A THE i OREGON - SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, : SUNDAY MORNING, " MAY - 21, 1916. ' 11 " DEATHS AND FUKERALS 75 ... r Continued v WtZmm tiirl May 2(V 'at ilia Valdtmc -aa h hrotli , 3: Iter. vTU Booaefelt St., loclaa M, jurad moa.y. S w'-v lavu np v J ru j " ee, e,ww , 04 IwtMf,, J. A. Mars. Funeral eenuces will b be Id tomorrow. Monday, at 2 p. 'in. from tli A'ira, ttarman Metsodlat cbnrcn, J5tn end Hoyt. frienda kindly Invited to attana. latannent Bom City cemetery. Kemalas win fee at th perlora af tba Rkewea Undertaking Co.. eoc. 84 and Clar. until 1 p. m. &K&&MAN At tba family reaidawe, 6S4 Hurt at. Mar 18, Joseph Bergman, aa-4 84 yeara I moatae 23 daja, beloved huaUand or Karnna Perxmaa. father of Hainan ..Ida Bauioal K. TWramaa. Friends invited to attend fn- aarai Kmoi. wuci win u pu n - - - nuatact at u j. d. tuuir iriuniwyi. i Interment In Beth larael cemetery- nam . emit flawera. .- VALkAfa. & at tli rentdeuce on Cornell oiiL Gnrt Vilt. azed 70 rear, ancle of 1. J, A. G.: J. H.. F. B. Cburcnle.r, airy. r. C Kins. Mre. Homer V. Weil, v. . KaatBjan and Hra. Andrew N. Anneraun. ru- herai aervieea will take place at ""'""'. 241 McMillan atreet, Monriay. ?7 - M.- Friends Invited, interment u " eemeiary, VAN HOUTEN At Kliowniaker, N. . M, alar 18. Kffle Van llouten. wife or A. r. Van lloates, dnnsbter oi toe ini unariea i Cartwrlsbt. alater or amra . wwnim Anc aim. vv . r. uowr uu ih'm ul . A. a8 lioutaa and v. van mwien. nvuiania nerai annotim-emeut lauir. LOOl'liK- At tbe tainllT reainsnoe. tuo Mat Morrison atreet. May 1U. tlalpD c uooper. aed 28 year 2 montna p aaya. rtinarai serv- Icaa will neia uuuai;, aiar sti, ai i p. iu.. flora the reaioenco pariora tu ureesa ac cnoom. joifl brlmont auaet. lntarment la Ut. Bcott I'ark cemetery ,' JAiN bll; wrealtis, pillows, fa up. Bpmya i up. tjnaprna,av anorriaon FUNERAL DIRECTORS i--- sears or ixperiencs rinaoiss v Tols Firm to Ulve YOU Perfect Service This modern establishment. With lta conveniences, lnclud ;1 ' ing a secluded driveway, la ' sures absolute privacy, caua- ing in no way a departure from an established policy of moderate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant. , J, P. finiey & Son Tha Progressive FUNERAL ilKkx:TOR8. , . Montgomery at Fifth. Main tf. A-i59, P.'L LER Undertaker. Uast lltn and Haw thorne. E. 78.1, H-1838. Lady assistant. F. S. Dunning. Inc. 'feast Side Funeral Directors, 414 R. ider St. Hhorie East 62. B-2h25. Dunning Si McEnteeMoT.Wn ivry detail. Broadway and fln mtm, TU ru4iii. w A All A.innN l.tlHV RMMlStant. A ITU usivautiwuiMVu.M, Tabor 6267; 6802 2d L, Lenta. Tabor 6815: 6tth st. and foster rvad.. Arleta. MILLER & TKAOEY, independent fu neral directors, l'rlces low as $20, 140. 20. Wash, at Ella. M. 61. A-7h5. J" im u . - " 1 Walter C.Kenworthy H82-1634 K. 13th. Sellwood 71. B-1122 . K. ZellarCo iast 10SS, C-1088. jdy iteniant. May urifl nia;nt service. avcl!. A- b.MJUiv. ki-iibi. T 1J5. C8i-tawri'prn l i4t i i.nnv aityjant. EH hJ!M lx:t A-2?3B. 445 Morr. R T DwrnnC WiUiaina and Knoil. t l.i Oyfllao-Kastll6.'-C-1943. UnmiUnn East Hum and G titan. Fu- IIOIUMIUII neta il services. Tabor 4813. ClCiArc UndertaSlng Co. Main 4162 OlNCVVr a-2321 Cor 3d and Clay. MONUMENTS OHTLAND MAKULU WK8.. 364-266 -4th st. omi. cltv hall. Main SS64. PViiT Nph a- enr- for mmorllK BLADING GRANITE CCl COP. MAQQQN BEACH PROPERTY 48 SNAP IN BAYOCEAN LOTS. Tour opportunity to eret two nloe bach lots onlv 600 feet north of Hotel Eayocean and park, fronting paved street, for half the price of one; regu lar price 81200 to J 15H eacn. win sacrifice at only $350. (jet busy. Call spa (ierllnser Mdc. r Tanr m'.u. J HAVE a client who desires to well or exenanen two rine cottages at tsea- sMe. Or. Phono Main 7776. 60x100 Ut'BAN VIEW beach lot for Ol- sale very cheap. a0 cash. o. j:. on. 8604 Foster Jul BY ownr, trade or soli Baydoean lot Call 286. Eusrene t. Phone East 339. Osll week days. FOR SALKFlne beach lot, 60x1 10 ft.. Ocean I'ark. wash. Owner. 141 E. 4tb st city. TO sio n:t NEWPORT, "oregonf iare hou3e and 12 lots, suitable for chicken i:inch. for 'lease for term of years; four room beach cottage, with fireplace, for rent. ysaaress, u c. smitn, rxewport. tir. (5ENT:R.Afi REAL KSTATE 62 SAGOIFIICiE SLE Two ilat buildinar on Kearnev at. Owner leaving Portland. You can't af. IJ'ord to miss it. $4750. East 2621. FOR SALE HOUSES 6t EQUITY in nice modern 6 room bun peveral hundred dollars worth of car penter work in part payment. E-914," lotrrnai. ; . $350 4 sore. 2 room hbuee. 5c caifare." nun Kun water, trooa school 3&o. That's alt. Goo. T. Moore Co, 618 LAblngton bid p. MUST. PAY HOSPITAL BILL. ' .Will , sacrifice trood home, central LAlblna district, 5 rooms, lot 40x100. S1I00, $300 cash required. G-771. Uourrml, JijSi lose my nany new o rm mod ern uunjfaiow iu reairiciea oistrict,' ear good carline. Equity of $900 for Mrosqway , , : lWlH-sen mr:i woo equity in a nice home- for $100. Will take linlnCUm- rered lot or auto, and bal. cash 144, JOtimai. R-1QTii?-:121n ,7, s"enue BIjy; direct from owner, nice room i-IA.anA12 lrr M..H-miilf8' KOvo1 i home, furnished. If you want a bar rra V nth N ' Cheap' by !eain see this. My price Is right 272 wner. 685 K.lltn . -IB aith .t near WrriRO.n WILL SELL my $2000 equity In a nice home for' $1600: will take un'r.cum- oered lot or auto and balance cash. -983, Journal. dandy modem o-room nome, value $2500, -to trade for other house lltIfiKISKlS UAUb, Z43 Flfl It D TV i't, ir7r..i-i 11 v , , riTTu vfe'iy. kr, r.,fcit t-,.. . , i... t: 'iliy " 'i-r'i""- JlT- 'BTTBK SEE AiK, z4S FIFTH ST. iOOD 6-room house near Unto:, ave, .cheap: easy terms. Owner, Wood' awn 1905. k 'BARGAIN, $1050:7 room modern i Bouse, partly furnished: terma. 310 reon bldar. - Marshall 2432. JY -OWNER New. modern 6 - room (j bangalow, 647 E. 69th N Rose City ark; phone Main 9164. ,v.06B City Park 'btingalow, t rooms: must sacrifice; cost me $3000: quick 'ale $2000; good torms.. Main 4163. j OR SALE 5 or 6 room modern I- (horns, on ..easy terms. :- Owner, .918 h 18th St. N. Woodlawn 4196. r ii VV, modern .8. -room home, Laurei hurst; bargain., East 2725, Owner. v FOR SALE HOUSES 61 HERB Is a chance to set a home from tha owner at the right price and on term that will meet your condi tions, . " . Six room house, near 84 th and Haw thorne. - Seven room bouse in Rose City Park Oh 42d street, near; the car. 8ix room bouse. Rose C'ty Park, on 62d t. Six room modern bungalow, rear 22d and Brazes street. Irvington. Four room nous and largo lot at Kendall station, on the electric Una. These are all nlc homes and na tions and I am going to sell them. T17. . . fc . . . " . -n -- . i - - -- -- - f""1" uuwn una nuonasit uiuui- y W"ni xo in) rigm panics. . i you want a home, phone me. Johnv S. pwii, wooaiawn zni. Irvington Opportunity We own one of the best sites on which we'll build you the home you want. Requires very little cash and your rent money will take care of the balance. Oregon Home Builders Oliver K. Jeffery, President 1230 Northwestern Bank bids. STUPENDOUS OFFER! MODERN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. 