. f THE, OREGON "DAILY JOURNAL, -PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, MAY, 17, 1916. mmm Li BRINGING rP FATHER V Cnnyrlirbted y international Tttw fcerslca. By George McManus KecwterM Lntte.1 state ntnt "(nj. END OF AN OLD-TINIE . SLUGFEST WITH BEES Take the First Game at Salt Lake, 12 to 9, Making 17 of the 27 Hits Recorded, SIX-PITCHERS ARE USED J Salt Xak ran Wonder Whether High Altitude Xs Going; to Keep, the I'?!-1 Baarera Margins;. EAVERS ANNEX ONG I .WANT YOU TO . 1 WOlW YTf , 1 i I e TXSPS&SS XoJ I M 1 I inHAOm "N I mviTE BARON inland f rvtHDAMOW VEb Uketo tp KNOW-MrT- OT WWED M M WOULDN'T I TO COME MO PEwdV; ENJOYABLE. HAVE, YOU tTAY g f$L ? e g H AVE A E D XO U CXVT mew. THE. VEfK END- pVJ'LLAbK , ( EVENING- J THE. WEEK. END SfwvJr s rrT-rCS T 3 . Jr52 , 3 j Htii OUT I'M ' v t T witWus - J iNVjTEOouT i D THROW VoU -OOT! i - Salt iMkf, May 17 ( 1. N. S ) F pea. king nf slugfrKts, Porlbind and tit Lake staged one In Salt I..ske yes- ttrdty. thai would have been featured in the afternoon paper of Rome In 200 f n. C No history of the grefit Amerl ii'an game without a piny ly plHy reoorfl , of today's contest would lie complete., jlt waB a teetef-totter content, with ! I 'or t land always on the heavy end of the teeter. Incidentally 4 he srore. as nhown by I "lugging, stands. Portland 12, Salt t J,ake 9. The lilts startd. Portland IV. J Halt Iake 10. . j Six Pitchers Used In Battle. Tlm rror vin nn plthpr thn Fortland nor Halt Lake mound artists 4 proved Invincible. 1 liKKinhot hum, Kelly and Koyes did the Honors for the Visitors In order mentioned. Klttery, Hughes nnd bo'iirtn performed for the local. A evidenced hy a glance at the-box score, the local heavers stood the brunt of the slugging. But what !" bothering ull the local fun Ik the 1.1 going to nfTect the Mi-Credle gang f ter thin sumo way for the remainder . Of the series. Am ror reatures. the big content wn decidedly lacking In nnythtnit that might', be called a feature, outside of the slugging, which would require too tnach apace to record, even If the price I of "white 'Paper wen not so lilsh. , - However, l,ou!e (lulsto got another ' home run, which makes him nine for the season. tyln with Pin Bodle and ; one ahead of Bunny Brief. i - vThe score: "i l 1 ft'f'Rfflc. "ll 1 SEMI - PROS ARE TRADED AROUND TO ADD STRENGTH Grayson Protests Use of Har stad by Baby Beavers for Sunday, -Vixl PORTLAND. , ah. r. rt. ro. will. H o n o Vaughn, 2b it a :t -n OuUto, lb 4 2 :! in Itwbe, c 4 z :t l Kluher, e o o o o Ktxou, rf 1 2 2 Hpeas.'lf 5 l n 2 Htnmpf, 3b 5 2 3 i Ward, a i a 1 lllCKlnbotbara. p 2 1 o ft Kelly, p 3 o 1 o Nopee, p 0 O O 0 V;, ToUle '.42 12 17 28 'l V SALT LAKE. ' AH. R. H. PO, E. 1 O 0 I o o 0 0 I) o o o o o 0 1 0 A. 1 1 0 2 2 1 1 1 O O 1 O ( t I ( Quintan, ef. 7 i , i. at. ltO, D. Itriaf, lb :t 1 Krn, ir is : Klilnn. rf . 5 1 Murphy, 8b ft . Ilalllnan. a 1 lOldrad. aa S I Hannah, e 2 nttery, p o Huclie. p 2 Dougan, p 1 Vaaa t , .Tetala 3(1 B 10 26 J2 2 'Batted for Doiignn In ninth. IHIf gtnbotbam out. bnntpd third. Tortlaud 1 ft 1 2 o 2 0 1 o 12 Mlta B o t 1 2 & 1 1 017 Bait Lake 21 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 11 Hlta n 1 1 1 o 0 8 1 010 Two-baa htta Roche, Stiimpf. Ward. Shlnn. ree-baae hit Sltini'if. Ilomr rum Cnimn ltran. Haerlflre hita nnlmo Wurri Rth Btolen baiea Ciulalo. Qiiliiluu. lUnnah Kanca I , co ball Of f lllgglnbothain 8, Kelly ft. Kit I erjr 1, Uaghe 3. Dfinjran 2. Stniok nit Bt I Kellv 1. Kitten 3. Douirun 1. hit. 11 at