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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1916)
SEVERAL PARCELS OF RESIDENCE Pfl ARE REPORTED SOLD Aggregate Valuation of Lots Transferred Amounts to About $54,000. "THRIFT PLAN" IS USED .Saw Z fatted laymnt Scheme coming Popular; Other Lots and Parcels Are Sold. Be- " Sales of residence property andha making of contracts for the erection of fine' homes aggregating in value t5,000, are reported as having been closed by the F. N, Clark company for the Ladd atat company within the past few days. The transactions are being financed on the new deferred payment scheme known as the "thrift oanrmatlon of the ftf F' Wa"en of two d on"- I,SPtlon Wlth thM Mr War. I! M -PKTClla81 one ent,re block, ha. t ' ubdlvlion is laid out, which ZHa frnt?-eeon Iron Mountain boule vard and Greenwood road. This mukM oV-Ertcrbe,it'Kl,b0r' " the eaS1 r tiS,aer wl" erect a om to "'fhl' J1?'00? on the ' will be on -v w r. -" oeing in charge of f; Pe1- Mr- w-ren paid 17850 ?'Iand' tUus "'aklng his total present Investment $17,860 lflfl 5" Cronn "as purchased 76 by ' xvlJtU i,on one-half lots oil "'.V6rfn T"f wa. 829 Albermario wm rtfr whlch n pa,d 62G. - A Rrnf.v, bC,'" drawn by Jaccobberger lh;L Construction will begin at -mnbgring 5 the' byJ8ft.tAb,b,hf8 Pued 60 WblcT he'Tald" ,3 w?llr beln0."100 ,650H- The P'ans are 4orifw h.iy A.K- Doyle, and ' th PsrtWeti nr ,dKn" y th b"'lllng de partment' Of the selling company ' PnrM..; r,Tay,or' I,re'lent of the Saied i n"11 b0ard' also pru! .hui .! "5? adjoining V I .V." . . "l -ronan, on Alber. THE OREGON SH!?tnJ5' tB.n CrMt Of1" eorarT' Bn- V1?,' builder. 6. G. Oppealander: 4iO. fiJl i Hillock, erect en sod en half uurj Oregon and ouaaa sta; builder, same; 6150.1. trlL H1,,ock .ereet one and-one half story , '"" iw- wo sk h.. between V?00." .9""n ata.; builder, suae: gisoo. tJZ'l J1?.! .S?V ' "nJ oo" heir etory rwT V . DetwcB onuaer, nme: flaoo. 3. B. Mxm rn - V , .7 1800 Alameda, between E. 48ta sad B. mi U.: bnlWer, urn; 40. r 1-Jlw?fd- "I" and one half J. KidderlyT SIM. DBUaet- V"D!- ?rJr twf atorr frame dwell iXki . 1 N- Fremont and brlidcr a Sr "ear iLUCKltat at.; ins. 44ow;KreJ ?5?t and n,nm. :r. r1'.",?. S10O. ' u oouoer, J. Kaooerly; hal? St' Ph'H'P. P1r two and one naif story frame iiifn Am - n Hickorv mil Kadderly; $500. hitwi- fal" aweuing. 2 Tamarack at. ii,BrH. rPlr one atory frame dwell- builder, J. 1. Kadderly;, $10. in. ' one atory frame dweli- 6OT. 634 st- N- ne" SUklyon eC: bollder, J. Jr lUdderlyj gl90. " JLSfi VS. T,1,. two atory frame awalllnr. ihs inti. -f k. v -rt P- Tedrow, erect one and one balf I-f frenie dwelling, 6310 26th ae. 8. be. TnTJaAa a? a!JJ J en a x . . . wtt aiiu a. nu am.; o under, same; Morris Taylor, erect one atnrr nrMnmn gerage, 18a 10th at., between Yamhill and ; Diuiaer. aame: s.iritn. . . ' .L,'th' rePlr tw 'tory frame dock, root of Alder at., between Front st. and bar bor line; builder, James L, Qulnn; $100. W N. 20th at., between WUaon and BofteV elt at..; bnUder, aame: fMJO. "J . Mr- ''Tka, repair one atory trams dwell ing. 670 Union in. V . hatiwi if x. bam ats. : builder, D. F. Campbell; $ao. Hamilton, repair three atory frame rooming house, 131-83 10th at.. etween Alder and waahintrtoii at iii.r n c i bell; $400. ' VUJ"- Kmanuel Charity board, repair one atory rrme boiler house. fift2 twern Stanton and rtraham mtm k.11,1.. I3fl0 Mra. C. F. Pflnrar i.. dwelling, 823 E. 16tb at., between Powell and ta.; builder, H. J. Bleberta; 8100. tar VHW.wiiL.two t?rrJrm dwHlnir. lni B. 40th at.. betWMn R Vsmkin ti-i moot ata.; builder. Moffatt DeWltt: S60. ; SrSTwiSsf "V"t. for wh7h begin construction work until The flu TO DISCUSS COA V EXTION PLANS 11 1ymtlA y " . Ilar(1 Meet w nay t Luncheon. 'Bn.M lno Portland Realty atM h. " J " unnniahed business vmion to hnVVI th8 lnter-tate con! 11 ? 1 d portlnl in July. rfn-M- "dment to th by-law., cover nfrnnPaymr,t 0t commission. lo 'agents on renin m,m - . : provides that. Tnead of Umlt g iur ' years to n ua. ... 'rental, that the fee h. ""nA", 'le'a. ,Ure 'Um the rent" For . Jrr.than flv wears' dura- h- "uson would be. under the proposed rule, l ' J rf j... . l me ::. " ' "uc me oaiance of the trm !5Th. VIZ the '"'on L3?t 8Peclai committee appointed to t,". tK! "tablUhmenfof renta" , - " oiurea wui a so make a ;port K. K. Taylor will preside BUILDIXG AclaV. ITV IS XOTED Sevr Kesldences Are Planned; Per j h mlts Taken Out. "frLf" M??T WUI erect a two story :r:"lda" at .A850 Alameda, to J. Hallock has a1c. Real Estate Transfers. Louis r Mlllman to Jeaae A. Morgan ruu l?" B' Hts ....$ Lillian V. Eaadolph and bus. to Fred ukdBrSd .8; B- P'i'' J?. j?ykr d "wi. ' to'p'ortia'nd ! B- Lester Park 8. E. 8Unsbery and wf. to Alex Spar- row u , B. . Low.ii fJTf. J. B. Huley and wf. to Helen. Mllburn. L. 41, 42, B. 18, Gregory Hts J. K. Seott and wf. to V. B. Wood. L. A6da.17No"-2.":. .20-. .B: . 4: . .""f B. W. Fleming and wf. to F. D Ilhjnes, L. 18, Kent LeHle M. Boott and wf. to J. H. Dun- . dwf- h 9 10 B- 2a- Habaona 2d A1. "L1.11"' D(1 boa. to Lo Katzky. L 20, B. 2. Arleta Park No. 4 Page M. Wtlllame to O. C. Goldenberg. L. 12. 10, Ina Park 7. R. KV. Davla and wf. to Fred H. Ball, L. 16. B. 8. Laurelwood Bose City Park Asm. to J. Bryeoa Moore et al, part i 10. B. 128, Rose City Park W. B. Streeter and wf. to Ralph E. Wllllama, part of Marlborough Ae.. ljlng southeasterly of a northeasterly extn, of northwesterly line L. 5, B. 8. St. FranHa H1U Merchants Loan Inr. Co. to Ralph E. Wllllama, L. 1, 2, 5, B. 8, aUey lying between L. 1. 