THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, MAY 19, , 1916. Steamer Chartered : By Royal Rosanans Booster. Sax .Program Will dared a Oregon City May art Ottin t6 Be-rttcipet. Z 1 Royal Kosarlans have chartered the river steamer QrAhamona,; as a con veyance to Oregon City and its "Booster Day" program. Mar Z7. , Pessimism in errigy la to ne ouraea DRAWING FOR KATZ IE GUR7ENNS nllRNFY UUUMUI MAC FOR OPENING Membership of Oregon Grand by, "J people of Oregon cny, then to Play in Annual Spring Handi- lodge Climbing. With Ac- - tivitiesWidening,- vh? : drowned by sailors. The Rosarlana I will help. The steamer will leave at 112:80 o'clock on May 27. Roeartans WtU wear their white Uniforms. They will bring their friends and ladle. I Th nmtnJfta. in Ahar- nf tha - SESSlOM ON AT ROSEBURG rriT0ZJLSi Smith and H. V, Fries, Other. Organizations that are ar- cap at Multnomah Club Begins .Tomorrow. '' 5 The drawings for th annual "Kat Cup" tennis . tournament at the Mult nomah Amateur Athletic club, together with the allotment of handicaps, wa Hew lodges Organised at Tang-ant, Seaside and eUeafieid, With orand ; : ' Officers ataalar Tlsitatioas. ranginrorpart" ine Oregon ""J" WEVSZ ffflSS !ir oVhe'Txrtrtnon th. Ad club, th; ProrresJlv.-Buarne flub. The pairing, and handicap, fol- IV - r : - a".."'" :. . .v. ..-.. I Motor Boat club. , . "sports e 5 The Royal Rosarian band will ac- ,u" Fellow, to ba mad to . ."lotf hold -u', wVn fu7nT.h mu.icaj" number Ewfng'VlT.1 'in Rosebura next week will .now a I ,, m ,K. ....... I r-,?.. i i . V-,v L " i nti I IUQ A41 b4 5 OM'l I VII U . O - . joeciaea fro win oi ineuroer ... 1 parade In decorated automobiles . uurina lam jrr, j..i.o7 - lodges have been formed at Tangent, Seaside and Stanfleld. .v ia U80 the order had 802J members; In X15. 1,74 -were on the active list. Previous to 1880 both Idaho and Wash ington were Included in tna junaaic- tion of the grand wage, . Durtnff th year r nearly every lodge and encamDtnent in Oregon has been Tislted 1y John F. Hall, grand master: by Henry S. -weatorooK, aepuiy grana masterr- E. E." Sharon, grand secre tary. Robert Andrews, grand patri arch; George W, Treren, grand war- den or Earl A. Williams, grand mga priest... . V.-.1W- ai radges lav Stats. - ' The report of Grand Secretary Sharon shows 221 working lodges in Oregon, with a total Income of $271.- OEi: witn a raiiei extension maae to ;1525 brotherev and ..expenditures fot relief of all Kinds to memners. wiaowe, omhans and funeral benefits amount- Salem, Or., May 19. Convicts of the Jing to I7MK.92. Sick benefits were Oregon prison worked heroically and paia wr ,u weeaa. me "" saved the flax manufacturlnr section Men's club, the Rotary club and thj Two F. at Court !. J. II. Mackie Scr. vs. CAMITADfA.MCACI DC ; i K1UIII I UI1IU 1111 U.ll 111 I :.: ' DISCUSSED, CERTAIN t l.'- J'?. Bend:to:Enteftain Coast Lumbermeii - -: " - . ' , ? - TaMtt and 3 Decided STpo TUB Of Zaspectiom of Vew XCUis and Besaloa :'ot xoo Koo. ! - Bend, Of Mir 11. With the ap pointment of F. D. Becker of Bend as vice regent of the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo. plana are rapidly being Stf.-aSfiS SSffU JennutTiCommittee Urges That Issu- and 3. The concatenation will be held on the night of the second immediate ly after ' the Iumbrmen'a ' arrival by special , train. , ... Since construction work started on the Shovlin-Hixon and Brooka-Scanlon S.-.rS;0ME POINT IS CONCEDED CHANGES REQUESTED suance of- Licenses Come From Medical Authorities. engineers In the fir bureau if passed by the i council. The measure is in ac-, cord, with the practice of. giving lire men and policeman raises each six months until they total $100 a month. r MU1 Compaigr-ClaJma Street. K The i Inman-Poulsen Lumber jc4m' pany has Informed the clt,y council that iti claims to be the owner of the real property known as East Sherman street. The property lies between the rla"ht-oX-way of the Southern j"acmc company and ; the Willamette river. The company protests against the identification of East Sherman street as a puouo nignway in tne proposeu tnprovement of Grand avenue from he Southern Pacific to within 100 feef of East Carruthers BtreeC 4r visit Bend. It is believed thav most I ., . ., i . of the prominent lumbermen of Ore-' . gon and Washington win avail hem- CUangs is Ordinance Permitting AppH- THREE SECTIONS OF FLAX PLANT AT PEN DAMAGED BY BLAZE K. P. W. I-ewls Scr. jra. J. F. Klllalee Scr. vs. R. W. Withers Scr. . Court 4 n E. Harrigan 0.26 va. D. Mallett R.8-6. ' Court b A. B. ' Bailey R.15 vs. J. Cahalin, R. 15 1-6. v Three P. SK. Court 1 J. H. Miner 0.2-8 vs. F. Smith 0.2-8. . Court 2 A. S. Frohman O.J-6 vs. A. D Norrls 0.15. Court-- J. Lee R.16 vs. H. Wells Court 5 M. Crumpacker R.3-6 vs. V. Anderson R.1S. Court 6 J. W. Lada R.15 vs. K. Smith 0.2-6. Ton 7. aC Court 1 R. Newland Scr. vs. C TBc- Snow Sar. court Z W. A. GOSS O. SO VS. IS. oatlons teBe Made to Health Officer Zs Authorised. aelves Of the opportunity to inspect two, of the most up-to-date mine in the state." Tha local committee on arrange ments consists of Harper SKuae. cnair- i lmmmiHunf nWiMgn. r..nt. man. Harry K. Brooks and Frank & 1 ,n th county cIt meaical aSao Prtnce, each of whom have been in the " organisation for years. There will be elation conferred With the city council about 40 new members taken in at the meeting. SUICIDE THEORY WILL PnnwiMc Firrht Flamoc anrllr-ni. r S- wuuiviw i ivw VCnurt lO. Lwl R.lfi vs. A. B. Make No httort to uet .court ir) Away During Excitement, w. R Wakeman 0.15 vs. H. Lewis Jr. R.3-6. Court 6 F. LeNeffa R.3-6 vs Banks K.8-6. Court 6 W. H. Lewis Sr R.3-6 vs. F. Freshman Scr. i Tive P. X. Court 1 J. B J H Knlaht. R.3-6 Court z F. A. Kienie itie va. a. r. BtORPET'S DEFENSE IN TRIAL FOR MURDER Literacy Test Abolished That Selection of Jurymen May Be Expedited. Wankeffan Til Mar 19 fTT P- Bilderback R.3-6 vs. In an effort to expedite the selection of a Jiiry to try William Orpet. college boy, on a charge of murdering his sweetheart. Marlon Lambert. Judge Donnelly today abolished the strlcl, sets of lcfdgeg ara given as 11,337,-1. tl . hM(Mlll, J r 8-6. -.38I.61. TUa total receipta of the grand - " 7 "ZZ Court 3 C. Livingston R.3-6 vs. C, lArfira far Ih Va.r hav been 117.841. I known as the ahops from destruction hahonnnn 7T1S Grand 4cretary Sharon recommends by fire late Thursday afternoon. r01.1 4w- Wheeler Scr. vs. ,W. O.l literacy test for veniremen which has fthat local; lodget be restricted oy tnei Th, WM conflned to four "mA' ST t .t a bttn enforced heretofore grand lodga.ronv contracting for build- MCti0D.. ,h, first occupied with the Bnmhiw R.15. .. . The finerlff ann0unced that he in lnga without the approval of the Lulld- achool roora, beating plant and dryer Court 6 L. M. Starr Scr. vs. William tended going to wealthy eetatea, after ...a evaiumm i or tne Iiax Plant, tne secona as a car- nuw, du i jurors, bo iar mosi 01 ine uiesmen summoned have been' from the agri cultural population. The wealthiest and most exclusive society of Chicago is living in this county. Ornet'a attornev claimed that ha had BISHOP BY 549 VOTES f-- reported to have a letter written by the girl to Orpet. in which she threat- leyan university since 1905. was The defense, when the hearing of DR. MATT HUGHES IS ELECTED METHODIST (Qmtinned From Pce One) several Jaoal lodge building enterprises penter shop, the third as a shoe sho navmg provea xajiurea tnrougn ick or an(J lne other as a machine shop. business precautions. He recommends The first three sections were badly that Veteran Jewels be furnished to all J autted- bv fire, while the machine members entitled -to them as a matter shop's roof was damaged. of, tight, and not dependent upon tne jrire Originated in Dryer. order of the local lodge. , Th, mcMnes were not i . Would Eliminate Boundaries. Uny extent, however. It Is also recommended that terrl-1 The fire started In the dryer, where ;torlal lines for admission to a local flax which had been retted in the i inuK, ii m vwufcV.KLW. .a UUUD II. f C II 11 , i.tu., . mm n v .111.11 . WAV. Wl. . . . . . , . . . . 1 m ' - r ' I .1..1.J ki.hAn lav, tila-Vf wn.n t n a I a. 11 w 1 1 1 . 1 . . ylvanla with reasonable restrictions being taken to the ,nufacturlnj; rc. Imposed. 