bat off HtKtdnhothnm tn two plua Innlnn. oat In third; ft rutu, ft blta, 19 at bat off tally In fl plua limliiK. out In eighth noai out: no rnn. no blm. at bnt off ',,ra j In two lnnlnfa: ft ruua. 7 hits, 1 at bat off Klttery In 123 Innings, out In aeo- t . ond, 2 on ami 2 gone; hit. 18 at ii bat off Hugaca In ij 23 lunlnga, out In glxth, 1 out; no runa, 2 hlta, 12 at bat off Doiiran In 3 2-3 ltiningn. Runs resioi- 4 ' 'bl for Hlggtabothatn 2. Krlly 4. FltterT 1 i Mugbea 4, Oouan I. Credit Tlctorr to Hlg" I Blnbotham. (.'barK defeat to Flttcry. Left oa baae Portland 12. fialt Lake 10. Double j play Ward to Vaughn to Otilato. Wild pitch ! Doogan Paaaed ball Hannah. Hit hj J ; pitcher Ftaber by Dougao. Time 2 1W. Cm. j , plrea Braahaar and Held. c'v Airiertcan Association. Indianapolis 7. Milwaukee 6. Loulavlllo 6. Kansas City 7; ulnga. if e,h j HI' 12 in- Several deals, which should tend to strengthen the second division teams of the Intercity Baseball league, were arranged last night, by the various club managers. Manager "Red" Rupert has traded Catcher George White and First Base man Carl Lodell to the Woodland,, Vah., team for Fritz McKeen. Mc Keen will be used in the outfield by the Baby Beavers. Third Baseman Sherrett of the Mon ta villa, team, who la on the suspended list, has been traded to the Klrkpat rlck Stars for Catcher I,eo Edwards, who was given a tryout this spring by the Tacoma Tigers. Edwards has been playing with the Monograms of the Tacoma Valley league. Manager Heales of the Klrkpatrick Stars Is making an effort to sign Er nie Califf, the former Portland Pacific Coast leaguer. Califf Is said to In. good condition and he will likely try a "come-back." President Fred Bay today announced a change In the assignments of the umpires. Ed Rankin will officiate at St. Helens and Gordon Brown will handle the game on the Vaughn street grounds. Bob White will be at Wood burn and Kirby Drennen at Salem. Because of the wonderful showing made by the Woodland, Wash., team during the past two weeks, an effort will be made to have that team ap pear here Decoration day against the Baby Beavers. This will give the Portland fans the first opportunity to see Kotula, the wonderful deaf and dumb pitcher, in action. Ossie Har stad of the Portland Coasters will be pitted against Kotula. Manager George Grayson of the Bradfords protested against the use of Pitcher Harstad In Sunday's game on the Vaughn street grounds, so Man ager Rupert of the Baby Beavers will pit Colly Druhot against tho league leaders. Harstad had not been signed a week, as required. Teams managed by Grayson have always been easy meat for Druhot. but tho Bradford leader is confident he -will break the Jinx Sunday. the Rose City Athletic club. The smoker Is under the auspices of the Golden West Athletic league. Johnson from all accounts is in good shape and will make Joo Benjamin extend him self. Ted Meredith, the colored champion of the I'nited States navy, will box I'anny O'Brien in the seml-wlndup. Meredith Is a hard hitter, but It re mains to be seen whether he can con nect with Danny O'Brien, who -is box ing in good form. Able Gordon will tackle Jimmy Lwis, a Tacoma youngster, who is rated as being a comer. Abie has yet to lose his first decision in the past two years. Frank Parslow and Itomeo Hagen will meet in the 158' pound clash. The curtain raiser will be a battle royal between five husky dark skinned athletes. Tony AJax will appear as an added attraction when he will at tempt to throw a Portland husky twice in 30 minutes. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES Phillies Make Clean Sweep. PHILADELPHIA AB. II.O. A Biinc'ft. a 1 Byrae.M.. 3 Mehoff, 2b 4 M.ock. 3b. 3 TraTath, rf 3 Whttted. If 3 Paakert. cf 4 Laderaa, lb 4 W. Klfr, c 8 Mayer, p.. 8 o o 0 1 1 3 0 0 2 1 0 3 CINCINNATI AB. II O. A 1'Grnh. 3b. 41 Neals. cf . . lHerzcg, aa. ftiChaae. lb. . 0Grtfflth.lf 2 2 OlLouden. 2b. 0 13 !01ark, cr. 0W. Kllfr.rf 4 4 4 3 2 1 8 2!Schulx.p. 1 2iKnetzer, p. lngo (Win 27 151 To i o 1 ft II 0 2 3 1 11 0 10 0 0 4 0 12 2 0 3 o 0 0 ti 0 0 2 10 0 86 6 27 i: Oakland Feather to Make Debut Tonight Lee Johnson, the sensational col ored featherweight of Oakland, Cal., will make his debut before the local boxing fans tonight In a six round box ing exhibition with Joe Benjamin Ht Total . .31 6 27 151 Totala Batted for Schulz In second. Philadelphia 4 0000000 0 4 C'lucinnatl 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 03 Run Byrne, Stock, Bnncroft, Crarath. Neale, Griffith, Louden. Errors Stock, Lu derua. Oroh. Two basa hit Griffith. Tlirec bane hits NIelioff. Caawath 2. Neale. Double play Louden to Herzog to Chase, Herzog t Louden to Chase. Basra on balls Off Schulz 3. oft Knetaer 1. Klrat on errors Philadel phia 1, Cincinnati 2. Struck out By Mayer 3, by Schulz 1, by Knetzer 1. Vmpires Byrne and (Julgley. PETE O'BRIEN IS TRAP CHAMPION AT ALBANY. MEET Portland Man Will Go to the Grand American Handi cap at St. Louis, Cardinals 5, Subperbas 4. BROOKLYN. AB. H. O. A.l My era. c... 4 Daubcrt.lb. 4 Stengel. rf. . 5 Wheat. If . . . ft M4jwrey,3b. 4 L'tiUhaw.2b. 4 O' Jlara.ua. . 4 (). Miller. c. 4 Marquard.p. 0 Dell.p 3 1 2 2 11 1 2 2 2 1 0 1 1 0 3 O 7 O 0 0 o OlSmith.rf . 2;Betzel.2b. . . O.Bescher.lf . . oIllorinby.Hh. 8J. Mlller.lb. 8iW.laon.rf... Corhatt.sa. . . Suyder.c . laaper.p. . . . Butler 8T. LOT'lS. AB. H. O. A. 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 14 1 1 0 2 1 5 o l 0 0 6 27 IS 14 1 ft Totala.. 37 828 12i Totala.. 30 One out when winning run acorcd. Batted for Jasper In tenth. Brooklyn ...10100100 St Ixuia 30000100 Run Daubert 2. Stengel, Wheat, Smith, Betael, Bescher. J. Miller, Corhan. Errora Myers. Cutsbaw. Betxel. J. Miller, Corhan. Two-base hita Stengel, Mowrey. Sacrifice hita Beacber, Daubert. Sacrifice f'.ies Bescher, Bt.tler. Double play Mowrey to Daubert to Miller. Bases' on balls -Off Marqnard 2. off Jasper 2. off Dell 1. SVuck out By Dell 8, br Jaaper 4. Umpires Klein and fcmalie. At Pittsburg: Boston-Pittsburg game postponed, rain. At Chicago: New York-Chicago game postponed, cold. ill LOOK THE PART Opinions often rest on impressions. Young men know they're taking no chances when dressed in Hart Schaffner & Marx good clothing. It is the apparel of the progressive man. Our stock is yours tor inspection without obligation. We are authorized to extend to any man who buys Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes, our unqualified assurance of satisfaction; which means colors, all-wo61 fabrics, the quality of other materials, the tailoring the fit, the value at the price. And the money-back if you are not satisfied. Priced $ 1 8 to $40 Copyist Hart SciaOaet fcUaa I j Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. The Men's Store for Quality and Service Southeast Corner Fifth and Alder Albany, Or.. May 17. P. H. O'Brien of Portland won the state champion ship at the state shoot which Just closed. He made a score of 98 out of a possible 100. Abner Blair, an other Portland