RVINGTON RESIDENTS TO MEET TONIGHT TO PEECT THEIR PUNS Building Restrictions May Be Retained by Issue of New Deeds, - WOULD BAR ALL BUSINESS CWb Board AnthorUet Treasure to Snw vp eeolatio IiMWtBf Moral rapport to XOTtmmt At the mm meeting of residents of Irvlngton, to be held at the Irvlngton clubhouse at 7:30 tonight, It la planned to arouae the reaidenta of the district to the need of Immediate action axalnst the proposed Invasion of the district by business structures, and to devise means for renewing the building re atrictlon clauses of all of the dletrlct which deslrea to kep out other than strictly high grade residence struc- turea. One plan suggested Is for the property owners Interested to deed over their property to a trust company, the latter, In turn, to Issue new deeds, containing building restriction clauses, which will maintain the Integrity of the .listrlct for another 20 years. All of the dis LrXct between Fremont and Thompson And East Seventh and Kant Twenty- fourth streets north will be included ' At a meeting of the board of dlrec tors of the lrvlngton club, held last night. S. L. Eddy, the treasurer of the club, was authorised to draw up a set of resolutions, which rhould how that the club would lend U moral and active support to the move ment. The resolutions were signed by vy . jr.. wouawara, w. J. Mormann, jr. 8. Fields, E. J. Jaeger, J. L. Bowman O. W. Mlelke, W. M. Kapus, W. . M Cook and S. L. Eddy. Bates Sea! -state at lev. Co, to Wfflltm Thorn et si, fc. 11, 12, . l.uroaa Shoos Add 50.000 Arthur Broicer sad wf. to H. fettle et si, V. 6. B. S. Brucrer View 435 L. H. Wallsee ami wf. te Fred W. BUd- Ur, Tract S3. L.in raw Xertaa TaylopBesla et al to C M. DU- ley et . w. ,. a, at. is, use rutaers Add 1 C. 0. Jackson sod wf. to Jessie O. L- turop, . 4, B. 4. Floral vara iu O. U. Jack-on. and wf. to Jeaala O. Le- tbrop. . JO. B. 0. Floral Park tas alsncd Jose 34, 1816 to sHdoey O. LethroD) . ... 2.450 3. r. McMahon sad wf. to Jobs An dersen et al, . 9. 9. 10, McMaboas Add TOO Wester Oregon Trust On. to John An derson et al, L. , B. lfl, Mentone,... Zw Horace Plgney te Simon Kvenson, L. 0, . i. u. o, rairport Add Balkling Permits. T. W. Janklna A Co. Kanalr 4 Itorr ordi nary, warehouse, 60 fYcmt street, between Oak k Pine lU.: buildar. M O. Ecklnnd. $1000. Mra. Marian La bo Repair 1 etory frame dwelling. B04i roster road, betweca E. Ttb and E. Slat t bnilWr. da work. 450. Wllllaai Mod Conatract foundation for two awry frame alere. SiM-oza union are. na- tweea Braaee and HumU eta.; puuacr. hoi KOO. . ... . m F narh Kenair l storr rrame owmu USA B. 88d at., between Clinton aid Kllswuctu ati.; builder, Cbaa. r. 1'ederaoo, au). trHMi Invratinunt Co. Reuair 8 alar mill hotel. 104 park at., between Morrison and Ysmlitll ta.; builder, aaroe. 7S. Sweeney lnr. Co. Repair S atory ordinary throatre and club rooms, 124 4th at., between Washington and Aider sis.; euuocr, a., w a-alu aif.0 n k. Miina Krect 1 atorT frame carasa. RM E. uth at. N.. between Wisteria and Brace its.; builder, Thomas Uandewittt, ITS. Sixty-five Feet of Chicken Wire Fence Gone; Ask Barnes MEET1XQ Jf oners ' 41 Lodge, No. A. Al. A HAWTHORNE 111. A. F. A special communication will be neia tms viucsaayj at 7.30. Mason lo 'Temple. Work In the E. A. degree. VtflUng brethren welcome. C. K. MIIyLKK, rec-y. WASHINGTON Lodae. No! 4, A. V. tt A. M,r fcUted communication tomorrow. Wedneaday. evening, 7:80 o'clock, E. Ith and Bumside. M. M. degree. Vlaltoi wel- J. H. RICHMOND, gec'y. PALESTINE LODGE NO". 141. A. F. A A. M. -Stated communication t o m o r row (Wednesday) evening at 7:10. Work In E. A. degree, alwaya welcome- By order W B. TOWNBBNP, gecy. FOR 8 AXE HOUSES (Pon tinned) 01 East Glisan St, Sacrifice TERMS 280 DOWN, BAL. $20 MO. 9ZZ&0 1JUXB A Sa0 HUM CU. ACREAGE rContlaaed) 57 HOMESTEADS 47 (Oo a tinned) ONLY tl.SO PER ACRE. Must raise aioney Tuesday night and will sell half section timber and partially burned over land, located 66 Two Good Relinquishments t tT" ,,D,Vn r.nrn.n.fmU. from Portland; half ca.h. bal . ".: ' - f . ance a ruriv sarmtnti. eee owner porcn. iirepiace. Dooacasee, . wniiama avV. or Dhoo'e East 1278 Kr."tV cement noor easement, z toiiet. taun- , - , . . v . .. , "tTL. Ik come. dry trays, fine lot and fruit tree and shrubbery. See my agents (B.) Dorr E. Keasey Co.. 232 C. C. bldg. Main 1U9. Visitors W. M. BUSINESS CARDS W, GrSmith & Co.?: Third floor Morran Bldg. . UHcSd auus sold or rented, iu w prices, lateat styles, alt slses; we buy drees suits. Bare' fa Misfit Cloth Store. H d. LHtb!j suits for rent, all sisea, buiqu Tailoring Co S0 8Urk at. Five rm. modern bunaglow, oaK floors, fireplace, full cement basement, J blk. Alberta car. worth 12300, owner loat out, easy terms. 1093 E, 25th st N. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to ear line easv terms: will build to suit Pur chaser. Phone Marshall 168 or 6eU- wood 478. John H. Gibson, owner. 49 ACRES 81400. On macadam road.' fine aoll. only 35 ! miles from Portland. Can bo bought on terms. AKERSON. OOOCH CO., 605 Stock Exchange bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT QARDKN ranches I near Portland, a. i. 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roada, near electric, tl to 8 zoo per acre, easy terma. jdevar ISO acres each, timber and meadow. 4 mites from town, good soil; lies tine; no reck; In" the Deschutes valley. See photo. Party who llvee there is here; ice 8260. 160 acre homestead. Ilea fine, close to neighbors. Price $180. 80 acre homestead, close to town and neighbors. Price $100. 411 HENHt HllH. TIMBER 2ft TWO -sections timber cruise 14,- 00Q.000. Skamania. Co.. Wash. W-saa. Journal. KXCHaNUK REAL K ATK 2i TO RELIABLE PEOPLE. t9R wa ..mirfla Dnaa ritV Park bungalow. 