6, B. L. 8. B. fl I portion Marlborough Are. Tacated ly Llng easterly or southeasterly of line o, o, n. a, exia. nortnerly In Bt. Francla Hill 8. G. Agnew to Alice Sharlnghousen. L. 1. B. 2. Broadriew Add EDima M. Hnghea to N. 1. Hughes, L. 12, B. 6. Hawthorne's First Add Plus Schmtd to Louie Braodea, H. 1. 2, B. 6, Lester Park Anna Golden to Bruno F. Nickel, 8. L. 2, a. B. 10. Murraymead Rachel Brown and bus. to Mary J. Du- pont. L. 1, B. 4, Stuart Park M. A. Goto and wf. to school district no. 1, a acres in Bee. 10. T. 1 8., R. 3 E Cook A Gill Co. to school district No. 1. Ox2 ft. beginning 100 ft. E. of S. W. corner L. 8. B. 1. WwUtrwb . Kenwood Land Co. to Joseph O. Pline et al. L. 17. 18. B. 2. Graybrook Timothy Caaey and wf. to Bruce O. iw, 1 o, a. u, Irrington Add.. Kate S. Home to Security Sarlnga iiuui ua., l. u, o. IV, U. II, U. 7Z. L. 8. 9, 10, B. 73, Laurelhurat Henry Borqulat et al to John Prudham et al 00x104 ft B. "Q." St. Johns Heights .' ... O. E. Corner! and wf . to Mary Miller, L. IT, 18, Bi-18, Fslrport Lsuielhurs Co. to William O. Spencer, L. C, B. ;J3, Laurelhurat Blanch L. Brown and hus. to China Bros. Co., L. 1. B. 28, Belle Crest Add., -also U 12. B. 4, Stansbarrya Add Cbinn Bros. Oo. to the Raleigh China Co., L. 1, B. 28. Belle Crest, also L. ii. o. 4 ntananerrys Add. 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 10 ISO 10 10 10 10 10 10 P T3 DAILY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. THURSDAY. MAY ' 18. ,1916." 1 x "" "AXLY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. THURSDAY. MAY ' lft '-ibi'a -' - - - - . '. - -. - .. -r ... . : .. ' - - - " - -rt. ;.v -.s' A'fi'v 117-.. ) ' . ' - ' . ' : J " " --easBssSSMgsgssaaSaalasMa.saa. LIBELED WASHING SEN1ENG TON; ED TO FOUR MONTHS PRISON Motion for New Trial Is De nied Tacom'a Socialist; Ap peal May Be Taken. Taeoma. Wash.. Mi ig m. v i Convicted of criminally libeling George Washington, .first president of the United States, Pan! R. Haffer. a -young socialist, was today sentenced by Judge Card In the superior court to serve four months In tha and to pay the coats of tbe trial. This action was taken following a motion by Haffer attorney for a new iri.i which was denied. ..Two d.ay"' tlme WM atranted for tho riung of hotlce of appeal, and Haffer was permitted hia liberty on ball meanwhile. P. L. Pendleton, attornev tnr Vtrnftr Indicated today his Intention to im! mediately appeal the case to the state supreme court. Haffer said uncomnlimantarv hn. about Washington in a letter to a local newspaper. . MEETING "KOTICES toon tinned) B. FOB SALE HOUSES 61 9 ' ELJCS. NO. 142 J HERE Is a chance to get a home from Vf"i!lv n?"n U!.1"! . n. owner at the right price and - wiua ui wuj meet your conai- avuo. (Thursday) evening. Elks' temple. 8 o'clock. Initia tion. pst Grand Exalted Ruler J. U. fcammis wlli 9y the lodge- fraternal ..visit- Visiting brothers welcome. By order of the E. ft , VL R. 8PAULPING. Secretary X. KADER TEMPLE. A. A C K! t e a monial session will beheld on Ka.nrriBv Jn in .1 the Masonic temple. Peti tions will be received until 2 p.m. By order of the Poten tate. HUGH J. BOTD, Recorder. OREGON COMMANDER?, K. T. Special this evening bring a Sir Jtnlght wlth4you sideration. he will appreciate your con- v.. r. h,uau, rtecoraer. jnarriagesMirtbs. Deaths. JrlAKltlAGJE JLJCEXSE8 Six rOOm hAUM iifh mA- TI- thorn.- " " , -Seven room house In Rose City Park on 42d street, near the car. a,? bouse. Rose City Park, on 52d at. .81 00m modern bungalow, near Z3d and Brasee street, Irvington. Four room house and large lot at Kendall station, on th electric line. These are all. nice homes and ?6ca tjfM nd I am going to sell them, will make the right price with small payment down and reasonable month ly payment to the right parties. If Zouwant a home, phone me. John S. Beall, Woodlawn 3171. Jandy Boxes Mingle With Romance, as pregon Skies Clear 10 5 w. Permits for th rV W1,e 180 168 and 174 East Sixty-ninth street each one to cost 31500 - Morris Taylor will erect a one-sto-y Mlc garage at 188 Tenth .u i tanen out yester- .i!luad Aln8-n-th has taken out P'rmit for making changes to her iannV merest drive, to cost Portland Architect .w?11!,1'.0' 5rneat Kroner has au thorised to draw plans for two bulld- T . ara or education of Sea tVl Q - acnooinouse. 21 1 ?d. rmnas"Jm- Both are to v ana me construction. An , . . OT ii-u Is available. A committee of the school board was In Nations Qay and closed the neo Buiklini; Permits. ClTlsl. ffl ." T between Clinton and uiTjsion sta.: builder. Harrr (Vnltr- -ui Hand """""". repair two atory frame What to Do to Get rat and Increase Weight Th Cause of Thinness. Most people eat from four to six pounds of good solid fat-making food vrT "till do not Increased weight one ounce, whtie on the other hand many of the plump, chunky folks fhi XSl hJ&a' and JteP Boning ail the time. It's all bosh to say that this isn't Nature's way et all. thrffWi1!1" PJOP' ."av thin because --- "''- yi tusiiuusuon are defec tive. .They absorb Just enough of the food they eat to maintain life and a emb lance of health and strength Stuffin won't heln th..m 1 '1 1 VI; n? ? there-' pound. All the fat- .r .. B ""iieon ot tneir rood lut fill eT:in th Intestines until that will D re Dare hu fut. j ;," ihaS! X'tJ,t th,r blol can Absorb y-om.thiny; too;:thrwill mum- oria; th-Tr aK,"10Jia corpuscles and In- kffitfvCOarnrl1,lai,ono; flxof themSit ttn f K.d.pow,rful asslmllauve Ph?mit:but,ld e,onts known-to C2t hi-- 11 bo'utl harmless, S ii?