1 section. icjihu "'""i " " lorraer reiationa witn rates lamoeri In ooncludlna his twentv-second an- There was a areat burst of flame " overiooaea na om b-vu me i.n.1 -.nn-. liwnl,.. BVion .av.. I and .hnut V Inn. nt rat t aH tia-w n-nm rtr Wlch was bom In 1BBZ in N.W I DreSUmDtlOn OI lnnOCenOejl . .,.., ..v,...., 1 , -. - I" A. .. j Th. wnrk nr th nffi inn. a-A loon biazine. xnia waa amtmvA I Yort ana was eaucaiea ai nwuini vivm iwmiJ t.Ui ucu uj.i w became too great for any one person The convicts had water playing on university, graduating tft 186T. in pet purcnaaeo tne poison oottie round - to handle and I must eonfess, that the fire in short order, and the state 1390 he Joined the New xork east i in -tno woods near tne gin s corpse. A .wera It not for a very competent and hospital for the Insane and the Salem conference. icier in a drugstore at otaaison. wis. able assistant in the person of my I lire -departments aided in a few tnln-l The Daiiot resulted as xonows: . i u iwa wbiyi reyuuinea wiuuwnj w acn. who la a mmr.bor of all hr.nxhM I uLei I HerDert wetcn. BO.: i nomas ixicn- mat .exieoi. of the order, I would be more than Warden Praises Convicts. olson, 617; a, w, l-eonara. ; w. . rne iatner or me oeso gin scoiiea willing to ouit my lob without wait- a. .nnn u th fir. hrok. out. w.r. Oldham. 392: M. S. Hughes. 403: C. when Informed that the defense was re Ina for someone to take It awar from Un Mint and A.aiatant Wardan Rh.r. B. Mitchell, 85i; iJ. b. Tippie, ti i; ported to nave proof or Marion s me." wood ru.had all availabla uirdi. I F. Hamilton. SZZ; ci. U. Kicnarason, suicide. i. nave no oouoi xnat urpei gave Marion the. cyanide," he said. members, Including ahlldren of six I could tie made durlna the excitement. Th rixa-t of the committee 4 -years and oid memoers or 0. The I No a. man tried to get away. I temrerance adopted yesterday was home is sustained by an annual nerl warden Mlnto nralsed tha convict-1 . .- .rrimmnt of tb li capita tax or io cents on each mem-1 following the rira, declaring that they quor traffic Tha conference, by tha ' 1 la recommended that the had performed their work nobly. About adoption of. the report went on record . .;i-u iw 9v Bnaim. n ta idu oi tne D&U convicts eonrineo in against the issuance or internal reve- rx'ina mat nw Duuaings to tne t&e penitentiary aiaea in nre ngnung. nun tax Mcelpts by the federal gov ajUS Of about 130 000 are needed No Insurance waa carried hv tha a.n..r. ni h.m1 mnmu to nana I . .. , and that street assessment taxes on tat. on tha hnlidinM h..t tha fla ITLrZZi i-w- rhhTti n in. BBaBion txnierno ana acaaioai stsbtb : the property have been very heavy, was insured. It was estimated that t-ratat- eommeme in Intoxicating raoeda Awarding of Diplomas to i mere was expenaea ror tne nome tha total loss was about 31S.000. iinnnr mnA forblddlne- the use of Take Plaoa la Publio Tnla live&uur, i,ss7.. auring tne year and It Is The buildings occupied by the dryer the mails to liquor shipments and ad- attmat4 that tha nn.t . m.l.f.l.. . . . i , i. - .. . I , . . . . . . . . aw.- mi -hi hAa ii .tu ..Ta'v";' . "'i'i.""1 .c"l!r. B"' ve1Mmen..a""J;"mf"aAa- V1 mencament exercises of the Hood River .."k ' -"u"f'.""? . . A . congress promptly auomit wxam Mh gChool are hl heJd th,g wwt '"v" manuiaotunna piani are oracucauy tsiaturea or ina.aeverai states ioric , a.. . . uu.ia.t T. Aaw.. a nl. h ii. I" " A iaKmgrcM JJWjr, All l OUttUtir 11 ir-'v "a rw-IMit I va, mvimb) ' vav. "-r I LiJClT rtLLAA IWS.VIVII -avaaa e-a aa- a e.v i ftaa,a, w-.. a. a4avk ai V ak Uall rnr. nan Tha report of the grand Patriarch doors. the federal constitution providing for I 7" " of tha grand encampment of Oregon, Thousands of people from Salem the absolute prohibition of the liquor fh. aTrla- chorna in the KODert Andrews, shows thdt this or- g!tnerea to waton tne nre righters trarrio throughout tna united states. ','ttfrn -Tha tr.t of tha T ittia tanisatton within the L O. O. F. has work. The fire started shortly oe- . r $ "f-i ..-a1-? "J T ?C. t5.iii.; a) a e.v . . . . I m s? .a a i I I JUK IQrilv. VT L9 Ki'CU A i. uo nat a .nov -jncampnieniB wun mem- o v. . aour I?r. Lconara Donbled Congregation, evening. Mra C. H. Henney of Port- "."a.''"" M"B',WU iy A" 'w v.