The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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1r ;
! Coming Events.
Ad elne lunrheoa t noon. Mar 17.
Greater I'ortlsod association dinner, Cbfc raker-
at Commerce, May 17, 6:30 p. m.
Portland Aaevciattoa of Credit Men's monthly
meetlug. Chamber f Commerce, kiav 17. 4:30
p. m.
County central committee of Prohibition
gr convention May 17. 10 a, as, at X. M.
FtoaTeaetve Buaioeea Men's elan luncheos
May 18, at noon, Oregonr hotel.
Healty board toacMfca, Chamber of Coav
nrtrce. at boob, MayTW.
Rotary club luncheon Ma 23, at boob.
Leiuea'a "Doller Ulauet," May JOt, at Ore
- goa ttoteL
Uriliaa society wiU celebrate Empire day
Uai 'Us, 8 o. oi.
r0o to Bchooi Day" May 38.
tike' ig Uay, Jam 1.
TTLlrd tcKiiuvot. O- . ti aorampm t. Jaly
Urand Chapter, Order of Eaatera Star, 'at
' alwMHile Teu.ple. Jnae 6.
Kasl.rn Star annual eommanlcatloa. Imperial
fcotl, June , 7,
bedicatioa ut Columbia Blver nlibway.
June 7.
bums Festival JnLe 7, 8 and 8.
fad no Fisheries Society annual eoarsetloa.
PertlaoU, Juue , lit. 17.
'ortr-fourUi annual , reunion of tba Oreeoa
Pioneer auuiiaUuii at Maauole Teaspl. June
Reunion of former resldenta of Dooglae
ronirty will be belt! at Peninsula Park June
Municipal Park band coocerta beg la Buoday,
July 2.
Uatiery A leaTee for training camp at Moa
terejf, Cel., Jul a.
Oraod Temuie, Pythlaa Bisters of Ore coo.
nieeia nere Juiy vt-iu.
CoBveotlooe of klaixbU of Pythlaa and PTtb-
lan Blstere wui be beid la PortUad Aaanat
Twenty-third aairaal oatlng of Maaamaa to
, Three Sisters, August ft-20.
Interstate convention of real estate men, to
' be beld in Portland, July 17. 18, 18.
Today's Forecast.
Portland and vicinity Tonight and Wednes
day showers and thunderstorms; not so warm:
wtsterly wind.
Oregoa and Washington Tonight and
Wednesday (bowers and thunderstorms; not o
warm west portion; westerly wind.
; Idaho Tonight and Wednesday showers ud
; thunderstorms.
Weather Conditions.
The eortb-eentral disturbance Is still oer
the upper lake region and rains bate fallen In
.the northern states eaat of the Ucx'ky uiouu
taina, and in central and eastern Canada. A.
moderate depression, ceutral over the south
' west, catenas northward to British Columbia,
causing considerable cloudiness over the I's
clflc slope. i A ridge of pressure eitends fryra
Alberts sootbeastward to Texas and high
pressure obtains also on the British Columbia
toaat. Reports from the Gulf sud South XX
' Untie states were not received this morning.