-bt,w.onderf u11 "ectlve. and nffnfv-f1 e.ten wJth meal aa ?n -f?-".10 of users, of a this? J?- J lncrang the weight "ln man or woman from three tn Poinds a week, sargo? i sold bS Wl good druggists every wher on a Myrtle Brans and baa. to school district No. 1. land beginning in W.'llne L. 8, B. 1, Woodstock. 20O ft, N. of 3. W. corner B. 1, sllso tract beginning in E. line L. 8, B. 1, Wooditoclt. 02 ft. N. N. E. corner L. 8, alao tract begin ning W. line L. 4. B. 1. Woodstock. 200 ft. S. of N. W. comer B. 1 Edith Parker and bus. to Exile Burkitt, L. 18, 19, B. 28, Esft Cnsaton Base Line Land Co. to Thomas W. Klll ingland, L. 8, B. 20 ft. L. 0, B. 8, Altsmead Jenale E. Jones and hus. to Joseph T. Peters. S. E. 40x101 ft. off L. 9, B. 4. Third Electric Add ,. Fred Hiram Strong and wf. to Ralph Q. Cornell. L. 22, B. 28. Weetmoreland . . Lloyd Batea et aL executors, to Lumber- man a National Bank of Portland, land btglnnlng point 488.7 ft. W. of corner Sec. 7. 8, 17, 18, T. 1 S., E. J E.. southerly 05 ft. fraction L. 8, B. , In P. T. Bmlth'i Add. to St. Johns. L. 3, 4. B. 231. Holladaye Add.. L. 2. B. 86, Coucbs Add., L. 7, B. 38, Irr lugton Park, L. 17. B. 6S, Laurel hurat, und. l-7th hit. L. 1, N. 30 ft. L. 2. B. 802 Couch Add., L. 1. 2. 8, B. 15, Proebstels Add. to Alblna, part of L. 3. 4, B. 301. Portland G. W. Ollllhan and wf. to John H. Wal ker. L. 14. B. 105. also atrip off the N. end L. 13, Laurelhurat A -S. Hlrach and Peter J. Van derkelen et al, N. 80 ft. L. 3. B. 17. Tlbbetta Add J. ! Luella Ingprsoll to E. J. A hern et al, L. 1, B. 8, Nut Groye 1,800 800 700 10 M 825 1 10 10 10 4,423 10 10 10 , As our poetical friend A. Tennyson, says: "In the spring the young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." - And after riving due consid eration to the season, no fur ther explanations are necessary to account for the fact that candy maker are working overtime. Among the makers of quality aweets In Portland is Lisle Weygandt, proprietor of the Rose City Candy kitchen. A few days ago, when th sun was shining, he saw his stock was hardly keeping up with a rapidly advancing demand. This determined him to add more chocolate dippers to his factory force. But he didn't have any time pereonauy nunt up exDer- to a Jour- iji lencea help so he used nai want ad, The ad cost me 25 cents, procured me the most compe tent sort of help and did it quick." eaid WeygandL . "nd,ow vrybody is satis fied. Weygandt has his choco late dippers, the dippers have employment and soon the skies win clear and more June wed oings can be arranged over th candy box. f William Aaron Donaldson, 840 Sandy Road. 'J&.PZ ?' 430 Jerson st, leg.L iSmll C. DeBauw, 9H1 E. 16th at. leeal Hedwick W. Slowlck, 274 Hamilton are'., legal! Ralph A. ColTln, 682 Kerby sU legal. Irene Spitzer, 1309 E. 6th ft. N.. legal. BJf?'n!r,1,AM,nrk' Tillamook, Or.. leg.L Sylia L. Lee. 5010 82d st. S. E.. 16 years. V.n Bnt' Pottlnl. Or., No. 2, legal, Mabel Wheeler. 438 E. 58d St. N.. legal. oeuno von Pnttkamer '689 Killing rworth ave., Ida Meier, Hillsdale, Or., legal. C. Djf. Pendleton, Or., legal. Pearl M. CSmndler, 1852 Hawthorne are, legal. . Johu Jktwlm. 1075 E. lth at. N., legal, Adlna V. N. Peterson, 1076 E. 19th aU East Glisan St. Sacrifice ' TERMS $250 DOWN, BAL. 120 MO. $2250 BUYS A 88500 HOME 7 room full 2 story and sleepine porch, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, cement floor basement, 2 toilet, laun dry nraya; fin lot and fruit trees and shrubbery. See my agents (B.) Dorr E.gKeasey Co, 238 C. C. bldg. Main ACREAG& iffitismod)ti 57 : Buy an Acreage Home ) Have city convenience. uch las mountain water piped Into your, house, elect rlo - lights, etc d country benefltg; rich solC in community. 80 minutes out by Big Red feteel Trains. Low PJi5:? t Pyneta. Any size tract. Let us show you. The Shaw-Fear Co. 101 4th St. ACRE, 8 tracts on carlina. 8S cash, SS near city; oT'i-V XJ F55l $.Pr month. SUBURBAN HOMES 70 Five rm.- mnAam knnat V' ''"P1. full cement basement. 1 TWO acres with 2 room house. i blk. Alberta car. worth 82S00. owner! w v .i , f a A V;. , i1.,""0 ' H ACRES WITH HOUSE. un new. hard iurfMil r road, about 7 miles from city; 6 room w"' porcn, good well, 8 acres in, berries. Vounar nrchaM 1 KlnoW electric sUtion; will sell cheap and e ici ma. SNAP FOR CHICKEN RANCH OR . . UAtUJlfiN. I acre or less, in city limits, 4 blocks rr9F car- c fare. 6 room house UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO, Ground floor soa nir t lost out. eaiv rrW, ' """" "i.L. cleared. 800 - . Its-j "f" "uon. M.S V-kth Ct 1I ouyaK st. WW k-1 C LI I Will 111 'I Easy terms. Purse, FOK SALE FARMS 17 W, G, Smith & Co.3S?SZ intru floor Aiorgan Bldg. -.oo suits aoiu or renieu. iuw uncen. jatest styles, ail sizes; we buy dress ults. BareU's Misfit Cloth. St ore' bis" iJrt'ti fult 'or rent, ail aizea. umUu ,81575 FOR ROOM MODERN buTfer DgchidtchenrcemeVrPba B. EnTtpaTTin ment, launVlry trays. Near Glisan at. .i0anb1frle"- Jih7 thrive in Oregon carllne. Cost $2450. Will sell $925 a?d,a5, profitably raised for Juloe equity for $150 cash, your profit $776. Siln;. bAV V ch 251 E. 70th st. N. Tabor 228. anH. bottm landa. ene mile to good 1231 E. Madison at 42d, modern 6 room d Jprfn bunsralow larsra lot mv. mr nff riTJ?fl Ks..0??0aa.'