The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1916, Page 1, Image 1

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    s. i
In PORTLAND arid Its TRADING RADIUS Thd Journal Has the
V 41
Tonight fair;
frost; tomorrow,
fair; northerly
winds. Humid
ity, 54.
VOL. XV. NO. 63.
7 . . mm mm. m m m t
Pftllf PTDflRII'LU
Dflli uinnlluLII
w I I I. ' lilt. II. .
ii innni'iin ic - eul mi j i i u
Certain" Bennett Thomp
son Was Talking to Jitney
Sheriff Reeves Says That
' Circumstantial Evidence
Is Strengthened.
"I am morally certain that Thomp
son In the man I saw talking with
Rlstman the night of the murder."
8uch wan the statement of P. X.
Johnson, of Portland, to Sheriff Reeves
and District Attorney Tongue, of Hllls
boro, and Deputy Sheriff Phillips this
morning, after a clone scrutiny or n.?n
nett Thompson, the suspect In the "Jit
ney murder mystery," who Is now Meld
.In the Jail at Hlllsboro.
W Ih the statement or jonnson me
officers say that the web is gradu
ally drawing closer around Thompson.
Sheriff Reeves, after talking wnn
, Johnson, says that he Is convinced
that Johnson Is sincere In his pener
that Thompson Is the man he saw
talking with Rlstman shortly before
Rintman lift on tho automooue trip
towards Tualatin.
Auto Men Go to KIIIsdoto.
Johnson with Paul" Turner and N
If. Engle were taken to Hlllsboro this
morning by Deputy Sheriff Phillips
Johnson saw Rlstman at second an;i
Alder streets about 7 o'clock In.tha
evening the night of the murder. A
stranger, who Johnson now says he Is
morally certain) was Thompson, was
landing near the curb talking to Rlst-
According to Johnson. Rlstman had
lowed him some money, and he had
gone down to his Jitney Wand to talk
with him about the money, whtn he
I saw the stranger.
Johnson aays he stood near the two
mert '.for several minutes, exoectlng
that the conversation would be over
In a short time. Tie also says he
hta-'d. the stranger say: "That Is to)
Imuch money."
'", Johnson says XX Was 7 o'Olock.
.'After waiting for several minutes,
Johnson left, and when he returned a
(Concluded on Pgr Two, Column Three.
Victim Well Known in This
City; Slayer Gives Erratic
Explanation for Peed,
Sap Francisco, May 23. (P. N. S.)
Charles Roller, former bus boy at Tait's
bafe, who shot and killed William B.
lartlin, captain o. waiters there, last
flight in the OdeOn cafe, today showed
further signs of Insanity, in attempt
ing to explain his reasons for the
nurder. He Insisted that Marti In hau
I old him a scaffold would be erected
n the rear of the cafe and that he
vould be hanged.
' The tragedy was enacted in the
presence of many diners at the Odeon.
toiler followed Martltn and his wife
Into the cafe. Bat down, at a table
hear them and, without warning, fired
I wo shots, which struck Martlin In
the jaw. He fell forward and died
short time later.
Martlin and his wife came here two
reeks ago from Portland. Martlin
captain of waiters In the Mult-
komah hotel there.
Roller was discharged from Taits
short lme ago.
"William B. MartTJn had lived in
ortland for the pas six years, being
onnecten first with the Hotel Port-
nd and then with the Hotel Multno-
iah up to the time of its closing. He
.as superintendent of service in the
ortland under H. C. Bowers and went
vlth Mr. Bowers when the latter took
harge of the Multnomah. Martlin
ad a splendid reputation as a caterer.
-- Portland he lived a 30 North
wentleth street.
Wants Picture Show
J Will Tailor Gowns
it When you have something w
ell. don't waste your time and
your friends" time by asking them
to find a buyer. Spend a few
cents on a Journal Want Ad and
let the ad do the work right. Bee
pages 13 and li.
