s THfe OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,-PORTLAND, ".-MONDAY. MAY .22, 1916. A3 SERIOUS DAMAGE DONE TO WHEAT CROP OF ENTIRE WORLD Cohen VEAL MARKET HAS A STRONG FEELING FRONT ST. T RADING Strength Contlnned Over From Last of the Week With Small Supply Market Mm Been Very Erratic of Late Prices Again Good. Th seal market U showing on of ttaoM peculiar twists that bas teen noticeable In the local trad during went week at intervals. ' On Saturday there wm noticeable strength In !ha demand for calves along th street, with supplies evtremely scarce. This condition wii continued over Sunday, and during the morning trade- the oil for veal m exceptionally fa vorable, with limited, sales as blgb at 11 12c a ponnu. Whether thla atrangtb to tbe Teal market win ciHiuuuv uunna iav remainder or. me whs la a matter of much .peculation among tbe trade. Recently It baa been noted that when ever the market was good at the atart of the twl, It baa generally been dr pruned later. The moment 'an Improvement In the market waa noted by tbe country, shippers flooded the trade with supplies, and this aoon called forth lower values. Whether history will re peat Itself la now the matter of debate. Strawberries Are Holding Firm Here V, Sale of Willamette Valley Stock Generally at $3.50 Kenne wick n $3.75. KtrawberHea were again firm and high la tbe wholesale market during tbe day, Kenne wlck stock wii In email snooty, and tbe best offerings were quoted rather firm at $3.75 a crate for Clarke. v Supplira from the Willamette valley were only in fair volume, and sales were made gen erally at $3.60 a crate. There waa some very good stork offering; from Rex. and these were quickly anapped np at tbe price boted. word cornea from the leading strawberry producing aectkma of tba Pacific northweet that tbla baa been the moat backward season known to the shipping trade. Shipments from and fear a are expreswd that tbe crop will ripen all at once, thereby throwing tbe entire ctop on the market within a very abort period Total crop Is expected to be somewhat smaller than normal oo thla account. COWS SELL UP TO S8 AT NORTH PORTLAND M RUN SMALLER 4 . California and Montana Supply the Greater Portion of Run Hogs Again Sell as High as $9.10 ' Mntton Run Is Limited. MORE APRICOTS ARE COMING fiecelpts of apricots from the south are lowly Increasing with a slight Improvement .In tbe quality. Hair, were reported alow during the day at 1.50 a crate of four MOORE STARTS NEW FIRM A new produce firm bas made Ita appesr . ance on the atreet. U. M. Moore, for yeara connected with Mark Levy A Co., and a well known duck producer of ilex, bas Joined with M. Hyverson, under the Dame of tbo Moore Produce company. GOOSEBERRIES VERY SLOW With arrival, abowlng a fair Imrrrase there eontlnuea a dragging time In the gweberry market. Ha lee are genra!ly reported alow at 4c a pound. 'Die high coat uf augur la tbe demoralising factor. ASPARAGUS HOLDING HIGH While tbe extreme pricea obtained Saturday . were not generally maintained during the (lay, extra fancy aaparagus from Hood River waa quoted at $1.40 per dozen bunebea dur ing the day. Bales of Walla Walla flat were around 11.65 a box. I GO MARKET IS HOLDING ITacMnlly do rbauge waa shown In tt pries of eggs during the day. Home alight wtrkneas waa shown Ui outside market! with the supply again showing art Increase. I'oul try market waa generally quiet. Solid Organization Aids Berry Prices Rennewick. Wash.. May 22. Continued "old weather has retarded the ripening of straw. berrle In thla Berth). Never before In the hlrtory of the stranlierry Industry here baa the period for lea than carload ahlpruenta tasted ao long, nor aueb a lurge number of berrtee go out In lese than rnr shlpmenta before a can, was loailed tint. Three weeks have passed since berries flrat started ripening, wbile Friday night saw the movement of the flrat etralgbt carload. Eleven thousand crates have been ahlipcd In small express lots by the Ken nrwlct Ririil.incl Marketing union St an avernse price to dHte of (.',.50 f. o. b. Ken newick. Never before in the history of berry sl-lpinents from Kennewlck have pricea re ivslncd so airady and at sorb a high figure fr no great a length of time after the opening of the seavHi. The favorable condition a are attributed to the fact that 05 per cent of tbe growera are ablpplng through one agency, and that Kennewlrk berrtee are tbe only berrlea on the markets to dnte. One ablpper states that for the past week or 10 daya he has been turning down order, earn day for from 5oc,0 to OOOO crate, at $3.50 per crate. The union tin orders for thousands of rratee aa aoon aa the berrlea come on faster and the prlre drop to f.!.-3. Two ears will be loaded out tonight. asm n xt a 61 13 62 8 54 111 1023 94 982 843 96 1040 22 'P. 833 483 2 141 801 293 6.15 1038 rOBTLAND LIVESTOCK RCH Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheet Monday -. 