LOOD SCARE GROWS ON WATERFRONT AS COLD SPELL. LASTS iiveri Stages 10 Feet 'Less ( During This Spring Than in 1894. .NOW CONDITIONS SAME mbUe Barrio Companies Prepare Way t Mot Costly BHctrleal Tlx " tursa; Cabla Ends Balsad. ttnta of a genuine "1894" flood ara ncreaain pn tha waterfront eVery r..- ! , " Statlitlcg prepared by Assistant Dis jact Forecaster T. Francla Drake show 'ha Columbia, Snake, Clearwater and Vlllametts rivers have averaged a 10 .Tot less depth during1 the spring nontbs than did the same rivers dur- .ng 1884. In the face of the fact that there Is ai much or more enow in the foot hills and mountains to come out as there was during that spring, thin In dication ia deemed highly alarming hy both weather men and river men. Tha cold weather which has been expert nnced this spring was regarded .for a wmie as a saving lacior in ins unpenn ing flood, but the continuation of the spell has offset the early effect much mora than was expected. Freaky weather, first real warm and then real cold, continuing into July, might atop the flood say the experts, hut It la now believed almost certain that the water will at least cover front street and probably go' higher. , - Precautions against flood damages are being taken. The public service companies have moved all awltch boxes and motors along Front and First streets off the lower levels. Tele phone exchange boards have been made ready for Instant removal. The west side. end of the Pine street cable In be lng placed on a platform 10 feet high r than the former terminal and other c&Die .enaingn. win imejy be given a similar change. The river here stands at 15 feet, and very little change Is expected during the next few days. , DEISEL MOTOR IN PORT Marine Gaze on Craft From Astoria, Mere on Trial Trip. I The first seml-Delsel engine on th Columbia river attracted marine men for an inspection today. . TJi engine 4s in the tug Bronkfleld of Astoria, the Brookfleld is owned by Captain Charles Larson, and j uswi In the rock barge towing business. She is on her trial trip, having been re oently turned out by Wilson Brothers of Astoria. She Is 65 feet In length. Unlike the usual seml-Delsel engine, th 100 horsepower four cylinder Fair hanks-Morse engine in the craft oper ates inrougn a clutch and reverses through a gear Instead of by revers ing the engine, as do most similar engines. Th Brookfleld Is at the foot of Yam hill street. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT "."In order that the vessels may be on regular schedule. ,the steamer Break water will not sail until Thursday, thus spacing her properly with the steamer F. A. Kilburn. Th steamers Multnomah and Johan rnulsen. lumber laden, sailed for Cali fornia ports. To load a portion of her grain cargo the British steamer - King Malcolm hi f ted to North Bank dock. With freight from San Francisco th steamer Wapama arrived at Couch street dock. - Owing to minor boiler repairs the steamer Oeorgiana laid over today, the steamer Undine taking her rua : Cape Cod Nearly Ready. Word received from New vork is that the steamer Cape Cod. purchased by the Oregon-Alafcka Steamship com , pan y, la in drydock being painted, pre vious to leaving for this coast. A full cargo of freight has been secured for Portland delivery. James W. Crlchton, general manager of the line, will prob ably leave for New York shortly to superintendent her loading and oepar tur. Weir Goes to Skagway. ' Seattle, Wash., May 23. (P. N. S.) H. O. Weir, whom Olenn Winshlp will succeed as cashier of the Juneau of fice of the Pacific Coast Steamship company, has been appointed agent of th company at Skagway to succeed V. A. Peterson. The latter has been or dered transferred to tbe Ketchikan agency succeeding F. H. Bold resigned. Changes and Charters. San rraneisco. May 23. J. E. Johnson baa l-esamed . command of th ateamer Mandalay, relieving K. Butalnaj. . John Bnatrom baa resumed command of rh steamer National City, rellering Victor Jacob i son. - H. .W. Lewla baa aucceeded Alex MacKan Bl as aiaater of the ateamer Washtenaw. Th schooner Golden Sbor baa been char- Iron Is Greatest of All Strength Builders, Says Doctor 1 A Secret of the Great Endurance and Power of Athletes. Ordiaary Vturatad Xroa win Make Dell. eat, Vsrvoos. maadowa People 800 - Per Oent Stronger la Two 1: Weeks' Tim la Many Case. NW York, N. Y- Most people fool ishly seem to think they are going to get renewed health and strength from on stimulating medicine, secret nos trum or narcotic drug, said Or. Sauer, a well known Specialist who has studied Widely both In this couatry and Europe, when, as a matter of fact, real and true strength can only come from th food you, eat. But people often fall to get the strength out of their food because they haven't enough Iron in their blood to enable It to change food Into living matter. From their weakened, nervous condition they know something is wrong hut they can't tell what, so they generally commence doctoring for stomach. . liver or kidney trouble or symptoms of some other aliment caused by the lack of iron In the blood. This thing may go on for years, while the patient suffers untold agony. If ?ou are not strong or well, you owe It o yourself to make the following test: See bow long you can worh or bow far you can waijc wttnout Becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of or dinary nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how much you have gained. 