1093 E. 25th N. $1680 $1680 $1680 Hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, built in fixtures, oval mir ror doors, lr.wn, east front, 1 block Alberta car. Former owner paid $2360. Forfeited now. Total price, $1680, on terms. Don t let this slip through your fingers. A genuine snap, You See We are putting In sanitary sink backs and drain boards in our nouses. No cracks or leaks anywhere. It is feature. We have a bungalow, ft rooms . Jt . 1 - 1 1 . a for the price of a 6 room bungalow. Rosa City Park district, on block from car. TH-BJ MTaTNN BUILDING CO, abor 266. $3000 for $2200 New, modern 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, finely fin ished, panel work, all built in conven iences, close In. 1 block to oar, 16 min utes to 2d and Alder. Terms to suit. No agents. Tabor 5447. 4 ROOM house, choice lot, $1000. $100 down, $10 month. 2 room house. 100x114. $860. $100 down, $10 month. a room new bungalow, t lots, $860; half cash; pnap. 6 room modern new bungalow. Ir Tlngton Park, $2260; good terms. wnwuuu," iPo 4tn st. $1700 ROSE CITY PARK $1700 Why pay rent It we can sell you a 60x100 lot and 6-room good house at 2160 cash, bal. 215 per month, includ ing interest at only ? If you are a Judge of property go and see if you can duplicate for $1700. 764 E. 68d St.. north. McKanxie & Co, 616 Ger Unger bldg. HOUSE BARGAINS. 4. 6 and 6 room modern bungalows with all latest built-in conveniences, in restricted district, near carllne. Prices $700, $1476. $1950. $2800 and $2500. Easy terms. Umbdenstock & Larson Co., 806 Oak st ground floor, Tel. Bwdy. 1658. FOR SALE, strictly modern 6 room bungalow, built in conveniences, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement and furnace. Fine garden and berries, 2 blocks from Columbia Park.' Phone Wood lawn 4636 or write owner, 440 W. Baldwin at., near wasnpourne. FOR SALE My modern 0-room house, 151 E. 28th and Belmont This is going to be sold In the next 30 days and is a genuine bargain. For par ticulars address the owner. M. T. Sherrett, Forest Grove, Or, care laughim notei. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD. $760 buys corner lot and 8 room cot tage, plastered, corner of Concord. This property in ordinary times should bring $1500; terms cash. Photo at office of Fred W. German Co, 7sa f'hamer of Commerce ! MILL New 6 room. 1V4 story bungalow, well built, with all modern conven iences built In, fins view over Willam ette river. Price $2600; terms. Mar shall 8613. FOR THE NEWLYWEOS. $760 for neat 8 room cottage, beam celling, electrlo lights, garage, nice lawn, $100 cash, balance monthly. Photo at office of Fred W. German Co, 732 Chamber of commerce. - $1025 COiY 4-room house, electric lights, gas and sink; beautiful lawn, shade trees, flowers, cement walks, graded street, 1 Vj blocks paved street and carllne. Easy terms. 78 E. 69th St., north. ANYONE wants a fine city home cheapl I have some beauties! All modern, In different parts of city. Al most any size and price. Can give terms to suit purchaser. Holbrook, 214- 215 Panama blag. FOR BALE A 3-room house witn bath and gas; lot 50x100, fruit trees and chicken house; close to Kenton and St John car. Price $1275; some cash. Z-986, Journal. 10 KOOMS, close In, $275. Income $44. Th use of 2 rooms, rent $26. 6 min utes' walk to postofflce. $100 cash, balance to suit Fred W. German Co, 732 Cham, of Com. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, buflt-in con veniences, part narowooa, garden; easy terms. .ueaumont car. est in. otn sc. north. K n Yv f himff.lAn nou, mAH orn hard wood floors, built In effects, 60x100 lot 48th and Clinton. Price will sur prise you. House open Sunday. Phone 1 Tabor 428. $2500 5 room bungalow. Fireplace, I hardwood . floors, built In buffet. bookcase. Dutcn kitchen, magniricent view. Mt Tabor dist $300 cash. P- 951, Journal. HALF acre and 6-room plastered bungalow only 1800, terms like rent. A dandy buy. Call at 500 Concord bldg. ; : $50 CASH. $15 MONTHLY. 7 room plastered bungalow, St Johns line, $1600. A real snap. Fred' W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. HOUSE, 4-rooms and lot near Sell wood park, for sale cheap. S. W. Rlcketta. owner. 464 Millers a.v.. Port. Hand. i , j. 1 . 7 -room house? sleeping porcn, ouui-in conveniences ; handie. No agents. Tabor 1737. : tV vni: want hnrif., i,n,n. witW ; T,wTVlnorna In AanlanY (Ir writ- me. K. Ci uunter. 715 N. Main st. $300 BUI'S $700 equity; modern fa room house, 60x100 lot Phone Woodlawn 82. WILL sacrlfioe modern home to ciosa estate. Inquire 487 E. 33d at. cor ner Division st " . k x "-. wav Ullvl Mna it wtinowi kiVJ tj auu June 1. Call t21 Kast 47th st. ri GOOD 6 room house on paved street ! O-l anre yr ..k .1 ' "iSV .".i """" v 1114, U I I1C11. GOING east; no reasonable offer re fused; modern 6-room bungalow. E. Madison at 4 'id. Tab. 6025. $160 3-ROOM house, pantry, cook stove, heater. W. - James, foot of Miles st sWALL chicken ranch close in; 5 room house, garden end small fruit bearing. Call owner, Wdln. 8915. MODERN new 4-room house below cost 774 Multnomah st Hard wood floors. East 6623. FOR ; SALE 6-room - house, - modern, good location, $1500; easv terms. In-qulr-s of owner. - Tabor 1 6 1 Si MY" IJTTLE-home $1600; half cash, . , baL $19 par month. X-622, Journal. 61 antlaaed) Altamead House Bee the plans we have ready to build you a real home on tha choicest lot in this beautiful sub division. Rent-like terms to suit your income. Oregon Home Builders Oilvtr K. Jeffery, Pres. 1320 Northwestern Bank Bid. 2864 GIVEN AWAY. . Rose City Park car 6 room modern bungalow. This bungalow sold for $2060. on which 2864 has been - paid. Yon can have this equity for nothing by paying1 1916 taxes and continuing ' monthly payments of $28. includmgt FOR SALE HOUSES mierest. No assessments, no oschiout. payments to make up. You will be n ore than delighted when you see this nifty, modern bungalow with hard wood floors, built-in buffet, fireplace, furnace, etc Call at office Fred A. Jacobs Co., 104 6th st. Ask for Mr. Teepe. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. JUST COMPLETED, ROSE CITY PK. 2 bedrooms, with 2 panel swinging mirror doors, sleeping porch, back porch UP stairs, with French doors to bed room; first floor all hdw. floors; big living room, tile fireplace, sun par lor, back porch, big hall with French doors on either side, living and dining rooms papered, nobby kitchen, with patent wood fiber drain boards; solid concrete front porch; in the cream of the district; $4600. Wlckman-Wllson, 45th and Sandy. Tabor 6868 C-2121. 