6 rooms and bath, fireplace, j land ntt Yeon bldg . Portland lull basement, launary. electric iix tures, shades, good location, nice lot, 60x116. block to car; am leaving city. Would rather reliable people have It on these terms than rent it. Tabor EC40. $1676 FOR 6 ROOM MODERN Must lose my bungalow. Fireplace. SUBURBAN ACREAGE Garden Home Acre, $850 70 Xtltil Statistic- merrtQzs,Birtl)s, Deaths. buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement base-1 Take Oregon Electrlc to Garden Home ment, laundry trays. Near Glisan st. and ask for McCORMlC .. i . i c n Anu .mi nrnfit S77n 261 E. 70th st. N. Tabor 2296. BIRTHS WRECKING TO BEGIN SOON New Home of U. S. National Bank Is Planned. ( Work on wrecking the buildings at the northwest corner of Stark and Sixth streets will begin Immediately to make way for the construction of the new home for the United States Na tional bank.. The contract to wreck was let yesterday to the Rose City Wreck- the expenditure of $500. The cost of the new building is estimated In execs of $100,000. The work is to be done under Individual contracts selected by the bank. So far as possible Oregon products will be used. Excavation will be under way by July 1. The contract for the terra cotta work, which will be the aurface material of the building, haa been let to a Califor nia concern. TWOHY BUYS A RESIDENCE Frank Gibbs' Place, Including Fire JjOts, Acquired. James F. Twohy of Twohy Bros, haa purchased the residence of Frank Gibbs, on the northwest corner of Bast Seventeenth and Tillamook streets. Fiv lots go with tho residence, which la one of the most attractive in Irving ton. Mr. Twohy, it Is understood. Diana to make a number of important changes In the house before taking up his resi dence In It next fall. The considera tion la not announced. M. H. Kern has purchased the John 8tewart realdence, opposite the lrvlng ton club, on East Twenty-flrst'street. - Hlxty-five feet of chicken wire fence! It belonged to B. W. Bamea of 168 Grand avenue, and waa the last reminder of his broken -w determination to engage in the Hit back yard poultry business at his east aide home. When he made up his mind to have his eggs fresh and ftt straight up last year, then was IK the time he bought the fence. But he didn't cagry through the program. Until a few days ago the fence stuck around the place and It looked like a total loss on his Investment. To the ordinary man, wire 4t chicken fence, does not appeal as an article of ready sale. But Barnes took the opposite viewpoint. He knew that some- body needed that fence, and would buy It if they knew he had it. So he advertised and one small Journal want ad found the man. - "Yes and more buyers than I had wire,'' . aid Barnes. "Peo- $ pie who wanted it saw the ad and kept phoning all day. But t the first man who called got It and at my price." t Need more be said? DRAKE To Mr. and Mra. Ulenn Prake, 1124 Liiotoa at.. May 10. a daughter. LEAN To Mr. md lira. IT red M. A lean, 5 E. 84th at. N., Mar 11, a daughter. WALKEtt To Mr. and Mra. William E. Walker, 962 Barter at.. May 4, a daugbter. FEUUUBUN To Mr. and Mr. Ellis L. Ferju- aon, 203 Btanton at.. May 4, s eon. KEK.VK To Mr. and Mra. Charles N. Keens. 829 itoduer are., April 2, a son. HKYT1KQ fo Mr. and Mrs. Tunis Heytlng, M)6 (Villece st.. May S, a daughter. KALMBAC'H To Mr. and Mra. Clirlat Kalm- baeh. tH' L'psbur st.. May 8, a daughter. DEATHS AND FUNfe-KALM 5 LfcUAl LT May 15, at the realdence. 2073 NEARLY new 6 room bungalow All modern conveniences; 1 block from Peninsula park. If you have a -V116 money, will surprise you In rrlce. umu deBstock & Larson Co., 306 Oak st. Tel- ephona Broadway 1658. Mm t a roh niSTRICT. 1-year-old 6 room bungalow, $2100. Fireplace, cement basement. Corner 62d and Davis. 1 blk. from Glisan st. carline. Easy terms. Get key at 306 Oak st. JUST completed. 6 room bungalow, 40th ave., S. E.. full cement base ment, fireplace, hardwood floors, cove ceiling, Dutch kitchen, buffet, lot lOOx 160. Terms or trade. Speirs, owner. Main 7684. IDEAL STOCK A DAIRY RANCH. 236 acres. 40 under cult.. 20 acres slashed and seeded, some cordwood. elegant trout atream and fine spring water piped to all bldgs., new buildings and ample for much larger ranch; youna orchard. U mi. from achool. S, mi. irom country town, b . mi. rrom streetcar and 13 miles out on good road: this Dla.ce. la kev to several hun dred acres outrange, which is well watered: five fine cows, registered Dull. team, wagon, harness, cream aepa ratoT, cnicKens, and ail larm imple ments; buildings are practloally all new and a dandy going place; price $16.0100. Will take some good city property as part payment. Act at once 4tt ACRES WITH HOUSE. " I a I T5 , I THUMrSUM A a W A IN. road, about 7 miles from city; 6 r i and Main Sts.. Vancouver Wash. nouse, targe porcn, gooa wen, z acres BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (Continued A Merry-Go-Round Here's a business proposition: We have a merry-go round that cost approximately $2500; the season is opportune for making money -with it. It's in good ahape and is aet up for demonstrating furpoaes. It's worth at rleast 1000. but we'll aell it for con siderably less. See It at 863 ii. Oregon st. East 7223. SALE-Movlng picture outfit, in- hoknowa how; no Junl eluding Powers Camlgraph No. 6-A. thing s . PrLc S, nv.ntio.flv w rnmr -transformer. reentative wanted. Ldl1 practically new, reostat,' transformer. etc, complete show; rent reasonaoie, investisrate at once: cheat) if taken within 10 daya. Doing good business la live town. Address box 127, VM- amina. Or. EASY TERMS. Smaller or larger tracts .-heao. terms to suit. All city convenltncea SUBURBAN HOMES 7'J FOUR room modern bungalow, 140 E. 71st et. N. This is 100 ft. from Glisan at carline and naved street. About 2 East Washington street. Boy I. Ixgault. j years old. Extremely low price and aged 20 years. Beloved husband of Mra. Mabel Lecault. father of Cheater Oliver Legaalt. aoa of Mr. and Mrs. NaDOleou Lecault. and brother of Leota Leganlt, and baU-brotber of Jesse tteard of Ouisua, Neb. ranerai aerTices win In held at the realdence at 8:30 a. m. tomor row (Wednesday), May IT, thence to tbe Aa cenaion church, where mass will be offered at 0 o'clock. Interment In Mount Calvary ceme tery. Detroit, gafinaw, Mich., and Montreal. Canada, papers pleas copy. bCUMACKENBKBG In this city, May 15, Henry L. Sthmackenbere, aged 48 years, lata1 of Lyons, Or. Tbe remains will be for warded tbla (Tuesday) afternoon by I. P. Kin ley & Son, to Lyons. Or., where services will b-- held and interment made. WINDOW Tbe funeral eervlcea for the late Abbie I' Wlnslow will be held Wednesday, May IT, at 1 o'clock p. m., at tbe residence ettabllehment of J. 1'. Flnley A Son, Mout comery at 5th. Prlende Invited. easy terms. Key at umhdenstocK at Larson Co.. S06 Oak st. ground floor. $650. Small house and SOxIOO-foot lot; small monthly payments, less than rent. Rose City Park car to 72d St. SEE WOODMAN, Gregory Investment Company. 