The weather Is warmer in most sections west
of tba Hoi-ay mountains, in northwestern Mun
trnu. northern Colorado, South Dakota, Kan
iis, western Missouri i nd the northeaet; In
general It la cooler elsewhere. Temper tores
aru below normal In Interior portions of tbe
Weal her conditions sra becoming unsettled ;
.. M , M. I. I - . - I . . , , I
sioriua la this district tonight and Wednoedsiyi j
mi " iut ,uimpri kuii mnncer
witt slightly cooler weather wet of the i-n-
ado miruntains. wibdiTiiear the wast will i
b., mostly westerly. T. FHANCl , mtAKK
Temperature g
i "I sj
stations -e . i r si li
t a. I X IS
l& sa ss n U
, 0 HjS e P
Baker, Or ;st j-f o (!2 VA 10 t"
Hole, Idaho 4S l-f-10 B0 4 0
Buffslo, N. V... 4 14- 4 7K ) 1( .OS
Chicago. Ill to 14 T2 4S 24
Denver, Colo 30 4 4 84 0
Dultitb, Minn 4 4 40 34 34 .18
Kireka, Cal 48 i 0 fi2 48 f)
Huron, 8. I) B8 ' 2 42 84 18 . 09
Jacksonville. Kla 7s
Helispeil Mont. 8e -f 4 ,'H 3 I .08
Kaunas City, Mo 48 . 2 62 4t 10 0
I-wlxton, Idaho. 42 '4- 2 .... 40 O
L04 Angeles. Cal 64 0 76 C2 0
Manhfteld, Or... 42 2 58 42 0
Montreal 82 8 68 60 10 .04
New-Jfork, N.V 08
M. Head. Wn... 60 2 64 60 20 0
. Platte, Neb.. ,tfl 1 4 64 82 0
N Yskiiua, Wn. 44 4 74 44 0
Oklahoma; Okla. 482 H 41 0
Pittsburg, l-s... B8 2 R4 4 08
1'OcateUo, Idaho. M 8 68 114 . . . . O
1'ortland, Or 62 8 77 62 0
Had Bluff, Cel.. I2 10 H2 O
Roaeburg, Or.... 62 12 "s r2 .... t
St. LoulB. Mo r.4 . 0 72 no 14 0
Ht. I'atri, Minn.. 8tt I 10 4t) VM 24 .10
Halt Lake, Utah. 0 4 ?8 40 . . . ,
Han Diego. Cal. .004 HH 58
ban franclauo. . . 48 0 &) 48 14 0
heattle. Wash... SO ii 72 60 .... 0
Hpokaae, Wash.. 42 v 08 42 ....
Taeorna,. Wash.. 48 2 72 48 . . . .
Tatooab I., Wn.. 4815 62 48 .... 0
Vancouver. B. 0. 44 0 dti 44 . . . . 0
Victoria. B. C... 48 2 ... 46 0
Walla Walla 44 2 72 46 0
Washington, D.C. 68 4 M Htf .... .01
Wlud velocities of less Itinu
hour snd amount of precipitation of less than
.01 of u Inch sre not publlrbed hereon.
Afternoon report of preceding day.
The Journal's Scenic Travel Guide
of Portland and Oregon.
Columbia River Highway America's aieat
wonderful scenic road (or vehicle. No erode
exceeding 6 per cent. Hardaurtace roadway
raat ;waterfalla and mountains through the
earr ot tbe Caacade rauga. See tbe Gorge
of tbe Columbia, Muepuard'a Dell, Crown Point.
Lttourelle, Bridal Veil. Mlat, Wabkeena, Muit
aomaiu. Horsetail and other waterfalla. Boa
Devllle fliB batrberlee, Oneonta Uorge, Ken
sou fark and Wlnemah Plnnaclea. East from
Portland via Base Line, bandy or sectloe
1.1ns roade. Individuals do well to make ae
. tangementa through a reaponslula sgeucy.
Trip up Columbia river by boat, or one way
by boat and return by auto.
,: Council Crest. Overlooking city, 1100 feet
high, view uuequaled of Columbia and Wil
lamette rivers. Tualatin and Willamette val
leys) Cascsde and Coast ranges; anew peak
Colony of Caacadee (north to east on cleat
days), lncludiuK Alt. Rainier, 14.408 feet: Mt.
Bt. Helena, IMJU7 feet; Mt. Adams, 12,807 feat;
Mt. Hood. 11,226 feet; ML Jefferson. 10.521
Parks Washington, bead of Washington
etreet. riowws. shrubs and trees; children' e
f laygrounds; too, noteworthy nlecea of acnln
ore. "Cuming of tbe White Man." by Her
B.aa Atkins McNeill. "Sacajawea," Indian
.Oman who guided Lewla and Clark, by Alice
Cooper, leu minutes' walk. Peninsula, sunken
rose gardens, containing more then 700 varie
ties; playgrodnda and model community nous.