4 REAL BARGAINS. $2960 for dandy home located on East 44th st north. Beaumont diet $2960 pays for this beautiful home situated on E. 20th st N Irvington $2975 buys the nice bungalow on E. 12th st. N Irvington dlat. $3600 for this $4800 Irvington home, small bonded Indebtedness against all above places Make appointment to aea above nroDertlea with T. J. Hol- 3( I'lltocK uiock. x-nune Broadway 1. 6-ROOM cottage, 60x100 lot, lawn, roses. For quick sale $1800. 6-rm. bungalow, modern, 60x100 lot. For quick sale $2160. 6-rm. cottage. 60x100 lot. For quick sale $1000. . t. Ana many otner oargains in nign and moderate class dwellings. See J. A. Turner, at HA R T MAN A THOMPSON Corner 4th and Stark. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 2000 FT. OF FLOOR SPACE. $3650; living, dining and breakfast rooms all face street; plate glass win dows, 2 bedrooms and keeping porch down stairs, big ceiled porch, back porch, big kitchen, 2 big rooms up stairs. Hickman-Wilson. 46th and Sandy. Tabor 6868, C-2121. Tfl RF.T.TARI.li PEOPLE. $26 per mo. secures Rose City Park bungalow. 6 rooms and bath, fireplace, full basement, laundry, electrlo fix tures, shades, good location, nice lot, 50x116, block to car; leaving city. Would rather reliable people have It on these terms than rent it. Tabor 8040 CLOSE in sacrifice; owner leaving tor Canada. Fine 2-story moaern room house and full lot on East Tay- lnr ner 2Krh Imnrovements oaid Price 13000. Lot alone worth $2600. Immediate possession or tenant will 6tay at $25 per month. Goddard ec Wiedrlck, 243 Stark st. $2900 FORCED SALE $2900. Sold a year ago for $4500; well buUt t stories, 6 rooms, attic and sleeping porch, east front: lot 60x100, on 40th St., near Brazee; good surroundings; near car; must be sold this week; a great bargain. A. M. O'Dell, Sandy blvd. and 5Qth St. Tabor, 4912. Income Property For sale, 1 1-3 lots, large tent house, brooding house; 150 Buff Leghorn; 6 room house on business street; part cash. bal. on monthly payments or traae. Beuwooa U4. OWNER ON HOMESTEAD. Must sell 7 room house, modern. full basement, laundry trays, piped for furnace, corner lot eoxiou. sidewalks. raraare. l diocjc rrom car. irice sziuu. $300 cash, or auto for equity. Phone Tabor 2488. ROSE CITY PARK. $1600. Nice double oonstructed bungalow, modern, fireplace, sleeping porch, laun dry, built In conveniences; block to oar, cement walks, paid: elea, gas, large lot $700 cash baL, 8 years. Worth $2200. Tabor 804. GOOD, comfortable, homey, nearly new house at 611 E. 47th st N, Rose City Park; 5 room downstairs, cement basement furnace, nice yard, every thing complete and good neighbor hood; terms if desired. Inquire next door. Tabor 2079. 9 ROOM house on lower heights, with unobstructed view; clear of Incum brance; to exchange for smaiiei houses, lots or acreage. Cost $12,500, will take less. Dorr E. Keasey & Co, 2d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. $150 CASH and $:6 per month buys a new modern 6-room cottage, garage, shade trees, beautiful lot. North Pied mont district. Price $2350. Don't fail to see this. The Brong Co, Main 1743, 267 H Oak st. $50 MAKES first payment on modern 6-room cottage near Woodlawn school, $15 monthly payments. This place Is priced $500 under value. The Brong Co.. Main 1743. 267H Oak st OUR home furnished; 6 rooms, lot 50x 100; fruit trees, berries, etc.; 3 blocks from Sunnyside car, near Laureihurst fiark. Price reasonable. Phone morn ngs. Tabor 790. No agents. FOR SALE or trade, cheap, 2 room new . tent house, built-in conveniences, water in, full size corner lot close to car lines, for delicatessen, good loca tion. M-940. Journal. LAURELHURST bungalow. 6 ro6ms, nicely furnished and decorated, sleep ing .porch, furnace and garage. This is surely a snap at $3650. You will have to call Tabor 6447 to see it. No agenyi. FOR SALE hi acre with over 100 full bearing grape vines, apples, cherries, plums, berries and five room house. Price $2000. 6821 87th st, north; Mt Scott car. ROSE City bungalow Just complied; 859 East 67th north: 6 large rooYns; $2800. Want lot in Portland or Ore gon City, or light auto as part pay ment X-639. Journal. JUST' completed, attractive modern 7 room 2 story house Rose City Park; 47th st betw. Hancock and Broadway. Particulars, phon owner. Tabor 4078. $175 FOR my $500 equity In a 4 room , furnished house; bal. $625 at $15 per month: no Interest Call 1677 Paclfio st M-V car to 63d, 8 blocks north. MUST be sold before June 1. good 7 room house, east front lot 60 by 100, roses, flowers, garden; price $2600. v Ml I ur wine f.v vi i.- au .i TURN a burden into income, build on your vacant lot I build and finance. Plans free. N. O. Bcklund, contracting architect. 818 Henry bldg. Main 5812. FOR sale or rent: 7 room bouse", best bargain to city, also fine auto house for sale. Call evenings, 959 E. 34th N. 7-567, Journal. BARGAIN in Rose City Park home; modern 6 room house with sleeping porch at 701 E. 60th st N.; good' lawn and flowers. Come and tee. MODERN residence, full lot cost $3250; sacrifice at $2000. 430 Wor- ... A MODERN, coxy, 6 room buugalow; must- be sold; owner moving east 874 Clackamas. SMALL house, full lot, fruit chickens, furniture: snap. Terms. S. J. Secor, sttorney. 6l4 Chamber Commerce. $1950 NEW 6-room bungalow, will sacrifice for $1150. Arleta-district Call Woodlawn 40. - 5 ROOM modern, full lot, block to car; desirable; only $1250; -4frms. Tabor 2546." - - 21100 equity in $2000 6-room cottage, corner lot 60x100, for $700. 1328 Stark. - Phone. Tabor 6183. $2200 6-ROOM modern bungalow on Division and 63rd, . bow finishing. Owner -on grounds every day. Terms. NEAT modern home. $950 cash. , Mt Scott car. Owners. L-948' Journal, MUST sail at once, new 6 room bun -aiow. Talephona Sellwood 1928. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 fContlttnod) ' Laureihurst MONDE Beautiful new and artistic 8 -room bungalow in one of the choicest loca tions in Laureihurst, only two blocks from the park. This bungalow has an individuality of design distinctive in stylo from anything in the district. Some of the features are: BRICK PIERS WITH CONCRETE VERANDA POROOLA ENTRANCE TO THE DRIVEWAY. FRENCH DOORS ENTERING FROM THE DRIVEWAY. FIREPLACE. . BOOKCASES. BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY BUFFET, HARDWOOD FLOORS TKROUGH- 8 NICE. LIGHT. AIRY BEDROOMS. UlJOi KITCHEN. LIGHT, CHEERFUL BREAKFAST ROOM. BATHROOM THAT MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT WITH NO. 1 FURNACE. You have all the advantages of a corner lot without the expense at tached, as you have an unobstructed view of three streets. The price is only $4500, which includes all street im provements. Good terms will be given to responsible parties. J.A.Hubbell OWNER. Tabor 2608. Bungalow Is located at 41st and E. Burnsiae. WILL SACRIFICE my modern, fur- nlshel E room bungalow, with pool room; 60x100 lot; nice lawn, truit trees, rose bushes: leather seated rum eft nik furniture: dishes, linen, etc Wilton and Axmlnster rugs aimost new Avnrvthtnar re&dv to DIOVS in. This is a cosy home witn aomin cheap about it. All goes; for baiv terms. J3RQ cash, crwner, iu E. Harrison, near 84th, Hawthornej List. A Real Snap Ttnnralnw rnms. closets. hall. pantry, bath and toilet, elec, "Khts, wasn nouae, Darn, i cow, j. imuw, vur. nirf i naif s lota, vounz or chard, garden, also furniture, on eleo car line. Call or address owner J. O. Knight. 