7789 Saturday 263 Kliday 831 Thuraday 225 Wednesday 481 Treday 444 Week ago 4920 Year ago 2030 Two yeara ago 1687 Three yeara ago 1040 Were It not for the shipments of cattle from California, whlrb were expected, there would have been an unuaually poor showing of live stock auppllea at the opening of tbe greek's trade. As matters stand, even with tbe California auppllea. there was a amaller ran of cattle at North fortlaud than last Monday, and thla waa tbe chief aid to tbe market. A sale of a good lot of cows was made at ($. General cattle market range: Choice pulp-fed steers Choice grain-fed steers Ordinary grain-fed steers .. Choice bay-fed steers Qood steers Ordinary to common steers.... Choice cows .' Ordinary to com men cowa Choice beifere Ordinary heifers.. Choice bnlla Good to fair bulla Ordinary to common bulls Heat ligbt calves Good calves AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES tlXSEEI) OIL IS LOWERED Announcement was made during the day by W. I. Fuller Co. of a cut of rc a gallon In former prlcee on linseed oil, and a cut of tic a gallon on turpentine. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE New potatoes ateady at 3V.ft3c a pound. Old potatoes In good demand. New California oulons are dragging at old prices. Another carload of Florida tomatoes in. Re parked Welling at $4.50 a crate. California ateamer reported with freab sup ply of greeue. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau advlaes: Protect ahlpmenta daring the next 48 hours aa far north as f-'e- 1 attic against minimum temperatures of about 8b .degreea northeast to Spokane, 34 de- greet; southeast to Koine, 30 degrees; south to Aahland, 04 dtgreea. Minimum tempera ture at 1'ortland tonight about 30 degreea. JOBBING PRICES OF PORTLAND These prices are thoao at whlrb wholeaalers ' sell to retailers, except as otherwise stated: Dairy Produce, "'' BUTTER Prints, exlraa. 29e; prime, firsts, tVc; flrata, 20 Vac; cubes, extraa, 27Gij2.Sc; prima flrata, 25c; firsts, 2l24c per lb.; dulrv 1(ii2(1o. .bG'TTbUUi'AT Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream, 27c; No. 2, 25c. I KUtiS BelUua nrlce br dealers unsettled. delivery extra: Selected fresh, 24c dos.; raae count, buying price, Oregon ranch, 22'i22c. L1VB POLLTU1' liena, heavy, PImoutb Rock, 1616c; ordinary chickens, 16c lb.; ataga, 12o; broilers. JOfcXc; turkeja. 1Ni821c; dressed, fancy, 20a27c; cnlls, liU2oc; pig ods, l.lH)((t 1.25; squabs, $1.20 doaen; geese, live, lorn; tic; Pekln duck, old. 16c lb.; young and heavy, 17c; Indian Runners. 14c lb. I'll HUSK Selling prlre: Fresh Oregon fancy mi cream iwins anu iripieis, lotuio'dc m. ; Vmi r. & nta.l . 17., 171. ... ,,.,, . riata, 15c; Xonng America. 16c. f. o. h cream brick, 22c; ilni larger. 23c; Wiaronaln Hbeel, S4ttooc; block Hwlaa, 30c. Fruits and agetables. FRESH FRUITS Oranzea. fanrv navel 2.004ajii.25; bananas. fVc lb.; lemons. $;t.(S.ic 4.26 box; grapefruit, Florida, $4.&0Vt.V2." case; pineapples. i,tic ii.; pears, 1. &off(2.00 BERRIK3 SUawterries, Oregon, $3.50; gooseberries 4c lb. APPLKS Local, BOcaiJSO per box, accord- ang 10 quaiuy. nwinNs v.k i ai ?a i icn o l.25j)1.50; garlic, lii'ttc; new onioua. $'l.7o Cix.a crate. POTATOES Selling price: Local, $l.C9ia 1.75; buying price, $1.25411.85 per cental; sew l utoruia, oc; swaeta, 3.no, VEGETABLES Turnips, $2 aack; carrots. s-j per saca; parsnips, $1.00 aack; cabbage $3.00 per cwt. ; green onions. 25c dnt!n bunches; pepperi, Florida, 25c doxen; brad itrtuce, talitorula, $2.00 psr crate; celery Florida. $:t.5o; cauliflower, local, gl.OOecl.ll per aoieu; t renin artlcbokea. Toe; asparv gua, ai i.(Ui.40 aoxen bunches: hot- ,ltocae cucumbers, $1.001.25 doaen; tomatoes. sinus, at; Mexican, aa.uorai.ou; egg plant 20c lb.; sprouts, Oc; aolnaih, $1 pee box; rtuueru, iVj'HiC per id; peaa, Stl2c ID. Heats, Fish and Frerlaiona. rRESSED MEATS Selling price: Country Kiuea lancy noga, iiiiivc; poor, 8rl0c lb farcy veala. llUHVir; ordinary, OfjilOe; goata, aar&e lb: snrlfitf lnmlis 1 7c 11, imiitim 10c lb. UAMS, BACON, ETC. llama, 10a22tte lb breakfast bacon, 17U30c lb.; boiled bams 80 lb.; picnic. He; cottage foil, 15'ac; Ore gon exporia, iowioc per lu Seattle Eogs $9.15. Seattle, Wash.. May 22. (P.' N. 8 nogs Kereipts 2211, steady. Prime lights, $9. loft .15; lueiliuiu to choice, $0W.0f; smooth heavlea. .(;5; rough boa vies, $7-50Q 8.15; plga. JMii8.05. Cattle Ilerelpta 4, steady. Beat steers, $8.75 tf8.Hr: medium to choice, SqS.SO; common to medium. $tl. 507.50: beat cows. $77 50; (ominon to medium cowa. $436.BO; bulla, $4.50 4t .V): calves. $7. 508.50. Siieeri llei-elpts none, steady. Lamhe, $10Q lt'..Vj; veariuiKs. !t9.50; ewes, $7.2388. tenver Hogs t9.75. Denver. May 22. Cattle Receipts 7000, simile higher. Reef steers,' $sri; cows and heifers. $l.. joffS; srockers and feeders, $7.70 ttV4M; ralvea, $10irl2. lings Recelpta 2400. weak, 5c lower. Top, $6.1X1; bulk, $0. 