The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1916, Page 18, Image 18

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TUESDAY, MAYi 16," m6. "
lililNli) FORM
.Events Featured for
Three-Day Rose fiesta and
Highway Dedication,
CMUru'i ruid, Segatta, Oun Club
loot, Sim Vftgeaat, Bom Bhow,
x street Dancing Taw of Features.
Cost One -Lockwodd V-
Just Ten Cents to
Run for President
m Salem. Or.. Mar !. u. e.i
Ht It cost Charles E. Lockwood
. of Portland 10 cents to run for
Portland' tenth annual Rosa Festi
val Is near at hand.
"Twenty-one days from today the
festival center has Its formal open
ing, "Broadway will be Illuminated
with h moat nrtlatlf ftlectrical dec
orations ever planned In the history
OX'lne I lest a, ana me no enw.
queen will be crowned.
4 These events all precede the grand
opening of the festival the morning
of June 7.
With the June celebration close at
hand, all details of the big program
are being worked out by hours and
the events will follow in rapid. suc
cession. .
.Th children's on Grand ave-
nu will move promptly at 10 a. m.
the morning of June 7. The national
dedication of the Columbia river high
way, takes "place at 3 p. m. the same
afternoon at Multnomah Falls.
Speotaole en Ml vex.
-In, the evening comes the fire
work spectacle on the river where the
Queen' and her retinue, festival direc
tors and guests In the city will have
places of honor. ,
' The feature Is being worked out by
Th Oaks in cooperation with the fes
tival management. Mayor Albee will
assign one. of the flreboats and a re
production of the sinking of a gun
boat by a submarine will be staged
Great searchlights will be used to
Illuminate the scene in the river
channel, where thousands of people
will have a view from the hills.
v The annual rose show opens June
1 lit the Meier & Frank store and con
certs at the festival center afternoon
and. evening by the festival official
band will be Included in the day's
. Sportsmen Have Say.
Added features for the first day
are the twenty-second annual regls-
ra4 (-iiirnmnt of the HDOrtsmen'S
Association of the Northwest, under
the auspices of the Portland Gun club
at Jenne station.
Thursday, June 8. second day of
the show, brings the second annual
roller skating marathon, annual con
vention of the Oregon state bankers,
the annual floral parade, children's
sing and the formal ball in honor of
the queen and her court of honor.
" Many features will be crowded into
Friday,., the closing day. Jn the morn-
cresldent of the United States,
according to his official state
ment of expenditures and con
trlbutions on file In the secre
tary of state's office.
Lockwood Withdrew from the
primaries -when he-learned that
Charles E. Hughes would be
Here Is his expense account:
April 16 Wasted two cent
stamp trying to get sup
port of the editor of a
Portland newspaper 03
April 1 Used two cent
stamp replying to Seattle
newspaper's request for
picture and life . sketch. . ..02
April 1 Spent two cents
' for stamp on letter to John
Kendrick Bangs, humorist,
enlisting his support as a
spellbinder in my behalf.. 02
April 20 Spent two cents
for postage on letter so
liciting indorsement of
Kentucky Klick 02
April. 21 Borrowed two cent
stamp for letter to Secre
tary of State oleott, with
drawing my . candidacy in
favor of Justice Charles
E, Hughes.. 02
Total expenditures I .10
Receipts and contributions:
Aprlll 22 Received from Al
Lambert, voluntary con
tribution for campaign
fund 10
lng comes the military, fraternal and
civic pageant. The Rose Festival aux
iliary, to have charge of this feature.
Is desirous of securing names of all
fraternal bodies to enter floats. The
official report has not been received
at headquarters and this will be nec
essary to complete the formation.
In the afternoon comes the first
annual Hose Festival regatta in co
operation with the Oregon Yacht club
and the Portland Motor Boat club.
Two hours will be devoted to races,
tbe course to be under the bridges,
where thousands of people will have
an opportunity to witness the ex
hibition. V -
Chinese residents of Portland will
give a . pageant in one of the park
blocks south of the festival center
the same afternoon. -
In the evening comes the Ualtee
procession, the carnival feature to
close the festival. Dancing is also
to be a feature, two evenings from
8 to 10 at the festival center and
two blocks, will be prepared for
The queen con.:st of the 1916 fes
tival closeg May 19. When the' queen
is chosen a schedule will be prepared
calling for the appearance of the ruler
with her maids of honor -In many
features of th celebration.
When wrltinfor ratting on advertiser plena
arentloD The Journal. Ad.)
