The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 18, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Calls Act "International Mur
.der'Mn Protest Filed With
i Neutral Representatives,
Italian Bsport Dubrovnlk Was Trans.
.' port Called Invention ImosA Tor
" pedo Crashed Zfaboat.
;- Vienna, May 18. (I. N. S.) De
nouncing the recent torpedoing of the
j Austrian steamship Dubrovnlk, In the
Adriatic sea, as "International murder'
the Austrian government has filed
: with representatives here of neutral na
: tlons a protest, citing other alleged ln
atances in which Austro-Hungarian
vessels were fired upon by submarines.
The protest concludes with the follow
, lng: '"The Austro-Hungarian govern
ment must emphatically protest against
the mentioned criminal acts."
A memorandum which accompanied
the protest read :
Elgbt FsrsPns Are Kissing.
"On May 9 at 10:30 o'clock In the
morning; the Dubrovnlk was destroyed
by two torpedoes fired without warn
. 1ns y an enemy submarine. The first
torpedo ; hit the starboard side and
. the ship Immediately began to sink.
; ' "All persons on board rushed to the
' lifeboats; A second t-erpedo was then
. fired, hitting the ship and crushing
the starboard lifeboat, together with
Us occupants. In the second boat It
; was possible to rescue only 16 per
( sons. Two others were picked up in
the water. Some also were rescued by
' boat-, from the shore.
. "On board the Dubrovhik were ' 19
passengers, Including two clergymen
and several women and children. Up
to the present the bodies of three
women have been found. Four sailors
and fourj passengers are missing."
Two Hatlons Held Xesponslble.
After citing the statement of an
Italian news agency that the Dubrov
nlk was c. transport and ammunition
carrier, the memorandum adds:
"This statement Is an Invention.
The Dubrovnlk' s capacity was only
ISO tons and it was unable to carry
troops and ammunition. Furthermore,
the submarine was so distant when It
began this attack that it was impos
sible to discern the class of persons
"The Austro-Hungarian government
states that the firing of the second
torpedo toward the sinking steamer
wneii' me nreboats were aMoat must
be characterized as Internationa mur
der' and vthat the Austro-Hungarian
government must also hold responsible
both the Italian and French govern
ments as the French submarine was
operating with Italian forces."
Protest May Be Made.
... Washington,, May 18. (I. N. S.)
Administration officials today w-re
awaiting Ambassador Penfleld's copy
of AuBtro-Hungary's protest to tne
neutral nations against the sinking of
the steamship Dubrovnlk. It waa be
lieved that; fiMllp, a? b. T I
" xmiiowijg
will protaert to. France and Italy after
uiKing norougn investigation.
- Austro-Hungary's protest declared
the submarine responsible for the
Dubrovnlk a destruction flew- the
trench flax, but waa manned by Ital
ians. Several lives were lost, includ
ing many women and children, when
the vessel went down.
I: OF 825
People of Community Bring
. Lunches; ' Superintendent
Jackson Tells of Meeting,
Salem. Or May 18.AS another evi
dence -of the great Interest taken as a
result from the plan of standardizing
four-year high schools, Superintend
ent Jackson,. f Linn county, tells In a
report to State Superintendent of ub
lic Instruction Churchill of the gather
ing,' of nearly 1000 people at Sweet
Home to celebrate the standardisation
of their school. The people of the
community brought basket dinners and
at noontime 825 people, by actual
count, sat down to eat.
Miss Cleveland Appointed.
Salem. Or.. Ma v Mlu Ulnnnu
Cleveland, of Portland, has been elect
ed successor of Mrs. P. L. Blackberby,
who has been secretary of the Salem
T. W. C. A. for tvo years. Miss Cleve
land is a gradua.e of the University of
Oregon. Nearly $3500 has been raised
' as a fund for the Y. W. C. A. in a cam
' paign which will come to a close when
tne sum namad has been raised.
Arthur C. Spencer.
Artnur c. bpencer, wno is a can
oate ror delegate at large to the Re
publican national convention at Chi
cago in June, has been conducting a
quiet but vigorous campaign for elec
tion. Mr. Spencer says in his platform
that hi will vote for the choice cf the
people of Oreeon for nrpsirtont n. im
pressed at the polls, and that If he is
elected he will not attempt to use his
position to control or suggest federal
patronage either during the course of
the convention or. afterwards. He has
been aided in his campaign by a large
number of personal friends through
out the state.
