mm ASSIGNED FOR SUMMER WORK . in mini ia AAiinm a IN HJBUb SUHUULb Joarcl of Education Makes . Announcement of Princi pals and Instructors, INSTITUTE IS AUTHORIZED Participation of School In nag Day Cslsbratioa and parade, Jane 14, Is Requested. Trovlaion for vacation schools dur ing the coming summer was made by the school board at Us meeting yester- day afternoon. Principals tM& teacher for th Krada school were assigned as fol lews: Principals Arleta, T. K. Rpelrs; Central, Ii. T. Van Tine; Hawthorne, O. E. Jamison; Highland. Paul T. Kckert; Irvinprton. William Parker: Couch, Elmer Brown; Hhattnrk, HuKh J. Boyd; Montavllla, IL M. Sherwood; OcKley Qreen, It. B. Blonsrh; Rich mond, BT K. Hughes; Sellwood, Mrs. (.'X Tf. Thomas. I Teachers Fern Renter, Klsle v Rnhmr. Lur-y K. Humphreys, Alma i 1. Mil lr..Jt T.knla t i nnsacr, jjuiiiin vri-'ii, itun. Carr, Mary Cavanaush, Anna'Slmp- ; son,. Bess Segal, Bessie Rawson. Bile-. . fcbeth Carotliers, Jeiuile M. Healey. j Nancy Drew, Habra Conner, wann ' Hill, Grace Bridges, Viola Ortschljd, i Mary Dennis, Ann Chalmers, Iora 'i Foster, Verdi Monroe, Kmma Whitney, I Ildlth Wright. Olga Johnson, Sarah Allenr-Hel"n V. Breeri, Winifred Den- - nls, Anna B. Kellogg. A, A. Campbell named. For Lincoln Tgh school A. A. Camp hell was named principal end Annie Drlng, secretary. Teachers follow: ' Kstelle V. Armltsge. O. M. Blttner. Mary Buckley, Harry C Bastham, W. V. Oreen, George koehn. Harper N. Jamison, R. C. May. I,. P. Roberts, Jullanne Roller, Sarah Ruby, Beatrice - Rundall, Hlanche Thurston, Clyde O. Marietta, Charles N. Reynolds. Arrangements wore not completed tor the Benson Polytechnic school. where classes will probably be pro- - vided for boys and Klrls. , MBnufll training shops will be main tained In the following ' schools three : days a week, except at the Ockley Oreen and Shattuck schools, where '. the shops will be open six days a veelc: Aiieta. Central, Clinton Kelly Couch, Glencoe, Hawthorne, Highland, i Holladay, Irvlngton, Lents, Montavllla, ' Ockley Oreen, Peninsula, Portsmouth. Rose City Pnrk, Sellwood, Shattuck 'Shaver, Thompson, Vernon, .Wood I lawn. Woodntoclc To Xast Six Weks. The simmer session will be six f weeks In duration, beginning shortly After the close of regular school term ' In June. s, . Participation of the schools In a i: Flag Pay celebration and parade June 14, wa8 requested by Professor E. D. J Curtis.' principal of the Sunnyslde i . ... . - . . rortlafld lodge of Kilts. The Elks will f ask Governor Wlthycombe to declare :' June 14 a holiday, he said. 1 The board authorized the holding Of a teachers' Institute for all the i teachers of the city the first two V days of the fall term. Leading edu . ce torn from California, Idaho, Wash I Ington and Oregon will be present i and address the teachers, according to plans by Superintendent Alderman. Nurse Admits She ; Committed Perjury Testifies la Xnfaerltance Case Involv tag Baby That She Produced Hos pital CkUd for Woman Asking Estate Chicago, May 19. U. P.) Maris Louise Desrosiers, a former nurse in the Mlserarordia hospital at Ottawa, admitted today In the trial Of Mrs. DolUe Ledgerwood Matters that she had perjured herself In the probate court here concerning the birth of a baby to the woman, who sought to claim an estate through her alleged motherhood. Miss Desorslers waa the nurse at tending Mrs. Matters and was In her confidence while she was In the hos pital. 6he corroborated testimony that the baby in the case waa "stolen" from the side of Margaret Ryan and carried to the room of "Mrs. Matters. "On the night the baby waa born to Miss Ryan," It was testified, "Mrs. Matters moaned and screamed to al- ay the suspicions of nurses at the hospital." 0. & E, Road Making Prpgress in Harney Engineer Toting la Visit to Ontario Says Last Big Bridge Over sXalneur Blvar Is Bearing Completion. Ontario, Or.. May 1. The Oregon & IJastern railroad la steadily advanc ing towards Its temporary terminus In Harney county, says Engineer Toung, who was In Ontario a few days ago. Work ,1 s progressing rapidly on the last big bridge over the Malheur river be fore reaching Crane Creek Gap. The 90-foot steel girders have been placed In position, and construction trains will soon be passing over the structure. m . Kai's Fickleness Is Cause of Hostility Indecision In Changing Chinese Oov erament from Xepnbllo to Monarchy to KepubUo Costa Trlendshlp. San Francisco, May 19. (U. P.) Yuan Shi Kal's Indecision In changing the Chinese form of government from a republic to a monarchy and back ti pain to a republic has caused north ern China, formerly friendly toward him, to become hostile, according to Luis Getz, wealthy Importer, who ar rived here Thursday after an Oriental tour. GENERAL OBS E RVATION OF PREPAREDNESS DAY ASKED BY COMMITTEE All Cities, Towns and Villages in Country Requested to Join in Demonstration, Chicago, May 19 (I. N. 8.) The following call to the country to Join in a national demonstration for pre paredness was issued today by the ex ecutive committee of the Chicago pre paredness parade: "To the mayors and ctvio author ities of cities, towns and villages throughout the United States of America: "Saturday, June 8, Is being pro claimed throughout tne United States as national preparedness day. The mayors of Newark, Cleveland, Cairo, Los Angeles, Toledo, Houston, Des Moines, Pallas, St Louis, Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, Jersey City. New Orleans and Chicagovhave already ap proved this date arid plan, and re quest all other cities and communities to join In this patriotic demonstration which will take the form of non-parti san preparedness parades. "It is hoped that all communities will join in this nationwide move- ment and will forthwith express by telegram to the undersigned their adoption Of this plan and date in order that wide publicity may ha given to their patriotic cooperation. "No city or town la too small nor its citizens and executives too busy to attend to the nation's vital interests. "This is a personal appeal addressed through the courtesy of the press of the country to the officials of every community. - "Executive committee, Chicago Pre paredness Parade. "JOHN T. STOCKTON, Chairman. "ANGUS S. HIBBARD. Secretary.' Labor Opposes Parade. Seattle, Wash.. May 19. (P. N. S.) Organized labor of Seattle and vicin ity, through a resolution adopted by the Seattle Central Labor council, today is on record in opposition to tha proposed military preparedness pared to be held here June 10. The resolu tion urges members of labor unions te refrain from participating In the pre paredness demonstration. FEDERA GRAND 1Y L INDICTS. CAPTAIN OF I LAUNCH HIGH SANK Principal Charge Responsibil ity for Death of Two Chil dren Who Were Drowned. Tacoma, Wash, May 19. (U. P.) Indicted by the federal grand Jury here. K. I. Wood, captain of the launch Victor II, which foundered off Point Defiance January IB, is in Jail in de fault of $1500 ball, charged with re sponsibility for the deaths of Walter and Florence Bower, passengers, who were drowned. There are 10 counts la the Indict ment, the principal one being that ha loaded freight Improperly; failure to arrange tt properly after he had started on the trip In the face of a storm; failure to rescue the drowning sister and brother. The indictment carries a maximum sentence ot 19 years In the penitentiary and a $10,000 fin a. . The Victor II waa headed for Allyn when the accident occurred, th pas sengers numbered nearly 10, but all managed to cling to the eapslsed boat or to debris until assistance cam, ex cept the Bower children, who were swept off th launch. j Danish King Undergoes Operation. ' Copenhagen, May 19. (L N. B.j King Christian X of Denmark, hag Just undergone an operation for in testinal trouble. The royal physi cians report that his condition is satisfactory. IIO am mm c t k Marshf ield Woman Succumbs to Cancer - Mrs. A. T. Downs Was Prominent In Baptist Church and Daughters of Kebexah 'She Waa 46 Tears. j; Marshfleld. Or... May 19. Mrs. A. Z. Downs, aired 48 years, aied of can--. eer here Thursday. She was prominent ; In the Baptist church and Daughters of Rebekah and was a charter mem- : ber of the Royal Neighbors and state v oracle for Oregon, Another Destroyer Launched. Philadelphia. Pa., May 19. (I.N. S.) The destroyer Wilkes was launched ; at Cramps, ship yards yesterday. The ' contract cans for a upeed of 29 '4 knots. Chicagoans Pledge $350,000 for Jews Crowd Auditorium Theatre and &latn to Powerful Plea for Belief for SuX ferers In the War Zone.' Chicago. May 19.--(I. N. 8.) Five thousand Chicagoans crowded the Auditorium theatre last night and list ened to lt. J. La. Magnes' powerful plea for relief of the suffering Jews in the war tones. A total of $350,000 relief money waa pledged. Ex-Mayor's Home at San Francisco Sold San Francisco, May 19. (TT. P.) The beautiful home of former Mayor Eugene Echmltf was sold at auction from the courthouse steps yesterday, W. B. Waldron buying- It In for $2B00 by assuming a $12,000 mortgage and $4500 In fees due the late Judge Charles Fairall. For Your Complexion Eat s ROMAN M E AL BREAD Roman Meal is ground whole from hard winter wheat and rye, combined with "Flaxose" a pre digested, odorless, taste less pure ground flaxseed. There is no medicine in the meed or bread. Made only by the LOG CABIN BAKING CO. For Sale at All Groceries Five Cents 32 5&C Green TRADING STAMPS With tfcU MS and e Commas. Good lata day. Xay SO, Monday, Xay tt. IF1 Kali erders rivaa prompt atteatloSk 2 THIJtD IT. at. Salmon and Mala. Phone Mala SMS Ob (fit? fte (mmai iti&Slm BOILING BEEF FRESH HAMBURGER CORNED BEEF , Lb OUR FAMOUS MAG NOLIA CREAMERY BUTTER, the FINEST YOU EVER TASTED -PER 2 LB. ROLL VEAL 71 "TC SW. L.nurj ,. . ., PURE PORK oar to a tr POT ROAST , 9k ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK PRIME RIB ROAST, rolled and boned i. ...j 8 c Lb GENUINE SPRING LAMB LEGS AND CHOPS . . . 2K Strictly Guaran teed Fresh Ore gon Ranch Eggs dozen . . ., Watch Our Wednesday Meat and Butter Specials in Tuesday Evening Papers i- Our New Bedroom Papers are restful to eye and nerve. They invite to rest by their charming but quiet colors. They make the room look dainty and charming. They have that much desired quiet tone of good taste. Pfore . repaperinf, you should certainly se these wall cover ings. Why not now? THE BOLLS Will Paper Co. Portland's New Wall Paper House 203 SECOND ST., Near Taylor, Main 600. Open Saturday Era. r m nest ooc Creamery and Butter 60c Dairy 45 and 50 Eggs 2 dozen 45 Bacon, Vx 12-15-20 Chickens 18-22 Tillamook Cheese, lb. . .20 All Goods Retailed at Wholesale Prices La Grande Creamery 181 First, Corner Yamhill Better for Less Those are the hardest three words for any merchant to say honestly and sincerely. We can say them to you honestly and sincerely when you buy here. We can say them because we do the largest business of this kind in the entire northwest. v. We buy in large quantities larger than any other concern we sell to everybody for cash we cater to no special classes we get concessions from manufacturers that no other concern may enjoy. That is why we do not have to offer special baits. That is why we do not insult your intelligence with large, screaming type. That is why you can buy the dependably pure and deliciously fresh foods here at worth while savings on everything. FRESH, SWEET Homestead Butler. a per roll OUC CHOCOLATE CHIPS Best in the City, special, (T pound LkJ WORTH WHILE SAVINGS Tomatoes, 8 cans 15e Sugar Corn, 3 cans 25 fancy Salmon, 3 cans 25 Minced Clams, 3 cans 25 Campbell's Soaps,- per can lOe Heinse's Apple Batter, per can .25 Best Orated or Siloed M&eappU, per can 10- Catsnpt per bottle 10 Imported Bardinas In OUT OU, 3 cans 25 Waxed Paper, per roll 5 3-ln.l OU, 3 bottles 25 Pumpkin, per can lO 10.1a. sack Salt 15 Corn Starch, per pkg 5 Tooth. Picks, 3 boxes' lO Matches, 3 boxes lO Codfish, boneless, a lbs 25 Hera&sy'a Cocoa, par can 15 Sandwich Specials Deviled Meat, 6 cans for.. 25 Panama Tuna Fish, per can 5 Ptmentoes, per can lO Peanut Butter, 1 pounds for 25 DRIED"PEACHES sznu rora zvamaa nun, nc. 4 pounds for Zwu FLOUR Bargains! azas moRT, sack SI. 35 M. S5.40 OX.TSCPXO, sack S1.3S S5.40 WHITE xrVTX, sack S1.35 BM. S5.40 COBXAXUS, sack .....S1.15 M- , S4.50 Small sack Oranam, mote Waeat or Waits now .35 10-lb. sack Corn Steal .30 10.1b. sack Panoake Plour 45 Self SUlsta? Pastry Plour, pkf. ,25 JUST A FEW LEFT Home-Pickled Crab tjfiji Apples, gaL jar. . OOC TOILET SOAP DEPT. SUGAR Less Than Market Price 13 lbs. Granulated Sugar . . . ... .$1.00 1(2 lbs. Cane Sugar $1.00 100 lbs. Granulated Sugar $8.00 100 lbs. Best Cane Sugar $8.25 Pure Cocoa Oil Soap, per bar 5 Pure Glycerine Soap, Per bar 5 Small Ivory, 6 bars 25 Fairy Soap, 6 bars for 25 Life Buoy, per bar. . 5 Fresh Crisp - SOKE BXOKBXT OBTZS ASCOHO 1 Graham Crackers, 2 pounds 15 .Sodas, per pound....... ... 5 Fruit Bars, per pound 10 MEATS Always Dependable Here "vntr ii . . PORK Ir lMii "Port. P lb 15-17H Choice Shoulder, Par lb. 12tt-14 Xrfln Boast Pork, lb... 18 Preeh side Pork, lb... 15 Link Saasar, lb .15 Lola Pork Chops, lb... 18 Should ar Pork Chops. Pr lb. 15 MUTTON boulder Xutton, Pr lb. 154 Xola Boast itattoa, Pr lb 17H Xeia Chops, lh.l7H Breast of Mut ton, lb. ....12H$ Keg- of ICattox, Vr lb 17 H Best U-rer Bansage, lb. Best Bolorna, lb .12tt I Knox vrnvwt, lb lZtt I vary Beat BEEF Choice Prima Bib Boast, Pr lb. ; 17 W Choice Sirloin Boast.. 143 Choice Pot Boast, per lb. 12H-15e Bib BoUlaf Beef, PT lb. 104-12H Shoulder Steak, lb. ...14 Sirloin steak, lb 16 1 . .w. ... 4ttW COLD MEATS 10 VEAL Teal Stew, lb. Shouldsr Veal atoeat, lb. ..12H Xrt or Mi Boast Teal, lb. ....16 boaldn Teal Caopa, lb. ...15 Jtolm Teal Steak, per lb. ....17M 15 I Cooked Corned Beef, ID. lXHf I noma better 20c A Complexion "Q-ARIF1ER" An AppeUte "SATISFIER1 Log Cabin Baking Co. Roman Meal Bread 5c Good Quality Tojlet Paper, 8 rolls . . ... r WEEK-END SALE OUts Oils galas: Oils Croese-Biackrsr all's OUts OU, per bottle 75 Imported Tlrgta OUts OU, qt. 75 Per raUon S2.75 Otter Braad Imported OUT OU per can 25 Caltxorml OUre OUt pear bettle 25. 454 75 Wesson Salad OU 30. 