- Business Opportunities
Wanted 8 t
WILL pay cash for picture show
4ln western Oregon or Washing
toil. Dreismaklmr A
TAILORING Party gowns, alter-
"t . at Ions. Phone-.
' ' Situations Male 3
CARPENTER work, tinting with
. Muresco: repairs cheap now.
' The daily circulation of The
Journal- in Portland and Its trad
in radius exceeds the morninjr '
paper by several thousands and is
pracucauy ow per cent greater
than its pes rest afternoon contemporary-
. f
Mere Man Sits
as a Delegate
at Federation
Club Women Gasp When He Pre
sents His Credentials; He's Uncle
Ifersc-hel Smith of Kentucky.
New York, May 23. (I. N. 8.) "L'n
cle ilerschel" Smith, who weighs 200
pounds. Is the only man delegate to the
biennial convention of the general fed
eration of women's clubs, which opena'
at the Seventh Regiment armory to
morrow evening.
"Cncle Hernchel" did, not gain ad
mittance to the convention without a
struggle. The biennial board went Into
executive session on his case, and it
van only after long discussion that he
received his credentials.
He comes from old Kentucky aivl
that is why he is here. Out in Fulton,
a town of some 10,000 southern gen
tlemen, it is not considered quite prupe:
for a lady to travel alone, so when
Mrs. llerwchcl T. Smith, president of
the Fortnightly club, was appointed a
delegate there was nothing for it but
for her husband to escort her. Sh-3
had him appointed an alternate.
Showeps and -chilly breezes . today
marred the pleasure plans of the dele
gates to the convention.
Campaigning In behalf of Mrs. Jo
slah -Evans Cowles of Los Angeles,
Cal., and Airs. Samuel B. Sneath of
Tiffin, Ohio, candidates for president
of the federation, was uninterrupted.
however. Political councils were In ev.
idence In every nook of the lobby of
the hotel Astor, which Is headquarters.
and it is certain that the contest Will
be a hot one.
Total Vessels of All Nations
Sunk Because of the War
Numbered 47; Four Today.
Paris, May 23. (I. N. S.) The
Bureau Veritas has published statis
tics concerning' losses to the various
merchant marines during February on
account of the war.
During the month 47 ships of a
total tonnage of 105,232 were lost. The
loss of 26 ships of a total tonnage
of 56,345 was due to submarines. Two
ships of'1131 tons to submarines or
mines, nine ships of 16,165 tons to
auxiliary cruisers and one of 957 tons
to a Zeppelin.
England has been the greatest loser.
zt or ner snips or a total tonnage i
of 58.000 having been destroyed. Other
nations lost ships as follows: France, !
sevtn. of 2u,000 tonnage; Belgium,
four, of 6710 tonnage; Russia, two, of
4108 tonnage, and neutrals, seven or
10,000 tonnage.
British Steamer Hunk.
London. May 2o. (I. -N. S.) The
British steame: Khenass, registering
285 tons, has been sunk, presumably
by a submarine or mine, according t
announcement today. Six of the crew
I of the Rhenass were drowned. The
I captain and three of the crew were
Greek Is Torpedoed.
Marseilles, May 23. (1. N. 8.) Tha
Greek steamer Adamentios Korais,
ion register, nas Deen torpedoed and
sunk by an Austrian submarine. The
crew landed here today.
Danish Yes el Hits ivline.
Copenhagen, May 23. (L N. S.)
(via London) The Danish steamer
Carla, 318 tons, has been sunk by a
mine outside of Sandhammar Point, on
the southern coast -of Sweden, ac
cording to a Stockholm dispatch. The
crew was saved.
Steamer Tjomo Torpedoed.
London, May 23. (I. N. S.) The
Norwegian steamer Tjomo, 1452 tons
register, has been torpedoed. It is be
lieved the vessel was en route to the
United States.
