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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1916)
THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL' PRTLAND, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1916. ' 15 EAST SIDE CLUB JN 1 l-iri n rAn fiATAAirn - I ILLU J U)l I JlUjUlitLU; Plan to Start Vigorous Cam 'V paign for industrial Activity UnderWy, COMMITTEE IS AT WORK Committee of T1t Will work Out - Hystem Waereby 9SOO.0OO Bond V' .' . i Xssue May Be Tloated. "Members of the Industrial commit tee of the East Side Business Men's club at ' meeting held at the club rooms last night. Inaugurated a move ment ' on a definite Htlan tor bringing industries to that section of the city. It Is proposed to sell bonds on a monthly subscription basis, the pro ceeds of which will be used to fur nish eapital to new Industries that may seek a location In the city or aid with additional capital tbe manufacturing establishments already located ' here who nan profitably enlarge the suope of their operations. Dan Kellaher, chairman of the committee, presided, and, a large representation of the club , In ; general the plan calls for the A 1 A M - t . . , A A AAA . V.n.. of, different denominations, which may be subscribed for on the basts of as low as 0 cents e week, or as high as $10 or more a week. A committee of flVe to carry out the details of the plan will be appointed by Mr. Kella her at once. The idea Is similar to int (iiuii wuign nave vnn dukidi- Yully utilized In other cities of the country. Including Boston, Toledo and ff(AH Taw, v The) chairman of the meeting was also Authorised to appoint a commit tee Of three to draft an initiative con stitutional amendment to be submitted to a vote of the people next fall, which will provide for exempting from tax ation, all crude material used in man ufacturing, the machinery of a manu facturing plant, its notes, bonds and mortgages, and In fact everything ex cept the building and real estate. Annul Uillft f . ras. ent organization wilt not affiliate .with any other organization of the city of tie Itself up with any of the transportation companies. It will con duct: ev f-vlgorous campaign, but will ktp Itself free to act along any line or activity It may choose. Already, says Mr. Kellaher, they have under consideration a proposi tion from a. concern which wants 1600 feet of river front to engage in ship building and Which. would employ from 150 to 1500 people. This plan hes not been put up to any other city organ isation says Mr. Kellaher. Exienslre Alterations riannod. A Meier of the Meier & Frank Co., whoi recently purchased the residence f it C. Campbell on Portland Heights, .la planning to make extensive altera tions in the premises before he takes up Ma residence there. (The remodel ing will call for an expenditure of 118,000, it is said. . i Will Build Residence. E. M. Mack X 636 East Fiftieth Btfeet north will build a two story frame residence at 680 East i'orty- seventh street north to cost S4000. Work will begin on the const ruction immediately. , Building Permits. x O R. Jame. erect one atorr frame varave. 1360 li. Yamhill at., between K. 4Hth nnd E. 4th eta.r builder. P. J. Sutherland ; 1123. T. J. loiiard. renalr ttm ktorv f r. m (iwAll. Inf. 43 E. 42d t. .V. between Tillamook and at:iiipon U.; builder, C. K. Ooodwln; .V0. W. V. He. rennlr one atnrr frame atore. 211 N. Jrraey at., between Baltimore and Alta t.; builder, day work: 1100. It. D. Ulll-er, erect one atorr frame gara-e, TA7 B. fillnan at., between 2.1d and H. 24tb st. : builder. Cbarlei E. Hneenaon: 140. E. M. Mack, erect two atorr frame dwelt- tnglng. 6ftO K. 47th at. N.. between Hlnkljmi and Klickitat at.; builder. B. L. and W. T. Uaekeri $4000. Jullua KDillman. rcnalr one and one hair Story frame dwelling. 81 B. 60th at., between Aah and Pine ate.; builder. ame; 840. Tboma W. Jenklna. renalr one atorr frame dwelling, 700 Dlrlalon at., between E. 20th and B. 27th at.; bnllder. J. A. Butler; $100. Fo-tcr-Morm Co.. retialr two tor frama dwelling, 030 R. 21t at., between Clinton and Jan M. Donaldann. renair two etnrv frama ' BONDS ViLL BE SOLD dwelUng. 310 Kremont at,, between William : tary Of War Baker' as the new com IS?' ?mT ": bunder" w-'w DonaW- , mandant of West Point Military acad W. Briiliua. renair one and on half torr ' amy. Colonel Biddle succeeds Colonel frame dwelling, lsfi Terry at... between Bran- 1 d on and Aubrey eta.; builder. II User and Doi bow; $30. v -a-a.Mua Ml, "IW ,1 RUB MfcUrmj ibalMer, C. Oaley; $.10. iu no i. n.. neiweeii uurnaiua ana rnurh arm ion Thotnpeon. repair two story frame Welllnff. 119 K. .13d a p.. lMtwn K Alitor and jv Waahlngton at.; builder, U. L. Perrlne; H00. Oeorg Munsnn. repair one atory frame dwull Ing, 023 N. Leonard at., between St Johna autl Iteno at.; builder, aame; $230. A. R Flegal. repair two atory frame dwell ing. 003 Sa'ratcg at., between K. 13th and E. 18th et.: builder, o. A. Hematreet; $400. Ml Ella. Ktepben. repair two atory ordl, iry warebouae. 41 Front at., between Pine d Aah aU.; bulkier. Portland KlevatorwCo.; 11000. John Semler. repair three atory ordinary pt 805 Jefferson at., between 14th and lath it.; builder. J. T. Inch; $43. Daniel Clark, repair one atory frme dwell ng, 9318 67th v. 8. E, between 93th and tlth ate.- bnllder, tame; $30. Bert Lllaanaattl Erect 1 'J atorr frame I welling, ft. B. 41t at., between E. Ankeny ml n. Aah at. ; beilder. same, $4000. Evert Lllaananttl Erect 1 atorr frame gari (, 8 B. 41at at., between R. Ankeny and E. Arch J. Tonrtellott Erect lt4- ttorr frame welling, 41 K. 06tb at. N., between E. Bnrn- ae ana E. uTt it.; builder, same, $2000. a p.-Biui ueet n atorr rrm anartmest, 2 Ousaa t.. between 2lMh and 21 at at.: tnllder, Frlberg-McLennan Co., . $15,000. uaaa. a.aaaeriy areci I- atory frame gar e, 4224 C2d st. 8. K., betweea 42d and 43d e.i builder, wr. iianna, $73. T. T. Nlchola Renair 2V. atorr frame welllns. o49 E. Ankeny at., between S. 2th and B. 18th ft.; builder, aame. $100. William MacNab Repair 1 Vi atory frame welling. 1808 WlUlama are., between Port- bnd bled, and Dekum ats.; builder. LcDous A Dr.' Trar Joaea Benalr 1 atorr frama ear. 1009 Raleigh St., between i3th and 20tb rta.t builder, T. 0. Nlser, $83. Mgar Allen -Kepair iyt atory zram ' dwell g, 978 Belmont t., between B. 32rJ and E. id sts. bnllder, Williamson at Bodwall. $32S. T. , S. McDanlela .Renair. 