705 Main St., uregon city. AM JUST finishing 3 bungalows in Riua Cltv Park one of them SDOken for, the other two could be finished Just the way you would like them; one on the corner of- 46th and Siskiyou and th other &3rri mil Wisteria. Go look .Vijxm siirar lY, air a r In ffnnrl lnA.tlonA and well built If Interested call me, 3 E. Welier, 1400 nswmorna avo. Tabor 1048 and 2642. . FORCED to sell new 7 room bungalow. Every oonvenlenc, double construct ed, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet sleeping porch, extra large lot hardsurface paid, east front beautiful view. 8 cars. Close in, west Bide. Open today. 989 1st st -Tak "8" car to Bancroft, go 2 blocks west Cost $4500. Sell 83150. nruvn f.ast MUST SELL ROSE CITY PARK 7 room modern bungalow; full basement, cement floor, furnace, fireplace, etc.: lot bix. 100; hard surfaced street Thl place cost over $4000; will sell now for $2960. Requires cash payment of $300 balance $25. including interest. Call 702 E. 64th N.. near car. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW, 601 E. 48th St N. Classy bungalow, 6 rooms and break fast nook on first floor, 2 rooms and large hall upstair; this is a very at tractive and well arranged house; you will surely be pleased with it Will sell at a bargain on easy terms, Phon owner, wooaiawn aiis RDSR CITY PAiRaC 7 f tmi am looklnai for a homo In Rose City Park call v at 1395 Sandy blvd., near 60th. Large list of desirable places. Auto service. A. M. ODELL Tabor 4912. East 6074. $2800.00 7 Modern bungalow. Rose City Park district one-half block from car. Will take Vlctrola as first payment No telephone information. J, L. Corbin Co., Lewis bldg. IF YOU want to buy, sell or build ?rou a home, on your lot or mine, 1 me up, as I can please you My ftrira la the ones I have done busi ness with. G. E. WeUer. 1405 Haw thorne. Tabor 1048 or 2642. lift PF,R MONTH H acre. 4 room plastered honse In good condition, 6e car fare. Bull Run water, good school and church. Price $1000. Nothing down. Geo. T. Moore Co, 618 Ablngton Diog. Irvington houses our Specialty. Neuhausen A Co., 703 Lewis bldg, FOR SALE LOTS 16 ROSE CITY PARK. $2950; 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, biar llvinar room, inside fireplace, writ ing desk, bookcases, kitchen "has hood over stove, enameled drain boards, big high, light Basement. tucKman-wiison, 45th and Sandy. Tabor 6868. C-2121. H ACRE, MONTAVILLA, $550. 226 down. $5 monthly buys thli very sightly piece, all cleared, close to new school. Fred W. German Co, 732 Cham, of Com 200 BEAUTIFUL lots in MilwaUkle: 6o car fare: lizht eras and water: $20 cash and $10 per month. H. G. Stark weather. Risley station. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. 60x100 LOT near Hawthorne ave, st paved, sewer In, all assessments nald. Small house on property. "Will rent for $5 per mo. Price only $860 N. I. Farnsworth. 267 H cak st. CORNER lot, 60x100, Rose City park; all improvements in and taxes paid; will sell for $900 or trade for late model high grade roadster. Address R. G. Hubner, box isiz. Seattle, wasn $600 THIS 60x100 lot at half price; renann. moved away. Lot located on E 12th st. between Prescott and Going. Writ owner. Thos. W. Litzer, 6309 Lotona ave., Seattle, wasn. $500 CASH, balance to suit 6, buys choice lot near 14tn south of Jeffer son 2 brick apartment houses in ctame block. Snap for $3800; good discount lor ail casn. r-ga, juuniM. ' KAtiV Terms on -u.. JA and tracts. 6-cent fare Sightly. Bull Run water, no city taxes. . vv, Cary, 811 Panama oiqg. 40x100 LOT, 1 block from car. near Gray's Crossing. Price jzio; vaiui $450. Geo. McLelland. 899 Vancouve! ave. FOR SALE Three adjoining lots on Tibbetts st, between sytn ana 4isx Chean for cash or liberal terms on time. Z,-y, journal : 775 IRVINGTON corner on E. 19th st, at rorcea saie; - casn nanaies clear except st. assta Must' be sol. at once. Main 1068. CHEAP LOTS $35, $1 cash, $1 month 1... anhtii4ian rn Unn.tAn 1ft rait road's, seaport. Write Cypress ' Park Land Co, Houston, Texas CHOICE lot. 3t)th st. 1 block Haw thorns ave. 50. Tabor 423. Phone owner, OWNER leaving city must sell i lots, three blocks w.t raDor car. sen wood 1038. . TWO of Laurelhurst's best lots for auick sale: make me an offer. D R89 Journal block i,Ul lOT BUltS. DVAlVVf 11 1 V. from Peninsula school. $500. Z-988 Jou rnal. 6 MONTAVILLA lots, cost $2250; will take $1200 on terms. Better ses m. 430 Worcester bldg. Hnn. WIL66NV1LLE lot 60x1 2 6 A blocks from . depot $125. Journal. ft. S-982, FINE rot 1 block from Mt Tabor car- line; $160. Woodsawn 4159 iter o p, m. - TWO arood. lots on East Holman st a bargain for $560. Phone East 2969 IRVINGTON Headquarters Irvington lots. Neuhausen & Co. Main 8078 A GREAT bargain, 170 lota at Coos Bay. Owner, East 2726, $399 BUYS- L 21 B.-- II Westmoreland.' Frank l. ! MCUUira"Min ioes ALAMEDA PARK, cor. 55x100, TsTTT 100x100, 925., lAV, VVS a VUA4WV, f Owner, East 7855. . 16) (Continued) WH ARE OWNERS ROSE CITY PARK LOTS. GO LOOK AT THEM. N. E. cor. 45 th and Brazes. S. W. cor. 46th and Brazee sta. N. E. cor. 46 th -and Brace sta. S. E. cor. 48th and Brase sts. S. W. cor. 49th and Brasee sta Everv one of these lots is less than 2 blocks to the car and, all have some beautiful fir trees. Nd better lots in the city of Portland. Price $1000 each, terms 25 per cent cash, balance ar ranged. Branch office HICKMAN-WILSON. 48th, and Sandy. Tabor 6868. C 2121. PARKROSE TRACT. tTAA U..Jw V,l writ ,.wsi.wt ww- ter and cement sidewalks all paid, 266 ft deep with a knoll in front, a be neau- tiful building site, rich black soil, no ' rocks or brush. Terms verv easy. Parkrose owners. Branch office 46th and Sandy. Tabor 6868, C-2121. 100 FT. square with alley, improved sidewalks and a few fruit trees; cor ner lot; good business and residence district; located in Walnut Pask, block from Williams av. car. win sell this lot at a bargain for cash, or will take good acres, write 4U1 ti. BOth st N, or phone Tabor 6805. Mrs. G C. Etchlson. $660 ROSE CITY RARK- LOT. On Bandy boulevard near 45th st This la a dandy little lot and for lo cation and prioa Is at big snap, either for a home or to selL Excavation for foundation already in no extra cost). Terms, cash only. Hickman-wiison, 46th and Sandy bird. Tabor 8868, C-2121. EVERY ONE A BUNGALOW. 