Articles of Incorporation.
Salem, Or., May 18. The following
articles of incorporation were filed
Wednesday with Corporation Commis
sioner Schulderman: Coqullle Cream
try company. $10,000, K. J. McQuar-
rie. Koderick I Macleay and B. M.
Reese, Portland; Grocery Orabeteria
company. Inc., 110,000, Frank E. Evan-
son, E. J. Bussey and Albert Carlson,
lO, IBID.. - -.,w..''5 A--:;2T ; ('.: - v -rf-: rVi - k 1 - r; -,V .;
' . . ! . :,,r ).., ..A
unirpnr vntt initm . . ..
: i vrncna juu aranu int. LhAoi AND UhT
No Phone
Order tor
. Economy
Many V
Sate for
Friday All
People of moderate means will find this Great Economy Store a place of great advantage to shop inDo YOU know the
rorr1 t-this ' Great UNDERPRICE Store? Do YOU know the great service it is offering to the public? Come
t KID AY investigatecompare THE MERCHANDISE, the quality, the economy. It will 'be a REVELATION if
youve never bought here before,
50 New Trimmed Hats-Lace Effects, Transparent Crowns $3.95
Camas Mills Are
Operating Again
Employes Oo Back to Work on Ten
Cent Salse Pending Further Confer
ences and Final Adjustments.
Camas. Wash., May 18. The mills
of the Crown-Willamette Paper com
pany are operating
shutdown Saturday
strike of employes. It la announced
by the men, however, that their re
sumption of work is only temporary,
pending further conferences
Withycombe Receives Olives.
Salem, Or1.. May 18. Following the
receipt of a box, of California olives
from thn California nilv, ...nAl.tln,
Wednesday, Governor Withycombe de
clared that the product seemed to him
to be better than anything from for
eign shores and he expressed gratifi
cation that such a high grade article
could be grown on the Pacific coast.
i Telegraphers Given
Increase in Salary
Telegraphers Given Salary Increase
With Bonus; Office Employes Also
Given Increase; Also Messengers.
A scientific study of the value of
individual employes' worth, with the
object of arriving at a fair compen
sation to be paid for the work, was
Started bv the Wuttm TTnlnn
again after the j months ago. when a "bonus w.
On account Of a 1 for each muxaim Kinill .
sonable number per hour in addition
to the straight salary.
The company has Increased the sal
aries of .20 or more telegraphers to
aoout the equivalent of tne old salary
Women's Tub , Golfine Coats $4.95 White Golfine
Skirts $2.45
Sports Suits $3.45
: Three very new styles,
of fine galatea cloth, that
washes and wears so well.
One sfyle with striped
jacket and white skirt
another of all striped
cloth the third trimmed
with colored cloth. Belt
ed and pleated jackets
flaring skirts. Colors na
vy, black, green and rose
Practical coats,
with any amount
of style fine vel
vet finished golf
ine, in all white,
rose and white
with colored
collars and
cuffs, made
in the latest
pleated and
belted sports
s t y 1 e s, for
g i r 1 si and
Golfine skirts of splen
did qualityyin fine rib
shown in white, in the
latest gored and flaring
style, cut full and wide.
Have two button-trimm'd
pockets. With a dainty
waist, these skirts com
plete a pretty summer
Beaumui lacey effects in
horsehair braids, in black
wide straight and mushroom
shapes, with transparent
crowns touches of ' color in
troduced in the trimmings
the ideal summer hat.
A Remarkable Lot of
Milan Hemp and
Hemp Shapes. . . Q5c
Regular Price to $2.50
New Non-Crushable Striped Sports Silks 69c
0 79c
-All new summer shanes.
100 New Trimmed
Hats $1.95
Styles for every face, for wom
en, misses and girls, worth at
least 3.30. Basemeft
For One Day Only
$1.25 3-Piece
Breakfast Sets
Brakeman Rewarded
For Killing of Thief
Washington, May 18. (I. N. S )
A bill appropriating $1000 to be paid
to James L. Yokum of Red Bluff,
Cal.,' a brakeman on the Southern Pa
cific, as a reward for killing: Carlos
Martlnes. while he was In the act of
robbing; a train near Redding, Novem
ber 8. 1912. Vas yesterday favorably
reported by the house claims commit
tee. Yokum has received $1000 reward
from the state.
with thu
COrrmanv ofrlnialu a 1 Pnrtl.nH
. . , r. . - -- uuoui. me equivalent or tne old salarv
r .. : i creasea waae rate. a. . nnnit i.
