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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1916)
DMHP (MS HEALTH RESORTS: MAKE CARSON FAMOUS SPOT Hi 1. LADD f ESTATE COMPANY IA ARE 3 ,Jk. WE REPEAT ... ke.h i . ... - - u w UPPERCOLUMB if!J!!!! . iiii-i u i n in-- m ... i.,.,....,,., .mi m k', t" mrmmmm mm m mm" I rZ? r I . - t , . s j I 117 FORGING AHEAD ;tevenon and Carson Show Much .Evidence of Marked Commercial Gains; :CENIC POINTS PRAISED tkaaaanU Couaty Za Voted for Xte Flo tltMqu oreadeev of Mountain Mi SUver Folate. "., i ' W Fred Lockler. - ; Stevenson, Wah., March- 1.--Fteve-on, with "lt nearly 600 population. In the metropolis as well aa the county at of Skamania . county. It Is the nly Incorporated town In Skamania county. It la. 44 miles east of Van 'ceuvef on tha B.t P. S. railway .and oo tha north bank of tha Columbia river. Stevenson has electric lights, a -water ayatem, telephones, sidewalks and (raveled atraeta. The Stevenson school district lias an assessed valu- t ton of approximately $1,000,000, which makes It one of the richest dis tricts for Its population In the state of Washington. It has a good high sohool, a 4apk, sanitarium, two churches and a number of wide awake mercantile firms. Btevenson has tha makiag of a city as It Is the natural trading center for a rich hinterland. It la the outfitting point for fisher men and sportsmen who find splen did apart In the back country to tha northward. 3 Caraon Is Trading; Oeatar. Kour mllea farther up the river la Caraon, the next largest town' In the-t county,, caraon has about zbo popu lation and Is the trading center for tha fertile and beautiful Carson val ley, var son vaiiey varies iron mre , g to six miles In Width and Is about $0 I rallea Ion;;: It is a well watered and beautiful valley. Wind river. Pan ther creek and Trout creek not only furnish an abundance of water but ar excellent trout streams. Carson val ley's soil ta deep and rich, and on ac count of the gradual slope of the val ley toward the Columbia river the valley has excellent water drainage Rd also air drainage. This air drain age prevents frosty pockets and makes the valley a good fruit district. -Underwood Is at the extreme east ern' tip Of Skamania county and is located at the mouth of the White Salmon river. It is two hours by rail from Portland and la less than half an hour by ferry from Hood River. Underwood has shown what can be done by exhibiting apples, chestnuts and almonds, English walnuts, cher ries, clover and alfalfa grown in eastern Skamania county at numerous fair where Skamania products hava won praise and prites. ' opnlation Zs Oamlng. At the last census the county had only 2887 population. The United States censua bureau's estimate for July I,' 1915, was 8618, ao it Is evi dent that the county la making steady growth. Bkamanla oounty, or "8kara onlac" the Indians called tills dis trict. Is located in tha heart of, tha Cascades. ( Mt. St. Helena la la .the northern part of tha county. Mt. Adams la Just across the county Una ! la Yakima county. , -Host of tha population of the county Is located along the- 40 miles which fronta tha Columbia river or in the life. SU:m r 11 .1 .IIIH.I....HI iiiiim iiiiiiw ill ijiiiiiiiiim suTlfiriTn' ii i i - T" ' ""' I I I I E Prf " - - Hi -1 mAtyy ij'xi ' "Ji't " "' "' 1 1 '' iirl m ?fer tsk ii thl X S ' .: :-."--sT1. I X4 : 1 II I I I nil VI 111 III 111 " i i ui i nil i r-'-vi t-- ;j i ni iu i nil I II It I HI1 &$kf ' ' II If 1111 (s ii iim ill mil Mr in m I i im m i I I mum i $a ( I B 1 1 I ffl I ..".v-v -'-".- rw---.::Vf-:-J.:r:::'r. a fSJ I C ;l BTJ B Thrift r S t ' iwjl 2 Top Ship herd's Hot Springs Hotel, Carson, Wash. MfcMle Govern ment Mineral Springs Hotel, Canon, Wash. . Bottom St. Martin's Springs, Cars mi. Wash. talleya in its ' Immediate vicinity. There are In tha county 1,071,400 acres, but of this area nearly 10 par cent, or to be exact, 888,660 acres, are in cluded within the Columbia and Rai nier national timber reserve. There - ara at present about 430 farms la the county and eventually much of the 40,000 acres of logged off land will be cleared and farmed. Borne day' tha " valley of tha Little White Salmon tfVar will he densely eettfedV as It is ah ideal fruit and farming district. This Is the much loved Hook-kol-mah of the Indians. On account of Its mild winters. Its bright sunshine to cure their fish, its abundance of wood and water, and because there was plenty of fish and Th is is m la a 5 a s a 5 a s a s a 5 fa 151 Sign this SAHITOL Coupon And present it with 25c to your druggist, or dealer in toilet accessories, for a 25c package of SANITOL TOOTH . POWDER or SANITOL TOOTH PASTE and a full size 25c package of SANITOL FACE POWDER or SANI TOL FACE CREAM, . X This coupon not good after May 22, 1916. Name rwenrsi AMttBD Address. 