1500 E. 67th and Tillamook st $446 1 block from Woodmere sta. $426 Rose City, on 62nd st $785 Alameda Park. ' $426 ML Tabor. On some of tha above we will ac cept $10 cash, balance 6 monthly. J. C CORB1K CO., LEWIS BLDQ. PARKROSJ3 GARAGE SITE $600 corner 60x120 ft at the -Intersection of Sandy and Columbia blvd. No st assessments, water, sidewalks and laved st, all paid. Parkrose own era Branch office 46th and Sandy. Tabor 6868, C-2121. . JUST LIKE A GIFT. Nothing down, no payment for 3 yrs. Fin suburban lots, only $260; 15 min. ride on Oregon Electrlo at Garden Horn: 7c commutation fare. Investi gate. Come Sunday or week days after 3 p. m. Ask for McConnio, owner, at station. 54x100 NORTH slop Mt Tabor. $660 has been paid on $1400 contract: balance payable $10 monthly without Interest You can have this equity for sen cash: cement sidewalks in ana paid for. Fred A. Jacobs Co, 104 6 th st. Ask for Mr. Teepe FOR SALE, two choice lots. 60x180 each in beautiful res. district of White Salmon, wash. very reason aDle. for quick sale. All kinds or emir th.o. W. fn 4mr.mvA4 ....... A. E. Krall, 1604 B. 9th st, N. Porl- lana, Oregon, $499 Buys U200 lot on Mt Tabor car. $35060x100. lms. Dd.. Irvtnarton Park. 85 down 15 er mo. buva lot faclnar is. on to. 3ra, zoo ft, so. or uiaastone avenue. jTang Lu Mcuuire, Main lwes EASY TERMS ON 44 and 4 tracts. '6-ceut fare. No city taxes, no gravel, fine soil. Bull Run water and Sightly. Take Alberta car to Jerrett at, walk 8 blocks east Ken nedy new school to 42d. R. W. Cary, ti Panama oiqg. FOR SALE Arden Park lot. Lenta $226. Terms. Main 1940. 430 Worces ter bldg. ACREAGE 57 LESS THAN THIRTY MILES TO PORTLAND. Choice acreage In well established farming: community: close to county seat of 8000 population with big pay- roil, cannery ana creamery; A-i trans portation and marketing facilities: both ran ana water, also auto ous to port- lana on navea (JoiumDia menwav. we are opening a large tract of this choice acreage and this is your opportunity to secure a tnece of good, rich iana cheap and on easy terms; every induce ment to settlers. For further infor mation call or write SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO, Bulte 226 Henry bldg. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. $25 cash and $13.60 monthly locates you on 4 acres mile off Powell Valley paved road, and only 8 miles from business center: in choice ois tricb being improved with nice homes land lies perfectly, soil good, covered witn nnt trees, xne price. ia&o, s exceptionally cheap. We invite closest investigation. LUEUDEMANN COMPAQ I, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES. All In cultivation. 1 acre In prunes, bearing. 6 room house, barn, fin well water; place is very signtiy on gooa road. R. D. and milk route. 2 miles from Oregon City, hi mi. to good school and store. Has been held at $3500. For a quick sal will take $2509. siouo cash, balance 3 years at 7 per cent D1LLMAM 6c HOW JjAMLI, 8th and Main at, Oregon City. Or. Columbia Highway Acreage Highly Improved district: hard sur faced road to property; 30 miles down river: boo poat rare; good soil, lignt clearing, spring water; 40 acre tracts, $1000 to $1500. Will divide and give terms if desired. ST. HELENS LUMBER CO, 617 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 9313. Homesite Only $410 Ttna rrnv of tree, irnnii finhinn- an4 bathing, city conveniences, good auto roaa, electric cars, for per month. Can you beat it? Cadi at 600 Concord bldg. FOR SALE On acre, suitable for a building site, near Estacada and the Clackamas river. Planted to trees and berry bushes and is partly im proved. Term can be arranged. Also 40 acres In Southern Harney county. Box 112 Estacada. Or. 8 1-6 ACRES, 2 blocks of station, on good road, all in cultivation; new box house, small barn, A-l well, also spring. This is a beautiful suburban homesite and can.be purchased at right price. G. A. Carles, 404 North western Bank bldg. Unusual Buy $175 per acr RunnTng water, nlc trees, a sacrmce to stoo foreclosure can at too concora tiag. ONE ACRE, right in th town of Orenco In Washington county, all cleared up, city water and lights. Price $250. hi cash: plenty of work in Orenco. Ralph Ackley Land Co, 210 Kotncniiq oiqg. cleared and fenced; good location. up-to-aate clothing. thonograph or piano in part payment, or will sell cheap for cash. F-593. Journal. LEVEL 20 acres near North Yakima. Wash, value $200, mtg. $200, to trade for Portland property, and will assume. BiETTER RESD GAGE. 243 FTFTH ST. 20 ACRES $400. $1 fare from Portland, close school, station: several tracts with running water: $20 cash, balance-easy. Claude Cole, 800 Henry bid?. 13 1-5 ACRES $1250. Owner gone east, will sell this piece 200 feet from electrlo station .and school at half its value. Inquire 40 1 Northwestern Bank bldg. 20 ACRES near Oregon City, partly !m proved, on good road, value $2000. mtg. $600, to trad for Portland, and assume. BETTER SETO PAGE, 243 FTFTH ST. 1 TO S ACRES-Of good soil; very close to station and paved road, just east of th city. Terms to suit you. In quire, of owner, 617 Chamber of Com- mere oicg., bub hu. ONE ACRE, all in fruit 5o carfare. Choice-residence. $1050. , terms. -Gatewood:185 4tK'; ALL or part of 120 acres, near Ores ham, 2 electric lines, $125 per acre, 420 Worcester bldovMaln,140. - , . FOR SALE LOTS '57 (Oontlnaod) Cheap Acreage $20 per acre; $20 down and 210 per month buys 20 acres of good land, free from rock or gravel. Between Portland and Astoria, in Cowlita Co, 2tt miles from the Columbia river. Fine location for dairy or poultry ranch., running water. S acres $250, $10 down. 85 per month buys 6 acres of land between Portland and Oentralia. on ' the main line of three railroads, 1V miles from a town of 800; population, sawmills and shin gU mills. Some of this land is partly cleared, running streams. Soma bot tom and some bench. Can give you any kind of piece you want. 15 acres near Astoria, partly cleared, a nice spring on it. This also lies 1 miles from the railroad town of tuiap pa, near .Astoria, $460, at $20 down and $10 per month. 6 and 10 acre tracts at Clatskanl. Clatskanie lies half way between Port land and Astoria. Clatskanie has a population of 1000. a cheese factory, cannery and creamery; lies 1 mile from the town; from $36 to $50 per acre; $2 per acre down and $1 per acre per month. I also have other land in different locations. Come in and aee me. BELL REAL ESTATE CO, ' 318 Railway Exchange bldg. 4 ACRES, 3-rm. house, 4 blks. from Ry. sta. For auick sale. Price 8700 . . i . j . i mi is acres line Diuga., nue bow, iiuo cree ran h men Price $4500. Reduced from $6500. Ihi acres, good house, close in. For qulck sale $1650. 