CRUISER GROUNDS ON NANTUCKET HALS IS REFLOATED LATER u " I" U, S, S. San Francisco Gets .Into Difficulty in a Heavy ..Rain 'and Gale. oaton, Man., May 17. (I. N. S.) ' AjrUftfolng aground off Nantucket Sboali fearly today, the cruiser Ban Francisco was refloated at 9 o'clock, 'according to wireless advices received at .the Charleatown navy yard. Flrat advlcea telling- of the cruiser's plight were received at the navy yard 'at 5 o'clock this morning. Commander Bel knap asking "lmmefllate-power assist ance for tow and lighter." The Ban Francisco went aground in a heavy rain and while a strong south east gale was blowing. - The revenue cutters Gresham and Acushnet, the battleship New Hamp shire and the submarine tender Mel ville rushed to the San Francisco's assistance. .The wireless received at Charles town navy yard was signed by Com mander Belknap, and read as follows: "The San Francisco was floated at o'clock." . No loss of life was reported and It was believed that the report that nine lives had been lost was without foun elation. v Washington. May 17. (I. N. S.) No llVK wrj lnat whan tH nrnlusi- Man Francisco went aground off Nantucket Shoal early today, according to a re port received here today from the Br- that a stroua southeast Kale rivailrd and, that it Was raining heavily. No tndmflrtn warn iiiuda nt h 1 1n m. shire, the dispatch merely Ktntinar that the cutters Acushnet anl Ureyham are cn route to atd the San Francisco. Thfl fnllntvlnv l i una tcli frni f'rtrw mander Belknau of the Han Francisco was received later at the navy depart ment: "Thanks. Assistance no longer deeded." ' gpcretary of the Navy Daniels an nounced that Admiral Fletcher will conduct an investigation. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE '.La Angeles 5, San Francisco 4. J Bktl Francisco, May 17. (P. N. S.) Standing on third base in the ninth Inning yesterday with two out and one run needed to tie the score Just in, Fitzgerald reached into some closer cranny of his thought vat and brought forth an idea. V -This idea was that he could steal home.. He trfed and he couldn't. r So It is left us to record that In the first i hrueh between Peerless ieaaer Chance and Fearless Deader wolverton, victory went rto the P. U, 6 to 4. - LO AHOKLKS. SAN FRANCISCO. A II U f A I a n ,T r A 5 2 7 OlFllzccriM.rf 3 1 1 S 1 0 0"chalrr.lf. a o o Wolter.rf... 6 8 ' 1 o Hodle.rf . . . . 8 1 3 0 O 1 rtowns.Sb... fl 2 1 8 1 10 Goffer. m.... 4 0 2 Bllowy..1h 4 t 1 4 0 11 MJjirr7,2b. 8 2 18 Bolki.e 8 1 S 0 Jones. Sb 4 1 1 SvpnlToda.c. 3 0 8 Brown. p.... 4 2 0 Wolrerton. 10 0 punrr.M... 8 114 KiUlr.p.i, 8 0 0 3 lt0dr'f,p: 0 0 0 1 Totali ..3:1 12 ST 12 Toll ...23 O 27 la 'Batted for DnlTltl In ninth. im Angelas ..uooooiao 1 B Hits 0 2 1 O 1 1 5 0 212 Ban rranelaco. 00010002 14 Hits 1 0 1 1 l i o 2 2 a S T. a VI a . r n VT 1 T TT . , i t FtUgciald, HchalW 2, Brown. Krror Beuul veda, Stolen haae Maggert. Three -baae hits Down, Fitzgerald. Two-baae blta Mc Larry, Magicrrt, IHnrn. Racrtflc falta KflBIcr. Holca. Bndla, SepnlTeda. Basea vn balls Off Kalilr 2. off Brown 4. Struck " J - " aaia ifj UltCU- Dnvni. TknnhU r.1 . vAim a.. i i . fvf;' ' 3l nTOWn ' lt by pitch Pasred ball BoJea. Wild pitch Brown. Left en 'baae Loa Angrlm 7. Sun Franclaco 8. Credit vlclorjr to Kshler. Time 2:31. Dni- rumm iiijh ana wunrie. y V'ernons Cop Game. Los Angeles, May 17. (I. N. B.) A tough lot these league leading Ti gers. They fought the Oaks all over the b'all yard and knocked the rattle out of Elliott's team In the early moon rise oc i:i6 p. m., no