man. was second with 97, and Mark Siddall of Salem was third with 96. Mr. Siddall is the newly elected vlc: president of the association. He was not the only officer, however, that made a good score during the shoot, as they all did well. H. H Veatch of Cottage Grove was re-elected president and W. G. Ballack of this city was elected secretary and treasurer. The directors are: H. it. Kverding, Portland; A. W. Strowger, Portland; Dr. Seeley, Medford; Charles L.elth, Woodburn; W. W. McCormack, Eugene, a. nd Roy Dearmond, Inde pendence: Hero of the Shoot. O'Brien, by virtue of his victory, will represent the state In the grand American handicap at St. Louis in September. He was the hero of the shoot, having scored the highest ama teur record. 384 out of 400, and hav ing also won the Honeyman trophy and being a member of the Portland team winning the shoot. Charles Leich, Voodburn, broke 94 in the championship contest, taking fourth place; J. W. Drlnkard, Halsey, fifth; Frank Templeton, Portland, sixth; James Seavey, Portland, sev enth. The latter three tied for fifth place with 92, Drinkard and Temple ton winning In the shoot off. H E. Posten, San Francisco, tied O'Brien, and L. H. Reid, Seattle, broke 96 In professionals. Posten and Reid tied for the highest score of the shoot with 3S7 out of 400 in pro fessionals. L. P. Bull of Portland was second with 378: P. J. Holohan, Port land, third. 375; J. E. Reid, Port land, fourth, 366. Highest Amateur Score. O'Brien made the highest amateur score, 384. Blair was second with 382; F. M. Troeh. Vancouver, third j 378, and Frank Templeton, Portland, j fourth, 374. I L. H. Reid made the highest ru". i In professionals, breaking 141 with- I out a miss. Troeh made the highest ! run of amateurs, breaking 131. i Outside of the championship con test, there was only one other even today, the 150 target match. The highest scores are: Amateurs A. Blair. Portland. 114; F. E. Dodele. Albany, 143: P. II. O'Brien, Portland, Frank Templeton. Portland, 142 each; W. W. McCormick, Eugene, Mark Siddall, .Salem. 141 each, Frank VanAtta. Portland, IS'j. Professionals L,. II Reid, Seattle 148, H. K. Posten, San Francisco, 14:.'; T J. Holohan and '. H. Schilling. Portland. 140 each.; J. P. Hi: 11 and .1 K Reid, Portland, 13 8 each; E. B. Mm -ris, Portland, 136. Mrs. .Ada Schilling, Portland, wa the only woman who did any shoot ing today. She did not do us well a yesterday, her best score todav beiny 129 out of 10. Jefferson Hi Blanks Benson Ball Tossers Tiy Walter 15. Sohade. In a one-sldd game the Jefferson high school baseball squad defeated the Benson Polytechnical school team yesterday afternoon by a score of 15 to 0. The- game was played on the East Twelfth and Davis .street grounds before about 100 spectators. Jefferson won the game in the first Inning by making four runs on as many hits. The support given Thompson of Benson by his team mates was far from sensational and had a lot to do with the big score piled up by Jeffer son. Benson's boys secured but four hits off Stuart, two of which they got In the second Inning. Hastings and Stuart starred for Jef ferson, while' Thompson was the fea ture for the Polytechnical school. Jtffersoa 41 002340 115 Hits 4 0 1 O 3 0 1 O 211 .0 0000000 0 o Benson Hita Jefferson v Burke, c. Carrol, 8b. A exander, rf. Williams, as. B-'istlogl, 2b. NeHlaU. !. Brosy, If. fi . lb. Etuart, p. I'mplr Ed Rankin. ...O 2001 100 0 4 Bt-nson Totter, as. Peterson, lb. Mills. 