BRINGING ?athfr " L.' ' By George McMar. II NMKB -KIN . U YOUCAN ) II WELL-I- ( SviONE I " I I HOW 00 WO J J jJjKH jJ If mTH.N V . I OYO RON DOVN TO MB NOT - YOUU. l, DO-lJISS H WW An-T 'CAN!- n DlNTt MOORES V PiN-r r-ioone for JJpT leave y frqt ooIrt U .. Jonea i- j KV-y maji6: U ASIT0L.0 rrJ A FEW IIWiTES? j jffr y-Jw 4 Jjjpitr- Lpg Sy S, " ,- fe BEAVERS TAKE FOUR OF FIVE GAME SERIES LAKE BEES Allen Sothoron Pitches Circles - 'Around Blankenshiip's Boys and Wins by 9 to 2 Score. ; ; FITTERY OUT IN NINTH XiOng Ton Hnghes on Mound In ZiMt Zoning; Bill Bodgers Considered Team's On Heed. Salt Lake, Utah, May 22. (P. N. S.) Allen Sothoron, former . western leaguer, pitched rings Around Cliff BUnkenshlp's Pepperless Bees before a splendid Sunday gathering- and should have earned a shutout. As It wax, he walked away with the big end of a 9 to 2 count. Opposed to the Beaver was Paul Flttery who started bad and proceeded to finish worse, so that "Long Tom" Hughes had to come to the rescue, to retire the side for him In the final spasm. Win Tour of rive Games. Walter McCredle again demonstrated that be has not half as bad a ball club as has been pictured to us. Put Bill Iiodgera Into that present aggregation (Just where Is hard to figure), and Meddlesome Walter will be hard to real baseball In this session and board ed the rattler for. Vernon last night with four out of five games tucked away. in the meantime local grand stand managers are telling Cliff Blank anshlp to "go get a ball dub." How They Made Them. Rath started the eighth with a walk. Bunny Brief fanned but Ryan lilt for two banes. Jimmy Hhlnn etruck out for the second time in a pinch, but Orr hit a Texan leaguer to risht which on the return Nixon threw to first on a bad hop, instead of to the plate, bo that both men scored. Orr's error, a sacrifice and Gulsto's single netted one for the Beavers In the first, Ward's doubleand Vaughn's single meant another In the third Wllle's double, Orr's boot and a double steal sent over the third counter In the fifth. Fine In ninth. A walk to Guisto, a singke by Nixon, an Infield out and a wild pitch made ft four and then the ninth added five mora thusly, Fisher doubled. Ward filed eut. Sothoron'a einKle scored Fisher. Wilts singled. Murphy kicked Vaughn's grounder and the bases were full.. Guisto singled, scoring Sothoron and Wllie. Nixon doubled, sending over Vaughn and Guisto. Knter Mr. Hughes. Stumpf and Speas each filed to tne outfield. The score: . PORTLAND. AH. R. H. TO. A. E Will cf. . . Vaughn, 2b. UuUto, lb. . Niion, rf. . Ptumpf, 8b. Kpr, If. . . r'lahw, e. Ward, aa. . botborou, p. Tola la 4 4 2 4 a 4 4 4 4 8 8 11 1 2 1 4 1 0 32 9 11 2T 11 HALT 1A E. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Cfulnlan. cf. liatb. 2b. .. Baief, lb. .. Ryan, if. . . Bhlun. rf Orr, 'aa MurpUj, 3b. . 0 ,.i B 1 . 0 . 1 1 1 0 H 0 10 1 2 .. 4 ..4 .. 4 .. 3 .. 2 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0 Uttery, p. . Hughe, p. . rHallinau .. 1 Total! .32 27 22 Batlad fur.Huirhta lu ninth. I'ortlaud 1 0 i u 1 0 0 1 5-r B Mita 10 2 0 10 1 1 5 11 Halt Laka n 0 ( o 0 0 0 2 0 2 H1U 0 1001012 S Two baae blta Ward, -'tlle, Flaber, Nixon, Quintan, Ryan. Vbrij has hit Murpby. harrlfloe blta Speaa. Vtujlin. Sotboron. btol ei bae Will i, Vaugbu 2. Baaea ou balls Off Sothoron 4. off Y ttery fl. Htruck out --By iiothorou 8, by l'lttery 2. Charge de feat to Flttery. Left on baaea Portland 6, Halt Lake 7. Wild plicb Klttery. Double plnya Murphy to Rath to Brief, Orr to Rath . M Brief. ' Bit by pitcher Haunab.Stunipf. Time ;t9.' TJmplrea Braahear and Held. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Washington 4, Cleveland 3. Cleveland. May 22. I. N, S.) Be fore the largest crowd that has ever witnessed a game in Cleveland, the Washington Americans defeated the -Indians, 4 to 3, and crept up within a half a game of first' place. The of- llcial paid attendance was 25,522, Walter Johnston was the hero of the contest, his double In the ninth in Tdng paving the way for the winning tun. The Indians tied the score in the eighth with a three-run rally. Stanley Coveleskle was opposed to Johnson for eight innings. The win ring counter was made off Bagby The score: CLEVELAND WASHINGTON. AB. H.O. A. AB. H.O. A. .Oranay.lf.. 4 0 1 Morgan. 2b. Foter,3b.. O 0 Tumer,3b.. 4 Speaker. cf. 4 smith. rf... 4 4 Howard. 2b. 3 1 1 0 3 1 3 2 10 0 2 0 3 0 4 1 1 0 O 1 0 0 1 1 T 0 1 2 7 2 1 2 e 0 3 2 1 OlMUan.if. Rondeau, rf. Judge. lb. . . St.anka.lf.. Alnamlth.e. O'KeUl.e.. 3 C'v'leakle.p 2 hy,p. . . 