Permanent Relief for
Chronic Constipation
Men Who Had Refused to Aid
Recent. Campaign Given
Rebuke by Mayor Aibee,
Five members of fire engine com
pany No. 3, at Sixteenth and Wash
ington streets, who refused to assist
other firemen In the recent cleanup
campaign by removing debris from a
vacant lot adjoining the fire station,
were yesterday suspended for 15 days
and given a public rebuke by Mayor
Those suspended are Archie McMar
tin, J- A. Lyons, L. E. Dudrey. J. N.
Jepson and O. A. Osier. The suspen
sions date from Friday morning when
they were laid off by Captain Haynes.
The men will receive no pay during
the 16 days and their places will be
taken by substitute firemen.
"The refusal of the men to do the
work was a violation of the rules and
a decidedly antagonistic spirit for
them to have shown in a campaign
which has meant so much to the city,"
said Mayor Albee. "I cannot under
stand tbe attitude of the men, particu
larly after the firemen of other sta
tions not only volunteered to do clean
up work but look after unsightly
places themselves and did the work at
their own request. The spirit was baj
and the men deserve the punishment
meted out to them."
Finley Reappointed
On Advisory Board
State Biologist to Continue Service as
Member of Federal Body on Migra
tory Birds.
State Biologist William L. Finley
has received notice of his reappoint
ment as a member of the federal ad
visory board on migratory birds, the
Appointment having been made by
David F. Houston, secretary of agri
culture. The board held a preliminary
meeting at New York city a few days
ago, but Mr. Finley was unable, to at
tend It.
The migratory bird law has been put
up to the supreme court of the United
States for confirmation, but the court
leached no decision, in effect resub
mitting it with a request for more
data. Final decision is not now ex
pected until after the ratification of a
treaty with Canada to guarantee pro
tection both at the breeding places in
the far north and in the places In the
United States where the birds spend
their time after breeding.
Mr. Finley says this procedure is
the only effective protection, as some
of the birds breed exclusively in the
Arctic and fly thousands of miles.
Protection in one locality without pro
tection In the other would be largely
wasted effort. It Is probable. that the
tieaty will be ratified in both coun
tries sometime during the summer or
early autumn.
Knowledge and Practice of
Correct Daily Habit the
-;' Great Essential.
J V "; .
' Constipation Is a onditlon affecting
alt classes of all people and can be per
manently relieved only by acquiring
habits of regularity.
' The most natural time for the ellml
rattve process is in the morning when
both .the xriuscular and nervous sys
tems are relaxed by sleep and rest.
When jrelief does not come readily. It
U aa excellent plan to take a mild
laxative at bedtime. Cathartics and
purgatives, that by the violence of
their quick action shock and disturb
tht gjrstem, should not be employed,
t "An effective laxative remedy that is
Very dependable, -and which does not
grip or otherwise disturb the organs
Involved, is found in a combination of
Imple laxative herbs known as Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup pepsin that can he
bought t the drug store for fifty cents,
a bottU.
Mrs.;C. C. Allen, 215 Foam St., New
Monterey. Calif., wrote to Dr. Cald-WtU-that
she found Dr. Caldwell's
flyrup Pspsln Just what was needed
0 ; constipation and distress of the
stomach after eating. It should be in
very household."
1 s ,iri, Iff I
Get a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin and keep it in the house to use
when occasion arises. A trial bottle,
free of charge, can b obtained by
writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 454
Washington St., Montlcello. 111.
Attractive Low Rate
Circuit Tours East to
t 72.50
. .60.00
NEW YORK . . .
ALBANY ......
. 108.50
. 110.00
. 105.00
. 81.76
. 83.50
. 106.30
1. 1 Liberal Stopovers Variable Routes Limit October 31st
Two via Glacier or Yellowstone National Parka, Twin Cities
' "M to Chicago and Eat
Two ria Billini:, Glacier, Yellowstone or Rocky Mountain
i National Parks, to St Louts, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver
Free sidetrip, Denver to Colorado Springs, Pueblo and return;
o choice, of two desirable through-service routes from Billings
( ? to Denver. ,
' . In planning the most comprehensive circuit tour of the Eastern
; cities 4f your ticket reads "Burlington," you have a combina
Qytioh I of j through-service routes over the various Burlington
lines that no other system can possibly offer.
Highway Delights
George L, Hutchin
rotmsr Manager of rortlaad Kose Fes
tival WUl Carry Good Word Back
to &os Angeles.
