The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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    'V. rV'
ftinf ia.ti inn lit in
PlaceHas Winter Population
of 1800 and Four Times
: That in Summer,
t&ffi- '
1 Canning1 of Clsms On of Ww mil
1 ; '! ness AetiTtties; Popular riace
for Tourists to Visit
: : : ' i
llgbtwcicht.' mMts Willi Hoppe, San
; FmAcisean,: at Vernon tonight. -"
"i Hopp defeated 8tere Dal ton. regard
- ' ed a the best man in the Hoppe-Brew-
ter class, here last Week. The flRht
tonljrht, it is expected, will decide the
founr round championship of the coast.
Letter Arouses Interest Due
to Opposition of President
Lowell of Harvard,
- Jjook Like Centaur; Arretd.4
San Francisco, May ! M.--tU. F.)
Shades of Anthony Comstoea! Jack
Holt rodeya bl wtjlto horse throurh
the breakers at Baker's Beach and ap
peared suddenly ' among -women . lunch
In fc on the sand. He looked like a
centaur. But he wee not. John's
clothes were elsewhere, judge.. Fits
Patrick.' bavins no eoul for art, found t
him Kuilty of improper conduct and .
he will be sentenced tomorrow.
Badoud to Box Italian Cans.
New fork, NMay 28. (I. N. d.f Al
bert Badoud, claimant of the European
welterweight championship, hat been
signed up to box 10 rounds in Brooklyn
with Italian Joe Gans next Thursday
night. Young Jake Ahearn and Zulu
Kid will, meet, in another 10 round en-
k counter on the -same night. Badcud, a
Franco-8wi3s youth, is a recent arrival
from Europe.
Above Hotel Ioore, Soa-skle, Or. Below feurf
By Fred Lockley.
Sealle. Or., May 22. The tabi
upon which I am writing Is besldy
the open window. Lookinx up from
i my work I can look out upon count
') : leagues of shimmering ocean.
' Where the ea nd the nky meet there
is a bright streak as thoiiRh the ocean
out there at the horizon's edffe ws
made of molten silver. The tide I
I high. Less than a hundred feet from
where J am writing the gray-green,
foam-crested breakers are rolling up
on the foam wet, sandy shore. The
subdued ' monotone of the on-coming
inriif'hlng waves has the sound of tno
wind In the treetops when the north
; wind, nature's grand old harper, sm-lten
his thunder harp of pines. Some Uav
Uregonlans will learn to enjoy life
i more. They will come down to the
-easids in spring when the air Is like
wins', when the sun Is bright and when
all nature Is rejoicing in awakening
'life.. Oregon's coast reports should be
all the year round resorts not summer
resorts only.
Flace Is Sheltered.
Seaside H sheltered by Tillamook
'head from the wind so that one Is not
'Chilled by a cold sea breeze herd.
There is a tonic quality to the sea
air. that Is invigorating and makes
one sit 'down to his meals with a
keen appetite. One sleeps soundly and
restfully here.
Measlde was one of Oregon's pioneer
beach resorts. Originally It was called
Itolladay sfter Ren llolladay, the one
time transportation king of Hie west.
' Like Atlantic t'lty Seaside has Its
"Boardwalk." which fpr three, miles
parallels the ocean.
Seaside's all-t he-year-round popula
tion is about 1800. Its summer popu
lation is at least four times that fig
Tura, Seaside has made wonderful
-atrldes during the past few years. Her
Tire of a few years ago wss a blesslnc
In disguise for all the wooden bulld
Jng destroyed were replaced by brick
.or concrete structures which are a
.credit to the city. The streets are
jpaved with btthulltlc pavement, and
(im inui in concrete siaewaix na
I .been put down. A municipal water
i , y stern, and a modern sewer system
) mak Seaside a desirable place to 11 vo
(,15.. The full problem Is settled for
I those who care to have driftwood from
1 v the-beach. Clam, crabs, cod. salmon I Kalama. Wash., May 23. The Kala
! and Other sea foods are abundant and ma. Wash., baseball team defeated the
: low in price. The mild climate means ! La Center team last Sunday, 6 to 0.
that gardens thrive so that It does The batteries for Kalama were Hill
j ot cost much to live at Clatsop Beach, j and Woods. Managers Clark and Coo-
Seaside Trading Center. 1 per of the Kalama team would like to
; - Seaside la located at th moiitth nf ' arrange games with other Columbia
I th picturesque Necanlcum river, near
wbera the Wahana and Necoxl mingle
their mountain-born waters with the
; Seaside la the trading center for a
. . . , hot., j mi Niiun uiaiiiti,
'. Si m all fntlt, nnH vulblahlfea tlitirK V.a.