Albloa and Alnswortb Laurelhurst,
Kaat Oak and Thlrty-nlntb. Mt. Tabor, bead
of Hawthorne avenue, i Macleay, Cornell roed:
nature left untoucbed) primeval forest, wild
- 'Iforestry Building Lewis and Clark Expoel.
tlou grounds; contalna 1,000.000 feet of lumi
ber, mustuQi of forest products. Visitors we'
eoaie from 8 a. m. to 6 p. ul. W" car oa
Uiirrlann street.
Boulevards. Colombia and Willamette, ear
circling peulnanls. excellent views of harbot.
ablpplng and industries; Terwllliger, south oa
Sixth; ITatrtnouuL, eaat of. and Skyline, west
Of Council Crest. Columbia Blver blxhwar. see
rablio Institutions. city hall and hlatorlrsl
fcaeeuut. Fifth ancniadMson; county court
fccuse. Fourth and Salmon; Central library.
Tenth and Yamhill; An museum, firth, near
Yamblll; caatoma bouae. Park and Broadwav;
central poatoftlce. Fifth and Morrison; X. Ml
f, Sixth and Taylor; X. W. C. A.. Broadf
way and Taylor.
t.xblblta Oregon resources, fish and game,
Oregon building. Fifth and Oak: hiatorlcaL
Oregon Hlatorical aoclety. 207 Second a tree t;
amseanv eity ball; lumber Industry, forestry
Harbor Features West and eaat aids pobUe
decks, motor boat landlnz. tout nf ai-h.
'MMtbonsee for river tours; shipping, modern
ridges. Broadway, Railroad and Hawthorne.
'Panoramic view of city from Willamette,
King's and Portland Heights. Council Crest.
Mt. Tabor.
.' Views of down-town districts. Joarnal build
ing, Venn building. Northwestern National
tank building, Meier Fraak'a.
i Worth r of IJotlce. Skldmore fountain. First
and Anktny. by Olin U. Warner, preeented by
gtepben Skldmore. Tbompaoa fototala. pre
eated by David P. Tbompaoa, l'lasa block,
tourtb and Salmon; Soldlere' monament,
Lownndale square, e'ourth and Taylor.
Chinatown, on north fourth and Second
1 Modem high and grade achools; school gar
Am.; rose bedgee.
-: PorUaad Boae Festlvsl. Jane T-a-ft.
i "Seeing Portland," automobiles.
' "Seeing Portland." trolley cars.
: np lorougn inmner mills.
t Typical borne secUons Portland Halgbta
Job Hill, lrvlngton.
-Mount Hood Tripe North aide: Drive oat
Mob the Columbia Klver highway (see aboval
Jo Hood Blver, and then up through Hood
Htvet valley to Mount Hood lodge. 3800 eleva
oa to Cloud Cap Inn. 0000 elevatioa;
eocdittooe Ideal tor mountain) viewa sjlorloos;
reads good. Or. take train to Hood River:
taenee by automobile dally to Cloud Can Inn,
or ty Hood IUver Valley railroad to Parkdale
and stage from there.-
'South side Automobile stage -dally front
Portland to Government Camp, Bbododeadroa
Tavern. Tawney's. Welches, Arrah Wanda.
Or take suburban electrle tralaa to Boring sta
tion and stage.
Suburban TripaVla f. K., U P. Co.:
Bull Bun para, 80 oJlea; Katacada park, 84
mUea, fishing and mountain tralia; Canemak
park, 10 miles, overlooking Willamette; Co
lumbia beaeb. cad Vancouver line, bathing;
"Tbe Oaks" park, on Willamette: - Vancou
ver and Vancouver barracks, northwest mili
tary Beadqnartera; Wllholt Springa, ott Wil
lamette Valley aoutbern: Willamette fall and
Oregon City. IS miles Booth.
Via Sontbera Pacific: Tualatin and Yam
hill valleys, loop.
Via Oregon glectrlei Willamette valley. Ba
lem and Kugene. .
