THE . OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, 1.IAY 18. 1818. MAM inn ADVANCES EASON HE OPPOSES FOR OFFICE lGHTNER impalgn Announcements of Economy Termed Bunk by.Rufus C. Holman. 0 ME FIGURES ARE GIVEN ounty staffsr Trom UfBtasrlsia aaa'tt Hwrold Hoi. Ss X. slactad, BnIuh Bpsaksz. Bafors ths Portland Cradlt Men' sociation laat night. County Com issloner Rufus C. Holman advancad any reasons why Mr. Llghtner should t b alacttd. "His campaign announcement prat "'old-fashioned economy.' " said Mr. iTnun, "It la bunk for campaign it-poses and none knows it Is bunk ora than Llgiitner himst-lf, i'Tha rrand Jury In 1 916. the Joint mmlttae from the Taxpayers' and on-partlaan leagues consisting of r. A. J.. Qlesy. chairman: D. A. Pat illo, George Lawrence Jr.. Leo Frieda, madea . Smith, Charles V. Mahaffle nd George C. Mason in 1914, and the ew YTrk Bureau of Municipal Re earch in 1913, each having lnveatl tuted carefully the management of ount affairs as conducted under .Ightnerlsm, brought in almost ldentl l reports verifying the oft-repeated barges of gross Inefficiency, waste, itravagance and mismanagement. I "Ha boasts that when he came into fflce- ha found the county 1600.000 i debt and proceeded to pay It off. Wgnrss Are SulJinittad. "In 1904 the assessed valuation of he county was more than $54,000,000. n 191 J the county's assessed valuation i&d grown to $341,000,000. During all hese years the rate of tax levy has -emained practically th same. In tber words, all that Llghtner had to ia in order to pay off that $600,000 wag to levy a tax and get the money rrofn lta pocketa of taxpayers. Every tear under the Llghtner kind of ad ministration the cost of county govern ment has Increased and ' ho has had tlx times the assessed valuation to Jraw on that he had when he entered sfflca. ' - 'Old-fashioned economy." Llghtner claim.' H trie t tnak you beliavs he has saved tha money of the tax payers. Look at tha facts. "In the courthouse, built under Llghtner administration:, "Marbls floor cotered with expen sive carpets. : . - .. j "Expepalre and elaborate lighting fixtures, too many to usa at one time. "Marble wainscots so high that an Uteres In Janitor fores was necessary-to keep tbem polished. -'Over $3000 spent for; clocks that do not keep time, ' , "A ventilating system that does not ventlUta. '. ' "Built As Aftortfcmffct." "A Jail built on the top of the court house as an afterthought, thereby making It necessary toyitrengthen the walla from the ground up at great .ex pense. "An expense of approximately 1800 a room to cover the . elaborate walls of court rooms with drapery so that the voice echoes would not fill the room. Judges leave their marble benches and sit about pins tables so that they may hear the cases. ' Judge McGinn has moved his court room -four times In the hop of betterment. "After the Jail was put on top 'of the courthouse under Llghtnerlsm, a parapet was put around the Jail to hide Its hldeousnsM, thereby making the Jail so dark It Is necessary to bum the electric lights 24 hours a day at great expense. Poor ram Considered. "When I became a county commis sioner I found under Llghtnerlsm at the county poor farm filth and waste and vermin. Rags containing sputum from. the tubercular ward were thrown Into a pit where rata swarmed. Con ditions, generally, were almost unmen tionable. . "Llghtner opposed the purchasing department for the county under which we have been able to secure real economies and do away with some extravagance, waste and inefficiency of his kind of old fashioned economy.' "When I came Into office I found that under Llghtner the county had been paying M a gallon to a St. Louis concern for vermin exterminator and that the county had been getting short measure even , at his inordinate price. I quickly discovered that we could buy exterminator of the same properties trom a local concern at 65 cents a gallon. Now we are using distillate costing nine cents a gallon. "The county of Multnomah suffers from Llghtnerlsm. He should not be reelected If the people of this county want true economy and efficient ad ministration.; "Llghtner's reelection will put the stamp of ths people's approval on Llghtnerlsm, Upon the methods of waste and inefficiency and political Interference that ljave characterized his administration, and