0 BotB 1 McBrlrle.aa. Jobnaon.p. . Totala ..32 6 27 1 5 Totals ...35 0 2T 0 'Batted for Coveleckle In eighth Cleveland 0 0 O O O 0 0 3 O 8 Washington o 00001 02 1 4 ' Runa Howard, O'Neill, Roth, Milan. Judge, Bhanka, Johnson. Errors Wambsganas "Mor gan. Two baae aite Smith, Coreleakie. KLanka. Rota. Judge 2, Ainamitb, Johnson. nwws nrnmrn uanati. oacrirjc una Aiorgan S. Double plays McBrlde to Foster, Wam bajrtnaa, Howard to Gandil. Hit by pitcher Howard by Johnson. Struck outBy Cove ltskte 3, by Johnson S. Umpires O'Laurhlln and Chill. Wresiing Tomorrow Night Walter Miller VS. Eddie OXonnell l l th St. Theatre Prices $1.00 $150 $2.06 BRADFORD TEAM - BEATS BEAVERS BY SCORE 6 TO 1 St. Helens Noses Out Wood land in Ninth; Salem and Woodburn Winners, Intercity Bafoboll I ague. Won. Lost. Pet. .857 .71 J .671 .571 .571 .333 .280 .irs Brad fords .. Woodburn Pal em Kirkpatriks at. Helens . . Montavilla . . Beavers Woodland . . .6 ,5 . 4 .4 .4 1 1 George Grayson's Bradford con tinued their winning streak yesterday afternoon on thp Vaughn street field, defeating the Baby Beavers 8 to 1 Colly Druhot pitched for the Beaver and it wan the first time that he has ever lost a : a me to a team managed by Georjfe Grayson. KRAHKORH.S i BABY BEAVERS A B. HO A. AB. H.O. A. Klctip.l. . . . 1 H tCisy.S 0 3 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Chillier..",. . Koptu't, . . . Kdw anls.l . K fuupih . m . CohPii.'j .... Murray. r. . . Clark, c. . . . Swartz.p. . . 1 -' ! IHa'ii liard.r. 4 Z 1 10 1 1 1 2 0 Z 1 7 1 1 IMnd.l. 1 ;tnrp.m.. . O'Mi Ki-?n,l. 4 Incles.3. . . 0 V stts.s. . . SIFeicljt.c. . 21 Druhot, p. . 0 IS n . 0 12 0 1 K 0 2 0 0 2 Totala.. 42 11 27 131 Tntal 29 2 27 11 liri dforda ...0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 28 Hlla 2 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 2 It Brsmi II O 0 O (I I O 0 0 1 Hita 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 O 2 Uuna Chlldera. Boaart 2. Kennedy, Murray, Clark, Caaey. Errors Bogart. -Clark, Caaey. Blanchard, Groce, Watts 2. Felcbtinger. Struck ort By Drubot 6. by S.raru 8. Baaea ou bella Off lrubot 1, off Swartz 3. Two baae bit Stepp. Stolen baaea Boesrt 2, Edwar1a. Cohen 2, Ingles, Groca. passed ball Fvtcb tlcger. Left on baaea Bradford 10, Bearera 6. Time 1:60. Umpire tGcrdon Brown. Kirks Lose to Salem. Salem. Or., May 22. Salem won from Klrkpatrlcks in the Intercity league game here yesterday, 6 to 2. Salem got four scores In the fourth and two in the fifth and Baker was yanked. Driscoll taking his place. The new pitcher held the Lojus score less. The weather was cold, some rain fill and the game slow. Score: K1RKPPATRICKS I SALEM AB. U. O. A. AB. H. O. A. Smart.2.... 3 1 1 8 H'mpta'ys. 4 1 2 4 14 2(Jonea.l C. Baker.c. 4 1 10 l Wlleon.3. . . Parrot, 3b.. 4 0 0 2IAla,m.. J. Ulxon.m 4 0 0 OIHouaer.c. . ., . 4 10 0Mlckei,l. . . 0 10 2 0 1 1 1 12 1 0 O 0 0 2 1 0 Bateroan.r. 3 1 0 0 Bell.r. T. Dixon, 1 . '2 O B l Mlller.a T B'k'r.p-l 3 1 4 21 Dristol.p.. 10 0 1 Total... 32 6 24 12! Barham.p. . Totala. ...30 T 27 11 SCORE BY INNINGS. Klrkpatrlcks 0 001 1000 02 Salem . . 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 8CMMARY. Runa Smart, Nelson, Joeea. 2, Wilson, Ad ams, Barbam 2. Errors Smart, Mulkey, Par rot. Jonee. Struck out By Barhsm n. bj T. Baker 4, by Driecoll 6. Baaea on balls Off Barham 1. off T. Baker 8, off Driscoll 2. Hit br pltcber Jones. Stolen baaea Houaer 2, Michel, Bateman. Sacrifice bit Humphreys. Double pl7s Jones, unassisted : Mulkey to Baker. Time of game, 1 hour 50 minutes. Um pire Deeuam. Woodland Loses, 4 to 3. St. Helens, Or., May 22. In a well played game yesterday the local Intercity league team defeated the Woodland players 4 to 3. Alee Don aldson outpitched Louie Kotula, the sensational deaf and dumb pitcher o" the visitors. Score: ST. HELENS AB. H. 0. A. Hall.rf 4 12 1 McDon'd,2b 3 0 10 WOODLAN AB. H. O. A. 5 0 12 Garner.3b... 4 2 2 4 Stevens, lb 4 2 Moore, aa. . . 3 14 Brakke.lf.. 8 0 1 8 0 1 Arma'ger.e. 3 19 D111.3..... .8 1 0 Dolald'n.p. V3 0 0 O H. George.rf 3 0 10 18 1 1 1(L 1 Wblte.c 4 LodelLlb... 4 Marble.lf... 4 A. Scbu' 8 Stewart. 2b.. 4 2 10 1 O 0 112 4 Kotula.p. . . . 4 1 0 1 Total.... 20 27 lll'P. Scum'n. 0 0 0 0 Total.. 629 6 27 ll Total.... 