554(0.73. Sheep Receipts none, ateady. Chicago Hogi $10.05. Chicago. May 22. (1. N. S.) Hogs Re celpts 41.000. alow, 10c to 15c under Saturday's average. Bulk. !.M)aiO; light, $.403945; mixed, f.t.mxrt 10.05; heavy. $.5Sia05; rough, $r.55fti 70; pigs. $7.4039.5O. Cattle Receipt 16,000. firm. Native beef steera, $S.15f(C10.S0; weam ateers. $8.20i 0.20; atrnkere and fredArs, $638.0O; cows ami heifers. $4.5Or.60; calves, $8111.29. She p Receipts 18.000, weak. Wethera, $7.85 Q10; lamba. ti.1012.80; apringa, $11(313.50. Kansas City Hogs $9.90. Kansas City. Mo., May 22. (I. N. 8.) Hogs Ueceinta 1.1.0OO. lower. Unit, ttt HSiIJO R!i- heavy, $.8ft9.no; packers and butchers. $0.70 nrnt. :'.5)W !; pigs, s.7rtc.Z5. tattle Kerelnts 10.000. strong. Prime fed steers. $9.5oe".10: dressed beef steers, $8.25(3 h..v; western steers. i.oiy.7S; stockers and feelers. I7.25fe8.S5; bulla, $07.75; calrea. $0.5011. sneep uerelnta noiai. ateady. Lmbs. glOO i..:n; yearlings. 'I11.25: wetbera. 8.254 9 bO; ewes, $8419.60. Omaha Hogs $.$0. Omaha, May 22. U. N. S.) Hoes Re ceipts o.ioo, lower. Hilary, e'j.os'J.so; light. $l5O4t9.70: pigs. $8419.25; hulk. $.B5(?ii9.70. tattle Keceiut 300O blirher. Native steers. (io; cows ana netrers. $; western s tiers. $7.50(39; Texa steers, $7 &S: etock ers and feeders. $7418.75. Sheep Recclnta 3.S0O. stendy. Vearllncs. $9 eru: wetners. ss.irxaa.io: iambs. su.35ea 8t. Louis Hogs $10.15. St. Loula, May 22. (I. N. S.l Hogs Re ceipts 8500. higher. Plga and lights. $7,750 0.95; mixed and botchers. $9.8543 10 .OS; good heavy, $10.05tl0.15; bulk 9JU4il0.05. Cattle Receipts 3800. steady. Native beef ateers, $7 .504$ 10. uo; yearling steers and hotf era, $S.504t.75; cows $3.254?8.28: stockers and feeders, $5.50g8.50; southern steera, $5.7S 4t.S; rows ami helfera, $3.00ftiS.O0; prime yearlings steers and heifers, $8.754210.25: na ttre calves, $6.0O4jll; prime southern steera, $9.O04t9.50. Sheep Receipts 6000. steady. Wethers, $7.00 eisli.OO; lambs. $10.004112.70; clipped ewes $.5O4j8.70; clipped lambs, $9.00(311.10; spring lambs, $lo.O04jl4 00. per gallon, $3: canned uoaen; eaatern In abell OYSTE Ha Ob ui ui a . ' ., rw'- W ' uumu. riairiil 111 HUPli $1.86 per 100; raxor clams, 12VjC doaen; east rn oysters, per gallon, solid pack, 23 i FISH Ureaaed flounders. 7c: ch nook aal 'aton, 12c lb.; perch, 7f8c lb.; lobsters, 25c ..id vulvae, tv , w.iuvu nwui, in. halibut, 7Vk10c lb.; torn cod, 7c; black base, TVc in.; shad, arcasen, 7c lb.; sturgeon, 13c CRABS Large. $1.75; medium, $1.25 doaen 2 UKU 'tierces, kettle reudered. lift sUndard, 14c. ' Oreosriea, ' UGAR Cube, $9.20; powdered, $3.83: fruit or berry. 18.45: beet. S.2.: drr araanlated. $8.45; U yellow, $7.83. (Abonve quotations are u days net easn.; i HONEY New, $3.25473.50 per case. 7 KICK Japan atyle. No. 2, 4c; New Or HALT Coanw. half groamda. lOOa. $10.50 per too; ova, 911,30; taoie aairy, ova, i.oo; luua. ajo.no; bales, gzjes; lump rocg, aro per ton ' BEANS Small white. $8.25; large white, aa.ior pink, $03; umu, $o.i0; bayou.$6.25 as Hess. Wear and Hides. HOPS Nominal, buying price, 1915 crop, choice, lie lb.; prime, 10c; medium to prime, ?9elb. WOOLr-Nominal. 1810 clip; Willamette val ley, coarse Cotawold. 854i37c; medium Shrop- Hog Bun Faila Off Again. The liberal run of bogs shown at North Port land last Monday wa not duplicated during tbe day. Total arrlvala ip the swine divialon over Sunday were 2789 bead, compared wttn 4920 last Monday, and 2030 a year ago. General conditions !n the trade were steady. One car sold early at $9.10, but tbe bulk of be tops went at $8 85ft 9. 00. Choice light welgbts, nominal $8.65(89.10 Good light weights.... 8.80(38.90 Medium weights 8.0X8.75 UMigb and heavy 8. 0048.23 Bheep Market la Quiet. There waa a serious decrease In offerings of mutton at North, Portland for the week's initial trading, aa compared with last Monday. Total receipts were but 535 head, while a week ago tbey were ZJ4S bead. Demand for mutton and lamba continue fa vorable, with prices generally maintained. General shorn mutton and lamb range: Select spring lambs $ 9.50 Beat yearlings 8.2S4TS.&0 Good to common wetbera........... 7-604JT.75 Best ewes 6.50 Good to common ewes 5.00(20.25 Monday Livestock Shippers. Hogs J. A. Kelley, Washington, Idaho, 1 load; O. E. Gorallne, Wallowa, 1 load; Farm- Meat Market, 1 load, W. B. Hunter, 2 loads: Julius Klmkel. Carroll, Idaho. 1 load; Grover Bros.. Canyon, Idaho, 1 load, . Farmers' Society of Equity. 1 load. W. H. Ross, 1 load; O. Bowker. 1 load: W. M. Iuby, Baker. 1 load; Dodd ft Cole, 1 load; W. M. Cough anour. Union, 1 load; Bruno Webber, Uma tilla, 1 load; R. S. Klrkpatrick. 1 load; R. D. JoUoaon, Union, 1 load, R. Morrla, 1 load; Joe Mason, Morrow, 1 load; J. II. Rebmen, Sherman, 1 load, R. B. Hailey, 1 load; G. W. Geer. Klickitat, Wash., 1 load. Cattle F. L. Marks. Shasta, Cal., 8 loads. Maaterson & Peterson, 1 load; Tehama, Cel., 2 loads; Simpson ft FInnelL 0 loads; W. J. Goomer, Beaver Head, Mont., B loads; J. L. Burke. Casla, Idaho, 3 loads, Portland Feeder Co., 2 loads; Cross ft Klmple, Canyon, Idaho, load. Sheep Lydston ft Pickett, Washington, Idaho, 1 load. Mixed stuff Frank Wann, Marlon, 1 load cattle, calves, hogs and -sheep; J. S. Flint, Lene. 1 load cattle, calves and bogs; O. T. Troutt, Wallowa, 1 load begs and sheep; R. N. stanfleld, Umatilla. 8 loads bogs and sheen; A. H. Porter, Gilliam. 1 load cattle and bogs; W. B. Kurtz, Wasco, 3 loads cattle, bogs and aueep. Monday Morning Bales. STEERS DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST Seattle Market. Seattle, May 22. Butter Native Wash lna-ton creamery, brick. 