The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Portlandlnvited to
to formula a, course of olUsenshlo for
use Ja ABerloaniaaUon, schools, similar
t the one held in Portland laat win
ter at the Bhattuek achool under the
princlpalshlp of David N. Mosetaohn.
Commissioner Campbell has expressed
his , gratification to Eupartntendent
Alderman at ilia feanlta aocompUahed
la the Portland school. . i - -, 1
Steamers Collide in ;
Fog Off Sandy Hook
Italian aitaamahip : Can Giovanni. In
bound, ' and the Swedish Steamship
Grekland. outbound with av eargo of
munltlona. collided off Bandy Hook in
a heavy fog early today. Tha Grek
land is returning to port to be dry
docked for rtpalrg. -: ...
Mexican ; Granted Kprievej.
Santa Tt, N. May 15. (L N. a
-Oovernor McDonald haa granted a
twenty-one day reprieve to seven Vll
liata bandit now In thpenitentlarjr
Hera and sentenced to bang at Darning.
May 1. for fiftt flegrea 4urer In con
Attempts to Oust 1
Van Fleet Failure
peal refused to make Van Flett eer
tify to a Judge Of tha appellate court
an affidavit wfeloh sought to dlsqual
lty him, alleging prejudlca This la
considered a victory for the minority
bondholder., r",i".,:'lV
The decision means Judge van Fleet
will preside over tbe foreoloaur pre-
ceedlnga, and that the system wilt ba
sold to the bondholders for t40.000.009
;,M SALfll If-
- lll W--i.-
Send Sepresentative
CoaunlialoBtr of YatureJixatios .Take
a tp Xmrat U yvtan Esaloye4.U
" AmesitoaalxajUosi Sefeool of Voxtlaao.
Robert I K. Campbell, : commissioner
of naturalization, ha requested tha
Portland, school authorltlea to send a
representative to a convention of su
perintendents and principals to be beld
in Washington, V. C the week of
July 10.
Oeeutem of tTalted Statea Oeturl sf
Is Waatara fadllo SaUwajr
Xeaxlay t SeUered Ttatory.
an i - . .
Dan crancisco, May i. yv, sr.
Instead of $15,690,000, which :tha. ma
Effort to ouat Federal Judge Van Fleet
from presiding over the legal proceed
ings incident to the aale of the West
ern Pacific railway failed Monday when
tha United State circuit court of ap
jority bondholders wanted to pay. - i
Judge van Fleet set the hearing on
the decree of aale for Tuesday. - '$'-
Hundrecis Acres of 4 New
Orchards WilP Come Into
Bearing Very Soon,,'
re pie
nection with the raid on coiumnus.
eatlaa. Tbe JouraaL
The oonvenuon win be called upon
SHy Throngs, a.anttfni Saenio Coun
try sraaturad'ny ICagaittoe T1WS ,
Tram CUffs Overlooking" lUv.r.
eU. S . Patent Offi
) ajf ,--.::..,.J
I w.i. w 14 -W "4 .Th '
rmm-vr , ur " 1 ' w. v. r
Br Fred Hockley. "
Balmon. Wlh., May J.
Wblti Salmon, tha second largest town
la Klickitat county. Wtih., la located
""611 the hotth bank of the Columbia
fiver," dVectly across, th river from
tldod RiVer on the Oregon aid. It la
on of the important stations on tha
"North Bank road, as the Spokane.
Portland tfend Seattle railroad if jn
uallyj called Ooldendaie, th county
eat, la tbe only-to wo In tha coonty
with mora population. White Salmon
ha a aboat J60 residents.
On a recent drive through tha White
Salmon Valley I waa impressed , by the
development that haa occurred during
th laat Xew years. Hundred! of .acres
"Of new orchards will aoon coma Into
bearing.. Everywhere you Bee new
" plantings of strawberries. . Apples and
strawberries are bringing- prosperity
, t tha farmers -of tha White. Salmon
Valley. A
. Tha Columbia river la the rate maker
la that not only are the producers
within eaay reach of market but the
rates are low. enabling them to make
a profit on their fruit '
1 Drive Za Beautiful
From White Salmon 1 went by team
i due north across the county to Ouler
which is near the northern boundary
i Una of Klickitat county near, tha point
" where . Skamania county and Yakima
county meet. The 28 mile drive la one
panorama of beauty. Fori tha first
few miles the road wlnda upward -"
through' a -fertile and beautiful farm
; Ing country Th gorge at the Bear
Valley bridge and the deeply cut fla
, Aura through which the White Salmon
river flows at Wright's bridge are well
' worth oomlng to see. '
Boon after passing Wright's Bridge
yOit enter tha beautiful Trout Lake
valley with Ita well kept and fertile
'' ranches. After passing Trout Lake
'.. poa toff Ice and Meadow Brook inn you
"come to Ouler on the banka of Trout
. lake. This Is in the very heart of the
1 summer vacation land. Mount Adams
; rises in all its majesty a few miles dis
tant. Twomllee from Ouler la the
. ' tamoua lava cave. It twists Its sin
uous course far beneath the surface
.'for three-quarters Of a mile. It Is a
huge tunnel formed in the cooling lava.
