X.. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1916. - i 11 irttaTby- BRINGING 9 IPFATHER By George McMinr 1 Ovrrlcfetatf by Istersa-Jenai Kewa s-rvKe ; Rrb"mt rnfA, Htte Pirt Of" - 4 ir; DO MOO VvAnY to VALK OP THAT MOUNTAIN OVER VEtLHAVE TOCRo! OVER HERE! DOOU KNOW:-. TAKE. A WALK. EVERT MQaNlN. ' I DON'T M1NOOLD TODAY READY TO PLAY Telegram : rYorrr East 'Says Second Baseman Will Show J ' Up at Los Angeles Park. TO TAKE VAUGHN'S PLACE - THERE? TOPI Yinfhn, Who WUX B Switched to Short, Beys Arm Xs Oood Enough v fo XKn-e Throws, RODGERS IS EXPECTED 10 JOIN , THE BEAVERS 1 SI -T I ww-HK-'L r n i SggSST Z&lF1! I HUH? r I -J 1 I SJr J 9 WALKVH VERY ft m m Whir the Teams Play. At' Ban Francisco Los An- reles and Oakland. At Salt Lake Ban Francisco t and Salt Lak. At Lot Angeles Portland m and Vernon, - By II. A Cronin. All doubt as to the exact time when BiU Rodger wjll Join the Portland Baseball club In Los Angeles, was brushed away yesterday when Vice president George B. Cellars of Portland Baseball club, prompted by the veteran secretary or the club,-George Shepherd, flashed a telegram from the east stat ing that Rodger would hop off the rattler In Los Angeles at 2:3(To'clock . this afternoon. " In all llkallhonrt Rni1n win talra t m ,ni uj, iuou inuusuuia ana size up vii ioui imiu, alter a season ana a half absence. He will arrive too Ixia to. get into a uniform, but as be has been working out right along with the Cincinnati club, will probably be In v good condition to don the spangles to-morrow and take his old place at sec ond base. "Will Add Strength to Club. - Rodgers will add a lot of strength to oaaarunaiug ana targe amount 01 pap rika, sometimes called "life." This will ' shove Bobby Vaughn over to short stop. There has been some curiosity AM 1 11 whftfhP Vailffhn Visa A Atmniw voDty says bis wmp is as strong .s It vc- was, and he played third base when he was in the International league and got away with it. Vaughn may not cover as much ground as Ward, but he will make a better of fensive man than "Chuck" on account : of his better hitting and his bunting. , at which he has no superior in tbe ' league. ' Tbe return of Rodgers will be wel comed by the broad thinking fans. Of course he will probably be given a jovial salute by the old clique in the right field bleachers, the ones with the sandpaper collars. This crowd used to turn its batteries on "Bulldog Bill," Vbut he replied with a long range bom- bardment and invariably put them to "rout. Nothing like that ever f eases the doughty Portland field leader, loat of the old-timers remember the day that BiU kicked a couple after going .for close to SO games without an error. He doffed his cap in derision and then came back with men on the ' bases, poled out a triple and helped to win the contest. They couldn't get his goat. i Beavers' Detractors Qiven Quietus. The winning of six out of tbe last even games has put a sort of quietus On the detractors of the Beavers, and. as has been mentioned in these col umns, they will win a goodJnany more games by . the same relative margin. specially with Rodgers on the Job. The form being shown by Little Al itboron has . been decidedly reassur t to the Portland fans; This little pitcher appears to be one who needs lots of work in order to retain his stuff from work day to workaday. If