The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    4 -
Chamberlain Believes Pas
.. sage of Measure as Agreed
. r Upon Is Now Assured;
Xa Freeent Status, He Sya, It Xaclndes
AU Zaiwntlal rolata of Original
S1U Proposed la Senate.
By George E. Chamberlain.
- SfDttor from Oregon. Chairman of the SeneU
MttUtarr Affairi OommittM.
Waahlnston, May 16. I. N. S.) I
. think tne army reorganization bill the
most constructive piece of military
legislation ever submitted to congress.
' I do not nee how the senate can turn
it down, If It believes in preparedness
at all, and I think Us passage Is as
sured. . There seems to be a mfaunderstand
lng about the conferees' agreement.
All In all, the bill as It now stands is a
splendid measure. Army officers will
tell you that while in total it Is not
What the senate desired. It Is highly
constructive. It gives a nucleus for a
regular army such as we have never
had before.
ships, two dreadnaughta and two battle
It was said tbat In addition to the
capital ships, the construction of the
following, as recommended by the ad
ministration,, will be authorized: Thtee
scout cruisers, 15 destroyers, S fleet
submarines, 25 coast submarines. 2
gunboats and 1 hospital ship.
Provision will be made for large
number of new aeroplanes, an Increase
in the reserve of munitions, and new
buildings for the storage of naval sup
piles. Provision Is llkelv to be made alsi
for an increase in the personnel.
No meeting of the committee on the
subject has been held yet. but there
Is an agreement among the members
that the naval appropriation this year
shall be $110,000,000, which Is $10,000.
000 more than was contained In Secre
tary Daniels' estimates last October.
There is a strong sentiment in con
gress for a larger number of capital
ships than the fousdecided on, and it
was declared by a member of the naval
affairs committee today that if Presi
dent Wilson wants more they will be
voted. There Is, almost unity of senti
ment in the committee it was said, to
give the president whatever he insists
upon concerning the navy.
Minimum Provided Zs
.The senate originally
proposed a
minimum of 178.000 combatants, and
the conferees gave 175.000. (tut the
president is authorized to extend that
to 218,000. That Is exclusive of the
non-combatant force, which Includes
the quartermaster corps, the hospital
and medical corps and the Philippine
scouts. With these, the minimum force
.provided is 205,000, and the entire force
may be expanded to over 250,000.
Of course, the house action on sec
tion 56, providing for the raising of a
volunteer force, made It impossible to
put through the senate provision re
garding camps like that at PlaUsburg.
Early Action Expected.
As finally accepted, though, the bill
Included the, house provisions and add
ed to them what Senator Iodge pro
posed, transportation and uniforms for
the campers. The senate bill original
ly attempted to federalize the national
guard with 250,000 men. plus .61,000
volunteers. The conferees' measure al
lows 800 guardsmen from eaci con
gressional district, making a total na
tional guard enlistment of about 450.
' 000. In addition there will, of course,
be the men trained at the camps, how
many we do not yet know.
The conferees' measure also provides
the utilization of the schools for train
ing and officers' reserve corps.
Thus the senate will hardly refuse
to pass a measure that includes all the
essential points of the original senate
Jersey Breeders of
Linn Have Elected
P. B. Holt of Thomas and C. . SCcCot
mlck of Lebanon Are Crosen to Suc
ceed Themselves on Board.
Albany. Or., May 15. F. B. Holt of
Thomas, and C R. McCormlck of Leb
anon, were elected to succeed them
selves as members of the board at the
annual meeting of the Ilnn County
Jersey Breeder's club here today. The
breeders decided to hold a big picnic
on June 14 . at Connor's Grove near
Signature Expected Soon.
Washington. May 16. (I. N. S.)-
Benate and house leaders predicted to
day that the army bill, as agreed upon
In conference, will pass both houses in
few days and, be signed by President
Wilson this week.. On Thursday the
Jhouse -naval affaire committee will
take up the naval building program and
THBh the preparation of the bill.