Wilson Completes
Note on Seizures
Ambassador to Great Britain Page In
structed to Renew Vigorously Com
plaints Concerning; Mail Stoppages.
Washington, May 23. (U. P.)
President Wilson today completed his
protest against seizure of United
States mails by the British. It was
sent to Secretary Lansing at noon with
tho expectation that It would be cabled
to London Immediately.
The communication Is largely legal
in character. It closes with instruc
tions to Ambassador Page to renew
vigorously complaints already made by
the United states. The discussion re
lates to the practice of British cruisers
holding up American mails carried in
neutral vessels and taking them to
English ports wnere the letters are
subjected to censorship. This practice
ie outside the pale of international law,
the president's note charges.
Telephone Tapping Charged.
New York, May 23. (I. N. S.l The
grand Jury today indicted John A.
Kingsbury, commissioner of charities,
and. William H. Hotchkiss, attorney,
for wire tapping.
Kingsbury and Hotchkiss are alleged
to have cut in on the telephone of Rev.
William D. Farrel, a Catholic priest,
to learn the priest's plans relative to
a charities investigation.
W ildcat Attacks Child.
Redding, Cal May 23. (P. N. S.)
Dale Davis, aged 3 years, son of James
Davis, was attscked in the yard of hia
home by a wildcat yesterday afternoon.
The boy was badly bitten and scratched
about the face Davis killed the cat
The boy : was sent to Berkeley today
tor the Pasteur treatment, ; .-. . j. ,
Greatest Counter Offensive
Since Verdun Battle Began
Is Being Carried Out by the
French Forces,
Germany Denies the French
Claim That Most of Con
tested Fort Regained.
Blval Claims Conflicting.
Paris, May 3. ( V. P.) In
the greatest counter offensive
since the Verdun campaign be
gan French legions are carrying
their banners today Into a
smashing drive against German
lines both east and west of the
river Meuse.
The German official state
ment, while admitting that the
French are on the aggressive,
specifically denies the claim
that practically all the wreck,
age of shell shattered VorV
Douaumont s in French hands.
Berlin says the engagement is
progressing with the ruins held
Faris, May 23. (U. P.) After all
night fighting of great fury, French
troops expelled Germans from all ex
cept the northeastern corner of Fort
Couamount, it was officially an
nounced today. This is one of the
greatest victories of the Verdun cam
paign. All Paris Is celebrating the tri
umph. It was declared by the war of
fice that French soldiers re-entered
Fort Douaumont after storming Ger
man posltjona along a mile and a quar
ter front '
Further gains wefe also reported on
the west bank of the Meuse. The
French are now convinced t MtMt
nnoiimon'o hill ef innrrinM 4a rrt rv cr - I
News of the French victories ' was
partly offset by word of British re
verses near Vimy Ridge. The Ba-
( Concluded on Pajfa tour. Column Poorl
Erma Smith Had Been Shot
in Head and Struck With
Blunt Instrument,
Wenatchee, Wash., May 23. Srma
Smith, 70 years old, a homesteader on
Badger mountain, 14 miles from here,
was found dead Sunday with two bul
let " holes in her head and her skull
cracked by a blunt instrument. Her
brother, Ezra Hunt, found the body.
There were no indications of a strug
gle, and the only clue Is an old gTay
coat covered with hairs similar it, the
murdered woman's, found nearby. The
pclice give robbery as the cause.
Mrs. Smith received o. registered let
ter Saturday containing 25. This was
found undisturbed, although her purse
had-been rifled. .
The brother says he last saw Mrs.
Smith at 3 o'clock reading the letter.
He returned at dusk with a man who
was to work for the old lady and found
her sprawled out on the floor. She is
known to have had trouble with neigh
bors. The brother says he has suspi
cions of the guilty person, but won't
talk yet.
At an inquest last night it was de
cided that death was caused by an un
known person. No arrests have been
made. The brother and the laborer,
held temporarily, have been released.
