y THE- OREGON ?. DAILY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1916. - 10 FUItNlSIJED ROOMS (Co-tlaned) RNIHHED rooct for young men in 1 pwU of tb cliy. also In T. M. C bag eapeelslly desirable? during the miner; fire-proof, telephone In aeh nm shower baths, S1.7S to I4..7S per lc, Including full association mem rahlp privileges, gymnasium, awim ntt pool. hand-ball court, and many wt club privilege. Full Informatlos T. M C A. business office or tele ont Main 73S A-5l. FURNISHED ROOM8 ' rUTATl MK1T 70 imeitN 2 larae front bedrooms, rac ing nortir, cooi, ngni ana airy, eiec io light a, phone, bath, in family with light a, phone. Wilrfren. N'oh 3 crmaren. xsod nm aiainci, very melike and centrally located. Phono tn 733. ,AVK large, aunny. front room for 2 gentleman, 2 betls, aingle front loom, plenty of hot water, phone, ele -rlc lights. 834 Hth at. JGHT. pleaaant, furnished rooms, walking distance. SZb 12th at. Phone farehall 4889. BAT-Y furnlahed enclosed Bleeping porch 'yery reasonable. East 8874. ! ' ItOOMB AXD ROARI 15 r.v THE HBKKryBl. '' ? H6 7J7 HOTT ST. s A qolet realdentlal hotel American 3lan Suites Hingis rooms. Excellent ishla. Main 8306, A-17I? OOM and board for young woman. i -per week; laundry, library and sew 1 prlvllcgea- walking dltUnce. I'none -AM 473J. ; ' ROOMH AXI HOARD nUTATB TAM-iT 72 'LKA8ANT room, excellent boara, telephone, ahower bath, home P'v legea.1 Convenient to car barn. Ken on and Union Meat Co. 1206 Alblna ve. Phone Woodlawn 206. ,OB HILL, near Washington St., light, aunny room In modern home, uitable for 1 or 2: best home cook ng; all home privileges; reasonable. lain $643. . . H.bO VVKKK, ouliidF rooms, ialh, ) home cooked meala dally. 284 Main wt FURNISHED room, batn, garage. T blk, to Larid ave, Kast 4842. S" OUSEKEEl'INO ROOMS 8 7IHXD aid vk-'tj hxsxbd jNBi room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam hent. running hot and cold water, phone In every room: 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison te.. I3 up 291 Columbia st cor. 6th. LAKUKi corner room; steam het, elec 'trlc lights, bed linen, cooking gas. free phone, bath; 3 week. 445 Co lumbia. i'HE FRANCES Furnished steam cheated rooms, aingle or in suite, $1.75 and up. 162 W. Park, cor. Mor- rtaon. ' n suit and single bay windows, free light, phone and bath, 35 to 312 per r.onth. Mercedew. 20th and Morrison. DOWNTOWN mouern H. K. suuoa. 316 month up. Including heat, light, eto. oval Annex. 850 H Morrison M 4621 IWO housekeeping rooms. 310 . month, 645 H Washington at.. 16th. per near CHEAP 11. K. rooms, furnishcu. Taylor. Marshall 3298. 460 401 First St tot rr .1 wr' HOUSEKEEPINO ROOMS 73 TvmirzsHxo aitd xrirrvBzasKZD FKXVATB TAMI1.T 8 ROOM suite, modern, electric light, $12.80 per month; also 2 room suits, 310. Largs front lawn, flowers and h rubbery; walking distance. 67 North 2.)th st KAUT or west side, 2 and 3 room suite. complete, light, walking distance. water, bath, yard; Tall Sellwood 1109. HOUSEKEEPINO rooms In private horns, all modern con venlencea. rea sonable rent. 321 Eugene st. FOR RENT HOUSES TrvrirsnT-HED 12 iATTKACTIVE, new. modern nome on j Mt Tabor, complete in every detail, extra large sunny rooms, magnlilcen'. ivlew and select neighborhood. Oarage. Nothing better In Portland for rent Refined and responsible tenant. Yearly lease desired, t-if,. Phone Tabor 38I MODERN s room, clean house, 2 lots, j abundance of truit, berries. 1 blocK ,rar, partly furnished. 531 41st ave. S. E, . (LOWER floor, 3 large rooms, garden j growing, fruit, pantry, bath, base- ment, stationary tubs and gae. nice jlawn; $8. 177 Fargo. Woodlawn 984. ;$9 MONTH Modern 6 room house, lot 1 50x100. On K. 13th St., near Sliavet. iBee Yost 361 Fremont st. Take Union ' ave. car. (TWO lots, 3 room shack. $: i.0 per 'month, located on 82d st. (macad amised), near Estacada ar. F.ed W. merman Co.. 712 Cham, of Com li'OR RENT 6 room cottage. West Side ! i center. inquire 4;is', Aiomgomery !t. Phone Marshall 3409. IfclX room modern house, oak floors, ! -$!. 867 Clinton and 28th st. Take Richmond car EXCELLENT condition, 6 room house, East 16th st.: rent reasonable. Mr. Johnson. Main 937. t UNN X SIDE Oood . lean o room cot- w. ii. saw- tace. $13. Tabor 1311. Ml. (18 -VERY desirable 5 room bungalow, modern and complete. 1585 Fremont, j fr. B9th: "R-C" car. (Open.) CHEAP, good o room bungalow, mod em, Improvements. 7001 60th ave. S. R. Call Main 7021. MODERN 6 room bungalow, bath, gas -and electric lights large attic. 176 H 76th N. 2 Mocks from M-V carl lne. t'OR RENT, -5 room modern bungalow, " lovely home, $18. Qulgley. 202 Wll- gox wag. f ROOM house, modern and convenient, i - nbeat car service. 1072 E. Ma'n st. 1 ror. 86th st.. or call A-3023. SEAT 4 room cottage, 446 Union ave., N. $16.. East 462. j FOR RENT. 6 room house, j r st. East 1518. 