The bill favored by a majority of the
memebrs of the committee provided
for the construction of four capital
Injured In Graveyard.
Albany, Or., May 15. Walter Fuller,
a sexton at Riverside cmetery, was
rendered unconscious after receiving
two bad gashes In his head when a
30-pound urn fell from a monument
and struck him this morning.
Hope for Injured Antoist.
Albany, Or., May 15. Mrs. Clarence
Koon, who was thoucht fatally Injured
In an auto accident Sundav In which
her husband was killed, and her son
nnd daughter-in-law were injured, will
recover, it Is believed. She was much
improved this afternoon. Mrs. Ralph
Koon, who was quite badly hurt. Is
Against Liquor Shipments.
Albany, Or., May 15. A resolution
disapproving the present prohibition
law was passed by the Linn county
prohibitionists In convention here. "We
are dissatisfied with any law that al
lows liquors to be shipped into dry
territory for beverage purposes," reads
the resolution.
Cousin of Villa to
Aid U. S. in Search
Senonta Flora Tills, Claiming to Be
Relative of Bandit, Claims Chieftain
Sent Her Sweetheart to Death.
Los Angeles, Cal.. May 16. (P. N. S.)
nenorna ! iora vuia. wno claims to
be a cousin of the bandit chieftain, lef
Los Angeles today to aid this country's
efforts to "get Villa."
Senorlta Villa's sweetheart, Jose
Mondez, was killed recently while per
forming a service for his leader. The
Los Angeles girl declared today that
viua sent aionaez to nis death pur
Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind Yon nave Always Bought has borne the signa
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one
to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
J Vj"a8-J? ood " apo but experiments, and endanger the,
Health of Children Experience against Experiment.
, vastorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither?
Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. It de '
stroys worms and allays Feverishness. For more than
thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of
Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Trou
bles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the 8tomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bou&ht
Bears the Signatures
-v- w ej
Sn Use For Over 30 Years
Tvtf ertmoH eompun. nrw vohm cm.
Contest Over Employment of
Chief Deputy State Engi
neer Is Being Waged,
Declares $150 a Month Man Xs Caps'
tie of Handling Work Assigned to
Can tine at $350 a Month.
Salem, Or., May 16. The state high
way commission's discussion of the
question of finding employment for
E. I. Cantlne, chief deputy state en
gineer, waxed warm Monday after
noon. Governor Withycombe and State
Treasurer Kay insisting that work
must be provided for the governors
13000 a year appointee, and State En
gineer Lewis protesting against the
employment of Cantlne on nighway
location work in Grant and other
counties, on the ground that the chief
deputy is not a location engineer, al
though drawing $250 a month, and
the work would be better done by J.
H. Scott, who draws $150 per month.
Lewis pointed out that Grant coun
ty had put up $3000 for the survey
work, and it would be unfair to the
county to load up the overhead charges.
Would Cost Money.
By putting Cantlne on the work, there
would be $250 salary and approximate
ly $125 expenses for him, and it would
be necessary to have under him a man
drawing $150 per month handle the
instruments. On the other hand, if
Scott handles the work, there would
be only the expense of $150 for an
engineer, and Lewis would do what
ever directing was necessary, he ex
plained. II. K. Donnelly, of his de
prtrtment, had already gone over the
proposed route, and. with the informa
tion obtained from him. and throueh ;
other sources, Lewis said he felt that i
he could direct Scott and eliminate !
additional expense. He asserted that ,
extreme economy would be necessarv
to get the survey through Grant coun
ty, even with the cooperation of the
forest service, where the road passes
through a government reserve.
Cantlne Will Go.