hour for aane base bailers to be abroad. - All afternoon and half the night It itemed tne teams were deadlocked in as snarly a little fight as can be seen any place In the whole wide world for two bits. And speaking of fighting, Rowdy Elliott was vaeaed In the ninth latter he had taken a running jump f'HE LOOKS LIKE A DIFFERENT MAN" MI- L- c : e . He iu uic tjprmE ami Bought on Credit I mv .v, mwiu aaaiwn Kjt, Uiiy mftra Whn nsaH H fsa nrarllr a t LTtr' OD V'B jat week. New, amart summer clothed a a mMk a mnn f7 f ham nni- nulti tcirtlr f Y wv-w aw V WUiJ 1WUAO tter, but ha feels better. W K tftn't a.. earn rU. 1..JI1 Bystem? If you' re already wearing a rim new summer suit. Just bear this ivun uiin in miiiQ ine nm lime you u wuLuw. nut ii you re sun un- rAvMH with amaf mH- Cherry's installment system provlden- iioi iiiii nuw tuiu any linifl. vnrr s are ariowing an SDunaance f tarlOus seasonable models for men f every taste. Handsome English naay in the popular pinch-back effect, l verv moderata aum will hnv anv f hem, remember, with weekly or nonthiy payments uter. (treet, Plttock Block. and awing; tor lack Eoyle'a chin. Whether ihe blow lasded only Doyle knows and the umpire declined to talk. That Rowdy liad Juat provocation for at least one young jab was the opinion of soma of our best people Vernon won, I to 7, OAKLAND. VERNON. IB. B. O A. AB. H. 0. A tfiddleton.lf T 0 8 0 Doane.rf.... T 8 1 Lane.ef.... 2 4 0 Kenwthr.Zb 4 2 2 3 31lchmn,lfc. T Rlaberg,2b.. S 1 IB 2 2 Oardncr.rf. 8 0 Batea.Sb 5 6 5 0 1 s 0 0 4 0 o 0 0 1 S 1 18 2Ualey. If. euio(,.. . a Berger,2b.M 4 Davla.aa.3b. 6 2 4 7 UeGsff n,a 7 Waallng.e.. 1 Qnlnn.p..,.. 2 fBader.;... 1 9peneef,e.. 4 , i Berr.p 3 0 1 Bovd.e 4 0 0 Zlmnrrmn 0 0 0 Grtffltn.-.. 2 0 1 Barbean,3b. 0 0 0 2 the 1 ' 0 IKJobnaos.p. 0 0 lOrisss.... 1 1 O.Jobnaon.p. 0 0 lOomme.p. .. 2 1 Totals .,51 1240 18 Totals ...SO 11 42 22 One otit when winning ran scored. Ran for Kenwortby "n the ninth. ! Batted for Whaling la the fourth. Batted for Qntslas in the aeeoh. Batted for K. Jotanson In (be eighth. Oakland .... 8000101010000 0 Hits 202021202 1 000 012 Vernon 1 0 00010400001 X 7 Hlta 1011912611010 217 Runs Mlddleton, Lane 2. Kenworthr 2. Zim merman, HUbera,- Ratca, Mat tick 2. ilrOnf figan, Rpejirer, Ortsc. Krror Kraworthy 2, Gardner, Barry, UlrVhmann. RLabrrg. K. Jobnaou. Tbree-baae hlta Satea. lrdnrr. Two-baae blt Keuworthj, Gardner, Mattlck, Carry. Racrlflce hlta Beer, Keowwlhy. Kl-l-trg, Bpencer. Strurk out Hjr Qnlnn 8, by Leer 3, by K. Jobnaon 1, by Boyd 1, by Kromme 3. Baaea on balls Off Qulnn 1, off Bec-r 2, off E. Johnann 1. off Krumnie R, off Boyd 1. Charge defelt to Boyd. Credit Tlc tory to Frornnw. Ixmbla ploy Duana to klc Uafftgan Stolen baaea Iana. Glelcbmann. Mcuafflgan. Wild pltrb Beer. TIma 0 25. Uuiplrea Phyl and Doyle. Oregon Faculty Is Winner Over 0. A. C. Oregon Agricultural College, Corval- 1 is. Or., May 17. The University of Oregon faculty baseball team took an even measure of the O. A. C, faculty nine on the local diamond yesterday af ternoon, the final score reading some thing like 49 to 6. The line-up: Oregon Shorkley, c; Williams, lb.; Bezdek. .'t-.; Ayers, p.; Morton, 3b.; Smith, If.; Granger, ss.; Ktetson, cf. ; Winger, rf. , O. A. C. Slmms, 2b.; Wight, SI).; Peasley, c; Samuels, ss., Btovall, cf.; Beatty, rf.; Betzel, lb.; Stoneberg, p; Oakea, If.; Van Oundia, a: Middlekauf, p.; Duffy, p. The score: R. H. E. Oregon , 12 7 7 O. A. C 6 7 11 E. H. Bauer Wins Race of Pigeon.Club Averaging 1074.8 yards per minute. E. H. Bauer's homing pigeons