1 . have seen dosens of nervous, run-down people who ' were ailing all the while, double ' their strength and endurance and" .- entirely get rid of all symptoms of .dyspepsia. to earry Inmber from North Psetfte' ta Sydney, K. Z- or West Coast, Soots Anarlca. at 117s Sd late 1917). ' Tbe barkeatln 8. N. Cut! has been sold by George A. Moore Co. to Uf aaales parties ror sw.ouo. , NEWS OF THE PORT Arrivals Kay . WsDemi. American steamer. Captain Pol- dat, - paaaeoirera and lumber from Ban Fran cisco, rarr-McOormick KM. Co. Separtares Kay SS. Hnltaoinab. American iteamer. Captain Green, paaaengera and lumber for Baa Diego anrt war. McCormlrk Lumber Co. F. H. Back. American steamer. Caotain Macdonald. ballast tor Monterey. Associated Oil company. uoasier, American ateamer, captain nesra, romber for Baa Francisco, McCormlck Lumber OLD-pany. Wortnern Paclrlc, American steamer. Lap tain Hunter, paaaencers and freight tor San ban Frauclsco, O. M. P. SH. Co. Marine Almanac. Waatasr at Biver'a Month. North Head, afar 23. Condition at th moutb of the rlrer at noon, smooth, wind northwest, 2o miles; weatber, cloudy. Sun and Tides Hay M. San rlaea 4:2 a. m. Hun sets 7:24 p., m. Tidaa at Astoria. Hlirh water. Low water. 6:1 a..m 7.2 fet. 0:52 a. m., 2.8 feet. T:37 p. m., 8.1 feet. 1:05 p. m., 0.3 foot. Tbe time ball on tbe V. 8. brdroeraDblc of fice wii dropped at noon. Daily River Readings. 8 A. M.. 120th Meridian Time. C C 3 8 STATIONS -J Z Z It a1 s a a S a a C3 a ts (b3 Wenatche 40 27.8 0 0.00 Lfwlatnn 24 Io.4 0.2 O.OO Umatilla 23 15.7 0 O.OO The DaJlea 40 2.1.0 0.1 0.01 Kusne lO B.l 0.1 0.14 Allinny 20 4.8 0 0.00 Halem 20 4.S 0 0.10 Orogon City 12 4.8 0.2 0.0! Poriland IS ln.O 0.3 p. OH ( Rising. ( ) Falling. River Forecast, Th Willamette rlrer at Tortlsnd wilt re main nearly stationary for tbe next two or ture days. Steamers lJue to Arrive. PASSENGKBS AND FREIGHT Nam From Date fctsr 5?. r. & L. A May 24 Northern Pacific.... 8. F May 2 Fearer H. V.. C. B. A E..May 30 Kus City I A. & 8. F Jun 4 Steamers Dae to Depart. Name For Hate Ron City A. Il 8. F May 24 vanama a. I' May x Northern Pacific... 8. F May 27 Bi-ar S. V. A L. A May 2D Bearer I.. A. It H. V June 8 8teamra leartns Portland for Kan Franclaco only connect with tbe atPamera lale and Hal yard, leaving: San Francisco Monday. Wednes day, Friday and Saturday, fur Los Angelea and Ban inego. Vessels in Port. Nam Berth A. K. Coats, Am. act).... '. Rainier Breakwater, Am. ss Columbia Delay. Am. ss Knapntoj 13. II. Vance. Am. sa Astoria InTerlode. Br. bk -..Stream King Malcolm, Br. aa North Bank Rone City. Am. ss Atnsworth Wapama, Am. aa Couch At Neighboring Ports. Astoria. May 23. Sailed at 2 a. m. WIV Inmette for San Kranclsc": at 4 a. m. Shna Yak, for Ran Pedro; at ft:W) a. m. Gaa schooner Oarald C. for eoaat porta. Arrived st 7:40 a. m. Uaa schooner Mlreue, from coast Dortt. Gavleta. May 22 Sailed W. F. Hcrrln. for Portland. Astoria, May 22. Arrived at and Wt np at 10 15 p. m. Wapama from San Francisco. San Francisco, Cel.. May 23. Arrived Sen ator. Seattle, 11 a. m Johan Poulteli, Astoria, 1:30 a. m.; San Gabriel, l-om Angeles C a. ni.; Colonel K. 1.. Ln-ake. towing barge wi. cattle 0 a. m.: Admiral Schley. Seattle. 6.30 s m. Whlteaboro. Fort Bragg. 8:30 a. m. : Speedwuil. I.oe Anaelea. 7:30 a. in.: Adeline Smith, Coos Bay, 0:30 a. m.; Taboe. VVUlapa Marbor, 10 a. m.: Oleum. Tacoma. 11 a. m. Hailed Ylna. Victoria, 4:3o a. m.: San Tedro, Santa Rosalia, via Los Angeles, 5 a. m. ; Urace Hollar. Tacoma, 7 a. m. . Seattle. May 22. Arrived Wilmington. San Francisco. 8:43 a. m.: F. a. Ixmp, San Fran Cisco. 7:30 a. m.; Miiklltco. San Franclaco, 2 a. in.: Despatch. Ladysmlth, B. C, 7:43 a. ru. Sailed Hawaii Maru. Hongkong, 10:19 a. m.; Lyman Stewart, l'ort Sn Lola, 4 a. m. Vesan Maru. Vladivostok. 1 a. m. Seattle. May 21. Arrived J. L. Lacken- bacb. New York, via Panama canal, lO a. m. City of Seettle. southeast Alaska, 1:30 a. m. Bee, San Francisco, 12:80 a. m. Railed Admiral Evans. S. W.. via S. E Alaska. 11 a. m.; Dolphin, southeast Alaska. 