Presbyterians Name,
Judicial Commission
Seven, Including One Coast Man, Hom
lnated by General Assembly, nomi
nation Being' Equivalent to Election.
Atlantic City, N. J.. May 23. (I. N.
S.) Seven candidates were nominated
today for places on the judicial com
mission of the Presbyterian General
assembly here. Nomination is equiv
alent to election. Among those named
was Rev. W. S. Young of Los An
geles, CaL
Coos Lif esavers
Are Called Out
Marshfield, Or., May 23. A .small
boat is reported to have capslied off
the coast south of Coos Bay.. No
particulars are known here as the
place is an isolated one between Coos
Bay and Bandon. The life savers have
been notified.
, s Franz Josef Confident.
! Vienna. May "23. (U. P.) Emperor
Franz Josef, is an mteriew today.
declared he was certain that the cen-
trrl powers would ultimately triumph.
,"-' i v." V
Englarfd Pays
24 Millions a
Day for War I
Monitions Alone Cost $15,000,000;
Asks Credit of $1,300,000,000
Until August.
250,000 Serrants May Tight.
London, May 2S. (U. P.)
Winston Churchill told the
3fr house of 'Ommons today it was
Ife unreasonable to expect the war
to turn suddenly in favor of
the allies. He urged that every
available man be used in the
prosecution of the war.
"The allies have 200,000 of-
fleers with a similar number
of servants, and there ara in
the army 60,000 grooms," he
r said. "These grooms and ser-
vants should be sent to the
firing lines."
London, May 23. (I. N. SJ Pre
mier Asquith in the house of cgmmons
today moved that a war credit of $1,
500,000,000 be voted.
This is the eleventh credit asked
and brings the total war appropria
tions to $11,910,000,000.
Asquiin stated that the govern-)
rnents war expenditures from April 1
to May 20 were $24,000,000 a day, tha
highest of any period since the war
Asquith stated that the averasa daily
expenditure for munitions alone totaled
"The great growth of our expendi
tures aluo can be partly attributed f
loenb to our allies," he said. "Without
these, the common cause could iiOt be!
prosecuted successfully, and 1 tee m j
hope in the near future for any diminu
tion of these loans. From April 1 to
May 20, England's loans to tl. allies i
and the governments of the overseas
dominions totaled $372,500,000. Food
supplies, ranroaa transportation an-J
miscellaneous items accounted lor $S7,
500.000." The premier stated that the present
credit asked was based on a daily pros
pective expenditure of $23,500,000. and
that the credit should last uni.V the
first week in August.
Republicans Block
Preparedness Bill
Kltchia Accuses Them of Trying; to
Prevent Action Before Chicago. Con.
.1 FolHioal ov":
.Washington, May IS. (U. P.) Ef
forts of Democrats to pass the naval
preparedness bill before the Chicago
convention precipitated a bitter house
debate today. Representative Mann
declared that trickery was being re
sorted to. in order that the measure
might be rushed through without de-
bate or kept in the air, so Republicans ,
would be"prevented from attending the
national convention.
"It is a matter of policy for us to
pass the bill before the Republican
convention," Representative Kltchln
replied. '"If we don't you folks will j
charge us with having failed to keep '
our pledges."
The debate ended without an agree-
ment. I
1 Cabinet Holds Session.
"Washington, May 23. (I. N. S.)
Thp Mexican situation came in for a
thorough discussion at today's meet
ing of the cabinet. Secretary of State
Lansing is still indisposed and did not
Some discussion of peace gossip was
also held. It is understood that Presi
dent Wilson outlined the trend of his
speech regarding measures to enforce
peace to be delivered Saturday. Al
though it has been authentically stated
that the address will be an elaboration
of the peace hints conveyed In his
Charlotte speech, no official assertions
have been made regarding it.
Suffrage Clause Dropped.