35 9 25 11 P. Schumann batted for A. Schumann In the ninth One out when the winning run was aooied. SUMMARY. Buns Hall. Perry, Armspiger, Dill, Garner, Marble, Stewart. Errors Garner, McDonald, Perry. Left on baaes Woodland 6, St. Helens 0. Two baae bits Hall. Moore. Armspiger, Garner, Lodell. A. Schumann. Three base hit Stewart. Base on balla Off Donaldson 2. Struck oat By Donaldson 12, by Kotula 8. Wild pitch Donaldson 1. Earned runa St. Helens 2. Woodland 2. Umpire Rankin. Montavilla Drops Double. Woodburn, Or.. May 22. Montavilla met its second defeat on the local grounds yesterday, the home team turning defeat into victory with a ninth Inning rally that won the game, 6 to 5. With the score 6 to 1 against them Coleman made a home run for Woodburn in the seventh, another run was scored In the eighth and three came across In the ninth on three hits and a lot of boots by the Montavilla players. R. L. Krelts, a catcher, has been signed -by Woodburn and pleased the fans by his excellent work behind the plate. Umpire White cam In for considerable) criticism from both teams. Score MONTAVILLA tTOODBTJBX AB. H.O. A. AB. H.O. A Prichard.s. .5113 Sberey.i..., 6 10 8 Goodwin. 2.. 5 2 1 Stureb'f.m. 8 11 Buck .3 3 11 Bonrg.l g 1 10 Bryaon.1... 8 0 1 Deveny.r... 2 0 0 Newman. a. .4111 ZweifeLp.. 2 10 larrow.3... gall Kre!ts,c... 4 0 10 rbeilman.m 4 1 1 o Coleman.4... 4 2 a MurnhT.n... 4 S 0 S OlSchBee,!.... 4 0 10 0 llurat.r. .. 2 0 8 0 Baxter 4 1 S O Slma.r...... 3 O O 0 Totals . .32 8 28 12l Total ...34 9 37 15 Two ent when wtavnlna- rnn aenetMl 1fnta villa ,..0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 05 Hits ..t..0 8 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 vToodbom ......... ......0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 84 Hita ............ ......0 1 0 2 0 1 2 1 30 Runs Goodwin, Bonrg, , Deveny, . Newtnan, EwelfeV'" iborey, Krelts, Coleman. , Murpby, Scauce, Baxter. Errors Prlciard. 3, Goodwin NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES New York U, Cincinnati 1, Cincinnati, May 22. (I.N. S.) New York made it 11 straight by taking the I first game of the series from the Beds yesterday, 11 to 1. Knetzer and Dale were found for 16 hits, three of them triples and one a double.'" The Reds' only run came In the seventh when Griffith poled a homer over Kauffs head In center. Fletcher had 14 chances with only one error. The score: NEW YORK. AB. H.O. A CINCINNATI. AB. H.O. A. Bnrns.If... 5 0 3 0 Groh.Sb 0 0 K'b'taon.rt 6 2 0 0 1 1 0 2 Dooin.r... 10 0 J , Doyle,2b... 6 8 5 8Chaslb. . 1 10 Kauri, er.. i-x ujurirnr.ri.ri, Fletcher. as 5 n z . 8 13 OlWIngo.c. .. 2 1 0 Louden. 2b. 1 1 VKnetser.b. Merkle. lb. 4 MKhnie.3b 5 Karlden.c 2 Rousrh.rf. 1 Andersoo.p 0 0 0 Olfiale.p 1 1 0 O Motseley.p. . 0 Mitcneu... l Fisher. Totala ..43 16 27 17 Totals .35 8 27 13 Baited for Knetxer In third. Batted for Dale in eighth. New York 30000044 011 Cincinnati 00O0001 OO 1 Runa Buma, Robert aon, Doyle 3, Kauff 2, Kletcber 2 Merkle, McKeehnle, Griffith. Er rors Kauff. Merkle, Heriog 2, Wlngo. Two buae hits Merkle, Wlngo. Three baae bit!" Kobertaon, Doyle, Kauff. Home run Grif fith. Stolen baaea Kauff 2, Merkle. Mc Kecbnle, Wlngo. Double playa Doyle to Mer- kle CbaBe unasaiatea. Bases on balls Off Dale 5. Struck out By Knetzer 2. by Dale 2. by Moaeley 2. Umpires O'Day and Baaoo. Phillies Beat Cubs in Ninth. Chicago, May 22. (I. N. S.) The Cubs had the Phillies beat 1 to 0 up to the ninth yesterday when Wal ter Cravath's home run. Whitteds triple, a fielder's choice, two sacri fices and a single gave them four runs and the game, 4 to 2. Hits by Saler and Mulligan In the fifth gave the Cubs one run and Zimmermant hit a homer In the ninth The scorer PHILADELPHIA. AB. H. 0. A CHICAGO AB. H. O. A. Byrne, 8b.. 3 1 1 ZMann.lf 3 12 0 Dusey.u. l i u . i u o o 1 8 4jFlack,rf... 3 10 0 0 O 4 1 2 o 1 0 0 Zlm'rman,3b 4 18 5 1 2 .. 4 1 10 0 0 1 0Zeider.2b.. 2 0 4 2 0 15 OjArcher.c. .. 2 0 6 1 1 4 0Mulligan,as 8 0 0 4 10 2: Lavender, p 3 0 0 4 0 0 OltZwllling.. 10 0 0 0 111 N'off.2b.3b 4 Stock, aa.. 4 Crarath.rf 8 Whitted.lf 3 Cooper, cf 4 J KlUifer.e. 3 Rlaey.p... 2 Good 1 Bender, p.. 0 Totals.. 81 7 27 1 41 Totala... 80 6 27 18 Batted for Rliey In the eighth. 1 Batted for Zelder in ninth. Philadelphia 0 0000000 4 I Chicago 0 0001 000 12 Runa Cravatb, Whitted. Cooper, Lnderus, Zimmerman. Saler. Errors Stock. Zelder. Two base hits Kilifer, Niehoff. Byrne, Mul ligan. Three baae hit -Whined. Home runs Craratb, Zimmerman. Stolen baaes Niehoff, Dugey. Sacrifice hita Flack. Zelder, Kllllfer, Bender. Double playa TMulllpan to Zelder to Saler, Zimmerman to Saler, Stock to Niehoff to Luderua. Baaes on balls Off Rlzer 1, off Layender 4, oft McConnell 1. Struck out By Lavender 5, by Kixey 8. by Bender 1, by McConnell 1. W:old pitch McConnelL L'm pirea Klem and Euislel. Braves 2, Cardinals O. St. Louis, May 22.