It was decided to let Cantlne go
over to Wheeler county and meet with
the county court for a conference re
garding the highway through that
county, and leave the matter of a sur
vey through Grant and other coun
ties unsettled until he makes a re
port. County Judge Anderson and Com
missioner Knight, of Clackamas coun
ty, asked the commission to provide
for a survey of a highway between
Xew Era and Canemah. On the the
ory that Wasco county would vote
bonds too late this year, if at all, to
use all of the state appropriation of
$45,000 made for 1916, a sum suffi
cient for the Clackamas county sur
vey was granted. J. H. Scott will be
In charge of the survey. .
Incorporation Articles Filed.
Salem, Or., May 16. The following
articles of lncdrporatlon were filed
with Corporation Commissioner Schol
oerman Monday. The Flycasters' club,
Medford, Reginald Parsons. David H.
Coolidge and Walter Bowne. $250;
Bigelow-Doane Logging company, Eu
rene, M. Bigelow, Waterville, C. W.
Doane, Eugene, and E. V. Ferguson,
Salem, $4000: Portland Medical Hos
pital. Portland. W. W. Boss, C. E.
Shafer and R. B. Makelin, $5000: Mar
k teria Grocery company, Portland,
Emil P.. and Louise H. Nelson and Ar
thur J. Moore, $5000; Grand Applegate
Power company, Medford, Raymond,
Seth M. Bullis and Charles G. Bullis,
$5000. The Vermont Marble company,
capital stock $3,000,000, was admitted
to do business In Oregon. A certifi
cate of dissolution was filed by the
Woodburn Bottling Works.
Has Irrigation Possibilities.
Salem. Or., May 16. A report issued
by the United States reclamation serv
ice in cooperation with the state en
gineer, covering irrigation possibilities
in the vicinity of Ashland and Med
ford, shows that about 35.000 acres of
land can be irrigated at a cost of $40
per acre, with the waters of Beaver
creek and Little Butter creek, supple
mented by storage in Fish lake and
Four Mile lake. This project has been
partially constructed by the Rogue
River Canal company. The report
says that an additional supply for 15,
000 acres could probably be secured
from Big Butte creek and delivered to
what Is known as Hopkins Lateral, a
part of the present constructed sys
tem, at an approximate cost of $29 an
; Farm Land Bonds
secured by some of the best producing farms in the .Northwest
v This Company guarantees each investor against loss cf
either principal or interest.
Denominations $100, $500, $1000
Begin with a $100 Bond if you wish
Come in to our office and we will tell you about them or
write for Our booklet.
"Better Investments"
Bankers Mortgage Corporation
CAPITAL $500,000.00
Title and Trust Building, Portland, Oregon
C. J. Smith 3. t. Dely E. 8. Howar4 A. C. Shut.
J. K. Bleekeby A. T. Foley E. W. Smith William 0. Tail
H. . Coffin t. D. Walker Fred J. Falmer
K. ASBXXT BIT, Uanxger Bond' Department. '
School Directors Exempt.
Salem. Or., May 16. School direc
tors are not subject to recall, Attorney-General
Brown held, in an opinion
for District Attorney Sibley, of Polk
county, Monday afternoon. He gave
several reasons, among them being
that the law, which the suprenjp court
nas neia is sen-executing, proviaes no
way for carrying out its provisions in
the case of school directors, and evi
dently was not intended for them.
County Must Keep Money.
Salem, Or., May 16. When a school
district sells bonds, the proceeds must
be retained in the hands of the coun
ty treasurer and not turned over to
the district treasurer, Attorney-General
Brown held Monday. The money
shall be retained by the county treas
urer until it is spent for the specific
purpose for which It is voted.
Road Overseer Is
Attacked by Enemy
Moscow, Idaho, May 16. Charles
Wagoner, believed insane, this morning
entered the home of W. H. Duff, road
overseer living near Harvard, and
fired at him three times but failed to
hit him. He then walked Duff down
the road firing three more limes. Fail
ing to hit him in the second attempt
he beat his victim over the head with
the butt of his revolver. Duff is in
a low condition from loss of blood.