1 atore frame tore, 1000.1003 Belmont at., between R. 33d fad B. 84tb au.l builder, O. Shipley, 830. reoiaraia uamDer nepair i atory eaattral sdolt slusb or foeeclotb . eaakat. em- imlng, ' oatsld hot. -an, two auto sad mces for iiner 1 If Saalraa fur o, 4o, $a , j Higher priced taner- a la preport naiaeta aetare eaafcet. Ladr aaatstant. luiutlfni n,un.t MILLER & TRACEY . . - Isdeeetdent fnueril Dlreeters. i-s aahlnrtoo) at KUa L beU 20th aaA Slat) el bide. . .. . . Mala S091. A-IS8i UNERALS frame dwelling. Win matte Wrd., sear O-W. . H. trick.; $100. . . Tbeo. Sbommerfirect 1 story frame gar ate. HIT B. Mill St.. between K. 87 tb and B. 88tb ata-t builder, rraofc 8aea. 690. , simoa Tefiaoa -Erect 1 atory frame dwell ing, 75 K. Winched t.. between Mtaslaaippl tod Minnesota sves.; builder. M. r. mlta. 1000. v . - .. Q. . Matter Repair. 1 story frame dwell Inc. 10TS B. 83d at. between Alberta and Sumner sta.; builder, same, $200. - Keooey Bmltb Repair l atory frame dwell rrg, 0 &8ta art. 8. g betweea 7tb and Seth ttm.j builder, same, 93BO. v Mary terseo Bract 1 atory frame dwelling, 0004 C6th are- 8. E., betweea BOtb and 8tt eta.; builder, Robert W. Laraea, $1000. . V. . Matlooal bank Wreck S itory frame tore and room sft-03 th t., between Osk and Stark sta: wrecker, O. K. Bose City Wreck log O,. 5O0. .- : . .. Ral Estate) Transfers. ft. 0. Trlplett to SoBanoe T. Leonard, L. 8, B. 22, Boaamere.... $ 10 Norman D. Boot and wf. to Jntin W. Boot, W.33 ft. L. 8. and . 18 ft. L. - 4. B. 8, Unwood, sad all U ft. B. 41. Beaomoot 10 teander Lewla to Alfred E. Yeager, I 24. B. 17. Tabortld. ..J... 1,400 Tbe Joseph A. Strowbrldge Estate Co. . to Maude Bly Kinney, U IS, B. 10. irrol BelgbU WO Henry At water and wf. to Prlntls A. Bandail. ft. Vi U 17, 18, B: 82. Soa- rlde Third Add..., 10 William B. Morrla and wf. to Aeatla , UuderdaU, U T, 8, B. 11, P. J. Martina Tract 10 I B. Menefee at si t J". Tblbaa. I s, e, relrnxmnt Aaa.. Cbarlee J. McKee and wf McKee. Li. 15. B. u. Lanrelharft Co. to BvortaL 14. C. 108, LaareUinnl. D. N. Bmltb to Hulda lb ft. U 6 and all L.,8, b gacbarlab riUferld andii N. riugerald et at. U : and U 4. 10, Bee. 21, 1 ' K.. 83 acre; alio 54.90 20, T. 1 B 8 ft.... Northwest Truat On. to Rvbln, L. 21, 22, B. 0, ! Irl Leigh and bua. to 3t torn. L. 14. Barman. . . Oreee A. Udell and baa. to RoearMcNa mer Co., L. 10, 8, Scbmeer Add. Mary Q. Mackay at blnnlug 1044 ft ec. 20, T. 1 8.. W. Af Fi. Una at f Tltlx A Trnat Oo to D. H. Baeaoa. 127, Aacot Acres apo Un literal ty Land Co. to Q. Erroi Win tar both am. L. S3. 84. 8S. B. 142. Ual- Teriitj Park 078 Barbate WaUaemnth tor. B. Hamilton. li. 1, B. 4, caemaoa Add. 10 J. r. Baattr and wf. to Q. G. Boskia. L,. 18, 18, B. 4, Balaton Add 1830 Bdwara 1. MCLaagaUa and wr. to ver- aon B. Brnmbadi. L. fi. B. H Paddl- eord Holberfs Add. SCO U H. Ksser and. wf, to Aaenath L. Parker, U 8, B. 82, W. Irrlnaton.-. . . 10 Clara B. Turley. aim. to Anas Herrall. L. 12, B. 14. Kenllworth 88 Clara 1. UDton and bos. to B. A. Plum, L. 6, B. 34, Joneamore 8,800 Lewta Jones and wf. to Olof r. Olaon. part U 6, Tract E. Smith's Add 800 Lawyer T. T. Co. to 0. W. Herri. L. 4. B. 8, Upton Park.. 10 John Bain and wf. to Blaise Labb et al, U 2, B. 8, and L. 9, 10, 12, IS. B. 1, Green Hill Mary 3. Logan and bus. to A. Da Blanche. L. 1. 2. Banner Park. Bub. ot L. 8V Crest View Villa 1.T50 Oeorge A. Houamia to nelle D. Houa-mD- 1-8 Int. B. 17. Kinva Second Add 10 J. O. Hoard end wf . to John K. Fleck. L. 11. B. 6, Stewart Park 100 Coral Btetnle Van Kirk Floral Co.. and. 1-8 Interact in L. 7. 8. Currr'a Add to Mt. Tabor 1,000 H. B. Knutaon and wf. To Mabel Dareo port, L. 15, B. 21. Warerly Hta.... 10 Hattle Vail to Valeria Q. Benvie. L. R. 2. Vail (aaalaned to Vida M. Oae) 2.650 John Placber and wf . to John Behorter, L. 6, B. 18, Central Albina 2,075 William B. Bull and wl. to Charles a. Ball, U T. B. 88, Portland City Home stead Fortune of General Is to Be Restored Old Command Will Bale and Invert 860,000 to Bxlgadlar-CNoeral Apple ton, Who Sacrificed fog megimeat. New York. May 17 (I. Nj. S.) Brigadier-General Daniel . Appleton's fortune Is to be restored by the men In whose Jnterest he gave It For more than a quarter of a century he served as colonel of the Seventh regiment. He ave his whole time to his command. sacniioing rus interest in ue puoiisa lng house of D. Appleton & Co. Nowhe Is retired from the National Guard at the age of 84, and la.almost without funds. i Some of his former associates in the Seventh regiment learned tbe truth of his flnanolal condition and quietly started a subscription to care for tbeir old commander. , Realizing that his Interest In his old command would lead him to sacrifice a second fortune. If he thought the oc casion warranted It they tare planned to Invest the money la a, trust fund. In all, $60,000 will be raised, yield ing the general about $3000 a year. Colonel Biddle Is to Be West Point Head Washington. May 17. (L N. 8.) Colonel John Biddle, engineer corps, : United States army, stationed at Baltl- more, was deal mated today bv Secre- Clarice P. Townsley, who was ineligible for reappointment. The appointment is effective about July 1. " Colonel Townsley will go to tbe coast artillery. , ' " . """ Chicken a la King. New York, May 17. (U. P.) New Tork poultry dealers feed pepper to chickens, creating thirst for ; water which forms a paste In their crops, In creasing their weight, city Inspectors learned. NEW TODAY EDWARD HOLM AN CO. BSTABUIXS9 1877. . , RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT "TXXB9 un BAXMOV TKSSTS. aaLaVXH BOT. A-1B11. rr 6 Okolce loams of 810,000 aad VP Oa Improved Basin ss Property (or tog Improvement Purposes). jr. p. urscoHB, ' 843 . Stark Street. Fearey Brothers, Inc. COCLECTORS to Dekum ldg Portland. Or FARM LOANS - ttortftf Company for America' - Seoar 89, aUaaworth Bldg. Pheme Mala SeVtA. . .- ., rortlaad. OR a 10 to Oege H. outh Btf Jchns 10 anaLG. L. ' TSTTr..... 1.7CO averjB. 8V 3. allandsA 2.300 . 