Washington, May 23. (I. N. S.) By
a vote or su to ty tne nouse today
struck, out Mann's amendment to the
Porto Rican bill enfranchising Porto
Rican women.
A bill conferring American citizen
ship and establishing a territorial form
of government in Porto Rico was
Couple Arrested;
Police Seize Liquor
Patrol Waron Full of Wet Uoods
r.vkn vmm Kaidnoa m.t B8 Cook
Avenue This Morning.
Herman Ziezek and his wife. Mrs.
Anna M. Ziezek,' were arrestee) at their
heme. 58 Cook avenue, ithis morning
by City Detectives Hammersley and
Cahill on a charge of violating the,
prohibition law.
A patrol wagon full of liquor was
seized, the stuff including eight cass
of beer, three quarts of alcohol, two
quarts of whiskey, bitters, empties and
extracts for making liquors.
The extracts were shown, to have
come from the Universal Import com
pany of Cincinnati, Ohio, with direc
tions for making liquor by the addition
of alcohoL
Russian Aviators
Shell German Road
Petrograd. ijfi-y 23. (I. N. S.) Two
miles of track of the 'Libau-Dvinsk
railroad were put out of commission by
bombs dropped by Russian aviators.
according to - official announcement
here today. The statement added: -
"Russian aviators bombarded the
railway station at Ponewjesh. Several
ammunition' depots also were blown
up." '"' - -, ".. " ; '
Prince of Wales Back From Egypt,
. London May ' 23. (L. N. S.) The
I Prince of Wales has returned from the
I front in Egypt to the British fighting
line in thew V--';.'- -V-'.- ' ' "
v "l ' . 7- l
SCENE AT GYPSY CAMP NEAR OSWEGO Woman member of party is shown pre
paring meal, after manner of her nomadic fellows; tent home is depicted, also one of auto
mobiles, which is now used instead of old-fashioned horse and wagon means of transportation.
Hill xl v 4 - r 4r ,
I' lift -VftJ
x P'l 'J2J -Lii-'i fi
) xj fclsS 23 uTwzJti
He Grows Indignant When
Objections Are Made and
Sustained to Testimony.
Washington, Kay 23. (U. P.) Colo
nel Theodorv Roosevelt enjoyed him
Belfto the full today, when he testi
fied in Justice Giddons' court as a
character witness for Charles C. Glov
er, prerident of ,the K!&Bs National
bank. wHer irTteTOBirtrtJy the govern-
ment of perjury ln.connection with an
affidavit made by his bank.
The colonel will be railed as a wit
ness in connection with the govern
ment charges of perjury in a bank af
fidavit. Colonel Roosevelt motored into the
city from the home of his son-in-law,
Representative Nicholas Longworth, of
The colonel was in court before
either Judge or jury arrived. Mrs.
Alice Longworth. his daughter, ac
companied him. The courtroom was
packed. Cheers greeted Roosevelt as
he walked inside the rail and greeted
Glover. The applause continued until
Justice Giddons entered, with the
colonel apparently appreciating it
Attorney Stanchfteld put the former
president on ine stand immediately
He gave his occupation as a writer,
and said that in tho campaign of 1912,
Glover was against him, favoring
either Wilton or Taft.
"Glover is absolutely the highest
man in Washington from a standpoint
of integrity and general knowledge,"
he asserted. Roosevelt said that he
and his children used the Riggs bank.
When lawyers for the opposition in
terposed objections to certain ques
tions, the colonel glared at them. He
also glared at the judge when the ob
jections were sustained.
Methodists Select
Missionary Bishops
1 a.
P. Camphor, Colored, and E. S,
Johnson Are Warned, After All other
Iteadlaff Candidates Withdraw,
Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 23.
(I. N. S.) After all other leading
candidates had withdrawn, Alexander
Priestly Camphor, a negro, of Bir
mingham, Ala.', and Elsen S. Johnson
of Sioux City. Iowa, were elected
missionary bishops of the Method-
I ist Episcopal conference here to-
d win be stationed in Ainca.
lor received ut out 01 a possi
ble 736 votes. He will be stationed
I in Liberia. Johnson received 732 out
of 790 votes.