The sheriff has started after Wagoner.
It is believed that road troubles led
to the shooting. Wagoner is a bach
elor. House Raided; Wedding Off.
Pomona, CaU May 16. (P. N. S.)
On the very eve of her wedding, the
home of Miss Marie Artegas today was
raided by the police, a barrel of beer
and a dozen quarts of whiskey con-
Ifiscated and the girl's father, M. A.
Artegas, arrested. The wedding has
been called off, according to report.
Wednesday We Offer a
Most Remarkable Sale
100 NewTrimmedHats
The Entire Sample Line
Of a Leading New York Milliner
Sports, Tailored and
Semi-Dress Models
This is without doubt the most notable sale
of trimmed hats we have offered this season.
Every hat entirely new, never before shown.
Third Floor
For Wednesday Only
We Shall Offer
56 Misses' and
Small Women's
Newest Model Summer
At the Exceptional Price
Smart, loose, flaring, belted, Russian
and Norfolk styles, in navy blue, green,
Copenhagen and Shepherd checks.
Fourth Floor
The Children's Section
Offers Wednesday Only
Wash Dresses
At an Extraordinary
Plaid and striped ginghams and
plain chambrays. Sizes 7 to 14 years.
ourtn rioo
The Men's Store Offers Werlnesrlav
Madras and Percale Shirts m
. In a Wide Variety of New Patterns
For Mid-Summer Wear
Colors Absolutely Fast
Shirts With Plain Bosoms and Stiff Cuffs
Shirts With Soft Bosoms and Soft Cuffs
Wednesday fr
Very Special
rirst moor
New Athletic
Union Suits
Nainsook and Soisette
Knee Length Style
First rioor
New Athletic
Union Suits
Pure Irish Linen and
Mercerized Shirtings
rirst Tioor
Axminster Rugs
Full Room Sizes
Oriental and conventional de-
Below wholesale
market price
Plfth rioor
c) Merchan dise ofcJ Merit Only"
Phones: Marshall 5000 Home A -6 691
Music Hits
Just Received by Express
My Mother's Rosary Memories Are
You From Dixie? My Dreamy Chi
cago Lady When You're in Love
With Someone Underneath the Stars
Lotus Land America, I Love You.
Messanlne Floor
The Coat Section Offers for Wednesday
Women's New Coats
Silk Poplins Shepherd Checks
Striped Shantungs Wool Poplins
And Fancy Mixed Materials
Exceptionally $1 C flfi
Priced at J 1 J.VV
Plain and novelty styles, all silk lined. In black,-navy,
Copenhagen, gray, tan, black and white checks.
Third Floor
Of coutil and fancy broche
for summer wear.
Specially Priced
In Sizes 20 to 30
Toiirth Floor
The Waist Section Offers Wednesday H
A Most Exceptional Sale of J j
5000 Unusual Summer Blouses (
Of Plain and Fancy Voiles in White,
colored and tancy Striped Patterns
The Newest Summer
Embroidered Voiles
Sale 59c to $1.35
White grounds with col
ored flowers and deep em
broidered borders in two
and three tones.
White Voiles 25c
Corded and combination
stripes and flowered effects,
In white.
Sport Skirtings 35c
Dashing stripes in wide
and combination effects.