won the Yelm, Wash., -Portland race of the Ore gon Homing Pigeon club Sunday. E. Klnderman won second place and Jim my Dunn, third. Because a number of the pigeons have been shot during the course of th race, the Oregon Homing Pigeon club haa offered a reward far information that will assist in apprehending the offenders. One of the birds entered in Sunday's race by W, H. Ray had Its leg shot. The result of the race: E. H. Bauer, first; B. Klnderman, second; Jimmy Dunn, third; C. De 'RIeux, fourth; 8. Crompton, fifth: O V. Adams, sixth; C D. Ray, seventh, and L. V. Johnston, eighth. foCARsj li ON THE ALLEYS - The Portland Alley team made a fine shew ing la the Pacifle Coast Telegraph teams test Just closed. Their 8000 place tbem third la the five men event, and Kraae sad Franklin with 1297. finish ad fourth la the doublea. Kraae rolled 002 la the singles, bat does sot kxow where he stand, ss the retnrss are not all la. Kraae rolled 1987 for aloe games, sa average of nearly 221, which is probably first. Three ef his teammates went over 000 la toe singles. Sheets, getting 1922, sa average of 202 Vi for sine games. The team ss a whole rolled 2021 pins in all events, an average of 200, 21-45 for each man. DOUBLES. lat. 2d. Sd. Tot. Ave. rranklla 192 20 200 370 ISO kraae 224 268 205 697 282 Totals . . . Bhenta Uaffraa . . . Total . Free borough McDonald . . 886 476 400 1297 18 21S ITS 650 186 210 lag 179 507 :se 873 386 857 1116 218 106 189 IMS 1M 182 157 174 513 171 Totals Krua Sheets Heffron Krauklln Fret-borough . . McDonald 400 213 363 1076 SINGLES. 211 202 249 662 221 189 179 245 613 i"04 902 204 612 24 .....210 11W 1H8 607 202 160 243 172 D75 12 184 172 106 S22 174 Oregon alley reeulta in the Pacific coast Tel egraphic tournaiaeDt: DOUBLES. B. 0. fraae 192 1D9 170 Tota J. W. Blaney 174 1T1 192 1008 jonra iki Kkkra 427 227 181 184 182 1212 SINGLES. Cane 128 218 222 B22 4U.'i Blaney 204 17 Jonea 182 2 Eldoti 182 190 12i ISO WW The following gainea were rolled laat nifot on tba Oregon altera In tue 1'ueauaj night li-gue: STANDARD OIL ' lat. 2d. rtinriatrora 82 89 Clark HH R& Block 100 102 Sd. Tot. Ave. 90 261: 87. 90 27 91 OS .TOO 100 fcvanaoo 89 94 82 2U5 88 Walker H K3 78 Totala 457 403 438 1298 BLUM AC KB FRANK Brown 71 94 75 240 80 Keany 109 87 110 S07 102 Hull 8U t3 277 92 Snyder 9S 88 84 27 -9 Cartberg 86 104 106 285" 9 TttalH 450 4twt 4 1385 O-W.-SEMAI'HOKB Ahlgrlm 8tl w; im trim 90 fl 95 276 Derae 91 llo 1 "10 (.clliDS 86 97 18:! lU,blna - 95 97 96 2S8 ToUla 362 467 496 1325 SB 02 92 96 WELLS FA BOO CO. Ccrtla 91 84 83 2 95 194 76 266 86 288 85 279 7 97 89 90 93 I1H1 99 Brown 106 84 ftranaon 103 99 Iingcor 83 109 Totals y .885 478 427 1287 Clinton Kelly Team Wins. In a well played game the Clinton Kelly grammar achool team defeated the Brooklyn nine by a score of 4 to 3 on the grounds at East Fourteenth and Center streets yesterday afternoon. Pitcher Tuma of the winners pitched gilt edge bail and won his own game by stealing home in the last Inning. Bobby Fisher Starts East. Los Angeles, May 17. (P. N. S.) Bob Fisher, Angel shortstop, who was sold to Cincinnati yesterday, left for the east yesterday. He will act as the Angela' representative In that part of the circuit. Challenges Miller. Tony Ajax, who will bo seen In ac tion tonight at the Golden West smok er as an added attraction, challenges Walter Miller at 168 pounds, winner take all. Adv. The Same Sun in tine Same Tropics Ripens the Tobacco of Porto Rico and Cuba Tobacco in its perfection is native to the soil of one island of the West