Fmi.raciory io tne worRmen. who were ' nf trnmYa t Vn . -
asking advances of 26 cents and 5S i hf m vtn ml I?i per cent have
cents a day. ' .If lven- N,n office employes dur-
It is understood another conference .5vUWxK,i ii ?ve
company orricials will be held .iV k . " nav
uci:iiRiuu;u iii cents per aay ror
eacn aay ineir Bicycles are used, for
Friday morning at 7:20 General
j . v-uua ui can r rancisco,
and several headquarters officials, will
arrive on tneir way to Seattle. Super-
ntenaent It.. Boenine of Seattle will
come to Portland to meet them. On
Saturday a conference of managers
will be held In Seattle and W. A. Rbb,
the local manager, will attend.
with company officials will
within the next day or two.
British Columbia Is
Facing Prohibition ?
BUI Introduced In Provincial Legisla-
turs Prorides That Dry Law Shan i
Be Effeetlra July l 0f Hext Tear.
Vancouver, B. C, May 18. Prohibi
tion In British Columbia Is provided in
a bill introduced In the provincial leg
lslature. As a comwom: with tne liquor i
interests, who have waged a vigorous
fi(?ht against the measure, tHe date on
which prohibition shall be in force if I
tne Dili is passed, has been advanced
from January 1, 1917, to July 1 of the
name year.
Dutch Take Million
Bushels of Wheat
il& Gasoline (Quality
For More Power, Insist
on the Straight Distilled,
All-Refinery Gas
Standard Oil Company
the Standard 'Or
ifbrftotar Cars
Other Countries Also Bought Heavily
Tasterday but Transactions Ware
Hot Made Public; Germany Is Short.
Chicago, May 18. (I. N. S.) The
Dutch government purchased 1,000,
000 bushels of wheat irf North Amer
ica Wednesday. Other foreign coun
tries also bought liberally, but these
transactions were not made public.
Most of the wheat sold was Mani
toba. A leading exporter at Chicago
purchased 35.000 bushels of hard win
ter wheat.
While Great Britain has again Wn
complaining of a lack of storage room,
that country bought wheat not only
In North America today, but also In
the Argentine Republic, Indicating
that the grain merchants of Bngland
feel that the ending of the war would
mean an advance in breadstuffs. Ger
many would probably be the strongest
purchaser, as advices from ahrnnH tn.
! aay report a great shorta of flour
and wheat in the kaiser's country.
Style as pictured.
Jacket, skirt and cap
set of extra fine qual
ity percale, in plain
colors and neat fig.
ures, light or medi
um shades. Cap with
elastic back, skirt full
gored, jacket belted
all around, trimmed
with black and white
bias pipings. Sizes 36
to 44.
Broken Line in
Regular to $2.50
Every size from 20 to 32,
but not every size in every
style :great variety of mod
els for all figures including
many summer corsets.
Here is your opportunity
to buy some of the best
known makes at prices less
than COSt. Basement
First Time Shown
The smartest silks yet brought
out for sports apparel. Wide 2-4nch
stripes in the most popular colors
of rose, green and sports blue, on
pongee color grounds just the
right weight for coats and suits. 36
inches in width.
Crepe Pongee 98c
Entirely new, on sale first
time Friday. Fast colors cham
pagne, maise, ceil, rose, Nile,
lilac, Copen, light brown, pearl,
navy, black, white this silk
tubs beautifully and is very
75c Black and
White Checks 49c
New Shipment Dress Goods
pin, Shepherd, regular and
novelty checks. 40 inches
wide. Very same materials
sold elsewhere for 75c yard.
II J . 1 h iv,iilii. aasemaat
I Outfit YourBoy Here Friday at Unusual Savings
II i : " ' ' 1 Jtm -
If you haveViot a gas range or your present is not
, of the latest efficient type, buy this week.
Ninety per cent of the homes of Portland cook with gas.
and those who have purchased our new models are enthus
iastic as to theif convenience, cleanliness and perfect cook
ing qualities.
10 Special Discount From Usual Prices
'until Saturday, May 20, onlyand a gas water heater can
. b? purchased at the same, time as a range by paying $1 cash
.and $1 per month. ' -
'K'?.70U cannot come to our salesroom a representative
'will gladly call.