-(1. N. S.) Ty ler held the Cardinals to two singles. Only 29 men faced him and the Braves won, 2 to 0. Ames fanned ten bat ters, but Konetchy's steal enabled ths braves In win in the fifth. Koney opened with a single; then Smith and Compton fanned. Konetchy stole and reached third on Snyder's wild throw. Gowdy wai purposely passed and Tyler's drive against toe right field fence scored the two runs. The score: BOSTON. ab. mo. A. MarVle.aa 4 18 4 Evers.2b.. 4 0 2 4 ST. LObTS. AB. H.O. A. 3 0 10 . . . . Bencher. If.. BetzeL2b.. Wilson, rf.. 8 O 1 3 0 3 Colllna.lf.. 4 0 10 Wilholt.rf. 4 0 2 01 Kon 8 215 Oi 8 O 0 3 10 Smith, 8b.. 4 10 1 BucLer.rf.. Hornaby.Sb 1 0 0 1 0 11 O 10 0 0 O O 0 0 Compton,cf 4 0 2 0 Gowdy, c... 2 0 2 0 Tyler.p 3 10 2 Snyder, c. . . Amea.p.... Gonxales. . Long.... Totala .82 6 27 11 Totals ..27 2 27 10 Batted for Ames In ninth. Batted for Smith in ninth. Boston 0 0002000 02 St. Louis 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 Runs Konetchy, Gowdy. Error Smith. Two baae bit Tyler. Three base hit Maranvllle. Stolen base Konetchy. Sacrifice bit Hornsby. Double plays Maranvllle to Ever to Konetchy 2. Bases on balls-Off Tyler 1. off Ames 2. Struck out By Tyler 2, by Aon 10. Umpires Rigler and Harrison. Eighteen Shooters At the Rifle Eange Though weather conditions were un favorable, 18 shooters participated in the opening shoot of the Portland Rifle club s outdoor range yesterday. President Humphrey is preparing a program for next Sunday. Next Sun day's shoot will also be open to mem bars and non-members. Yesterday's results: 200 yards J. S. Hyatt, first; F. Mor genroth, second; S. 8. Humphrey, thira, and J. P. Madison, fourth. 50 yards, 22 rifle, alow and rapid flrt W. H. Bredemler, first; E. D. Rltter. second; H. McDonald, third, and H. v. Lever, fourth. Knockout match First squad, H. C. Leise, winner; second squad. Dr. O. E. HInaon, winner. 2. Bout. Newman. Shorer. Onleraaa t. arrack oct By Murphy 7, ZwelM , Bases oa balls un aanrpny 4. two base Aita Goodwin, Skorey, Theilman, Mnrohr. Home runa Goodwin, Coleman, Zwalfel. Double rjjars Brysoa to Pilchard; Hurat to Schnee. Stolen bases Buck 2, Bryaon, Baxter, Sims. Hit by pircnea oaiia uooawm, buck, ueveny. Passed ball Newman, Runs responalble for Murnhv 2, Zwelfel ,1. Time 2:05. Umpire Bob White, St. Paul has signed Pitcher Grlnerof the St. Louis Nationals on an optional afreomest, , s r -r PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Angels Win Double Header. San Francisco, May 22. (P. N. S.) Frank Chance's Angels closed the week with a rush that gave theni the series over the slugging Seals, with four victories o .t of the seven games. They started In the morning with but two victories out of the preceding five contests. But thev profited by San Francisco's errors in the morning, winning 5 to 3. and in the afternoon they clouted the Seal pitchers In mer ciless fashion and captured the sec ond game 8 to 7. The score: Morning game: LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO. AB. H.O. A AB. H.O. A. 4 Kills. If 5 Wolter.rf. 4 3 Galloway ,3b 3 McLarry,2b 3 Boles. c... 3 Butler, sa.. 4 Byao.p . 4 1 4 1 3 2 0 1 11 0 1 2 4 1 3 1 1 1 0 Sbeehan.rf . 3 4 0 Schaller.lif. 1 0 1 . . . Downs. 2b. . 0 2 0 2 3 1 Coffey. a..,, 1 2 8 0 11 0 . Jones. 3b. . . 0 12 0 4 2 Sepulreda.,e 3 Brown. p.... 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 lOldham.p. .. 2 Total . .33 10 27 11 Totals ...82 7 27 14 Loa Angelea 0 3 1 00000 1 5 Hits 12 2 110 11 110 San Francisco 200000000 2 Hits 3 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 O 7 Buns Koerner, M Larry, Boles. Butler, Byan, Bodle, Downa. Errors Galloway 2, Coffey, Jonea. Three baae hit Maggert. Charge defeat to Brown. Two base bits Coffer. McLarry. Sacrifice blta Galloway Koerner. Sacrifice fly Maggert. Bases on balls Off Brown 2. off Oldham 1. Struck ont By Brown 2, bf Kyan 3. by Oldham 2. Double plays Bulter to McLarry to Koercer, SeoulTeda to Downa. McLarry to Koerner, Left on baaea Loa Angelea 7,, San Francisco 4. Time 2:00. Umpires Guthfle ana Mnney Afternoon game: LOS ANGELES SAN i FRANCISCO AB. H.O. A AB. H.O. A. 4 110 Bheehan.rf. A 2 2 0 EU,lf... Wolter.rf. 5 Gal'Wy,8b 5 U'Larry.2b 4 Baaaler.c. 5 Butler.aa.. 5 Stand'ge.p 2 Kaliler.p.. 0 Kyan 1 4 1 10 0 8 11 O Schiller, If. 5 0 10 8 8 2 1 Downs, 2b. .4114 1 1 2!Coffey,sa.., 5 2 8 8 114 I 8 0 15 1 2 13 llJones.Sb. ..' 