-.. Seattle. Wash.. Mar 19. (P. N. S3.) land had charea - m.riiripr. nnnn. Tna vaav u i. ' . i n..aaaa a TM..i.a I r - . . . ... ... iur wumih w a. v u utf u. i t- a Aw w wt arh T ..Ana m vhAu I Tha traflr maat o ni hanahall ama Quards were doubled at tne state ,i in report or tne Odd Fellows' 1 armed with rifles, to tha walls, nlaht i m. ice. .si. hbme, located In Portland, shows 61 men beina called, ao that no breaa Xdanar TXafflo Arralamed. Hood River High -School Celebrates this morning on a proposed ordinance regulating the construction and main tenance of tuberculosis sanitaria with in thecitv limlta. The committee, wbicft consisted of Dr. David N. Roberg, secretary of the state board Of health. Dr. Arthur W. Moore, Dr.. E. B. McDanlel and Dr. R. B. I Dillehunt, urged that Issuance of licenses for sanitaria should be vested in ' medical authorities In that physi cians are better able to pass on mat ters affecting health. At the present time Institutions for the treatment and housing of persons afflicted with pulmonary tuberculosis are specifically barred In Portland. Oralaanoe Xs Discussed. - Discussion today centered on a pro posed ordinance drafted by City At torney La Roche which provides that applications for licenses shall be filed with the city auditor together with a description of the site, names of the promoters! and full plana for build ings. After investigation the council may grant or deny the application. "The ordinance fills the bill satis factorily," said Dr. Roberg, "but pub lic opinion will dictate the removal of a sanitarium If the matter is placed in the hands of non-medical, men. "It should be left to the city health off leer and the city physician to decide where locations should be. Let the city health officer confer in turn with the state board of health. Commisioner Blgelow protested strongly against delegating powera to aay board. Dr. Roberg declared that the state beard would be just a careful In its selection as the city council, and urged teat tne ooara would relievo the coun cia of responsibility. Would Mot Pas Book. "We should not sit here and act cowardly by passing tha buck," de clared Commissioner Baker. "If the proposition of permitting the erec tkm of a tuberculosis sanitarium comes before this council we should consider It. Dr. Roberg. stated the position of local physicians if believing a well regulated sanitarium leas dangerous than a private house. Without delegating its authority the council-finally conceded a point to the committee by directing the city at torney to change the proposed ordi nance so that applications should be mada to the city health officer, who would work out all the details, letting tne council pass finally on the loca tlon. Preparedness Celebration Planned. Mayor Albee yesterday accected an Invitation for Portland to participate in a nation-wide demonstration for ade quate preparedness. June 3. Thj in vitation was extended by W. Rufus Abbott of Chicago. It Is planned to hold patriotic non-partisan prepared ness parades in every city uf tne United States. The Chamber of Com merce! will get behind the project here. Mayor Albee1 telegram follows: "Be lieving in the principles of proper pre paredness, I gladly sanction the call to American cities and towns, and am assured Portland wilt enter into the parade with erthualasm." Would Let Wood Dry on Curb. Residents Of the district bounded by Union; avenue and Best Fourteenth street , and Fremont and Sheridan streets, have addreeaed a petition to the city council aatklng for permission to let their firewood lie on the. street parkings until. Cry.. Much firewood. when-purchased, is wet, they say; and they ask to be permitted to let tne wood dry before placing it In their basements. the year. E. E Sharon is grand scribe of the organ- report as that official. Symphony Orchestra : Elects Conductors Tw A At 7 vi crVi T .akATlsl rA vhnu . 1 x - - af -vW ti.rV.&lla I ..(11. rHV Ula-fV. a.AU.rvlw tea jxation and makes his twenty-second prison last .light to prevent any at- Episcopal church is reported n dlev the event today at Columbia park and tempts to escape or 10 rescue prison- patches from Saratoga Springs, N. T., the graduating exercises wilF be Held ere during the confusion following the has been pastor of the First Methodist tfcis evening in Helloronner hall. Dr. flax plant fire. Rumors that the fire church of Seattle for the last six Doney. president of the Willamette wa's part of .