"I am going back to Los Angeles to
tell Californians they will never know
what a real boulevard Is until they
traverse the Columbia river highway,'
said George L. Hutchin former man
ager of the Rose Festival, and novr
engaged In motion picture production,
this morning. Mr. Hutchin is spend
ing a few days in Portland.
""What God hath wrought' was the
thought in mv mind
Jthrougrh that wonderful region," con-
unuea Mr. Mutcnin.
"Some big things have been done in
California, but they are man-mad,
while in the Gorge of the Columbia
God had completed the work, all ex
cept the beautiful pathway that has
been built to let the world see."
"If the crowning: of the queen at
Multnomah Falls Is properly staged,
motion picture concerns all over the
country will be eager to get It and the
best theatres all over the country will
show it to millions of people," he pre
dicted. He Submitted a aufftreatlnn Vitma1f
j He would have an Indian chief imper-
iimn iriDe. At tnjs command the spirits
of the forest would be summoned out
from among the trees.
Committees Named
To Boost for Park
Marquam gulch Is to be made into a
park and playground if the combined
efforts of South Portland residents, of
the park commission and the city prop
er can .bring it about. This sentiment
was so strong at last night's mass
meeting at the Shattuck school that
three committees were authorized one
to keep the subject alive before the
public, one to recruit the membership
of the South Portland Improvement
association and one to arrange subse
quent meetings.
The People s Institute has rallied to
the movement, a letter signed by the
board of directors having been read at
the meeting, urging the teautiflcation
of the gulch and the fulfillment of the
long-deferred plans of the park board.
The membership committee Is com
posed of George Mayer, I. L. Sehilt, A.
G. Wright, Frank Joseph, John Schee
land, I Layton and S. D. Chrlstoforo.
The program committee is composed of
A. Rosenstetn, Mrs. J. F. Kelly and
Mrs. F. L. Benedict.
The next meeting will be held Mon
day sight.
See America Best
Th initial agent -or th undersigned will axplaia tha
convenience of these througK-sarvice routes and sow
' thejr may b combined to include the National Parks,
Denver,' and most of tho great Middle-West cities if
, your ticket reeds "Burlington."
100 Third Street . Portland. Oracoa
Telephones- Main 868, A-1245
Man Is Located by
Means of Journal
S. E. Emerson of Corvaills who dls-
LI. i -w A .
ppursu irvm iiib nviue may i, was
locatea iasi wee oy wniei or i'oilce
Wells of Corvaills by means of an
article published In The Oregon Jour
nal. - Emerson was found on a farm
east of Harriaburg. He had wandered
away from Corvaills.
'- . Dies at College Place.
"Walla Walls, Wash, May 16.-Mra
IMary f. Baker, ged 9 years, a resi
dent of Copperf leld. Or., died at Col-
lege Place, a suburb of Walla Walla,
j Sunday. The funeral was at 10 o'clock
1 yesterday morning, burial beinf In a
local cemetery.
Mme. Coates 9 Dressmaking
Classes Begin Wednesday
Tea Room, ninth floor. Tickets at Notion Counter.
By request of many who wish to view the May School
Festival, Wednesday's Class (A) meets at
4 P. M. Instead of 2:30
- iaa7
Tttrj Quality' StOrs or Portland
Wv. Socth, Mm i oryAr 3ta-
Store Your Furs Here!
In Our Safety Vaults
In our cold, dry-air, perfectly refrigerated vaults on
the premises they'll be safe for the Summer from moths,
fire, theft and loss. Write or phone us and our auto will
call for your furs. Summer rates now on repairing and
remodeling. ,
59 Years
in Portland-
Our 59th Anniversary Sale
59 Years
in Portland
MEN! Summer Underwear at Anniversary Savings !
Warm weather is due for here it is past the
middle of May and you men who have not laid in
a stock of comfortable Summer-weight undergar
ments had best be about it.
Men's $1 Cotton Union Suits, 79c
-i-Correct Summer weight Union Suits, made of a splen
did grade of Egyptian cotton, in ecru color. AH with
long sleeves and ankle length legs. Why pay $i the
regular price of these garments when they're here to
morrow for 79c 7
Men's "Otis" Cotton Union Suits, $1
Fine ribbed cotton Union Suits, of the good Otis
brand. Finest quality Egyptian cotton in white or ecru
color. Splendidly finished form-fitting, Summer-weight
suits with short sleeves, three-quarter or ankle length
$1 Athletic Style Union Suits, 79c
Made of a very fine quality of white cotton crepe in
the sleeveless, knee length style that means comfort in
the warmest weather. And here are these desirable gar
ments underpriced at the veryopening of the season
M grade for 79c.