4 10 8 2 2 31 Sep'tvSa.e 4 18 1 0 0 If Perritt,p.. 2 0 0 2 0 0 OIBauiruD... 10 0 1 O 0 0 Wolv'ton 10 0 Scoggina.p 2 0 0 1 Totals .45 15 SO 12 Totals ..88 10 80 18 Kyan batted for Kahler In Sth. Batted tor Baum in tenth. Los Angelesv 1 00028001 18 Hits 1 I 0 2 4 4 0 0 3 lio San Francisco 0 0060001007 Hita 1 01501001 110 Runs Maggert 2, Ellis 8, Welter 2. Butler, Sheehan, Scnaller, Bodle, Coffey, Autrey, Jonea, Sepulveda. Errors Maggert, McLar ry, Downa, Coffey. Home runa Ellia, Bodle. Stolen baaea Wolter, Galloway, Sheehan. Three baae hita Coffey, Kills. Two base blta Koerner. Downs. Bassler. Jonea. Maggert. Butler. Sacrifice hit Perritt. Baaes on balls Standridge 8, Perritt 1, Kahler 3, Baum 2, Scogglna 1. Struck out By Standridge 2, by Perritt l, by Kanier Z. by Baum i, by scog glna 7. Credit victory to Scogglna. Charge de- teat to uaum. jjoume piay sutler lo Mc Larry TO Koerner. Left on baaes Los Angelas 10. Saa Francisco 13. Time a :O0. Umpires Finney , and Guthria. Vernon Takes Two Games. Los Angeles, May .22. Vernon .took a double bill from Oakland yesterday. winning In the morning, 6 to 2, and the afternoon contest 6 to 5. The morning affair was easy for Art Fiomme. In the afternoon, with the score tied in the ninth. Elliott brought out "Speed" Martin to save the day. But In the tenth the Tigers landed on him, Risberg slamming out a three bagger and Chick Mattick driving him in with a screamer to center. The score: Morning game: OAKLAND. f VEENON. AB. H.O. A.! AB. H.O. A. Mlddl'ton.lf 4 2 0 IDalev.lf... 2 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 Gl' 3 2 11 0 K'n'rthr 4 o 3 b msDere.Zb. 3 12 4 2 1 lBatea.Sb... 4 0 0 0 Gardner. rf. 4 Barry, lb.. 4 Griffitb.c. 4 Barr.ean.3b 3 Davla.aa.. 1 Kleln.p.... 1 Zlm'rman 1 Klawltter.p 0 Elliott... 1 1 15 1 lirlgga.rf... 8 0 2 2,Matt!ofc,cf . 4 0 O 1 M'tSift'n.aa 2 0 1 OlSpencer.c. . 3. 0 3 4;t romm,p. . 3 0 o of 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 2 8 10 2 0 0 0 Totala ..31 5 24 20 Totala . . .27 6 27 Batted for Klein In eighth. Batted for Barbeaa la ninth. Oakland .0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 02 Hita ..0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 28 Vernoa ..0 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 S Hits ......1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 6 Runs Davia, Zimmerman, Daley, Gleich mann, Mattick, MeGaffijan, Spencer. Errors Barbeaa, Davis, Mattick. Three bate hit Mid die ton. Stolen base Griggs. Two base blta Risberg, Spencer, Barry. Sacrifice bits Glelcbmaan, Klein. Struck out By Klein 2. by Fromme 2. Baaes on balla Off Klein 3 off From ma 2, off Klawltter 2. Cbaiga defeat to Klein. Time 1:37. Utnpiree Boyle and Phyla. Afternoon game: OAKLAND. TSBNON. AB. H.O. A. AB. H.O. A. Mlddl'ton.lf 5 12 0,Doane,rf . . . 6 2 10 Lane.ef... 4 2 3 0 Gl' 4 '0 14 1 K'n'rtby.2b 5 8 1 5 Blsbers.2b. 5 2 S G'dn' 4 3 8 rjBatea.Sb. . . 5 2 18 Barryylb.. 8 Oil OlDaley.lf . . . 8 2 3 0 EUlott.c... 5 14 1 Mattlck.ef. 5 2 8 0 Barbean.Sb 5 0 18 M'Q' 4 0 0 2 Davla.aa. . . 4 1 1 6 Whallng.c. 4 3 6 2 Prough.p.. 3 10 OQuinn.u.... 3 0 18 Griffith.. 110 OBeaa.p.... 0 0 0 0 Zlm'rmaa 1 0 0 0 Arellanea.p. 0 0 0 0 113 1 D'cannlere.p .10 0 0 fKlawitter 10 0 0 Martin,?.. 0 0 0 0. Totals ..42 14$29 IT Itotils ...89 12 80 17 tTwo out when winning- rnn was scored. Batted for Barry in da-nth. Ban for Griffith in eighth. t Batted for Gardner In ninth. Oakland v 0 00003021 0 g Hita 1 10103388 014 Vernon 3 0 0 1 O 1 O 1 O 1 Hita 3 1 0 3 0 1 1 2 212 Bona Lane 2, Ken worthy 3, Bercer. Doaae, Biaberg 2. Bates, Daley 2. Error Bar bean. Ht-mc run Bates, Tbree base bite Mattick, Risberg. Stolen Maes Ker; worthy, Oartlner S. Two baae hits Daley, Whaling. ' Bteberg. Beerlflee hits Gleichmann, Kenwortny. Struck eat By Quinn 2, by Proegh 1, by Arellanee 1, by Martin 1. Bases on balla Off Prongs. 1, off Quinn 3. off Martin 1. Otarte defeat to Martin. Cradlt victory to Deeennlere. Um pires Phyle and Doyle. Time 2:05. Billy Fapke Begins Training. Kewanes, 111., May 22. (L N. S. BiUy Papke began training yesterday for his engagement With Johnny How ard at New York June , which will mark his return, to tb ring af tar a leu a absenca, v Most Players Start Second Round Today Several long contests made U impos sible to finish the first round of the singles and doubles in the annual spring handicap of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club yesterday, but only three matches remain. An inter esting feature of yesterday's play was the four-hour match in which L. M. Hausler won from C. J. Mathis, 2-6, 10-8, 11-9. Play will be continued throughout the week. Results yesterday: M. Snow defeated R. A. Killalee, 6-3. 