1 A resolution favoring woman 8UI-
frage was adopted Dy
the confer
ence today.
Roseburg Jitney
Kills Pedestrian
William BushnelL 55, Is Struck by
Machine Driven, by e B. V. Shields;
Skull Fractured When He Bits CurbJ
Roseburg, Or.; May 23. Struck by a
jitney driven by B. F. Shields, William
Bushnell. aged 65 years, of Olalla vi
cinity was hurled against the curbing
on Ca'ss street and sustained a frac
ture of the skull. He died this morn
ing. An inquest will be held this after
noon. Capitalist Afraid of
Being Buried Alive
Los Angeles, May 23 (IT. P.) The
aged caretaker of Forest Lawn ceme
tery at aunrise today entered the
marble tombs of the late. William G.
Klpp, capitalist, who recently- killed
himself, to. view the' remains, of Kipp
and make .certain he is ntot alive.
Every day afsunrlse for two months
Kipp's remains will be, viewed... This
was bis last request He 'e"d be
might be buried alive.- -'j'v
Confidnce Felt That Declara
tion of Peace in Europe
Not Cause Shock.
New York, May 23 (I. N. S.) Can
vass of the business men of the Uni
ted States shows that they do not an
ticipate any appreciable shock to busi
ness in -this country if peace is de-
rgftf ffi'soon'ht "Europe.
The canvass also reveals that there
is practically a unanimous sentiment
among business men In favor of pre
paredness while intervention in Mex
ico is favored by only a small majority.
These facts were brought out by a
questionaire prepared by Harris Wln-
throp & Co., a New xora rirm.
and mailed throughout the country.
Answers were received from 1710 of
the largest companies.
Other opinions expressed were that
high prices have not retarded the con
sumption of goods, that the tariff
would be better out of politics and
that railroads are gradually gaining
the sympathy of the people in place
of the widespread antagonism that has
The federal reserve act was ltuded,
and it was the general opinion :hat it
had been of creat benefit to the coun
try. It was also revealed that the labor
question is quieting down gradually,
and that unemployment has almost
A majority were in favor of extend
ing government protection to Ameri
can citizens residing outside the
United States, while It was held that
the war lad increased the sense of
civic responsibility and American na
tionalism. VHundreds declared it was their be
lief that the present prosperity was
genuine, without inflation of currency
or credit, and that the working ma
has become more thrifty with better
Time Fuses Ordered.
New York. May 23. (I. N. S,)-,The
American Locomotive company has ob
tained an order for 2,200,000 time fuses
from the British government, to a
total value of about $9,000,000. The
contract specifies that deliveries- shall
be completed by the end of this year.
At the locomotive company's tfficth
it was said the order would be sub-let,
part 'going to the NaUJi Manufactur
ing company and the reStif It to the
Westinghouse Air BraKe cam party..
Horseless Carriage
It Was Once Called:
And Now Look at It
- i
VhTTe Vie automobile was in
process of being invented it
'was antlcipatively called, in
English-speaking lands, the
"horseless carriage." , This
term, though frightfully awk-
ward, was an accurate reflex ft
of the popular notion concern- 4
ing the forthcoming vehicle.
It was to progress independent-
ly of equine propulsion, and it
was to be a " carriage merely if
somethinr oy wnicn to get
about lightly and speedily. t
Who ever dreamed, ' score
of years ago, of tne myriad
ruses to wnicn tne norseiess
carriage would eventually be
put, or of tne infinite special- t
lzatlons cf those uses! ,
On the editorial page of this
Issue of The Journal may be
found en article, under the
title - -woming tne Matter
With Portland, that - exhibits
the illustrious estate of this
same "norseiess carnage." it
also exniDiis mat enterprise for m
which Aforjiana workers are y
entitled to - more redlt than
they nave niuierto received.
but which Is coming more and i 4
more - to - oe accoraeo tnem.
thanks to The journal's pre-
- aentanons m tneir &eaaar. - .