0. enar L..ja, B. w 10 to. A. HOIO, I Jot N. fot i i , iiini ft. v up yirrr i v r ljrtjW TODAY Z; MORTGAGELOAS ' $300 , Upwards at 6-7-8 Vxegoa iBTnnsfBi m aaoxtgage va Of flees 808-4, 170 3d BV Oa City aa4 lam Prasanies n aay Aaaaat at Oorreat Bate. Hartmaa b XbeUpBoa, Xanttar. UtMf ef .earth a Stars Sta, AUCTION SAJLKH TOMORROW Tomorrow AT BAKE3f8 AUCTION HOUSE. - 166-168 Park st. A large lot of good furniture, ruga. etc. Sale at 10 a. m. - MELTING NOTICES 4 t trnTTT .m xt ttr.TiVfl -ytL00 ,thls (Wednesday) eve ning. East Sixth- and iQnsV Alder streets. There will be several veteran Jewels presented to those entitled to them, and the members are especially re quested to be with us. Visitors cor dially invited A. Sharon, N. O. W. W. TERRY, Sec. SAMARITAN Lodge, No. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular meet ing Wednesday at 8 p. m. at I. O. O. F. Temple. 226 Alder st. Third degree. Visitors always welcome. WILLIAM LINKLATER. N. G. R. OSVOLD. Sec'y. SPECIAL communication Sunnyslde lodge No. 163, A. F. and A. 21.. Thursday evening. May 18, at 7:30 o'clock. M. -AtdegTea. Or der W. M. E. M. LANCE. See'y. MINNEHAHA tribe No. 2. I. O. R. M., will hold the second meeting in their series of educational talks, in Eagles' hall. Third and Madison sts., Thurs day eve., May 18 City School Supt. Alderman will be tbe speaker. All are requested to attend "600" and dance given by Webfoot camp No. 65, W. O. W.. Friday eve ning, May 19, In W. O. W. temple, 128 llth st LeVanway orchestra. Cards, 6:48, dancing at 10 o'clock EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charms. ' Jaeger Bros., 121-8 6th, m&rriagesMlrtbs. Deaths MARRIAGE LICENSES f Barmond L. Panlkner 4030 Slat at R V lef t, GeDe? L. Ulegner, 8307 60th st. 8. legal. Aa Leaning-, 71 B. Aih at., leiral. ; Tried n. Lining, mi K. Ab t., legal. A. 8. Harriaon, St. Helena, Or., legal. Bmai t. bwhu, tie nayne at., Mgai. James H. Ttiominou. Milwankie, Or.. IB, Ague E. Btockel. Vlrslnla Bill hotel; Jacob Scfaiestrom, 185 68th at N.. legal. In. gebOTE Jeaeen, 112 67th et. N.. legal. Sidney B.' Pettigrew. Creacent, Or., legal, Esther Beatrice Uaranet. 102 Garfield t., legal. Harry William Beschk. 840 g&a Bafael at., legal. Maud Gladys Lee. 840 K. Aakeny at.. William O. 'Harlan, Timber, Or., legal, Ver na Rice, Hoyt hotel, lepal. Patrick Edward Haatlnc. 231V. Market st., legal, Gertmde Hill, 231 Market t.. legal Ranaom Paniela, Oswego. Or., legal. Miiuu uwm jonnaoo, or ). -it st. n.. legal. Bndolph llanaon, 656 S. Ollaau at.. liral. Annie JosepUla Uataoo. S87 Fairbanks ave., legaL Arthur Edwin Azelaon, 931 Knott at., let-al. Evelyn A. Bckberg, 2S E. 13th at. N., legal. rooerx j. naraan, 38 uto are., legal, M. Kathrra Ashbr. 12&5 B. llth at. N.. leaaL L. A. BruhTold, Seattle, Waao., legal, Uoldl TTBgTier, li uiiBan legal. VA n QmU X. P Wedding and it i VJt ui I li ill U6 VjUiVisiting cards. i mrq rioor m organ Biag. lJK-SS BUI la sold or rantad. Inw latest styles, all sizes; we buy dress una, pare'i s jwisnr. jioin. store. 61 la. UKtSS suits for rent, all siaes. Unique nimrinn w, a BtarK St. BaBTHS BiuSTONB To Mr. aad Mrs. William M. Be- atone. uh lo are.. May , a son. REBO To Mr. and Mm. NlcoU lie bo, 487 E. Grant t., May 8, a on. NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. August R. Nalaoa, 464 Vaacourer are.. Mar 14. a danrhtcr. OLSEN To Mr. and Mr. Erick Olaeo, 4916 vu . o. a., .urn ja, a uausjucer. WIGLB To Mr. and Mr. Jacob L. Wlgle. 487 E. 17th at.. May 4, a eon. GRONQUIST To Mr. and Mrs. 0car Gron- qum, ma e.. suui st.. May 6. a aon. DAVIS To Mr. and Mr. R. Henry Darta, 233 . m at., Apm Af, a oangncer. COLLINS To Mr. and Mr. Harry B. Colllna, 611 H. at. N., Arrll 26. a aon.' NO YES To Mr. and Mr. Robert H. Noyce, iw au, iuay it a eon. . BL'RGBSS To Mr. and Mr. Frank T. Burgeaa 359 10th at.. April 29, a daughter. ' DEATHS AXD FUNSltALS T5 NITZ!L In this city. May 15. Mamie Nelt el aged 62 year, wife of J. K. Neitael of 6S06 40th are. 8. EL Tbe funeral serrlce will be held Thursday, May 18, at 16:30 eioca . fa., at the residence establish ment of I. V. Plnley d Son, Montgomery at vui. anemia ion tea. interment at alt, Scott Park cemetery. WHITE in thla city. May 15, Sadie A. wmte, agea o years, daughter of Mr. Johnson White of 18T4 Hodae at. The fu neral aerrlcea will be held Thnradar, Mar Is. at 2:30 o'clock p. m., at tbe residence esiaDiiaoment oi J. f. rinler a Son. Mont' gtu,ery at 6th. Krienda lnrlted. Interment at Hiremew cemrreTy. DIED At Shoemaker. N. M., Ma 18, E.'fie j. van nouren, wiie or j. f. van uoutes and daughter of the late Cha. M. Cart wright. Uemalna will be sent to Portland for Interment, ronenl notice later. ClkSY At her late residence, 856 East 37th at.. May 17, Mrs. Emma Glear. aged 83 year 1 month 21 day. Remains are at rtoiinen inner ai parior. Announcement of runerai later. 8TUNKABD Matthew Btunkard. 60 E. Kill. ingawvrui, aiaj u ears, aeyuc peri- wniua. BTB1NBEBG Iaaac 8 te In berg. 193 Gtbbs at, May 14. 76 years, cerebral iiaraly!. MOODIB Harold Moodle. WlUamette bird. kisj ia, a jeara, acioentai electrocution. SCHMITT Jacob Schmltt, Good Sauarltsa, Mar 14. 60 rears, secondarr menlnaitla. . WUBFEL Dora J. Wurfel, St. Vlnceafs, Alay MAHX1N FOKBtS CO. florist a. Al Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. C1AKKK BHOS.. tloribia. Zh7 Morrison St. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers sod floral designs. No branch stores. TUNbhJTii KLOKAi, Ct. ibi VVasn,, oet. etn una i'n. niatn un, a-iioz. OUCAH JOriiMSUiV LCIKAL CO, J Gllsan st. MAr. 4372. A-1464. MAlK ,6116: wreaths, pillows. S3 ud. Sprays- 81 np. Chappells.347 Morrison MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 tiih t. n FUNKILL DIRECTORS Tear of Experience Enables This Firm to Qlve TOO : Perfect Service Thla modern 'establishment, witb its conveniences, includ ing a secluded, driveway, in sures absolute privacy, caus ing In no - way a departure from an . established policy cf moderate pricea fe-xpeneuced Woman Attendant j. P. Finley & Son The Progressive " PUNKKAL. L-IKiCCTORS. w . Aiontgomery at Fifth. Mxia . A-1899. r u if v:nii KisJSiL'iiMcfc; uni. rnUA 445 Merr K. I. Byrnes Waliianaa anu -iuti.L. Kat 1115. X194S. M-amittAn Kat 89tto and Glisan. Fu ndl III lull Perai services. Tabor 4213. CIFTMCC Undertaking Co. Main 4 188 OJS L VV CO A-232L Cor. Id a&d Clay, FUNERAL DmECTOna i "' (Con tinned) . , F. S. Dunfelng, Inc. ' , East Bide Funeral Directors. 