Manager McCredle adheres to his pres ent system, Al s working days will be from four to five days apart. He Is a pitcher that apparently doesn't leave much of a strain on his arm after a GOT ryE FTKNOWrdUST JNNHAT'YOU ARE GOING'TO SAY YOU'THINK I WON -THE GAME. DON'T YOU ? YOU'RE 'WRONG! in SMILING BECAUSE THIS IS A game, and those are the boys who can bear the brunt of the work. Spokane Wants a Beaver Pitcher. K. Laughlngwater Williams, the handsome blonde chieftain of the Spo kane Indians, is burnlng'up the 'wires between Spokane and Portland and Los Angeles, endeavoring to land a pitcher from tbe Portland club, either Oscar Theander Harstad or Herbert Fleet foot Kelly. , The latest telegram from Nick was forwarded to Judge McCredle. who la now at his mineral mud springs up at Salt Creek, engaged in prepara tion to receive the defeated Republican candidates. Inasmuch as the Salt Creek resort is 12 miles off the rail road, it may be a few days before the Judge gives K. Laughlngwater an, an swer. Williams figures that he needs an other mighty bowman to stave off the hordes in the Northwestern league, and would like nothing better than to make captive of Harstad. Although he has a reliable lefthander in Rube Evans, Nick figures he could get along with Kelley if he can't get Oscar Theander. It is said he would like to trade Out fielder Kenneth Williams, recently re turned from Cincinnati, for Harstad.,, Must JMjf Off Two Men. The addition Sunday 'of Rip Hag erman, if tbe eastern dispatches are trustworthy, to the Beavers by the re lease route, means that the Beavers must cut two men off the roll with the coming also of Rodgers. Hager roan will probably supplant Kelly, as McCredle does not figure that Kelley knows enough about pitching to re main in this league. Hagerman was one of the leading lights of the 1913 team and helped to win a pennant that year along with Bill James. He came to Portland from the Western league, after having seen service with Chicago and Louisville. Cleveland took him for the 1914 season and he Fas been there since; but has not been a consistent winner.' Cleve land has such a good pitching! staff now that Hageman' did not figure, and consequently he was released, to. the Beavers. He ought to be a "winner again in the Coast league. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE At Seattle R. H. E. Spokane 4 4 2 Seattle 7 12 1 Batteries Webb, Bloomfiel and Murray; Rose and Cadman. Vancouver-Tacoma game at Vancou ver postponed; Tacoma team failed to arrive. No game scheduled between Butte and Great Falls. White's Bout Postponed. Chicago. May 23. (U. P.)-The 10 round bout between Charley White and Ritchie Mitchell, scheduled to be held In Milwaukee May 29, was postponed yesterday until June 2. riY EYE ON O'CONNELL WILL" GEAPPLE WALT 'MILLEE TONIGHT Match at 148 Pounds Prom ises to Be Most Excit ing in Years. What promises to be the best wrest ling match ever staged in Portland, and one that should draw the largest crowd ln recent years, will be staged tonight at the end of a classy pre liminary ,card in the roomy Eleventh street playhouse. It will be a return match between y Eddie O'Connell, welterweight Cham pion or ine worm, ana waiter iuuier of St. Paul, the world's middleweight champion. Miller, who defeated O'Con nell some months ago at 168 