that will con tinue If he Is continued in office." ASTORIA V1LL HAVE COMPANY OF COAST ' ARTILLERY RESERVES Thirty-five Men -Pledge Mem bership; Each Will Try to Get Another. Astoria, Or.. May 18. AstoriA will have one of the best' military organi sations in the state. This was assured last night when .35 prominent young men -of the city assembled at the Young Men's Christian Association and listened to the plan o organization as outlined by First Lieutenant Thomas L " Steers of Fort Stevens, who was asked by Colonel Ludlow, commanding the coast defenses of the Columbia, to come here for that purpose. Every one of 35 men present at the meeting pledged himself to member ship in the organisation, and each agreed to get another member by Sun day if possible. This will give the Astoriar company of coast artillery reserves a charter membership of nearly 76 men. Included among those who an nounced last, evening that they would join the company, were several men who have seen previous military serv ice, including several Spanish war vet erans. Plans for the organization of a com pany of coast artillery reserves in Astoria have been Jn charge of F. W. Humphry s, a member of the Spanish war veterans camp here, and Earl Hamilton, the former temporary chair man and the latter secretary, A. L Steele, another Spanish war veteran, and A. J. C. Schroeder, a former mem ber of the First company of Coast artillery of this city. Local Women Give Astoria Library Site Mrs. r. S. Strong- and Mrs. George Taylor Proffer Bit of Old Taylor Kome In Honor of Father. Astoria, Or., May 18. To perpetuate the memory of their father and to give the city and county of which he was a pioneer resident, a substantial means for securing a Carnegie edifice, Mrs. F. R. Strong and Mrs. George Taylor of Portland, daughters of the late Colonel Taylor, have proffered the old Taylor home at Sixteenth and Franklin nn in thl fitv th citizen of Clatsop county as a site for a county library. ine orrer baa- been mad to the members of th Inril Hhr.rv hiuM throuarh R H Rtrnnr iMKinr tha Corbett estate In Portland, and Miss -7oroeua Marvin, state librarian, who spent yesterday - In Astoria on that mission. - The property is ideally located for library puroposes and, should the peo ple have had to purchase It, thev could not have secured title under $8000. This gift to Clatsop county will en able its citizens to secure from $30,000 to $35,000 from the Carnegie library fund for the erection of a building. Motor Reserve to Demonstrate. Los Angeles, CaL, May 18. CP. N. S.) With more than 26 cars Jn line, the military motor reserve corps will leave here Saturday for the run to San Diego to demonstrate the adaptability of the motor ear for army purposes. "; A part of the motor reserve from San Francisco will arrive la Los Angeles tonight, and will accompany ths local corps south, . r No Liquor Can Be Delivered on Friday Attorney General's Office Xolds That Terms of Elsotlon Xw Belatlvs to ZdQuor XolA uood at yiMsai." Salem. Or,j MayJ. Express and other transportation- companies can make no deliveries of liquor to Oregon consumers Friday, First Assistant Van Winkle, of Attorney-General Brown's office, held In a opinion Thursday. Van Winkle took the view that the terms of the election law saying that 7 , This i Butter Soon Wins Favor "MAID O' CLOVER" soon wins favor with particular housekeepers. As soon as you take one of the quarter pound prints from the sanitary package, remove the parch ment paper wrapper, and get a glimpse of its cleanliness and a whiff of its appetizingaroma, you recognize a "something different." Maid HiHes Quality unlike the ordinary run of but ters, is pasteurized made pure without a doubt and costs no more than the other kind made with unpasteurized cream. Spread your bread with this pure butter, it will nourish your body and satisfy your desire for ) Clover Table Buffer good, fresh butter. All dealers. BUTTERMILK Fresh every day at our plant. Pure becauso pasteurized. V ICE CREAM Also pasteurized. Maid o' Clover Ice Cream has a flavor and goodness you have never known before. Mutual Creamery Company East Tenth and-Burnside Sts.t Portland, Oregon liquors shall' not b ssjld V otherwise disposed of a election daV holds "good in this casaj - .