3b. Tt'Oinpaon, p. 111ns, 2b. Turple. If. Ionard, e. Rogers, rf. Kimpson, cf. HesTOlu, c. Sepulveda to Fight Alimony. $an Francisco, Cal.. May 17. (P. N. S.) Louis Sepulveda, Seal catcher, siH'd by his wife Daisy' for separate maintenance, gave indications today of fighting her suit when he asked for a.ui was granted .five days more to prepare his answer. The marriage last September 18 was a Gretna Green affair, the two going to San Rafael. They separated the same day. She asked for $100 a month temporary ali mony and was granted $40 by Judge J. J. Van Norstrand. RIFLE PROGRAM IS ARRANGED FOR COMING SUNDAY Non-Members Desiring to Use Requested to Bring Their Own Rifles, and individual medals to the members of the first three teams. One hundred and fifty teams are entered. In the individual gallery champion ships. .1. s. Hyatt of the Portland team finished thirtieth with the score of 4K9. This Is remarkable considering that Hyatt missed 6 out of his first 10 shots. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Paoifio President S. P. Humphrey of the Portland Rifle club has arranged the program of the opening shoot Sunday on the club's outdoor range at Mount Zlon bo that non-members can partici pate in the events with the club mem bers. The shoot will start promptly at 10 o'clock and those desiring to par ticipate are requested to bring their own 22 rifles, as the club's suply is limited. To assist the non-members In find ing the range a paper trail will be laid from Hewitt station on the Portland Heights line. ' The program will consist of the fol lowing events: 200 yards, standing position, slow fire with any military rifle, for mem bers only, entrance 10 cents. 60 yards, slow and rapid fire (rapid fir 10 shots In tw'o minutes), entrance members, 10 ments, non-members 15 cents. Knockout 'match, 60 yards. Each shooter will have a clay pipe and the shooter's pipe which stays up the long est wins the match. Entrance same as 50 yard event. 50 yards, handicap alow and rapM fire. Portland will be represented in the 10 man team small bore outdoor cham pionship series, which will start June 3. Ten matches will be shot, the five high to count. A trophy will be given to the team winning the championship Vernon Ran Franrisco. . Lot, Angeles . . . Suit Lake Oaklaud Portland Coast League. Won lot. 23 1(1 It is lf m 17 in IX 24 K! 18 Northwestern Leaarue. Spokane . ,j Great Talla p Butte M Trcoma H Seattle ; VuucvuTer k National Leagua. Brooklyn. i t Boston i Thlladelpbla 13 St. Louis n CMCHgo 12 I Ittahurg Cincinnati New York 12 12 s American Learua. Tli reland lit Washington 17 New ork i:t BoUrm l.t Ietrolt 13 Chirmo 12 BLIladelplda 10 St. Louis 8 Amerlou Association. Ixo1Tin 17 Minneapolis .. 13 fx lumlxis ii li.dlsnapolla 12 Toledo 1" M. Paul ft Kansas City n Milwaukee A Western League. I Inmln 13 Topeka 18 Wirhita 13 I"s Moines 10 Omaha in Si. Joseph S Penrer 7 filoiu City 7 I) ft 1 1 10 7 A 10 13 14 IS 1 1.; !) 12 1.1 IS Hi IS 16 a 7 ! 10 In IO 14 10 7 R II ft Hi 11 13 14 ret. .SftO .."rfll .M4 .472 .419 .flfi7 ..M0 .471 .471 .4: v .4 14 .mo r.o .r.nr. .MB .402 .441 .4 2!) ,3S I .17!) .' ..".') .r,o .4'i4 ,4111 .41.0 .;.o .-.so .MS .SOU .474 .301 .210 .SO .010 .fill .S2fl .rwio 1 .421 .."-VI .33 1 Monmouth Seniors Win Ackerman Prize ' Monmouth. Or., May 17 The senior class of the state normal school won the President Arkerman trophy b"y two points over the junior class In the competition postponed from May S. They consisted of the volley ball and tennis games and the relay race. In the tennis game Powell nnd Llbby, Juniors, beat Ostein and Work, seniors, 4-6. 