pounds, outweighing CConnell by 10 or 12 pounds, has agreed to wrestle the local man tonight at a point nearer the welterweight limit. Miller was to make. 148 pounds at 3 o'clock this aft ernoon, and a preliminary weigh yes terday shows that he will easily make the required poundage, as he tipped the beam at 146 ft pounds. CConnell's arm, which was wrenched when he wrestled Miller before. Is now as strong as it ever was, and he will not have it to worry him aa in the last bout. Miller massaged it until there was no power left in it and O'Connell, bereft of the- leverage, fell victim after a terrific, struggle. Their last bout was pronounced by the rallbirds as the closest and most interesting ever held in Portland, but with everything practically equal this time, the battle should be, even more exciting. At any rate, that's the way the- blown-in-the-bottle wrestling fans looit at it, ond accounts for the big advance "sale. ' The principals will probably reach the mat about 9 o'clock, and onco they get down to business it will be a bout to the finish. Owing to the unsatis factory ending of the O'Connell-Vance match by The arrival of .midnight. Miller and O'Connell agreed to go on until one or the other secured two falls,' whether it was 12 m. or 2 a. ra. A good bunch of preliminary boxers win entertain the fans until the wrest ling champs come on. Frankle Warren willmeet Joe Nagle at 126 pounds, and Billy Ryan and Jakey Harris will step at 108 pounds. The wrestling match will be presided over by Bud Smith, the Vancouver, Wash., veteran, and Muff Broneon will referee the boxing DOUIS. The Log Cabin team would ilke to arrange a game ror Decoration day Communicate with H. h. Bucholtz, Log aoin unKery. YOU I NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES Braves 8, Cardinals 5. BOSTON. AB. H.O. A ST, ions. AB. H.O. A. UC'r'DTiUe,ss 6 1 1 2 J. Bmltb.cf Ew.2b... 4 t o 1 8 1 0 6 Urbn,u. Collin. If.. 6 OlBescfaer.lt.. WBerlel,2b... Wilhoit.rf. 6 Kooetcbr.lb 3 8mitU,3b. .. 2 ComptoD.cf. 4 Gowdj-.c... 3 Huguea.p.. 3 1 14 1 1 1 0 0 8Honil7,3b. 2 OlUUler.lb... T 0 Snyder, e. . . . 0 llWMlarci.p. 1 20 0 2 1 0 0 0 rsuuer Totals ..34 9 27 111 Totals ...30 9 27 23 Batted for Williams In nisfth. Boston ....0 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 08 St. Louis ..0 000 0 000 6 S Buua Maranvllle, ' Even, Collins 2, Wll bolt, Konetchy. Smith, Cumptou. J. Sniltb, Corban,- Bescaer,- Wilson,. Horngby. Error Jack Smith 2, Bescher. Two base bits Uowdy, Miller, Betxel. Ibree base bit Koniaby. Home ran CoIHim. Stolen base Ccwdy. Sacrifice bits J. Smltt, Hughes. Itouble play Williams to Corhan to Miller. Kirst on error Boston i. Bases' on balb) Off Williams 4. Hit by pitcher Konftchy by Williams. Htrnck out By Hughes 7. by Williams 3. Umpires Hlgler and Harrison. Phillies Defeat Cubs, 5 to 3. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. AB. H. O. A. AB. U. O. A. Byrne,2b. 3 0Schnlte.lf . . 4 3 4 0 1 SS.Klack.rf.... 3 110 Mehoff.3b. Stock, w... CraTth,rf. Whitted.lf. Cooper, cf. . 1 6WUUams,cf 2 12 0 1 UZim'rm'D,3l 4 0 0 1 1 Olbaier.lb.... 4 19 0 O 0 i.eider.2b... 4 0 2 3 Luileruit.io. 8 KiUifer.c. 4 AlexaDder.p 4 1 13 OiMcCarthy.Zb 0 0 0 0 1 7 1 ricber,c. . . 4 o 7 1 0 0 4Malllgan.ss 4 0 2 2 HendrU.p.. 2 10 1 ISeaton.p. . . . 10 0 1 jZwHllug. ... 10 0 0 UMann 10 0 0 Totals.. 