367 Weld- Hk MODERN 6 room bungalow. Pen- s insular parK. mu Ainina. mar im. f- ROOM house, newly tinted. 670 rueimont. weuwcoq !;. I 1 1 3 GOOD 6 room house, walking dls tanoe. East 2409. fc'OiV KEiT New 6 room cottage. 1350 Olloan. Main 8428. No. . FURNITURE FOR SALE : HOUSES r K BK XT 4.D8. of furniture for sale ai i pub . lished 'In the Household Goods class ification when house Is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES BEAUTIFUL 6 room bungalow, rent or sale, furnlsned- sleeping porch, base nent furnace, gas, electricity, garage, (tth; room for 1 room upstairs; cost (3590: sell $3000. Owner. Tabor 5831. iC-58. journal. TURNISHED 6 room modern bunga low, with piano; beautiful home; 1 1ock from car; reasonable. Main 6478, Tabor 1804. i OR 'three months from June T 7 . room house, furnished, eaat side. Nominal rent to responsible party Ref irences. Phone East 2237. FOR RENT -Furnished 6 room bun galow; everything almost new. tVoodlawn 1032. SIX room house, well furnished; : bath, - electric lights, etc. Inquire ,lr2 purrs ge at. UODERNxS room furnished house, fire - 'place, fruit and flowers; good loca tion; 1 year. East 6411, mornings. ,i APARTMENTS 43 FUTtNISnED AND UNFURNISHED ROSE FRIEND. 386 Broadway S.; mod- ern unfurnished apts.; large rooms, jft service walking 'st Marsh. 1410 CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy 3 and 3 room apts.. $16. $20. $27 M Marshall 2917 Oirtrtin-4i Court. 401 14th, modern $10 to $23 Liiiit Mia ii apartments, AMKHICAN and ii rlboroush. mod. 4. a. s rm. spin, Mlf. SUSP.- M. 751s. A-Z676 LUXOR APTS.. S24 Uth st. Main 8105 irum. ana unrur. 1. room apts. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND VNFURNISHED (Co-tinned) , ' . ' THE MU. Fifth and Columbia ata. ' Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings: strictly modern 2 and 2 room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balcanlea. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. The Knickerbocker Apt. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Attractive I room fur. and unfur. modern apt. AM new furniture, refer ences. Main 1320. 10th and H-rrisan ft Walking- ittance ilO.NTOOMtRV APT.'., 2d and Mont gomery. Modern brick building, ail outside, furnished 2-room apts.. private bath, phone and automatic elevator: best service; close in; summer rates 318 up. Main 46. Tatt.Kl AfkTM!wnr MOTSV. TKMTH AtD tMMOK Y. Pontland'a hue f quality, comfort Dd wM" H N CO LiN A P A KT M &t i'b. CORNER 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2 room furnished apis., with private bath, phone, electric lights and team heat. 118 lo $23. Main 1377. . 4152. PENKOBL A ''!.. and Grand Ave.. 8 room furnished. Walking rt 'stance. i W. col. Ueiuiuiit new modern. 2 and Service tirat-claas. MADl.ON PAKK APXb. Part at., at Madison, Modern z. 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, clow In. by week or month. THK i ih:y.M.N in my itis 16TH ST. Marshall '2313. Nice S room fur. and unfur. apts.: a No it and 4 room 'ur. apts. CZ.li. K.N AKi dd and Hail Mod ern br'ck bldg., 2 rooms, furnished private phone iu each apt.. 31s and up. Marxhxli 437. MVMlj&tikflli' E. 7th and i'ayloi nib., i and 1 room ipn.; light free, private bath. tSAtBUA API'S. Large modern 2 and 3 room fur. and unfur., brick bidg., best service, walk In? dis. ; reasonably 429 Harrison. TH SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway ., 3 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts.. walking distance; at very reasonable rent; best of service. Main 2506. ROSENFELD (new). E. I4th and Stark. Brick. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfur.; outside rooms: private phone. DILL apts., 7i East Ankeny, modern, completely turn, apts.; large. l:gh'., sunny, clean, E. lights, stm. ht. E. 1808. THE TEASDALE, 30 N. 20th near Washington, close In; 3 and 4 rooms, both phones. Get our summer rates. cvv luiniaiitU upia. ; concrete block; 310 and 312 1162 Lmou ave. N. Woodlawn 612. PENlA&C L.A' APIs.. C1170, concrete bldg. 2 and i rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat 312 up. TUDOK ARMS Apts.. 18th and Coucn. Pone A-1644. Main 256a; new brick bldg.: 2 3, 4 rooms, modern apts. 2 KUUM furiiianed apt., luoiern, rea sonable, oawyers. Apt., 82 N 10th Phone A-223S. MAO.SvCIA APTS. b. id and Beimoni. Modern 1 and 2 room apts., fl.&u per wek im Pleping rooms. Kast 212. NUKUillij apis. 566 Marsli-U hi. Mod ern, ; rIVate Uath and dreabiug r m; fimimfr rntes WE8TFAU 41.0 fith st. 4 rout. i apt. private bath andjjhone, modern brick. $0 week and up walking distance. FOR RHXT FLATS 13 MUutK.N uuuei l oom il . . i- 17th St.. near Belmont. I 1 it Marannil 4317 S ROOM upper flat. E. thorne; references; i'. 1797. loth and llaw 3. Woodlawn $18.50 IRVINGTON, 5 rooms, oa floors, large yard, near car. East 356. FURNISHED FLATS 50 MODERN, newly furnished 6 room up per corner flat, walking distance, close to school. 