3-6, 7-5; L, M. Haueler defeated C. J. Mathis, 2-6, 10-8. 11-9; G. D. Full de feated J. H, Hendrickson, 6-2, 4-6, 6-4; J. J. Cahalin won from Bruce r.alley. 3-6, 6-0, 6-8; J. B. Bilderback lost to J. H. Knight, by default; S. Redfield won from M. Frohman by default; H. Failing and J. H. Mackie won from M. C Frohman and J. H. Hendrickson, 11-9, 6-3; W. S. Biddle ana W. C. Howe defeated A. S. Frohman and Ferd Smith, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4; Bruce Bailey and Teddv Steffen defeated Herbert J. Campbell and E. J. Griffith, 3-5, 6-1; Kenneth McAl'pin and R. P. New land defeated Dave Jordan and L,. M. Starr, 7-5, 5-7, 6-2; Dr. R. J. Chipman and Clare Shannon will finish their uncompleted match today noon. The tennis committee would like to impress If on the minds of the entries In the tournament the necessity of reporting promptly on time fcr the scheduled matches. By so doing the tourney will be run off more smoothly and will be completed by the end of the week, weather permitting. Today's schedule: Noon Court 1. M. C Frohman vs. W. H. Lewis Sr.; oourt 2, McVeaRh v. Campbell; court 3, Cahalin vs. De Neffe; court 4. Hausler vs. A. 3. Froh man; court 5, Chipman vs. Shannon, unfinished. 4 p. m. Court 1. Webster vs Fail ing; court 2, McAlpin and Ewing vs Shannon and Wakeman; court 3, Ladd vs Smith; court 4. Knight vs. Roberts; court 5, W. H. Lewis Jr. vs. Anderavon; court 6, Mackie vs. O. Lewis. 5 d. m. court l, isorris ana wene vs. Anderson and Klehle; court 2, Rob erts and Banks vs. Lewis and Lewis; court 3, Harrigan vs. winner Ladd Smith; court 4, Stevens and MaUett vs. Knight and Chipman: court 6, Goss vs. winner Webster-Failing; court 6, Lee vs. FulL Jimmy Dunn's Bird First From Seattle Fighting against stormy weather, with an intermittent gale to buck, one of Jimmy Dunn's racing pigeons won the 160-airllne flight from Seattle to Portland yesterday, averaging 678.2 yards per minute. The Dunn bird beat by an average of two feet one from B. H. Bauer's loft. The third bird was from the cote of E. Kinderman, aver aging 417 yards per minute. The above three owners were the only ones who reported the arrival of birdsout Of the three-score which were sent north. Birds must arrive within the day of liberation on the shorter flights to be declared n the race. In view of the very poor weather condi tions, the time was not bad. New York -Giants In Terrific Sprint New York, May 22. (U. P.) New York has started a spurt in the Na tional league race which bids fair to land McGraw's men at the top. If they can stasid. the terrific pace. By lysls-usrbtering Cincinnati yesterday the .wants ciim dcq mio lourui pusmen f During the past week New York average 10 hits and five runs per game. Robertson, Fletcher, McKech nie and 'Doyle are hitting the ball con sistently, and Anderson, Benton, Per ritt and Mathewson are rapidly get ting Into first class pitching form. STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS ' Faclf io Coast League. Won. Lest. Pot. Vernon 28 17 ".622 San Francisco 28 21 -S5S Los Ancelee 22 21 .512 Portland 18 1 .457 Salt Lake 18 22 .40 Oakland 19 29 .300 National Learn. Won. Lost. Pet. Brooklyn 15 9 .025 Philadelphia IS 11 .r.Wt Boston 14 11 .WiO New Tors 13 13 -5O0 Chicago 15 l(i .4S4 Cincinnati 15 1 .45 St. tools 14 11 .437 Pittsburg 12 IS .400 American League. Won. Lest. Pet. Cleveland 21 11 .&8 Washington 20 II ' .645 New York 14 12 .533 Boston 14 15 .4S3 Eetrolt 13 17 .433 Ctlcaro 13 18 .410 ntlaSelphia 12 IT. .414 St. Loui . 1 11 17 .803 American Association. Minneapolis 15 8 .652 Looiavllle 18 11 .21 Colnmboa .....14 t Indianapolis 14 12 .5B& Toledo 12 12 ..X Kansas City '.12 5 .444 St. Penl . 0 14 .891 Milwaukee 8 21 .270 Westers Leacue. Wichita 10 0 .640 Lincoln .....14 ft .600 Dee Moinee IS 10 ..w Topeka 14 11 ..v0 Omaba 11 12 .478 Fioox City 10 14 .417 at. Joseph 8 14 .804 Denver 9 15 JUS aTerta westers League. Rpokane 14 9 .609 Great Falls 12 11 .522 Bntre ....... ....... 