84 7 27 13 Totals. Batttd for Zeider In eighth. tBatted for tieaton la nlutb. S3 7 27 9 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 05 Chicago 0OUO3OOO 0 3 Bum Byrne, Stock 2, Cravath 2. Scbulte Flack, Hendrix. Errors Niehoff. Cooper. Scbulte, AIulllKan. Two base bits Stuck. Cravath, Schulte, Saler, Hendrix. Stolen bases Stock, Alexander. Sacrifice bits Nle- lioff. Flack. First on errors Philadelphia 2. Chicago 1. Bases on bulls Off Alexander 1. off Hendrix 6. Hit by pitcher Williams by Alexander. Struck ont By Alexander O. by Hendrix 4, by Beaton 2. Pmplres Klem and tmalle. At Pittsburg Brooklyn - Pittsburg game postponed, wet 'grounds. At Cincinnati New York-Cincinnati game postponed, rain. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Browns Beat Yanks, 0 to 5. ST. LODIS. AB. H.O. ghotten.lf.. 5 2 2 I NEW YORK. A. I AB. H O. A O Gllbooley.rf 2 1 0 Jobnaon.aa. 5 12 Slsler.lb... 6 8 10 o Bauman.rf .. 1 MaffpA.cf Mlller.rf... 8 1 Pratt.fb... 8 1 Manans.cf. 4 8 4utln,8b.. 4 1 0 2 Gdeon.2b.. 'Baker, 3b... OiPi Pipp.lb.... P'k'nanrh aa 4 0 Hartley. c... 4 2 High, If NunamakAi Plank, p.... 8 0 Groom, p.. . 1 0 0 0 Hartsel.lf.. Waits rs.c... Keating. p.. . Fisher, d Mullen... Itfarkle.p... "fctals . .87 4 4 27 18 Totals . . .38 12 27 16 Batted for High tn sixth. Batted for Fisher la eighth. St. Louis oi 800201 29 New York 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 03 Runs Shotten, Joanion, SMer. Miller, Prstt Msrsona 8, Hartley. Oedeon, Baker, Walters 2, Fiaber. Errors Anstln, Hartley, Geeeon, Faker. Peck 2. Two bass bits Hartler Fl.ii. er. Baker. Three base alt Johnson. Home run uartani. stolen bases Shottca, Slsler, Prstt. Maraana. Maree. Kluher pAtr!. paugb. Doable plays Baker to ripp to Baker, Jobuson to Pratt to Staler. First base on er rorsSt. Louts 2. New York 1. Bases on balls Off Plank 3. off Groom 1. off Keating 1. Struck out Br Keatine 2. Tit n,h by Markls 1, by Flack 3. by Groom 1. Lm- ires Owens and Connolly. Senators Lead Americans. CHICAGO, AB. H 1 WASHINGTON. 0. A. J AB. H. O. A. 2 2Morgan.2b.. 4 0 12 7 l!Foater.3b... 3-1-14 1 2IMllan.cf 3 10 0 1 2IRondau,rf. 3 0 0 0 8 Olludge.lb... 8 1 12 0 2 0Shanks.lf . . 2 0 8 0 1 01 Henry .e... 4 17 2 McMuIlen,3b 4 Bchalk.c. .. 4 S. C'Ulns.2b 8 E. CoPns,2b 8 Mesa, in... Jackaon.rf Felscb.cf . . J. Col'ns.lf rerry.ss... Wolfg'ng.p Baasell.p.. 1 OMcBrlde.ss. 4 18 6 2 OHarper.B... 3 10 0 0 3 O O Ijrnn. ... JMurpby... 0 0 Totals. . 29 4 24 9! Totals... 29 Baited for Wolfgang in sltth. 7 27 14 Batted for Russell in ninth. I Chicapo ........OOOOOOOOOO Washington 0 1 1 00 000 2 Rons MIMlan. Judea. Errors' Wolfiran'- Two bsse hits Terrj-, Milan. Felsch. Stolen base Judpe. .Sacrifice hits Shanks, Judge. Double plaf Morg-an to MeBride to Judge. Bases on balls Off Wolfjrann 2, off Russell 2. Struck out By Harper 7., by Wolfganz 4. Lmplres Chill and O'Loughiin. Red Sox 3, Detroit l. DETROltf I BOSTON AB. H. O. A.I AS. H O. A. Bosh, as.. S 2 8 1 Hooper, rf. 3 14 0 VItt, 8b... 2 Barry, 2b.. 4021 "Jobb.cf.... 8 0 8 OI Lewis. If.. 3 0 2 0 KaTan'h.lf 3 0 2 fi Hoblltxtl.lb 8 19 0 voaea, r. 100 OI Walter, of. 4220 Beilman.rf 4 11 O Gardner, 8b 4 118 Burns, 10. 4 17 Z Jaorrm. m 3 2 2 2 Vounc 2b. 8 1 2 2jCarrigan, c 2 1 8 1 Btanasw. c 4 0 7 2 , Tbomaa. u O O 1-0 Dausa.p.. -3 1 1 ei Agnew. e. . O 0 1 o jreg-g.p.... 3 0 0 1 ll'oster, p.. 10 0 2 f'H'nrfcka'a 1 O 0 0 fShortern. 