32700.00 Rose City 6 room modern bungalow; will take light auto or lot first pay ment, balance like rent. ' J. C. CORB1N CO. LEWIS BLDG. in hemes, young orchard, 1 block to electric station; will sell cheap and give terms. SNAP FOR CHICKEN RANCH OR GARDEN. 1 acre or less, in city limits, 4 blocks irom car, 6c rare. 6 room house. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO.. Ground floor 306 Oak st. TWO acres with 2 room house, on O. W. P. electric. 1 80 Half cleared. 300 ft. from station. Easy terms. Purse, 806 Oak st. PORTLAND property wanted In ex change for 100 acre farm near Eu gene. Well located, good buildings, 15 acres In cultivation, hog tight fences. Price $100 per acre. Trade for Port land residence or income property, bam Rugh Realty Co.. 22 8th ave. Eu- gene. Or. 25 acres, 13 miles from Portland, good A Money Maker eg -.. " mm mKmmmm T. M. C. A. AUTOMOBIUB BCHOOT. Day and night classes; training i repairing, driving and machine wor Including forge, lathe, jihaper, idriii press, etc.; time unlimited. , Secure pass at Educational office Y. M. C. A bldg., to inepect oor shops and rneth ods. COMPETENT CHAUK FfiUR. AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. 'Tui tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN Y. M. C. A. and lta EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 60-ft swimming pool, shower baths, gymnasium, etc. liOW to write photoplays tht seii: 'M large pages, written by an editor; who knows how; no Junk, but very- repaja" ep tor Continen tal Photoplayers. S7 Upshur st. Main 2704. - $76 MONTH. Government lobs. Men. women wanted. List oi iHiuoti free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 1 4 -, Rochester, N. Y. ' OPERATOR!- MOVINo WANT. PICTURE enn.in. llvlns- WANTED IN EVERY CITY IN XH1 rooms; cheap rent; close to scnooi, i nuu. a vu ww,vv See Hall, 812-13 Panama bldg. EXCHANGE W ANTED Namee men, wishing to old established general l become iortiana wail carrier, wm- merchandise atore in live Willam- mence i montn ette valley town, value $11,000. for UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $. Pnrtland raitenca nronertv. Particu late in first letter or so attention. XK- on, journal. GROCERIES and mdse store, country, on R. R. P. O. in connection. Grow Ini hualnui Ktor house and stock about 34000. Some terms. Tabor 3474 or Z-978. Journal. ONE billiard, 6 pool tables, together with stock and fixtures, located in arood live town; worth 31300; will take 31000. For particulars write i. j Duke. Cfcmse, Wash. Mnvin PIHTITRE THEATRE. GOOD LOCATION; PRICE $600; HALF CASH. BALANCE EASY TERMS. APPLY 6 BROADWAY. FOR fiAJjfi FAlOiii 17 nnvit ernnri iMm anrl full e.auloment. Will exchange equity in place and atock i clear, for house. Phone Main sai (, asK 100 ACRES aauiDoed farm: Will take TWO FINE FARMS. modern bunaralow ud to 33000: loms 40 acres. 37 acres under hirh elate I cash: time on the balance: Drice 311.- of cultivation, 3 acres Umber, pas- ooo. Owner. Route 2. box 39. Yamhill, ture, living spring, new 4 room house Or. and 2 room house, barn 60x60. good W.irr -i..- Pm-tiand w. fit lamily orchard, 10 miles from Van- change for 80 crea timber land on couver. convenient to atore, school and Ktd&mZ rlver. Land worth $1250; in church, all rural conveniences, in I "tr.npi. .27B. owner. R-743. iour- PviAa t K A ft A -J-av-m AS av - w - " ' ' - - t, ,. . k rJt: fr i v nouse ana Darn. cuiuva su, i , .mii:. i,.r..n,: livina rooms in rear; doing good business. corner hall confectionery, school t re 415 6th St., up. Taylor the Tailor. 28H Burasld. HELP WAWTKIFEMALB ' KXPKltlENCED girl tor housework. Waarea 320 Phone MllwauWo 4i. GIRL for general housework, $20 per month. Tabor 6059.- 'r WOMAN to keep house; must do some milking Marshall .411. ' HELP WANTED M.VLK N1J FEMALE CO I - -t-l. -u --.in -ri -I -I -.-II I -'-r-M- t MOT Fin IURRKH COLLJOUIC , i wants men and women to learn. th trade; paid while learning; tools tree; positions secured; summer ratas; writ ror catalogue. 4 in. za t, " ! MOHLElt Barber school want meu i and women to learn barber trans i FITZGERALD At tbe residence. 400 East Keren th street. May 16, Patrick Fiugeraid. aged 74 years. Funeral notice later. Arrange ments In care of Miller A Tracey. Manor district. Price $5000. Vety easyV,ni IV" ... w J use T. .. , , L O V KJ M . be seen to be antireclated. 60 acres'. 38 acres under cultivation. balance good pasture and timber, creek ana spring water, good well, 6 room house, barn 65x60, and outbuildings, 2 acres In orchard, mostly apples, mile to scnooi, mile to cnurcn, a STRICTLY modern 6 room home, fur- miles from Columbia river town and fare Portland, value $5000; mortgage nace, full cement basement. Verms, i mnes rrom Vancouver, on a line $2500; trade for modern nome. own- cash payment down, 3 years time on ruu. mu is a-l suu er. r-994. journal, lot. Owner, vu. I cu iwtoicu, in luilk.j bciucu vuiii- munity. i-rice sbhoo; zouu casn, Dai. 6. THOMPSON & SWAN 512 Main st. Vancouver, With. 2 ACRES, all improved, near city limits, loc rare, o room jiouse. tries $2500; will take clear city lots for part. Call 605 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 6 i 6 o. 7 ACRES on Foster road near Mil- waukle. dUO It. irom canine, v i-em . . . j i tii i, i ana women vo icsm uiimt .'"'- BEST dairy and fruit farm in Walla er,a tn 8 weeks. Positions secured. Fay wa.ua vaiiev ror sale on aooa lerrai i i.imin. xx n ii sr. elcknessreason for eelling. Box 05, WamTiJvUi11 nd wiI(l to wor ou . Milton, (Jr. . trm wlf to assist with housework. Call at 424 E. Alder at, 11 to 11 WU nesday. ; OREOON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber traoe I free. 233 Madison St. 1 r ' ' - t.