16th and E. Alder sts. Main 1728. NICELY furnished 4 room fla; Rent $lti. Including furnace heat, vater and phone, ti 14 V and 6164 Commer cial st. FOLK rooms, modern. 383 Ross st 2 blocks east end Broadway bridge low rent. $16 MODERN 4 room, neatly fur- nisnea, good location. East :;409. $163 yard. ROOMS, lights, water, large walking distance. East 3310. $104 ROOM flat, good furniture; children. 740 Minnesota ave. STORES A VI) OFFICES 1 1 KRK'K warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and alrv On paved street: reasonable. Journal P'lhlis-hing (. Rroadwav and Yamhiil FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 WANTED to rent baby btiggv in good condition, for couple months. East HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 2 LIGHT deliveries. 1 orse and wagon. for sale, reasonable. A-1043, Broad way 3045. DEAD horses and aniinais hauled awiy freo. Call Woodlawn 20 Portland Rendering Co. COLUMBIA stables. 302 Front. Oooa rigs and saddle horses for hire. Main 3030. GOOD ranch team; must sell. ';earv Ice Co., between 34th and 3ith sts. on East Yamhill. 3 TON lamelhack wagon; wtli ex change for horse or bmaller wagon. 10J9 E. Yamhill et. WANTED Horse and wagon for bak ery delivery. N-741. Journal. FOR SALE Team, wagon, harness Phore Sellwood 1839 or Main 8428! 1 TON camW-hack wagon for sale. Inquire 906 K. 7th st. North. 90O POUND naare. light wagon and Harness. $75. Sellwood 784. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. MUTT AND JEFF Jeff Should Have Picked Out a Place of More Solitude 82 IrC . , rTVjM.sj'. a . . I iiMillntoim,! ' k...rtJ.k, WWII ' WUi'wi tJLJJuJ I ViUiir TXS. Sfl 1 OrVCfeTo CAMP cvrMr f t-ZZ hi.'' A II V,; I i-cvrHsr t rtt rtT iz 1 K1 i AND PPrifuoiv I flkJs I - , Yn 71Z V J I a a . . - HORSES, VEHICLES, ETCy 18 (ODiQliwai JUST received; a shipment of horses from Grand Ronde valley, eastern Oregon, consUting of some well "ald young farm chunks and some drart horses weighing around 1600 tMinda each, and also some light delivery horses. We will sell them with a guar antee. Model Stables, 5th and Davit,. iOH horses gnu venicles. doaa anl household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads aU other nasdlum In these classifications FOR SALE U00 lb. horse, light de livery wagon and harness, I4o; horse guaranteed; will ride or drive single or double, gentle. 6408 99th St. S. E.. Lents. ONE bay pony, 800, 330; one gray pony, 900, 33a. These are slick ino fat and work under toddle or otherwise. Also steel tired buggy with set double harness. 233 N. 14th st. TWO fine Shetland ponies, fine Welsh pony; also fine pony, buggy ana har ness; will take larger horses or cattle in exchange. 1029 E. Yamhill n'.. FOR SALE! 1 team, mare and horse, 2400 lbs.; nearly new farm wagon and harnesa; also 1 top buggy: must sell; trial allowed. 1967 E. Stark st. WILL trade milk cows or young stock for a young work horse weighing about 1300 lbs. J. H. Morrow. Route 4. Vancouver. Wash. LIVESTOCK 35 FOR SALE 10 extra fine cows, all rich milkers; route if desired clear ing $175 per month: or will sell part of cows. Phone Main 331. D-576. Journal. YOUR choice of 4 registered Jersey cows; will take good horses In ex- change. 1029 E. Yamhill St. . ONE yearling registered Jersey bull for sale or triVe for good milk cow. A Dimbat, Oswego. Or., R. 1, box 31 i. CATTLE or sheep wanted for income property. Owner. T-546, Journal. FRESH heiler. cbeap; 4 Vi gals. F. H. I.uecke, Oak Grove, Or. POULTRY AND PIGEON'S 87 Vvrtl'iE LeRhorn oaby chicks from proved heavy laying stock; May de livery. $8 per 100; we guarantee safe arrival The Pioneer Hatchery. Peta- ivma Cal. CHICKS, White Leghorns, O. A. C. strain; extra fine large ones Master Hatchery, 416 Jessup St. Phone Wood lawn 4344. FOR sale cheap Chicken house, about 8 ft. square, chtcken run about 6 by 40 ft. 902 E. 26th st N. Woodlawn 1708. . MATED per.s thoroughbred Rhode la land Reds, setting eggs ami baby chicks. 6329 43d St., Woodstock. Sell wood 2618. FOR SALE Cheap, large Plymouth Rock, homer pigeons. Apply after 6 p. m. 990 E. Grant st. PlREBRED New Zealand rabbits for sale to close. E. Allen, Sherwcod. Or. BARRED Rocks, eggs $1 and il set . tine: birds of merit. Tabor .'130. PRIZE winning R. I. R. eggs, la SI. Tabor 618 R A R R ED Rock eggs. Wdln. 2397. DOGS. BIRDS, PETS, KTC. 46 FOR HADE Thoroughbred Airedale hound, 6 months, old. bargain. 248 Front st. . YKI.1a)W oanarv singers, 6 weeks old. East 1439. 394 Morris St. FOR SALE Pointer pup, 3 months old. 214 E. 19th st. N. AUTOMOBILF-3-ACCrESSORIES 44 SKK our stock of .ford delivery bodies, also auu wheels, our own make; guaran teed. Carl Peterson, 121 Grand ave. north. ?st 1433. DOUBLE tread, puncture proof tlrea made from your old onea Bring them In. Oregon Vulcanising Co, Wash at 18th. Burnslde at Broadway. (335 Burnslde ) lt Ila Solve Your Spring Trouble. Guaranteed washinoton carrHaoC Springs. cor. Union and Bel mont E. 1305. TWO laxicabs, one REO and one FRANKLIN, in fine condition, with new tires, for sale cheap NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway at Couch. yi 300u guarant'd springs In'WtocK. p'rlces reduced. 