Zee Oaves Visited.
- A few miles further, on- through the
' park-like woods an you come to the
: lea caves. Icicles aa large as a man's
body are found In the ice caves and all
the year round there Is & cold draft
blowing through the- caves. -Trout
-lake is full of gamey trout and the
lit Ilfc5H "
mlJL- '- III.
Top -Busineflg aectlon of Whits Salmon,
Colambia river from Jewett's farm.
Wash. Bottom -View
streams in the vicinity also afford ex
cellent fishing. i
1 From MarTnlll wher Sarnuel Hill
has recently built a quarter of a mil
lion dollar mansion on tbe bluffa over
looking the Columbia I went through
ai" district of well-kept orchards to
Oiotdendaia. Ooldendaie la a busy and
thriving city of about 1S00 population.
It Is on the Little Klickitat river and
is the terminus of the Ooldendaie
branch of the 8.. P. ft S. railroad. The
branch lino leaves the main lint at
Lyle. Ooldendaie ! the logical trad
ing center for the Klickitat valley.
Wheat, oats, alfalfa, fruit, almonds,
livestock are all raised in large Quan
tities in the Klickitat Valley.
From Ooldendaie we went northeast
ward climbing ateadily till Cleveland
waa reached. 1
Other Sections Seen.
Passing through Cleveland we made
a brier stop at lticjtieion. cueAieton a
altitude is 1016 feet and stoek raising
Is its principal industry. From Btckle
ton we went over the divide to Mabton
in Takima county '
Klickitat county haa an area of over
a million aorea. Of Us 1,168,000 acres
over 900,000 acres are In private own
ership. Something over 10,000 acres
are state lands and about 86,000 aeras
are subject to homesteaders. The Va
kima Indian reservation haa 66,210
teres of its area and there are 32,000
eres in the Columbia forest reserve.
Klickitat county tiu a frontage on
the Columbia river of over 0 miles. In
the eastern part of the county around
Roosevelt, Sundale and Goodenoe Hills
there is much excellent fruit and wheat
One of tha most picturesque point
in. the whole county is the high point
Of land at the extreme southwestern
tip of the county. On the precipitous
bluff washed on its southern aide by
the waters of the Columbia and on Its
western slope by the waters of the
White Salmon a summer resort is lo
cated. It Is called "The Eyrie."
. Tlew Xs landed.
From ihe Eyrie one can look across
good nickel smoke
THE OWh is always
a mellow smoke
never harsh. That is
because a million dollar
supply of slowly curing
tobacco is always in re
serve for the OWL.
The OWL is an unusually
oven-burning smoke. That is
because it is seasoned leaf,
properly "made into a cigar.
Naturally, the OWL i9
always worth your nickel.
Tho Millidr,
Dollar Cigar
n il ceriainly does
I VV heal
in the evening at the twinkling lights
of Hood River". Mount Hood rises ma
jestically to the southward. The Union
Pacific trains on the Oregon side are
brought ao close by a good telescope
that you can dbhost recognisa the pas
sengers on the rear platform of the ob
servation car.
Below, so that a pebble can be.
thrown down on the car roofs, the
North Bank train flaah past while out
on the river the steamers and -other
water craft ply on their rally routea.
Baven years of hard and intelligent
work haa made, a beautiful resort of
Anocner wen known and popular re
sort ia the vicinity of White Salmon
is Jewett's Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Jewett
are pioneers Of White Salmon.
Borne day our men of wealth will
buy sites along both banka of tha Co
lumbia and Just as scores and hundreds
of stately and beautiful hemes crown
tha heights along the Rhine, the Hud-
eon and the Bt. Lawrence, ao in time
to coma will the homes of Well to do,
beauty loving Oregonlans Mown the
rugged heights along the gea-seeklar
Big Army of Local
Students Registered
yearly 60,000 Children on lasts. De
clared Zb X. Alderman, Superintend
ent of jCUy School.
Portland has Just 70 less than 10.000
school children registered, - announced
I R. Alderman, superintendent of pub
lic schools to the members' council of
Chamber of Commerce yesterday after
noon, rortland built I school rooma
laat year. Continued the educator, who
then submitted arguments and stere
opticon viewa supporting tho proposi
tion that single story school houses
are better and safer and less costly
than present type school houses, cost
ing 17000 to $75.00 a room.
H. X . Kelly.- former , master fish
Warden, appeared before the members'
council, telling of Oregon City's plan
for Booster day April 87, and inviting
cooperation. , Ia Thompsbn, Chairman.
appointed D. C. Burntrager, W. D. Me-
Waters and B. F. Boynton, a commit
tee to arrange for what Mr. Kelly said
would be the first official recognition
ever given Oregon City by Portland, j
M . i
Seek Highwaymen '
Who Held Up Stage
San Diego Officials Wstohlaf Mexican
Border fox If en Wne Bobbed Pas
sing era of $156 and Several Watches.
San Diego, Cal., May 16, (U. P.)