- WANTED AGENTS BAKERY, first class, fine oven. 2000 loaf canacltv store and 4 furnished llvina- rooms with bath; total rent 11K Main 1R11. 184 Gibbs St. FOR SALE 2 greenhouses doing good retail business located near cem etery. 8. E. Portland. Good reason for selling. X-525, Journal, BUSINESS CARDS. Roae City Printing Co. ' Thrra st.. cor. Tayior. balance. 60x100 Castle ave. NEW TODAY New Garage Planned. Hough taling A Dougan are drawing plans for a garage for the Columbia County Auto company of St, Helens. The drawings call for a structure of two stories, reinforced concrete and brick construction, 82 by 140 feet. Work will begin on the building- immediately. Work Commenced Today. Excavation began today for the erec tion of a three-story seml-flreproof apartment house at 662 Glisan street for A. S. Ellis. The work is being done oy tne riberg-Lennan company. Residence Tci-mit Taken. j-ven Liisananatti nag taken out a permit for the erection of a 1V4 -story frame residence, to cost $4000, at 5 East Forty-first street, and one to cost $2000 at 41 East Sixty-sixth street north. EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ssxABZixnrso tm. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS in FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT . TKXBO AJTD ftAXJ-Oxf TXSSTS. MJUJT i07. A-1BII. public. Real Estate Transfers. William Stobbart to Mary E. Harbancb, L. 1, B. 00, SeUwood $ Earth J. Yatea and hue. to Frank T. Berry. L. 3. B. 4S. Vernon Add William Matthieseo and wf. to Mrs. F. Rhomberg. L. 42, 43, 44. B. 36. Penin sular Add. No. H Blebard M. Koelea et al to William T. Kecles et al. I.. 0. B. IT. Hyde Park.. 3. H. Kallay. truatea. et al to r. A. Nar- aaiwe. iraci ADernetby Hta.. 3. U. Kelley, trustee, to the n Will Thom and wt. to Jaraaa F? Hill at al, L. 5. B. 20, Alblna Homestead Mary A. Sheasgreen and bus. to Roman Catholic archbishop of the diocese of Oregon, L. 1, 2. 3. B. Is, Willamette Add. , Roman Cathollo archbishop of tbe dio cese ot Oregon to Wary A. Stiess gieen, L. 3. 4. B. 10, Kennedy's Add. G. D. Montague and bus. to 8. C. Sparka. L. 2, B. 8, Floral Park. a Dei man A. Kllpsteln and wf. to Anna Hkeen. W. 80 ft. 8. B. 3T, WaTerly Clarence W. Tebault Jr. and wf. to Harry Wnlppe. L. 1. B. 8, Portland Highlands Charles. Durham to Elisabeth Lane Flre btugh. W. 125 ft. B. Overlook.. Parkruoe Aasn. to t'harles J. Joliunon st si, L. "A," B. 2T, Parkroae Walter M. Clist and wf. to W. B. V Hainea, 8. U 1. 2, B. 2. Bartsch Hark Add Belmont A. Tosier et al, L. 0, B. 2, Al Mna Heights Mt Hood Ity: Oevel. Co. to I.. E. craw ford, L. 12, 18, B. 1, Ban ford L'mlMienstock A Larson Co. to John Hall- berg, L. IT, 18, 1, 20. B. 53, Joeea more 8. A. Douglas and wf. to D. M. Hamil ton, und. i Int. In S. Vj- 10 acre -tract beginning N. W. cor. Hugh Fury Homestead claim Margaret L. Norria to W. N. Merrltt. U. ST. 38. 30, B. 18, Greenoe Hti M. 8. Fish burn and wf. to Bdwln Mon- rtm Mack et al, L. 13. B. 147 Rose - City Park Asm. to Robert L. XIackey et al. L. 13, B. 1.10 Rose City Park.. Row city Park Assn. to Robert T.. line ' key et al, L. IS, B. 130 Hose City Park tloratlo H. Parker and wf. to Ladd A - Tilloo Bank. L. 4. 0, . B. 1. Bartaeh " Park Add L. 2. B. 10. Elisabeth lr- tnss Add rirat Trust A RsTlnrn Bank of fit. Johns to Carl Scborqulat, L. 14, 15, B 10. North Bank Add .' Portland Berurltles Co. to C. O. WU- uama, L. B. B. 15. Crestoe..... Maggie E. Ramsdeli and hue. to A. T. DotV. I 8. B. 1A. Themont Plaes Sheriff to Frank M. Watklna. K. U L. I 8. 4, B. J,D," Carutbera Add Emily Mono and bus. to K. L. Treeett. ; 40 ft. L. . B. SIS. nnd. 1-3 Int. L. T. B. 140. L. 9. K. 10 ft. L. 12, B. 2a. Concha Add Bfcerlff to- W. C. Alvord. U 2. B. 79. Iretnartoe I Western Oregon Timet Co. to Homer I Blddell Rla.. . , ' 10 10 10 10 10 450 100 0 10 10 10 1.300 750 1.420 10 10 10 10 10 10 1.400 10 7.750 10 1,353 1.42a FIX THAT ROOF W do it on a guarantee. See our repair department about the sleeping porch those French doors of a fireplace. Eyerythinf for the home, includ ing painting, papering and kal omining. REPAIR DEPARTMENT The Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Oli-er K. Jeffery, President.' LKHLA.VC Isadora O. LvBlanc, 8t. Vloceut's. May 11,-36 years, accidental fracture ot skull. NELSON William Nelson. Rt. Vincent's. May 12, 2 yenra, accidental fracture of skull. 1 SMITH Maurice B. Smith, Nesbeth Sani tarium, May 11. 03 jears, chronic brlght'a disease. HAYS Charles Hays, 1130 Macadam St., May 12, t9 years, angina pectona. MODERN 4 room bungalow (2 bed rooma), nearly new. 1464 Mississippi ave. 1 blk. from Peninsula par. An ! extreme bargain. No trades. See this today. Key at 306 Oak st. ROSE CITY PARK. New 6 room b.mgalow at sacrifice, j All modem conveniences. Price $3200. I Umbdenstock & Larson, 306 Oak st. Phone Broadway 1658. Rose MAKX1N oi FOKii-ls IX., florists. 34? Wash. Main 26S. A-1269. Flowera for all occasions artistically arranged. CLAKKK bKOd., florists, i1 Morrison St. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers tod floral designs. No branch stores. TONSETii FLORAL, CO., 2ba VVasO., bet. 4th and eh. Main C102. A-1102. OSCAR JOHNSON rlOKAL, CO, 1 Olisan st. Mar. 4872. A-1464. wreaths. Main h Max m. smith, florist, um eth st pillows. 83 up. Sprays SI up. Chappells.347 Morrison VUX Kll At D1KKCTOB8 NICE modern 6 room house in City Park. Close to Sandy and to club house. Going away. Reasonable terms if required. J. F. Gaskill. 828 Commercial st. iiUY FIVE ACRES and plant part In loganberries. They thrive In Oregon and can be profitably raised for Juice or for drying. We have cleared Dench and bottom lands, one mile to good valley railroad town; fineat soil, creek and springs; gooa roaas; employment; schools. Five acres with house. 325 down, $10 month; unimproved lands at less. Let us show you. J. R. Charp, 83 Vj 3d st.. room 567. Fortiana, ur. I MUST dispose of my modern 4 room l l n, An T j" no r trlft -rl UU IlgCUltJ W Vtl XV. V t --va.w- district, take best cash offer for my $115,0 equity or what have yu to trade? Call 88 10th, near Stark. WANTED Agents in all sections for our full assortment of clean, rella- 1 ble nursery stock: demand is inereas- bAlRY1 plant, weil equipped. nearVort- ing. Attractive terms " OREQON 1 land- B wank. 601 Northwest bldg. NURSERY COMPANY, Orenco. Or Main 410. GOOD live hustlers; an easy eelllnif ! proposition; liberal eommieeion; quick sale. HO Grand ave. KIT1 ATIONS f ALK - 8 l'OR SALE 6 room house, full base ment, large lot. 8 fruit trees. 