Indies as to the other. Porto Rican tobacco is known to have every good quality of Cuban leaf, but as now cultivated "in the field" of her upland plantations it has a delicate mildness which distin guishes it from the Cuban leaf in this one noteworthy respect. (Invlnclblo Slic)7 cte. each or by tho box of 50, $3.50 are a typical product of Porto Rican cigar-making and Porto Kican tobacco-growing. Imported FREE OF DUTY and All the virtue of the wonderful tobacco in the cigar and all the skill in the workmanship which belongs tb the inherited art of the Spanish natives who make it. The RICORO Cigar is a representative product of the West Indies in which satisfaction is notsacrificed to the unequalled mildness that the RICORO will always be found to posses. (sues a m inros White Boy Without'; Mole on Hits Neck Is Found With Gypsies Pendleton, Or.. May IT. jr .Upon receipt of word from 1ft Salem that Jimmy Glass, tba if- kidnaped Pennsylvania boy. is supposed to bo with gypsies t traveling through Oregon, local police set out in pursuit of s three automobiles containing a ' gypsy band that had passed -m through Pendleton - the dsy previous. - They overtook them near Walla Walla and found a five- ' year-ofd white boy in one auto. He answered the description of the missing boy perfectly, save he had no mole on the back of his neck a.. d did not have a double crown on his head. Sev- eral plctrues were taken of him and these were aent east. The gypsies clairned to have adopted the boy w.hen he was two years old. j. r- Joe Steelier to Lay Claim to Mat Title Omaha, Neb., May 17. (TJ. P.) Joe Stecher, the Nebraska wrestling mar vel, IS threatening to claim Frank Gotch's title ss world champion if the Jowan continues to refuse to meet Stecher on the mat. Gene Melady, who is promoting the match here on July 4 between "Strang ler" Lewis and Stecher, announced today that the match would be for the world's title, insisting that Stecher's claim Is valid. Strachan to Defend May 22. San Francisco, Cl., May 17. (U. P.) Johnny Strachan, San Francisco, ten nis champion, will be given an oppor tunity to defend his title when the men's singles city championships is held here May 2-. Announcement of i the date of the tournament was made today. When writing or calling on advertiaer p'.eaa mention The Journal. (Adv. To Night 0 Golden West BOXING SMOKER BIG BATTLE ROYAL Lee Johnson Joe Benjamin Ted Meredith Dan O'Brien Abe Gordon J immie Lewis Romeo Hagen-Frank Parslow Added Attraction Before Boxing Bout TONY AJAX Agrees to Throw Fred Steph ens 2 Times in 30 Minutes. Ticketa Regular Places, Same Price-: as HS3S12: priced accordingly. XtGARS? m Jump under one of these new Lenox Shapes at and no one will on you," except and that will .you save, plus a good Hat. Brownsville Woolen Mills Mill-to-Man Clothiers Morrison at Third jTHE 6 OOP JUD6E 6ET3 ATIP yOU ALWAYS CARRY THE REAL TOBACCO CMP VSWTTH You NOTICE g4 TEN are learaintf the truth about chewing tobacco. A $msll 1VJL chew of W-B CUT Chewing lmfknd will iHfr yoa. It leave a clean after-tt ia tb loath mot the thick, tottr at that Ibe ordinary chew force, on a man. Tbat' eae ol tea reaaoaa why aMa an so cater to tell their friead about th AW Xaaaeee Ckm. -Naiee hew the salt briaaa eat the rich tobacee taata Maia Vf WETMAN-BRUTOJI COUPANT, 50 Umea Sfaare, Hew Tent Cif GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COAST LINE SERVICE TO TAC0MA.5EATTLE, VANCOUVER B.C. and Intermediate points. Three trains daily it 10:00 A. M., 5:00 P. M., 12:30 Midnight Through