Camp -Located Near the pld
Foundry at Oswego; They
Travel in Autos.
"Tou are going to be. very lucky
your business is going to grow you
are groing to take a real long Journey
beware of the woman with the light
hair don't go into that deal as fou
win hose-money you win live to .
ripe old age."
Without even glancing at the palm,
this time-worn tale babbles from the
mouth of a bespangled gypsy.
Two hundred gypsies are today
camped near the old Iron foundry at
Oswego, greeting every machine and
every visitor with the challenge:
'Tell your fortune."
Only one discordant note brings back
the busy world of today. That is that
instead of the old prairie schooners be
ing banked around the outside of the
camp like a fence, there are 15 great
bit automobiles, one of them a multi-
cylinder machine of the latest type.
But the gypsy today must travel
far. It has been a busy year for
them in niatters that concern only
them. First there was the big wed
ding at Hacramento when the clans
from all up and down the coast at
tended. The daughter of Joe Marks,
the chieftain, became the bride of
Tom Long, a young Brazilian, whoso
feats had finally, won the hand of
the prized daughter.
In a few days there will be another
great time of feasting and music
when these clans give to another tribe
one of their fairest daughters. The
wedding will take place near Seattle,
Then will come the biggest bit of
Some months ago. King Joel died at
Oakland, Cal., after a long and pros
perous reign. He had nj direct lineal
descendants and today the gypsies of
the united States are without a ruler,
So a king must be made and he will
be Bet on nia inrone that owns no
land, in about a month when the tribes
of all the United States gather at
Two Will Testify to
Seeing Nelms Girls
. .
J. riury, of Snohomish, and John X,
I xattle, of Great Palls, Claim Thejr
Saw women in woodvllle.
Atlanta, Ga., May 23. I. N. 8.)
Attorneys for victor Innes and his
wife, charged with complicity In the
disappearance of Beatrice Nelms and
Elolse Nelms Iennls, sisters, who van.
ished from Atlanta three years ago.
have arranged to bring two men from
the northwest here to testify that they
met the missing women in Woodvllle.
Wash., in September, 1914. These men
are J. FJury, manager of the Wilson
Shingle 'Manufacturing company, at
Snohomish, Wash., and J. L. Little, of
Great Fans, wont.
Flury has written to 3. K. Bines,
senior covnsel for Innes, that he met
the women on a Northern Pacific train
going from Snohomish to Seattle.
They wet accompanied Dy a man
named Buckley, he writes, a resident
of Snohomish.
Mrs. John W.; Nelms, their mother.
consulted with-Chief Mayo at police
headquarters yesterday, and renewed
her offer 01 110.000 to any one discov
ering her. mmslng daughters. Mrs,
Nelms denounce the story that the
women are in tne northwest as an in.
ventlon to tJd rnnes on the eve of hia
trial, and s does Solicitor Hugh por
sey, who is prosecuting Innes and his
Dutch Consul Imprisoned.
. Amsterdam. May 23 (L N. 8.1
Th TiJd announces that the German.
have ' condemned .the Dutch ; consul at
DinanL Belgium. Van RiJckevorl
to -imprisonment for 18 years at hard
labor. . All attempts to reduce , the
sentence, adds the paper, have failed.
(The nature of the charges against
I Consul . Rl jckev.orxl has not thus far
I been disclosed jn the dispatches reach
mg mis country. - i,.,b.-
40-40 DIVIill
Oregon Representative Will:
Make Speech and Offer an
Amendment Restoring theT
Chamberlain Idea to BilK J
House Very Likely to Pass
Measure as Reported Outf
of Committee.