2 blocks from Woodstock carline; price $2000. 593 E. 28th st. S. ARE you in the market for a home in Rose City Park? You may have my $1300 equity for $400. Owner. Ta bor 6222. GOING east? Have 55 acres unincum bered farm land near gooa Wiscon sin town for clear city home. Aiignt consider acreage. Thomas, 92 1st at. Main 444, SIX room house la good condition, lot 75x85; will take part traae, oaiance easy terms. Aioerta aisinci. t-none East 3481. Main 5456. WILL exchange 10 acres of yountr bearing apples, Mosier aisr.net ror lit SIN ESS OPPORTUN1TIK8 WANTED 68 1 L MKHptHANTjiSE WANTED.'' Imfu-oved wheat lands, close to good town nr timber to trade for merchan dise, from $1000 to $10,000. liox 7, Madras. Or. WANT grocery business; will ex change good property snd assume your debts, no matter how much. R- 788, Journal. MONEj.' TO LiOAJtt REAL ESTATE .7 .a . in i'.. if i j a , n . .. u ALnrjO J. JKaru, la uer acis, a. I , . " . ' t siinn cil acres in cultivation, balance all till- cllJrJjnS,.uo e.v. wuuu 1V0V. able, shack buildings, good orchard, 3H miles from Tigard. 13 miles from Portland. S2600 caih. balance ihi years. i ne oiggest snap in uregon. uo noi submit any junk on the trade basis. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com IF you truly want a real home investi gate this beautiful furnished, strict ly modern 5 room bungalow in Ala meda Park. By owner. SeUwood 2782. $1250 Nice 6 room nouse, lot 75x100, $600 cash, balance like rent, will dis count for cash. Call Tabor 6472 or write P-763, Journal. FOR SALE- 6 room house, easy terma. Zella Gossett, 7 W. Kiiiingswortn. REAL BARGAIN. 320 acre wheat ranch all in winter wheat, 1-3 crop goes to purchaser; 6'J ACRES improved, stock, machinery. SO miles Portland, good land; $4500; want $3000 Portland home. X-S22, Journal. 20 acre farm, close to school, station. 7c fare rrom roruana, iree irom in cumbrance, would trade for house. Claude Cole, 300 Henry bldg. price $13 acre; $750 cash. bal. 6 years WANT grocery business; will exchange 6 J. HOLLAND A CO.. 436 Pittock block. Phone Broadway 1 rood debts, no I Journal property and assume mailer now mucu. your P-750. FOR SALE LOTS West Side Lots, Only $250 Only $500 10 fine acres, close in. near the Tua latin best of soil, on road, $150 down, oai. fiuo per year. W. H. SEITZ & CO. 310 Spalding bldg. SOME well improved stock ranches to exchange for income city prc-perty. g s. Prentiss, 505 Qortiett biq. 10 ACRES, Greenburg station, will ac cept trade. 712 cnaniber oi com merce. 6 Choice XiOasa or f 10,000 and TTp On Improved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). f, V. XiZPSOOMB. Ma Stark street. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 rr2e5?7M?t "oarage 0. 1 Os -veaS) I Qff M AST Amsnat at fN,-T Hartmas T k " " -" Coro.r Sf ,. -n",a,ZST "sTT ID T Qwrnoc Williams ana .noil. Yn, , Byrnes tast ms. c-1943. Fearev Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS 806 Pelram ldg Portland. Or. FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America Boom 83. Alnsworth m.xttr PbO-e 8841. Porelan Portland. Or. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW AT 1 p. m. at Kord Auetion'co. ill ist st. rurnuurai. rarfieie. ete AT Wilson A mown Hums. it t 111 n rn 1st MEETLVG NOTICES 41 )8TOiH0 CAMP 4 W.o.w CAMP meets every Wednesday evening In W. O. W. Tempi?. i Jim st. Ail mem bers reauesteri to at tend. Visitors welcome. W. W. U ARROW. C C Herman schade, Clerk. SAMARITAN Lodge. No. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular meet ing Wednesday at 8 d. m. at L O. O. F. Temple. 22 Alder et. Third degree. Visitors alwaya welcome. WILLIAM LINKLATER. N. Q. R. OSVOLft. Kgc'y. Tears of Experience Enables This Firm to Give YOU Perfect Service This modern establishment, with its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway. In sures absolute privacy, caus ing in no way a departure from an established policy cf moderate prices. tvxyeneuceU W oman Attendant. j. P. Finley & Son The PiVgreesive FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Montgomery at Fifth. Main a. A-15. BY owner, 40 acres near city, half in cultivation, 15 acres commercial ap- i pies, bearing, excellent soil and good community. I3UUO payment will nanaie deal; Balance assumed. T-54S, Journal. WANTED Unimproved acreage for city lots, value $1000. Will pay no difference U-742. Journal. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 E. Alder St. Phone East bi. B-it52&. Two intaoUbOmenta. Tabor bZj . nzu u Lents. Tabor iks&: 6th si. una Koster nau.. Arieta. IP. L LEI NOTHING DOWN. NO PAYMENT FOR SIX MONTHS. 7c COMMUTATION FARE. Only 16 minutes out on Oregon FOR SALE or trade, 320 acre stock Electric at GARDEN HOME. Close , ranch, near Beaver. Tillamook coun- to station. Sidewalks, graded ste., ty; will take rooming house 25 to 40 electric lights, water piped, phones, - rooms, south Portland. If this strikes good school and stores. Come out to- 1 you address 1026 E. 1st st., Albar-. Or. 3 1. .J 9 fr'nlfftr k af ' . .... J400 EQUITY in Improved Idaho acre age for Portland lot or acre. Sell wood 1112. ONE 5 and two 7 room house and lots; also clear acreage, for room- inc house. Woodlawn 3832 owner. day or week days after 3 o'clock. Ask for McCORMIG, owner, at station or address D-580, Journal for appoint ment. BEAUTIFUL garden tracts, West Side, plenty of ground to laise all your vegetables Derries, chickens, etc., which is the greater part of your life. This is the best value in Portland at only $350. $10 down and $5 a month. M E. Lee. 606 Corbett Mdg. 45 ACRES Must be sold witnm 10 days; no fair offer rejected. For description write or see W, C. Watters, Brush Prairie. CITY PROPERTY FOR COUNTRY DRUG OR HARDWARK BUSINESS. EWEN. S12 PANAMA BLDO. & ROOM cottage for unimproved land. 312 Panama Mdg YOUR OWN TERMS. Acreage, tracts and V. tracts; Just outside city; 6 cent fare; no city taxes; Bull Run water, no gravel, fine soil and sightly, why pay rent? Cary, 311 Panama bldg. Under takui. -iol i.i.i and Haw thorne. K. -si. h.isjs. aay aHSisiant. Dunning & MctnteeroT.Tr.o every ueia.il. ttiuauwgy and Pius ate. Mroanway -iju, A-uoa. muy smuuiui. Walter C. Kenworthy 1M1S-1R34 K. 13th. tiellwood 11. B-11I2. A. H. Cellar (Jo i-aat lUaa, C-lOli- dy atiuiiuaiil. Lay uud mgnt nervlce. Luii'v.1 n. R ci -ACJ, ijttu. rrlLu. CnlLiOU.iM A-mt- 44& Morr. jittiLjiZh, . baOUa, B-libJ, X. lXae. K26 Belmont, at a4t'i Ladv attenJant, 200 BEAUTIFUL lots in Milwaukie; 60 car fare; light, gas and water; $20 cash and $10 per month. H. O. Stark weather. Risley station. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. FOR Sale. Park et., 50x100, close In, nice for fraternal home or apartment, bargain. Owner, Z-3S9, Journal. $425 ROSE CITY Assessments paid. Liberal terms. J. C. CORBIN CO. LEWIS BLDG. ONE of the best 68 acre farms in Clarke Co.. Wash., all cleared. 2 miles from town. VX-876t Journal. SIX and eight acre places, comfort able houses, at a sacrifice price, near Tigyd. Mestergon. 202 Wilcox bldg WANTED REAL ESTA1K Hi FARM of 240 acres for sale or rent. with stock, crop and tools. Address LX-9J1. Journal. FOR REN V FARMS 14 JUST A MOMENT. FARM FOR RENT STOCK FOR SALE $3000 CASH WILL HANDLE. One of the best dairy ranches in the country, 280 acres, exceptionally fine soil, about 175 acres under cultivation, balance fine pasture: fine, new house. big, new. modern barn, silo, big barn for young stock, fine well and two run nlng streams, all kinds of outbuildings. This Is a beautiful farm, lies level, on a good road, only a short distance from carline and only two miles from Van- Haw- I verv ohtan. The nersonal nroDertv for I 1- 1 , . . J AT - MOTa t.. h.lf- WANTED 2 to 10 acres land with good slse house, fruit; close to 6c carline Multnomah Co. preferred. Give price and particulars. Y-674, Journal. WANTED 5 or 6 room house with plenty of ground; berries, fruit, trees and shade for about $1750. Part pay in good acreage, part cash. F-690, Journal. WE WILL SELL OUR installment plan is the best aiu surest method of paying a loan. Mt.2 per month for 26 months, or $21. 34 for 60 months, or $16.17 for 6 months paya a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on Improved city property ur tor ouuaing purposes. EQUITABLE SYCT8 LOAN ASSTN. ZfZ siarK m, rortiana. uregon. MONKY TO LOAN On Improved real estate or for build ing purposes; very uexioie contrasts; no commissions. COLUMBIA i.IFE A TRUST CO. 202 Ptevens bldg. INSTALLMENT LOANS CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BL'BEAU, 14th and Johnson sts. - EFFICIENT MEN .'' FOR ALL POSITIONS. Salesmen, office men clerks, - me chanics, farm hands, house men, cooks. mill men. lotrarers. laborers, etc. No fee charged employer or employe" Out j of town orders given prompt attention - Main 3556. A-Pm. A-l mechanic wants work in repair! shop in or out of city, car repair. anything and will run shop on com j mission. Phone labor 9922 after 6 p m. or address G. H. Morrow, 5620 I6tu ave . H. E. i YOUNG man wishes steady enploy- ment where he can work up; ace IS: not afraid of hard work; some educe tlon. Address J. F. Qulnn, UenerM V4' livery. City. GARDENER wanted? For work that, will ulease vou Dhone Main SSIB or address C. Hasserles. 266 N. 10th "St. Experience, good tools, reaeoaaoie prtces. ' . r - KtLlAbLb one handed man witnram- lly and sick wife, wants work, mi tiriNTHI.V on Portland homes, 6. no commie- watchman or lirht janitor work;, nt eton. One cent per dayfpr a sate de-1 erence Z-377, Journal. . ; posit dox '"". ,t WORK in drug store in Oregon or ifla- able papers. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT no; reglster.;d and also Ph. GJ an PORTLAND PROPERTY OK VaLLEST r AKM LUAIMM. Make low rates on good security. ,H. L. ARCHER, 404 Northwestern Bk. mag. give tn Joiirnalk best of references. R-lii, UblLLilMi loans on city anl suourouo property; money advanced as work progresses. W. u. iec , ll mailing nldt Main S407. CITY LOAN8 6, 6H AND 1'f. FARM LOANS, 7, ANY AMOUNT. GEO. E. WAGGONER A CU. 805 Yeon bldg. kiuu.uuu un mortaaarea. city or ia.ru. property, fire insurance. McKensle V Co.. Geriinger tiog.. id and Alder T700 1200 $250 $400 For Immediate loans at 1 BOID REALTY CO., LEWIS BLD1 - $2500 ana eye. Hi. abi imuu l or mortgages, uiates, eon tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis, 4 Lewis bldg, 4kLjHh,H iu LOAM in amounts ut iue to $5000 on city property, a, tx. I Bell "41 terlinger bldg 1200. $500, $1000. WANTED Work at cemetery; gran lie or marble monuments cieanea iiae new; low rates. A. Walker, 411 Flan- . ders et. j W ANTED Small set of books to keep, i collecting or postincrr w-4a, je-ur- i ral ; MARRIED man wants position, Jani-' tor, ran do liming ior spnmeni, i snd wages. Main 42. ' . J WALL tinting, work second to nono. prices low as anyone. Mar. ntt or Tabor 447. - - ' iviMPiiTKNT shou mechanics .and chauffeura lurnisnea uy I. m. u. a--, Auto school. Main 7066, A-6561.. r AUTO truck driver or shipping clerk' wishes wora at ones, u-oii, wur i nal. Building. UUIlUaUlUI plastering, plumb! ad and J6l., OR LOAN MONEY J. C. CORBIN CO. ON YOUR LOT. LEWIS r.LDO. CHOICE lot, 30th St., 1 block thorns ave. 950. fnone owner, nl includes 27 fine cows. 26 fine heif- Tabor 423. ACREAGE 37 Qrv.4-. East bUtn and Uiisan. ! u 11 df II 1 1 LU 1 1 neial services. Tabor 4313. nCertaktng to. Main 4152 i :or 3d and ciar jIQX L5t EV TS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS., 264-266 4th si., op.u. city ball. Main 664. Fh'r Nen Sons, for memorials 'SBLAtSlNS GftANlTflCCi IJ 267-3WD ST COO MADISON. PROSPERITY IN CANADA 0'1,000, 000 in new wealth added In 1915. Enormous crops and low taxation make farmers rich. Wheat average. 