414 JR. Alder st. Phone-East 82. B-8825. A. U. KLNWOK'i'iii CA. - - Two Establiabmenta Tabor 8287; 680Z 9Jd L Lenta. Tabor C89i: 6tn st. ana roster rosa.. Arista Undertaker. ' East litis and Haw- thorne. E. 7gi. Lay assistant. Dunning & McEnteeraresra every detaiL Broadway and Pine sta. Hroanway ,4BS. A-4uSS, IJtay aHntant. Walter C. Kenworthy 1588-1834 R. 13fh. Sellwood Tl. B-llft. A. R. Zellar Co East 1088, C-1088. Lndy attendant Day and nlarht aervlre. es SNOOK.. &-1262, T. 1268. 1C26 Belmcnt et 34t"i ; f jidv attendant MOXUMENTS RTLAND MAKBLE WKS.. 264-286 4th St.. odv. citv ball. Main 8664. Priilin Men Sris. for memorials Li 2fe73Q 3T COP jMDiSON. I FOR SALK - HOUSES 61 1lVaTa Vm ' IT! fA aS " hllnDB-laW A'T fruira 1 rrtla t I ramarf ho saman t J blk. Albrta oar, worth $2300. owner osi oucr eaay terms. 1 093 E. 25th St., N. WJ1Y rent when you can get just Jwhat you are looking for, built and paid for orra rent-like basis? See our build ing department or call for free boon let, "Homes." Oregon Home- Builders Oliver K. Jeffery, President, 1880 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL Piedmont home, 7 rooms , and sleeping - porch, pass pantry, hardwood floors, full cement basement, thoroughly modern throughout and well built; must be seen to be appre ciated. Price a. bargain; terms o suit purchaser. Inquire at 102S Halght st, or F. N. Clark & Co.. Title as Trust bldg., 89 4th st S1675 FOR S ROOM MODERN Must lose my bungalow. Fireplace, ourret, uutcn Kitcnen, cement case ment, laundry trays. Near Gllsan at carlina Cost 82450. Will sell $925 equity for 8160 cash, yotir profit $775 251 E. 70th St. N. Tabor 2286. 1231 E. Madison at 42d, modern 5 room oungaiow, large lot. Make your oirer. Going east. Near new shipbuilding plant, fine new 5- room bungalow. Just completed. 1644 Jordan st. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD. $750 buys corner lot and 3 room cot tage, plastered, corner of Concord. This property In ordinary times should bring $1500; terms ' cash. Prrpto at office of Fred W. German Co.. 752 Chamber of Commerce. FOR THE NEWLY WEDS. $750 fox. neat 8 room cottage, beam celling, electric, lights, garage, niee, lawn, $100 J cash, balance monthly. Photo at 'office of Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. NEARLY new 5 . room burrgalow. AH modern conveniences; 1 block from Peninsula park. If you have a little money, will surprise you in rrice. TJmb denstoek & Larson Co., 306 Oak st. Tel- epnone Broadway 1658, MT. TABOR DISTRICT, 1-year-old 5 room bungalow, $2100. Fireplace, cement basement. Corner S2d and Davis. 1 blk. from Glisan st. carllne. Easy terms. Get 'key at 306 Oak st. - JUST completed, 5 room bungalow, 40th ave? S. EL. full cement base ment, fireplace, hardwood floors, cove celling, Dutch kitchen, buffet, lot lOOx 150. Terms or trader Speirs, owner. Main 7584. FOUR room modern bungalow. Hi E. 71st st N- This is 100 ft. from Glisan st. carllne and paved street. About 2 years old. Extremely low price and easy terms. Key at Umbdenstock & Larson uo.. 5U6 pan et.. ground floor. rooms), nearly new. 1464 Mississippi ave. 1 blk. from Peninsula park. An extreme bargain. No trades. See this today. Key at 806 Oak st. 10 KOOMS, close in, $276. Income $44. The use of 2 rooms, rent $25. 5 min utes' walk to postoffice. $100 cash, balance to suit. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY PARK. New 5 room bangalow at sacrifice. All modern conveniences. Price $3200. Umbdenstock & Larson, '306 Oak su Phone Broadway 1658. zy. clean mou tiful big lot 40x155: srarllen and fruit trees and rose bushes. 44 th et. S. E. $1000, $100 down, $10 per mo. Sell wood 1343. IF you ' have been waiting for some one to sacrifice a two flat building, here is your chance. Kearney St., $4900. Terms. East 2621. FUR -SALE 6 room house, full base ment, large lot. 8 fruit trees. 2 blocks from Woodstock carllne; price $2000. 693 E. 28th st. $50 CASH. $13 MONTHLY. 7 room plastered bungalow, St. Johns line, $1600. A real snap. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Charrf. of Com TURN a burden Into income, build on your vacant lot, I build and finance. Plans free. N. O. Ecklund. contracting architect. 313 Henry bldg. Main 6813. FOR sale or rent: 7 room house, best bargain ins city, also fine auto house for sale. Call evenings. 959 E. 34th N. 7 KOI T...i.l - FOR SALE 3 room ' plastered bouse, lot 60x160. 837 Greenwood ave., $860, terms. "Woodlawn 1060. FOUR room nouse, lot 5vxl00, TvJ blocks from carline, in beautiful Woodmere, $625. terms.. Tabor 3029. TWO room bouse In Rbae City Park, $7.50; easy terms. Phone Taoor 889 or Main 6812. - $17.00. $150 CASH NEW BUNGALOW. Oak floors, strictly modern. 1093 E.25th, N. r $690 will buy 4 room celled house on 60x100. use of 100x100. on 78th and Halscy. Easy terms. Phone Bdwy. 1658 FURNISHED 6 room house, will take 1915 Ford first payment, balance as rrnt. 1515 E. llth st. N Wdln. 1293. FOR SALK LOTS in West Side Lots,' Oniy $250 NOTHING DOWN. NO PAYMENT FOR SIX MONTHS. 7c COMMUTATION FARE- only 16 minutes out On i.regon itaecine at uakuejn humis. Close to- station. Sidewalks, . graded sts., electric lights, water piped, pbuhes, good school and stores. Come out to day or week days after 8 o'cloeic. Ask for McCORMIC, owner, at station or address D-680, Journal for appoint ment. YOfcTR OWN TERMS. " Acreage, tracts and 'A tracts; Just outside city; 5 cent fare; no city taxes; Bull Run water, no gravel, fine soil and sightly, why pay rent? Cary, 811 Panama bldg. : - 09 BKALTlFL'iu. tola In Milwaukee; 6e ear faro: light, gas and water; $28 cash and $10 per month. H. G. Stark weather. Rbxley station. Pbone -Oak Grove 1-X." $750 buys 2 lots in Cook's add., adjoin ing O-W, R. & N. shops, $150 cash will handle. These lota are worth $2500. Main 1068. REASONABLE TERMS ON CHOiCF. LOTS IN ALL PARTS OF CITY. J C CORBIN CO- LEWIS BLDG. HALF acre, level, pigeon and poultry nouses, near large scnooi, . xaoor 4R83. Box 279, Portland. - $125 cash for 'quick sale takes 60xl0, aq joining Aiameaa rajK. Alain loss. ' BEACH PROPERTY 49 GEARHART Park, lots 13, 14, blk, 8, - lst.Attd., on Cottage ave.i$50 each. Qwner. Box 83. Fort Canby. Waah. 48 (Otfntlnned) 1 HAVE a client who desire to ell or exchange two Tine cottages, nt Sea side, Or. Phone Main 7778. ACREAGE 57 Cheap Acreage . $20 per' acre: 820; down and $10 oer month buys 20 acres of e-ood land. free from rock or gravel. Between r oriiana ana Astoria, in oowuts uon ih miies rrom tee uoiumoia river. Fine -location for dairy or poultry ranch, running water. .