Blind Pigging Is
Divorce Action
Pendleton, Or., May 18. Echoes of
the previous dry regime In Pendleton
I are to be found In a sensational dl
jvorce suit brought by Mrs. Rose Bog-
ere asninsi ner nusband. W. Q. Bog
ert, former saloon man of Pendleton.
Among other things, she charges
inm. aunng one or the previous dry
years hs made $10,000 by bootlegging,
declaring she was forced to assist him
by mixing water, coloring matter and
brown sugar with whiskey.
Bogert admits tlje charges but de
clares that his wife waa a willing ac
complice. Mrs. Bogert further charges that
at the present time his cellar is full
of liquor. Bogert charsre that his
wife has associated with other men.
and that he is fighting her attempt to
secure half of his properly.
Daughter of Former
Ambassador Is Dead
Philadelphia. May 18. (I N. S.)
Miss Gertrude Tower, daughter of
Charlemagne Tower, former ambassa
dor to Germany, died lata yesterday
afternoon at Presbyterian hospital, as
the result of injuries sustained In a
motor accident Saturday evening.
Miss Tower was thought to bs re
covering, but last night she suffered
a relapse from which she was unable
to rally. Members of her family were
et the bedside when she died.
Miss Tower,. -with' Thomas Harvey
Dougherty Jr a banker, was Injured
when the motor which Mr. Dougherty
was driving-. upset in the park. Mr.
Inniffherty was seriously injured!
25c Hemstitched Curtain Scrims 19c
Fine quality, in white, cream, ecru, 36 inches wide neatly hem
stitched. Exceptional at 19 c.
10c Extension Curtain Rods 8c
Full size, bnss rods, complete with brackets.
5c Sash Extension Rods, 2 for Sc
Complete with brackets. Size 22x42 inches.
Opaque Window Shades, Special 32c
Mounted on strong rollers. 36 inches wide, and 6 feet long. With
screws arid brackets complete.
Beautiful New Cretonnes Special 19c
Floral and conventional patterns, in wonderful color combinations,
for every room. Especially good for summer homes and cottages. 3 2
to 36 inches wide. Bassmsat
f 11 vix;
Odds and Ends or
Rompers to 60c
Plain colored
chambrays, checked
ginghams, regulation
or skirt styles, with
piping and band
trimming. Sizes 3, 4
nd 6 years.
Rompers to 65c
iineham and chambravs. Ions or
short sleeves, elastic knee, several
styles, in pretty colors. Sizes 2 to 5
years: Basement
Austrian China
Six New Floral Designs
In Two Sizes
Breakfast Size
Set of 6
Lunch Size
Set of 6. . . .
Positively no phone or
ders filled.
Regularly $5.00
They are won
ders at this price
strong, handsome,
well 'tailored suits,
in all new mixtures
of brown, gray and
Every suit with
two pairs full
lined pants.
All sizes 6 to 18.
Sports Blouses 29c
Newest thing for boys. Tapeless
style, with large sports collar plain
white, light and dark fancy stripes.
All sizes 6 to 10 years, broken sizes
It to 14 years.'
Boys' $1.00 Pants 79c
Best pants ever sold for 79c. Cor:
duroys and wool mixtures, cut full
and taped seams. AN sizes 6 to 16
Boys' Can't Bust 'Em
65c Swiss Ribbed
Union Suits 39c
In low neck, sleeveless,
and loose kne,e and tight knee
styles. Sizes 36 to 44 for
Children's 25c
Knit Wear 1fic
Vests, high or low neck
short or sleeveless. Tights or
lace knee pantalettes All
sizes to 34.
35c Silk Lisle
Vests for 19c
Low neck, sleeveless style,
trimmed with silk tape, mill
Children's 19c j
Stockings . . . iC
Very fine elastic quality
white cotton stockings, with
double knees, heels and toes.
Sizes 5 to 10. Baasmant
3180 Dozen Pearl
Buttons 3c
Regular 8c Card
Dozen on a Card
Fresh-water pearls.
(2 holes, deep centers)
Japanese pearls.
(4 holes, deep centers)
On Sale Friday Only
$1.00 Flannel
Shirt Sale . . .
Cemetery Vases
for Memorial Day Buy now.
10c Vases 6c
$1.50 Matting
Suitcases $1.00
Strong durable cases with
solid leather corners, leather
handles, excellent locks and
bolts, safety hinges. Inside
tapes. 24 inches long and 7
inches wide.