- plot for a wholesale de- yars. He came to Seattle from Cin- university, will be tne speaker of the livery were rife. clnnatl, where he served as pastor of evening. As the plant of the atate prison will the Walnut Hills church. His first The following will receive diplomas: be out of commission until a new dryer pastorate after his graduation from Leonard Howard, Jtallus Jacobsen, Ben is constructed, it is expected that a Drew Theological seminary was the H. Breed, Ella Niehans, Arthur John- w....tna " tha .fata .rin-r...i. t. 4 Fr.llfeS Ahllntl at T fim . TtAltf 'Whloh . A. H.l.fl CiUhftff T.flM Itfarlalr W lK- Wot Cnrlstensen and -fraiaema ua l yu j called at an early date to pro-1 he served for three years. art McClanathan, Paul Lancaster, Mai- elected to uureoi coaoercs neawi yi SOr the creation of a detlclencyl During Dr. Leonard's incumbency oricoim Button. Aiiyn Button, Alios Mc Beason. I to rebuild tha atruoture gutted by fire, i the Seattle pulpit his church has In-(Curdy, Evelyn Hasbrouck, Clarence I . . , TL . . . ......J In lti.nh.Ml.1. an. 1 A .. Will.. TT..! ov.u u.u. Tha Portland sympnony oronestrai . ' ,,, . w. . . I o.nn i.ntn it nnw nnir, . . th. tvi. I nr. fen.ui.ii man unnt . r,1 .hM!r OTna.a wLTi;. I until a new building Is ready. argest Methodist Episcopal church in DeWitt, Mae Shay, Chaffer Newton, iLatt. season the . orchestra had three I f."1"'"" " .... L "h.. :1 . " I Dr. Leonard waa born In CInoinnatL Lafertv. Orae Re-mall. Btella. Parr. eonductors. rartt"'; . liV .rtMf. PTr.; , November 2. 1874, and 1. one of the Henry Haas. Lester Fisher, Annus Zmj"? ox lnom' reia .,-it.ment has flevaloned. af.nor.Vn- Z youngest ministers ever chosen bishop Jakku. Mary Winans, Ruth Howell, Program Arranged AtvUhemawa School Hlne Boys and Pourteen Girls Will Oradnata Prdm School Pollowing a Series of Brents to Start May 88. Cheonawa, Or., May X. Commence ment exercises at Chemawa will begin Sunday evening. May 23, and continue throughout the week, closing Friday evening, June 2, although school win remain In session until June 23. Every thing 4s being put in spick and Vpan shape for the pleasure of the many visitors expected on that oocaslon, al though at all times such care le aken of the grounds and buildings that they may be said to be In a perpetual state of "preparedness'.' Many beautiful roses are In bloom, and never have the grounds presented a more attractive appearance. Tha following la an outline of tha program for the week of commence ment, when 9 boys and 14 girls will be graduated: Sunday evening, baccalaureate ser mon by Professor J. O. Hall of Wll lamette university, Salem; Monday, field day. band concert; Tuesday, Me morial day exercises1 In tha morning, baaeball in the afternoon and class night observance in th evening; Wad need ay, parade and military drills In the afternoon, dumbbells, Indian clubs and wand drills in the evening at the gymnasium; Thursday, graduating ex erclses in the afternoon and reception to graduates in the evening; Friday, Alumni day with banquet In the cVen ing. IS JACKSON IT I LEADING IN CONTEST I FOR FESTIVAL QtJttN Maud Gilman Second Place; Contest Will Close at Mid night Tonight, Miss Eleanor Jackson, candidate of the Modern Foresters of McMinnville, Jumped into the lead in the race for Rose Festival queen last night, and Is shown to be maintaining her ad vantage by more than 86,000 In a count completed this morning. Mrs. Maud C. Oilman, candidate of the G. A. R is in seeoad place. The queen contest closes tonight at midnight. Standing of the candidates in to day's oount follows: Eleanor Jackson, Modern for esters, Mcaiinnvuie l.asi.sio Mrs. Maud C. Oilman. O. A. R.l.910,607 Mildred Pegg, Vancouver. ...1,790,410 Lillian C. Hendricksen, . For- st.fl lf i marina . l.KsS.ISI tauriel Baling, Pendletom .. .1.368.626 waiv. jacoDB, juamatn a.ia.i,.,zo EUyie fTaasch. naigene, i,iu,.v. Louise Taylor, Western Unlon.1,038,507 Jewel Carroll, K lghts and Ladies of Security........ 