7-5. 6-3. Amy Young and Clarice Oaks, seniors, beat Laura Rand and Helen Ball, Juniors, 6-1, 6-2. The sen ior team won the relay and clinched title to the cup. Wells Shaded by Dundee. Boston, May 17. MV P.) Matt Wells was shaded by Johnny Dundee In a 12 round bout here last night. Zfor 25c A S H B Y 2 in. LEXICON 2Kin. ARROW COLLARS FOR BIG TUCKED-IN-END BOWS Clitt. Ptaeoov A Co Inc Maktks AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Bush ss vitt.:;b Cobb. of . . . VeaiU.lf lleil'au.rf Burns. lb. . Vouuk.IA). Manage, c. Baer.r. . . . EAebler.p. Lricksou.p Boland.p . . Harper. . DETROIT. AB. H. S 1 O 2 0 5 1 Senators 15, Tigers 3. WASHING A. AB. 3 Morgan. 2b. 3 l!KoMer.3u. . O: Milan. ri'. o, Uouueau. rf . "'Judge. lb. OlShanko -If . . 3i tieiiry.e. . . 1 1 lejrritly.o. '!MBride,ss. 0; Gallia. p. . . o! l 0! TON. H. O Totals.. 3S 11 4 N Totals .. 37 IS 27 11 Butted for Eritksuu in ninth. letrolt 1 O 2 O O 0 1 O .1 Washington a 2 o 0 O 2 2 0 -is Kuna Vitt. Cobb -'.Morgau 2. Foster .;. M.Ian 2. Rondeau 2. Judge 2. Shanks. Henry. McBride. liailia. Errors Baker. Judjre. Mr Bride. Two base bus Vitt. Rondeau. Milan. TLree base hit- -Kuafr. Juiiiiif. IlouoVau. Stoleu bases t.tlb. lit-urv. Sscritif-e fly lis-fltT. Biiea on balls Off BoUeler 2. 'off Bolaud 1. orf EiKkvjn 3. off Gallia 1. lilt by pitcher Morgaa by Boehlr. Strurk mil -By Uallia 4. hy Bolauii 1. by Krickeou 4. ticplrea Hildebrand and Lvaus. At New York Cleveland vs. New York game postponed, rain. At Boston Chicago vs. Boston game postponed, wet grounds. At Philadelphia fc-'t. I-ouis vs. Phil adelphia game postponed, rain. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE At Spokane r. h, e Spokane u is 4 Great Falls , s ft Batteries Shader. Webb and Mur phy; Kail to, Engle, White and Shea. At Vancouver R. H. E. Vancouver ....... 4 7 3 Seattle Z 5 3 -Batteries Hood and Cheek; Glave nich, Mclvor and Cadman. At Butte R.H. e. Tacoma 7 9 2 Butte -. 3 1 3 Batteries Bonner and Roberts; Hen drix, Hovey and Hoffman. . Your Buys Money Quality! Coupons or premiums have never been used as an induce ment to smoke Prince Albert! The correctness of our belief that smokers do prefer quality rather than premiums or coupons is proven by the enthusiasm with which Prince Albert pipe and cigarette tobacco has been received throughout the civi lized world! Premiums or coupons have never been offered as an induce ment to smoke it! Neither national nor state restric-" tions on the use of premiums or coupons can in any way affect Prince Albert's sale ! It is not to be wondered at that when smokers consider a , choice of tobaccos, their tastes based on quality instantly turn them to the national joy smoke Prince Albert is sold strictly on merit. It is a tobacco of choice quality, and made by an exclusive patented process that does cut out bite and parch! It took three years and a fortune to perfect that process so that today every man with a desire to smoke a pipe or roll his own cigarettes can do so without a comeback, no matter how tender his tongue or throat may be 1 Your taste and satisfaction is proof that Prince Albert quality is more desirable than coupons or premiums. You buy Prince Albert everywhere tobacco is sold, in toppjred bags, 5c; tidy red tins, 10c; handsome pound and half-pound tin humi dors, and in that fine crystal-glass humidor with sponge-moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. A - I ' ' - - .