29c:-ditto solid Da.-k 2Sc. Cheese Oregon triplets, 19c; Wisconsin twins lc; loung America 22c. Eggs Select ranch 26c San Franciaoo Market. Ksfl Wnrlcn I a 1 Maw- 9 TT T . Butter Extras, 25c; prime firsts, 24 c; firsts j"iC. Eggs Extras 23Hc; firsts. 21Hc; pulleta. joc. CbeeseCallforuJa fancy, 12Hc; flrata, 12c, Los Angeles Market. Los Angeles, Cal. May 22. (P. N. S.) Eggs Case count. 23c. lintter Fresh extras 25c. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Market. Seattle, Wash., May 22. tU. P.) OnloW Oreituu 24i2V.c: Yakima. m.c. I'otatoea White River, $2S4J30; Yakima Burbanka, -$34 fa 36; Yakima Gems $34 ((JSC Ban Franciaoo Market. San Francisco May 22. (U. P.) Potatoes Per cental. Delta. $1.004U.35 per hundred ShlmuK, 11. 40ml. W: Oregon, $1.654flA5 Wash lug ton. Xl.OTVfa, 1.90. (Jnlfina Alameda, 2MiS2c per pound; Aua traiiana, -.ovi New York Cotton Market, January March . . , May July ..... August . , October . . lJecember Open. High. Low. Close .1325 1328 1316 1325 .1339 1339 1328 1338 .1303 1302 1286 1295 .1310 1310 1291 1305 .1316 1317 1304 1314 .1308 1309 1297 1307 .1322 1324 1310 1321 eaatern Oregon, Overkck & Cooke Co. r , Stocks. Bond. Cotton, arala. Sta. : SleVSlT SOaVtC Of TdO BtUldtlXXZ. DIRECT PRIVATE WfRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Cfatcaco Board of Trade.- tuorrMpotidene of Ixrsn A Bryan. 1 w Cblcaso, Nnr xork. . hire, 344J35e; fine, 32SJ33c l4i:0c. ' HIDES Salted hides (25 nounda and nDl 18c, salted stags (50 lbs. and up), 12c; salted kip (15 lbs. to 23 lbs.). 17c; salted calf (up to 15 lbs.). 234324c: green bides (25 lbs. and up). I4sr; srreen stara (no lbs. and un) 10U,c; green kip (15 Ins. to 23 lbs.). 17c; green calf (up to 15 lbs), $23&24c; dry flint hkles. 2820c: dry flint calf (up to 7 lbs.), 31c; dry salt Diuea, jm ary norseniaee. eacn, $14x2 aait aoraebidee. eacb, $2.00i30: borsehldcs. 28c; dry long wool pelts, 20c; dry short wool peiu, iw; ary sneep sneariings, eacn, 10325c salted sheep shearlings, each. 1523c: rtri goata. long hair. 18c; dry coata. ahearllnas. each. tl0l20c; salted kmg wool pelts, $1.00 aj-.oo. TALLOW No. 1, 8c; No. 2. 7c; grease. 7e. CHITTIM OR CASCARA BARK Buying prices, per car lota, 4 He; leas than car lots, 4c. MOHAIR 1910, 4Ue lb. Paints aad OAs. COAL OIL Water white. In drums and Iron barrels. ioc. LINSEED OIL Raw. bbls.. 87e gallon; ket tle boiled, bbls., 89c; raw, case, 92c; boiled, case. 84c gal.; lots of 250 gallons lo less. TURPENTINE Tanks. 61e; cases, 6So gal lon . - . - WH1TK LEAD Ton lota.. 10 b. 600 ID. lots. Lie; less lots, 11 e per lb. OIL WEAL Carload lota, $34; leag tbaa ear lots, $3V50. .-. ; . . -a... . GASOLUNE BsaU prlc,. lH par gallo. ..$8.809.00 8.73 .. 8.25g8.40 .. 8.004TS.7.1 ., 7.50&8 00 .. 6.0047.00 .. 7.50(88.00 .. 7.a.".47.35 .. 7.50tt7.73 .. 7.0047.23 .. 6..X4i.00 .. 4.f$5.( .. 2.00412.73 8.00 .. 7.00(270 Canned Milk -Goes Up 15 Cents Case War Demand and Domestic Call Greater Than Condensery In terests .Anticipate. There was a further advance of 15e a ease during the day In the price of leading brand of canned milk. The advance was expected. la view of the extraordinary strength la tbe market recently. The Carnation Milk Products company waa tbe first to name aa advance during tbe morning with a rise of 15c on two of Its brands. i . Demand for canned milk from Europe eon tlnuea very strong, and makers are In no posi tion to nit tbe orders of both foreign and, do mestic origin. Thla means, therefore, that' un less all signs fail, a further advance In canned milk wiU be forced. Tbe competition for milk and cream la ao keen and such extreme values axe being paid for this period of the aeason that tbla alone la expected to force canned milk blgber. White there was- s alight showing of easi ness in the market for cube butter, a till tbe general butter situation along the coast re main in a very good position. DAMAGE TO 1EAJ; IS Bears in Control Of Chicago Wheat Chicago. May 22. (I. N. 8.) Wheat prices opened ateady to slightly higher today, but In the first hour a serious reaction carried ell claesea about 2c lower. Tbe bears ruled. Over whelming evidence was displayed to support tbe contention that crop damage reports have teen too seriously considered. It was pointed out by some of the leading experts tbst tbe American crop la achcduled to be much larger than forecasted during the paat few months, Alto, the Australian and Argenine cropa are said to surpass advance estimates and It Is gererally conceded that for this reason Ameri can exports will not be aa large as anticipated. This, It was srgued by the bears. Indicates that the United States is to bold a sufficient supply of grain. If not a surplus, gauging from present Indications. Trading In tbe present and deferred options was eonally dis tributed and the volume aggregated more than the average markets during the' paat two weeks. Receipts in the southwest ware large ana Kansas reported beneficial rains. Tbe demand for cash stocks cob tinned weak Practically all the news waa beariah and commission bouaea were undeniably on the lower side of tbe market. Improved conditions for the growing corn and oata crops, coupled with the depressive ten dency In wheat, atimulated a movement for lower price levels. Corn tosses In tbe first hour averaged slightly more than 1 cent, while oats declined only fractionally and were in easier demand. In tbe former grain, a larger movement to market is expected and this fact waa readily discounted In today's trading. Range of Chicago prkes furnished by Over berk ft Cooke Co.. 216-217 Board of Trade WHEAT Open. High. Low. Close. May Ill 111 107H 1074 July 11214 112H 108-4 108'? Stpt 112j 112vs lOfla. 