For summer wear the every
day, kind, to close out at this
price. In sizes 14 to 17. In
neat stripes, soft bosoms and1
soft cuffs.
Silk Bosom
Shirts for ..... 75C
Shirts with silk bosoms and silk
cuffs with colored bodies to match, ,
In fancy stripes and fast colors. Mada
with soft bosoms and soft cuffs.
65c Union Suits 49c
Summer weight, white or ecru
union, suits, with long or half sleeves,
closed crotch, cuff sleetes nd
ffi1,ndFea.neCk- "mtnt '
50c Shirts and
Drawers, Each . .j"C?lj
Balbrlggan shlrtt and drawers, me- I
dium weight, full cut, reinforced. U
long or half sleeves, inkle length. C
l Basamaat
Overalls 55c Friday Only Middies. Special at 39c
denim, with larre bib nd " " 7
5Qc and 65c Corset Covers for 39c,
Made of excellent quality lo'ngcloth with yokes of lace Insertion
sleTveT All size r il"over embroidery fronts, lace cap,
Envelope Chemise, Economy Prices 79c
A fine assortment of styles made from ilongcloth, round or V
necks, tnmm'd with lace, embroidery, dotted Swiss insets or fancy yokes
Skirts of Fine Longcloth for 98c
With deep ruffle of embroideries, embroidery insertion, some rib
bon drawn, also ruffles of lace insertion and edging. AH lengths.
v Bassmsat
3000 Yards of 121c Fkured Cr
Blue denim, with large bib and
double seat and knee. Fast color.
Sizes 4 to 9 years. Bassmsat
$2.00 New
Bust Forms
New 1916 models bust
forms? covered with black
jersey cloth, with long hips.
In sizes 32 to 42. awmuit
Appetizing Hot
Clara ChowderBaked Salmon
with egg sauce, or meat loaf with
Spanish sauce or deviled crab
Relish Bread, Butter Tea, Cof
fee, Milk, Chocolate sassmsni
100 Large Size
75c Fruit Bowls
In Near Cut Glass
As Illustrated
Special Each
w Bssmsnt
This Price for Friday Only. Is Len, Than r.
A special purchase of excellent quality crepes in pretty floral
patterns ,n a large line of dainty colors on white grounds
25c New Tissue Voiles 16c
20c White and Tinted Voiles 14c
FIoral Patterns unusually attractive fine quality for dreTswTwaists, etc.
35c Gabardines and Poplins 19c
' ZlUrS'i b"Ch WMves! in for the
Silk Gloves 44c
Extra quality cure silk.
clasp style; double tipped and
2 rowrf embroidery. Black and
white, all sizes.
Silk Gloves 59c
Elbow length pure silk, dou
ble tipped, white only. All sizes.
Extra quality.
ffl 1
1 u
All white, or
white with navy,
cadet or red. trim
mings. Regulation
style, of excellent t
quality materials, :
am or laced
lone 1 or
short sleeves. All
sizes at this SDe-
H cial sale price, 6 io
20 years. ,
n quality n
V I with plain
"l fronts,
Spring Needs for the Home and Garden
Screen Doors, plain 4 panel, all sixes, to $1.40, for .1 09
2.40 fjsncy front screen doors, any siso, 1 inch frame $1.98
27c extension window screens, site 15 by 33 inches, for 23 C
10c malleable iron garden weeders, very special 7c
75c garden hoes, solid socket, best steel blades '.'.69c
35c malleable iron 14-teeth garden rakes, special , .25c
$3.50 velTet lawn mowers, three 14-inch cutting blades . . $2 98
$5.25 -Boukrsrd" ball-bearing lawn mower, with 4 highly Umpired
14-inch cutting blades , $3 95
U.00 grass catcher, galvanised bottom, canvas side's, wire 'frame 79c
Canvas covered rubber garden hose, 50 feet ft -inch with couplings
guaranteed for on season, $3.95i 25 feet . SI 98
$7.50 Indian K-inch 7-pIy red rubber garden hose with coupling,
50 feet $6J38i 25 feet . .. .$3.19
, , 1 Basement
' t) Merchandise of c
Merit Only"
New 35c-50c Neckwear 25c
Pretty new styles in collars and vestees,'"
lace, trimmed and embroidered crisp new'
neckwear very exceptional at 25c. ' :-M
The New Chiffon Ruffs 50c
-whU and wanted colors.
Newest thlnf for summer
Flnltned with ribbon ends.