0 a. m.: Alkl, S. E. Alaska, 3 a. m. Seward. May 20. Sailed Admiral Farragut southbound. 7:15 D- m. twdova. May 21. Sailed Admiral Watoon, wettbound. 3 a. m. Ketchikan. May 21. Sailed Jefferson sottbbound, 3 p. m.; Spokane, northbound. 1:30 n. m yesterday. Shanghai. May 20. Arrived Melville Do! lar. Grays Harbor. Yokohama, May 10. Sailed Mexico Maru, Seattle. Toconllla, Mar 19. Sailed Santa Crui, Se attle, via San Francisco. Victoria. B. C. May 21. Passed Norwe glan steamer lhor, trom Manaimo ror San Francisco. v. Dunaeness. May 22. Passed In A Japanese ateamer. ixMsluly Itltal Maru, u:sv a. m. Heliingnam, May eauea iNormwesiern Ketchikan and norts. Port Ludlow, May 21. Sailed Rainier. San rraneisco. Tacoma. May 21. Arrived Curacao, S. E. Alaska, noon; Northland, S. E. Alaska. Sailed Hornet, San Francisco: Klamath San Pedro; schooner Willis A. Holden, Syd ney, N. a. w., in tow. Arrived Norwegian ateamer Baja California, bom Dupont. San Francisco, May 22. Arrived Vanguard, Eureka. 12:30 p. m. ; gas launch Primrose. Yaqulna fay, noon: Yale. Los Angeles, 12:15 p. m. ; llelen. raya Harbor, via Wlllapa Harbor, with steamer Cariner In tow, 3 p. m.; Brunswick, Columbia river, 3:30 p. m.; schoon er Robert R. Hind. Tahiti, 3:40 p. m.; schoon er Ethel Zane, Tahiti. 5:30 p. m.; Dutch ateamer Veendyk, New York, via canal, 10:30 p. m.; F. A. Kilburn, Portland, 11:30 p. m.; Davenport, Los Angeles, 11:40 p. m. Sailed James H. Hlggln. Fort Bragg, 11:20 a. m.; City of Topeka, Eureka. 12:10 p. m. -. Bear, Portland. 2:13 p. m.; Vanguard, Lot Angeles, 2:20 p. m.: ITealdent. Los Angeles, 4:20 p. m.; Texan, Honolulu, 4:20 p. m.; At las, Portland, 3:30 p. m.: Y'ale, Los Angeles, 4:10 p. m. Pasadena, Albion, 4:10 p. m.; Grays Harbor. Grays Harbor. 5 p. m.; British steamer Walruna, Sydney, N. S. W., 5:40 p. m.; La Brea, Port San Luis. B:40 p. m.; Dutch steamer Tlkembang, Bataria, 7 p. m. Balboa. May 22. Arrived British steamer Crown of Toledo, from San Francisco, yester- 7; xriiiu iiramer uiyeric, irom can Fran- cUcp. liver and other la from 10 to 14 days' time simply by tak in iron in tne proper form. And this rtf they had In some casea been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. But don't tu. v, i3 iprms of reduced iron. Iron acetate or uuuiuie ui iron simDiv ta tin cents. Ton must take Iron In a form that can be eaarilv ahiuirluui . ilated like nuxated iron if you want it jv any gooo, otnerwise it mar prove Worse than nu ua Um. - - -"""7 ri ngnier nas won the day simply because he knew tbe se- ?m "fnfth and endurance and filled his blood with Iron before ....v 1UI in mrtL7' wniie many another ha gone down to Inglorious iuivy tor me laca or iron. NOTE Nutated Iron recommended above by or. Saner is not s patent medicine no t?5'' but whlca la well know, r""' wbo roo constituents are widely prescribed by mlnest pbyaidans everywhere. Unlike tbe elder InoraVni. ir. Poets. It Is easily assimilated, does not hv- tbe stomaefi; on tbe contrary, It Is stoat potent remedy, la nearly all forms of Indices Hon, ss well as for nervous, ruo-dowa eoodl- tlcns. Tha kfBBBfacniiwr ! k.!rr confidence In Nnisted Iron that they offer te forfeit 1 100.00 to any charitable tnatitotioa It tbey cannot take any mas or wotnaa radar 0 wb lacks I roe and iocreaae taelr strenarUi SO J cent r ever to roar weeks' tlmo, prevldee T have no serious organic trouble. Taay also offer to tofaad year money U It dose not at least doable your strength and sndorace in ten days- tlroa. a la dlsponoed la tbls clLf - . vm. uv,iu outer axngfuia. Finn Will Assist in S Preparedness Plans Sxnployes, Wfll Vot Zrfw Aay ray Wall Berrlng- la national Guard ox Summer Camps. In lin with a policy favoring- pre paredness, R. G. Dun Co. has aent to its employes the following- notice: "Any of you who are, or who be come, members of the national guard are to suffer no diminution of pay or other losa from us by reason of your necessary absences in th discharge of your duties as members of the ifuard. "Any of yon- who wish to 3om one of the summer camps for military training, held under authority of the national government, may do so. at a time to be fixed by the manager, with out suffering any diminution of pav during the time of your absence for that 'purpose, but the time will be charged against any vacation to which you may be, entitled. A contribution toward the expense of your attend ance at the camp will be made by us. The amount of the contribution may be learned by application to the man ager." Employes of the Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Co. have received a simi lar offer. 