109V CORN May 74 74 72H 72tf July 73 73 71 71 Sept 72 72 6t- 60 OATS May 44 44 43 4.1 July 41 41 40 40 Sept 39 89 88 88 PORK May 2S B July 2345 2345 2317 2320 Sept, 2325 2325 2286 22 '5 LARD May 12R2 V July' 1290 1290 1277 1277 B Sept. 1300 1300 12S7 12S7 B RIBS May 1275 B Jnly 12T7 1283 1270 1272 A Sept, 1290 1290 1277 1277 No. 27 steers . !7 steers .. 19 ateers .. 2 steera . 4 steers . 17 cows .. 8 cows . . 2 cows 4 cowa . . 3 cows . , 1 cow . . 1 cow . . . 1 cow 1 cow .. 8 helfera 1 belfer COWS. Ave. Lbs. 1070 ....1170 .... 8SO .... 873 .... 933 ....1063 1013 1150 1227 1020 1130 820 405 .... 980 HEIFERS. SPRING LAMBS. YEARLINGS. EWES. HOGS. ..1040 590 BULLS. 1 bull J.T20 1 bull 1060 1 bull 1190 11 lambs 9 yearlings 1 yearling . 52 yearlings 8 ewes 99 hogs 90 hogs 90 hogs 98 hogs 12 bogs 88 hogs 4 bogs 7 bows 71 boga 99 hogs 18 lioga 83 hogs 1 bog 2 bogs .... 1 bog 5 notes ... 2 bogs ... 96 bogs . . . 4 bog ... 4 bogs 1 bog 1 bog . 2 hogs . . . 2 bogs . . . 1 hog 8 hogs . . . 8 bogs . . . 7 bogs . . . 77 73 150 155 126 189 185 160 160 165 175 lio 180 184 135 180 215 2W 835 170 300 305 186 400 , 315 ISo , 130 , 280 465 , 470 , 140 , 135 . 129 Price. $8.50 8.50 x 7 .60 7.00 8.23 (8.00 7.rK 7.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 8.50 5.50 4.70 $7.50 6.00 $4.75 4.50 4.23 $9 .SO $S.03 8.00 7.50 $6.00 $0.10 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 0.00 84)5 S.95 8.85 8.95 8.03 8.93 8.60 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.4 8.10 8.10 b.oo H.DO 8.00 8.10 8.00 7.05 7.50 7.50 7.60 Clackamas School Changes. Clackamas, Or., May 22. At a re cent meeting of the board of directors Miss Lettie Osborn of Sycamore waa elected principal of the Clackamas public school, Miss Anna Bachmann was reelected to the Intermediate de partment and Miss Win Osborn to the primary department. Miss Bachmann has resigned, however, to accept the principalshlp of the Damascus school at an increase In salary. D. U. Coch rane, the present principal at Clacka mas, has accepted the principalshlp of the high school and grammar school at Kings Valley. San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco, calls: May 22. May . . Dec. . Spot Walla. $1.67 1.82 May 22. Open. Close. 128B 132A 134B 136A quotations Wheat, $1.67H1.70; Red Barley May 20 Close, 128B 134 U7ci 11a Russian 1.70: Turkey rerll. I1.78A0 Feed Bflrlv 11 92Ui' l.dO((S 1.1V, White oats. $1.521.5S. Bran, $26.00 27.00 Middlings. $31.0032.00. Shorts. 929.00 O 30.00. Hay Is Saved. White Salmon, Wash., May 22. When the Columbia river rose ao rapidly a couple of weeks ago tbe entire rrop of bay In the large bottom ranch of John Mvera waa cut. but the witer Inundated tbe fields before the hay could be hauled away. Now tbe river has again receded. . the sua thoroughly cured tbe bar and many tons of hay which was thought to oe a total roes, ssvea. IiTerpool Cash Wheat. Liverpool, May 22. (I. N. 8.) Wheat Spot no. i Manitoba, 12a oa; No. 1 northern spring. izs za: no. js red western waiter, III d nour, winter patents, 4 is, Foreign Wheat Markets. . Liverpool Cash wheat" unchanged. . jtjuenoa) Aires - . casn wheat ua- cnanged to c lower. , - OUTLOOK POORER Condon Section Especially Is Hurt While General Backward Season Finds Complaint From Growers of the Entire World. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS." -Oars- Portlsnd; Mom.. 3S lear aco 28 Season to date. .10.101 Year ago 13.878 Tacoma, Sat.... 3 Year ago Season to date.. Year ago Seattle. Sat.... Year ago Season to date. . Year ago Wheat Barley. Fir. Oata. Bay. 8 1 1314 1789 1886 1844 8 2 1015 1953 1 504 683 ,728 8,903 5 7 5 7,653 1257 7,061 1063 8 3 S029 2254 11 7 2678 1999 5 1 3 86 2288 636 2040 2 22 L8 1010 4150 1198 8343 That wlrs worms have done considerable dan age to the wheat crop la the Condon sec tion, la the advice that comes from Edward A. Beals, local weather official, who is trav eling through the northwest on a tour of Inspection of the weather offices. According to Mr. Beala. the damage la at tributed entirely to the wire worm aad the crop prospects are less favorable than bad been previously reported. From Heppner June tion to Heppner tba crop is reported la fa vorable condition. Special advices received by The Journal In (Urate general complaints among wheat grow era regarding the onseaaonable cold weather. For that reason fears are expreaaed for the crops. Similar advices are coming from a!most eery leading grain producing section In the morld. Despite this damage news there was a very weak tone in the