Via O-W. B. T. Bonnerine. fUh hateh
erles, picnic grounds. Hood Elver. Csscade
Locke, paralleling Columbia Blver highway.
Via North Bank road Aatorla. Gearbart,
Seaside, beach bathing.
ViK.TlvtI ateamers Up Willamette to Ore
gon City and Salem, up Columbia to Tba
Dalles; down Colombia to Astoria and moatli
of Columbia river termlnue . Aator expedition.
BalrnoB canneries, salmon riahlng. iettles, forte,
Crater Lake, via Southern Pacific. Medford
ad auto stage, or via Oregon Truna or O-W.
B. A N.. Bend, and auto stage.
Cavea of Joaepbine. via Southern Pacific and
Ocean resorts: Seaside, 0 ear hart. Newport,
Tillamook. Marsbfleld.
Deschutes canyon and Central Oregoa. via
O-W. B. N. or H.. P. S.
Wallowa valley. Lake Joaepb and Kagle Cap.
via o-W. SL. A- N.
Pendleton Bound-Dp, Hot Springs, Eaatera
Oregon, via 0-W. B. tt N.
MisceUaneoua: Flehlag. hunting, outing
Besorts Ocean: Oesrhart. Seaside, Long
Beacb. Newport, Cannon Beach. Bay Ocean,
Tillamook. Mountain: Cloud Cap Inn. Gov
ernment Camp. Uoont Hood Lodge, Rhododen
dron Tavern, Welches, Tawney'a, Arta Wanna,
The Eyrie, Jewett Farm. Springs: Wllbolt,
Bhlpberd's. Hot Lake.
Washington Vancouver and military poet;
Mt. A am turn. hit. Ht. Helena. Ice caves; Long
Beach reaorta.
For further information, rates and roe tee
see Dorsey B. Smith. Travel Bureau, 110
TMrd. corner Washington, or Journal. Travel
Bureau. Broadway and Yamhill.
ruaaral to fco Held at Lyons'.
Htnry L. Schmackenberg, who dlad in
tlls city yesterday, May 16, was a res
ident of Lyona, Marion county, Ore
gon, and came to Portland for medical
treatment several weeks ago. The
body will be forwarded to Lyons to
morrow afternoon where the funeral
will be held. J. P. rinley & Son, of
this city, have charge. Mr. Schmack
enberg was a native of Minnesota, 46
years of age, and came to Oregon when
a child. He was a member of the Odd
Fellows and United Artisans, snd is
survived by his widow.
Clubs Will Attend Dinner. Repre-
sentative delegations from tbe Port
land Ad club. Progressive Business
men s club and Transportation club
Join with the Greater Port-
land association In a banquet at
the Chamber of Commerce Wednesday
evening. E J. Jaeger president, will
be toaftrna8ter. AmongP the speakers
will- be Charles Cochran of the Trans
portation club, Dan J. Malarkey and
Rdgar H. Senslnich, cashier Of the
Northwestern National bank. It Is ex
pected tliat 800 will participate In the
Prohibition Convention Opens To
morrow, The Prohibition county con
vention will assemble tomorrow, at the
Y. M. C.A. auditorium It is ex
pected tnat a ticket win be named.
! Whether a full list of legislative can
didates , will be selected depends upon
the will of the convention, and this will
be threshed out in the afternoon ses
sion. Some want to concentrate upon
three for the senate and not more
i than five for the house. The evening
I session will begin at 8 o'clock.
Missionary Society Will Eleot. Elec
tion of officers of the Women's Mis
sionary society of First Congregational
meeting: of the society for the season.
Mrs. Harding will conduct the devo
tional exercises. Mrs. Harold Gilbert
will give a resume of the society's ac
tivities during this season. Mrs. Sig
ler will read extracts from letters of
workers In the foreign field. Mrs. B
II. Hayes will play two piano numbers.
Mrs. H. H. Northup will be In charge
of the social hour.
Young People Flan Party. -Henry
Ford will haver' competition In Port
land tomorrow evening when the Sell
wood Baptl8t church gives its "Oscar
II." The "boat" will leave from
Richmond's dock at 489 Leo avenue
and will visit five Kuropean countries.