151 m 5 a s a a 5 a a s a si laCial game and berries, they made the val ley of the Little White Salmon their heme, wandering at will through the summer, but-- returning always to their beloved .Hook-kol-mah. Butler, Mt. Pleasant, Cape Horn, Chenowlth. Lange and Cooks ara growing com munities in tha county. County Takes B3gn Sank. From the scenic standpoint Skam ania eaunty takes high rank. 6h haa 40 miles of the inost rugged and pic turesque grandeur of tha mighty Co lumbia along her southern boundary. Within this stretch Is the Cascades, where the river falls 24 feet in s short distance, furnishing power that will soma day be harnessed and utilized. Near Butler, massive Che-che-aptan, i tha Indiana called Castle Rock, dominates the scene. In the north ern part of the county we have in Mt. St. Helens and the lnnumeraol streams and lakes near Us base a little Switzerland where mountain climbers, fishermen, sportsmen and summer vacationists will find a land of wondrous charm and pleasure. On account of Its accessibility, both by rail and river, and on account of its nearness to Portland, Skamania inty Is destined to see rapid de velopment. It is rich In timber and minerals, particularly copper. One of its greatest assets la its mineral and medicinal springs. The springs most patronized at present are Shipherd's Springs, near Cat son. St Martin's Springs, also near Carson, and Govern ment Mineral Springs, 1 miles north of Carson. Be sort 'Wall Patronised. smpnerd's Springs are located on Wind river and the auto bus from this resort meets all North Bank trains. For years this resort has been patron- lrd by those afflicted with rheu matism and kindred troubles. It Is both a health and pleasure resort, it Is picturesquely situated in the tree clad foothills. The Wind river falls are less than a quarter of a mile dis tant.- Numerous mountain streams 'in tha vicinity lure the fisherman to try his skill. One hundred and fifty guests can ba cared for in the hotel. Not far distant is St. Martin's Springs. These, springs are also lo cated on Wind river and like Ship. nerd's springs are beneficial in cases of rheumatism and blood troubles. Government Springs are located on Trapper creek, a tributary of Wind river, and the elevation-at the springs is 1365 feet. Observation peak, near tha Government Springs, Is 6000 feet highland forms tha divide "between Wind river and Lewis river. From Observation rock a wonderfully rugged sud picturesque country spreads out before one. Paradise valley, the In dian race track and the "Huckleberry Patch"-lie at your feet. At any one of these resorts one can find health and recreation and enjoy to the full thelf summer vacation. Sign and! Present ; oupqn ORTLAND'S prospective home buyers now have an opportunity such as has never been offered them before. Q In the original an nouncement of Ladd Estate Company on March 30 was the statement: "The fullest measure of assistance, consistent with good business, will be given to the responsible purchaser who comes to us in good faith desiring to build a factory, warehouse or home, but who is without sufficient funds to carry his project to completion, by arranging financial assistance," etc. i Since that timeihe Ladd interests have established a special fund and worked out a plan based on the same schedules as the famous Pratt Thrift, of Brooklyn, New York; with the same object of encouraging people in the building and owning of their homes by substantially assisting them in the purchasing of homesites and the financing of home construction. v The most prominent features of this plan are: 1st Lower interest rates 6 interest J2d. Longer time up to 10 years. t3d. Increase in percentage of loan as high as 80. Through the Ladd Thrift Plan, sums m . . f 1 of any 01 our nomesites wno desire 10 The amount loaned will be determined by a loan committee and will be based on the cost of the property and the proposed home, the amount never exceeding 80 per cent Loans are repayable by monthly payments. The period, which determines both the number of monthly installments to be made and the amount of each payment may be decided by the borrower. Loans will be made for as Ions: a period as ten , years. The monthly payments, if made as pro vided for, will fully cancel principal and interest within the term of the loan, and on the payment of the last installment the property will be free from all claims under the mortsragre. of reasonable amount will be loaned at 6 interest to purchasers build homes for their own occupancy. scmcDirLB of ran piutt THRIFT. Tall shawls maathtr vayasaata relre4 Car a Ladd Thrift taa ( glOOO ie years a sr ati Monthly payment Tata! payments. It yrs.. J5J Amount borrowed .. 