1ILURE CAUSE OF THREE DEATHS AT IE; L William T. Proctor Succumbs Sunday Night; Wm, Pleu ard Victim of an Accident, Eugene, Or., May 23. Three audden deaths rrom Heart failure and one death as the result of an accident oc curred In Eugene during the past two days. William T. Proctor, aged 62 years. prominent realty dealer, died at his home here Sunday night at" 11:1 o'clock from heart trouble. He leaves widow, one son, Delbert Proctor, living on a farm near Junction City, and one daughter, Mrs. G. B. Brown of Eugene. James Randall, timber cruiser died suddenly in bed Sunday morning, at the age of 57 years. He la survived by his widow and four daughters, Mrs. - Mary II. .Eaton of Drain, Mrs. James Lyons of Marcola, Miss Lulu Randall and Miss Alice Randall at home. Four sons, James L. Randall of Vader, Wash., W. A. Randall and Edward O. Randall, Independence, Wash., and Franklin R. Randall, Eu gene. C. M. Denamore, father of Mrs. Al ton Hampton, the wife of a leading merchant of Eugene, died suddenly at the Hampton home Monday morning, at the age of 70 years. He Is survived by one son. Prof. H. B. Densmore, of the University of Washington, and one daughter here William Pleuard, who was Injured in a logging camp above Cottage tirove a few days ago, died in a local hospital Sunday, at the rge of 34 years. His back was broken and he suffered internal Injuries when struck by a falling tree. The remains were taken to Cottage Grove today. League to Enforce Peace Meets May 26 New York. May 23. (I. N. S.) Nearly every state in the Union and all of the largll cities will be officially represented in Washington Friday and Saturday at the first national meeting of the Leagne to Enforce Peace. Al ready 1800 delegates have registered. William Howard Taft, president of the league, will preside. The principal address will be made by President Woodrow Wilson. Secre tary of War Baker and other notables are to speak. Among them ara Oscar S. Strauss, Theodore Marburg, A. Law rence Lowell, president of Harvard Talcott Williams, Samuel Gompera ana others. Army-Navy Orders Ban Francisco. Mst 23. (P. N. S.i Ami orders: Colonel John Biddle. corns of enrineera. la appointed enpermtenaent or tne United States military academy, effectWe July 1, vice Col onel clarence r. Townaley, i. A. C, re- neTea. First Lieutenant Harry D. Offot, medical corps, rrom Fort glocum. N. Y.. to eastern department, there to be assigned to tbe 2d ana izatn companies, c. A. v., accompanying those companies to San Franclaco, and from here to Manila on the July 6 transport. Second Lieutenants ot the coast artillery to aall from San Francises for Honolulu and Ma nila: Archie S. Brers on Anaust 6 toTJanlla: Philip Q. Blackmore. SeDtember 5. to mast defenaes Oahua; Sidney 8. Wlaslow, September oiauiia. Captain Harrr N. Coatee. 13th earalrr. de tailed to general staff eorpa. utricer or coast arailerr con, (relieved on date Indicated, proceed to the United States on iirst arauanie transport thereafter; Major Georje-T. Patterson. September 5; Captain Frederick W. Phiaterer, September 4: First Lieutenant Tbomaa A. Clark. October 4- Sec ond Lieutenant Randolph T. Pendleton, 8e(.- ufiuoer o; nana a. oessiona, septemoer o; first lieutenants coast artillery corps, upon re lief trom military academy, to proceed on first available transport to coast defenae Indi ra ted after name: Jamear A. Brlce, Panama; Tteodore A. Chase, Manila and Suble Bays. Mary orders, Csotsln A. H. Robertson detached from command of tha San Diego to naral war col lege. Commanders t. M. Lnbr to- command of Alabama June ; L. A. Kaiser, detached from naval war college to command of New Jeraey; W. W. Phelpa detached from naval war col lege to command of Louisiana: J. L. Latimer. detached as Inspector of engineering material. Measacbnsetts district, to command of Rhode Island; J. C. Cole, detached from naval war collegs to tespector ot engineering material. Boston dtstrlft: Uewltt Blsmer. detached from naval war college to command of Maine; ii. B. Bradahaw, detached from Louisiana to Min nesota. Lieutenants (Junior rrade) H. E. Knew, de tached from Mayflower to Maine; T. H. T. Markland. detached from works of Baoaeb. at Lomb Optical company. Rochester, to works of Sparry tiyroscop company, Brooklyn, ' K. T. ; H. T. Smith, detached from Colombia uni versity May 29 to Falteo July 1. lawigna m. j. van vaisan, oetacnea Wyom ing to Mayflower; H. A. Ellis, detached Ne braska to Georgia. JTavy Votes. Centals Percival J. Werlicb. retired, died at Chicago March IS. xtta (JUumDia. now at tne snotnanne base. New London. Conn., will proceed to tha PhU- aaeipoia vara jane i lor repairs. The Caeas has bees assigned to temporary duty at tbe Norfolk yard. Tbe Nebraska has been detached from doty with the Atlantic reserve fleet, and asaignee to onty with tne cruiser squadron or th At Untie