Men's Balbriggan Undergarments, 39c
Splendid quality ecru color Balbriggan Shirts and
Drawers. The shirts are all short-sleeved style. The
drawers are ankle length with double seat. Every size
included. All well-made garments, very special at 39c.
Men's Summer Union Suits, Special 59c
Made of crossbar nainsook. Sleeveless, knee length,
with closed crotch. These are unusually good suits at
the price 59c and just the correct weight and ma
terial for warm weather wear. All men's sizes.
No better opportunity can possibly be offered
you than the present one the best kinds, all
styles and materials, and all remarkably under
priced for our 59th Anniversary.
$1.50 Athletic-Style Union Suits, 98c
Made of either fine quality white crossbar nainsook
or fine white madras materials. Made in loose-fitting
athletic style, insuring comfort for Summer wear. And
the saving is considerable on each suit for this sale
1.50 grade for 98c.
Men's Porosknit Union Suits, 73c
This lot of Union Suits are "seconds" of finest quality
Chalmer's $1 guaranteed Porosknit garments. White
only. Short sleeves, ankle length, or short sleeves, knee
length. For service these suits are the equal of any Si
garments. .
50c Shirts and Drawers, Each 39c
Fine crossbar Nainsook Undergarments, ideal for Sum
mer wear. The shirts are sleeveless and the drawers
knee length. Why pay 50c for these undergarments
when 39c will purchase them here tomorrow in our un
equaled Anniversary Sale?
Boys' Porosknit Union Suits, 39c
These 'are "seconds" of the regular 50c grades, in
white. Short sleeves, knee or ankle lengths. Nothing
better for Summer wear than Porosknit.
Men's Furnishings Shop, Mala Tloor
Summer Days Bring Out New
Tub Frocks
All sorts of light, airy, Summery
looking frocks are now being shown in
our Apparel Shop and fascinating
they are, too!
Some are of sheer, printed voile, with
large blocks or small checks or stripes to add
their touch of color. Heavier materials are
popular, too, especially in Russian blouse
styles. Awning stripes are in evidence every
where, in blouse with plain skirt or in skirt
with plain coat or blouse.
Sheer nets, plain or embroidered, batiste
and fine organdie are here in infinite variety.
Altogether a wonderfully complete show
ing. Priced From $730 to $35
Apparel Shop, Touarth Floor
Bohn Syphon Refrigerator FREE
Contest Closes May 31st
The manufacturers of the famous Bohn Syphon
Refrigerators have opened a contest here that is
arousing keenest enthusiasm.
The rules of the contest are simple. Come in and
see the "Bohn Syphon" demonstrated then write
us a letter containing your
Ten Best Reasons Why
A "Bohn Syphon"
Should Be in Every Home
Contest open to all residents of Portland and vicin
ity. No one connected with the manufacturing or sell
ing of refrigerators and no employe of the Meier &
Frank Co. is eligible. If you purchase a "Bohn
Syphon" in the meantime and are awarded the prize
your money will be refunded.
Limit replies to 200 words, making reasons concise and brief
reply to the Refrigerator Shop before May 3 1st.
Special Demonstration Duplex Alcazar Ranges
Ststh Floor, rtf tb Street
umHi li
ig H i:
ill sip
i r j r i in- i-
Mail or bring your
We Have Full Lines Warren 's Dress Findings
Warren Hoop Foundations, Hip Hoops, Crinolette, for the New Fashions AH Here!
Warren's 20th Century Hoop
Skirt Foundations, priced each
Warren's 20th Century Hip
Hoops, for emphasizing skirt
distension at hips, SI
Warren's Shaped uress Belting,
white, in assorted widths, yard,
15c 22c.
Warren's Crinolette, stiffening
for holding out skirts, assorted
widths, yd., 15c-25c.
"Warren's Narrow Featherboning,
light weight, in black, or white,
yard, 5c.
Warren's X-Ray Tape, flat, light
weight, sheer boning, white or
gold, 4-inch, yard, 10c.
Warren's X-Ray Featherbone
Braid, light weight .stiffening,
black, white, -inch width, yd.,
Warren's X-Ray Tubular Cording,
for use with nets, chiffon, etc.,
black, white, gold, silver, yard,
Special Prices on Notions for Wednesday
7c Pins, and S. C, full 300
count, the paper, 5c
25c Sew-on Hose Supporters,
white, extra strong, pair 15c.