4. . ... 1000.60 Amount of interest Jtala In 10 years ...... . TrT . . . Average oost of loan par year tft.M Average par oaat of amaunt originally bar rawed it- Vahl shawta BwstUr -Mats rmlr4 ay has SlOOa with 9r mam taf est (r tka paiiada spadfledi Monthly Time payments years '4 yaara ....... . t.Of I yaara.... ... 1.7 t years ll.ti I yaara lt.41 i yaara 10 yaara XLtt The monthly payments are met like rent and so long as they are regularly paid, to gether with insurance and taxes as they fall due, THE LOAN CANNOT BE DIS TURBED. This is the great advantage of buying your home under the Ladd Thrift Plan. It is better than the ordinary mort gage, which, when it falls due, must be paid in a lump sum. If borrowers, from adverse circumstances, are un able to keep up their payments, the Board of Di rectors will, after three years' payment of install ments, entertain an application to suspend fur ther payments for a period not exceeding twelve months and will deal equitably with such applica tion. If at any time a borrower wishes to pay off the entire loan he may do so by paying the balance remaining due, together with a sum of money equivalent to three months' interest upon such amount. BXAHPLKi $36.00 a month in Aa an Illustration of tha working af tha Ladd Thrift Plan, ear that tha price of the lot which you ealeot tn Kaatmaralaad Is S10D0, and you want to build a home that will coat 18000, maklag a total of 14000 for tha property. y paying fioe and obtaining iszgo rrom tha aa -rnrirt Jrian yeu can arranare ui aavance for 10 years. This will oost you but Ser month, aad tnolndea interaat at t oa ie amounts remaining unpaid. Illustrations, both hlfher and lower, can ba asada on XaetmarehuMl property. CHKDTUS OF I'HH PHATT THRIFT. f tha Ladd ether saart- Table ahswlas advantage af tha Laa Thrtft Plaa Is eaasparad with ether seer Amount af loan. $1000; term. IS 7 ear a. Ladd Thrift TTrdal mortgage Plan At 7 AtS Att costs -' costs costs tl.700.00 tl.tOO.0 KXAamjDt SXAKPXKl $25.00 a month in mm coHsmamATioivi abotb THAT OF Blame for Death Is ; Not Fixed by Jury Terdlot of Coroner's Jury Zs That levl C Stark, XOled fey Boxeax; ZHea as SUsnl of Shock. A coroner's jury last night failed to place the plame for tha death of Levi C. Stark, aged 60 years, who died as the result of an accident while work ing in the Brooklyn r. yards of tha Southern Pacific road - The verdict read that -hie death was the .result of shock. ' , Stark was working under a box car when tha car waa accidentally sent forward by a Switch engine, both of Btark's legs being broken by tha wheels of the ar. : ..' , ' ' . i; Stark lived at tSO Olenn avanoe and la survived by his widow. ; Will Taboo Oscolatioa. Boston.. May lt.C P.) "Hun dreds of BostoaJtiuslness man think It is part of therr atenographef s duty Ito kisa them,", says tha Office Girls' union, organised to resist the oscilla tory flemenstrationa. v.. , Tha love, eoraf art aind lndependenee of a home af your own and ' your family's own. Ths pleasure of living- in an atmosphere of refine ment and education, tha home of Reed Col lege. A home alte on property Just ' high snough to ba delightful and not monotoikoue-t-ona that is sura ta Increase tn home vaiuea. BXAHFLEt $50.00 a month in On tha opposite side of this announcement Is an example of til a month In Dunthorpe. This one at 1(0 a month is based on a 2000 site, with a M&00 house a total of t5500. In this case the cash payment would ba 11100 and a balance of $M00 obtainable from tha Ladd Thrift Plan. On a plan of 10 years the monthly payments, which cover the rM Interest, would be but $4 MS a month. There are even less expensive sites than this and with a $IS09 building- restriction. CONSIDER THESIS FACTS AS WELL. Living In God's out-of-doors, tn a country home district of elegance and quietude. Grounds determined! by acres, not lots. A garden of your own. Surroundings endowed By nature that could not ba bought with money. AU city conveniences. Detailed Comparison of Ladd Thrift Plan and Paying Rent Suppose you are occupying a house tn Port land for which you are paying a rental of M20 per year, or tit per month,' The property ia worth $4000. By paying - 1800 end obtaining- $220t from the Ladd Thrtft Plan, you could buy a homeslte and build as good a house AND TO TOUR LIKING. Under the iadd Thrift f lam ten-year term, toe pay? taints wouie oe a monut. or ss.iz 1 Tear. Here's another Illustration. Tou are planning to buy a t?60 lot In Westmoreland. The house you are figuring on will cost 12000. On a total of $2760 the caslwpayment would ba fSKO, leaving a balance of $2200 to ba eecured from the Ladd Thrift Plan. On a basis of tea years It would cost yau $ a month, which Includes Interest on unpaid balances. If you want a less xpenslve or a more expensive site or house, tha comparison would bs corre spondingly attractive. CONSIDERATIONS BXSTJDKS THAT OF MOIET Being a property-owner not a tenant. Getting ahead every month,- every year. Giving your wife and children a place to call THEIR HOME. Living near one of. the best carllnes In tha city. EXAHFLSi $50.00 a month in For a case to Illustrate tha application of thla plan to Ladd's Addition, let us take a $2000 lot on which you ara planning to build a $1(09 house. With a total cost of $SS00, tha caah payment would be $1100. leaving $4400 balance to ba secured from tha Ladd Thrift Plan. By paying 4S.SS a month, in tan yeara the prop erty would be free from all claims under the agreement. Other Illustrations, both higher and lower, can be madia. MORE THIS JUST Alt nTTESTMSHT OF MONET. There's an investment in a happier home life, freater Independence and peace of mind. Tour ividends from this side of the investment can not be estimated. Ladd'a Addition ia remark ably close in. All Improvements paid for. Five carllnes contribute to a perfect streetcar service. EXAMPLE! $24.00 a month in $77.00 a month in Take a IJ500 lot en Westover, on which Is built a $6000 house. That makes $8600, on which the cash payment would be $1700, leaving; a balance of $S9o to be obtained from the Ladd Thrift Plan. At $77.05 a month, which Includes 1 Inter est, you would ba paying yourself rent in stead of a landlord, and In ten yeara tha loan would ba entirely repaid. Illustrations of larger or smaller amounts ara proportionately advantageous. COBTSrOKRATTONS OT HEB THAU MONETARY. Having your home situated en one of tha choicest view properties In the country, with "10,000 square milaa la your front yard." Tour view la not obstructed by the' house across the street, Oa tha West Side. Close tn to the business district and a property that Is sura to Increase la value and at a greater percentage than any ether hillside property. $ 1 14 a month in For Illustration, we'll take a $100$ alta and a $7 $00 home In Dunthorpe. With the total at 112,600. the Cash payment would be $2600. and the balance of $10,000 would be taken in tha Ladd Thrift Plan. On the aama basis of ten rears, aa ws have been figuring, your monthly payments would be $11$.0 a months In this property there are sites up to 114.000 some of the most wonderful locations for country homes In the Paclfio Northwest. THE KIND OF A DISTRICT "" , DUNTHORPE IS. In a short time wa will publish full details on this sub-dlvlslon, which Is destined to be come one of the scenic sights of Portland. Save this Illustration so that you may know how the Ladd Thrift Plan can be applied ta homesites in Dunthorpe. A cai JLL nno vAyvsxa 1 1 Check the property In whlch you are most Interested; write your name and address aad MAIL Ta F. If. Clark St Caass-aay. Title St Trust BalMlas. Please aend ma your booklet "Speaking of Tour Home" as It applies to tha property I have checked below: 11 1 nil tration rer 1 l comparison witn an par The cost of taxes i and Insurance would ba " about ttO per yearj making a total monthly payment of about That Is. by the pay ment of $C26 a month more than you now pay for rent, you would In ten years become tha absolute owner of your home, while as a tenant you would have paid your landlord. Or landlords, during the same period, almost the same amount of money without becoming the owner of a single lath la tha house. An filus- more extreme can be made by apartment. A aeleetwu wiwetn these two properties would ba a matter of personal preference. Home sites In both are similar in price. Take a $2000 house to be built oa a MOO lot. Out of the total of $2t00. $620 would be the cash payment. This would leave a balance of $2080. which in monthly payments of $$$.67 would ba repaid at t interest jn ten years.. Beautiful, convenient, medium-priced view prop erty on tha West Side. 'f : 1 1 " Eastmoreland Westover Ter races ....;,. Dunthorpe ....( Fulton Park .. REMEMBER, that every time you pay a monthly installment you HO LONGER pap- Interest on that amount, ; TCame , Address J Ladd's Addi tion I Westmoreland .( ) Burllnrame ... .- J J Unclassified .... I J This plan also applies to building: on homesites already purchased in these properties SELLING CBeSENTATIVeS- -- " ( - liwui Fl f-Tnle aM Trvst BH "a? .