'and some day there will be a large
.acreage act out to raspberries and lo
'ganberrles. It is the terminus of the
8., 'P. Ic S. railway. An auto stage
'line gives good service to Astoria at a
low rate.
The Hotel Moore has done much to
bring tourists to Seaside, not only by
long-continued publicity, butby treat
ing those who come here so well that
they want to come back.
This morning I visited the Seaside
Clam cannery. It was started two
years ago. They put up minced raaor
clams and clam, nectar. This season
they are going to can wild blackberries
and huckleberries. While I was there,
there, was a constant succession of
teama driving up wltn boxes and sacks
;of freshly dug clams. The clams are
. agitated In a coarse meshed screen to- The Knights and Ladles of Security
'ihaka off the sand, and they are then baseball team won from the Peninsula
-'. put in wire bankets and welg'hed. I Monarchs Sunday, 21 to 12.
From $1.65 to 11.75 a hundred pounds! ,. , r-,-i, aZTZTTa .v, t e r -h
is the price paid. They run from 25 to ' , entcura,Park de'eatd, tn,e J- eall
SO dnn rlm t thJ i,-hj tl. i team Sunday in a 10 Inning contest.
tv.1- .u . .i.- .., " " ! 8 to 6.
moaiiB vncLb me ciaiii-uiKKer re- -
Washington, May 23. The judiciary
committee made public a letter from
Charles W. Kliot, president emeritus
of Harvard university, urging confir
mation of-Louis D. Brandels to the
supreme court bench. Mr. Eliot de
clared Brandeis a man of "keen In
telligence and generous sympathies, a
remarkable capacity for labor, gentle
ness, courage and Joy in combat."
The latter was regarded with especial
interest because of the activity of A.
Lawrence Lowell, president of Har
vard, In opposition to Brandels.
Dr. Eliot wr,ote:
"I have known Mr. Louis D. Brandels
for 40 years and believe that I under
stand his capacities and his character.
He was a distinguished student In the
Harvard law school in 1875-78. He pos
sessed by nature a keen intelligence,
quick and generous sympathies, a re
markable capacity for labor and a char
acter In which gentleness, courage and
joy in combat were intimately blended.
"He has sometimes advocated meas
ures or policies which did not com
mend themselves to me, but I have
never questioned his honesty and sin
cerity or his desire for justice.
"Under present circumstances, I be
lieve that the rejection by the senate
of his nomination to the supreme court
would be a grave misfortune for the
whole legal profession, the court, all
American business and the country.
The Judiciary committee will vote on
Wednesday on the nomination.
One-Club Tourney a Tie.
William Stuedler and James Angus
tied in the one club golf tournament
of the Portland Golf club Sunday, each
turning in a net score of 39. Presideat
Keats finished third with the score. of
41. The tie will be played off next
Sunday. Mrs. F. J. Raley won the
women's prize.
The Maccabees would like to arrange
games with teams in or out of town.
Address G. E. Parker, 127 Fourth street,
or telephone Main 2178.
bathing scene at
soulful gaze, saw In her a kindred
spirit and said: "What do the break
! era look like to you, and what message
I do the waves bring you?" She turned
' her soulful gaze on the sea-loving Ore
i gonlan and said: "The surf looks to
; me like soapsuds, and the waves sound
as if they were saying: 'Slosh, by gosh!
' Slosh, bv aosh!' "
The Peninsula Grays defeated the
fast Gilbert. Or., nine 6 to 4, in an 11
inning game. Pop Dillon broke up the
game with a two base swat, bringing
In two runs. Manager Gray of the
Peninsula team is anxious to arrange
games with any fast out of town team.
Call Main 4321 or Woodlawn 1171
after 6 p. m.
Accident Victim Dies.
Tacoma, Wash., May 23. (U. P.)
Roy M. Loomis, 31, whose legs were
crushed by a Northern Pacific switch
engine In the Centralla yards, died
here Monday of his injuries. Loomis
lost his footing and fell in front of the
locomotive. '
The Lang & Co. team has withdrawn
from the Commercial Baseball league.