11 ' 11 50t Beattle 11 , 13 .458 10 - 12 V .455 Vancouver ................10 ' 12 , .455 " " -'";'' THOUSANDS OF HOESES RACE IN SULKY SHAFTS Estimated Millions of Dol lars Are Invested In Har ness Competition. By Tdd H. Kline. The Immensity of the light harness racing game cannot be appreciated un til one has delved rather deeply Into the facts and figures concerning It. Here are the approximate figures covering; 1915, which may convey some idea as to the size of the trotting game: Number of tracks in operation, 1000. Number of meetings, 1100. Average meetings, 3 days. Total racing days, S300. Average purses per meeting, $5000. Total purses distributed, $6,650,000. Total horses campaigned, 11,000. Total valuation of horses, $10,000, 000. Total Invested in stands, real estate, etc., $40,000,000. Total Invested, in stables, sulkies, harness, boots, other equipment, $2,- 000,000. My figures are conservative. The average purses distributed last year and which wilt be eclipsed in 1916 probably were beyond $5000. The grand circuit, which is the "kingpin" circuit of them all, has 13 weeks of racing. At each meeting the average purse was $40,000, which means that this one organization distributed $520. 000 in prize money last year. There are scores of other circuits, where the purses average from $16,000 and $20, 000 per meeting down to $1000. Joy Tops Shooters At Everding Traps Shooting better than ever before, F. O. Joy topped the scattergun artists in yesterday's shoot at the Everding Park traps of the Portland Gun club with the score of 82 per cent. Ed Morris, professional, scored 94 per cent. Abner Blair was second high amateur with 80 per cent. Four shooters, Al Seguln, H. A. Pol lock. J. C. Morris and Miss Gladys Reid, scored wins on the Imperial trophy. Miss Held now leads In tho Imperial shoot and with only one mors week to go she has an excellent oppor tunity to win the trophy. The scores: E. B. Morris, professional, 94; F. O. Joy, 92; A. Blair, 90; J. Reid, profes sional, 88; A. Pollock, 86; Al Seguln, 82; E. B. Van Arman. professional, 80; J. C. Morris, 77; Miss Gladys Reid, 72; A. W. Strowger, 71; A. L. Zachertsson, 71, and J. S. Crane, 67. Chehalis, Wash., May 22. Tha sec ond annual shoot was held by the Chehalis Rod and Gun club at Millett field In this city, yesterday. About 80 visitors were present from out f town. Tacoma, Beattle, Portland and Vancouver, Wash., were well repre sented. The weather waa bad but otherwise the shoot proved very en joyable. Trophy winners were F. M. xroeh, I J. A. Dague, Mark Siddal), P. H. I O'Brien, J. W. Seavey, Hugh Fleming. ! F. Campbell ana l. Bales. In the 15 bird events the first event was won by Poston with 144; second Schneider, 129; third event. O'Brien. 143; fourth, Troeh, 139; fifth, Downa. 133; sixth, Rlehl, 188. Seattle, Wash.. May 22. (I N. S.) The twenty-second annual trap shooting tournament of the Washing ton State Sportsman's association opened on the Harbor island rang to day with shooters from all parts of tlier northwest entered. Five 20 target events consltute the first day's pro gram. Among the well known shooters en tered are: Frank Relhl, Tacoma; H. McElroy and F. A. Dryden, Spokane; Hush Posteh. San Francisco; Pete Holohan, Portland; C. K. Owens, Wen- atchee; John B. Rice, Beilingham; Frank Troeh, Vancouver, and James Thompson, Leavenworth. . ' V " 1 MINOR BASEBALL The fast Overlook team defeated the Mason-Ehrman team last Saturday, 9 to 3, on the Alblna grounds'. Denny Williams' pitching featured tha game. Ie struck out 14 batters. Shea made a home run with two men oh bases. Batteries Maeon-Ehrman, Johnson and Brosy; Overlook, Williams and Shea. t After tha Overlook team had scored 13 runs tri the third Inning, tha Lents team became discouraged and walked off the field. At this time the bases were full and only one out. Lents was leading, 3, to 0, -at the time of the blowup. Utch Rleple pitched for the Overlooks. The Lang as Co. baseball team de feated Llnnton yesterday, 9 to 3. The hitting of Knudsen, who made four hits In four timea up,- featured tha game. Campion struck out 13 Llnnton batters. Score: R. H. E. Lang . 