- ' C acres $250. 110 down. 88'ner month boys 6 acres of land between. Portland ana (jenrraiia. on tne main us ox tnree railroads. IV. miles rrom a town of 899 population, sawmills and shingle mills, pome or this land is partly cleared, running streams. Borne bot tom and some bench. Can give you any kind! of piece .you want. 15 acres near Astoria, partly cleared, a nice spring on it. This also lies 1 miles from the railroad town of Knap pa, near Astoria, $450. at $20 down and $10 per month. 5 and 10 acre tracts at Clatskanie. Clatskanle lies half way between Port land and Astoria. Clatskanle has a population of 1000-a cheese factory, cannery and creamery; lies 1 mile from the town; from $35 to $80 per acre; $2 per acre down and 1 per acre per month. I also have otbr land in different locations. Come in and see me. BELL REAL. ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. CHOICE BOTTOM UND CHiiAP: 13 acres under 40 miles from Port land, handy to station, good road; about three acres bottom land with small stream, balance warm south slope. Price $4610: easy terms. G.,WYNN WILSON CO., ' 816 Chamber of Commerce. BRYANT ACRES, AT OSWEGO LAKE. $200 for an acre tract; Ilea level; open second growth; easy to walk -t0 station. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO.. J00 Concord bldg., 2d and Btarkv Gibson Half Acres Good soU, clty water, close to car line easy tebms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1583 or Sell wood 478. John H. Gibson, owner. 4 ACRE ORCHARD $858. 7 minutes walk from Sewall station Oregon Electric, 1H miles this side of Hillsboro, orchard 6 years old, assorted berries between rows, $200 down, bal ance to suit. Biggest snap in Oregon. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. 40 ACRES $1400. On macadam road, fine son, only 85 miles from Portland.. Can be bought on terms. AKERSON, GOOCH CO.. 605 Stock Exchange bldg. BEST acreage in city limits, one half on Hawthorne carline. itast eist ana 29th ave. 10 fruit trees 2 years old, view of entire city. Terms $1350; cash $1200. Owner, East 1439 CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN ranches near Portland. 2, 5. 10 acre tract a best soil, good roads, near electric, $65 to $200 per srre. easy terms. McFar land 309 Yeon bide.. Portland. , 20 ACRES $400. $1 fare from Portland, close school station; several tracts with running water; 120 cash, balance easy. Claude Cole, 800 Henry bldg. FOR SALE y acre and house, near 2 5c carlines, garden all in, poultry also, furniture, clear deed, price $1250 cash. N-742. JournaL FORCED to sell acre at Oswego lake. If you are In the market for a bar gain pee me. L-779. Journal. $5VCASH, $5 month, acreage home oo carline. 80 minutes out. 232 Wash ington, room 20. ACRE tracts on carllne, near city; paved road: $5 cash. $5 per month. 6 int. Owner, 617 Chamber of Com. barden Home Acre, $850 EASY TERMS. Smaller or larger tracts cheap, term to suit. All citv conveniences Take Onegon Electric to Garden Home and ask for McCORMIC. SURURBAN HOMES 70 4H ACRES WITH HOUSE. On new. hard surfaced Base Line road, about 7 miles from city; 8 room house, large porch, good well, 2 acres In berries, young orchard, 1 block to electric station;, will sell cheap and give terms; SNAP FOR CHICKEN RANCH OR GARDEN. 1 acre or less, in city limits, 4 blocks from car, 6c fare. 6 room house. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO., Ground floor 806 Oak st. TWO acres with 2 room house, on O. W. E. electric. $800. Half cleared. 300 ft. from station. Easy terms. Purse, 306 Oak et For hale farms 17 BUY FIVE ACRES and plant part in loganberries. They thrive In Oregon and can be profitably raised for Juice or for dryitng. We have cleared. Dncn and bottom lands, one mile to good valley railroad town; finest soil, creeks and springs; good roads; employment; schools. Five acres with house, $25 down, $10 month; unimproved lands at less. Let us show you. J. R. Charp, 834 8d eti, room 657, Portland, Or. ATT cr-a aann 80 acres in Clarke county, -.Wash., 8 -miles from Yacolt; 4 room house, baxn 24x48, 2 acres cleared, 400,000 ft. timber, plenty of sorinra and creeks; good team and wagon, plow, harrow, cultivators and saws and all kinds of other small tools, some chick ens; all household goods. You will have to hurry to get this one. Fred w. uerman jo., yaz unam. or Com. A TEN acf e tract ot bearing olives and almonds. 1 mile from Corning, Cal.; small bouse, chlckenheuse and outbuildings; fine irrigating well and pympigg plant; close to grammar and high school; 10 o'clock mail delivery; all in good shape; owner has not time to take care of it; price $3000. No trades. Box 122, R. F. D. No. 1. Corn in g!CaL Jtr TEN acres, 4 miles from city, on Base. Line road; good Improvements, $6509; $500 down, long time on the bal. A. J. FARMER. 407 Stock Exchanged PARTNER wanted to help in the auto mobile business; oviher will guaran tee good profits to energetic man and a very small investment Is required. Call room BZ9 Morgan Qiag. 45 ACRES Must be sold within 10 days; no fair offer rejected. For description write or see W. C. Watters, Brush Prairie. COUNTRY borne, 80 acres; paved auto road; running stream, spring, hade; new buildings. Owner, 232H Washing ton. Room 20. ONE of the best 68 acre farms in Clarke Co.. Wash., all cleared. 2 miles from town. VX-576, Journal. SIX and eight acre places, comfort able houses, at ajuicrifice price, near Tigard. Mgsterson, 202 Wilcox bldg FARM of 240 acres for sale or rent, with stock, crop and tools. Address LX-921. Journal. FOR RBJW FARMS 14 15 ACRES to rent till : next March for $60, with room house; Bull run water. Multnomah station. Call Main 4537. - - FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 WANTED 5 or 10 ajres, improved. near electric car. G-fo8, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 Two Good Relincjuishments 160 acres- each, timber and meadow, 4 miles from! town, good soil; lie fine; no rock; In the "Deschutes valley. See photo. Party who Uvea there is here; price $250. " v.