Washington, May ;:!.( WASHING- li
Representative Hawley has outllnedrj!;
his plan of battle for tomorrow Ut the
house, when the Oregon & California
land bill comes up for considers ttonV, 4
He expects to deliver a speech on the,
general features of the bill, setting f
fortji hi objections to the plan cf dle-J
posal adopted by the conimi'te. ' h-,
public lands.
Vnder the five minute debate rule !
following general debate there will ho
opportunity to offer amendment'. 11' J
states It Is his purpose tp offer, an 1
amendment restoring- the 40-40 division
of the timber sale fund contemplated
.n the original Chamberlain bit!, mak
ing special provision for the port dls-:
tricts from the funds allotted land
grant counties In which f'e port dl !
tricts are located.
Provisions for Settlers. 'r .
Another amerdment he proposes l , ,
in the line of making more liberal prol
vision for Hiose who have set' led Oil,
the lands. It 's his view that e-i til tables
consideration require recognition be
given to those who may not have been
on the lanrig continuously since ' De- .
cember 1, 1913, but have, after set
tling in "good faith," abandoned their
claims through losing hope of paving i
their claims adjudicated within a rea
sonable time.
Another amendment will be directed
towfwc? rnirlrirtgThe" "land and timber
taxable at an earlier date than Is fixed
in the bill
The Hawley amendments run almost
parallel with some of tb plans of Con
gressman' Sinnott, o a race may de
velop as to which will first giun the
(Conelml-d on Pnjrr Two, Column ntl
1 1 1 i
Local Freight on' Southern
Pacific Crashes Into Rear
of an Extra Gravel Outfit, t
Hlllsboro, Or., May 23. Southern '
Pacific local freight train from, the""
south crashed Into the rear of an extra,
gravel train on the long trestle a mile
west -of Hlllsboro at 8 o'clock this .
morning. Two cars and tender were i
hurled to the ground, 20 feet below,
engineer tioDerg was caught In the" '
cab. Fireman Sickafoose and Brake-
man Kimmell Jumped. All were badly .
hurt and were rushed in a special "
train to a Portland hospital.
The extra was backing from tne
switch when struck by the local. Par- t
sengers on morning electrics are betn '.
taaen to rorest urove oy automobiles.'1
1 " -
Victims a, Good Samaritan. f
Engineer C. M. Hoberg. Fireman A.
li. Sickafoose and Brakeinan VV A.'-'
Kimmell were taken to the Oool .
Samaritan hospital here. According to .
a statement given out from Oenarm.
Manager Campbell's office the men ar
not seriously injured, though painfully '
Druiseu. ...
"The cause of the accident, or who
is to blame, has not been ascertained." '
It was stated, "nor has the damage
been estimated. We expect to have.'
the track clear in six hours. In the'
meantime traffic will be delayed some .
by the transfer at the scene of the col-';
Helff erich Named
To Head Trade War '
:.; fj.':?
former Secretary of German Treasury,',
Appointed Secretary 0 the Interior!
Re Zs Practical Business Man. t-t
Berlin, May 23. (I. N. 8.) (Via.
London) Dr. Karl Helfferlch has
been appointed secretary of the 1ni
He also has been appointed to
deputy ship In the office ot the, 1rn- -pcrlal
chancellor. . -.
Count von RoedeVn, formerly secrc- -v
tary of state and governor of Alsace- ;
Lorraine, will succeed Dr. Heirfefleh -as
secretary of the imperial treasury. '
Preparing for Trade War. , r
London. May 2S. X. N; 8.)- The -'
Daily Mail says that Dr. Tlelfferica's
transfer step in the-' German
preparations f commercial" war to
follow peace in an attempt to regain
the export trade Germany enjoyed be- L'
fore the war, For, the first time in .
the htetory of the German civil serv
ice." the Mail ays "a- practical busU v
ress man Instead of 'a bureaucrat poll-' '
Uctan i Its chieftain ''i!,-.'