34 N. 15th st. l-ctrii m iinr. narts. tires, accessories. less tl.an half price of original cost. Auto Wrecking Co.. 271 Front Main 1939 NO-GLARE AUTO LENSSiSiS. ED BRUNS CO., 4 3l4 1st St.. cor. Ash. Broadway 964. DODGE passenger, had excellent care, owner. lust like new. $750 cash. Call Main 5010. FOR SALE 1914 Hupmobile. will trade for late model Ford. Main 1360. ONE 12 ton auto truck, will demon strate, $300, also business. G-792, Journal. ' IF it's scrap rubber or metals and you witnt the highest price, phone J. 7,eve. l$i Columbia. Main 5198. 1 WILL sell my new 1916 car at a sacrifice. Will give terms. X-530, Journal. 4 TON E. M. F. Studebaker delivery truck cheap. Call evenings at 275 Halleck st.. Peninsula. FORD roadster. ment or not; 2Sth st. North. with delivery attach-A-l condition. 95 E. FOR SALE 1912 Buick roadste overhauled; $350 cash. J. juer Hill. Menlo hotel. 10 Stark st. GET OCR PRICES ON PAINTING. BROADWAY AUTO PAINTING CO., 31 Broadway North, near Burnslde 5 PASS. CAR. overhauled, fine shape; climb any hill; a car for service. Best buy in city for $176. 191 4th St. BRUSH runabout cheap, cash or terms. 127 N 6th st. BUICK 5 pass., good condition, paint ed and overhauled. Woodlawn 4001. t AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (Continued) Fords Fords Fords Fords 1915 FORD touring, fully equipped, practically new, speedometer and whistle. I39S. 1916 FORD touring, finest condition, new tires all around. 8395. 1915 FORD roadster, like new. 3325. 114 FORD touring, fully equipped; used very . little, electric lights and shock absorbers, $326. 1914 FORD touring, fully equipped, $295. 1913 FORD touring-, fully equipped, $295. Terms is desired and a year's free serviee on all minor adjustments. We have a complete line of parts and accessories for Ford cars. Open day and night We never close. Francis Motor Car Ex. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. East 1199. BARGAINS IN USED CARS STUDEBAKER Six. series 17. llae new. exceptional bargain at 3105O. PACKARD. 7 passenger, excellent con dition. 1915 body, only $1000. COLE 40. good mechanical condition, newly painted, electric lights, snap, 8500. OTTO Special 6 passenger, to anyone wanting a high grade lightweight car this is an exceptional oppor tunity. $450. TEH1E OLDSMOBILE COMPANY OF OREGON ' BROADWAY AND COUCH. Large Stock to Select From See them today. All makes, including 3, 6 and 7 passengers. In A-l condition. Prices $300 up. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, East First and East Morrison Sts. East 7272, B-l?16. -x WE have several small cars that have been just overhauled and are in good condition. Will sell cheap NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, Broadway and Couch. 1914 CADILLAC. This phaeton model is fully equipped; electric starter, very good tires, in A-l condition in every way. This is a high grade car that you can always depend upon to give excellent service. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. PARAGES $30 and up. Portable hou ses, chicken houses, wood s h e d a, etc. M 1 1 1 m a d e Con stf uction Co. Main 1167. 544 Hood Sundays and evenings. Woodlawn 3615. OVERLAND, electric starter and lights $42S Studebaker, 6 cyl.. late model 775 Mitchell, 7 pass., 6 cyl..- 325 Studebaker, E. M. F., chassis 175 Terms if desired. Oakland Auto Co, Main 414. 16th and Alder. OVERLAND roadster, 1912 model, good condition, $250. STUDEBAKER four, 6-pass. 1914 model, electric starter and lights, $485. STUDEBAKER six, 7-pass., electric starter and lights, fine condition, $600 OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker Distributors. Park and Davis Sts. EVER-REAIY 1 ton truck; attachm't. ou ; irun ccmp. $775. Mfg In Prt. THAYER-8HAVER-GULLEY MACHINE CO 193 East Water St. Phone East 7437. TRUCK SELDEN, 1 V4 ton, like new, cost $2250, for $950 Terms if desired. Oakland Auto Co. 16th and Alder. BRICK garage, with office or living rooms, dandy location, cheap rent Thompson & Swan, 6th and Main sts.. ancouver, wasn. AUTOMORILES WANTED 78 WILL" trade, 1 new Eastman 16 in "Circuit ' panorama camera; 1 new No 6 Turner-Ketch lens; new 8x10 Cooke lens, series IV, fitted with Cooke extension lens; 1 used 22x20 J. H Dallmeyer lens, for light touring car. LX-928, Journal. 80 ACRES in Malheur county. 3 miles from R. R., 10 miles from Vale; value $800; to exchange for auto. U 7 45. Journal. WILL trade good paying confection ery. 2 furnished living rooms, gar den, chickens, for second hand car. Owner. 