10 0 0 Totals. 29 e28-i4 Totals.. Bl 8 27 10 Two out when winning run scored. Batted for Carrigan in sixth. Batted for Gregg in sixtl. Detroit , . .00 0 0 t 0 O O 01 Bostoa O0O0O00112 Runs Tounr. Walker. Janrrln. Two haw sits Young, Dans, Carrigan, Walker 2. Stolen bases Cobb. Bosh. Lewis. Boblltmt 2. Sacrifice hits Vitt 2. Toons;, Lewis. JaoTrtn. Double play Oaoss to Btanage to Burns. Baea on talla Off Dsns 10, off Gregg 1, off Fos ter 2. Btrack oat By Danss 3, by Gregg 2. by Foster L CmpiresDloeea and Nallin. v Athletics 10, Indians 8. PhfladelDhis- PaJ Mar' SJ, . ft -ft S.)-Jn, tha heaviest .hitting game pf ".-5,"-; ' ' ' " V '.;.. " rA' '1; FOUR BEAVERS SWATTING BALL IN SELECT CLASS Roche, Southworth, Guisto and Nixon Make Big Gains in Batting, San Francisco, Cal., May 23. (P. N. S.) Rube Gardner, of Oakland, steps to front and center this week as the chief swat artist of the Pacific Coast league. He has the nifty percentage of .378. Although Ping Bodie rather lost the range for a (spell last week, he is right up at the top of the list, with .363 against his name. Last week he was there .380 worth. Louis Guisto, of Portland, is begin ning to wallop scientifically, and doesn't Insist upon "busting" the ball out of .the lot every time be comes up. Lately he has been getting his singles and his doubles as well as his grand tour smashes. He has the neat rating of .321 for 35 games. The balance sheet follows: AB. II. H. Pet. 7 14 .571 148 18 M .878 8 18 .875 179 82 83 .808 42 7 15 .857 1T2 88 61 .85 2 2 R .348 154 85 52 .338 88 n 29 .830 165 20 54 .827 40 S 13 .S25 ITS 15 67 .324 152 25 49 .822 150 27 68 .822 134 28 43 .321 H5 8 27 318 157 18 50 .818 73 11 2 .015 59 28 60 .814 16 5 5 .313 29 7 9 .810 1M 20 50 .801 128 J 3 t8 .21)7 101 19 30 .297 85 12 25 .24 17 3 5 .24 174 18 61 .203 172 18 .50 .201 134 18 89 .291 167 80 48 .287 t , 2 2 .2S 48 B 1.1 .23 173 23 49 .23 67 6 18 .2M 161 19 43 .280 180 18 88 .277 127 28 83 ,.27 153 19 42 .275 149 24 41 .275 22 3 .273 22 2 .273 118 11 82 .271 183 18 44 .270 137 1 9 87 . 270 84 2 9 .2.15 60 14 21 .203 19 2 3 .28 168 23 44 .262 124 25 82 .258 151 i 89 .258 31 I H .258 144 21 87 .257 129 22 23 .256 47 4 12 .253 18 2 4 .250 Kelly. P Gardner, O Hon tman, L. A. . . Bodie. S. F Bocbe. P FiUtferald, S. F. . . Fromme, V Brief, S. L Scuthworth, P Wolter, L. A Brooks, S. V Barry, O Ke&worthy, O. ... Bates, V. Guisto, P , Nixon, P. EUiott, O Slncr, V Koerner, L. A Decanniere, V. . , St en, 9. F , Ioae, V , Coffey, S. F Hannah, S. L Fisher, P , Houck, P. Downs, S. F Antrey, S. F Vaughn, P I.sne, 0 Chabek, S. L Sheehan, 8. F Quintan, S. L Busier, L. A Middleton. 0.. Btumpf, P Wine. P Gleicbmann, V. , . Orr, S. L Y&nn, S. L. Brown, S. F McLarry, L. A,..., Galloway, L. A.... Ryan. 8. L Fittery. S. L McGafflsan, V. .. E. Jdhnaon, V F la berg, V Rath, S. L. Scballer, S F Couch, 3. F , Murphy, g. L. Shlnn. S. L Whaling:, V. . Pwrltt, S. F Frank Troeh. Leading Amateur at Seattte Seattle, Wash., May 23. (P. N. S.) Frank Relhl of Tacoma, with a mark of S7 out of a possible 100, to day holds first place among profes sionals entered in the twenty-second annual trapshooting tournament of the Washington State Sportsmen's asso ciation, which opened yesterday on the Harbor island range. P. J. Holohan of Portland and Hugh Poston of