130,261 Rose Uptegrove, Oregon City- 490,436 Hen Adds Egg to Exhibit m Court Lively-Promoting:', The Raising of Hogs. Former Portlaader and exposition . Oomntlsaionex' Xaviaehaa Oanipalgn . for California Breeders. . :! -J r D. 6. Lively, formerly of Portland, has launched a campaign for the pro motion Of hog raising In California. It Is reported today. Mr. Lively Is asso ciated with the California Swine Breed ere" association. , , - Following his resignation as vice president of tha Portland Union stock Yards company several years aito. Mr. Lively, as livestock commissioner, took up the work Of promoting the live" stock exhibit. features of the Panama, Paciflo International exposition at Sen Francisco. His headquarters at pres ent are in San Francisco Spraying Hinders Voting. ! , - Hood River. Or- May !. Votldg at Hood River Is light. In six city pre cincts only 73 votes bad been cast at 11 o'clock, out of a registration of 1125. Fruitgrowers are busy spraying, so a email vote is, being cast in the country precincts. The change in elec tion law caused much delay In the opening of the polls. ; . r Hearing Ig Requested. Petitions for hearing before the civil service board were filed, yesterday by the three sewer5 inspectors and the engineer discharged by Commissioner Dieck following the Montavllla sewer investigation. The men are Richard Walsh; C. A. Johnson and M. Mc Carthy, inspectors, and Martin L. Dowling, assistant engineer. They were discharged for giving alleged falsa testimony. In their petitions they ask that Jthe charges be made more definite and assert that they were dlcharged for political or relig ious . reasons and not for the better ment of the service. Tha men are icpicscaicu uy Auger x?, oiimoiu To Decorate Bridges.' The bridges under control of the city will be decorated and lighted during Rose Festival if the council passes an ordinance drawn by Commissioner Daly providing for the employment of men and purchase Of necessary supplies. v. Maj Increase Salaries. ; Mayor Albee has prepared an ord!- in that will rale tha nav of 71 firemen, SI policemen and 18 assistant for May 26 and 27, State Normal Is Host to Visitors Monmouth, Dr., May II. About 20 student from Willamette University of Salem accompanied by their Instruc tor, Professor Matthews, studied the work; done at the State Normal school today. Profeasor Matthews and his class made the trip by auto truck. Mlss Cornelia Marvin, state librarian and a member of the board of regents of the Normal school delivered an address to the students this, morning. Mrs. Ida Skinner, librarian at the Ore gon Agrioultaral college, was also present and at . the chapel exercise ad dressed the students on "Some Funda mentals." Haines Will Celebrate. Baker, Or.. May 19. The town of Haines is making preparations for staging the "Stampede", the annual wild west show put on each year by the lively little farming town In Che Baker valley. The boosters are mak lnr auto trips to all nearby towns, tak ing their band along and getting pub licity for the event, which is scheduled Judge Bell Declares Chickens Possess Individuality That Makes It Possi ble to Utetiaguiah One Prom other. Great excitement prevailed in Dis trict Judge Bell's court yesterday afternoon when a hen in the courtroom broke forth with Jubilant cackles. "I ask tha court to see that the ex hlblta In this case be kept quiet," said Deoutr District Attorney Ryan. I& rushed Deputy constable wagner to aea what the noise and commotion was all about. He picked up the crate of chickens and carried the cackling ben out into the corridor. In a moment be returned and pre eented to the court a pearly white egg. "This should be added to tne ex ihlblt-" ha said. . Tha err waa denosited on juoge Bell's desk and as "Biddy" had ceased her jubilation she and tha two other hens and a rooster wars returned to the courtroom. The chickens were found on the place of C. Oorrell, 1065 Greenwood avenue. Adam Holawarth, 1040 East Thirty-fouTth street, southeast, said they were his. Judge Bell; after hearing tha testi mony, ruled that the chickens belonged to Holswarth. and on motion of Deputy District Attorney Ryan, Holswarth was also given the egg. Judge Bell held that chickens have individuality and can be recognized from other chickens as "all of us know who were raised on a farm." Somp Physicians On Anxious Seat Pour Stoattla Jdedioos TTnder Arrest Pollowing Investigation of Sow liq uor Prescriptions Are Xanded Out. Seattle Wash, May 19. (U. P ) Physicians