Bldg.. Portland. 7.50 Hotel Will Open Ballroom Tomorrow Manager Ober ofthe Portland hotel has issued a number of Invitations for the formal opening of thet, Portland's new ballroom and assembly hall to morrow nlght The ballroom and assembly hall oc cupy the space In 'the building formerly occupied by the buffet and men's grill. They are tastefully decorated and fitted, the ballroom having one of tho finest hardwood dance floors In the city. A number of fine paintings, secured at th Panama-Pacific exposition . by Edward Bovce. ara hunsvin tha nut. flng room. - . Mr. ooer has arranged for a musical program and refreshments - for , the opasiog. - - , - 8an Francisco Grain Market, ) San Francisco, May 28. Barley Open. Close. Close. May ...129B 13SV4A. 1Z8B December ....134V4 1345 13V4B Spot quotations; Wheat Walla Walla, $1.67 V4 1.70: red Russian, $1.67 01.70: Turkey Bed, $L784 1-82; bluestem. $1.87 V 01.90. Barfey Feed. $1.32 ; brewing, $1.85 1.40 Oats Whits, I1.82M 01.65. Bran $26.00 27;00: middlings. 21 32.00; shorts. $Z.0030.00. When writing or caning 4 advertiser plean Brentlon The JoOmaL , tAdv.t BOX OPTICS BOW OFBH. - Oet your seats for the opera, Tr Diavolo.", Great performance by Port land Opera association. Baker theatre Thursday night. May 2S. Saturday roatine. May 27. Popular prices. The First National Bank Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus, $3,500,000 In every department of banking we are prepared to serve the public ac ceptably.. . .. 4: