THE OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL. PORTLAND.- FRIDAY. MAY 19. 1916. 11 V. 0. W. DELEGATES TO HEAD CAMP AT DENVER ARE NAMED Selection of Representatives Made at District Conven tion In This'City. HFAfimMSM IS INDORSED even Member to Atteaa Head Camp as Delegate During Month of Aug-ast. The twenty-fourth district conven tion of the Woodmen of the World yes terday wu held at Multnomah W. O. W. hall, East Sixth and East Alder, presided over by E. A. McEachern, of Roae City camp. The principal bul neaa of the 151 delegates from 14 camps In the district comprising Mult nomih, Columbia and Clatsop counties, was the election of seven delegates .o attend the head camp at Denver. Colo., next August. They were M. A. Mc Eachern of Rose City camp; J. J. Jen nlngs, of Prospect camp; Kred German and George Rossman, of Web foot camp; J. O. Wilson, T. J. Kreuder and J. K Wells. ef. Multnomah camp. Res olutions were adopted Indorsing I. I Boak for reelection as head consul by the head camp; establishment of bom for aged members; payments lit case of total disability or after reach lng 70 years of age, of the Insurance policy In the shape of a pension to the member; the establishment of a Junior order, and the marking of the graves of deceased members with an em blsmatlo Iron stake and flower holder. MINOR BASEBALL A meeting Qf the managers of the Commercial Baseball league will be held this evening at 6:30 o'clock In the Pine Btreet Coffee house to cot Wer the protest of the Crane com pany team In last Saturdays gam) with the Flelchner. Mayer &. Co. leant, .which was forfeited In the ninth Inning to the latter team. The play ing of Harvey Hessian of the Kleich ner, Mayer & Co. team will also be discussed. Hessian, it la said, Is In eligible. The Mason, Ehrman & Co. baseball team will play the Overlook team to ' morrow afternoon on Montgomery Mats. " The Baby Beaver Intercity Baseball team will play the First National Ban't team this afternoon, provided weather conditions permit. The contest n scheduled to be played on the Vaughn , ejtreet grounds. ' The Lenta Graya win play the Golden Rod ball tossera next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock on the Penin sula Park grounds and In the after noon the Grays will play the Overlook team on the same grounds. Ed Hues Ing and Chamberlain will form- the game and Johnson and Chamberlain ' in me ariernoon game. V. ' c -mw i. . w t '; Jamaica, May 19. (I. N. S.)-F. E. at 15 to 1. won the classy Paumonok ' handicap from a large field, which in cluded High Noon, the favorite. The race ws the feature event of the ..Metropolitan opening, and was worth $3600. A cold rain yesterday held down the opening crowd at the races to 10,000. Police prevented, betting except imon: a few who made private wagers. Jack Ness Recalled By Chicago Leader Chicago. May 19. (I. N. 8.) Jack Ness, formerly of the Oakland ball club, released early in the season by the White Box, has been recalled. He leaves today for Philadelphia and will Join the 8ox there tomorrow. Ness was turned over to Baltimore by Manager Rowland but refused to report. Joining the Butler Brothers The White Sox have been falling by the wayside since the start of their , present eastern trip and Rowland ap pealed to President Comlskey for help. After several conferences Ness .was Induced ,to rejoin his old mates. He will probably be put on the Ini tial sack at once and John Collins put . back In the outfield, which means that Fournler will be benched until he hows signs of regaining his batting eye. Cons Attend Baseball Game. Columbus. Ohio, May 19. (U. P.) Released for one day on their honor, 46 Ohio state prison convicts attended a baseball game in whloh their team was defeated, and returned to their cells when the game was over. f T .ju 'W w mm mw-v h DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF, THAT IS THE ONLY WAY. SEEING IS BELIEVING. THIS IS NOT MEANT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BOUGHT HERE BEFORE ; THEY KNOW &2-4 J Rent atTJ Dig. OREGON TO BE WELL REPRESENTED AT THE BIG W. 1 J. O. Wilson. 3 Fred German Portland Fans Feel Sorry for Fitzgerald Portland baseball fans learn, with re gret, of the serious injury in Wednes day same of Justin Fitzgerald, the great outfielder of the San Francisco club, a told In last night's Green Sheet. Fits Injured himself so badly in sliding Into a base that he may have to go on the operating table. At any rate, he may be out of the season for several weeks, and chances are that he can't get back this season. In the meantime Sheehan "will play right field, and If he falls to hold up, Wolverton will call on St. Louis for an outfielder. Few of thm can take Fitzgerald's place. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Paclfio Coast League. Won. Vrrnnn 24 Kai Franclnco 25 To Angeles 19 Salt Lake 1 takland 19 Tortland ..i 14 National Lsaa-ti. Lost. Pet. 17 " .555 1" .61 20 .4T 2 .474 2T. .432 19 .121 Lost. Pet. B .E91 ..-i01 10 .683 13 .5.18 15 .493 13 .435 17 .433 17 .303 Lost. Tel. 9 990 10 .643 1U .320 14 .481 Id .14 17 .414 1 .4f7 15 .385 8 .800 9 .650 ft .628 12 .465 1 1 .450 11 .421 10 .830 8 .819 9 .571 10 .643 It .642 14 .440 12 .420 20, .259 8 .836 9 .625 9 .600 10 . J124 12 .463 12 .429 14 .864 15 348 won. i3 13 14 15 14 10 13 11 Brooklyn . . . Ho ton Philadelphia Chicago E. Louts . . N w York . . Cincinnati . . Plttaburg ... Amerloaa League. Won. Cleveland 20 Washington 18 New York IS Doton 13 retrolt 15 Cticago J2 PilUdelphia H Bl. Louis 10 Vorthwsstern League. Spokane i fVieat Fa 11a Butts kattl .11 ..10 .10 anronrar 9 Taeoma 8 . American Association. LoulsTllle 17 Minneapolis 13 Colombo IS Toledo H Indianapolis 13 Kansas Cltr H St. Paul Milwaukee 7 Western League. Lincoln Wichita Topska Pes Moloes... Omaha St. Joseph.... Denver Sioux City .. . .is ..14 ..11 ..10 .. 9 .. 8 .. 8 Italian scientists have perfected highly nutritious bread that is made from partially sprouted grain. EXTRA VALUES EVERY DAY. ALL OUR MEN'S AND vni imp. MPfpe ci irrc AT $15 ARE EQUAL TO WHAT OTHERS ASK $25 FOR. h:::::3rc:iszcC:o a T. J. Krender. 4 George Rossman. 5 J. L. Wells 6 J. J. Jennings. 7 M. A. McEachern. BASEBALL BREVITIES Elliott Still Suspended. Lros Angeles, May 19. (P. N. 8.) "Rowdy" Elliott, manager of the Oaks, was still under suspension today. He said that he had not heard from Presi dent Al Baum of the Coast league since Wednesday. Spencer Traded to Yankees. Los Angeles, May 19. (P. N. 8.) Tub Spencer, ""thu hueay backstop of the Vernon club, has been traded to the New York American league club, it was learned here. Says Accidents Will Decide. Los Angeles. May 19. (P. N. S.) That the team with the least accidents will win the Pacific Coast league pen nant race this year was the claim ad vanced by Manager Ham Patterson of Vernon. "I have to laugh at the reports from San Francisco that the Seals are going to win in a walk, said Patterson. There . is not a club In the Coast league that figures ltsel fto finish in the second division. Outfielder Ken Williams has been suspended by Manager Nick Williams because of illness. When he recovers Williams will release a twlrler to get within the 14-man limit. Outfielder Red Murray, formerly with the New Tork Giants, and Catcher McKee of the Detroit Tigers, have been signed by the Toronto In ternationals. Smoky Joe Wood will probably be Isold or traded to the Cleveland Amer icana In the near future. Jim Delehantv has .succeeded Mike Finn as manager of the Beaumont, Texas, league team. Levinsky to Meet Flynn. Chattanooga. Tenn.. May 1. (I. K. S.) Battling Levinsky of New York. will meet Porky Flynn of Boston, in an eight round bout before the Ran dolph Rose Athletlo club here May 80. Leo Kelly of SC Louis, and Jake Abel of Chattanooga, will box eight rounds on the same card. Brant Suspended by Chance. Los Angelea, May 19. (P. N. S.) Pitcher Grover Cleveland Brant, who was turned over to the San Antonio club of the Texas league, has been sus pended by Manager Frank Chance for failure to report to the southern club, according to word received her from the north. , American Association. Indianapolis , Milwaukee 4. Louisville 8. Kansas City 4, (12 innings). Columbus 8, Minneapolis S. Toledo 6, St. Paul 0. Norwegians Are Not Hyphenated Citizens rarrinf Patriotiolldresees Are Mads M the Celebration of Norwegian In dependence Bay In Tacoauu Taeoma, Wash., May 18. (U. P.) "When anybody tells you the Norwe gians are hyphenated Americans. I want you to knock him down. They have always stood for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. They are nursed in the cradle of liberty and make the best of American cltlsens." This patrlotio declaration was made by J. A. Sorley at Moose ball last night where 100 men and women had gath ered to celebrate Norwegian Independ ence day. Judge J. M. Arnton made similar as sertions, saying: "To me Americanism is not a nationality it is a principle as high and lofty as eternity." Brother of Nurse Is Executed in Ireland Oolbert of afaa- ryaaeiseo Xtsaraa Jrrom Sews XHspatohes of Death of BeUUve. San Francisco, May 18. (U. P.) Miaa Johanna Colbert, a nurse of San Francisco, is grieving today for the death of her brother. Cornelius, exe cuted for participating In the Irish re bellion. She learned 1 the news from press dispatches, and is anxious to hear details of her brother's death 0. W. CONVENTION Aggie and Oregon Freshies to Clash Oregon Agricultural College, Corval Us, Or., May 19. Today and tomorrow will be big days for the freshmen ath letic teams at the Oregon Agricultural college. This afternoon, the Uni versity of Oregon's baseball yearlings will be met In the first of a two game return series on the local diamond. The second game will be played to morrow morning and in the ofternoon the first year track teams of both schools will compete on the Aggie oval. Prospects are exceptionally bright for O. A. C victories in all three events. The orange and black fresh men took the first two games from the University tossers at Eugene sev eral weeks ago and with the same bat terles ' and playing to a home crowd they should experience little trouble in landing the long end of the score here. Some of the best track men in col lege this year are freshmen, but they are not allowed to compete in col legiate meets on uccount of the one year rule. Cecil Curl, a former Pendleton lnter scholastlc ftar, is slated to make things merry in both the quarter and half mile and will also run in the relay. Curl took second in both events in the Multnomah dual meet in which freshmen were allowed to participate. iucas is a sure rive point man in the two mile and will also run the mile. Dutton and Reardon will per form in the sprints and Reardon will also run the hurdles. Casey, who is good for about 10 points, will not be entered on account of being away from college on a forestry trip. Larsen, a pole vaulter, is on the same trip. Other entrants are: McNeill, shot- put; Radcllffe, hurdles; Eakln, high Jump and pole vault; Batterlty, 440 and relay; Reynolds, mile and two mile; Briggs, discus. Millionaire and Wife Blake Up. 8an Francisco, May 19. (P. N. S.) Harmony has been restored between George Wlngfield, millionaire mining man of Nevada, and his wife, who has been living in this city at the home of her parents. Mra Wlngfield and her children will leave here shortly for the Reno home, it is announced, and the family will be united again. Pope Again Leads Manufacturers. New Tork, May 19. (L N. 8.)-t a meeting of the board of directors' of the National Association of Manu facturers at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. Colonel George Pope, of Hartford. Conn., was elected to serve big fourth consecutive term as president. Cheese factories of the United States annually produce four pounds for each inhabitant of the country. Special Train Service Sat urdays and Mondays, May 29, for Deschutes Anglers Oregon Trunk Ry. Central Oregon line Every Saturday and also Monday, May 89 (account Decoration day). North Bank-Oregon Trunk train (no change of caxa) will leave Fall bridge 11:60 A. M., arriving Frieda 4:07. North Junction 4:30. South Junction E.OO A. M.. other points correspondlnc time. Returning, train will leave Bend :30 P. if, Sundays and also Tuesday, May 80. South Junction 9:28. North Junc tion 9:88. Frieda 10:81 P. M.: arriv ing time Portland. 8:00 A. M un changed. Tourist sleeping car berths $1.00 4s carried on train S. leaving PortlandV :00 P. M.. North Bank Limited. Ieavina: Portland 7:10 P. M.. connects with Deschutes train at FaUbridge. Ask -to have our fish bulletin mailed you, , : .'City Ticket Office, - Fifth and Stark Street f E p. OS. L SYSTEMS II Health Due to Fall While Skating Believed Cause fof Retirement. Omaha, May 19. A. L. Mohler hag resigned from Che presidencies of the Union Pacific: and Oregon Short Una railways, the resignations to be effect ive July 1. Announcement of the de cision to retire was made last nigkt by Mr.; Mohler. No reason was made pub lic, but Mr. Mahler's health has been poor slnoe he fell on the ice while skat ing' last winter in a municipal park, and it la believed this may have Influenced him. Officials of the roads would -not discuss his action. Mr. Mohler an nounced that lie would remain with the companies In an advisory capacity. - Persistent gossip In railroad circles for more than two years has had it that eventually the Union Pacific sys tem would be tied even more closely with its. component companies than It MOHLER R SIGNS PRESIDENCIES OF U xchange Your Silent Piano for One T")ERHApS you have invested in a f against the wall, because no one in your family has had the time or the patience to master the toilsome study of music. Isn't this a good time to exchange the piano that nobody can play, for The Angeles PiainioN WHICH ANYONE CAN PLAY ON THE FIRST DAY IT IS IN THE HOME. TURN the value of the instru ment that is now a total waste into the purchase of an. instrument, that will be a GENUINE LIFE LONG DELIGHT to your family and all your friends. YOU can play an ANGELUS Player Piano the first time you sit down to it; but, so wonderful -5s the Phrasing Lever and its other Player Pianos, Music Rolls, Victrolas and Records. MORRISON STREET AT BROADWAY Other Stores Sen Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Sen Jose, Los 'Angelas, Saa DSogo and Other Coast Cities. V A Store Open Until 9 P. M. Saturday is bow;' that. Instead of having three railroads under one financial organise tion, but with three executive organisa tions, the system would In time be op erated as one. under one presidency and one9 general management, has repeated ly been asserted, Should such be the Intention of the board of directors or ebe system, stu dents of transportation see in the re tirement of A. 1 Mohler from the presidency of the Union Pacific rail road and the Oregon Short Line the auspicious moment to put this plan Into effect. X D. Farrell. president f the O-W. R. N. Co.. western link In the Union Pacific system, was on an Inspection trip north of Portland today. That he would be the logical successor to Mr. Mohler and at the same time executive of the entire system, should the direct ors effect ttais closer union, there is little oeflfltt. Mr. Farrell has been schooled In every brmnoh of railroading and ha been Identified both with the Hill and Jlar riman Interests at various periods la his career. Mr. Mohler was president of the O. R. 4 N. Co. in Portland for many years before he was transferred to Omaha, and slnoe Portland ceased to be bis resi dence he has made frequent visits to his former haunts. Farrell Declines to Comment. Seattle. Wash., May It. (I. N. a) J. D. Farrell, president of the Oregon Washington Railroad and Navigation company, who is In Seattle today, re4 fused-to comment upon reports that he would succeed A. L. Mohler, whose That Anyone Can Play Bradbury System The Clothes of Quality for Men and Young Men are put to severe tests and appraised by critical fashion authorities before leaving our tailoring shops, insuring your complete satisfaction" from the standpoint of fashion, fit, quality and finish. See our new pinch-back mod els for young men the cleverest styles shown this season. Bradbury System Suits $20 to $40 Others $15 Up Clever Striped Neckwear -aJust In Striking stripe patterns in four-in-hands with wide flowing ends, SPECIAL SATURDAY C C Ties Worth 65c and 85c tj)jC A LEATHER TIE RACK FREE WITH EACH TIE. A Charge Account Your Privilege Intended retirement as president of the Un ton Pacific railroad and the Oregon Short Line has been announced from Omaha. ' j Farrel would neither confirm nori deny the truth of the rumor content- ' lng himself with the laconlo assertion . that he bad no comments to maxe. Among officials of the O-W. R. N. company here the belief is ex pressed that the report is without foundation and' that the election of Farrell to the presidency of the Union Pacifio system is unlikely at this time. Fire Destroys Film ExchangesjjLoss Big Detroit. Mich.. May II. U. P.) Fire in - the Universal and Bluebird Film exchange this afternoon de stroyed films said to be valued at be tween 1400.000 and $500,000. Thirty girl employes fiod from the two places and many of them had narrow esoapes One girl was seriously cut. Germany and Turkey Make Trade Alliance Amsterdam, May II. (I. N. S.) The Cologne Gazette states that ne gotiations for an alliance between Germany and Turkey on a basis of equal rights and mutual assistance In peaceful work of . development, are practically concluded. piano that stands silent, exclusive features, that you will play better and better, and become more of an artistic musician every day you possess it COME and let us 'demonstrate the ANGELUS for- you, at your earliest convenience, and let us ex plain how "easy it will be for you to possess it , '"utiWng Washington Street at Tenth A- 1 At an. -T 17 different degrees for very known pur pose, Also two copying. At ail dealers fslA' VELVET 5 pencil is supreme in its class AsMricsa LsU rasas CeK. Y. FISHERMEN Uss tW SATURDAY Special Service to , Deschutes River Vie UNION PACIFIC . SYSTEM r Leaves Union Station, 11:20 P. M. Saturday. Arrives South Junction; 5:25 A. M. Sunday. Return serv ice arrives Portland 7 A. Al. Mon day. Coach and through sleeper accommodations. Sleeper si each Low Round-Trip Farei, , Get a "Fishermen's Card" at Um CITY TICKET OFFICE Washington at Third Street Broadway 4500, A-6121 Cearhart Seaside For Week End Rett Clatsop Beach 1$ Best Ocean Air Gives Zest CLATSOP BEACH Week-End Limited 2P.M Saturday , Saturday Evening Express... 6:1 S p. m. Daily to Astoria and Clatsop Beach 8:10 ft. to. Week End Round Trip $3. Season $4 , OBSERVATION PARLOR CARS CITY TICKET v OFFICE : Jin ana stars: sis. Bwdy 920, A.6671. LIMITED SERVICE GRAYS HARBOR VIA O-W. R, R. & N. ; UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM , From Union Depot Daily 2 :10 p.m. Better Service at ' NO EXTRA FARE STEEL CARS OF COURSE , Phone the CITY TICKET OFFICE - Washington at Tklrd V A-0121 Broedwsy 4500 far tickets, reservations, otc. (fill) I Year Bag m Checked at v Heme Ash About lU " which hav bee neld up by the censor. i