In Seattle are . getting nervous as the word went around to day that four of their fraternity had been arrested by Prosecuting Attorney Lundln for writing liquor prescriptions for "well" people. Men and women Investigators, as signed to run down the lawbreak ing medicos went out after "boose" prescriptions and obtained a number of them. Motoring This Way. Walla Walla, Wash.. May 19. Oeorge E. Kellough, president of the Third National bank of this city, and his wife left yesterday morning for an automobile, trip to Roseburg, Or., where they will attend the Oregon grand lodge of the I. O. O. T. They will visit Portland, sound points and Everett where they will attend the Washington grand lodge of the L O. 0. F. to be held there June 8. Mr. Kellough is past grand master of the 1. o O. T. in this stata. the third. - I This Is one of tha most satisfying pro grams ever offered action and mirth combined. In' connection with th election at 'waen M,. toda?r: ia .AlrairrtaA .nnl meatlnr at n-1 '. Warden MlntO said tral library this morning, the question LT'JV. Y.-? Z Vw "Cl- of the Methodist board ox forelrn mia. of additional remuneration Tor the D-.r wng ey.uenuy oeen piacea tnere .ions . " by the Methodist church. He is the Jack Stanton, Ruth Shreve, Julia -nn.i ,a.tin- .t 7.n. . Warden Mlnto said that oiled rin ru.,;..u1?.."w"'.V I iooi-. x-.u-iy ojuu- . wi-i a,...--. v , - - ---------i ior z years was tne crenerai aecretarv in anrt Mark- Mot. ar. T i, ii 1 1 f l in liai arr.iw air . icta. i - . . . . i . -conductars cam up for discussion. It a view of producing spontaneous Jn ayant that ha ia not fiTi-alf Mi) Tl So lH t.ft Kfi SnTl was decided to rrant double MV. comousuon. adoui two montns ago a n, ... c, ir-Z:. T. atamixx wmiiu w -ww wuu T..-i .v.. .ha fire started ort tha roof of th. fi V j. :,:rv: ; . r ui.nt .k.s. v... i ""s-uwnta as ;pian ot organisanon, urew. exactly In" I T- I uui possible successor to Dr. Leonard. an. ma airiuuii l a. vnm ibubi i liiiuf 1.111 I - . " - . . v. tv.o petrormer in tne .orcnestra. xne ui ."uir.aui. amount depended upon the receipt",- Car Backs Over Grade; All Escape! 'eac-h member getting a certain share tt Carl Denton and Harold Bayleywere nominated this morning but withdrew when , the motion to grant the con ductor fixed 3100 for each' concert he directed was Tost. r The" Plan , proposed was to have the n-ta h v una fo- aeh eon-art irawr. fMm v,a I unven oy iars annual guarantee runo and not from the ticket sale" receipts,' so that It ' would not reduce tha amount, paid to aoh performer, Tha doubia pay plan is ona long Of Editor Would Die Biohard Sana Cuts His Throat and Slashes Wrists at Arlington, CaL, Home; Condition Is Serious. Riverside, Cal.. May II. (P. N. S.) 1 V. . . Tl.a nn.1tn.aM ...111 . i Rev, Uugbea was ' born - in nnriri I . . i -. . m i . -. ttw.. o,,nt vir,ii. 7.a " aon w -" '"'" Bnvras of M. weuTaducated VtThl :Kiwt." P a tor -V few. "rK .sun Blgin, O, Stall, o am and Bs Virginia., in lrt.W.lT lik e ron rlia-. - I '"e. " Began as Circuit Rider, Paeadena, CaL, May 19. (U. P.) Rev. Matt. S. Hughea, elected bishop of the Methodist church today, came to Pasadena nearly eight years ago as pastor ot uie irat Ju. a church. cape Za Considered Mix ad e. recognised - by association for ohestras. the local "Musicians' gan as a circuit rider, covarinr arriin a-if Tntara I n ssn 1 1 ' rftw -a . .Baker, Or., May llrt Mary miles long and many "toes Mooney of Weiser and Mrs. R. E. En during the wld winters he had tobe vree of Elgin had narrow escape lifted from hi horaa th. rafc.N. WilUe Collier Supported by Enid Markej in the Triangle-Ince comedy drama eonductora of Urge or. ?lom death vter,,T afternoon, when exposure, .family members here stated. p,tal T ' V ' - the engine of Mrs. Envree's car, whlen Later he went to Portland. Maine and ri- .n -aw.M.v. v she was driving, with Mrs. Hooper and waa pastor of .a, churchy there fir a -1 J- ing to police reports today. Dana cut his throat and slashed both wrists with a knife, then summoned medical aid. He was removed to the countv hoe- where his condition today la French to Make Drinkeri 'FlgbtC I a nine gin as paasengers. stalled on a number of years. From Portland he hill near Pleasant Valley, south of went to Minneanolta. wh.r ha -a- Coos Is Interested. Marshfleld, Or.. May 19; Indications Paris. May 19. (L N. H.) f)n a- . k.7w.TL.. .. " . mo.Dwi, wnere ne was Marsnneio, ur., aiay i.. indications .7.?1 ?. : .:, ;.... '..a'Tn Baker, and backed over the srrade. Mrs. mada naator of Whi.k M.thni. ... ... a -itt . i.