Chicago market at the atart of the day'a trading. Broomhall cabled from Liverpool that the wheat market was steady, but dulL Offers are lighter and arrivals smaller than ex pected. Spot unchanged," demand poor, cargo market quiet. Manltobaa end winters on changed from Saturday. Weather Is. fine, with nstive offers larger. Plat tea freely offered at s slight decline. Stocks Increasing slowly as arrivals are disappointing. Oata price well maintained. American shipment are all to the continent. France The government fixed the minimum price of oats at 81 francs per kilo to consum ers. Foreign purchases have been largo. Amer ica ahlpped 3.244.0OO bushela last week and further purchases will continue. Tbe daylight ssving law becomes effective In the grain uarkets this morning. rinrTB aaiiin i.i. ea on. wrn lamette valley, $4.90; local atralrht. $4 60a COO; bakers' local, $4.805.20: Montana aprlnc wheat, $6.10; exports. $4.604.70; whole wheat (;.; granam, $o.4u; rya itour, $5.93 per barrel. HAY Buying price: Willamette Taller tlm othy fanry $20; eaatern Oregon-Idaho fancy t:mothy, $21(22; alfalfa, $2122; vetch and oars, sis; ciovet, io. GRAIN SACKS 1916 nominal No. 1 Calcut ta. 1313c la carlota; leas amounts are nigner. ROLLED OATS-7-$6.506.75 per barrel. ROLLED BAKLEX $31.50 432. 50 per ton. With the sharply lower prices at Chicago, tba local market for wheat was weaker and lower, On the Portland Merchants Exchange blda for May wheat were 1V to 2c a bushel below those of Saturday. A California milling Interest -was the purchaser of 10,000 bushels May blues tu at $1.02. which was Saturday's bM, and 5000 bushels at $1.01. which waa a cent off. May oats bids were weaker, with a further loss of 25e a ton, while barley waa unchanged, No sales in either line. Merchants Exchange May pricea: WHEAT. Monday Saturday- Bid. Ask. Bid. Aak. 100 102 102 103 91 97 93 97 90 94 92 95 90 95 92 97 90 94 92 94 OAT3. 2625 2700 2650 2700 BX-RLEY. Feed 2700 2950 2700 2900 MILISTUFFS. Bran 2350 2500 2400 2500 Shorts 2760 2850 2750 8850 Rail Shares Move Higher in New York New York. May 22. (L If. S.) Rail storks featured the court of trading oa the stock exchange today. Strong financial Interests be hind the movement - la these issue we're re ported to have suggested that necessary con cessions be granted tba anions at tbe general conference ta Jane. This waa construed as decidedly bullish inasmuch as It tends to eliminate one of the most depressive rail fae tora. Several leaders la that department opened above last week's eloe aad early gains were recorded. Canadian Pacific started, at 18S. S points up. and later fluctuated down 1 point. New York Central opened at 107, Beading 103 and Unioa raonc went to 141, In the first hour. The steel stocks apparently were not classi fied with those Securities held to restricted limits by talk of peace in Europe. Crucible opened on point tip at 85 and mad further gains, while Steel common atarted at 83 and played around 86 during the early aeeatog. In the first hour Spelter went to 89. Smel ters 100, American Locomotive to 7241, ana Baldwin to 90. A general sentiment ma tured toward the close that favored eales oo the bulges la these locomotive issues. This feeling was augmented by the announcement that Baldwin is retrenching on its development plana on atrength of peace prospects. Of the spedaltlea, Industrial Alcohol waa most ac tive In the early market, me price advanced to 159 and seemed strong. Mexican Petro leum was wall supported to active trading around 100. First hour sales amounted to 231,200 shares. ' The market closed strong. Rang of New York prices furnished by Over- beck ft Cook Co., 216-217 Board of Trad bi'lldlng Deserlntlou Roy Vance on Bid. Vancouver, Wash., May 22. Among those performing at the Hippodrome in Portland this week is Ray Vance, a local boy. He is in a song-and-dance skit, together with his partners. Moss- man and Miss Gordon, and yesterday received a storm of applause. Mr. Vance started bis career in this city, appearing in the different theatres be re and later going to San Francisco. He has appeared in many of the Portland moving-picture houses. Blneetem . . . Fortrfold Clnb Red Fife Red Russian Feed Futures were quoted: WHEAT. Bid. June bluestem 98 July bluestem Jcne fortyfold July forty fold June club .... July club June red Fife . July red Fife. . June Rnsaian . July Russian. . June July oats FEED OATS. June July June bran. . July bran .. June shorts July shorts FEED BARLEY. M1LLSTU FF S. 8 91 91 90 90 90 90 90 90 ..2625 ..2OO0 ..2700 ...2800 ...2350 A .2350 ...2750 . . .2700 Ask. 100 100 95 9.VA 93 93 95 96 94 94 2700 2750 2900 2900 2500 2000 2850 2900 Alaska Gold Allts Chalmers, c AUls cnalmers, pi.... American Beet Sugar. American uan, e American Can. pf American Oar Fdy e. American Cot. Oil. c... American Linseed, c. . American Lrneeed, pf . . American Loco., e American Smelter, e. . American Smelter, pf . . American Sugar, c... Am. Tel. lei American Woolen e. . Anaconda Mining Co. . . Atchison, c. Atchison, pf.... Baldwin Loco., e Baldwin Loco., pf Baltimore ft Ohio, c. Bethlehem Steel, c... Bethlehem