1453 E. Glisan. HAVE $400 first mortgage to trade for automobile or real estate. Address Geo. E. Balsiger. R. F. D. No. 1. Scio. Or. EQUITY in 7 room house to sell or trade for automobile. Main 6472. Call Walton. WANTED Best roadster will buy. East 4098. that $250 AUTOS FOR HIRE 52 FOR HIRE Hudson touring car. Careful, reliable driver. Main 6378. CAREFUL driver, reasonable 3293. rate. Ford. , Woodlawn mm mm ews YRM8 wu AUTOS FOR HIRE 52 i--ur--t Ooattaned) COLUMBIA HIGHWAY AND bCKNIC TRIPS. 7 and 5 pass. cars. Reasonable rates. Phone Main 3005. A-300S. FIVE passenger auto, careful and ex- perienced driver. Jk. m, to .4 p. m. Tabor 7$. MqTORXJrCTFBICTCIJM 55 1913 EAGLE, fully equipped, good tires, eng. good. $125. Some terms; no trades. Woodl. 1126. - Bicycles & motorcycles bought A eold. rt. re. Btocner, Z7S Taylor, cor. 4tn st SIDE CAR for sale cheap. 1004 East unnion st. WANT to buy a good bicycle. 6th st. 124 N. WANTED A single or twin motor cycle for cash. J-579, Journal MUST sacrifice 2 cylinder Metz road ster for $65. 149 E. 32d. LAUNCHES AXT W3ATS 64 EV1NHUDE row boat and canoe mo tors, rowboata, canoes, motorboats " - our. beautiful motor boat and en-fin- for $143.00. Evlnrude Motor Co. Moved to 811 MorWn st. FOR SALE 18 ft flat bottomed hull, 6 ft. locker in bow, built for Evin rude motor. Almost new $25 cash. T Danielson. ft. Nebraska st. FIVE room boathouse for sale .Mieap, electric lights. 1064 Macadam, near Hamilton. S Portland. HOUSEBOAT Attractive modern. complete; terms. 32 Willamette moorage. Sellwood 194. FOR SALE Cozy 2 room houseboat completely furnlahed. Phone Sell wood 2704. T. DANiELSON Boat Shop.ttuN'ebraska. Building, repairs, oest work, low price. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 Hh.KJKE putcnasiii: our Specials In Usd Piano Bargains. New pianos modatsl prlad ftvVr-. pi V BClTIrll-AM BTM. AM STAKK STS. AS WE cannot take our elegant Kran ich & Bach mahogany piano (cost $466) to Ho olulu next week, will take $250, or what will you give? Can use jewelry, diamonds or take payment from well-recommended purchaser; pi ano like now. G-796, Journal. FISCHER, fehonnicaer. Haddorf. An drew Kohler and other pianos and player pianos terms to suit your con venience, mail me a card and I will call, A. J. Dorand, agent located at wholesale house of Kohler & Chase, 9th and Hoyt sts., Portland. Or. WE are leaving Oregon indefinitely . and will sell pianola Weber player piano at less tnan half cost, music cabinet and bench included, or will rent to reliable home taking good care of it for $40 a year. Write immedi ately. F-993. Journal. $::. $65. $96. $110 and $145 casn se cures old and lew models. Checker ing. Haines Bros.. Heinze. Hallet & Da vis and Knabe pianos clos.d out at once by Security Storage Co.. 119 4th AN electrically-operated, many-toned piano; plays splendidly; construct ed so nickel-in-slot device can be attached; cost $1000; will take dia monds, automobile or anything I can use. Address J-z, journal. $45 CASH buys -mail Boudoir uprlgn; r at Security Storage Co.. tomorrow J09 4th st APARTMENT houses get greatly in creased rents by installing modern player-pianos; factory representative can make most favorable arrangements with high class places. Write C. B. K., K-540. Journal. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired, refin ished by prof essiojiel men. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Portland Piano Tuning, Rep. & Mfg. C. 246 Hawthorne. E. 1072. AM sacrificing everything to go to old country; will take $100 cash for Steinway upright; can be seen In downtown store; fine order; speak quick. J-583. Journal. TO RENT 1 Kimball piano in first class condition, $2 per month to re sponsible party. Otto uc Harkson, 413 Chamber of Commerce. $35 CASH secures $250 mahogany pianola player at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st. FREE use of piano or player piano 2 years. See display adv., or Schwan ,Plano C. Ill 4th st OLD violin, full, rich tone, not repair ruined. $30 or diamond. Main 1190, TYPEWRITERS 77 WE save yoj from 60 to 75 on all makes of typewriters, send ror our Illustrated folder; retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO S?1 Washington et. TYPEWRITERS for rent 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental applied on purchase price. Remington .type writer to., sb firoaaway NEW. rebuilt. 2d hand rentals, cut rates, r i. ;o . zji startc. m. 1407 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 9 ROOMS, furniture for sale; clean and good location: must be sold next week; don't call unless you have money and mean business. 11 North 9th st, corner of Oak. BED, $5; Crex rug, oak bookcase, $2; birch dresser, piano. 4136 63d St.. Ixurelwood. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 AUTOMOBILE, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. COMPLETE assortment of carnival novelties for sale cheap. 