17 2 Llnnton g 6 4 Batteries Campion and Meyers; Freber and Wilson. Goldendale, Wash., May 22. - The Goldendale fire department team was beaten yesterday for tha first time ihls season in a close fast game by 'the Arlington, Orv baseball club. Monta gue, tha Arlington pitcher, had too much smoke for the Goldendale bat ters, who only got two hits off his delivery. Ashenfelter, the Arlington catcher, sprained his ankle while sliding to third base in the first In ning and Martin Spalding, first base man for Goldendale, wai struck over the kidneys by a pitched ball in the seventh inning and had to be carried off the diamond. The score was 5 to t The Woodstock team defeated the Multnomah Tigers yesterday by the score of 16 to 8. Warmenth pitched for Woodstock. ' The Ben Hur team added another victory to its string yesterday, defeat ing the Bricklayers, 6 to 1. Hyronl nious pitched for the winners, allowing five hits and striking out 14 batters. Next Sunday the Ben Hur team will play McMlnnVllle. The Telegram team of the PrinteraJ league forfeited to the Oregonlan play ers yesterday. Eugene High Valley CSiampet. Eugene, Or., May 22. In a snappy. cloeely contested game on the univer sity grounds Saturday, Eugene High school' baseball nine put to rout the black and red visitors from Salem High school, 6 to S. This cinches the championship of the valley for Eu gene, and one of the Portland high schools will probably be played for the championship of the evtate. Marshfield Wlra Track Meet Marshfleld, Or., May St. Tfo Coos county track and field records were bettered In Saturday's meat, which waa won by Marshfleld with 62 polnta. Tha other schools finished as follows: Ban don 24, North Bend 17, Myitis Point 14, Coqullle 10. lTX)BACCO like fren, ship is better for beim mellowed age. vN Sit Attractive Viiiiiari ifii ruxaii s i it msmmum tus Circuit Tours East to CHICAGO , ST. LOUIS 72JJ0 71.20 60.00 KANSAS CITY OMAHA ............ .60.00 60.00 55.00 110.00 108.60 110.70 ST. JOSEPH DENVER.... BOSTON BALTIMORE . PHILADELPHIA DAILY JUNE 1ST TO SEPTEMBER 30TH -Liberal Stopovcrt Variable Routes Limit October 31t mint nt rrr ivivmi niM m.i.i - l rwuft oununuiuii innuuunoLKViu. KUUIU -Two via Glacier or Yellowstone National Parks, Twin Cities to Chicago and East ' Two via BHIings, Glacier, Yellowstone or Rocky Moontsia National Parks, to St Loais, Kansas City, Omaba, Denycr NO EXTRA CHARGE GOING EAST VIA DENVER' Free sidetrip, Denver to Colorado Springs. Pueblo and return choice of two desirable through-service routes from Billings to Denver.- .' - In planning the most comprehensive circuit tour of the Eastern citiesj if your ticket reads "Burlington." you have a combina tion of through-service routes over the various Burlington; lines that no other system-can possibly offer. ,' Mmm mm Set America Best Ed'Connell Shapes Nicely for W. Mille , v--l With hie back against the proverb! wall, Etidie O'Connell, champion Wt terweight, took no rest todsy, and to ' Untied his training until the avs, his bout with Walter Miller for t: Utle. .-..; I When the two grapplers meet tome row night In ibe Eleventh street plai house. O'Cojfnell will be' In the ba shape of rVcent years, and Miller .wi know that he has a big Job on h hands In throwing the local pride. , j While the weight is 14S pounds ' 8 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. It la fl ured that Miller will weigh about 1 pound when he steps Into the rlt about o'clock at night. Athletes ta! on weight quickly after their dryir out process to reduce, and It tn n unusual for some of them to add t high as a pound an hour until tbr reach their normal avoirdupois. ' . I Miller say he Is not worrying abo the weight, and will be down to It wh the weighing In time take pla O'Connell wrestles best at 146 pound which he claims is the legitimate w terweight limit, and not 141 pound a Miller assarts. : Jimmy Lands Another Basher.' i Seattle, Wtsh.. May 22. (P. N. S.)-f Ted Sullivan, an outfielder who hf been playing semi-pro baseball t southern Oregon, reported to Seatt today and will be used In today' gan with Spokane. Sullivan was slgm upon the recommendation of Jlmn Richardson of Portland An Injury t Shaw. Seattle's regular left fielder, n cessltated the signing of Sullivan. I by HpHE flavor, tho mildness, the cool ness natural to Ken tucky's choicest Burley Tobacco is improved a a jioy ocing agea ior two tmt TTV'W I years into v,lvcx. a&yfr Or Low Rate NEW YORK $110.70 WASHINGTON 10S.BO PORTLAND ......... 110.00 MONTREAL ... TORONTO .... PITTSBURGH ., INDIANAPOLIS DETROIT ...... ALBANY ...... . ..- 108.00 92.00 03.80 61.70 83.50 106.30 Tha initial agent or tha undersigned' wfll sxplain ta conrenlanea of thaaa through-serrica routs mnd hvw thejr'mar b eambinad to include tka National Parka, Denrer, and most of tha great Middle-Wast cities ii your ticket roads "Burlington." .... R. W. FOSTER, GENERAL AGENT ' 100 Third Strsat Portland, Oregon ' Tolophonos -Main 668, A-1245