It Is likely that the Mason-Enrman
team will apply for membership in the
league. The protest of the Crane com
pany team was discussed and the presi
dent will give his ruling at the next
river valley teams.
Chehalls. Wash., May 23. In a game
between the Chehalls high school base-
j ball team and the Pe Ell high school
team, Chehalls boys defeated the Pe
: Ell aggregation by a score of 6 to 0.
This is the first game lost by Pe Ell
this season,
i The Goldenroda defeated Oak Grove
last Sunday In a six Inning game, 7 to
j 4. Carter Blade and McKenzle formed
! the battery for the winners.
In a senpatlonal 10 inning gams Sun-
day, the Log Cabin team defeated Esta
cada by the score of 3 to 2. It was the
i seventh straight victory for tho wln
' ners. Rube Maxmeyer pitched for the
' Log Cabin team, and would have
scored a shutout had his team mates
. given him good support. Molln's
' double In the ninth tied the score,
j Score: R. H. E.
! Log Cabin 3 8 4
i Estacada 2 4 4
I Batteries Maxmeyer and Hpdman;
! Smith and Bronson.
Mascot Is Confident.
Billy Mascot, the best featherweight
boxer In this section of the country, is
confident of his ability to beat Lee
Johnson, the crack colored 12! pounder
of Oakland, Cal., who last week won
a six round decision over Joe Benja
min. Mascot has been training hard
for the bout, and when he steps into
the ring next Friday night will be in
better condition than he has been for
many moons. j
Joe Gorman, the San Francisco i
youngster who has been clamoring for
a match wltn Mascot, will oe seen in
action against the veteran Jockey Ben
nett. The bout between Al Sommere and
Romeo Hagen should be one full of
action, a both boys are willing mixers.
feated the' Errol Heights team last
Sunday, 4 to 3. Hosa and Hoyt were
the stars for the winners. Ho?s al
lowed two hits and one run in the
seventh inning. Hoyt made two double
plays unassisted.
tceives about 6 cents a dozen. The wire 1 The Knights of the Maccabecb- de-
baskets of clams are put in a steam
chest and steamed for a few minutes.
Double Purpose Barred,
j This steam bath, serves a double pur
jose. It extracts the clam nectar and
also loosens the clams from the shells.
Th clams are taken from the steam
iCtiest to the cleaning tables, where a
lln of rubber-aproned young women
ydeftty snip off their necks with a pair
tof scissors and rip them open. The
Jtouga parts and the Intestines are
jtrlmmed sway and the white meat is
icarefully cleaned, and after a thorough
, Washing is sent to the mincing ma
. china.
1 The an is nearly filled with nitneed
jelam meat and then nectar Is added to
' 111 Ik. . i.
High School Star
Wins in Tennis Play
A big surprise was sprung in yes
terday's play of the spring handicap
tournament of the Multnomah Amateur
Athletic club, Henry Stevens of the
Lincoln high school tennis team de
feating Roger McVeagh, 7-6, 6-4. L. M.
Hausler lost to -A. 8. Frohman after
winning the first set.
J. H. Mackie beat O. Lewis, S-S, 6-3.
Clare Shannon beat Dr. R. J. Chip
man. '
W. O. Daly beat R. A, Martin, 6-0,
A. S. Frohman beat L. M. Haualer,
5-7. 6-4. 6-0.
W. H. Lewis Sr. and W. H. Lewis Jr.
beat A. R. Roberts and R. F. Banks,
6-4 6-0
A. D.' No'rris and H. S. Wells beat
V. W. Anderson and Dr. F. A. Klehle.
6-0. 6-4.
Today's schdule:
3 p. m. Court 1, Shannon vs.
4. p. m. Court 1, Stevens and Mal
let vs. Knight and Chipman; court 2,
Wakeman and Shannon vs. McAlpine
and Ewlng; court 3, Kirk Smith vs.
Harrigan: court 4, Failing vs. Webster;
court o, Lewls W. H., Jr. vs. Ander
son; court 6, DeNeffe vs. Smith.
5 p. m. Court 1, P. W. Lewis and
O. Lewis vs. Ladd and Bilderback;
court 2, Ewlng vs. Mackie; court 3,
Goss vs. winner Falling vs Webster;
court 4, W. H. Lewis vs. Frohman;
court 5, Lee vs. Full; court 6, Knight
vs. Roberts. -
5:30 p. m. Goss and Smith vs. Mc
Veagh and Daly.