fleet. The Nebraska, bow at the Boston yard, has seen ecoered to proceed to vera urns, Mexico, aa the relief of tbe Kentucky- Tbe Bush oell (teneerl and the L-l, L-l and L-4. sow at tha Boston vara, bava shs ttr- dered to orocesd to KewDort. and thene tn th submarine base. New London, Cone., doling the tainr pan ox jom. inew vessels will pro ceed from New London te Philadelphia and re turn. , , ' . . HEAT EUGEr OGGER DIES UP TO DEFENDANT, TO PROVE M HAT HE NOT SEL THE BER Supreme Court Holds Circuit Court Erred in Instructing Will Hamilton Jury. NO FINAL ORDER IS MADE Actloa Had to So With Ajlega Xdq.nor Traasactlon ta TJnion County 800a After First of the Tear. Salem, Or., May 23. The burden of proof to show that he did not make sale of beer rested on the de fendant after delivery was proved, and Circuit Judge Knowles erred In not so instructing the Jury in the case of Will Hamilton, appealed from Union county, the supreme ccurt held today. The supreme court held that the circuit court also erred In not admit ting evidence In rebuttal to the ef fect that the beer Involved was not In cvrtain La Grande store basement at the time fl::ed by the defense as the date of sale. The defense claimed the sale was made before the prohibi tion law became effective. Instructions Are Untenable. " The supreme court held that there waa no error in refusing plaintiff a in structions whtfch related to the de fendant's knowledge that his alleged acts were unlawful. Requested in structions urging that if the defend ant delivered the beer as the agent or messenger of the purchaser he would be equally guilty were pronounced clearly untenable, since there was no charge of purchasing liquor mentioned in the indictment, and the circuit court was upheld in this particular. Tha circuit court's usual instruc tions that the nature of the charge should not sway the Judgment of the Jury, and that his guilt must be estab- ished beyond a reasonable aouoi,.was UDheld. A reiteration or correct lesai principles pertinent to the Issues does , not constitute reversible error, the su preme court held. The case was appeaiea oy xne aio trict attorney of Union county, fol lowing the acquittal of the defendant February 14, on a charge of selling illesrally Intoxicating liquor. Defend ant had been employed in a drug store at La Grande prior to Christmas, 1915. and It was charged that on January 24 he entered the store and gave instruc tion to a boy to get a case of beer out of the cellar and place it outside the rear door. This was done, and Fat Burns was arrested while transporting the beer down the street. Since there can be no new trial In Reliable Laxative Child Was Badly Constipated Until Mother i rtea Simple Remedy j In spite of every care and attention to diet, children are very apt to be come constipated, a condition res pos sible for many Ills In after life un less promptly relieved. Mrs C W. Wilson, of Shelbyvlll. Tenn.,'had trouble with her baby boy. Woodrow, until she heard of Dr Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. She writes. I can safely say Dr. Caldwell s fcyrup Pepsin is the best remedy of Its kind on earth. It acts so gently and yei so surely. .. Little Woodrow was very bady constipated and we could find nothing that gave relief until we tried your Syrup Pepsin, which gave Im mediate relief." Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a compound of simple laxative herbs, free from opiates or narcotic drugs, mild in action, positive in effect and pleasant to taste. It has been pre scribed by Dr. Caldwell for mora than , Quarter of a century and can now be had for 60 cents a bottle in any well-stocked drug store. - A tri-U bottle CADOMENE TABLETS LIFT YOU OVER THE WALL NERVOUS DISCONTENT AND WORRY When the . structures of the system are in perfect health they work without attracting at tention or causing any alarm. The moment that any part of the system has become ineffi cient in functioning, or cries out in pain, then you know you have been attacked by nerve and tissue weakness. You become cortscious of an unnatural con dition, your heart beats wildly after exertion or excitement, you suffer with nervous headaches, the nerves in the spinal cord, on account of their overtaxed, weakened condition, cause pains in the back, drawing at the base of the brain, irritability of temper, uneven mood, sleeplessness, cold clammy feeling, you lack will power, energy and ambition. Not only is the nervous system the seat of all intelligence, memory, reason or probably of the very soul itself, but every movement of the various structures of the body depends upon nerve action. Hence when the nerves suffer from debility or weakness, trouble is instantly felt in one or more of the