. employment; Goine t .riv acres Wltn hOUfr'e, 325 uomg east. I down. 810 month- nt.irin.n -n-U. 1. SALOis, or trade by ownor, at a ava 6aii, . U etCreal in K llf lfttflf f 'r ON THE PENINSTIT.A Near new shipbuilding plant, fine new 5. room bungalow, Just completed. 1644 Jordan st. n ...... ... . . . .. . A Merry-Go-Round Here'a a business proposltLon: we have a merry-go-round Zhat cost approximately 82500; th season is opportune for making money -arith It. If In good shape and is set up for demonstrating furposea. It's worth at least 1000. but well sell It for con siderably less. 6e U at 863 E. Oregon st. East 7222. LltiHT manufacturing; have opening for energetic man in a rrowlnsr busi ness: reauirea a a mall' lnvtstmsnt and owner agrees to teach you the busl- smiu uy you iuj monin now. wnich can bs InersauH Cm .nnm aa Morgan bldg. - . n 1 HAVE one of th best uhurhin grocery stores In th ir Km on a IitUe change, and Uke a good gro oeryman to buy the stock and rent the bulldlnr; will nut in hnt.Kr. "t t nnecuon u ne wianes. R '"i tfvurnm. HELP , WAXTEU MATP: WE10--Carpenter fom 8800 e. trac.t job la exchange for 11 lots Worden. Or. K-547. "ournal pAI cook and baker wanted. S WW'5.hton- Ciry Lunch, i - o fHtH lo wanted. Call ,- . t -efc iuy, mezsanlne floor, Journal bldg. A Money Maker DeUcatesaoEL aoda taunt n Uvim $100 p rssut; cjo to scnooi Sea Hall. K19-19 t. ,. km. - i " - ""nn asuB. t'Vnt v . .i tw , . . . .' ! ' uK.cuvnvtiu old established general merchandla store in iiv wnim. t. i v,u"y icwn. value 111,000.. for - rcaiuvuc property. artJcu i . V Ir" eiier or no attention. XK 542, Journal. CASH business: have oneninsr fnr an.., getlc i man satisfied to make $25 week and which can be increased; requires a small Investment. Call room 32 mvji k mi njaar. Cider, iced kruit drinks' HrrTTPUVftT tr Purposes: market hinir vomkm -yy; m-mi, journal an new e, room bungalow. All near Lylewlth 6 acrei of beajTne-or- Peninsula parkVIf you haveX Utile PrTvemenuf plektyf "ood ater - money, wilfaursfriaa vnn in r,rlr TTmh. Ml3n U " K..iL."i f-Y?LTT' ?x I denstock & Larson Co. 308 Oak st. Tel- In a good neighborhood. Fine view"? t . gphone Broadway 166. ML llood and Mt. Adams Will maki I ,"V1 I " 'I A 1 t I U "l1 1 I 1 VT la-". AiV-O BUU I tf I Ills nrnf IAhM k D.. II IUiSSAiS5ON' Intilu cit' M? t her J .l-year-oid 5 room bungalow,' owner. Woodlawn 3171. ' i.:.""'.1 Louls fireplace, cement basement- Corner 0. ACRES hat Will mak vou n-onl . . I hAWta OA . 1I1I.L. " - " rwui. w Krci LiuaDia. I rr in DEATHS AND FUNiSRALS iMuuugaiw. sirea no vasts lit. i coa j t-v- ,.j lii. - v-... . ice wiu h. h.M liiX." 7r '."r"" i"""- irom vtiisan st. o clock p. m. st the residence establishment or J. r. Slnley ac Son, Moutgomery at 6th. Weads Invited. Interment at BlVep view cemetery BRANDENBURG In this city, May it. A. Brandenburg aged 46 years. Private i Vo on . i Vwm c neio-rrlday, May 19, J' I0-90 o clot'k a. m., at the rea dence es Ubllshment of J. P. Finley A SonT Mont gomery st 8th. Interment at Lone Fir eeme. ery. MARTIN 4k FORBES CO., florists. S4 7 wash. Main 268. A-12R9 for all occasions artistically arranged. w-uuut iiuoo.. tlorisia. as 7 Aluri-.r77T st Main or A-1S05. Fin fin.,.,. aouiioiai 'lesisns. jxo Drancn SCO Oak Bt. Easy terms. Get key at 306 $650. Small house and 60xl00-foot lot; small monthly payments, less than rent. Rose City Park car to 72d at. SEE WOODMAV Gregory Investment Company. CUiL. good 8 room house, anrlns w.t.r email creek, good view and only i k i Jt-nce 9000, IZ50 cash baL $. Reynolds. Rainiaf. Or - JL'oi completed, 6 room bungalow, 40tH ave., S. E full cement base ment, fireplace, hardwood floors, cove ceiling, Dutch kitchen buffet, lot lOOx 160. Terms or trade. Spelts, owner. Main 7684. 46 ACRES Must be sold witmn 10 a DO lalr orrer rejected. For rVk o-r"1 r w C. Wattera, ""ii a i sb. J 1 to, COUNTRY home, 80 acres; paved auto aK : ,nnInr trara. spring, thade; To W bSIldln 0wer. Washing ton. Room 20. FOUR room modern bungalow, Ud E not at. ix. inis is 100 ft. from Glisan NEW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN ajro FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT CO. ESTABXZSJEro 1877. RELIABLE AS2 BAXstOl IT8UT8. HAXH 807. A-IBIL 10 50 10 8,000 Gladiola Plays Goat. . Newton, N. J., May 18. (U. P.) Mrs. J. P. Doyle used sugar In tha starch when finishing off a waahlntr Gladiola. a horse, who dotes on candy, uuieu mis wnen ne, snured the clothes line, men h ate 30 feet of the rrn For scouring cooking utensils a mop has been Invented "in which each cotton strand is wound with fine cop per wire. NEW TODAY STORY BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE Well Filled Excellent Location $10,000 CASH City Property For Balance. T-741, Journal Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS' Soa Oefcasa Bldg. Portland. Or. Brighten Your Homts ROOF AND HOUSE PAINTS KALSOM1NING AND PAPER HANGING GARAGES AND PORCHES All work of every description g-uaranteed. See our repair de partment . Oregon Home Builders Oliver K. Jeffery, Pres. 1330 N. W. Bank Building-. 6 Choice loans or 910.000 and TTp m" Property (or for Improvement larposs). J. P. laZPsooasa, 843 Btark Btreet,, AUCTIONS AUCTION S IDEWALK TOOLS. Curb nlanks. whih.r, -Ct.',. hose, finish tools, hardly useS Auction Saturday. May 20. t 3 P. m.. nt 842 N Leonard st., St. Johns. res. ! t. carline and paved street. About 2 -1 years old. Extremely low price and 0in Z tJe bt?1 68 cr farms In Clark Co.. Wash., all cleared. 