San Francisco are tied for second place with 95 targets each. Among the amateurs, Frank Troeh of Vancouver, Wash., is high man as the result of the first day's shooting. Troeh broke 98 out of 100 targets. G. B. Joslin of Palouse Is In. second place among the amateurs with a. mayk of At the annual meeting of the asso ciation last night, C. E. McKelvey of beattie was elected president: R. H. Miller of Seattle, vice president, and Hugh Fleming of Seattle, secretary. The Green Lake club of Seattle was awarded the 1S17 state championship shoot Dundee Beats Fleming. Philadelphia, May 23. (I. N. S.) Johnny Dundee beared Jack Fleming in six rounds at the Olympla A. A. last night. the season, the Athletics trimmed Cleveland, 10 to 8. The Mack men' batted Coumbe out of the box In the first 'Inning. Bagby held them score less for six innings, but they finally got to him for six runs and the game in the eighth. Myers was hit bard in three Innings, but the heavy hit ting of his team 'mates saved him. The score: CLEVELAND AB. H. O. A. PHILADELPHIA AB. H.O. A. Witt. ss... s 3 S Qraner, IX 4 S O 1 Turner, 3b Speaker, cf Smith, rf . SsndTf.lb. . Wbnkgs, as Howard, b O'NelL e.. Coombe. p Bar by, p. . Both..... 2 2 0 3 1 11 O 2 sensns, e.. 4 Strnnk, cf . 6 MclnnU, lb ft La Joie. 2b 8 2 2 I 1 2 1 O O 8 IWalsa.rf... 4 0 5 8j Pick. 3b... S 2 1 ltOldring. If. 2 O UStellba.'r, If 1 1- 0 -ll4tyra,p.... 4 ISO Totals. ST 12 94 16f Totals. . 8 14 27 111 JDS l ICU lor BIOKB 111 Dill I SI. Cleveland 2 2 9 0 t 0 0 0 3--R Philadelphia ..4 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 10 Runs--Graaey 2. Tnraer,' Speskef 2. Gandll, O Neii. Roth. Witt, gcbsng 2, Stronk. Mclnnls. La Joie. Walsh 2. Pick, Myers. .Errors Tur ner. Okirlng. Two base hits O'Neill, Myers Three base sit Speaker."- Hone runs . Oraoer. Roth. Walsh, - Stolen base Walsh. Kacrlfics bit Grsne-y. BaetWos file Howard. Steel bauer. First base- on errors Philadelphia L Bases a balls Off Bagby , off Myers 3. 8truek out By Myers 7. WHd pitch Myers. Vrmpire-EaBS and Hlldebrsnd. . ' . iimiiimiH- HH rnu 1 1 ' II Mill I .aihT-- ! Martin Disappoints Cardilials, Scout Los Angeles, Cal., May 23. (P. N. S.) Following a long conference;' here between Scout Eddie Herr of the St. Louis Cardinals and Owner Johnny Powers of the Angels, it was rumored that the Cards will give Inflelder But ler to the Seraphs for Pitcher Hi Jas per. Herr Intimated today that he was somewhat disappointed In "Speed" Martin, the young Oak pitcher, Herr said that Martin showed less speed than he had been given credit for. Wolverton Tosses a Fit Over Outfielder San Francisco, Cal., May 23. Curses on you. Jack Dal ton! This is what Manager Wolverton, of the Seals, said to "himself today, when he read dispatches from Detroit stat ing (hat Jack Dal ton, utility outfielder of the Detroit Tigers, had refused to be transferred to the Seal when Owner Navin ordered him to report to the Coast league club. Dal ton is peeved, declaring he didn't get a fair trial with the Tigers, and demands his uncondi tional release. STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS Paciflo Coast League. Won. Lost. Pet. Vernon 28 IT .622 San Francisco 26 21 .653 Los Angeles ....22 21 .612 Portland 18 19 .457 Bait Lake 18 22 .4.M) Oakland 19 29 ' .898 Kational Lsarua, Won. Lost. Pet. Brooklyn 16 9 .623 Philadelphia . I....17 11 .607 Boston 15 11 .577 New York 13 IS .500 Chicago 15 17 .469 Cincinnati 13 18 .453 St. Louis , 14 . 