- 160 acre homestead,' lies fine, close to nelghborab Price $150. v ' 89 acre homestead, elbse to town and neighbors-- Price $100. v.-.... , - " 411 HENRY BLDO. . '. BEACH PROPERTY EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 2 FINE. FARM FOR EXCHANGE! - 44 acres, 85 acres under cultivation, a limine soil, good well, gs engine and elevated tank, fin family orchard -of assorted - fruits, fenced and cross fenced, part with woven wire, seat 3 room bouse, barn 28x98, dairy bouse, etc;; includes team, wagon, harness, 2 cows, somo chickens; cream separator, plow, . harrow, cultivator, buggy, gas engine, mower, rake, all crops and tools. Located H mile from school, l4; miles from country town and eleo trie car line and 8 miles from Van couver, on fine road. Price $9000; $1500 cash. Will take $$500 in good clear lots in Portland, and balance of $40QV can stand on place 6 years. THOMPSON & SWAN. 8ths and Main sts Vancouver, Wash. I have Income property in Portland, 8113 per mo; price $18,000, mortgage $66(00; also $10,000 stock of gen. mdse. In good valley town, doing good busi ness. Will trade for a good valley farm of not less than 200 acres, stocked and ,.4 -n vrr.ii 1 A Mtnalie anwnara along , to Columbia river. Y-677, Jour- naij 25 acres,ll miles from Portland, good house -and barn. 20 - cultivated. 10 row a arorx) team and full eauirment Will exchange equity in place andfrtock clear, for house. rnone Main tan, asa for Leonard. 100 ACRES equipped farm: will take modern bungalow up to $3800; some cash; time on tbe balance; price $Hb 000. Owner. Route 2. box 39. Yamhill, Or. 2 ACRES, all improved, near city limits, 10c fare. 6 room house. Price $2500; will take clear city lots for Part. Call 605 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 6765. Trades of Every Kind V Tvn watt n mail - lt'a trada. ' We nan m.tpli vnn at 02 CoUCh bldK. square aeaj guaraniwa LIVERY STABLE IN IDAHO TOWN Worth $10,000; $3900 mortgage. Will take $4000 worth of lots for the equity, or what have you to offer. G) Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 282 Cham, of Com. 7 ACRES on Foster road near Mil waukle. 800 ft. from .carllne, 9 cent fare Portland, value $5000; mortgage $2600; trade for modern boms. Own er. F-994. doumai. r.fflNn east 7 Have 65 acres unlncum- bered farm land near good Wiscon sin town for clear city home. Might consider acreage. Thomas, 92 1st st Main 444. WILL exchange 10 acres of young bearing apples. Mosler district for elty Income, Incumbrance $1100. Bell- woed 103d WANT etrocery business; will exchange good property and assume your ts, no matter how much. P-750. tlUUl 1IB.1, HOUSE and three lots to trade for Gold Radium mining stock.. Call Mroau way i; a ritton aia. WILL take diamond as first payment on a choice borne site. WX-896, Jour nal. TRADE 2 Portland lota $3000; house $700 and cash, for general store or good land. Z-975. Journal. 5 ROOM cottage, lot 60x110, rents for $12,50; will trade an equity for a good automobile. Mrnone senwooq lasi ONE 6 and two 7 room house arid lots; also clear acreage, tor rwm lng house. Woodlawn 3832 owner. WANTED REAL ESTATE SI Is Your Home on a Corner? If you want $300 a year gross in come from your back yard, see us, we can arrange it Oregon Home Builders Oliver K. Jeffery, President 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WE WILL SELL " OR LOAN MONEY ON YOUR LOT. J. C. CORBIN CO., LEWIS BLDG. ROOMING HOUSES 53 38 ROOMS, modern fireproof brick building, cheap rent centrally locate-' beautifully furnished in best oak and uiahogany, brass beds, etc. Noth ing better. In town; $1600. Terms. Yates, 249 4th st. Best Buy in the City 19 H. K. rooms, all full, rent $27.50, close in; price $295. Bee HALL, 61-2-13 Panama bldg. 3Q Rooms, Mod. $725, Terms Brick, rent $76, Income $225, snap. Hurry. Goddard, 602 Couch bldg. FOR sale or rent: Furnished rooming house, 24 rooms, centrally located on main business street Astoria, Or. D. fi. weicn, Astoria, ur White Temple District, $150 10 rooms. Goddard, 602 Couch bldg. FOR sale, 20 rooms, nicely furnished for housekeeping; money maker; part cash. Terms. 407 3d. Owner. ' BUSINESS OPPOll rUNITIKS 20 s A Money Maker Delicatessen, soda fountain; living rooms; cheap rent; close to school; $300. See Hail, 512-13 Panama bldg. EXCHANGE old established general merchandise store in live Willam ette valley tewn, value $11,000, for Portland residence property. Particu lars; In first letter or no attention. XK 642, Journal. A Big Snap Grocery $1800 grocery must be sold; $550 buys. This is a dandy. QU1GLEY,'202 Wilcox bldg. Stores of All Sizes We help you to pay for one if you haven't enough money of your own. Goddard, 502 Couch bldg. CIDER, ICED FRUIT DRINKS and BUTTERMILK. Space to let, ideal for above or other purposes; market block,. Yamhill st appty Li-vij. journal ONE billiard, 6 pool tables, together with stock and fixtures, i, located in good live town; worth $1300; will take ow. or particulars write M. M uke. Camae, Wash. CASH store; have opening for a steady man satisfied to make $25 week now and which can 'be increased, and a small Investment required. Call room 829 Morgan bldg. A .REAL MONEY MAKER. Llight grocery and delicatessen, fa vorably located and long established, good trade. Excellent for man and wife: See owner. 817 Russell t FOR SALE Cheap, pool room and cigar stand doing fine business, good location, cheap rent Owner has other business. 1019 Union ave. N, MOVING PICTURE THEATRE. GOOD LOCATION; PRICE $600; HALF CASH, BALANCE EASY TERMS. APPLY 66 BROADWAY. - CONFECTIONERY, cigars, light gro ceries, fine location, near school, leaving town. Will sell at a bargain. 720 Alberta. -LIGHT srrocery. confectionery, school supplies. Ice cream; living rooms. In rear; doing good business. 418 6th St, corner hall. ' BEST dairy and fruit farm In Waal waus vaiiey zor sale on good terms; sickness reason for selling. ' Box 06$, Milton. Or.' - BAKERY, first class, fine oven. 2000 loaf capacity, store and 4 furnished living" rms - With bath; total rant 326. Main 1611. 184 Qlbbs St. ' Ir fftt 5 ' BUSINESS CARDS. El) CRT Printing CC lav xsr - w Thin, af rftr Tavlar DAIRY plant well equipped, near Port Main 4190.