2 ten uum town, va-676. Journal. ' &1X lUiNalll 1 .t ) W A i I 'l I v.r it .. .. bet. 4th and E'h. Main 1 102. A-l l o ?8y texms. K.ey at Umbdenstock & joiouu u.. suo uu st.. g-rouna rioor and eleht nr niai able houses, at a sacrifice price, near mtaierwm, W11COX Ulda Tigard. OSCAR JOHN SUN FLORAL CO, yjiisan st mar. 4372. A-1464. MAIN 8116; wreaths, pillows. $3 I VSf1!,," room hoU8. will take ub-mi. Journal i .191& Ford first payment, balance -in Journal FARM of 240 acres for sale or rent. ," ", "iuii ana toois. Aaaress Sprays 21 op. Chappells.347 Morrison up. rent. 1515 E. 11th st. N. Wdln. 1293. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141V, 6tn at. FUNERAL, DIRECTORS w''f'W?J'L'n- CLi-u-ini-u -i. ' "L-jj FOR SALE LOTS to FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 T'5". of Experience Enable This Firm to Give YOU Perfect Service T.f'" modern establishment, with Its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway, in sures absolute privacy, caus ing in no way a departure from an established policy of moderate price. Experienced Woman Attendant J. P. Finley & Son The Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Montgomery at Fifth. Main , A-1589. P. L LEI ker Uast lit U. 781. B-1SJ8 F. fe. Dunning. Inc.- undertaker Kast liui and Haw thorne. E. 781, B-1838. Lady assistant. Eaat Side Funeral DiraatArat ill IT Alder st- Phone East 52. B-252& D. KEN WORTHY CO. Two Establiahmenta Tabor 8267; 6803 82d st, Lents. Tabor 6885; 6Sth st. and Foster road.. Arlara Uunnmsfit Mctnteeo- very detail. Broadway and Pine sta. Hroadway 430, A-4ut. Lady assistant. Walter C. Kenworthy 1532-1534 E. 13th. Sellwood 71. B-1I23. YOUR OWN TERMS? Acreage, 4 tracts and V4 tracts; Just outside city; 6 cent fare; no city taxes; Bull Run water, no gravel, fine soil aind sightly, why pay rent? Cary. 311 Panama bldg. LARGE, beautiful view home site. West BKie, lo minutes ride, 6c fare; beat i value In the city at 8350! tin iimn r,,i i 36 per month. M. E. L. 606 Corbett loo EA u HF UL lota in Miiwaukie; so c1- fare; light gas and water; $20 cash and $10 per month. H. Q. Btark- eur, xuaue Orove 1-X. VILL lease dairy location near cltv: uave my own cows iin TAn...l IkU- - ..v.v.m 1 L1UK, A REAL MMMTTV Vf ivcu Light KTOCarv and rlallr.t..L,.i, tn '.'Jlt lna long established, good trade. Excellent for man and! owner. si7 Russs .r WAITING ROOM STORE. 3756." "oice gxaeo, rent $20. clears $150 v. il wv expense; will clear dou wi mat amount this summer; posi- ansp. uoaaara. B02 f'nnrh hilar BTjn bajiv Cheap, pool room and cigar stand doing fine business, good location, cheap rent. Owner has other wuBinesB. 1U1 union av M BEST millinery tore in town: hu- . a .,.'ulr,oad m,Ln and transferred east; wUl sell at aaorlflc. F-588. Jour- a 'rea MOVING PICTURE THEATRE, GOOD LOCATION: PRTr.JT tunn. unn 95i?w BALANCE EASY TERMS. APPLY 86 BROADWAY. COZY bakery and grocery. 668 Wil- llam SLVeu. dnlnar mrA k.t..... leaving town on account of sickness! rast zvou. BAKERY, first class, fine oven. 2000 loaf capacity, store and 4 furnished llvlnar roOKlS With hath- total r.n 825. Main 1611. 184 Glbbs st. 0(r BUSINESS CARDS IIJjRoBe City Printing co Third st.. cor Taylor FOR SALE One saw mill and 20,000.: 000 feet of timber A ririr... r, ...... Lumber Co.. Butte Falls. Ore. FINE stamps, hinges, albums, etc, g a. m-6 n. m. Columhla Mlamn 1 ai North lth st Main 76S0. w Ais 1 h,u 5 or 10 acres, impioved. b": ij-i'oo, journal .HOMESTEADS ley station, Pbon Oak tipo Duys x iotjs in cook's add., adjoin- neighbors. Price win'V-V- " f - ,nona' H HENRY BLDG. Main 1068. Two Good Relinquishments 160 acres each, timber and meadow. 4 miles from town, good soil: lies fine- no rock. See photo. Party who lives there Is here: Drlca 3260. 160 acre homestead, lies fine, close iwMciauvur, 1 rice .100. f vt01" borntead close to town and jioo, nry : CHOICE lot 80th St. thorne ave. $950. Tabor 423. 1 block Haw Phone owner. JL. KXCItANOF REAL E3'. ATE 24 mm HALF acre, level, pigeon and poultry 4883. Box 279, Portland. Ur SW S?r? . roora hngalow In il2AHLSL1 MX10J. canr quarter " blocTc on" HaWthor irnngioa a ist net; 1 uuiorsuus JI you JiaVS th VsJllaa adjoining Alameda Park. Main 106s! avenue or Irvington district- will "nTv BEACH PROPERTY A Phone owner. labor 65 I HAVE a client who desires to eli or .exchange two fin cottages at Sa slde. Or. Phone Main 7776. ACREAGE acres, 13 miles from Portland, good nrkii.A awI v.n n . . . . ."Y - ...u cuiuvatea. 10 COWB. iTOrwl team in e...ii " 57 WIU exchange equity ,n Vl.ce'anatock rjoo fCinrouse- rhoneMaln 8517. aak fltObPliRlTY IN CANADA KOO.OOO.- UUU In nV vaa th . rt H A !n iq-ic .. . - . -ill 111DG.fl I I . L iuormousi crops ana low taxation make 1 Ti 7-". " improved, near xarmers rich. Wheat .average, 38.16 I "v1,"0 ,larei 6 room house bushels per acre in Alberta, 28.76 bush- I n inw i tak "r city lots for cuj yer acre in caBKatcnewan. 2a.t0 I " owu ucbum Diaa. AR 7'pllnr Pn vvunaa v, 1 III Z-Cllaf OUiEaat 108b. C-108S. i-Mdy ttttenoant. uay and niarht srvm. MILLER At TRACE Y. independentfil ..J dlrectora Prices low as $20. $40. 360. Wash, at Ella. M. 2691. A-7o8o! iC2 Belmont, at 84ti H-im. X. 126. Lady a t ten Jan t FRlPSf l, ft-fclDENCE UNU rULa. r.nilOUM 8133 A-2336. 