36.16 bushels per acre in Alberta, 28.75 bush els per acre in Saskatchewan, 28.60 bushels per acre in Manitoba. Taxes av erage $24 atid will not exceed $35 per quarter section. Includes all taxes; no taxes on improvements. Free schooe and full religious liberty, good climate. Get your farm home from the Canadian I -n i fr roi Ina v OA warts in Tin V ( 1 CM fl land from $11 to $30 per acre; lirigat- eu laiiua iiuui aim 111c 6uviriiw euarantees vour land and water titles. Balance, after first payment, extended ; over i years, wun inierei it 071, privileges of paying In full any time. Before final payment becomes due your farm should have paid for itself. We will lend you up to $2000 in improve ments in certain districts, with no se curity other than the land itself. Par ert. of which aeveral will be fresh this summer and fall; 2 bulls, 4 horses, cream separator, gas engine, gram drill. 2 wagons, harness. 2 cultivator. 2 plows, 2 barrows, milk cans, all small tools, etc. The crops include 60 or 70 acres in oats. 25 acres clover. 25 acres timothy, 4 acres spuds. IS acres corn. 12 acres kale and 12 acres prune or chard. Orchard will more than pay the year's rent. This is a real money-maker, and will sell to the first man who bees it. Come early. Price $4000; $3000 cash, balance 2 or 3 years. 7 per cent THOMPSON A 8WAN. th and Main Sts.. Vancouver, wasn. b ACRES to rent till next Marcn for $60, wun - & room nouxe; jbuu run water. Multnomah station. Call FARAtS WANTED 3 RENT OR BUY WANTED TO LEASE -5 to 10 acres A-l land, mostly cleared, with good neat house (bungalow with fireplace REACH PROPERTY ticuiars on request. Keaay maae larros ; -f ".3 orne fru t. barn, chicken after one year's occupation, FOR SALE Good lot with small house, at Cannon Beach, X-5J7, Journal. 5 r itl.-tAfte in distance to electric for livestock. In defined districts, i ,,n lr,na out ntv 9ftor on vear-s nrru nation, undai- cer- Uh and not oer io miles put. Give full narticuiars " teiier 10 pvi Journal. under cer- we advance cattle. tain conditions sheep and hogs to farmers up to a i value of $1000. We want you: we can afford to help you. We own the land; we want the land cultivated. Our in terests are mutual. Buy direct and get , vtiKTRn Imnroved stock ranch In your farm home from the CANADIAN j Orearon. on coast; must be a bar- . ' PACIFIC RAILWAY. Send for f ree eam gx-7$. Journal. run Bnuiyaiivveu9 di uuuk. j . 0. iciiiub, kmiio taii 1. iu 1.110 GEARHART Park, lots 13, 14. blk. 3, 1st Add., on Cottage ave. $500 each. Owner. Bo 33. Fort Can by. Wash. WANTED 40 to 80 acres near Port land. $1000 first payment. L-930. Journal. GOOD 3 room house, full lot. ' cost $950, sell for $550; near school and car. Call 6 to 8 p. m. J. N. Richards, Marshall 4752. president. Canadian Pacific Railway, 112 Ninth avenue. Calgary- (Alberts, Canada. HOMKS1LADS FIVE acres. 1 mile from Oregon Elec- trtn latinn. Good soil ail cleared a ouraen into income, build on Aa under fence. Worth now $1250. Will Ben ior ins 11 lUHen una wet. . TURN your vacant lot. 1 build and finance. Plane free. N. O. Ecklund. contracting : g-868. Journal. nrcnitect, an tienry niqg. main -in ii'ni.- tifn TWO room house in Rose City Park, $1 fare from Portland, close f-xhool, $7.50; easy terms. Phoue laoor 68!f Btatlon; several tracts with tunning or Main 5 81 3. - ' water; $20 cash, balance easy. Claude GOOD 4 room plastered house, touei. Cole, 800 Henry bldg. woodshed, 3 biocKs car. Snap. 750;,EIaHT acres with new buildtngs.Tn $250 cash. 240 Salmon. PORTLAND LODGE 21. regular meeting. Moose hall. Broadway and Mor rison et at o'cioek p. m., every Wedneaday eve nlng.' Refreshments aft' erwards. P. I- Proctor. Secrotary. EMBLEM jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins. barma. Jaeger Broa, 121-3 6th. $1700. $150 CASH NEW BUNGALOW. Oak floors, strictly modern. 1093 g. 26 th. N. $690 will buy 4 room ceiled house on 60x100. use of 100x100. on 78 th and Halsey. Easy terms. Phone Bdwy. 1658 CHEAPEST rate, financing, planning, repairing and erecting buildings Hundley. -607 Pittock block. FURNISHED 6 room house, will take 1915 Ford, first payment, oaiance es rent. - lilfc-E.- 11th et, N. Wdln. 123. $ - j ' p - -, wood live town, with ' 8 cows and a milk routs and evervthinsr that o...o- with it. a Eood orooosition. hT ets of Eood heavy breeching har VX-682, Journah I nees, and other articles: about 40 acres RELINQUISHMENT 32Q acres, worth $3000; win taae aitau. ixeariy an fenced with tnree 1Z gauge barbed nri-. lonated about 2 h miles fro Malheur, Or.; 3 of the best mares in the country. 2 of them weigh 1550 each; the other 1450, fat and fine; house, barn and well, farming tools, practically all new, one 3M wide tire wagon, one 14 in. John Deere plow, 6 at! share. 1 harrow. 1 cultivator. wood, posts, axes, saws, bar, 3 horse blankets, shovels, forks, 6 rolls ch'cken Wire, wagon jaca, auiriin ruie, e spools new 12 gauge vara wire, - aou vntt HAi.TC -U acre and house, near ' broke and 28 hit of it seeded to srain, F ?arlS.ga7d'eril.hTnpou'trry 1 drilled; 27 chickens about ., ,, also, furniture, clear deed, price $1253 cash. N-7j, joumai ACRE tracts on carline. near city; paved roaa; so casn. a a per montn. 6 int. Owner. 617 Chamber of Com, FOR SALE 2 acres close in. Zella Gossett, 7. W. Killingsworth awe. . chicks. The first party that eea thia opportunity win sure grao n. wu; vniain reasons for selling privately xi net aell at once. Come to Malneur and aak at Charles Morfitt's stcre to be directed to Charles Nemeth'a place, or write me. Charles NemeLU. Mai- nsur. wi KOdMlNG HOUSES 53 MUST "SELL THIS WEKK. 15 rooms, well furnished, fine west side location, large yard, roses and shade trees; modern, electric, gas, fur nace, well arranged; always makes money; beautiful living rooms. Owner forced to sen tnis ween, anu win i mo&t give away for quick sale. Worth 370O. My price, sd; some terms, or make cash offer. Act quick, you bar gain hunters, call loin, near Mara ROOMING house, close In. fine locu tion. Exchange ior nouse ana tot. goad Income snap. Apartment house. 176 rooms, rurnisneo. 10 lease ior lerrri of years. Snap, 7 room flat, close in, furnished. Mar. 609. 