128 1st, near Alder. GOOD baby buggy and wicker nur sery chair $5. Call mornings, 401 Oregon bldg. PHONOGRAPHS, $5; records 6o. Phonograph Record Exchange, 128 1st. near Alder. Main 4495. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell.' Agt. 194 1st Main 1221. $12.60 DROPHEAD sewing machine, witb attachments. Call 162 Grand ave. WRECKAGE wood; stove cuts, $2.60 per load. Marshall 3475. FOR SAJ.E MISCELLANEOUS 10 i BARGAINS. All kinds. All makes. Sewing machines. We need the room. Will sell from Each All Guaranteed Main 1846. 349 Morrison ON account of moving, will tell one fine, large, elaborate quartered oak sideboard ; with large mirror, worth $260: one McDougal cabinet, cost $65; one Victrola phonograph and records, cost $125. Any reasonable offer will be accepted. Call up on phone for ap pointment Main 4769. 746 Irving, be tween 22d and 23d. - Machines of ii makes old for les. Xo agents employed. Machine rent ed $2 per mo. A-3626. M.4431. Sewing Machine tVnuorium. 1 90 3d U near Taylor. Electric motors sold and reme. ou Brand new caroom and pocket billiard table; with completo outfit $115; second hand tables at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and soia fountain Fixture. THE BRUNSW1CK-BALKK-OOLLENDER CO.. 46-48 Fifth. tlectric Motors Bought sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works, 413 JBurnslae, cor 10th. Broadway or A-5674. lOK SALE Cheau. Iin 8 ft. floor. case, cheese cutter, counters, surgi cal Instruments, typewriter desk. Edi son moving picture outlit Victrola, electric fan, Du Pont blasting machine, candy furnace. 128 1st, near Alder. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. type writers" ant "Household Goods" are separate i classifications. All adver tisement of these goods axe published under tbel respective claaslrications. Loo the in over. lu UKOrMti u singer fcevtiu t - chine, complete with attaenments, in good order, 117.50 while lur 'ast Last 23519. B-3307." E. ft. Steen. Hi Grand awe., near Belmont WANTED To fit your eyes so that you get all that's coming to you out of life; prices very reasonable. aries the Jeweler. laUY'S Beautiful 4 karat diamond ring, value $130; will take $76. 333 31 st. MACHINtERy; bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead A Mach. Co., 311 Front st. Main 5493. SWAP COLUMN 23 TRADE 24 fL motorboat, 14 H. P.. fully equipped, for motorcycle or high power marine motor. C. R. Stal der, Milwaukie, Or. WANTED To buy 12x14 tent. In first class condition; also Airedale to keep for the summer for its training on big game; best references: Main 1509. HEAVY brass bed, continuous poet. steel springs, worth $50. Want cash. Victrola or what? Tabor 6716. or X- 529, Journal. . W ANT store and office tixtures 7r household goods. Trade city or beach lots. 12& 1st, near lder. FURNITURE and laying White Leg horn chickens. Game hens. Wood lawn 824. TILLAMOOK Beach lots ror used fur niture, cook stove. East 4213 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 PHON-. East 7815 when you want to sell your furniture. We come at ence and pay you tne casn. M. R. Seater. 236 Grand ave. south of Haw thorne. WANTED Second hand Hurnuure, ranges and stoves Best prices paid. Morgab Furniture Co.. 390 East Mor rison st. Phone East 223s. WANTED The ople of Peruana to know I pay in highest cash prices for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6797. N. M Seator.143 Russell st. HIGHEST cash price for diamond, old gold, silver, platinum, watches, Kodaks, Jewelry of all kinds. J. Golden, 167 1st st. NOXiCE TO MOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rocaers. dressers. rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We pay the price. N. w. Furn. Ex. E. 636 HIGHEST PRICES PAID . For second band furniture and house hold goods. 61 N. 3d st Broadway 119. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOU8JSHOLH GOODSa PHONE MAIN 3332. A-2667. SECOND hand clothing buyer. Merer the tailor, pays $5 up for suits; shoes bought. Marshall 1229. 229 Madison w; KHi-fAirc your watcn ror ji, no matter how badly broken. Bring this aa. nowara jeweiry o., bin st. WE buy phonographs and records, aibo player piano music. 128 1st Main 449;, near Alder. WANTED Fl-or case, oomputin scales, store and office furniture. 128 1st, near Aider. Main 4495 CASH for old gold, sliver, piatinum and high grade ore. ti. M. Pickering, mfg. .jeweler. 218 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED 10x15 Platen press. State honest price and terms. R-796, Jour nal. WANTED Spraying Sellwood 1329. outfit Phone WANTED Small foot power lathe; must pe accurate. JI-&31, journal. WANT furniture in Bayocean. at once. E-9&9, Journal. See me WE pay the highest prices for second hand furniture. Call East 7777. Alaska Bag & Junk Co. pays best prices, all kiTids lunk Main 4686. 235 Front. WANT -9x12 carpet or larger. Phone Marshall 8068. 