448 Morr R. T. BvmP Wlllina and Enoit 111 1 1 UjlHCd Eaat 1115. C-194S. ' . rr . vwwiMSkvuvTre.iii i anew bushels par acre In Manitoba. Tax av- I 765- erage $24 and will not exceed $36 per 7 ACRES on Foster road near Ml IT quarter section, includea all taxes- nn waulri. ann et i . i a " taea on improvements. Fre schoo and Uar Portland, v'alu $5000; mortaait full rlisioua libartv .nivl n. I tvrtnn- . .a- i . ,u ' wisag . 'j w " vjrvb i . iisua mr uiaatrn nom own x-iiu.ic railway, years to pay. Good land from $11 to $30 per acre; irrigat ed lands from $35, and th government guarantees your land and water titia Balance, after first payment extended over 19 years, with interest it 6; privileges of paying in full any time. Before final payment becomes due your farm should have paid for itself. We will lend you up to $2000 in improve ments in certain districts, with no se curity other than thenand itself. Par ticulars on request Ready made farms BLACKSMITH equipped; Albany, Or, shoo for aaJ fnllv equipped; electric power. Henry Uhl, HELP WANTED -MISC. 4 T't- A. AUTOMOBILE BCHOOi renViM n.1nt cl"r training i 2rlvin. and machine wor Jncludlng forge, lathe shaper. drii Sr""' el:: tlm unlimited. gecur pas at Educational of tic X M. d bldg.. to inspect our shops and 1 rnetf Oda. COMPETENT CHAUFFEU1 AND MECHANICS SUPPLlEDTu tlon fee Includes, MEMBERSHIP IN M. C. A. and It. EMOTriviiBM.. n, PATMENT' utot eo-ft swlmrain ww. wer patns, gymnasium, et MOVINa PIPTTtttir nmrbin. WANTED IN EVERT CITY IN TH ts,T-uworJt h.lp" Pv tuition, -8tu dents earn board, room. $75 MONTH. Government Jobs. Me. women wanted. List of vpuKition ?T"?U1frnkJln institute. DeotT t49-L A 1 . viniii'. . ' " nAnit,ui,aiiiM men, wishing. t iU?0?;, Portland mall carrier, com nience 337 month. OX-932. Journal. ' U1?.SALLD !2r J'!?r mad up. Tsylorthe Tsllor 288H Biirnstd HELP WANTED- FEMALK ; WANTED Experienced typewriter -wi 0 unJerr.a.n1" operating Wah. adding attachment. Answer.- N-374 WANTED Competent woman to Uk. charge of bread, etc., in Home bak- ery. P-749. Journal. GIRL for general housework isa month. Tabor 6068. HELP' WANTED 31AJLE AND FEMALE . , c.- MOLER DARBRR nnr.t.vum wants men and women to learn th trade: nald While Isarnlnar- e... positions secured: summer rates; writ for catalogue. 48 N. 2d st. WANTED, competent kai responsible Person ta Z , house, 24 rooms. Astoria, n State wages. D. H. Welch. Astoria. Or. ! uaroer scnooi wanta mei and women in 1.ap a a free in 8 weeka Positions secured. Pay i while learning. 88 N. 2d St. 1 OREGON BARBER COLLEGE -M... and women to h.,i free. 283 Madison st " I . -J f WANTED AGENTS WANTED Agents In all sections for OUr full assortment nf rlaan tl. We nursery stock; demand Is Increas ing. Attractive terms." OREtlOitf NURSERY COMPANY 6rencoTC GOO quick sale 'P Mv. hustlers; an easy eelllni; pposition; liberal commission: 80 Grand ave, S 1 1 1 A T I ON 8 M A LK FOR quick sale, well established ladies' ana gnts tailoring business. M-863, CORNER cash grocery, $10 rent; will invoice. 708 Union ave. Main 7n7n MEAT MARKET, as A-i mecimnic' warns work in repair shop in or out of city, car repair, anything and will run shop on com mission Phone Tabor 89 22 after 6 p avers E"" ' " Morrow "a splendid location. Kotna concern 249 Yamhill. GARDENER wanted? For work that will please vou ntmna Main sal a address C. Hasseries. 268 N. Both t. fcxperlenue. aood tools ru mn.v,u I prices. " BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' WANTED 68 EXPERIENCED business man desires an association with established con earn of merit; would consider Invest ment under. satisfactory conditions. F 996. Journal. WANTED Small set of books to keep, COlleetina' or nostlnar. W.D09 nal. MERCHANDISE WANTED. MARRIED man wants position, Jani tor, can do tinting for apartment and wages. Main 9492. YOUNO men would Uk position 's chauffeur evenings and Sunday for experience. U-741, Journal" - improved wheat lands, close to good 1F Ji ly- -Pntlng or kalsomining town, or timber to trad for mercEan- ?.50' cail Broadway 1884, and save dlse, from $1000 to $10,000. Box 7. """" ! ' Madras, Or. COMPETENT WANT grocery business: win . chauffeur, furnished by V. M. C A. Auto school. Main 7066. A-6561. w.a.ij sn Suva cronenv ana nsaum. tea t matter now much. !8t, Journal. CASH for country. a small grocery city V-590. Journal. ' or MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE OUR installment pi.n is th best au.u i?4 VaT "l"oa OI paying a loan. T 7 a--- ;iu ar av lUBuUS OT $21.24 for 0 months, or 816.17 for 86 mnntha . linn. R 1 Cn nt ra rt n r B,ull.aln. p 1 u m b i n . yuilliaLlUl Plastering, brie anJ wora. n. a. rungery. Mir, 1688. YOUNG, married man wishes Inside .rW0irk' on West Side preferred, U- 782, Journal. - . , HOUSE painting and tinting, i. per rm. C. A. Barnes, Mar. 282j: M. 8549. CHAUFFEUR a real driver and me-' chanlc. Woodlawn 4674 27 SITUATIONS FEMALE NEAT young lady will Assist In amall . iioavi seamstress: aood. references. GOING east? Have 66 acres unincum tiered farm land near ranA wmn,. Sin town for clear fitv hnm nk consider acreage. Thomas. a' 1st st A.icajn a. IRVlKHTflW 15000 Beautiful hnma mortgage $2600. Will take Irvington J. C. COR BIN CO.. WILL exchange 10 LEWIS BLDG. acres or vonmr Mosier district for liailllllUII neral services Tahnr ClCApcJ Undertaking Co. MaTn416l 0rCVVr A-2821 Cor 3d and Clay PORT MONUMENTS iiAiVil Al A KKJ .W. Ttrira ea 1mm 4th st nnn t h.n Pn.Hn Na' fmJSZElmm "HCAIlSING GftANll 10 i-5-DSTcoa.HAt-i' bearlnar a nniaa for sale. Special easy term. Loans city Income, Incumbrance $1100 Sell- for livestock. In dflna1 dlvtrlt. wood 108R oii- T.Tn V";""""- "?Q"L 5r- WANT groce wmwrmmm vvsatst W vsi. s-y en sU V Oea.LI.lH. 5 K'-- exchTHF sheen tod bou to larm. im . d.s.. si' vt ' "i1?. -VOU - - . . r - i - , uu M,a.k Lai xiow m linn wT R n VaiUO OI IIOUU. W want von- n. a an Tnn.nal afford- to help you. W own th land; i,.vg 1K wa mailt tha lanii oulrlvatui ,-... i I "A v Ao your P-766V terests are mutual. Buy direct and get your farm home from the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Kenrl fnr fra. Dooa. j. b. uennis.