65. Sl.lO Xemestead Salad OU, per raX.'91.25 Pes H raUon 65 Spring Foods for Tired Appetites t dosea Pre ah Erf 45 Tillamook Cheese, a lbs. 35 ORANGES BXTBA XJUUtB "M STarel Oranges, per doa SmaU Oranfea, per doa. lemons, per doa. -SO .15 .15 S UBS. BSTTBABO X.BS. HEW POTATOES GOOSXBEBBXEB, per lb. POTATOES, per. sack .... ASPABAOTJS, per lb. ..104 ..25 eee S1.60 10 Other reg-etables la eases, From Our Tea, Coffee and Spice Dept. Pure Spices, per can 5 Bulk Black Pepper, per pound.... 25 Coleman's Mustard, per can lO and 20 Asst Flavoring; Extracts, Fruit Coloring, S botUes 28 Hops, per package. 10 Butter Coloring's, par botUe 15 d 25 Spider tir or Gunpowder Tea, lb. 25 Our bulk Coffees, from 15 per ib. up FIG BARS Some slightly broken ones among them. Special, ft per Ib. 1UC 25c Results Depend on the Lard You Use You Can Depend On , l Frye's Pure, Wild Rose Lard to Glre the Vary Best Results " - Frying, shortcake making and baking are all improved anel fcdi, come a double pleasure bjr using this excellent brand of lard. As an aid in th preparation af appetising, wholesome, tasteful food, Wild Rose) Lard is given preference in thousand of home ba cause of its unfailing and uniform purity. Order Wild Rosa today. Put up in 3-lb., Mb. and lQ.l!. pails r Saturday Meat Specials JJ. t5KHAo 1 0 30 ftF VFAI i Pound id Steer r. BOILING Tj BEEF, lb. Wt 2j0 Steer POT -COASTS, , Pound . . Shoulder VEAL ROASTS, lb. Alike Boneless CORNED BEEF, lb. Smoked PICNICS, Pound. ..r.-. Hi Fresh Columbia River SHAD OK Special, each . . . eaitli Cascade Fish Co. Fancy North Carolina HEAD RICE 1 Q Special, 3 lbs . . lit Cascade Coffee Co. POTTED PLANTS, BEDDING PLANTS and CUT FLOWERS in Great Variety, at LOW MARKET PRICES. Cascade Flower Store I For Butter Satisfaction, aso "OREGON MIST," the best BUTTER Danish made and Pasteur Ofl bed SPECIAL, lb. 9 LOAVES FRESH Or BREAD t)L Saturday Only at the mmm , .J USTEN, REX- No other bread can be baked in the pat ented pan. The groove does it that's why it's good for the kiddies. Thousands give it the "Once Over'' every day. TIP-TOP Bread Look for the Label Log Cabin Baking Co. Bakers of Holsum Bread and Cake WfflPSiT makes any gj -cream whip, 25c bottle. IOC i Q Homestead, per gallon 45 OVrtlDS JS1,'! i1' 251 per gallon 50 V Mr Tea Garden Drips, per gallon &0 Alwsvt Per H ralloa ....SO rviways per quart 304 for Less Sowl' Csim-Mspls, 25. 40. 65. S1.25 sua. afsoa lomlno, pure cane, per can lO l-I,-, Homestead Honey, per gallon 81.15 nero ,auon.....j. ".eo FOR A SUNDAY SHINE BUnola, per can 5 Ottt Sdge (noa-frlctlon), bottle . 20 Vet Oil (aonrlctloa), BOttla ...lO Sauwhlte Cream (for ve sboes), pr bottle lO -Chle" sued dressing', per sottle 10 8 ia X Saoe FolUH, S f oris HOT WEATHER DRINKS J Sol Kottte aeappU Juloe, s aottlss., ...15 . Catireli'a Grape e'atoe, per bottle... ........ 20 ssd 35 Turjoefs Orape Juice,. plat kottlo...... r... ...... 10 W Take Phone Orders Friday Evenings UntU 10 o'CIock Phones Main 5700. A-6255 5minyside Store 094-996 Belmont l Convenient l i (or manyoaet' side patrons, r Quick Delivery SMXwooS, Taeeaais noes, eervloe and specials as at toe mala tor. Phone I I AND ii -rrr it l i i ems ' e-V 1 F 1 111 II J 1 vw in i. r m 9 lll l f tm m . x w " a I mm mmm I I mmwzmr- ft V a f a tm l P' ail , - fir 1 , ' " . Uiu43U1ML. ill and AsUta. it aid rarsT xrs OSV oaadajrs and , rnaaTs. Kostevma Portiaaa Vlmrsdara, Otaas see. tloaa. daUx. We Also Crow over our work. "Perfection Is Our Motto." No wrinkled bosoms, rough edges or torn buttonholes. And, above all. spotlessly clean. We want to please send your bundle today. r Downtown Offices. 327 Stark asa sa a t av ' -'-.-' ouva Aider IT mam Jl VN.a 1 I V,taVa1l it) I , i ,1 , i ,