4c Conqueror Hand or Machine
Thread, 200-yard spools, 3 for
10c Yeiser Hooks and Eyes,
black or white, the paper, 5c.
5c-10c Hair Nets, in assorted
styles and sizes, all shades, doz.,
toe Leather Book Straps, single,
each, 5c. .
Enameled Coat Hanrers assort
ed colors, sizes, each, 10c
Warren's Fine Wire, black, white,
gold, 3 yards oh card, 10c.
Cotton Cable Cord, in all sizes,
yard 10c down to lc.
JTotlon Sliop, ICsia Tloor.
75c Silk Gloves, 55c
Excellent quality women's Milanese silk gloves in all sizes.
Black and white with reinforced finger tips, two-clasp style. A
few sizes in navy, pongee, gray or tan. Every pair in perfect
condition. A splendid opportunity to buy a supply of good
silk gloves now at lower-than-regular prices.
Another Big Anniversary Special!
$1.25 Long Silk QCr
Gloves, the Pair vtlt
Black or .white silk gloves in full elbow length. With double
finger tips and wide hem at top. Sizes ij to A very
fine grade of Milanese silk makes this an unusual offering at 95c.
Glove Shop, Main rioor
Final Wind-up Sale of Oichman
$45 Wardrobe
Trunks $24.50
Substantial, full size wardrobe
models with round edges, Yale locks,
heavy draw bolts, reinforced brassed
steel corners. .Trunk body is 3-ply
hardwood verfeer with electrified fi
ber inside and out; 12 hangers, felt
shoe pockets, combination hat draw
ers. Every trunk guaranteed. Shop, BMtmrat.
Beautiful New $3.30
Curtains at $2.75
Beautify your home
tinctive new Curtains
ings. Included are marq
scrims, richly trimmed
embroideries reduced
JI3.00 Curtains Under
priced to
S4.00 Curtains Under
priced to
S4.50 Curtains, Under
priced to
S7.50 Curtains Under-
priced to . .
now with these dis--at
worth-while sav-
uisette and fine voile
with motifs, edgings,
as follows:
hop. Seventh Tloor.
Tomorrow's Sale of $130 Galvanized
vv lie iucai
Safes, $1.19
These are extra large meat
safes, 28 inches high, 18 inches
wide and 12 inches deep. Excep
tionally well made and service
able. All have two shelves. Sides,
front and back are of galvanized
wire, woodwork frame in stained
finish. As illustrated.
Basement. TiXth Street
Perfection Flour Sack $1.15
Excellent family patent, makes especially good, nutritious
-i r
Whole Wheat Flour, freshly
milled, No. 9 sacks, 35c.
Oregon Loganberries, in syrup.
No. 2 cans, dz. 1.15, can 10c
Tomato Soup, Snider's brand,
doz. 95 c, 3 cans for 25c
Lunch Tomatoes, solid No. 1J4
cans, doz. 90c, 3 cans 25c
Table Salt, fine refined, No. 5
sacks, 9c
White Lily Butter, freshly made
Oregon butter, roll 60c ,
Asparagus Tips, R. R. or Grif
fon, square cans, doz. $2.25v
can, 20c
Smoked Cottages, sugar cured,
nearly boneless, lb., 15Hc
Steel Cat Coffee, superior blend,
3-lb. cans 79c, l-lb. cans 29c.
Kenton Bacon, sugar cured loins,
'A strips, lb., 18 He
Black Tea, fine English Breakfast,
lb., 35c
SlBta Floor, nrtn Street
$22.00 Solid Oak Rocker" Specially Priced at $13.19
An unusual value in easy Rockers is the one illustrated. It is of
solid quartered oak, with spring seat and cushion back, upholstered
in brown Spanish chased leather. In either fumed or golden finish.
Special at $13.19.
This rocker is but one example of hundreds of splendid pieces of
good furniture at the very lowest prices to be found in our large
Furniture Shop.
You Can Purchase Furniture Here on Small
Monthly or Weekly Payments '
You can. buy furniture at Meier & Frank's on the most liberal
credit terms. All that is required is a first payment of one-tenth the
amount of your purchase and small proportionate monthly or
weekly payments for the balance. CASH PRICES plus a nominal
interest on deferred payments. rurnltnre Shop, agntu Tloor.
. .V
. ; i .