Steel, pf Brooklyn Rapid Traaa. Canadian Pacific Central Leathtr c Chesapeake ft Ohio. . . . Cht ft G. W., c 0 0. W.. pf C, IS. A St. P ChL ft N. W.. c Ctino Copper Colorado r . ft I., e.. Consolidated Gas Corn Products, c Crucible Steel, e Crucible Steel, pf Denver ft K. y., e.... Denver ft B. G., pf. ... Pistlllers Eri, c. ..a. Erie, let pf General Electric Goodrich Rubber G. Northern Ore Lends O. Northern, pf Greene-Cananea Ice Securities. Illinois Central Industrial Alcohol.... Icsplratkm - Inte. Harvester.. ... IcterBoro, e. Kansas City South., e Lackawanna Steel. . . . Lehigh Valley Loultvllle Nashville. Mexican Petroleum. . . Miami Copper M. K. ft T., e Kennerott Copper Missouri Pacific National Biscuit National Lead Nevada Cons New Haven New York Air Brake. New York Central.... N. Y.. Ont. ft W Norfolk ft W.. c Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla By People's Gas Pittsburg Coal, c PItttburg Coal, pfd... Pressed Steel Car, c... Ray Cons. Copper Railway Steel Springs. Reading, c Reading, 1st pfd Reading, 2d pfd Repeblic I. ft 8., e.... Republic I. ft 3., pfd.. Rock Island Shattuck fStudebaker. c Studebaker, pfd Pk. Sheffield Southern Pacific Sourhem Ry., c....... Southern Ry., pfd Tenn. Copper ......... Texas OH Texas Pacific Third Avenua. Uulon Pacific, c Union Pacific, pfd U. S. Bobber, c U. S. Rubber, pfd U. S. Steel Co., .... U. S. Steel Co., pfd.. Utah Copper W. 0. Telegraph Wettinghouse Electric Wisconsin Central.... Woolworth Ongn ' Hih I Low fCloeo 22 28 61 61 61 2 93 02 8714 183 54 63 3S 130 54 43'A 1374 19V4 lib 27 51 40 55 173 T 41 122 104 157 46. 113 18 27 71 81 100 66 6 88 1X2 V 64 64 S8 100 1.10 Si 64 H MM 44 141 19 ' 115 29 62 40 65 173 70 41 123 48 105 159 40 113 71 83 109 66 7 57 v. 102 27 M, 103 23 40 103 49 67'. 68 135 107 28 67 17 6a '4 134 107 27 15 Finance- Commerce -Industr; Secretary McAdoo WIU Review Protest of Investment Bankers Against Charging Income Tax to Foreign Investors in American Securities Immigration a Phase of Labor Problem. . 126126 113ft 114 58 103 T 28 Vi 103 23 40Vi 109 49 48 48 48 1 82 138 10S 55 loo 23 67 46 193 1214 62 140 82 55 85 llf 81 03 Oil 19 32 139 108 100 Z4 67 46 193 63 57 102 28 103 23 40 103 48 1S7 H3 55 loot 23 67 46 193 12 V. 62 Sortary XoAOoe to Bvlw Fro- test of ZBVMtxaant Beakers -inquiry mad by th Oregon Journal's Wash ington correspondent as to the petition of th Investment Bankers' association of th United States that oo Income tax bo collected from th Interest on Investments in th dome tic aeouri- tos of this com try which aro held by forignrs, elicits th Information L that the entire matter has been put up to Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo for review. Tba Journal's correspond ent adds: : "Th question of collection of Income tax on bonds held by foreign ers appears to bo one on which law yers disagree, and the internal revenu department perhaps is stirred to bold lta ground- because of felicg that in these days of increasing expense It should not voluntarily let go of any source that promises productive rev enue. The statement that the Invest ment Bankers' association was refused a hearing is evidently a mistake. The record in Assistant Secretary Mal buxn's office shows that at a hearing held on April 18 tbt association was represented by its counsel, C R. Reed, and Mr. Bead presented a lengthy statement In Its behalf. Xzamtrratloa Xrow Bat Xncresin" The total immigration into the United States for tbe first three months of th present year Is 69,619, which com- pares with the normal immigration of 180,000 for th corresponding periods of 1S12, 191S and 1914. To this fact is due much of the shortag of un skilled labor. Tsw Bedlsootuits 'With rdral Xe servo Benlu Th latest statement of the condition of the Twelfth district federal reserve bank at San Francisco shows total rediscounts of commercial paper of $429,000. Of this amount the Portland banks hav S77CS. This is not evidence of a lack of cooperation on the part of tbe national banks of the city and the federal reserve bank. It indicates that each Institution is still able to carry all of th business offered to it without aid from the federal reserve batik. The practice of taking acceptances from their custom ers is certainly growing with th Port land banks. Tim Deposits Grow Over Three sCU lloa Dollars im Yea. According to th statement prepared by Superintendent of Banks S. G. Sargent, tho time de posits of th Portland banks increased, loathe year between May 1, 1915, and May 1. 