1 V acres, small new house, chicken nouse. ciose in. cow ana cnicKens in cluded. For quick sale $1700. 8300 cash. Have many other bargains in large ana small acreage, see j. a. xurner. , , . - - . - a- I a HARTMAN & THOMPSON Corner 4th and Stark. ich, put-p soiia Rich land can be bought dlt j reCT frOm owners at $15 to 140 per acre and easy lermai,: witnin a to 13 miles rrom ad- erdeen and Hoquiarr two prosperous and rapidly growing cities. The soli is rich and produces enprmous crops. zor wmcn tne market is unlimited j right here on Grays Harbor; the land is fre from rocks, gravel and under brush: we have schools, stores, dob- offleeo, telephones and splendid roads; woric can - De ootainea at any time. For further information, write at once. WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZA TION COMPANY. Aberdeen, -Wash. ir a tn a rr n a 4fl Ar.rPS. fR14.nf) PPT Ar.rfi 1 W SSWIWVI W IIWW W I ftWIW 10 miles from Portland; lies good, A 1 j soil i, wiu, (uuu uiuuw, iim nave., .. i h. balance to suit cas ,40 Acres, $1000 7 acres In cultivation. 8 acres slashed. small; house, barn, plenty good timber, fin water; $350 cash, balance easy. bund i . 411 Henry Bldg. Columbia Highway 10 acres facing on highway, be-1 tween Corbett and Chanticleer, 4 acres in cultivation fruit trees, large barn. no rough land,, very rich soil. Non-resident owner authorizes me to sell thl. at enormous sacrifice of Z2KOO- ona fourth oBh J. G. RAINEY. 904 Teon bldg. Marshall 8177 10 ACRES FOR $200 Genuinely good logged off land, 40 umesi irum i-onianu, near ran ana river, excellent roads, teiepnone, mail Rrvll nronnamiiH n.l.hhAr. nwn.H by big logging company price in; an any similar land In Ore terms easy. 3000 acres av blocks of from 10 seres uo: price to $35 an acre. Weil worth your in vestigatlon. G. Wynn Wilson, 216 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES good land, 18 miles from Burnside bridge; near church, school and cheese factory, nice creek. Price $1900, 40 acres, $400; terms, $80 cash, bal ance long time at 6 per cent $17 per aor for land 28 miles from Portland. JAMES D. OGDEN 107 Shaver st, Woodlawn 202. 9 DOLLARS AND 37 CENTS PER ACRE 1 Hft lofi lava fir. wittl mtilA nnm. munlty, near Nehalem river, Columbia county, not over half a mile from auto stage road. 8200 down, balance 10 years. 6. FRED W. GERMAN CO, 732 Chamber of Commerce. A Little Park 2 hi acres east of Parkrose sno near Columbia boulevard, view river and mountains, beautiful grove of native trees, near electric station, spring water piped to lot: $1000. S. P. Os trurn, 610 McKay bldg. Main 6229. FOR SALE T acres, 5 -room house, 4a fruit trees, abundant small fruit: chicken houses. Water, on two good roads: another car line proposed; gar den all In; no agents. Terms. 6-cent far. M, E. Nichols.mall Mllwauklc, Or. 1 mile south of Errol station. ON HARD SURFACE ROAD. $1160 buys 2hi acres, l'-i miles east of Ients Junction on Foster road, quarter mile from Belle Rose station. This, property is easily worth $1800; 8400 cash, 7 semi-annually. Fred W, German Co . 782 Chamhr of hnmmarc." 4 ACRE ORCHARD $S50 ' 7 minutes' walk from Sewall Station, Oregon Electric. hi miles this sids oi HUlsboro. orchard 5 years old, assorted perries between rows, tzoo down, bal ance to suit. Biggest snap In Oregon. Fred.W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. Gibson Half Acres Good soil city water, clos to car- ACREAGE 'a1 f V .4 ' 1 ,? i"v," . I bacn, Aloha, Oregon. flUW IW 11 1 1KH.1.111K. 14 111. IV WUl fc- I .'. ,1, . f V , ,1, ouse. Includes stock, crop, imple- I r VvPrLr1 LB. CXI I (1 1UII11LUIO. X" Ur UUltA BaLAB. .-. .. . ; xra.. . i t ..lk. m iuuiiib am.ii ti aiiri t s m&V I line, easy terms: will buH! to suit pur- ft.kum bi da chaser. Phone Marshall 1686 or Sell- Plcurn !blag wood 476. John H Gibson, owner. bakuaiw, .'0 to 4t per acre, on terans, 10 acres or more; ideal small farms; good soil, running water, near growing town, on R. R, and river. Owners, 703 Lewi bldg. . ONE, acre with room bungalow, out buildings, well and orchard; new woven wtre fence; hi in potatoes, orch ard seeded to oats; 7 miles 8. K. of Portland city hall. Phone E. 4995. FOR, SALE Very reasonable, clear 6 acres tir timber, containing 600 cords of wood; 2 miles from best town Yam- "11 Co.; good , building- site terms. CHICKEN. FRUIT -a a. t r-k if vt i near Portland, i 6 10 cr tracts, best koIL good roads, near electric, $61 to izoo per acre, easv terma icf ar land 30S Venn hldg . Portland. TWO ACRES OREGON ELECTRIC Close to station, all improved, fruit, berries, good 4-room house and barn. V.'h h.'Si n. " FOR SALE One acre, 11 miles out on Oregon Electric, near Xlgard. sma:l house and well, partly improved, cheap for cash, Phon It M. Morgan, Mar - out. owner, main vxvi ciurman. v ArDva . ,ii.t ,. ,,j . i o ACRES excellent fruit land in best part of Tonquin acres and a town lot in TonSuin worth $1500; all for $00.' Haerle, 21 Yeon. mo ot.p v., y.r. i UVHim laawu, awsjsawf Tf vaa iwwua) WVfiir ing orchard, Berries, garaen in. Peters, Metsger, Or. FOR i SALE hi acre and house, near 2 6c I carlines, garden all in, poultry also,, furniture, clear deed, prio $1260 cash.' N-742, JoumaL ACRE tracts on carllne, near city, paved road; $5 cash, $6 per month fr-lht Owner. 617 Chamber' of Com. BARGAIN; 10 acres new 6 room hu outbuildings, clos in. Holmberg, 2961 Ross st . - . . 2 V ACRES at Tlgard, lacom $1600. Will pay for Itself in yrs, also . 9 J acrea 1088 E 19th st,g. -- --- ' ACRES choicest soil, near Milwaukicl Prica right. Owner, T-766, JournaL b ROOMS and bath. Bull Run water; poR SALE CHEAP My beautiful , fruit and berries, lacre, 2 schools. I hom plac. two miles out from Van z car lines, oo fare, no incumbrance. I MUTer Mrs O W Louden. - Rout 2 Will consider small acreaare taj-ther I .r.-V hfl" ,V'tV Ut z SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME Is this 8-acrs place on trout oreek, 8 slocks from electrlo station; splendidly built 4-room plastered house, nicely painted: barn and woodshed; excellent rich soil; berries and garden; and a bis snap for $2000. HAERLE, 2I Teon. 6 5-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME All under cultivation. New house, new barn, 20 acres in clover, on mile from heart of Harrlsburs, located on O. E. and a P. R. R. Twill sell if taken at once at 296 per acre. Writ to John J. Cramer. Harrlsburg. Or. SURURHAN HOMES Z ACRES,' close in. on east side, splendid 7 room house, barn, woodshed, chicken house and well, some fruit and berries; : right at station on electrlo line, 6 minutes' walk to store and 10 minutes' walk to church and school, 10c carfare to Portland. $8200. $1000 cash, balance 6 years. 