Silk Mixtures 49c
Closely resembles silk
new stripes and lovely col
ors. Marquisettes and
Voiles 35c to 59c
Stripes, checks, plaids,
floral patterns and shadow
White Skirtings
25c to $1.25
Beautiful domestic and
Imported piques, golfines,
gabardines, basket weaves,
poplins, bengalines and nov
elties. Second Floor
Prices Positively
Wednesday Only
Thin Blown Tumblers Ac
Engr'td Thin Tumblers 5c
Etched Thin Tumblers 7c
Colonial Tumblers 6c
Thin Blown Goblets .12c
Thin Sherbet Classes, .12c
C'Vnial Sh'rb't Gl'sses 10c
Colonial Ice Cream
Glasses 6c
Plain heavy Sherbet
Glasses .6c
Colonial Goblets 10c
Colonial Berry Sets ... 45c
8x-inch Berry Bowls 18c
7yinch Berry Bowls 15c
4yA-inch Berry Saucers 4c
Colonial Squat Oils . . .15c
Colonial Tall Oils . . . 15c
S'g'r and Comers, pr. 20c
Colonial Pitchers . . . ,30c
Thin Tankard Pitchers 39c
Footed Colonial Sugar
and Creamers, pair 18c
. ixth Floor
Sc O. N. T. Sp'l Cotton, dx. 51c
1 0c Hemminfwsy Spool Silk,
dox 90c
5c Besting Cotton, 500 yds.
on spool, dox. 40c
10c Pearl Buttons, card . . . 5c
25c Black and Whit O. M. O.
Dress Shields J8c
50c Sanitary Aprons 38c
10c Shell Hairpins, 6 in box, Sc
3c Hooks and Eyes, black and
white, all sixes, card Jc
5c Silk Hair Nets, 12 pk(., 15c
10c lingerie Tape, white, blue,
pink, bolt $c
10c Collar Supports, all sixes,
12 on card, for 5c
25c Skirt Supporters 10c
15c White Sew-on Hose Sup
porter, pair Sc
First Floor
A collection representative of the season's latest and clev
erest modes ruffled and frilled tailored and embroidered
lace and insertion trimmed.
TMrd Floor
Three Specials
From the
Trimming Section
Gilt Handle
Imported Steel
Lace and embroidery
and cutting scissors.
All Sizes.
3Va to 6 inch
Very Special
Nrst Floor
40-inch Voile
Beautiful designs, heavily
embroidered in mercerized
cotton, with effective and
practical edges. For gradua
tion and summer frocks.
72-inch Wash
Blonde Nets
Very scarce and worth
wholesale more than we ask.
Fine quality in white, for
girls', misses' and women's
To 27-inch V
Laces, Special DC
Widths 9, 1-2, 18 and 27
inches. Fine Valenciennes
and shadow laces for entire
dresses, trimmings, waists,
etc. First Floor
Try This 25c Hat
Chicken Noodle Soup Meat
Pie,. Veal Stew or Deviled
Crab Potatoes, Relish,
Bread and Butter, and Bev
erages. Basement
For Wednesday Only
Japanese Crepe
Kimonos $1.49
Hand embroidered regulation
Japanese style, in eight colors.
Fourth Floor
Polish Sale
For Every Purpose
25c Wrighe s Silver
Cream 19c
10c Box Electro
Silicon 7 c
25c Selvyt Polish
Cloth 17c
25c O-Cedar Polish 17c
15c Witchkloth Magic
Polisher ,9c
25c Can Brilliant-
shine 21c
10c Black Jack Stove
Polish s8c
4ScBoyles' "Bright-
ener" .....39c
50c Old English Floor
Wax 45c
25c Bar-Keeper's
Friend 19c
10c Porcela for Enam-
elware .7c
Hew Kitchen Beetles
. Economy Basement
Sensational Purchase of TailoredSummerSuits
Newest Models Newest Materials
Best Man Tailored Styles
Best Silk Linings
89 Suits in the Lot
Regular Prices $40, $35, $30 to $22.50
Only at
Sample Suits, Scarcely Two of a Kind
first Time Shown This Season
Newest Black Mid-Season Shapes
Milan Hemp, Hemps
Regular $1.50 to $2.50
Suits of serge and poplins in black, navy blue, Copenhagen;
and tan; of Shepherd checks, in black and white and hairline
stripes. Wonderful suits. Be sure to get one.
The latest large shapes
with plain or flange
straight or
brims . . .
7 ;.: y:,i'rt--V-:';v-'