structures. It is the chronic lack or derangement of furictiqn of these various tissues of the body which causes so much alarm, discontent and unhappinss. Qose examination may disclose no trace of disease or pain but nerves and tissues may not be working properly. Like an engine with in sufficient fuel, the lull supply of nerve force is not forthcoming. Overwork, worry, dissipation, excesses, etc., , are the keynote to nerve derangement. A per fectly . nourished nervous system might go cm -indefinitely...' . ; . " . , th case, owing to the fact that Ham ilton was acquitted, and the appeal to the supreme .court was only made to obtain rulings on questionVof law, no final order was made. The opinion was written by Justice Benson. - SUPREME COURT AT SALEM HANDS DOWN NUMBER OF DECISIONS Salem, Or., May 23. Among the de cisions of the supreme court Tuesday morning were the following: Ira L. Waterman vs. Rosa M. Water man, appellant, appealed from Wasco county, suit for divorce, opinion per curiam. Circuit Judge Bradshaw's Judg ment for plaintiff reversed. A. K. Higgs vs. George McDuffie, sheriff of Morrow county, appellant, appeaiea rrom Morrow county, invoiv ing the foreclosure of a mortgage. opinion Dy Judge Phelps' opinion by Justice Burnett, Circuit Judgment for rjlaintlff affirmed. . . Georgia Mitchell, appellant, vs. M. S. Hughes et al.. appealed from Baker county, involving the administration of an' estate, opinion by Justice Mc Brlde. Circuit Judge Anderson's Judg ment for defendant affirmed. WllUam J. Carlon vs. First National bank of Roseburg, appellant, appealed from Douglas county, action to recover the balance of a deposit, opinion by Justice McBride. Circuit Judge Ham ilton's Judgment foir plaintiff af firmed. Bernard Flynn, appellant, vs. Wat son P. Davidson et al.. appealed from Baker county, certificate to foreclose a certificate of delinquency of taxes, suit dismissed, opinion by Justice Ben sen. Thomas Bessler, appellant, vs R. W. Trbv. annealed from Baker county. suit to. quiet title, opinion by Justice Harris: Circuit Judge Anderson s judg ment for defendant aiiirmea. O. P Dahlstrom vs. W. A. Hudelaon, appellant, appealed from Union county, action for money had and received, opinion by Justice Bean; Circuit .ludge Knowles' Judgment for plaintiff af firmed. Interior Warehouse company, appel lant, vs, Edward Dnnn, appealed from Gilliam county, action for damages; opinion by Justice Bean; Circuit Judge Parker's Judgment for defendant re versed. Laura M Verrell vs. First National Bank of Roseburg, appellant, appealed from Roseburg. suit to recover a de posit, opinion by Justice Harris; Cir cuit Judge Hamilton's Judgment for plaintiff affirmed. , . Oregon Lurabe? company, appellant, vs Kast Fork irrigation company, ap pealed from Hood River, involving the unnronriation of water from a stream. opinion per curiam. Circuit Judge Bashaw's Judgment for defendant re- State of Oregon, on relation of W. H Brooks, district attorney, appellant, vs. Nvssa-Arcadia Drainage district, proceeding to test the validity of the creation of the district, opinion by Justice Benson, Circuit Judge Biggs Judgment for plaintiff affirmed. A petition for rehearing was de nied In Smythe vs. Smythe. Boxes Most Be O. K. Salem, Or., May 23. Fred G. Buchtel, head of the state weights and meas ures department, Tuesday ordered dis trict sealers to confiscate all berry boxes shipped into the . state that do not meet the legal requirements aa to Relieved This Baby l - if- tig y v, , 1 WOOSBOW WTXSOK. of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin can be obtained, free of charge, by writing" to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 454 Washing ton St., Monticello, Illinois. size. - Buchtel ascertained that - many of the boxes shipped from California are too snalL Underground'Road ! Will Be Described) ICaaas Used to aid X scape of Slaves to Be 3lsensed at XeetlajT of Ohio Society. The Ohio society will listen, next Thursday evening at the Masonic Tm-( pie. to the fascinating story of the VnderUund'rtilroad'-'u.ed In helping r iV ca.oin iv v-."" - I uivn war; ti.' i jacason, ww la ther's home near Toledo, Ohio, was a station of the "underground railroad," will tell the story of his personal recol lections. Th incidents whlcn Mr. " i"v.i- . "igans to help them convert 1 Jackson will relate were compiled and j rtch( fat-laden blood. This sent to Mrs. Harriett Beecher Stowe and It is said that she wove them Into the story credited with bringing on the Civil war, "Uncle Tom's Cabin. In addition to the story of the under ground railroad, there will be solos and readings anjs cards. All former Ohloans and their friends are urged by theJ orzicers or tne jnio society to