- assistant to the president Canadian Paclfio Railway, i" jmuiu aTiuua iaigaxy, Aioerta. Canada. 1 7. 40 a nif SO i J . . " C . avw iiuiruvtu a "avus;e tor city property S2?,f ,?:,leU1U, 810 Yn bldg. Mai. PISON. FOR SALE HOUSES HI ?LUL SALES TOMORROW AT 3 p. m. at Ford 1st st. Furniture, carpet t ' $11 Al Wilson Auvllun'Huu.. t Sala MS 1 a m 1st MEETING NOTICES 48 7& WEBFOOT-Camp v 65, W. O. W.. every Friday night In W. O. ,iempie. 128 llth st Members requested to be present Visitors welcome. J. H. Ponnay. STRICTLY moaern 6 room home. fur. nace, full cement hamnr. "V j, uu--iuu Owner. 90 Castle a-e. MODERN 4 room bungalow (2 bed rooms), nearly new. 1464 Mississippi ave. 1 blk. from Peniasula park. An f1-111 barEln- No trades. See this icj at i quo Via. St ' New All ROSE CITY park 6 room bdnaalow at a. I! Abv Ctty 4 ran yreBrtis ts llartma. & ta.sBaua. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwartis at 6-7-8 Orifon Investment ft Mortgage Co. Office 809-4, 170 3d St. i . uaruer. i; i a. v-uuumbia Lodge, no. 114, A. F and A. M. Special communication this (Thurs- lI?nl!? 7:30 ooiock. Masonic Temple. Labor in hraath ',-.-..1 IVlSitln VV M. FlCEDWI WSfiSy c?'d-- mt. HOOD LODGE. NO. 187, A. F. and A. 5L Special communication tomorrow (Friday evening at 7:3. Work In M. M. degree. Visit ors welcome. Order W. M. ED. C. DICK. Secretary. ALBERT PIKE LODGETWo" 182. A. F. A A. M. Spe cial communication thia Fri day evening, May u, at 7:30 O ClOCk: K A. daarraa Xrl. itors welcome. By order of W." M E. R. I VIE. Secretary. - FARM LOANS i Mortgage Company for America ' - oa. ta. Aiasworth Udg. rum .tutu. wu. . , , ortla, Or. ROSE FESTIVAL queen dance FrTdaT evening June 19 Varut... ki - - . . via dijwl . Aiecuon luuucin cui vamanraa p. n. soon uiuuciiows ax taarson, 306 Oak t Phone Broadway 1658. u it1i,i!i1lir-?nl' aCOzy'-cle,tn house, beaiir tlful big lot 40xloo; garden and frui' wee ana rose DUsnes. 44th t S kv woo'lUe0 dWn' . 40 Acres, $14.50 Per Acre 20 miles from Portland: lies iranA at' soU, some good timber, fine water; $250 uau, uauance KO suit. 40 Acres, $1000 7 acres in cultivation, 8 acresilashed, mma.lL nouse, oarn, plenty good timber, line water i860 cash, balance easy. BUNDY. 411 Henry Bldg. "ft?.. lnre .lot to fade for vou.u uauiua raining stock. fall 1- rlHOCK D1K. OWE O ana IWO 7 mnm kA... L J tiear acreage, for room ..-t, i.v.uac. TTooqiawn sag owner. 160 ACS Improved farm In Alberta, especially adapted for stock raising; 88. JoJrnaf V ln Wre0n- liibsori Half Acres Good solL city .water, clos to er, line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1686 or Sell- wpwtn. ,ionn ri uioson, I'OR SALE 6 room house, tull base- mjfDWarK. ,,t- 8 frult "ees. 2 block, from Wooaatock carllne: dm tuVS 59y E. 28th st. S. TURN a burden into income! build on your vacant lot 1 build and finance Pian?. 'I.,1?- Eckiund. contracting architect 313 Henry bidg. Main 581 FOR sale or rent: t room house, best barsrain In dtv. ainn x. 1. "?v 66rSoSnaieVeni0g"- 958 FOR SALE 3 room iilaur.ri t...."! lnt a(lvl(in 115 7 a .... terms. Woodlawn 1060 " FOUR room nouse, blocks from lot aalxiuO 1 iu carline, in baautifiVI 4 ACRE ORCHARD $850 7 minutes' walk frhm Hawaii staiinn Oregon Electric, 1 miles this side oi Hillsboro, orchard 5 years old, .assorted berries between rows. $200 down, bal- jwjttj suit, rsiggesi snap in-oregon. Fred AV. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. 40 ACRES iiton On macadam road fin anil nnlw 4K miles fron? Port. and, Cs.u be bought AKERSON, GOOCH CO.. 605 fe:?k Exchange Bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT GaRDKN ranches "hear Portland. 2 6, 10 acre tracts, best solL good roads, near electric, $s iu per acre, easy terms. alcFar. land. 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 20 ACRES 3400 $1 fare from Portland, close school, station; several tracts with running v vtveii, Daiavnce easy. Claude Cole, 300 Henry bldg. nice 4. acre place 2 miles from Woodmere, $625. terms. Tabor 302 Kainier on riwlr mart nHn. A.i. a. A A. . - -.r..V WUI J $1200;; has good 6 room house, well, gar.n etc., easy terms. - Reynolds, lrAlUIICI . V 1 , WJOO, $150 CASH NEW BUNGALOW R$h."irr ! raoaerD: 1093i l!frniture. oleii dee price $1355 - - i". uou to trsMl. S5 CA FOR "SALE acre and house, hear J ' e"0" au in, poultry for clear lot or aotn returns thai R-.783. Jou.- announced. Admissinn sr n..M,.ni. J ? i."-' ": i n iiaajiaa''.uiwww, sin. Haisey, Easy terms. Phon Bdwy. l.ii. $ CASH. & month, acreage home oo -carline, 30 minute out 232. Wash ington, room 20. EVERGREEN sta., one beautiful view r Ti ,n . . . j "iern Dungaiow, clear, to '"r .Tiontana acreage. Ta. 3662. , ,unVV AVI El REAL EbTA 1 K HI Is Your Home on a Corner? yo,u Dt309 y1" fT0 income a.iwu aMKayaru, see us. we can ar- rsugg ii. Oregon Home Guilders ; ,.,P1lver.K Jeffery. Pres. v 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WE wn.r. Bir.T.t. OR LOAN MONEY ON YOUR LOT. . J. C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BI.tJo. ROOMING HOUSES , S3 Transient House .n2Lroom rooming house, brick bldg.. rk-. ;r. "-T.A"UD..w"iiy.. or an. Best Buy In the Cltv 1S9 H. K. rooms, aU fulL rent $27.60 close la; price $296. Bee HALL, 612-13 Panama bldg fr-s en. umn, ?, Bale,,or rnt- Iurnlshed rooming house. 