- ; -. : ' The question was raised by Portland express companies, and District Attor ney Evans Asked Tor ir opinioa.'- 4-,; '-fe - Adevtce to keep a window from rat- til n and at the aama tlnx uni aa in anchor f on ;' hs '"shads cord V '"? AM . saWskjt .... ta. ... s , a i -avais J ilm V UM VJsaa tw ' ROYAL Bakers of Bread of All Nations t::::;:;;:::::::::!!;:;!!!::: 3 There is an unparalleled quality and flavor about ROTaC FRENCH TWIST that dlsUn- Ej gulshes it from any other French bread. It ea stands alone in quality purity and flavor. Just phone your grocer to send you a losX It This Week We Feature FRENCH TWIST Telephone Your Order to Your Grocer Bread variety is a ROYAL feature, lOrder a loaf of ROYAL FRENCH TWIST the delightful flavored, crisp crusted bread made after a famous French recipe and baked in the ROYAL brick ovens. ... . Is ths bread Ideal for adding variety to the dally c3s meal a Other Royal specials are ROYAL RYE, r a . v .- ... t- fw-w t i m It ri . . myr i . . . . g 'g FOR 6ANDWICHE8 AND ROY A L HOME-MADE E3 a ixejAXj- uroer njr ui mens irum yuur roor he'U make prompt delivery. Si, Royal Bakery and Confectionery Portland, Oregon illlllM 1 ; 144-46 THIRD ST. BETWEEN ALDER and MORRISON Great Fnfflbeeini Ce&rrit Sale 19c quality Romper Cloth, per yard 15c ' Men's and Ladies' Straw Garden Hats, 15c Men's Athletic Undershirts, values to 50c, 15c . Men's Heavy Work Socks, 3 Pairs 15c Men's Golf Dress Shirts, values to 75c, 15c Men's Fibre Silk Socks, black, tan, white, 15c Ladies' Percale and Gingham Sun Bonnets, 25c value Friday - Saturday Here's an interesting- assortment of sea sonable offerings. Every one at a great saving 20-25c to 50c vals., choice at 15c '15c Infants' Lawn Bonnets, Embroidery trim, Values to 50c 15c tZ Ladies' Muslin Drawers with tucked ruffle, V 25c value : 15c Infants' Ribbed Vests, size 1 to 6, at ' 15c t ChiUrenU Ribbd Cotton Vests, tap to 5 Yrs. Children's Percale Aprons, 2 to 6'Years 15c Fifteen Cents For Any Article in This Ad Ladies' Short Lawn Kimonos 15c n - ChiBren's Black Ribbed Stockings 2 Pairs 15c Ladies'. Black Cotton Hose, 2 pair - 15c Damask Napkins, 18xl8-inch' ' 2!lV)lvl5c 2lz yards 10c Chambray Gingham 15c 2 yards of 36-inch Percale for 15c Black and White Check DressGooHs, the 25c grade, yard 15c 6 rolls Crepe Toilet Paper 15c Small lot Sample Lace Curtains 15c 21x42 Bleached Turkish Bath Towels 15c 10c Striped Glass Towels, 17x35, 2 for 15c New Curtain Scrims with colored Borders 15c Embroidery Flouncing, 18 inches wide, yard 15c Children's Straw and Cloth Play Hats 15c Auto Scarfs and Veil Drapes 15c Ladies' and Children's White Handkerchiefs 6 for 15c Ladies' 10c Gauze J Vests at 2 for 15c 8 The Plans of Men and the Vision of Women Ladies ! Do you realize that there are many lines of business in which we men can plan 8 success; but when it comes to achieving success we are doomed to failure unless you back us en masse. ; For instance, some years ago the executives of the Pacific Coast Biscuit Company planned success on a huge scale. They bought and erected' big, modern, sun-lit plants they employed masters tv wwi was ww wa avurw Q L1 'w7 Jvui wu vu t iiiwttwjr Ai nw rr uiwi . w insure purity and super-excellence in biscuits. Then they adopted the world-old sign of the Swastika the symbol of good luck and prosperity, as their trade-maTk. But, ladies, the magic of the far-famed seal the best laid plans even the high degree of excellence in Swastikas would have been utterly in vain had not good housekeepers in their thousands visioned the end from the beginning. These loyal women clearly saw that a great pure food concern would be a mighty factor in the prosperity of this city and region ; they saw the Pacific Coast Biscuit Company as the source of a steady stream of gold poured out weekly in wages as well as the bakers of Swastikas the purest of all pure foods. I Resolve to march under the banner of prosperity today! Join the ranks of the million Good Housekeepers who have made our success possible. Tell your grocer that Swastikas, the best biscuits, are baked for you. And look for the Good Luck seal the sign of prosperity on a bursting sun, on the end of every package of biscuits you buy. Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland, Or. 4 ZLty '-J',,'?' 4" -44 - ' . Lakes' Black Lawn and Figured Percale . - MVaisU ;i 15c , -'"'u'v'V - - r