Hopple to Box Brewster.
Los Angeles, Cal., May 23. (U. P.)
Fight fans here are primed for one
of the fastest four round bouts of the
season when . Eddie Brewster, Seattle
When writing or calling on adertlser, nleae
For Hot Days
Keeps the Blood Cool
Roman Meal is ground
whole from hard winter
wheat and rye, combined
with "Flaxose" a pre
digested, odorless, taste
less pure ground flaxseed.
There is no medicine in
the meal or bread.
Made only by the
Tot sals at All Groceries-- -,
Five Cents
mention The Journal. Art. I 1
....4 " - ' i
rlnn.J f ft .K tu. . . .
. j .. .. w ..on uou. iuv mugn pans
. nra sold for chicken feed, the shells are
fa-round up and used as fertilizer. This
'season's pack will amount to about 35,
000 dosen cans. When running at full
capacity, about 40 hands are employed,
30 of which are young women. The
girls are paid a cent a pound for clean
ing the clams, and a good worker can
make abont 12 a day. There is no rea
'on Why Seaside should not build up a
profitable Industry in putting up a high
;graa proauct or minced clams.
Seaside's greatest asset, of course. Is
-!tha sea,. This can be to Oregon what
, ILong Beach is to California.
; i Touzlsta to Come.
7.1 Tourists will come here In ever-in-s
creaslne numbers as transportation fa.
, jollities are Improved. The sea, with
.Its multitudinous laughter and Its im
Jmemorlal tumult. Is something of
i which one never tires. A young wom
: 4atv a tourlt from the middle west, was
(looking out. upon the restless waters
for the first time. An Oregonian, a
jlovr of the sea, noticing her rapt and
How You Can Quickly I
- ' Remove Hairy Growths
I in vj w
fnl . 1 e
1 J L3
It ii
111 Q
' (Aids to Beauty.)
A "Well Known beauty specialUr ad
rviee this treatment for 'the removal of
;lialr from, th face, Mix into a paste
J i, ome powdered delatone and water,
jappiy to hairy surface and after about
3 minuter rub off, wash the skin' and
every trace f hair has vanished. This
fmethod Is quick and entirely safe., To
jwold disappointment. however, it ' la
iwell to make vertain you get genuine
0eUtone.. ; ... v; -.r. (Afl?.).
Lunch Delightfully Every Day in the "Wood
Lark" Tea Room Service 9 Till 9
Always Take Your Stamps They're as Good as Money
Our Camera and Kodak Exchange
Off ers a multitude of bargains. We BUT and SELL cameras.
If you have an Instrument which you do not need or would like
to exchange for one of another style COBCS TO US.
Here Are Two Bargains From the Many
Shghtly'Ufed Perfect Condition
3A AVSCO SFEEDEX. Goers Dagor Lens, Optimo Shutter,
Carrying Case, Plate Attachment and Plate Holder., fTk
Regular $77.60. Special $OU.UU
3A AVSGO SFEESEX. Optimo Shutter, Ansco An- Cf A AA
astlgmat Lns. Regular $55.00. Special prUUU
CAME&AS BSRTZO 2Gc a day '
We are agents for Halldorserr Home Portrait, Banquet and
Flash Lamps.
and Thuri
fy r'
Bring Us Your Films
Quick Finishing expert hand work. Your
films and prints ready for you same day at
6 o'clock. We have a complete stock of
Condensing Lenses best imported glass,
mounted In spun ' metal. Can be ' taken
apart and cleaned' instantly.- Sizes from
4tt to 14 inches.
" Imperial Lantern Slide Plates for best re
sults. 45c dosen. Fine grained, free from
log and give clean, bright results.
We shall be pleased to supply -any of our
customers with a Pyro Formula suitable
for Cyko Paper. .;
Candy Specials
Jordon -Almonds. round -..'.- ..V. ,, .10
Chocolate MiDt Squares, pound ...15
Bath Room Needs
Rock Island Sheepswool
Sponges 75 to S2.50
Manaruita Bath. Sponges IR1.KO to ff
Kleanwell Rbb'r So ng's stl.OO to i
Whlting-Ad'ms B'th Brsh 75e to S3.SO
Hygienic Gloves and Straps for dry or wet
towels to
friction. Sl.RA to J
Scot Tissue Paper Towels. 150 towel
roll 35c; 3 for Sl.OO
Soft White Toilet Paper, in roll of 1000
counted sheets, dosen ..Sl.OO
50 Extra Stamps
Given with eseh framing order amount
ing to $1.00 or more in our art dept. all
this week May 28-27. Second Floor.