At each country the ship will stop
long enough for lunch. The trip is a
progressive party given by the young
people of the church, and it will be
made in a large auto truck fixed up
for the occasion.
ICltcbelson "Funeral. The funeral of
David Mltchelson, who was killed by
an automobile last Sunday, will be
field Thursday, May 18, at 2:30 p, m.,
from the conservatory chapel of F. S.
Hertrichsen s 1861
386 Washington St.
Bet. W. Park and 10th Streets
Jam Jar
Special This QOr
vveeK wmy
1 Letter Engraved
Ca W. Hodson
State Senator
Ngf v On the
o. 65
(Paid Adv. by C. W, Hodson.)
fi) I s t f i't 1 ft
J Dunningr CoEast-Sixtb Jand East !
Alder streets, under the auspices of
tbe Scottish Clans rand - Multnomah
camp, W. O. W. He was 26 years ot
age. a native of Scotland, and leaves a
widow and one child.
Bobert T-aoksr, candidate for cir
cuit Judge will bring to that important
office a saf and mature Judgment, a
thorough training and experience. Has
never 'held an elective office. Was
assistant U. S. attorney for a number
of years. He makes no promises but
to do bis duty and keep his oath of
office. The voters will make no mis
take in his selection. His ballot num
ber is 61. (Paid adv. By Robt, Tucker.)
Cborob Sinner Announced. The
women of Central Presbyterian church.
East Thirteenth and East Pine streets.
Will give a dinner tomorrow night In
the church from 6 to 8 o'clock.
BCasa Meetta? at St. Johns. A mass
meeting at the eVt Johns city hall has
been called for tonight to arouse inter
est in a proposed celebration of the
Fourth of July.
AlunuU to Moot at Zdbrary. The
Lincoln high school alumni will meet
tomorrow night in room G, Central
library. All graduates invited.
Two Big Mass Meetings Baker
theatre. 8:15 p. m., Wednesday and
Thursday, May 17 and 18. Senator Al
bert B. 'Cummins and other prominent
speakers. Good music. (Paid adver
tisement by George C. Howard.)
106 X Joseph K. Page. Republican
candidate -'for " legislature. Ex-deputy
district attorney and former Portland
high school teacher. Strict economy,
lower taxes, more factories fewer
laws. (Paid adv. by Joseph H. Page,
Tbe County Superintendent serves
only the country people. Shall we give
them their choice, Elmer 8. McCor
mick? (Paid ad, by Rural Teachers'
Vote for Harry X. Zdlemaa, business
man. Republican candidate for legisla
ture. No. 91 on ballot. Lower taxes.
Economy in all departments. (Paid ad.)
Steamer Jesse Berlins for Camas.
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington
Street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
Kotel Jgoore, Seaside. Or. Winter
rates. 12.50 and tJ per day. American
plan. By week, special. (Adv.)
Spend week-end r.t Hotel Abbey, New.
port, Oregon's greatest summer resort.
Multnomah Hotel Turkish Baths con
tinue. Women every afternoon.
Democrats, let's send Shirley D. Parr
ker to our Nat'l convention. (Pd. Ad.)
a&eetlng' at Vernon School The Al
berta Welfare ft Improvement league
will hold its regular semi-monthly
Greater Portland
Association Meeting
The Greater Portland association will
hold a general meeting Wednesday
night at 8 p. m.. on the fifth floor
assembly-room of the Chamber of
Commerce, Fifth and Oak. The Rotary
club. Transportation club. Ad club, and
Realty Board have been invited to at
tend and will send speakers. Efery
member of the Greater Portland tteso
clatlon will be present and an inter
esting -and impressive program has
been arranged. (Paid Adv.)
82 states have them. Vota for John
C. Shlliock, X74, for Senator and help
ut Oregon on the list. (Paid Adv. by
' T. Collier. 645 East Sixty-second
Roderick L. Macleay
Republican Candidate for
' Ballot Number 99
Stands for Business and In
dustrial Development of Ha
State. Paid advertisement bv o. Voorhies.