Vancouver Sleeper on '5:00 P. M. train, arriving Van couver 7:30 the following morning. Fast Train to the East The Oriental Limited 7:10 P. M. DAILY Via North Bank Road through Spokane, Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago in 72 hours. THRU STANDARD AND TOURIST SLEEPERS ROUND TRIP HOMESEEKERS' TICKETS to Montana points on sale first and third Tuesdays of each month at special rates. Write or ask for information, City Ticket Office, 348 Washington Street H. DICKSON. C P. & T. A. Be sure and come to the Tenth Annual Rose Festival Portland, Ore., June 7th, 8th and 9th. THE MOUNT HOOD DERBY THE RACE TO GOVERNMENT CAMP I - - Who will b firat to roach tho v- Fox & Pridemore Hotel ; at GOVERNMENT CAMP? Tho first car to mako GoTramant Camp on iu own powor will rocoivo Uver trophr desinatin; it at ; thai honor- car, of tho 1916'soasoa. Mot'o at tho trial most bo left with Tho Journal' auto tJllnr Lt Urt is made. . . ... ' 'S9iinBBtifaaWtVHn0va)ajjaaVMa $2 "have anything -you yourself be the ' 'dough FROM THE COUNTRY DOCTOft) II WOULD NT BE WITHOUT lT, I AIN'T AFRAID Of GERMS WHEN I HAVE IT IN MY MOUTH I the Real Tobacco Chew, cut. Phones Marshall 3071 A-2286 WT1 LAND GRANT ENFORCEMENT UP TO VOTEOE s V v . s on'-. ft vjS. 4 z Bushnell Photo. WIS. A.' "W. Xiaffarty, Who Zxpacta to B train Hi 8at la GongntB TrUlaT ' To the Republican Voters: , The Journal yesterday stated that there is no difference between Puter and Laffertyl Puter claims that he is trying to have Congress give a preference right to a lot of speculators who applied for 0. & C. lands without ever seeing theml I am opposing Puter's absurd claim and am demanding that the lands be opened under a drawing system, giving to every citizen who will register for the drawing an absolutely equal chancel Puter is a fakir and is being put forward at Washington by subsidized newspapers for the sole purpose of bringing the settler clause into disrepute! Puter says he is getting money from the applicants whom he represents! 1 say that I have never collected a penny from any person in the land grant litigation, and never will I . .. Is there no difference between Puter and Lafferty? Congress Being DeeeiTod. Congress has been told that Oregon does not want the O. & C. lands sold to settlers l I say Congress has been lied to! The big newspapers are opposed to opening the lands to settlers. ' Both McArthur and Littlefield are opposed to opening the lands to Set tlers! The newspapers are satisfied with either McArthur or Littlefield, but not with Laffertyl James R. Mann, stand-pat leader in Congress, whom I scored to his face, and who wrote a long letter to the Salt Lake Tribune, boosting that arch stand-patter, Reed Smoot for re-election, contributes his boost to Pat McArthur and takes a fling at me as not having the "standing nor In fluence" that McArthur has!' With whom? Mann, of course I But I have my influence with the hundreds of honest Representatives who are trying to serve the people and not the Morgans and the Rockefellers, as Is Mr. Mann! Mr. Mann served the liquor Interests in Congress by speaking and vot ing against the Hobson amendment, while I voted, for it. Mr. Mann served the money trust by working against a genuine rural credit law, while 1 worked for it. Mr. Mann recently offered an amendment to prevent th Postmaster General from Increasing the facilities of the Parcel Post, and McArthur voted with Mr. Mann. Of course Mr. Mann would indorse Mr, McArthur. They are the same kind. Referendum Vote Friday. What will Oregon's verdict