siwuu. Labor Man Sees Prosperity Ahead Olympia. Wash.. May 23. (U. P.) That the coming summer and year will be a prosperous 'one for the laboring people is the statement today of E. W. Olson, state labor commissioner. "A Bhortage olMabor Is already. be ing felt in the lumber and logging in dustries," said Olson, and the re-opeta-lng of several of these Industries that have been ahut down for so long means that a still greater shortage will be felt." The employment bureaus all over the state have reported to Olson that Lubription With Paraf f ine For Constipation One of the most remarkable, fea tures of the practice of medicine in recent years has been the rapid in crease in the oise of refined paraf fine oil or petroleum for constipa tion and all other intestinal ills. The paraffine is taken Inwardly and does its work by lubricating the intestines. One of the most popular and re liable forms in which this liquid paraffine is compounded Is called Ameroil. This tasteless, water-white min eral oil acts as a gentle intestinal lubricant. It oils the walls of the bowels, softens the hardened, con gested charges, and thereby makes It easy for Nature to perform her own work in her own way. Its ac tion is purely mechanical. It is not a laxative nor a ca thartic, not a drug no- a drug prod uct. Its use does not nauseate, weaken, gripe or pain. Price, 60 cents the full pint bottle at all Owl Drug Stores. Advertisement, This Skin Peeler All the Rage in Society There is a growing tendency among women of culture and fashion to pay more attention to hygienic means of preserving their charms. The advent of mercollzed wax doubtleas has been largely responsible for this. This re markable substance produces complex ions so natural in appearance, ao mag netically beautiful, artificial complex ions are no longer desired. Instead of "doctoring" an offensive skin, the skin is peeled off. The wax peels the skin so gradually, in such fine particles, no discomfort is experienced. The fresher, younger skin beneath, wholly In evi dence within a week or two, is lily white, satiny soft and smooth. It's not a patched-over complexion, but a brand new one. That's why mercollzed wax has become such a rage among society folk. The wax Is put on nights like cold cream and washed off mornings. AIT druggists have it; one ounce will do. Another hygienio treatment now much in favor is one to remove wrin kles, made by dissolving 1 ox. powdered saxolite in y, pint witch hasel. Used as a wash lotion it "acts like magic." Ad. OF When CADOMENE TABLETS are direct cd to the nervous system the cause and origin of the disturbance is reached. By the tonic and" nutritive action of Cadomene Tablets on the nerve and tissue cells every muscle, nerve and structure of the system are brought up to par and naturally restored to accomplish their nor mal work. The mind brightens, muscular tone. is in creased, all.. he bodily functions are regulated, sleep is sound and undisturbed, and the exces sive wretchedness of nerve and tissue weak ness, discontent and worry are things of the past. , 1 Cadomene Tablets are prepared in conven ient form and may, be carried around in the pocket or purse and taken regularly; , Obtain from any live druggist, in sealed tube," .with full directions. : , - ' - ' m many instances rood Jobs nave waited for several days because the men could not ta secured to fill them. An Easy Way to inrrMi Woio-to Good Advice lor Thin Folks. The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight is that they insist on drugging .their stomach or stuffing ii wun greasy lootis; ruooing on use- less "flesh creams," or following some fg""h Phyalcal culture stunt, while thereal causeo thinness u- aitesuvf tract assimilates the rood you eat- There la a preparation known to re liable druggists almost everywhere which seemingly embodies the missing elements needed by the digestive or gans to help them convert food into modern treatment is called tiargol and has been termed the greatest of flesh-builders. Sargol alms through regenerative, re constructive powers to coax the stom ach and Intestines to literally soak up the fattening elements of your food and pass them into the blood, where they are carried to the starved, broken down cells and tissues of your body. You can readily picture what result this amazing transformation should produce as with increased weight the cheeks fill out, hollows about neck, shoulders and bust disappear and from 10 to 20 pounds of solid, healthy flesh 4s added to the body. Sargol is abso lutely harmless, inexpensive, efficient. All leading druggists of this vicinity have it and will refund your money If yoa are not satisfied, as per the guar antee found In every package. NOTE Sargol is recommended only as a flesh builder and while excellent results in cases of nervous indigestion, etc., have been reported care should be taken about using It unless a gain of weight is desired. (Adv.) Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. On package proves it 25c at all druggists. Don't Worry about your digestive troubles, sick headache, tired feeling or constipation. The depression that induces worry is probably due to a disordered liver, anyway. Correct stomach ailments at once by promptly taking BEECH-HAM'S PELLS They aid digestion, regulate the bile, gently stimulate the liver, purify the blood and clear the bowels of all waste matter. Safe, sure, speedy. Acting both as a gentle laxative and a tonic, Beecham's Pills help to Right The Wrong UmS SaU at Aay Matilda ia the World. SoU rarywkaro. la bosaat, lOe-, 25a. Groat too and Blood Tonic H.I.S.T. No. 2 fll.S.T. HO. Rheumatism, Inflammation of the Bladder or Enlarged Prostrate Glands, Blood Poison, Diabetes, Stricture, Cancer It Is no stimulant Report from patients prove that 1U effect are permanent arid lasting: In addition to the above M.I.S.T. No. 2 has cured many ease of, diseases pronounced by physicians and specialists to be Paralysis, Locomotor Ataxia, , Spinal trouble and apparently Incurable diseases of the nerves. M.I.S.T. No. 2 has been on the market for over 35 years and thousands of offerers have written as they have many physicians. It is pleasant to take or diminishes the action of tha heart. Dlseaso yon are urged to writ medicines yon nave tnea witnoat That you may yourseir, we win S M msBssBisssa , .-trfirlpntia!lv erisrIno axrmntntna. r.l.li.T. fiom hOno Dollar par box, or Six Doxoa for Flvo Dollars Address; THE M.I.S.T. CO, Toledo, Oh!i . - M.LS.T. NO. 2 - For sale In Portland by EEEN PERRY, 609 TOURNEY BLOC, 2D AND.. TAYLOR HOW TO REDUCE YOUR WEIGHT A BXKPUS, lAjra, StXJABLX WAT People who are overburdened with 1 superfluous fat. know only too wall tha j discomfort and ridicule that over stoui people have to Dear. If you arc carrying around five or" ten pounds of unhealthy tat you are ' unnecessarily weakening your vital or ' ' gans and are carrying a burden which ' uestroys the beauty wf your figure. There in no need of anyone suf ferine from superfluous fat If you want to reduce your wilght In a simple, safe and reliable way, without starvation diet or tiresome exercise, here is a test worth trying. 4oend as much time a you can in tile open air. breathe deeply . aod get from Laue-Davla Drug com pany or any gov J drvrgist a box of oil ot koreln capsules; take one after each meal aud one before retiring at niffht. Weigh yourself once a week so as to know just how fast you are losing weight and don't leave off the treat ment or even skip a single dose until you are down to normal. Oil of koreln is absolutely harmless, la pleasant l take, and helps dlges- ' tlon. Even a few days' treatment has . been reported t show a noticeable re duction in fttiiihi, footsteps becojae lighter, your wurk seems easier and a lirhter and more buoyant feeling takes possession ot your whole being. - Every-perron w ho suffers from au; perfluous fat should give this treat'': ment a trial. (Adv.) STOMACH AGONIES I, I DUE TO POISON One Dose of Remedy Sweeps Pain Awsy Hundreds of Thousands Restored. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy Is un, like any other. It sweeps the Bile and Poisonous Catarrhal accretions from the system. Soothes and allays Inflammation la the intestinal tract : the cause of serious and fatal all' ments, such as Gall Stones, Appendi citis, Acute Indigestion, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Yellow Jaundice, Constipation, Gas tritis, Auto Intoxication, etc., etc. In every locality tnere are araleful pee-" pie who owe their complete recovery to Mavr'a Wonderful llemedy. Thou ' sands say It h h h saved them from the-' knife. The most thorough system cleanser known. Contains no alcohol" or habit-forming drugs. KHKK look let on Stomach Ailments. Address Oeo. 11. Mayr. Mfg.. .'hemist. Chicago. Hetter yet, obtain a bottle of Mayr's Wonderful Itemed y from The Owl Drug Co., or any reliable driiKKlst, wbo will refund your money if it falls. BISURATED Magnesia For dyspepsia, Indigestion, souring of food, nas, and hyperacidity of the stomach (acid stomach). A teanpoon ful In a fourth of a glass of hot water usually gives INSTANT RELIEF. Bold bv all druggist in either powder or tablet form at 60 cents per bottle. 1 2 HAS CURED been cored by its use. it is prescribed by and absolutely sale, it never increases If von are suffering from any Chronic to us no matter how many doctors or reuez. judge the value of M.I.S.T. No. 2 for; send you a sampia riftx wnu 1 4