1916, 13,853,000. The total now Is II4.7S8.861. Of these, 16,873,258 are time deposits, or deposits which ar left with the banks for definite periods varying from 6 months to one year, and on which some banks now pay S per cent for 6 months and 4 per cent for on year deposits. There aro also $17,868,608 of strictly savings deposits, or those which are by common parctlce paid on demand by tbe banks, but on which the banks have the right to re quire a notice of 30 days. All these deposits will br affected by the rule ofth clearing house that interest on saving, deposits shall be but 3 per cnt, and on time certificates, 3 per for yearly deposits and 3 per cent for 6 months deposits. Che new rule becomes effective July 1. It is necessary for the banks to give 30 days' notice to their depositors of their intention to dc so. Tbe notice la in courts of pi pa ration and will be Issued within t: next few days to th depositors those banks to which the new rule v apply. , Bnslneis Tallores Lown Than X.a Year. The, report of R. O. Dun . Co on the business failures for t! weeK enaea May i, xor n umu States was 348. For tbo week in mediately preceding tho number wn 335. and for the Week of May 20, 191 th number was 430. Tbo aumber c failures in th Pacific coast tsrritor for the week ended May 11 was 4 fot the week Immediately procedlc 4 1 and 45 for the corresponding we- of 1915. Preparing British Held, Bonds ' fc Shipment. Th Prudential Assurant company of London offered last sun mer to place all lu Americas secu ities at th disposal of tho BTltu government The bonds, when sent t the Bank of England, made up ! motor-omnibus loada Tbs compan bad detached tbs coupon shets fro: th bonds in order to facilitate casbln; and the adhesive paper used to rsaffl th coupons whan th tonds wX sei to the Bank of England measured we over eight miles. More that, i 4,00 bonds, of a nominal value of eve 8,750,000 were dealt with by a staf of 100 within 48 houra. When all wa finished the Bank of England foun everything in order except that a sir gle coupon of th value of only a lev shillings had In some unexplained man ner vanished. The bonds, guarded b a squad of soldiers, rare taken to i particular ship, the destination c which was kept secret, and arrive safely in New York. -: I rederel Bessrv Banks Show lotfg Growth for Week Increases 7 ii, practically every item is shown in th' statement of th operations of tM Federal reserve banks for tbs we ended May 19 compared with tba wee) of May 12. The principal lnorsas of course, concerns net deposits o member banks. Due to tbs paymsn' by member banks of an additions staar of their reserve this item show: an increase of more than St mlllloi dollars over the preceding week. Bv the same ?mparlaon the total goh reserve increased 14 million dollar-, rediscounts, 2 million dollars; mu niclpal warrants,. 4 million dollars; t tal earning resources, 7 million dol lars; government deposits, 2 millior dollars; total resources, 87 million dol lars. The gold; reserve against ne deposit and note liabilities is reduce rrom 68.1 to 66.4 per cent. The principal items in the atatemsn are as follows: :' Total gold reserve 1339,608,00 82 M 32? 87W38 rios 142140 185 13!I 184 82 64 85 116 80 94 02 54 "A 100 23 07 43 198 121A 62 142 826, 54 100 85 116 80 94 62 39 184 Total sales. 873.900 shares. BANK STATEMENTS OP COAST Clearings Monday Clearings . Balances . . Clearings .. Balances . . Clearings . Clearings .. Portland Banks. Thla week. Year age. $2,478,207.02 $ 1,40,769.80 Seattle Banks. $ 2,434.116 00 213,194.00 Taooma f 871.216.00 43,631.00 Baa Franoisce Banks, (10.630,647.00 Loa Angeles Banks, I 4,846,406.00 Som Grain Damage. Harriman, Or., Mays. 23. The big rreese nas aone out little damage In Harney county. Some aorinar barley and oata were hit but wheat and rye were damaged but little. One and one-half Inches of rain has just fal len over the whole county and what grain was irozen can now do reseeaea and as there is an abundance of mois ture, Harney county expects a record crop of grain and hay. What little iruit is grown her was badly frozen. London Hop Market. liondon, May 22. Hops, Pacific coast. f4 l&sIS 15a. Total rediscounts United States bonds One year United -States treasury noten Municipal warrants Total earning assets Capital paid in Government deposits Reserve deposits, net Total resources 71.695.00 l.&37,00 S,I40,00r' 44,182.00 172,l4,-00 64,; 0,00 40.475,00' 463.922,00' 6(8.171,001 PORTLAND FIRE RECORD ! No fires. No fires. Sunday. Monday. FMfl Both educationally and socially tn rural population would receive ' the greatest benefit from road improve ment, but no class of our citizens can Improve themselves financially, so cially, educationally or religiously without indirectly benefitting everv other class of our citizens. This is doubly true of the farmer. As th farmer is prosperous so prospers tn entire country, and nothing so tends to bis prosperity as roads bard sur faced with BITULITHIC Warren Brothers Company, I' . Journal Bldg Portland, Or. : j Something new and wonderful for Rose! Festival Week Dedication of Colum bia Highway. June 7. , lilBllinill I mail WHIIIIIUmTmrn irr'WSuail.l'Ji-l .. aaawamwasisssiiaaj hull it i.iii.uiaiii)sjsjisw miasn iimanm. i i . i , ... ijJtL - . . " ' 1 ll ' 'I' Tl V -- wi ..1J'Wai. " - ' --, ev . . .. -mjiZH-i-.4 s-SjffiCf " Seattle UinioiE Stock Yards Whea writing or calling oa advertisers. Btenaoyj.ne journal. CAPACITY 150 CARS PER DAY BEST MARKET IN THE NORTHWEST OUTLET FOR .ALASKA AND THE GREAT ORIENT ( Prices ihe to 25c higher than any other market on the Pacific Coast, because it U the only yard in the United States not controlled by the trtxsts, it is clearly to your interest to patronize true competition. y . .