6. See E. M. Brown. The Shaw-Fear Company 102 Fourth st FINE bom at Aloha tor sale, hi mil from S. P. line; house 8 rooms, iuii basement;"! acre. 2 chicken houses, 123 Leghorn hens of Tsnored strain, 400 small chicks, fine garden and fruit; rood school and two stores. Price $2800. Good terms. By owner. G. A. weisen- TIFUL 1 A. HOMfl. enlnar norch. 100 ft front on river; Oregon City car. far lOo: phone, electric llarnts: cihean and very easy terms; consider auto e nrst payment. Phone Oak Grov 2J, or write P-957, Journal. LITTLE FARM BARGAINS 1 acre to 10 acres, near Electrlo rail way station; suitable lor cnicken ranches and cardans. Extremely low price. Easy terms. Will show in our .urn wuiucuaiuLa w i tm i ,v .v., o v . 0ak ,t f ground floor. Phone Bwy. 1668 MILWAUKIE 24 acres. 4 mile, best soil, improved, fruit Mt all kinds: consider good, house, Bart payment Sellwood 1851. w aoo - .V "V1 v ijo uvci 1.1 uui uviuwii nnv sldeMaln 6910. FOR SALE FARMS 17 THE land is free; buildings a.id per sonal worm more than tne price, Sickness is cause. 9 rich level acros, highly cultivated. 9 room house; good outbuildings: 10 cattle. 4 horses, hoars. chickens. Implements everything In fine shape. Only $2200; half cash. Think of it Write W. V. Hyde, Castle rock, Wash. 62 ACRES. WOODLAND. WAdli. 32 cultivated, in croo: fin , aolL iwn nver; gooa ouituings, fine orchard, water Dined to bulldinea. clos to Lewis river; good buildings. A1 . . M ' j " a place, good team, cows, 15 hogs, mower. cream separator, a line place, all goes for $5000: $1600 cash will handle. ' MVVV, flVVV COSU TV 11 A AA4B.M.U 1WS. JACOB HAAS, Dekum bldg. FOR SALE and trade, 80 acre tOlckl tat county. located in Cedar valley. north of Golder.cale. This is a good flece of land, easily cleared; soma yei ow pin timber, water near surface, and lay nicely, near postofflce and sawmill; $20 per acres; part caab, part trata. What hav. va,, r .fr.,1 l.N A7 ruhnrt Tin.,ivn wo dh Vnp mat w , , k ' . r.bafn0or- n.aJ f It, e t-i w-JLfi-S.-' Lfc J Condition fat r im rlrnvSrn.nfi8,. Z?!, .T. I ' . 7. . . " P " " " . ' cellent fruit, berfy anfalfalf a country i c .p1ar,Vor' he7 Uan5v 6 in a good neighborhood. Fine view of c?w"- frf.hi 4 heifers, 10 calves. 1 Hoi Mt Hood anf Mt. Adams. Will roak , f n bull " a rnach'J?T n,4 ice ana terms right. John b. BeaiL, owner, Woodlawn 8171 YAMHILL CO. 40 a. bottom land in cuTtlva- I aa . I . . . ' barn, fenced, good spring, orchard, timber. 2 ml. to ce $100 per a, small pay- years. 6 ner cent Sea Mr. Seachrest, Main 208, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark.) 160 ACRE MOLALLA VALLEY DAIRY FARM. 125 acres in cultivation, all deep loam soil, good buildings. Because of owner's death this hixh class farm must be sold. No reasonable offer will bo refused. 404 Northwestern Bank bldg. IOC . IJ T.' J 1 . , 1 1. . . . 1...... U, in cultivation f.mn in-, rant na a. tur easily cleared and no wast land; silo. barn. Jersey cattle, horse I full equipment for dairy farm: erica I excellent terms. Woodlawn 3636. 1295 Albina ave. Kenton .oar. 28 ACRES, 15 acres In crop, balance all tillable and easily cleaned, near Columbia highway, good Improvements Water lh house. Will take small pay ment upth easy terms If taken soon, as I sin going east. Owner, W. F Henklef Troutdale, Or. 15 ACRES. 1 hour out on electric line, 6rroorn cottage with fireplace, orchard, 'small grove, good fences, crop, will sacrifice at $3i60. Cost me 2 years nio $5000. NET LAN & PARiikj.L. 303 Stock i:xchaM-K Pldjg. CLOSE-IN country home atjha:f price, 3 acres, 4 mils) from TrVwitdaie. on r;MiraClt,r.0raT' ,l l3tfW4,Vr? Duilainff. orchard, etc.; V'jpi $40) f uh Im la nos tormtt 1 lnrJn :i.usuv Co.. 232 Cham -"--- ' -'"a-j wf-m- n4F rnn "at t ' :""' ,3 - EIGHT acre farm, d , , , ?..'.. rm, wen mrj re eet irom nignway, nearjjara, reBl oil tn th state. Will coriier vacant lot as part first payment, balance tasy terms, low rata IntArest. KJti(-n 2n2 I Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. POULTRY, fruit, garden tact of 14 acres; 6 acres high state of cultiva- "on: wel1 located on upper Columbia I ul"w"i BO,a years ago tor 12200; will take $750 cash before June 1. Need tne money. i-!H4, journal. 60 ACRES CHEAP LANii Iwst4 In unlinn 17 T A XT O Co.. Clark Co., Wash. A good gravel roaii to place; good soil; price $1500. $450 casn win nanaie tms. Jacob Haas. 20 Acre Farm $800 $1 fare from Portland, close station, school, good bldgs, spring water. CLAUDH COLE, 300 Henry bldg. i6000 WILL handle fins Improved half section or iamovs xoano iarm land. All in cultivation. Pays over 6 per cent cash rent. S. M. Venard, 929 CI amber i of Commerce. FOR SALE 65 acres, bouse, barn and other outbulldlpgs; good, yeiSng or chard. Write for particulars, or come and sea G. W. Kellers, Estacada, Or, H. F. D. Z. CHEAP wheat land. Country .-snldly settling up. uet in Detore price aa r,uice- Wish to deal with settler only Eltopta Stat bank, Eltopla, Wash. 45 ACRES, half cleared, 300 cords' of wood cut. 800 standing; a-ood road. .one mile, from electric; terms. Ad- dreas ownfr, H. N. Price, Slfton, Wash. FOR SALE 80 acres of roUlnji land, good soil. 10 acres cheared. l.F-Ou.OOl good fir timber, in Washington county. 316 per acre Phone yooi1Hwn 39.2. loaT.imtRVTi Ktti nhiirinn form I near Los Angeles for sale on easy I payments. Write E. R. Walt a, Shaw- i nee. okianoma. a . .....a 1 ti "" . , 2 ACRES on O. W. P. Electric, $800; .no fat from station' nnv i,.m, m? Pitit- 80. Oak at terms. Mr. Purse. 806 oak st FARM of 240 acres for Bale or rent, with stock, crop and tools. Address F. I WELL irr-roved Willamette 80 acres at a Bargain, lr soia neiore June i; direct from owner. W-754, Journal. FOR SALE or trade, equity in 10 acre ranch in fruit, walnuts and filberts. ee it ti. 7tn nonn, IMPROVED farm near Sheridan, going for $2800; $1200 cash. Claud Cole, 3 06- Henry bldg. STOCKED 40 acre farm. It miles from Portland; . 2 JOO cash. Sacrificing $9000 for $6760. QX-798, Journal. 40 ACRES, fin trout'stream and bunt. - Ing-on place, fin summfr home. $500 cash; Tabor 4090. - - C SO ACRE, mountain ranch, $10 per acre. 243 E. Slh 8. . . , - , . 1 ; x?h:-i Tinn. nmiasv lower B - bearin'. ,i i rneni. na,i. t I Ca. 1 J . J U 4C I , Tf V"T1. XT IIVIIB O I . FOR SALE- FARMS 17 (Oon tinned) HERB are offering that F owf land expert knows to b excep tional propositions. W advis you to him as soon aa posi' slbls, v. ' . -, 74 acres with 25 acres In out tlvaflon. There are several aors in th bottoms. All the land lay in a valley.Thar is a good will,? good fanclng, nous and other buildings, while complete, ar in poor condition! 