- - - BAKERY for rent 80 . years estab- lisfced, ruiiy equipped, 829, 840 Front, near auditorium. - -- - - . - FINE stamps, binges, albums. eto t hr a. m.r6 p. m.' Columbia Stamp Co, 14 I kt..ti e.i. - -wa lies - in .-111 bl jn n.1 Tl ivov. . MEAT MARKET, as going concern, splendid location, 248 Yamhill. . BUSINESS- OPPOJ'TLMTlth 'M -fCostlaned) - A Merry-Go-Round, Hero's a business proposition: ""We nave a merry-go- round that cost .pproximately 83600; the season is opportune for making money 9lth it. It's in good shape and is set- up for demonstrating purposes. It's worth at least - $1000. but ' we'll sell It for con -. alderably less. Bee It at 868 E. Oregon st East 1222. Business Opportunities Wanted a capable man to take over best apartment house proposltlon on the coast Portland has nothing like this A remarkable opportunity ac quires $19,000 and aggressive Individu ality. See us personally about this, Oregon Home Builders Oliver K Jafferv. Pres. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Moving picture outfit, in eluding Powers Camigraph No. 6-A, practically new. reostal, transformer. etc Complete show: rent reasonable: Investigate at once; cheap If taken within 10 days. Doing good business Li live town. Address box 127. Will amine, Or. ' - Waiting Room Store, $750 Invoice $1250, rent $20, clears $150 month above expense, will clear dou ble that amount this summer; possl tlve snap. Bruoe Goddard. 602 Couch building. FOR SALE One saw mill and 20.000, 009 feet of timber. Address Dupay Lumber Co., Bntte Falls, Ore. BUSINESS OPPOUTUNITIKS WANTED 68 MERCHANDISE WANTED. Improved wheat lands, close to good town, or timber to trade for merchan dise, from $1000 to $10,000. Box 7. Madras. Or. WANT grocery business; will ex- cnange good property ana assume our debts, no matter how much. It? 88, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN H REAL ESTATE OUR installment plan is the best auu surest metnod of paying a loan. 832.2$ per month for 86 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 88 months pays a $1008 loan and Interest i Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. EQUITABLE SVO's & LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Oregon. PORTLAND PROPERTY OR VALLEY FARM LOANS. Make low rates on good security. H. L ARCHER. 404 Northwestern Bk. Bldg. WE have money to loan on rehidence and improved farm property, 3 or 6 rear, parkiau payment upuon. i rovi dent Trust company, 212 Selling bldg. bUiLUiXSU loans on city anu stsyurban property; money advanced , as work progrease. W u. Beck, 316 Kailing nldg. Main 3407. tiuu.vvv UN uiortgagea. cuy or arm property, . fire insurance. McKenzl at Co., Gerllnger bldg.. td and Alder CAOH paiu for mortgages, uutea. con tracts, mortgage loans ; reaaonabl rates. F, rl. Lewis, 4 Lewis bldg. ijthiX lu Luam iu auiuuuia or 4lu to $6000 on city property. A. H. Bell ul Gerlinger bldg uisk 10 loan on nniiuv wu city, iauu 5ivww isf lu euut iu iouii uu cuy wr ,VV www, W I .VW, 1 1 DU V, Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. Com. 44W.WUV U juaibd. hjc. 80 4tn at. Boaro of Trade Hldg. ua email loavua. lualaiuiiaaL iuiui weiiars-aiurton wo., szs Yeon Mag. aaoit'l'iaAUJb loans, 6 ft to uregoa lnv. ft MortgaKe Co.. 170 3d st aoit lUAoa i,oAiNe, auu iv luuii Salomon e ,'o 900 Onlc st . near ftth. . 1 lO lOKJL. a to V, kV. ri ooita V Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etoM at legal rates, with easy terma of pay ment; no delay. Licensed by state, j-wrl UOAt CUUfAM. NC.. ' 811" Dekum bldg. DlAM ONUS bougtit una boIu. Alain osaa LOAiMS V ir.u CAN use several amounts, $600 to $6000, 7H to 8;' good aecurities. Masterson or Reld. 203 Wilcox bldg. WANT loan $1400 at once, choice resi dence property. No agents. Provi- dent Trust Company, 212 Selling blJef. WANTED $700 and $660 on two mod em houses, gilt edged. Tabor 30H9. FINANCIAL HI 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; also sailors' Interest in contracts. Or. and Wain. H. E. Noble Lumbermen hldg CHATTEL MORTGAGES PUK CHASED7 INQUIRE ill Dekum bid. HELP WANTED MALE 3 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 14th and Johnson Sts. U. 8. Government Employment Office Cooperating. 2000 MEN, WOMEN AND CHIL DREN FOR KERRY PICKING, HOOD RIVER DISTRICT. SEASON BEGINS ABOUT MAY 22. APPLICANTS REG ISTERING AT ONCE GIVEN PREF ERENCE. ALL PICKERS ARE TO BE HANDLED THROUGH THIS Bl REAIT. , Several Jobs for farm hands. Man and wife on farm. Fifty section men. Scandinavian, Russian and . Italian logging road laborers; permanent works top wages. REMEMBER, ALL IHEi'E JOBS ARE FREE. Main 8655. A-5624. DO you want a position for life, witn big pay. short houra and sure ad vancement? Then work for Uncle Sam My free Illustrated book DK368 tells how to get an appointment Earl Hop- Kins, wasnington, p. c WANTED A first class man as travel- iii Br auiuuiQuii nievuaiiic. Aiust OS thoroughly competent and have a good personality. See Mr. Lebert, Stude baker .Corporation of America, Chap- iiin-u aim Aiwr an, WANTED Young ma a between 16 and is years, to learn vuicanizine trade. Party acquainted with changing Urea AVANTfiD Man or boy tor chores and farm a st v wftrL" C. 14 'h rrr Journal -Kd. rooms. EXPERIENCED boy to work on larm not less than 16 yrs. old, pay going wages, a. m. coney, it b, uregon city WANT good cook for restaurant work. b-sii. journal. WANTED Boy with bicycle or motor cycle.. Appiy io Aioer st, MAN to help clean house for -room and board. 284 Main st. San" to-work around house, board and 619 month. Phone Sellwood 2556. EMPLOYMENT oeparimuoi i HELP J WANTED--&1ASC. Jg tTm. C. A. AUTOMOBILE 8CHOOL Day and night classes; training iu repairing, driving and machine work. Including forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, etc.; time unlimited.. Secure pass at Educational office Y, M. C. A bldg to Inspect our shops and meth ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tui tion fee includes .MEMBERSHIP IN Y. M. C. A. and its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 60-ft swimming pool, shower baths, gymnaslnni. etc. MOVING PICTURE OPERATORS WANTED IN EVERY CITY IN THE WORLD. WE i TEACH ; VOU 6 BROAD WAT, : i i WANTED Names men, wisbtng to become Portland mail carrier. Com mence $67 month.. 