406 Lewis Bldg.
M "Svj
t ,s '(Ci, -' - , . '" a
l Xc?'4- J
. i i - "
v r -
' ft As&& 7
MM l'wr4t.jCgBflSja(jBCk
.v.v.-Ay M M S '
f: m
District Attorney
Walter H. Evans
Ballot' No, .116
Primary May 19, 1916
. ; (Paid adv.)
(W. & vana, (81 Multnomah at. City)
meeting: in tba Vernon school tonight.
After the business session Jobs B.
Matthews will render a vocal solo and
several candidates will apeak.
Sr. T. X. Xoore, osteopath, returned.
Br. Maynea, Optlolaa. Morgan told. Ad.
&aokr Tips, best nickel cigar. (Ad.)
ZJaoUaaoa 38S Stark at (Adv.)
9r. 1Tb, O. Sailer has returned. (Ad.)
Credit Xea to Keek Walter R
Evans, district attorney. Rufus C. Hol-
QlYfo eft aaa cfiortctrtcf,
3&roe WasfLn&on-& Ores.
Not Merely Figure Values
But Quality Values
$1950 $2450 $2950
Worth up to Worth up to Worth up to
$32.60 $40.00 160.00
1 X 1
ll 1
Judge E. V.
VOTES for This MAN
I "Ni? I
q Y
(Paid advertisement by Llttlefleld for CociTMa Committee. 519 Henry Bldg., Portland Or.)
We, the undersigned committee or
voters of the Democratic party in Ore;
gon, do hereby recommend to the mem
bers of the Democratic Party of the
Third Congressional district, the quali
fications Of KanHTiTTY D. VAJKKXB, to
act and serve as a delegate to trie
Democratic sTational Convention at St.
Louis. Mo.. June 1 4th. 1916. and we feel
that tf Xr. Parkar is elected to that
office, he will represent this district
with full satisfaction and credit to
those who send him.
' Judge W N. Gatens. John H. 8teven
sen. Dr. C. J. Smith. B. E. Haney. Har
old Hulburt. Warren Erwin. W. 8.
Klrkpatrick. (Paid Adv.)
1 0 0 jK Hah ii, Jon 11 f,l.
(Paid Aftv Jeha U. kUoa.)
man and Homer D. Angelt wlU? be the
speakers at tba regular monthly meet
ing and dinner of the Portland Asso
ciation ot Credit Men to be beld at the
Chamber of Commerce Wednesday
evening. P. I Bishop will be toast
master. Miss Florence Leach will
sing. The general subject of the meet
ing Is the Investigation and prosecu
tion of fraudulent business failures.
WU1 Xlect Delegates Tonight- All
veteran associations and their aux-
Suit Values
That Make
A Busy Little Shop
B us i e r
Qualities and styles from the very best mak
ers Poiret Twills, Gabardines, fine Serges,
Cecilians, Mixtures, Including silks and sport
$3450 $4750
Worth up to
Worth up, to
The Country Candidate
Vote 131 X
(Paid Adv., Rural Teachers' club.)
CPaid Adv". by Dr. Hicks & Fenton.
33 N. 2d.)
a atodaraM-Pnoee sotai ar stent.
Hotel Clifford
storriaon a ear otaad Ava
Y6, ti pax aayi wUh sat, aus
illaries will meet In Kugene on June
IV is and 14. For the first time In
the history of Oregon these bodies are
meeting togaUler. .-Delegates from
Scoat Toung , camp. United Spanish
War Veterans, will be elected tonight
at the courthouse.
Wbea writing r caUlt on advertisers eleaae
BMatloo Tbe Journal. (Adv i
The Objective Point
PURPOSE behind your banting effort
will insure success. Accumulate to-
ward something and for something.
Whether youVe ever banked or never
banked - inquiry into the service of The
Northwestern National will convince you
that it can be and will be helpful.
R. L. riTTOCK, President
Emery Olmateaa, V. F. a Kst.
usa j.. mailt, vioe-rre.