19 .424 Pittsburg 12 IS .400 American League. Washington 21 11 .654 Cleveland 21 12 ,G39 new xorK 14 13 .619 Boston 15 15 .600 Philadelphia 13 17 .433 Detrtdt la 18 .419 Et. Louts , 12 17 ' .414 Chicago IS 19 .400 American Assoeiatiem, Minneapolis 15 9 .625 lyCUlETtlle 18 11 .621 Colbmbas 14 9 .oue Iudiacspolls 14 12 ,18 Toledo 12 12 M0 Ktnsas City 12 15 .444 8t. Paul 9 14 .301 Milwaukee 9 21 .300 Westers Laafus, Lincoln .... 15 9 .625 Wichita 16 10 .615 DeslMolnes 14 10 .58.1 Topeka 14 12 .538 Omaha 12 - 12 JMto Bloux City 11 14 .440 St. Joseph 8 15 .844 Denver 8 - 16 JS3 Vorthwestors League, Spokane 14 . 10 .583 Great Falls ......12 11 .522 Bntte 11 11 .500 Seattle 12 19 Aha Taooma .,..10 12 .455 VancouTer ..10 12 .453 8 an til to Freberg. San Francisco, Cal., May 23. (TJ. P.) Ad Santel will meet John Freberg on the mat here tonight In a best two out of three falls match. Santel Is expect ed to have a rather easy time. TONIGHT Miller O'Connell BOXING PRELIMINARIES Hth St. Theatre Prices $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Seats on Sale Usual Places Western . Champion. - ship ua lbs. BOXING Iforthweat reatherweiglit ve Caamploa ts. Lee Johnson! Yacifio Coast reatherwelgkt Champtom Komeo Kagea vs. Al Bommsrs J X6S pounds.'. -1o Gorman vs. Jockey Beuett - X1S ponads. Bt XroUinlBrle 1 " r&TDAT. 2CAT 89. Admission 60c; 1, Slo, $a boxes. TICXETS OV HUB Sich's, Sth at Vsm. StUUr's, Broadway at Stark. Wrestling Mascptt COAST STARS IN PRACTICE OVER HARVARD TRACK Stanford Team Excites Curi osity in Minds of Eastern Railbirds, Cambridge, Mass., May S3. (U. P.) Pacific coast stars tried out their paces in Harvard stadium today, get ting ready for the track and field meet Friday and Saturday of the Intercol legiate Association of Amateur Ath letes of America. Every big college In the east has teams entered, and much interest is centered in the men who have come 3000 miles from the western edge of the continent to compete. Wilson, Bchnell, Lynn and Auperke, of Leland Stanford university, were on the cinders m the morning, reeling off distances up to 800 yards in cracking good time, according to rallblrd ob servers. Wilson is regarded aa a like ly possibility in the mile. Eastern critics looked on with con siderable curiosity when Murray, Nor ton and House worked out in the hur dle eventx Much has been heard here of these Stanford hurdlers, and a good deal is expected of them in the big meet. Simpson, of Missouri, may fin ish ahead of Murray in the high sticks, but there is hardly anybody in the meet, dopesters think, who can beat House in the low barriers, if he com petes. He is a freshman at Stanford. The University of California team will also work out this afternoon. Sisson. another Stanfordlte, prac ticed jumping today. Captain Murray, of Stanford, attracted the most com ment, however, his form and style in th hurdles being the prettiest seen at the stadium for many a day. Griffith's Price for Johnson. Washington, May 23. (U. P.) Dis cussing rumors that the Cleveland American league club wants to pur chase Walter JohnsonClark Griffith, manager of Washington, said today that he would be glad to sell the pitch er for the United States treasury, en graving