446 Bumside st. Easy terms. Mort- a-aires. contracts Dougnt. ivans & Co.. Z06 Gerllneer bldg. vv.i to twavM ou impruveu city, term property, f . C. King. 14 Spalding. i biaslering. brie cement work S S KlnserT. Mar. MARRIED man, good milker, would.1 like work on farm. u-7, journal. . CHAUFFEUR, a real driver ana me- : chanic. woodlawn 467 1 jT rm. C. " i painting and tinting, 2per A. Barnes, Mar. $$, M. I64, kivuu Kjf to aauww ( loau uu city wr farm property, laoor u. a.uu vv, i-uu. iauu. Fred W. German Co.. 7X3 Cham. Com. SIVUATIOXH FEHAJLB 4 .4U.UUU on LS.cb: t AttftlNliiUft. 60 4tn st. Board of Trade Bldg. s u Binaii loans, insuttnueat loans. Cellarw-Murton 1.0., 826 Yeon bldg. jiuiu-aU loans, 6 Mi to I ft. uregoa Inv. ' Mortgage Co.. 170 3d St. Mum.-ikirJ LUAM). aou 1. Louie Salomon t '-Q-. 300 Oak at. near 6th. CITY OF PORTLAND - 1 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. ' Women's Department, City UAIL, . , No Fee cnargeo. Reliable, competent help, any . line, promptly supplied. Office, clerks, housekeepers, domestic, day workers, a.-. Maranan jp. -at.a. r WOMAN, unencumbered, preetloaW. 42 Rooms, Rent $60 All housekeeping, every room full. well furnished, clears $125 monthly, well furnished; price today $796, haif cash. Peters, i& n. bin st. Best Buy in the City 1Q IJ K -nnm all full rent S77KA cloBe in; price $-95. see hall, M.-u Manama nut FOR RENT 24 room hotel, only $3 per month. For particulars see M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. rooms, nicely furnished FOR sale, 20 cash. Terms. 40" 3d. Owner. 14 ROOMS, all H. K., sell or trade. West side. K-6S8. Journal. tor housekeeping;. money maker; part BUSINESS OPT-OHTLNITIKS 0 HERE is a chance for a man with lit i tie money to get into a good paying cash manufacturing business. East 2639. juu.vr. to J"". to W. tx. bells A Co.. H 0 Ssaldlng bldg $4000 TO LOAK. private money, no commission. Tabor 6135. $&oo. age ALSO 8150 to $200. 8 lot. main or house and on acre- 1965. MONEY TO LOAH CHATTELS, SALARIES Money to loan to salaried people and EXPERIENCED woman wants da others on furniture, pianos, motor-1 work, Monday, Tuesday and wed- cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc. woraer, siericni;g iiKrin,, . . good cook, wants position. Portlanl . references. Reasonable salary, q-794. I Journal. - ' HOUSEKEEPING by middle aged wu-'i man' nnna hut raannnsiDia names r need apply. 188 W. Park. Phone Main' 1 1 . COMPETENT young woman wants po-r good references. Call Main 6126 or room V3 uayion noiei. at legal rates, with easy tertns of pay ment: no delay. Licensed by state. , uiU'LaN U LOAN COMPANl. iNC 81 1 Dehum hid nesday. Call Sunday, Wdln. 1121 Week days after 6 p. m. - -- IjVA MuMih oougnt and sola. Main LOA.NS WANTED SU WANT $3000 to $3500 on a tract about 17 acres located on the Baie Line road, valued at $12,600. No commis sion CAN use several - amounts, $500 to $5000, 7ttSto 8; good securities. M asterson or rteia, o wncox piog. VANTED Any kind of housework. 26c hour. Main Bone. LACE CURTAINS laundered by caper fc. Mrs. Scott. Tabor 693$, STENOGRAPHER , wants extra work. neat, reasonable, ynone Hroaowty in, COOKING, fancy ironing, housework; references. Tabor 817. PHONE Main $928; get curtain laun dered, 20c a pair. --t DRKSSMAKINO 40 riKAXciAi, ai 1st and 2d mortgagee purchased; also sellers interest in contracts, or. and wasn H. tt. Noble Lumbermen bldg FULLY equipped restaurant for sale CHATTEL MORTGAGES PUR- at a bargain or to rent at a reason- CHASED. INguiHE 311 ueKum Did. able price, Sd St. Bell. 602. ' ' OWNED and operated alx years now HELP WANTED -MALE $ nHVrth'rUn,,.ttes:PrU Cle"e' "J " PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU" and Nortnrup sts, Mth and ioHamoa Sts. BIO snap, paying grocery and del lea- u. S. Government Employment Office lessen. Apartment district. Clean Cooperating. atock. Fine fixtures 410 Montgomery. WANTED TODAY. FOR SALE Good paying manufac- 2000 men. women and children to turlng business, cheap. See Walter register for berry -Picking In. the Hood Hague, at 64 Union ave. River district. All pickers are to be 7 DON'T WORRY. supplied through this office this sea- We can trade, aell or buy anything. ni ,, MILLERSHIP. 481 Cham. Com. .1'n- , .. . . - . . x.. . j 1 1 " . ; . 80 Scandinavian logging road labor- RESTAURANT ad ice cream, A-l Jo- erB ,j.7s p-r fre, advanced. caUon. good buelnes, fine place for X2 Russian laborers, logging road. man and wife. 627 E. Division. 6() Mlllyard . laborers. BAKERY for rent. 20 years eaiab- Cordwood cutter. lished. fully equipped, $25. 3.40 Front, ALL JOBS FREE. . near auditorium. Main $665. A -5624. FOR SALE One saw mill and 20,000,- WANTED Young man between 16 and 000 feet of timber. Address Dupay 19 years, to learn vulcanising trade. Lumber Co.. Butte Falla. Ore. - Party acquainted with changing tires FINE sumps, hinees. albums, etc, 8 preferred. Apply 29 N. 14th et. a. m.-6 p. tn. Columbia. Stamp Co.. 4 WANT good cook for restaurant work. North 16th st. Mftli 7680. S-971. Journal. - RESTAURANT, doin good business, (WANT all around dishwasher and cfteep, 462 Gllean. short order cook. 101 6th at. FOR. SALE Grocery store. On Account EMPLOYMENT department' Y. Ai, C I f sickness. 449 Alberta st. , , J , Service t ree to tnemberp. ALL kinds dressmaking, remodeling, designing, reasonable. Also instruc tion et Economy Dressmaking parlor and echool. 608 Dekum bid. Main 70H. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, - .pew idtaa, at home or by day. wooaiawn 85J2. . rDKMISHKII KCHilkW nrni l tjtj lj ux JwJr'ri-r"MJVTM'r-t FURNISHED roon.s for young jnen m all parte or tne cur, io . s, ummtf; fire-proof, Mli"" room ahowea baths. $1.75 to. 14.71 per week, including full association mem jberehlp privileges, gymnaelum, wlm-; ling pool, oanu-uan "r' . . i i other club privileges. fuwwuMi at X. M U. A. DUiiBtss yuiw phone Main 7366 A-6881, im .. Tft MI rYM lll Ik Bill fli fftlTT Itl : o-u a Mn WASHINGTON ITS, .. 6trictly modern, light, cool room-W $2 to $4 per week; private bathe. t Everything new and up toja-tOa--For men only, Tenth and Washington . Main tflt ern, fireproof, respectable. $2 week VP. j o-tiu nkvK.RLY--clean. homelike, fur- nlshed rooms, reasonable, oenUaly . located. 185 Park-Yamhill. $1 60 WEEK up, dean, warn., modern; - fur, rms.. central. T-e King, $09 3tt-