County officers today are watching
the Mekican border for the two
masked highwaymen who, late Sat
urday, helckup a stage bound from Tl
Jnana to Ban Diego, near San Isidro.
There la little chance of catching tha
pair, a they are thought to have fled
across the line. . . --U
" AocVrdlnf t . BY- Coo, flriver of
the stage, the bandits stopped Mt by
waving a red lantern In the road
abend, . When the stag approached,
revolvers were leveled at the passen
gars and their valuables ordered into
waiting hats held out by the high',
waymen. They got 1160 and several
-watch.;;-. .-.-. -- - .
What relief! The fiW
tion of Resinol Ointment usually
-WHesii ucDinc; ana Dommo; and
J lakes ydur tortured skin feel cool
nd comfortable at last. Won't
try tiio easy Rcsinol way to heat
eaema r gfmitar sHn-ruptk)h r
Doctors have prttcribtd Rcsinol
regularly for over twenty years..
. t reliable
ftouKhold ruMdy for tores, wounds, boras,
chafiat. etc Sold by tM,
And has issued a patent covering both the form, ,
and the method of riianiijfacturing
.1 mm
You, too, will say it's a new one when you open your first package and try a
handful of the flakes before adding cream or milk. That's just what we want you to do.
Don't remember of any manufacturer of old-style "corn flakes" inviting you to
such a test, do you? Guess not. The old-fashioned kind had to be smothered with
sugar and cream to make a flavoiirut New Post Toasties are different and better
have the full, true taste of the grain and the test tells. -
Look at the flakes carefully. Notice the jtiny bubbles on their surface. The
quick, intense heat of tl new art of toasting not only produces the bubbles, but a
quality of -corn flake uriequaled for smacking goodness.
NotAT Pnitt TnastieA have ' 'Substance: f ' thev do not 4 'chaff ' or crumble in package;
1:1 doUa i-Ukr An ri- loA rkwVrrlen fPYhirp affr?r narkac?e has
rmmA o Ar nr HArr fKv rlnn't- miisVi An wn "when. cream or milk is added, and
UCCll vAv4 ca vAtajr vvvw vawy - ,
they are wonderfully delicious.
The first package proves that New Post Toasties are
. 66
At Grocers 10c
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich.
Yaqlliidians Ire
v Becoming Insolent
"j:;- ':" ;Ak: -"' ' ' "J" . r', '" i-S1'?; . :'J,- . .' t
mpott AaCa Orerrnaalnr rsai
; TeOtoy t laaaibo aad Amarioan 8et-
tl Af Vxspaxlnf to Xieav.
Doatlas; Arl May l.-sadvices re
ceived here- today state that th Taqul
Indiana ar again overrunning the
Yaqui valley la Mexico and that Amer
ican settlers are preparing to leave, tt
ts declared - that . th Indians, - la th
absenc of Carransista troops, are be
coming mr and mor Insolent and
that raids against the American aet
U em ant ar eX daily ocourranoar-
DemanH tlie CrooveiJ Lof
if you want the best
Bread '
is the patented pans.
No other bread can hi' so
. , good.
The label protects you against
substitutes. Look for it. V
L&g Cabin! Baking ,Co.
' Bakers of Holsurri Bread1 and "
't Cakes. -- :.: ''r-'
No. I
Curtis Roberts,
Residence, 308 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
Reference, Cpndy Raguet. .
1816 ' Dr. Cr.
DetL 2, By Cash . . $ 6.00
1817 .
April 21, By Cash S.00
Jan. l, By Interest 40
Jan. 1, By Balance . . . . . $10.40
Jan. 1, By Ittterest. . i . . . 48
Mar. 31, By Interest J 2
April 1, To the Phtla Saving
Fund Society ........ . .$11 AO
oldest in theT Northwest, inrite yoiir savings
and dhecldns; accounts. As small an amount
as'OneyDollar accepted by this strong state
, bank in the opening of v aaving account . 4
Effective May 14th
Trains 1 and 2. TH OBXZVTaXi
XJMXTEJ, on saxn schedule a
Trains and 4. OULCEBM VAXX
UTMZTS9, now leaves Beattle dally
A. M. Connecting, trains leav
Portland 11:30. midnight, via Heat
tie: 1:85 X. M. via North Banlc Road.
Trains 43 and 44. SOTTTHXAST
XXnESS, now leaves Battle dally
10:30 P. Id. Connecting trains leave
Portland 10:00 A. M., via Seattle
7:10 P. M.. via North Bank Road.
No change in Coast Una Servlc.
Three trains .daily to Tacoma. Beat,
tie. Everett, Bellingham, Vancouver,
B..C. and Intermediate points. ; ,,
10:00 A. M'l:00 F. M.. 13:30 midV
atcht ... x ' ;
An tratfls from VOIII SUUTX
VTATZOH, Tenth and lioyt. ; i,
Tickets, parlor and sleeping' ear,
reservations at City Ticket Office,
34s Washington street, and at
Depot. - - t ;
- sc. szoxsov. c. r. a I. a, '
Telephonas MarahaU 3071, JL-22SS.
'ir .w mmiri
Portland Rose Festival,
'June 7, 8, 9 r