2H miles west of Falls City, Or, which la th nearest town and railroad point, ''' Thar la a family orchard of ' pears, apples, prunes and plums, Bprtng crop goes with th plac ' at th price asked; 2 cows, 8 year ling heifers, 1 heifer calf, sev eral head of (oat and hogs. Pries 3600. . 1047 acres: 600 acre in culti vation, fair house, big bam, good ; : -wheat land: wire fences, running water, good roads: 9 horses and ' harness; full set equipments. Has raised (1 bushels of what ' to an acre; 6 miles of Heppner. , Morrow county, Or. Prlc $690 will handl. 4 acres, I nlc bungalows, mod- ern: land all in cultivation; barn " 16x20; other outbuildings; milk : route, telephone, R. if. D.( $ ' wells, trout stream. A splendid y : buy at $2000; $1000 will handled, , Bee pictures at offlca Piao lo-. , cated in North Plains. 80 acres in Polk county, Or near Falls City, including stock and crops; $900 )00. $ acres with 8 acres In ma4 ' . ow and th balance is pastur,- ' right In th town of North Bnd, - ' Or. Soil is A-l and th water ; 1 supply is good. Land Is hi lvl and th other hi is rolling. Ther is a good 10 room house, prio y $2800. MONET TO LOAN ON rAIUI. V LANDS. :-r.". Oregon Home Builders V Oliver K. Jeffery, President i". 1230 Northwestern Bank Bldg. O GOOD dairy and all around farm for sale cheap, by owner, 160 acres rolling. 86 in crops of ail kinds. bet of sou, 40 acres can be Irrigated. 45 miles from Portland on proposed high way; good auto road. I hi mil boat and train service, good house ami barn and outbuildings; water piped to house; plenty of all kinds fruit; per sonal property consists of 4 good horses, 12 graded oows, 6 heifers, some young stock, hogs and chickens. All kinds of neoessary implements. For particulars write DX-976. Journal SMALL FARM AND SUMMER . . HOTEL. . : Cottages, tents, beautiful view, fin rismng, near K. K. ; operated 6 years: all oomplet furnishings; team of horses, carriage, cow, chickens, farm tools; ground arranged artistically i tennis court: 28 boarder1 at presents spent over $6000 on this Plaoc, but' compelled to sacrifice: $8000; terms. See Mr. Rohrbough, 869 Stark, at ' ' HA HTM AN at THOMPSON 100 Acres, Stock and Crop ' I room house, 2 barns, machine shed, 60 creek bottom, all in crop; good or chard, all fenced and cross fenced: trout stream, fine spring at house; 6 miles to town and It It; telephone: i uvu, savi cash. BUNDT, 411 Henry bids;. GOOD DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. " 19 acres, all in cultivation, a 6 room house, good barn, chloken houss and other outbuildings; 7 milch cows, 8 heifers, 1 bulL 1 horse, 1 buggy, 1 wagon and all nscessary implements; all as good as new; small orchard. This, la the finest bottom land in Cowllts valley, only two miles irom railroad and steamboat landing. Prlc $6000; can be had for $4000 cash and balance In twLyr q688' Jourwl; 80 acres "n Clarke 'county. Wash.; 8 miles from Yacolt; 4 room house, hirn Uivift 9 inn, fl..,.il inn anil 1 ft. timber, plenty of springs - and 1 r,,!,,. m rrA , . m m r A , - nn nl harrow, cultivators and sawa and all ; kinds of other small tools, some chick- ens; all household goods. You will have to hurry to get thl one. Freu w. uerman co, 782 Cham, of Com, CATTLE AND HOG RANCH. . 4 160 acres, 36 mi. from Portland, 4 from R. R.; 80 a. cleared. In clover and meadow, bal. good pastur; creek and springs; bearing orchard; largs barn. 4-rm. bouse, furniture, phon, gooa fences, s.bundanee of free range: no trade; $3600; $1000 cash. bal. 8 9F cent. See Mr. Rohrbough, 269 Stark, at HARTMAN A THOMPSON A TEN acre tact of bearing .olive and almonds. 1 mile from Corning. Cal.; small house, chlckenhouse ana outbuildings; fine irrigating well and pumping plant; clos to grammar and nigh school; 10 o'clock mall delivery; all in good shape; owner has not tim to, lass care 01 it; prioo uuv. ixo 'trades. Box 122. R. F. D No. 1. Corn . nf c , - - - --,-, ...i.. -a -. . . i a n , ' t?" U r IJ Ml IV aaaaaa I l.uua ft Vt aa t.fat ' Aal V J 1 A U'71' A . J n aa I .Vm V i,MJ mV i tlcst spot lh Hood River. Am ' -v. 1. j , A ..11 r.. it n. 1... .v... "iilifiuu IV 1 1 ii avi in. vi it' , half Its value now that we hav, an automobile road from Portland. it would make an Ideal summer horne, , fn, u hu.ln.i, 1 mu whn wlah.i in'nt his family out Of the city. Writ for particulars. Address owner, MX-944, Journal. , -,- 480 ACRES, over 100 acres in cultlvs , lion. 1- crop goes witn piav. nouiw, , 3 springs, fine hunting and fishing, i granaest ana neaitniest cumat 10 ,ui , worm, tine soil, no roca, an laeat sioric 1 ranch, ltfrge outrange. Price $12,000, half cash, bal. 4 years at t per cent. . ' Owner. 601 Ablngton Bids, l'ortiana. ur. READY-MAliE farm in th famou ' wheat producing Park Valley, Utah. In crop; yield harvest this year; som with cottages; $22.60 to $22 acre. Un improved virgin land -$8 to $16 acre. Abundance water by pumping." 1 Our free booklet tells all. Writ for-it Continental Land Co, Salt Lak City Utah. 40 ACRES Tlgard, $125 -per aor, 81 : acres in cultivation, balanc all till able, shack buildings, good orchard, -2 hi miles from Tlgard. 13 miles from I'ortland, $2600 cash, balance 4 years, . Th biggest snap in Oregon. Do not. submit any Junk on the trad basis., Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham, of Oom. FOR neraon who wants improved stock JL and grain ranch of 245 acres, 8 mile from town, good road, full set of build- -Ings, machinery, 2,00.1,000 saw timber, 2600 cords wood, 26 head of stock, . splendid solL Price $11,000; easy terms.' Reynolds. Rainier. Or. . ' 84 ACRES for sale or would tak small plac near som good valley town to the value of $4000 as part fay; all black sandy loam, 60 acres n crop, balance pasture; running water; some timber; jiew house and barn It. F, D. 1, Box 101, Halseyl Or. FOR SALE. by owner, home tract, near river, on west sine; piancea w oer-' ries, roses and shrubs; hard surfaced street, Bull Run water, and gas; easy terms. Inquire Ralph Hahn. Wi aa- bams A Co, I HOKE is something that should appeal to th farmer wanting a small dairy ranch. 40 acres. 10 in cultivation t all tillable; house and barn; 4 miles to town, Price $2600. $800 cash. Reynolds, Rainier, Or. ; ANY one want fin improved farm cheap? I have some fin ones, all stocked and good improvements, - Jt. Yamhill and Marlon counties, for 176.. $45 and $80 an acr. Holbrook, . 214, 91 K Panama bldg. I AM selling wheat lands in the coun ty which produces 1 per cent of wheat of U. 8. for $20per .acr up,' and on Boeral terms. N. Berkeley, Pen aiaton, or. - $20 PER ACRE J00 acres in Yamhill county! ftlenty water, good timber, som slashed. -.r OOT)PARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Btsrkst. 14 ACRES, 10 mile out on Gresham car, beautifully located, part fruit; reasonable. Owner, phone E. 7241. , ... r (CouUnned on Kxt Pag) , .