0.-932, Journal, fCn tinned) OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, (III t3BUnJMX 1, - Tmir VrArlr hln. n.u i,14am . Of, dents earn board, room. - $76 MONTH. Government lobe. A.. women wanted. Lisa . of positioj free. Frasklin InsUtuteJ Dspt 149-t Rochester. N. Y. UNCAl.LK'l) lor tailor made suits,' $.l up. Taylor the Tailor 289 Burnsirl- HEU' WANTED FKMALF, WANTED Middle aged woman f light housework, rood home Zor righ Parfy. Call Mar. 5667. WANTED Expeneneed typewrite! one who understands operating Wei adding attachment Answer 8-97 J.-Jour WOMAN or rlrl for general houst work. $46 E. 43d st 7 GIRL for general housework, $20 pe HELP WANTED MALE AND ' FEMALE -H..-CV MOLER BARBER COLLKGBl" wants men and women to learn th trade; paid while learning; tools free. ?osltlons secured; summer rates: Write or catalogue. 4 8 N. 2d st. MOHLKR Barber school wants me and women to learn barber trai free In 8 weeks. Positions secured, pay while learning. 38 N. 2d st OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and worsen to learn barber trad free. 288 Madison st. ' VANTEJ AGENTS " it WANTED Agents In all sections for our full assortment of clean, relia ble nursery stock; demand is increas- ; lng. Attractive terms." OREGON NURSERY COMPANY, Orenco, Or.' GOOD live hustl era; an easy selling propositioo; liberal comtnission; quick sales. 80 Grand ave. GOOD live bustlers; au easy selling proposition; liberal commission; quick sales. 80 Grand ave. SITUATIONS MALE A-l mechanic wants work in repair ShOD In Or Out of Citv. car renair. anything and will run shop on com mission. Phone Tabor 6922 after 6 p m. or address G. H. Morrow, 6620 $8tn avs., S. E. GARDENER wanted? For work that will please you phone Mala 6911 or address C. Hasseriea. 26$ N. 20th st. Experience, good tools, reasonable prices. . WANTED Small set of books to keep. collecUng or posting. W-812, Jour nal. ...... MARRIED man wants position, janl tor, can do tinting for apartment anl wd tr cm Oaat Y6UNG men would like position as chauffeur evenings and Sunday tut experience. U-741. Journal. - COMPETENT shop mechanics ..and chauffeurs furnished by Y. M, C. A. AUtO BChOOI. Mann 7QBB, A-68HI. Contractor p VrSSKti cement work. B, S. Klngery, My. I68H. CHAUFFEUR,- a real drivsr and Hie- cnnic. woodlawn 4674 PAINTING, kalsomlnl-ng rooms $2 up, papering whltwashlng. East 6629. - painting and tTnting,82'per rm. C. A. Barnes, Mar. 2828. M. 5649 Sla'U ATIONK FKMALB HOUSEKEEPING, by middle aged wo man; none but responsible parties need apply. 188 W. Park. Phone Main 2116. - v. . MIDDLE aged woman would care for child or invalid, going to California, transportation only, references. W, 1340 Wllber st. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. Call Sunday. Wdln. 2138 Week days after 6 p. m. , - -. WANTED Any kind of housework. z&e nour. Main bos. PHONE Main 8928; get curtains laun dered. 20c a pair. . DRESSMAKINQ 40 ALL kinds dressmaking, remodeling, designing, reasonable. Also instruc tion at Economy Dressmaking parlor and school. 603 Dekum bid. Main 6703 FURNISHED ItOOMH FURNISHED rooms for young men in all parts of the cKy. also in Y. M. C A. bldg:, especially desirable during tbe summer; fire-proof, telephone In each : room, shower baths. $1.76 to $4.75 per week, including full association mem bership privileges, gymnasium, swim--mlngpool, hand-ball court, and many other club privileges. Full lnfqrmatioJ : at Y. M C. A. business office or tela- ' phone Main 7046 A-6681. v . 20TH AND WASHINGTON BTft V Strictly modern, light, cool rooms, $2 to $4 per week: private baths. ; BACHELOR'S HO.'tL . Everything new and up to date, . For men only. Tenth and iWsshlnrton Main 6819 em, fireproof, respectable, $8 week up. " S THE BEVERLY -Clean, homelike, fur. nlsbed rooms, reasonable, centrally -located. 186 Park-Yamhill. - $1.60 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur, rnts. central. T e King. 30 .ef. FtRNlSUED ROOMS 70. PBXTaTB FAMILY. HAVE large, sunny, front room for 8 gentlemen, 2 beds, single front room, $8; plenty of hot water, pbone. elec trir lights. 246 14th St. NEWLY furnished large front room, suitable for two; modern borne with nice people; board If desired. 687 Gli- rmi. iriarBiiHll mi LIGHT, pleasant, iurnistied rooms; i walking distance. 826 12th st Pbone Marshal 4889. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 tiIE" Hereford." . 735727 HOYT ST. i; A quiet residential hotel American plan Suites Single room a Excellent table. Main 8306, A-1722. BOARD OFFERED Wanted a refined middle aged gentleman wltb mod erate means to room and board la widow's home, Tebor 6000. ItOOMS AND HOARD - 72 PatlTAyil rAMII.T. . ' MODERN 2 large, front bedrooms, fao-' lng north, cool, light and airy, elec tric lights, phone, bath, in family with ' no children, Nob Hill district, very homelike and centrally located. Phoni Main 7886. ' EXCELLENT room and board, private home, for two young men or mar ried business couple; walking dis tance; two carlines; piano. Reason-,, sble. Phone East 1876. : WALNUT PARK Modern, quiet home, pleasant surroundings, airy rooms, good table bosrd; reasonable 1099 Gar field ave. Woodlawn 2026. ROOM and board for a woman for 2 or S hours work in mornings, wb can bake good cakes. X-626, Journal,- WANTED Children to board, mother a care. 1176 E. Belmont, Tabor 1284. .HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS " 8 PUatMlSHED AVS VaTPTJatZtTSXirO. ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, pbone In every room: 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison . . sts.. $18 qp. 291 Columbia St.. cor. 6th. ' LAfC&E corner room; steam heat, ele5-1 ' trio lights, bed linen, cooking gas. free pbone, batb; $8 week, 446 Co- iurmia. luiiivia, . ... En suite and single bur window, fro light PDOn and batfa $1 to III pr a . .at . lAk lfH4.A. I DOWNTOWN modern H. K, suites, $16 i aV W 6W.tMlMM kae llavk aaa ITTOniai. mercruwi viu bu wvi bwiso ( V aV A V saavwa.a mm SkaV aa mm.w r w a mnntK rm rnelndlnsr beat 111 Rovsl Annex. 860V Morrison. 1 $1 and up. furnished H. K. rooms, free heat, laundry, bath, phons. E. $03M zo Htanton. v A. car. CHEAP H.1C-rooms, furnished. 4(8 larior, WTgnavii mi,' rnn A-. $1 week up. 401 First st. Uem ADIS.Free batb, boVxold watef v,V.