be next Friday? - If I win, settlers will get the land, and under a drawing system that will give no greater chance to Puter's applicants or any lawyer's clients than It will give to you I It 1 lose, the nefarious Chamberlain-McArthur bill will pass and tho lands will go to the timber barons for a song! , I-have sent my protests against the Chamberlain-McArthur bill to Speaker Clark and Majority Leader Kitchen Imploring them to hold the bill up until Oregon is heard from Friday. As a result, the bill is being held upl Congress looks to this District for a decision I A graver crisis never confronted the state) If I win, I shall leave for Washington next Saturday to urge the passagi of a special act for opening the lands to Oregon settlers, together with the timber growing thereon, and 1 shall not quit till that end Is accomplished! History Is Cited. A Congress of the past generation tried to protect Oregon 1 " The Supreme Court has upheld the last will and testament of that Con gress! . In 1907 Oregon's Legislature memorialized the President and Congress, to do something to break up the railroad land monopoly In this state! In 191 5 a atate-wlde conference called by Governor Withycora'be,. at Salem, for September 15 and 16, solemnly declared it to be Oregon's desire that these lands be sold to actual settlers strictly in accordance with the terms of the original grant! But now, we Jifld George E. Chamberlain and Pat McArthur urging Con gress to pass a bill for the sale of all the timber on the land to the timber monopolies for cash, and with a provision in the bill that patents shall Issue to the purchasers entitling them to hold and use the land till the timber is all skinned off, which may be 50 years from now or 5000 years from now!, All the big papers are boosting this plan, notwithstanding the fact that it is In the teeth of the original law, the decision of the Supreme Court, tba original memorial of the Oregon Legislature in 1907,, the. resolutions of the ftvt1a tnnfercnee last Sentember and every eomldcrrtlnn if tinnattv decency and humanity! Oregon is being betrayed)- Oregon is being robbedl Oregon Is being misrepresented! . . People Are Desperate. ' v J appeal to Oregon people to save Oregon's great railroad land grant by their ballots next Friday) ' I am representing those whose backs are breaking under the burden that special privilege has placed upon the ordinary man and woman! 1 represent those whose stomachs are empty as the result of dishonest greed) . I represent tnose wno wouia rawer see nappy homes ana human rose buds in the green hill "of Oregon than to have a land monopoly during your day tnd mine, to be followed by a desolate waste covered with black ened stumps! , . . Of what avail was it for Oregon's Legislature to petition In 1907 to have a railroad land monopoly broken up if we are now to turn the lands oyer, to Weyerhaeuser and other big timber concerns to be held still ss a monopoly? , ' OT jwhat avail was it for George H. Williams and Henry W. Corbett and Joseph S. Smith of Oregon, to put the provision in the original grant guar anteeing this state against a (and monopoly by providing that the lands should go to settlers in small tracts, if the Chamberlain-McArthur. bill, is to be now passed authorizing one corporation to buy the whole tract? , Let May 19 be a second Cbampoeg In the history of this great state I . - . - , ' A. W. Lafferty, 553 Pittock Block. .. : ' : - ; (Paid Adt.) - , - -- - i- ' - -v. v A 1 t1 f " f s 1 11 J 1 1 ' -, A K -X, V 4 I; J I ' 1 I .:' "f