Nut Meats, Walnuts and Almonds. 11 694ft
Special- Save
Your Hands
y Tyn yragrfAT WESTBMttt "MABSHALL 4700-HOMg A6m
,1 n .) u J iAi.ii t u ii n U l h ii u il ii U ii.ii ii II liiii n,n il I' ' " " " 'i irji
Ladles i Rubber
. Gloves.' - price
Display Week
AillMiaS drnssHsts are aicpUymg this
week the Stesrns Emren:y Ce
entainini 14 terted sios neeery art
feUa in the SMdicsaal and serdaaL line
for Um BMna. Bratoriat, aampar r trar
lcr. Hmaiy aad compact.
ar draggiH. er. if be eeanot
supply ya send na bla name
ncloiinK S1.6S and wa will
delhrar the caie to you com
plete, all charge! prapaid.
Frederick Stearst k Ca,
Detroit, U. S. A.
A x
YIKIll 1V. I. I lli?ID H 111
rT7.-., . . T.TI Till I I iT.TTlTT-TTT I T 71 I 1 I II
THE man wKo uses RskNon-5kids. ,
knows he cannot buy greater tire
value, more mileage or an equally
well-organized service. - . '
' '
The Low Price J:
on theae tires, when compared with the plain
tread casings of several standard makes,
supplemented by FREE SERVICE ren
dered dealer and user through more than '
1 00 Fisk Branches, makes this the best buy '
in the tire market.
Fisk Tires For Sale By All Dealers
The Fisk Rubber Company
of N. Y.
GeBeral Offices: Qucopee Falls, Mass.
Portland Branch, 54 North Broadway
Branches in More Than 100 Cities
I 1 1 1 r ssSliiiwir ' sawH 1 II I 1 1 1 f "
win toe rresraera
Stricken Europe?
A great diplomatic victory for President Wilson is what the Kolnische
Volkszeitung, Cologne organ of the powerful. Center Party in Germany, sees in
our State Department's latest note to Berlin, and our acceptance of the Imperial
Government's compliance with our demands, and our rejection of every sugges
tion of a condition attached to this compliance. Since this acceptance calls for
no formal answer from Germany, special interest attaches to the comment of the
German papers -and to the tone of the press dispatches from the German capital.
In THE LITERARY DIGEST for May 20th, all shades of public .opinion
in Germany are represented by extracts from leading German newspapers
and correspondents.
Among other articles of widespread current interest are:
War With Germany Predicted
This Article Presents Statements from Several Military and Government Authorities on the Allied
Side in Which They Assert America Will Find Itself at War with Germany Before She Know It.
Feeling Europe's Pulse of Peace
Trying to Upset the Pork Barrel.
The Wittenberg-Camp Charges
Preparing for Preparedness by
Girls' Schools for Boys
The Return of the Middle Ages
Why the Drama Decays
The Lay Warning to the Ministry
Preaching Through the Telephone
Behind the Scenes in Stricken Belgium
What to Do With Mexico
Uncle Sam to Carry the Mortgage
Holland's Attack of Nervcfs
The Successful Engineer
Catching Cold '
Democratizing Shakespeare
Neglected American Literature
A New Memorial Day
Suspicion Sundering the Churches
An Unusually Interesting Collection of Illustrations, All ParticuUa-l' Timely
when the citizen body is not thoroughly familiar
with the national business it should control.
THE LITERARY DIGEST is the one depend
able medium t hrough which the busy man may
get a complete understanding of the problems his
country must face and solve. This indispensable
weekly gives a survey, concise but comprehensive.
of all the world's events of consequence, showing
through quoted editorials the public opinion in
all parts of our own country as well as abroad.
In return for a couple of hours' reading weekly, it
will keep you well informed on all the news which
it is the duty and desire of every citizen to under
stand. .
H.ll II.
- t 1
May 20th .Number AD News-Dealers To-day, 10 Cents
FUNK & WAGN ALLS COMPANY; (Publishers me Famous NEW Standard Dictionary) , NEW YORK I - - tii