. 'Wilfrid P. Joaes. Vioe-Prss.
' Edf ar H. Senaenieh. Cashier
Sixth end
umTHir mi
w 11
flail imviii: ??s
Principal Eastern Cities,
On sale daily: June 1st to Sept. 30th, 1916.
Stopovers allowed
Return limits : 90 days from date of sale not to
exceed Oct. 31, 1916.
"To start right is to eHd right
is the right way to start
Mt. Shasta - Shasta Springs Mt. Lassen
San Francisco Los Angeles Yosemite Valley
Southern California Beaches - Panama-California Exposition
on all Southern Pacific routes
OODEN ROUTE "The route of XUmltada."
SUNSET ROUTE "Throug-fc Story land."
EL, PASO ROUTE "Tba route of tba lowest altitudes."
Information at City Ticket Office, earner 6th and Oak
BtSn Unioa Depot, or Eaat Morrison St. Station
Tones Broadway 3760 A-6704
John M. Boott, General Passenfe Ajreat .
I 1
"Gee Whiz! SFour Bits!"
Never had such a bargain before! My
bundle is easily worth $1.80. Must tell
the folks to rush down to
right now and lay in a stock of new Music Sorry Cleveng er Failed-
but the failure sura makes good Music cheap P
N,. 1 'ARMY
m sbsbsb- as
h . -
U. S. Army Hammocks, with ropes,
for children and others, 1 Af
like cut.
TJ. S. Army Rifle Barrels, converted
into Smoking Table,
UflS. Army hite Muslin
Shirts, sizes IS and 15.
Blankets, Middy Blouses, novelties,
to interest everybody.
Catalogue at' entrance.
W. Stokes Kirk
3d and Stark
$20MEN'S SUITS, $14.75
.' All Beady to Wear.
They are standard makes, the same
as you sea In' the show windows for
S20, My low upstairs rent saves you
5 to $10: $20 suits for JH.75: $26
suits for $1$.7(. Jimmy Dunn, 316-16-1T
Oregonian bldg.. Elevator to 3d
floor. , ' (Adv.)
Geo. W. Hoyt. Aaa't Cashier
C. Detering , aaat. Cashier
Soy H. B. Velaea, Aaa't Cashier
O. X. Price, Aaa't. te President
Bank 5uildint
from Portland to
en route
saav mm
I 1
1 ' w
Steel y
Gut NV?
in Sealed Cans ,
f ' .'
30c lb, "f J f
3 lbs. 85c
Working People
fam a rraduate and
icenaed p h ysiclan
snd surgeon. 1 give
you tlrst class medi
cal and aur steal at
tention at lese than
naif tbe usual fees.
Of floe Calls.... .600
House Calls... 61.00
Ooatlnemeat Oases,
fa ....616
SB. ar. cxkAUsa
Tie Sekua BuUdlas?
Id and Washington
Hours 10 a m. to
' m' - Sundaya
II to I b. m.
orrxcx rxoars. asAiar teTt, .
Fred A. Jacobs
Republican Candidate for i'
National Convention -
Chicago, ill.. June 7. 1916 .W
TMrd Congressional District V
Am for Chas. K. Hughes, but will sup
port choice of Oregon voters, ?
- (Paid advertisement) '
Tbe Only Civil Bnglneer Candldata
la tbe atate for tbe legislature. -
(Paid Adv. by Geo. O. Malr.)
Gear hart
Portland's Nearest Seashore
Vacation Resorts
Bead ;
Clatsop Beach
Week End Limited
2 P; Every '
M. Saturday
Saturday Evenlnf Express
6:15 p. m.
Dally to Aitorla arid Clatsop' ;
Beach 8:10 a. m.
- Week End Round Trip .
$3. Longer Limit $4, '
e i '
Observation Parlor Cars
City Ticket
5 th and Stark $W
Bwdy 920, A-6671
fVwV, 1
r -rwtnnrTw iiiin'i iiiniiiiiimmim. .
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