24 rooms, f ar. f . . 1 1 1 . - main h i.i.... TL.-TT"".-" '""O on H.lWelch. Astoria, far. Ur- "ROOMS, all housekeeping, sal of aeay term. PhSnM5kaJl Si WH ' . 18 "oms f urnlah4 for housekeeping; cash and. tarrnsT . 408 Jefferson st.. near llth. , VO& f1" rpoma, nicely fumlsheJ for houaekeanlna-- mana .,r ". . caste. Te?m.rV67id"; "oT"' 80 ROOMS. Mfin 172a- nsuo . Brick; rent $76; Income $325. Snap, uuunarq, eua C'OHCB bldg. , Hurry. WHITE TEMPLK rilHTPTfr .t.T- 10 room. Goddard. 601 Couci bid. loan and inUrat. Other lmountsi neAnn.n.a ovror-bU?fd,. .: ir av yvBtj. i w r.a-l a w n ivii M(V TABLH BVOS A LOAN ASfrv jT"T"" 343 Stark St.. Portland. Orea-6n - HOUSEKEEPING by middle aged Wo- MONEY TO lxi an '' - nian; none but responsible parties On 1 m d ro v al . -1 . . , nV - need apply. 168 W. Para. Phon. m.i. i.. - wr r Dunn- iii r w commr.7on:"ry f ntrct,: mTCDTe voiVUMJilA JL.IFE A TRUST CO. 202 Stevens bldg PORTLAND PROPERTY OR VaLLEi' FARM UUMa aaTed woman tainll Child or invalid, arolnir tn Wlfber0 .f UOn 0alV' r,frenc' W, 1848 WANTED Any kind 1 of housework," 26c hour, Main 8088. DRE8NMAKJNO WR ha va mnna . i . . . " and improved far property 3 or 6 W1L.V MW bjr, or noma; Uk yeare. partial TXZUJ' 1-or.5l ""Ha a specialty. Tabor 8600. dent Trust company, 212 Selling bide DRESSMAKING wanted by day. l1 Hiiii.iiiii i -. ... - 0 bor 417. Ji , Mil 1 I .1 II K.I 1 Tnuna ..... . . 1 - - . wwua vaj cur DO auimrl..a property; money advanced a wara NURSES 100,000 o mortgages, city or far in Property, fir insuranca. AcKeo.i. A Co.. Qerllnger bldg. ta and Aide HAalM rua.11 t .1 m mn.t..... Pn...- "tS. wwV5"J! ;?J,,i I awe-. A- . aVsta Lewis, 4 Lewis bldtr 8200 $300 $400 $700 $40007 On H&Elai for lmmswIU fa BOID REALTY CO., Lewis Tbldg. EXPERIENCED nurse open for nerv- uus cases or invauo; doctor refer- iits -none ne EAr-ERlENChJU invalid or infant. llwoofi 2024. nurst; con confinement. Sellwood 1684. FURNISHED KOOMS V fWVVW VJ Bell tl erl FURNISHED root.s for young men id x B,y. aso in x, M. C, m cltr DrSt V "iT' bufg- PwUlly desirable duringth rnr bldlr P r umnrS rr-proof. tlph6n In eacli "r Dl1f ; room, shower baths. $1.76 to $4.78 per Ja ,,n ""proved city, tana T" Including full association mew. Ja-i ti, 1 10 loan property, y. c. Kln(t ,,4 HJai.iT. brhlo Drlvileaes. rrmnasiurn s.i.I looo o- iu euowo i IOai. u ,.y - mlng pool, hand-ball court, and many farm nrnnarl. ir.k.. ' ntha. atttiH nrlvllaaaa i a I , a---a-w..j. jaauvr w. . . oo, Iou. iuw X 1 ...... - - "ii v-va.. hi sam com. ftw.vtu J1 L11.&H a ..... - 80 4tn st Boaro of TrH. 11 A - other club privileges. Full informatina st Y. M. C. A. business office or ti phone Msln 7366 A-6661. yi a.a. u Aiuan iuau, lusuniuiai lu.u. Cellars-Murinn . n ai w t. t., " - a Ttl ttl rj fisu . 61000 7. 407 Boaldina- hlriar T ' " .VI oniUAUa See m. Ward, Inv. IbaUl. a W tti iu. . A- Mortgaage Co.'." 1 70 3d st paaioiiion ',o.. xun ak at. nari anj.M ci io loan, e to k at yo.. mo Bpaldlnp bldg. MONEV TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES SALARIES CHaTFtELsT saiatle t7 20TH AND WASHINGTON HTM.' " Strictly modern, llgh. cool room.' 62 to $4 per week; private baths. BACHELOR'S HO "CL -! T Everything new and up to data. For men only. -Tenth nd Wsshington. Main 6J T 1 1 h at Oak. Mod. !8 week up. BEVERLY Clean, homslike, fur nished rooms, reasonable, centrally located. 186 Pak-Yamhill. ' t Usfcea room, 81 to $4. The Wtmni GOfiQL.AD.DfiE S. " ern, fireproof, respectable. $3 TJ4W. UVVl'Dl vJi'l... u NICELY furni Garnet, cor .th and Washington. a m, money to ioaa ta ttaln-fis..: nni. Ti t kB ernrft K Aa . aawM ment: no delay. Licensed by aiat-: 811 hakum hi.-!- . DIAMONDS QOUgnt Slid SOlll ' Stain i.. . $1.6i WEEK up, clean, warm,, mod ern aiar. ran, rsnirai, i e n-ing. got Jef. KLRNISilED ROOMS '70 rairaTS riMiLT. laOANS WANTED 41 l.sag S H nr. ' r 8. IsUIU Ul Ma M AS ss A 11 gM . . Tatla. 1 l. .7": " au vuill .TV'y."- werence. i NO, I MWUaJin 3 large front bedroom, tao- -i a 001' i'soi ana airy, elec tric lights, phone, bath. In family with -no children. Nob Hill dletrict. very MaTn 783 e01 cntraJ1 located.Phono : S800. $ wheat to 6 years, 7? on 160 acres ' lr;' Junny, front room for 2. ana in kl wash. All in cuiti. a.f1.lJ?,en'.J ea, gingi front loom. commission CAN M-847. Journal. No '1&1kS& ."K". use several TTTT rr I 448 TAYLOR at near 12th wail 86000, 7H to ; rood aecuriUe. I nuaa cl? homelike Bleeping rme, Kaaterson or Rfcid. ioa Iviin i.!.!-"' free phone. - bath: nice surrounding.' . WANT to borrow 1900 on mv s'mT I LIGHT, pleasant furnished Toofnf. i.g nurcCTur piqg. Main 1640 I ... ."',': ,'i"1---ut' e. uia si. raose It. i. . - - 1' iuw. WAiNaiuj 1700 and $660 Marshall 4889, ern houses. gUtnele'VT.h!r? NEATLY fureuhed enclosed Ueplni nor n. porch very ressonable. East 8874. FINANCIAL 51 lt and 2d mortgage nurrhaa. - Noble Lumbermen hid CftAsiiMf'V.V.-4, AGES PUR' ROOMS AND BOARD. THjj HERE FO RI 13 ta - - - t86 737 HOTT A oulet realdantiai hnt.i a m,.. I Plan Suites eingl rooms; Excellent , iuj,n i Af kuni .hid. iiaaie. , aiaial Be. A-1732. :.....,.-, - .: .