95 N. 13th. WANTED, furniture Main 1904. LOST AND FOUND 21 STRAYED OR STOLEN Boston bull terrier pup. white streak on fore head and front left foot white. An ewers to name of Paddy. Reward Phone iMaln 2088. LOST Auto, tire, 30x3ty, between 5th and Washington and 80th and Glisan. rnone wars nan iii. us spalding bid MacGregor. FRATERNITY PIN lost May 10. R warn, fnone Main 6467. 21 Oontta FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station; Marshall 510 J. A-6I31: May 17 l bundle sticks, 2 suit cases, 3 grips. 13 umbrellas. 12 packages. 2 books 3 pairs -loves. 2 purses. 1 cakeJ DOS. 3 WSinrfa 1 nlr..,- .lKnW f 1 uairw nuiian ciuds. i rug. uwi A check on the Drummond Nat bank for $25 and letter. Owner may have same by proving ownership. Apply cashier of The Journal PERSONALS glasses? 1 can fit vour eyes with first .uallty lens.-s in a oln tilinri frame as low as $1.5u. Chaa. W. Good man, optometrist 209 Morrison. Main 2124. FEB VET dt hANtliljT. leaa;u wg and toupe makers: fineat slock hu man hair goods; hairdresstng, manicur ing, face and scalp treatment corao Inge to order. 147 Broadway. Main 646 laiTKO-tt DKUr'A iaiC lnuiuie 275 North 22d at. tCor. of Overton. Scientific massage, Electric Cabinet Bath Comfortable rooms Mar 3775. TAKaRa Hair Tonic. &n antiseptic scalp cleanser, hair beautifler and dandruff remover: price hoc Dottle. F"r ale hv Portland Hotel Pharmacy. L 0.' i" use rxpeimlt e cot u irllleuice. when you get the sure thing "Re moves It" 15c plasters at the CUmen son Drug Cc 2i Morrison st. STIMULATE, excite the circulation by electrode manipulation; facial scalp tieatment. 307 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington. DR. V. G. Kfc-TCHUM Women a mala dies and acute diseases bf men. Wash bldg. 4th and Wael. 1m .441. Mar 448 S WITCH 3S madf. from combing Switcnes remade or. darkens 1 S. F Pierce, '6 Hoiladay. East 2784. SPIR1TIJA LltS-M Kev M. A. Prle. ctr cles Tueo 2 p. m. ; Wed.. Sun. 8 p. m Reading dailv Ciav t. Mn :t9n TOHED FKEL. ;u'.l fclor age vaults. Rummelin Fur Co.. 415-7 Dekum bldg HAVE your -iair permanently avea Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beaut Parlors. 400 Dekum Marshall 1702 NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and manl curlng. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. BALM of Figs remedy women. '04 Davis st. for (Max,' be or Main 23J3 SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp. 163 Park st.. room 3. 10 to 7 SCALP treatments and shampooing 350 Yamhill, office No. 1. MAY IRWIN, facial and scalp treat- ments. zlfr Morrison, room 30. I onMor Consultation free. Lawyer 4993. B12 selling hi.iu- NOTICES 20 SKALKD Dropuaala will be received at tht- of rice or tne undersigned. 401 conrthouae. un til p. m.. inuraaay. june 1. 11H. ror rin- Idlitng hardware for second unit of Franklin Men reboot. Bids wUl be opened In room 361 conrthouae at same time. Deposit of $.'. la required for plans and specifications, which may be obtalnea at the office of K. A. Nara more, Wupt. or Propertlea. 303 courthouse Certified check for 10 per cent of amount of proposal, payable to It. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany earn proposal. Board of directors reaeryea tile right to reject any and all proposals. - 11. THOMAS, Paten May 13, ibio. scnool l !pr CIRCULAR NO. 187. Sealed proposals will be received at ornre or purchasing agent, Alas kar. engineering- commission, Seattle, Wash not later than 11:00 a. m.. June 2. 1016. for plrmbing supplies, telephone equipment, han't power elevators, ciocei and syphon pumps Copies of circular may be obtained upon anpll Cktlon at tnis ornce; j. t. engineer office 80- Couch bldg., Portland, Or., and bureau ; mites, 606 customhouse. San PTanclsco. I'll C. E. DOLE. Purchasing Agent. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATING ACCORDION, KNim ANO BOX PLKATiM.; HEMSTITCHING, BRAIDING; BUTTON HOLES. BUTTONS COVERED. EA8TEUN NOVELTY MFG. CO.. 6TH. B'WAY ia' Ik. STEPU-N Hemstitching, accordion, aids sod cunbant pleating; l ittona covered; goods atongyd. Scslloplng. Plttock blk. B'wsv 1WW AGATE CUTTERS. Mrti. Jewelers. Diamonds bought aud vnl Watch repair g. Mlller a. 4.StWaah M.1S74 AORICT7LTU-.AL IMPLEMENTS P. R. KSbK.NStlAU- Implements, veiiU ta auu general farm supplies. 