plant and mint. AGENCY SUPERVISOR WANTED An old line Life Insurance Company, doing a large business in Oregon, wants an experienced life insurance talesman to find and instruct agents and write personal business. State age. experience and personal production in first let- -ter. Salary, commissions and expenses to a liigh-class man. Communications treated strict- ly confidential. Address Supervisor, D-589 Journal. Eastern Tours Daily from June 1 via The North Bank Road. Choice of many routes going and returning. , Direct "or through California, with stopovers in each direction. Direct Via Cal. Atlanta $101.18 $114.23 Boston ...... 110.00 127.50 NawYorlc... 110.70 128.20 Denver ' 65.00 72.50 Kansas City.. 60.00 77.50 Detroit 83.50 101.00 TWO DAILY LIMITED TRAINS THROUGH TO THE EAST "See America Fir? Mean the Glacier and Yellowstone - Park Route Twin Palaces, S.S Northern Pacific and Great Northern 26 Hour at Sea, to SaiujFranciaco . . Sailings May 13, 18, 23, 27, and TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS, SATURDAYS, Beginning June 1. SAN FRANCISCO NEW ROUND-TRIP FARES w $32 Thirty-Day Ticket On sale daily t9s J. Krause Pitches ? 1 Very Clever Game Echo. May 13. With a (Jocko) Krause, formerly a Portland player, pitching, the Bene" team defeated, the Pilot Rock Pirates her Sunday and took the lead In the Blue Mountain league pennant race. Krause, .who earlier In the season was with the Ktrkpatrlck Star, in the Inter -City league, has won two games for th local team, striking out 14 of the Pirates and 13 of the Weston players Khe week before, and only passing one man to first on balls in the two games. score Ecno 9. mot rock , Pilot Rock has been the pennant win ner in the Blue Mountain league for two years. Last season it did not lose a game during the series. " f TvArrvom Pat TATncsf OTn Golf Tourney Public Del Monte, Cal., May t8. (IT. P.) The program for the Western Golf championship tournament, to be played here in July, was mads publlo hers to. day. - - On July 12, the opening day of the tournament, the first 18 holes of the qualifying round will be played. The 64 players returning the lowest cards will continue in the second half of the qualifying round the next day, and the 33 lowest players will qualify for the championship flight. During the- re mainder of the week the match play rnnnil, will he nlaved. with the finals. 36 holes, on July 22. , ( Canby Artisans Lose, , .. Mount Angel College, Mount Angel, Or., May 23. In a game played hers Sunday, the Mount Angel college base ball team beat the Canby Artisans, 17 to 2. The feature of this gams .was good batting on the part of tbs colle gians who got 13 hits to Canbyg Z. The Artisans made their two runs In the ninth Inning on errors. These fumbles were mostly due to a wet dia mond. Sohler, the Mount Angel col lege pitcher, struck out 16 men.:; Batteries M. A. C, Sohler '. and Chaple: Canby, Calvin and Oribble, ?1 Round - Trip Fares Direct Via Cat. St. Louis $ 71.20 $ 88.10 Memphis .... 80.00 92.50 Washington .. 108.50 126.00 Minneapolis .. 60.00 88.75 Toronto ..... 92.00 109.50 Chicago 72.50 90.00 $35 Ninety-Day Ticket from June 10 Other fares, sched ules and details at City Ticket v Office : 5th and Stark St$. Phones: Bwdy. 930, A-6G71 . ' s , v r , 7 . ..... . . ; , y . . . -... . . . . . . , ; f ., ; . . ,