-.. n cguni i aisunuuon in tne OUtDUt Of I Minn ... .i, .i. ... w...l . Z . - - Vim- uk " "... ; munition, due to excessive dinnklna-J, ""-but copal church. After a f ew yeara Bish- Oooa county today. Oood roada bonfl- 1 Minister of Munitions Albert Thomaa 4 -! !t k h 3v M!.!X5 a Ira'n,! op Hughea went to Kansas' City, where mg Issue has attracted much attention. " today issued Instructions that any mu 1 tv .- u..T 7 . 1 'auu'Ba or - years, in 1909 he I There U a nght Between Kendall and ttlon . workers tauad under the In Vt! -lhw. - U .f lrl Wa cam lo p"wln"- , " v . pack for ha Republican nomination for ?n 5' 5hlr immediate ?h wSftf? ? & ' " .' repre-entative. Fight for district at- w Mot ro uie ngfiung line, - I r v . . . ,. " " l , nroioen now msnODS. I torney is aiso a nveiy one, witn tnree a. .V.a i "oun San - Francisco, May 1 9.-( U P v candidates, Llljeqvlst, Miller and Bar- wa- TiV.n .V.. slo"e7 Rv.. Matt S. ' Hughes of Pasadena, rows, In the mid. - f7.! ."JS?1 J"Jntl,?a They Just elected bslhop of the Metnodlat There la contest for Republican nom i.. ..i, . wr f1--1 Episcopal church, is brother of 'nation for all cOuhty offices. Only maV-. w " I3 Bl mT9' Bishop Edwin JL Hughes ot San I contest on the Democratic county tick. Ht IVa'nt aS.W-h.ilW th P- Th. latter la at present Ut Is for county clek. it ta I,, 1 1 tsaratoga, attenainrr tne confer- It U a miracle all were not killed, enca which elected his brother hiahnn IG(D)(D)(iC ; PorUand,; June 78-9 : ' Special s Rates on all Rtllroads :?. j iMiUuhdel JRetemtloiis Mow )New Perkins -Hotel Mi : Announces That JRegulaf ' " MoJerete Rate. "Will PrevaJ v Druggist Is Arreated. C M. Brink, proprietor of a phar macy at 460 Washington-street, was by Motorcycle Patrolman itoseonrg nag tsconts. Verdict for $0500 Damafea. Koseburg, or Mar It. A council I t . -um.. .i. ... i.,,, 1 w,,,. Tt-.. A "Jl.8 'din R1" twployed in tha construction of the Morris last night on A warrant chart 1.5 JT ; 1 , wi11 ui Roseburg new horde for th First National bank ing vioUtlon Of the prohibition law In R Staaa ign. charter. A. ht jnfth and" ; Stark streets, was selling alcohol to Bessie William-, said f"twa" ,ectl President r Dr. awarded yesterday a judgment against to an habitual drunkard. The t an. til ' ' 'o.-toi i tne nans: ror soew oy a jury in judge I woman signed one or tne usual r frida .. ........ -rv.rwi , una eront com i yantenoein e t court. uotn bones of I vita, stating that th alcohol was' to Miners leg were broken November Ibe used for external pnrpoaea. She-la 1916," when his : foot was Caught by now in Jail, recovering from a debauch, tn cage Jn tha construction elevator I Brink was released ' on , hlg own snait,;,!; suea lor h.hub. , - recognixanca. .. mlsskner. .The RosebuT troon i13ov Scouts J composed of about 60 mem bert. They win hike to Btndon flur ing July. ,t ' Tdra laughs and dynamite, a plot full of action, make this th most eater tf of comedy dramas, 3 Reel Keystoner- Tilmed in the Siemtf , The Sirao w With FORD STERLING and a real BEAR BaaaaaaaBaaaiaaam - ' - vt - ' 'viHfX ft . V ' AH' ilf l-,,r V1 ! l ' f 2$ - , - ' ' : 'U . a.'' ! - . ;:, 'j ' -vl - COLUMBEA The Theatre Beautiful - Sixth at Waihingion MAJESTIC THEATRE t TODAY TOMORROW The Biggest Laugh of the Season CHARLIE CHAPLIN In His Latest Comedy The "Floolrwalker,, it Humanity 4 -t ft t't hnA3ft "iff ' , jr. v r . vs. j a. XT Alzamon Ira Lucas TXB OUTBD ADBPT in lectures and demonstrations,; 11th 'Street Theatre MAT It ABB AO AT t ; at -Helpfal Zafssons la th lnroblams of Idf a." ... , -Tne rosaibiufnes ox man." i ie Coasolou and Sub-oonsnlouf tCaa.N . to Jteaew n wooyj auaa ower; Self-Martery." ; 1200 FREE Seats Afew seats reserved at 10a and ltd. 1 tick-is now on eaie. - m NO BOOKS OR APPLIANCES FOR SALE CW in .rrxvaw ill Portland Should- Way to tejSSrr: r w ix ....... i Cornelius BATaUt il A BAT ABB VaV ' 0. jr. Cornellaa, lrasaAsat. RU!fi& 31 'ft.