214 Front Portland ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND A8SAYEB CILHtKl liALU CO. Loucb bldg. low -tui BLANK BOOK MAKERS Davis a uolma.n. inc., low d st man. book manufacturers; agenta for Jones In proved Loose Leaf Ledgera. See the new tu reka laf. A-31K3 Main IM. BXTtLDINO CONTRACTORS Geo, E. Mangas X Kealdaucv Sprcisita. Iray lU.ia CABINET WORK CABIN T WUUh, furnllura repairing Uoran D Jones Jr.. 62U, st. Msln iWi CARPET CLEANING carpet ga. carpet orD rsl Kug U.. 1SS E. Stb. K. a.w Tt n JOC- BROS. Klectrlc Cleaning worita car neta cleaned and laid; refitting our spe cialty. Knst 44L B 1SHW. 24 E. ltb st. X. laN INSULAR Uug Works Uag '"-rn,1,:!t pet wesvlcg- rmiwa CHIROPRACTORS ,u y.uiUuN i;urabi cases, taking tins i r.I lis Worth 50. Addltfc cal new offices 2QW-218 Maclesr bldg.. 4tb A W-h licenaed clilro- o'ractic physician, nervousness, diseases of w. men and children. S1T &IB Swetland Mdg. CHTROPRaCTORS hi C 8 Tigard IS tratn-nt. iO. 4iu-. Norlhweat bldg. Main T26S. COAX AITP WOOP- -hv nav id fur cordwoud when yoo can get Wgood Idbl-kwood stWJ V-d: doeble load M-W. Box wood led with biavy. MM . kla? for donbl. load. dr alau- ? I. J . io.d Rroaowar M. A-2IS1. Ol D crew lb lir w-d. 4 to a duca. Main KFEK A KAKR. dry fir. ft. H.AO to H Blockw d. W Wt at. Mala 4506 A-4o47 LOST AND FOUND Coorrlbt. 11 6. by H. Q. r1ST. iTTmirk Re. D 4 Pat.ot Office.! COAL AHO WOOD - DRY AND GREEN 16 IN. AND 4 FT, MTLTNOMAH K1KI. to., m. v. 40; A -21 1 NATIONAL KDKL to KAST I'iMI 81abwood t'J cord deilTerpd; dry !!ck' an4 labwuod saned (S.JO load: good dry wreck. age. 3. A-1 dry fir. 4 fwt or Hvi,.d to nrder. OOWTHACTOKg AMJ hPILDF KS ObKiB UUBkU. ijtueril CuuUavtur iLu I,A loek hldt. CREDIT CLOTH.'XG payfa. N.Y, Outfitting Co. 40V Whlniftns tC5CAT:c.'l. MH.S. ALU K Till1). teHi'lier or a i.uK ami public speaking, amateur plays. rohearj-d and produced. Studio t72 Kearney. Tel. War aliall I (13 . DillCKB. -AM.tit.61M laucins Avademr. & J' St.. bet. Stark anil Oak. Bu'l rates. 4 Dflvat lessons 32. mornais. afternoon, evening; ell latrst dasccs guaranteed: elsaa Thurs.. Sat. "timn. Broadway 8180. l ntl Mrs. Hallla ai'Lm.l l.Mna dailf. Class Kr dT im : .1 hatwan A'h tnrton and Stark I &Vf Main I2AA. LA i.k-vk m, ith.Ali. 011,-uliii. p.iui. te. Frrnt fnnrv .(n-lan Main SWT1 MUSIC 8CriOO ANP .EAOHUH . 1 ll.....l'mi . M.er, bvria. mi) Marshall ! 8I'7 Klrirtnvr l.ldg . i'tttlr. ' . . I. A V , .M, iuutM at fVtt flnclMione l.hor mm. bnme. POPULAR MUSIO I'lANO i jClllue taugut auitir lu III to 20 W9 scna, written Euurantec of money back If we full; detuonatratlon anil hnoklot fr Imnra vllng. keyhoard hartroHr. etc Ml-2 Hilars hM. EYE. AR KOEE HKOAT LUK9 r r. an-ilar. M7 Hknm hlrttr .Ul Wiafc flKE liouACt Aflr'IC PilAII.S lillr. INalKAHk .M only ,:rraon tlr miti m- fininan LUt wus AND HAG HUGS FlUlllFlF Wads from old Ingrain. Bruia Axmlnttar. Smyrna carpels. Hag ruga, all alaes. Hall' ol- crs prompt attention, booklet. WS1KHN K 1U r r UUO CO. 61 Union Ava. N. Phones least Ante. R-14T3 HATS CLEANED. BL ACHES Ladle , g'suia' fauauia al cicaueu. (..aaciivd Tac. Straws, feita. Luc. kiufmiu'L IBii Waah.. nr. 4th. 8 and 4. 3d I'lionr M 10W LAWN MOWKH ORIMDINO L 1'fc.KT lauuuioHtse gnudltig; natural Ours Kflndera. ZOKVt I.I II. .Vain MVi. LAXila AMD fhOt 1-lfJL.H.OIi Oldest tlrm m uuribueai. Atuu 'UouarcS' and ' L. a kW" n iratlipr. .n Kre't t. MAIIH-BS-S Ol-U alll tfMt;a auu lealuai u, ua Uiauv iUW sanitary luiuiu luia, laalbrra rruovatad. ioldiuif M Co.. olio llllaui. K. &74 kOM-lXUJu iCAjiiiU bttsnauui WaiMliUU O.deu auu Auilntr smiat. uru- ry Vtrluuatu ulaul, iili auu urulua at. Main i2. A II7J PAINTING AND DECORATINQ lilijll t LA.S UhK at leuaouaoie prices. IkmiivS. 1 ,v l.s'I lt. ivi:.l(i.. Wdln. 4W. rHIllUfis Attu M(iAVt.S iUb 111 liuiM JUUA Ai. A.. ftla.K . uroadway 41M. A-4IW, KU---K SlAiaPb AMI BEAL8 A too bltruclia, Italia eueck. iliaa a. 1'ALIHC (UA1 blAMC VVOHKS 2J1 V aalilllgtou al. MalD 710. A- Jll'l BAF-'IY RAZORS U0NED bArLl 1 raaA.ia auaipcieu, ail aiUUi., r Suil doc per doscn ,;d neat M .rrl o bHLkl khlAl WORKS iLkl'Al KUNvj liU auli fclavn ruoia. Jac ,(lo lai l t'Uuiir .Uaiu "11. ihADnitiKb auu kroaAOE Uiegon Iransler Co. EatablPbed l7u. Transfer aud roiMrsrdlng Agents. Storage frw 'J rackaga Offlcr aud Slorsge. 414 Odaas St. 18th and Ollaan Main S. A-'l ALWAlb "PICK'' lilt iltai Uwuta.Ki. GOODS SPbCIALlSlS bloraga. Packing, gripping and Moving. Mora or Aou Vaaa. Special freight ratea to all points. C. O PILK TUANStEK k SIUHAtiE CO. 2d snd Pine. Broa.lwsy ftd a W ClON Kib lilAKbrklt LU. urunuir m. ers. Lackers, storssr; ll-eproof Harrbuuae. 1Mb and tloyl at Mala "4T A 2V47 J 0 BBE R SJrVii O LE SAkESS DRY O00DS WHOLESALE L. Dinkelspiel Co. Vb.M 112 Hiisriu. a i us. corner iw PAINT. OIL AND OLASg HAsMLM-N a CO.. "HlgD Standard paint. A4I N E corner 20 ann iai" M 177' PLUMBING SUPPLIES 1LUMB1.NU aupllra. wbolrsale pricwa. oiara Davis . 212 :id st Msln 70T SANITARY WIPING BAGS L. SHANK CO. M12 r UU.N I M PHIISK M A I V ' WATER SUPPLY SK STEMS K WAN Kb WItHillii M D Spencer. Agent ma V Par WOOD PIPE IX'KTLANO WtMtll PIPt CO '?;,,or "y office nesf 24th snd York sta. Mais 34. XHTOS ATXO COTXFOH. If you want the name of rellaMe business house dealing In sny line of mercliuni'ise, or InformHtion regard ing rt-Horts holelo, railroadn. kteam- hip lines, etc., B'lilrH Oregon Jour. nal Inioiniution Bureau Information desired: Name Addreas. By "Bud" Fisher . r j